JFK,Military Aides in Pre-Trip Huddle
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Weather MIDDLETOWN' turn, temperature II tomormr, HUb tnter, BAYSHORE EDITION * «gh tomorrow, near 7#, dew EEDBANK tMigbt, low 41 to 45. Wednesday, Distribution Today 22,975 Ptrtly dondy. Sec Weather, Page THOHDAY TMOUOHfUDAY-tST. Mff DIAL 741-0010 laaued dally, Monday through Friday. Second Clait Poitage 7c PER COPY PAGE 6M VOL. 86, NO. 61 Paid at Red Bank and at Additional ValUni Offlcea. MIDDLETOWN, N. X, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1963 Atlantic Searched JFK, Military Aides ForPlane DOVER, Del. (AP) - Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard planes searched the Atlantic Ocean today for an Azores-bound In Pre-Trip Huddle Air Force cargo plane presumed down with 10 crewmen aboard. WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- ty of aides for a 204iour flight every bush and tree" in South var Is going badly because of dent Kennedy summoned Secre- to Saigon. Viet Nam, judging for themsel- ack of popular support for Pres- The four-engine C133 turboprop tary of Defense Robert S. Mc- The farewell White House ves whether the U. S.-supported dent Ngo Dinh Diem; others Cargomaster was last heard from Namara and Gen. Maxwell D. meeting obviously was intended fight against Communist guerril- iave conveyed a picture of U. S. at 2:53 a.m. (EOT) yesterday, 18 Taylor for final instructions to- to dramatize the mission and to las has been set back by inter- jacked Vietnamese troops mak-, , minutes after it left Dover Air day before the two leave on a demonstrate that McNamara and nal religious-political divisions ing strong gains on the Com- Force Base. special mission to review mil- Taylor—two of the toughest men there. munist Viet Cong. A Dover spokesman said the itary efforts in South Viet Nam. in the administration—carry the "There will be no black-tie din- Some U. S. representatives In plane was 20 miles north of Cape McNamara and Taylor, chair- President's authority and back- ners," this official said. iaigon are understood to have May, N. J., when the command- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ing. One of the main purposes of idvised Kennedy the American er, Capt. Dudley J. Connolly Jr., had a midmorning appointment Plans for the week-long visit the McNamara-Taylor mission is sffort to save South Viet Nam 33, of Jackson Heights, N. Y., with Kennedy at the White House. of McNamara and Taylor in the to sort the truth from a welter From communism cannot win if radioed that he was at 13,000 From there, the President's tortured Southeast Asian country of conflicting reports to Kenne- 3iem remains in power, others feet and climbing to'14,000 feet. two chief military advisers plan had a distinct non-nonsense tone. dy from different official U. S. iave taken a more kindly view He gave no indication of any to fly by helicopter to Andrews Under Every Bush sources in Viet Nam. oward Diem. trouble. Ur Force Base, then board an One top source said McNamara Some of these sources have re- To Pull Together Mr Force jet with a small par- and Taylor will be out "under ported to Washington that the In this connection, McNamara The Cargomaster was on a 2,- and Taylor are expected to gauge 260-miIe flight to Lajes Air Sta- FATAL — This is the wreckage of a 1963 automobile in which a young Fair Haven man the degree of any conflict among tion on the Portuguese island of S. military,, diplomatic and Terceira, carrying supplies for was killed yesterday on Rumson Rd., Rum son. Charles H. Cook, 21, of 17 Second St., other groups in Viet Nam—and United States forces in Europe. died and his three companions were injured, two critically. Desegregated Area Churches what should be done to get them The Dover spokesman said the all pulling firmly together. cargo included everything from footlockers to aircraft engines. Knowledgeable sources dis- Killed in Crash Is the Goal of Episcopal Vicar counted reports that McNamara Today's search encompassed 2,- RED BANK — Rev. Earl B. has passed for segregated con- 9:30 a.m. and preach at the lat- is displeased with the perform- 65.0 miles from Cape May cast Man Killed, 3 Scott, vicar of St. Thomas" EpFs- gregations, to be maintained." ter service. ance of Gen. Paul D. Hafkihs, to the Azores in a corridor 60 copal Church, said yesterday He pointed out forcefully to the Father Scott will celebrate top soldier running the military miles "wide. About 30 military from the pulpit that he would be members of his church that St. Holy Communion at 9 and 11 show in Viet Nam. planes and three coast guard cut- happy to lose most of his congre- Thomas' is maintained and par- a.m. and also preach. Both pas- They also insisted the dispatch ters were taking part. The Coast gation, if that would mean that tially supported as a mission tors will preach on the subject, of the mission implied no criti- Guard also alerted approxi- Hurt in Crash cism of our Ambassador Henry area churches had been desegre- church. The first step in seek- 'St. Michael and AH Angels. mately 100 ships within 30 miles ;ated. ing equality, he said, is accept- Cabot Lodge who, they noted, has of the plane's scheduled route to RUMSON—-A young Fair Ha- spun around and struck a tree Father Scott said he would con- in front of the home of John "Addressing a large congrega- ng responsibility. duct a discussion hour at the been on the job in Saigon only be on the lookout. ven man was killed early yester- a short time. day and three youths were in- Minugh, 35 Rumson Rd. ion composed, except for three "It may be that in the past Christ Church parish house Sun- The Cargomaster's next posi >eople of Negroes, he said: we as Negroes have been taught day on the subject of race rela- Though their chief purpose os- jured, two oritically, when a car The Frabel youth was trapped > tion report had been due between in the wreckage about 20 min- "I see here many faces from to be dependent," the vicar con- tions. tensibly is to judge the military 3:03 a.m. and 3:10 a.m. (EDT) skidded out of control on Rum- utes, according to police. A spe- Fair Haven, Sea Bright, Eaton- tinued. "But now we must take "I will answer any questions of situation for themselves, McNa- at a point known as Shad, abou son Rd. and crashed into a tree. cial jack owned by the High- town, New Shrewsbury and Mid- up our responsibilities, and sup- parishioners on this subject," he mara and Taylor also are con- sidered certain to bring back to 119 miles from Dover. A distress Charles H. Cook, 21, of 17 Sec- lands First Aid Squad was sent dletown. In the past, when the port our own church, as a first said, "and it may be I will have iituation'was declared when the for and the equipment was sped question of establishing some step. some questions to ask them." Kennedy their assessment of the ond St., was pronounced dead Vietnamese political situation. report never came. on arrival at Monmouth Medical to the scene. The youth was ex- sort of parish boundaries so that "This is only a part of the re- The starting point of Father these people could go to church- Scott's sermon was the Sept. 15 McNamara »and probably Tay- The plane should have arrived Center, Long Branch, shortly aft- tricated from the car, however sponsibility we must shoulder. es nearer to their homes, I have bombing of a Birmingham lor are expected to see Diem, at Lajes at 10:35 a.m. (EDT). It er the 1 a.m. accident. Dr. Har- before the neighboring squad ar Freedom means responsibility," been told, 'If that is done, you church, in which four Negro girls whose repressive measures carried enough fuel to keep it ry L. Harwood, assistant county rived with the jack. he told the congregation. will find yourselfawithout a con- were killed and 23 people in- against Buddhist students and airborne until 2 p.m. (EDT). physician, said death was due The Rumson First Aid Squad Father Scott announced that gregation.' " jured. He read a statement by other opponents have brought to a fractured skull. was assisted by the Sea Bright next. Sunday he will exchange All 10 men aboard the plane 28 local ministers and clergymen him into policy conflict with the squad in taking the victims to "On those terms," he contin- pulpits with Rev. Anselm Bro- were members of the First Ai Admitted in critical condition strongly condemning the act, am Kennedy Administration which is the hospital. Patrolmen John E ued, "I would be glad to lose a burg, rector of Christ Episcopal Transport Squadron at Dover. to Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Charles H. Cook appealing for funds to aid th spending about $1.5 million a day Shea and Roderick Maine inves- large part of this congregation. Church, Shrewsbury. Father Bro- Seven were married. None were last night were Donald P. Hub- victims' families and the dam to help Diem drive out Commu- tigated. I am happy to see you all here burg will celebrate Holy Com listed as New Jersey residents. bard, Jr., 18, of 96 Conover La., today. But I believe the time munion at St. Thomas' at 8 anc aged church. nist guerrillas infesting his coun- Middletown, the driver of the Mr. Cook was born in Long Driver Critical try.