Pointer on Health Care

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Pointer on Health Care Pointer on health care: 'It ain't over till it's over' By Kathleen Ryan Hospital, Brooks described health care at any cost hou.sekeepmg staffs and In "With rurrent health care re Special WilIer some of the poSSible effects "Durmg the '70s we began to volves hospitals, umversltles form legislatIOn, 650 groups Grosse Pomte Farms resident health care reform could have look at cost containment And and public health departlI':'::~s have spent $100 millIon to In Teresa Brooks haa more than a on medical ethiCS related to pa- passing mterest in health care In the '80s managed care be. fluence the outcome," she said tient treatment and care "And 18 percent of payroll reform legislation being de- came a factor, which sald that While Brooks praises Sen the physIcian's deciSIOn IS not costs go toward health care, so bated m Washmgton. "Cost wIll become a factor In George Mitchell of Mame for always the final one In the even If you are not In the medical decisions," she said hiS efforts In moving a health '90s cost of health care wIll be health care bUSIness, It IS still As a lawyer and dIrector of care bill through Congress, she Brooks deSCrIbed this as a re the major Issue" a!" economic facto! Health care NatlOnal/lnternatlOnal Health doei>not beheve there will be a suit of 30 year" of government touches so many facets of the Care Practice for the law firm final health care bill mtroduced Involvement In health care de Brooks said health care and AmerIcan economy Even to of Dykema Gossett, Brooks livery before the end of the current Its delivery systems are a slg bacco farmers are affected" closely momtors the many bills congw""lOnal SC%lOn "Health care In this country nlficant portion of the AmerI And while some government mtroduced by Congress m re- "It took the Senate only Ii>really a product of the Great can economy programs such as Mpdlcare sponse to PreSident Clmton's three day;, to declare war In Society programs begun by "Health care IS one seventh have proven successful, Brooks call for health care reform Lyndon Johnson," she said the Peri>lan Gulf," she said of the AmerIcan economy," she claims that It IS becau!>e they "With health care reform there Speakmg at a hIOethlcs con. "And the foundatIOn of those said "It provldec; mllhons of are not subject to the vagane'l wa" 40 houri> of debate before ference sponsored by Harper progI.ame dUrIng the '60s Wdi> Jobs rangIng from phySICian" to of Congress they even took the first vote " Teresa Brooks Your C01pmunity Newspaper News Vol. 55, No. 39 44 pages bros,e Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ September 29,1994 Wish becomes reality Saturday, Oct 1 The 20th University Lig. gett School Antiques Show is for library organizers today and Sunday at the school's middle school cam. By Shirley A. McShane pus at 850 Brlareliffe Drive Slaff WilIer HaVIng overcome an Identity In the Woods. Admission is $6, and the show begins at cnsls and fundmg obstacles, Evolution 11 a.m. both days. For more the Grosse POInte PublIc LI- informatIOn, call 8844444. brary can fInally get back to of library the bUSInessof bemg a lIbrary. The success of last week's rmllage electIOn offiCIally e.i.ab By Shirley A. McShane Sunday, Oct. 2 lished a dIstrict library system Staff Wnler A traditional afternoon Smce 1922, the Grosse for the Pomtes and a portIOn of POIntes have had some type service will be held at Christ Harper Woods Voters cast Church Grosse Pointe at 61 of lIbrary system. At fIrst, 3,304 yes votes and 1,226 no small lIbrary statIOns oper- Grosse Pointe Blvd. The votes to establIsh a 1 7-mill per. church's Choir of Men and ated by the Wayne County manent tax levy to support the Library were scattered Boys Will begin smging at new lIbrary system. around the neighborhoods 4.30 p.m. The service is open The mIllage electIOn was the In 1929, the Grosse Pointe to the public and 18 based final step m a five part process Board of Education approved on the British cathedral tra- of separatmg the publIc lIbrary the establIshment of a lI- ditIOn singing evensong from the governance of the pub brary to serve the entire every afternoon hc school system p~oto by Leah Vartanlan school dlstnct In 1939 the Both school and hbrary ad Park branch moved to Pierce mlnlstrators are elated With And the winners are . • • Middle School from the base \ Monday, Oct. 3 the electIon outcome - and sur ment of the mUniCipal bUild pnsed by the electlon-day tur- mg The Grosse Pointe Woods The seDiors. of cowse. The c1QU of 19~ ip ev~ty cat~ory during H<?~ecoming C1tycouncll holds its regUlar "'O~ nout The Woods hranch opened festiVities at Grosse Pointe South High School on Saturdczy. tept. 24. Seniors adopted tJie "The commumty support was meeting at 7:30 p.m. in city at Parcells MIddle School In theme. "Our Time Has Come:' using rockets. apace ships and martian.s to symbolize their very good and we are grateful hall located at 20025 Mack. Impending departure. They were named tbe winners In categories for best dressed, best 1949 Other smaller for the efforts that helped turn branches, mcJudIng the City • decorations. most original idea. most spirited. best float and best school banner. During out the vote," saId John Bruce, The Grosse Pointe Farms branch, located In what is halftime ceremonies. Maureen Ryan was crowned homecoming queen. and Shelly Ritter preSIdent of the lIbrary board of city council meets at 7:30 and Amy Z<mglin were named to the homecoming court. That was the good news. The now the NeIghborhood Club pm m city hall at 90 Kerby. trustees Thnft Shop, and the Shores bad news was the Blue Devils were trampled on the gridiron by the Fraser Ramblers, 21- Bruce SaId he was pleased • 1. branch, located m the now- The Grosse Pomte school with the turnout There are demolIshed Vermer School, board will conduct a confer. about 40,000 registered voters were closed ence meeting at 8 p m. m WithIn the school d1strlct By the rmd-1940s, there th~ Wlckmg LIbrary at Park to repair Wayburn alleys (which shares the same bound was a need for a central Grosse Pomte South High anes With the lIbrary dIstnct) branch After consldermg B Jim Stickford makes Improvements within areas Of that number, about 10 per- School. Sraff Wnler the distnct The loan or bond IS The $208,000 Will allow the several SIteS and collectmg cent cast ballots. WhIle that contnbutions m the amount In an effort to make the fIrst paId off when the City collects city to completely repaIr the may not seem lIke much, It Tuesday, Oct. 4 fe'" ~reets m Grosse Pomte property taxes The increase In Wayburn alley, Kra]mak told of $300,000, and receipt of was slIghtly higher than the large bequest from Dexter Grosse Pointe North and Park more attractive, the coun. property tax revenue resultmg the COunCIl.That means remov- turnout for last June's school M. Ferry Jr., the school dIs- South's cross country teams ell has approved spendmg from the CIvic improvements IS Ing the, concrete, repmnng the board election in which 3,900 tnct Be<:ured the Kercheval meet at Patterson Park at 4 $208 000 to fIx the alleys be- used to payoff the Improve- sewer lInes and then replacmg voters turned out at the polls and FIsher Site and broke p.m. hind' the 1100 and 1200 block ments Any extra money IS the concrete. This Wlll make "If you think about the time of Wayburn banked for future CIvic 1m. floodmg less bkely, and make ground m 1951 of year and that it was a spe The new Central Library provements It easIer for residents to park clal electlOn, It'S a sIgmficant CIty manager Dale KraJmak The Park, through TIFA and their cars Wayburr. residents opened m 1953. turnout to support the II. Before school fInance re- told the council that the money Downtown Development Au- gam access to their garages braries," Bruce saId. "It speaks I INSIDE for the project would come from thonty dIstncts, has completed through the alley form threatened the relation- well of the value the commun- ShiP, Grosse Pomte was one the city's northwest TIFA fund a number of Civic projects m- The contract was awarded to Ity places on Its hbrary" Opinion 6A The repairs were planned for eludIng placmg bnck sidewalks GuardIan Enterpnses KraJmak of 33 school mstncts In MIch- With fundmg ftrmly m place, Igan that operated a publIc Obituanes 1OA thIS year and were budgeted at along Kercheval, purchasmg said the company has done Bruce said the dIstrict lIbrary $250,000 In lIbrary FolloWlng the pas- Seniors 11A new street lights and makIng work for the CIty the past board must now work on estab- TIFA stands for Tax Incre- home Improvement loans avall- and performed satlsfactonly sage of Proposal A last I Autos 12A lIshmg a budget for 1995-96, March, school dIstncts could mental Fmance Authority It's able to residents m the TIF A The next-lowest bId was from settmg the necessary tax levy Schools 15A a state-created program that al- district Arky B ConstructIOn at no longer levy a separate tax to support the budget and set. to support a publIc lIbrary. Business 16A lows CItIes to form TIF A ms.
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