He Eugenics Revie October 1957
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HE EUGENICS REVIE OCTOBER 1957 VOL. XLIX, No. 3 CONTENTS The Eugenics Society is not PAGE responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by Notes of the Quarter - - - - - 107 authors ofarticles, reviews and letters. Legal Aspects of Mental Infirmity Sex Differences in Mortality: The Long Life of Recessive Mutations: Two Swedish Studies: The Fertility of a Gifted Group: Changes in Genetic Characteristics Occasioned by Migration: A New Demographic Journal: E. 0. Lewis, C.B.E.: Our Contributors. Population Problems in the British Caribbean - 115 C. M. STEWART THE EUGENICS REVIEW is regularly indexed in the - - - - - International Index to Biology and Medicine 127 Periodical Literature. SIR MACFARLANE BURNET Inheritance of Mental Ability - - - - 137 SIR CYRIL BURT Notes and Memoranda - - - - - 141 Reviews of Books PUBLISHED QUARTERLY POPULATION - - - - - 143 Cassell & Company Ltd. PHYSIOLOGY - - - - - - 145 37/38 St. Andrew's Hill, Queen Victoria Street, ZOOLOGY - - - - - - 146 London, E.C.4. PSYCHOLOGY - - - - - - 147 MARRIAGE - - - - - - 148 Other Notices - - - - - - - 149 Periodicals - - - - - - - 151 From the Press Price: Three Shillings per copy Cuttings and Twelve Shillings per George Villiers and Other Studs - - - 156 annum, post free. Issued free JOHN FISCHER to Fellows and Members of the Eugenics Society. A PERIODICALS The American Journal of Human Further Scoring Types in Sequential Linkage Tests, with a Critical Review of Autosomal and Partial Genetics Sex Linkage in Man-By Newton E. Morton- March 1957. Vol. 9. No. 1. This paper, fourth in a series on the application of The Local Eugenics Society-By Sheldon C. Reed- probability ratio (lod) scores to human linkage, The present Secretary of the Minnesota Human extends the scores to multiple alleles, pseudoalleles Genetics League recounts the origin and history of and partial sex linkage. Using these tests the this local society and discusses its many activities, author fails to confirm partial sex linkage in which include furthering research and helping to conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa and pring the science of human genetics before the xeroderma pigmentosum, etc., for which it had been public. claimed. Further, he reviews possible instances of autosomal linkage and in only two-(i) ellipto- The Estimation of the Size of Isolates Based on cytosis and the Rh system and (2) the nail- Census Data-By 0. Frota-Pessoa-Corrected patella syndrome and ABO blood group-does formulae for dealing with populations in the process he find the evidence irrefutable. of growth are derived in this paper. Comparison Of the several ways in which linkage analysis of results obtained in three Brazilian States with may prove useful that of resolving genetic hetero- those based on Dahlberg's formulae show the geneity has already been demonstrated in the case latter to be substantially lower estimates. of elliptocytosis. Some pedigrees show close Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors in the Etiology of linkage with the Rh system while others fail to Congenital Heart Disease: a Study of 1,188 Cases- show linkage at all, suggesting two distinct genetic By M. Lamy, J. de Grouchy and 0. Schweisguth- entities. Differences between this group of children with congenital heart disease and a control series A Genetic Study of B-Aminoisobutyric Acid included a higher mean birth rank (though not Excretion-By J. de Grouchy and H. E. Sutton- maternal age), a higher average coefficient of Chinese and Japanese families were studied because relationship between parents, a raised incidence of of the higher frequency of excretors of " BAIB" infection, threatened miscarriage, etc., during in people of Mongoloid extraction. There is no pregnancy, and a greater risk of C.H.D. in siblings evidence that individuals fall into discrete cate- in the group under study. Subdivision into eight gories of " high " or " low " excretors-rather does different clinical groups brought out further it appear that the trait is a continuous variable. features. For instance, in kinships with more than However, significant parent-child correlation one case of C.H.D. there was little intrafamily figures and higher variance between than within specificity in the type of defect. Patent ductus sibships suggest partial genetic control. arteriosus occurred three times as often in females as in males and truncular pulmonary atresia, which Achondroplasia: An Account of the Condition in inay be related developmentally to patent ductus Northern Ireland-By A. C. Stevenson-Complete was also found more often in girls. Aortic mal- ascertainment of living subjects was attempted in formations, on the other hand were more frequent this study. The great majority were isolated cases, in boys. " Irregularities during pregnancy" were probablv recipients of fresh dominant gene feature of the group with patent ductus arteriosus, mutations, and for them the excess of mean age in which there was also the greatest frequency of of fathers over mean age of mothers was signifi- antenatal rubella. cantly greater than that found in a control series. About i8 per cent of the propositi showed a (This agrees with data previously published, in second congenital malformation, notably mon- which Penrose was able to show the influence of golism. paternal age.) In each of two families out of the The authors conclude that probably both genetic total thirty-nine found, two sibs were affected but and nongenetic factors play a part and that their both parents were normal; there was parental relative importance varies according to the type consanguinity in one family. A recessive gene may of cardiac defect. have been responsible in these two kindreds. Cytologic Maps of Some Isolated Human Pachytene The author also distinguishes a group of cases Chromosomes-By George Yerganian-Tissue diagnosed at or before birth characterized by from human testes was used for this study and the hydramnios during pregnancy, associated defects method of preparation is given in detail. Nine and low viability. Parental age is not involved isolated bivalents are described- and photographed, here and these cases may be " phenocopies." including the "nucleolar chromosome " previously identified by Schultz and St. Lawrence. HELEN BLYTH. '5' THE EUGENICS REVIEW .- Annals of Human Genetics Earlier results are confirmed that the sib-sib correlation is not significantly different from o'5. June 1957. Vol. 21. Part 4. (Compare below.) Familial Distribution of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate-By M. Fraccaro-Data previously published On the Estimation of Intraclass Correlation-By by Boi (I953) have been further investigated to C. A. B. Smith-Intraclass correlations are of analyse the familial distribution of the erythrocyte considerable importance in genetics, and this sedimentation rate (E.S.R.). The logarithm of the mathematical paper discusses their calculation, E.S.R. is approximately normally distributed. as well as the use of the relevant analysis of In fifty families of two parents and one child, with variance in standard, weighted and semi-weighted apparently healthy children, the parent-child and forms. mid-parent child correlations were close to those expected on the hypothesis of multiple additive Le Nombre de Dermatoglyphes dans un Echantillon genes, i.e. i and IIx/2. In I20 families with the de Jumeaux-By Maurice Lamy, Jean Frezal, child affected by an infectious disease the parent J. De Grouchy et Mme. J. Kelley.-A sample of child correlation was o03o and significantly 584 pairs of twins has been investigated with lower than 0o5. regard to total finger ridge-counts. -Using clinical criteria, including hair and eye colour, P.T.C. Body Size and Weight in Relation to Varicocoele sensitivity and blood groups, 3I2 pairs were judged and Hernia-By Sheila Maynard Smith-The to be dizygotic and I72 pairs monozygotic. The problem of the relation between body-build and correlation between dizygotic sibs was not signifi- susceptibility to disease has been studied for cantly different from o-s, while that between varicocoele and hernia. The method used is to try monozygotic sibs was of the order of o095. This to find a function of height and weight that will fits in with the view that the total ridge-count is best discriminate between affected groups and the very largely genetically determined and that general population. With varicocoele a quadratic additive genes without dominance are involved. function gives the best results. But with hernia (Compare above.) the body-build index (height) / 3/ (weight) is satisfactory, individuals with values of the index The Log Likelihood Ratio Test (the G-test). Methods below an appropriate constant being most and Table for Tests of Heterogeneity in Contingency susceptible. Tables-By Barnet Woolf-This paper recommends the log likelihood ratio test in contingency tables Defective Colour Vision, P.T.C. Tasting and for heterogeneity, instead of the more usual X2 Drepanocytosis in Samples from Fifteen Brazilian test. The use of the test, which has certain theoreti-- Populations-By H. Kalmus-This paper gives cal advantages, is described, and tables are some information on the incidence of defective provided which it is claimed result in an appreciable colour vision, P.T.C. tasting and the sickle-cell saving in computation time compared with the trait in several Brazilian communities. No great ordinary x2. differences in the incidence of defective colour vision were found. Non-tasters were rare or Further Families Showing Linkage Between the absent in two Indian groups; comparatively ABO and Nail-patella Loci, with no Evidence of infrequent amongst negroes, mulattos, cabaclos Heterogeneity-By Sylvia D. Lawler, J. H. and Japanese; and similar in frequency to West Renwick and L. S. Wildervanck-Further data on Europeans amongst whites. Sickling was in the linkage between the nail-patella syndrome and general absent except in negroes and mulattos. the ABO blood group system are presented. No heterogeneity between families has been detected, Dystrophia Myotonica with Special Reference to and the revised estimate of recombination fraction Northern Ireland-By Margaret A. Lynas-A is IO-7 i 2*8 per cent.