The Best Irrigated Land Legislative Action As Follows: M
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PAGE EIGHT ' THE AEIZONA REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING-- , JANUARY 18, 1912. Eula Smith, Pearl Amos, and Pansy Gas and Electric company. As pres- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ellison at the home of the latter, was ident of the former company I state Baking Powder Biscuits thoroughly enjoyed by all present. that there is absolutely no founda- '' 03430. games were played, one tion for the report" 02576 Llghi n as Feather consisting of a guessing contest, in This statement will be received with Department of 'the Interior, U. S. Land By Mrs. Janet Mck'enzic Hill, Editor of which the ladies were given the leap-ye- ar much favor by the people of Glen- Office at Phoenix, Arizona, January, NEWS ' SOUTH "it is the pride 12, 1U12. the Boston Cooking Sciool Magazine privilege of selecting a partner. dale; for of the town There Was a tie between Miss Eula that the j nils t or the businesses here Xotice is hereby given that Henry Baking Powder Biscuits made by this Smith and Fred Manpiess and Miss are inUhe hands of town's people. W. Williamson, of Phoenix. Arizona, recipe arc so far ahead of ordinary ba- McElwain Charles Hadlock, who. on May's. 1306. made'Homestead Uachcr--Ru- Lola and :' - th Awre, Nornni Argue, arranged for, the meet will be held king powder biscuits that, if once tried, and both couples were given a prize, NOTED VISITOR INVESTS. entry original. Xo. 03430, for XEViSWU Bustamc-nte-, will you use any recipe. Manuel Rursell Raliey, in Phoenix. The baseball season will never other securely wrapped. When opened, each Senator Charles 11. Ward, of Boul- Sec. 21. T. 1 S. R. 2 E--. and additional 17 sched- Try it next time you run of Louisa .Birkenkamp, Robert Carr, commence February and a the short package contained a lemon. Refresh- der, Colorado, one of the foremost homestead 0237C for XEXEi, Lots Car-niel- ia bread. Save this recipe. TEMPE Willie Clark, Thelma Dennis, ule, which wil be printed later, is 29 ments of chocolate and cake were politicians of the day, was in town 3 & 4 Sec. 20 and Lot 1. Sec. Gamboa, Elton Harris, Silas now being arranged. gamo AI-rta- dy i The first served. The following were present: today looking after investments. 21. T. 1 S. R-- 2 E. G & S R Ho!ly, Walter Hegi. Btyan Jackson, will be played between the normal Misses Verle Reaver, Ada Shewnian, he has bought the Bobst build- Meridian, has filed notice of intention Jos- high on es- Alfred Lorena, Tliehua Mullen, and Tempo and the anic Jessie and Leola McElwain. Hazel Car- ing, which is at present occupied by to make Final five year proor, to ephine Mullen, How- de- I Marrow, Teddie date the Indian school and Phoenix roll, Rea-tric- e Togo's poolroom. When interviewed tablish claim to the land above REPORT OF SCHOOLS high Etta Pierce, Ella Rloomer, ard Pugh. Marguerite Piinter, Muriel will play in Phoenix. Mets. Lydia Spain. Ethel Hoff- today he said: scribed, beforo Register and Receiver. Stewart, Bee Salyer, Gladys Situin, o will stop purchase Phoenix, Arizona, " man, and .Messrs. Charles, Clyde and "I not at the Li. S. Land Office, at Maggie George Thatcher, Hero ' Is a remedy will cure 1912. i Stewart. that Orrie Hadlock, Robert and Ren Dan- of one building. Probably I shall on the 13th day of February. FOR THE PAST MOKTH Inez White, William Kingsbury. jour cold. Why waste time and mon iels, Uarkley, build a business block here." Claimant names as witnesses: grade. Daisy Buck, ey experimenting you get Ernest Rarton, Ernest Sixth teacher when can Clarence Cutler, Claude Bradley, Ches- Senator Ward adds another name Edward C. Fitzhugh, (Lewis Adams, Frank Acedo, Clarence a preparation that has won a world- i ' ter Price,- Guy Rotkin, Fred Manpiess of Glendale's prominent nvestors. Joseph Lambeye, Bailey. Chris Celayu. Joe Dines. wide reputation by its cures of this The town is glad to welcome Eiteh Justin Dutch . Melldoza. always be depended K Ari-.on- a, To Which Has Been Added All erto Lorna, Pedro Kenneth disease and can C Doklnii Touder Biscuits NEWS IN BRIEF. men. Robert Ross, all of Phoenix. Rolls Gram- 'Mu'len, Eddie Orduno, Ernest Taf-- upon, is Known everywhere as sliorl-cning- of Honor for teh it Three cups flour; to cup ;3 FRAXK II. PARKER. Adams, Mnry Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, is l The brick masons have finished the mar Grades. ford, Neil White. Wilma and lerel teaspoontils A' C Baking walls of the new Mahoney building OFFICE OF V. H. SLAUGHTER Register. Chitwood. A'elma Dines, Jessie Bell a remedy of real merit. For sale by Poicc'cr; about 1 cup milk or :catcr; I and the carpenters are putting on MOVED. o Supt. li. H. given out Mouer, Marguerite Miiuer, Marion all druggists. the Scudder lias ieaspoonful sail. roof. The office of Mr. Slaughter has NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' for publication the following report Pugh. o Sift three times, the fiour, salt and Richards & Dodon have their stock been moved from the Glendale State 012153 training school. Seventh grade, G. L. Paxton. teach- COMPLETED WORK. Wei-gol- of attendance at the baking powder. Work into the flour the goods into Phelps build- bank to the nortli half of the d Department of Interior. U. S. Land grammar school and high school for er Paul Aepli. Frank Bauer. August The town council has been meeting of moved the the shortening, using lard or butter for ing and Mrs. Dana and company have building. In the last few months Office at Phoenix, Arizona, January t school month just closed: Bauer. Marion Cook, Poline Farrell, each evening this week as a board the shortening. Tlicn mix to a very soft the shelving in and some goods Mr. Slaughter's business lias grown 12, 1912. Train. Gram. High Dewey Harris, Ernest Hegi, Kelvin of equalization and has just com- of the dough with the milk. The softer the for their millinery store on display in to such an extent that he has been X'OTICE is hereby given that John '. Days taught 15 15 15 Henness, Refugia Molina, Dannio pleted the work of equalizing the tax biscuit enters the oven, the lighter it the old of tho second-han- d store. obliged to relinquish his position as Sullivan, of Phoenix, Arizona, who, on Days' ..1961 4SS3j 1393 Parker, Cecil Rowand, Nita Scudder. roll. Very few changes were made stand attednance comesout. Never knead baking powder W. X. Steverson is expecting the cashier of the Glendale State bank, September 1910, made Homestead Days' 4G 131 30 Carl SiMlin, Harry Steele, Ashley and in a short time a meeting will biscuits; press dough ir, absent the into shape and arrival of his pool tables beforo the to engage Mr. Tinker to take Ills entry. Xo. 012133. for N&XW'.i. Sec- Number tardy . 22 112 7S Shelreid, Harrv Stewart, Ada Turner, be held to fix the levy. It is an ac- roll lightly. Cut in small shapes and engage as- ' close of the week. place there, to another tion 11, Township 1 S. Range 2 E. G & Number boys G4 ISlt , 50 George Church. Cuca Cota. cepted fact that the rate of taxa- bake on a sheet or very shallow pan in XV. H. Stilwell was guest, L. sistant in his real estate work, and Meridian, filevl notice of Inten- 71 43 Eighth grade. J. F. Sullivan, teach- this year will have to be a hot oven. the of S R has Number girls 143 tion about In placing biscuits in the finally to move to larger quarters. -- to Ce-lay- W. Stillwell of the Salt River Valley tion to make Final five ear Proof, 133 534 it." er Zella Austin, Edna Carr, Ida a, double, .what it has been. pans place wel' apart, not allowing edges Total enrolled bank Wednesday evening. While not claim to the land above de- Aver, belonging 134 31G 95 Winnie Clark, Lewis Cole, to touch. Small biscuits are better than establish ... related, they diave many reminiscences SOCIAL WORLD. scribed, before Register and Receiver. Aver, daily attend. 130 30 30 Frank Drollinger, Alta Fogal, Lucetta CAST OF CHARACTERS. large ones. Large biscuits do not have la- of localities in common, and are per- Mrs. Merrifield entertained the U. S. LAXD OFFICE, at Phoenix, Ari- cent 97 9G 9S Godfrey. Lenora Gibson, Harold The east of characters in "Poppin; the proper amount of time to raise and Per attend sonal friends who always enjoy a ses- dies of the Baptist church last even- zona, on the 13th day of February, Number entered 3 S 0 Holmesley, Gleason Hensel, William the Question." the play that will be bake. ... sion in which they can talk over old ing at their organization meeting for 1912. The roll of honor, comprising the Holland, Lawrence Lnngan, Vivynu, put on at the High School auditorium Have you seen the new K C Cook Bool:? Ilriniful of nppctizing recijws times. the Indies' Aid Society. names as witnesses: names who, during Mouer. Thaddeus Mullen, AlepU' tomorrow evening is given as fol- simply must Claimant of those students le successful every time if the few simple direct- The Freshman society of the Mesa In the business meeting a consti- Ephraim Pennington the month, were neither absent, nor Murchison. Marie Obregon, Rachael lows.: ion1! are carefully followcil. You wouiil Kindly tution and bylaws were adopted, and SO cents thN IkxjIc. Union high school met after school James G. Simpson tardy, is also given and is as fol-- 1 Orduna, Vernon Peters, James Pain- Mr.