pacE TWO ?HE CRtTERtONiSEPTEMBER 2r, rt6l What huppensto Charity in Welfare State?

injusticcs arc Conrnrunisnr's By FR. ILLTUD EVANS, O.P' op. portunity, nnd in Britain, a{. lcast, 7-1 t)Iltl iro )oRls ilHU lJoiltl'i('e Lairol rvolkc


In the light of this, a continuanr:e of the existing arms between the natlons. Its consideration has now a com- gillitiniliiiill The Presitlent race is a cleatly seen insanity because it can only lead to pletely new ori€ntation, a completely new significance and a general holocaust sooner or later. The citizens of the an agonizingly new urgency. As the President pointecl out, CornrrrerrJ The noints rnatlc in Prcsiclcttt Ketlttetly's speeclt to the Un-lted States can be proud and grateful that their President very practically, disarmament is not now pl'oposed in the = hope greed = rcp United Natlons this rveck havc been cotnlrlentc(l upon rvith has taken such a strong ttnd courageous initiative as he dirl of freoing the world from conflict and but simplv rrprc*rd In lhorr rdltErlrl cofunnt = Thr oplnloru degrees of emphasis ilttd cliffercnt dcgrees of ae' in the direction of disarmarnent. They can be prourl and of freeing the world from the terrors ol a total, ilij- TllE Grthollc different = . Calholic viowpolnl-nol nccorrerlly cottnlries of thc world. This is to grateful that he ignores the promptings of emotionally un- struction. ceptance in'the differcrtl "advice," arc cfforlr ol thc edltoru fo rlrv' Publlc llalanced within and without the U.S. Congtess, = vlowpoinf, They be expccted. The citizens of this country know, beyond need of proof. ltc Nrflon' from those ferv, unable to bear the tensions of modern oplnion wllhln th Church rnd wlthln thele can be no dis' that they have the courage and determination to do- = There is one point abottt rvltich political life, who would seem to urge us to adopt an atti- their or ittterpretation "fight duty if the ultlmate disaster of total war is forced ncrccntent artytvhere, either in ertrphasis tude of and get it over wilh." upon'the oF any other way. It is that tlte httntan race has now the them. They also know they are able to respond to Birth crrntrol icienfitie knorvledge and the technical skill needed to de' The eonsideration of disarmament on many oceasions higher demands on their courage implieel in the President's stroy itsclf uttcrly. ln former rimes was raised rn the hope of ending conflict disarmament proposals. ol "'s take birth control ottt of polltics" is the title A' O'Brlen' a recc;[ iook nragaiirr-a-artiele lry-itev' John I QUESTION BOX I STRAY LEAVES Danre University' + iie.tu-*rt Pt'ofcssol Ji tih.tology 8f No.trc. says, the issue ii"i;';'" cio,t iiir" bcfiruse, as'Tre so righily"in lile soeial life iJ ii.'.",pL" ,iir;iri*",.iii.i'ilcrtlesonrc o"ne ridden of ot* ltBtro'. r,egitimitc' sensibilities are being Noseyquestioner Hoosier citizens over roughshocl l:Y both sides' reso' \Ye nll knol thc alt and prt\ctic'c of politics ln the pressurcs gets comcuPPancc lutioir of tru5lic issucs is rr tiratter of scttiug tlp for mental health presille olr otte siho or lltt' other, of trying to hAvtl one EY MSOR. J' D' coNWAY By MICHAELBOWLEJ uier;iif ovcr. thc other- 0r. Ililing tlint possilrilitl', of acldev' lltetn' a lerttpot'alil)' slabla cqtlilibrium bctrveett lhe quer' ing Q, Crn romr quallfled prruon lnswer tho wedding \\:e all kttorv, too, that the prcsstlrcs are set lion wholhrr r Crtholic mry atlend lnolher non'Calholic' nartisan sl.,rtcttrc'utsilly publicitr to attt'itct.the rvcight.of of r divorced non.Calholic rnd of slo" lhr lmprcrrlon lhat, 61vs163 boinf, i,i."*rri"tety ittfot'tttctl lropulnr tipirrion; by the tlse. I wrr undcr (lcsiglled I0 nRVe aven for non'Crlholicl, we rhould nol rHend f,ans \i'hich, oI thcil Ilflttlrc, itrc r&tllcr wrong 'l'1is becrurc I rurd in fi .iiiit iiiu eifcct l1a' to be l.rly' ncc.r'atc. rottgh a.nd ramrrrlrgcr. Thlr htr eomr up ralrtive of lhr readv nrclhod, ttscfttl ellotlgh irt sttclt as tlte determlnatlon fhr Sundiy prp.r lhrl r Cofhollc rtlend the wedding of an it ii* ,rucitioirs. rvill simliiv .ot (10 itt a nrnlte. rvhich is Proldtnl ir cxpectrd to rleeply ihtirnale in thc pclioilal lives of inelividuals' rmbtrrador rnd r dlvorceo.

Thcre is ngrecmcnt bettt'cen all shados of religious opin- iorr on the tlciirabilitv of fatrrilrr litttittrtiott itt certain cir' cllnrstarrccs. Thc disugl'ct.lllt'llt is otl tlte meatls, \lhether lhc usc of tttccltitnicll ot' cltcrnical rleviccs to prevcnt cott- celltion, all(l in(lce(l lltc ttse of stu'gefy to abort it, can be iuititied cilhcr rnor:rlly ot tnediealll'. The qutstit'rns al issue ara lheologicnl, mol'ill, medical 'l'lte'.t' norv to yortr qrtestion: in ortlinaty cil'ctllrl' and s0cial. shttttld bc tlctcrniittecl on tht'se bases- Bttt Catlrolirl nrrty tlot nttcntl the t'eniarriRge all of the bascs-logctltctr llot otre at a time. The.v shortld stnnccs a "conscnsus person, I'hc ntnitt rcasotts at'e: (1) ccrtainly not be detertnincd by thtl poptllar of of I divorccd give scnndal by eonlribtttittg to opinion'i whiell is so often l'!tot'e sltccessfttlh' influcnccd by that he is apt to the lmpression that divorcc is actrtrptaltlo, ntrd tltnt tlie tlemogogic ctrincrs of slogalls tltan by those rvho really lrlttltlllllllll'''','t''''t'i llilllllilililillilillillilililliltilllill knorv'tvhat tltey arc talking abotlt. |i,ffii1'l'[.j]'i1'",11';,i'l'i :1""J]..;Iff;'i,.:.:ll1 o oprNtoNs ing approval, Larvs nnd prrrl,csls Secre:taryof labor answershis critics

in Incrersing nunrbers when thoir Shirt-sleeve crowd farnilies have becn raised, I wel. Rcnralks and erlitorials com- conte this groater participation Editor: nlcntitrg upon R stntenlent o( To the oI wonren in our affalrs--not be. trtine t'clative to tlre place of wour- "lectured" cettsc of an economic contribu. Wc wonrenoftr:n get cn in orrl cconoltty have bccn tion but tree atrsr-. we need the nr fronr thc pulpit on proper drest In a speech in the U.S. Senate, Senator John C. Stcnnis brour{hI ttr nry rttcntion, I hls. morally. I agrcc with the words in the llouse of Gotl, but never e (D.-IIiss.) characterizerl the clergyllren's actiou as a breach tcn to nssrrle lhat lny stilte- .yotr of Pope I'ius XII in 1947, whcn rvo|d t0 tho mcn. of the peirce. l'he tnrlh is. lhe clergylnen offered no vio. trront wts intenrlc

By JOHN L. THQMAS' S'J' tions, so lhat thoir dis:tgl'cclllcnt obicctivcs oI laut- Pontiff'soptiwusm is uol ovt'r {lrc il1' pllrrrting lrrtt. tlvt'r tltc ttlt'tltods sinte l't' lilc in a "shottltt rusctl, ["ttlllrtt', By MSGR. GEORCE HlGGlNs ed atrrl shot tlrlough by rarlical l;u rlluutl according to (ltlf lil\\'s iltl(l Dlru irlisl srrcit'11'. ert'rrrs, it is tot u altl trpset lty t lrt ir t lrr c tvoll lt. ttl rnc l.r', as in - ('r)\'('l'itlg pttltlit: ittslitrt- trlr, D. L. Slrrnbl', ['rotesstrl' ol' irrrliercs rlccp tlisorrlo's, Ncl r-'r'tltrless. it stt'unl?uts rll' ln('ilns ttscd to rtrspttct thc convic' llcononrics at Nuflieltl (jirllcgr:, iions shotthl is alsu irrr ell irr ryltich irnnrt'nsc lchicla nrolc cfl'octivrl5' a ltight:r ().ifol'(I, notcs in a rcceul, ltook. tiUIrs of all !t'rtttlts. lxrssibilities krl good are opeletl ctrrl. tltat of far:ilitating aurl pro. 'l'his Cotl atttl thc llich Sociciy, tltat to thc Churr:h." nr(rnIrs tlr:1t L']iistilli{ r't' "lhc rnoting tlrr: spilitual per.ftrr:tion ol rniritt, if ttot lhc ouly, rcally 'fhr, stfictivt' littvs slrortLl l"ra alrolishltl llrrly lratlt(:t"$ optinlislll ls rnartkintl, botlr in tlre uttulal and nnrl pt't'tittlnt Ptthlic institttlitrtts troInlplv appltertl. in lris trcatrncnt sttltetttattttal oltlct." "prolorrntl slrorrkl tuultrl itvlilable all ttltltlt- ol' Ilrc transfornttl.ions" a trrls of birllt cttt'irol ott n voltttttitt'] rvltich havc lakcn placc in rcccnl r\t thc sarrrc tirlrc. itoscret., he hlsis. t"inllll'. pltr'ltt'ss trrn'lttrl tlccnt{cs in tltt tieltl of s<:icrrt'u, rs ilt pitiirs t0 etrrlrlt:rsizethat scien- lht' tesoltttiotts of rlot'tt'inal tliffcr'- tccluullogy aud ecnnonics, in ilrtr tific anrl tccltnit,al plo(rcss altd "thr: t'rtt't's rvil orttllL\ al)tltlt only iI n social t ickl, antl, [inalll , in l.hc t'csrrll.ant nalrtlal rvcll.bciu;1 nrru'lt ltrrritrlot' r'at'ir:t1' of llil'tlt' ficld of pulitics. arr: ltrrl5' goorl attrl, ls sttclt. ntark t'otrt|01 tttetltotls ettrtrges, so lh:lt Ifis colnprclrrnsit'e listing ol' iltt tnrportant philsc in ltrrntart t'lloctivc lccltttiqttt:s at:cr'ptaltlt to fltr:sc It'lrrsfot'ntaliottr slrorr.s llrlrl t:ivilization.' glottlls rr'ill lrtcottic rrll t'tliuit'tts Itt' ltas l tlrErorr;ih rrurlcrst:rrrrlirrg Xlul'ctover, lrt: pornls it'illr satis. ar ailtllltt, This rerltrit't's oxtstr- is tlris in itsr:ll.- of thc urorlcln rrorkl. llut uvcu I.aclirrtl lu a rrrrrrrbel of rlr:r'clop- sivc t't't'lt, nntl tltc' ilt'ticlt' ruorc intprcssitc lh:rn "s'lrieh (:ontrilrule a l;lrssin1l or a curse." IIis an. lris rrrrtlcr- rrrents lo\t'at'(l closcs rrillt thc strggt'stiotr thtt the slcr is on thc olltirrristic sidc. stanrling of Lhe spccific chlngcs ntakittg hrrnr;rn lrt:itt11rlr{,t'c coll. fertt'rll gotcutntettt sltoulrl sttp' rthich ltavc takert place irr let:ent "\\'e sciotrs of lhcil urtn Iirrritations polt suclt l)foi,{r:llll-s. lir c," ltlofessot' lfttnhy is ltis scrt'ucly optinristic at- "in .r'cars illl(l to\rar(l ct'cuttng in thcnt a *ritcs, n n'olkl of llpi{l a titutle with rc!itrrl to ehangc it- striling for spiritrrll r':rlucs; atrtl bricf ottt' charrgt'. shich *rll r'ontinue for Iilven ilrrs nt'ecssitrill' 'fhis. sel f- tltis t;lrttttot lrc llttt a li;r1rp.r cartr. as long ls \\'o ctll ser llrr,'art." lintr iutlit'llc-s thai. the artthot' hits WHAT OF THE DAY .r\t uo point tloes hc turn his ost of a sineetrt ttttrlt,r'strttrtlirrg Itc conclttrlcs. conftuuts rrs rvillr tackled his rlifficrrlt. sulrjecI rvitlt bacli on tlrc urorlcrtr rvorltl rlitlr atrtl yrt'ufil.ublcco.ollt,taliort.' anrl rlircct' a nulttlrrt ol setiotts ltoblt'ttts, bttt consirlt t'lltltt ncttltlcn "pr',rscnts all its prolrl0nls, und :rt iir; irolrll i'lir' [ [r,1.' t"::'!rct''s ('(,ucril'n. il- alsu rrs rvith evcr. nrss. 1\'o ltgt'cc tltat conlrovcrsy tl0cs lttt cotttt:r-.1 tllc pl'(r5(]llt ttll" ('()l)(l|tt)lt oplloltrrtrilit,s givu tltctt. is llol t() or rrnitll)c- fanrill' plattnin11 hils rvirletrirrll to corrr:or'ning Iavnr:rbly sillt lltc past. rrtlrtize rrtorlt't'll brrt sinr- glot']' (iotl, ls \\'e (lis(:()t(rr' tttLf(l [)t'ogr(,ss lcntled to f{)ctls olt ntctltotls rllltet' Scc Aclrninistt'atiorrch'ivc to 'fo "thc "irllct'all pll'to poittt ottl lltitl of ltis ttuscarcltaltln rristlottt," be sulc he tl.rplrrrcs tlrun olticctives; tlrirt ltttblic policy tttost pelrticiousll' t1'ltical aspcct tlris plogless. attrl cvcn lrt:r'rrusc <)f roguf(ling bilth contt'ol rt'ill pt'olt' "con. of tlte nrorlenl cla," tlltich it. thclc lrrnurins Ilrc llroblcnr lbl.r- follrlt tltc pt't'et'tlcnts t'stalt- sists in thc absurtl atlenrlit [o rc- thlt thu -sot'ial t't,lltiottsltills bc tltrlLtt' electric:po\vcr lisht'd in 1pg1tt'd to rlivot'co. to cotttrol c0nstfuct a soirti irnrl h'uitiul t'ct'onslnrr:lr,rl irt a nrorc ltutrtart abottirrlt, :ttttl sictiliration, lretttic By REV. JOHNDORAN Itt tltis casc llrc .\rlnrirristlatiou tcrtrpolal orrlct prt,sr:inrlittpl florn Iral:tnlc lro{lt itt t'r,g;rlrl to itttli. ns [0c0llt f rl)r]rie tlccs in Ncw h'orrr tht'l)t'usidottl ()ll (lr)\',n llls (lrll . . ." llc also points out llrat virlrrrl lroliticiil r:outtrrutiitir:s an,l \ olk, f)eltvt't', nttrl \\ irshingtott insislcrl lrl)()n sl)olr(lin11sorrrc sixly sr:icntific and teclrrrical llrr,grcss on a rvor'lrl scale," itrtlicatt'; and that consirlc'ring the rurilliorr

T]SFIER Funerel Seruice

q q t rq Possible Cosl'l I I t -t MElrore 2"915rl I PAGE SIX ?FrE CHTTER|ON,'SEPTEMBER 29; l96t- O ANNB CULKIN Girl older thu,nhoy

Dcar ,illiss Cu.lftin: diffcrcnca as mcntionerl in your individual letters is not unusual Edifed by thc Clerlc Seminerirnr of lYosl Srdrn ollcgc and should not be rcason for con- cern if nraturity is on a plr. printing herc. It Points to thc a A priesf dfes significancc of the lives of mcn like Ilr. Ilosch, f)ear Failurc: "With ntttntotonorts regttlarity' thr), vieucts and listcnors of our Antorit-:rn nlSss conlllltlnlcir' tion ntetlia arc srrlljccted to flo*'- ing accottnts of llto mistlcetl.s of thosc rve choose to set rrp *s itlols in our rvorld. "PaHe page, a|'ter lir l{ave aftcr TOp WOODS. SCHOLARS-A Prerldenl'r Dlnnor, deslgned lo dovolop lturlanl-frcully conlaclr rnd of I-loal r\il ll'r.aveler: ilir rvnve, \\'c ;lfo kaPt ebreast yecognlre ecadamic excellonce, will be inavgiirafed Sundry, Ocl. t, at St. Mrry.of-the.Woodr Collegr. ihcir lust, th!'ir grcc(|, tltcir pride' Guesis will include 42 honor rtudenh and lhe collego rellglour and lay facully. Shown rbove wilh antl their rvnstod, ttncharitable Sister Morie Perpetua, S.P., eollege presidenl, aro lhe lop rludent scholars of last remesler, From lirt's, Tltt'n, ttpotr lhoir' llltssittg' left are Miss Palricia Hughes of Indianapolir, who led lho Dean's Lisl wilh a 2.97 rvcrage; Misr \rr1 Aro trentctl to stuPcu(lous Buffalo. N,Y., third place; Mlsr Johanna Reichel of Galesburg, lll., recond Placc; "ct)vrrrNgc" of their ftttltrrals, ttt'ttl Dianne Uhrich of of lndianrpolis, tied lor third plrcs. Qlher top scholors from lhe Archdio- Ir) s(,ntilllr'nt:rl crrlogics prtf ing end Mirs Patricir Lewis Inlsc antl rvorltlly cese include Mirr Rrchel Eberle of Floydr Knobr, Mirr Mrry Stephen of Terrc Hrute, lnd Misl trihutc to tlre llcar Ilcatler: rir:lrnt'ss u ltit'h sumottndctl tho Celerline Hrmant lnd Mis: Janet Srebrlur, both of Indianapolir. GrinsteinerFuneral Home true hollosncss of tlteir

Since 1935 Custom Designerl llfinorirls G.Ef.Hegrrnann Created tn Our SltoP. ,rw', lro pxrLrrR L(trgest.Stoclt ol Donesltc attd. Itttport.ed Tqne?al tilitt$llt Soot6s Air Horns Granttes or Your I'ersonal -tlecti'ttt {t ME. 2_g{BB f - F Condilioned I5O5 t{rt trrt Sf?.d redryres 'ln Cemelery Leitering - Duplicating Specialists Sorrow,Underslnnclttg Con Meon5o Much" fulovies "Persortalizcd llentorrcls Nccrl Nol Ee E.rpt"'stts" Saac/< fittfle[,reek Nursery Ctl., lilo. a (lt0ll I{nMr a slara wl0l 82nd Sf. rnd U.S. Highwey J2. lndirnrpolir DTIIYTIY (onlinr. l{c,fh on Ola tord it ttru frrdrrr l.lil c@,ffi Tel. AX l-7660 CALL ffi lfuil Addrrt-lrr Aul!r1., hl FL 7-7529 'rHE -CRITER|ON;'SEPTEMBE R 19, re6l PAGE SEVEN . THE FAITII EXPLAINEI) .Worker 'Bless participation those who (This is c continuation of Poge John, existing and workers on more than one F persecute' ercyaliaal ofl Motct XXIII's th€ soci4l otd,et, continent, which in the midst of manv E et Magis|'r.a,) gra're and a tangled and frequently difficulties har,ne E By REV. LEO J. TRESE tarctl rvithout full delibcration) When n clrild comes in from lortctl itlca of God been able and are continuing to strive € rvortndedancrGod is tris' Modern times have seen a broad de- .,Bless Til:' for the effective promotion o-f intercsts E rhcss rvho r)ersrr-;lllTl,: 3l:'; ;l'h,i."":l;f].,\:if'iilt,\"J"1 ;lli'.i:,|,T *lt'1,,"1['i',H'..r velopment of associations of workers you; not ents $'ould nrakc a-grent nistake Sin is too awfttl an.evil to ba of the working ilasses and for their E cute bless itntl do ?uE .,ENEDA. nlrh^inld ia for fhe specific purpose of coopeiation, curse],'shysSt'})attlirtltis''',ii'T''l,i'T,i'xt.i.."l*'l",iliiu'ilttrap1x'ltr1tro'ftrtrtti|ly'sItoekct|antl1':l,.l,i' material and moral improvement, both E in nurticular bv megns of collective gre to t.:il ura clrikt ttrlt suchlarrg ehildgootl mannors. It shouklbe -the within a single politicai unit as wetl € gpirltg io" n o mi ir i ii'":':#l;'\$1,\,1"";#i"'iri";iil1i and general recognition as u-lllq:llL-i'lit bar'laining, on a worldwide scale. aitaiil. r'hrr rvc,s.'.antr thc cvil rvcrvish :'t:co::i: l.::n,l:l'i": ll*':fti".19, :"t1,: .:,l:f'l $:::lt{; of such association in the juridical codes = ,lii:"ii;; $$.rfi,{ri,$ur,',irri,i ;",r'":ri"r*"ar,*,i:dit of varinus counlries and on an inter. lT lS WITH satisfaction that We be. * nm*u1"":l$itr",,,"{#jl.t#Jfiilli Utiitf+iii:lqi+i"_t!ffiE scale. But We cannot fail to lievo it Our duty lh|ng.^foflno|cilrua'lilirc.lrcNBh{Ihooa[h!o|lbal|!o.s_:;;]:'i';:,';:;:^..-;;,:'...j',...'.'.= *ou national to underscore tho fact € i1ffirJ'r'il:1.,i'"i,iiiiir'iJi;J;i iiJ,i,l:'ll,l1 i''":'"ri iil"'$il"":fi f --_ - l cmplrasize how timely and imperative that their work is to be qaugcd not F is it that the workers exert their influ- only by its direct resulls and bv those 5 1x:"'t*:"'lrhLliji^i{,"tj ;:;*lljiltji**nlli";r l I'hcI'he l,iturgiealLiturgieal- Week I .""\i"i'li'.L'i,'tJli",;.,i",x"il1= e rrcc, itnd effectively so, beyond the which are immediately observablc, but E ";il"ili$,* | I limits of the individual productive units also by its positive rehction on an'eco- E o,*csc sons ts --I': ::--"1'::1'-i:;1l1*.: ::: i*:"$"#llil{1,iii;ll;.-"tir-li;= and at. evory level. nomic and social order marked bv E lgic.iii.iiiiiil"ii'iiir'i.iiiIii113...1.l1'"-i;i]:''l."1.iT:"'*"-**'w.HovDA^{gtstinokhhonrcly,.ox.iiiirillbc rcason is that individual produc- justice ancl humanity, cffccted throu{l;- E r""ii.ii""ii"-'-i,i"'i,rr"l'i,""i:1"**,1* tivc units, regardless horv extensive or out the latror worlrl, whclc it spreilts i'"i1J"t.i"]iriini"stn'iinpc;;;b..Nt!'or.f.|h.9ch||r'ritr!ocTo!ERr-Nilat{[ E l,'$['jlif""'ilil.ifl,lli|"j"i",'J.ifiiiit.Iirjli.i.i..";il}:'..*.li.:"'TElJ,-'i:f:i:."il'.iilii'l;li"::H.:l.'1l1lhorv vcry efficient they may be, form a the principles of eorrect oricntatibn and = vit:rl part of the economic and social supplies the impulse of Christian rcno- E 'il o"t crt ,. sid ri loll i complcxity of the respective political vatlon. = cornmuuities irnd are determined by it. eoulshonII.h$cmxtcd,lN!c$utdoshldlratltnIila"ctnnrvclhiIlkoft'pictu|c,i1'i$ We believe furthar that. one must re- E soulIoI$[ou|k'di.d'hxnrttnorroricooociugoilotIiGs}olkufi|rouhnFm(oisiEq* gard BUT lT lS not the decisions made in the same wily the work uer- E formed with true Chiistian'bv ouritflli|cly'n|.l1n|l|dhT''|iiNoi;.';;in rvithin llre individual productive units E rvhich are those that have the greatest Our beloved sons in other nrofcssiondl E glo,up$ bcnring. Instearl it is those made by and associations bf rvorkcr.s E which take their inspiration fronr !.'Iio|"I;"!l|'1r|I..y.tlIl.l]:1t!r',lh..rF.(.hiw[ns!y.r,.IsFe...'|o,;:r:\''l{l|l1 pul)lie aut.horities or by institutions that na- * act on a rvolldrvide, regional or national tural principlcs of riealing with cach E other and are scalc in regard to some economic sec- respectful of the freedonr E or eonsclence. tor or category of production. Hence = [rili1t'11];{,'{l',.,-;'.* = applopriatarress :-i":r,rJ"rili,,*il'L*,ii{*:liii$*i\il*'*1 :;*Lir'[:iilr,i..l $; liiin'fi:iiln"ii""r"I:rliithc or imperativeness - We are always happy-tri to exprer* E .r|h{t$i|lcoklhln0d0'|',"u.,",;;;;;;;;;;.,"ijiil;:,"il'i,'']:,lTl.if.1'3'";';T.{I'ii'f: that arnong such authorities or institu- heart{elt apprcciation tlrc Int'clna- E porsou mcxll 'l'here the tloes ttot fr.tlly not so ntuch tlcsclibc as hint. at, rvas rt cct'tain chilttlike speaks of God (or of lhe saints = tions, bcsicles the hoklers of capital or tional Labor Organizaiion rvhich for: E llrc rcplcscutatives of their inierests, decades has becn makirrg its effcctivc 5 the rvorkcls also 0r those who represent anrl precious contributioti t0 thc estah- #i altnoll8n tne ang(rr Inrlilrt o|j'. 'l'his , trrattt,r,s. Not itll so.called batl puhlie wttr.slrip, is tl'pically satis- llrcir righ{s, demands and aspirations lisl,ment in the wollcl of arr is a po:ntto "*...1.11..11]"1:l its eeonomic E i;;ili;;,r. ii.i iiit, .",r .iiir,rr*ii iicrr rvittr should have a say, and social order markod bv iusticc arrrl *=i rvith regarrl to othtt' mtsttst's tt[ "ll;,l,;;i^;,,,;' rvr rnr,r rho] l ie q \,or.rls nrrrl olltei srrrns antl slnr- 'lzrrvlirl Our erlfcctionate thought and Our humanity, where also thc t-it-:]t:'; of tts sottte petrctlir' rlc- EI :lltjl ,':':i. Lii:'...i1''i...'jIi: srn if it is rrr-rt.t'or cxamplc, thc lxtls t'cclttit'c ihiliiiil'i'-"rur"l*i patornal goes rxlvrli*ruriil#i}dlll,tl lltorrglrllcss cncouragement out to the mands vcry rt rs tllri llittfctl',()l',tllor*.lu,*l"riEnililir"ji,i rt'ircliorr Io curotiorur[ of tho rvorkers are given cxprcs- id:t!{rr*ffi"t"r:r"tilioltL'n rl:.,ahii":lllliT'l::i:}1= No|tls,,hcll" and,,dnnrn"ire not tiort,sonrc htrurntt effort to renlly F Rngcr.Rllgcf. orof tltr'intprtttcttc0llltr lnlpiltl(rllc('\\'lllcll\\hlcll isls r1r,^'llre strttirt, strclt ils itttpltierrr.c ot' -i profcssional groups anrl to the associa- sion. = ,:,"',1:,,,,.-:;..^..i. tlrtrusr,lr.cs sinfrrl-:,,r,.r rvorrls.,,.^*.r- :eetoo ilrr:6,, inrlgo-inirrr:)rrr-ill itsils full scrtsc,su1sl- ''lt pirluc tJr puirt: lt (iotl goorl, tlte rcll *l']t-L:tt']lt'll:lil.]::liilsitt, rnthot'lltittt ttltut tr'tt-,tl -.:..-"...;::-:..:... "t)lnrrrrit,.,,....-...-,, r.,,r rrrn'^1,i,r itr til,,r:rl irr. \r.{rr.. lrltl(lU ot' lrillll. Ir(,(l islS l.,l(l(ltl, =j=: tionsof rvorkorsof Christianinspiration (To be continued) l19'ojl] nrlrr rlno sl)s, I lorgot not tturt'olfin its litull or strpcr" = sil]'.sily' riltll Aollll.lliurrlli Lot" """':"1,L'-'.'.l]('onlcssloll,.ll rt'lty rlocs llc lct such things h:rp- = "[ rrt.ilrrtail tlt.itltlt lctter,"lettef," t6etlte wotttattworrrlrt ficinl'rrse. "(iot[ rlorrld he nlor(' c()r'l'c('t lo sil), pcni"'

Je.usal.*, Ior' .lle love. ierusit. llastct'n and Wcstcrn Roman "'Chapel tl,pical nol.e of chrisiiart illtliqtrity in thc lenr too. c(hlcation, ns rvell as christian Cha|lcmagne' ID{Don"" in gc1sr.rl. c1n c{)nlc llrlpirrr, llortt Cottstlnlintl lltc'(lrcat to a irrspiratioir FATHER EDWARD SMITH'S is, ltotvt'r'ct, rcatly to nraintain con' at a 1i,r5 uoipt of f,tt*'"",i1;"; tttrvotiotral ,ervic.,.-. lrel nrr"n.c pttrytrttts this' SIlc CATECHISM CLASS saints,,orEastand ve^*t. iffiii*i'{i'in:lj l#iiii!:ii},*"'r"xi*,;"'r*ili*:;ll"*frry;*it,tii"4'*$ WISH'TV (8), 7:30 A.M. - passiolls 2 through Friday,Oct. 6 a.

CATHOLIC HOUR ( NllC-li;rtlto) "lir'Pol't Suntlal'. (lcl, l. oll llI- rlia" pt'tstnts att itttt't'r'ietv rvitlt llrc trolttrl t-t'ottotrtist. ltttthot' itntl GUILDTO MEET lccturcr', !]at'balit \litt'd, by ["a' ().1"..\l DI$TAI.|CIC}|AROI$ARI .\tttlLr'tls. IOI.|O tlx'r' Agntllirs . L'ttholit' llit'cclot' of Ilil(lir) illl(l 'l'clctisiott iot'iltc llll(-'. ltt ltor rntrf\ i('\\'. t't't'ot'tlcrl itt [,otttltrtt. lliss \\':rrtl sp0llks of lllt' a l)olillcill, 'l'[rc r,('()n()nlif art(l sl)ililtlul l'('litti()ll' elichcs arc tltcre, as I ltitle ship [rr'llrcttr l']lrsl lllrl \ft'st, atrt' sirirl, irr rlurtntitl: .l''lttlttr lltit['s is tlrc rtcigltbr,rrltood llltlsizittg lltt' ('ltt i:l iirtt r'('sltollso rloscst trictul to hhliit itr tilltt rrl llls 1'.'".'t't1 .lcu'islr tlt'ttggis(, rvith u'ltottr ltt' (iallagher-nnd-Shcau BTIl.|ODROPPilOI.IttlAl|Y CALt$ papn! oncl rliral. r Nt'tt\.ot'k tittte: cartics oll piutts. :::10 lo:i l).ltl, contots.llions; tlttrtt is a FRIDAVEVE. SPECIAT lnnrbling cltratc, ittt lrish hortsc' CHURCH OF THE AtR {('ItS- kre per rvlto yrlal-s Iather llt'itl.'s Deep Fried Whole Wall-EyedPike ( lllrtliu)-.-Srttuiir). )('1. [. l"atlrt't' [aitltfttllt'. antl ittt 'l'ltuttutr lare sclectious STEP I BEGAN-ON *iAY 2l-when MOOnUs- 11. t'o:kt't'lt, [),I',, oll :ruxiliut'1' bisltop rvlto ltclieves itt Sunday, October 1, malks the completion ('olh,tt, €:li*"T::t:i:li;: ::i: :::::...... $1 .s0 VILLEj was added to the local calling area of rntiuy l'r'or itlent't, itt Ittor itlcttt'c, r\larlison .r\t'ctrttc tccltiqut's antl "Al -- At time li.1., u ill :qtt;rh rrn lloittc ltas ltis uun pttblie reltttiotts rtgcttl. lt's'l\'r'r'ifir' lt's [)ifft'r'ent] date of Step 1 lvletroplan, that long telephone users. .\ lstt llel ic iutts l'l'.\ l, l'\ \ l"(X) I ). t'l 1..\tt(l()r\1, 1l ltO t t,ltD ui!lr {'otl." llrtsic prrivitkr

BAND PR (rrobresvirrc)..... See. hear the original {:,' "I'lusic: .*. V E (l'{oorc}villo) r\'lau" colnlioser St'leet llrc Inslnnnent of \ our fllioice { (Danvills) .. ..{UL6 'l'r'i1ls Stl (V/esr1r,,!ton) linjo.r, tlrc frrn irntl lcwartls ol' lluntl to Contests. Plrryilg at ;\thlctic l.,r'clts . \\tculiug Neu' Uuifolrtrs, It" fiIEREDIIHWIIISON etc. (reirtrnd) I ST.... .,,.TE5 (Grcanwood) I andhis wife, RlNl, UseOur 8-Week Rental Plan TE 5 (Feirrerd) "'""'tsr...,../TU

in \\'e rcut uull' Stirntlut'tl r\l;tke, Natiottallt' r\'tisetl TE I (Plainticld) .,. ., . .7U (Greefl*o0d) 'l'lris Instlunrr-'nls. assr.u'csJ,ou ol url ilrstrttltlettl.that is T1 .,.. .,.,UP (Zionrville) "An tltrc in pitclr, iu ttttrc. trittl guirt'aul.cetli l{otrr: ..TRY TO (t{ewPalrstinr). "...HO (Greeniield) g (Piai.iteid) BEFOREYOU BUY'' TU (crcsrf,.'d). .,..{tt (Frlrlarrd) ER1 (TE 5 SU N DAY, OCTOB Ol hlirth Anc[ h{usic" B \\'ceks' rcntitl I'cc is plritl ul,on l'eceipt oI instt'uurent. (Cumbcrland).-...,....,.HO (Greeniieldl Ilt'rrlal erpplicslo purchasc irr all eitses. Nrl fttrtlter TW lleitr' llelcrlitlr tell the stot.\. o[ hrr\,,' 1ta1,- (Broivnsbuttr.... (Carmcl) Irt, nlotc Bloatlrva.t"s halrpiesi rtnrsical, tuent is rr.ttrrlcuntil the rnrl of trro nrontlts' rental ueliod. UL2 Vl J'lorlcve.r',if in.stlunrcnl is letulntrcl plomlltlS', ac- 5'out' 6 (l'J!rtil6*'lon).. .SH {o3n!ill?) ,5srr ilrredith arrd Jris u'ije pre$,.'trt.d g(tlt courrt is ciiuccilcrl. UL c(rllr{ile ,.illrrsic r.srsjurr. of iftut" UH (AJ6n) .VA (oriilandon) COME IN AND LET US EXPLAINTHE 9O.OAY CASHANO I2.,\AONTHBUDGET PLANSI UP (Zi6ns'/ille)...... T1 (Fiilter;) Suturdus'. Oct. 7, at I VA (oer:tindcb) . .i^t I rpsli:rna ll usie Co. tUN (Atrt", llAltl\\ (:'liirr:i;lic) (oJ:ri'r) COLLIiIGE :\titlI'llORIUlI VE .,.-.Sll /r'i :, 32(l(| I\(J( ilill.;S I\\ l1'IiD COLD SPRINGSROAD Vf (Cili;i:)) . UL 2 {6l.'ril:rir,.ri} I!arrl IL [iinrrl. Plt-ritient pdt" l\c t;t L ll!:ltltr'ttLllla dnd f ickefs t2 - Avtilablc rl collcaa, I'o ut ho:t b plcte tellt lnl 6l 1ai \:j/ r15E. OHIOST. S'ti::r rt x 4 l')!rt :lar.' Owd CotrtttuttlcuIt{JttsH t'|p'lIu/;t Ut;vJ L'tttrtrttuttt(iet - TFtE-fRIf E RiONIEE pt E M B HR 2i,* r'gff PAGE N|NE rilillIltil!iiiIi1i|tii|liiiiiliillilliitil!tiitiiriri;iiiiliiilt!!lllllllrllllllllllllllltlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllll'l'ackcr Card party set T]*;

', 'l'ltis ,l}l:ll lttrl lttttt' 11i;'1' l'tlll ttt;iUi,,r l:'' i'lr ! i{ :r!} t \' \\'r','h tlt;rt il:rr:r illl() G(}\'- :rrillltlil l:ll('l iil iii{ \ti,l .irlr! r\i li irrt'tlrtrtli tl. t\ lctv lllrt'rrt.r (}llrCielS lltat Ct.llrlf Jlllitlla.\\ l.: \\',.j-lr irrirl it r'(,lll('li,11('.','f ' ctiiz0ns .'' l0adet:;lu;t lt .i iii'1ii,,r':;r. I rl, lir'il.{r rli)t)Il {'(lLl(';}lt'(l l'f llll)1t' ;lil('tllll]n t() lli. ttltr r,l (,riir., i,rii,i:i I .'l l;it,r: l)tllllic \.':i,'l(' 1"\\'l}sl}ll)s at-o \\'itllOUt lll]|;ltt{,s u} ll1l\ :l.i:, il l'{: r'1'lll ,'f 111(' '' Itltt'ltt1 l;tt llil,r': '-}irritlil ' i' inrlt'i'tl t r'r'tlite lltc \\ {'ll. ll,'i'ii r, ,i,l' : 1' rl l:i I rtt ilr 'lii!r),rl' "!l tr t' n'rrttltl lrht' li) o 8 "lN t|ltrrlt'itt'arlt',1 "; .iil \ ll: Ilt;l Sl\ THE MESSAGE of Popo (l;tlllrlllc s|ltolrls $lld ,,i lji:,i.ri, it. r.,ls Ii r,ril' XXIII it wns said that Ilrrf ltrrr ltr ili iili:\ John tlre

lll\tittl! litlli. VISUALAID

DoNlillttER's ItLiGAI\I} CAIIPIIT'DISCOUI{T S'IOftIiS I [oosit'r {}rrilrl lo slronsor 2 LOCAT.IOi\ST.O SEI{VE YOU ( t'1,r!!)nut'{lf tom lrllf I ) ulcnlh{-r'slripIr'ir rrttnl:rl ritsltlrl(lnrfllls. \Yllcrl cllli- rlrr,rr :rrtr I'ilt ln for lnslilttliottnl Ilts Il:rtlirr'rv l,. \\'r'lsh rvill be t'rrle. lhly rtr'lotlrjctl lil tll('stilto 303W. WASH.ST. SOUTHERNPTAIA a ln!rnq lll{' ltrrnot-t,rlnerv rlrr'lnllef s llri.illr!:rls tl \\'ilf(ls rltllt ltilttlI rrf tlrt Sl. \'irrr,r'lrt's (itril

\' ', -, ! ,\\:i\alii:i, lr .i: : :'ri:i,il - i'-,!;1,'r' "i li:* lltt!rittttttOtt ts Fratr.r C.rr;- For. (-l fj,ir'r. .r :i,r.ri r .,: lrlrrrr6cul,rttr l-lf ,rr.t Of Miry SIDTICIAI,! {INII TYHTIK ONLY plrish, ltl,], .,. l: I r,ir ll;t'. :. l] stil(ir'lll ilt lllr' \r'l]rillilr]. ,rl , Jolrrr Ch'rrlcs SfraJli. :i 1,, r:r!'r'r Our Lrtly o{ Lourties parish, "501" Inili:in;r;t,rirs. \\':ls Ir.:r:rr ri i', il:i i)r';ir: s i i\i i;rsl \rllllr:slt'l' ifl llIltttrlttl NYI0N .\l,lrr'r DUPoNT ': t'i,llt':r' ,li \ ll i:r,,'1,:1.r. ,\ sr'r'tc: of illlirtrr.' lltht'tt lt 'l'r'Lf(t ilrr, lrrrrrrtcril,rtr-- fllrri fljvitr,tl.r oi iit,. ('lltt'r'tlitn l'i)!l1r 1 \, C []oocl Selcclion ,\'O l['' ll:ilrit'. ::i ri;siriiir.i lr :1:,' )\,;:', r'riilJ- r.rut' i)[ Sl Jltii.' lt;:tt::t,'itto, n6$* of Colors ()'\'LY Reg.Value $9.95 5q. Yd" Pay ar lsw ar $5.00 Monrh

SQt,rAltliYr\ltt)S installcd over t'ul)l){lt'coi}kld pa(l oll wood $259t0 3Cfloot',; . .ONI,Y SPliclrltr,! {}ND llrn tiK {}Nl,Y FTEAVYW00t tA(E WltToll (loorl $ry95 O Scltrctiotr ,\-Ollr -ffi** ol' (lolors ().\'L Y Res. Value $8,95 Sq. Yd. Pay rr low ar $5'00Mottth

SACRED tIEART Fit)If\ .'ilrg ;rrnu.rl one.clay Fiesfr,rf Sacrr.d H,tarl p.rririr, litili;rrr.ip.:irs, rvrli f:e held on Surrday. October I, irr ill,t':ffi :,it'r' $229r0 llre 9vn:rra:iurrr o{ Sacr e.l li:.t, t tlrrilrtl iligh School. Co-chairnren 3{} IiiTI ili_v:$ of ihe evcrrt are l-i,o.l Sl',rnire lr:li.,rir

HoDown Pav ?:*::l;9.!"ji11|h'To


THE ARCHDIoCESE J\ROUND Portugucse Richrnond organizatiolrs governor C) KUNKEL'S finc rood slatc of activi ties bans paper W""":::J:::: call'tn sc["tcc DRIVE-IN GOA. P()rtugttese India - The Porttrgucse govcrnor'gcneral ot 2402 Pork Rd. Ph.2860 Goa has placcd a three-month ban on the ptblication o{ the onlY Catholic wcekly in tlte Concani language, thc dominant tongue 'l'hc spokon in I'otuguesc posscssions J unior' (l rolt. lloolts Clttlt in India, fol Cltholic sttttlt'nts in liichttrond rvill lrcgin its tlist:ttssiott tllt'otil)gs Observcrs said the .iottlnal, Vur- Siitunlal', Oct, 9. an

ilt 1..\Il l. l;la.--'l'hc Castro re' srnre pliuis rliler:t statc colttt'ol of ('utra's chiltlt't'tt antl to prohibtt th('nl lronr lt'ccivtng arry rcligiotts HARPER'S FASHION rlrstlut'lronr accortling to leports CLEANERS The Riddell National Bnnk lcachin.q ht t'c. l'lro{rrs{irlic errpics of a pro. tEt For Bettcr Drycleaning of Brazil, Indiana poserl nerv rlcclcc notv tn tlte KELLY Use Our COIN LAUNDRY hanrls of (,-uban exilcs ltot'c tle- DRUG SIORE Ph. GRrrwd.32125 HighwrY 7 Since1883 clalc tlcntal antl pltysical tt'aitt- CHBVROLET lll l. Aloln !r. rng of clriltllcn lletwcen tlte ages l'ree JOE CHRISMAN r)l :l ln(i ll{} rvill be {ltc t'e'sponsi- Orconwood, Ind. lU. l-2t7t Lint Free-Cling - bilitl' of np11, fiovel'nmcn[ or- cltFrr tNN Non 'Stotic ganrz.ltion callcrl Olganizacion de * Clothier - Cilculos lnf autilcs. Cllfty tollr ttotc Por* DRY CLEANING 'l'ht'tlocunrcnt BUTTZ-HIGGINS statcs tltc OCI kcollcnt lood In Colonlol n'ill takc nccossary stcps to as- MUSIC CENTER tetflng Paul J. Peddie sulc that each of tlte children - FAATILY RATES - 63 MADISON Wilgro- Shopping Csnler I22 W, srh Ph. rvill rcrnain irr tlrc province whete (Juncllon lordr {31 I tl) Patronize SCHULER'SSTORE his parcnts rcsirle. .{ child will Phonc TU l-2975 havc thc liglrt to visit lris par- Our cnt.s trvo tllls caclr uron(lt so the IICHtYTER Patroniae clriltl rvill not losc contact rvitlt BUITDINO SUPPLY his fathcr anrl rrrotltcr', accortlirtg Our Aduertisers to thc tlcclec. Conlrocling Compony Altcl clrikllcn roach thc age of CO^,tPTETEsUIIOING SUPPIIES Aduertisers 10, lhe lnw autholizes theil placc- nrcnt anyrvlrclc applopliate to the "hiChest intclests of thc nation." i\ccoltling to thc text o[ thc pt'o- CASE'SIIIRTET poscrl larv no onc undcr thc age o[ 2tl rvill be pclmittctl to lcave Cuba antl chikh'cn rvill be for- Ititkk'rt to lcccive lcligiotrs in. stluctions rvithin theil homes. C & I DEUGS Sacrctl llenrt plans ond Hargo|lil Gompany SHADY ACRTS PHARMACY "? rottrlgli on lprclolhlr-l Claoned Fihared ffi nnnuill ['all liiesta f, tud Depcit r*, IREE DfI.IVTRYSERVICI FUELOIL / ll4 F. Moin St, Il. 9"6802 Saclcrl ilealt pnli-sh. lnrlianap- lfO l. ltoln Weslern oiis. rvill hold its annual gala Fall N#b TheEger Sludio 12 ?oatl 31, Ph,WH.4.0581 lfAiCH-27t6 Chrtlrtiott lt "Porlroils Iricsta on Srrndal', Octobcr' 1, in - Weddingr" Saelt,rl ilt'irrt Ccnlral g5'nrnasirrm, liiri S- \lciirlian St. 739 Moin Sf. 'l-cndcl lrot PhoneKl. 7-4881 turke.v anrl tuste. tL'nll)tnlg roast becf tlinncrs rvill he scrvcrl in the- school eafeteria f|0nr 1l a.ln. to p.m. 3 Thcre Pokir IGA ilkl. Patronize r!ill be hofrthi:. {ilmcs and prizCs Pay'n for 1'ounq anrl olrl. r\ granrl Quoliry llcotr-lrot I Winr @ Slst.t0 plize rrill be Phone Wjl.4-2285 Our lr','a riietl solite- peLson lrrck,,- at ?rrr Drllvory-Opra tondcyr rrcl 3. ttalc and Alllt the clo-sr ol tho aflirlr (tt p.rn.) liprlor ,tl Ootr EYaalnrt bv ^ocolrtnll Acloertisers Srill(iirt niqht.

HOLY TRINITY STAG MITCHETL OIL CO. Shrader tr'uneral Hone .-\ .'.iril -

... so 1 PUT DOWN... t SL fam,es pltns WE!I.,,1,MEMBER CCULDN'T OCTOBETR... MONTH OF THE I.{OLY Rprnenther Them eosA-FY /// In Your Pra.vers ll{DrAxAPoUS 4., bolll of lJ.a Albnny; dtuglrtcr, l,1rs. i ll^rlv W. t. trlAttttt, 5/, Srcrrd 8!art Arnlold (.in, touitvlllc, nlolher, l,1ts. Rusroll _ Clrurclr, S?p1. 19. Survlvorsr wifr, Mlldrrd; (ookt brothe., Brnianrin; sisl!ts, l,/'ti. Enrl drughler,. Mrr, -Cdrolyn M0lrbetger, nlotltrr, Blust and l,'lrs, L0uil Shrader, all of licu tit$. tcrrlc Marlin. Albrny.

ptriliF t Ltorsr, 70, sr. Nlri Ltru,utr, -ttrrill WT'I IITRT IIAUIT Srpt. 12. Holy (rogr Carlctery. Survivorr t oRAvrs,86, sr. teonrrd's chur(h, slstrf, Juli. Mitchrll. J$llil: JAMrt r. xrnori-i'el sr. Mirk,s ehurcrr, t CANIIITION Sepl.23, St, Joscnh (crlclory. Sulvlvorsi ,aMrt wa[rtt BAttow, 87, sr. r,lichaet,5 vJlf., 00rd, son, Rorr,rlrll rlauglrler, Evalinc t Churclr, Sepl. 2i, Church Ceilrelerv, Srrr. Coof, rlepIollrer, Mrs. Vtrgil Kindlc; brollrers. vivorr:1oni, Elnrer, Ioulsville; tddard aild Pllili!, McuriG, si5l!r, liary Slagle. Ilrrodora. lrollr of (annallon.

t Joltx t. numruci,-z*oltoty rriniry ururcrr, Irtt fltY 5cll. 25. $1. Joset,h Cilil?t€tv, Survivors: 't tILA tttlA fofltlt8, 88, 5t, Prul's Church, wifa, Jullannd, sons, John Jr,, R.ynrond; Sept. ?5. St, |\lily's CaNrtrry. Survivorsr d6ugl)lcrr, l,1dfy Crthafirra ll,tilIrloild, Rlld druqht?fr, [{r$, Irnertint f, l:iqff, Irlrnl){'rq, Irilstes, Elizii,illt l,lunrlrrqh. Irvr3;,\,1;5, Clifil li. llitl, llll (.ityr brollref, 't [d A, Keek. oePdu:v. ln(1. crlrtlt w. r6'IiFn, 69, sr. palrick.r Church, Sctl. ?5. Si. Josrph Ctrlrtrrv. illlllililllililillillllllllllilllllllllililililillililililililtitl St,fvivorS! wifc, Sadie; s0rr, Raynrond; dauq[r. l.rt Alrs. Wllllirn Russell, Mrs, Ellll? Souih. BloomingtdnShoe ard, l,1rr, Clrrrle: (rllahan, Atrr, Riclrnfd CALENDAR L{illlgtn, Repai. & Shoes

l Jo$pH c, rrrrrirx.' sa, si. B.rilidonr.i (hrrrrlr. (rlv;ry Across From lndiena 5rpl. 75. CeDlaltfy, 5ur. SEPTFMBER1? Theaire vivorsr wifr, Lols L.r hrotlret, f.fvail, Aislrr!., "While Grnrvs fr6cl! .a, fffinels €lark, florcncc Sl. Rlfa'r sochl begins irt 6:30 You Wait or Shop" Parish List Jong- Shopping p.ur. in audi(oriurn,.[9th Indianapolis the an(l 'fory l' 'taHcrJ rort,'il, T/inrry (hurclr, Arscnal Avc. S0t)1.26, St, Jortt'lr Canreltry. 5urvivorsr d0uglrtcr, lidry Xrorloshak; brolher, Loui: l.."...... '..- t-rdy of Lourdes Litllc Flowcr i rtnNADrNr r. w-rirr, t3, sr- Rocrr'l * Assumption *i* Holy Cro:r *l* *l* ttl* St. Jrmcs * Clrurch, 5epi. 21. ltoly Cross Crnref.ry. Suryivorsr husbdnd, 6rorge ll,; sons, l,lnrc, fircg; nrolhrrr Mrs, Stellr M. Iogao; brotllcr:i, Ihonrns ortd 0onald [oqarr. Woild.llrStNdedl yyolgOt lailIA[rS [EAlrrl'Sll0r'l Elltt TROYIVENUE Pdul, Brcwn,!S.rvtccStlrion | ^ DRUCS.'-. t ti: t'rtt"r,.t, sf;;l'l1:li: -' '',, ". ilH'e !r. i A Sanicc izo.i ftEir ro.ft s.' llla( o.x J,tt fi t.- i' cli;, 5urrilors: ritur;lrlrri, Rrqirra Ru(kcr, Marir , *ftotl,vrY W,rrgh, AnIa [. Alitclrell; son$, Willinnr t., t$ i'r* Pho'.Ets00.orvo(r rv mr E'rroyav..av.. f. ',.,".,*4"r*iil""rhoio'';..,.",., llorberl dffi,idfiiiil i":,:l'rli$"*.,;:::l@,xll*i*:.,;.1 "::li,."fl:.c'?t"&*i'ii;''l:::::-."---"-::-:::*--"1 :,i:i?".ni.SJ"j&ffirist,,^n"s.3rrev*'lT'i'i*"* .ili'.il,1l5's1?ll"'#ill t tucrltt r. crixii,' 71, r,,riF rov/cr *irf'* Cllurclt, 5ct)t, ?/, lloly Crors Ia0]tter7. \iifl (ulh I I S'rrvivorsr tislcrs, and Rosa f.aney, Iuld Mufplry, brolller5, fldvi0n 5,, B, ,,, norvName *lxl .ngyl'^'e',tgr Viclof J, '_=-=_.=.Iro-* l-X-":-:..._- -^..1* ,,_,""""r^- . 1 0trIru0r rxoiill6ri, re, sr. rorrn'r D'lorri.rdlorvn srr'rcrnrno ronlt-!|$!!! (, ffih.d'.t *l; -T,:lj"$Li"T | /-$ I rplt)0. Sl. Jo5eirll feilrelcry, lrr, -|al..t^r^v.|".,.'',,"i,ii.'i.,i,i;i''",.','.|Escnlcr3tation|"r.r']5n@tM!A1ts' dianapolis, Survivor! dtuqlttcr-ir!ldw. L.cilib Andcrson. -Or, -rio;r l IlltRI3lA XtfS, ll0rlrf (hurrij, 5spl. ?8. Sl. Jo,.ctrh (rii'relitr'/, 5rrrvryorr PADGETT druUlll!1, Rogrr Rinc;r,lrl.

.ri,-iS. AXN f. u.ffltf, Petrr tnd Paul ChevrolelSales f (rlitcdrrl, 5cpl. 27. llol,, (ror; f!rnctefy. Surviv0r: ddurJtrlcr, l,{rs. lirlcn tl|rlr s$vlf^r tnd.ti?n4rl Ktp'tr - :"- ScEU;rlr. CONVENTIONAL ur.$8, ..r.rirt'rrnr rn;. .r.rdlrt I ,, ,'A i Rlt trr.n iI IpU.ED-MAGICef.f,Elr.IvlJt\rtts I HOME LOANS FR'TNDI.YPtACf TO ro orip-niftTiTf*" ",, cNAr [ [tI0lvrl " ..' i rrxlco ruEr otr I ll(IAfD HOUCIIIXS, 28, Sl. l,lieirael ,; iftADT" I i r.l'rrr(h. 21. lli{a, 7r.6-25 YEARS 0N 'trt "lrrt''orrrrlttrrl 5cpl. Survivors, Iarolyn; uur Set'ricc" {.irr!hlcrs, Vili Lyrrn arrd Ierrr Sue; pdrrnt!, NEW HOMES Egrry Bror. Paint Stcfc | OUALITY S'[.\NDARD lrrrr rre,brn*n!rr'.lri, rrcr;'l l"\r. arrrl l.',rr, l\ onrlro'v lroucherr.. tow Cloring Corl IIIULHERN'S.n,...onon"ol,.1 lr1] GREEN,Sa,!F!,c l16:rr1,.,*:r"ll;*".rjl*,:lT",,l ,;:Hil';lj:l'li:'i;.lrvingl.rn Coal & lce Co. lfrtdd*;.ar,,,,.,^r,,-* sF:lt\'-1.!:t,s.,',or,:""'.'-i|,ii4i"n ro',s'rt',,.. t'1.?'rr!r-"-":laJ;:#;'iililli"ll!l''" H. DUFF VILM iirury "u.rou'-'i..u'.' sinvrcEl:l Mo! C!., Inc. lgp l- ","*.*, .1":::t' Il7 Clrrh fowrr Mt 6.J5lt . n. Fdo;-i tMllt!il nI5IAURANI ;Msdxrri*dd ,:f.t,llf"l.t,^,,""..11;,i;1l' lrmmrr.rurororv.r'muco | | l* St,Judc * ' o t--l srscuihl McFartand Meaf Mrrkel L:LN[lllUDI- lrcuru'in'r'"',::,""*1i;l;i'ln]rrtir6'qrrr(rnrlD'liciou3 Pinrnlr Reol Estute I * Holy Spirii * i 1 I r6i0Mrr.rr.trd r!. rr r.r/rrr i:*ffi|$f,iill'3'F'R,1'[F-:I?*5i*--:"_t.-I.rrcsltCtt[-pLAT I r:r,,'PJi*l!',:,ll,t$" i ,ril !,,,$ritlJ;,tY[,]'llr'ltth';"1r*!i],,,1,,::::,]]i,'i;;l:,,"::*, tArI tv |lt" f 1 {1>tl ::."'v'""q ! | l* St.Mrrk * f fAY l.0ltltR, dl,5l.10,,:i elrurch, Sepr. lB. !'rurril { enlelcrt. 5ur!irof!. vrfc, '' ',on, ::;::=|\'..."':,I'Jl1'l'''"DllloDnuGsl..,^.'"$lijif"'**".ll.!.l$l::-o''"'* Rorti Prul; lwo \i!leG lnd lhrec Chrisi the Kirtg fii Utolilel!. 0",*.,,,',i.'ij":i'li"'j,' ltzt N, lmerson -- i Woodcroft Pharmrcy i- rL 9.826! | - I lttw AtEAIY t ltltRttA llLlMAX,4l], (rur l0dv of Frr. ,ii.,J,,llli_ prli,dl ilelp Llrurrh, Sepl, 25. 5r:rvivori I r'""."r"r"H"*t*i iorrr. . 0n,] ..,-BRuNo.s.,i* lnxru';r* lffild*il :HT::ijlT"j,: il,;^l.lx"*:.:,,.;;ri#J,$i*^ifil1"lijli.,lil.# -j.'::i,,:1,]. l.lll, .jori,, -[. .llr0,ilr'. i-t . qua,,rryD*Lc, ---."-=-::l:l:::-::-". .".t l5r1o- i oou,,OIV1S CKOCERycKocERY CO. | ,rR^Kr.'i'i Rtp,ur - t sn0A0 'ilrPr.f i co. I| tS :i'[iii[ t't"illor.or,l:,.,: I .Brorvnsl)urg I croc.ri*.Croc.ritr.Grouentr. Iidrt&,l1.rtr,Ildrt& r'rr*ltulu nllltr itI vr3*rbr'UcgctrblcrYct;rrbtol .r---. I SllItS TU lrrr: ,lt$\[nJ,l*r. rorl rr. ]1. r.olrr 6Jl9 Guirilrt tt J.0t89i |! ^rd* l Fnf TYTU lr,r, . ," ".- I I llrl?ry Goodr I [E[l{'S l'""':*io\[^Jll irlr)l Ii COl.l,A:t IVE' Ct, btt0l I cl i--:----,-t rHAtlvslfirl FEENEY'STAVERN St. Jude i ^cnr* I L E, &rin $t. trowlr\,d, lttd. Si..loanof Arc * Good Scor rnd Srndwlchor PhotrcUl z.lltt B,oJ*-lffiiJf*o.u and Furniture Co. 5P€E0Q[,[[tl APP{tAtlttt rno

trYaJ. GliddenPaints | | ll OoerrI I d n.'0 ll I' SCllVl(,1 ttt|.Mrinlt. lrorrrlult WCRTH'SYYirNrr,l),YrArsP\Er MARKET |i I NINKS,|lKlt't MARKE'I'mAKlL|:.t ; MATHEWS & SON UL 2-'f587 "'- 'Jllil:l:11n... ''"'n JACK l_- ., ,no,,,n,l]l; | *r,r'T::l '.,, *:i: \i,11,1,J",,:.:luu,'""0.,,,", Nstivity * ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH ::1* iI I'rrrrt'or l.f.[,r1. l* tlondry-Ihurdry. I r,flr. te 6 s.m I fnff OEL1VE11Y r- :4130 l.,ddy. I to A-.Saturrhy. 8 lo A i lOth FL 6-5555 ,,r,. ,,,0,. s.l?.i E. vtarh .q E. I Beeutiful White Colonial Home Locrled al 53I South Cenlral Courl SNYDER'5 Five Bedrooms - Family Room DRUG STORE 1:-Batlt tlos'n-trvo Ittll arttl t l-bilth ttp. JIa:tet' lterlro(!tll llas CI{URC}I . SCHOOL . HOIilE . ITJIAI NIENANCE ftrll bath. i\ltttrtintrttt s(tlf-stol'ill4 stot'ttt ryitttkrils:lll(l {lr,(,1:r. l'tlll EARL F. SNYDER,ProF. basctttcnt. Oil Itr:irt, Gls irtcittet'atot', l,at'qt lir rtt{ r(rt)ln \rilh St. Bernadette * Ph. Kl. 7-281 t Connehon fircplacc, Dcn. !"ttll tlrltittg trrotn, [itttlet' s l)ltltt]', l-,lttttttlr.t' Contractors- Suppliers* Electricians- Carpenters .oout nfl kit.lro,t. ll. _ Plumbers - Plasterers- Painters - Fencing Gillio Hardwarc & Srrppiy * St. Michael GENTRY F.H.A. Terms - $'|8,200- $800 Down l:0ll l)ngtlsh }l.6 ntti, E.!038 ('l'o i CARPENTRY REPAIR Qualifierl liu)'cr) I FUNERALHOME SEE OWNER (',ncnr Wo'I'-8oofitrl-Gutt$ino PAIN'l'and ' i Foodr (1n9. Safcway Quality iurnrcr rnd llaFtlr*Printinl 116uteclarnlng Supplirr RussellWilliams - WA 6'3492 cH 3"0456 furnrrc Pi;n, fill.r! I flfirrl! IltllJs AVE rt r.AflYtsl:lt Bl,, "N-rctlt Cholc. Cillt' Mtrtr

Furnilrlre Repairing 5t, PhilipNeri - Refinishing -

5pr.i.]li\tl in Rtiir,li' q l), "';, i ( ort nlete liontf Ori,. o 5fr/:' " Conger Finishing Service JOIIANTGEN'$ PHARMACY 1306.04W. Michitdn Mt, 1.4536 RURAL ffir ,,,,'trfilL.. fitlTiltlmTil WALLPAPER @ ."Ii*l;1111,,.

H8Va foof dqcoiSl0r $hov/ you our NElY Acnc Srm!la 8ootr. o'8RifN PAINIS Acme Wallpapers, Inc.

GILBIRI INOORE Furnifure Repairing Restyling

1,10 Ycn{i Ixlcrier]tc) ffoomr lullt o !tO5 tnslirh Arr. ft' 9'1560 ll(lcr Fttrhh. rd. (luttc6, Plumbing, CAPITOLGLISS ;64u / Flrrllacoa. CrraXer. |!IIfiPAIIY,ITO, Sf. Catherine D l{on?t lrom E t Pr;mcnlt 'Dflt Louis Southerland t t ur Supptt toor Nc.d/ F?ai 6rtL I llloro Frontr 6 tlca, Rooiing. Siding Co. o Furnilure lopr MORROW'S PHARMACY r(Itcr, it. Gl+to JOIBEDAII Wo Specialirc in t tqt. aor OnUEollM/t|{ (Al B.ttrnd) ALUMINUIN o Window Glosc b-t. a-1941 SIDING Call Day or Night o Mirrorg P.O. Sub-Statioo FunerolHome t Prerc.riptioc Speci,rlirtl i ''Eotra i{."*at ot Pcrronet tcttbaP ll ME 7-65t0 r Alsynitc Fibre Glolr lie !a llorE -rrnbulrlcf eatrla o Eoiley Slidins Glosr g{r| E torb ft. I3 }aJC. Doorc gcLE Jotdan, o*tr UI. a''i100 LCDCrl( Furnaccs Installed St. Thomas Ait-CS Installed o lhcrmoponr * St. PhilipNeri *l*l* St.Roch *

Complete Dyna-Vac BROWI.T'SSTANDARD SERVICE Cleaning Service LEADED GLASS STAINED GLASS St. Francis lbraloirard Sprtiol DclEn; ,\{odr PEERIESS fs Chvrch lYindn F. S. GRADY HEATING E COOLINC N'J7RI.BIO & SONS Chr?rii Wirdoyr fugoircJ lNc. friE 6.313t Birlrtl fota lt,fflailtnl tlSl I lllgs{rtl Ht' t ll0l 9ll S tomcrrrt CH. il-J!4! 3l lir, Radro hcBdtched Serur,,'g Kit-Y Stattlt',t' Hkoapllr f l.O. lor 1tOO4, W.t Storion l orr AnV Saka or tlrdcl 3312E. 9rh St. ME 29, 196I PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERIOi.I, SEPTEMBER

iliilililililnilililililil[ilililililililililililnilililil1fit Inclianapolis Knights se[ Plan new sisterhoad Inslructions The frll series of Catholic ln. struction classes al the Catholic Informllion Cenler will bc held observatrcc on Thursday ovenings, ColumbusDny of porish housekeepers begin" ning October l2th at 7130 p,m. c ltt- THE PARADE, hcatlcrl b.t' lltc trlarclting trttits ft'ottt lil Calholics or non.Cafholics who (hltrttrbtts polit:c Y()UN(iS't'0\VN, Ohio-A rcli- plogra rvill pt'epalc rliartapolis tirrights ol Irrrlianapolis tllot{lfo}'clc ing nr circlr wish fo enroll are asked to call (brtrtcils lriglr sclt.rol gitrtts cottttnttttit.!' {or pt'iests' atrtl tht'ec (lrill loatn, u'ill bcgirl ilt 2 p.rn. at nternbel as a housekeeper, ire(:r'c- ME 5.3877. banrls rtill pRt'ticiPiltc itt t tlott'tt' hrrrrsckcopcrs hus Ircctr givcn prc- teacher, anrJ in Itenns;'lt-rtnia anrl trl i c h i gir n tary, eatechism torvn pitt'a

':' "r'. "- sullt'nratttral exercisc oI tltc l4 i 'Ihe Illal'ietn eollr:g.) u'orks oll nrercy. Chttrch rvill rejoice in it and thc rvholc of so- ciety rvill benefit by it." ,l-,celur:e Ser:ies

Ileginnilrg OcL 3, 196I

HOLIDAY \l't'ight SPECIAL HO\V \1'l!: GOT TllE t\tr\SS.. ...1.'r'. \rictor SHORE LEAVE FOR Shacke ltot'rl PRACTICi\L INVliSl'llICNTS ',.. ' .l"t'attlt A' ACCOUNTS Plcy NEW Galvin lt ss a CHORD ORGAIf PSYCIIOLOGY Ot.' PHRSONT\t,l'lY...... i\tsgr'. 'f amcs I" no lessons, no praclicing,no bachgroundnecet. 0il dny money raceivrd l,v llre l0th of lhe TIIE--AND COTIilIUNISl' CTIALI,I'NGIi 'f. sary, you play in minu!es. Ono linsor oloyr thO ;ilIE nronth wc will pay CttRts'ltnN ANSWltR . . . . ' ' l"r'. Ila5 nrorttl Boslct' melodyr 0ne linger plays the chords. dividends fronr lha Ploy it os o COtlYEl|flOilAl rfid-tiiau' ffi Coming Soon! 2-KEYBOARD SPIIIET ORGA]I Inclianryolis CCW wilh an octave of pedals, Perfect lor the accom. plished musician,.lhe noviso learns to play quickly and enjoyably. schedules nreeting

'l'he boa|tl of rliIr'et<.rIs {oI tlrc etrirr#rve$r uost AtiAild0 0R6AilVAUJE WeW CyA 0ffinilt Inrlianapolis f)t:ilner'-v (lor,tt.,t ut Catholic \\'onrr.n rlill hold thcir' East 38th St. at Shadeland, Indianapolis 'llrrrt'r;tla5 (luiu tt,rl) rllcctinq , f)r:- trll;ct ,'r. iit lt) :l.tli., in tltc (-iitlt- .'\ stttart ttc\v self-sc1'\'ic0rlel-rttt'ftttcttL {)lic C(ilrrruuilril t,:elltcr, 3,ll li, \\'hel'e valucs Coiie qe .{r t:, store atrd supel'l1lal'ket, 'l'. Harry J. FeeneY prices al'e 1o\\',loti'. lotvl J{r'-. ,lolrir .\[t Qtiatrle, ple si- are great ancl tir'ttt. r|ril l'!'ri'lt c l'{rJr{rtts oI YouConlrol the Cost aclr\itlr': critfil!r: tltc 1l;r-.1lltrec whenyou Coll wA 3-4504 nl.ntii. !trrni til't i)iiit:li iltl(i r!r,riiO- i i:li iirii !, f a -:lil riii : {li iitlirl;iltt .t;,