IBM 709 MANUFACTU RER IBM 709 Data Processing System International Business Machines Corporation Photo by International Business Machines Corporation at Point Mugu, California and one at Point Arguello, APPLICATIONS California. Land Air is the lessee, and our major Manufacturer committment is for missile test flight data reduction. This is a general purpose computer doing both scien­ In addition, we provide computing facilities for the tific computing and commercial work. The system is entire installation at Mugu (general scientific and scientifically oriented with fast internal speeds. engineering research and data processing). USA Ballistic Missile Agency Redstone Arsenal U.S.N. Pacific Missile Range Ft. Mugu Located at Computation Laboratory, Redstone Arsenal, Operated by Land Air, Inc. ALabama, the system is used for scientific and commer­ Located at the Naval Missile Faculty, Point Arguello, cial applications. California, the system is used on the main problem U. S. Army Electronic Proving Ground of range safety impact predicition in real time using Located in Greely Hall, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, sys­ FPS-l6 Radar and Cubic COTAR data. System is also tem is used in support of the tactical field army used for post flight trajectory reduction of FPS-l6 and the technical program of the departments of the radar data and for trajectory integration and analysis, U. S. Army Electronic Proving Ground. etc. U.S.N. Pacific Missile Range Ft. Mugu USN OTS China Lake, California Operated by Land Air, Inc. Located at the Data Computation Branch, Assessment Located at the Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu, the DiVision, Test Department, the computer is used for system is used for the processing of missile test data reduction and scientific computation as related data (radar, optical, and telemetry), for real time to Naval Ordnance, Test, Development & Research applications, and for the solution of general mathe­ (l5% of computer time devoted to management data pro­ m.atical problems. cessing) . Land Air, Inc. operates two 709 1 s for the Navy, one IBM 709 500 CONSOLE PRINTER I ICARD READER I ICARD PUNCH LIGHTS AND SWITCHES ~ 1/XTERNAL SI~AL SOURCE ~ CHANNEL ~ 1--------1--..----­A CHANNEL --------.. 709 CENTRAL PROCESSING lATA NO.1 UNIT AND S~NCRO~'lER MAGNETIC CORE MEMORY MAGNETIC TAPE DRI VES CHANNEL 8 on each TCU and 0 S ~EXTERNAL C SIGNAL SOURCE CHANNEL D Each OS can have the same Input M Output devices as DATA SYNCRONI ~ER shown for OS No. I MAGNETIC DRUM CATHODE RAY TUBE OUTPUT CHANNEL STORAGE RECORDER E AND DISPLAY CHANNEL UNIT F DATA SYNCRONllER NO.3 SCHEMATIC SHOWING DATA FLOW FOR INPUTM OUTPUT FOR IBM 709 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM Chart by International Business Machines Corporation National Aviation Facilities Experimental ponent design computations, computer system simula­ Station (FAA) tion, miscellaneous scientific and engineering com­ Located at Atlantic City, New Jersey, the syst~m is putations, data reduction of experimental and flight used for fast time simulation of air traffic control test data, and payroll, inventory control, and ~is­ systems, data reduction on data collected in various cellaneous business applications. areas of air traffic control, data analysis, real Hughes Aircraft Company time simulation, statistical analYSis, and probabil­ Located at Florence Avenue & Teale Streets, Building i ty problems. 6, Room Fl022, Culver City, California, the system C E I R, Inc. is used for all forms of numerical computation, in­ Located at 1200 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington cluding differential equations, numerical integra­ 2, Virginia, the system is used for linear program­ tion, parameter studies, solution of simultaneous ming, multiple regression, business data processing, equations, matrix manipulations, polynomial equations, and flight simulation, plus applications of our integral equations, simulations of various systems clients who rent time from us. (computers, mass raid attacks, fire control systems) Douglas Aircraft Company (2) partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, Located at A-250, and A-26o, Santa Monica, both sys­ auto correlation and power spectrum analysis, statis­ tems are used for strength analysis, trajectories, tical computations, Monte Carlo evaluations of various aerodynamic stability, aerodynamic performance, dy­ problems, network analysis, research in computer sys­ namic response, weight control, and propulsion anal­ tems (assemblers, compilers), design studies, and ysiS. development of problem oriented languages. Ford MOtor Company IBM Space Computing Center Located at the Central Services Building, Ford Road, Located at 615 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, Newport Beach, California, the system is used for D. C., the system is used for orbital calculations computation of missile trajectories within the earth's for space vehicles, including formulation, testing atmosphere, computation of orbits (in light atmos­ and production, test center applications for Federal phere or free space), computation of rocket motor Systems Division of IBM, and customer test center for performance, hydrodynamic computations, missile com- local 709 users who have ordered machines. 501 IBM 709 Photo by Internatjonal Business Machines Corporation Lockheed Aircraft Corporation-Burbank utilized for scientific calculations in engineering Located at Burbank, California, the system is used deSign, parts and assembly control, production and to solve all scientific and engineering problems sub­ updating of engineering parts lists, and special m.i:tted by the Engineering Division. reports emanating from complete files of system parts Lockheed Sunnyvale and components. The computing installation consists of two IBM 709 1 s MCDonnell Aircraft Corporation and peripheral equipment. It is used for scientific Located on the 1st level of Bldg. 33, Engineering calculations involving matrix inversion, partial Campus, the system is used for flutter analysis, differential equations, trajectories, solutions for trajectory studies, probability studies, stress and simultaneous equations, etc. The systems are also loads analYSiS, aerodynamic performance, thermody­ used for flight data reduction involving the prepara­ namic problems, numerical control of milling machines, tion of labels and plotting tapes, data reduction and flight test and wind tunnel data reduction, operations computation of calibration. Admisistrative applica­ analysis, and engine performance. tions include the solution of financial, material, Northern States Power Company and statistical problems. Located at 1925 Sather Street, St. Paul 13, Minnesota, The Martin Company-Baltimore the system is used for customers' billing and account­ Located at the Missile Weapons Systems Division, Bal­ ing, load flow studies, generator outage probabilities, timore, Md., the system is used for missile design, plant life actuarial analyses, substation and feeder vibrations analysis, nuclear shielding, reactor deSign, load record, and transformer loading and forecasting. e:lectronic deSign, ini'ormation retrieval, trajectory Phillips Petroleum Company an.alysis, compilers, aerodynamic research, circuit Located in the Adams Building at Bartlesville, Okla­ analYSiS, master lines automation, numerically con­ homa, the system is used" for the solution of engineer­ trolled tools, data reduction, weight calculation ing, technical and research problems and business automation, statistical analysis, structural analysis, accounting. and molecular research. RCA Missile & Surface Radar Division The :r.il.rtin Company-Orlando Located in Bldg. 116-1 M::lorestown, N. J., the system Located at the Engineering Division, the system is is used for the real-time control of BMEWS (Ballistic IBM 709 502 Photo by USAF AMR Cape Canaveral Missile Early Warning System), for engineering model System Development Corporation tracking radar, for engineering calculations associa­ Located at 1923 Centinella Avenue, West Los Angeles, ted with design of BMEWS sites, and for data reduc­ California, the system is used for data processing tion for the Down Range Anti-Ballistic Missile Pro­ applications for the development of a system t~aining gram (DAMP). program. RCA Service Company, Patrick AFB M. I. T. Lincoln Laboratory Located in the Technical Laboratory, Bldg. 989, Located at the M. I. T. Lincoln Laboratory, LeXington, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, the system is used Massachusetts, the computer is used for real t~e primarily to determine missile trajectory informa­ systems studiesj evaluation, simulation, and ~lysis, tion (time, position, velocity, and acceleration) physical data processing, and programming rese~ch. from observed observations, azimuth, elevation and University of California LRL slant range (where available). Data sources are Located at Livermore, California, the system is used Azusa, FPS-16, Mod II radar, ballistic camera, fixed for the solution of differential equations. camera, cine-theodolite, and DOVAP. Also digitizing University of California, Los Angeles and linearization of telemetry is performed. Located at the University of California, Los Angeles RCA Service Company, Cape Canaveral campus, the system is used for research and edubation Located at Bldg. 2-1655, Cape Canaveral, Florida, in all university disciplines, with special emphasis the system is'used for real time impact prediction on business management problems, operations research, computing during ballistic missile launches, ground gaming, and computer systems development. instrumentation check outs, near
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