Annex H Logistic Plan
A4-3(2e) Serial: 00040 Operation Plan ConFIFTHFleet No# 13-44 ANNEX H LOGISTIC PLAN 1. Logistic support for the NANPO SHOTO operation will be furnished in accordance with Annexes C %nd D to CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44 (held by'task force and, task group commanders) and this plan. 2. Directives and information contained in this plan are supplementary to those contained in Annexes C and D cited in paragraph 1, Task force commanders will issue logistic plans for thudr forces ar. necessary, con forming with provisions of Annexes C and D of CinCPac and POA Operation Plan No, 11-44 and this plan, 3. (a) Services in the 1-JiBIAMAS and Western CAROLINES for Central Pacific Task Forces will be provided under the general direction of Commander Forward Area, Central Pacific, employing the facilities, under his control, furnish&d by Oormander Service Fores, Pacific Fleet, Commander Air Force, Pacific fleet, Commanding General, U, S, Army Forces, Pacific Oc<aan Areas, and Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific (s*€ Appendix I). (b) Services in the L{AI13F{AL1.S-GILBEHTS Area for Central Pacific Task Forces will be provided under the general direction of Commander MARSHALLS-GILBERT8 Area employing the facilities under his control furnished by Commander Service F<prce, Pacific Fleet, Commander Air Force, Pacific Fleet, and Commanding General, U. S, Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas (see Appendix l), (c) Commander; Service Scaadron 10, or hie designated representatives where present, shall administer the services provided afloat at an chorages in the kAPJAilAo, Western CAROLINES and at BlflUVSTOK (sco Appendix I)« (d) Application for services by forces afloat at bases or anchorages should be made to Commander Service Squadron 10 or his representative, if present.
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