RATS VERSION 9.0 INTRODUCTION RATS VERSION 9.0 INTRODUCTION Estima 1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 510 Evanston, IL 60201 Orders, Sales Inquiries 800–822–8038 Web: www.estima.com General Information 847–864–8772 Sales:
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[email protected] Fax: 847–864–6221 © 2014 by Estima. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means with- out the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Estima 1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 510 Evanston, IL 60201 Published in the United States of America Preface Welcome to Version 9 of rats. We went to a three-book manual set with Version 8 (this Introduction, the User’s Guide and the Reference Manual; and we’ve continued that into Version 9. However, we’ve made some changes in emphasis to reflect the fact that most of our users now use electronic versions of the manuals. And, with well over a thousand example programs, the most common way for people to use rats is to pick an existing program and modify it. With each new major version, we need to decide what’s new and needs to be ex- plained, what’s important and needs greater emphasis, and what’s no longer topical and can be moved out of the main documentation. For Version 9, the chapters in the User’s Guide that received the most attention were “arch/garch and related mod- els” (Chapter 9), “Threshold, Breaks and Switching” (Chapter 11), and “Cross Section and Panel Data” (Chapter 12).