Digital Computer Newsletter. Volume 17, Number 2
D IG ITA L CO0M PU TE R 7W pbritsee ftheeil~ W6 roi*,rsd a u.dism or the Interchanige,ma" latarsated R 0?658am, 9f Ieforeatio ionee- Corning r*4wat 4dewlegatel in L117Jil~.' risadIessI6tal coapotsr projects SOFFICE Of NAVA& RESIARCI - - MrAdL :CIuucu. DVSImON - ~Vol. 11.- No. 24 Gordon D. Goldstein, Editor April 1965 Margo A. Sass, Associate Editor CONTENTS I: Page No. EV.ITURIAL POLIC.Y _NQOICU: lo 1. E ditorialI 2, Contribution,, 1 3. CiecuiationI CQNIFUTERS AND DATA PK09CESS RS jNORýý AMi'.PICA 1I Radio Corporation of America, RCA Spectra 70 Series, New York 20, N. Y. 21 Univac, General Purpose Fluid Element Digital Computer, New York 19. N. Y.9 COMPU I ING CENTERS 1. Carnegie lnstitutv~ of Technolog~y, Center for the Study of Information Processing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I 0.Dartmnouth College, Computation Cunte,, Dartmouth Tiie -Sharing System, Hanover, New Hampshire 1 3. U.S. Army Electronics Command, Overseas Aotodin Installations, Fort Monmnouth, New Jersey 17 4. Yale University, Computing Center, Two Computer Link, New Haven, Connecticut 17 CMPUTERSjt,5.D gFNT.ERS, OVERSEAS 1. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Computing Re searclh Section. Current and Future Equipment, Canberra, Australia 20 -1 English Electric Co., Ltd., English Electric-Leo, Computers, London, England 20 3. International Comnputrrs and Tabulators, Ltd.. I.C.T. 1900 Series Computer Systems, Lon- don WI, England 21 4. Marconi Company, Ltd., Marconi Myriad General Purpose Computer, London, England Z4 MISCF.LLANEOUS 1. The Bunker-Ranio Corporation. Typesetting Computer, Canoga Park, California 91304 26 2. Burroughs Corporation. M.inual on Management of Data Processing Center, Detroit, Michigan 44323 26 3, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Management Operations Study, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 28 4.
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