Detailed Itinerary

Trip Name: [14 days] Self Driving Experience in the Equator Land

GENERAL Dates: This trip has a variable start date, so you can plan a departure date for when it is safe to travel. The trip is bookable year-round.

This self-guided itinerary combines the beauty and magic of ’s “4 worlds” into a 14-day adventure. Discover the marvelous diversity of Ecuador at your own pace – you get the final say in where you decide to stop and what you choose to visit.

Main Stops: Quito – Region (Amazon Rainforest) – Baños – Riobamba – Cuenca – Guayaquil

About the Tour Operator: We started our tour agency with the purpose of making the dream of those who seek unique experiences in this diverse and colorful continent come true. For this reason, we have created a responsible and conscious tourism model that allows conservation and retribution to the local communities that lend us their environments and share their ancestral knowledge. Our journeys are true generators of wealth and transformation for visitors and local communities.

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Day 1: Quito [Ecuador] (arrival day) - Meet and greet at the aiport by your guide - Private transfer to your selected hotel for overnight

Accommodation: Hotel

Day 2: The Colonial District and view - Guided visit to the Colonial district of Quito, to discover a world class historic district: declared by UNESCO Cultural Heritage in 1979. - You will start the visit at the Independence Square “Plaza Grande” and stroll in the beautiful colonial district and be marvelled by the impressive religious and civil buildings dating from colonial times. The most remarkable examples of Barroco can be admired in churches and convents. - Visit La Compañia. - Visit the San Francisco Convent and its cloisters and climb the towers. - Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 3-4: Start the Self-Drive Journey to the Northern - Transfer to the Rent A Car Office to pick up the car and comply with all the procedures. You will be assisted by your English speaking guide.

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Route: Rent a Car Office – Otavalo region – 2 hours approx – 81 miles / 130 km

Indigenous market “Plaza de los Ponchos - Visit the craft market, beautiful for its colors and the wide variety of crafts: ponchos, fabrics, scarves, straw hats, silver jewelry, ceramics, etc. - The inhabitants are famous for their traditional fabrics and outfits: blue ponchos, white trousers, sandals and braid for men, embroidered blouses, "anacos" (typical skirts), golden glass necklaces for women. The big market is held on Saturday.

Peguche Village and Waterfall - Peguche village, located a few kilometers away from Otavalo, is the weaving center, where the majority of the inhabitants devote themselves to the artisanal weaving, using a belt loom or a pedal loom. There are a couple of ateliers to observe the different designs and uses of looms and vegetal pigments to obtain colors. - Close to the village is Peguche waterfall, an important ceremonial and purification place for local communities. (Entrance fee not included) - You can visit an atelier of Andean musical instruments and even have them create one for you.

Cuicocha Lake & Cotacachi village - lagoon (3,200 m above sea level) is located inside the crater of an active volcano that has collapsed on itself millions of years ago. - Possibility to hike up about 10 minutes for a beautiful view of the lagoon and two islets. The hike down leads you the Sacred Ñan, through several

© Yūgen Earthside, SPC – All Rights Reserved – 2021 - 3 - ancient monuments used by the locals: sun dial, moon dial, ritual bath and an altar of offerings. - Cotacachi village is famous for the elaboration of leather goods.

San Pablo Lake and Lechero - San Pablo Lake is a ritual place. There is the belief that the lake originated when the daughter of an important Curaca fell in love with a shepherd; the local yachag helped the two lovers to elope, but the father was advised to prevent it. The couple was separated, the shepherd was condemned to death, and the girl begged for mercy to Taita Imbabura. At that moment, a huge clap of thunder crossed the sky and the shepherd was converted into a tree “Lechero” and the girl was converted into the lake.

Parque Condor - Parque Condor has a beautiful panoramic view towards the four cardinal points. To the north-east you can admire the Imbabura Volcano; to the north-west the Cotacachi Volcano and even Cuicocha lake and the town of Cotacachi. - The mission of this center is the protection, rescue, rehabilitation, and possible re-introduction to the nature of birds of prey, vultures (Andean condor) and owls. Many of the species were rescued from illegal captivity or from inappropriate environments. - At Condor Park, they find a shelter where they can remain calm or recover to be released. (Entrance fee not included)

Activities in a local community with a family - Drive to an indigenous community where your host family welcomes you to your guest room (private bathroom, hot water) and invites you to participate in their daily activities (there is no set schedule or plan of activities, the idea is to see and learn about the everyday life within the family/community, please ask for supplements).

Accommodation: Hotel or with a host family Included meals: Breakfast at the hotel

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Day 5: From the Andes to the Amazon Basin Route: Otavalo – Misahualli region: 6 hours – 174 miles / 280 km

Quitsato Sundial - The Quitsato Sundial is located near to Cayambe. It was built to share aspects of the astronomical knowledge of the pre-Hispanic cultures of the region. The expositions are carried out by community members as a self- sustaining project. This monument is located exactly at latitude 0º on the real equator line. (Entrance fee not included)

Papallacta Hotsprings - This little village perched in a charming valley is known for its famous thermal springs. The water is naturally heated by the activity of the Antisana Volcano. - You will have time to enjoy the benefits of the thermal waters surrounded by an incredible mountain landscape. (Entrance fee not included)

Once you cross the highest point (12,000 ft), you drop down to reach the Amazon plains. This trip will let you admire the impressive change in scenery from the highest point to the lowlands of Amazonia.

Hummingbird farm - Along with tea or herbal tea and some biscuits, you will witness more than ten species of hummingbirds flying near the hotel’s bird drinking stations to have some sugared water. - If the weather permits, you can walk on a small path to try finding several bird species.

Accommodation: Lodge Included meals: Dinner at the lodge

Day 6: Amazon Rainforest Explorations - Hiking and visit with a local Kichwa community - Optional walk at sunrise to observe parrots - Walking in the forest to learn about medicinal plants - Canoe riding excursions - Night outings in search for nocturnal life

If the weather permits we will reach by boat the “Parrot’s Clay Licks,” an ideal spot to observe parrots while they lick minerals from natural clay walls to help their digestion. Bringing binoculars is recommended.

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Accommodation: Lodge Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 7: Route back to the Andes - Departure towards the town of Puyo and then to Baños Village, located at the slopes of the active volcano Tungurahua (5,100 m). - The name of this small town is to be attributed to its thermal baths resulting from the activity of Tungurahua.

Route Misahualli – Baños: 3 hours – 93 miles / 150 km

Balsa Workshop in Puyo

Waterfalls Route - Along the “Waterfalls Avenue” and the Pastaza River Canyon, several waterfalls can be observed: The Bride’s Veil, Devil’s Cauldron, and Machay, among others. You can also experience canopy traversing the Pastaza River. (Entrance Fees not included)

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Casa del Arbol and “Ends of the World Swing”. - A few kilometres away from Baños you can drive up to Casa del Arbol, originally used as a monitoring area to the Tungurahua activity, this place offers a beautiful view of Baños and the surrounding mountains.

City of Baños - Visit Baños, a pleasant little spa town. - Of interest: the Dominican Church Our Lady of Holy Water, an important place of pilgrimage; artisans who make melcocha; the fruit and vegetable market; Tagua workshops (tagua is a plant fibre otherwise called "vegetable ivory").

Additional options can be: Horseback riding, biking and rafting.

Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

Day 8: Baños – Riobamba – Chimborazo Volcano Route: 81 miles / 130 km - 3 hours

City of Riobamba - Continue to Riobamba, passing at the foot of the famous Chimborazo, the highest snow-covered volcano in the world (6,310 m above sea level). - Its summit is the point on earth closest to the sun because of its proximity to Ecuador.

Museum of Religious Art at Las Conceptas Convent - Visit the Museum of the Conceptas. Established in a former convent, this museum keeps some jewels of the Latin-American baroque religious art. - The collection allows you to discover the art and the life in the colonial era.

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Chimborazo Fauna Reserve, - Drive to the highest volcano in Ecuador (6,310 m). Your car will bring us to the Refuge located at 4,700 m. It is possible to return by bike in an incredible descent.

Local Community and Llamas - We will visit a local community, which works on the reinsertion of llamas to the Andean plateaus. - You can taste llama meat in the restaurant managed by the community.

Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

Day 9: Ozogoche Lakes, Palmira Desert, Ingapirca Complex Route: 181 miles / 290 km - 6 hours

Ozogoche Lakes - Drive to a complex of more than 45 lakes - Hike in the surrounding areas

Village of Guamote - Continuing further south, along the Andes Cordillera, to the community of Guamote where the inhabitants have preserved their ancestral customs, their way of life and their traditional dress.

Palmira Desert - You will have the chance to see a different zone – the Palmira desert: sand and pines.

Ingapirca Complex - Drive to the south until you reach the Ingapirca Complex, built in the late 15th century before the Spanish conquest. Although the Incas had fought for centuries with the native tribes, victory was illusive and that is why there are so few Inca sites in Ecuador. It is difficult to know what the purpose of Ingapirca was. It may have been a ceremonial center; it was built on top of a much older building originally constructed by the local Cañari tribe. Scientists have noticed that altars inside the Temple of the Sun are directly illuminated only at certain times of the year, specifically the time of the New Year or Inti Raymi.

Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

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Day 10: Cuenca & Handicrafts Valley

Historic District of Cuenca - The beautiful city of Cuenca is a jewel of the Spanish colonial architecture built on the ruins of Tomebamba, an ancient Inca city. - This city is remarkable for its houses, its colonial balconies, and its narrow streets. - It has been declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO: visit the flower market, Calderón Square, the old and the new Cathedral, the square and the San Francisco market.

Visit to a Toquilla Straw Hat Atelier - Visit to a factory of the famous “Toquilla straw Hats,” where you can see the process of elaboration of these famous hats.

Visit the Museum of Aboriginal Cultures. - This museum presents the best archaeological collection of the city. - Juan Cordero, a historian, has collected more than 5000 objects from all the indigenous cultures of each archaeological period existing in the country from 4000 BC to the Inca period. You will find jewellery and personal ornaments made of high-value shells and metals such as gold, bronze, silver, copper, platinum and binary and tertiary alloys, musical stones, ceramic objects, bones, shells, stones that illustrate the way of life of the ancient inhabitants of the current Ecuador: zoomorphic and anthropomorphs pottery used for rituals and ceremonies, funerary urns, representation of shamans (wizard-doctors), vases, painted glasses, etc.

Route to Paute Valley: 27 miles / 60 km – 1h30

Paute Valley and handicraft villages - Drive to Paute Valley and its impressive region where you can be immersed in the marvellous skills of the local inhabitants who work with different materials and create unique artisans: ikat shawls, embroidery, toquilla straw hat and basketry, filigree and more.

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Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

Day 11: Cuenca – Lowlands of the Pacific Ocean Route: 124 miles / 200 km - 4 hours

Cajas National Park - You will cross the western slopes of the Andes, passing by El Cajas National Park. We will descend to the plains of the coastal region, a complete change in scenery due to the variation of altitude. We will discover the coast region with its immense fields of bananas, rice, sugar cane, coffee, cacao, among others in the coastal region. (Entrance fee not included)

Visit a cacao farm - You will learn about the harvest, transformation, and exportation processes. Short demonstration of the fabrication of unsweetened chocolate and tasting of unsweetened chocolate and a cocktail made with cacao and rum.

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Visit the city of Guayaquil - Discovery of the city. - Visit the Malecón, the Seminario Park where you can enjoy being close to the iguanas, the Cathedral, the Government Palace, the Town Hall, and the monument of La Rotonda. - Passage through the district of Las Peñas and the cemetery.

Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

Day 12: Guayaquil – Spondylus Route Puerto Lopez Route: 144 miles / 232 km - 4h30

Machalilla National Park: - Home to the culture of the same name that flourished between 2250 and 1300 BC, Machalilla National Park was established as such in 1979. It is home to many archaeological remains, as well as interesting flora and fauna.

Los Frailes beach: - This is an ideal place for swimming or relaxing. - With clean white sand, tropical dry forest, tranquillity, unique scenery and warm water, this beach is a real little paradise.

Community and Archaeological Museum 'Agua Blanca': - The way of life of this community is very similar to that of its ancestors, the Manteña culture, who inhabited this region from 800 to 1532 AD. - There is a small museum where you can find pre-Columbian ceramics and photos of some locals. - You will see funerary urns with human bones and intact skeletons.

Accommodation: Hotel Included meals: Breakfast at hotel

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Day 13: Return to Guayaquil - Morning at leisure - Afternoon drive back to Guayaquil - Return the car to the Rent a Car office at the Airport and transfer to your hotel

Day 14: Transfer out. - At scheduled time, transfer to the airport for your flight back.

INCLUSIONS  Accommodation: o Accommodation in double room  Meals: o Daily breakfast  Transportation: o Private transfer to/from airport o Rent A Car Vehicle - Category C – Compact o Unlimited mileage o GPS (with pre-charged locations) o PDW (Partial Damage Waiver) o Drop-off supplement  Permits, Fees, Guides: o Guided visit to Quito Historic District  Other: o Dedicated welcome package kit with maps, emergency numbers and detailed attractions o 24/7 assistance o Local mobile phone with $10 USD credit

© Yūgen Earthside, SPC – All Rights Reserved – 2021 - 12 - EXCLUSIONS  Meals: o Meals not mentioned o Beverages  Transportation: o Flights to/from Ecuador  Other: o Entrance Fees (except during Quito Visit) o Additional activities and visits o Tips o Personal expenses o Services not mentioned as included o Additional car insurance

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