
Aberdeen Proving Ground , 25, 26, 32, American Society of Mechanical 45, 69, 131, 280. Seealso Army Engineers, 647n35 Ballistic ResearchLaboratory Analog-to-digital conversion, 274 Access mechanism . See Magnetic-disk Analog vs. digital devices, 25, 240 storage , access mechanism and Anderson , Arthur G ., 533 - 535 , 553 , actuator 554 - 555 Accounting machine . SeeTabulator Andrews , M. Clayton , 261- 262, 549, register , 4, 17- 18, 23, 27, 686n79 117 , 154 - 156 , 590 - 597 A Nelex company , 490 ACE (Automatic Computing Engine), Applied Programmingdepartment, 92 , 318 - 319 , 652n20 347 , 357 - 358 Address Applied Sciencedepartment defined , 78 formation , 85 relative form , 326 - 327 Magnetic Drum Calculator , 95, 96- 97, symbolic form, 328, 331, 351-352, 100 353 mathematical planning groups, 100, ADF (Advanced Disk File ), 304 , 306 , 143 - 144 , 165 - 166 , 170 307 - 309 , 474 - 475 , 477 programs for Defense Calculator , Advanced RAM (ADF progenitor ), 326 - 327 , 332 301 - 302 Scientific Computing Service, Ahlin, Jack T., 357, 358 338 - 339 , 340 , 350 Aiken , Howard H ., 25 - 26 , 29 - 32 , 47 , Technical Newsletters , 85 - 86 , 618n42 48 , 524 TPM , 122 - 123 Airborne Laboratory , 300 Army Ballistic Research Laboratory , Albers-Schonberg, E., 242 45 - 46 , 58 , 59 , 280 , 626n19 . See also Allen , Charles W ., 67 8n 1 00 Aberdeen Proving Ground Amdahl , Gene M . . Army Ordnance Department , 626n18, EDPM designer, 178-179, 420, 423, 626n19 , 651n3 , 652n4 , 653n24 670n65 ArthurD . Little , Inc ., 569 IBM LARC proposal, 425-426 Artificial intelligence, 558-559 joins IBM , 179 ASCC (IBM Automatic Sequence open addressingmethod, 649n61 Control led Calculator ), 27 - 33 , 45 - 47 , resigns from IBM , 431, 670n43 316 - 317 , 319 - 320 returns to IBM , 581 ASDD (Advanced Systems Stretch planning, 431 DevelopmentDivision), 306, 553-554 American Airlines , 516 - 522 , 557 - 558 Assembly programs . Seealso American Bankers Association , Autocoder ; SOAP ; SPS 498 - 501 . for 650 computer , 351 - 352 , 353 696 Index

Assemblyprograms (cont.) 407 accounting machine , 481- 482 for 701 computer (Defense circuit standardization , 406 Calculator ), 325 - 332 , 347 - 348 joins IBM , 481 for 702 computer , 344 , 345 to Poughkeepsielaboratory, 59 for 704 computer , 352 , 354 Poughkeepsielaboratory manager, for 705 computer , 346 , 347 , 355 - 356 423 . 463 . 543 for 709 computer , 359 - 360 , 361 Selectric typewriter , 482, 521 for 1401 computer , 366 small accounting machine , 381 for 1620 computer , 366 stick printer , 296, 467, 482- 483 for 7090 computer , 367 Beckman , Frank S., 350 , 352 , 358 , component of compiler , 360 - 361 , 614n54 356 Beeby, Patrick A., 681n138 purpose , 325 - 326 , 652n20 Bell Telephone Laboratories Associationfor Computing Machinery, ferro electric research , 538 , 539 340 relay calculators, 593, 620n64, 626n8 Astrahan , Morton M ., 142 , 159 , semiconductor patents , 415 678n96 transistors , 372 - 375 , 380 , 382 , 393 , Astronomical Computing Bureau, 24 417 , 426 , 428 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), wire wrap , 408 311 , 422 , 430 , 432 , 445 , 450 Bendix Aviation Corporation , 490, 508 Atrubin , Allan J., 678nl00 Bergfors, Carl A., 612n25, 649n70, AT&T (American Telephone and 662n12 Telegraph Corporation), 6, 513-514. Berkeley, Edmund C., 190, 621n1, Seealso Bell Telephone Laboratories 621n3 , 634n15 Auto-abstracting, 556-557 " Betsy" calculator of Northrop Autocoder , 345 , 346 - 347 , 355 - 356 , Aircraft , Inc ., 70 , 84 362 . 366 BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer ), Automatic group control , 8- 9 , 11 59 , 115 , 615n61 , 627n27 Automation research , 547 - 548 Binary -coded decimal representation , Automatic Sequence Control led 39 , 137 Calculator . See ASCC Binary counter , 36- 37 Binary search, 289 B47 bombing and navigation system, Biquinary code, 95- 96, 620n64 130 , 625n 1 Birkenstock , James W. B52 bombing and navigation system, DefenseCalculator planning, 625nl 130 - 131 , 133 - 136 , 143 - 144 , 146 Babbage, Charles, 2- 3, 21, 30, 316 Engineering Research Associates Backus, john W. contract , 81 FORTRAN , 339 - 342 , 356 , 358 , 361 , Forrester patent negotiations , 530 269 - 271 joins IBM , 335 joins IBM , 81 Na RC performancestudy, 419 printer test, 489 Speedcoding, 336 product planning and market analysis SSEC programmer , 335 - 336 , 530 , head , 174 614n54 Rabinow disk , 64 6n 17 Bald Peak programming conference , San Jose involvement , 282 368 - 370 transistor purchase agreement , 402 Bank of America , 254 , 499 Bistablecircuit. SeeFlip-flop circuit Bank check mechanization , 498 - 500 Blaauw , Gerrit A ., 433 , 443 , 449 , 578 , Bardeen, john , 372- 373 582 , 671n63 Barrier-grid tube, 251 Bland , George F., 625n59 Bauer , Edward W ., 641n61 , 642n87 , Blenderman , Louis H ., 637n75 669n36 Bloch , Erich , 175 , 237 - 239 , 248 - 250 , Beattie, H. S. 255 - 256 , 444 , 446 , 454 , 540 - 541 Index 697

Bloch , Richard M ., 195 Burks , Arthur W ., 319 , 627n26 BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Burroughs Corporation, 475, 483, 490, Warning System), 260, 447 497 , 499 , 583 , 651nl03 Boehm , Elaine M ., 649n61 , 671n65 Bury , Roger M., 626n6 Bombing and navigation systems, 130, Buslik , Walter $ ., 203 - 204 , 207 625n1 Byte, 435 Boolean algebra, 41, 433 Booth , A . D ., 690n 153 CADET computer . See IBM 1620 Bouricius , Willard G ., 336 , 347 - 348 , computer 657n91 , 686n79 Calculation control switch , 23 - 24 Branch instruction , 77 , 139 , 316 - 317 , Calculator vs . computer , 52 , 611nll , 362 - 363 , 451 , 627n27 613n40 Branscomb , Charles E ., 469 , 472 - 473 Calling sequence, 321- 322, 323, 324, Brattain , Walter H ., 372 - 373 652n17 Brillouin , Leon , 531 Cambridge University , 59, 321, 338 Bristol University , 539 Capacitor storage, 167- 168 Brookhaven National Laboratory , 551 Cape Cod System, 246 Brooks, Frederick P., Jr ., 433, 443, 449, Carlson , Bengt G., 446, 454 578 , 580 , 582 , 671n63 Carroll , Fred M ., 8 , 10 , 16 Brown , E . A . , 670n36 Carrying in arithmetic operations , Brown , Theodore H ., 25 37 - 41 , 42 , 43 , 154 Brownlow , James M., 262- 264 Cathode - ray - tube memories . See CRT Bruce, GeorgeD ., 663n36 memories Brunschweiger , A., 637n78 Census Bureau , 5 , 174 , 574 - 575 , Brush Development Company , 76 615n61 , 627n27 Bryant Computer Products, 308, CERN (European Organization for 650n91 Nuclear Research ), 535 Bryce, James Wares Chaining method of search, 298. See Aiken contact , 25 - 26 alsoRecord addressing chief engineer , 10, 35- 36 Channel . See Input-output channel invention record , 35 - 36 , 610n3 Character recognition , 495- 505, 558 joins CTR, 8 Checking. SeeError detection and magnetic recording investigations, 189 correction Patent Development department , 35, Chien , G . K ., 680n123 373 , 377 - 378 Christiansen , Carl L ., 225 , 637n75 product contributions , 11, 13, 14, 23, Chu , Chuan , 271 - 272 27 , 30 , 31 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 310 relations with laboratory , 35- 36, Circuit packaging. SeeSMS; Vacuum 610n3 tube circuits Buchholz , Werner Clark , H . Kenneth , 614n50 Datatron studies , 420 , 423 - 424 , 426 Class selection , 13 DefenseCalculator planning, 142, 158 Cline , Richard L ., 363 joins IBM , 109 COBOL language, 364- 365. Seealso Stretch project , 434, 440, 443, 449, Compilers , for COBOL 456 , 457 Cocke, john , 433, 442- 443, 445, 449, Test Assembly planning , 112 581 TPM planning, 117, 132 Codd, Edgar F., 335, 370-371, 614n54, TPM program , 328 671n63 TPMII (IBM 702) planning, 127-12 8, Codes , 76 , 82 , 86 , 95 - 96 , 112 , 114 , 173 , 174 - 175 , 184 170 , 173 , 593 , 620n64 Buck, Dudley A., 538, 568 Coincident - current selection , 234 - 235 , Buffer storage , 90 , 175 , 177 - 178, 181 , 248 - 249 . See a LIa Ferrite - core 185 , 236 - 239 , 248 - 250 , 296 memories ; Magnetic -core memories Bull Gamma 3 computer , 461 , 465 Collator , 20 , 174 , 632n 119 698 Index

Collector in transistors , 374 CPC (IBM Card-Programmed Columbia Machine (IBM Difference Electronic Calculator ), 68 - 7 2, 84 , Tabulator ), 22 - 23 333 - 334 , 576 Columbia University , 2, 22, 24, 27, Crago, Robert P., 114, 174, 194, 199, 523 - 524 , 530 , 607n2 . See also 244 Laboratory Craner , Edward , 662n13 CommercialTranslator language, Crawford , David J., 148, 152, 251- 252, 363-365. Seealso Compilers, for 257 , 259 , 669n36 Commercial Translator Crawford , Perry 0 ., 240, 517- 518 COMPACT project , 415 Cray , Seymour R., 685n57 Compilers Credit -card transaction accounting , for COBOL . 365 - 366 . 367 495 - 496 , 502 for Commercial Translator , 365 - 366 , Critchlow , Arthur ] ., 277- 281, 283, 367 290 , 646n25 concept , 340 - 341 Crowe , 569 for FLOW - MA TIC , 364 CRT memories for FORTRAN , 342 , 356 - 357 , 358 , barrier-grid tube, 251 361 , 366 - 367 , 658n I16 in Whirlwind , 243 - 245 PACT , 349 Williams -tube (see Williams -tube UNIVAC A - series , 340 , 656n72 memories ) for Whirlwind algebraiclanguage, Cryotron computer project , 568- 570 341 , 656n79 CTR (Computing-Tabulating- Recording Complementation, 12, 41, 44, 139-140, Company ), 1, 6- 10 590 - 593 Current - switch circuits , 395 - 398 Components Division , 566- 567 Customer Assistancedepartment, 347, Computer (use of the word ), 22, 52, 350 , 354 611nll Cypress, 311 Computer architecture , defined , 31 Computer Research Corporation , 99 Dahlgren Naval Proving Ground, 47, , 556, 566, 688n114 183 , 673nl12 Computer Usage Company , 655n66 Daly , George F., 9, 14, 23, 202, 610n3 Comrie , Leslie J., 22, 24, 30 Data communications , 513 - 516 , COMTRAN language, 363-364. Seealso 519 - 522 CommercialTranslator language Conduction electrons , 372 Data Processing Test Assembly . See Test Assembly Consent decree , 271 , 575 , 67 4n2 Data Synchronizer Input -Output ConsolidatedEngineering Corporation, 99 Package, 363 Data Transceiver , 515 - 516 Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Datamatic Corporation , 219, 490 Corporation , 74- 75, 163 Datamatic 1000 computer , 219 - 221 Constantine , Gregory , Jr ., 257- 258 Datatron 220 (ElectroData ), 475 Control Data Corporation , 583 Datatron studies (in IBM ), 420 - 421 , Control Instruments wire printer , 423 - 424 , 669n23 483 - 484 Control panel, 17, 18, 19, 85-86, 89, Dayger , Jonas E., 70, 488, 491 315 - 316 , 320 , 333 - 334 , 352 , 462 , DCA (Digital Computer Association), 348 468. Seealso DeCarlo , Charles R ., 349 - 350 , 352 , Control programs , 358 - 359 , 360 - 361 , 357 , 449 , 451 367 , 370 - 371 , 521 Coombs, John M ., 639n34, 686n79, Deerhake, William J., 518- 519, 557, 625n59 688n122 Defense Calculator , 135 - 158 . See also Counihan , Richard G ., 638n13 Counter , 3 , 4 , 36 - 44 IBM 701 computer Courant , Richard , 560 cost estimate , 96 Index 699

early planning, 136-147 magnetic tape studies, 109 erlgineering model , 156 - 158 , 160 scientific computing bulletins , 85 first IBM computer to be produced, Stretch project , 430- 441, 443- 444, 97 448 - 450 , 456 - 458 , 547 , 669n36 Havens delay unit , 153- 156 on tape rewinding, 214 impact on TPM , 123 TPM early planning, 116-117, influence of IAS computer , 136 , 130 - 131 138 - 140 , 156 on TPM requirements , 121- 122 influence of TPM , 129 World War II service , 61 , 418 start of project , 95, 130- 136 Durfee , Benjamin M., 9, 10, 26, 30, 31 subroutine linkage, 323, 324 testing and demonstration , 157- 158 EAM (Electric Accounting Machine), 18, training program , 157 630n77 de Forest , Lee , 65 Eccles , W . H ., 37 DeLano, Ralph B., 684n50 Eckert, J. Presper, Jr . Deltamax , 233 , 241 - 242 BINAC , 59 , 627n27 Demer , Fred M ., 489 EDVAC , 110 - 111 Demonstration programs , 333 , 344 EDV AC subroutines , 318 Design automation , 411, 547- 548 ENIAC , 57 , 58 DeWitt , David , 666n81 LARC , 430 , 436 Diagnostic programs , 157, 171 magnetic tape for EDV AC, 189 Dickinson , A. Halsey, 36, 46, 373- 378, memory proposal, 271- 272 611n8 mercury delay line , 110 Dickjnson, Wesley E., 678nl00 patent on revolver , 166- 167, 621n79 Differential analyzer, 24- 25, 32 UNIVAC , 59 , 627n27 Digital Computer Newsletter, 137, 138 Eckert, Wallace J. Digital vs. analog devices, 25, 240 calculation control switch , 23 - 24 Di Marco , Henry A., 643nll0 on card - instructed sequence Diodes , semiconductor , 118 - 121 , calculator , 69 147 - 148 , 151 - 153 , 374 , 375 , 379 Director of Nautical Almanac , 47 Disk. See Magnetic-disk storage on government support in electronics , Domenico , Robert J., 668nll0 525 - 526 Dorrell , Carter E ., 663n32 DO statement , 342 , 343 at Harvard 1947 symposium , 78 joins IBM , 47 , 523 - 525 , 527 - 528 Doty , Charles R., 514- 515 Magnetic Drum Calculatorplanning, DouglasAircraft Company, Inc., 163, 73 - 74 332 - 333 , 339 , 348 memory requirements , 231 DPD (Data Processing Division ), 302, 306 , 435 , 449 , 576 - 577 Na RC plans, 132 Drift transistors , 390 - 395 , 425 , 433 , proponent, 22-24 436 , 437 , 444 , 446 , 447 pure research management committee , 531 - 533 Drum . See Magnetic-drum auxiliary storage; Magnetic -drum memories on relay calculators, 69 DSD (Data Systems Division ), 306, 449, Scientific Computation Forum , 75, 83 - 84 451 , 577 - 578 Dunham , Bradford , 664n53 , 686n78 SSEC activities , 47 - 50 , 55 Dunwell, StephenW. SSEC programming staff, 341 604 calculator planning, 61 on technologicaldilemma, 525-526 CPC specifications, 70-71 Watson Laboratory , 527- 533, 536 Datatron and LARC , 420 , 423 , 426 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Future Demandsdepartment, 61, 418 Corporation , 80, 102, 103, 115, 129, joins IBM , 23 130 , 194 , 574 joins Poughkeepsielaboratory, 418 EDPM (Electronic Data Processing Magnetic Drum Calculator , 78, 80- 83, Machines ), 162 , 179 , 342 , 417 , 86 , 88 , 91 , 92 - 95 , 97 , 99 - 100 630n77 700 Index

EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage ERMA (Bank of America check reader ), Automatic Calculator ), 59 , 92 , 499 321 - 322 , 615n61 , 627n27 ERMETH (Elektronische Rechen EDV AC (Electronic Discrete Variable Machine of the ETH ), 550 - 551 Automatic Computer ), 58- 59, 77- 78, Error detection and correction 102 - 103 , 110 - 111 , 189 - 190 , 615n61 codes for , 225 - 226 , 620n64 Edwards , Nathen P., 107 , 113 , 223 , effect on machine operation , 128 245 , 414 , 544 , 547 , 669n36 longitudinal check character on tape, Eidenossische Technische Hochshule 215 (ETH ), 550 - 551 in NORC , 181 , 183 , 212 8000 series proposal , 578, 580- 581 parity check, 121, 217-219 Einstein 's theory verified , 536 programmed , 54, 142, 216, 325, ElectroData Corporation , 171- 172, 335 - 336 , 362 - 363 669n23 in Stretch , 453 Electroluminescentphotoconductors (ELPC ), 540 two -gap tape head , 216 - 217 Electron conduction , 36 , 372 tvio -level tape sensing, 217 Esaki , Leo , 270 , 560 - 561 Electron tubes . See Vacuum tubes ; Eschenfelder , Andrew H ., 261 - 262 , Thyratrons 669n36 Electron tunneling -. 560 - 561 Electronicmultiplier, 44-46. Seealso Estrems, Eugene, 675n24 IBM 603 electronic multiplier Evans , Bob 0 ., 163 , 473 , 475 - 477 , 479 , Electrostatic clutch , 203 - 204 , 489 - 490 , 544 , 580 - 582 491 Every, Maurice A., 642n89, 642n90 Electrostatic storage . See CRT Ewing , Alton E., 646n25 memories ; Selectron storage tube ; Excess - three code , 593 Williams - tube memories Extraction algorithm, 558 Emitter-coupled logic (ECU, 398 Emitter-follower logic, 390 FAP (FORTRAN Assembly Program ), Emitter in transistors , 374 361 , 367 Endicott IBM laboratory Farrington Manufacturing Company, 1400 series , 468 - 479 496 , 497 , 502 ASCC project , 26- 33 Federal Systems Division , 306, 310, centralizedin new building, 16 450 , 625n1 character recognition , 496- 498, 502, Fellowship program , 456 558 Femmer , Max E . , 60 , 147 , 174 , 194 , early electronics projects , 37- 45 199 , 544 , 547 , 548 , 555 , 557 , electrical laboratory , 34- 35 635n39 , 667n90 Magnetic Drum Calculator project , Femekees, James E., 97 75 - 77 , 83 , 165 Ferrite - core memories , 231 - 272 . See magnetic -tape project , 102, 191- 194 also Magnetic-core memories management change , 543 in 700 series computers , 178 , NORC project , 182 180 - 181 , 185 , 250 - 254 postwar hiring, 103 in 7090 and Stretch , 257 - 258 , 448 , printer development , 480- 495 452 rivalry with Poughkeepsielaboratory, 93 , 100 , 464 - 465 , 470 array wiring methods , 265- 267, 268 buffers , 185 , 236 - 239 , 248 - 250 , 296 SSEC project, 47- 54 Engineering computation . SeeScientific candidate for 650 computer , 167 computing coincident - current selection , 233 - 234 , ENIAC (Electronic Numerical 249 Integrator and Computer ), 27, 39, commercial use decision , 250 - 253 45 . 57 . 58 . 162 . 316 . 614n57 cooling, 258, 261 ERA (Engineering Research Associates, demand for , 255 Inc .), 76 - 77 , 81 - 82 , 86 , 88 , 575 , diode matrix selection , 234 , 249 617nl0 , 619n44 electrical noise , 250 , 252 , 259 Index 701

first main memory , 245 for 701 computer , 143 , 335 , 336 inhibit current defined , 249 for 1620 computer , 366 load-sharing matrix switch, 257-258 for CPC , 333 - 334 megabit memory, 255-256 for ED SAC , 334 - 335 MIT versus IBM early experiments , for Whirlwind , 335 , 656n79 242 - 243 Flowcharts in programming , 327- 328 patents and litigation , 267- 272 FLOW -MATIC language and compiler , prices and profitability, 256, 272 364 reliability, 245, 253, 255 Flute memory project , 270 in SAGE, 245-248 FMS (FORTRAN Monitor System), 361, staggeredread, 250 367 switch-core matrix selection. 249. Ford , Eugene A., 5, 7- 8, 10 252,254,255 Ford Motor Company , 254 two cores per , 259- 260 Forrester , Jay W., 104, 145, 164, time delays in , 255- 256 240 - 243 , 245 , 250 , 262 , 269 - 271 , transistor support circuits , 255, 272 , 391 256-258 FORTRAN language, 341- 342, 343, Watson , Jr ., urges use, 251 357, 358, 367. Seealso Compilers, for Ferrite cores. Seealso Magnetic-core FORTRAN memones Foss , ErnestD ., 633n127 , 642n77 composition , 236, 263- 264 Fox, Philip E., 104- 107, Ill , 147, 161, fabrication and testing , 261- 265 250 - 251 , 257 , 669n36 Ferroxcube , 262 - 263 Fox Hill study on research, 544- 545 first use at IBM , 236 - 239 Fraser, James H., 624n46 General Ceramics , 242 , 252 , 261 - 264 Freitag , Harlow , 686n81 initial materials effort , 242 French IBM laboratory , 461, 465- 467, magnetostrictiveringing, 259-260 470 patents , 263 - 264 Fritz , Elliott L ., 399 - 403 Philips corporation , 259, 263- 264 Frizzell , Clarence E ., 112 , 147 , production quantities, 270 160 - 161 , 224 for SAGE , 262 - 263 , 264 Furman , Frank J., 483, 494 size reduction , 239 , 245 , 259 , 260 , Future Demands department 261 , 265 on computers for accounting , 108 three - hole cores , 258 - 259 Defense Calculator , 135 , 143 , 144 - 145 wiring of, 265- 267, 268 Magnetic Drum Calculator , 78, 80- 81, Ferro electric devices , 537 - 540 86 , 88 , 93 , 94 - 95 , 96 - 98 , 99 Ferroxcube company , 262 - 263 , 264 magnetic tape studies, 109, 193- 194 Field , defined , 6 product-developmentrole, 73 Field selectionin punched-card punched-card era, 17 operations , 13 reorganized, 282 Fleisher , Harold , 663n32 , 682n17 TPM , 121 , 128 Flip-flop circuit, 36-44, 51, 376, 378 Floating -point arithmetic , built -in Gardner - Denver machines , 411 650 computer , 186 Garvey , Edward J., 407- 411 704 computer , 179 , 419 , 431 Gar \ \ 'in , Richard L ., 533 , 535 , 568 - 569 7030 computer , 453 General Ceramics Corporation , 236, certain relay calculators , 626n8 239 , 242 , 252 , 261 - 264 computer at University of Wisconsin , General Electric Company , 6, 339, 344, 179 354 , 375 , 382 , 490 , 499 , 583 LARC proposals, 427, 432 General Motors Research Laboratories , Na R C , 132 - 133 , 181 - 183 , 419 , 421 359 Stretch , 431 , 432 , 435 - 436 , 453 Georgetovin University , 565 Floating-point arithmetic, programmed German IBM laboratory , 461, 465- 467, for 650 computer , 165 , 351 470 702 Index

Germanium , 118 - 119 , 151 , 372 , 374 , Ha milton , Francis E . 375 , 378 , 379 , 380 , 382 , 414 - 415 ASCC project , 26, 30, 31, 47- 48 Giaever , Ivar , 561 Endicott laboratory manager, 543 Gibbon, John H., Jr., 523 at Harvard 1947 symposium , 78 Gibson , John W., 262- 265, 549, joins CTR, 26 566 - 567 Magnetic Drum Calculator project , Gill, Stanley, 322 58, 73- 74, 75- 101 passim, 165- 172 Glenco Gulton Corporation , 262, 538 passim Glenn L. Martin Company , 352 magnetic -tape project , 102, 189- 192 Goddard , William A ., 282 , 283 , 301 , SSEC project, 47- 50, 52, 54 646n25 Hamming , Richard W., 225 Goetz, John A., 615n76, 624n41 Hankam , Eric Y ., 682n15 Gold finger, Roy, 364 Harding, William E., 400, 404-406 Goldstine , Herman H ., 58 , 319 - 320 , Harker , John M ., 302- 304, 306, 478 327 , 560 , 627n26 , 653n27 , 689n133 Harmon , Alvin L ., 365 , 366 Gomory, Ralph E., 560 Harper , L. Roy, 97 Gonder , Warren , 646n25 Harper -Femekees machine , 97, 169 Goto . E .. 568 Harvard University GOTRAN languageand interpreter, 1947 symposium , 76, 77- 78, 652n20 366 1949 symposium , 92, 234 Gould , G ., 690n147 Business School , 645n16 GPD {General Products Division }, 306 , Mark 1, 26 - 33 , 47 , 316 - 317 , 319 - 320 . 449 , 475 , 577 , 578 , 581 See also ASCC Greanias , Evon C ., 497 , 498 - 499 , Mark II and Mark III computers , 103, 503 - 504 , 679nl0l 626n8 Greenstadt, John L., 352, 354 Harvest project , 225, 259, 260, Griffith , John E., 671n63, 671n65 437 - 439 , 443 , 445 , 456 Grosch, Herbert R. J., 616n6 Haug, Roy L., 647n48 Grounded - emitter circuits , 382 Havens, Byron L., 132, 153- 154, 181, GUIDE organization , 357, 363, 212 , 528 - 530 , 535 - 536 , 544 , 364 - 366 , 368 567 - 568 Gunther - Mohr , G . Robert , 683n26 , 686n68 Havens delay unit , 153- 156, 599- 601 Haynes, Munro K., 233- 239, 250, 272, Haanstra, John W., 277, 282-283, 285, 537 , 538 , 540 , 669n36 293 - 295 , 301 , 303 - 304 , 306 - 307 , Heising , William P., 350- 352, 354, 358, 647n48 361 , 647n41 Hellerman , Leo , 666n80 Haddad , Jerrier A. at corporate headquarters, 543 Henle , Robert A ., 378 - 379 , 381 , 383 - 386 , 396 , 414 , 436 Defense Calculator project , 136- 163 passIm Hermes , R. Manning , 649n70 division general manager , 435, 519, ' Herrick , Harlan L ., 340 - 341 , 342 , 553 614n54 joins IBM , 60 Hoagland, AlbertS ., 305, 306, 307, magnetic -tape engineering project , 554 194 Hogan Laboratories , 632n113 RAMAC name , 297 Hole conduction , 372 - 373 Stretch project involvement , 422- 426, Hollerith , Herman , 2 - 7 669n36 HoneY\'Y'ell (Minneapolis -Honeywell TPM development, 118-122 Regulator Company ), 219, 490, 583 vacuum tube tester , 66 Hood , James D" 645nl0 , 646n17 Hagopian, JacobJ., 649n68 Hopner , Emil , 637n78 Hahn , Erwin L ., 533 Hopper , Grace M ., 340, 364 Hamburgen, Arthur, 678n 100, Hor \\'itz , L . P., 679nl08 679n101 Hotham , Geoffrey A., 646n19, 646n25 Index 703

Howard, P. H., 678nl OO IBM 285 printing tabulator , 17- 18, 21 Hughes,- ErnestS., Jr. IBM 305 RAMAC , 185 , 297 , 299 - 300 , on 1410 computer , 477 303 , 308 Fox Hill study on research, 544 IBM 402 accounting machine , 70- 71 at Harvard 1947 symposium , 78 IBM 405 accounting machine , 18- 19, joins IBM , 51- 52 21 , 22 , 69 - 70 latch circuit invention , 98 IBM 407 accounting machine , 59- 60, Magnetic Drum Calculator project , 125 , 481 - 482 , 484 , 489 , 491 75 , 96 , 98 , 165 IBM 417 accounting machine , 70- 71 SSEC assignment, 52, 54 IBM 600 multiplying punch , 14 Hunter , Lloyd P. IBM 601 multiplier , 14- 15, 21- 23, 69 assignment at IBM , 378, 380, 537 IBM 602 calculatingpunch, 62, 74-75, drift transistors , 391 - 395 460 fernte - core fabrication , 261 IBM 602A calculating punch, 89, 460 on Palmer 's management style, 541 IBM 603 electronic multiplier , 46, Stretch technology, 417, 425, 669n36 61 - 62 , 70 , 75 , 216 , 571 , 615n69 three-hole-core proposal, 258 IBM 604 electronic calculating punch , Hurd , Cuthbert C . 59 - 68 , 70 - 71 , 73 - 74 , 109 , 112 - 114 , at 701 computer unveiling, 162 316 - 317 , 416 , 460 , 461 , 462 , 463 , Applied ScienceDepartment head, 572 85 , 421 IBM 607 electronic calculator , 460 , automation research , 435 , 510 , 511 , 461 , 462 , 463 512 IBM 608 transistor calculator , 386 - 387 , comparison of 704 and 705 463 - 464 , 474 computers , 421 IBM 610 Auto -Point computer , Defense Calculator , 131- 151 passim, 506 - 507 , 508 , 530 , 610 628n53 , 630n86 IBM 650 computer , 165- 172. See also director of ED PM , 179 - 180 , 349 , 423 Magnetic Drum Calculator ; Magnetic FORTRAN , 340 Storage Calculator joins IBM , 84- 85 announcement , 101 , 170 - 171 LARC and Stretch proposals, 392, assembly program , 351- 352, 353 423 - 430 , 432 competitive computers , 171- 172, 508, Magnetic Drum Calculator , 90, 93, 632nl13 95 , 98 - 101 , 165 , 170 - 171 computation seminar , 351 Scientific Computing Service, 338 first customer installation , 171 , 351 on TPM , 122 - 123 at New York Data Processing Center, Hursley IBM laboratory , 579 351 - 352 Hydraulic actuator for disk storage, product enhancements, 172, 185-186, 304 , 308 , 313 297 Hydraulic carnage for printers , 486 success in the marketplace , 470- 471, Hydraulic logic, 552 575 Hypertape (IBM 7340), 228- 230 IBM 701 computer , 158- 164. See also Hysteresis loop , 233 Defense Calculator application program, 333, 654n42 IBJOB , 367 assembly programs , 325- 328, IBM 26 , 482, 483 331 - 332 IBM 40 tape-control led card punch, computation seminar , 348 514 engineering model , 332 IBM 57 card-control led tape punch, first customer installation , 162 514 list of instructions , 606 IBM 66 data transceiver , 515 - 516 machine units , 158 , 161 IBM 80 sorter, 10, 21 manufacture , 145 - 146 , 151 , 159 - 161 , IBM 83 sorter, 460 162 - 163 IBM 84 sorter, 460 name , 161 - 162 , 630n77 704 Index

IBM 701 computer (cont .) 355 disk storage , 186 , 648n55 at New York headquarters, 57, 726 tape unit , 211 338 - 339 727 tape unit , 185, 215 operating costs, 339 729 tape unit , 217 , 221 - 224 , 452 PACT compiler , 348- 349 1301 disk storage , 308 - 309 pricing , 135- 136, 146, 159, 162, 1302 disk storage , 310 630n78 1311 disk -storage drive , 312 - 313 Speedcoding, 336-338, 341, 655n63 1316 disk pack, 312- 313 summary of system , 605 1405 disk storage , 310 , 477 , 677n66 user meeting at DouglasAircraft, 339, 7320 drum storage , 310 348 7340 tape unit (Hypertape ), 228- 230 user meeting at Poughkeepsie, 332, IBM Difference Tabulator (Columbia 333 , 348 Machine ), 22 - 23 using organizations , 630n86 IBM document reading machines weather -prediction competition , 351 1210 MICR sorter reader , 500 IBM 702 computer , 176 - 178 , 342 - 347 , 1282 OCR reader card punch , 502 417 , 633n127 , 633n128 . See also TPM 1418 OCR numeric reader , 502 II 1428 OCR alphanumeric reader, 502 IBM 704 computer , 178 - 180 , 348 - 349 , IBM input -output channels and control 352 , 354 , 358 - 359 , 417 , 419 , 421 , units 423 - 424 , 431 , 446 766 data synchronizer , 184 IBM 705 computer , 180 - 181 , 346 , 417 , 421 767 data synchronizer , 185 777 tape record coordinator , 181 IBM 705 Model III computer , 185 , 362 - 363 IBM memory products 706 electrostatic storage , 231 IBM 709 computer , 184 - 185, 358 - 361 , 737 magnetic -core storage, 253 367 , 446 - 448 738 megabit magnetic -core storage, IBM 1401 computer , 311 , 366 , 367 , 255 - 256 465 - 474 , 492 - 493 , 578 , 675n57 760 tape buffer and printer control IBM 1410 computer , 474 - 477 , 479 , unit , 484 - 485 578 , 580 775 record storage unit , 181 , 250 IBM 1440 computer (11LC ; 14LC ), 477 - 479 , 581 776 tape buffer , 250 IBM 1460 computer , 581 7302 oil - cooled memory , 260 IBM 1620 computer , 366 , 508 - 510 , 7302A air - cooled memory , 260 - 261 512 , 578 , 581 IBM printer products IBM 1710 control system , 512 - 513 370 stick printer , 299 IBM 1720 control system , 512 7 19 "" ire printer , 484 IBM 7010 computer , 581 730 wire printer , 484 IBM 7030 computer , 449 - 451 , 455 , 760 control unit and tape buffer , 457 , 578 . See also Stretch 484 - 485 IBM 7040 computer , 581 1403 chain and train printers , 472, IBM 7044 computer , 581 474 , 480 , 489 - 493 , 494 - 495 IBM 7070 computer , 465 , 473 , 474 1443 bar printer , 478, 479, 493- 494 IBM 7074 computer , 578 1445 MICR bar printer , 494, 678n92 IBM 7080 computer , 449 , 578 IBM relay calculators, 26- 27, 32, 45, 69 IBM 7090 computer , 361 , 367 , IBM System/ 360, announced , 410, 415, 447 - 449 , 450 , 451 , 474 , 578 457 , 477 , 583 IBM 7094 computer , 449 , 581 IBM World Trade Corporation , 461 IBM 7094 II computer , 449 , 581 IBSYS operating system, 367, 581 IBM AN / FSQ-7 computer , 243, 244. IMPACT project , 415 See also SAGE Index registers, 165, 179, 180, 181, IBM auxiliary and file storage products 186 , 337 - 338 , 339 - 340 , 452 , 655n62 350 disk storage , 218 , 288 , 297 , 299 , Indirect addressing, 184-185 647n35 , 648n55 Information research , 556 - 557 Index 70;

Ingram , James J., 675n35, 676n50 jordan , F . W . , 37

Inhibit current , 249 joseph son , Brian , 561

Input -output channel , 184, 185, 362 junction transistors . See also Transistors

Input -output control , 140- 141, 173, current gain in , 382

174 - 175 , 359 , 362 - 363 , 452 drift transistors , 391 - 395

Input -output conversion , 137, 141- 142, early fabrication , 582 421 , 453 for IBM 608 calculator , 387 - 389 , 399

Input -output programs , 137, 140- 142, for memory driver , 404

362 - 363 . See also la C S planar process precursor , 404 - 406

Input -Output System, 359 post - alloy - diffused devices , 402 - 404 Institute for Advanced Study, 57-59, saturation in , defined , 395

103 , 136 - 140 , 156 , 162 , 319 , 626n8 , shift to silicon , 404 - 406 , 414

627n26 , 627n27 , 651n3 , 652n4 , for Stretch and 7000 series , 402 - 404

653n24 surface - barrier devices , 391

Instruction . Seealso Program step juretschke , H . , 563 counters and registers for , 77, 140,

337 Kean , David W . , 646n25

in Defense Calculator , 139 Kelier , Seymour P . , 684n52 , 686n78

in EDSAC , 92 Kenyon Estate . See Poughkeepsie IBM

vs . line of sequence , 52 laboratory

in Magnetic Drum Calculator , 77, 78, Kernel in performance measurement , 82 441 - 443

modification , 48 - 49 , 52 - 53 , 55 , 58 , Key in record identification , 290

77 - 78 , 587 Keyword in Context ( KWIC ) , 557

in NORC , 133 Khrushchev , Nikita , 565

in SSEC , 52 - 53 Kilburn , Tom , 104 , 338

stored (see Stored program ) Killian , James R . , 549

Integer linear programming, 560 King , Gilbert W . , 559 - 560 , 565 , 566 , International Telemeter Corporation , 570 , 691n156

246 , 252 Kingston IBM laboratory , 302 , 310 Interpreter (punched-card machine), 14 Kinslow , Hollis A . , 614n54

Interpretive programs , 334- 335, Knight , Geoffrey , Jr . , 661n10

336-338. Seealso GOTRAN language Koenig , Seymour H . , 683n26

and interpreter ; SHACO language Kolsky , Har \ \ ' ood G . , 442 , 445 , 452 and interpreter; Speedcoding Kornei , Otto , 67 8n 100 language and interpreter Kromer , H . , 391 - 392 , 393 lacs (Input-Output Control System), Kubie , Elmer C . , 100 , 165 - 166 , 167 ,

362 - 363 351 , 655n66

jackson, Philip W., 638n15 Label , program , 327 - 328 , 331 , 344 , jeenel, joachim, 614n54 351 john Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Label record , 362 , 363 Company , 171, 351 Laboratories , IBM . See location or name

johnniac, 246-248, 628n53 early engineering shops , 7 - 10 , 14 - 16 johnson , Alfred H., 413, 667nl0l , 102 Lake , Clair D . , 8 - 11 , 16 - 18 , 26 , 30 , 34 johnson , DonaldD ., 646n25 Lamb Estate ( IBM laboratory ) , 555 johnson, j . R., 678n96 LaMotte , Louis H .

johnson -Rahbeck effect, 203 701 computer announcement , 159

johnson, Reynold B., 275-283, 296, 702 computer announcement , 301 - 303 , 305 - 306 , 310 - 311 , 173 - 174 , 176

482 - 483 , 496 , 553 on computer development , 102 - 103 johnson, Walter H., 84, 342, 344, 347 data communication , 514

lones , Fletcher , 349 Data Processing Division head , 184

lones , Gilbert E., 674n14 executive vice - president , 422 - 423 706 Index

LaMotte , Louis H . (cont .) diode - clamp patent , 395 - 396 Magnetic Drum Calculator , 101 Fox Hill study on research , 544 - 545 supercomputer involvement , 424 , germanium to silicon transistors , 414 426 - 427 , 429 junction transistors , 383 - 386 , 541 Landauer , Rolf W ., 538 - 539 , 563 SMS development , 406 , 408 , 411

Language translation , 565, 566 Stretch project , 433 - 434 , 438 Laning , J. Halcombe , Jr ., 656n79 transistorized calculator , 384 - 387 LARC (Livermore Automatic Research Lookahead principle , 438 , 440 - 442 , Computer ), 392- 393, 425- 427, 430, 445 436 , 673n104 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Lamer , Ray A., 361 (LASL ) Lasers , 563 - 565 , 690n 14 7 701 computer installation , 162 Latch circuit , 98 , 99 , 620n 7 6 assembly programs , 332 , 354 Lawhead , Robert E ., 634nl0 need for high - speed computers , 131 , Lawless , William J., 661n162 422

La~Tence Radiation Laboratory (LRL), SHACO and DUAL interpreters , 335 , 450 - 451 336 , 347 - 348

Lawrence , William W., Jr ., 641n61, Stretch computer , 452 - 453 , 456 669n36 Stretch contract , 430 , 432 , 435 - 436 , Lazarus , Peter , 67 8n 1 00 437 , 445 - 446 LC~ (Low Cost File) project, 312-313 Love , Charles E . , 79 , 81 Leach, Thomas J., 403, 666n86 Lo Vv.krantz , Gunne , 611n4 Learson , T . Vincent Luhn , Hans Peter , 266 , 290 - 293 , on 608 announcement , 674n14 298 - 299 , 311 , 496 , 517 - 518 , DefenseCalculator planning, 143, 556 - 557 145 - 146 Lynott , John J . , 646n25 , 646n29 director of EDPM , 179 , 342 , 416 - 417 , 419 MAC (Modular Accounting Calculator ), ferrite -core decision , 251 - 253 256 , 462 - 464 , 465 , 466 , 467

group staff established , 580 McClelland , William F . , 323 , 325 - 327 , programming conference , 369 328 , 332 , 614n54 sales vice-president , 349, 422 McDowell , W . Wallace

on Social Security page reader , 503 on airline reservation systems , 51 7 on supercomputers , 424 , 426 corporate staff function head , 184

on WWAM program , 467 - 468 Defense Calculator planning , 131 , Leary , Thomas G., 646n25, 647n48 135 , 143 , 146 - 147 Lederman , Leon M ., 535 director of engineering , 88 - 89 , 274 , Lee , T . D ., 535 377 , 526 .

Lentz, John J., 505- 506, 528- 530 electronic multiplier suggestion , 44 Lesser, Murray L., 647n48 ferrite - core memories , 252 , 255

Library mechanization. SeeWalnut Fox Hill study on research , 544 - 545 Librascope, Inc. (LGP-30 computer), joins IBM , 16 508 , 510 laboratory manager , 1 7 , 273 Lightning project, 569 large - computer plans , 423 - 430 , 454 Lincoln Laboratory. SeeMIT and Magnetic Drum Calculator , 78 , 86 , Lincoln Laboratory 88 - 89 , 96 , 101 Literal operand , 356, 366 Na R C recommendation , 133 Little , Tohn B., 546 - 547 , 643n103 on post - World War II hiring , 103 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation , 162, pure research management 349 committee , 531 - 533

Logistics Research, Inc., 632n113 San Jose laboratory inception , Logue, Joseph C. 273 - 276 assignment to transistor group , tape handling study, 202 383 - 384 transistors, 387, 402 Index 707

vice-president for researchand advanced disk file , 304 - 309 , 474 - 477 engineering , 422, 543 air-bearing technology, 282-283, on WWAM program , 468 300 - 303 , 307 - 308 , 312 Zurich laboratory, 550-552 on RAMAC , 287 - 288 , 297 , 299 Machine organization disk sector addressing(see Record binary vs. decimal, 136-138, 439-440, addressing) 626n20 first describedand produced, serial vs. parallel, 59, 132, 136, 287 - 288 435 - 436 low - cost disk file , 305 , 312 - 313 McPherson , John C. recording method, 287 businessprogramming language, removable disk pack, 312- 314 363 - 364 on Stretch , 301 , 306 - 307 , 650n90 on computer compatibility, 579 Magnetic -drum auxiliary storage, 125, director of engineering , 33 134 , 141 , 157 , 281 , 288 , 297 , 310 EDPM planning, 423, 424, 435 Magnetic Drum Calculator (MDC), engineering expansion , 273- 274 86- 101, 137. Seealso Magnetic Future Demandsdepartment, 17 Storage Calculator ; IBM 650 on government support in electronics , computer 525 - 526 Magnetic -drum memories joins IBM , 17 in 610 Auto -Point computer , 506 on long-range research, 377 in 650 computer , 75- 101 passim, Magnetic Drum Calculator , 73- 74, 165 - 167 , 169 - 170 , 186 79 - 80 , 81 - 82 , 86 , 88 , 89 , 99 access time , 76 , 90 - 91 , 169 - 170 , 172 magnetic -tape project , 102 drum surface treatments , 77 , 80 , 87 magnetic -tape studies, 190- 194 in Test Assembly , 112, 622n28 memory requirements , 231 Magnetic films , 551- 552 Na R C contract , 133 Magnetic logic, 234, 272, 444, 540-541 programming research, 355, 357 Magnetic Storage Calculator , 73- 79. pure research management Seealso Magnetic Drum Calculator ; committee , 531 - 533 IBM 650 computer relay calculator and electronic Magnetic -tape storage, 187- 230 on Defense Calculator , 134 , 141 multiplier, 46 SSECplanning, 47-50 in EDVAC plans, 189- 190 on transistor use , 380 - 381 in Endicott IBM laboratory , 102, 191 - 194 Macro instruction , 355 , 362 , 363 , 366 label records , 362 , 363 Magnetic -core memories . Seealso on Na R C , 182 , 212 Ferrite - core memories NRZI (non - Return - to - zero - IBM ) early metallic cores, 242 first work at IBM , 232 recording , 200- 202 phaseencoding, 228 patents on , 267 - 270 plastic vs. metal, 188, 195-196 proposal of Eckert and Chu, 271-272 in PoughkeepsieIBM laboratory, 109, proposal of Forrester, 241-242, 249 194 , 195 - 230 proposal of Haynes, 233-234 vs. punched cards, 80, 109- 110, proposal of Thomas, 232 190 - 194 proposal of Viehe, 267, 269, 271 recording methods, 121, 196-202, proposal of Wang, 232-233, 267, 269, 228 271 skew effects , 121 - 122 , 212 , 227 Magnetic -disk storage, 280- 314. See Society of Actuaries study , 176- 177, also IBM auxiliary and file storage 632n123 products starting and stopping , 202- 210 access mechanism and actuator , 286 , on Test Assembly and TPM , Ill , 301 , 304 , 307 . 308 , 648n55 113 - 114 , 121 - 122 , 124 708 Index

Magnetic -tape storage (cant.) early proposals, 231- 233, 271- 272 vacuum column , 124 , 206 - 210 mercury-delay-line, 58, 92, 110-111 Malman , T . H ., 564 Selectron , 113 , 622n31 Manufacturing spin-echo, 533, 534 CRT for Williams - tube memory , Memory protection in Stretch, 453 126 - 127 Mercury-delay-line memories, 58, 92, Defense Calculator , 145 - 146 , 151, 110 - 111 159 - 161 . 162 - 163 Merwin , Richard E ., 633n127 . 671n64 electromechanicalskills applied, 573 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company , ferrite - core arrays , 265 - 267 , 268 , 270 364 ferrite cores , 262 - 265 , 270 Michel son-Morley experiment , 536 project transfer into , 546- 547 MICR (magnetic -ink character transistor circuit packaging, 406-411 recognition ), 494, 498- 502 transistors , 387 , 399 - 406 Microwave logic, 567-568 Marchant Research Corporation , MIFD (Materiel Information Flow 632n113 Device ), 279 , 281 , 283 Marcy , H. Tyler , 680n115 Military ProductsDivision, 441, 569 Mark -sensing reproducer , 275 Minneapolis- Honeywell Regulator Mark I. See Harvard University , Company , 219, 490, 583 Mark I . Minority charge carriers, 374 Maron , Melvin E ., 646n25 Missile program , 130 , 134 MARS (Modular Access Random Mitchell , George E., 613n38 Storage), 311 Mitchell , Grace E ., 351 Martin , Harold F ., 645nl0 MohansicIBM laboratory, 555-556 Mason , Daniel R ., 338 , 339 , 340 , 347 , Monroe CalculatingMachine 350 Company , 25, 632n113, 645n16 MIT and Lincoln Laboratory Monsanto Chemical Company , differential analyzer, 24 633n128 ferrite - core memory , 241 - 248 , Monte Carlo analysis, 398- 399, 422 262 - 263 , 380 Moore Schoolof ElectricalEngineering. Hollerith , 2 SeeUniversity of Pennsylvania MIT Radiation Laboratory, 108 Mork, Ralph G., 468-469 SAGE project , 243- 248 Mullard Company , 259 transistors , 380 - 381 , 391 Multiprogramming, 181,370-371, 453 Whirlwind project , 108, Ill , 240- 241, Mussell , Howard A ., 112 , 147 , 174 , 671n64 243 , 245 , 335 , 341 , 656n79 Masterson , J. L., 678nl00 Mutter , Walter E ., 126 , 404 , 537 , 558 , 678n96 Mauchly , John W. BINAC , 59 , 627n27 EDVAC , 110 NAND circuit , 41 EDV AC subroutines , 318 National Bureau of Standards , 103 , ENIAC , 57 , 58 168 , 280 , 525 at Harvard 1947 symposium , 77- 78, National Cash Register Corporation 652n20 (NCR ), 1, 172 , 499 , 583 magnetic tape for EDV AC, 189 National PhysicalLaboratory (U.K.), 92, 318 , 652n20 patent on revolver , 166 - 167 , 621n79 UNIVAC , 59 , 627n27 National Security Agency. SeeNSA MDC . See Magnetic Drum Calculator Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 132-133, 181 Meagher, Ralph E., 454 Memory . Seealso CRT memories ; NCR 304 computer , 475 Noell , Newton G ., 667nl00 Ferrite -core memories ; Magnetic - Nolan , John J., 647n48 core memories ; Magnetic -drum Noll , A . R ., 682n22 memories ; Selectron storage tube ; NOR circuit , 41 , 42 Williams - tube memories Index 709

Na R C (IBM Naval Ordnance Research 608 calculator and MAC program , Calculator ), 132 - 133 , 137 , 181 - 183 , 462 - 463 212 , 419 , 421 , 422 , 423 - 424 , on 1410-1401compatibility, 474-476 633n133 7090 computer , 446 - 447 Nordyke , H . William , Jr ., 635n39 , advanceddevelopment, 454, 572 678n99 area manager system , 472 North American Aviation , Inc ., 349 , Defense Calculator project , 130- 136, 356 - 357 , 359 , 361 161 , 626n17 Northrop Aircraft , Inc ., 69 - 71 , 74 , early magnetic recording 615n61 investigations , 189 Norton , J . M ., 650n88 early transistor use, 385- 387 NRZI (non - Return - to - zero - IBM ) EDPM role , 417 - 418 , 422 recording , 200 - 202 , 287 electronic multiplier and cross-footing NSA (National Security Agency ) keypunch , 44 ferrite - core memory from ERA , electronics experiments , 34- 35, 37 246 - 248 ferrite core fabrication , 261 Harvest system, 225, 227, 260, Harvard 1949 symposium , 234 437-439, 443, 456 IBM Fello\v appointment , 456 Lightning project, 569 influence on IBM engineering and magnetic logic, 540-541 technology, 212, 414, 476 Plantation task, 428-429, 437 intermediate-speedprinter study, 489 N-type semiconductors, 373 joins IBM , 34 Nutt, Roy, 342, 354 Magnetic Drum Calculator evaluations , 86 , 94 OCR (optical characterrecognition), management roles , 34 , 122, 133, 184 , 495-497, 502-505 301 , 377 , 462 - 463 , 526 , 543 , 548 Office of Naval Research(ONR), 137, management style, 117-118, 541- 542 614n57 Na R C recommendation , 133 Olsen, Kenneth H., 249, 255 pure research management committee , 532 Open method of search, 351-352, 648n61. Seealso Record addressing researchin Poughkeepsie, 536-544, Operating systems, 358-361, 367, 581, 544- 550 passim 583 SMS development , 406- 414 Operation code, 78, 324, 325, 328, storage requirements task force, 304 331, 353, 592, 594, 655n63 Stretch project role , 392- 395, 426 - 430 , 454 Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 162 TPM role , 117 - 118 , 126 , 130 - 131 Optimum programming, 91-92, 165-166 transistor application, 223, 255, 256, 384 Organizationalchanges in IBM EDPM director, 179-180, 251, transistor production automation, 399 416-417 Williams - tube memory , 104 , 111 World War II serv "ice , 59 , 61 product divisions, 306, 449, 475, 512, 576-577 on WWAM program , 468 , 470 Paper-tape storage, 49- 53, 506- 507, researchas separatefunction, 301, 510 431, 544-550 Papian, William N., 242 Williamsburg conference, 183-184, 435, 510, 548, 576 Papo, Maurice , 675n24 Paris , Robert E ., 678n88 Partridge, Ralph 5., 642n 77, 643n95 PACT (Project for the Advancementof Patent Development department , 35, Coding Techniques), 348-349, 359 36, 373- 378 passim Page, Ralph E., 9, 20, 59, 615n66 Patents Paley, Maxwell 0 ., 462-463 a \vards program , 271 Palmer, Ralph L. consent decree , 271 604 calc,ulator, 59-63, 66-67 710 Index

Patents (cant .) bistability of, 379 ferrite - core memories , 267 - 272 current gain in, 378- 379 Forrester patent litigation, 269-271 early circuits , 373- 374, 376, 378- 379, IBM policy, 271, 526, 573 381 in Poughkeepsielaboratory, 118 fabrication , 374 - 376 , 379 - 380 TDB (Technical Disclosure Bulletin ), forming, 375-376 271 invention , 372 , 373 Peirce, J. Royden , 9- 10, 14 multifunction devices , 388 - 390 Pendery, Donald W., 618n36 Pointers (IBM publication ), 618n41 Perkins , Glen E. (Ed ), 645n12 Poley, Stanley, 351 PERM (Parallel Elektronische Rechen Pomerene, James H., 443, 688n122 Machine ), 551 Potter Instrument Company , 490 Personal automatic calculator , 185 , PoughkeepsieIBM laboratory 505 - 507 , 530 atmosphere and growth , 59- 61, 118, Phelps, Byron E. 194 , 275 . 541 - 542 electronic cross-footing punch, 44-45 bank check mechanization , 498 , electronic multipliers, 44-46 499 - 500 flip-flops and counters, 37-44 Defense Calculator project initiation , joins the Poughkeepsielaboratory, 95 , 131 - 136 60 - 61 Magnetic Drum Calculator magnetic -tape project , 110- 114, evaluations , 86 , 93 - 94 194 - 200 . 206 magnetic -tape projects, 194- 230 magnetic -tape sorter , 126 Na R C assessment , 419 Na R C project, 182 research in , 536 - 544 , 545 - 548 NRZI recording invention, 200 SSEC project, 51 rivalry with Endicott laboratory, 93, 100 , 464 - 465 , 470 transistor development, 541 TPM project , 118, 121- 123, 126 PoughkeepsieIBM plant, 96, 98, 145 - 146 , 151 , 159 - 161 , 162 - 163 , Philco Corporation , 391, 392, 417, 428, 346 490 , 583 Poulsen , Valdemar , 187 - 18 8 Philips Corporation (N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken), 259, 263-264 Powers Accounting Machine Company , Phosphor research, 540 6 , 12 Photocopiertechnology, 554 Powers, James, 6, 7, 10, 14 Phototransistors , 376 Printing and printers , 480- 495 Piore , Emanuel Ruben bar , 478 , 489 , 493 - 494 basic research thrust , 549 - 550 , chain , 452 , 472 , 473 , 480 , 489 - 495 553- 556 passim CRT - microfilm , 488 - 489 joins IBM , 435, 548- 549 ferro magneto graphic , 487 on project selection, 567 IBM Selectric typewriter , 482, 521 Research mission defined , 566 MICR , 494 , 498 , 500 on Social Security page reader , 503 stick , 296 , 467 , 482 , 483 vice-president for research and train , 480 , 491 , 494 - 495 engineering, 565, 570 wheel and drum , 481 - 482 , 490 - 491 Plantation project , 428, 437 wire matrix , 482 - 487 Plugboard, 6, 8, 13, 17, 62, 71, 296, Process control , 510 - 513 462, 468, 469. Seealso Control panel Product announcement practice, Pluggable unit . SeeVacuum tube 163 - 164 circuits, pluggableunits for Proebster , Walter E ., 551 - 552 , 687n96 Pluggedprogram, 58, 62, 71, 169, Program step, 316, 317, 327- 328 316 - 317 , 333 - 334 , 462 , 464 , Programmed Component Inserter 467 - 469 , 507 (PROSERT ), 407 - 408 Plugwire, 13, 17 Programming languages. SeeCOBOL Point - contact transistors . See also language; CommercialTranslator Transistors language; COMTRAN language; Index 711

FLOW-MA TIC languageand Record addressing, 288- 295, 298- 299, compiler; FORTRAN language; 648n61 Interpretive programs Red Oaks Mill location , 346 Programming Researchdepartment, Reich, Herbert J., 37 344 , 345 , 346 , 354 - 355 , 357 , 363 , Relay calculators of IBM , 26- 27, 32, 417 45 , 69 Programs , 315- 371. Seealso Assembly Relays, wire contact , 18, 29, 34, 51 programs; Compilers; Control Remington Rand Inc. 409 electronic calculator , 99 programs ; Demonstration programs ; Diagnostic programs ; Input -output acquisition of Eckert-Mauchly programs ; Interpretive programs ; Computer Corporation , 129, 130, Operating systems; RPG; Simulator 574 programs ; Sort programs ; acquisition of Engineering Research Subroutines ; Utility programs Associates , Inc ., 575 , 617n 10 complexity, 316-317 acquisition of Powers Accounting developmentorganization and Machine Company , 12 procedures, 354-355, 357-358, 371 early UNIVAC installations , 174, 339, estimating and scheduling, 350, 575 360 - 361 ERA 1103 computer , 162, 246 , 248 for evaluation of computers , 89 , ferrite - core memory , 239 , 246 , 248 , 253 142 - 143 , 143 - 144 , 162 - 163 , 165 , 169 - 170 , 442 file computer , 297 evolution , 316 - 317 magnetic logic, 540- 541 merger with Sperry Corporation , 428 shared use and development , 317 - 318 , 347 - 349 revolver patent , 166- 167 Removable disk pack, 305, 312- 314, technology development, 355, 369, 573 371 Reproducer, 14 Progressivedigiting, 22, 608n32 Research , 523 - 570 Project High. SeeSAGE annual planning conferences, Prudential Insurance Company , 80, 549 - 550 , 551 190 , 194 basic research emphasis, 531- 532, P- type semiconductors , 373 535 - 536 , 545 , 550 - 551 , 553 - 554 Punched card , 2 , 3 , 5 - 6 , 11 - 12 , vs. development , 532, 544- 550 192 - 193 evaluation of , 567 , 570 Fox Hill study , 544- 545 Quade, Edward , 646n25 managementphilosophies on, 527, Quarles, Donald A ., Jr ., 614n54 536 . 545 missions of , 524 - 525 , 527 , 530 - 531 , Rabenda, Edward J., 14, 59, 236- 238 536 , 549 , 566 Rabi , I . I ., 528 , 533 move to Yorktown , 437 , 555 - 563 Rabinow, Jacob, 279-280 organization and management , Radio Receptor Corporation , 400 526 - 527 , 541 - 544 , 546 - 547 , 549 , Radio tubes . See Vacuum tubes ; 686n79 Thyratrons Ph .D .s in IBM , 525 , 559 Rajchman, Jan A., 249, 269-270, in Poughkeepsie, 536- 548 623n31 in San Jose, 301, 305, 553- 555 RAMAC . See IBM 305 RAMAC selection of new projects, 567- 568 Ramo-Wooldridge Company, 490 Watson Laboratory , 527- 536 Ramshaw , Walter A ., 336 , 342 Watson , Sris , views on , 523 - 524 , 527 RAND Corporation , 131, 246, in Zurich , 550 - 552 255 - 256 , 349 , 430 , 628n53 Research Center, Thomas J. Watson , Raytheon Manufacturing Company, 556 , 561 - 563 103 , 195 Revolver in drum storage , 82, 100 , RCA , 269 , 270 , 475 , 488 , 583 , 623n31 165 - 167 , 621n79 712 Index

Reynolds , A. C., 690n154 solid - state research , 377 , 378 , 380 , Rhodes , William H ., 642n90 388 , 536 - 537 Richards , Richard K ., 67 5n 18 on transistor effort outside IBM , 380 Roberts , Gordon A ., 73 - 74 , 108 , 121 , Zurich laboratory established, 550 129 , 135 , 146 , 174 , 176 , 193 - 194 SanJose IBM laboratory, 276-282, Rochester , Nathaniel 300 - 303 , 305 - 306 , 310 , 553 - 555 assembly program , 325, 328, 331, Sayre, David , 368- 369 332 , 351 Scalingin computation, 333, 334 automation research , 547 - 54 8 SCAMP computer , 579 character recognition , 496, 678n96 Schawlo \\', A . L ., 563 , 564 on checkingcircuits, 128 Schick, John F., 677n80 DefenseCalculator planning, 134, Schlaeppi, Hans P., 687n97 136 - 138 , 140 , 142 - 143 , 144 , 158 , Schuenzel , Ernest C ., 643nl08 159 , 604 Schwartz , Robert , 667n90 ED PM manager , 417 Scientific computation forum and flowcharting, 327-328 seminars (IBM ), 83 - 85, 348 , 351 , joins IBM , 108 616n6 . 618n42 memorized logic, 509 Scientific computing , 21- 27, 74- 75, research responsibilities , 547, 558, 83 - 86 , 130 , 133 - 134 , 421 - 422 686n79 , 688n122 Scientific Computing Center, 350, 352, Test Assembly , 110 , Ill , 113 - 114 354 , 357 Test Assemblysubroutine loader, ScientificComputing Service, 338-339, 322 - 323 , 325 , 328 , 330 340 , 350 TPM , 116 - 117 , 122 - 123 , 128 , SCRAM (Strip Circular Random Access 130 - 131 Memory ) project , 303, 304 Wheeler calling sequence, 323, 324, SEAC (Standards Eastern Automatic 652n17 Computer ), 103 Rockefeller , Nelson A ., 563 Seeber, Robert R., Jr ., 48- 49, 52, 54, Rohland , WilliamS ., 679n104 57 , 73 , 333 , 335 . 612n32 Rosen , Saul , 220 Selective Dissemination of Information Rosenheim , Donald E ., 683n30 (SDI ), 557 Ross, HaroldD ., Jr ., 147 Selective Sequence Electronic Roth , J. Paul, 688n124 Calculator . See SSEC Rowley , Russell A ., 613n38 . 675n35 Selectron storage tube , 114 , 623n31 RPG (Report Program Generator ), Semiconductors , 372 - 373 , 415 . See also 479 - 480 Diodes ; Transistors Russell , Louis A ., 642n90 Sequence control , in SSEC, 52- 53, Rutz , Richard F ., 388 - 390 , 391 - 393 , 585 - 587 394 , 539 Service Bureau Corporation , 357 70AB computer proposal , 578 Saarinen , Eero , 456 , 561 , 562 SHACO languageand interpreter, 335, system for American Airlines , 336 , 347 - 348 310 , 516 - 522 , 554 . 557 - 558 . 573 SHARE organization SAGE , 240 - 248 , 262 - 263 , 264 , 419 , 709 System Committee , 359 423 , 573 assembly program for 704 computer , Sampling oscilloscope, 551-552 354 Samuel , Arthur L . assembly program for 709 computer , checkersplaying machines, 559 359 - 360 consultant on research , 547 formation and function , 347 - 349 , ferrite -core fabrication , 261 357 , 368 joins IBM , 234- 236, 526 FORTRAN committee , 361 open method of search , 648n61 Sheldon, john W., 333- 334, 335- 336, pure research management 338 , 351 , 352 , 654n42 , 655n66 committee , 531 , 532 - 533 Shell , Donald L ., 359 , 360 Index 713

Shelton, G. L., 677nl00, 679nl08 applications, 57, 84, 320 ShepardLaboratories, 490, 646n17 checkingby dual sequencing, 54, Shockley, William, 372, 374, 382, 393 335 - 336 Shugart, Alan F., 307, 311 operation of, 57, 339 Shultz, Gerald L., 678n96 programming , 54, 57, 316, 320, 323, Sigma arithmetic unit, 438-440, 443 325 , 334 , 335 - 336 Silicon transistors, 414-415. Seealso subroutines , 319 - 320 Transistors Stanford Research Institute , 498 - 500 Silkowitz, Bernard R., 677n70 Stevens , Louis D . Silo project, 257, 428-429 Defense Calculator project , 147 Silvey, Gene A., 667n90 disk project manager, 287 Simulator programs, 346 drum for Test Assembly, 112, 622n28 Slade , Bernard N ., 399 - 400 , 402 - 404 headquartersassignment, 307 Slider , 300 - 304 , 307 - 308 , 312 joins IBM , 112 Smith , C . R ., 517 laboratory manager, 302, 305, 306 Smith , R . Blair , 348 , 517 , 681n138 product engineering, 296, 300, Smith , William V ., 686n78 , 690n148 647n48 SMS (Standard Modular System), technical assistant manager , 276 , 282 406 - 414 , 444 , 449 , 573 Walnut II and Cypress, 311 Snyder, SamuelS., 227 SOAP(Symbolic Optimal Assembly Steven son, M . J., 690n150 Stewart , Elizabeth , 614n54 Program ), 351- 352, 353 Social Security Administration , 489, Stibitz, George R., 593 502 - 504 Storage. See Buffer storage; Magnetic - Society of Actuaries , 176- 177, 632n 123 disk storage; Magnetic -drum Solid state , 373 - 374 , 378 . See also auxiliary storage; Magnetic -tape Diodes , semiconductor ; Fe I Tite cores ; storage; Memory ; Vacuum tube Transistors circuits , for storage Sorokin , Peter P., 563 - 565 Storage allocation , 91- 92, 325- 328, Sort programs , 344 - 346 , 355 , 367 331 , 356 , 370 Sorter , 6 , 10 , 20 - 21 , 174 , 420 , Stored program , 52 - 53 , 58 - 59 , 77 - 78 , 632n119 109 - 110 , 316 , 462 , 468 , 611n11 Sorting , 10- 11, 191 Stretch , 416 - 458 SOS (SHARE Operating System), assessments , 453 - 456 359 - 361 , 367 computer description , 452- 453 Sourcerecording project, 277-282 control program experiment , 370- 371 SPACE computer , 471 - 473 , 474 . See deliveries , 456 , 673nl12 also IBM 1401 computer disk file , 301 , 307 , 432 , 446 , 450 , 451 , Spatz, Peter K., 641n66 452 , 650n90 Spaulding, Donald T., 475-477, 577, fast memory proposal, 258-259, 428, 580 , 582 432 , 446 Speedcodinglanguage and interpreter, memory , 256 - 261 , 445 , 448 , 452 336 - 338 , 339 - 340 , 341 , 655n63 origin of name, 429 Speiser, Ambrose P., 550- 551 transistors and circuits , 392 - 398 , Sperry Gyroscope Company , 625nl 402 - 404 , 437 Sperry Rand Corporation , 428, 430, word-length considerations, 434-435 435, 439, 499. Seealso Remington Rand Inc . Stromberg -Carlson company , 488- 489 Subroutine library , 319- 322, 340, 344, Spin-echo memory , 533, 534 358 , 652n20 SPREAD task force , 583 Subroutines , 317 - 326 , 330 , 652n17 Spring Street IBM laboratory , 555- 556 SPS(Symbolic Programming System), Subtraction , 12 - 13 , 41 - 44 , 590 - 593 366 Summary punch, 11, 23 SSEC (IBM Selective Sequence Super conduct ivity , 568- 570 Electronic Calculator ), 47 - 59 , SWAC (Standards Western Automatic 585 - 587 Computer ), 628n53 714 Index

Swanson , Robert E ., 667n90 emitter-coupled logic (ECL), 396-398 Sweeney, Dura W., 671n63 emitter-follower logic, 385-386 Switch cores , 249 , 252 - 254 , 255 in experimental calculator , 384- 385 Switching circuits, 41-42, 384, grounded -emitter , 382 393 - 398 , 471 , 680n118 for IBM 608 calculator , 386 - 388 Sylvania Electric Products Company packaging, 385, 406-414 Inc ., 378 , 447 - 448 in small accounting machine , 381 Symbol table, 331, 648n61 statisticaldesign criteria, 398-399 Systemsengineering, 661n162 for Stretch and 7000 series , 395 - 398 training courseon, 384 Table lookup, 50, 75, 79-81, 90, 184, 331 Transistors , 372- 415. Seealso Junction transistors ; Point - contact transistors ; Company (TMC) Transistor circuits 4 - 6 automated manufacture of , 399 - 402 , Tabulator , 3 - 5 , 8 - 10 , 17 - 21 403 , 406 , 446 , 573 Tape. See Magnetic-tape storage; corporate policy on, 387 Paper-tape storage early public perception of, 417 Tape ProcessingMachine. SeeTPM early reliability problems, 537 Tape sorter -collator , 174, 420, 632n119 first device work at IBM , 373 - 378 Teal . Gordon K .. .'34fi first fully transistorizedIBM product, Technical Computing Bureau, 84, 85, 386 - 387 333- 338 passim Telecomputing Corporation , 278, 304 IBM X-4 thyratron , 387- 388, 389 invention . 372 - 373 Teleprocessing, 521 junction vs. point -contact, 382- 384, TeleregisterCorporation, 516-517 390 . 541 Teletype Corporation, 514 Teller , Edward , 392 , 424 for memory support circuits , 255 , 256 , 404 Test Assembly , 108- 114, 137, 144, 322 - 323 , 325 , 328 , 330 for Stretch and 7000 series , 393 - 395 , Test Scoring Machine , 275 402 - 404 , 437 , 447 , 448 Texas Instruments , Inc ., 402 , 414 , 447 , Tremelling, Keith, 646n25 448 Triebwasser , Soi , 683n26 , 684n50 , 685n53 Thomas J. Watson Astronomical Computing Bureau, 24 Trigger circuit. SeeFlip-flop circuit Thomas J. Watson Research Center , Trillion -bit file project , 311 556 , 561 - 563 Troy , James J., 52, 75, 96, 470, 543, Thomas, Uewe Ilyn H., 57, 232, 528, 676n51 563 , 690n154 Tub file , 278 , 289 , 295 Thompson, Leonard H., 637n78 Tucker , Gardiner L ., 392 - 393 , 394 , Thyratrons, 36 533 , 544 , 547 , 549 , 554 Toben , Gregory J., 69, 169 Tunneling spectroscopy, 561 Townes , Charles H ., 535 - 536 . 563 . 564 Turing , Alan M., 92, 318- 319, 355 TPM (Tape Processing Machine ), Typewriter , electric, 60, 482, 521 114 - 129 , 131 - 132 , 137 , 173 , 589 - 598 Underwood , Francis 0 ., 468 - 469 TPM survey teams and application Underwood Corporation , 99 , 172 studies , 128 - 129 , 174 United Aircraft Corporation , 336, 354, TPMII , 127 , 129 , 173 - 176 . See also 658nl16 IBM 702 computer UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Tractor tape system , 220 , 225 - 228 Computer ) Transistor circuits . See also Transistors acceptedby CensusBureau, 574, corporate policy on, 387 615n61 current - switch , 395 - 398 , 437 addressing, 627n27 early flip-flops or triggers, 376, branch instruction , 627n27 378 - 379 , 381 compilers for , 340, 364, 656n72 Index 715

deliveries , 575 Very Large Capacity Memory , 305, early publicity, 102 311 Eckert and Mauchly venture , 59 VIDOR program , 497 at General Electric Company , 339, Viehe , Frederick W ., 267 , 269 , 271 344 Vinson , Thomas L ., 636n72 , 636n73 influence on IBM , 102 - 103 , 114 - 115 , von Neumann, John 116 , 129 , 130 , 174 , 416 , 418 - 419 , on binary representation , 137 574 - 575 consultant to IBM , 100 , 421 , 422 Prudential Insurance Company order , EDVAC . 58 . 137 . 319 . 323 . 626n19 80 , 633n125 explanatory column in coding, speedcompared to TPM, 132 653n27 Univac File Computer , 297 flovichart , 327 - 328 University of California Radiation IAS computer , 59 , 103, Ill , 137, Laboratory (UCRL), 422- 427, 626n20 , 627n26 658n 116 . See also Lawrence microwave logic, 567- 568 Radiation Laboratory Na R C dedication , 421 - 422 University of Manchester , 104, 337 SSEC use , 57 University of Pennsylvania , 27, 39, 45, subroutine loader , 319 - 320 57 - 59 , 103 , 319 , 321 , 614n57 , Wheeler calling sequence, 323 626n19 Walker , Robert M ., 679n110 , 682n11 , U.S. Air Force (and Army Air Corps), 683n30 279 , 300 , 447 , 513 - 514 , 645n16 Walker , William J., 643n111 U.S. Department of Defense, 364 Walnut , 310 - 311 U.S. Department of Justice, 357 Walsh, James L., 668n110 Utility programs , 332, 347, 352 Wang , An , 232- 233, 267, 269, 271 Watson , Arthur K ., 461 Vacuum tube circuits Watson Laboratory , 69, 132, 181, 300, cathode follower , 119 505 , 524 , 526 , 527 - 536 . See also circuit design manual, 147-14 8 Research Center, Thomas J. Watson for counting , 36- 44 Watson , Thomas J., Jr . pluggable units for, 62-63, 98, 99, 603 electronic multiplier, 46 121 , 148 - 151 , 168 650 computer announcement , 170 for storage (seeCapacitor storage; 702 computer announcement , 176 Flip-flop circuit; Havens delay unit; 702 computer at Monsanto Chemical Latch circuit ) Company , 633n128 for switching , 41- 42 appoints EDPM director , 179, 416 symbolic representation, 42, 148 on customer dissatisfaction , 254 - 255 using diodes, 118- 119, 147- 148, 168 on complacencyin business, 584 Vacuum tubes. Seealso Thyratrons Defense Calculator , 130 - 131 , in digital vs. linear circuits, 65 134 - 136 , 143 , 145 pentagrid tube, 66-67 electronicsemphasis, 526 pentode, 41 ferrite - core decisions , 251 , 254 - 255 quality problems, 65-66 joins IBM , 46 triode , 36 , 65 Magnetic Drum Calculator , 79- 80, Valley Committee , 240 88 - 89 , 101 Valley , George E., 240 on magnetic -tape program , 193- 194 Variable field and record length on management committees , 531 in 305 RAMAC , 67 5n3 7 management roles , 79, 101, 130 , 183 , in 702 computer , 675n37 369 , 416 , 584 in 1401 computer , 469 - 470 on patent negotiations , 267 in Stretch , 453 policy on using transistors, 387 in TPM , 116 - 117 , 589 , 595 , 675n37 on post-World War II hiring , 103 in WWAM , 466 at programming conference, 369 Verifier , 7 Research Center dedication , 563 716 Index

Watson , Thomas J., Jr . (cont.) Williams - tube memories . See also CRT

research policy , 531- 532 memories Stretch involvement , 451 - 452 , 455 , in 704 computer plans , 180 457 - 458 in Defense Calculator , 132 , 134 , 157 ,

at Williamsburg conference, 183-184 161 - 162 , 603 - 604

on WW AM program , 470 early work in I Br . . . 1 , 107 - 108 , 231 - 232 Watson , Thomas T., Sr. vs . ferTile - core memories , 250 - 251 ,

701 computer announcement , 253 158 - 159 IBM design and manufacture ,

at 701 computer unveiling, 162 126 - 127

Astronomical Computing Bureau, 24 in Na R C , 127 , 132 - 133 , 181 , 182

CEO post relinquished, 183 in Test Assembly , 111 - 113 , 231

Government project priorities in in TPM , 117 , 122 , 124 , 126 - 127

wartime , 45 , 130 read - around ratio , 107 , 383 , 604

on increased-capacity card, 193 special tube requirements , 108 , 113 ,

interest in electronics , 45 - 46 126 - 127 joins CTR, 1 Williamsburg conference , 183 - 184 ,

at magnetic drum demonstration , 83 302 , 510 , 548 , 576

managementphilosophy, 7, 16, 34, Wilson , Lawrence A . , 478 , 493 571 , 573 Winger , Wayne D . , 174 - 175 , 199 , 248 ,

Na R C dedication , 421 - 422 508 - 509 patent negotiations , 267 Wire wrap , 408 - 411 passim post - SSEC directive , 73 Witt , Victor R . , 210 - 211 , 306 , 307 ,

priority given Government projects , 547 , 642n90 45

Wittenberg , W . M . , 669n36 product development, 8, 10, 16 Wolensky , W . , 671n63 relations with laboratories , 34 Wood , Barbara L . , 677n70 science support , 523 - 524 , 527 , 571 Wood , BenjaminD . , 22 , 275 scientific computation support , 22- 23, Wood , M . Loren , 373 - 378 , 531 24 , 27 , 30 - 31 , 55 , 57 Woodbury , William W . , 169 , 647n48 SSEC , 47 , 54 , 55 - 57 Wooden Wheel , 169 - 170 Watson Laboratory established, 524, Word ( unit of data ) , defined , 78 527 - 528

Wu , Chien - Shiung , 535 Weather Bureau , 162 - 163

WWAM ( Worldv . " ide Accounting Weaver , Warren , 690n153 Machine ) , 466 - 470 Weidenhammer , James A ., 202- 206, Wyma , Edward , 667nl00 227 - 228 , 498 , 646n17 Wellbum , J. Henry , 677n80, 678n87 X - punch control , 13 Wesley, F. J., 173- 174, 176, 296, 681n136

Yang , C . N . , 535 Westing house Corporation , 544 Whalen , Richard J., 159 Yorkto \ \ ' n Heights IBM laboratory . See Whalen , Robert M ., 642n90 Research Center , Thomas J . Watson

Young , Donald R . , 537 - 540 , 547 , 569 Wheeler , David J., 321- 322, 323 Yourke , Hannon S . , 395 - 398 Wheelock , L . Truman , 169 Whirlwind computer , 108 , Ill , Zierler , Neal , 656n79 240 - 241 , 243 , 245 , 335 , 341 , 656n79 . See also MIT and Lincoln Ziller , Irving , 340 , 342 , 350 , 369 Laboratory Zurich IBM laboratory , 550 - 552 Whitney, Gordon E., 638n13, 639n40 Zuse , Konrad , 551 , 626n8 , 687n94 Wilkes , Maurice V ., 59 , 92 , 321 - 322 , 323 , 331 , 334 , 627n27 Williams , Albert L ., 422 - 423 , 429 , 432 Williams , Frederic C ., 104 - 105 , 132 , 337 - 338