Systems Reference Library
File No. 1620-36 Form C26-5774-0 Pages Revised 5/22/64 Systems Reference Library IBM 1620 Monitor II System Reference Manual This publication describes the 1620 Monitor II System, a combined operating and programming system. This system includes a Supervisor Program, a Disk Utility Program, an sps II-D Assembler, and a FORTRAN II-D Compiler. The latter three programs operate under control of the Supervisor Program to provide continuous operation. Also described is the 1620-1443 Monitor II System. This sys tem is designed to use the IBM 1443 Printer as an integral Iunit in the processing of source programs. Form C26-5774-0 Page Revised 5/22/64 By TNL N26-0080 Reader Survey Form A reader survey form is included at the back of this manual. We would appreciate your evaluation of this manual to assist us with future revisions and to guide us in planning other manuals. Thank you for your cooperation. The following pages have been revised by Technical News·· letter: TNL Number Pages Dated N26-0057 ii, 4, 18, 21, 25, 26, 30, 37, 50, 1/20/64 54, 56, 88, 108, 1l0, 114, 117, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 131. N26-0064 ii, iii, 5, 93, 101, 102.1, 117, 2/20/64 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 143, 154. I N26-0080 ii, iii, 135.1, 135.2, 135.3, 135.4, 5/22/64 135.5. Technical Newsletter N26-0080 supersedes the following publication: IBM 1620-1443 Monitor II System Specifications, Form C26-5858-0.
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