File No. 7090-36 Form C28-6383-2

Systems Reference Library

IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Systems Programmer's Guide

This publication contains information useful to programmers who require a thorough understanding of the IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System (DCOS), #7090-PR-161. This system consists of the following parts: 7090/7094 Operating System (IBSYS) 7040/7044 Control Program (DCMUP) The publication provides descriptions of general DCOS program logic, the format of the DCOS System Library, the Operating System Monitor (DC-IBSYS), and the lnput/Output Executor (DC-IOEX). It also includes instructions for system library preparation and maintenance. Separate publications contain descriptions of the compo­ nents of the 7090/7094 Operating System (IBSYS). Other related publications contain information needed by applica­ tions programmers and instructions for machine operators. Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0


This publication is primarily intended IBM 7040/7044 Principles of Operation, for systems programmers who are responsible Form A22-6649 for the maintenance of the 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System (DCOS} and any modifications to it at the installation. IBM 7090 Principles of Operation, Form It may also be of interest to individuals A22-6528 who desire a more thorough understanding of the system. IBM 7094 principles of Operation, Form A22-6703 The reader of this publication is Directly Coupled Processing Units--7040 assumed to be familiar with the contents of to 7090/7094; 7040 to 7094/7094 II, Form the publication IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple A22-6803 Operating System: Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6382. The Direct Couple Operating System is designed for five machine configurations: Information required by machine opera­ tors is contained in the publication IBM 1. 7090-DC-7040 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operatinq Syst~ 2. 7094-DC-7040 Operator's Guide, Form C28-6384. 3. 7094-DC-7044 4. 7094 II-DC-7044 For information on the IBJOB processor, 5. 7094 II-DC-7040 the major subsystem of DCOS, the reader is referred to the following IBM publications: Throughout this publication, the terms 7090 and 7040 are used to refer to the IBM 7090/7094 IBSYS Operating System: 7090, 7094, or 7094 II and to the 7040 or IBJOB Processor, Form C28-6389 7044, respectively, as permitted in the IBM 7090/7094 Proqramming Systems: FOR­ configurations above. TRAN IV Language, Form C28-6390 IBM 7090/7094 Programminq Systems: Macro This publication is divided into ten Assembly Program (MAP) Language, Form sections. The first section is devoted to C28-6392 the logic flow of the 7040 side of the IBM 7090/7094 Programming Systems: COBOL system. The next three sections are devot­ Language, Form C28-6391 ed to the 7090 side of the system. The IBM 7090/7094 IBSYS Operating System: fifth section explains the logic used by IBJOB Processor Debugging Package, the 7040 when servicing 7090 input/output Form C28-6393 requirements. The sixth section describes the DCOS Distribution Tape. The seventh Information about the IBM 7040/7044 Data section describes system editing proce­ Processing Systems, the IBM 7090/7094/7094 dures. The eighth and ninth sections deal II Data Processing Systems, and for the with system library preparation and main­ Direct Couple feature are given in the tenance. The last section discusses DCOS following publications: unit assignment philosophies.

Major Revision (March 196~ This edition, Form C28-6383-2, is a major revision of Form C28-6383-1. This publication amplifies material pre­ viously presented, and, in some cases, provides additional material. Major changes and additions are concerned with: examples of system modification, unit control blocks (7040 tape units), the DCOS distribution tape, the system editor (IBEDT), job setup, the $JOB card, and the *REMARK card. Additions or changes are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the text; new or revised illustrations are denoted by the symbol • to the left of the caption. The following publications are made obsolete by this revision: C28-6383-1, C28-6383-0,and the Technical Newslet­ ters N28-0146-0 and N28-0144-0.

Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. A form for readers' comments appears'at the back of this publication. It may be mailed directly to IBM. Address any additional comments concerning this publication to the IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, Department D39, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY., 10020.

C 1964 by International Business Machines Corporation Form C2B-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N2B-015B-O


INTRODUCTION TO DCOS 7 $UNITS Card • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26 DCOS Use of Disk/Drum Storage Units 7 DC-IBSYS NUCLEUS 27

Modes of Operation • • • • 8 Communication Region 27 The Direct Mode •• • • 8 The Compatibility Mode • 8 System Unit Function Table 28 General Logic Flow 8 Unit Availability Table •• 29 The DCOS Commutator 10 The Job Queue Table 10 Job Control Communication With The Job Description Block 10 Subsystems • • • • • • • • • • 29 Unit Control Blocks (7040 Tape Communication Region Locations Uni tS) •••••••••••••• 10 SYSRET, SYSGET, and SYSJOB •••• 29 File Control Blocks •••••• 10 Channel Information Blocks • • • •• 10 Recognition of DC-IBSYS Supervisor Input/Output File Control Block Base Control Cards by SUbsystems 30 (IOBASE) ••••••• 12 $IBSYS Card 30 Data Buffer Format • • • 13 $EXECUTE Card 30 Input Service Routine 14 $STOP Card • 30 Job Setup 14 $ID Card • • • • • 30 Initialization for 7090 Execution 17 Job Breakdown 17 DIRECT COUPLE INPUT/OUTPUT EXECUTOR • • 31 Punch Stage • • • • • 17 Print Stage • • • • • 18 Unit Control Blocks • 31 Background Utility Routines 19 Word 1 • • • • 31 7040/7044 Utility Routines • 19 Word 2 • • • • • 33 Word 3 • • • • • 33 DC-IBSYS MONITOR 21 Word 4 33

DC-IBSYS SUPERVISOR • • 22 Unit Priority on a Channel 33 Channel-Priority Location • • • • • 33 Initialization Procedures • 22 Use of Channel-Priority Location 34 Activating a Channel and/or Assigning Basic Supervisor Control Cards 22 Priority • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • 34 $Job Card 22 $EXECUTE Card 22 Non-Data Selects ••••• 35 $ID Card • • 23 Structuring of Input/Output Requests in Direct Mode • • • • 35 Unit Assignment Control Cards • 23 $ASSIGN Card • 23 INPUT/OUTPUT IN THE TWO DCOS MODES 37 $RELEASE Card 24 $RESET Card 24 Processing Input/Output Requests $SWITCH Card 24 (Direct Mode) •••••••••• 37 $CARDS Calrd 24 Processing Input/Output Requests $TAPE Card •• 24 (Compatibili ty Mode) 40

Tape-Manipulation Control Cards 24 DISTRIBUTION OF DCOS 41 $ENDFILE Card 24 $REWIND Card 25 Listings 41 $REMOVE Card • • 25 $UNLOAD Card • • • • • • 25 DCOS Distribution Tape 41 File 1 • • • • • 41 Miscellaneous Control Cards 25 File 2 41 $STOP Card • • • • • • • 25 File 3 41 $IBSYS Card • • • • 25 File 4 42 Files 5-15 42 DC-IBSYS Supervisor Control Cards • 25 $RESTORE Card 25 SYSTEM EDITOR (IBEDT) 43 $IBEDT Card 26 *EDIT Card • • • • • 48 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

Arrangement of DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS Respecification of 7040 Disk (Drum) Subsystems and the System Editor •••• 48 Environment • • •• • • • 67 *PLACE Card • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48 Maintenance of the System Name and Preparation of a New DCSYS from a DCOS Loader Tables. • 48 PRESYS Library. • 68

Alteration Cards • • • • • • • • • • 49 Posteditor Output. • 69 Absolute Column-Binary Cards. • 50 7040 System Name Table. • 69 Octal Cards • • • • • • • • • • 50 Track Allocation and Module Definition Table ••••• • 70 Standard PRESYS Library Record Formats • 50 Utility Name Table ••••• • 70 Posteditor Output Tape (DCSYS) Maintenance Control Cards ••• • 51 Format • • • • • • • • • • • • • 71 *MODIFY Card. • • 51 *REPLACE Card • • 51 Posteditor Restrictions and Error *INSERT Card. • 52 Messages. • 71 *REMOVE Card. • • .53 *AFTER Card • • • 53 DCOS UNIT ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES •• • 73 *DUP Card ••• • 53 7040 File Control Blocks •••• • 73 *REWIND Card. • • 54 Assignment of 7040 Tape Units to *CHECK Card • • • 54 7040 File Control Blocks • • • • 74 *REMARK Card. • • 54 Communication Of 7040 File Control Termination of Editing • • 54 Block--7090 Unit Control Block Relationship. • • • • • • • • • • • 74 Editing Relocatable Records. • • • 54 IBLDR Unit Assignment Process ••• 75 Editing Examples • • 55 Assignment of Secondary Units • 76 Example 1 • 55 Example 2 • • • • 55 Unit Assignment In Other IBSYS Subsystems. • • • • • • • • • • • • 76 DCOS PRESYS LIBRARY MAINTENANCE. • 57 Unit Assignment Procedures for Preparing a Backup DCOS Distribution Non-IBSYS Systems/Programs •• 78 Tape or PRESYS Library Tape •• •• 57 Unit Assignment Considerations 78 Changing The System Input/Output Configurations ••••••••• • 57 APPENDIXES • 80 7040 Input/Output Configuration • 58 Appendix A: DCMUP Tables and Control Incorporating a User-Designed Blocks. • • • • • • • • • 80 Installation Accounting Routine Under The Job Queue Table • • 80 DC-IBSYS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 61 Job Description Block • • 80 Designing An Installation DCMUP Track Allocation Maps 83 Accounting Routine • • • • • • 61 File Control Block. • • • • • 83 Incorporating an Accounting Routine Unit Control Blocks (7040 Tape into a Subsystem. • • • • 61 Uni tS) • • • • • • • • • • • 84 Channel Information Block • 85 Incorporating IBSYS Subsystems Under DC-IBSYS. • • • • • • • • 62 Appendix B: Procedure for Defining Compatibility Mode. • • • • • • 62 an IOBASE Table • • • • • • 86 Direct Mode • • • • • • • • • • 62 Zero Pointers (ZERPTR) Macro-Instruction. ~ • • 86 Incorporating DCMUP Utilities. • • 63 File Control Block Pointers Arrangement of DCMUP Utility (FBPTRS) Macro-Instruction • 87 Programs • • • • • 63 Input/Output Unit Configuration Design of DCMUP Utility Programs. • • 64 (IOBASE) Macro-Instruction • • 87 $IOBASE Card. • • • • • • • • • • 87 Incorporating Non-IBSYS Systems or Programs. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 64 Appendix C: DC-IBNUC Communication Region Entries. • • • • • • • • • 87 DCOS OPERATIONAL LIBRARY PREPARATION 67 Appendix D: Creation of a DCOS Role of the DCOS Posteditor •• • • • • • 67 PRESYS Library from a 7090/7094 IBSYS Phase I • • 67 Operating System Library. • • • 89 Phase II. • • 67 Case 1: Preparation on a 7090/7094 System • • • • • • 90 Case 2: Preparation on a DCMUP Patches • • • • • • • • • •• 91 7090-7040 Direct Couple System • • • 90 DC-IBSYS Patch Routine •••••••• 91 7040 Core Storage Snapshot Routine Appendix E: Redundancy Conditions, (SNAP) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 91 Tape Density, Mode, and Parity in DCOS. • • • • • • 90

Appendix F: DCOS debugging Aids Appendix G: Conversion of IBSYS Program • • • 90 Systems to Direct Mode ••••••••• 91


Figure 1. Compatibility Mode. 9 Figure 26. Incorporating an IBSYS Sub­ Figure 2. General Logic Flow 11 system (Compatibility Mode) •.... 62 Figure 3. DCOS Commutator 12 Figure 27. Sample Job Deck for Figure 4. 7040 Data Buffer Format 15 Inserting a User Program as a Direct Figure 5. Four-Word Setup Entry 16 Mode IBSYS Subsystem •. ..•.• 64 Figure 6. Communication Region of Figure 28. Sample Job Deck for Incor­ DC-IBSYS Nucleus. •. . 28 porating the First Non-IBSYS System Figure 7. System Unit Function Table. 28 onto a PRESYS Library Tape •. .. 65 Figure 8. Unit Control Block. . •. 31 Figure 29. Sample Job Deck for Incor­ Figure 9. DC-IOEX Communication Table 32 porating an Additional Non-IBSYS Figure 10. RDUN Routine for Requesting System onto a PRESYS Tape . . .. 66 Direct Mode Input/Output •. 36 Figure 30. Sample Postedit Run 69 Figure 11. Format of THIS and THIS+1 37 Figure 31. Sample Job Deck for Figure 12. DCSYS Format for Scatter Inserting a New DCSYS (Postedit Out- Load • ..•.•..• ••• 41 put) into a DCOS Distribution Tape •• 69 Figure 13. Card Deck Description Cards 42 Figure 32. 7040 System Name Table . .. 70 Figure 14. DCOS PRESYS Library 43 Figure 33. Track-Allocation and Module­ Figure 15. Three-Phase Editing Definition Definition Table .. .. 70 Operation . • • . . • •• . ••• 44 Figure 34. Utility Name Table. . . .• 71 Figure 16. Sample Edit with Modifica­ Figure 35. Posteditor Output: Format tions to DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, and IBMAP 45 of DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS Subsystem, Figure 17. DCOS Master Alter/Edit Deck 46 and DCMUP Utility Records ••••• 71 Figure 18. Absolute Column-Binary Card Figure 36. Posteditor Output: Data Format. .••.••...••• 49 Record Format . • . • • • . • . 72 Figure 19. Standard PRESYS Library Figure 37. Relationship of 7090 Unit Record Format 50 Control Blocks to 7040 File Control Figure 20. Sample Edit 55 Blocks • • . .• ..•.••• 74 Figure 21. Sample Edit 2 56 Figure 38. IBLDR Unit Assignment Figure 22. Preparing a Backup PRESYS Under DCOS • • • . . • • . • • • 77 Tape • . •. •.••• .••••• 57 Figure 39. IOBASE1 Unit Configuration 78 Figure 23. Distributed 7090 Input/ Figure 40. Job Description Block 82 Output Configuration Simulated by Figure 41. File Control Block. • . 83 DCMUP (IOBASE 0) • • . • . • 58 Figure 42. 7040 Unit Control Block Figure 24. Assignment of System Unit (Tape Interface) • • . • . • • • • 85 Functions . • . . . • . • 58 Figure 43. Channel Information Block 86 Figure 25. 7040 Input/Output Figure 44. Deck Setup for Using Configuration • . • .• •••••• 60 Debugging Aids Program • . • • • • . • 92 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 Case 2: Preparation on a 7090-7040 DCMUP Patches • • • • • • • • • • • • 91

Direct Couple System •••••••• 90 DC-IBSYS Patch Routine. • • • U • 8 • 91 7040 Core Storage Snapshot Routine Appendix E: Redundancy Conditions, (SNAP) • • • • • • • • • 91 Tape Density, Mode, and Parity in DCOS. • •• • • • • • • • • • • 90 Appendix G: Conversion of IBSYS Systems to Direct Mode. • • • • • 91 Appendix F: DCOS debugging Aids Program • • • • 90 APpendix H: GETBUF and PUTBUF As I System Macros or Subroutines •••••• 92


Figure 1. Compatibility Mode. • • • 9 Figure 25A. Installation Accounting Figure 2. General Logic Flow ••••• 11 Routine Calling Sequence Parameter Figure 3. DCOS Commutator • • • • • • • 12 Words • • • • • • • • • • .• .. • • • 61 Figure 4. 7040 Data Buffer Format • • • 15 Figure 26. Incorporating an IBSYS Figure 5. FOUr-Word Setup Entry. • 16 sybsystem (Compatibility Mode) •• • 62 IFigure 5A. Units Printout ...... 26 Figure 27. Sample Job Deck for Figure 6. Communication Region of Inserting a User Program as a Direct DC-IBSYS Nucleus .••••••••••• 28 Mode IBSYS Subsystem. • .. • • • • • 64 Figure 7. System Unit Function Table •• 28 Figure 28. Sample Job Deck for Figure 8. Unit Control Block. • • 31 Incorporating the First Non-IBSYS Figure 9. DC-IOEX Communication Table • 32 System onto a PRESYS Library Tape • 65 Figure 10. RDUN Routine for Figure 29. Sample Job Deck for Requesting Direct Mode Input/Output • • 36 Incorporating an Additional Non-IBSYS Figure 11. Format of THIS and THIS+1 •• 37 System onto a PRESYS Tape • • • • • 66 Figure 12. DCSYS Format for Scatter Figure 30. Sample Postedit Run. • • 69 Load. • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 Figure 31. Sample Job Deck for Figure 13. Card Deck Description Cards • 42 Inserting a New DCSYS (Postedit Figure 14. DCOS PRESYS Library. 43 output) into a DCOS Distribution Tape .. 69 Figure 15. Three-Phase Editing Figure 32. 7040 System Name Table • 70 Operation • • • • • • • • • • . • • 44 Figure 33. Track-Allocation and Figure 16. Sample Edit with Module-Definition Table ••• • • .. 70 Modifications to DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, and Figure 34. Utility Name Table • • 71 IBMAP •••.•••••••• • 45 Figure 35. Posteditor Output: Format Figure 17. DCOS Master Alter/Edit Deck. 46 of DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS Subsystem,

Figure 17. DCOS Master Alter/Edit and DCMUP Utility Records • • • .. • D • 71 Deck (continued) ••••••••.••• 47 Figure 36. Posteditor Output: Data

Figure 18. Absolute Column-Binary Record Format • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • 71 Card Format • • . • • • • •• • • • • • 49 Figure 37. Relationship of 7090 Unit Figure 19. Standard PRESYSLibrary Con-trol Blocks to 7040 File Control Record Format • • • • • • • • • 50 Blocks. • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • .. 74 Figure 20. Sample Edit 1. • • • • 55 Figure 38. IBLDR Unit Assignment Figure 21. Sample Edit 2 ••• • • 56 Under DCOS. 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 77 Figure 22. Preparing a Backup PRESYS Figure 39. IOBASE 1 Unit Configuration. 78 Tape. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 57 Figure 40. Job Description Block • • .. • 82 Figure 23. Distributed 7090 Figure 41. File Control Block. • • • .. • 83 Input/Output Configuration Simulated Figure 42. 7040 Unit Control Block by DCMUP (IOBASE 0) •••••• • 58 (Tape Interface) ...... 85 Figure 24. Assignment of System Unit Figure 43. Channel Information Block. • 86 Functions • • • • • • • • • • • • 58 Figure 44. Deck Setup For Using Figure 25. 7040 Input/Output Debugging Aids Program. • • • • • • • • 92 Configuration • • • • • •• • • • 60 INTRODUCTION TO DCOS

The IBM 7090 IBJOB Processor is the only When the 7090 completes a job, it distributed programming system operating signals that it is ready for the next job. under DCOS control. Any program that is The 7040 selects the next job that is ready written in the IV, the COBOL, or to be processed by the 7090 and reads its the MAP language and that uses the IBJOB job description block into 7040 core stor­ Input/Output Control System will operate age. A 7090 initialization program is under DCOS with little or no modification. transmitted to the 7090. This program The 7090 Operating System Monitor (IBSYS) clears 7090 core storage. DC-IBSYS is'then has been replaced by a 7090 Operating loaded into the 7090 from the disk (drum) System Monitor with Direct Couple capabili- and is given control. For systems that ties (DC-IBSYS) and the system editor operate in the direct mode, job processing (IBEDT) has been modified to operate under then proceeds as it would on a stand~alone I DC-IBSYS.The IBJOB processor has been 7090 except for processing of input/output modified to communicate, through DC-IBSYS, requests. When a DC-IBSYS subsystem job with the 7040 for input/output processing. segment that is to be run in the compat­ ibility mode is recognized by the DC-IBSYS The 7040 control program (DCMUP) per­ Supervisor (DC-IBSUP), an enter-compati­ forms the preprocessing and postprocessing bility-mode call is sent to the 7040. The of jobs, schedules work for 7090 7040 then loads the desired DC-IBSYS sub­ processing, and performs all input/output system and gives it control. functions for the 7090. For job segments that do not operate Jobs are prepared for DCOS in much the under DC-IBSYS, the 7090 issues an same manner as for the IBSYS operating enter-compatibility-mode call to the 7040. system. When a job is ready for entry into The method used to load the desired system the system, it is placed in the IBM 1402 is ~hen determined by the parameter of the Card Reader. As a job is read in, a job $EXECUTE card. This parameter will be the description block is created for job con­ word CARDS, the word TAPE, or a system trol. The job deck is then written on the name. If the parameter is CARDS or TAPE, disk (dru~ storage unit to await process­ pressing of the appropriate 7090 LOAD ing, and an entry is made in the job queue button is simulated in the 7090. If the table in a position based on the job's parameter is a system name, the specified priority. The job description block and system is loaded into the 7090 from the the job queue table are described later in disk (drum) and given control. this publication. When a job has been completed, the 7090 When the 7090 requires input/output stops, trapping the 7040 so that all input activity, the request and the input/output and output files for that job can be closed commands are sent to the 7040 for and another job initiated for the 7090. execution. In the case of input, the 7040 The output of the completed job is then interprets the request and transmits the queued for printing and punching. When all specified number of words from a 7040 core postprocessing has been completed, the job storage buffer to the 7090. When the 7090 is purged from the job queue table and all has an output record ready, the 7040 trans­ disk (drum) storage tracks associated with mits the record to a 7040 core storage the job are made available to the system buffer. As the buffers are filled, they for use by subsequent jobs. are written on the disk (drum) or a 7040 tape unit. Communication is effected between the 7040 and the 7090 by traps. The 7040 interprets input/output requests and transmits data between its DCOS USE OF DISK/DRUM STORAGE UNITS core storage and 7090 core storage under control of 7090 data channel commands (IOCP, IORT, etc.). When transmission has DCOS contains procedures that provide been completed, the 7040 transmits flags to dynamic assignment of disk (drum) tracks. the 7090 for such conditions as end of file The tracks are allocated to the jobs as and traps the 7090 to signal that the they are needed and returned to available request has been serviced. The 7090 then status when the job is completed. No handles this trap in the same manner that particular job type or data file is res­ it handles a data channel trap in a stand­ tricted to any specific number of tracks or alone system. modules.

Introduction to DCOS 7 MODES OF OPERATION up with 00009 in the decrement of THIS and the name of the system to be loaded in THIS+1. The 7090 then executes an HEY The Direct Couple Operating System has (BTTE) instruction, which causes the 7040 two modes of operation: the direct mode to trap and places the 7090 DC-IBSYS in a and the compatibility mode. The primary waiting loop. The input/output call is difference between the two modes is the decoded by the 7040 trap routine WHAT, method used for processing 7090 which then transfers control to routine input/output requirements. The direct mode HIP. In the HIP routine, an Enter Halt on is the faster of the two in that Input/Output Primary Mode (EH~ instruction input/output requests are serviced with a is executed, putting the system in compat­ minimum amount of interpretation and a ibility mode. The name of the system to be mlnlmum number of multiprocessor traps. loaded is then examined. The 7040 contains a program that services 7090 input/output requests. The 7040 con­ If the system to be loaded resides on trol program also schedules jobs for the disk, the system name is given on the 7090 and handles preprocessing and postpro­ $EXECUTE card. If the system is to be cessing. Control of the entire system loaded from cards or tape, the word CARDS resides in the 7040 commutator. or TAPE is on the $EXECUTE card instead of the system name. If the $EXECUTE card parameter is CARDS THE DIRECT MODE or ·TAPE, the 7040 executes an FMT (Force Multiprocess Trap) instruction, causing the 7090 to trap to a routine that breaks the The qirect mode is the normal DCOS mode waiting loop. The 7090 then transfers of operation. In this mode, DCOS ignores control to a routine that determines wheth­ the existence of 7090 data channels. DC­ er the system is to be loaded from tape or IBSYS and DC-IOEX in the 7090 handle all cards. This routine simulates pressing of input/output by treating the DC channel as the appropriate load button and the system a data channel. The input/output executor is loaded in the compatibility mode. (DC-IOEX) structures an input/output request and traps the 7040, the 7040 then If the $EXECUTE card parameter is not transmits the request to its core storage, CARDS or ~APE, the system must have been and the 7090 continues processing. The edited onto the disk. If the system is a 7040 interprets the request, processes it, DC-IBSYS subsystem, it is scatter-loaded by and traps the 7090. DC-IOEX then processes the 7040. At the completion of the load, the trap as it would a normal data channel the 7040 posting routine (CPOST) starts the trap. The 7090 does not execute any 7090. If the system is on the disk but is input/output instructions or commands. not a DC-IBSYS subsystem, it is loaded by the 7040 as a data file using a normal read routine. THE COMPATIBILITY MODE GENERAL LOGIC FLOW The compatibility mode is provided for the execution of systems and object pro­ grams that do not utilize the direct mode Figure 2 shows the general logic flow of input/output conventions. When the 7090 DCOS. The figure shows the sequence of DC-IBSYS determines from a $EXECUTE card operations performed while processing one that one of these systems is specified, the job. However, the reader should keep in compatibility mode must be entered. The mind that many jobs are being processed logic of the compatibility mode is shown in simultaneously. A job may be staged for Figure 1. However, in the compatibility processing by a routine but may have to mode, each time an input/output instruction wait until the routine has completed proc­ is encountered in the 7090, the 7090 halts, essing a previous job. trapping the 7040. The 7040 then transmits the input/output instruction to its core Job flow is controlled in the 7040 by storage and interprets it before restarting the job queue table and the DCOS the 7090. This multiple trapping and commutator. When the commutator gives con­ interpretation while the 7090 is idle trol to a routine, the routine searches the results in slower input/output processing job queue table for jobs that it must when operating in the compatibility mode. process. If the routine does not locate any jobs, it returns control to the commu­ To enter the compatibility mode, the tator. If a job that requires processing 7090 sets up two communication cells (THIS is located, the routine processes the spec­ and THIS+1). An input/output call is set ified task, performing at least one unit of

8 work before returning control to the cornrr,u­ input/output units to complete their opera­ tator. For example, the print routine sets tion. up one line of print, signals the 1403 to start, and returns control to the commuta­ The following descriptions are concerned tor. The next time the print routine is with 7040 tables, blocks, and routines used entered, it sets another print image, sig­ to process jobs. A detailed figure and nals the 14.03, and exits. In 'this way the explanations of the contents of the tables 7040 is not tied up waiting for and blocks are included in Appendix A.

RDS.WRS ACH.LCH.*. NOS ENB : •••• "1 •••••••• *: A2 *. • •••• "3•••••••••• : •••••5 ••••••••• : .* *. .. GET THE .. ····.04.·····.····.SET THE EXIT TO" • SET THE .* IS THE *. YES .. INPUT/OUTPUT .. • THE REQUIRED • .. GeT • Rt:.AD/WRlTE -.SELECT SWITCH •••••••••• X.COMMAND AND THE- • NON-DATA • • THE eNABLE : SWITCH • ". SET." • FILE CONTROL .. SELECT • : WORD • ...... * •• * ...... • BLOCK POINTER .• ••••• :~~!!~~ •••• : ...... NO

X x X .X. : •••• 82 ••••••••• : X BS •• ····*61··*·······• GET THE FILE • •••• 83·· ••••• •• ··• ...GET e.·····THE FILE .. ···• ...... CONTROL BLOCK • .. SET .. • GO TO THE • • CONTROL BLOCK .. •• IS •• YES • POINTER FOR THE. .. INPUT/OUTPUT ••••••• • READ/WR I TE .. • POINTER FOR THE • •• IT •••••• • SELECT EO • : CHEC>( IN 7090 : • SELECTED .. •• ZERO •• .. •••• :~~!!~~ ...... UNIT .. :.*.*.~~!! •••••• : ...... •.•..• ··1 • NO

x RCT X : ..... Cl •••••••••: x : •••• cs •••••••••: SI:T THE • ····c.·····.···EXIT TO .. SET THE SELECT .NDN-DATA SELECT" ENABLE SWITCH • ROUTINE • • SWITCH • ...... * ......

ROC. • SPR.SPU X TRP90 .X. : •••*01*.*.* •••• : : ••••04 •••••••••: .. 05 •• .. START .. • .. SET • YES ... IS *. .. 7~~~ : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• X. .. TRAP WAITING .x •••••••••• THEAE A TRAP •• • FOR ENABLE" •• WAITING •• •••••••••••••••• * ·...... - -..--.... • NO

TCO TCN .X. X ••••*E2*·***····· E4 •• ·.. .. ···El·······START ... ··.. • START THE 7090 ...... ·····ES.·.····.START THE 7090 ... • .. THE 7090 AT • .AT THe: LOCAT ION- • .- IS *. NO • AND ENABLE • • THE NEXT • • SPECIFIED BY ..... X. ... THE 7090 •••••••• .NUL TI PROCESSOR. • SEQUENTIAL • * THE TESTING • •• ENABLED •• : TRAPS : .. INSTRUCTION • ...... • I NSTRUCTI ON • ••••••• * ••••••••• .. * •••...... • YES . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• X. TRC.TEF.·. Fl.. • ••••F2 •••••••••• F4 .x... X • -IS THE •• • START • •• ··IS THIS·· •• NO ,.5 •••••••••• •• INDICATOR •• NO • THE 7090 AT • X ...... •• BEING TESTED •••••••••• X. THE NEXT * •••• x. *. CHANNEL •••••••••• X. EXIT .. •• ON.. • SEQUENTIAL • ... ENABLED ... • • *. .•• • INSTRUCTION • ...... •• • * *._* ••• * ••••••••• ...... YES • YES

x X : •••• Gl ...... : :;;::~2;~:.;~:~.: ···.. TRANSNIT .. ·G.·········· THE .• • RESET. "AT THE LOCATION" • • CONDtTION BITS •• THE ••••••••• X.. SPECIFIED BY ••••• X. .. RESET FLAGS. .. INQICATOR" * THE TESTING • • AND TRAP • : •••••••• * ••••••: :*.!~:!:~~!!~: •• : ...... • THE 7090 •

BTT.ETT .... X HI ... • ••*.H2 ...... • *IS THE *. .CAUSE THE 7090 • ··.. ...SET H.·.···.···.THE 7090 • • " INDICATOR •• NO • TO SKIP THE. • .. TO START • .... BEING TESTED •••••••••• X. NEXT * •••• X. .. AT THE TRAP • •• ON.. • INSTRUCTION • .. FOR THI S • *...* •• * ...••••••••••••••••• AND START IT • : •••• ~~::=~~ •••• : .. YES

·• x •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. x x : ••••.Jl." ••• *.".: : •••• .J~;::;" •• *.: : ....*.1 ...... : • RESET. • THE 7090 AT. • .. START • .. THE ...... X. THE NEXT * •••• X. .. THE INDICATOR" • SEQIJENTIAL .. : 7090 • ...... ! : ..~~~!:~~!!~~ .... : ......

~;~.*Kl •• ** .... **. • ••••KZ ... * ....**... X : T~~A~~:~~EL : : THES~~~~ AT: x ...... K4 ...... : R~~I~~~RS : •••••••• x: s~~~E~i~lL : ••.•••••.••••••••.•••••••••••••••• X: EXIT : ...... 7090 • • ...... INSTRUCTION *. • • ......

Figure 1. Compatibility Mode

Introduction to DCOS 9 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 THE DCOS COMMUTATOR used to indicate the type of task to be performed and the track address of the first block of data associated with the In DCOS, three operations may occur at job. There is a task description for each the same time: input/output functions, Ifile written on the disk. Also, at the end 7040 preprocessing and postprocessing, and of each job description block there is a data processing in the 7090. These opera­ group of words called the peripheral track tions are controlled by a section of DCMUP bit map, whose bits represent the disk called the commutator. Figure 3 shows the t~acks containing the input/output informa­ logic of the commutator. tion for the job. I The commutator consists of a series of For a detailed explanation of the peri­ in-line instructions that act as gates. pheral bit maps, the scratch bit map. and The~e gates are opened and closed to deter­ the master bit map, see the section nOCMUP mine which set of processing routines is to Track Allocation Maps," in this manual. be entered next. The gates are opened and closed by changing their operation codes. A gate is said to be open when its opera­ tion code is a Transfer on Index Low or Equal (TXL) and closed when it is a Trans­ UNIT CONTROL BLOCKS (7040 TAPE UNITS) Ifer on Index High (TXH). Because zero is specified, the TXL always transfers control to the desired routine Each 729 Magnetic Tape Unit that is and control always falls through the TXH to attached to the 7040 is represented in the the next gate. 7040 by a four-word unit control block. The unit control blocks are generated by DCMUP at assembly time in accordance with assembly parameters. These blocks maintain an indication of the status of the 70'40 tape units (i.e., record and file counts, THE JOB QUEUE TABLE unit availability. etc.).

The job queue table is the DCOS work flow supervisor. As each job is read into the 7040, a one-word entry is made in the FILE CONTROL BLOCKS table' that is used during processing to reflect the job's priority, its present status, and to provide the module and track Each 7090 unit is represented in the address of the job description block for 7040 by an eight-word file control block. the job. The table is located and main­ The file control block links the data tained in a 460-word buffer in the 7040. buffers in use by the file to a 7040 Each time an entry is updated, the entire input/output device. The block is used to table is written on track 2, module 0 maintain the status of the buffers in use (channel B) of the disk. by the file, the location of the buffers, the location of the current logical record, and the location of the current task d'es­ cription in the job description block.


Each job in DCOS has a job description CHANNEL INFORMATION BLOCKS block associated with it. These blocks are created as the jobs are read into the system. The blocks are saved on the disk Each channel that may be referenced by and read into the 7040 each time the job the 7090 in the compatibility mode 1S enters a new phase of processing. As a job represented in the 7040 by a two-word is processed, its job description block is channel information block. This block updated to reflect the job's status and the maintains what would be the contents of the block is rewritten on the disk (drum). channel registers (operation, address. and location) on a stand-alone 7090 and the The major portion of a job description channel indicators (beginning of tape, end block is reserved for task descriptions. of tape, etc.). This information is trans­ Each task that must be performed for a job mittedto the 7090 when the 7040 is trapped during processing has a three-word task as a result of a Store Channel (SCH) description in the job description block instruction being executed in the 7090 or for that job. rhese task descriptions are when Simulating a 7090 data channel trap.

10 ...... : A3 : : AS :

X X .. 7090 .. .7090 TRAPS THE • • ····AS·········.JOB COMPLETE. - • ····"2·········IS ····"3········· • 7040 FOR A .. - 7090 TRAPS • ...... ••••• !~;; •••••• ...... ~~:.~~: ...... ••• !~~.!~:~ ...... : 81 : . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••• X. X ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• X x .x. :*••• B3 •••••· ...... : BS •• READ IN A .JOB .. .. AND BLOCK·*·*·* ·· .. ···SI·*·· .. .SELECT THE NEXT. NO •• DOES THE •• IT INTO • JOB FROM THE • • •••••• JOB ReaUIRE •• DCS :.JOB QUEUE TABLE: •• BREAKDO_N •• ••• ~~~:~! •••• ...... *. • •• * .* .. YES

X .x. . •. x C3 •• c. *. : ••**cs ••••••• **: ..... ··.Cl*·········PREPARE A .JOB .. •• *. •••• .. DESCRIPTION .. •• IS •• YES • * IS *. NO • • • QUEUE THE .JOB • .. BLOCK AND .. •• SETUP •••••••••• x*. SETUP ••••••• • FOR 7040 • .. SAVE IT ON *. ...*PEND ING •• *. ....DONE ... BREAKDOWN : : ••• !~;*~!:~.* ••• •• •• • •• * ... *.* •• *.0 ••••.•• .. NO • YES

·• x •••••••••••••••••••••••••. X ~ x : ••••05 ••••••••• : ·.. .. ···01··········FORM A .JOB • **·....READ 03*·**······· THE .JOB -IDENTIFIER AND .. .. DESCRIPTION .. PERFORM * .. ENTER IT IN .. BLOCK INTO NECESSARY • THE .JOB QUEUE .. • THE 70_0 BREAKDOWN : ...... !!~~~.** •• : . . ••••••••••• X • . x. • x. .x • El *. • ••••E2 •••••••••• E3 •• ....• e...... E5 •• • * *. -UTILITY STAGE .. •• *. * QUEUe THE .JOB • •••• • -BACKGROUND *. YES *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* •• ARE *. NO • FOR PUNCHING. YES •• DOES JOB •• *. UTILI TY .* .••••••• X. aUEU::: JOB FOR .. *.BUFFER AREAS .* •••• "AND PUNCH WHEN .X •••••••• *. REQUIRE •• -.FUNCTION .* .. BACI(GROUND .. *.REQUIRED .* • THE 1402 IS .. -.PUNCHING ." *..* .. UTIL ITIES .. * AVAILABLE • •••• * •• * ...... **...... •••••••••••••••• * •••• • NO * •• * • YES - NO x ...... ·• •••••••••••••••••••••••• x.. .x. : 61 : x .x. Fl *. :***.F3 •••* •••• *: ..... F"'...... F5 .. • * *. • QUEUE THE JOB ...... • • " ,J08 *. NO • SET UP • • FOR PRINTING. YES .- DOES .JOB ". *. AEQUJRE .* ..•• • 7040 BUFFER • .AND PRINT WHEN .X...... •. REQUIRE •• *. SETUP .* : AREAS : • A 1403 IS. ..PRINTING •• *. .* • AVAILABLE • •••• * •• * ...... * ...... • •• * .. YES • NO

·• •••••••••••••••••••••••• x.. x X : •••• Gl ••••••••• : ·····Gs-PURGE THE•••••••••• 1301 .. • QUEUE .JOB FOR .. - OF DATA FILES. • 7040 SETUP • • AND RETURN .. : PROCESSING : .. AREAS TO • .*.*.* .. **** ...... ** :.:~:!;::!;!!: •• :

·• x •••••••••••. x X X :****Hl**"*.* •• *: **··**H3***·**··*** • DISCARD THE • • PERFORM • • LOAD DC-IBSYS • ·····HS··········".JOB DESCRIPTION. NECESSARY MONITOR INTO .. AND THE JOB • SETUP * THE 7090 ...... : IDENTIFIER : . . .X •••••••••• o •:.* x .. . :*.*.Jl •••• *.*.": X : ....Sl : • QUEUE .JOB FOR • * .. ···J3·········RELEASE * • 7090 • .. CONTROL TO : PROCESSING : .. ••• * ••• **.* .... *.** ••• ***!~~*!~:~

• !** • *: •• * • * ·• A3 ... : AS :

Figure 2. General Logic Flow

Introduction to DCOS 11 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0


•• ** * •• * " * .. . : A3 : : A5 : * * ... **._...AI· •••. 90P5 .x. ET .X. UT .X. Al *. .****A2********.* A3 •• * ••• *A4* ••••••••• A5 •• • * 7090 ". ..90P5 .. . .- ". "MWSUP ...... • " SERVICE ". YES ..- ..- ..- ..- ..-*- .. -*-.. ." MESSAGES -. YES ,,-..-,,- .. -,,-*-*-..-* .* UTILITY ". ~O ". NON-PROCESS ...... X" RESTORE PANEL .. *.WAITING TO BE ...... X" SET A •• FUNCTIO~S .* •••• ". EXIT." " AND RETURN TO " ". TYPED ." " CHARACTER ". NEEDED •• ". TAKEN." .. 7090 SERVICE .. ..." " AND TYPE - *. . .. *. .* ****.**.********* •• •• • •••**** ••••• *.*. * ••• " NO .. NO .. YES :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : 90Pl .x. RIU .x. X Bl *. *****82*********- 83 •• • •••• 84•••••••••• • •••*85*** •••••• * ." ". "GATE I .. ." ". "RIOI4 " • * 7090 *. YES *---*-*-*-*-*-*-* •• ANY •• YES *-.-.-.- .. -.-.-.-. :~!!!~*-.-.- *-.-: ". READY FOR A." •••••••• X.. SEND .. ". INQUIRIES ...... X.. READ REQUEST " .. BACKGROU~D ". JOB." .. THE NEXT JOB .. *. WAITING .* "AND PRDCESS - .. UTILITY *.." " TO THE 7090 .. *..* " IN STAGES " •• •• *.* •••••••••• *.*. :.*.~~~!!~;~.***: * ••.. *NO *************.*** • NO :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :X •••••••••• : XEQI .x. MAB .X. .x. C 1 *. *****C2*********- C3 •• .._ •• C4-•• *.*** •• C5 " • • *". "XEQ2 .. .* *. *CAB - .* * • • " 7090 ". YES ,,-.. - .. - .. -*-..-*-*- .. •• IS *. YES *-*-.-.-.-.-.-*-* NO .It ARE JOBS *. ". EXECUTING A ." •••••••• X.. PRINT MESSAGE * -. CHANNEL B ...... X* AC TI VATE ...... AND SERVI:E .* ". JOB." " IF TIME EST. * ".INACTIVE ." .. CHANNEL B ". FUNCT IO~S •• ".." " EXCEEDED .. *..* • ...... * ***************** *. .• * ••• * ••••••• * •••• x ".~~'l: ... " " NO .. NO .****. • YES : A1 : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : JIN .X. MAC 3. X 03 •• ..* •• 04••••• *.**. ·····05*·****··** ._ 01 *. *. :joei22*********: •••• .CAC ... * .. • " HAS A ". YES .. -*-,,-*-,,-,,-.. - .. - .. .* IS •• YES .-.-.-*-.-.-.-.-. • TYPE .. ". JOB CHANGED ...... X.. CHECKPOI NT .. *. CHANNEL C ...... X" ACTIVATE .. FUNCTIO~S ". STAGES ." .. JOB AND TRACK .. *. INACTIVE ." " CHANNEL C COMPLETED *...... TABLE ON DISK .. *...... • * •• * ******** .. ******** * •• * * •••••••••••• * •• * "* •• ***.** ••• *****" .. NO " NO :X •••••••••••••••••.•••••• : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : TIN .X. 90P7 .X. X E 1 ... *****E 2 ********** E3 •• *****E4*.* ••• ** •• **·**E5***·*·*.· • • * *. *TKIN .. ."". "PURGEl " .. . • " HAS A ... YES .. -,,-..-*- ..-,,-*-*-* •• JOB *. YES *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-• .. PAUSE FJR • *. JOB BEEN ...... X* WRITE .. *. READY TO BE ...... X*PURGE REMAI NI NG" DPERATO~ *. PURGED ." .. TRACK TABLE .. *. PURGED ." .. FILES IN J03 " " ACTION " ....* * ON THE DISK " ".." "DESCRIPTION BLK* * •• * ***************** •• •• ********** ••• ***. •• ****.*.* ••• *** • .. NO * NO x :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : ***. " PU 90P6 . .X. .x. " Al • Fl *. *****F2******-*** F3 *. ..* .. F4*** ••• ** •• * .. ." ". "PUNCH " •• *. *90P6 * •• *. • * ANY *. YES *-.-*-*-*-*-*-*-* •• ANY *. YES .-*-.-*-.-*-*-*-• ". PUNCH TASK ...... X.. SET " *. DYNAMIC ." •••••••• X* 7090 SERVICE .. ". WAITING ." .. A PUNCH .. -. PURGING .* * DYNAMIC .. *..* • PURGE .. *. * •• it·* :*****!:~:;*****: *. •• • ••• ***.* ••• *.*** * NO " NO :x ...... : :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : PR .X. SETUP .X. Gl *. *****&2*********- G3 •• *****G4*******.* • ...... "PRINT .. • " ". "SETUP .. • * ANY *. YES *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .* ALL •• NO .-.-.-*-.-*-*-*-* ". PRINT TASK ." •••••••• X" SET .. *. JOBS ...... X* PERFORM ". WAITING ." .. A LINE OF .. ". SETUP ." .. J03 *. * •• *.* :***•• :~~~!*** .. *: •• * •••• * : •• *•• ;~!~:*.*.*: "., NO " YES .' :X •••••••••••••••••••••••. : :X ..•. ~ •••...•••••••...... : CR .x. BRKDN .x. HI *. • •• **H2********** H3 *. • •••• H4•••••• ** •• • * . *. -READ .. ." ". "BRKDN " .* IS THE *. YES *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-. •• JOB •• YES .-.-.-.-.-.-*-.-* ". INPUT GATE ." ...... X* INPUT - "...... PE%gRM ". OPEN." "SERVICE" *J~~~~Dbet- x: ...* : ..**~~~!!~; •• **: *..* : ••• ~:;:~~~~:.*.: "·x·No "·x ·~O :X •••••••••••••••••••••••• : :x .....•...... •..... : *~** .~** * " :- A3 ": : AS :

• Figure 3. DCOS Commutator

INPUT/OUTPUT FILE CONTROL BLOCK BASE blocks, and 7040 physical units. An IOBASE (IOBASE) consists of a set of file control blocks that are completely initialized. The rela­ tionship between simulated 7090 units and An input/output file control block base 7040 file control blocks is defined in an (IOBAS~ defines the relationships among IOBASE table. Each IOBASE table is defined simUlated 7090 units, 7040 file control bya number that is specified when the

12 IOBASE table is defined. The IOBASE number When a buffer is being used for reading, can then be punched in a $IOBASE card, the eecrement portion of the first buffer which may be included in a job to specify control word contains the location of a to the system which IOBASE table is to be read posting routine. There is a posting used for that job. If a job does not routine for primary buffers (PPST) and a contain a $IOBASE card, the standard DC­ posting routine for secondary buffers IBSYS IOBASE table (IOBASE 0) is used. (2PST) • The $ IOBASE card is meaningful only for jobs that operate under a non-IBSYS system. The second buffer control word is an input/output command that is used to read The standard DC-IBSYS IOBASE is defined data into and write data out of the buffer. as simulating 32 IBM 729 Magnetic Tape The command is of the form: Units, one IBM 711 Card Reader, one IBM 716 Printer, and one IBM 721 Card Punch. The lORD *+1,,460 distribution of the 35 units that are simulated is: 1. Channel A--reader, printer, punch, and ten tape units Physical-Record Control Words 2. Channel B--ten tape units 3. Channel C--six tape units 4. Channel D--six tape units The first two words in standard DCOS physical tape and disk (drum) records are The assignment of these units is control words. The contents of the two explained in the section "PRESYS Library words are different for tape records than Preparation and Maintenance." For informa­ for disk (dr~ records except for the tion on how to enter additional IOBASE decrement portion of the first word. The definitions into the system, see Appendix decrement portion of the first word always B. contains an internally generated job number. For a fUrther discussion of the rela­ tionships among simulated 7090 units, 7040 For disk (drum) records, the address file control blocks, and 7040 units, refer portion of the first physical-record con­ to the section "DCOS Unit Assignment Proce­ trol word contains the record's t~ack dures.- address. The decrement of the second con­ trol word contains the track address of the previous physical record of the file, and DATA BUFFER FORMAT its address contains the track address of the next physical record in the file. DCOS data buffers in the 7040 are 462 For tape records, the address portion of words in length. A buffer includes two the first physical-record control word con­ buffer control words and 460 words for tains the number of the record within the standard DCOS physical records. Each phy­ current file. The second control word sical record contains two physical-record contains the reel label in BCD form that control words, leaving 458 words for logi­ was given/on a $SETUP card. cal records. Preceding the first word of each logical record within a physical record is a logical-record control word. Figure 4 shows' the structure of the buffers Logical-Record Control Words and the format of the control words. preceding the first word of each logical record is the logical-record control word. Buffer Control Words The decrement of this word contains the word count of the previous logical record, and its address contains the word count of The first two words of a data buffer are the following logical record. The remain­ buffer control words. The address portion ing bits of the word, prefix and tag, are of word 1 contains a buffer chain address used to indicate the following. (i.e., the location of the next buffer). The first buffer control word of the last S=o The previous logical record is buffer in the chain contains the location complete in this buffer. of the buffer pool control word POOL. POOL contains the location of the first availa­ S=1 The previous logical record is ble buffer in the chain. If there· are no incomplete in this buffer or ends buffers available, POOL contains its own in the last word of the previous address. buffer.

Introduction to DCOS 13 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

1=0 The previous logical record is 2. Initialize 7040 unit control blocks, a BCD record. 7040 file control blocks, and 7040 background utilities. 1=1 The previous logical record is 3. Print tape mounting messages. a binary record. 4. Execute 7040 background utilities. 5. Save information required for job exe­ 18=0 The next logical record is cution (i.e., 7040 file control complete in this buffer. blocks, IOBASE table, 7090 unit con­ trol block information, etc.) on the 18=1 The next logical record is disk (drum). incomplete in this buffer or starts in the first word of the next During the initialization phase of the buffer. setup procedure, the job queue table is searched for a job that requires setup. If 19=0 The next logical record is a there are no jobs that require setup, the BCD record. 7040 setup commutator gate is closed and control is returned to the 7040 commutator 19=1 The next logical record is a at gate BRKDN. When a job requiring setup binary record. is found, its job description block is read from the disk (dru~ into 7040 core stor­ age. The address portion of the first word of the setup task description contains the INPUT SERVICE ROUTINE location of a file that, in turn, contains the parameters of the $SETUP cards asso­ ciated with the job. Each $SETUP card has The input service routine enters jobs a six-word entry in the file. This file, into the system, analyzes control cards, known as the setup file, is then read into initializes job description blocks, and 7040 core storage. saves the jobs on the disk for later processing. The jobs may be entered into the system through the 1402 card reader and/or as card images from a tape unit. Tape unit CO is used as an alternate input $SETUP Card Analysis and Internal Coding unit when the operator enters a code 35 in the 7040 console entry keys. The six-word entries in the setup file As the cards are entered into the sys­ contain the unit in the first word and the tem, they are moved from the input area five parameters from the $SETUP card in the ~DINA) to the input buffer (RDIN1). When remaining words. This information is coded the routine is ready to process another and condensed into a four-word setup file card, the next card in RDIN1 is moved to entry. The format of the four-word entry the work area (CRWKA). There it is com­ is shown in Figure 5 and is interpreted as pared to a table of control card types follows: (i.e., $JOB, $IOBASE, etc.). When a match is found, control is transferred to the WORD 1: Field 01 (bits S-2) is a routine that processes that card type. numeric code to represent option 1 and Processing the cards consists of setting is interpreted as: switches to indicate the type of card, saving pertinent information for otherrou­ ident 1 0 tines, and building task descriptions for DISK = 1 the job description block. If no match is TAPE = 2 found, the card is not a 7040 control card and is passed to the 7090 when the job goes Field 02 (bits 3-5) is a numeric code on the 7090. to represent option 2 and is inter- preted as: ident 2 = 0 JOB SETUP DISK 1 TAPE = 2 NORING 3 Jobs are set up by a group of routines null (blank) = 4 that are entered through 7040 commutator PRINT = 5 gate SETUP. At symbolic location SETUP, PUNCH = 6 there is a second commutator that controls INPUT 7 setup routines that Field 03 (bits 6-11) is a numeric code 1. Analyze $ SETUP cards and code the to represent option 3 and is inter- information for internal use. preted as:

14 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

blank = 0 File count (bits 21-35) contains the LABITS 1 file count parameter (FILECT) if it 720 = 2 (has no function was specified in the control card. as distributed) WORD 3: Ident 1 is a tape reel identification if one was specified in Unit is the unit specified, beginning the option 1 field of the control in column 8 of the $SETUP card. card. WORD 2: R (bits 18-20) will contain a WORD 4: Ident 2 is a tape reel 1 if REELS was specified in the con­ identification if one was specified in trol card. If REELS was not speci­ the option 2 field of the control fied, R contains zero. card.

Address of the } next buffer ------1 Buffer Control Words 3 Word count (460) * +1

Previous logical record Logical record 1 word count word count Logical-Record Control Word 1

Logical Record 1

Logical record 1 Logical record 2 Logical-Record Control Word 2 word count word count

Logical Record 2

Logical Record n-l

Logical record n-l Logical record n word count word count Logical-Record Control Word n

Logical Record n

Logical record n Next logical record word count word count

Figure 4. 7040 Data Buffer Format

Introduction to DCOS 15 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0



File count

Ident 1

Ident 2

.Figure 5. Four-Word Setup Entry

Initializing 7040 Background utilities control blocks that are to be used for compatibility mode. The setup routine determines whether any pre-execution utility functions must be A table is then generated for DC-IBSYS. performed on the input data. If the input This table, the UNISYM table, contains a file is not in the DCOS standard 460-word two-word entry for each unit that was set format, it must be blocked into that format Iup. The UNISYM table is used by DC-IBSYS before it is processed. If a $SETUP card to initialize the 7090 unit control blocks. contains a reel identification in the The first word of the two-word entry con­ option 1 field and a reel identification or tains the logical unit number of the 7040 the word TAPE or DISK in the option 2 file control block assigned to the unit. field, pre-execution blocking must be per­ The second word contains the BCD name of formed. the unit. If the routine determines that pre­ execution blocking is required, it assigns If a tape unit is required for job the 7040 units that will be used by the execution, it is selected from the availa­ utility routine and initializes the call to ble units on the 7040. If a reel of tape the utility. must be mounted on the unit, a unit that has been rewound and unloaded is chosen. If there are none, a unit that is ready is rewound and unloaded. If neither a ready unit nor a rewound or unloaded unit is Initialize 7040 Unit Control Blocks and available, setup for this job cannot be File Control Blocks completed. If the number of tape units required during the processing phase is greater than the number assembled into The unit analysis routine, UNANYL, DCMUP, the job is deleted. However, the analyzes the unit specified on the $SETUP job normally remains in the setup stage and card. If the type of unit specified indi­ commutator cycles are taken until a unit cates that the job is to be run in the becomes available. If the 7090 becomes compatibility mode (i.e.,_ a true machine idle while setup is pending, the following unit), the IOBASE specified in the $IOBASE message is typed: card is used to determine which file con­ trol block is to be used. If there was no $IOBASE card with the job, the standard 4*hhmmss 7090 IS IDLE, SETUP PENDING DC-IBSYS IOBASE is used. For all jobs that require setup, an If a work tape is required, a unit that available file control block is selected is ready is chosen. If there are no ready for each unit specified on a $SETUP card. units available, a unit that has been For IOBASE 0, an available file control rewound and unloaded is chosen. block is one that is not reserved for a specific library function, a peripheral function, or a utility function. For When a tape unit has been selected, the IOBASEl and IOBASE2, an available file location of its 7040 unit control block is control block is one that is not reserved placed in word 1 of the 7040 file control for a library function or a peripheral block that corresponds to the 7090 unit function. Any available file control block control block for the unit. The job number may be used for direct mode operation. The is then placed in word 3 of the 7040 unit specified IOBASE table defines the file control block.

16 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

Print Mounting Messages all of the units required for the job are ready, the job is passed to the 7090 for execution. If any of the units is not The print mounting messages routine ready, the job is rescheduled for 7090 prints all messages that inform the opera­ execution and the 7040 continues searching tor where to mount tapes and which units to the job queue table. If the 7040 reaches make ready. This includes any units that the end of the job queue table before are required for pre-execution utilities._ locating a job that is ready for 7090 execution, the message THE 7090 IS IDLE, SETUP PENDING Execute Pre-Execution utilities is printed on the 7040 console, and the search recycles. If there are no jobs in The execute pre-execution utilities rou­ the job queue table awaiting execution, the tine tests the status of all units assigned message for use by the utility routine. When all units are ready, control is transferred to THE 7090 IS IDLE the appropriate utility routine. For a description of the utility routines, see is printed and the search is terminated. Ithe section -Background utility Routines.­ When the utility routine has completed its operation and returned control to setup, all units that were assigned for input to JOB BREAKDOWN the utility routine are rewound, unloaded, and made available for further use. The job breakdown routine is entered through 7040 commutator gate BRKDN. This routine rewinds and releases all tape units Save Pertinent Job Information on the Disk used for the job and initializes and exe­ cutes any post-execution utilities that are required. The initialized file control blocks and the IOBASE table are written on the disk The breakdown routine rewinds and (drum) for use by the 7040 during 7090 unloads all remaining tapes that were execution time. The coded $ SETUP card mounted for the job during job setup. All information (four-word entries) is saved on work-tape units that were assigned during the disk (drum) for use by the breakdown job setup are rewound, and all but those routine. A task description entry is required for post-execution utility proc­ created in the job description block for essing are returned to available status. the UNISYM table, and the table is saved on If the post-execution utilities are not the disk (drum). The UNISYM table is required, all tape units that were assigned called by DC-IBSYS by a special to the job during job setup are made input/output call. available to the system. The job is now queued for 7090 execu­ The breakdown routine uses the coded tion, and the setup routine searches the four-word entries generated by the setup queue table for the next job requiring routine to determine whether any post­ setup. execution utilities are required. If any utilities are required, the units needed to execute the utility are assigned. If any tapes must be mounted, the mounting INITIALIZATION FOR 7090 EXECUTION messages are printed and the breakdown routine waits until all units assigned for the utility are ready. Control is then When the 7090 has completed a job, it transferred to the appropriate utility rou­ signals the 7040 that it is ready for the tine. When the utility routine completes next job. The 7040 then searches the job its operation, control is returned to the queue table to locate the next job. When a breakdown routine, where all assigned units job is located, the 7040 scans its unit are returned to available status. control blocks to locate any units that are required for the job. The job number in the third word of the unit control block identifies the job for which the unit was PUNCH STAGE set up. If no units are required, the job is passed to the 7090 for execution. If units are required, their status is tested The punch routine may be thought of as to determine whether they are ready. If two routines: the punch staging routine

Introduction to DCOS 17 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

and the punch activating routine. The A pointer is used to determine which staging routine fills three card-image buf­ buffer is to be punched next. When this fers, so that the activating routine can pointer indicates that a buffer is full and punch all cards from a single source. The ready to be punched, tests are made to cards to be punched may be BCD or binary establish that the punch is ready, that it cards. The activating routine also pro­ is not busy, and that a punch error has not vides repunching of cards in the event of occurred. If the punch is not ready or is hole-count errors. busy, the punch routine returns control to the commutator. If the tests indicate that punChing is possible, the punch-buffer Punch Staging Routine control word is decoded. The control word is used to build the select instruction and the input/output command. The select Entry to the punch routine is through instruction and the input/output command commutator gate PU to symbolic location are then executed, followed by a test to PUNCH. The punch routine exit is at sym­ detect core-storage-to-punch-buffer trans­ bolic location PUOUT, where control is fer errors. If any errors are detected, returned to the commutator. one retry is attempted. If an error is detected on the second attempt, the card is Upon initial entry to the punch routine, bypassed and a message is printed on the there is no job description block in stor­ console typewriter informing the operator age to control operation. The job queue of the condition. table is scanned to locate a job waiting to be punched; when found, its job description If the sense instruction prior to the block is read in from disk (drum) storage. next punch select indicates that a hole­ If there are no jobs waiting to be punched count error was detected, a message is and previously initiated punching has been printed on the console typewriter completed, the commutator punch gate (P~ instructing the operator to clear the punch is closed and control is returned to the station. The buffer control words of the commutator. previous two buffers are reset to plus, to indicate not punched, and the punch-buffer When a job description block has been pointer is set back two buffers. The read into storage, a job separator card is routine then tests the punch for a not­ set up for punching. The job separator ready condition followed by a ready card consists of columns 31 through 60 of condition, which indicates operator action the $JOB card in columns 1 to 30 of the is complete. Normal punching then contin­ separator card and the date in columns ues. 31-36, and nines in columns 61 through 80. Each task description is then tested to All cards that are punched are placed in determine if it is a punch task. the 4 pocket with the exception of binary cards that contain a 7-8-9 punch in colUmn When a punch task is found, the data one. These cards are placed in the 8/2 block is read from disk storage and the pocket. card images are staged for punching. The track address of the data block is found in the address portion of word 1 of the task description. The mode that the 7090 used to write the punch card record determines PRINT STAGE whether a BCD or a binary card will be punched. The record length is checked. If the length exceeds 14 words for BCD records Entry to the print routine is through (28 for binary), all punching for the job commutator gate PR to symbolic location Iis discontinued. PRINT. This single entry services all attached printers. At the beginning of the After all task descriptions in a job print routine, there are three instructions description block have been tested, the job for each printer. These instructions set a queue table entry for that job description transfer instruction and initialize index block is staged for printing. register 4. Index register 4 is used by the print routine to refer to the printers. Each set of three instructions transfers control to a common print routine. This Punch Activating Routine common routine services the printer referred to by index register 4 and returns control, by means of the transfer instruc­ The punch activating routine controls tion, to the next set of three instructions mechanical movement of the IBM 1402 Card for the next printer. This approach allows Punch. It also contains the punch error­ all printers to be serviced by one commuta­ recovery routine. tor gate (PR) and one common routine.

18 Form C28- 6383- 2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 The print gate (PR) is opened by the routine is read into core storage starting 7090 service routine and remains open until at location 192 (300). all jobs waiting to be printed have been co~pleted. As each jon is completed, its job queue table entry, bits 14-17, are set to indicate that the job is ready for the Setup and Breakdown 'Utilities next stage.

Each printer usually requires one 460-word buffer at a time. However, at the The setup and breakdown utilities are: end of each job, one printer holds (while generating the accounting information) two 1. Tape-to-tape blocking buffers: one for the job description block 2. Tape-to-dis k blocking in which two print tasks for the accounting 3. Tape-to~tape deblocking information are being created; and one for 4. Disk-to-tape deblocking the accounting information itself. If, at the beginning of DCMUP, the assembly The two blocking routines are used for ~arameter 2BF is set to 1, the printers job setup, and the two deblocking routines will be double-buffered (each printer will are used for job breakdown. The routines require two buffers most of the time). The are called if the analysis of the $SETUP print routine always expects print images cards indicates a need for them. to be in BCD character representation, with or without record marks within logical The blocking routines block input data records. If editing or binary mode is records into the standard DCOS 460-word desired, modifications to the print routine format. The input data records must be no are required. Logical records are trans­ longer than 457 words. During the blocking mitted from the 7090 DCOS record control process, the blocking routines insert a words. logical-record control word in front of each physical input record. The logical­ Wnen a job enters the print stage, a record control words represent the logical record is scanned (this scanning is interrecord gaps on the input tape and give under the control of the logical record the length, in words, and t.he mode of the control words) until either a record mark record. is found or the end of a logical record is reached. If a record mark is detected, the The deblocking routines deblock the deblocked line is printed as one line, and, standard DCOS 460-word output records into upon commutator return to the print rou­ the lengths specified by the logical-record tine, scanning of the logical record is control words. As records are transmitted continued. If the end of a logical record from the 7090, they are placed into is reached (or no record mark is detected), 460-word buffers. Each record is preceded the line is printed as one line, and, upon by a logical-record control word. When a commutator return to the print routine, buffer is filled, it is written on the disk scanning begins with a new logical record or on a 7040 tape unit. If so indicated on at location SCANX. the $SETUP card, these 460-word records are deblocked during the breakdown stage of There is no need to use postprocessing and written onto a tape in the lengths specified by the logical-record $SErUp OUl DISK,PRINT,720 control words. The maximum length data record that can be deblocked is 457 words. If it is used, one unnecessary SETUP stage is executed which might marginally degrade During execution of the'tape-to-tape performance. rhere is no other effect. blocking or deblocking utility routines, an end-of-tape condition will cause an end-of­ file mark to be written on the output tape. A message will be issued instructing the BACK3ROUND UTILITY ROUTINES operator to mount a blank reel. The programmer must take into account the end­ of-file mark at the end of the reel when There are eight utility routines under the tape is used as input. DCMUP control. These utilities operate on a tihle-snaring basis. Four of the routines are called ,and used by the setup and breakdown fUnctions and three are con­ Monitored Utility Routines trolled by the DCMUP utility monitor. One routine, the 720h disk-to-printer deblock­ lng, is not used by the system as distrib­ The monitored utility routines are: uted. Only one utility routine can be in 7040 core storage at a time. The required 1. Card-to-tape

Introduction to DCOS 19 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 2. Tape-to-printer During execution of the card-to-tape 3. Tape-to-punch utility routine, an end-of-tape condition will cause an end-of-file mark to be These routines are called by the utility written on the output tape. A message will monitor if analysis of the $UTILITY card be issued instructing the operator to mount indicates ~ need for them. a blank reel. The programmer must take into account the end-of-file mark at the The card-to-tape routine blocks an input end of the reel when the tape is used as card deck into standard 460-word DCOS data input. records. The tape-to-printer and tape-to­ punch routines write standard 460-word DCOS data records onto the disk and then make a task entry specifying either print or punch and giving the location of the transcribed 7040/7044 UTILITY ROUTINES file. The utility then requests staging of this job into either the print or punch stage and allows DCMUP standard procedures The three 7040/7044 IBJOB tape-blocking to complete the utility operation. and deblocking routines which operate under

Introduction to DCOS 19.1 the 7040/7044 Operating System (16/32K) number of files to be processed must be included on the DCOS Distribution Tape are: a decimal integer.

1. Tape Blocking Routine: This routine Multiple reels of tape may be blocked or blocks tapes into the standard DCOS deblocked during the sawe run, with each record format.1. reel specified on a separate control card. 2. System Tape Blocking Routine: When a Multiple input reels will yield an equal or non-IBSYS system tape is to be edited greater number of output reels (a single into the system library, it must con­ input reel may yield more than one output tain a loading program and must be reel) • blocked into the standard DCOS format. I The System Tape Blocking Routine per­ forms these functions. Prior to actual job execution, the fol­ 3. Tape Deblocking Routine: This routine lowing tape-mounting message will be issued deblocks any tape records written in to the operator: st~ndard DCOS format into their origi­ nal record format.1. SET UP JOB job ident MOUNT INPUT ON xx AND SCRATCH TAPE ON yy These utility routines are relocatable object programs written for the 7040/7044 where xx and yy are 7040 tape units. Operating System (16/32K) which has been assembled for 32,768 words of core storage. Should a read error occur during proc­ No other routine or system, including DCOS, essing, a message identifying the record can operate while the 7040/7044 System is and file number of the record in error will in control. be printed on the 1403. The record will be assumed to be valid, and processing will Each reel of tape to be blocked or continue. deblocked requires one control card. This card should oe placed after the appropriate If an end-oi-tape mark is encountered on utility program deck. The format of this the output tape before processing has been card is: completed, the system will take the follow­ ing action:

1. A message noting the condition and identifying the record and its reel jab output reel number of files number will be printed off-line ident number to be processed 2. The output reel will be terminated. (right (right 3. Processing will continue on an alter­ justified) justified) nate unit with the reel number increased by one.

where: After the specified number of files have been blocked or deblocked, the following job ident is the identification assigned message will be typed: by the user; it may be any combination of characters and blanks. JOB job ident IS COMPLETED, TAPE ON yy IS NOW TAPE NUMBER output reel output reel number is the numeric iden­ number tification assigned to the output reel by the user. (The control card for the where yy is a 7040 tape unit. system tape blocking routine should have the system name (left justified) in Blocking and deblocking operations will columns 31-36.) be immediately terminated if sense switch 2 is on.

1Records that are to be blocked may contain Procedures for operating the 7040/7044 3 to 17,400 words per record. Conversely, IBSYS Operating System are described in the logical records that are to be deblocked publication IBM 7040/7044 Operating System may contain 3 to 17,400 words. (16/32K): Operator's Guide, Form C28-6338.


The IBSYS Operating System Monitor with The DC-IBSYS Monitor may also contain an Direct Couple" Capabilities (DC-IBSYS installation accounting routine tailored to Monitor) controls the 1090 side of DCOS. the specific requirements of the installa­ The DC-IBSYS Monitor consists of: tion.

1. The DC-IBSYS Supervisor, whose primary functions are to control and coordi­ The DC-IBSYS Supervisor, the DC-IBSYS nate the processing of jobs. The Nucleus, and DC-IOEX are described in supervisor performs job initializa­ detail in the following sections. The tion, passes control from one IBSYS System Editor is described in the section subsystem to another, and releases ·System Editor." Details about the System control to DCMUP whenever it is neces­ Core Storage Dump Program may be found in sary to load a non-IBSYS system. the publication IBM 1090-1040 Direct Couple 2. The System Core Storage Dump Program, Operating System: Programmer's Guide, Form which can facilitate the testing and C28-6382. analysis of any program executed under control of DC-IBSYS. 3. The System Editor, which facilitates In the discussion that follows, the the modification and maintenance of terms unit, channel, tape, card reader, the entire Direct Couple Operating etc., do not refer to physical input/output System and the 1090 subsystems devices attached to the 1090. The DC (including non-IBSYS systems) operat­ channel is the only real device attached to ing under it. the 1090. Rather, above terms refer to 4. The DC-IBSYS Nucleus, which remains in input/output devices that are simulated by core storage during execution of all the 1040 side of DCOS. IBSYS jobs and provides facilities for communication and control among the DCOS Multiprocessor, the DC-IBSYS Mon­ This section concerns IBSYS subsystems itor, and the 1090 subsystems. and IBSYS job segments only. These may be 5. The Direct Couple Input/Output Execu­ either in direct mode (IBJOB) or compat­ tor (DC-IOEX), which remains in core ibility mode, unless specifically noted. storage during job execution of IBSYS Non-I BSYS job segments operate only in systems to coordinate and control compatibility mode. input/output via the DC channel.

DC-IBSYS Monitor 21 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0


The DC~IBSYS Supervisor coordinates and $EXECUTE supervises the processing of each job by $ID initializing the job, by initializing IBSYS $* job segments, and by passing control from one IBSYS sUbsystem to another. Each subsystem and the System Editor, as well as DC-IBSUP, recognize the $ EXECUTE and $ID cards. The $JOB card is encountered only by the DC-IBSYS Supervi­ INITIALIZATION PROCEDURES sor. The actions taken by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor when a $EXECUTE or $ID card is encountered are described in the following Jobs are initialized on the 7090 in the text. following manner: 1. for the first job, or 2. for the first job after a non-IBSYS job. $JOB CARD The CLEAR routine, 1. clears core, except for the nucleus The $JOB card is required for each job. area of IBSYS, It defines the beginning of a job. A job 2. resets indicators, consists of all of the cards beginning with 3. clears traps, and a $ JOB card and ending with, but not 4. loads IBSYS. including, the next $JOB card. A job may consist of any logical combination of job If a refreshed IBSYS is in core, i.e., if: segments to be performed by the SUbsystems 1. a $IBSYS card had been followed by a and the DC-IBSYS Monitor. The $JOB card $STOP card, and causes control to be transferred to the 2. no DUMP parameter was specified on a installation accounting routine (if one $ATEND card, exists at the installation). A units print­ then CLEAR is not loaded. out will occur which is a table giving the relationship of simulated 7090 units to If CLEAR is not to be loaded for the 7040 FCBs and actual units. next job (a refreshed IBSYS is already in core), IBSYS execution for the next job The format of the $JOB card is: begins immediately after processing a $STOP card for the previous job, without any 1 16 intervening halt of the 7090. The 7090 will come to a halt before loading DCIDR $JOB [priori ty] , [time estimate] and wait for DCMUP to restart it upon getting a new job. 31 60

When the supervisor gains control, it [line estimate] [job identification] moves the nucleus to lower core storage and 'generates unit control blocks. Before each The parameters are: job segment (including the first) the DC­ IBSYS supervisor performs unit assignment priority functions, as described in the section This is the priority assigned to the -DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures. w job. The digits 0 through 9 may be specified. A non-numeric character may also be specified, and the low­ order four digits of its BCD BASIC SUPERVISOR CONTROL CARDS representation will be used as the priority number. A priority of 0 is the lowest priority that can be The DC-IBSYS Supervisor is directed to assigned. When this parameter is perform many of its functions by control omitted, a priority of 0 is assumed. cards, which it reads from a system input file, interprets, and acts upon. The most time estimate frequently used DC-IBSYS Supervisor control This is the estimated total 7090 proc­ cards are: essing time, in minutes. A maximum specification of 32,767 minutes is $JOB allowed.

22 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 line estimate $EXECUTE CARD This is the estimated line count of the printed (1403) output from the job. A maximum specification of The $EXECUTE card defines the beginning 262,143 lines is allowed. of a job segment. When a $EXECUTE card is If either the time estimate or the read by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor, the Super­ line-count estimate is exceeded, the visor scans its direct-mode name table operator is notified and DCMUP ini­ (DCTBL) to determine if the parameter tiates termination procedures. If refers to a direct-mode IBSYS subsystem either or both estimates are omitted, that resides on the disk. In the distrib­ the assembled maximum values of DCMUP, uted version, IBJOB is the only direct-mode symbols SDLNCT and SDTMET, are sUbsystem. If a direct-mode system is to assigned. job identification Columns 31 through 60 are normally used to identify a job and may contain any combination of characters and blanks.

DC-IBSYS Supervisor 22.1 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 be executed, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor traps employ an installation accounting routine. the 7040 by executing an HEY instruction It causes a transfer to the installation with a code of 8, passing the name speci­ accounting routine. Upon completion of the fied on the $EXECUTE card to DCMUP. The accounting routine, the next card in the 7040 responds by scatter-loading the sub­ system input file is read and processed. system, trapping the 7090 when loading has been completed. The distributed version of DCOS does not If the $EXECUTE card does not specify a contain an installation accounting routine. direct-mode subsystem, the DC-IBSYS Super­ Details about designing such routines may visor traps the 7040 by executing an HEY be found in the section-Designing an instruction having a code of 9. In this Installation Accounting Routine." case, the 7040 executes an Enter Halt on Input/Output Primary Mode (EHM) instruc­ tion, placing DCS in compatibility mode. The exact use and placement of the $ID card depends upon the accounting practices If the CARDS option is specified on the used at a particular installation. $EXECUTE card, the 7040 traps the 7090 into a routine that simulates pressing of the 7090 LOAD CARD button. A $ROW card must follow the $EXECUTE card, and a self­ loading card loader must follow the $ROW card. The deck to be loaded must be terminated by a $ENDROW control card. UNIT ASSIGNMENT CONTROL CARDS If the TAPE option is specified on the $EXECUTE card, the 7040 traps the 7090 into Unit assignment control cards are used a tape-load-simulation routine for 7090 to specify temporary reassignment of logi­ unit Al. Only non-IBSYS systems may be cal system unit functions. A system unit executed from tape. The tape must have (SYSUNI) function is designated on the been specified on a $SETUP card for unit A1 control card as SYSxxx or SYSyyy, where and must be in standard DCOS format. SYSxxx and SYSyyy are the symbolic names for the systems unit functions listed in If the DC-IBSYS Supervisor encounters a Figure 7. SYSLB1 may not be specified on a $IBJOB control card, the Supervisor will unit assignment control card. simulate a $EXECUTE card specifying IBJOB.

If a $EXECUTE card is read by a SYSCKl and SYSCK2 may be used in DCOS, subsystem whose name is not the same as although not as checkpoint units. They may that specified on the card, control is be validly specified on any unit assignment returned to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor. The control card. Details about the logic of Supervisor causes loading of the new seg­ DCOS unit assignment can be found in the ment as it would if it had read the section nDCOS Unit Assignment Procedures." $EXECUTE card. When a subsystem reads a $EXECUTE card specifying itself, the sub­ system retains control.

$ASSIGN CARD $ID CARD The $ASSIGN card causes the specified The $ID card is used for intra job system unit function to be assigned to a accounting purposes at installations that unit. The format of the $ASSIGN card is:

DC-IBSYS Supervisor 23 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

one of the unit availability chains in the 1 DC-IBSYS Nucleus and is assigned to the specified system unit function. $ASSIGN SYSxxx Selection of the unit is governed by If a $SETUP card was used, the unit whether a $SETUP card referring to the same control block that was assigned a unit system function was included among the 7040 symbol corresponding to the symbol on the control cards for that job. $ASSIGN card is selected and aSSigned to the specified system unit function. If If a $SETUP card was not used and if the another unit had been aSSigned to the specified system unit function has already specified system unit function, it is been assigned, the $ASSIGN card has no released as stipulated in the description effect. Otherwise, a unit is selected from of the $RELEASE card.

DC-IBSYS Supervisor 23.1 $RELEASE CARD 1 $SWITCH SYSxxx,SYSyyy The $RELEASE card causes the unit assigned to the specified system unit fUnc­ ~ The contents of the fourth word of tion to be released from that function. the unit control blocks are not switched. The unit is returned to the appropriate availability chain unless it was specified on a $SETUP card or on a previous $ASSIGN card. The format of the $RELEASE card is: $CARDS CARD 1 The $ CARDS card causes the DC-IBSYS $RELEASE SYSxxx Supervisor to read succeeding control cards from the system card reader (SYSCRD). The format of the $CARDS card is:

$RESET CARD 1 $CARDS The $RESET card causes the assignment of units to system unit fUnctions and the Note: A $ROW-$ENDROW card group encoun­ release of units from system unit functions tered in the flow of input to the 7040 according to the following rules: defines the limits of the data file for the card reader. These data cards are convert­ 1. System unit functions that were ed by the 7040 to card-image form before assigned at assembly and are currently being passed to the 7090 as input. assigned remain assigned. 2. System unit functions that were not assigned-at assembly and are currently unassigned remain unassigned. $TAPE CARD 3. System unit functions that were not assigned at assembly but are currently assigned are released. The $TAPE card causes the DC-IBSYS 4. System unit functions that were Supervisor to read succeeding control cards assigned at assembly and are currently from the unit assigned as the system input unassigned are reassigned. An attempt unit (SYSIN1). The format of the $TAPE is made to assign such functions to card is: the units to which they were original­ ly assigned. If, however, the origi­ 1 nal unit is reserved (bit 3 of word 1 of the unit control block is a 1) or $TAPE the unit is assigned another function (word 4 of the unit control block is not zero), the system unit function is assigned to a unit selected from an TAPE-MANIPULATION CONTROL CARDS availability chain. The format of the $RESET card is: Four control cards enable automatic manipulation of tape units assigned to system unit functions. If no unit is assigned to the system unit function speci­ $RESET fied on a tape-manipulation control card, or if a card or printer unit is assigned to the function, the card has no effect. Note: SYSLB 1 may not be specified on any $SWITCH CARD tape-manipulation control card.

The $ SWITCH card causes the units assigned to the two specified system unit $ENDFILE CARD functions to be transposed; that is, the unit assigned to SYSxxx is assigned to SYSyyy, and the unit that was assigned to The $ENDFILE card causes an end of file SYSyyy is assigned to SYSxxx. The format to be written on the unit assigned to the of the $SWITCH card is: specified system unit function. No test is

24 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 made to determine invalid operations such MISCELLANEOUS CONTROL CARDS as writing an end of file on the system input unit. $STOP CARD The format of the $ENDFILE card is:

1 16 This card is interpreted as meaning the end of the current job. Control of the $ENDFILE SYSxxx 7090 is returned to the 7040, thus initiat­ ing termination procedures.

The format of the $STOP card is: $REWIND CARD 1

The $REWIND card causes a unit assigned $STOP to the specified system unit function to be rewound. The $STOP card is not required, since a $IBSYS and a $STOP card are generated by The format of the $REWIND card is: DCMUP and are placed at the end of the system input.


When the $IBSYS card is read by a $REMOVE CARD subsystem or the System Editor, the DC­ IBSYS Supervisor is called into core storage and control is relinquished to it. The format of the $REMOVE card is: If a compatibility-mode IBSYS sUbsystem was in control, the return to IBSYS causes DCOS 1 to leave compatibility mode. The Supervi­ sor then processes succeeding control cards $ REMOVE SYSxxx until control is relinquished to a subsys­ tem because of a $EXECUTE card or to the If the system function specified on the System Editor because of a$IBEDT card. $ REMOVE card is being simulated on the disk, the 7040 effects a simulated rewind The format of the $IBSYS card is: only. If the function has been assigned to a 7040 tape unit, the tape unit is rewound and unloaded. If the unit is again referred to by a read or write instruction, $IBSYS the operator will be notified of a tape­ not-ready condition. In this case, clarification to the operator should be DC-IBSYS SUPERVISOR CONTROL CARDS provided by $PAUSE or $* cards. The DC-IBSYS Supervisor must be in con­ trol to process any of the control cards $UNLOAD CARD described in the remainder of this section.

The $UNLOAD card has the same effect as the $REMOVE card. Its format is: $RESTORE CARD

1 The $RESTORE card causes the restoration of the DC-IBSYS Nucleus as specified by $UNLOAD SYSxxx assembly parameters.

DC-IBSYS Supervisor 25 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

The format of the $RESTORE card is: $IBEDT 1 Note: Control cards that are recognized by the System Editor are described in the $RESTORE section ·System Editor. n

The $RESTORE card causes the DC-IBSYS Monitor to be called into core storage from the disk, producing the same effect as an initial start except that the tape posi­ $UNITS CARD tions are not disturbed. The effect of all previous control cards is canceled except that the $RESTORE card does not affect the A units printout at the beginning of source of control card input as specified each job gives the relationships between by $ CARDS or $TAPE cards. However, the simulated 7090 units and their functions unit assigned as the system input unit may and 7040 logical and physical units, along change as a result of the $RESTORE card if with the symbolic name for each unit. The a different unit had been assigned by a $UNITS card may be used to get this same $ASSIGN or $SWITCH card. type of printout at other times during the processing of a job. A $UNITS card will cause a units printout whenever it is $IBEDT CARD encountered by DC-IBSYS in the input stream.

Upon recognizing the $IBEDT card, the The format of the $UNITS card is: DC-IBSYS Supervisor calls the System Editor into core storage from the disk and relin­ 1 quishes control to it. $UNITS The format of the $IBEDT card is: Figure 5A is an example of a units 1 printout.

r------, 1 90 UNIT RD PU PR A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 FUNCTION CRD PCH PRT LB1 IN1 OU1 PP1 CK1 SYMBOLIC LB2 UT3 UT1 40 LOGICAL 32 33 34 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 40 UNIT DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK C1 C2 C3



.Figure 5A. Units Printout


The DC-IBSYS Nucleus (DC-IBNUC) is a by the operator. The 7040 saves a portion of the DC-IBSYS Monitor that portion of 7090 core storage., places remains in core storage at all times when the system in direct mode, and loads DC-IBSYS is in control. It provides common the DC-IBSYS Monitor to save the con­ facilities for communication and control tents of the 7090 panel and to restore among the Monitor, the 7090 subsystems the Nucleus. When these restoration operating under it, and the 7040 DCOS procedures are complete, the Core Multiprocessor. The DCOS Input/Output Exe­ Storage Dump Program is loaded and cutor and the unit control blocks for the executed. input/output units are described separately in the section "DCOS Input/Output The parts of the DC-IBSYS Nucleus of Executor," although they may be considered greatest interest to the systems programmer part of the System Nucleus, because they are the communication region, the system remain in core storage and provide common unit function table, and the unit availabi­ communication facilities. lity table. These three are described in the following text, together with job con­ The DC-IBSYS Nucleus consists of the trol communication requirements for subsys­ following: tems operating under the DC-IBSYS Monitor. 1. A communication region, which contains constants, control words, and transfer words required for communication among COMMUNICATION REGION the DC-IBSYS Monitor, 7090 subsystems, and the 7040 DCOS Multiprocessor. 2 .. The system unit function (SYSUNI) The communication region of the DC-IBSYS table, which keeps account of the Nucleus consists of 30 consecutive core units assigned to system unit func­ storage locations containing constants, tions. control words., and transfer words that may 3. The unit control block table, which be referred to by the 7040 DCOS Multi­ contains one word for each channel. processor, the DC-IBSYS Monitor, or by any Bach word contains the address of the subsystem. Each entry in the communication first unit control block for the chan­ region is listed in Figure 6 with its octal nel and the total number of absolute address, its symbolic address, and input/output units assigned to the its function. A more complete description channel. of the fUnction of each entry is given in 4. The unit availability table, which Appendix C. contains one word for each channel. Each word serves as an entry point to The entries in the corrmunication region a chain of available units on the may be referred to by their absolute channel. addresses, since their locations do not 5. The DC-IBSYS Loader, which is used by change. In addition, the entries in this the DC-IBSYS Monitor and the subsys­ region may be referred to by their symbolic tems for requesting the 7040 to load addresses when using (1) the Macro Assembly records from the system library unit. Program (IBMAP) in relocatable mode., or (2) 6. A dump calling routine, which calls the FORTRAN II Assembly Program (FAP) if an the 7040 whenever a dump is requested SST (Save Symbol Table) pseudo-operation is by the DC-IBSYS Monitor, by a subsys­ included in the first card group of the FAP tem, by an object program, or manually language source program.

DC-IBSYS Nucleus 27 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 Octal 2Y!!!bo!!£ SYSTEM UNIT FUNCTION TABLE Addr~ Ad.Q~~~ Function The system unit function table contains 100 SYSTRA Transfer instruction to an entry for each of the 24 possible system current sUbsystem unit functions. The octal location, the 101 SYSDAT Date word symbol, and the system unit function for 102 SYSCUR Name of current sUbsystem each entry are shown in Figure 7. 103 SYSRET Location to which each subsystem returns control r------T------~------, 104 SYSKEY Not used in DCOS I Octal I I I I 105 SYSSWS Not used in DCOS IAddress ISymbol I System Unit Function I 106 SYSPOS Inital position and index ~------+------+------i of current subsystem I I I J 107 SYSUNI Location and length of I 140 ISYSLBl I Library 1 I system unit function I 141 ISYSLB2 ILibrary 2 I table I 142 SYSLB3 ILibrary 3 I 110 SYSUBC Location and length of I 143 SYSLB4 ILibrary 4 table of unit control I 144 SYSCRD ISystem Card Reader block locators by channel I 145 SYSPRT ISystem Printer 111 SYSUAV Location and length of I 146 SYSPCH ISystem Punch unit availability table I 147 SYSOU1 I Output 112 9,.YSUCW Location and length of I 150 SYSOU2 IAlternate Output all unit control blocks I 151 SYSINl I Input 113 SYSRPT Not used in DCOS 152 SYSIN2 IAlternate Input 114 SYSCEM Transfer to customer 153 SYSPP1 IPeripheral Punch engineering diagnostic 154 SYSPP2 IAlternate Peripheral routine I Punch 115 SYSDMP Transfer to bootstrap for 155 SYSCKl I Checkt::oint 1 core storage dump 156 SYSCK2 ICheckpoint 2 116 SYSIOX Location and length of 157 SYSUTl I Utility 1 IOEX communication table 160 ISYSUT2 IUtility 2 117 SYSIDR Transfer to installation 161 ISYSUT3 IUtility 3 accounting routine, if 162 ISYSUT4 IUtility 4 any 163 ISYSUT5 IUtility 5 120 SYSCOR Lower limit of usable 164 ISYSUT6 I Utility 6 core storage in decre­ 165 ISYSUT7 IUtility 7 ment, upper limit in 166 I SYSUT8 I Utility 8 address 167 ISYSUT9 IUtility 9 121 SYSLDR Transfer to scatter-load L ______~I ______L_I ______routine 122 SYSACC Installation accounting routine communication Figure 7. System Unit Function Table word 123 SYSPID Installation accounting If an SST (Save Symbol Table) pseudo­ routine communication operation is included in the first card word group of a FAP source program, the symbols 124 SYSCYD Not used by DCOS listed in Figure 7 represent the symbolic 125 SYSCYD+l Not used by DCOS addresses of the table entries. For 126 SYSLD } example, SYSLB1 represents 140 and SYSUT4 127 SYSTCH } Self-load sequence represents 162 • 130 SYSTCH+l} 131 SYSTWT System trap, wait, and When using the Macro Assembly Program transfer point (MAP) language, the symbols in Figure 7 132 SYSGET Subsystem communication represent index numbers, beginning with 0 wi th supervisor control for SYSLB1 and ending with 278 f'or SYSUT9. word To obtain the correct address of an entry 133 SYSJOB Job-skipping control word in the system unit function table when 134 .CHEXI Direct Couple environment programming in the MAP language, the index switch number expressed by the symbol must be 135 . MODSW Direct Couple inpu~/ out­ added to the address portion of the SYSUNI put mode switch entry in the communication region of the Nucleus. Since the address portion of the SYSUNI entry contains the address of the first word of the system unit function eFigure 6. Communication Region of DC-IBSYS table, the addition results in the correct Nucleus address. For example, adding the address

28 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 portion of the SYSUNI entry (1408) to SYSOU1 (defined as 7 by IBLDR) results in the address (1478 ) of the entry in the system unit function table for the system output unit.

DC-IBSYS Nucleus 28.1 The address portion of each entry in the Communication Location SYSRET system unit function table contains the address of the first word of the unit control block for the unit assigned to the Whenever a subsystem must return control system unit function. If no unit is to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor, it transfers assigned to the system unit function, the control to SYSRET. As a result, the DC­ address portion of the entry contains IBSYS Supervisor is read into core storage zeros. Normal assignments of units to and control is relinquished to it. system unit fUnctions are specified when the entire Direct Couple Operating System is assembled. However, normal unit assign­ Communication Location SYSGET ments may be changed temporarily by unit assignment control cards. Before returning control to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor, a SUbsystem must ensure that a word is stored in SYSGET that indicates to UNIT AVAILABILITY TABLE the DC-IBSYS Supervisor the reason that control was returned to it. In addition, whenever a post-mortem dump is performed by The unit availability table consists of the DC-IBSYS Core Storage Dump Program, the one entry per input/output channel, begin­ dump program places IBSXEC in SYSGET (to ning with channel A. Each entry contains indicate that a post-mortem dump was the address of the first word of the unit performed) before it returns control to the control block for the first unassigned DC-IBSYS Supervisor. When the DC-IBSYS (available) unit on the channel. The Supervisor obtains control from the dump address portion of the first word of the program or from a subsystem, it examines unit control block for each unassigned unit the word in SYSGET and takes the on a channel contains the address of the appropriate action. first word of the unit control block for the next unassigned unit on the channel. A subsystem name in SYSGET indicates to In this way, a unit availability chain for the DC-IBSYS Supervisor that a subsystem each channel is formed, beginning with an has read a $EXECUTE card containing a entry in the unit availability table. The SUbsystem name other than its own. There­ address portion of the first word of the fore, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor loads into unit control block for the last unassigned core storage the first record of the sub­ unit on the channel contains zeros, indi­ system whose name was in the SYSGET loca­ cating the end of the chain. tion and relinquishes control to this sub­ system. Whenever a subsystem requires the use of an available unit, it interrogates a unit The word IBSYST in SYSGET indicates to availability chain through a unit availabi­ the DC-IBSYS Supervisor that a $IBSYS con­ lity table entry and removes the unit from trol card was read by a SUbsystem. There­ the chain. fore, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor starts proc­ essing control cards on the input file beginning with the next card. JOB CONTROL COMMUNICATION WITH SUBSYSTEMS The word IBSXEC in SYSGET indicates to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor either of the fol­ lowing conditions: Each subsystem operating under the DC­ IBSYS Monitor must follow certain 1. A post-mortem core storage dump was procedures involving communication with the taken by a subsystem, an object pro­ Monitor to ensure proper control of jobs gram, or the operator; therefore, a and job segments. job segment was not completed. 2. A subsystem could not complete a job segment. COMMUNICATION REGION LOCATIONS SYSRET, In either case, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor SYSGET, AND SYSJOB scans the system input file until the next $IBSYS, $EXECUTE, or $STOP control card is encountered and then processes cards nor­ Communication between the subsystems and mally beginning with that card. the DC-IBSYS Supervisor is carried out chiefly through three locations in the The word IBSNXT in SYSGET indicates to communication region of the System Nucleus. the DC-IBSYS Supervisor that a SUbsystem The functions of these three locations, has determined that a job cannot be com­ SYSRET, SYSGET, AND SYSJOB, are described pleted. The Supervisor then simUlates a in the following text. $STOP card. DCMUP responds by initiating

DC-IBSYS Nucleus 29 job termination procedures. control cards. The following action must be taken by a subsystem when each card is The word $STOPb (where b is a blank) in recognized. SYSGET indicates to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor that a $STOP control card was read by a sUbsystem. Therefore, the DC-IBSYS Super­ visor initiates an end-of-job sequence as though it had read the $STOP card. $IBSYS CARD

When a $IBSYS card is recognized by a Communication Location SYSJOB subsystem, the subsystem must return con­ trol to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor. Whenever a subsystem gains control from the DC-IBSYS The communication location SYSJOB is Supervisor, location SYSGET will contain used by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor and the the word IBSYST. Therefore, it is not subsystems to control job processing. necessary for the subsystem to load the word IBSYST into SYSGET when a $IBSYS card Bit 17 of SYSJOB is used by the subsys­ is recognized. tems to indicate to each other whether a previous job segment could be completed. Whenever a subsystem determines that it cannot complete a job segment, it sets bit 17 of SYSJOB to a l' and stores the word $EXECUTE CARD IBSXEC in SYSGET. It then returns control to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor, which skips to the next job segment. When a subsystem recognizes a $EXECUTE card that contains its own name, the sub­ When a subsystem gains control at the sy~tem retains control and continues normal beginning of a job segment, it tests bit 17 processing. Otherwise, the subsystem of SYSJOB. If bit 17 is a zero, the system stores the name specified on the card into proceeds normally. However, if it is a 1, SYSGET and returns control, through SYSRET, the subsystem determines whether the pre­ to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor, which accom­ sent segment should be discontinued because plishes loading of the specified system. the previous segment has not been completed. If the current segment should be discontinued, the subsystem stores the word IBSXEC in SYSGET and returns control to the DC-IBSYS Supervisor through SYSRET. $STOP CARD Thus SYSGET and SYSJOB are used to skip through each segment of a job, allowing each subsystem to determine its course of When a subsystem recognizes a $STOP action, depending upon the success or fail­ card, it loads the word $STOPb into SYSGET ure of a previous segment. For example, and returns control to the DC-IBSYS Super­ one subsystem may perform compilations and visor through SYSRET. assemblies but not allow execution if a previous segment failed. At the completion of a post-mortem dump, $ID CARD the System Core Storage Dump Program sets bit 17 to 1 and stores the word IBSXEC in SYSGET before returning control to the . When a subsystem recognizes a $ID card, DC-IBSYS Supervisor. it must call the installation accounting routine, using the sequence: TSX SYSIDR,4 RECOGNITION OF DC-IBSYS SUPERVISOR CONTROL PZE L ($ID) CARDS BY SUBSYSTEMS return where L($ID) is the location of the first Each IBSYS subsystem must recognize and word of the buffer containing the $ID card act upon $IBSYS, $EXECUTE, $STOP, and $ID in BCD form.


The Direct Couple Input/Output Executor r------T------T-----' (DC-IOEX) consists of a trap supervisor, a IChannel A Icard reader I 1 I routine for requesting direct-mode I I printer I 1 I input/output, and a number of utility rou­ I I punch I 1 I tines that are used in common by the I Itapes A1-AO I 10 I DC-IBSYS Monitor and the subsystems operat­ IChannel B Itapes B1-BO I 10 I ing under its control. IChannel C Itapes C1-C6 I 6 , IChannel D ,tapes D1-D6 I ~ , A subsystem communicates with DC-IOEX L, ______i I ______i-I ____35 JI and calls DC-IOEX subroutines by way of a communication table located in storage just forward of DC-IOEX. Location SYSIOX in the communication region of the DC-IBSYS Nucleus (Appendix C) contains the address and length of this table. An entry in the DC-IOEX communication table may be referred to by its symbolic address when using Unit address either" the Macro Assembly Program (MAP) or the FORTRAN II Assembly Program (FAP). UCW However, the symbols used to represent the addresses of the table entries for MAP are UCW different from the symbols used to rep­ resent the same addresses for FAP. Both UCW Symbolic Unit Name the MAP and FAP symbolic addresses, togeth­ er with the function of each entry in the Figure 8. Unit Control Block DC-IOEX communication table, are listed in Figure 9. When these entries are referred to symbolically using FAP, an SST (Save Symbol Table) pseudo-operation must be Should it prove necessary to expand included in the first card group of the FAP beyond this, both DC-IBSYS and DCMUP must source program. be reassembled.~e copy of DCMUP con­ tained in file 1 of DCSDT must contain the The following description of DC-IOEX, same number of file control blocks as DCSYS together with the description of DC-IOEX in I(file 2). Reducing the number of unit the publication IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple control blocks below 35 has virtually no Operatinq System: Proqrammer's Guide, Form advantage. C28-6382, and a symbolic listing of the DC-IOEX portion of the DC-IBSYS Monitor, The contents of each unit control block, should provide the systems programmer with shown in Figure 8, are interpreted as the information required to use DC-IOEX. follows: In both the description and the listing, the MAP symbols are used when referring to entries in the DC-IOEX Communication Table. The equivalent FAP symbols may be obtained by referring to Figure 9. WORD 1

A: Availability Flag A=O: The unit is assigned to a particu­ UNIT CONTROL BLOCKS lar function, not necessarily a system unit function, and the unit is not in the availability Each tape unit and each card unit is chain. represented in DC-IOEX by a four-word unit control block having the format shown in A=1: The unit is not assigned to any Figure 8. "The unit control blocks are particular function. generated by the DC-IBSYS Monitor at ini­ tial start in accordance with assembly R: Reserve Status Flag (Intersystem Use parameters. In the distributed version of Only) DCOS, DC-IBNUC contains the following 35 unit control blocks: R=O: The unit is not reserved.

Direct Couple Input/Output Executor 31 R=1: The unit is reserved. Address Unit. Address bits 24-35 of word 1 contain data for intersystem pickup. The unit should not be assigned a system unit function or be in the unit The BCD mode address of the tape is availability chain. contained here; e.g., 1201 for 729 tape unit A1. EOT: End-of-Tape Flag EOT=O: No end-of-tape condition has been assigned to this unit. r------T------T------T------.------, I MAP I FAP I· I I I Symbolic I Symbolic I I I IAddress IAddress IIOEX Entry I Function I ~------+------+------+------~ • ACTV (ACTIV ITTR TEST IActivate Routine and Test • ACTV+1 (ACTVX ITTR ACTIV IActivate Routine Without Test .NDSEL (NDATA ITTR TEST INon-Data Select and Test .NDSEL+1 (NDSLX ITTR NDATA INon-Data Select Without Test • MWR (PROUT I TTR PROUT 1.t-1essage Writer • PUNCH (PUNCH ITTR PUNCH IAlphameric Punch .ENBSW (ENBSW IPZE ** IEnable Switch • PAWS (PAWS X ITTR PAWS tError Pause • PAUSE (PAUSE ITTR PAUSE IOperator Action Pause • STOP (STOPX ITTR STOP Termination Procedure .SYMUN (SYMUN ITTR SYUNCV Symbolic Unit Conversion .DECVD (DECVD ITTR BCVDEC-1 Binary to Decimal--AC Decrement .DECVA (DECVA TTR BCVDEC Binary to Decimal--AC Aa.dv-ess • CKWAT (CKWAT TTR CKWAIT Checkpoint Wait (not used in DCOS) • BCD5R (BCD5R TTR BCDS-1 Binary to BCD Octal, Bits 3-17 of MQ • BCDSX (BCDSX TTR BCDS Binary to BCD Octal, Bits 1-14 and S of MQ .CVPRT (CVPRT TTR CVPRT Convert and Append Unit Designation to Message .STOPD (STOPD TTR HSTOP Termination Procedure .CHXAC (CHXAC PZE CHXAC Channel Activity (Indirect Reference) .URRX (URRXI PZE URRX,1 IRedundancy Count (Indirect Reference) • RCTX (RCTXI PZE RCTX,1 IRedundancy Control (Indirect Reference) * • RCHX (RCHXI PZE RCHX,1 IReset Load Channel (Indirect Reference) * • TCOX (TCOXI IPZE TCOX,1 IChannel Delay (Indirect Reference) .TRCX (TRCXI PZE TRCX,1 ITape Redundancy Test (Indirect IReference) * .ETTX (ETTXI PZE ETTX,1 lEnd-Tape Test (Indirect Reference) * .TEFX (TEFX PZE TEFX,1 lEnd-File Test (Indirect Reference) * .TRAPX (TRAPX PZE (TRAPS ICurrent Traps Enabled (Indirect Reference) • TRAPS (TRAPS OCT 377 ICurrent Trqps Enabled .COM.t-1 (COMMM PZE **,,** IStore Chanriel Results at Trap .LTPOS (LTPOS PZE **, , ** !Tape Position Before Last Trap • IOXSI (IOXSI PZE **, , ** ISense Indicators at Trap .CHPSW (CHPSW PZE ** ICheckpoint Switch .TRPSW (TRPSW PZE ** ITrap Switch .FDAMT (FDAMT TTR STOP ITermination Procedure • SDCXI (SDCXI PZE SDCX ISDCX Table (Indirect Reference) • INot used in DCOS .STCXI (STCXI PZE STCX ISTCX Table (Indirect Reference) • INot used in DCOS .COMMD (COMMD PZE ** INot used in DCOS .IBCDZ (IBCDZ TSX STOP,4 INot used in DCOS

L ______.CHXSP ~ ______(CHXSP ~ ______PZE CHXSP ~IPriority ______Switch (Indirect Reference) J *The DC channel entry in each of these tables is a NOP.

Figure 9. DC-IOEX Communication Table

32 EOT=1: An end-of-tape condition has (UNISY~. At job initialization; the DC­ been assigned to this unit. IBSYS Supervisor requests this table from the 7040 and places the symbolic unit name into the fourth word of its corresponding 7090 unit control block. IBLDR, when Chain Address selecting an available unit for a $FILE card referring to unit A(1), searches the fourth word of 7090 unit control blocks. Chain address is the address of word Upon finding a matching symbol, IBLDR sets of the next unit control block in the the 7090 file control block to point to the availability chain. The chain address of corresponding unit control block. Word 4 the last unit in the chain is zero. These is also used. by laCS labeling routines for bit positions of word 1 are available' to storing the tape reel serial number for the user when the unit is not in the multifile reels. availability chain or is not a reserve unit.


WORD 2 If the EOT bit = 1, DC-IOEX sets the EaT trigger on for every select minus routine S: Select Type entered until the tape is either rewound or rewound and unloaded by the .NDSEL routine. S=O: Read At this time the EaT bit is reset to zero.

S=1: Write When backspacing from an end of file, the record count is complemented. A back­ R: Permanent Redundancy Message Control space that repositions in front of a file mark results in a record count (bits 18-35 R=O: A message is printed if a perman­ of word 3) of 7777778 • When writing begins ent read redundancy occurs. from such a position, the two low-order tag bits (bits 19 and 20) are cleared to R=1: No message is printed in the prevent a spurious increase in the file event of a permanent read redun­ count when the record count is increased. dancy.

SEL: Select Routine

SEL is the location of a user's select UNIT PRIORITY aNA CHANNEL routine, which either sets up a data transmission request in direct-mode operation or initiates data transmis­ The user should keep in mind that only sion in compatibility mode. The select one input/output operation is occurring at routine also initiates the posting of a given time. completed input/output activity.


File count reflects the number of file When activity begins on a unit of a marks written on or read from this unit. given channel, DC-IOEX places the address of the unit control block in a channel­ Record count reflects the number of priority location. This normally allows records that have been written on or read the u~it to retain priority until all its from the current file. waiting operations have been completed. DC-IOEX clears the channel-priority location when the user clears word 2 of the unit control block. WORD 4 Upon return from a select minus routine, DC-IOEX selects the next unit to be acti­ Word 4 is used in symbolic unit assign­ vated by examining the channel~priority ment. The 7040 setup routine places the location. The same unit will be reselected symbolic unit name, A(1) , etc., that is on if the user did not relinquish control by a $ SETUP card into its setup table clearing word 2 of the unit control block.

Direct Couple Input/OUtput Executor 33 USE OF CHANNEL-PRIORITY LOCATION If IOEX is operating in the compat­ ibility mode, or if pfx is MZE in the calling sequence, the indicated unit is If the chann~l-priority location is not given top priority on the channel (that is, zero, its address portion is interpreted as the channel-priority location is set for the location of the unit control block for the unit, and the select routine is entered the unit to be activated next. Word 2 of as soon as possible). If the entry to the unit control block is then tested. .ACTV is made during nontrap time, control is not returned to the calling program If word 2 is not zero, the select plus until the select plus routine for the unit routine for the unit is entered. If word 2 has been entered. of the unit control block is zero, the priority location is cleared and the chan­ nel is scanned for a waiting unit, that is, If the entry to .ACTV occurs during trap a unit that has a select routine specified time, e.g., from the select minus routine, in word 2 of its unit control block. If a the unit is given top priority by setting waiting unit is found, the location of its the channel-priority location. However, unit control block is placed in the control is returned to the calling program channel-priority location and the select immediately. Hence a subsequent entry to plus routine is entered for the unit. If .ACTV, requesting priority (pfx MZE) , no waiting unit is found, the channel is will cancel the priority effects of the allowed to become dormant. previous entry if the subsequent entry occurs before select plus is entered for the previous entry. ACTIVATING A CHANNEL AND/OR ASSIGNING PRIORITY Any entry to .ACTV during trap time must be made using an MZE for pfx in the calling sequence. Also, the entry should be for a A channel that is dormant can be acti­ unit connected to the channel that caused vated, or a unit can be given top priority the trap. on a channel, by means of the routine .ACTV. The calling sequence to this rou­ tine is: The .ACTV routine will always enable traps on all channels upon return unless TSX • ACTV,4 entry was from a select minus routine • pfx a,t return .ACTV may not be entered from a select where pfx is a prefix code and the paramet­ plus routine. er a,t gives the address of a location (possibly a system unit function table entry) that contains: .ACTV makes a validity test on the specified input/output unit. To be valid, the location of the unit control block must r-T------T-----T------, fall within the area of core storage pro­ ISI1 17118 20121 351 vided for all unit control blocks. In ------~ addition, the availability flag of word 1 ______L (UCB) -J I of the unit control block must be zero. If the unit is judged to be invalid by these criteria, an automatic post-mortem dump is L(UCB} is the address of the unit con­ taken after the following message is print­ trol block of the unit for which ed input/output activity is desired. Note the double indirectness to the actual unit address. ILLEGAL UNIT REQUEST AT XXXXX

If pfx is PZE in the calling sequence, After the dump is taken, the DC-IBSYS and IOEX is in direct-mode operation, con­ Supervisor skips to the next job segment. trols are set up so that the user's select routine is entered whenever the channel is The validity test described above may be free to accept activity on the specified bypassed by SUbstituting: unit. No action by .ACTV is necessary if the channel is active upon entry, and TSX .ACTV+1,4 control is immediately returned to the for calling program. If the channel is TSX .ACTV,4 dormant, the user's select plus routine is entered. in the calling sequence.

34 NON-DATA SELECTS primary purpose is to set up direct mode input/output requests. Non-data selects are executed by the routine .NDSEL. The calling sequence to RDUN (Figure 10) is entered by the this routine is: DC-IOEX routines .ACTV and XTRAP immediate­ ly upon return from the user's select plus TSX .NDSEL,4 routine. RDUN determines the current oper­ PZE a,t,nds ational mode of DCOS by testing indirectly return the IOEX compatibility-mode switch, COMPSW. return if nds = 7 If the system is in compatibility mode, no input/output activity is requested by RDUN The parameter a,t has the same meaning and control is immediately returned to the as in the calling sequence for • ACTV. The calling routine. (The compatibility-mode parameter nds is interpreted as follows: select routine will already have informed the 7040 of its input/output requirements.) nds=O NOP No Operation nds=1 SDNL No Operation nds=2 SDNH No Operation If the system is in direct mode, RDUN nds=3 REW Rewind must request input/output activity. RDUN nds=4 RUN Rewind and Unload tests location THIS. If the decrement of nds=5 BSR Backspace Record THIS is nonzero, RDUN assumes that the nds=6 BSF Backspace File calling program has already set up loca­ nds=7 WEF Write End of File tions THIS and THIS+1 and traps the 7040 with an HEY instruction • • NDSEL gives the specified unit top priority by using .ACTV+1 with an MZE in the calling sequence. Hence, the non-data If the contents of THIS are zero, RDUN select is, executed as soon as present sets up a direct-mode input/output request activity on the unit has been completed. in locations THIS and THIS+1 as follows: Return is made only after the non-data select has been executed. .NDSEL may not 1. RDUN places a TCH instruction which be entered from a select plus routine. contains the address of the first input/output command in location The .NDSEL routine will always enable THIS+1. traps on all channels upon return unless 2. Using the channel-activity location entry was from a select minus routine. RDUN computes the relative location of .NDSEL should be entered during trap time the unit control block of the unit for only for a unit that is on the channel that which input/output activity is has trapped. desired. This number is stored in the address portion of THIS • • NDSEL performs a validity test on the 3. Using the sign of word 2 of the unit specified unit control block in the same control block, RDUN sets the decrement manner as .ACTV. The test may be bypassed of THIS to 1, signifying a read by using request, or to 2, Signifying a write request. TSX .NDSEL+1,4 4. RDUN tests the mode switch (MODS~ in the DC-IBSYS Nucleus communication rather than region. If the contents of MODSW are zero, RDUN sets the prefix of THIS to TSX .NDSEL,4 PZE, indicating data transmission in BCD mode. If ~lODSW is nonzero, RDUN Note that a NOP (nds=O) entry to .NDSEL sets the prefix of THIS to MZE, indi­ has the effect of performing a validity cating binary mode. test and nothing else. If the address portion of THIS is non­ zero but the decrement is zero, RDUN assumes the user wants to write a block with control words. RDUN sets up locations THIS and THIS+1 as described in the preced­ STRUCTURING OF INPUT/OUTPUT REQUESTS IN ing text except that it places a code of 14 DIRECT MODE in the decrement of THIS. After setting up the input/output The Direct Couple Input/Output Executor request, RDUN traps the 7040 with an HEY is designed to operate in both direct mode instruction. The request is serviced by and compatibility mode. This section dis­ the 7040, as described in the following cusses RDUN, the DC-IOEX routine whose section.

Direct Couple Input/Output Executor 35 AOUN • *. A2 •• .* •• DIRECT *. *. NO * .···A3*········RETURN TO * •• MODE •••••••••• X. CALLING * •• _~EQUES!*.. • ••• *:~~!!~~._ •• - * •• - * YES

.x. 82 *. :***.83* •••** •••: .* * • • * LOCATION *. YES * INDICATE * ••• !HI~E~gUAL ••• * •••••••• x: AR~g~=~~ : •••••••••••••••••• ...*•• •• •.. ... * •••••••••••••. * NO

.X • • * C2 •• *. : ••••C3 ••• *** ••• : .* DECREMENT *. YES * INDICATE • •• ~~ T~~~OEQU~i··········X: :E~b~;~ :...... •.... X. *...*. .• •...... * NO

x ·*PLACE.... 0.· THE .... FIRST* ··· .. * INPUT/OUTPUT * * COMMAND IN * * LOCATION * : ..... !~:::! .•••. :

X *****E4***.****** L(UCBI-UEAl .. USE CHANNEL * ------* ACTIVITY LOC. * 4 *TO COMPUTE THE * * RELATIVE LOC * OR * OF THE UCB * ****************" L (UCB I-UEA 1 +4*NOUCW .... ------4

IF LeUCEU LESS THAN UEA~l x :* ••• F ••••••••••: * STORE RESULT * " I N ADDRESS * :PORTION...... OF THIS:


• X. : ••••H3 ••••••••• : H4- *. : ...... 5 •••••••••: •• *. * SET PREFIX OF * BCD.* TEST *. BINARY • SET PREFIX OF * .. LOCATION THIS .X...... MODE ••••••••• .:X* LOCATION THIS * * TO A PZE * *. SWITCH .* * TO AN MZE * ...... *...... • *..**..... • •••••• *...... ••••••••••••••••••••• •••• X.X ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• x : ...... 3 •••••••••: * TRAP THE 7040 * * USING AN HEY • ...... : INSTRUCTION :

X • .* ••RETURN K3·.······· TO .. .. CALLING ••••• :~~!!~~ •••• Figure 10. RDUN Routine for Requesting Direct Mode Input/Output

36 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-01S8-0


This section discusses the logic of the is transferred to symbolic location COMP to routines that service 1090 input/output process the input/output request in the requests. These routines are in the 1040 compatibility mode. If bit 16 of ENTER is and are entered as a result of a trap from a 0, the contents of words THIS and THIS+1 the 1090. in the 1090 are transmitted to words FILE and FlLE+1 in the 1040. The contents of the decrement of FILE are then examined to determine which input/output routine will PROCESSING INPUT/OUTPUT REQUESTS (DIRECT be used to service the request. MODE) The format of words THIS and THIS+1 are shown in Figure 11. In Figure 11, "unit" When DCOS is operating in the direct specifies the 1090 unit control block num­ mode, words THIS and THIS+l in the 1090 are ber for which the request is being made. used to specify the input/output function This number is used by the 1040 to locate to be performed by the 1040. When the 1090 the appropriate file control block for the traps the 1040 by executing an HEY instruc­ simulated unit. tion, the 1040 traps to the main interrupt routine (WHAT). READ: The prefix and bit 18 of FILE+1 are WHAT analyzes the condition bits in the examined to determine the type of data decrement of the input/output trap store transfer requested (count control, record word (ENTER) to determine what caused the control, non-data transfer, or transfer in trap. If bit 16 of ENTER is a 1, control channel). If the command is a transfer in

r------T------T---~------, I Type of Operation I THIS I THIS+l I ~------+------+------~ Read Tape Binary MZE unit"l First input/output command Read Tape Decimal P~E unit,,1 First input/output command Write Tape Binary MZE unit, ,2 First input/output command Write Tape Decimal PZE unit,,2 First input/output command Rewind PZE unit,,3 Rewind and Unload PZE unit,,4 Backspace Record PZE unit,,5 Backspace File PZE unit,,6 Write End of File PZE unit,,1 Load a System PZE 0,,8 System name in BCD Load a System Record (HIP) PZE 0,,9 System name in BCD Dump 1090 Core Storage PZE 0,,10 1090 Pause PZE 0,,11 Time Request PZE 0,,12 1040 clock reading in hours, minutes, and seconds (hhmmss) Reserved PZE 0,,13 Write and pass generated PZE unit,,14 Location of input/output control words from the 1090 command (IORT) Call to 1040 Message PZE unit,,15 Location of input/output Writer command (the eleventh character of the message is the class cadet Call Setup Table (UNISYM) PZE 0,,16 Location in 1090 to store UNISYM table Normal termination of PZE 0,,11 7090 job Normal termination of PZE 0,,18 IBSYS initialization

L ______~ ______~ ______J

• Figure 11. Format of THIS and THIS+ 1

Input/Output in The TWo DCOS Modes 31 channel (TCH), the address portion is used file is on disk, its job description block to build a transmit instruction that will is searched for the first task associated move an input/output command from the 7090 with the file. The location of the current to the 7040. Control is then returned to task (address portion of word 4 of the file symbolic location NEXT, where the new com­ control block) is then updated to point to mand is analyzed. The address and decre­ this task. ment portions of"the command are saved for transmitting the specified number of words, REWIND (OUTPUT FILES): If the file is on or the next record, to the 7090. When tape and is open, the primary buffer is operating in the direct mode, the entered into the write queue and the secon­ Input/Output Under Count Control and Dis­ dary buffer is returned to the availability connect (IOCD) command causes an error pool. Write tape mark and rewind requests message to be printed. This is an error are then queued for the file. Two tape because an IOCD will not cause a data marks are written prior to rewinding the channel trap. tape. If the word count specified in the If the file is on disk, the forward decrement of FILE+1 exceeds the number of track address in the primary buffer words in the primary buffer, the data in (address portion of the second physical­ the primary buffer is moved to the 7090, record control word) is reset to zero and the buffer is returned to the pool, and the the buffer is entered into the write queue. secondary buffer is assigned primary The secondary buffer is returned to the status. If the new primary buffer is full, availability pool, the file is closed (word processing continues. If the buffer is not 1 of the file control block is set to full, the delay 7090 interrupt gate (90PS) minus), and the current task pointer is opened and the nonprocessed exit is (address portion of word 4 of the file taken. When the input/output requested has control block) is set to the location of been completed, routine RDONE is entered. the task entry for load point. This routine traps the 7090 and simUlates a Store Channel command. REWIND AND UNLOAD: A rewind and unload request is serviced by the same routine When an end of file is sensed, the that services a rewind request except that secondary buffer is assigned primary status the instruction at symbolic location REWT and word 1 of the file control block is set is changed to a transfer to a routine at to minus to indicate that the file is REWT2.· If the file is on tape, a rewind closed. and unload request is queued at REWT2. WRITE: The procedure for servicing a write BACKSPACE RECORD: The current logical­ request is basically the same as for ser­ record control word is analyzed to vicing a read request except that, as determine the status of the current record. buffers are written, they are automatically If the record is contained completely in returned to the availability pool at trap the primary buffer but is not the first time. complete record in the buffer, the logical­ record control word pointer is changed to When the 7040 is trapped by a write point to the previous logical-record request, it takes the first input/output control word. If analysiS of the current command from word FILE+1 and extracts from logical-record control word indicates that it all the needed data. If the file is not the above conditions have not been met, the open or the request cannot be satisfied by manner in which the request is processed is the primary and secondary buffers, commuta­ determined by whether the file is an input tor gate 90PS is opened. If the buffers file or an output file. cannot satisfy the request ~he primary buffer is filled) it is entered into the If the file is an input file, a test is priority write queue, and the se·condary made to determine if the secondary buffer buffer is assigned primary status. In has been primed. If it has not, commutator either case, the nonprocessed exit is gate 90PS is opened and the non-processed taken. exit is taken. When the secondary buffer is primed, both the primary and the secon­ REWIND (INPUT FILES): If the file is open dary buffers are returned to the availabil­ and either the primary buffer or the secon­ ity pool. dary buffer is not primed, commutator gate 90PS is opened and the nonprocessed exit is If the file is on disk, the backspace taken. If the file is open and both record request is serviced by, in effect, buffers are primed, the buffers are reading the disk backward down the file. released to the availability pool and the This is accomplished by using the track file is closed (word 1 of the file control chaining information in the logical-record block is set to minus). If the file is on control word. The decrement portion of the tape, a rewind request is queued. If the logical-record control word contains the

38 number of words in the previous record. exit is taken. When the buffers have been The current logical-record control word attached, the procedure used for an open pointer is then updated to complete the file is followed. request. If the file is on tape, routine E$BSR is If the file is closed, is on the disk, used to issue a Backspace Record (BSR) and has one buffer attached, the address instruction on the tape unit. portion of word 4 of the buffer (next track address) is set to zero and routine TRACK If the file is an output file and is on is entered for an address. The buffer is disk, the manner in which the request is to then entered into the write queue. be processed is determined by the status of the file (open or closed) and of the buffers (attached or release~. If the SCATTER-LOAD (DC-IBSYS AND ITS SUBSYSTEMS) : file is open and the record does not start When the 7040 receives a scatter-load in the primary buffer, or if the file is request, it tests the contents of word closed and buffers are attached, processing FILE+1. If FILE+1 contains IBNEXT, the is the same. The secondary buffer is next record on the library (SYSLB1) is released to the availability pool, and scatter-loaded into the 7090. Anything commutator gate 90P5 is opened to wait for else in FILE+1 causes a search of the 7040 the write queue on the primary buffer to be system name table to locate the track completed. When writing is complete, the address of the desired record. The 7040 disk is, in effect, read backward down the system name table is created by the DCOS file, as described for input files on disk. Posteditor '(PEDIT) as part of the editing procedure. It contains system record names If the file is closed and no buffers are and the track addresses of the systems. attached, the file is opened and commutator The 7040 system name table also contains gate 90P5 is opened to attach buffers. If two-word entries that indicate logical end a secondary buffer was attached, it is of file, and names and starting track released to the availability pool. The addresses of data files. These data files file is then closed again, and the proce­ can be read from the library (SYSLB1) by dUre is the same as for an open file. the 7090. DCMUP maintains a pointer to the system name table that indicates the cur­ If the file is an output file on tape, rent position of SYSLB1. the procedure is the same as for disk except that two tape marks are written and Backspace Record (BSR) instructions are When the system name table entry is queued to position the file. located, its sign is tested to determine whether the file is a data file or a BACKSPACE FILE: If the file is closed and system. A minus sign indicates a data is on tape, a backspace file request is file; a plus sign indicates system record. queued. If the file is on disk, the If the sign is minus, a normal read is current task pointer in word 4 of the file executed. If the sign is plus, a scatter­ control block is set to locate the previous load is executed. When the read or load task in the job description block. has been completed, the 7090 is trapped. If the file is open, the secondary buffer is released to the availability A call to load DC-IBSYS causes the 7040 pool. The primary buffer is truncated, the to leave compatibility mode and transmit end-of-file flag (sign bit of the first the date, which was given in a $DATE card, physical-record control wor~ is set, and to IBNUC. the buffer is entered into the write queue. The file is then marked closed, and the procedure for processing a closed file is LOAD AND ENTER COMPATIBILITY MODE: A used. request for a load and enter compatibility mode lS serviced by the same routine that WRITE END OF FILE: If the file is open, services a load request. The only differ­ the forward track address is set to zero, ence is the execution of an Enter Halt on and the buffer is entered into the write Input/Output Primary Mode (EH~ instruction queue. The file is then marked closed, and at symbolic location HIP. the secondary buffer is assigned primary status. If the unit is tape, a Write End TIME REQUEST: A time request causes the of File (WE~ instruction is queued to contents of 7040 word 5 to be converted to complete the request. the hhmmss format and to be transmitted to 7090 word THIS+1. The contents of 7040 If the file is closed and has no buffers word 5 are the time of day in seconds. attached, it is marked open, commutator When the request has been serviced, the gate 90P5 is opened, and the nonprocessed 7090 is trapped.

Input/Output in The TWo DCOS Modes 39 PROCESSING INPUT/OUTPUT REQUESTS is started, and control is transferred to (COMPATIBILITY MODE) READ+1, where the command is interpreted and simulated. Input/output requests are serviced in the compatibility mode by the compatibility CHANNEL INDICATOR TESTS: The response to string processor. At symbolic location instructions that test the status of the COMP in the 7040, the input/output instruc­ channel indicators (i.e., TCOA, TEFA, etc.) tion that caused the trap is transmitted is provided by the Start Remote from the 7090 to the 7040 where it is (SRC) instruction. The address portion of decoded. Control is then transferred the SRC instruction determines where the through the operation jump table (OPJTBL) 7090 should go for the next instruction. to the routine that processes that type of The specified indicator is tested by the instruction. 7040, and one of the following instructions is executed. NONDATA SELECT REQUEST: All nondata sel­ ect requests are processed in the same manner.· Each type of instruction causes SRC o Start the 7090 (e.g., TCOA). control to be transferred to a specific routine that initializes a transfer SRC Start the 7090 and skip instruction, which, in turn, transfers con­ one instruction (e.g., trol to a common nondata select processor. BTT, ETT successful) • The transfer instruction (at OPEX) that is initialized is set to transfer control to SRC 2 Start the 7090 and transfer the routine that will simulate the instruc­ to the effective address tion that is being processed. The common (e.g., TEF, TRC successful). nondata select processor, starting at sym­ bolic location OPENT, determines the loca­ SRC 4 Start the 7090 and enable it tion of the file control block for the for multiprocessor traps. specified unit. This location is then Used with all ENB and RCT saved in index register 1 for the requests. instruction-simulation routine, and the transfer at OPEX is taken. For non-IBJOB STORE CHANNEL REQUEST : A Store Channel DC-IBSYS subsystems all nondata select request is serviced by transmitting what requests are handled as direct-mode would normally be the contents of the input/output requests. channel registers to the specified 7090 location. READ/WRITE SELECT REQUESTS: Processing of read and write select requests consists of ENABLE AND RESTORE CHANNEL TRAPS:. The setting switches to indicate to the data­ enable word is transmitted to the 7040 and transmission request routines that a select tested. If it is zero, the 7090 is request has been processed. A gate is also started. If the enable word is nonzero, set in the write-transmission routine the enable· switch is set to plus and the according to whether a read-select or a channel information blocks are scanned to write-select request is being processed. determine if any traps are waiting (i.e., For read-select requests, the gate is set has the simulation of a 7607 operation set to minus, making it a transfer instruction a trigger that corresponds to some normal to the read-transmission routine. For 7090 data channel trap condition). If none write-select requests, it is set to plus, are waiting, the 7090 is started with effectively making it a NOP and leaving the multiprocess trapping enabled. If a trap write-transmission routine in control. The is waiting and the 7090 channel is enabled, location of the file control block for the the channel condition bits are transmitted specified unit is then saved in word UINDEX to the appropriate trap word (12 8, 148 , for use by the data-transmission request etc.) in the 7090, which is trapped. The routine. data channel trap is simulated by storing the 7090 location counter in the DATA-TRANSMISSION REQUESTS: For data­ appropriate data channel trap location transmission requests, a test is made to (i.e., 128, 148, ••• , 308) and putting the determine whether the select switch (lOS) location of the appropriate data channel has been set by the routine that processes trap location+1 (i.e., 138 , 158 , ••• , 31 8) read/write select requests. If lOS has not into the 7090 location counter. The 7090 been set, the input/output check indicator is then started. is turned on in the 7090 and the 7090 is started. If the select switch is set to SENSE INSTRUCTIONS: If the instruction minus, routine CHCOMM is called to locate being processed is a Sense Printer (SPR), a and transmit the first input/output Sense Punch (SPU), or a Reset Data Channel command. The file control block pointer is (RDC) , .the 7090 is restarted and the normal then placed in index register 1, the 7090 exit is taken.

40 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-01S8-0



One list tape for DCOS is distributed The logical records in file 2 (DCSYS) which contains a symbolic listing of DCOS are 461 words in length. The first word of and all its support programs except the each record is the address of the track on 7040 standalone utilities. It also con­ which the record will be placed during tains symbolic assembly listings of the system initialization. modifications made to the IBM 7090 IBJOB Processor. The list tape is in standard r------T------, blocked (five lines per block) IBM 720A Word 1 I I Track Address I format; lines are separated by record ~------l------~ marks. Input/Output Command Listings may also be obtained by assem­ bling the PREST symbolic decks on the DCOS Distribution Tape. Instructions


The DCOS Distribution Tape (DCSDT) con­ Instructions tains the complete Direct Couple Operating System except listings. DCOS in symbolic (PREST) form, the maintainable binary DCOS (PRESYS Library) and the entire DCOS for 461 ______------J disk residence are contained on this tape. In addition, the DCOS Distribution Tape contains card decks and support programs eFigure 12. DCSYS Format for Scatter Load that are (or may b~ required for DCOS Program operation and maintenance. The format and complete contents of the The track addresses are 18-bit binary DCOS Distribution Tape are described in the integers, which, when converted to BCD following text. integers, are of the form: mmtttt FILE 1 where

mm = module File 1 contains a control program tttt = track (0000-9999) (CTLTP), the Format Track Generator, and DCMUP with distribution tape controls. The The section "DCOS Posteditor Output" Format Track Generator is an IBM 7040/7044 contains additional information about the independent utility program (7040-UT-142). DCSYS 461-word record format and about the File 1 is in card-image form, blocked into contents of special DCSYS records. the standard 460-word DCOS format. CTLTP causes all of file 1 to be loaded into core storage. If sense switch 2 is FILE 3 on, CTLTP will punch the DCOS card decks and support programs from file 3. If sense switch 4 is on, disk format control cards All card decks distributed with DCOS are will be read and the Format Track Generator located on file 3. Each record contains will be used. Then file 2 (DCSYS) is card images in blocked standard DCOS format placed on the disk, ready for disk load (460 words). Each deck is prefaced by a procedures. BCD card-deck description card, as shown in

Distribution of DCOS 41 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/1lt65 By TNL N28-0158-0

Figure 13. If columns 2-6 of the deck­ FILES 5-15 description card contain 40ABS, the deck that follows may be placed in the 1402 and loaded by pressing the 7040 LOAD button. Files 5-15 are the DCOS PRESYS library Card-deck serialization characters files. They may be maintained by using the (columns 73-80) are interpreted as follows. procedures described in the remaining sec­ tions of this publication. File 5 contains Column 73 contains a deck identification_ DCMUP, DC-CLEAR, and DC-IBSYS (including character. DC-IOEX, DCIDR, and SYSDMP). The IBM 7090/7094 IBJOB Processor, Version 5, modi­ Columns 74-78 are used for serialization fied for direct-mode DCOS operation, is of cards within a deck. located in files 6-12. File 13 is the System Editor, IBEDT. File 14 contains the Columns 79-80 may be used for background utilities. File 15 is the non­ subserialization. IBSYS systems and the *EOT file, which indicates the end of the PRESYS library.


File 4 contains DCOS PREST symbolic decks. r------T------T-----T------T-----T------l 1 Deck I Deck ICard 1 I MOD 1 Deck I I Number 1 Description I Count 1 ILevellSerial- I I I Col. 1 1 1 I ization I 1 11 8 136 39140 70171 72173 80 1 ~------+------+-----+------+-----+------~ o *40 DISK/DRUM FORMAT CARDS 6 00000000 1 *40ABS DCOS DISK LOAD CARD 1 10000000 2 *40ABS CORE DUMP PROGRAM 20000000 3 *40ABS DCOS SAVE/RESTORE 30000000 4 *40ABS DCOS DISK LOAD AND SNAPS 40000000 5 *40REL DCOS TAPE BLOCK ROUTINE 50000000 6 *40REL DCOS TAPE DEBLOCK ROUTINE 60000000 7 *40REL DCOS SYSTEM TAPE BLOCKER 70000000 8 SAMPLE DCOS JOB 80000000 9 * DCOS MASTER ALTER/EDIT AOOOOOOO * (contains a one module Posteditor deck) 10 * DCOS TAPE BLOCK SYMBOLICS XOOOOOOO 11 * DCOS TAPE DEBLOCK SYMBOLICS YOOOOOOO 12 * DCOS SYSTEM TAPE BLOCK SYMB ZOOOOOOOI 13 *LIST DECK OF MODIFICATION 3 I

L ______~--- ______i-____ ~ ______~ _____ ~ ______j I

.Figure 13. Card Deck Description Cards

42 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 SYSTEM EDITOR (IBEDT)

The system editor (IBEDT) is used to modifications defined by control cards read maintain the DCOS PRESYS library. With the from either SYSIN1 or SYSUT2. The modified proper control cards, the user can add, Isystem (PRESYS) is written on SYSUT1. A delete, modify, replace, or rearrange the $SWITCH card then causes the unit assigned records and the files of the library. The as SYSUT1 to be reassigned as SYSCK1. This records and the files that may be on the is done because the DCOS Posteditor DCOS PRESYS library are shown in Figure 14. (PEDIT), expects to find its input on SYSCK1. During the post edit phase, PEDIT generates a new DCSYS on the unit assigned r------T------T------, as SYSCK2. The units assigned as SYSLB2, I Type of I Exe- I I the old distributution tape, and SYSCK1, I Icuted I I the modified DCSYS and PRESYS, are then I Record or File I In IRecord Format I switched by a $SWITCH card. During the t------+------+------~ final phase of the edit, SYSLB2, SYSCK1, DCMUP 7040 scatter-load and SYSCK2 are used as input to IBEDT to generate a new DCOS Distribution Tape. The Clear storage 7090 scatter-load new distribution tape is written on SYSUT1. Program The first file written on SYSUT1 is taken from SYSCK1, the second file from SYSCK2, DC-IBSYS, including 7090 scatter-load the third and fourth files from SYSCK1, and DC-IOEX, DCIDR, the remaining files from SYSLB2. and DC-SYSDMP IBSYS subsystems 7090 scatter-load Figures 16 and 17 are two sample editing except for decks. Figure 16 is the deck setup that enclosed da ta would be used to insert modifications to files such as I DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, and IBMAP. Figure 17 is a IBLIB I two page listing of the DCOS master I alter/edit deck. The master alter/edit System Editor 7090 scatter-load I deck is used to insert modifications and (IBEDT) I reassemble th~ DC systeIT. Note that a I system editor (IBEDT) deck precedes the Utility Programs 7040 scatter-load I assemblies. The edit copies the PREST I decks onto SYSCK2 and terminates due to the Inon-IBSYS systems 7090 I insertion of a record narr,ed *EOT. L ______~ ______L ______J Note: A common error in editing occurs when Figure 14. DCOS PRESYS Library one attempts to edit SYSLB1 rather than SYSLB2. This results in an incorrect edit Figure 15 illustrates the flow of terminated by a system error message or by control and the system unit fUnctions an invalid disk channel reference which involved in an edit run. In the first will terminate processing (requires phase of an edit, IBEDTincorporates the restart) •

System Editor (IBEDT) 43 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-017S-0

SYSINI *****.A4*****····*· • CONTROL CARDS • AND .,..ODIF ICATt ONS. ** ••• * •••••••

SYSLB2 X *** ••• 82*********** ••• **84 ••• ** ••••• ·IBEDT • *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* OL::> DCSDT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• x* INCORPORATE .. • MODIFICATIONS * I ******* ••••• * ·***** •• *.** ••••••.

SYSUTl X ······C4·····***··· * MODIFIEO SSWITCH SYSUT 1. SYSCK 1 ••••• PRESYS •• ** ••••••• **

SYSCKI X **** ·*03*********** MODIFIED .x •••••••••••••••• PRESYS *** •• ****** ••

X *POSTEDIT···-*E"···_··_··· • *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* SSWITCH SYSLB2.SYSCK1 •••••••••••••• • GENERATE * NEW * DCSYS * *.*.*** •• *** •••••

SYSCKI X SYSLB2 X SYSCK2 X *. ----F2----*····-· ··****F3**···****** ******F4****······· MODIFIED OLD DCSDT NEW DCSYS PRESYS


• x • •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• x. X *****H4********** *IBEDT .. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .. GENERATE .. NEW DC SOT ****.* •• **.*****~

SYSUTl X *** •• * J4 *** **** ** ...


• Figure 15. Three-Phase Editing Operation


• DCMUP Modifications


• DC-IBSYS Modifications


• IBMAP Modifications




• Figure 17. DCOS Master Alter/Edit Deck (continued)

system Editor (IBEDT) 47 *EDIT CARD The Direct Couple Multiprocessor (DCMUP) must be the first record in the PRESYS Library. The DC-IBSYS records are always Control information is transmitted to next, and the System Editor (IBEDT) is the System Editor by an *EDIT card. This normally the last IBSYS system file. Up to control card is required for every ed~t run fifty IBSYS subsystems may be placed in the whether or not any options are specified, system name table. and must immediately follow the $IBEDT card. The format of the *EDIT card is: 1 16 *PLACE CARD I *EDIT SYSLB2 [, MAP] [, MODS] The *PLACE card is used to modify the The parameters in this control card are DC-IBSYS system name table. It is the only interpreted as follows: control card that can cause a change in the DC-IBSYS system name table. The *PLACE SYSLB2 specifies that SYSLB2 is to be card causes the subsystem name and data edited. concerning the location of the SUbsystem to be inserted into or d~leted from the DC­ MAP specifies that the names of the IBSYS system name table. records and files on the new PRESYS library are to be listed on the system Note: All *PLACE cards must immediately output unit. follow the *EDIT card.

MODS specifies that the maintenance The format of the *PLACE card is: control cards (*MODIFY, *REPLACE, etc.) or OCTAL alteration cards that 7 16 affected a record be listed before the record name on the list specified by * PLACE sysnam[,tfiles,index,order] the MAP parameter. If the MAP param­ eter is not specified, this parameter If the three parameters, tfiles, index, is nullified. and order, are specified on the *PLACE card, an entry is posted in the DC-IBSYS Any text in columns 55 through 72 of system nanle table for the subsystem the *EDIT card is used as the heading specified by sysnam. The parameter tfiles of all printed output from the system is the number of consecutive files that editor. make up the subsystem; index is the number 1, and order is the order of the specified subsystem in the DCOS PRESYS Library in ARRANGEMENT OF DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS relation to other IBSYS subsystems. The SUBSYSTEMS AND THE SYSTEM EDITOR first IBSYS subsystem (i.e., the one that immediately follows the DCMUP/DC-IBSYS file) is specified by an order of 1, the The arrangement of IBSYS subsystems in second subsystem is specified by an order the PRESYS library is indicated in the of 2, and so forth. system name table of the DC-IBSYS Supervi­ sor. This table is used by the DC-IBSYS If the parameter order is omitted and Supervisor to determine the relative posi­ the parameters tfiles and index are includ­ tion of an IBSYS subsystem when a $EXECUTE ed, the entry in the DC-IBSYS system name card is read from the input file. The table will indicate that the specified following two entries are made in the table subsystem is to be the last subsystem on for each subsystem: the new PRESYS Library. Therefore, be sure to specify parameter order. BCI 1,sysnam PZE tfiles,index,nfiles If the three parameters, tfiles, index, and order, are omitted from bhe *PLACE In the first entry, sysnam is the name card, the entry in the DC-IBSYS system name of the IBSYS subsystem. It corresponds to table for the specified system is deleted. the name on the $EXECUTE card that calls the sUbsystem. In the second entry, tfiles is the number of consecutive files that make up the subsystem; index is the number MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM NAME AND LOADER 1, corresponding to SYSLB1, where all IBSYS TABLES subsystems must reside~ nfiles indicates that the first record of the subsystem is the first record of the nth file of the The DC-IBSYS system name table is used PRESYS library. by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor and is, there-

48 fore, part of the IBSYS record. When the The use of *PLACE control cards does not DC-IBSYS Supervisor is loaded into 7090 cause rearrangement, deletion, or insertion storage, the system name table is loaded of new system files. These operations must into locations SYSORG through SYSORG+99. be performed by other system editor control When the system editor is subsequently cards. loaded into core storage, it is loaded so that this table is not overlaid. The table is then updated with any *PLACE card read Note: System name table is picked up from by the editor. When the DC-IBSYS record is SYSLB1 not SYSLB2. edited onto SYSUT1 the system editor per­ forms the following functions:

1. It examines location SYSCOR in the communication region of the system nucleus (see Appendix C) to determine the current location of the system ALTERATION CARDS name table to be replaced. 2. It inserts the updated system name into the DC-IBSYS record that is to be Standard DCOS system records (i.e., written on SYSUT1. DCMUP, Multiprocessor utilities, and DC­ 3. It transfers the updated table to the IBSYS and IBSYS subsystems) are derived DC-IBSYS record that is going to be from two types of alteration cards: written on SYSUT1. The table is absolute column-binary cards and octal placed in the new DC-IBSYS record so cards. Non-IBSYS system (program) records that it will be located beginning at or files are derived from one of the DCOS SYSORG whenever the DC-IBSYS Supervi­ tape blocking programs and merged into the sor is loaded into core storage. PRESYS Library by the system editor.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 /1

00000000 137415167718198D

VI 11111111 -I 0 .22222222 a<: :E DATA t I- ::J 33333333 Z VI 0 ~ 44444444 U ~ 0 :r: 55555555 «a<: U u 66666666 77777777


99999999 73747576ni879SD

Word Bit Positi ons Contents Must be bl ank.

Must be blank.

2 If punched, the System Editor does not compute a check sum from card data for comparison with card's prepunched check sum.

9 Must be punched.

11 Must be punched.

12-17 Count of words in the card, excluding words 1 and 2.

21-35 Absol ute loading address -- the actua I address of the core storage location where the first data or instruction word on this card is to be stored.

2 S-35 Check sum -- the logical sum (Add and Carry Logical Word) of all words in this card except word 2.

3-24 Data or instruction words.

Figure 18. Absolute Column-Binary Card Format

System Editor (IBED~ 49 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 ABSOLUTE COLUMN-BINARY CARDS compared with the entry for the subsystem in the DC-IBSYS system narre table. If a discrepancy exists, an error message is Absolute column-binary cards are the printed. standard 22-word entry type cards illus­ trated in Figure 18. The data or instruc­ The record name is the name printed if tion words, beginning with word 3 on the the MAP option on the *EDIT card is used. control card, are written on the PRESYS This name is also used by the system editor library in a standard PRESYS library record to identify a record, a file, or a subsys­ format. This format enables them to be tem. However, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor loaded into sequential core storage loca­ identifies the subsystem specified on a tions, beginning at the location specified $EXECUTE card by referring to its system I in bit positions 21-35 of word 1. name table. The last record on a DCOS PRESYS library tape has the identification *EOT and is OCTAL CARDS used to inform the system editor of the logical end of tape. The format of octal cards is: r------, 78 16 72 First command word I IOCP LOCi, ,Nl I .------~ octloc{*OCT } word 1,word 2, •.• ,word n I BCI 1,NAME I { OCTAL} t------~ I I The use of an asterisk <*) in column 7 Nl-l sequential words I I is optional. Each octal word must consist I I of 12 or fewer unsigned digits. When fewer ~------~ than 12 digits are entered into a word, Second command word I IOCP LOC2#,N2 I they are right-justified in the word. The .------~ octal words are separated by commas on the I I control card. The words are written on the N2 sequential words I I new PRESYS library in a standard PRESYS I I Library record format that enables them to .------~ be loaded into sequential core-storage Third command word I IOCP LOC3" N3 I locations, beginning at the location speci­ ~------~ fied by the octal address octloc. I I N3 sequential words I I I I I I STANDARD PRESYS LIBRARY RECORD FORMATS ~------~ I nth command word I IOCP LOCn"Nn I ~------~ Before records are edited onto the IBEDT " I I output unit, they are converted, if neces­ Nn sequential words I I sary, by the system editor to a self­ I I loading scatter-load format (shown in .------~ Figure 19). Records may be standard PRESYS La s t comma nd word lI ______IOCT 0,,0 JI library records, they may be converted from column-binary alteration cards or card ima­ ges, or they may be a combination of these. • Figure 19. Standard PRESYS Library Record Format The first word in a standard record, following the initial input/output command Certain additional requirements apply to (location LOCi in Figure 19), must be the IBSYS subsystems residing in the PRESYS name of the record in BCD form without library. Each IBSYS subsystem consists of leading blanks. If a record is the first one or more files; each file consists of record of a file, the name of the record is one or more records. The first record of also the name of the file. If the file is each subsystem must load into location the first file of a subsystem, the name of SYSTRA in the communication region of the the first record of the file is also the nucleus, an instruction that transfers con­ name of the SUbsystem (as specified in the trol to the first instruction in the sub­ DC-IBSYS system name table), as well as the system that is to be executed. This is name of the first file of the subsystem. necessary because the DC-IBSYS supervisor When the DCOS PRESYS Library is being transfers control to SYSTRA after loading edited, the name of the first record of the first record of a subsystem specified each pubsystem in the new PRESYS library is on the $EXECUTE card.

50 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 When a subsystem or part of a subsystem 1. It transfers to SYSUT1 all files. file is loaded into core storage, it must not marks, and records on SYSLB2 up to, overlay the DC-IBSYS Nucleus. but not including, the record specified on the *MODIFY card. If the subsystem is not loaded into the 2. It reads the specified record into area occupied by DC-IOEX, DC-IOEX is core storage .. immediately available for use by the sub­ 3. It deletes the IOCT command at the end system. of the record. 4. It appends an IOCP command of the following form to the record:

IOCP loc, ,n I~INTENANCE CONTROL CARDS where loc is the location specified in the first alteration card and n is the The actual addition, deletion, rear­ number of words on the first altera­ rangement, or modification of subsystems or tion card and on the alteration cards of records and files within a subsystem is immediately following it that are to performed by using the maintenance control be loaded into contiguous core storage cards described in this section. An *PLACE locations. card does no more than post, in the DC­ 5. It places the n words from the altera­ IBSYS system name table, the position of an tion cards into the record following IBSYS subsystem. the newly appended corrmand word. 6. It repeats steps 4 and 5, with Maintenance control cards must be in the appropriate values for loc and n, same order as the records to which they until, if TAPE is specified, a trans­ refer. If a maintenance control card fer card is encountered on SYSUT2, or, refers to a record out of sequence in the if TAPE is not specified, until a new edit deck, the effect of the control card system editor control card or end of is nullified ann a message is printed. file is encountered on SYSIN1 .. 7. It appends an IOCT command with a word count of zero to the end of the record. 8. It writes· the expanded record onto *MODIFY CARD SYSUT1.

After all actions specified by the The format of the *MODIFY card is: *MODIFY card have been cOWfleted, SYSLB2 is positioned at the interrecord gap following 1 7 16 the specified record.

[TAPE] *MODIFY recnam

where recnam is the name of a record in the old PRESYS Library that is to be modified. *REPLACE CARD

If TAPE does not appear in columns 1-4, this control card causes the specified The format of the *REPLACE card is: record to be consolidated with alteration cards that follow this control card on 1 7 16 SYSIN1. The alteration cards on SYSIN1 may be any combination of octal and column­ (TAPE] *REPLACE {recnam} [,SYSxxx] binary cards. [FILE) {sysnam}

If TAPE does appear in columns 1-4, the If neither TAPE nor FILE appears in *MODIFY card causes the specified record to columns 1-4, the *REPLACE card causes an be consolidated with alteration cards on entire record (specified ty recnam) in the SYSUT2. The alteration cards on SYSUT2 old PRESYS library on SYSLB2 to be replaced must be in the form of column-binary card on SYSUT1 by a new record formed entirely images blocked in the standard DCOS format. SYSIN1. Any card that contains the octal characters 2102 (IBM card code character, $) in the Before the specified record is replaced, 1first 12 bits of word 1 is ignored. all files, file marks, and records that precede the record on SYSLB2 are trans­ The system editor performs the following ferred to SYSUT1. The replacement record steps after reading an *MODIFY card: represented by the alteration cards is

System Editor (IBEDT) 51 converted to the standard PRESYS Library file mark on SYSxxx. The replacement record format shown in Figure 19. records are processed by the system editor as previously described. To replace an The alteration cards on SYSUT2 must be entire file, the record name specified on column-binary card-image form if TAPE is the card must be the name of the first specified. If neither TAPE nor FILE is record in the file. However, if the name specified, the alteration cards that follow of the first record in the file matches a the *REPLACE card on SYSIN1 may be any sUbsystem name in the system name table, combination of octal and column-binary all files in the subsystem are replaced, as cards. As with the *MODIFY card; the end previously described. of the alteration cards is signalled by a transfer card if TAPE is specified or by a I system editor control card or an end-of­ When all actions called for by an file condition when TAPE and FILE are not *REPLACE card specifying FILE have been specified. completed, SYSLB2 is positioned at the interrecord gap following the last file (or When all operations have been completed part of a file) replaced. that were called for by an *REPLACE card on which the first parameter was either TAPE or null, SYSLB2 is positioned at the interrecord gap following the record speci­ fied by recnam.

If FILE appears in columns 1-4 of the *INSERT CARD *REPLP.CE card and the name in columns 16-21 matches a subsystem name in the DC-IBSYS system name table, all records, files, and The format of the *INSERT card is: file marks are read in from SYSLB2 and written out on SYSUT1 until the specified 1 7 16 subsystem is located on SYSLB2. When the subsystem is located, it is replaced on [TAPE] *INSERT [FILEMK] SYSUT1 by the files on SYSxxx. If the number of files in the replacement differs from the original number, an *PLACE card If TAPE and FILEMK are not specified, reflecting this must be inserted into the the *INSERT card causes a new record, edit deck following the *EDIT card but formed from octal and/or column-binary preceding the maintenance control cards. alteration cards following the *INSERT card on SYSIN1, to be written on SYSpT1 at its The first word of each record read from current position. The end of the altera­ SYSxxx is checked to determine if it is an tion cards on SYSIN1 is indicated by an end IOCP command. If it is not an IOCP of file or a new system editor control command, the record is considered nonstan­ card. dard and is duplicated without change' on SYSUT1. If it is an IOCP command, the record is considered a standard PRESYS If TAPE appears in columns 1-4 but Library record. In this case, the record, FILEMK is not specified, the new record is except for the last word, is duplicated formed from alteration cards in the form of onto SYSUT1. column-binary card images on SYSUT2~' The end of the alteration cards on SYSUT2 is If the last word is an input/output indicated by a transfer card. command, it is changed to an

IOCT 0,,0 The new record, represented by the alteration cards on SYSIN1 or SYSUT2, is command. Otherwise, this command is added converted to the standard PRESYS library to the end of the record. record format shown in Figure 19.

If FILE appears in columns 1-4 of the *REPLACE card and if the name in columns If FILEMK is specified, a file mark is 16-21 does not match a sUbsystem name in inserted on SYSUT1 at its current position. the DC-IBSYS system name table, all A single *INSERT card cannot be used both records, files, and file marks are read in to insert a new record and to write a file from SYSLB2 and written out on SYSUT1 until mark. a record with the specified name is located on SYSLB2. When the specified record is located, it and all succeeding records (if The position of SYSLB2 is not changed by any) up to and including the next file mark an *INSERT card. are replaced on SYSUT1 by the next file and

52 *REMOVE CARD 1 7 16 [FILE] *AFTER recnam} sysnam The format of the *REMOVE card is: { FILEMK 7 16 If neither FILE nor FILEMK is specified, [FILE] *REMOVE recnam} sysnam the *AFTER card causes the reading of { FILEMK control cards to be suspended until all files, file marks, and records on SYSLB2, If neither FILE nor FILEMK is specified, up to and including the record specified in the *REMOVE card causes the record speci­ columns 16-21, have been transferred to fied in columns 16-21 to be skipped on SYSUT1. SYSLB2 and omitted from SYSUT1. Before the specified record is removed, all files, file marks, and records that precede the If FILEMK is specified in columns 16-21, record on SYSLB2 are transferred to SYSUT1. the next file mark on SYSLB2 and all After the *REMOVE card has been processed, records preceding it are transferred to SYSLB2 is positioned immediately after the SYSUT1. record that was omitted from SYSUT1. If FILE is not specified, an *REMOVE If FILE is specified and if the name in card on which FILEMK appears causes the columns 16-21 is a subsystem name in the next file mark on SYSLB2 to be omitted from DC-IBSYS system name table, all files, file SYSUT1. Records preceding the file mark marks, and records on SYSLB2, up to and are transferred to SYSUT1. After the including the files and accompanying file *REMOVE card has been processed, SYSLB2 is marks associated with the specified subsys­ positioned after the file mark that was tem (as defined by the DC-IBSYS system name omitted from SYSUT1. table entry), are transferred to SYSUT1. If FILE is specified and the name in columns 16-21 is a subsystem name in the If FILE is specified and if the name in DC-IBSYS system name table, all files and columns 16-21 is the name of a record but accompanying file marks associated with the not the name of a subsystem posted in the subsystem (as defined by the DC-IBSYS sys­ DC-IBSYS system name table, all files, file tem name table entry) are skipped on SYSLB2 marks, and records on SYSLB2, up to and and omitted from SYSUT1. including the next file mark following the specified record, are transferred to If FILE is specified and if the name in SYSUT1. columns 16-21 is the name of a record but not the name of a subsystem posted in the DC-IBSYS system name table, the specified record and all succeeding records (if any) *DUP CARD up to and including the next file mark are skipped on SYSLB2 and omitted from SYSUT1. If an entire file is to be rereoved, the The format of the *DUP card is: name specified on the *REMOVE card on which FILE appears must be the name of the first 7 16 record in the file. However, if the name of the first record in the file matches a *DUP SYSxxx,SYSyyy,n subsystem name in the DC-IBSYS system name table, all files in the subsystem are removej, as previously described. The *DUP control card transfers n files from SYSxxx to SYSyyy. Neither SYSxxx nor Before a specified subsystem or record SYSyyy may be SYSLB1. The transfer is removed, all records, files, and file includes all files through the nth file marks that precede it on SYSLB2 are trans­ mark read on SYSxxx. If n is blank, 1, or ferred to SYSUT1. 0, one file an~ the file mark following it are transferred to SYSyyy. The *DUP card may be used to insert *AFTER CARD special files into the PRESYS library. Such special files might include IBSYS SUbsystem data files, such as the IBJOB The format of the *AFTER card is: Library (IBLIB), or non-IBSYS systems.

System Editor (IBEDT) 53 Form C28- 6 38 3- 2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28- 0175- 0 *REWIND CARD The format of the *REMARK card is:

7 The * REWIND control card rewinds the unit assigned to the specified system unit func­ * REMARK any rereark tion. SYSLB1 may not be specified on the *REWIND card. The *REMARK card may not be placed between the control cards <*MODIFY, The format of the *REWIND card is: *REPLACE or *INSERT), and the alteration cards immediately following these control 7 16 cards. I *REWIND SYSxxx TERMINATION OF EDITING The *REWIND card may be used to define the starting position before using an *DUP card. The *REWIND and *DUP cards may be The system editor completes the editing used to rearrange sUbsystems in the PRESYS process when an end of file is encountered library or to incorporate into the PRESYS on SYSIN1. The system editor performs the library special-format records that have followi-ng steps to terminate editing: been previously edited by a subsystem. 1. It transfers froIT SYSIB2 to SYSUT1 all remaining files, file marks, and records, up to but net including, the *CHECK CARD *EOT record on SYSLB2. 2. It reads the *EOT record from SYSLB2 and performs the tests and changes The *CHECK control card causes a test to specified on the last *CHECK card be made to ensure that the correct number read. If there is no *CHECK card, no of editing cards were read and that the tests or changes are made. correct PRESYS library tape was processed. 3. It writes the new *EOT record and a file mark on SYSUT1. The format of the *CHECK card is: 4. It rewinds SYSLB2 and SYSUT1.

7 16 The system editor then reads the cards on SYSIN1 until it finds one of the follow­ *CHECK [countl[,oldnaml [,newnaml ing control cards: $IBSYS, $EXECUTE, $JOB, or $STOP. The parameter count is the number of alt.eration cards and maintenance control cards, including the *CHECK card but not EDITING RELOCATABLE RECORDS the *EDI'I' card. The parameter oldnam is a name that is compared with the PRESYS library name in the fourth word of the *EOT If a standard FORTRAN II relocatable record on SYSLB2. If the two names are not record is located on SYSUT2 when one of the the same, an error message is printed. The following maintenance control cards is parameter newnam is the name assigned to read, the system editor converts it to a the new PRESYS library on SYSUT1

54 After a relocatable record has been tape with corrections to record RECl and placed in the PRESYS library in the stand­ complete replacement of records ABC and ard PRESYS system library format, all main­ Xyz. tenance control cards except the *MODIFY card that affect nonrelocatable records in the standard PRESYS library format also affect the relocatable record.

EXAMPLE 2 EDITING EXAMPLES The sample job deck in Figure 21 might The following are examples of typical be used to rearrange the subsystems on the editing jobs performed by the System PRESYS tape so that subsystem SYSTMA, con­ editor. sisting of two files located just after the IBJOB files, will be repositioned just \ before the System Editor, following SYSTMX. EXAMPLE 1

The sample job deck in Figure 20 might be used to prepare a new PRESYS library


Figure 20. Sample Edit 1


56 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 DCOS PRESYS LIBRARY MAINTENANCE

The 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating future reference and a duplicate PRESYS System is distributed in a binary form library for emergency use. The procedure ready for disk residence. The system in is as follows: this form, the Direct couple Operating System Library (DCSYS), can be used without 1. Place the sample job deck shown in change for production job processing. How­ Figure 22 in the card reader. ever, DCSYS is not modifiable or maintain­ 2. Initiate DCOS operation as described able. A second form of DCOS, the Presystem in the publication IBM 7090-7040 (PRESYS) Library can easily be modified. Direct Couple OFeratinq System: Operator's Guide. This section contains information for performing the following modifications to A duplicate of the distributed DCOS the PRESYS library: PRESYS Library will be produced on SYSUT1, and a map of the system library will be 1. Preparing a backup DCOS Distribution printed on the 1403 printer. Tape or PRESYS Library. 2. Changing the system input/output con­ A backup copy of the entire DCOS Dis­ figuration. tribution Tape may be obtained by replacing 3. Incorporating a user-designed instal­ the *DUP card shown in Figure 22 with the lation accounting routine for the following card: 7090 .• 4. Incorporating IBM IBSYS subsystems and *DUP SYSLB2, SYSUT1,4 user programs under DC-IBSYS. 5. Incorporating user programs to serve However, it is not advisable to use the MAP as DCMUP background utilities. option in the *EDIT card. 6. Incorporating non-IBSYS 7090 systems or programs to be run in compatibility The parameter Y00014 is the BCD rep­ mode. resentation of the instruction A complete PRESYS library may be created TXL 68,0,0 from a 7090/7094 IBSYS Library. See Appen­ dix D for further information about this This word is required as the second word procedure. of the first record of all DCOS distrib­ ution tapes.


The procedure for preparing a backup DCOS Distribution Tape is optional.. Howev­ The 7090 input/output configuration er, this procedure is strongly recommended, shown in Figure 23 is simulated by the 7040 since it produces a PRESYS library map for for IOBASE O. The 7090 has no real


.Figure 22. Preparing a Backup PRESYS Tape

DCOS PRESYS Library Maintenance 57 Form C28- 6383- 2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28- 0175- 0 input/output units. The preassembled 7090 2. To make printer 2 available, insert pseudo input/output configuration should AXT 1,1 serve all DCOS users without change. If a at location PRINT2. (PRINT2 contains user wishes to modify DC-IBSYS to redefine the instruction the 7090 input/output configuration, he AXT 0,1 must also change DCMUP to reflect his in the distributed version.) redefinition. For example, the one-for-one 3. To make printer 3 available" insert correspondence between 7090 unit control AXT 1,1 blocks and 7040 file control blocks must be at location PRINT3. (PRINT3 contains maintained. Changes in the assignment of the instruction system unit fUnctions (Figure 24) require a AXT 0,1 respecification of IOBASE o. SYSLBl (Al) in the distributed version.) I may not be reassigned. r------T------y-----y------, r-----T------, I 7 0 9 0 I I No·1 I IUNIT I SYSTEM UNIT ASSIGNMENT I IPseudo I I of I 1 ~-----+------~ I Channell Unit Type I Units I Attached I I 1 t------+------+-----+------~ RDA I SYSCRD I 1 I PUA I SYSPCH I A 1711 Card Reader 1 I RDA PRA I SYSPRT I 1721 Card Punch 1 1 PUA A1 I SYSLB1 ! 1716 Printer 1 1 PRA A2 I SYSIN1, SYSIN2 I 1729 Tapes 10 I A1-AO A3 I SYSOU1, SYSOU2 1 I I A4 I SYSPP1, SYSPP2 1 B 1729 Tapes 10 I B1-BO A5 I SYSCKl I I 1 B1 I SYSUT1 I C 1729 Tapes 6 I Cl-C6 B2 I SYSUT2 I 1 I B3 I SYSUT3 I D 1729 Tapes 6 1 D1-D6 B4 I SYSUT4 I

B5 ~I SYSCK2 I L ______~1______L-____ LI ______J L ______J

Figure 23. Distributed 7090 Input/Output Figure 24. Assignment of System Unit Func­ Configuration Simulated by tions DCMUP (IOBASE 0) To specify additional tape units" DCMUP may be reassembled modifying the tape par­ ameters to reflect the configuration. The 7040 INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION tape parameters can be found in the dis­ tributed DCOS listing. Their symbolic locations are TAPOB, TAPOC, TAPOD, and The distributed binary DCOS system is TAPOE for channels B, C, D, and E respec­ assembled for the 7040 input/output con­ ti vely. figuration designated in Figure 25. Addi­ tional modules of disk or drum may be Additional tape units may be activated activated by using the DCOS Posteditor. using octal alteration cards. To activate This procedure is described in the section a unit, an alteration card should be used "Respecification of 7040 Disk (Drum) Envi­ to set the sign bit of the first word of ronment." the units Unit Control Block (UCB) to plus. The second and third printers may be Following are examples of how typical activated either symbolically or through system modifications are rrade. the use of alteration cards. The assembly parameters PR1, PR2, and PR3, located at As distributed, DCOS is assembled with the beginning of the DCOS listing, indicate tape drives C1 through C5 available for the availability of printers 1, 2, and 3, use. The File control Blocks (FCBs) are respectively. In the distributed DCOS, all assigned to disk. In order to modify IPR1=1, PR2=0, and PR3=0. To activate prin­ this, the following procedures should be ters 2 and 3, set PR2 and PR3 to 1. used. Printers may also be activated using octal alteration cards specifying the following 1. There are three methods for changing modifications to DCMUP: tape availability. a. By assembly. The number of tape 1. To make printer 1 available, insert drives available for use on the AXT 1,1 7040 is defined by a group of at location PRINT1+1. (PRINT1+1 con­ values assigned through the use of tains this instruction in the distrib­ the SET pseudo-operation; that is, uted version of DCOS.) the symbolic locations TAPOB, 58 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 TAPOC, TAPOD, and TAPOE (tape and m is the tape unit number. parameters) are set to the number b. By patching using the SNAP-PATCH of drives available on each of Loader,. The procedure for patch­ their respective channels: B, C, ing a FCB, so that the file is D, and E. Also, if tape drives permanently assigned to tape, is are to be located on channels D similar to the assembly procedure and E, the symbolic location DETP described above. The word at the must be set to 1. octal location corresponding to b. By patching using the SNAP-PATCH symbolic location UNITS+8n is Loader. The availability or non­ patched to contain (in the address availability of a tape drive is portion) the octal location of the indicated by the sign of word 1 of desired tape UCB(BEGTPS+40k+4n-4), the Unit Control Block (UCB). and UNITS+8n+4 is patched to be Plus indicates availability, and plus. Also, the word. at symbolic minus indicates non-availability. location TOTAL in the setup area A patch, consisting of a series of of DCOS is patched to agree with MSPs and MSMs affecting the sign the total number of tape drives of the first words of the UCBs now available. (To do this with involved, is inserted at the octal FORTRAN II it is desirable to location corresponding to the change, by assembly, IOBASE 2 so symbolic location TAPSE-l. Also, that it is the sarr'e as IOBASE O. the word at symbolic location See Example 3 below.) TOTAL in the setup area of DCOS is Not~: k, m, and n mean the same as patched to agree with the total for assembly. number of tape drives now availa­ c. By editing. The process is the ble. same as for patching except that Note: If tape drives on channels D the changes are edited onto the and E are to be made available, tape instead of ~eing contained in the symbol DETP must have been set a patch deck (SNAP-PATCH Loader). to 1 during assembly. c. By editing. This process is the Following are examples to illustrate same as the one for patching these procedures: except that the changes are edited onto the tape instead of being Example 1 - Assign tape drives C4 and C5 contained in a patch deck permanently to the FCBs corresponding to (SNAP-PATCH Loader>. UTl and UT2 in IBSYS. Assuming the minimum 2. There are three methods for system, there are 5 tapes available on permanently assigning a File Control channel C. UTl and UT2 are logical FCBs 10 Block to tape. and 11. a. By assembly. The FCBs are assumed to always be referencing files on a. By assembly disk. The $SETUP card is used to make temporary assignment to tape. *ALTER 5,5 To assign a file permanently to TAPOC SET 3 tape, word 1 of the FCB must be * ALTER 15706 altered to contain the location of ORG UNITS+80 a UCB, and word 5 must be posi­ MZE BEGTPS+40+16-4 tive. To accomplish this, a ser­ ORG UNITS+80+4 ies of ORG cards, each causing PZE origin at a FCB word to be modi­ ORG UNITS+88 fied (and each followed by the MZE BEGTPS+40+20-4 necessary information to modify ORG UNITS+88+4 it), is assembled in just prior to PZE the Snapshot routine. These cards should be of the following form: b. By patch or edit (shown symbolically) ORG UNITS+8n L (TAPSE)-l OCT (TRA L(PATCH» MZE BEGTPS+40k+4m-4 L(PATCH) OCT (MSM L(BEGTPS)+52) ORG UNITS+8n+4 L(PATCH)+l OCT (MSM L(BEGTPS) +56) PZE L(PATCH) +2 OCT (AXT L(AVTPEN)-LCBEGTPS),l) L(PATCH)+3 OCT (TRA L(TAPSE» where UNITS is the beginning loca­ L(TOTAL) OCT (PZE 3) tion of the FCBs, n is the logical L(UNITS)+80 OCT (MZE L(BEGTPS)+52) FCB number, BEGTPS is the begin­ L{UNITS) +84 OCT (PZE) ning location of the UCBs, k is L(UNITS)+88 OCT (MZE L(BEGTPS)+56) the channel index (k=O for channel L(UNITS)+92 OCT (PZE) B, k=l for channel C, k=2 for channel D, and k=3 for channel E), Note: In the preceding patch or edit

DCOS PRESYS Library Maintenance 59 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNLN28-0175-0 example all numbers are given in base 10, been given the value 1 in the all location fields would be the octal assembly) locations equivalent to what is given, and all variable fields would be octal equi­ valent of the instructions given. L(TAPSE)-l OCT (TRA L(PATCH» L(PATCH) OCT (MSP L(BEGTPS)+80) L(PATCH)+l OCT (MSP L(BEGTPS) +84) This is how the example above would L(PATCH) +2 OCT (MSP L(BEGTPS)+88) appear as an actual octal patch referring L(PATCH)+3 OCT (MSP L(BEGTPS) +92) to the list of the minimum system as I L (PATCH) +4 OCT (MSP L(BEGTPS)+96) distributed. L(PATCH)+5 OCT (AXT L(AVTPEN)-L(BEGTPS),l) L(PATCH) +6 OCT (TRA L(TAPSE» 01056 OCT 002000001240 L(TOTAL) OCT (PZE 10) 01240 OCT 562306042060 01241 OCT 562306042064 01242 OCT 077400100240 Note: In the preceding patch or edit 01243 OCT 002000001057 example all numbers are given in base 10, 35064 OCT 000000000003 all location fields would be the octal 44216 OCT 400000042060 locations equivalent to what is given, and 44222 OCT 000000000000 all variable fields would be the octal 44226 OCT 400000042064 equivalent to the instructions given. 44232 OCT 000000000000 Example 3 IOBASE 2 definition to allow Example 2 - Making available tape drives Dl the permanent assignment of utilities to through D5, assuming the minimum system tape. with 5 tapes available on channel C. FBPTRS «AVAIL,6), (A2), (A3), (B4). (AS), a. By assembly (A6), (A7), ETC (A8) , (A9) , (AO) , (Bl), (B2), (A4), (B3) , (B5) , *ALTER 6,6 ETC (B6), (B7), (B8), CB9), (BO), (Cl). TAPOD SET 5 (C2) , (C3) , *ALTER 40,40 ETC (AVAIL,l), (AVAII,2),(AVAIL,3), DETP SET 1 (Dl),(D2), ETC (D3),(AVAIL,4), (AVAIL,5},(Al), b. By patch or edit (Note: DETP must have (CRA), (PUA), (PRA»

r------T------T------T------T------, I I Interfacel I Maximum I Distributed I I Channel I Number I Unit Type INumber I Configuration I .------+------+------+------+------~ I A 3 1402 1 1 I 3 1403 1 1 I 2 1403 1 o (1) 2 I 1 1403 1 o (1)2 I 3 1014 1 1 I I B 1301/7320 41. 1301-1 I 729 10 o (B1-BO) 2 I I c 1301/7320 o I 729 C1-C5 (C1-CO) 2 I I D 1301/7320 41. o I 729 10 o (D1-DO) I I E 1301/7320 41. o I 729 10 o (EI-EO) I

______~ ______~ ______~ ______~ ______JI

1.Maximum Total = 10 modules. 2Can be activated by octal alteration cards.

Figure 25. 7040 Input/Output Configuration

60 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

INCORPORATING A USER-DESIGNED INSTALLATION Calling Sequence ACCOUNTING ROUTINE UNDER DC-IBSYS Access to an accounting routine is A user may design an installation through location SYSIDR in the Communi­ accounting routine tailored to his require­ cation Region of the System Nucleus. ments and incorporate it into the DCOS SYSIDR must be patched to contain a trans­ PRESYS Library as part of the DC-IBSYS fer to the accounting routine. Whenever file. The accounting routine may be the System Honitor or any of its SUbsystems designed to perform a variety of functions, processes a $JOB or a $ID card, a transfer such as timing jobs or producing statisti­ is made to the accounting routine through cal data about the processing of jobs. SYSIDR (i.e., TSX SYSIDR,4). In addition, Since accounting practices vary considera­ some processors under control of IBJOB, bly among installations, a specific 7090 Commercial Translator, and 9 PAC make a accounting routine is not provided with sign-on transfer to the accounting routine DC-IBSYS. before they begin processing. There may be more than one sign-on for a job under IBJOB or Commercial Translator. For example, Three one-word entries in the communi­ IBMAP will sign-on before loading the cation region of the DC-IBSYS Nucleus are object program assembled by IBMAP. When used specifically for accounting purposes: all processing is complete for a job under SYSIDR, SYSACC, and SYSPID. The function IBJOB or Commercial Translator, there will of each of these entries is described in be one (and only one) sign-off transfer to detail in Appendix C. the accounting routine. An installation accounting routine may be incorporated either as part of the The calling sequence used in transfer­ DC-IBSYS Monitor for use by the monitor and ring to the accounting routine is: each of the subsystems or as part of a TSX SYSIDR,4 subsystem for use by the SUbsystem only. pfx loc,t,n Both methods of incorporating an accounting return routine are described in the following text. where: pfx = PZE for $JOB/$ID calls PON for sign-on calls PTW for sign-off calls PTH for intraprocessor calls DESIGNING AN INSTALLATION ACCOUNTING (prefix codes FOR, FIVE, SIX, and SVN ROUTINE may be used for special purposes by an installation) loc = location of first word of an There are several considerations about identifying message or a control card the relationship of an installation buffer (not always present) accounting routine to the IBSYS operating t = identifier of sign-on and sign-off system which Sh01lld be kept in mind when calls designing an accounting routine. These 1 compiler considerations are discussed below. 2 assembler 3 loader 4 execution 5 utility (6 and 7 may be used for special Location and Size purposes by an installation) n = number of words occupied by iden­ An accounting routine must be loaded tifying message or control card buf­ into upper core storage and must not occupy fer (not always present) more than 500 words. There are two subsys­ tems that will not respect the upper 500 In some cases the sign of the AC is words of core storage and may overlay all tested upon return from the accounting or part of an accounting routine. routine. If the sign is found to be plus 1. FORTRAN II respects only the upper 64 (+), processing continues. If the sign is words of core storage. found to be minus (-), processing is termi­ 2. In IBJOB, if $DUMP or $PATCH cards are nated and control is returned to the super­ used, the JDUMP routine is loaded into vising monitor. Figure 25A gives the con­ upper core storage overlaying the tents of the parameter words for the calls accounting routine, and the contents by various processors and indicates whether of SYSIDR are replaced by TRA 2,4. the sign of the AC is tested on return (the

DCOS PRESYS Library Maintenance 61 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 sign of the AC is never tested on return If both SYSACC and SYSPID are nonzero, from a sign-off call). the IBJOB Monitor prints a special page heading on each page of the job listing. The data for the special heading is con­ tained in a 10-word buffer which the user must provide. The location of the first $JOB and $ID Cards word of the buffer must be placed in the address portion of SYSACC. The 1 a-word buffer must be in the following form: The contents of the $JOB or $ID card are stored in a buffer prior to being printed Words 1-2 Time of day on-line. The location and length of this Words 3-4 Date buffer is stored in the parameter word Words 5-7 primary identification (PZE) of the calling sequence so that the Words 8-9 Secondary identification accounting routine may have access to the (e.g., charge number) data in columns 16-72 of the $JOB card or Word 10 Installation or run code columns 7-72 of the $ID card. The data on these cards may be set up in any form The routine in IBJOB that prints the desired for use by the accounting routine. special page heading is entered at symbolic location HED.

SYSACC SYSPID The System Monitor or the sUbsystem processing a $JOB or $ID card tests loca­ Location SYSPID in the System Nucleus is tion SYSACC. If the contents of SYSACC are used only by the IBJOB Monitor. The IBJOB zero, the card is printed on-line. If Monitor tests SYSPID only if SYSACC is SYSACC contains anything other than zero, found to be nonzero. The status of SYSPID the card is not printed. In the distrib­ determines whether the standard or special uted version of IBSYS, SYSACC contains: page heading is to be printed on the job listing. If SYSPID is zero, the standard PZE a heading is printed. If SYSPID is nonzero, the special page heading is printed. The If the accounting routine is to control 10-word buffer described in the ·SYSACC· printing of the $JOB and $1D cards, SYSACC section must be provided and a pointer to must be patched with the following card: the buffer must be placed in SYSACC if 1 8 16 SYSPID is nonzero. If location SYSPID is to be changed, it must be patched with a SYSACC PZE any nonzero value card serialized IBB42030.

61.1 r------, I I I $JOB/$ID Sign-On Sign-Off I ~------~ Parameter Sign of Parameter Sign of Parameter Processor Word1 AC Checked Word -PC Checked Word IBSYS Monitor PZE loc"n No Symbolic Update PZE loc"n Yes Sort PZE loc"n No IOCS PZE loc"n No Utilities PZE loc"n No IBJOB PZE loc"n Yes PTW 0,0,0

IBFTC PON 0,1,0 :2 IBCBC PON 0,1,0 No IEMAP PON loc,2,n Yes Loader PZE loc"n Yes PON loc,3,n' Yes PTW loc,3,n Execution PTW 0,4,0 CT Monitor PZE loc"n No Compiler PON 0,1,0 PTW 0,1,0 Loader PON 0,3,0 Yes PTW 0,3,0 Postprocessor PON loc,5,n Yes PTW loc,5,nl KPOUT3 PTH loc"n I 9PAC Monitor PZE loc"n No I Compiler PON loc,l,n No I

lIFORTRAN ______II PZE loc"n Yes ~~ ______JI

1n may be assumed to be 14 when it is omitted from the decrement field in $JOB/$ID calls. 2prints error messages if AC is minus but does not discontinue processing. 3KPOUT routine is entered when an error condition is encountered which necessitates discontinuing processing. Figure 25A. Installation Accounting Routine Calling Sequence Parameter Words

A specific record has been reserved for INCORPORATING AN ACCOUNTING ROUTINE INTO A incorporating the accounting routine. This SUBSYSTEM record, DCIDR, is loaded by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor after the supervisor has gener­ ated the nucleus, except when IBSYS is If an accounting routine is designed for loaded to get a dump. After the installa­ use only with a specific subsystem, the tion accounting routine has beeQ assembled, accounting routine should be assembled and it should be edited into the PRESYS li­ then appended to the first record of the brary, replacing the dummy DCIDR record of subsystem, using an *MODIFY card when edit­ the distributed system. ing the PRESYS library (see the section "System Editor"). This will result in the accounting routine's being loaded whenever Note: The distributed DCIDR performs no the first record of the subsystem is loaded accounting functions and does not affect the contents of any DC-IBSYS accounting location.

DCOS PRESYS Library Maintenance 61.2 Form C28-6 38 3-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 after a $EXECUTE card .containing the name into DCOS. The procedure for incorporating of the subsystem has.been read. The first an IBSYS sUbsystem to be executed in record of the subsystem should also be compatibility mo~e is outlined here. appended to overlay SYSIDRwith an instruc­ tion that transfers control to the begin- 'ning of the installation accounting rou­ 1. Using the DCOS Tape Blocking Routine, tine. If necessary, SYSCOR should be over­ block the 7090/709~ IBSYS System laid to change the definition of the end of Library containing the subsystem into usable core storage. SYSACC may also be the ~60-word standard DCOS record for­ overlaid if it is desired to change it to mat. nonzero. 2. Edit the subsystem into the PREsys library using the procedures described A $IBSYS card followed by a $RESTORE in the section "System Editor. "Fig­ card should be placed at the end of a job ure 26 is an example of adding an segment performed by a subsystem containing IBSYS subsystem to the PRESYS Library. an accounting routine if it is followed on 3. Run the output resulting from step 2 the system input file by job segments to be through the DCOS Posteditor. performed by other subsystems or by the DC-IBSYS Monitor. The $RESTORE card res­ tores locations SYSIDR, SYSCOR, and SYSACC to their original states, nullifying any changes made by the subsystem containing the accounting routine. DIRECT MODE

A user may design a program to be executed in direct mode and insert it into INCORPORATING IBSYS SUBSYSTEMS UNDER the PRESYS library with other IBSYS subsys­ DC-IBSYS tems. After the program has been coded and assembled, it may be inserted into the PRESYS library using a job deck similar to Additional IBSYS subsystems should not the sample job deck in Figure 27. be edited onto the DCOS system in a posi­ tion after any DCOS utilities or non­ standard systems. The name of the direct-mode subsystem


62 For the sample job deck, it has been cuted after the record has been assumed that a user program named SYSTMU is loaded. This may be accomplished by located on SYSUT2 in the form of absolute placing within the record itself a TRA column-binary card images that terminate instruction that has an origin at with a transfer card. The job deck is SYSTRA. The instruction will then designed to insert the program in the overlay the contents of SYSTRA when it PRESYS library immediately after the IBJOB is loaded. Processor. Before the program is inserted, 6. The Program must recognize and act it is converted by the system editor into a upon the $IBSYS, $EXECUTE, $STOP, and self-loading, scatter-load format, which is $ID cards, as described in the section the standard format for the PRESYS library. "Job Control Communication with Sub­ For the sample job deck in Figure .27, it systems.' has been assumed that the user program 7. If a system unit is to be used, it consists of one record only. However, a must be referred to through its entry program may consist of more than one in the system unit fUnction table record. For each additional record, anoth­ ~efer to the section "DC-IBSYS er *INSERT card that specifies TAPE must be Nucleus") • placed in the job deck, and the absolute 8. If a unit that is not assigned to a column-binary card images from which the system unit function is to be used, it record is formed must follow (on SYSUT2) must be referred to through an availa­ the card images for the previous record. bility chain (refer to the section The column-binary card images for each "DC-IBSYS Nucleus") • record must end with a transfer card. 9. The program may use IOEX, following Additional information may be found in the the rules for direct-mode input/output section "System Editor." discussed in the publication IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating Sy&= tern: Programmer's Guide, Form In designing and coding a program for C28-6382. If the program does not use insertion as a direct-mode sUbsystem in the IOEX, it must structure its own PRESYS library, the following rules must be direct-mode input/output requests in followed to ensure proper loading of the locations THIS and THIS+1, and it must program, coordinated control of trap the 7040 to service these input/output operations, and continuous job requests. processing:

1. The program must use only the core storage between SYSORG and SYSEND (refer to SYSCOR in Appendix C) • 2. The first word in the first record of INCORPORATING DCMUP UTILITIES the program must be a BCD name without leading blanks and may have an origin at SYSCUR (Appendix C). This name is ARRANGEMENT OF DCMUP UTILITY PROGRAMS the name of the program, and it is the name specified on the $ EXECUTE card used to call the program. The name DCMUP Utility Programs must be placed on must not be the same as the name of the PRESYS library within the utility file. any other record in the PRESYS The first data word of each program must be library. a BCD name. This name is placed in word 2 3. The first word of the $econd and of the PRESYS tape record. succeeding records, if any, of the program must be a unique BCD name, The following special record must pre­ without leading blanks, and may have cede the first DCMUP utility edited onto a an origin at SYSCUR. PRESYS library: 4. The first record must contain a TRA instruction, which transfers control IOCP address,,3 to the beginning of the program and BCI 1,UTILITY which has an origin at SYSTRA PZE o (Appendix C) • IOCT 0,,0 5. The DC-IBSYS Loader (SYSLDR) in the DC-IBSYS Nucleus may be used by a The address field in the first word may program to load the second and suc­ contain any octal address. This record is ceeding records of the program. See present in the distributed DCOS PRESYS Appendix C for a description of the Library. use of the DC-IBSYS Loader. If the DC-IBSYS Loader is used to load a Except for the additional requirement of record, the contents of SYSTRA must be a preface record, DCMUP utilities are main­ changed to transfer control to the tained and modified in the same manner as first instruction that is to be exe- DCMUP and DC-IBSYS.


*INSERT FILEMK $EOF (end of file card) $IBSYS $STOP eFigure 27. Sample Job Deck for Inserting a User Program as a Direct Mode IBSYS Subsystem

DESIGN OF DCMUP UTILITY PROGRAMS and contain leading zeroes (e.g., OONAME) • 4. The utility should practice the fol­ To ensure proper functioning of a utili­ lowing return conventions: ty within the framework of the Direct a. Return control to location 1301Q Couple Multiprocessor, the user must adhere (202e) where control is trans­ to the following rules when designing a ferred to the beginning point of DCMUP utility: the commutator (MAIN). b. Return control to location 13110 1. A utility may not occupy more than 832 (203e ) when the utility has com­ core storage locations, starting at pleted its task. location 19210 (300e ). The utility is c. Return control to location 13210 always called by the following (2 04e ) to allo~ normal commutator instruction. cycling to proceed.

TRA 192 A communication region starting at 7040 location 13310 (2058 ) provides access to 2. A utility should perform only a small DCMUP subroutines, input/output facilities, unit of work each time it is called, and table-handling routines. The functions since it must 7040 processing specified in this region are called by time with other DCMUP functions, such using DCOS-defined macro-operations. as printing, punching, and servicing Details about both the contents of the 7090 requests. DCMUP communication region and the DCOS­ 3. The utility must contain the following defined macro-operations may be found in sequence as its first three instruc­ the distributed DCOS listing of DCMUP. tions:


(Place name in location 201 e , origin Non-IBSYS systems or programs may be at 300e .) The utility name must con­ incorporated into a DCOS PRESYS library. tain 6 characters and may not be blank The system to be incorporated must first be or zero. If the name is less than 6 blocked into standard DC OS format. The characters, it must be right justified system must be blocked by the DCOS System

64 Tape Blocker. Two cards must be placed in that is identified by 2-7-9 punches in the card reader following the DCOS System column 73. This card must contain a pro­ Tape Blocker deck. The first card gram that causes the desired system or identifies the system to be blocked. The program to be loaded from simulated 7090 format of this card is unit Al. 30 n 36 37 42 After the system tape has been blocked job identification sysnam nfiles into standard DCOS format, it must be edited onto a PRESYS library. Figures 28 where sysnam is the system name (left and 29 show sample job decks for inserting justified) as it will appear on the systems that have been blocked by the DCOS $EXECUTE card, and nfiles is the number of System Tape Blocking Routine. Figure 28 files (right-justified) in the system. illustrates incorporation of the first non­ IBSYS system into a PRESYS library. Figure The second card is the start card. The 29 illustrates incorporation of an start card must be a column-binary card additional non-IBSYS system.


Figure 28. Sample Job Deck for Incorporat­ ing the First Non-IBSYS System onto a PRESYS Library Tape

DCOS PRESYS Library Maintenance 65 r------, I 1 78 16 31 I ~------~ $JOB ,5,500 INSERTING ANOTHER NON-IBSYS SYSTEM $SETUP LB2 PRESYS,NORING MOUNT PRESYS TAPE $SETUP UT1 NEWPRE MOUNT OUTPUT TAPE $SETUP UT2 SYSTMY,NORING MOUNT BLOCKED SYSTEM Y TAPE $ASSIGN SYSLB2 $ASSIGN SYSUT1 $ASSIGN SYSUT2 $IBEDT *EDIT SYSLB2,MAP,MODS *DUP SYSLB2,SYSUT4,4 *AFTER NONSTD *AFTER FILEMK (Include as many *AFTER FILEMK cards as there are files in the non-standard systems already on the PRESYS Library) *DUP SYSUT2,SYSUT1, ~umber of files on system) $EOF (end-of-file card) $IBSYS $STOP

Figure 29. Sample Job Deck for Incorporat­ ing an Additional Non-IBSYS System onto a PRESYS Tape


ROLE OF THE DCOS POSTEDITOR IBSYS data files and non-IBSYS system records are written on the Posteditor out­ put unit, SYSCK2. When the Posteditor The DCOS Posteditor, written in the encounters a DCMUP utility record, it 7090/7094 MAP language, is executed in enters the utility name in the utility name direct mode as a relocatable object program table and assigns a track location to it. under control of the IBJOB Processor. A (Track allocation for utilities begins at DCOS Posteditor binary deck is included in track 41, module 0, Channel B.) Utility the DCOS master alter/edit deck. Input to records are written onto the Posteditor the Posteditor is a DCOS PRESYS Library, output unit, SYSCK2, in final form ready and its output is a DCOS system (on tape) for transcription to disk (or drum) • ready for disk residence. In preparing the system for disk residence, the Posteditor performs the following functions: . PHASE II 1. It eliminates redundant words (caused by instruction overlays) in both 7040 and 1090 system records. In Phase II, the DCOS Posteditor com­ 2. It inserts the special direct-read-to­ pletes the 7040 system name table by processor bit in all 1090 system assigning track locations to each system record input/output commands. This record, data file, and non-IBSYS system. enables direct transmission to 7090 System records excluding data files do not core storage from a random-access cross module boundaries. device attached to the 7040. 3. It assigns all system records and data The Posteditor then reads each record files to specific disk (or drum) track from the intermediate output unit and mer­ locations. ges it with the input/output command record 4. It generates the following tables: that follows. Overlaid words are eliminat­ a. The 7040 system name table, which ed, and the input/output commands are con­ associates each record or data sOlldated to specify unique contiguous file name with a specific starting locations in core storage for the system­ track address. record words. The compressed system b. The utility name table, which record, with input/output commands, is associates each 7040 background written on SYSCK2. When all system records utility name with a specific track have been processed, Phase II writes the location. following tables on the Posteditor output c. The track allocation and module unit: definition table. 5. It punches a disk load card, which 1. Utility name table (assigned to track loads DCMUP into 1040 core storage and 3, module 0, Channel B.) initiates DCOS processing. DCOS Pos­ 2. 7040 system name table ,(assigned to teditor is organized in two passes or track 0, module 0, Channel B) • phases. 3. Track allocation and module definition table (assigned to track 1, module 0, Channel B.) PHASE I Finally, the Posteditor writes a load disk card on SYSPP1. '

If the tape to be edited is a DCOS Distribution Tape, the Posteditor skips to the first PRESYS library file. It reads RESPECIFICATION OF 7040 DISK (DRUM) the PRESYS library, preparing a partial ENVIRONMENT 1040 system name- table and a complete utility name table. For ,each system record encountered, the Posteditor writes a record The DCSYS file on the DCOS Distribution without input/output commands on the inter­ Tape is allocated to one module (module 0 mediate output unit (SYSUT2). This record on channel B). This allocation may be is in blocked form, the last block being changed by reassembling the DCOS Posteditor filled with zeros, and it is followed by a and performing a postedit run on the DCOS record containing the input/output PRESYS library. Modules are defined by the commands. Input/output commands are ana­ macro-instruction lyzed to determine points of overlay.

DCOS Operational Library preparation 67 8 .!§. $ EXECUTE IBJOB $IBJOB NOGO MODULE B «t1t » ,C «t2 ) ) ,D «t3» ,E ( (tl+) ) $IEDIT SYSLB2,SCHF4,ALTER $IBMAP PEDIT 3000,M90 where B, C, D, and E are real 7040 channels *ALTER 100,100 and t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , and tl+ indicate the type of MODULE B ( (DISK, DISK) ) modules (i.e., DISK or DRUM). As many as *ENDAL four module type parameters per channel may $IBSYS be specified. Channel B must have at least $STOP as many parameters as channel C. Modules on each channel are numbered consecutively starting with module 0 on PREPARATION OF A NEW DeSYS FROM A DCOS channel Band 4 on channel C. For example, PRESYS LIBRARY in the macro-instruction

8 16 This section discusses the procedures for operating the DCOS Posteditor and for MODULE B «DISK, ,DRUM» ,e «DRUM, ,DISK» obtaining a new, modified Direct Couple Operating System. the disk module on channel B is module 0, the drum module on channel B is module 2, 1. Prepare a new PRESYS Library if the drum module on channel C is module 4, desired. and the disk module on channel C is module 2. Reassemble the DCOS Posteditor if a 6. Drum modules must have even module respecification of the module configu­ numbers, and no odd-numbered following ration is desired. module may exist. 3. Set up a DCOS Posteditor job for IBJOB as shown in Figure 30. If any card Null parameters should be specified only but an end-of-file card is placed if omission of a parameter would violate a after the $DATA card in Figure 30, the rule regarding the use of the MODULE macro­ Posteditor assumes that a DCOS Dis­ instruction. tribution Tape has been mounted on SYSCK1. The Posteditor will position Respecification of modules in DCOS is the tape forward four files before accomplished using the alter facilities of processing. If no card is placed IBJOB by replacing the MODULE macro­ after the $DATA card, the Posteditor instruction at alter card 100 in the assumes the tape is a PRESYS library Posteditor. The following is an example of only'and begins processing at load the control cards needed to·· modify the point of the mounted tape. posteditor for 2 modules of disk on channel 4. Run the Posteditor job (Figure 30) B: under DCOS. The unit assigned to SYSCK2 will be rewound at the comple­ 78 16 tion of the postedit run. It will contain a new DCSYS. A map of the $JOB ,5, DCOS assignment to disk will be print­ $SETUP LB2 PRESYS,NORING ed. $SETUP UT1 NEWPRE 5. Insert the new DCSYS into a DCOS $ASSIGN SYSLB2 Distribution Tape using the sample job $ASSIGN SYSUT1 deck shown in Figure 31.


$DATA (end-of-file card) L ______$EOF _

.Figure 30. Sample Postedit Run


.Figure 31. Sample Jot Deck for Inserting a New DCSYS (Postedit Output) into a DCOS Distribution Tape

POSTEDITOR OUTPUT If pfx is PZE, the record is a system record in the standard DCOS scatter-load format. If pfx is MZE, the record is a 7040 SYSTEM NAME TABLE data record (or a non-IBSYS system record). In addition to the normal record name entry, two other entry types may appear in The 7040 system name table (Figure 32) the system name table. An entry of is written on the DCSYS file and assigned to track 0, module 0 of the disk (drum). All 7040 system name table entries are two PZE 0 words. Most entries in the table associate PZE 0 a record or data file name with a specific starting track address. The format of these system name table entries is signifies an end of file on the PRESYS

BCI 1,record name pfx track address

DCOS operational Library Preparation 69 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 tape. This information -is used by the modules, lasti is 9999; for 7320 modules, Multiprocessor in tape-positioning simula- lasti is 0399. tion. An entry of

OCT 777777777777 r------~-, OCT 777777777777 Word 1 I I I I signifies that the following entries in the I I 7040 system name table do not refer to I Module-Definition Words I IBSYS system records. These entries are I I made after all IBSYS system record entries I I are made and before each nonstandard system 16 I I entry. ~------~ 17 I AXT n,4 I r------, .------T------~ Word 1 I AXC size of table,l I 18 I I I .------~ ~------J I 2 I PZE 0,,0 I I I ~------~ I I I I I Track-Availability Bits I I up to 230 two-word entries I I I I describing track allocation I I I I of system records I Il ______J I I I ~------~ I BCI 1,*EOT I eFigure 33. Track-Allocation and Module­ .------_._------~ Definition Tal:::le lI ______PZE 0, ,0 JI Although 16 words are reserved for module definition, the number of real Figure 32. 7040 System Name Table entries in the table varies. One entry is made for each module (DISK, DRUM, or null) specified in the MODULE rracro-instruction. The first modules specified on each channel TRACK ALLOCATION AND MODULE DEFINITION become entries 1 through ni the second TABLE modules specified on each channel become entries n+l through m, and so forth. Remaining words in the module-definition The track-allocation and module- portion of the table are filled with zeros. definition table (Figure 33) contains information concerning the existence and Word 17 of the track-allocation and availability of modules of disk (or drum). module-definition table contains It is created by the Posteditor using information contained in the MODULE macro­ AXT n,4 instruction. where n is the number of real entries in The first 16 words of the track­ the table. allocation and module-definition table are reserved for module definition entries of The rest of the table consists of a the form master bit map which contains 10000/n availabiility bits. N is a parameter in pfx basei"lasti DCMUP which can be set to 1,2,4 or 8 at the user's option. Each bit represents the The prefix (pfx) of each entry indicates status of a specific grouf of n tracks. An whether or not the module is available for availability bit equal to 1 indicates that dynamic track allocation. If pfx is PZE, the particular group of tracks is not in the module exists and is available for use. A bit equal to zero indicates that allocation. If pfx is MZE, the module does the parameter group of tracks is in use. not exist. If pfx is SIX, the module has been totally allocated for system use. The The number of words rraking up the master address and tag portion of each entry bit map depends upon n as follows: contains an 18-bit base track address (basei). The address of module 0 is zero, !! Words the base address of module 1 is 10000, the base address of module 2 is 20000, and so 1 278 ( 8 bits unused in first word) forth. The decrement portion of each entry 2 139 (4 bits unused in first word) contains the highest valid relative track 4 70 (20 bits unused in first word) address in the module (lasti). For 1301 8 35 (10 bits unused in first word)

70 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 For a detailed explanation of bit maps UTILITY NAME TABLE see the section "DCMUP Track Allocation Maps" . The utility name table, shown in Figure 34, associates each 7040 DCMUP utility with I The track-allocation and module­ a specific track address. The Posteditor definition table is assigned to track 1, writes the utility name table on SYSCK2 and module 0, Channel B.

DCOS Operational Library Preparation 70.1 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 assigns it to track 3, module 0, Channel B, remainder of the physical record contains of the disk (or drum). unmeaningful data.

r------, The format of data file records written Word 1 I AXC size of table,2 I on the Posteditor outFut unit is shown in ~------~ Figure 36. Words 1 and 2 contain the 2 I PZE ° I binary track addresses assigned to the data ~------~ record. Word 3 contains the binary track I BCI 1,utilityname 1 I addresses of the previous record and the ~------~ next data record. The remaining 458 words I PZE track address"O I contain a variable number of logical data ------~ records, each preceded by a control word . .I BCI 1,utility name 2 I r------~ I PZE track address"O I The contents of each data-record control ~------~ word are interpreted in the sawe way as the I I contents of a logical-record control word. I I Logical-record control words are described I ' I in the section "Data Buffer Format." r------~ I BCI 1,utility name n I t------~ Il ______PZE track address"O JI r------~------, Word 1 I I Track Address I t------L------~ eFigure 34. Utility Name Table I Input/OutFut Command I I I I Instructions I POSTEDITO~ OUTPUT TAPE (DCSYS) FORMAT I I I The format of all DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS Input/Output Command I subsystem, and DCMUP utility records I written on the Posteditor output unit is I shown in Figure 35. Word 1 contains an I 18-bit binary track address. When this Instructions I binary address is converted to BCD, it I I yields the six-digit track address mmtttt, I I where I I 461 lI ______JI mm = module and tttt = track (0000-9999) Figure 35. Posteditor Output: Format of DCMUP, DC-IBSYS, IBSYS Subsys­ The remaining 460 words contain several tem, and DCMUP Utility Records series of instructions. Each series is preceded by an input/output command of the r------T------, form Word 1 I ITrack Address I ~------+------~ IOCP addr,ctl,word count 2 I ITrack Address I ~------+------~ Addr is the address into which the I Previous I Next I following instructions are to be loaded. 3 I Track Address ITrack address I Word count is the number of instructions to r------~------~ be loaded. If ctl is 4, the record is to I I be loaded into 7040 core storage; if ctl is I Logical Data Records I 5, the record is to be loaded into 7090 I with I core storage. I Control Words I I I The input/output command 461 lI ______JI IOCT 0,,0 Figure 36. Posteditor output: Data Record indicates the end of a logical record. The Format

DCOS Operational Library Preparation 71 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 POSTEDITOR RESTRICTIONS AND ERROR MESSAGES is printed if too many loading sequences are encountered. The PRESYS library tape may contain no more than 223 system When using the Posteditor to prepare a records, data files, and EOF marks. If system tape for disk residence, certain additional records are present, the Posted­ rules regarding record size, record con­ itor notes the error condition with the tents, and number of records must be following message observed. The Posteditor is assembled for a maximum record size of 17,400 words. TOO MANY SYSTEM RECORDS OR DATA FILES This limit may be changed by changing the POSTEDIT TERMINATED address portion of the parameter word. This word is: The Posteditor also checks that the first record of the PRESYS library is DCMUP. If it is not DCMUP,. the message BUFSZ EQU 17400 DCMUP NOT FIRST RECORD OF PRESYS If the Posteditor encounters a record of POSTED IT TERMINATED greater length than specified in BUFSZ, it prints the following message: is printed.

IN THE RECORD SEQUENCE - name~ name2 Two Posteditor messages indicate redun­ name3 LAST RECORD TOO LARGE FOR POS­ dancy conditions. These are: TEDIT POSTED IT TERMINATED 1. PERMANENT REDUNDANCY ON PRESYS FILE BUFSZ is limited,. in practice, by the POSTEDIT TERMINATED (redundancy while amount of space in7090 core storage avail­ reading from the Posteditor input able to the Posteditor during thE: postedi­ unit, SYSCK1> ting process. 2. PERMANENT REDUNDANCY ON POSTED INTER POSTEDIT TERMINATED (redundancy while No record may contain more than 250 reading from the Posteditor intermedi­ memory loading sequences (before overlays ate input/output unit, SYSUT2> have been eliminated>. The message Note that all Posteditor error condi­ TOO MANY I/O COMMANDS IN REC. xxxxx tions described above result in the termi­ POSTEDIT TERMINATED nation of postedit processing.

72 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 DCOS UNIT ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES

The following is an in-depth discussion 7040 FILE CONTROL BLOCKS of the unit assignment procedures present in DCOS. Four basic precepts guide the entire philosophy. DCMUP contains 35 file control blocks, each of which is eight words long. Each file control block is used by DCMUP to hold 1. EVery reel of tape to be processed by information required to identify distinct a 7090 program run in the DCOS envi­ 7090 data files; to identify the 7040 ronment must have a $SETUP card in the input/output device used to read or write job deck, so that the tape reel(s) may that data; to point to 7040 core storage be mounted before the job reaches the buffers used to hold the' data during the 7090. buffering process between 7040 input/output 2. In the absence of a $SETUP card, all devices and 7090 core storage; and to 7090 input/output units are simulated indicate the state of the logical DCMUP on a 7040 Disk (Drum) Storage Unites). processes that are involved (e.g., number The number of units that may be simul­ of buffers in use, whether data is being taneously simulated is limited only by read in, etc.). DCMUP is continuously the number of available buffers in informed of the relationship of each file 7040 core storage. control block to a specific 7090 unit 3. The assignment of 7040 tape units for control block; in this sense, a 7040 file 7090 input/output tapes is entirely control block may be considered an exten­ under control of DC~ruP. Within a job, sion of a particular 7090 unit control an attempt is made to balance channel block. In addition, DC-IOEX in the 7090 is usage for multiple tape unit assign­ kept informed of the relationship of 7090 ments. $SETUP cards specifying 7090 unit control blocks to 7040 file control channels A or C will cause DCMUP to blocks. This relationship is displayed in attempt tape assignments to 7040 chan­ Figure 37. nel B. If 7090 channels B or Dare specified on $SETUP cards, 7040 tapes DC-IOEX uses the 7040 file control block on channel C will be assigned if number as the unit specification in all available. If there are no tapes direct-mode input/output calls issued by available on the desired 7040 channel the 7090. at the time of setup, no attempt will be made to wait until one is availa­ In the absence of $SETUP cards, DCMUP ble. Instead any available tape will simulates each 7090 unit control block on be assigned. Because the selection of disk (drum) storage unites). This is spec­ 7040 tape units is not predictable, ified in the associated file control block all tape mounting is to be performed by the absence of a reference to a 7040 only under direction of messages typed tape unit control block. DCMUP is further by DCMUP. aware of the system unit function (SYSUNI) 4. IBJOB users need never refer to any table assignments, as indicated to the 7090 physical tape address. There is right of the 7090 unit control block number a complete symbolic unit assignment in Figure 37. These relationships are language in DCOS. recorded in IOBASE number zero (0), which is included in DCMUP. The specified rela­ tionships cause DCMUP to: The first section of the following dis­ cussion is concerned with unit assignment 1. Place into 7040 file control block 1 for IBJOB programs. This section presents the track address of the data file the basic relationships between 7090 unit that was created when the job entered control blocks and the 7040 input/output DCOS. procedures that handle the data flow. 2. Write the data directed to file con­ Later sections include discussions of the trol blocks 2 and 3 on the disk, and unit assignment conventions used in compat­ enter task descriptions into the job ibility mode, when actual 7090 physical description block specifying printing input/output unit addresses (e.g., 1206, and punching, respectively, for those 1321) are obtained by the 7040 using the data files. special DCOS machine facility for transmit­ 3. Place into 7040 file control block 32 ting input/output instructions from the the track address of the data file(s), 7090 to the 7040. if any, created from cards read into the 1402 and enclosed by $ROW and $ENDROW control cards.

DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures 73 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0

4. Effect IBM card code to BCD conver­ ASSIGNMENT OF 7040 TAPE UNITS TO 7040 FILE sions on the data directed to 7040 CONTROL BLOCKS file control blocks 33 and 34, and enter task descriptions into the job description block specifying punch or If $SETUP cards are included with a job print, respectively. and if they specify that a reel of tape is 5. Interpret all requests upon file con­ to be processed, the setup routine in DCMUP trol block 0 as requests for 7090 selects a 7040 tape unit (unit control systems loading, and, as a result, block) by the following criteria: initiate procedures to locate the desired record in the 7040 system name 1. If a tape unit is needed for inter­ table, seek to its location, and ini­ mediate use (i. e. " no specific tape tiate transmission to 7090 core stor­ reel need be mounted), a search is age. initiated for an available 7040 unit control block that specifies that the tape is mounted and ready (i. e., tape r------T------T------, is in rewind position). If none are I I 7090 Unit I I available, item 2 applies. I 7090 I Address I 7040 I 2. If a specific reel of tape is to be I UCB No. I Contained I FCB No. I mounted, a search for an available ~----~------+------+------~ 7040 unit control block specifying that the tape unit is rewound and 1 (CRD) 1321 (RDA) 32 unloaded is initiated. 2 (PCH) 1341 (PUA) 33 3. In the search for an available 7040 3 (PRT) 1361 (PRA) 34 control block, the selection of a 7040 4 (LB1) A1 o tape unit assigned to a unit on 7090 5 ( IN1) A2 1 channels A or C will be conducted in 6 (OU1) A3 2 ascending order from BI-BO, CI-CO, 7 (PP1) A4 3 D1-DO, E1-EO. The search in the sel­ 8 (CK1) AS 4 ection of a 7040 unit assigned to a 9 A6 5 unit on 7090 channels B or D will 10 A7 6 proceed in ascending order from C1-CO, 11 A8 7 DI-DO, E1-EO, B1-BO. 12 A9 8 13 AO 9 An available 7040 unit control block is 14 (UT1) B1 10 recognized by a plus sign in the first word 15 (UT2) B2 11 of the block. When a unit control block is 16 CUT3) B3 12 selected, the job number of the job under­ 17 (UT4) B4 13 going setup is placed into the assigned 18 (CK2) B5 14 field in word 3 and the sign of word 1 is 19 B6 15 set minus. 20 B7 16 21 B8 17 A complementary discussion of 7040 unit 22 B9 18 control block selection is included in the 23 BO 19 section "Job Setup." 24 C1 20 25 C2 21 Selection of the 7040 file control block 26 C3 22 (hence the 7090 unit control block) to be 27 C4 23 connected to the selected 7040 unit control 28 C5 24 block is under control of the DCMUP setup 29 C6 25 routines. 'l'he sign position of word seven 30 D1 26 of each file control block (see Figure 41) 31 D2 27 specifies which 7040 file control blocks 32 D3 28 are already assigned (i.e., have standard 33 D4 29 usages as defined in the 7090 SYSUNI 34 D5 30 table). Therefore, selection of a file 35 L ______~ ______D6 ~ ______31 J control block, for example, S(l), is made by choosing ~gy unassigned file control block and marking it assigned. The selec­ Figure 37. Relationship of 7090 Unit COQ­ tion criteria is simply to choose the next trol Blocks to 7040 File available block starting with file control Control Blocks block 5 and continuing to 9, skipping 10-13 (SYSUTl-4) and continuing with 14-31. Refer to the discussion in the section "Unit Assignment in Other IBSYS Subsystems" for selection of file control blocks for physical 7090 unit addresses with IBSYS subsystems other than IBJOB. In summary,

74 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-017S-0 DCMUP has chosen 7040 file control blocks, the 7040 file control block to 7090 unit committing 7090 unit assignment processes control block relationshi~ is fixed, it is to adhere to the choices. necessary to provide the 7090 with the file control block assignment that was made for each 7090 unit symbol specified on a $SETUP card. COMMUNICATION OF 7040 FILE CONTROL BLOCK--7090 UNIT CONTROL BLOCK RELATIONSHIP

Since a specific 7040 file control block is selected for setup by the 7040 and since

DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures 74.1 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

For example, the $SETUP cards When DC-IBSUP is processing $ASSIGN cards, it need only search for a match 1 8 .ll between the fourth word of a 7090 unit control block and the system unit specifi­ $SETUP A (2) R671 cation on the $ASSIGN card. When a match $SETUP S (3) TAPE is found, DC-IBSUP places the location of $SETUP J (1) R202 the matching unit control block into the specified SYSUNI entry. Refer to the $ASSIGN description under ·Unit Assignment when processed by the 7040 setup processor Control Cards" for further information. might have yielded the following selection:

7090 unit Symbol 7040 FCB 7040 UCB IBLDR UNIT ASSIGNMENT PROCESS A (2) 5 C2 S (3) 6 DO J (1) 7 C3 The IBLDR unit assignment process is replaced with a special DC process when where DO was chosen for S(3) because DO was operating IBJOB under DCOS. Basically, the at rewind position and ready whereas C2 and new process involves symbol matching C3 were not. between unit assignment symbols on $FILE cards presented to IBLDR and the fourth The DCMUP setup routine generates a word of 7090 unit control blocks. When a table, known as the unit symbols table match is found, the selected 7090 unit (UNISYSM), that contains the 7090 unit control block is assigned to the file. symbols and the 7040 file control block indexes. In our example, UNISYM would If an intersystem reserve unit is under­ contain the following information: going assignment, the standard IBSYS res­ erve unit notation is checked in the first 7040 FCB Uni t Symbol (in BCD) word of all 7090 unit control blocks to find a match. If a $FILE card with a file 5 A (2) name of UNITxx is encountered (e.g., a 6 S (3) FORTRAN IV file), the characters UNIT are 7 J (1) stripped off the file name, leaving xx to be used when searching the fourth word of DC-IBSUP issues an HEY instruction with the 7090 unit control blocks. A $SETUP a type 16 code to request transmission of card, such as the UNISYM table to the 7090 each time IBSYS gets control (i.e., at the beginning 8 of a job and between job segments). The unit symbols are then distributed by DC­ $SETUP 07 R621 IBSUP to the fourth word of the appropriate 7090 unit control blocks, and the unit will cause a 7040 unit control block and a control blocks are removed from the 7090 7040 file control block to be assigned. unit availability chain. In our example, The unit symbol 07 will be passed to the DC-IBSUP would set: 7090 by the DC-IBSUP UNISYM load call, then stored into the specified 7090 unit control 4th Word of block, and finally selected by IBLDR by 7090 UCB No. Set To matching the fourth word of· a 7090 unit control block with the $FILE UNIT07 file A6 BCI 1, OOA (2) card. Details of the IBLDR process are A7 BCI 1,00S(3) presented in Figure 38. where A6 and A7 correspond to 7040 control A $SETUP card specifying a 7090 system blocks 5 and 6, as shown in Figure 37. unit SYSxxx is valid. The processes used are illustrated in the following examples. The 7090 unit control block for A8 would $SETUP cards specifying SYSUNI functions be set up as an intersystem reserve unit, apply only to object-time execution unless since J(~ was specified. Hence the a $ASSIGN card is recognized by DC-IBSUP. following relationships have been esta­ bliShed: If DCMUP had encountered

7090 Unit Symbol 7040 UCB 7040 UCB 1 16

A (2) A6 C2 $SETUP UT1 R627 S (3) A7 DO J (1) A8 C3 but there was no

DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures 75 ~ Units referred to as other in Figure 38 are units that are specified as: $ASSIGN SYSUT1 A,B, ••• ,H the DCMUP setup routine selects a 7040 file and control block that is not assigned. Since S,T, ••• ,Z file control block 10 is assigned as system unit UT1, it will not be selected for the If a real channel or a symbolic channel UT1 specified on the $ SETUP card. The is specified with no unit number or if no setup routines do not take any special unit is specified, any available unit is action on unit symbols except compatibility assigned. Intersystem reserve units (J 7090 real-unit address references (e.g., through R) may not be specified without a A1, B6). Therefore, file control block 16 unit number. might be selected for the unit symbol UT1. When DC-IBSYS is distributing unit symbols, it places BCI 1,000UT1 in the fourth word of 7090 unit control block B7, and IBLDR selects that block for assignment to the UNIT ASSIGNMENT IN OTHER IBSYS SUBSYSTEMS file requesting SYSUT1. If DC-IBSUP had encountered Since each 7090 IBSYS Subsystem adheres 1 16 to the SYSUNI and intersystem reserve unit philosophy, job segments of IBSYS subsys­ $ASSIGN SYSUT1 tems other than IBJOB provide complete symbolic assignments consistent with the before IBJOB received control, DC-IBSUP 7040 symbolic unit symbol process if only would have selected B7 as the unit control 7090 system unit functions (SYSxxx) or block for the SYSUNI entry, and IBJOB and intersystem reserve units are specified on the object program would use unit control $SETUP cards. All IBSYS job segments must block B7. Because of this dual-definition use IOBASE number O. facility for system unit symbols, object­ program tapes for files specifying SYSUNI IBSYS subsystems that perform unit assignments can be mounted prior to the assignment out of the unit availability 7090 processing phase without IBJOB using chains may cause some inconvenience to the that reel of tape. programmer if he is not able to predict which unit will be chosen. If a unit to be set up is not a SYSUNI or intersystem reserve unit, the 7090 physical tape address (e.g., A8) of the unit control ASSIGNMENT OF SECONDARY UNITS block to be assigned must be used on a $SETUP card. For example, an IBSYS subsys­ tem that selected the first unit in the If the unit assigned as the primary unit availability chain of 7090 channel B would is a system unit, an intersystem reserve choose B6 (B1-B5 are SYSUT1-UT4 and SYSCK2) unit, or a unique symbolic unit, and if the if no other $SETUP or $ASSIGN cards were required secondary unit is also one of present. Therefore, the user would request these, the secondary unit is assigned in setup for his file by a the same manner as the primary unit. If these conditions are not met, the request 8 16 for a secondary unit is ignored. $SETUP B6 R206 A system unit is defined as a unit with a name that matches the last three control card. characters of an entry in the SYSUNI table (e.g., UT1, IN1, etc.). Unique symbolic The DCMUP setup routines process all units are units that are specified as physical reference unit types first, mark­ ing the 7040 file control block unavailable A(1) ,A (2) , ••• ,H (9) for symbolic unit symbol selection. The and physical unit symbol is then placed into S(1) ,S(2) , ••• ,Z(9) the UNISYM table.

76 ...... A3 ...... : ...... DC-IOUASG :

·.. 83 _.X.' . ·...... X : •••• 83 ••••••••• : • GET THE • • NEXT • ...... : FILE :

• X. C3 *. • •••• C ••••••••••• •••• • SEARCH FOURTH • •• FORTRAN •• YES • WORD OF UNIT • FOUND • *. LOGICAL •••••••••• X.CONTROL BLOCKS ••••• X. J3 .. •• FILE.. • FOR THE UNIT. • • *..* .. NUMBER .. * •• * ••••••••••••••••• • NO • NOT • FOUND ·• x •••••••••••••••••••••••••. x : ••••03 •••• • ••••: • ANALYZE UNIT ...... • ENCODING :


X x X X x ••... F2...... F3 ..••••.••. : ••••FS •••••••••: ..• ··.·FlSEARCH ... ····•·••· FOURTH • .SEARCH FOR UNIT. • SEARCH FOURTH. .·····F ... ····•·····. • WORD OF UNIT • FOUND • CONT~OL BLOCK • NOT • WORD OF UNIT • FOUND • ASSIGN THE NEXT. • ASSIGN THE • .CONTROL BLOCKS * •• ~. • IN RESERVE ••••••••• X.CONTROL BLOCkS ••••• .AYAILABLE UNIT. .REQUESTED UNIT • .FOR THE SYSUNI • .STATUS FOR UNIT. FOUND • FOR A SYMBOL • : CONTROL BLOCK : : CONTROL BLOCK : ...... • . SYMBOL • ...... • REQUESTED. .• ...... MATCH .• ...... • NOT • FOUND • NOT • FOUND • FOUND

X x : ••••G3 •••••••••: ·····Gl··········.ASSIGN THE UNIT. • CONTROL BLOCK • .ASSIGN THE NEXT. • SPECIFIED IN • .AVAILABLE UNIT • • THE SYSUNI • • CONTROL BLOCK • :.! ••• !~:i~ ••••• : ·......

x : ••••H3 •••••••••: • PLACE THE • • UNIT SYMBOL • : IN WORD.. : ...... • X X • X X • •••• •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• •••••••••••• ••• •••••• •••• X.X •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

• x • .- .13 * • ...... YES.. ANY.. • • •• • *. MORE •• X ••••• J3 • *. FILES.. • .. .. :... .." .•. ~:. .... : ....83 : ····k3·····X .... ·: ...... EXIT .:

Figure 38. IBLDR Unit Assignment Under DCOS

DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures 11 When DC-IBSYS is distributing symbols to In the above cards, unit must be a unit control blocks, it inserts physical physical 7090 unit address symbol (e.g., unit symbols (e.g., BCI 1,000A6) into the A3, B6, etc.). IOBASE 1 specifies the fourth word of the selected unit control relationship of the data file created by blocks. Since each such unit control block $ROW-$ENDROW card groups in the job input will not be removed from the availability through the 1402 and the 7090 physical unit chain of the channel, a non-IBJOB unit­ symbol RDA (7090 select address 1321). assignment process will find that unit Similarly, the relationship of PUA (1341) control block available. All symbolic unit and PRA (1361) to the required IBM card­ symbols cause the selected unit control code conversion routines is specified. block to be removed from the availability IOBASE 1 allows a 7090 configuration as chain, making it unavailable except to described in Figure 39. DC-IBSYS or IBJOB. Further, DC-IBSUP and IBLDR will not select a unit out of the The selection of 7040 unit control availability chain that has a nonzero blocks for setup is the same as for IBSYS fourth word. Therefore, units set up for jobs. The selection of the 7040 file physical address referencing cannot be control block that refers to the selected assigned to any IBSYS or IBJOB symbolic 7040 unit control block is governed by the reference. IOBASE table. r------T------, 17040 FCB No.1 7090 Physical Address 1 ~------+------1 0-3 no correspondence UNIT ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES FOR NON-IBSYS 4 A1 (1201, 1221) SYSTEMS/PROGRAMS 5 A2 (1202, 1222) 6 A3 (1203, 1223) 7 A4 (1204, 1224) The major differences between assign­ 8 A5 (1205, 1225) ments for non-IBSYS and IBSYS job segments 9 A6 (1206, 1226) are: lOA7 ( 1 207, 1 22 7) 11 A8 (1210, 1230) 1. IOBASE 0 may not be used if: 12 A9 (1211, 1231) a. 7090 physical unit address A1 13 A0 ( 1 212 ~ 1232) (1201 or 1221) is not that of 14 B1 (2201, 2221) system residence unit. The system 15 B2 (2202, 2222) must reside on the 7040 disk and 16 B3 (2203, 2223) have been introduced into the DCOS 17 B4 (2204, 2224) system via placement on the DCOS 18 B5 (2205, 222~ PRESYS files. 19 B6 (2206, 2226) b. 7090 units A2, A3, and A4 are not 20 B7 (2207, 222~ used from the disk as the system 2 1 B8 (22 1 0 , 22 3 0) input, output, and punch 22 B9 (2211, 2231) functions, respectively. 23 BO (2212, 2232) 2. IOBASE 1 is provided for general use. 24 C1 (3201,3221) However, IOBASE 1 has no specific 25 C2 (3202, 3222) relationship assigned for system resi­ 26 C3 (3203, 322~ dence, input, output, or punch; there­ 27 C4 (3204, 3224) fore a $SETUP card set as follows must 28 D1 (4201, 4221) be used: 29 D2 (4202, 4222) 30 D3 (4203, 4223) 1 8 31 D4 (4204, 4224) 32 RDA (1321) $SETUP unit DISK, INPUT if job input is 33 PUA ( 134 1) placed after ______34 i ______PRA ( 1 36 1) _ $EXECUTE card $ SETUP unit DISK, PRINT to get listing Figure 39. IOBASE 1 Unit Configuration performed on 1403 printer of 7040 UNIT ASSIGNMENT CONSIDERATIONS $SETUP unit DISK, PUNCH to get cards punched on 1402 of 7040 The following special considerations must be handled by installation personnel. $SETUP A1 ident if $EXECUTE TAPE is used 1. 7090 messages referencing 7090 physi-

78 cal unit addresses or symbols (e.g., because they are not specified as such 1201, Al) can only be correlated to in the MWR calling sequence. 7040 7040 tape units by knowledge of the sense switch 2 controls whether 7090 IOBASE being used and the mounting messages are typed on the 7040 .type­ messages typed at setup time. writer or 1401. Further, 7090 units being simulated on disk have no corresponding 7040 tape Operational inconsistencies may arise unit. out of the above two considerations due to 2. Normally 7090 IBJOB messages, includ­ the DCOS assumption that all tape mounting ing deferred tape mounting messages, has been accomplished before the job reach­ are not considered operator pertinent es the 7090.

DCOS Unit Assignment Procedures 79 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-01S8-0


APPENDIX A: DCMUP TABLES AND CONTROL JOB DESCRIPTION BLOCK BLOCKS The contents of the job description The format and contents of the job queue block are shown in Figure 40 and are table, job description blocks, file control interpreted as follows. blocks, 7040 unit control blocks, and chan­ nel information blocks are described in this appendix. The table and blocks are generated by and maintained by DCMUP. Fig­ Word 1 ures depicting the formats of the control blocks follow the descriptions of the con­ tents of the blocks. Job number (bits 4-12) is an internally generated number used for job control dur­ ing processing. Track (bits 18-35) is the track address of the job description block. THE JOB QUEUE TABLE Word 2' r----T------T--T-----T------, IS 31 4 12113114 17118 351 ~----+------+--+-----+------l Word 2 must contain all zeros. I PRII JOB I AISTG I Module and I

LI ____ ~I ______No. ~I __i- 1 ____ ~1 ______Track Address JI Word 3 Bits S-3 contain the low-order four bits of the six bits representing the BCD char­ Time entered system (entire word) is the acter in column 16 of the $JOB card. time that the job was read into the system, as reflected by the 7040 clock. Bits 4-12 contain a DCOS-assigned job sequence number to be used for job status inquiry and job logging. Word 4 Bit 13 contains a one-bit activity indi­ cator, which is 0 if the job is not active in the specified stage and 1 if it is. Time on the 7090 (entire word) ,is the time that the 7090 started processing the Bits 14-17 contain a numeric representa­ job, as reflected by the 7040 clock. tion of the next or current processing stage of the job. If bit 13 ~s 0, bits 14-17 represent the next stage. If Bit 13 is 1, bits 14-17 represent the current Word 5 stage. Bits 18-35 contain an 18-bit binary Time off the 7090 (entire word) is the number, which, when converted to BCD, rep­ time that the job was either completed or resents the module and track address in the discontinued on the 7090, as reflected by form mmtttt where: the 7040 clock. mm is the logical module number (00-15) and Word 6 tttt is track address (0000-9999) The module range (00-15) does not mean Number of cards read (bits 3-17) is a that DCOS permits 16 modules. The maximum count of the cards read during processing number for DCOS is ten modules. of the job.

80 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

Number of cards punched (bits 21-35) is Pfx (bits S-2) governs the dump format. a count of the cards punched during proc­ essing of the job. Limit (bits 3-17) is the location of the first word in the 7090 to be dumped.

Word 7 D (bit 18) is 0 if the DUMP option was not specified on the control card. Number of lines printed (bits 3-17) is a count of the lines printed while processing the job. D is 1 if the DUMP option was specified on the control card. The portion of 7090 Number of tapes used (bits 21-35) is the core storage specified by limit 1 and limit number of tape units assigned to process 2 is dumped regardless of what caused job the job. termination (normal end of job or job discontinued for any reason) •

Word 8 P (bit 19) is 0 if the POST option was not specified on the control card. Setup task description (bits 18-35) is the relative location in the job descrip­ P is 1 if the POST option was specified tion block of the setup task description. on the control card. The IBJOB Debugging Postprocessor will be called if the 7090 terminates the job for any reason other than normal end of job. Word 9

Limit 2 (bits 21-35) is the location of IOBASE number (bits 3-17) is the number the last word in the 7090 to be dumped. from column 16 of a $IOBASE card. IOBASE task description (bits 18-35) is the relative location in the job descrip­ tion block of the IOBASE task description. Word 11 The IOBASE task description contains the address of a track that, in turn, contains a set of file control blocks fully set up Time estimate (bits 3-17) is the esti­ for 7090 execution. mated job time in minutes, as specified in the $JOB card.

Line count (bits 18-35) is the estimated Word 10 output line count, as specified in the $JOB card.

If a $ATEND card was processed for this If either the time estimate or the line job, the options specified in the card are count is exceeded, the job will be termi­ stored in word 10. nated.

Appendixes 81 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

4 12 18 35



Time job entered system

Time job started on 7090 7040 clock time

'/ 0

$ATEND cord information

Time estimate Line count From $JOB card

S'G] Job identification (5 words) From $JOB card (columns 31-{#!)'

Beginning track address of data

Temporary storage Task description

Temporary stor'lge

3-word task descriptions

7 7 7 End of task descriptions

Physical track address (0000-9999) Track counter control word

Bit map

• Figure 40. Job Description Block

Task Description Entries such as SETUP, IOBASE, INPUT, and account­ ing tasks will always be present. A task description entry is inserted into the job description block for~ every file written on the disk. Certain entries

82 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-01S8-0

The sign bit of the first word of a task subroutine to issue tracks. (within a speci­ description entry is used to indicate fic group) on disk, and to issue a new whether the task has been completed. If group of tracks when the current one is the sign bit is minus. the task is exhausted. (Tracks are issued in order, complete. If the sign bit is plus, the from the track with the lowest number, task has either been queued or is in across all modules, to the track with the process. highest number, across all modules.) The remai~der of the bit map consists of a The first word of the task description sufficient number of words to contain also contains the logical unit (bits 6-11) , 10,000/n bits, where n is the number of the task type (bits 12-17), and the address tracks in a group and is a parameter in of the first track containing data asso­ DCMUP that may be set to 1,2,4, or 8 at the ciated with the job (bits 18-35). The user's option. Each bit represents a following is a description of the task specific group of n tracks being used by types: the job. When a bit is one, the group of tracks associated with it is being used by

r---T------~ the job. I I Task Description I ~---+------~ 1 reserved I The following table shows the size of a 2 Input data for 7090 I peripheral bit map and the maximum number 3 Punch (721 images) I of task entries that can appear in a job 4 Printer (716 image~ I description block, at a given time, for 5 Breakdown disk-to-tape I permissible values of n. 6 7090 unit symbol table I 7 Disk-to-printer I n Size of MaQ Number of Tasks 8 Disk-to-punch I 1" 279 words 53 9 Purge I 2 140 words 100 10 Reserved I 4 71 words 123 11 Input data for setup I 8 36 words 135 12 IOBASE for this job I 13 Input data for utilities I l ___~ ______~ ______J

Scratch Bit Map Peripheral Track Bit Map

There is a scratch bit map for the job At the end of each job description block currently being run on the 7090. When a there is a group of words called the job goes into 7090 execution the input peripheral track bit map, whose bits rep­ information ,in the peripheral bit map of resent the disk tracks containing the the JOD description block is transferred to input/output information for the job. For the scratch bit map. During 7090 execu­ detailed explanation of bit maps see the tion, tracks containing intermediate files following section, -DCMUP Track Allocation will be recorded in the scratch bit map. Maps.- When 7090 execution is complete, all tracks recorded in the scratch bit map are purged DCMUP TRACK ALLOCATION MAPS (returned to unused status and made availa­ ble for use by other jobs) • DCMUP track allocation is handled by three types of bit maps.

Master Bit Map

Pe~ipheral Bit Map The master bit map controls the use by the peripheral and scratch bitmaps of the specific groups of track used for At the end of each job description .block input/output purposes. If a bit is one, is a peripheral bit map which may contain the group of tracks associated with it is a record of the disk tracks holding the available for use by the peripheral or job's input stream (prior to 7090 scratch bit maps. If a bit is zero, the execution), and output information (during tracks are already in use ~he correspond­ and after 7090 executio~ that is to be ing bit in the scratch bit map or in only punched or printed. The first word of the one of the peripheral bitmaps will be one, peripheral bit map is a track counter indicating issuance of the tracks to that control word used by the track allocation bit map.)

Appendixes 83 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0 3 18 21 35 Location of primary Unit Control Block

Location of primary buffer

Loco tion of secondary buffer

Location of task in Job Description Block

Location of current logical­ record control word

S 1 2 6 11 12 18

Figure 41. File Control Block

FILE CONTROL BLOCK If D is 1, a primary buffer has not been assigned to the file.

The contents of the 7040 file control block are shown in Figure 41 and are Location of the primary buffer (bits interpreted as follows. 21-3~ is the address of the primary buffer assigned to the file.

Word 1

If A (bit S) is 0, the file is open. Wprd .3 If A is 1, the file is closed.

Location of unit control block (bits If F (bit S) is 0, a secondary buffer 21-35) is the address of the unit control has been assigned to the file. block that is associated with the unit attached to the file. If F is 1, a secondary buffer has not been assigned to the file.

Word 2 Location of the secondary buffer (bits 21-3~ is the address of the secondary If D (bit S) is 0, a primary buffer has buffer that has been assigned to the file. been aSSigned to the file.

Appendixes 83.1 Word 4 Word 8

If H (bit S) is 0, the input/output unit assigned to the file is disk and the file If R (bit S) is 0, the assigned is associated with the 1402 reader, the input/output unit is not the card reader or 1402 punch, or a 1403 printer. the card punch. If H is 1, the input/output unit­ assigned to the file is either the disk or If R is 1, the assigned input/output a tape unit. unit is either the card reader or the card punch. Location of task in job description block (bits 21-35) is the address of the current or next task to be performed on the If E (bit 1) is 0, the unit assigned is file. If a task is in process, the loca­ an input unit. tion is that of the current task descrip­ tion. If E is 1, the unit assigned is an output unit. Word 5 If T (bit 2) is 0, data is not currently If J (bit S) is 0, the input/output unit being read into the primary buffer. assigned to the file is a 7040 tape unit.

If J is 1, the input/output unit If T is 1, data is currently being read assigned to the file is the disk. into the current buffer. Location of the current logical-record If Y (bit 3) is 0, data is not currently control word (bits 21-35) is the address, being read into the secondary buffer. in the buffer, of the logical-record con­ trol word associated with the next logical If Y is 1, data is currently being read record to be transmitted to or from the into the secondary buffer. 7090. If V (bit 4) is 0, the primary buffer does not contain a physical record. If V is 1, the primary buffer contains a Word 6 physical record. If W (bit 5) is 0, the secondary buffer Word 6 contains the BCD representation does not contain a physical record. of the six-character reel identification as it was specified in one of the option If W is 1, the secondary buffer contains fields of a $SETUP card. a physical record. If S (bit 11) is 0, the assigned input/output unit has not been set up.

Word 7 If S is 1, the assigned input/output unit has been set up. If N (bit S) is 0, the file control Logical unit number (bits 12-17) is the block is available for use by the setup relative position (00-34) of this file routine. control block within the set of all file control blocks. If N is 1, the file control block is not available for use by the setup routine. Location of the channel information block (bits 3-17) is used for compatibility-mode operation. Each channel UNIT CONTROL BLOCKS (7040 TAPE UNITS) referred to by the 7090 in compatibility mode has a two-word channel information block in the 7040. The address of the The contents of the 7040 unit control block is stored here. block are shown in Figure 42 and interpret­ ed as follows.

84 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 18 21 35

Binary tape address

Total No. of Files Written

Job number

Record count

Figure 42. 7040 Unit Control Block (Tape Interface)

Word 1 If B is 1, the unit contains input to the BTPTP utility.

If A (bit S) is 0, the unit is available for use by the system. If R (Bit 2) is 0, no rewind-unload operation is waiting execution.

If A is 1, the unit is not available (i. e., it is currently in use for some If R is 1, a rewind-unload operation is job). waiting for execution.

If W (bit 2) is 0, there are no opera­ Job number (bits 4-12) is an internally tions waiting to be performed on the unit. generated number used to determine to which job the unit has been assigned.

If W is 1, there is an operation waiting to be p~rformed on the unit.

Binary tape address (bits 3-17) is the binary mode address of the unit (e.g., 2221 for 729 tape unit Bl). Word 4

If U (bit S) is 0, the unit is ready for input/output operations. Word 2 If U is 1, the unit is rewound and If S (bit 1) is 0, the unit is currently unloaded. being used within an active setup, break­ down, or utility routine. File count (bits 3-17) is the number of Total number of files written gives the file marks written on or read from the total number of files written on an output tape. tape. Record count (bits 21-35) is the number of records that have been written on or read from the tape. Word 3

If D (Bit S) is 0, the unit is to be rewound and unloaded when processing is complete. CHANNEL INFORMATION BLOCK If D is 1, the unit is to be rewound when processing is complete. The contents of the channel information If B (Bit 1) is 0, the unit does not block are shown in Figure 43 and are contain input to BTPTP. interpreted as follows.

Appendixes 85 35

Address register

7090 Storage location

Figure 43. Channel Information Block

Word 1 If CC is 1, a data channel trap has been requested on the channel as a result of an IOxT instruction being simulated without an Op (bits 8-2 and 19) is the operation LCH waiting. code of the last input/output command simu­ lated for the channel. 7090 storage location (bits 21-35) is the location in the 7090 that is to be used Location register (bits 3-17) is the for storing the channel condition bits when location in the 7090 following the last trapping. input/output command that was simulated for the channel.

Address register (bits 21-35) is the location in the 7090 following the last data word referred to by the last APPENDIX B: PROCEDURE FOR DEFINING AN input/output command simulated for the IOBASE TABLE channel.

An IOBA8E table may be defined using the macro-instructions discussed below. These macro-instructions allow the user to define Word 2 an IOBASE table to DCOS for systems that operate in the compatibility mode and have unit assignments th~t differ from DC-IBSYS. If EOT (bit 8) is 0, no end-of-tape The skeletons of these macro-operations are condition has occurred on the channel. shown in the Macro Definitions section of the DC08 program listing. If EOT is 1, an end-of-tape condition has occurred while writing on the channel.

If BTT (bit 1) is 0, the beginning-of­ tape reflective spot has not been sensed or simulated on the channel. ZERO POINTERS (ZERPTR) MACRO-INSTRUCTION

If BTT is 1, the beginning-of-tape reflective spot has either been sensed or The zero pointers macro-instruction must simulated during the simulation of a BSR, be used when defining an IOBASE. It resets BSF, or REW operation on the channel. to zero the pointers specified in its argument field. The general form of the If EOF (bit 15) is 0, end of file has instruction is: not occurred on the channel. ZERPTR (ch1,ch2, ••• ,AV,AV1) If EOF is 1, a data channel trap has been requested as a result of an end-of­ where chi and ch2 are simulated 7090 file condition on this channel. channels (A, B, etc. ) and Av and Avl are the two words in the IOBASE table that If RCY (bit 16) is 0, a read/write indicate which file control blocks redundancy has not occurred on the channel. available. For exalI1Fle, the macro- instruction: If RCY is 1, a data channel trap has been requested as a result of a read/write ZERPTR (A,B,C,AV,AV1) redundancy on the channel. resets to zero the Fointers for simulated If CC (bit 17) is 0, a channel command 7090 channels A, B, and C and both has not requested a trap on the channel. available file-control-blocks words.

86 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 6/11/65 By TNL N28-0158-0

FILE CONTROL BLOCK POINTERS (FBPTRS) (A, B, C, etc.), and number is the number MACRO-INSTRUCTION of input/output units simulated on the channel. If the units to be simulated are the on-line reader, printer, and punch, the The file control block pointers macro­ channel designation is AUR for channel A, instruction assigns file control blocks to BUR for channel B, etc. For example: simulated 7090 units. This macro­ instruction must contain one parameter for IOBASE 3, «AUR,3) , (A, 10) , each file control block. If a file control (B, 10) , (C , 6) } block is to be assigned to a simulated 1090 unit, the parameter is the unit designation, e. g. , (A3), (B4), (C6). If defines IOBASE 3 as simulating a card the file control block is to be set up as reader, a card punch, a printer, and ten unassigned, the parameter contains tape units on channel A, ten tape units on (AVAIL, i) where i is the desired position channel B, and six tape units on channel C. of the file control block in relation to the other unassigned file control blocks, These macro-instructions are entered e.g., (AVAIL, 1) makes the next file control into the DC system by the IBJOB alte~ block the first unassigned one, (AVAIL,2) teChnique. makes the next file control block the second unassigned one, etc. A maximum of 12 file control blocks may be unassigned. $IOBASE CARD

For example, the macro-instruction: The $IOBASE card spe'cifies which IOBASE FBPTRS ( (A 1) , (A2) , (A3) , (B4) , is to be used for processing the current (AVAIL, 1) , (AVAIL,2) , (B 1) , job. The format of the card is: (B2), (B3) , (A4» 1 16 would assign the first four file control blocks to units (A 1), (A2), (A3), and (B4), $IOBASE n make the next two file control blocks the first two unassigned ones, and assign the where n is the IOBASE number assigned when next four file control blocks to units the IOBASE configuration was'defined. (B 1), (B2), (B3), and (A4). APPENDIX C: DC-IBNUC COMMUNICATION REGION The parameters may be specified in any ENTRIES sequence; but it must be kept in mind that th"efirst parameter is assigned to the first file control block, the second param­ The functions of the entries in the eter to the second file control block, etc. communication region of the DC-IBSYS Nucleus are described in this appendix. SYSTRA is loaded with a transfer instruction when the first record of a sUbsystem is scatter-loaded into core stor­ INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT CONFIGURATION (IOBASE) age following the reading of a $EXECUTE MACRO-INSTRUCTION card that specified an IBSYS sUbsystem. After loading the first record of a subsys­ tem, the DC-IBSYS Loader transfers control The purpose of this macro is to define to this entry, which, in turn, transfers the 1090 input/output unit configuration control to the beginning of the SUbsystem. that is to be simulated for the A transfer instruction may also be loaded compatibility-mode system involved. This when succeeding records of a subsystem are macro-instruction is also used to assign loaded. the IOBASE its number. Up to six IOBASE configurations may be defined. All six may be retained in core storage for use by SYSDAT contains a six-character word, systems or programs operating in the com­ containing the data specified on the last patibility mode. $DATE card processed by DCMUP. The entry is initialized at the beginning of each The general form of the IOBASE macro­ job. The date word is provided for use in instruction is: headings and labels by subsystems and object programs. IOBASE n, ( (channel, number) ) where n is the IOBASE number (0, 1, 2, ••• , SYSCUR contains the BCD name of the 5), channel is the simulated 1090 channel subsystem or subsystem record currently in

Appendixes 81 core storage. The DC-IBSYS Supervisor blocks are generated in contiguous loca- places the subsystem name from the $EXECUTE tions. card in this location before loading the first record of the subsystem. When suc­ ceeding records of a subsystem are loaded, SYSRPT contains the instruction the name of the record may be loaded into this location. TRA 1,4 SYSDMP contains an instruction that­ SYSRET is the location to which each transfers control to a bootstrap routine subsystem transfers control to call in the for calling DCMUP to save 7090 core storage DC-IBSYS Supervisor. After the Supervisor and to load the System Core Storage Dump is in core storage, the instruction EMTM is Program. A transfer to SYSDMP initiates executed. Therefore, the machine is always job termination procedures in accordance in multiple-tag mode when control is passed with the options specified on the $ATEND to a subsystem from the DC-IBSYS card. See the publication IBM 7090-7040 Supervisor. Direct Couple Operating System: Programmer's Guide for additional informa­ SYSKEY is not used in DCOS. tion on the dump program. The 7040 FCB 13 (7090 unit B4 in IOBASE 0) is used for the SYSSWS is not used in DCOS. dump spill.

SYSPOS contains the position on SYSLB1 SYSIOX contains the first location (in of the subsystem currently in core storage. the address portion) and length (in the This information is entered into SYSPOS by decrement portion) of the DC-IOEX communi­ the DC-IBSYS Supervisor after it determines cation table (Figure 9). This table con­ from its system name table the position of tains entries for transferring control to a subsystem specified on the $EXECUTE card. DC-IOEX subroutines. The format of the entry is: SYSIDR is provided for transferring con­ PZE index"nfiles trol to an installat~on accounting routine. Whenever a $ID or $JOB card is processed by where index is always 1, corresponding to a subsystem or the DC-IBSYS Monitor, con­ SYSLB1, and nfiles is the number of files trol is transferred to SYSIDR by the preceding ·the system called. sequence SYSUNI contains the first location (in TSX SYSIDR,4 the address portion) and length (in the PZE L ($ID) decrement portion) of the system unit func­ return tion table. where L($ID) is the location of the first SYSUBC contains the first locatio~(in word of the buffer containing the $ID or the address portion) and length (in the $JOB card in BCD form. The distributed decrement portion) of the unit control version of DCOS does not contain an instal­ block table. This table consists of one lation accounting routine. word for each channel, and the word con­ tains the following information: SYSCOR contains the limits of the core storage area available for use by subsys­ Prefix Number of card units tems operating under control of the DC­ assigned to th~ channel. IBSYS Monitor. The format of SYSCOR is:

Decrement Total number of units PZE SYSEND"SYSORG assigned to the channel. In the distributed version of the DC­ Address Address of the first unit IBSYS Monitor, SYSEND and SYSORG are control block for the defined as follows: channel. SYSORG = 26528 or 145010 SYSUAV contains the first location(in the address· portion) and length (in the SYSEND = 777778 or 3276710 decrement portion) of the unit availability table. This table is described in the The FORTRAN II Assembly Program (FAP) section ·Unit Availability Table.· does not refer to the SYSCOR entry when defining the two symbols SYSORG and SYSEND. SYSUCW contains the first location (in These symbols are defined by FORTRAN II as the address portion) and the combined follows: length (in the decrement portion) of all unit control blocks. The unit control SYSORG = 37208 or 200010

88 Form C28- 6383- 2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 SYSEND 77777 or 32767 "SYSIDR") and must list the card if SYSACC is set to nonzero at an installation.

The user may redefine SYSEND to allow SYSPID is reserved for use in communi­ space for an installation accounting rou­ cation between an installatian accounting tine in upper core storage. In this case, rautine, when one is incorporated into the following limits apply: for FORTRAN II, DC-IBSYS, and the subsystems and the DC­ SYSEND may not be lower than 77677 or IBSYS Manitar. The exact use of this 32703 ; for all other subsystems, SYSEND location depends on the design of the may not be lower than 77013 or 32267 accounting rautine.

SYSLDR contains an instructian that­ SYSCYD and SYSCYD+1 are not used in transfers contral to the DC-IBSYS Laader. DCOS. The DC-IBSYS Loader may be used to. scatter­ laad subsystem records that have the same SYSSLD, SYSTCH, and SYSTCH+1 contain the standard PRESYS library record format as following input/output command sequence. the first record af the subsystem. When loading has been completed, the DC-IBSYS SYSSLD *+1",1 (IOCP) Loader transfers control to SYSTRA. SYSTCH *+1 Therefore, the contents of SYSTRA must be *-2 modified during or before loading. The sequence may not ce used to read Whenever the first record of a subsystem SYSLB1. is loaded into core storage after reading a $EXECUTE card, the DC-IBSYS Supervisor SYSTWT is not used with DCOS. places in the decrement portion of SYSLDR the location of the unit control block for SYSGET cantains a word that indicates to the unit from which the SUbsystem is being the DC-IBSYS Supervisar the reason that loaded. Subsequent transfers to SYSLDR by cantrol was returned to it by a subsystem. the subsystem will result in the next Additional information an SYSGET appears in sequential records being loaded fram the the section "DC-IBSYS Nucleus." unit indicated in the decrement portion of SYSLDR. SYSJOB contains a control word that is used by the DC-IBSYS Supervisor and A subsystem may not specify in the subsystems in controlling the skipping af decrement of SYSLDR the unit from which the iobs and job segments. The section next record is to be loaded, since all "DC-IBSYS Nucleus" contains additional system records are on SYSLB1. The DC-IBSYS information on SYSJOB. Loader always uses direct-mode input/output conventions. .CHEXI is the direct-couple enviranment lacatian. An indirect zero. test of this The DC-IBSYS Loader may be entered using location determines whether the system is the instruction aperating under direct couple. A success­ ful zero test indicates direct couple. TSX SYSLDR,4 .MODSW indicates to. IOEX whether the The user must position SYSLBl in front next record is in BCD or binary mode. If of the record that he wishes to load. the contents are zero, binary mode is indicated; if the contents are nonzero, BCD SYSACC is used for communication between mode is indicated. (Operational in direct the installation accounting routine, and mode only.) the subsystems and the DC-IBSYS Monitar. Whenever a $ID or $JOB card is processed by a SUbsystem or by the DC-IBSYS Monitor, control is transferred to SYSIDR, and SYS­ APPENDIX D: CREATION OF A DCOS PRESYS ACC is tested upon return. If SYSACC LIBRARY FROM A 7090/7094 IBSYS OPERATING contains all zeros, the SUbsystem or the SYSTEM LIBRARY DC-IBSYS Monitor lists the $ID or $JOB card on the system output unit before transfer­ ring control to SYSIDR. In the case of a A DCOS PRESYS Library may be created $JOB card, a page is ejected before the from the latest 7090/7094 IBSYS Operating card is listed. If the contents af SYSACC System tape and the distributed DCOS sym­ are nonzero, the $ID or $JOB card is not bolic tape, but this procedure should never listed by the subsystem or DC-IBSYS Moni­ be necessary. It is described here in tor. The installation accounting routine general terms to provide an approach to. be is provided with the location of the first taken if special requirements arise and to word of the buffer containing the $ID or exemplify the close relationship between a $JOB card (as described in the section DCOS PRESYS Library and a 7090/7094 IBSYS

Appendixes 89 Operating System tape. The following pro­ handling tape density, input/output mode, cedure is not necessarily applicable to and input/output and core storage error every IBSYS system tape and is meant only conditions. to serve as a guide.

1. Tape density is controlled only through the 7040 console density CASE 1: PREPARATION ON A 7090/7094 SYSTEM switches. The 7090 instructions SDNH and SDNL are ignored. 2. Input to the 7090 is in mixed mode and contains look-ahead bits supplied by 1. Assemble DCOS symbolic deck. the 7040. 2. Prepare an IBSYS system editor deck to 3. The mode of all 7090 output is indi­ do the following: cated in the logical-record control a. Edit SYSLB2, using *PLACE cards to words. If a 7090 job attempts to specify IBSYS subsystem order. read, in one mode, a record it has b. Delete the IBSYS LOAD button written in the other, a read error record (label=5U0004). condition will be sent to the 7090. c. Insert in its place the 7040 DCMUP Attempts by the 7090 to reread the binary deck. record in the same mode will be inef­ d. Replace 7090/7094 IBSYS with DC­ fective. IBSYS. 4. If the 7040 Setup routine encounters a e. Modify IBJOB with DCOS IBJOB patch redundancy while reading an input decks. tape, it will attempt to read the f. Modify IBEDT with DCOS system record in the opposite mode. Ten editor patch decks. reads are attempted in each mode. g. Delete any IBSYS sUbsystems not After 20 unsuccessful reads, the Setup desired. routine will inhibit the processing of h. Insert binary decks of DCMUP util­ the job. ities after the last IBSYS subsys­ 5. The breakdown utility routines write tem and IBEDT. mixed-mode records with no look-ahead i. Insert a 3 word record named bits unless the look-ahead bits are in NONSTD. the record created by the 7090. The 3. Perform an IBSYS edit run of the mode of each record is dictated by the 7090/7094 IBSYS Operating System tape mode bit in the logical-record control on SYSLB2, obtaining new output on word. SYSUT1. 6. A 7040 core storage parity error caus­ 4. Run the prepared output from step 3 es a full DCOS stop. No recovery through the 7040/44 IBJOB Tape Block­ procedures are attempted. The system ing Utility Routine on the 7040. out­ should be restarted according to the put from the blocking routine will be procedure discussed in the publication a DCOS PRESYS Library. IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System: Operator's Guide, Form C28-6384.


1. Assemble DCOS symbolic deck. 2. Run the 7090/7094 IBSYS Operating Sys­ APPENDIX F: DCOS DEBUGGING AIDS PROGRAM tem tape through the DC support pack­ age tape blocker. 3. Same as case 1, step 2, except for the The DCOS debugging aids program consists insertion of appropriate $SETUP and of a routine for inserting patches to $ASSIGN cards for SYSLB2 and SYSUT1. DCMUP, a 7040 core storage snapshot routine 4. Same as case 1, step 3. Output on (SNAP), and a DC-IBSYS patch routine. The SYSUTl will be the DCOS PRESYS Librar­ snapshot routine gives the systems program­ y. mer a tool to assist him in debugging program failures reSUlting from a problem in DCMUP. The DC-IBSYS patch routine gives the systems programmer a tool for inserting APPENDIX E: REDUNDANCY CONDITIONS, TAPE temporary patches into DC7IBSYS. The DENSITY, MODE, AND PARITY IN DCOS entire debugging aids program (Snap-Patch deck) is contained in a binary card deck distributed with DCOS. Figur€ 44 shows the The following seven points are presented card deck setup that must be used to load to clarify the methods used by DCOS for and to use the debugging aids program.

90 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 DCMUP PATCHES 7040 CORE STORAGE SNAPSHOT ROUTINE (SNAP)

Patches to DCMUP may be inserted after The SNAP routine gives the systems pro­ DCMUP has been loaded. The patches are grammer a method of dumping selected sec­ inserted by placing patch cards in front of tions of 7040 core storage. When the SNAP the TRA 77 card (Figure 44). The TRA 77 routine is used, the dumps are printed on card is a binary transfer card to location the 1403 attached to interface 3 (printer 77e • The format of the patch cards is the 1), same as the editor octal alteration cards with the exception that only one patch is The section of 7040 core storage that is permitted per card. to be dumped is specified in the SNAP card. The format of the SNAP card is

The format of the card is: 11 octloc snap limits octloc OCT patch A dump of the section of 7040 core storage specified by snap limits is printed prior to executing the instruction at octal location octloc. The number of dumps printed is determined by the number of snap limits specified. The snap limits are specified by two five-character octal loca­ DC-IBSYS PATCH ROUTINE tions. The first five characters specify the first location of the limit; the second five characters specify the last location The DC-IBSYS patch routine inserts tem­ of the limit. Four limits can be specified porary patches into the 7090 after each on one card in columns 11-50. Columns loading of the DC-IBSYS Monitor. The patch­ 11-20 specify the limits of the first dump; es will be effective until DCMUP is reload­ columns 21-30 specify the limits of the ed into the 7040 without the patch routine second dump; etc. and the patches. If the snap limit is to be specified by a word in the 7040, an indirect snap can be The format of the patch cards is basi­ specified. The indirect snap is specified cally the same as that of the system editor by punching an asterisk (*) in the first octal alteration cards. The difference is column of the snap limits field (11, 21, that each instruction in the patch cards 31, and 41). The next four columns of the must contain 12 octal digits. The format field must contain the number of locations of the patch card is (in octal) to be dumped. The last five columns of the field must contain the octal 1 8 16 42 location of a word in the 7040 that con­ tains in its address the location of the octloc OCT word 1,word 2,word 3,word 4 first word to be dumped. The SNAP cards must be placed between The octal words must be separated by the TRA 77 card and the 00300 card as shown commas. A blank terminates the variable in Figure 44. To temporarily suspend SNAP field. The octal words are loaded into dumping, put sense switch 4 on. To resume, sequential 7090 core storage locations put sense switch 4 off. beginning with the location specified by the octal address octloc. APPENDIX G: CONVERSION OF IBSYS SYSTEMS TO The DC-IBSYS patch cards must be placed DIRECT MODE between the TRA 77 card and the 00300 card as shown in Figure 44. The 00300 card is an H-code card with 00300 in columns 1-5 The following rules and conventions must be and columns 6-80 blank. observed in converting IBSYS systems and programs to direct mode. A card reader error (e.g., reader check), encountered while reading patches 1. No input/output instructions may be to the system or to the snapshot debugging executed in direct mode. For systems request loader, will cause a system stop, or programs that use DC-IOEX, changing probably at 7040 core location 270. The all RDS and WRS Instructions to NOP user must then reload the start deck. instructions will ordinarily satisfy

Appendixes 91 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0

( 00300 5. Sense switch tests and enter-keys instructions should be preceded by / / messages to the operator used in con­ (DCMUP SNAP/IBSYS junction with 7090 pause calls (HEY PATCH CARDS r-- instructions with an 11 code> to !TRA 77 BINARY TRANSFER ensure operator response. / I r-V 6. Existing Message-Writer calls result (~CMUP OCTAL PATCHES (IF ANY) in off-line printing only.. If an (one patch per card) - on-line message is desired, the prefix / / of word 2 in the calling sequence to ~V • PROUT must be ·changed to one of the (DEBUGGING AIDS following.

/ / PTW ( 7040 4-CARD LOADER _V MTW PTH / V MTH f--ll LOAD FROM DISK (2-card loader) See the publication IBM 7090-7094 Direct Couple Operating System: Programmer's Guide for a complete des­ / cription of Message Writer. .Figure 44. Deck setup For Using Debugging 7. Care must be taken to ensure the Aids Program compatibili ty of unit assignment pro­ visions in the systew/program with the unit assignment conventions of DCOS. this requirement. Modification of the 8. The DCOS operator cannot communicate ~elect routine instruction with a system/program via RDA (the 711 Card Reader). However, if control XEC* . RCHX card requirements are known" the con­ trol cards may be identified by $ROW is not required, since the instruction and $ENDROW cards and placed in the executed will be NOP. 1402 with the rest of the job. 2. Binary is the ordinary input/output mode of direct-mode DCOS. The con­ tents of location MODSW must be changed to zero if BCD input/output is APPENDIX H: GETBUF AND PUTEUF AS SYSTEM desired. A read in the wrong mode is MACROS OR SUBROUTINES considered as a .permanent redundancy; a record on a wixed-mode file should be read in the proper mode. GETBUF and PUTBUF are macros in DCMUP 3. All writing on SYSOU must be unblocked whose function is to get and release buf­ print lines. Blocked printing may be fers. In the systew as presently distrib­ sent to the 7040 with a type 14 code uted these macros generate calls to subrou­ if the blocked data is separated by tines. They may be reassembled to use the logical-record control words, as dis­ subroutines in-line by making the SET cussed in the section "Data Buffer pseudo-operation BFSUB = O. It is present­ Format." ly set to 1. Keeping GETBUF and PUTBUF in 4. All writing on SYSPP must be unblocked subroutine form, however, saves about one card images to be punched. buffer of core storage.

92 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 INDEX

This is a master index for all three balancing at setup stage ••••••••• 12 PG Direct Couple Operating System guides. indicators ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 SPG References are keyed to the individual information block •••••••••••••••• 10 SPG pUblications by the following codes: priority location •••••••••••••••• 33 SPG registers •••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 SPG PG Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6382 trap •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 SPG unit priority on a ••••••••••••••• 33 SPG SPG Systems Programmer's Guide, Form Checkpoint of disk/drum C28-6383 cont rol card for •••••••••• ,. • • • ••• 23 OG procedures for taking.,•••••••• 22,23 ex:; OG Operator's Guide, Form C28-6384 Codes system control ••••••••••••••••••• 19 OG Accounting routines Comments card for installations ••••••••••••••.• 61 SPG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 14 OG under DC- IBSYS ••••••••••••.•••••• 61 SPG function of $* card •••••••••••••• 21 PG Add unit Designation to Message Routine Communication region calling sequence •••••••••.••••••• 36 PG DC-IBSYS Nucleus ••••••••••• 27.31,87 SPG Alphameric Punch Routine SYSACC •••••••••• '•••••••••••••••• '. 61 S PG calling sequence •••••••••••••.••• 3S PG SYSCOR ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• 62 SPG Alteration cards SYSCUR •••••••••••••••••• ,•••••• '. •• 63 S PG absol ute column binary ••••••••••• 50 SPG SYSGET •••••••••••••••• '. '•••• ,. • •• •• 29 SPG octal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 52 SPG SYSIDR •• ,••••••••••••••••• ,••••• 30,61 SPG SYSIOX •••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ 31 SPG Backspace printer SYSJOB •••••••••••••••••••••••• 29,30 SPG request to •••••• '...... '••••• '. •• 20 ex:; SYSPID •••••••••••••••••••••••• _ •• 62 SPG Basic Supervisor SYSRFT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 SPG $EXECUTE '••••••••.••••••••••• '•••.• 22 SPG SYSTRA ...... '. • •• • ... 50, 63 SPG $ID ~ ...... _ ••••• 22 SPG symbolic and octal addresses ••••• 28 SPG Binary-to-BCD Conversion Routine Communication region table (DC-IOEX) MQ decrement ••••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 27 PG s,1-14 of MQ ••••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG symbolic addresses of entries •••• 27 PG Binary-to-Decimal Conversion Routine Communication system AC address ••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG THIS and THIS+l ••••••••• '••••••• 8,37 SPG AC decrement ••••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG Commutator Bit maps main DCOS commutator ••••••••••••• 10 SPG master ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 83 SPG SETUP commutator gate •••••••••••• 14 SPG peripheral •••••••••••••••••••• 82,83 SPG Compatibility mode scratch •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 83 SPG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 14 PG Blocking records des cription of • '. '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8 OG $SETUP card ••••••••••••••.•• 9,17,18 PG example of select plus entry ••••• 31 PG $SETUP card ••••••••• ,•••••••••• 13,25 OG input/output activity ••••••••• 11,12 PG setup stage •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 OG programming considerations •••• 37-39 PG stand-alone 7040/44 utility programs operating in ••••••••••••• 8 OG routines •••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 OG programs operating under ••••••••• 11 PG utility routine •••••••••••••••••• 16 PG Console controls, 7040 Breakdown stage entry keys ••• '•• '•• '. ,••• '••••• ,. '•• ,. • •• 19 OG description of ...... ,•••••• ,.. • • ... 10 OG sense switches ••••••••••••••••••• 18 OG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 13 PG Control cards $* card •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21 PG Card input $* card •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 OG using •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8,13 OG $ASSIGN card • '••• '. '...... ,. ,. • .. • • •• •• 23 SPG Card Read Punch $ATEND card ...... '•••• '. • • •• 20 PG function of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 OG $ATrnD card • '. • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .... 14 OG function of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 PG $ CARDS card •••.• ,•••••••• '. • • • • • • • •• 24 SPG Card-to-Tape Routine $DATA card ••• '•••••••••• '. '.... '...... '. 13 OG description and use of •••••••• ,.... 26 OG $DATA card ••• ,. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• 20 PG Change-of-job-status request $DATE card ••••••• ,•••• ,••• ,•• ,••••••• 15 OG means of making •••••••••••• 20,21,22 OG $ DATE card ••••••••••••• '••• '•• '. ... •• 42 SPG Channel $ENDFII.E card •••••••• '••••.• '••••••• 24 SPG activating a ••••• '...... 34 SPG $ENDREEL card •••••••••••••• '•• '•••• 15 OG

Index 93 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N2o-0175-0 $ENDROW card ...... 13 OG pool control word •••••••••••••••• 13 SPG $ ENDROW ca rd ...... 16 PG Da ta proce ssing system $ENDROW card ...... ••• ... • ••.• • • • • • •• 25 SPG 7040, function of ...... 5 OG $EOF card ...... 13 OG 7090, function of ••••••••••••••••• 5 OG $EOF card ...... 20 PG DC Operating System $EXECUTE card •••••••••••••••••••• 13 OG Core Storage Dump Program ••••• 21,27 SPG $EXECUTE card ••••••••••••••••.••• 15 PG DC-IBSUP •••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 7 SPG $EXECUTE card ••••••••••••• 7,8,22,30 SPG DC-IBSYS •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. 7 SPG $FILE card •••••••••••••••••••• 33,75 SPG DC-IBSYS Loader •••••••••••••••••• 27 SPG $IBEDT card ••••••••••••••••••• 26,48 SPG DC- IBSYS Noni tor ••••.••.••••••••• 21 SPG $IBSYS card ••••••••••••••••••• 25, 30 SPG 8C-IBSYS Nucleus •••••••• 21,27,33,87 SPG $10 card •••••••••••••••.••••••••• 13 OG DC-IBSYS supervisor •••••••••••••• 22 SPG $ID card ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 PG DC-IOEX •••••••••••••••••• 8,21,31-36 SPG $ID card •••••••••••••••••••••• 23,30 SPG distribution tape •••••••••••••••• 41 SPG $IOBASE card ••••••••••••••••••••• 17 PG DC-IBSYS $IOBASE card •••••••••••••••.•• 13,14 SPG components of ••••••••••••••••••••• 7 OG $JOB card •••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 SPG components of ••••••••.••••••••••• 10 PG $JOB card .•••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 OG DC-IBSYS Monitor •••••••.•.••••••• 10 PG $JOB card ••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 15 PG description of ••••••.••••••••••••• 7 OG $ PAUSE card •••••••••••••••••••••• 21 PG diagram of •••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 OG SPA USE card •••••••••••••••••••.••• 14 OG diagram of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 PG $RELEASE card •••••••••••••••••••• 24 SPG execution stage ••••••••.•.••••••• 12 PG $REMOVE card •••••••••.•••••••••••• 25 SPG dump interpretation •••••••••••••• 40 PG $RESET card ...... 24 SPG eXAcution stag-A •••••.•••••••.•••• 10 OG $RESTORE card ...... 25 SPG funct ion of .••••.•••.••••••••••••• 10 PG $REWIND card ••••••••••••••••••••• 24 SPG IBJOB processor ••••..•••••••••••• 10 PG $ROW card ••• _ •••••••••••••••••••• 16 PG phase controlled by ...... 9 PG $ROW card ••••••••••••••••••••• 23,25 SPG processing phase •••••.•••••••••••• 9 PG $SETUP card •••••••.••••••••••••••• 17 PG subsystems operating under •••••••• 7 OG $SETUP card ••••••••••••.•••••• 13,25 OG DC-IBSYS Core Storage Dump program $SETUP card ••••••••••••.•••••••.• 13 SPG (see also "dump") ••••••••••••• 10,24 PG $STOP card ••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 SPG DC-IBSYS Monitor $SWITCH card ••••••••••••••••••••• 24 SPG DC-IBSYS core storage dump $TAPE card •••••••••••.••••••••.••• 24 SPG program •.•••••••••••••••••••• 10,24 PG $UNITS card •••••••••••••••••••••• 26 SPG DC-IBSYS Nucleus •••••••••.••••••• 10 PG $UNLOAD card ••••••••••••••••••••• 25 SPG DC-IBSYS patch routine ••••••••••• 91 SPG $UTILITY card ••••••••••.••••••••• 25 OG DC-IBSYS Supervisor ••.•.••••••••• 10 PG $UTILITY card ••••••••••.••••••••• 21 PG DC-Input/Output Executor •.•••• 10,27 PG *AFTER card ...... 53 SPG diagram of ••••••••••.•••••••••••• 10 PG *CHECK card ...... 54 SPG System Editor •••••••••••••••••••• 10 PG *DUP card •••••••••••••••••••••••• 53 SPG DC-IBSYS Nucleus *EDIT card •••••••••••••.••••••••• 48 SPG function of ••••••••..•••••••••••• 10 PG *INSERT card •••••••••••.••••••••• 52 SPG DC-IBSYS Supervisor *r.-lODIFY card ••••••••••• ••• • • • • • •• 51 SPG function of •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 PG *PIACE card ...... 48 SPG DC-Input/Output Executor *REMARK card ...... 54 SPG (see a Iso "DC-IOEX n) *REMOVE card ...... 53 SPG des cript ion of ...... 27 PG *REPLACE card ...... 51 SPG fUnction of ••••••••.••••••••••••• 10 PG *REWIND card •••••••.•••••••••••••• 54 SPG DC-IOEX checklist •••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 PG calling sequence for •••••••••••• 30 PG format index ••••••••••••••••••••• 58 PG communication region table •••• 28,29 PG general format of •••••••••••••••• 15 PG functions of ••••••••••••••••••••• 27 PG general format of ...... 12 OG location .COMM ••••••••••••••••••• 32 PG sample job deck •••••••••••••••••• 15 OG location MODSW ••••••••••••••••••• 31 PG 7/8EOF card ...... 13 OG maintenance of UCB fields •••••••• 30 PG 7/8EOF card •••••••••••••••••••••• 20 PG non-data selects ••••••••••••••••• 33 PG Control words redundancy message., suppression of 32 PG buffer ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 SPG select routine exits ...... 31 PG buffer pool .• ...•...... 13 SPG select routines ...... 31 PG logical record ••••• ~ ••••••••••••• 13 SPG sense indica tors, contents of •••• 32 PG physical records ...... 13 SPG trap supervisor, description of •• 27 PG I Core storage, saving ••••••••••••.•.•• 92 SPG trap supervisor, use of • •••••• 27.30 PG unit control blocks ••.•••••••••••• 29 PG Data buffer use of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27 PG control words • ...... ••• ••.•• ••• •.• •• 13 SPG DC-IOEX utility routines format ...... 13 SPG Alphameric Punch ••••••••••••••••• 35 PG

94 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0175-0 Binary-to-BCD Octal Conversion ••• 35 PG input/output activity in ...... 11 PG Binary-to-Decimal Conversion...... 35 PG program languages operating in ..... 11 PG Convert and Add Unit Designation to programming considerations '... '•• 37-38 PG Message ...... '••••• '.. 36 PG Discontinue Message Writer ...... 34 PG job ••••••• ~ ...... 19 OG Pause Routines ...... 35 PG printed output ...... 20 OG Post-Mortem Dump ...... 35 PG punched out put ••••••••••••• '. • • • •• 20 OG Symbolic Unit Conversion •• '.... • •• 36 PG 1014 typewri ter ...... 20 OG DCMUP 7040 console typewriter •••••.•••• 20 OG description of .... '...... •• •• .... 6 OG 7090 job processing •••••••••••••• 19 OG function of ...... 9 PG Disk patches to ...... 91 SPG checkpoint of ...... ,.'•••••••••••• 23 OG phas es controlled by ...... 9 PG function of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 PG stages controlled by ••••••.••••• 12 PG funct ion of ...... 6 OG track allocation maps ••••••••• 82,83 SPG writing format tracks on ••••••••• 16 OG utilities controlled by •••••••• 9,10 PG Disk (drum) DCOS concepts direct-read-to-processor bit ...... 67 SPG presentation of ...... 8 PG existence and availability of DCOS debugging aids program ...... 90 SPG modules ...... ,..... • •••• 70 SPG DCOS failures format track generator ...... 41 SPG handling ...... '.'...... 24 OG respecification of ••••••.•••••••• 67 SPG DCOS Multiprocessor track allocation £or utilities ••• 67 SPG (see also "DCMUP") ••••• '...... 9 PG track allocation/module DCOS Posteditor definition ...... 70 SPG output •••••••••••••••••••••••• 69,71 SPG Disk-to-Tape Deblocking Routine phase I ...... 67 SPG description of •••.••••••••••••••• 25 OG phase II ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 SPG Disk-to-Tape Deblocking utility Routine restrictions and error messages 71.1 SPG function of ...... 10 PG role of •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 67 SPG Distribution DCOS PRESYS library DCOS tape ••.•••••••••••••••••••• 41 SPG arrangement of ...... 43,50 SPG DCSYS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 SPG location on tape ••••••••••••••••• 43 SPG Drum preparation and maintenance 57-61,67 SPG checkpoint of •••••••••••••••••••• 23 OG preparation of DCSYS from •••••••• 68 SPG function of ...... 6 OG preparing a backup •••.••••••••••• 57 SPG Dump DCOS record format format of •••••••••••••••••••••••• 24 PG control words ...... 91 SPG $ATEND card ...... 20 PG description of ...... 9 PG in DCOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14,20 OG description of ••• '•• '...... ••• • • ••• 8 OG instructions for •.••••••••••••••• 20 PG DCOS-controlled utility routines int erpretation of...... 40 PG use of ...... 25 OG limits of •••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 PG Deblocking records machine status after ••••.•••••••• 25 PG breakdown stage ••••••••••••••••• 10 OG panel dump ••••• '.-•••••••••••••• 20,25 PG $SETUP card ...... 13,25 OG parameter control word ••••••••••• 24 PG $SETUP card specifications •••• 17-19 PG post-mortem dump •••••••••••••• 24,35 PG stand-alone 7040/44 utility snap dump ...... 24 PG routines ...... 26 OG specifications for ...... 20,24 PG utility routines ...... 21 PG System Core Storage Dump Program • 24 PG Deck setups 7040 ...... 27 OG examples of ...... 22-23 PG 7040 core storage snapshot ••••••• 91 SPG Del eting a job methods of •••••••••••••••••.••••• 20 OG Echo checking Direct Couple Input/Output Executor routines relying on •••••• '. • • • • ••• 38 PG activating a channel •••••••.••••• 34 SPG Editing assigning priority •••••••••••• ,••• 34 SPG examples ...... '••• '. •• • • • •• 54.59- 60 SPG communication table •••••••••••••• 32 SPG relocatable records •••••••••••••• 54 SPG DC-IOEX ...... 8,21,31-36 SPG System Editor ••••••••••• 20,24,43-56 SPG non-data selects ...... 35 SPG termination of ...... 54 SPG organization ...... 31 SPG End-of-tape RDUN ••• '•••••••••••• '••• '...... '•••• 35 SPG condition ••••••••• '. •• • • • • •• 29.32., 37 PG structuring input/output requests 35 SPG I condition ••••••••••••••••••• 19,19.1 SPG

unit control blocks ••••• 28 1 31,37,73 SPG flag ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 PG Direct mode I procedure •• -••••••••• ,••••••• -•••••• 37 PG description of ...... 11 PG Entry keys description of •••••••••••• ~ ••••••• 7 OG use of ...... 19 OG example of select plus entry •• '••• 33 PG Execution stage

Index 95 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0l75-0 description of 10 OG Input/output requests description of 12 PG backspace file ...... 39 SPG backspace record ...... '. • •• •• 38 SPG Failures channel indicator tests •••••••••• 40 SPG handling 7040 •••••••••••••••••••• 24 OG compatibility mode ...... 40 SPG File control block data transmission ••••••• ~ •••••••• 40 SPG availability •••••••••••••••••• 16,74 SPG direct mode •••••••••••••••• 31,37,38 SPG relationship to 7090 UCBs •••••••• 73 SPG enable traps ••••••••••••••••••••• 40 SPG selection of ••••••••••••••••••••• 73 SPG load and enter compatibility mode 39 SPG 7040 ...... 10,16,73 SPG non-data selects ...... 40 SPG 7090 ...... 33 SPG processing ...... 7,37 SPG read--compatibility mode ...... 40 SPG GETBUF read--direct mode ••••••••••••• _ •• 37 SPG I as system macro or sutroutine •••• 92 SPG restore traps ...... 40 SPG rewind and unload •••••••••••••••• 38 SPG IBJOB Processor rewind input files ••••••.•••••••• 38 SPG descr iption of •••••••••••••••••• _. 7 OG rewind output files .•••.••••••••• 38 SPG description of •••• ~ •••••••••••••• 10 PG scatter-load DC-IBSYS •••••••••••• 39 SPG program languages operating under 10 PG sense instructions •••••••••••••• _ 40 SPG IBJOB unit assignment store channel •••••••••••••••••••• 40 SPG considerations for using ••••••••• 46 PG time request •••••••••••••.••••••• 39 SPG IBLDR unit assignment write--compatibility mode •••••••• 40 SPG considerations for using ••••••••• 46 PG write--direct mode ••••••••••••••• 38 SPG Immedia te stop write end of file •••••••••••••••• 39 SPG procedure for ••••••••••••••••••• _ 24 OG Input/output trapping Incorporating systems/programs under direct mode •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 PG DCOS Input/output units accounting routine into a compatibility mode •••••• ~ •••••••• 11 PG subsystem ••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 SPG determining availability of •••••• 30 PG DCMUP utilities •••••••••••••••••• 63 SPG Installation accounting routine IBSYS systems in compatibility designing an •••• : •••••••••••••••• 61 SPG mode •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62 SPG incorporating into a system •••••• 61 SPG IBSYS systems in direct ~ode ••••• 62 SPG incorporating under DC-IBSYS ••••• 61 SPG non-IB SYS syst ems ••••••••••••••• -. 64 SPG transfer to ••••••••.•.••••••••••• 23 SPG Initial start procedures Intermediate halts initiating job processing •••••••• 16 OG restrictions for using ••••• 37,38,39 PG system initialization •••••••••••• 16 OG Interpretation of dumps Initiating job processing communication region locations ••• 42 PG DCIV1UP in 704 O ••••••.••••••••••••• 17 OG DC-IBSYS lobs ••••...••.•.•••••••• 41 PG DCMUP not in 7040 ••••••.••••••••• 17 OG examining unit control blocks •••• 44 PG Input key machine locations •••••••••••• 40 PG card ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8,13 OG non-DC-IBSYS jobs ••••••••.••••••• 40 PG data file requirements ••••••••• 8,25 OG Interrupting 7090 processing job file requirements •••••••••• 8,25 OG by operator ••••••••••••••••••• 20,22 OG tape •••••••••••••••••••••••• 8,18,25 OG by programmer ••••••••••••.••••••• 15X Input stage Intersystem communication cells description of ••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG IBSNXT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 SPG descri~tion of •••••••••••••••••••• 9 OG IBSXEC ••••••• o. • • •• . . . • • ... . • . •• •• 29 SPG Input/output IBSYST ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 SPG (see also" input" and "output") ••• 8 OG STOP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 SPG compatibility mode ••••••••••••••• 11 PG IOBASE tables DC-IOEX, sUfervision of •••••••••• 27 PG description of ••••••••••••••.•••• 14 PG direct mode •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 PG printing output file ••••••••••••• 19 PG Job punching output file ••••••••••••• 19 PG breakdown •••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 SPG servicing of •••••• '. •• • • • • • • • • • • •• 11 PG definition of •••••••.•••••••.•••• 12 OG tape •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16,18 PG definition of •••••••••••••••••••• 15 PG trapping •••• _ •••••••••••••••••••• 11 PG description block ••••••.••• 10,14,82 SPG unit availability •••••••••••••••• 30 PG n uInbe r •• '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 13, 16 S PG utility routines ••••••••••••••• 9,10 PG number of ••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 9 OG Input/output file control tlock base priority of •••••••••••••••••••••• 12 OG DC-IBSYS (IOBASE 0) ••••••••••• 13,78 SPG queue table •••••••••••• 7,8,10,11,14 SPG IOBASE ...... 12 SPG sample job deck •••••••••••••••••• 15 OG IOBASE table ••••••••••••••••••••• 12 SPG separator card ••••••••••••••••••• 16 SPG IOBASEl •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 78 SPG s et up. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 14 S PG number ...... '•••• '. • • • • • • • • • • • •• 12 SPG Job description

96 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N2B-U175-U

preparation of • ,•••.• '...... '. • •••.• ... 12 PG messages •••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 PG use of ...... 13 PG DCOS ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 28 OG Job execution Message writer Utility Routine ••• 34 PG execution stage •••••••••••••••••• 12 PG prefix •••••••• _ ...... 9,28 OG Job flow tape mounting ••••••••••••••••• 13,18 PG description of ...... 10 OG Modes of operation example of typical job flow •••••• 13 PG compatibility ...... 11 PG description of stages •••••••••••• 12 PG compatibility mode •••••••••••••••• 8 SPG Job identifier des cription of •••.••••••••••••••••• 7 OG contents of ...... 12 PG difference between ••••••••••••••• 11 PG use of ••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG difference between •••••••••.•••••• 8 SPG Job number direct •••••••••••••••••••. ~ •••••• 11 PG assignment of ••••••••••••••••••••• 9 OG direct mode ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 SPG Job processing mode switch (MODSW) •••••••••••••• 35 SPG description of ••••••••••••.••••••• 9 PG MODSW description of •.•••••••••••••••••• 10 OG use of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 PG example of ...... 13 PG Multiprocessor control program (DCMUP) initiating ...... 16 OG arrangement of ...... 48 SPG interrupting ••••••••••••••• 15,20,22 OG background utilities ••••••••••••• 16 SPG restarting ...... 21 OG commutator ...... ,. • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• 8 SPG stages of ••••.•••••••••••.•••• 12,13 PG control ..••••••••••••••••.••.•••• 21 SPG stages of ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 OG input service routine •••••••••••• 14 SPG supervision of ...... '.. • •• • •• • • • ••• 9 PG introduction ••••••••••• ~ •••• _ ••••• 7 SPG terminating ...... 20 OG job breakdown ...... 17 SPG Job segment job setup •••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 SPG definition of •••••••••••••••••••• 13 OG logic flow ...... 8 SPG occurrence within a job '... • • • • • •• 15 PG post-execution utilities ••••••••• 18 SPG Job-status change pre-execution utilities •••••.•••• 17 SPG means of making ...... 22 OG print routine •••••••••••••••••••• 18 SPG Job-status inquiry punch routine •••••••••••••••••••• 17 SPG means of making •••••••••••••••••• 22 OG Non-data selects Line estimate calling sequence for ••••.••••.•••• 33 PG description of • '•••••••••••••••••• 12 OG NOPs Load from disk and start procedures instructions treated as .• ••• . • • •• 38 PG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 17 OG Locating a job Operator's log via operator's log •••••••••••••••• 9 OG description of ...... 9 OG via 1014 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22 OG sample •.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 OG vi a 7 0 4 0 •••••••••.•••••••••••.•••• 19 OG Output printed ...... 8 OG Machine configuration punched ...... 8 OG description of ...... 5 OG tape ...... 8 II 13, 2 5 OG function of each unit ••••••••••• 8,9 PG mi nimum ...... 66 PG Panel dump Magnetic tape units obtaining a ••••••••••••••••••• 26-27 PG function of...... 8 PG Pause Routines Magnet ic tapes • PAUSE Routi ne ...... 35 PG function of ...... 6 OG .. PAWS Routine ••••.••• ,.•••.••••••••• 36 PG Maintenance control cards Phases of processing

* AFTER .• ,••••••••••• ,•••••••.•••••••• 53 SPG description of -. '...... "...... 9 PG *CHECK •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 54 SPG description of ...... 6,9 OG *DUP ...... 53 SPG diagram of ...... 6 OG

*INSERT ...... 52 SPG diagram of ...... ' ...... 9 PG

*MODIFY •• '••••.••••••••••.•••••••••• 51 SPG postprocessing ...... ,...... -. 6.9 OG *REMARK ...... 54 SPG preprocessing . ... '...... 6,9 OG * REMOVE ...... 53 SPG processing .. . '...... 6,9 OG *REPLACE ...... ,•••.••• ,••••••••.••• 51 SPG' Posteditor (see DCOS Posteditor) *REWIND ••.•••••••••• ,•• ,•••••.•.•• ,•••• 54 SPG Po st-Mortem dump Message Writer Utility Routine DC-IOEX utility routine ...... - 34 PG calling sequences for •••••• '••• '••• 34 PG description of ,. .. '...... -... 24 PG classification of operator initiating ...... 24 PG

messages '...... 34 PG specifications for .,...... '...... 24 PG message length ••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG Postprocessing phase Messages breakdown stage ...... - 10 OG classification of operator breakdown stage ...... -... 13 PG

Index 97 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0l75-0 description of •••••••••••••••••• 6,9 OG description of ...... 8 OG diagram of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG Punching output file . print stage ...... 10 OG $SETUP card specifications for 17-19 PG print stage •••••••••••••••••••••• 13 PG Purge stage punch st age ...... 10 OG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 11 OG punch stage ...... 13 PG des cription of ...... 13 PG purge stage •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 OG PUTBUF purge stage ...... •• • • • • • .• • • • • .•• 13 PG I as system macro or subroutine •••• 92 SPG utilities ...... 9 PG utility stage •••••••••••••••••••• 25 OG Queue tatle Preprocessing phase contents of ••••••.•••••••••••••••• 13 PG description of ...... 6,9 OG diagram of ...... 12 PG Record format input stage ...... 9 OG description of •••••••••••••••••••• 8 OG input stage ...... 12 PG Record formats setup stage __ ...... 10 OG data buffer ...... 13 SPG setup stage ...... 12 PG library records ••••••••••••••• 50,54 SPG utilities ••••••••• _ ...... 9 PG Records utility routines ...... _ 25 OG blocking •••••••••••••••••••••• 10,25 OG PRESYS library (see DCCS PFESYS library) deblocking •••••••••••••••••••• 10,25 OG Print standard DCOS format •••••••••••••• 8 OG IBM 720A simulation ...... 19 SPG transmission to and from tape •••• 25 OG routine ...... _ ...... 18 SPG Redundancy indication Print stage meaning of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 PG description of ...... 10 OG Remarks card description of ...... 13 PG description of ...... 14 OG Printed outfut Remote inquiry unit description of ...... 8 OG discontinuing typewr iter ...... 20 OG Printer function of ...... 6 OG backspace. • ...... • • • • ...... • • • • • • •• 20 OG function of ...... 8 PG discontinue job output on •••••.•• 20 OG restarting typewriter •••••••••••• 20 OG function of ...... 5 OG use of ...... 6.,19,21 OG function of ...... 8 PG Repeat requests repeat job output on ...... 20 OG means of making •••••••••••••••••• 20 OG restart job output on ...... 20 OG Restart simulation of 720A printer ...... 13,25 OG description of ...... 21 OG single space ...... 20 OG printing of output ...... 20 OG PrioI'ity punching of output ...... 20 OG assignment of ...... 10,12 OG system ...... 24 OG giving highest priority to job ..... 20 OG 1014 typewriter ...... 20 OG Priority code 7040 console typewriter ...... 20 OG in job i~entifier ...... 13 PG 7090 jot ...... 19 OG on job card ...... 15 PG Restore disk (drum) procedures Processing pha se description of ...... 23 OG descrir;tion of •••••••••••••••••.• 12 PG Resume 7090 processing description of ...... 6,9 OG methods used to ...... 21 OG diagrarr; of ...... 12 PG execution stage ...... 12 PG Save disk (drum) procedures Programming considerations description of ...... 23 OG compatibility mode systeITs ••••••• 38 PG Save-restore card direct and compatibility mode description of ...... 23 OG s ys t e IT'S ...... 37 PG Save-Restore Disk/DruIT: Routine direct mode systems ...... 38 PG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 23 OG Punch restore procedures ••••••••• ~ ••••• 23 OG activity routine ...... 18 SPG s ave procedures ...... 23 OG discontinue job output on ...... 20 OG save-restore card ...... 23 OG errors ...... 18 SPG Select minus entry function of ...... 5 OG relinquishing control of a unit .... 32 PG hole-count error ...... 18 SPG Select plus entry repeat job output on ...... 20 OG compatibility mode ••• '. • • • • • • • •• •• 31 PG restart job output on...... 20 OG direct mod~ example •••••••••••••• 31 PG routine ...... 17 SPG general entry ...... 32 PG Punch stage Select routines description of ...... 10 OG design of ...... 31,32 PG description of •••••••.•••••••••••• 13 PG distinguishing between ...... 31 PG Punched output error recovery procedures •••••••• 33 PG

98 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0l75-0 exits •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 PG (see also "dump") • ,.. • ... • •.• ...... 24 PG general considerations •••• '...... '. ,•• 33 PG System Editor redundancy checking ...... ,.. • ••• 33 PG function of ...... 10 PG select minus entry ••••••••••••••• 32 PG System initialization select plus entry •••••• ,... ••••• •• 31 PG procedure used for ...... 16 OG Sense indica tors System Output Unit contents of ...... '. '•••• '••••• ,•.•.•.•• 32 PG use of •.• '...... ,. • • • • • • •• • • .• .• • •• 37 PG Sense switches System Peripheral Punch (SYSPP) use of •••••••• _._ ...... 18 OG use of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 37 PG Set-density instructions System units issued form 7090 program .... ,•••• ,... 37 PG SYSCK1 ...... ,".... ••.•• ••.•• 23 SPG Setup stage SYSCK2 ...... 23 SPG description of ...... 10 OG SYSCRD ...... 24 SPG description of ...... 12 PG SYSINl ••••••••••••••••••••• 24.51~52 SPG Simulation SYSLBl ...... ,•••.•• '•••••• 23.24,39 SPG data channel trap ...... 40 PG SYSLB2 •••••••••••.•••••••••• 51.52,53 SPG devices simulated ...... 7,46 PG SYSUT1 ...... 51.52.53 SPG of 7090 units ...... 73 SPG SYSUT2 ••.••••.•.••.••••••••• '••.••• ,. 51.52 SPG 7090 LOAD CARD button .,.'•• ,••••• '••• 21 SPG UNISYM table •••••••••••••••••• 16,75 SPG 7090 LOAD CARD button~ pressing of,16 PG unit availability table ••••.•.••••• 29 SPG 7090 LOAD TAPE button, pressing of,16 PG unit function table ••••••••••••• 28 SPG 7090 tape load routine ...... 22 SPG 720A printer ...... 10 PG Tables 720A printer ...... 25 OG DC- IBSYS system name ••••••• 48,51,53 SPG Single-space printer DC-IOEX communication ...... 32 SPG request to ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 OG direct mode name ...... 21 SPG limits of ...... 25 PG IOBASE •• ,••• '.. •• ..... • ...... •• 12,14,16 SPG machine status after ••••••••• '.. •• 25 PG system unit function (SYSUNI) • 27,28 SPG parameter control word ••••• ,•••••• 24 PG track allocatiOn/module Snap dump definition ••••••••••••••••••• 67,70 SPG formats of •••••••••••••••••••• 24-25 PG unit availability •••••••• ,••••• 27,29 SPG I Snapshot routine ...... 91 SPG uni.t control block •••••••••••• 27,31 SPG Stage nuwber unit symbol (UNISYM) •••••••••• 16,75 SPG assignment of •••••••••••••••••••• 10 OG utility name ...... 67,71 SPG use of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG 7040 system name ••••••••••• 39,67,69 SPG Stages of processing Tape breakdown ...... '...... '. '.. 10 OG blocking ••••••••••••••••••• 10,25-27 OG description of ...... 9 OG deblocking ••••••••••••••••• 10,25-27 OG diagram of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 OG discontinuing tape input •••••• 18,20 OG execution •••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 OG initiating tape input •••.•••••• 18,20 OG execution •••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG input •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 OG input .,••• ,...... 12 PG output ...... 8 OG input ...... 9 OG preparation of ...... 18,25-27 OG print ...... ~ •••••.• 10 OG procedure for input to DCOS 18,,25-27 OG print ...... 13 PG specified on $SETUP card •••••• 13,25 OG punch • '. •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ... •.• ..... 10 OG subsystem on tape •••••••.••••••••• 13 OG punch ...... 13 PG Tape Blocking Routine (7040/44) purge ...... 11 OG des cription and us e of •••••••• 25- 27 OG purge ...... 13 PG Tape Deblocking Routine (7040/44) setup .••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••• 10 OG des cription and us e of •••••••• 25- 27 OG setup •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 PG Tape input/output Stand-alone 7040/44 utility routines assigning units •••••••••••••••••• 19 PG description of ...... 26 OG blocking •••• '...... 9.11,19 PG Standard DCOS record format deblocking ...... 10,19 PG description of •••••••••••••••••••• 9 PG mount ing input fil es ...... 18 PG des cription of ...... _ .. • • •• 8 OG requesting output files •••••••••• 19 PG Starting the system specifying on $SETUP card •••••••• 18 PG procedure for •••••••••••••••••••• 16 OG Tape manipulation control cards Stopping the system $ENDFI LE •••••••••.••• ,. ,. • • .• •• • • • • •• 24 SPG procedure for ...... 24 OG $REMOVE '...... '.... • •• • ...... • ...... 25 SPG Storage units $REWIND ...... ,...... '. ,. ,...... 25 SPG disk •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 OG $UNLOAD .•••• ,••• '...... '..... • •• •• 25 SPG drum ...... •• • • • • • • .• • .• • • • •• 6 OG Tape mounting messages Symbolic Unit Conversion Routine appearance of ...... '.. 13 PG instructions for using • •• • •••.• • •• 36 PG with $SETUP card ••••••••••••••••• 19 PG System Core storage Dump Program Tape-to-Disk Blocking Routine

Index 99 Form C28-6383-2 Page Revised 12/7/65 By TNL N28-0l75-0 description and use of ••••••••••• 25 OG Unit control block Tape-to-Disk Blocking Utility Routine (see also "UCB") ••••••••••••••••• 29 PG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 10 PG table ...... 27 SPG Tape-to-Printer Routine 7040 tape units •••••••••••• 10.16.74 SPG description and use of ••••••••••• 25 OG 7090 simulated units •••••••••• 38.74 SPG Tape-to-Punch Routine Utility descr i~ion and use of ...... 26 OG arrangment of •••••••••••••••••••• 63 SPG Tape-to-Tape Blocking Routine background utilj,.ties ••••••• ,••• 16.19 SPG description and use of •••••••••• ,. 25 OG breakdown utilities •••••••••.•••• 19 SPG Tape-to-Tape Blocking Utility Routine communication region ...... 64 SPG descri~ion of •••••• '...... 9 PG design of ...... 64 SPG Tape-to-Tape Deblocking Routine incorporating DCMUP utilities •••• 63 SPG description and use of ...... '.. ••• 25 OG monitored utilities •••••••••••••• 19 SPG Tape-to-Tape Deblocking Utility Routine name table •••••••••••••.•••••• 67,71 SPG description of. _ ...... '... • •• 10 PG post-execution utilities ...... 18 SPG Termination pre-execution utilities •••••••• '•• 17 SPG job ••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••• 20 OG setup utilities ...... 19 SPG printed output ••••••••••••••••• ,... 20 OG tape blocking routine •••••••••••• 65 SPG punched output ••••••••••••••••••• 20 OG track allocation for ••••••••••••• 67 SPG 0004 typewriter ...... 21 OG 720A printer utility ••••••••.•••• 19 SPG 7040 console typewriter •••••••••• 20 OG Utility routines 7090 processing •••••••••••••••••• 19 OG Add Unit Designation to Message •• 36 PG Time estimate Alphameric Punch ••••.••••••••••••• 35 PG des cri~ion of • '. .. • • ...... • • • •• • ••• 12 OG Binary-to-BCD Octal Conversion ••• 35 PG Trap supervisor Binary-to-Decimal Conversion ••••• 35 PG description of ••••••••••••••••••• 27 PG blocking •••••••••••••••••••• 9,11,19 PG use of ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 PG Card-to-Tape Routine ••••••••••••• 26 OG DC- IO EX ••••• '•• '. • .. •• • • • • .• • • • • •• 1 0,. 27 PG UCB DCOS-controlled •••••••••••••••••• 25 OG end-of-tape flag ••••••••• ••• • • ••• 29 PG deblocking •••••••••••••••••••• 10,19 PG examining in dump •••••••••••••••• 44 PG Disk-to-Tape Deblocking ...... 10 PG file count •••••••••••••••••••• 30.44 PG Disk-to-Tape Deblocking Routine •• 25 OG format of ••••••••••••••••••••• 29-30 PG Message Writer '. '••••• ,••••••••.• '... •• 34 PG location of select routine ••• '. 30,.44, PG Pause Routines ••••••••••••••••••• 35 PG maintenance of fields ••••••••• '. •• 30 PG Post-Mortem Dump ...... 35 PG record count •••••••••••••••••• 30.44 PG print ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 PG reserve status flag •••••••••••••• 29 PG punch .•••••••• '. • • .• • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 9 PG select type ...... 30.44 PG specified on $SETUP card ••••••••• 25 OG symbolic unit designation ••••• 30.44 PG specified on $UTILITY card ••••••• 25 OG unit address •••••••••••••••••• 29,44 PG specified on $UTILITY card ••••••• 21 PG Unit assignment control cards specifying on $SETUP card •••••••• 17 PG $ASSIGN ...... 23 SPG Symbolic Unit Conversion ••••••••• 36 PG $C ARD S ...... _ • _ •.•••••• _ •• ,.. 2 4 SPG Tape Blocking Routine •••••••••••• 26 OG $RELEASE ...... '. • • • .... 24 SPG Tape Deblocking Routine •••••••••• 27 OG $RESET ...... 24 SPG Tape-to-Disk Blocking •••••••••••• 10 PG $SWITCH ...... __ ••••••••• 24 SPG Tape-to-Disk Blocking Routine •••• 25 OG $TAPE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24 SPG Tape-to-Printer Routine •••••••••• 25 OG Unit assignment under DCOS Tape-to-Punch Routine •••••••••••• 26 OG basic precepts ••••••••••••••••••• 73 SPG Tape-to-Tape Blocking ...... 9 PG control cards •••••••••••••••••••• 22 SPG Tape-to-Tape Blocking Routine •••• 25 OG IBJOB '...... '.. • • •• 75 SPG Tape-to-Tape Deblocking •••••••••• 10 PG IBIDR ...... 75 SPG Tape-to-Tape Deblocking Routine •• 25 OG non-IBSYS systems •••••••••••••••• 78 SPG 6040/44 Utility Routines ••••••••• 27 OG operational inconsistencies •••••• 79 SPG 720A simulation •••••••••••••••••• 10 PG other IBSYS subsystems ••••••••••• 76 SPG 720A Simulation Routine •••••.•••• 25 OG special considerations ••••••••••• 78 SPG

100 Technical Newsletter File Number 7090-36 Re: Form No. C28-6383-2

This Newsletter No. N28-0158-0

Date June 11, 1965

Previous Newsletter Nos. None

IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System: Systems Programmer's Guide

This Technical Newsletter amends the publication IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System: Systems Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6383-2. The pages attached to this newsletter document the use of the IBJOB Processor and the System Editor of the Version 13 IBSYS Operating System under the Direct Couple system.

In the referenced publication, replace the pages listed below with the corresponding pages attached to this newsletter.

Cover and Preface Pages 1 through 7 Pages 9 through 28 Pages 37 and 38 Pages 41 and 42 Pages 45 and 48 Pages 53 and 54 Pages 61 and 62 Pages 69 through 76 Pages 79 through 84 Pages 87 through 90

A vertical line to the left of the column shows where text has been changed; new or revised illustrations are denoted by the symbol to the left of the caption.

File this Newsletter at the back of the manual. It will provide a reference to changes, a method of determining that all amendments have been received, and a check for determining if the manual contains the proper pages.

IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, Dept. D39, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020

PRINTED IN U.S.A. Technical Newsletter File Number 7090-36 Re: :Form No. C28-6383-2

. This Newsletter No. N28-0175-0

Date December 7, 1965

Previous Newsletter Nos. N28-0158-0

IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Operating System: Systems Programmer 1s Guide

This technical newsletter amends the publication IBM 7090-7040 Direct Couple Oper­ ating System: Systems Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6383-2.

In the publication, replace the pages listed below with the corresponding pages attached to this newsletter.

Pages 5 and 6 Pages 57 through 60 Pages 9 and 10 Pages 61. 2 and 62 Pages 19 through 20 Pages 69 through 74.1 Pages 27 and 28 Pages 85 and 86 Pages 43 through 54 Pages 89 through 100

A vertical line to the left of a column shows where text has been changed. A large dot to the left of a figure caption shows that the figure has been changed.

File this newsletter at the back of the manual. It will provide a reference to' changes, a method of determining that all amendments have been received, and a. check for determining if the manual contains the proper pages.

IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, Dept. D39, 1271 Avenue of the Americas. New York, N.Y. 10020



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