Volume XXI No. 6 June, 1966 INFORMATION



^- Rosenstock most American Jews are descendants of Eastern Jewish immigrants we are apt to forget that the foundations of many local and national Jewish organisations were laid by A DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS German Jews who emigrated at an earlier stage. We owe it to Hanns Reissner that, Tenth Year Book of Leo Baeck Institute in his article on German-American Jews, he has unearthed much, so far unknown, source This issue carries birthday tributes to countries. As the article on this subject by material about the places of origin, occupa­ several personalities who are closely associated Zosa Szajkowski reveals, the Jewish masses tions and resettlement areas of these immi­ *ith our work. Yet we also have to record an wished to have a say in the distribution of the grants. The detailed study ends vidth the ittiportant anniversary in the history of an funds and resented the " patronising " attitude enumeration of well-known German Jewish organisation whose objects are inseparably of the German " Hilfsverein " and the Ameri­ families such as the Gimbels (from Bavaria), linked up with those of the AJR: the pub­ can " Joint". The article also recalls interest­ the bankers Seligman (of Baiersdorf), the lication of the Tenth Year Book of the Leo ing details about the Zionist policy prior to Lehmans (of Rimpart near Wuerzburg), the Saeck Institute.* the Balfour Declaration, when it appeared Kuhns, Loebs and SchifTs, to quote only a few In his introductory article the president of equally necessary to secure the goodwill of examples. the Institute, Dr. Siegfried Moses, rightly the Central Powers because Palestine was then There is hardly any sphere of historical states that the achievements of the past under Turkish rule. research in which personal recollections are

Continued from page 1 DANGERS FROM THE RIGHT SEPP DIETRICH'S FUNERAL In Ludwigsburg, the funeral of Sepp attitude. Yet, particularly due to the influ­ Bavarian trade union leaders have criticised Dietrich, the former S.S. general, was ence of the Director, Professor Curt Bondy, Chancellor Erhard for his view that Right-wing attended by more than 3,000 people. Most the human contacts between the pupils were radicalism represents no threat to democracy of them were former S.S. men and included so strong that they persisted for many years in West Germany. Trade unionists in Baden- delegations from Austria, Finland and Hol­ after their dispersion. Of great documentary Wuerttemberg have asked that the forth­ land. Representatives of the extreme Right- value are the posthumously published auto­ coming trade union congress should denounce wing National Democrat Party and mem­ public attempts to minimise the importance of bers of the West German Army in uniform biographical notes of the philosopher, the late growing-neo-Nazi and antisemitic tendencies in Professor David Baumgardt: " Looking Back were among the mourners. Wreaths were sent the Federal Republic. Dr. Erich Mende, the by the families of the former Nazi Foreign on a German University Career". Without Federal Chairman of the Free Democrat Party Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Hitler's glossing over the negative aspects, Baumgardt has, however, said that the N.D.P. represents deputy, Rudolf Hess. recalls the hardly impaired good relations no threat and that it would be a mistake to ban its activities. Dietrich's Nazi Iron Cross was displayed on between Jewish university teachers and their the coffin. The mourners sang the Nazi anthem non-Jewish colleagues, some of whom, as he Vigilance against the increase of the N.P.D. and the S.S. " loyalty song " and six of the pall­ states, retained these contacts also after 1933. was also demanded in resolutions passed by bearers wore the Nazi " Knight's Cross " medal. the Trade Union of German Employees and The article by S. M. Auerbach about Jews The liberal Stuttgarter Zeitung carried the Federation of Youth Organisations. an advertisement by the Federation of Former in the Metal Trade mainly describes the Members of the Waffen SS announcing history of three leading firms: Aron Hirsch The Party's first Youth Group has been established in Oldenburg. Dietrich's death. In a letter to the Stuttgart & Sohn (Halberstadt), Metallgesellschaft Jewish Community, the paper's editor wrote: (Frankfurt), and Beer, Sondheimer & Co. At the regional Westphalian Conference of " In compliance with the basic principles of the N.P.D., the party chairman, Fritz THielen, human behaviour, we did not consider it appro­ (Frankfurt). It is enhanced by several photo­ made the following statement about the graphs, one of which shows the members of priate to decline the publication of a death membership of former Nazis: " They have announcement. However, we do not want to the trade at a dinner in Hamburg in 1928, been most helpful to us. If we let down only presided over by the former Chairman of the have any material profit in connection with one of these friends, a wound would be the death of a man who commanded the body­ AJR, the late Mr. A. Schoyer, then President inflicted which could never heal ". In Thielen's guard of the arch villain of our Fatherland. of the Federation of Gennan Metal Dealers. view, a " national wave " is approaching the We have, therefore, passed on the fee received Federal Republic. "It would be the task of The problem of " Red Assimilation" is for the advertisement (540 DM.) to the the N.P.D.", he said, "to see to it that after Children and Youth Aliyah." illustrated in a biographical essay on the the unnatural move to the left during the Jewish background of the Austrian Socialist The Frankfurt Oflice of Youth Aliyah occupation period, the national pendulum does returned the payment, stating that it fully leaders Victor and Friedrich Adler. The not move too far towards the right". appreciated the good will which prompted this personality of Walter Benjamin is portrayed gesture but felt unable to accept the donation. by Gershom Scholem, a close friend of this PROSECUTION OF NAZI CRIMINALS independent and original thinker. BELSEN MEMORIAL CONSECRATED INTENSIFIED An article by Norman Bentwich, dedicated On April 24, a Memorial Building on the site of the former Belsen Concentration Camp to the memory of Hans Reichmann, reviews At a conference of the Regional Ministers was solemnly opened. It is to be used as a the development of restitution and compensa­ of Justice it was decided to increase the documentary centre which will display records tion legislation and the work of URO, which, number of public prosecutors at the Central of the history of the camp and of tlie sufferings by the end of 1963, had settled over 300,000 Office in Ludwigsburg from 32 to 50. It was endured by its prisoners. One of the rooms claims and recovered for its clients nearly also decided to send delegations to Eastern will be dedicated to the memory of Anne 2 billion marks. countries with a view to scrutinising docu­ Frank, one of the 50,000 inmates who perished ments held by them. It is hoped that up to in the camp. In his opening address, the These brief references only serve their December 31, 1969, the time limit for the Minister of the Interior for Lower Saxony, purpose if they induce readers to peruse this prosecution of Nazi murderers, the scrutiny of Otto Bennemann, exclaimed: " Let us not stimulating new Year Book. Like the present all cases concerned will have been completed. repeat the mistakes of the Weimar Republic writer, they will certainly be reminded of the which by its wrongly applied tolerance gave words: " Und wo ihr's packt, da ist's CENTRAL AGENCY HEAD INVESTIGATED the enemies of freedom the power to destroy interessant." freedom." The Stuttgart prosecutor-general is con­ TWINNING WITH ISRAELI TOWN The editor, Robert Weltsch, who also wrote tinuing his investigation of the head of the the introductory article, has wielded the con­ Central Agency, Herr Erwin Schuele. The The town of Or-Yehuda has offered to twin tributions of the book into an organic entity. Soviet authorities accused Schuele of com­ with the Borough of , In thanking him for his latest work we want plicity in Nazi crimes against the Russian according to an announcement by the Charlot­ to associate ourselves with the tributes paid civilian population during the war. tenburg Borough Mayor at the opening cere­ to him in this issue on the occasion of his Owing to lack of evidence, a previous mony of the exhibition " Graphik aus Israel" investigation was dropped but has now been in the Charlottenburg Town Hall. It is the 75th birthday on June 20. Those of us first offer of this kind to come from Israel- whose activities for the Jews from Germany resumed after the receipt of an official Note are akin to his, albeit in a more limited way, from the Soviet Foreign Ministry. NO PENSION FOR NAZI JURISTS look upon him as their Doyen. He has set us The administrative court has ruled an example by the clarity of his assessments JEWISH SCHOOL IN FRANKFURT that the widows of two former Nazi jurists and the courage of his convictions. It is also were not entitled to pensions because their a privilege for us that this joumal has had The first Jewish school to be established in late husbands had violated the principles of the benefit of his co-operation throughout the West Germany since the end of the war has humanity and justice. The two men. a judge been opened in Frankfurt. It comprises the and a prosecutor, were members of a former years. With feelings of gratitude and affection two lowest classes of an elementary school. we extend our cordial birthday wishes to Berlin Nazi People's Court which had sen­ The teachers will be Ruth Moritz and Amalia tenced many defendants to death for petty Robert Weltsch. Buerger. offences.

Gorta Radiovision Feuchtwanger (London) Ltd. Service Bankers (Member R.T.R.A.) 13 Frognal Parade. BASILDON HOUSE, 7-11 MOORGATE, E.C.2 Finchley Road, N.W.S SALES REPAIRS Telephone: METropolitan 8151 Agents for Bush, Pye, Philips, Ferranti, Representing: Gnindig, etc. Television Rentals from 8/- Per Week I. L FEUCHTWANGER BANK LTD. FEUCHTWANGER CORPORA-nON Mr. Gort toill always be pleased to advise you. TEL AVTV : JERUSALEM : HAIFA 60 EAST 42nd ST., NEW YORK, 17, N.Y. (HAM. 8635) AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 3 HOME NEWS ANGLOJUDAICA Henrietta Szold Award PEACE CAMPAIGNERS IN PARLIAMENT The 1966 Henrietta Szold Award was pre­ No Action Against Nazis The Israeli crusader for reconciliation with sented to Mrs. Miriam Warburg, the former the Arabs, Mr, Abie Nathan, met Bertrand general secretary of Children and Youth Mr. Reg Freeson, M.P., drew attention to the Aliyah in Great Britain. The presentation to fact that the court at the Old Bailey trial had Russell in Wales. Both peace campaigners agreed that the only Western statesman who Mrs. Warburg, who now lives in Geneva, was accepted police and defendants' evidence that made in recognition of her outstanding ser- there had been incitement to arson against could mediate in settling the Arab-Israeli dis­ pute was President de Gaulle. Lord Russell vices in the field of social welfare. Tlie award synagogues in this country which resulted in was established six years ago to mark the them being burned down. He called on Sir told Mr. Nathan how much he admired his one- centenary of the birth of the " mother of Youth Elwyn Jones, the Attorney-General, to instruct man crusade in pursuit of peace. Aliyah ". the Director of Public Prosecutions to institute Mr. Nathan also met the Minister for Dis- proceedings against British Nazi leaders under armanent. Lord Chalfont, who was accom­ the Race Relations Act. panied by Mr. Harold Sebag-Montefiore, C.N.D. March When Sir Dingle Foot, the Solicitor-General, president of the Anglo-Jewish Association. The Jewish group at the Campaign for said he did not think there was sufficient Lord Chalfont promised that he woud stress, Nuclear Disarmament's Easter march included evidence to justify criminal proceedings at at the earliest appropriate moment, the dangers about forty people, mainly youngsters. Led Present, Mr. Freeson replied that if the court of an arms race in the Middle East. by the Rev. Saul Amias and Rabbi Dr. ^ccepted it why could not the Attorney- Harold Reinhart, the group kept an hour-long General. Sir Dingle stated that what had to HITLER'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED prayer vigil outside the headquarters of th© Oe considered was whether there wag incite- U.S.A. Third Air Force at South Ruislip. nient to violence and racial hatred within the Hitler's birthday was celebrated by the Afterwards they joined in the march, in which meaning of the Act. Greater Britain Movement by a party at its hundreds of other Jews also took part, march­ Mr. Bernard Braine, Conservative, asked the headquarters in South Norwood High Street, ing under the banners of their local or political government to take note of the " very deep London. As a result of a protest by 51 people organisation. feeling" on both sides of the House that outside the premises, David Arthur Davis pritish citizens and property should be treated appeared at Balham magistrates' court. He Bayswater Synagogue in this way. Cheers greeted Mr. Freeson's pleaded guilty to using threatening words with statement that he would raise the matter again intent to provoke a breach of the peace, and The last Shabbat service has been held in 'n view of the unsatisfactory nature of the the 103-year-old Bayswater Synagogue. The ''eplie.?. His attempts to criticise the sentences was given a conditional discharge and warned that if he committed another offence he would synagogue is to be demolished under a passed on the synagogue arsonists were previ­ Paddington town-planning scheme. Plans are ously prevented by the Speaker. be sent to prison. Davis told the court: " I went down to pro­ being made for the erection of the new An all-party motion calling for the Race Bayswater Synagogue in Kilburn Park Road. •telations Act to be amended has been tabled. test at them celebrating Hitler's birthday, The congregation will meanwhile worship especially after recent Nazi arsonists had been temporarily in Lauderdale Road. RACE RELATIONS ACT CRITICISED released after doing £ 185,000 worlh of damage at places of worship." At its annual conference the Pioneer Women Manchester Community uhe British Women's Labour Zionist Organisa­ FURTHER STABBING SENTENCE Alderman Michael Fidler has been elected tion) criticised the Race Relations Act which as the new president of the Council of Man­ Oecame law last November. As previously reported, seven youths were chester and Salford Jews. The retiring presi­ Mrs. Mary Mikardo, public relations officer sentenced to varying periods of detention and dent, Mr. Jack Levy, who said in his speech Of the organisation, said that the Act had not two others were placed on probation with that the climate of understanding between the Sone far enough and had too many loopholes. regard to a stabbing incident in North London. Jewish and non-Jewish communities was better V'o one had yet been prosecuted under the A sentence of three years' detention was also than ever, added that the Council was of the ^et and the number of racist pamphlets issued passed on a 14-year-old schoolboy, Leonard opinion that the penalties meted out in the and distributed had risen. Skinner, who pleaded guilty to wounding a recent synagogue arson case in London were .. A unanimous resolution expressed satisfac- Jewish student, Joseph Springer, and Ralph "totally insufficient". In his opinion anti­ uon that the Bill had become law but con- Louis Black, with intent to cause them grievous semitic activity was at a very low ebb. If nemned the " pernicious propaganda of the bodily harm. Mr. Black, an elderly man, was strong action were taken against a few perpre- j^o-Nazi and fascist groups whose avowed aim attacked on his way home from synagogue. trators it would lead to a virtual disintegration am- spreading of racialism, apartheid and of antisemitic activities in this country. antisemitism in this country ". The conference SOLICITOR'S QUANDARY an,? c^^led upon members " to refute by facts Jews in Leeds SP . figures the false statements which are pre- Mr. Derek Wilkes, a Jewish solicitor, was ented to the public by these fringe groups." released from a legal aid certificate to defend In a survey of the Leeds community, the Ralph Richardson, a member of the Greater number of Jews there is shown to be nearer HUMAN RIGHTS Britain Movement. In court Mr. Wilkes said 18,000 than the previously assumed figure of that, on personal grounds, he felt he could not 25,000. This result is printed in a brochure of'^e general council of the U.N. Association represent the client. Ralph Richardson was issued to commemorate the 60th anniversary I Great Britain and Northern Ireland at its one of eight charged with possessing offensive of the Leeds Jewish Representative Council. nnual meeting in Cambridge adopted a World weapons in Ladbroke Grove. Others included The survey shows that Leeds Jewry forms ^wish Congress resolution on human rights. John Tyndall, leader of the Greater Britain Si per cent of the city's population and not nis resolution called on the British Govern- Movement. 5 per cent as hitherto thought. The figures earv* to ratify without reservations at the of Jewish professional men and women show Ij^j'est possible moment the United Nations I. L. PERETZ COMMEMORATION YEAR that Jewish doctors number 16.28 per cent of aj] ^'•national Convention on the elimination of the city's total, and other Jewish professionals 'forms of racial discrimination, A meeting of the Jewish Cultural Society in the region of 25 per cent and more. The ^^ resolution on refugees, incorporating a was held in London to mark the official end number of synagogue marriages is almost the anrl amendment, was also unanimously of the SOth "Yahrzeit" year of I. L. Peretz, same as the rate for the whole country, dis­ pproved by the U.N.A. The amendment the great Yiddish writer. Mr. Hayim Pinner, proving the suggestion of a high intermarriage ^Jiuested the Government and the High Com- who presided, expressed astonishment that the rate for Yorkshire Jewry. Q 5^oner for Refugees to persuade Federal meeting should have taken place a week after tion ^'^ authorities to implement indemnifica- Jewish Book Week and yet not be part of it. Praise for Binningham libp ^'"'•angements for refugees in the most The Peretz anniversary was not mentioned at eral and speedy manner possible. The annual civic service held at the Singers all during the Week, he said. Hill Synagogue was attended by the Lord "OBSERVER" TRUSTEE Mr. Joseph Leftwich said that Peretz Year Mayor of Birmingham, aldermen, councillors had been observed in all comers of the Jewish and leading citizens. An ofBcial representative cil °v,^ Goodman, chairman of the Arts Coun- world. But nowhere had it been celebrated of Birmingham's new Roman Catholic Arch­ Q,' has been appointed a trustee of the with such fervour as among the decimated bishop was, for the first time, present at the cia,f'^ejr newspaper. Until August, 1960, a Jewish communities of Poland. service. The Rev. Sidney Gold, chief minister reivT^^ in the paper's trust deed which was Speaking in Yiddish. Mr. Charles S. Klinger, of the Birmingham Hebrew Congregation, in to h D '•equired all trustees and the editor secretary of the Jewish Cultural Society, des­ his address said that the spirit of ecumenism thp f Protestant. The clause was inserted by cribed Peretz as the chronicler of the " Jewish was manifestly to be seen both in the presence Pre-! I °^ ^^- ^avid Astor, the paper's human comedy". of their distinguished guests and in their had K owner who. in an interview, stated it multifarious activities for the benefit of all fjg peen his father's intention to ensure the MAYOR OF CROSBY citizens without reference to race or creed. be T of the paper which, he feared, might Mr. Gold paid tribute to the Lord Mayor, had P^."'e^i!m^-mmmn<^^-e^isy-s!,'!f''-^^^^^ ^^

Page 4 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 JEWRY IN THE EAST NEWS FROM ABROAD Babi Yar Monument AMERICAN NEWS CANADA A " Daily Telegraph " correspondent reports from Kiev that Ukrainian writers told him Protests against Treatment of Soviet Jewry A special committee of the Canadian Depart­ that Babi Yar would have its monument in ment of Justice has recommended amendments time for next year's fiftieth anniversary of the In New York 6,000 youths staged an orderly to the Criminal Code to outlaw hate propa­ Russian revolution. The writers said that demonstration outside the Soviet mission to the ganda. The Solicitor-General, tabling the com­ there was no question of antisemitism involved United Nations, protesting against the alleged mittee's report in the House of Commons, said in the neglect of a monument to the memory persecution of Russian Jews. Most of the that the Canadian Government is giving the of the thousands of Jewish victims massacred demonstrators came from 24 Jewish youth recommendations close study. He could, how­ by the Nazis at Babi Yar. had to organisations and were joined by some Negro ever, not give an undertaking that legislation rebuild its factories and homes before it could youths who marched in sympathy. The demon­ based on the recommendations would be intro­ erect monuments to the past. strators carried signs reading " Let them live duced. as Jews or leave" and demanded an end to Rabbi Dismissed discrimination and full restoration of Jewish ATHENS COMMUNITY It has been reported that Rabbi Shlomo cultural life. The 3,000 Jews of Athens, for the first time Shapiro has been dismissed from his post as The American Jewish Conference on Soviet since the end of the Second World War, put rabbi and chairman of the Ashkenazi com­ Jewry at its conference in Philadelphia aside their differences to present a joint list munity in Dusanbe, capital of the Tadjikistan unanimously adopted a declaration of rights of candidates for the election of a 50-member Republic in the U.S.S.R. This was done on for Soviet Jewry. In ten to 15 years' time, said communal assembly. Candidates on the list the instmction of the district officers in charge Rabbi Israel Miller, of New York, it would be were returned for 46 of the seats, the remain­ of religious affairs. The Jewish community of " diflficult to find a man in the Soviet Union ing four going to " Independents " who stood 15,000 is unable to replace the rabbi. Petitions who will know how to conduct a barmitzvah, for election on a separate list. by the community to allow him to remain have wedding or burial service." Bishop James A. An ambitious plan of reforms covering all been unsuccessful. Pike, the Episcopalian Bishop of California, activities of the city's community has been Assimilation Opposed called for a united front between the Left and drafted. Right to protest at discrimination against Jews Dr. Sadykovitch Dzhunosov, a leading Soviet by the Soviet Union. His plea reinforced a LORRAINE JEWRY authority on nationality questions and one of statement signed by 68 Senators of both major the chief exponents of opposition to the parties demanding that the close on "three Celebrations are being prepared to mark the assimilation of national minorities in the million Jews of the Soviet Union be allowed 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the Soviet Union, virote an article in a recent to live creatively and in dignity as Jews." old Duchy of Lorraine into the French King­ issue of " Problems of History ". During the two days of the conference, ser­ dom. Besides religious ceremonies in Paris Dealing with the assimilation of Soviet vices were held at the Philadelphia monument and Nancy, Lorraine's main city, part of an Jewry Dr. Dzhunosov states that, due to the to the six million victims of the Holocaust. exhibition to be opened in the French National facts of its dispersion and social structure— Archives in Paris will depict Lorraine Jevvry's both products of historical development—the contribution. Lorraine Jews were the back­ Jewish nationality cannot develop into a Stand on Vietnam bone of French Jewry before the arrival of nation. He emphasises that the Jews of the By an overwhelming majority delegates to Eastern European immigrants. Soviet Union have not developed into a nation the American Jewish Congress biennial con­ there, while much smaller minorities have. vention passed a resolution calling on the BELGIUM But even if a group is not acknowledged as a United States to make clear its willingness nation this does not mean that it has to be for an immediate cease-fire in Vietnam. The The election of Senator Victor Leemans, of assimilated into another Soviet nation, resolution also asked Washington to halt its Belgium, as president of the " European declares Dr. Dzhunosov. " bumbling " and to state its readiness to nego­ Parliament" (Consultative Assembly of the tiate, without prior conditions, on all points Council of Europe) in Strasbourg was Lenin Prizes outstanding between the opposing sideS in criticised by Jewish Left-wing circles in Five of the 19 scientists who have been Vietnam. France. awarded this year's Lenin prizes are Jews. Of Congress is one of the few secular Jewish Senator Leemans, a member of the 102 technicians honoured, ten are also Jews. organisations in the U.S.A. which has now Christian-Social Party, has been accused of There were no awards for literature and none added its voice to those Jewish religious having been a pro-Nazi before the war and of of the arts prizes went to Jews. groups which have already spoken out in favour harbouring strong antisemitic feelings. of a Vietnam settlement. Jewish Members of " Old Guard " ITALY Six Jewish Bolsheviks of the " Old Guard ", Jesuit Culpability who collaborated with Lenin, participated in A centre for neo-Nazi propaganda appears a special meeting ip Moscow to discuss pre­ The Father-General of the Society of Jesus to be operating in Milan. This centre has parations for the SOth anniversary of the Bol­ (the Jesuit order). Father Pedro Arruope, on a published a book by Paul Rassinier, a French shevik Revolution. All six joined the Bolshe­ visit from Rome to New York, told an ecumeni­ antisemitic journalist, aimed at " destroying vik Party in 1903; among them are Abraro cal gathering that the Jesuits contritely the legend of six million dead (Jews) and of Beilin and Elizabeth Kogan, who worked witb acknowledged the " formidable proportions " so-called Nazi crimes, and of revealing the Lenin for many years. of the part they had played in heightening responsibility of the deportees". Rassinier was recently gaoled in Paris, together with a Appeal to Fight Antisemitism religious tensions. director of the antisemitic French weekly, To an audience which included the Roman Rivarol, for publishing articles declaring that The leading Marxist theoretician in Poland, Catholic Archbishop of New York. Cardinal Nazi concentration camps never existed. Professor Adam Schaff, of Warsaw University, Spellman, and the Chancellor of the Jewish has issued an appeal urging Communists to Theological Seminary of America, Rabbi Dr. fight antisemitism as a social evil which is Louis Finkelstein, Father Arnipe declared crippling Marxist ideology. This appeal is that Jesuits would now be encouraged to play Vour House for:— contained in Professor Schaff's latest book, a leading part in the ecumenical movement and "Marxism and the Human Individual", pub­ expressed the hope that there was a definite CURTAINS, CARPETS, LINO, lished by the State scientific publishing house place " for more specific contacts between the UPHOLSTERY in Warsaw. Jesuits and Jewish leaders." The professor was head of the political school of the Polish Communist Party for many years SPAIN SPECIALITY and is today the only Jew in the party's Central Committee. Jewish Lecturer in Inquisitor's Birth Town CONTINENTAL DOWN Professor Schaff wrote that the phenomenon The Association for Jewish-Christian Friend- of antisemitism could not suddenly have dis­ ship arranged a lecture on Judaism at Avila, QUILTS! appeared and it was not its existence but the the historic religious centre of Spain where absence of a fight against it that was shame­ the Grand Inquisitor Tomas Torquemada was ALSO RE-MAKES AND RE-COVERS ful. He argues for stronger measures to bom and lies buried. The lecture was given eradicate antisemitism. quoting Lenin's bv Sefior Max Mazin, the president of the ESTIMATES FREE denunciation of it in Russia. Madrid Jewish community, to 300 seminarists Warsaw Uprising Recalled who will become Roman Catholic priests DAWSON-LANE LIMITED throughout Spain and Latin America. This year the anniversary of the Warsaw 17 BRIDGE ROAD, WEMBLEY PARK Ghetto Uprising was again marked at the First Synagogue Warsaw Ghetto Memorial. Apart from Telephone : ARN. 667 1 the Jewish community, representatives of the The first synagogue to be built in Spain since Govemment and members of the Israeli the Inquisition is now completed at Barcelona. P«nenal attention ef Mr. W. Shackman. Embassy attended. The Polish Govemment is It comprises two parts—a Sephardi and an in the process of repairing the monument, Ashkenazi synagogue. which has been deteriorating. AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 5 GERMAN YOUTH AND THE JEWS Old Acquaintances The other day I overheard a young German even Heine was rarely understood to have Home ]\eu)»: Julius Gellner produced in his early twenties make an antisemitic been Jewish. However, in all these conver­ Moliere's " The Miser " and " The Imaginary remark about a refugee. The scene was Hamp­ sations the tables were quickly turned, and Invalid" at the Mermaid.—Rolf Gerard stead, and he was obviously here on business— the teacher found himself the target of designed the decors for " The Prime of Miss he wore the badge of a weU-known public innumerable questions: What was it like in a Jean Brodie ".—Bemard Gran's adaptation of corporation of the Federal Republic, which concentration camp ? What did the Nazis try Lehar's " The Count of Luxembourg " was pro­ has extensive trade relations with Britain and to achieve by killing the Jews ? Do the Jews duced in Harrow.—Ferdy Mayne will appear wants us all to be its customers. The incident still hate Germany? Couldn't the Jews in " The Vampire Killers " by Polanski, who gave me rather a shock; one had come to resist ? will also take part.—Lilli Palmer appears in think of the young German generation as Talks with the teachers confirmed the the three new Noel Coward plays, " Suite in cleansed of their fathers' follies, prejudices impression that the present generation of Three Keys ", at the Queen's.—Forty-two-year- and guilt. Where, I am still wondering, did pupils are most eager to learn the truth, that old Mainz-born Bernard Schottlaender he pick up his antisemitic ideas ? From his they are open to new ideas, but unsure of exhibited his sculptures at Anely Juda's parents, his teachers, his friends ? their own attitudes; and that middle-class Hamilton Gallery. It was, therefore, with special interest that children are still more burdened with preju­ dices than those from the working classes. Germany: Zarah Leander appeared at Ber­ I looked at Professor Werner J. Cahnman's lin's Sportpalast.—^Walter Rilla produced volume, " Volker und Rassen im Urteil der " The question whether the results of our Priestley's " Venezianische Tuer" on TV.— Jugend" (Giinter Olzog Verlag, Munich 22, survey are good or bad is irrelevant," says Based on a libretto by Max Colpet, L. Olias DM 9.80), which contains the results of an Cahnman. "They are like life itself: a composed a musical, " MiUionen fuer Penny ", opinion poll carried out recently at a number mixed bag. ... On the whole one can say for production in Munich.—Johanna Hofer will of Munich schools. The author, himself a that this young generation welcomes an open be in " Nach Damaskus" on TV.—Sigurd native of Munich, where he was active in the and free discussion; they are a receptive Lohde is in the Hamburg production of Shaw's Centralverein, emigrated to America, where generation among which you can find every " MisalUance ".—Karl Kraus' adaptation of he is now working at Rutgers University, kind of opinion. Compared to the conven­ Offenbach's " Grossherzogin von Gerolstein " Newark, and at the New School for Social tional nationalism which was the rule in the will be produced in Munich.—Fritz Kortner Research, New York. In contrast to so many schools before Hitler and helped to usher in will direct Gombrowicz's " Die Trauung" in German publications of a similar nature this totalitarian oppression, this iS a great advan­ Munich.—Annemarie Hase will join the Krefeld books shows that an expert has been at work: tage ; but the reverse of the medal is that ensemble. She will appear in Brecht's plays, the survey was very carefully planned, the open-mindedness also points to insecurity. It in " The Madwoman of Chaillot" and in phrasing of the questions was done most is a searching generation, and woe to us if " Arsenic and Old Lace".—Artur Brauner is carefully, the statistical breakdown of the we fail to show them the way to a felicitous producing " Nibelungen", directed by H. answers contains the necessary information, future." Reinl. The film will cost eight million D.M. and—most important point of all—the ques­ EGON LARSEN. and it will take five months to produce.— tionnaires were complemented by extensive The 74-year-old painter, John Heartfield, who conversations with the pupils which reveal THE "GERMANLA JUDAICA" LIBRARY spent the war years in London and who now what really goes on in their heads. The whole Uves in East Germany, attended an exhibition job was done on the initiative of Munich's The premises in Cologne of the Library for of his works in . Very active Stadtschulrat, Dr. A. Fingerle. the History of German Jews, " Germania Judaica", have been considerably extended. The distributed questionnaires dealt with The Library now holds 8,000 books. According Obituary : Erich Skladanowsky, son of Max seven subjects (race and religion, white and to a recent report by the secretary. Dr. Jutta Skladanowsky, the founder of the German coloured peoples, Germany and her neigh- Bohnke-Kollwitz, more than 50 per cent of kinematography, has died in BerUn at the age hours, history of European Jewry, the Jews' the readers are teachers, students and pupils, of 68.—The painter, Hans Purrmann, died in contribution to German culture, Jews under and the Library is also used by members of Basle aged 86. Another painter, Karli Sohn- Hitler, and Israel). First the children were the liberal professions (17 per cent), civil Rethel, has also died at the age of 84 in asked which of these subjects interested servants (18 per cent) and theologians (5 per Buederich. them most, and it turned out that the general cent). The Institute publishes a quarterly ones, such as relations between races and bulletin and serves as an information centre News from Everytchere : Ken Adam and nations, were preferred, except the subject for various projects dedicated to the research cameraman Otto Heller went to Berlin on on the problem of relations between Jews and location for the British film, " Funeral in Jews under Hitler, which interested them non-Jews in Germany.—(E.G.L.) Very much. There was some interest for BerUn ".—William Dieterle has sued Bad Hers­ Israel among the boys, but little among the feld for D.M.72,000 damages for no longer girls. Oddly enough, the pupils hardly com- being permitted to stage the annual Theatre •nented on the contrast between the tradi­ Festival there.—Dolly Haas's daughter, Nina, tional image of the European Jews and the made her first appearance at New York's Com­ new one of the Israeli worker and soldier, munity Center when Erich Juhn presented a f^e overwhelming majority, at least of the variety programme there.—Hilde Spiel, who hoys, StiU regard business efificiency, dili- is adapting John Arden's " Live Like Pigs" Sence and the prevalence of the profit-motive for the German stage, will attend New York's as Jewish characteristics. P.E.N. Congress as general secretary of the What strikes the reader most of all is that Austrian P.E.N.— is in Paris the conversations (during which the teacher preparing a film, " Der Goldkaefer ", based on ''arely interfered) showed a very great and a story by E. A. Poe. honest interest in finding out what really Reinhardt and Salzburg : Gottfried Rein­ happened in the Nazi period, and conse­ hardt has undertaken to assist in the estabUsh­ quently there were many more questions ment of a " Max Reinhardt Forschungs—^und than answers. Obviously, says Cahnman, Gedenkstaette " at Castle Hellbrunn, near Salz­ there is an urgent need for historically well- burg. The Institute, which will shortly be founded explanations of antisemitism in the opened, will be subsidised to the tune of Schools, and not every teacher has the 300,000 SchilUnge annuaUy. Its collection required knowledge for the task. Elemen­ will include Reinhardt's notes on productions, ts school teachers should be required to stage and costume designs, programmes, ^ttend special courses in their training col- photos and caricatures, reviews of perform­ «ges, and secondary school teachers at the ances and personal letters by and to the •"uversitieS. "Great Magician"—in short, all documents . The Church, too, seems to have done its connected with the man whose artistic work job of preaching tolerance not nearly well shaped an epoch of the German theatre. Any enough. Again and again, the children readers who have items of interest in their ^^lained the phenomenon of antisemitiism possession which they are prepared to part ^ith the words, " Because they killed Jesus ". with should get in touch with the Institute in ^hen asked to mention a few names of Ger- Hellbmnn. nian Jews who had contributed to cultural P''ogress they never got far beyond Einstein; PEM Page 6 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966

JW«X Kreiitsberger Eine andere grosse Idee, die der fuehrende Kreis deutscher Zionisten aufnahm, scheiterte ' an der Kurzsichtigkeit und dem Uebereifer der juedischen Instanzen des Landes: mit ROBERT WELTSCH ZUM 75. GEBURTSTAG Hilfe des tatkraeftigen Leiters des "Juedischen Anfang der " Goldenen Zwanziger Jahre ", entscheidend bestimmte. Dieser Grundan­ Verlages", der aus Berlin nach Jerasalem die gamicht so golden waren, als man sie schauung ist Robert Weltsch sein ganzes Leben uebersiedelte, Siegmund Kaznelson, wurde durchlebte, begegnete ich zum ersten Male lang treu geblieben, und wenn er sie auch unter der Redaktion von Robert Weltsch die Robert Weltsch. Er war damals bereits Redak­ nicht staendig predigte, so bestimmte sie aus­ Fortsetzung der " Juedischen Rundschau " in teur der " Juedischen Rundschau", die sich gesprochen und sehr oft unausgesprochen, Palaestina gedruckt, als " Juedische Welt- zur bedeutendsten Wochenzeitung der jedoch wirksam zwischen den Zeilen, sein randschau" geplant und bald auch verwirk­ juedischen Welt entwickeln sollte und die Schreiben und sein ganzes journalistisches licht. Der " Sturm" gegen die deutsche merkwuerdigerweise ihre fuehrenden Redak­ Wirken, gab ihnen ihre Groesse, Schoenheit Sprache begann, und nach einigen Monaten teure aus Prag bezog—neben Weltsch, Sieg­ und, wie ich glaube, ihre UnvergaengUchkeit. musste die Drucklegung nach Paris verlegt mund Kaznelson and Hugo Hermann, sowie, Unvergaenglichkeit wird nicht durch die Zahl werden. Die grossen technischen Schwierig­ einige Zeit waehrend des ersten Weltkrieges, der Jahre bestimmt, nicht durch das Recht- keiten und der Kriegsausbruch beendeten das auch Salman Rubaschow, den jetzigen Staats- behalten deS Tages—Ideen haben ihr eigenes recht aussichtsreiche Unternehmen und ein praesidenten von Israel, aus dem ferneren Leben und ihre Unvergaenglichkeit, wenn die zionistisches Sprachrohr, das die Verbindung mssisch-juedischen Intellektuellentum. " Realitaeten " vergangen und vergessen sind. zu einem wesentlichen Teil der juedischen Robert Weltsch war damals fuer uns Juen­ Eine solche Haltung bringt Freunde und Welt haette herstellen koennen und der gere schon ein grosser und geachteter Name, Treue, aber auch Kampf und Feindschaft, verstreuten Judenheiten untereinander, als wir " Redakteure" der in Breslau doch niemals Nichtachtung. Als die Idee der wurde zum Schweigen gebracht. Eine voU- erscheinenden "Juedisehen Zeitung fuer Kibbuzim noch umkaempft war, trat die staendige Sammlung aller erschienenen Ostdeutschland" von der Zionistischen " Juedische Rundschau " fuer sie ein, als die Nummern der " Juedischen Welt-Rundschau " Vereinigung eingeladen wurden (Joachim juedische Arbeiterschaft dem Zweifel und der duerfte heute zu den groessten bibliophilen Prinz und ich), um von ihm die notwendigen harten Kritik ausgesetzt waren und dem kleinen Seltenheiten gehoeren. redaktionellen Richtlinien und Belehrungen Masstab der sofort ausweisbaren Erfolgs- Der Kreis der deutsch-sprechenden Ein­ zu erhalten. Er hatte nichts LehrhafteS und chance, da kaempfte Weltsch unermuedUch. wanderang in Palaestina hielt all die Jahre- Duenkelhaftes an sich, er wirkte vielmehr Im Zusammenhang mit dem Problem aller trotz mancherlei Verschiedenheiten — eng durch die Eigenart seines Wesens, durch ein Probleme, der Beziehungen zu den arabischen zusammen. Die gemeinsame zionistische seltsames Gemisch von ungewoehnlicher Kul­ Nachbarn, kannte Weltsch und die Rundschau Erziehung hatte diesem Kreis ein bestimmtes tur und Bildung, durch eine wohlbegruendete kein Schwanken, und es laesst sich nicht politisches Gesicht gegeben; allmaehlich trat und gefestigte Weltanschauung, die sich nicht bezweifeln, dass von ihm und einem kleinem dieser Kreis in Opposition zu vielen der Kritik und Skepsis verschlosS und manches Kreis, zu dem der unvergleichliche Georg Erscheinungen im Lande. Es kam sogar zur Mal in sarkastischen Pessimismus umschlagen Landauer gehoerte, richtig vorausgesehen es Graendung einer eigenen, anfaenglich sehr konnte. Aber das erkannten wir erst im Laufe das Grundproblem des Landes geblieben ist. erfolgreichen politischen Partei—sio wurde vieler Jahre, als die Beziehungen enger wurden Das Sehen der grosSen Zusammenhaenge die zweitstaerkste Partei des Landes—deren und sich Gelegenheit fand zu manch intimer und ihrer tieferen Bedeutung hat Robert journalistischer Sprecher natuerlicherweise Aussprache und gemeinsamer Arbeit. Weltsch der " Juedischen Rundschau" auf- Robert Weltsch wurde. Als die innerpolitische Robert Weltsch war und blieb ein Journalist gepraegt, besonders sichtbar als die Schick­ Situation nach Beendigung des Krieges sich im tiefsten und schoensten Sinne dieses salsstunde des deutschen Judentums 1933 staendig verschaerfte, juedische Terrorak- Wortes, und ohne Uebertreibung kann es schlug. Die " Juedische Rundschau " und ihre tionen an der Tagesordnung und die Teilung gesagt werden (nicht als Geburtstagsgrass fuehrenden Aufsaetze, die Robert Weltsch des Landes und schliesslich die Gruendung Oder nur als Gebutrstagsgmss, sondern als Weltraf eintragen, haben dem deutschen des juedischen Staates zur Wirklichkeit offenbare F'eststellung vieler Jahrzehnte)—er Judentum in jenen tragischen Jahren die wurde, war es nur natuerlich, dass die ein­ ist der bedeutendste juedische Journalist Erschuetterang seines Daseins und seiner heitliche Haltung des fuehrenden Kreises der unserer Tage und vielleicht aller Tage, im Illusionen, die so wohl begraendet zu sein deutschen Zionisten zerfiel, und damit die juedischen Bereich und dameber hinaus. schienen, tragen helfen. Weltsch blieb seiner Gemeinsamkeit politischen Handelns und Grosse juedische Journalisten hat es in diesem Aufgabe treu, bis die Synagogen brannten und Auftretens. Robert Weltsch ging als Vertreter Jahrandert viele gegeben, die es verstanden damit alles juedische Wirken in Deutschland der grossen Tageszeitung " Haarez" nach mit Geschick die Dinge des Tages zu ver­ sein Ende fand. London. zeichnen, darzusteUen, zu beleuchten, kritisch In Palaestina stelle sich ihm eine neue zu durchdenken. Aber zu einem wirklich Aufgabe. Die deutschsprechende juedische Als es Jahre spaeter unter dem unermued­ grossen Journalisten gehoert mehr, gehoert Einwanderung hatte sich eine Wochenzeitung lichen Ansporn von Siegfried Moses zur Charakter, Moralitaet und Mut und eine wohl- geschaffen, die, da sie in deutscher Sprache Gniendung des Leo Baeck Institutes kam, durchdachte, durch Lehre und Erfahrang erschien, sich verschaemt " Mitteilungsblatt " stellte sich emeut die Zusammenarbeit mit gegraendete Weltanschauung, die Masstab nannte. Dieses " Mitteilungsblatt " erscheint Robert Weltsch her. Es begann ein neues und Richtschnur des Urteilens, des Bejahens nun schon mit groesster Regelmaessigkeit Stadium seines Lebenswerkes. Er wurde der und der Kritik ist, die standhaelt den Stuer­ laenger als dreissig Jahre, sicherlich die geistige Anreger und Vorsitzender des men der Zeit und den Umstaenden und die sich geistig hoechststehende Wochenzeitschrift der Londoner Baeck Instituts. Seine grossen nicht dreht im Winde des Tages. Diese Welt­ deutschsprachigen Emigration. Als Robert Kenntnisse und seine ungewoehnlichen anschauung hat sich Robert Weltsch durch Weltsch Anfang 1939 in Palaestina erschien, Faehigkeiten machten ihn zum gegebenen umfaengliche Studien, durch eine unver- war es das Selbstverstaendliche ihn zum Herausgeber des " Year-Book" des Baeck gleichliche Bildung, durch eine staendig wach Schriftleiter dieser Zeitschrift zu berafen. Er Instituts. Wer die zehn Baende durchblaettert gehaltene und bauende intellektueUe Neugier brauchte dazu keine UmstelUung, Probleme, muss staunen, immer wieder, ueber den und Kritik errungen, beeinSusst vom Geist Personen und Umstaende waren ihm vertraut. Gedankenreichtum, den die anregende und Prags und eines bestimmten juedischen Weltsch wurde gleichzeitig staendiger dirigierende Kraft des Herausgebers aus der Kreises, der eine juedische Renaissance Mitarbeiter der groessten hebraeischen Tages­ grossen Zahl seiner Mitarbeiter heraus- ertraeumte, humanistisch und human, sich zeitung des Landes, und seine von ihm selbst zuzaubern vermocht hat. Diese Jahrbuecher, selbst erkennend, ohne den andern 7U ver­ in hebraeischer Sprache geschriebenen heute in alien BibUotheken der Welt zu kennen, sich emeuernd und erhebend, ohne Freitagsartikel, journalistische Meisterlei- finden, geben ein Bild—• vielleicht ein sich zu ueberheben und den andern aus­ stungen, errangen sich bald einen grossen schwaches und unzulaengliches—^von dem zuschliessen. Leserkreis. Reichtum der Kultur, von dem Geist und In der Idee des selbstarbeitenden, zu sich der Produktivitaet des zentraleuropaeischen selbst und seinem Eigenwesen zumeckkehren- . . and I can tell you Judentums. Dieses Denkmal hat Robert den juedischen Volkes auf palaestinensischem "NORWEST " is BEST Weltsch sich selbst errichtet, hoffentlich wird Boden in Gemeinschaft mit dem arabischen er noch lange daran weiter bauen koennen. verbraederten Nachbarn—nicht herrschen und FOR CHAUFFEUR-DRIVEN So ist er geblieben, was er durch viele nicht beherrscht werden—drueckte sich dieses CAR HIRE Jahrzehnte hindurch war: ein schoepferischer humanistische Erneuerangsideal aus, stark 'Phone : Journalist, eine moralische Kraft in der an beeinflusst von A. D. Gordon, von Martin Doy and Night HAM. 4150 Moralitaet so arm gewordenen Welt, ein Buber, von den ersten Kibbuzim und den & Day HAM. 4154 Humanist wuerdig dieses grossen Namens, ein Idealen der juedischen Arbeiterschaft, alS NORWEST CAR HIRE LTD. unermuedlicher Lehrer, ein Optimist und diese noch Ideale mit Radikalitaet verfocht 331-5 FINCHLEY RD., N.W.3 Skeptiker zugleich und ein getreuer Freund und das Gesicht der zionistischen Bewegung Your advance booklnos welcomed- seiner Freunde. AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 7 ROBERT WELTSCH ANB THE VICTOR EHRENBERG A GERMAN RABBI REMEMBERS LEO BAECK INSTITUTE Schlomo Rulf, Rabbi in Germany, then teacher (for a long time the only one) in an elementary school at Nahariya in Israel, Ten years have passed since Robert Weltsch politics. All leaders of these organisations has written two moving books on his experi­ started his work as head of the London Section were fully convinced that the enterprise they ences, his memoirs* and a novelt Actually of the Leo Baeck Institute. For us it is this had in mind needed unrestricted liberty of the second book was published first, but aspect of his life which dominates our thoughts thought. But this sincere intention cannot written later. What matters is that both when expressing our good wishes to him on the eUminate the fact that there is no innate books are simply two expressions of the occasion of his 75th birthday. Considering harmony between the sphere of politics, where same kind of fate and the same kind of the variety of activities and artistic interests tactical motives and regard for the pubUc man. Obviously he was a very good which have made this span of time rich and opinion of the day are unavoidable, and the preacher and an outstanding teacher, but, colourful, I should not dare to assess the sphere of the search for historical trath. In above all, a loving and lovable person. The iniportance, in comparison with his other deaUng with this situation Robert Weltsch has, novel, as is natural, includes events in which aciiievements, which he himself attributes to I beUeve, given the most personal and most the author had no personal share; but it this task of organising historical writing and irreplaceable service to the Baeck Institute. has the authentic ring, and in many ways Research. But those friends who assist him During the earlier periods of his Ufe he it supplements the story of his life. Even in this work in one way or another consider was deeply involved in the political develop­ so, if I had the choice I should probably him to be the Ufe and soul of the Leo Baeck ment which led to the regaining of statehood prefer the memoirs to the novel; but as it Institute. This no doubt appUes, too, to the by the Jewish people. All his actions in this is, together they both reflect the horrible Wider circle, represented by the readers of this cause had their roots in the creed that the as well as the beautiful events of the journal restoration of national existence would bring 'thirties and 'forties, and convey the spirit In some respects the stimulation and direc­ back dignity and trath to the life of the of the author, whose outstanding qualities tion of Uterary production means a return to individual and, at the same time, help the are honesty, love for the young, and love the work by which he became famous as world to realise the ideas preached by the for Israel. editor of the Juedische Rundschau. At present Prophets. The possibiUty that moral impera­ There are many books today which deal his collaborators know him as a benign, but tives as part of political writing might, under with Aliyah, and there were many more ?lways alert, discipUnarian, who is exceptional the pressure of circumstances, turn into ideo­ lives going a similar way. Others have suf­ in the art of extracting promised manuscripts logical rhetoric, was completely alien to him. fered like him or even more, others have with the minimum of delay. Moreover, his In the discussions of the 'twenties he fought found peace and a new home. What dis­ function as an interpreter between the readers for the thesis that the recognition of human tinguishes Riilf from most others are his and the writers of the Year Book which he rights to both friends and antagonists would, modesty and his faimess—even against has performed year after year, can be seen at the same time, be the most realistic policy. those who made his life difiicult or unbear­ as the continuation of his work as a leader When success came, it did not bring full con­ able, even against a fate that time and again Writer, when his polished prose gave advice firmation of this belief. The relationship of hits bim as hard as possible. His beloved and encouragement to our people in their time ethics and power in man's affairs proved to be wife dies before his emigration, and a son, of distress. All this, however, is not the whole too compUcated for a pure fulfilment of a radiant child and a bewitching youth— story. The spirit in which Weltsch administers idealistic hopes. Weltsch did not react with the model for the hero of the novel—is the legacy left by Leo Baeck—the preserva­ silent resignation. He attained the ripe wis­ killed in fighting for Israel—by a tragic tion of the image of German Jewry for future dom of humility from this experience. The misadventure the bullet came from an generations—is essentially shaped by personal knowledge that lack of perfection is the lot Israeli gun! The author never loses his dualities and experiences which cannot be of mankind became the key to his understand­ serenity. He finds a wonderful second wife, jnerely regarded as the result of professional ing of history and of events past and present. whose loving steadiness helps him on many training and capacity. He has experienced that man's errors and occasions, who is a perfect mother to his The Institute is not carried by an academic deficiencies can be closely linked to his moral as well as to their children. corporation with a well-estabUshed title to and intellectual achievements. This insight In Germany, Riilf went from Braun­ intellectual independence. It came into being became a source of strength for the work of schweig, his city of birth, to Hamburg, Very soon after a crisis of incredible gravity, patience by which he steered his ship safely Bamberg and finally Saarbriicken, where ^s the creation of organisations set up for and successfully through the cross-currents he had the unique experience of living Pi'actical purposes and in close contact with of its environment. By doing so he created for several decisive years in an enclave the spirit of the Leo Baeck Institute in London, between the Powers. His account of earning lasting gratitude of our community. the hypocritical Nazi policy before the HANS LIEBESCHUETZ final return of the Saar to Germany is of particular interest. So is his description of GLUECKWUNSCH VON DR. S. MOSES the various groups in Israel, not the politi­ Lieber Dr. Weltsch,—Anlaesslich Ihres 70. cal parties, but the different mentalities of Geburtstages habe ich im besonderen darauf the idealistic and the much less idealistic, hinweisen koennen, mit welch bewundemS- of the generous and the bureaucratic. wertem Erfoige Sie Ihre Faehigkeiten dem Leo Baeck Institut zur Verfuegung stellen. Riilf's life was never easy and often very Heute moechte ich es wagen, den Tribut, den hard, but he remained strong in his firm wir Ihrer Leistung zollen, zu ergaenzen durch beliefs and his courage. ein Wort ueber die Empflndungen, die von This may suffice to point out some of the Ihren Lesern der hinter dieser Leistung interesting aspects of the two books. There stehenden Persoenlichkeit entgegengebracht are many more, such as his return for a werden. year to Saarbriicken or his stay in Holland ; Es ist Ihro Art, Ihre Persoenlichkeit so weit wie moegUch zurueckzustellen und nur die but decisive, to say it once more, is the Gedanken sprechen zu lassen, die Sie in Ihren emergence of the picture of the man him­ Aufsaetzen und Schriften zum Ausdruck self. In a short introduction to the memoirs bringen. Aber diese persoenliche Zurueck- Rabbi Grunewald remarks: " When the haltung hat nicht verhindern koennen, dass author says that the children are not quite der verstaendnisvoUe Leser den Menschen so naive as they seem, that is also true of erfuehlte, der jene Gedanken gedacht und their teacher ". This naivety, however, is jene Schlussfolgerangen gezogen; der jene the author's strength. He has written two moralischen oder politischen Forderangen books, which are not literary masterpieces, erhoben hatte. Der Kreis Ihrer Leser empfindet beglueckt Ihr ungewoehnliches but are full of tears and full of laughter, Verstaendnis fuer Sachverhalte und Menschen full of Jewishness and full of general verschiedenster Art und Ihr Einfuehlungs­ humanity ; they are at the same time honest vermoegen, das so stark ist, dass selbst der documents of an epoch. Geener Ihnen nicht grollen kann, weil er sich • Schlomo Riilf : Strome im dQrren Land. Lebens­ verstanden fuehlt. Und die Beziehungen der erinnerungen. Veroflfentlichungen des Leo-Baeck- Leserschaft zu dem sachlich-sproeden Autor Instituts. Deutsche Verlags Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1964 304pp. DM.24.80. For members of the Societv of gipfeln in aufrichtiger Zuneigung und tiefer Friends of the L.B.I.. £1 15s. Verehrung. + Schlomo Riilf : Weg der Gerettcten. Ner-Tamid- APIOOB Ihr Siegfried Moses. Verlag, Frankfurt, 1953. 230pp. DM.14.80. Page 8 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 the war and in the years immediately after­ BIRTHDAY TRIBUTES wards. He was the first secretary of the Central British Fund and retained that posi­ DR. RICHARD FUCHS 80 We are glad to have him here amongst us, tion for a quarter of a century. and to enjoy his counsel in Jewish affairs, No doubt it was a satisfaction for him to With the advance of age I find it increas­ especially in the Leo Baeck Institute. This is be involved so intimately in the challenging ingly embarrassing to have to congratulate close to his heart, for he feels that it is the tasks of those critical years. And how for­ other men on the occasion of their birthday. sacred duty of those who were preserved to tunate it was for the Central British Fund and Especially when those concemed are good transmit to posterity, and also to their own for the refugees to have in this key position friends for whom one has a certain personal descendants, some knowledge of the glory and a man of undoubted integrity, intelUgence, affection in addition to objective admiration, the achievements of what once was German experience and, above all, of infinite com­ there is always the fear that one will not be Jewry. This great conversationalist with his passion ! able to hit the point. Instead of expressing unfailing memory, this man of endearing per­ It is now eight years since he retired from one's real feelings the result may be what sonal charm, this eager connoisseur of art and his office at the Central British Fund, but he others couldl regard as banaUties. What can music—should we really have to classify him still takes an active interest in some aspects a humble man Uke the writer say to pay as an octogenarian ? In any case, we wish of its work. He is one of those who refuses adequate tribute to Richard Fuchs whose him and his wife Margot many happy returns to grow old. If perhaps he now seems a Uttle SOth birthday we are celebrating on June 13 ? of the day. ROBERT WELTSCH. less young than of yore, his spritely manner How can an idea of his qualities be conveyed and energy are still the envy of those many to people who do not know him ? Ho is one MR. M. STEPHANY 80 years his junior. Long may he so remain! of the finest exemplars of what we once called German Jewry—not of the large commercial The AJR extends its warm greetings and Let us hope that he will celebrate his birth­ community or of the religious establishment, felicitations to Mr. M. Stephany for his SOth day as happily as possible and aware of. the but of that circle which could be described birthday on June 6. warm regard in which he is held by innumer­ as the intellectual eUte. In 1933, when in response to the situation able frienda in the community, including all which arose through the advent of Nazism, his former collaborators at the Central British In pre-Hitler Germany he was among those Fund. who not only attained the highest respect British Jewry founded the Central British Fund, the call went out to Mr. Stephany to RABBI DR. S. NEUFELD 75 and, indeed, high office, in the machinery of become its first secretary. At that time he »he State and who were imbued with the best had a well-established reputation both as a The news that Rabbi Dr. Siegbert Neufeld traditions of European humanistic culture and professional accountant and as a communal will this month celebrate his 75ih birthday «rt, but at the same time remained faithful worker. However, it was in his capacity as has refreshed for me the experience of time \o Judaism and the Jewish people. As a secretary of the CBF and chief administrative driving us on imperceptibly, but forcefully. matter of course Richard Fuchs has always officer of the Jewish Refugees' Committee that I made his acquaintance in 1912, when attend­ iheen a proud, nay, an enthusiastic Jew. he not only rose magnificently to an unprece­ ing preparatory classes in the Lehranstalt at Though a layman, he saw in Judaism the dented emergency but won the admiration and Berlin's Artilleriestrasse. Whilst I was a raw highest scale of reUgious and spiritual values, gratitude of all those who had the good for­ recrait, Neufeld, in spite of his youthful and accordingly he met the insults of Nazism appearance, was a well-established senior with contempt. tune to come into contact with him. His work called for organisational talent, student following Dr. Baneth's advanced When ho was ousted from tho German pmdence in dealing with all financial aspects courses on Talmud and Codes. His father. civil service where he had been one of the as well as for a warm-hearted approach to the Max Neufeld, who worked for the Berlin com­ ablest and most conscientious high officials problems of the many thousands for whom munity in a supervisory capacity, had during (often entrasted with important and delicate the CBF and JRC had to care in those days. his son's sojourn at grammar school sent him missions), Fuchs gave his experience and his It was not only the accountant, the man of to courses of reUgious instraction under the talents to the Reichsvertretung. There he was figures, but, above aU, the kind-hearted, good direction of the Adass congregation in order in close relationship with Leo Baeck who held man who proved himself in the time of trial. to give him a safe grounding in Hebrew litera­ him in high esteem. In that unprecedented ture as a basis for life. situation he stood by the Jewish authorities Mr. Stephany resigned as secretary of the The rabbinical students of the Lehranstalt and gave them advice and activo support. CBF in 1958 after 25 years of service, but to represented a great variety of religious atti­ There were enough intricate problems of this day he has remained for his successors tudes, a circumstance which in no way representation and administration to be dealt and the staff of the CBF a revered and deeply impaired their peaceful companionship. They with, for which the insight, tact and humanity beloved father figure. He is held in deep had formed a theological society, and Neufeld of a man Uke Fuchs were an invaluable asset. affection by innumerable refugees and the introduced me to some of their meetings. There As one of his major jobs I should like to AJR is truly grateful to him for all he has was no lack of topical questions for discussion. mention his administrative supervision of the done in their interest. The Uberal rabbis had recently pubUshed their Lehranstolt fuer die Wissenschaft des Still another link between us and him has " Richtlinien " (Rules) aS an attempt to formu­ Judentums in Berlin. Thanks to his skilful been forged with the establishment of the net­ late a definite programme for modern Judaism, guidance, that Institute was able to survive work of Old Age Homes, jointly run by the which by its very nature was bound to be con­ as a lonely bastion of Jewish learning within CBF and the AJR. Mr. Stephany has been troversial. Neufeld's comprehensive Hebrew the stormy sea of rising Nazi pressure. the chairman of the Management Committee studies gave him a basis for his firm judgement. As for most others, the years of emigra­ for the Homes since its inception in 1955, and But Neufeld's scholarly interests were not tion were not easy for Richard Fuchs. When by his kindness, sound judgment and deep restricted to his professional task. In prepara­ I came to London from Palestine in 1945, I understanding for the background of the tion for his Ph.D. he was learning to handle was taken aback to find him, with his noble residents has endeared himself to all his critically Latin sources of the Middle Ages at and gracious wife, Margot, living in a small colleagues. We hope he will hold his position the historical seminar of BerUn University. room in dismal, slum-Uke conditions in war- for many years to come, in undiminished This work led to a thesis on the development stricken London. They did not complain— freshness of mind and strength of spirit. of the Jewish community in Halle. He con­ their thoughts were with others who had A Faithful Communal Worker tinued these studies with leamed articles in suffered more. With the greatest admiration which he traced the fate of medieval Jewry in I heard how Richard Fuchs had been a war­ Mr. H. OSCAR JOSEPH, chairman of the Thuringia and Saxony from skilfully estab­ time teacher of languages and of the history Central British Fund, writes: Ushed facts of topography and statistics. In of art at one of England's famous public It is indeed a privilege to be allowed to add 1927 he compounded a book from this material. schools. His cultural standing and personal my tribute on such a notable anniversary. Such productive participation in historical integrity had won him—tha foreigner—the Mr. Stephany has served the community research, as a supplement to rabbinical work respect and good will of colleagues and weU and faithfully for several decades. first in Insterburg and later in Elbing, has students. Readers of this joumal will remember him remained characteristic of Neufeld's life up No wonder that after the war the British best in connection with his invaluable work to the present day. In this way he haS in Government took advantage of Fuchs' rare on behalf of refugees, before the war, during Israel kept up continuity with the great tradi­ ability and juridical leaming. He served on tions of the German rabbinate as it was shaped the British branch of the Inter-AlUed Com­ during the nineteenth century by the institu­ mission for Germany and later on at the BECHSTEIN STEINWAY BLUTHNER tions of Jewish learning in Breslau and Berlin. British Embassy in Bonn. So it came about Finest selection reconditioned PIANOS. Our sincere congratulations on this anniversary that he spent some of the post-war years in Part exchange. Deferred terms. may be summarised in the hope that Dr. Neu­ Germany in the service of the country that JAQUES SAMUEL PIANOS LTD. feld will continue lecture and research work had given him asylum and whose nationality 2 Park West Place, Marble Arch, W.2 for a long time to come and so help to carry he had acquired. Tel.: PAD. 8818/9 this valuable legacy into a rapidly changing After his retirement he retumed to London. AUTHORISED BECHSTEIN RETAILERS world. HANS LIEBESCHUETZ. Page 9 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 his contemporaries may have overrated H. W. Freyhan him. Nevertheless, J. Werner's book is a welcome addition to the rather sparse Elijah literature (some of wiiich is out of A NEW STUDY OF MENDELSSOHN'S print), and its value is enhanced by the excellent facsimiles and the comprehensive II up-to-date discography. >^ In an appendix, which is a reprint of an ELIJAH article previously pubUshed in the Musical I think I heard Elijah in its entirety Two significant facts emerge from the Times, J. Wemer discusses the " Mendels­ for the first time in March, 1934, when the genesis of Elijah as described by J. Werner. sohn Cadence" and proves by numerous " Kuenstlerhilfe ", an organisation run by One is the sense of achievement which examples that here is, indeed, a remarkable the Berlin Jewish Congregation, produced accompanied the hectic process of composi­ " fingerprint" of Mendelssohn. This the Oratorio in the Oranienburgerstrasse tion. "I sit, over both my ears, in my Cadence, the descending minor triad, is fre- Synagogue. Leo Kopf conducted, and the Elijah, and if it only turns out half as good quently met with in the " Amen " responses soloists included Alexander Kipnis, in the as I often think it will, I will be glad of our synagogue services, especially on the title part, and the contralto Paula Lindberg. indeed." And in a letter to Jenny Lind, High Holy-days. J. Werner points to its The majestic interior of Berlin's largest the famous Swedish soprano (for whom occurrence in the Blessing of the Kohanim synagogue seemed to provide the right set­ especially the aria " Hear ye, Israel" was and goes on to suggest that Mendelssohn ting for the great Old Testament oratorio: intended), Felix says: " Sometimes ... I may have heard it as a very young child, it certainly reinforced the profound impres­ have jumped up to the ceiling when it assuming that his parents might occasion­ sion of the performance. seemed to promise so very well". But if ally have taken him to the synagogue before they had him baptised. No doubt an early Many years later, shortly after the war, anybody should feel tempted to quote such utterances in support of the legend of the experience of this kind could leave a per­ 1 heard the work again, this time in Eng­ manent mark on the musical imagination, land, the country for which it had been " facile " Mendelssohn, he stands corrected by Mendelssohn's action after the but no evidence exists of any such syna­ written and where, following its tremen­ gogue attendance, and his parents', especi­ dous initial success, it had continued to premiere: neither the unqualified enthusi­ asm of the pubUc nor the praise of the ally his mother's, negative attitude to rank in popularity second only to the Judaism lends little support to this assump­ "Messiah". After the Birmingham critics could prevent him from immediately embarking on a most thorough revision of tion, though their deference to Felix's premiere in 1846, Mendelssohn introduced Orthodox grandmother, Salomon, might be Elijah in London the following year, a few the score which left very few pieces un­ affected. No stronger evidence of Mendels­ a reason why it cannot be ruled out months before his death. altogether. One of the performances was attended sohn's artistic ethos and integrity could be by Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort, imagined than this act of self-criticism after In a wider sense, it is certainly not with­ both ardent admirers of Mendelssohn. a success that was unsurpassed even in his out significance that the grandson of Moses Prince Albert wrote this tribute : " To the career. Mendelssohn, the German translator of the Noble Artist, who, surrounded by the Baal Some of the critics sensed that Men­ Old Testament, was destined to glorify Worship of debased art, has been able, by delssohn had broken new ground. The Elijah, the prophet in Israel, in a master- his genius aud science, to preserve faith­ famous H. F. Chorley, of the Athenaeum, work which stands unsurpassed among the fully, like another Elijah, the worship of credited him with " having conformed his oratorios of the nineteenth century. true art, and once more to accustom our manner to his subject . . . having treated ear, amid the whirl of empty, frivolous the same religiously yet romantically", TWO HISTORICAL ARTICLES sounds, to the pure tones of sympathetic while the Musical World was even more out­ feeling and legitimate harmony: to the spoken : " It strikes us that Mendelssohn, Dr. Bemhard BrilUng, the former Archivist Great Master, who makes us conscious of in his Elijah, has laid the foundation of a of the Breslau Jewish Community, who, for the unity of his conception, through the revolution in the composition of Oratorios. several years, has been in charge of scrutinis­ ... He has opened a new vein in the mine ing and increasing the documentary collection whole maze of his creation, from the soft of the Institutum Judaicum in Muenster (West­ whispering to the mighty raging of the of holy composition. . . ." Unfortunately, phalia), recently published two interesting elements. Inscribed in grateful remem­ J. Werner does not quote from any of the essays. They refer to the main spheres of his brance by Albert". German reviews. research work, the former Silesian and the Since we can assume that the Queen His detailed narrative of the work's more recent WestphaUan one. shared her husband's enthusiasm it can be creation and early performances transmits In the "Zeitschrift fuer Ostforschung", he said that EUjah represents quite literally a lively picture of the events of 1846 and mentions interesting details about the use of 1847. The subsequent annotations of the Silesian place-names as Jewish family nameS. the musical ideal of the Victorian era. It He scratinises all towns and districts of the Was only natural that the late reaction individual movements of the Oratorio keep former Prassian province, follows up the his­ against that ideal should affect its evalua­ within the range of programme notes with­ tory of the settlement of Jews at these places, tion, and we find a Wagnerian like G. B. out probing deeper into questions of style and comes to the conclusion that a very great Shaw dismissing the work as a typical pro­ and form, and without attempting a new number of family names adopted at the time duct of the Victorian age. Nevertheless, at evaluation from the present-day musicologi­ of the emancipation were derived from towns least in this country, Elijah has never com­ cal point of view. It seems evident that and villages of these districts. On the other pletely lost its hold on the public. A great Mendelssohn's status is on the rise again, hand, he draws attention to the fact that some choral conductor like Sir Malcolm Sargent, having passed its low-water mark, and the names which at first sight might have been time has come for a new approach that will taken from Silesian towns are only invented in his Foreword to Jack Werner's new names or do not refer to Silesia, but to the monograph,* calls the work " an outstand­ produce a fresh image of a master who has old Province of Poznan. The name of Obernigk ing example of genius", while Tovey, one been underrated by posterity as much as is a case in point. It has also to be taken into ?f England's leading musical scholars, sees account that (juite a few Silesian places had in " the ascendancy of Mendelssohn . . . the no Jewish residents up to 1812, and that some one redeeming feature in the history of were unfavourably disposed to the settle­ ment of Jews even after that year. oratorio during the first three-quarters of The enumeration of Silesian Jewish names the 19th century ". is supplemented by a small list of unbaptised As the outstanding musical representa­ PASMAN FABRICS and baptised Jews, who, by their achievements, tive of the German-Jewish symbiosis, Men­ have made their typical Silesian surnames delssohn remains, both biographically and LIMITED famous all over the world. artistically, a subject of primary concern to In the Sixth Volume of the Herford Year the student of German Jewry and its Book, 1965, Brilling publishes details about the old Herford Jewish Cemetery, at which, history. Professor Eric Werner's new strangely enough, 21 tombstones from the pre- biography (reviewed here in June, 1965) emancipation period with its five protected las shed new light on the composer's Jewish families, have still been preserved. unbiased feelings about his descent; Jack These stones, some of which are artistically Werner had obviously not seen this book beautiful monuments, start with the family ^hen he referred to " only one recorded of Berend Levi, Court Jew of the Great Elector instance of Mendelssohn's having alluded 45 Great Marlborough St., W.l of Brandenburg, and end with a tomb dated to his Jewish origin ". March 9, 1808. Brilling pubUshes the exact Telephone: GERrard 6291/2/3 translations of the Hebrew inscriptions and „.* Jack Werner : Mendelssohn's "Elijah." A comments on them. wstorical nnd Analytical Gnlde to the Oratorio. JACOB JACOBSON. l-happeli & Co. 25s. HI mMamsmBOBm l^gs^mg^

Page 10 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Gabriele Tergil Zwei Bildbiographien ueber Leonardo und Haendel sind Geschichtschreibung im besten alten Sinn, nicht aufgemacht, dramatisiert und nicht wie leider oefter leicht unkorrekt wie ZUM 70. GEBURTSTAG VON RICHARD FRIEOENTHAL die beraehmten Buecher von Emil Ludwig und Stefan Zweig. Jedes Zitat ist belegt, jede Quelle in ihrem historischen Zusammenhang Dr. Richard Friedenthal, deSsen "Goethe anstalten aller Art oeffneten sich ihm, die Welt gewertet. So hatte Friedenthal mit Recht den und seine Zeit" (ins Englische, Franzoesische, der Vorreden, Einleitungen, Herausgaben Mut zu einer Goethebiographie. Seltsamerweise ItaUenische, Polnische und Japanische ueber­ fremder Werke, Vortraege " Stefan Zweig und war sein Verleger nicht enthusiastisch, sondern setzt), vielleicht die bedeutendste Leistung der humanitaere Gedanke". Er haette sich vorsichtig zuraeckhaltend, und das zu einer seiner Generation von emigrierten Schriftstel­ hineinstuerzen koennen in den Tumult der Zeit, wo grosse Buecher einfach nicht vorhan­ lem ist, wird siebzig Jahre alt. Preise und Verrisse, der Angriffe und Lobes- den sind, und obwohl es tatsaechlich noch nie Seine FamiUengeschichte ist wie die aller hymnen, in die Hetzjagd der Terminarbeiten, eine wirkiiche Goethebiographie gegeben hat. deutschen Juden ein Spiegelbild der Zeiten. kurzum in die ganze Routine des anregenden Hundert Jahre " Goethe und . . .", hundert Sein Ur-Urgrossvater Markus Boas Frieden­ und widerlichen literarischen Betriebs, mit der Jahre Goethephilologie und Goethegesellschaft, thal (1775-1840), Breslau, war der Verfasser in Deutschland auch ein gutes Einkommen und Bielschowsky schrieb eine wundervolle einer ganzen Reihe von Buechem ueber reU­ verbunden ist. Einfuehrang zu Goethe fuer Hoehere Schulen gioese Themen, zum Teil auf deutsch, zum Teil Er zog stiUes Werkeln in London vor, wollte und Gundolfs Goethe erscheint heute nur ein auf hebraeisch geschrieben. Waehrend des endUch wieder das Buch zwischen harten Beispiel der schrecklichen zwanziger Jahre. Emanzipationstaumels nach der franzoesischen Deckeln, kehrte 1954 nach England zuraeck. Keine Tatsachen mehr, keine Einzelheiten, Revolution, waehrend der preussischen Re- Er behielt recht, aber das war nicht voraus­ nur Philosophie ueber. Die Hybris der Cham­ formbewegung unter dem Judenfreund Fuerst zusehen. Erst vier Jahre spaeter, 1958 mit berlain und Spengler, die mit ihrer mangeln­ Hardenberg, waehrend der Berliner Seiden- ueber sechzig, veroeffentUchte er, dreissig den Demut vor der geschichtlichen Tatsache fabrikant. David Friedlaender einen Mas- Jahre nach dem Cortes, einen neuen Roman, halfen, unsre Welt zu zerstoeren, finden wir- senuebertritt zum protestantischen Glauben "Die Welt in der Nussschale", bei Piper, wenn auch in gehoerigem Abstand- noch vorschlug, Uess Friedenthal 1810 seine FamiUe Muenchen, den einzigen Roman ueber die reflektiert in Gundolfs Goethe. Wir erfahren taufen, aber dann auch gleich richtig, und Intemierang auf der Isle of Man, vielleicht nichts daraus. nannte seine Soehne Wilhelm, Friedrich, Louis kein grosses Buch, aber turmhoch ueber dem Es ist Friedenthal, der alle Tatsachen, die Ferdinand, etc. Der Brader von Richard heutigen Bestseller-Schlenker, mit dem unsre Goethe in " Dichtung und Wahrheit " ausliess, Friedenthals Grossvater war Landwirtschafts- Schicksale in Millionenauflagen behandelt ausgegraben hat. Wer wusste, dass Goethes minister unter Bismarck. Als protestiert und werden, ein mutigeS, ehrliches Buch, in dem anderer Grossvater ein Schneider in Lyon war, ein Herr von Seelow vorgeschlagen wurde, sich Frtedenthal nicht gescheut hat, einen Goeth6 ? Wer hat je dieses schreckliche Dorf erwiderte Bismarck : " Ich weisS, Herr von unserer Bernhardiner als Wald-und Wiesen- Weimar so geschildert ? Diese mediokre Hof- Seelow ist in jedem AugenbUck bereit, seinen dackel zu portraetieren. Die alten Novellen gesellschaft ? Goethes Beschaeftigung mit Kopf fuer seinen Koenig unter das Beil zu erschienen noch einmal als "Das Erbe des dem Kupferbergbau ? Diese unerquicklichen legen. Aber das brauch ich im AugenbUck Kolumbus ", ein hartes, maennliches Buch, das Liebesgeschichten ? Thomas Mann hat schon nicht. Was ich brauche ist die ausgezeichnete die Hoelle unserer Zeit nicht hat veralten in der "Lotte in Weimar" Goethes ver- Denkschrift von Herra Friedenthal ueber lassen. Ein Japanbuch, " Die Party bei Herm nichtenden Einfluss auf seine Umgebung ange­ Eisenbahnverbindungen ". Tokaido" erschien bei Piper, 1959, " London deutet. Friedenthals Darstellung des erbar- Die eine Grossmutter Friedenthals war die zwischen Gestern und Heute', bei Andermann mungswuerdigen Eckermann ist auf seine Art Gattin eines Konsistorialrats, die andre die in Muenchen, 1960. so grossartig wie die Schilderung der Cam- Tochter deS Musikverlegers Schlesinger in pagne in Frankreich. Er hat die deutschen Berlin, des Verlegers von Mendelssohn und Oberlehrerlegenden zerstoert : " Goethes Beethoven, aber sein Geld machte er mit Leben als Kunstwerk ", " Frauen um Goethe ". seinen Originalrechten an den preussischen Garkein Kunstwerk. Eine spaete Heirat mit Militaermaerschen. einer Trinkerin mit der er nicht am gleichen Richard Friendenthal begann mit dem Lyrik- With Tisch isst, ein Trinkersohn. Und warum sollte band " Tanz und Tod " (Egon Fleischel, 1918). auch einer der groessten Kuenstler—wo doch das noch den Stempel " Oberkommando in den Kunst das Leben auffrisst—im Gegensatz zu Marken" trag, fuhr fort mit "Demeter", aller Erfahrung, faehig sein, sein Leben zu Sonnetten (Axel Juncker, 1924). Die wichtigste the Compliments gestalten ? Folge dieser Gedichte war, dass sich Stefan Hingabe an die Wahrheit, die die Rechtfer- Zweig interessierte, sich mit dem jungen tigung aller Geschichtsforschung ist, durch­ Poeten befreundete und ihn schliesslich zu zieht das Buch. Sein Erfolg ist ein grosser seinem Testamentsvollstrccker und Heraus­ Trost. Er zeigt, dass nicht nur die unverant- geber seines Nachlasses bestimmte. Novellen of wortliche Spielerei mit Tatsachen sich ver­ erschienen da und dort, ein Cortes Roman kauft, dass Ergebnisse echter Forschung wurde 1929 vom Insel Verlag verlegt, auf unverschnoerkelt vorgetragen, die Menschen englisch von Heinemann, auf amerikanisch von ergreifen. Moege es ein Ende der gefaehr- lichen Buecher anzeigen, in denen die Harper. Tatsachen den vorgefassten Meinungen unter­ Dann kam der erste grosse Erfolg. Mitten worfen werden. in der Krise schlug Friedenthal dem Knaur Verlag ein Lexikon vor, das er dann fuer 2,85 Friedenthal arbeitet jetzt an einer Luther- biographie, die genau so viel wichtiger als die Mark herausbrachte und das — unerhoerte Goethebiographie ist wie ein Weltumstuerzler Ziffer fuer die Zeit —900 000 verkaufte. Mit MAXTON BLOUSE CO. wichtiger ist als ein Poet. Friedenthals Mutter seinem encyklopaedischen Wissen und der ist ueber neunzig. Es ist also zu hoffen, dass Sorgfalt des echten Historikers war er fuer auch iiim noch viele Jahre bleiben, um uns dieses Werk geschaffen. grosse Geschichtswerke zu geben ! Wir Seine Karriere wurde von Hitler beendet. wuenschen ihm, dass er diese Jahre in guter Friedenthal hatte Hitler im Knaurlexikon als Gesundheit verbringen kann. Dekorationsmaler aufgefuehrt, er bekam Berufsverbot und wanderte nach England aus, lebte in London, arbeitete in der deutschen SHOLEM ALEICHEM'S WORKS Abteilung der B.B.C. Veroeffentlichte—echte BRIAN MANUFACTURING Co. Ltd. Tragoedie des Emigranten und auch der niustrated Edition Maxton House, 17-18 Rathbone Place, deutschen Literatur — dreissig Jahre lang nur Sholem Aleichem's stories, to be published noch Nebenwerke. in Leningrad this year, are to have a new 1950, als — fuer kurze Zeit — Emigranten in Oxford Street, London, W.l. series of illustrations by Mr. Tanchum Kaplan, Deutschland hochwillkommen waren, die Alten the Je »vish painter considered to be one of the waren kompromittiert, Nachwuchs war noch leading lithographers in the Soviet Union. nicht da, kehrte Friedenthal zu seinem alten Telephone; MUSeum 0913 Mr. Kaplan is world famed for his illustra­ tions of various Sholem Aleichem's stories. He Verlag in Muenchen zurueck. Eine grosse hopes to be allowed to exhibit the new series iiterarische Karriere lag vor ihm. Verlage, of illustrations abroad after they are displayed Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, Radio und Bildungs- in Leningrad and Moscow. AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 11

Rabbi Dr. S. ?ieufeld of the task. His work was, however, eased when Dr. Ivan Gruen (formerly in Frankfurt/ Oder) was elected as principal rabbi of tho THE FINAL EPOCH OF THE Liberal community in 1927. At this time the community built an additional synagogue without an organ in Langfuhr to meet the DANZIG COMMUNITY needs of the growing community, and here Weiss officiated exclusively. Like Gruen he In Memory of Rabbi Dr. David Weiss remained at his post to the end; shortly before the military occupation both he and A short while ago, at the patriarchal age in masses. Some waited in insalubrious Gruen were forced to emigrate when ever- of ninety. Rabbi Dr. David Weiss died in emigrants' camps for their passage overseas, increasing Nazi agitation forced the synagogue Montreal. He had officiated as a rabbi in but others settled in Danzig and the sur­ to be pulled down. Canada until he retired in his 85th year. rounding territory that formed part of the For almost two decades Weiss was active in Yet by Jews from Germany he will be mainly Free State. Hence the Jewish population Danzig, and during that period the community, remembered as one of the last rabbis of the rose to eight thousand. In 1925 two thousand Uke that of Memel to the east, was closely Danzig Jewish community. Jews with their own Polish Rav were living linked with the communities of Weiss was bora in Galicia in 1876, studied in the independent community of Zoppot, as it then was. Thus Weiss often had occasion at the universities of Berlin and Bern where which also formed part of the Free State. to take part in meetings of communities, he graduated, and then spent an exceptionally For a time the main community also had a lodges, literary associations and, in particular, long period at the Berlin Hochschule fuer die Polish Rav for Mattenbuden. of the North-East German Rabbinical Wissenschaft des Judentums, whose oldest As a result of this immigration the work of Assembly, in Koenigsberg, Cranz and Allen- surviving student he was. After a long spell the community grew enormously. The com­ stein. After his emigration he was enabled to as a teacher of religion in Berlin he took up munal rabbi at the time. Dr. Robert Kaelter, work in Canada for more than another two his first rabbinical post in Danzig in 1920. until then rabbi of a middle-size community, decades. Danzig, formerly the capital of the Province himself grew in stature with his increased of West Prussia, had become a Free State responsibilities and became the true pastor of with a free port for the Weichsel navigation all those who came seeking his advice and LETTERS BY LENIN AND FREUD after the First World War. help; and because of the great respect in A letter by Lenin condemning the Tsarist This change had a marked effect on the which he was held, he was often able to Govemment for its official poUcy of anti­ Jewish community. Previously it had con­ intervene successfully with the authorities. semitism was auctioned in New York. Written sisted of about 2,500 members, almost exclu­ But his exertions far out-taxed his strength. in Febraary, 1917, when Lenin was living in sively of German origin, mainly Liberal, vrith By 1920 the community found it necessary to poverty in Ziirich, the letter to Oscar Gruen, an ornate organ synagogue; and great engage another rabbi to assist him, and the editor of the " Judische Presse-Zentrale ", emphasis had always been laid on distinguished appointed David Weiss. His activities were consists of 18 typewritten lines in German. preachers. Outstanding personalities, such as also predominantly pastoral and social. It was bought by a dealer for about £ 1,180. Another letter to Mr. Gruen from Dr. Sig­ Professor Dr. Cosmann Werner (later in Sometimes he officiated with Kaelter in the mund Freud was sold at the same auction for Munich) and Dr. Max Freudenthal (later in main synagogue and at other times in the about £535. Dated January 27, 1925, and Nuremberg), held posts there. Apart from small synagogue at Mattenbuden. About 1924 written from Vienna, it explains the relation­ the main synagogue, there was also an he had to assume responsibility for the whole ship of the founder of psycho-analysis to Orthodox synagogue in Mattenbuden for the burden of communal work, since Kaelter Judaism. Emotionally, Freud states, he has fiore observant members of the community, collapsed as a result of his inordinate efforts no heart in any religion but he haS always had a strong feeUng of solidarity with his people i^ostly from Eastem Europe. and concern for the emigrants in the camps which he has promoted in his children. " We When Danzig became a Free State, many and never recovered from his long illness. He have aU remained within the Jewish faith." Polish Jews not unreasonably supposed that died in 1926 aged only 52. His education in the field of Hebrew language here they would find a real free state, a During Kaelter's illness and until he gave and Uterature had been limited in his youth, place of refuge or at least a staging post on up his post, David Weiss clearly demonstrated which he had later often regretted, Freud the way to America—and flocked to Danzig his capacity to assume the tremendous burden wrote.


Walmar House, 76, Wells Street, 296, Regent Street, London, W.l London, W.l

London W.l Telephone : LANgham 4069 Page 12 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966

PROFESSORSHIP FOR KURT PINTHUS PRINCE FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA On the occasion of his SOth birthday. Dr. Kurt Pinthus was awarded the title of Pro­ Reminiscences of a Fellow-Internee fessor by the Ministry of State of Baden- Wuerttemberg. The tragic death of Prince Friedrich will proved to be the decisive factor in turning a Professor Pinthus, who has resumed his work awaken many memories among those refugees mixture of men of all types and ages into a on expressionism, has decided to take per­ manent residence in Marbach, the seat of the who knew him from the intemment camp. well-organised and well-disciplined camp com­ SchiUer National Museum and the Deutsche I first met him on a decrepit old mine­ munity. He was the very opposite of the Literatur-Archiv. sweeper which transported hundreds of proverbial Prussian—intensely human, com­ civiUan internees from Douglas (Isle of Man) passionate and tolerant. CHAIR FOR JUDAISM to Liverpool on July 3, 1940. He was one of He always refused the special privileges to Professor Johann Maier has been appointed a group of Cambridge undergraduates, and I which he was entitled, and would not accept Ordinary Professor of Science of Judaism at still remember sharing with him a cake and any help from the Earl of Athlone (then the University of Cologne. It is the first West his mug of cocoa on our trip across the Irish Governor-General of Canada), to whom he was German professorship on this subject. Pro­ sea. It was on this occasion that he produced fessor Maier will also organise the Martin closely related. Buber Institute established on the 85th birth­ a letter he had received from his grandfather. The story went that he received letters and day of the late Professor Buber. Kaiser Wilhelm, in Holland, asking him to food parcels from Buckingham Palace (where retum to Germany and fight for Hitler. I he had been a frequent guest prior to his DOCTOR THESIS ON ANTISEMITISM clearly remember him quoting in German the intemment). Whether this was true or not, he The Philosophical Faculty of the Univer­ words from " Goetz von BerUchingen " as his certainly shared everything he received with sity of Cologne has awarded the Doctorate to reaction. his camp mates. The only item he certainly Kurt Duewell (Duesseldorf) for his thesis on Subsequently, on the ten-day crossing to did ask the Earl of Athlone for was a football, " Die Rheingebiete in der Judenpolitik des Quebec in H.M.S. "Ettrick" (sister ship to to give the internees a chance of some physical NationalsoziaUsmus vor 1942". Duewell the unlucky "Arandora Star"), he was recreation. He received three. dedicated the thesis to the former Professor always one of the first to volunteer for any of History at Bonn University, Wilhelm Prince Friedrich seemed to have settled Levison who died in Durham in 1947. He was of the numerous unpleasant duties which had down happily on his Hertfordshire farm, and to be performed on the overcrowded boat. also actively associated with the Monumenta I still have some of his letters. He was a man Judaica Exhibition in Cologne (1963). The first night he worked with us in the to whom dual nationaUty did not mean tropical heat of the luggage hole below the divided loyalty, but a love both for the WILHELM KLEEMANN HONOURED water-Une, issuing hundreds of hammocks " other " Germany and the England that was until, totaUy exhausted, we all fell asleep. A The first recipient of the Ehrenring of deeply rooted in his heart. Forchheim (Ofr.) was the banker Dr. h.c. few days later he spent a whole day in the K. H. FARNHAM. Wilhelm Kleemann who was born in that unpleasant atmosphere of a large lavatory to town 96 years ago. Kleemann was chairman distribute rations of toilet-paper to the end­ HONOURS FOR PROFESSOR VICTOR of the Berlin Jewish community during the less queue of dysentry victims fighting to get EHRENBERG last years of the Weimar Republic. He now to the toilets as quickly as possible. lives in New York. Notwithstanding his great At Camp " L" in Quebec he was elected The historian. Professor Victor Ehrenberg age, he travelled to Forchheim to attend the " camp spokesman". He took part in the (London), was awarded the German Great handing over ceremony. The Mayor paid Federal Cross of Merit. He will also receive tribute to Mr. Kleemann's generous endow­ onerous negotiations with the authorities in an Hon. Litt.D. at Cambridge on June 9. Pro­ ments to his home town and especially thanked order to try to improve the initially shocking fessor Ehrenberg was Professor of Ancient him for having resumed his support after the conditions of intemment, and he was instra- History at Frankfurt from 1922 to 1929 and in war, in spite of the terrible crimes against mental in ensuring a court martial of Canadian Prague from 1929 to 1939. He came to this the Jewish people. officers and men who had robbed the detainees country in 1939 and was Reader in Ancient of 7 typewriters, 90 watches, hundreds of History at London University from 1949 to SIR LUDWIG GUTTMANN TO RETIRE dollars and many other items. 1957. Professor Ehrenberg is the author of Sir Ludwig Guttmann, director of the spinal "Der Staat der Griechen" and several other injuries centre at Stoke Mandeville, is to During tbe three months at Camp "L" he standard works. We extend our sincerest retire in July. Sir Ludwig came to this became well known to all internees, many of congratulations to Professor Ehrenberg who country in 1939, opening a new spinal unit at whom had become desperate and demoraUsed. has been an interested member of the AJR for the Stoke Mandeville Hospital five years later His incredible unselfishness, calm and patience, many years, and consider it a particularly at the request of the British Government. his humanity and humiUty, and, above all, his happy coincidence that this issue carries a Many honours have been bestowed on him unreserved faith in, and love of, England contribution written by him. apart from his knighthood.


R ^ 15 (ELECTRICAL I T[J • ^K. ^«. INSTALLATIONS) b I l^t AJR CHARITABLE TRUST 199b Belsize Road, N.W.6 These are H»e ways in which you MAI. 2646/KIL. 2646 can help : Electrical Contractors & Stockists of oil Electrical Appliances. OFFICIALLY APPOINTED HOOVER CONTRIBUTIONS UNDER SERVICE DEALERS COVENANT BRANCHES IN MAIN TOWNS GIFTS IN YOUR LIFETIME LUGGAGE REPAIRS Larg* selection of all tvpes of travel goods, A BEQUEST IN YOUR WILL especially Air Travel Cases. All travel goods repaired. Old trunks and cases bought. Space donated by FAIRFIELD & FUCHS TRAOE CUTTERS LIMITED. 267 Wett End Lane. N.W.S Britannia Works, 25 St. Pancras Wav. N.W.I. 'Phone HAMpstead 2602 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 13 ANNIVERSARY OF AJR AJR GENERAL MEETING This year, 25 years will have passed since the AJR was founded. To mark this anniver­ As readers will have seen from the front Mr. W. Jonas, Dr. A. Kaufmann, Mr. H. E. sary, members of the Executive and Board page of this issue, the AJR General Meeting Kiewe, Dr. L. G. T. King, Mrs. F. Kochmann, and of the House Committees met on May 15, Will be held on Tuesday, June 14, at 8 p.m., Rabbi Jakob J. Kokotek, Dr. H. W. Kugelmann, at a dinner held at the Washington Hotel. m the hall of Hannah Karminski House, 9 Dr. H. H. Kuttner, Dr. H. Lawton, Dr. Julius Representatives of organisations with which Adamson Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W.3. It will Loeb, Mr. Ludwig Loewenthal, Dr. E. G. the AJR closely co-operates and Anglo-Jewish be the first General Meeting in the newly Lowenthal, Mr. Julius Lowenthal, Dr. E. personalities who have been helpful friends acquired Communal Centre of the AJR and Magnus, Rabbi Dr. I. Maybaum, Mrs. L Meyer, throughout the years attended the function Will thus also give members the opportunity Mr. Perez Mosbacher, Dr. H. Neufeld, Mr. E. as guests. to see this beautiful house. In view of the Philipp, Mr. E. Plaut, Mrs. M. Pottlitzer, Dr. In his opening address, the Chairman of the steadily expanding work of the AJR, the Eva Reichmann, Mr. Z. M. Reid, Dr. E. Reifen­ AJR, Mr. A. S. Dresel, summed up the past Reports will be of particular interest, and berg (Gabriele Tergit), Mr. A. Reimann, Mr. J. activities and, referring to the important tasks members will be welcome to comment on Sachs, Rabbi Dr. G. Salzberger, Mr. F. Samson, still lying ahead, stated that quite a few them or raise special questions. The agenda Dr. H. G. Sandheim, Mr. F. Schonbeck, Mrs. M. younger people had already actively associated also includes the election of the Executive and Schurmann, Dr. W. Selig, Mr. P. E. Shields, Mr. themselves with the work, but that their num­ Board. The following proposals are sub­ E. Speyer, Dr. Fanny Spitzer, Mr. Julius ber would have to be increased. mitted by the Executive: Strauss, Mr. G. Streat, Mr. G. L. Tietz, Dr. U. Dr. W. Breslauer, a founder-member, . Committee of Management (Executive): It Tietz, Mr. 0. Weisz, Dr. Valerie Wills. Dr. recalled the circumstances which led to the IS proposed to re-elect the members of the Charlotte Wittelshoefer, Dr. Leon Zeitlin, establishment of the AJR and the initial period present Executive. They are: Mr. A. S. Rabbi Dr. W. Van der Zyl. of its work. Tributes to the impact made by Dresel (Chairman), Mr. W. M. Behi- (Vice- The Board also includes representatives from the former refugees on the economic and Chairman), Dr. F. E. Falk (Treasurer), Dr. W. the provincial groups. cultural life of this country and to the eflEec- Rosenstock (General Secretary), Mr. S. Bisch­ tive work of the AJR were paid by Sir Barnett heim (Trustee), Mr. H. Blumenau, Mr. C. F. It is proposed to elect as new Board members Janner, M.P., Mr. H. Oscar Joseph and Pro­ Flesch, Mr. H. S. Garfield, Mr. E. K. Heyman, Mr. R. Elton and Mr. R. Graupner. fessor Norman Bentwich. Dr. W. Rosenstock, Mr- V. E. Hilton (Trustee), Dr. A. R. Horwell General Secretary of the AJR, referred to the (Trustee) Dr. K. Krotos, Mr. C. T. Marx, Mr. HELP FOR AJR CLUB MEMBERS obligations arising from the spiritual heritage H. C. Mayer, Mr. R. Schneider, Mr. F. W. Ury, Transport Required of what was once German Jewry. A vote of Mrs. L. Wechsler. thanks to the guest speakers was moved by The AJR Club has several members on its Mr. W. M. Behr, Vice-Chairman of the AJR. Board: It is proposed to re-elect the members records who have become disabled and can, of the present Board. They are : Dr. P. Abel, therefore, onljf continue visiting the Club at The social gathering of friends who other­ Mrs. R. Abels, Mr. R. Apt, Dr. S. Auerbach, Hannah Karminski House, 9 Adamson Road, wise only meet in the execution of their duties Mrs. A. Berent, Mrs. R. Berlin, Mr. S. Boehm, Swiss Cottage, if transport to and from the for the benefit of the AJR proved to be a most Dr. J. Bondi, Dr. W. Breslauer, Dr. R. Bright, premises is made available for them. We enjoyable and memorable occasion. Rabbi I. Broch, Dr. W. Dux, Dr. L. Engel, Mr. should, therefore, greatly appreciate it if L. Eschwege, Mr. J. Feig, Dr. H. Feld, Mr. O. E. readers who own cars came forward to give DONATION BY AJR CLUB Franklyn, Mr. K. Friedlander, Mr. R. J. some help, especially as the Club activities medmann. Dr. R. Fuchs. Mr. F. Godfrey, Mrs. mean a great deal to the members concerned. Members of the AJR Club made a most Ehsabeth Goldschmidt, Dr. Erna Goldschmidt, Any friends who are prepared to volunteer, moving and gratifying gesture to express their Dr. F. Goldschmidt, Dr. E. Gould, Sir Lud­ even if only occasionally, should get in touch attachment to the AJR on the occasion of the wig Guttmann, Mr. S. F. Hallgarten, Mrs. G. with the AJR, Social Services Department, 8 Silver Jubilee. They spontaneously raised £35 Hambourg, Mr. E. Haymann, Mr. Herbert M. Fairfax Mansions, London, N.W.3. 'Phone : which was handed over by their Chairman, "irsch. Mrs. Susanne Horwell. Mrs. M. Jacoby, MAIda Vale 4449. Mr. M. Jacoby. to the AJR Charitable Trust. CAN LIFE ASSURANCE BEAT INFLATION? Yes—for instance if linked with Unit Trusts. But which (if any) of the many schemes on offer is the best in your case ? For unbiased odvice, just fill in the coupon below and send to :

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MEMORIAL FOREST FOR PERISHED IsraeVs 18th Birthday GERMAN JEWS The German Section of the Jewish National Fund has launched an appeal for a forest in About 7,000 people attended the Royal Zionist Federation, said that during the 18 years Israel in memory of the German Jews who Albert Hall celebration of Israel's 18th Inde­ of her existence Israel had lived up to the perished under the Nazis. It is intended to pendence Day. A large proportion of the audi­ highest hopes of all those who struggled for plant one tree each for the 180,000 martyrs. ence consisted of young persons. Mrs. Golda her establishment. So far, donations for 35,000 trees have been Meir, the former Foreign Minister, was the received. The Jewish National Fund E.V., principal speaker. AID AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY Maurerstr, 41, 4 Duesseldorf, W. Germany, Mr. Herbert Bowden, Leader of the House appeals to emigrated Jews from Germany to of Commons, and Mr. Quintin Hogg, represent­ On May 12, the negotiations between Israel honour the memory of their nearest ones by ing the two main parties, expressed their and Germany resulted in an Agreement accord­ contributing to the forest. admiration for the achievements of Israel and ing to which Israel wall receive a credit of the Jewish people. Referring to Britain's rela­ 160 million DM. The loan is to be used for GERMANS DONATE YOUTH HOSTEL tions with the countries of the Middle East, housing schemes, the expansion of the tele­ The Catholic youth organisation of Bavaria Mr. Bowden made plain that such relations phone system and the assistance to small and has raised about £1,350 for the second stage would not be at the expense of countries, such medium-sized industrial enterprises. In a in the building of the Anne Frank youth hostel as Israel, with which such good relationships Governmental press statement. Secretary of at Tel Hai in Israel. An amount of £900 was were already enjoyed. State von Hase expressed the hope that the contributed by Bavaria's Evangelical youth. Israel's immunity from aggression and Agreement would serve as a further step national independence were guaranteed by towards the normalisation of the relations GERMAN GUEST LECTURER membership of the United Nations, said Mr. between the two States. Hogg The protection of the Jew against For the first time an Israeli university has persecution was a symbol and a test of the DR. ADENAUER'S VISIT issued an invitation to a German lecturer. Dr. protection of all minorities and all individuals. August Marx, a member of the staff of the The lesson to be drawn from the terrible During his eight-day visit to Israel, ex- Mannheim economic high school, has been experiences of Nazism must be that no single Chancellor Adenauer conferred with Prime invited by the faculty of economic science to human being must ever be punished or perse­ Minister Eshkol, Foreign Minister Abba Eban lecture at Bar-llan University. cuted for the colour of his skin, for his reli­ and other leaders. He also extensively toured INDIA REFUSES HELP gious practice or the want of it, for his class, the country. On the occasion of his visit to for his opinion, for what or who his father Yad Vashem, the memorial for the victims of In response to a request by U Thant, the or mother may have been. Nazism, he was presented with a badge United Nations secretary-general, to member- Mrs. Meir recalled the anniversary of the inscribed "Yizkor'—remember. Dr. Aden­ nations asking for help to India in her famine, Warsaw Ghetto commemorated almost at the auer also met ex-Premier Ben-Gurion in Sde the Israelis offered large quantities of citrus same time as Israel's Independence. The fact Boker. Shortly before he left the country, he fruit, orange juice and the services of tech­ that Israel was today in comparative peace was stated : " I was deeply impressed with what I nical experts. This was refused by the Indians, not due to the Charter of the U.N., she saw here and I will inform everybody I meet who feared that acceptance might offend the asserted. As long as Israel continued to be of this. I shall also try to gather maximum Arab States. strong and as long as the nations of the world support for Israel and its people ". Regarding do not remain neutral between the side which the demonstrations against his visit, he said TREBLINKA REMEMBERED wants to attack and the side which only pre­ on his arrival in Bonn that they consisted Survivors of the Treblinka extermination pares for defence " we may yet avoid another mainly of youngsters and students, and com­ camp attended a memorial service in Tel Aviv war in our region." mented that they should not be taken too for fellow-inmates, at which Mrs. Golda Meir Sir Bamett Janner, M.P., president of the seriously. was the speaker.

FAMILY EVENTS Situations Wanted For Sale Maass.—Ernest Maass (Stettin, son of Lotte Maas) would like to Birth VARIOUS SIZE DAMASK TABLE Men CLOTHS with matching serviettes. see friends, London, August. Please Jorysz.—On May 3, to Betty (n^e FULLY QUALIFIED BOOK­ Box 711. write 150-76 Village Road, Jamaica, Scarr) and Walter Jorysz, of 11 KEEPER, also experienced in Miscellaneous New York 11432, U.S.A. Armley Grange Oval, Leeds, 12, P.A.Y.E., seeks part-time position. ENJOY YOUR DRIVE in a a son (Peter Anthony, first child). Box 712. The following relatives of Lora Humber Hawk (chauffeur driven). Winton (formerly Roselore (Fifth grandchild to Mrs. K. and OLD AGE PENSIONER seeks light 'Phone: Townshend Car Hire, the late Mr. Herbert Jorysz, of 56 Lewald. of Aschaffenburg), born part-time work, e.g., as messenger, PRImrose 4071. 1932. daughter of Siegfried and Aston Place, Leeds, 13.) addressing work at home. Box 714. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed Engagement Kaethe Lewald, are sought: Frida DESPATCH CLERK / allocator / safely and permanently by experi­ Klein, formerly of Greencroft Clingbine : Gerber.—The engage­ invoice clerk, conscientious, experi­ enced Physiotherapist and Elec- Gardens, London, N.W.6, Rosel ment is announced between enced in fashion trade, seeks full- trologist. Mrs. Dutch, D.R.E., Mayer, formerly of Burns Street, Leonard Clingbine, of 52 Shere time position. Box 715. B.M.T.. 239 Willesden Lane, Nottingham, and Rabbi Ucko, be­ Road. Gants Hill, and Margaret N.W.2. 'Phone WILlesden 1849. lieved to be living in Israel. Replies STOREKEEPER/CLERK, good at JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL BOY Gerber. of 59 Paddock Road, figures, experienced in textiles, should be sent to : Jewish Refu­ London, N.W.2. from Paris, 19 years, would like gees Committee (ref. CG/44376), elderly, seeks full-time work, part- to spend three weeks in September Wedding Anniversary time considered. Box 717. 217/9 Tottenham Court Road, Lon­ with congenial family in order to don, W.l. 'Phone : LANgham 6931. Kallay. — Rudolph and Paula improve his already good English. (formerly Vienna), of 82 Fidlas Women Reply: EAL c/o AJR, 8 Fairfax Road, Cardiff-Llanishen, are cele­ BI-LINGUAL SECRETARY and Mansions, London, N.W.3. 'Phone: brating the 55th anniversary of assistant, able to work indepen­ MAIda Vale 9096/7. B'NAI B'RITH their marriage. dently in interesting position. Box Persona] The Five London Women's Lodges Death 713. THREE INTELLIGENT, lively sisters (two widows), 60 to 65, Rindskopf.—Mr. Julius Rindskopf EXPERIENCED BUTTON German-Jewish background, not JEWISH WOMEN'S WEEK (formerly Essen/Steele), of 19 COVERER, middle-aged, seeks Orthodox, own houses (Highgate Magnolia Court, The MaU, Kenton, work, e.g., as messenger or light and near), of independent means, BAZAAR Harrow, Middx., passed away sud­ housework or factory work. Box interested in concerts, theatre, denly on May 16. Deeply mourned 716. etc., dining out and dancing occa­ in aid of women and children by his wife, Mrs. Erna Rindskopf, Acconunodation Vacant sionally, would like to meet escort- in Israel relatives and friends. companions in similar circum­ S/C UNFURNISHED FLAT, 4 on CLASSIFIED stances. Box 709. rooms, kitchen, bath ; first floor ; LONELY LADY, mid - forties, Situations Vacant use of garden ; £350 p.a. incl. rates. interested in art, theatre, music, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Schreiber, 65 Branksome Wood Women country lover, fond of children ot RESIDENT DOMESTIC HELP Road, Bournemouth. Tel.: West­ and animals, would like to meet reauired for elderly Continental bourne 64704. gentleman, view friendship.— New Liberal Synagogue Hall lady (very liberal), living in Box 710. 51 Belsize Square London, N.W.3 modern bungalow, 10 mins. from from 1 1 a.m. Wanstead (Central Line) Station. POPE STAFF AGENCY MISSING PERSONS Would suit someone wanting a If you are job-hunting Personal Enquiries STALLS, GIFTS, BARGAINS, quiet home. Terms to be arranged. Benfey.—Julius Benfey, son of Dr. TOMBOLA. Ample free time. Replies to Mrs. or job-changing come to the Hans and Recha (nee Blum) Ben­ Thwaite. 22 The Warren Drive, Agency that really cares. fey. Address wanted by Annelies Refreshments. Lunches. Teas. Blum-Maass (cousin). 150-76 Vill­ Wanstead. London, E.ll. Tele­ 11 POLAND ST., LONDON, W.l Suppers. phone : WANstead 4615. Fare for 'Phone : 734-3633 age Road, Jamaica, New York interviews refunded. 11432. U.S.A. AJR INFORMATION June, 1966 Page 15 ORGANISATIONAL NEWS COMMUNITY WORKERS NEEDED The main topic discussed by the commission on centres and youth and vacation camps of the "THANK-YOU BRITAIN" FUND INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S CONFERENCE Standing Conference of European Jewish Com­ Inaugural Lecture by Lord Robbins Petition Drafted munity Services at its semi-annual meeting in Geneva was the urgent need for more trained The Committee set up by the British A petition drawn up by the International staff for Jewish community and youth centres Academy for the award of research fellow­ Council of Jewish Women was signed in in Europe. ships from the proceeds of the " Thank-You London at the end of the council's seventh A professional committee was established to Britain" Fund has commenced its work, and triennial convention. Backed by half a assist the commission in planning projects, it is to be expected that the first fellowship million Jewish women throughout the world, initiating policies and implementing its deci­ will be awarded this year. However, the first the petition calls for the easing of the disabili­ sions. annual lecture to be remunerated by the Fund ties suffered by women, particularly in regard The third inter-European camp for ado­ will take place in 1967. The inaugural lecture to the marriage laws, within the framework lescents will be held in the South of France will be given this year by Lord Robbins, C.B., of the Halacha. during July and August under the sponsorship president of the British Academy, on Wednes­ Drawn up with the help and advice of rabbis of the Commission. The Commission will also day, July 6, at 5 p.m. in the Rooms of the and scholars from many countries, the petition sponsor an exchange camp counsellor pro­ British Academy, Burlington Gardens, London, asks the rabbinical authorities to make every gramme with the National Jewish Welfare W.l. Its subject will be " Of Academic Free­ endeavour to meet together to study the Board of the U.S.A. dom ". problems. Lord Robbins took a leading part in the The convention, attended by 300 delegates rescue of scholars who were displaced in and observers from 16 different countries, had IRANIAN WOMEN'S STATUS Germany when the Nazis came to power. He as its theme " The Family." also spoke at the ceremony on November 8, In a communication to the president of the 1965, when the "Thank-You Britain" Fund Visit to Hannah Karminski House International Council of Jewish Women in was handed over to the British Academy. London, Mrs. Rachel Shazar, the wife of the The lecture will be open to the public, and At the invitation of Mrs. Margaret Jacoby, President of Israel, has announced the success admission will be by ticket obtainable on Chairman of the AJR Club and former Chair­ of an Israeli mission in Tehran. An agree­ application, from the Secretary of the British man of the " JUdischer Frauenbund ", Berlin, ment was negotiated to improve the status of Academy, 6 Burlington Gardens, London, W.l. delegates from Germany to the Convention Jewish women in Iran. The reforms agreed paid a visit to Hannah Karminski House. The upon included a ban on polygamy; a share YOUTH ALIYAH delegates—Mrs. Jeanette Wolff, a former by a widow in a husband's legacy ; a share for member of the " Bundestag ", Mrs. Drost, Mrs. daughters in a father's legacy plus a dowry An emergency conference of the Children Lissner, Mrs. Marcus and Mrs. Nachmann— and the right to inherit from the mother and Youth Aliyah Committee of Great Britain met a number of former members of the pre­ equally with the brothers; and assurance of Was told by Dr. Israel Feldman, the co-chair­ war Jewish Women's Organisation in Germany, support for and education of minor and dis­ man, of the economic crisis facing the move­ viz: Mrs. C. Freyhan, Dr. Erna Goldschmidt, abled children. ment. For the first time since the establisliment Mrs. Loewenthal, Miss Susan Markus, Mrs. G. of the State, Youth Aliyah has been forced to Schachne and Mrs. Dora Segall. reject children who have wanted to enter Memories of old times were exchanged and FUTURE OF JUDAISM Israel. Given adequate funds. Youth Aliyah the hosts listened with great interest to the Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz in hid address to could help to absorb at least 10,000 more ideas and ambitions of their visitors who try children. It usual annual intake is 4,000, but the convention of the American Jewish Con­ to achieve the high standard by which the gress on retiring as President, spoke of the this year it cannot afford to take in more than work excelled before the war. Theirs is a 2,500. future of American Jewry. He drew a chilling difficult task, especially in view of the com­ picture of synagogues empty of congregants, The terrible plight of the poverty-stricken paratively small number of Jewish women in communities devoid of rabbis and its youth Jewish community of India was also described. present-day Germany. isolated. An impassioned plea was made by Youth Aliyah had last year been able to accept Dr. Prinz for a return, both organisationally only 207 out of 2.000 Indian Jewish children AJEX CONFERENCE and personally, to the prophetic and rabbinic clamouring to enter Israel. About 200 delegates from 38 of the 56 sources of Judaism, for a rediscovery of its ethical values. WORK OF OSE branches of the Association of Jewish Ex- Servicemen and Women attended the annual Organisations in France, Ethiopia, Israel, conference held in London. DEATH OF MR. S. A. SKLARZ Italy and Morocco are among those which Mr. Henry Morris, the chairman of the anti- require urgent help from Ose in the present defamation committee, in his report said Mr. Salo Alfred Sklarz, who recently died, year. This was reported by Lady Henriques that even more disturbing than the leniency and his wife who followed him shortly after­ at the organisation's annual meeting. shown by the judge in the recent synagogue wards, were well known among the refugees Ose is dedicated to the promotion of physical arson trial was the fact that Colin Jordan's in the Stamford Hill district, many of whom and mental health of children and adults, wife had been allowed to abscond despite enjoyed their hospitality. Mr. Sklarz, was a particularly among Oriental Jewish com­ damaging evidence against her. teacher at the Juedische Reformgymnasium in munities. Assessing fascist activities over the past Breslau from 1933 to 1939. In this country he The meeting was also addressed by Professor year, Mr. Morris pointed out that the electoral gave English lessons to refugees at Egerton Norman Bentwich, who spoke on work being appeal of fascist and racialist candidates was Road at the premises of the New Synagogue. done to help the Falashas, the coloured Jewish declining. There was also a decline in fascist He later held positions with several grammar tribe of Ethiopia. publications. schools. Catering *^ith a Jiff erence roods ol all nations for formal or Hotel Pension THE DORICE Intcrma! occasions—in your own home 'THE HOUSE ON THE HILL' or any venue. ARLET Continental Cuisine—Licensed Free consultations—please "phone MRS. L. SCHWARZ Nursery and Kindergarten 77 ST. GABRIEL'S ROAD. LONDON, N.W. 169a Finchley Road, N.W.3 Tel.: GLA. 4029 Exquisitely furnished rooms for visitors (MAI. 6301) 5 NETHERHALL GARDENS, N.W.3 Mrs. ILLY LIEBERMAN and permanent guests. Central heating. TV, Radios, Garden. PARTIES CATERID FOR Prospectus from the Principal. HAM. 1662 WEStern 2872

Do you want comfort and every convenience, BISHOPS BOURNE HOTEL SIAAAR HOUSE The Exclusive First-Class Accommodation The private Continental Hotel roonn with own bath, excellent Continental AA KINGSGATE RAC Solon de Corseterie food. TV lounge, gardens? 10-12 Herbert Road Mrs. A. WOLFF, BROADSTAIRS, KENT 3 Hemstol Rood, N.W.6 BOURNEMOUTH WEST Mme H. LIEBERG (MAI. 8521) 'Phone : Thanef 61938 As always, the House with thti 871 FINCHLEY ROAD, N.W.II LICENSED home-like atmosphere and its beautiful gardens. 'Phane : SPEedwell 8673 ^or complete relaxation. English and Continental cooking. Homelv atmosphere. CENTRALLY HEATED Massage, osteopathy, pine and seaweed ROSEMOUNT baths available. Open the whole year Ready-made and to measure. 17 Porsifal Rood. N.W.6 Situated close to golf course and sandy DIETS on request oeaches. standing in own extensive HAMpstead 5856 & 8565 Qrounds. including tennis court, table within easv reach ot Sea and Town Centre Newest shades in hosiery. tennis chalet and putting green. Mrs. MARGOT SMITH THE BOARDING HOUSE WITH CULTURE Write or 'phone for a brochure. EXPERT & QUALIFIED FITTERS 'Phone: Westbourne 64176 A Home for you Page 16 AJR INFORMATION June, 1966

INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF THE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GERMAN JEWS The Institute for the History of the German VICKY'S VISIT TO ISRAEL Sammlung Cinema, Verlag Der Arche, Zuerich, Jews (Hamburg) was oflBcially opened on April in 1963. Dr. Pinthus has just completed 27. It came into being at the initiative of the Sir,—In his article in the April issue of " Flegeljahre des Films, Literarische Doku­ Hamburg Senate and the Hamburg Wissen­ AJR Information, Pem rightly stressed that mente aus der Fruehzeit des Kinos". good old Vicky, although not obsessed by schaftliche Stiftung. In the winter of 1925/26 he delivered the In his welcoming address, Staatsrat Dr. Hans religious convictions, was still rather strongly first literary broadcast in the history of the aware of what had remained Jewish in him­ von Heppe stated that the institute had been Berlin radio, and consequently became one of established for three main reasons : the desire self. In this context, Vicky's visit to Israel in the most popular radio speakers and member to rectify the distorted image of the Jew, the the spring of 1951 should not be forgotten. of the literary committee of the German radio. need for research and evaluation of the con­ Some of the impressions of his journey to Pinthu.s also lectured at the Lessing tribution made by Jews to economic, social the Jewish homeland resulted in a series of Hochschule, Berlin. and cultural development of the City of Ham­ draunngg, a number of which were published burg, and the chances oftered by the Jewish at that time in the Jewish Chronicle. Adding Yours, etc., archives of Hamburg which had been pre­ a few commentary notes to these sketches, HILDE GUTTMAN. served and went back as far as the 17th Vicky wrote: " Israel is a fascinating and 84 Camden Road, century. Short addresses at the function were exciting land for the artist. ... In my draw­ London, N.W.I. also delivered by Mr. Eric M. Warburg, and, ings I have tried to picture the people welded on behalf of the Leo Baeck Institute, by Dr. together by tragedy, hope and faith. . . ." APROPOS ALTENSTADT E. G. Lowenthal. Vicky was witty and a brave fighter for pro­ Sir,—The article on Altenstadt im Allgaeu, The oflBce of the Director, which is com­ gress and decency. But the Jewish heritage bined with a lectureship at the University, is in himself had frequently tumed his published in the April issue of " AJR Informa­ held by Dr. Heinz M. Graupe, of Haifa, who, " cartoons" into documents of a great philo­ tion", was of special interest to me, as my before 1933, was actively associated with the sophical mind. family hails from there. My great-grandfather German Jewish Youth Movement. In his Yours, etc., was the baker of the cominunity, a happy com­ inaugural lecture Dr. Graupe dealt with the J. RAPHAEL. munity. One of his daughters, who had mar­ role of Hamburg in the history of German Ramat Gan. Israel. ried in New York, writes in 1878: " With tears Jews. On many occasions new Jewish ideas in my eyes I think in boring New York of the had originated from Hamburg, he said. He BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE TO KURT PINTHUS stimulating conversations with you all in Alten­ mentioned, amongst others, the theological stadt last summer. All my longing is for Sir,—As Kurt Pinthus's former secretary and controversy between Jakob Emden and Altenstadt". Jonathan Eybeschuetz, Emden's influence on friend for many years, I should like to add the In the second half of the nineteenth century Moses Mendelssohn and the enlightenment, following particulars to Mr. Fritz Fried­ the Jews of Altenstadt quickly made good. The the foundation of the Reform Congregation laender's birthday tribute published in your brother of the baker, A. Ullmann, became a cTempelverein), the activities of Isaak April issue: hop merchant in Munich, excelled in horseman­ Bernays, the first representative of neo­ Apart from his contributions to Das Tage- ship, riding with Wittelsbach princes. From Orthodoxy, of Gabriel Riesser, the protagonist bucn, Dr. Pinthus regularly wrote for Die Altenstadt, too, came the " handsome Hirschs ", of emancipation, and of Professor Otto War­ Literarische Welt, as well as for a considerable of whom Hugo, later Hirst, became the founder burg, the leading Zionist. number of other daily papers and magazines. of the General Electric Company in London He was also the first theatre critic in Central and a Lord. Before the First World War he Dr. Graupe also outlined the research pro­ Europe who wrote serious reviews of film sent us framed photographs of the synagogue gramme for the forthcoming year. The head­ performances. and cemetery of Altenstadt, which he had quarters of the institute are at Rothenbaum­ As early as 1913 he published Das Kinobuch, visited. I still have them. Why the Christian chaussee 7. in which he predicted the great artistic neighbouring village^ Illertissen is called and educational future of the movies, and Illereichen in the article I do not know. AWARD FOR HEINZ GAUNSKI offered the 15 first printed scenarios of films Yours, etc., The chairman of the Berlin Jewish com­ vrritten by young poets and dramatists. A GABRIELE TERGIT. munity, Heinz Galinski, has been awarded the new edition of this book appeared in the London, S.W.IS. Great Federal Cross of Merit.

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Published by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britoln, 8 Fairfax Mansions, London, N.W.3. 'Phone: MAIda Vole 9096 (General Office and Administration of Homes) ; MAIda Vole 4449 (Employment Agency and Social Services Department) Printed at the Sharon Press, 31 Furnival Street, E.C.4.