Furniture Jb Yetter's Ladies' Footwear!
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IVASOMNFS HOW ASVBATZ91I MOW k FOB THB I IK THB r fij < | vv ONLY : [ Bins $x.0O raa VSAB. MOOB&ATB. fi MIALIOE TOWARD NONE AND OHARirfY FOE. A.'LiZJ.' VOL. I. LOWELL. KENT COUNTY, MICH., JUNE 16; {894. NO. 5i mWdition. There is a warty appearance orf AT WLIVETJAR'S- and have a great big time and a royal MAYOR P1MREE blow-out. the scales, tiieir backs are nearly covered with, a thick slimy substance. They apgeaft THE FATS AND LEANS to be blind and are unconcerned by thtf ap- . New Styles Will Speak in Lowell the will play ball on the fair grounds proach of the boat and suffer th^mstfWn to:. Fourth. next Thursday, June 21. Look out be picked ap. The cause of this- disease U' '' in for a great game. Admission, gents a mystery, as it does not attack any otherr ' 1 of the fiilny tribes of which our lake abounds FURTHER PARTICULARS OUTLINED. 10 cents, ladies free. Here is the team: FC-ATS. LEANSI so as to be noticed as yet. Our informiratr- says that in all his experience in fishing in' Oxforcte! Frank Giles, L. H. Hunt, Lots of Local News, Read inland lakes and streams he has never wit- TRY A PAIR. THEY ARE RIGHT. F. L. Fallas, W. M. Chapman,- it All. J. K. Tilden,. N. B. Blain, nessed such a sight before. Can any onoT GEO. WINKGAR Geo. W. Rouse, A. B. Johnson, explain the cause? THE CELEBRATION. Will M. Clark, C. McCarty, SARANAC. The various, committeea appointed F.M.Johnson, M. C. Griswold, From the Local June 8, R. D. Stocking, D. G. Look, to take charge of the hidepeudence If many of the orchards in this vicinity" fjf^ave ^.onr Order with R. B. BOYLiAlV M. C. Greene, R. B. Boylan, do not belie themselves, there-will bemueK IbV a First Class Bicycle Fully day celebration are getting in their Chas. Quick, A. McMillan, inferior fmit this year. It is not yet too" "Warranted. work in good shape. ^The committee E. Moftit. O. G. Hale. late to improvb the quality and quantfty by on speaker made a great hit when A GREAT GAME. systematic atld intelligent spraying of the"'" they secured Mayor Hazen 8. Plngrce -tfhe game of base ball announced in trees. of Detroit, and n> large share of our last issde between the busiitess At a'meotlng; of the executive committee' western Michigtti will empy itself in- men of the east and west sides, took of the Union Harvest Picnic held in thir to Lowell on July 4, next. The bal- place on the fair grounds last Friday village last Safutday, it was vbted to hold loon coratbittee has secured the ser- afternoon in the presence of a lafrge the picriic this year in Lowell. The date was fixed for Wednessday, August 22. A" vtoes of Prof. P. Dear of Grand Rap- crowd of spectators. It was a highly large delegation of business men from Low-" ids, who will make an ascension, go- entertaining exlilbition. It did one ell came "to press their claims and pledged ing the first 1500 feet hanging by his good to see some of the old fellows that sufficient funds shonld be raised to teeth and 1500 more hangkig by his limber up their joiiats and give their carry the picnic to a successful issue. The" toes and closing with a parachute botles such a shaking up as they had members of the committee who were present drop. The other committees are hot enjoyed in many a day. To give were E.E, Church, president; vice presi- dents, A. E. Gesler, Boston; N. B. Blain, hard at work and programs will be all the particulars of the game would Lowell; J. B. Post, Clarksville; John Ses- out soon with draiplete details. Fol- require more apace than the LEDGER sions, Berlin, and Frank King as proxy for lowing are the officers of the day : Can devote td it. The game Closed on Wayne Pardee, of Bowne. President' O. C. McPannell. the first half of the fifth inning with Elton Hall and Miss Cora Pinfchey, both BEST $6.00 FSWCE MACHINE EVER SOLD Vice presidents. Chas. Cop pens, the West Siders victorious to the tune of Keene, were married in Ionia Wednes- Bowne; E. L. Clemtflfts, Ada; Oliver of 13 to 11. day of this week. MICHIGAN. J. Waikins. Graftan; Peter McPher- F. W. King is enlarging and repairing^ THE PHIL SHERIDAN. Please Call at ray Store and Examine the Superior Merita sou, Vergenues; Judson Lee, Keene; his hotel. Our townsman, T. G. Hoffman, has of this Machine. Respectfully yours. Eustace Church,Boatori; Henry Frace, Saranac; James Post, Clarksville: shown creditable enterprise in rigging BELDINQ. Headquarters for Wesley Fox, Freeport; L. J, Post up a river steamboat, which he has From the Star June" 8. ilnd Chas. Althen, Lowell. About 1 o'clock Tuesday morning the cit- General Hardware. I R. B. BOYLAN named the Phil Sheridan; for the ac- Reader, Ellis'Faulkner. izens of Belding were awakened from their Marshal, J. A. Mattern. commodation of bur pleasureJovers. slumbers by an alaritf of <firc. The blowing Chaplain, Rev, E. H. Shanks; It will carry forty-five pai^engfrs and of the factory whistles 'and the ringing of DEATH or MRS. BOOTrf is sound and safe. Several trial trips the fire '.lell soon brought ojit a large crowd Spring Cbods Mrs. E. J. Booth died at hep home were made Sunday last, alarge party of people to the scerfe of the fire, in what is'-, The Uatest in LowOll, Monday morning, June 11, going "up to Cheetam's grove. Mr; known ns the Whltford building at corner of Main and Broas street. A strong And of cancer, alter a long and patient ill- Hoffman offers special inducements to The Best, effort tfiis made to release the eight ho^ey ness. Rev. Mr. Oldfield of Cedar societies and social parties desiring to - owned hy (r. K. Fish, bnt the flames spread We wish it Distinctly Understood that we Springs, an old friend and pastor of use his bo We have no doubt his so rapidly that it could not bdaocomplished Make No $15 Ready-Made Suits to Order. Our the family, conducted shortx funeral enterprise will be appreciated. and the poor animals met an! awful death Work is CUSTOM WORK, and will Compare services at the house at 0 a. m. Wed- SARANAC UNION PICNIC ASSOCIATION. Earnest Iloldorph was amoh'gtbe first to ar- Favorably with-any done This Side of the Moon. nesday,-and the remains were taken to The Advertiser of June 4 announces rive at the scene and says that he inmedi- Now is the Time to Place Your Orders. Grand Rapids for interment. the organization of this nssociaeion ns ately weift to the window to arouse Jay Dexter and called ont "Jay" five or six THE BAND CGXVEKTlOX a resultant of the fchauging the Farril 'SMITH, the Taller. times before receiving any response. Mr. at Clarksville, Tuesday, was a very ere' Picnic from Saranac to Lowell. Dexter then asked what was wanted, and he successful affair and the little town We regret that the change in location was told that the barn was.'on fire. He re- did itself proud. A large delegation had this effect, and we regret still more plied, "I will get out as soon as 1 get on my A COMPLETE of Lowell people, including quite a that the secretary, whom we supposed pants—go and gel the horses out." The fire number of our prominent businessmen was a reputable and honored eitizeh of was in the back part of the bnilding at that time. "I supposed," said Mr. Holdorph, LINE OF were in attendance and people from Saranac, is clihrged with being not "that Jay had gdt out all right and paid no only untrue to the interesis of his town, other tdwns flocked in until Clarks- more attention to him and went to see about ville was full to overflowing. but also of having been bribed) pre- the hories." But for some reason that will The bands present were Lowell, sumably by Lowell. The charge is a probably never be known, Mr. Dexter was FURNITURE Saranac, Lake Odessa, Sunfielll, Mul- grave one and if untrue will react on still in the burriing building and was nf^ liken and Clarksville. In the fore- the parlies who made it. Between discovered until it was too late to rescue him. -AND— noon A parade was participated in by Lowell and Saranac the kindliest feel- all the bands, each playing in turn ings have existed; If there be any CALEDONIA. From the News, June 8. while marching. A dinner ^taa then benefits derived from the farmers' pic- UNDERTAKER'S A marriage license has .been granted to served to the boys, after which there nic Sdranac has twice had it. We •\Vm.II. Miller,Cascade^nd Ruth Eldridge, was nfore playing and a base ball trust and believe her citizens will act Calddonid. ^-GOODS game between. Woodland and Lake with due deliberatioiuand do as they We notice many orchlfch have been de- Odessa teams; in which the former would be done bv. vastated by the worm pest, W^ch strips tha leaves, completely taking whole orchards. -—AT— were successful to the tune of 25 to 8. LAKE ODESSA. While riding to the Rapids Wednesday, we A business meeting was held in the Ftam Ilia Wave, .Time 8. saw several orchards about Dutton which afternoon to which each band seilt two Lake OJessa band ia full are intending present the appedrahce of having been ran delegates, but the conduct of the 10 take in tiie band tanrnament at Clarke over by fire.