In Uganda: Theological Underpinning and Pastoral Ministries Michael Komakec

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In Uganda: Theological Underpinning and Pastoral Ministries Michael Komakec Duquesne University Duquesne Scholarship Collection Electronic Theses and Dissertations Fall 2010 Making Peace (Peacemaking) in Uganda: Theological Underpinning and Pastoral Ministries Michael Komakec Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Komakec, M. (2010). Making Peace (Peacemaking) in Uganda: Theological Underpinning and Pastoral Ministries (Doctoral dissertation, Duquesne University). Retrieved from This Immediate Access is brought to you for free and open access by Duquesne Scholarship Collection. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Duquesne Scholarship Collection. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAKING PEACE (PEACEMAKING) IN UGANDA: THEOLOGICAL UNDERPINNING AND PASTORAL MINISTRIES A Dissertation Submitted to the McAnulty College & Graduate School of Liberal Arts Duquesne University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy By Michael Lawrence Komakec December 2010 Copyright by Michael Lawrence Komakec 2010 MAKING PEACE (PEACEMAKING) IN UGANDA: THEOLOGICAL UNDERPINNING AND PASTORAL MINISTRIES By Michael Lawrence Komakec November 5, 2010 _______________________________ _________________________________ Dr. George S. Worgul, Jr Dr. Elochukwu E. Uzukwu, C.S.Sp. Dissertation Director Reader 1 (Committee Chair) (Committee Member) ________________________________ ________________________________ Fr. Sean Kealy, C.S.Sp. Dr. George S. Worgul, Jr. Reader 2 Chair, Department of Theology (Committee Member) ________________________________ Christopher M. Duncan, Ph.D. Dean, McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts iii ABSTRACT MAKING PEACE (PEACEMAKING) IN UGANDA: THEOLOGICAL UNDERPINNING AND PASTORAL MINISTRIES By Michael Lawrence Komakec December 2010 Dissertation supervised by Dr. George Worgul This dissertation is a study about peacemaking in Uganda. The people of Uganda have suffered from frequent, long running violent political conflicts for many decades. In particular, I focus on the war in northern Uganda that started in 1986 and gradually developed into the Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement (LRA) war that is currently being led by Joseph Kony. The dissertation studies the causes of violent political conflicts in Uganda and tries to understand why Uganda as a country has never been stable politically, socially and economically since its’ independence in 1962. The second and the most important aim of this work is to study the role of the Church in Uganda in the political conflicts that has rocked the country for so long. Going back to the founding of the Church in Uganda by the two main Churches, iv namely the Anglican and the Catholic Churches, the dissertation assesses the achievements and the failures of the Churches in peace-building in Uganda. This work then calls upon the Churches to do more by correcting some of the mistakes made during the founding of Christianity in the country that has contributed to the current ongoing political instability in Uganda. This work calls for unity between the two main Christian churches as a major step toward peace-building in Uganda. Disunity makes them preach a divided gospel and a divided Christ to the people of Uganda and therefore, it makes them fail to witness to Christ and to play their prophetic role as needed in the political instability that is destroying the people of Uganda. The dissertation also studies the underpinning theological and pastoral reasons as to why the Church must be actively involved in peacemaking and peace-building in Uganda. The study goes back into the biblical roots of the Churches' peacebuilding mission on earth. Building on the Bible and on the teachings of the Church during Vatican Council II, and other Catholic social teachings, the dissertation calls upon the Church to seriously play its prophetic role to help bring peace in Uganda. v DEDICATION To my dear deceased parents who have already gone before us into eternal peace (RIP). They were peace lovers and peace-building parents who taught me the first class about how to love and live in peace with other human beings. I also dedicate this work to all my siblings, and to all people of Uganda and to all other people who lost their lives due to the wars and political conflict in Uganda. And I finally dedicate this work to all peace lovers and peace-builders in Uganda and in a special way I dedicate this work to all the members and supporters of the Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiatives (ARLPI). vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This dissertation is a true testimony of many blessings received, opportunity, and support from families, communities, mentors, individuals and many others. I am deeply grateful to God for the lives, wisdom, courage, and countless daily blessings through the different people I encountered that made the writing of this dissertation possible. I wish to acknowledge the contribution of my parents, Mr. Alfonse Okello (RIP) and Anna Lalam Okello (RIP) for the life, education and all the support they gave me. Their contribution was fundamental and upon that foundation this dissertation is built. I also would like to acknowledge the contribution of my entire family. Their prayers and other support made this work possible. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Gulu, His Grace John Baptist Odama, and the entire family of the Archdiocese of Gulu for their prayers and many other support that I received from you during my study at Duquesne University. Your encouragement, and support made this dissertation possible. In particular, I am very grateful to Archbishop Odama for availing to me some very important academic materials that made the writing of this dissertation possible. vii I would like to acknowledge the contribution of my earlier teachers throughout my formal education beginning with my Primary Education, Minor Seminary Education and Major Seminary Education in Uganda. May God bless you because this dissertation is also the fruit of your contribution to me. I am very grateful to the entire family of Duquesne University and in particular to the administration of the University for their invaluable contribution to my education that made this work possible. I also would like to acknowledge the contribution of the faculty of Liberal Arts and the Department of Theology for the excellent and caring Professors they have in the department. In particular I am very grateful to the Chair of Theology Department, Dr. George Worgul who is also my dissertation director, for his advice, critical insights, encouragement and organizational skills. I am equally grateful to my readers Rev. Dr. Elochukwu E. Uzukwu, C.S.Sp. and Rev. Sean P. Kealy, C.S.Sp. for their very critical and useful advices and comments. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................................................................. vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... xiii GENERAL INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. xix CHAPTER ONE: Uganda and its’ Wars: Why the Cycle of Armed Conflicts since its’ Independence (1962) ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Uganda ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 The People of Uganda ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 The Wars (Political Conflicts) in Uganda ........................................................................... 5 1.4 Origin of LRA (Lord’s Resistant Army) ............................................................................ 11 1.5 The 1993-1994 Peace Accord ............................................................................................. 22 1.6 The Role of the Khartoum Government of Sudan in the Conflict in Northern Uganda (1994-1998) ..................................................................................................................... 28 1.7 Anatomy of the Lord’s Resistant Army Rebels ............................................................ 32 1.8 What Drives the LRA Rebels ............................................................................................... 34 1.8.1 Spiritual Dimension ......................................................................................................................... 34 1.8.2 A Political Agenda ............................................................................................................................. 37 1.8.3 Some Dynamics within the LRA .................................................................................................. 39 1.8.4 An Army of Children ........................................................................................................................ 42 1.8.5 Military Operations .........................................................................................................................
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