. Brave Youngster Fights Polio Ninely·Third Year, No. 44 Mason, Micl119an, Thursday, October 30, 1952 4 Sections 28 Pago1 Record Vote· Is Expected Tuesday News Index Kindling of Fire W;mt nds, Pnrws 6, 7 and IJ, Voters Anxious· Part 1. Social 1\f'WS, Paj.;t" •1, P:ul I, .Causes Blaze Pn~e· •1, Part 2. To Cast'Ballots Church nP.w:;, l'agP :i, Pm 1 2. l~nrm tWWH, P.tge :i, Pnrt :J, At Fruin Home Pngl'.~ I nnd :i, Pnrt 4, In Big Election· Chimney spat·ks touched off F:rlllml.tiR, l'nge 2, Part •1. U 11 I e s s predictions t u r 11 nn estimated $6,000 fire at the Supr.t-vlsor:; pro e eo d in,;:s, Basil Fruin f<mn home on Pllirc' :l, Par1 '1. sout·, Inghnm will join ollwt· DansvlllP road Sutut·day noon. L1•gal notlce•s, Pn~r. H, Pnrt counties Tuesday in !'Oiling up Two Gmnd Rapids men on 1; !'.t,;:r il, Part 2; Page fi, U I'CCOI'd VOte, Part 3; PagP. G, Part •1. lheil' way to the football game The campaign to f:P.t pPople to In Ann Arbor were the first to 1 1'1-:istt•r and to Ul'gl~ till' Ill to volt• discovct· the flames leaping up will lwlp boost Tut•.!<day's tot11l. the out::.ide of the chimney on Hut the greatest factm· In ~~~·nt· the west side of the house. Truman Hits fie ing lntere•st Is the bittm· cam· Thr• Mn<,on fit·•· rll'partml'nt anrt pni~n hl'inr, wnge•11 by pn•sr· rll•tllial <'an rl I ria t l'li, Gl'lH!l'iLI 1 tl11• Ingham toy, nship fire d••par t· Janice Marie Simons, 3 '"• Is muJdng a brave fight to Dwight l~iSI'tlhowPt' .tnd Governor nwnt fou~ht tlw hlnzc In Lhe ill· Of Ike and Taft tht·ow off the clrunage done by pollo. The little Muson girl 1:; Arlin I Sh•I'I'Jtson, n nrl llu• force., tie o~nrl 'l'cond floor of the large the daughter of Mt·. and Mrs. Dale Simon:.. She was taken farm homP. bnhinrl them, h.tve wngcd anrl still to the Sparrow hospital East Unit July 8. When the polio At Lansing Stop are wa~ing a h,tflle that [()I' The !•'ruins hall $2,f•ll0 In~ur. oH'Ilmnnr n ltd bit ll'rtlt'SS l'qU,I)S, 1\CLS at its worst, Janice was paralyzed from the neck down. am·e on the hou:w and $'2,0011 In· She spent several clays In a respiratot·. Prrsldrmt Ilarry .S. T1'11111an maybe PXl'l'l'd', all\' oth!'t' t•am· IHII'fli1C(' on tll(' hoUSI'hoJd S::!Nds, listed the "e•old·hloorll'd dr•als of pnlgn in Am1•ricnn history. Doetot·s state that Janlcc will remain at the hospital un­ A srm, Bnsll Dl'nn F'mln, who thr. olrl guard Republican reae· That •·ampr11gn Is P.Xpe<'ted tn til January. She is In a wanl with other little glrls. lived In the housa wllh his wife, t!onarles" when his e•ampaign · .Janice has 2 bl'Others, Donald, 7, and Ricky, S. h;ul !p:l,OOO lnsurat}<'e on hoUSI'hold dmw voletli tn the• polls in rc<:oni trnln stopped in La'nslng Thurs· numbers 'l'ul'sd.ty. Tn Michigan gDoris. The Frulns wnre lnsurPd day. with the Fanners Mutual Flrn In· l•'ltJ<:J•: llllm TO I'OI.r."i surnnce Co The president addresser! a11 nsti­ Extra Ballots matcd 3.()()() persons at tlw C&O Vnl••rs who find It inCAm·' Man Loses Hand, Fr11In was plcldng ~orn across railroad station on Michigan uve· VllldeUI to llUd{l• th<•il" 011'11 Are Ordered the road Whl'n tl1c fire st11rted. way to tlw pnlls Tllt'fidlly t~l1 nun. The train arrived on sched· Work Starts Another Fingers T,n 7 precmcts lh<! Ingham Mr:;. Fntin anrl Mrs. Lenah KellyTh nil' at 11:10 nnd rnmnined until Two school l~oard mcm hers tumed the rfirst shovelsful of r.m·th lillo\'e f"lO.I rlll1•.... Tim :lloiK!u ele('tlon hoard has ordered ex· were wot·klng lll the ldtc en, e Tn1man, Gov. G. Mennen Wil· At School Wedne:lday to begin the actual constructio,n of Mason's \lew West Aulomobiltl Dt•ol<'J s oSHodn· wind was coming lrom thl? e.tsL Hams, Senator Blatr Moorly and Side school. As Dee Bray, left, nnd .Joseph Pm·t'c !no!{ on, Ray­ lion wlU furnl;.;h tmuHtJot•tn· . Ira ballots lmynnd those oris::· nnrl rart•le<l till! n~t belches of tlon to llll YOit'tli ln !Um;on In (ornpickers lnnlly supplied. Tlw extra baJ. away from tlw house. Thn local Democrallc leaders ap· monel II. McLean and Stanley Holmes, wield th~ shovels. School Superintendent James ~moke Ulltl the• townshljlS Of \'c\'U)" lots first 01 rlered. 1 1 1 b L 1 penred on the rear platform. H. Vander Ven is at the right. ' 1 · C.ornplcker:; haw~ slnt·t<'fl taking 2 women mew not 1 ng a ou t ll' Al.11!1•dou, Atm•lm~ lllld ln~r· East Lansing ill f nd D Ihetr annrwl lull. HPriJ ~aldwin 5. William.~· fire unt 11 B san Ol'f1 a ave Margaret Trwnnn stood by her Porte is constmction superintendent for Granget· Bros:, the Lansing firm lmving the luun. AJI thut nt."t!d dotlt• to town and Loci{!! townships and 1 t G ' d R dri oo or Ononrlanil lost his right hand Toum;a nt n riUl ap ,~.uS, V· father. She received a wreath of general contt·act. He bossed the job wheJl Gt·angcr Bt•os. built the Hall Memorial library get lire fl't>e rhl11 to Ute 1•oiiH " ·1 Lansing township preelncts D Ill d di roses, tn n cnrnplf'kn' Tu~day after· 1ng cast on an1;v e ron , s· imd the addition to the city':; sewage disposal plant. He said he is glad to be back in Ma­ Is to call :\Iusnn 0011 m· noon. !•'rani• Everett of WhPat· arc gcttm~ the extrn b.tllots. covered the !lame.~ nnct ran to "Eiseuhowcr says he Js a 'no son. (Ingham County News Photo) 2·30fll \\'ell uhea.tl or I hn I!Jnn tlelrl lnst tllf' tips of 2 forclln~1·rs the house·. dcnl' candidate," Truman told the tit•• \'ob•t• wl.~htos I<~ \'Oil'. Tlw on hLi rli!ht hand when the g<•ar.s Sparks from a ldndllng fin· in group. "But I tell you he is not. IUI\'1111<'-C nnti<'l" 1.1; IU'('dl~, nn a ~ornplckPr grahhm his hand f1're IS Put Out the fumace caused the nrc, 1-'ruln Eisenhower has made a dr•al with dPallll'!'i C:'t:Jtluln, to tarl'llllJ:" \'v'eclnesrlay cvnnlng nf last wePk. stated. The spo~rks rolled out o! Senator Taft to let U1e moss- Can~idates Map Youngsters W.ilf Be Guests rhlt•s t'ot• \'OI:N·s ~;oln.; in tht• Balr!wln was operating hls I AI' • d M k the chimney mul fell onlo ll'aves bacl•cd reactionaries Jnlo power, SiUlll' dlrrclion. p!Pk~r in .t UP!rl on th1• Paul Zlm· n ale on UC and 11 bank o[ sti'!IW along the If the Republicans are elected. He nwrman farm In Am·pllus. I-Us welll side of the house. The flame~ has alsn dna It with rich oil Inter- C~ravan Routes thn presidenllal contest hr,s far rwet·shndi)\\'Cu the raen between son, Fred Baldwin. :tnd ZtmmPr· a tPlephonP wlrn and the ests to give the people's At Halloween Party Friday After Long f1"ghl fCJllow<~l agreem~ Govemor G. Mennr.n Williams, roan Wl'l'P shnv('pnr: e~n\ 1)111J thp rhtmney upwards to the roof. Thl' tideland oil to a few slates. Tide· There'll be Iuu of all kinds CI For Saturday the Df•mcJerat, and F't Cfl M. Alger, ·IIJ 1'11e plc•l'nr i>lu"gl'd With· 2 Grand Rapids men, thl! womem land oil belongs to all thn people. awatting Mason youngsli·r~. and - t · 1 ttlng 0 'f"f tJ1n n"lotiJt·· Bald W. R. Dudlr'y of Al<~wdon <:red· ,mfl Merle Brown were the first til And you want to watch It when Jr.. Republicnn. ou s lU " ' · · lis U11~ coosPI'\'al ion department hi f Canrltrlates \\'Ill he l'oming nnd \'islt ing l:ipys and girls too, at the PoliN' and iUoody l•'iA'ht win attempted to free thn com. battle the !lames. They hooken up someone tal•es somet ng o golng <~11 over the county Satur. Halloween pat·ty I'ridny night. Tl1c machine grabbed th!! glo\'c with sa\'ll1g a hlg muck nrea and a garden hosn to n water tap In yours and gives It away." Only the eontest bcf\\'CI!Il Con· day. 13ot11 Drmloct·a ts and RcpUb· Actunlly t11ere's .t serlns of par· (!rnssmnn Chnt·Ies E. Poltl't', Rc· on Balriwla's right hand nnd drew adja~cnL timbm· lanrl from !he. the basement. During most of his 20 minute Uci1ns will he riding the hustings ties, otll' Ft•lriay morning for the tlu• hand Into the muw o! the For 3 days tlu~ consct'\'ation de· Bird nc;;ts lodged in the cnrnice talk Pt·nsidnnt Truman dwelt on publlean, a.nd St•natcll' Blllll' in a frank attempt Lo win votes mornin~ kindergarten cia.~~~.
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