TIMELESS PRINCIPLES FOR THE WORKPLACE TTimelessimeless PrinciplesPrinciples forfor thethe WWorkplaceorkplace 283 283 TTTHE ‘T‘T‘TIMELESS PRINCIPLES FOR THEHEHE WORKPLACECECE’’’ SSSEMINAR If you would like to host a ‘Timeless Principles for the Workplace’ seminar at your organization, business, educational institution or for your professional community, All Peoples Church will be able to send a team of professionals to deliver the seminar. Depending on the availability of time and topics of interest, our team can cover the ‘Timeless Principles for the Workplace’ seminar in its entirety or cover only selected topics. To schedule and plan a ‘Timeless Principles for the Workplace’ seminar tailored to your organization, business, institution or community’s needs, please email us at:
[email protected] ii Life is a mission to fulfill, not a job to complete. Life is an adventure to be enjoyed, not a series of boring tasks. Life is for worship of the Eternal God, not just busyness with the mundane. Life is a journey of multiple stops, not a halt at one destination. Life is to know the Great Creator, not just accumulation of information about His creation. Life is to share what we have, not a race for self-aggrandizement. Life is to steward what is entrusted to us, not a dissipation on fleeting indulgences. Life is for friendship with those around, not a selfish pursuit for I, me and myself. Life is to pause and enjoy each moment, not a frantic rush to the top of the ladder. Life is to live, to live well, to live for His purpose. iii CCCONTENTS SECTION ONE : PERSONAL PREPARATION 333 1.