1894-06-15 Pm
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F. P. Corkins is working at Belletille this week. WE i r m , OELQBATE IK QBAKD Carl Heide has been on the sick list FIVE OF PLiMOUTH’3 PUPILS WILL STYLE. this week. OBADUATE THIS lEAB- Ela1)orste Pref^krationB a r t Being Hade— John Smith visited friends at YpsUantj The Exercises Kezt Friday ETening— A Oood SnbMiiptie i List- last Sunday. ’ ^apoalanTeate Sermon Next Sunday On Saturday afternoon tt^ busilaesfi Louie Reber went to Detroit Monday ■ '* Evening. Don’t this weather, re men met and decided to cel€brate the on business. * Plymouth high school will this year mind you that it will A New Stock of Children’s Fourth of July in grand style. It was ar Fred Schrader is manipulating the com have five graduates, in the persons of soon be time to lay in Silk and Muslin ^ ranged that each should take a turn at planter this week. Misses Camilla Taflt, Myrtie Decker, circulating a subscriptioi]| paper. Mr. yonr winter’s supply? • Miss Allie Corkins of Ypsilanti,^s visit Clara Kinyon, Maud L^ham and Mr. Hunter was out the fore part of the week ing at F. P. Corkins'. - »* George Bentley-, HATS and -' and ihet with fair success. On Sunday evening next Rev. Lee S. Quite a number took in the excursion H iis ik the year above all others that McCollester of Detroit, will preach the BONNETS ^ Plymouth should celebrate. The neigh to Detroit last Sunday. baccalaureate sermon at the M. E. church. We handle only the Just Received. boring towns have decided not to have Mr. and Mrs. George Springer vi.sited Mrs. Tafi^ will have charge of the best—at hard Times any eelebration, and would no doubt friends in Detroit Sunday. musici ^ come here if we arranged | a good day's Henry Fisher is doing business for On Friday evening, June 22, the Prices. ' sport and a base ball matchjthat would be Rob't Greenlaw at present. graduating exercises will be held at the second to none. village hall. Invitations have been sent Nellie Steele Miss Myria Coleman of Farmington, Koitbville wants to celebrate in '95 and visited at Rob't Maiden’s Sunday. out and the programs are being printed. & GO. we would gladly go in and! help them , as Wm. Gayde of Detroit, made his par The exercises are expected to be very we believe they will turn a| helping hand elaborate and the hall decorated specially L.C. ents a short visit Thursday evening. here. for the occasion. F & P M ELEVATOR Mrs. Wilson Roe and Miss Callie Roe I b b fe h b Everybody interested shonld help along The music will be furnished by local by as much as they can conveniently af of Lansing, spent Sunday at Willard Roe's. talent, consisting of students. The ford. When the next meeting is called, Mr. and Mrs, Willard Roe attended the valedictory will be rendered by Miss turn out and show your..a|ppreciatian of commencement exercises at South Lyon, Maud Lapham. Principal Curtiss will the eiforts of biir business Imen to keep Friday. deliver the address to the class and make the old chariot rolling alon^. If gone in M. A. Campbell and sons, Harvey and the presentation of diplomas. to whh the proper spirit, eich one deter Gordon, visited friends in Detroit on Sat There is generally a large number of mined to do something, the] e will lie such urday-last. people who are very desirous to attend Quick Meal a crowd here the Fourth as will do Plym Mrs George A. Starkweather is vi.«ltrng the graduating exercises, and are always outh honor. 1 her daughter, Mrs. Lou Hillmer, at Mon interested in our schools. In other years % In all probability a good game of [)all roe tliis week. they have been deprived of the privilege will be arranged for the afternoon. The by children, who have no interest what^ . C'has. Lutz who has been on the sick popular feeling tends to fi.vor Wayne vs ever in the exercises, and only attend out list for the past week with measles, is Plymouth In other yeais Wayne has of curiosity. able to be out again. played first-class ball. T1 ey have not To alleviate this, an admission fee of Gasoline Stoves played much outside so far ihis year but a F. F. "Pinckney who is making cheese 25 cents will be charged. This has match with our,boys will be the proper forJollifle Bros., moved into the Smith been found to work to perfect Are The Best caper.* house this week. satisfaction all over the state. Those in I! * F ull information will be given in aj^ew Between 15 and 16 thousand pounds of terested would rather pay tw,enty-five days. ^ I milk were taken in at the Plymouth cents and be sure of a seat, than to get in In the meantime don't lose sight ofl the cheese factory last Thursday. free and stand up. Tickets can be For Sale by fact that you ore expected to take hold Go to Stnye’s when you want home procured at Chaffee, Hunter & Lauffer’s or and help make a success cf your Fourth n^ade bread, sugar cookies, fried cakes of any member of the senior class. The of Ju ly celebration. and pies. They are fine. ^ doors will be open at 7 ;15 and exercises to To the neighboring villa ;es we extend Miss Lida Corkins went to Wayne last commence at 8:00 shaip. ^ a hearty invitation, .and promise you a It is needless to add, let all interested Thursday where she spoke at an enter very pleasant visit to our beautiful vil- tidhment giyen by the Wayne club. attend. If you desire a seat reserved, lage.7 ^omc consult member of the class. M. Conner & Conk Mr.^Waterman, o u r D., & N. night Salem- operator, shot himself through the hand Dearborn. t , Mr. Geo. Bennett of Plymouth, wals in while' oiling his revolver last Friday f The D. A. A. field day occbrs June 16. town over Sunday. morning. B e l l Mr. E. V. Ilolten spent Sunday with Rev. Mr. Taflt, wife and (aiighter, were Marvin Berdan and Rob't Maiden drove Caro friends. " the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Walker to Clarenceville Saturday and sold a lot last week. of fence to be put up around the ceme Mr. Otto Yonke, is clerking for D.. tery there, ^ Sloss & Son. Rev. D. H. Conrad is the happy possess or of a new top carriage. It vas purchased Our new marshal, T. F., is keeping Dearborn will celebrate the 4th in of Prouty & Glass Carriage Co., Wayne. things in good shape. We notice the great style. boys don’t like to sing any more. It is And now the .strawberri( s are ripening Maccabee memorial services were held either T. F. or the hot weather that af in the sun, and why, Oh why, do not at the M. E. church Sunday morniug. fects their voices. some of our church societic s hold a festi Mrs. Howard Post and Miss May Dort val ? As yet we have heard of none^ iirs. J. Smye returned home Sunday of Willis, spent Sunday with Mr. and from Salem where she has been visiting Childreu's day exercises were held at Mrs. T. M. Dort. the past week. John's face brightened the Congregational church last Sabbath, The Dearborn Dramatic club are get up at her return as he was getting tired and the Baptist society wU observe Ihe ting ready to give another entertainment keeping ^‘batch." last Sunday in June as chili Iren's day and at Liberty Hall. The date is set for hold their exercises in the < veniug. Children’s Day at the Biiptist church Ju ly 4th. next Sumlay morning. Good music and We regret that we were \ inable to sfead Children's day services held at the M. speaking is expected as consiiierable in our itenw last week. W i w*ent away E. church Sunday evening, was largely pains has been taken in drilling the little from town on a visit and uc w that w*e are attended. The children had their differ folks. The churcli will be decorated for back and feel much refresied after our ent parts well learned and received uni the occasion. versal approval. The grab l>ag social at Louie Reber’s let our friends know aboi some of the The Misses Grace and May Kellogg of new shop, benefit of the German Luther happenings in and around dur ((uiet little the Franklin House; Ann Arbor, were an Sumlay ScIkm)!. was well attended, and’ towns. ■ I * ■ the gif^t of Miss Jennie Clark and all reported a good time. The grab bag The B, Y. P. U. rally heid in the Bap Miss Bell Forester, over Sunday. netleil them $5.25 which ^ill l>e used for tist church last Tuesday afternoon and Sunday school l>ooks. evening was well attended and w'as a suc L iv o n ia . “Yank" had another runaway Monday cess. Visiting brethren and' delegates ^frs. S. Johnson is on the sick list. were present from varioua parte of the morning. His horse broke away from N. B. Kingsley had a good cow die last country. A general good t^ e as well as the platform at the depot where it was week. J . L i . g a l e , profitable one was enjoyed by all who a tied and started across Carl’s potato patch were able to attend the meefipg.