Alvin I. Goldman -- Curriculum Vitae (September 2014) Current Address(es) Department of Philosophy Rutgers University 106 Somerset Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Center for Cognitive Science Rutgers University 152 Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway, NJ
[email protected] Education Columbia University, B.A., 1960, Summa cum laude Princeton University, M.A., 1962, Ph.D., 1965 Positions Held Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Board of Governors Professor, 2002- Department of Philosophy and Center for Cognitive Science University of Arizona, 1983-2002 Professor, 1983-1994, Regents’ Professor, 1994-2002 Department of Philosophy and Program in Cognitive Science University of Illinois at Chicago, Professor of Philosophy, 1980-83 University of Michigan, Assistant Professor, 1963-69; Associate Professor, 1969-73; Professor, 1973-80 Princeton University, Visiting Professor, Spring 2004 Yale University, Visiting Professor, Fall 1991 University of Pittsburgh, Visiting Associate Professor, Summer, 1972 Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, Temporary Member of Senior Common Room, 1967, 1988 Fellowships, Grants, Awards, and Honors Romanell Prize Lecturer on Philosophical Naturalism, American Philosophical Association (2010) Volume 79 of Grazer Philosophische Studien (2009) devoted to the philosophy of Alvin Goldman; reprinted as Reliable Knowledge and Social Epistemology, eds., G. Schurz and M. Werning, Rodopi (2009). Listed in Who’s Who in America. (2006) Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 2004). Resident, Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, July 2003. Volume 29 of Philosophical Topics (2001) devoted to The Philosophy of Alvin Goldman. Co-winner (with William Talbott), Berger Prize in philosophy of law, American Philosophical Association, 2000-01. Romanell-Phi Beta Kappa Professorship, 2000-2001 (to deliver three public lectures at one’s home university, in this case, University of Arizona).