The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY ExTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 20 Post Office, Weslflelrt, N. J. WESTFifcLD, NMV JUKSKY, JANUARY 24, 1962 Published Every Thurada 32 Pagei—S Cent* [arch Of Dimes Drive School Assembly Announce Red Cross Drfve Plan Observance May Begin New igs; Ends Next Week Feb. 8 to Mark Of Annual World WHS Opening Day of Prayer Educator to Speak HTHS In Spring Per Cent Of Organizations Scheduled For Families Reached Scheduled To Feb. 29 at First Present Gifts Congregational Remodeling Of bswer Appeal The first event marking the A committee composed of rep- Grammar School opening of the new Westfield Se- resentatives of the churches affil- At the opening of the March of nior High School will be a school iated with the Westfield Council raes drive, appeal letters were assembly there Friday, Feb. 8 at of Church Women has been formed To Start In June ,iled to 0500 families in West- 10 a.m. Several gifts will be to plan for the annual observance Id and less than ten per cent presented by organizations. of the World Day of Prayer, ac- n ve responded, Arthur N. Pier- A special informal program, in cording to an announcement by charge of Robert Foose, high Ground for the new Holy Trin- and Mrs. Irene T. Griffin, co- Mrs, Raymond Grant, chairman. ity High School will probably be airmen of the local drive, an- school principal, will be held. The town will be represented by May- This observance includes the dis- broken in the spring, Rt. Rev. unced yesterday. tribution to the churches of a "Call MBgr. H. J. Watterson, pastor of Local Boy Scouts will deliver or Charles P. Bailey and the Board of Education by J. Blis to Prayer" and a service of pray- Holy Trinity Church, announced emergency letter to families the -Wextflelil Studios er to be held Friday, Feb. 29 at Austin, president. The remainde today. Site of the proposed schoolt d of the week reminding them CHARLES H. CASSELL CHARLES H. FRANKENBACH 1:30 p.m. at the First Congrega- of the program will be arrange! located in First street, will permit the urgent need for the dona- tional Church. This meeting will by the high school. •, a spacious playground, he said, ns and asking them to please be addressed by Mrs. Daniel Pol- and parking space for 110 cars. id'their contributions in now, Two days later, Feb. 10, a for 1952 Red Cross Drive Headed ing of Philadelphia. Town Council is scheduled to 'It is understood," Mr. Pierson mal reception will be given by tin take final action at its meeting Board of Education. About 1601 Other members of the commit- d, "that probably the letters tee are Mesdames Herbert Rohra- Monday night on Rev. Watterson's it were set aside to be answered uests will receive invitations t( By Cassell; To Seek $30,940 offer of $28,000 for the site. DR. FLOYD H. BLACK the event- Guests will includi baugh, A. Ricker, Charles Wood- er and we hope that those who bury, E. C. Klotzburgcr, James Rev. Watterson reported previ- parents of pupils in the senio re not yet contributed will re- Charles H. Frankenbach, chair- Cross is carrying on many more Plinton, John Weller, William ously that the new building is nd to the second letter which high school aSjWell as state, county man of the Westfield Chapter, Red activities as a result of today's Yorgensen, C. Stednlan Macfar planned so that the old high school ninds them of the worthy cause College President and town officials; former mem Cross, announced today the selec- troubled times. The Korean situa- land, D. R. Waterling, Ralph At- can be used by the grammar ;y will be supporting. Polio bers of the school board; local min tion of Charles II. Cassell, owner tion and the advent of the atom school which needs additional kinson, James Lark, George Broad- DR. EDWARD G. BOURNS ild strike anyone and it is the To Speak Here isters and representatives of va- of Cassell Publishers Service, to bomb has meant the speeding up dus, Hubert White, John B. May, space. He announced today that itional Foundation for Infantile rious groups and companies wlv head the 1952 fund drive. Quota of defense preparations.' Natur- Bernt Anderson and Miss Anna because of no more available alysis which will come in and have been closely associated with of the campaign .has been set at ally, this has thrown a much Cherry. space for double grades in the [p financially so that no patient the building of the new school. $30,940. greater burden upon the Red Annual Meeting Kiammar school, work will begin Woman's Club Group The Garwood churches in tlie in June to remodel the present II be without the needed medi- During the following week Mr. Cassell, who resides at 53 Cross. Council arc planning a service at high school and also the grammar I care." To Hear Dr. Black Tuesday, Feb. 12 and Thursday. Bradford avenue, is n Uotaria: "The disaster service has been the Garwood Presbyterian Church school. Dr. Floyd 11. Black, president Feb. 14, the school will hold Open and a member of the Elks Clu SetbyYMCA lontributions may be mailed to reorganized and is ready at a Feb. 29 at 8 p.m. The members Combining; the two schools, ho of Robert College and the Ameri- House in the evening for all who He is active in civic affairs and moment's notice to go wherever s treasurer, Albert M. Lamber- wish to visit the new building. of this committee are: Mesdames said, will afford 1!) large class- li, 115 Elm street. can College for Girls in Istanbul, cue of the Hotary representative called. A survey hits been made of The committee planning the of- Walter Pugh, J. Mansfield, L. Group Activities rooms, a very large kindergarten, •The March of Dimes has not Turkey, will address the interna- en the civic committee for sele all public buildings and churches ficial opening ceremonies consists Phillips, H. Hinkle, J. Dercmer, and a cafeteria along with new |pt pace'with the march of polio. tional relations department of the tion of school board candidate: to find out how ninny persons can To Be Portrayed lavatories. When completed, ho of Mrs. Harry Montgomery, chair- C. Patten, M. Preuss and E. Pough- "For four straight years," Mr. Woman's Club of Westfield tomor- Mr. Cassell was co-chairman < bo sheltered. Doctors have been stated, "th,c grammar school will row at 8 p. m. in the parish house man; Mrs. Gladys Morrell and Dr. er, chairman. Jerson explained, "the National the recent Children's Home S< signed up and arrangements have Dr. Edward G. Bourns, presi- bo modern in every sense and givg of the Congregational Church, 125 Staccy N. Ewan Jr., supervising limitation for Infantile Paraly- ciety drive. been made to turn the Presbyter- dent of the Westfield YMCA, will accommodations for years to Elmer street. Dr. Black's subject principal. has been running into debt, The 1852 quota is slight! ian parish house into a well- present Ms report on the program come." will be "Education at the Turkish : to the terrific number of cases larger than last year's. Howeve equipped, organized, emergency Boy Scout Week and services of the Y at the an- Straits". The proposed new high school I infantile paralysis needing aid. according to Mr. Cassell, "whe hospital. Arrangements have been nual dinner meeting of the associa- will comprise 798,000 cubic feet |"The National Foundation can- A native of Illinois, Dr. Black Newcomers Plan the additional activities of the Re made to have a first aid station in Observance Set tion Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. Ar- and will provide offices and ad- ; carry on its work efficiently received his education in Illinois, Cross are revealed, and when th every school in Wostfield, in case thur E. Cameron, treasurer, will ministration facilities; 12 class- I it has a reputation for 'slow Tennessee, and Harvard Univer- rising cost of things is considers of atomic attack." present the report on finances. rooms; a commercial room; two sity. He first went to Turkey in Fashion Show the increase over last year's quot in meeting hospital and The Red Cross has six teams of Include Dr. Bourns, in giving his report laboratories; a library with librar- |atment bills for polio cases. 19il as instructor in English and is slight; last year's quota bcini nurses on call for 24 hour duty, ian's room and check room; two Latin at Robert College. After an this year, will be assisted by sev National Foundation, more- $29,412." The funds will b working three shifts a day. This Court of Honor faculty rooms; boys and girls lavi interval .of graduate study ut Har- Dessert-Bridge eral Y groups ranging from young- fcv, must continue to keep its sought by subscription from tin comprises services from more than atories on each floor; tool storage vard, he was recalled by Robert During the week of Feb. 6-12 est to oldest who will give brief Bmise. to the people that no case Part of Program citizens of Weslfield and Moun 75 nurses. At the present time the space; music room; cafeteria seat- College and appointed professor more than '900 boys and 300 adult dramatizations of their group ac- Ithis crippling disease shall be tainside. members of this group arc being ing 500; kitchen and refreshment of Latin and Biblical literature.
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    M& VOL 12, NO. 40 SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS, FLORIC A APRIL 8, 2005 APRIL SUNRISE/SUNSET: #06:19 18:45 % 07:12 19:49 # 07:10 19:49 # 07:09 19:5D #07:08 19:50 If 07:07 19:51 #07:06 19:51 BIG ARTS And The Company Present Cob Amore oin BIG ARTS and the Company in a presentation Jof Con Amore, a new script by writer, Bob Maxeiner. Get your tickets now for the performance Sunday, AprillO at 8 p.m. in Schein Performance Hall. Tickets are $20. BIG ARTS box office is open Monday through Riday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. : The Company regulars, well-loved local actress Marsha Wagjier, WGCU television and radio host Kevin Pierce, and writer/playwright Bob Maxeiner will be joined b\; actress Susen Berg in her first Sanibel per- formance. Con Amore, a script cjompiled by Bob Maxeiner, celebrates the Al Hanser, president of The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company, with dancers from presence of love throughout life in Gulfshore Ballet two parts. Part 1, Love of Lyrics, highlights the life and work of poet Ogden Nash, a true lover of life. Part Sanibel Cares Holds 2, The Lyrics of Love, examines the lyrics of popular love songs as poetry, Donor Appreciation Night without musical enhancement. Con Bob Maxeiner, Kevin Pierce, Marsha Wagner Amore is directed by John Bartis, and Susan Berg embers of the Sanibel and Captiva community who gave significant dona- noted director, performer and educa- tions to Sanibel Cares were treated to a special donor appreciation cocktail tor.
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