Assembly of Western European Union
ilg- Assembly of Western European Union DOCUMENT 1569 l2May 1991 FORTY-THIRD SESSION European cooperation on armoured vehicles ? REPORT submitted on behalf of the Technological and Aerospace Commrttee by Mr Diaz de Mera, Rapporteur -.\ D,o .J ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN ETIROPEAN LTNION -13. avenue du Prcsrdent-Wilson. '157'75Paris Cedex 16 - Tel. Document 1569 12 May 1997 European cooperation on armoured vehicles REPORT' submitted on behalf of the Technological and Aerospace Committeez by Mr Diaz de Mera, Rapporteur TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on European cooperatron on armoured vehrcles EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM submitted by Mr Diaz de Mera, Rapporteur I Introduction II. Armoured vehicle production in WEU member countries (t) Germany (tt) Sparn (nr) France (w) Italy' (v) United Krngdom III. The state of play m European cooperatlon rn this area IV. Conclusions I Adopted unanrmoush'by the Committce. 2 L[embers of the Committee Mr ]vlarshall (Chatman); MM Lenzer, Athnson (Vice-Chairmer),MrsAgutar, Mr Arnau, Mrs Blunck, Mrs Bribosia-Prcard, Mr Cherrrbi, Sir John Cope (Alternate: Sir Dudley Smith), Mr Cunliffe (Alternate: Alexander), Mr Drana, Mrs Durrreu, Mr Feldmann. Mrs Gelderblom-Lankhout, MM Jeambrun, Le Grand. Litherland, L6pez Henares (Alternate'. Diaz de )ulera),Ivfrll Lorenzr, Luis, Martelli, Olivo (Alternate. Lauricella),Nnvl Polydoras. Probst, Ramirez Pery, S/aes, Theis,Yallerx, Mrs Zrssr. Associate members: lvovf Ktratltoglu, Dmqer, Yurur. N B. The names of those taking part m the vote are printed m ttaltcs. DOCL]MENT
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