Ingham County News Photo) 2·30Fll \\'Ell Uhea.Tl Or I Hn I!Jnn Tlelrl Lnst Tllf' Tips of 2 Forclln~1·Rs the House·
. Brave Youngster Fights Polio Ninely·Third Year, No. 44 Mason, Micl119an, Thursday, October 30, 1952 4 Sections 28 Pago1 Record Vote· Is Expected Tuesday News Index Kindling of Fire W;mt nds, Pnrws 6, 7 and IJ, Voters Anxious· Part 1. Social 1\f'WS, Paj.;t" •1, P:ul I, .Causes Blaze Pn~e· •1, Part 2. To Cast'Ballots Church nP.w:;, l'agP :i, Pm 1 2. l~nrm tWWH, P.tge :i, Pnrt :J, At Fruin Home Pngl'.~ I nnd :i, Pnrt 4, In Big Election· Chimney spat·ks touched off F:rlllml.tiR, l'nge 2, Part •1. U 11 I e s s predictions t u r 11 nn estimated $6,000 fire at the Supr.t-vlsor:; pro e eo d in,;:s, Basil Fruin f<mn home on Pllirc' :l, Par1 '1. sout·, Inghnm will join ollwt· DansvlllP road Sutut·day noon. L1•gal notlce•s, Pn~r. H, Pnrt counties Tuesday in !'Oiling up Two Gmnd Rapids men on 1; !'.t,;:r il, Part 2; Page fi, U I'CCOI'd VOte, Part 3; PagP. G, Part •1. lheil' way to the football game The campaign to f:P.t pPople to In Ann Arbor were the first to 1 1'1-:istt•r and to Ul'gl~ till' Ill to volt• discovct· the flames leaping up will lwlp boost Tut•.!<day's tot11l. the out::.ide of the chimney on Hut the greatest factm· In ~~~·nt· the west side of the house. Truman Hits fie ing lntere•st Is the bittm· cam· Thr• Mn<,on fit·•· rll'partml'nt anrt pni~n hl'inr, wnge•11 by pn•sr· rll•tllial <'an rl I ria t l'li, Gl'lH!l'iLI 1 tl11• Ingham toy, nship fire d••par t· Janice Marie Simons, 3 '"• Is muJdng a brave fight to Dwight l~iSI'tlhowPt' .tnd Governor nwnt fou~ht tlw hlnzc In Lhe ill· Of Ike and Taft tht·ow off the clrunage done by pollo.
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