pacE TWO ?HE CRtTERtONiSEPTEMBER 2r, rt6l What huppensto Charity in Welfare State? injusticcs arc Conrnrunisnr's By FR. ILLTUD EVANS, O.P' op. portunity, nnd in Britain, a{. lcast, 7-1 t)Iltl iro )oRls ilHU lJoiltl'i('e Lairol rvolkc<l consistcntly to l)rot0(:f, thc rvolkels' r'ights as rvcll ftarity S l::lllJitlt:i,'ti:ll lt-,i,ltii: ns {o runke l}r'ovision tol thcir is morethan handouts ;1-/ Ilirl lt'clttlr't'l rrf rtlt:tt sint'e soeill secrrrity as pnrt of a na. TOLEDO, Ohic-Charity loward onc's neighbor denrands Its eottte lo bc calltrtl tlte \Yt'lflltc Iiottitl scllictr. both "irrolcvanct' individual effort and community effort, Stiltt') \\'riltc of lha In Iirct, b.v llris thc Consen'ative Archllishop Kurl J. lltcr of cineinnati told delegates to tha convcntion 0t t,:hnrill'." I'lt'ty is .iust ss conrruittorl, as of the National con- {crcnce It u.ils il t'tvt'trling phrrtsc, fttt" ale thc Sociulisls, lo thc assunrp, of Catholic Charities. 'l'lrus "Your tt'Ilt'ctctl tlre lttitrttlc of lhc Stalc, il tirilhitllll tions Wclf:rro frrnetion is to exemplify and exercise thc spirit of Clrris- rrl l'lnrllislt Socillisls, rvho lrlrl tlrc t'cl;rlive ittrf[t'ctivrttlss ol tlro tian solidarity in hrtman society," the Archbislr'p tokl the dalcgates tlte (lrnrnrrrnisl (wlrich loruc l() irk'rttifl' t'ltllt'tl1' ttith lllitislr I'alty in a strnron pontifical delivered at r lrlass in rlre catherh'al oi our [)litl'(]llil!lt' trI t]rt' rirrlt. thc con{le has fnilcrl to tcturrt a mcnrllcr ol' "lrirvt's'' l"aily Queen of the llost ]loly Rosary. sf rlllaioll oI I lte to$'irds I'lrlianrrnl sittcc l{t'15) is irr Iargc "lttlltl Archbishop r,in tlto nols''' palt rlrrc to llrc lemovnl rrl sti Alter tleclaled lhat thc Chlistian conccpt of "ttlclcvitnl,r' sOcicty, t'htrlitl' ttlts lllt'y nrln1, o[ fhe glicvauccs in which all are rerponsible lor the whole,'and,,thc intlivitlual re" ('olllplr'\ tll{lttgllt, Lt'cilttsc llrc it ftcrls. sponribility is to promote the conrmon interest of all.', pt'obltttts of ;t tll()(lol'll srlcit'lt' ,,llater AND lT MTJST alu'll's lte lu, The Archllishop thcn recallrrd that the recent encyclical, (,rlul(l no l(rlliiaf l)c solved by tltc ,,re.ernphasizcs rncnrbcrod lhal l,lltursl. llcvirt, llre ot r\latjlstra" of IIis Ilolinass pope Jolrn XXIIl t'ltsttal tttctllt'(ls t)t \oltllltal)' ol'- nt('sl prrrvt't'frrl ol all linglislr this rrced of a socializatlon of elforis," ganizirlions' I rriorr learkrls, wl:i tlre lnost "I Sttt'lt tll:aslt't's il\ ulltrtnph).\" It hccorut's .l nlattcl' of .ittsttct. ntention tltis relationship bctween intlividual antl soqial I'e. ttttsrvrrt'r'int{ ol)lx)nent of Conrmrr" ,'hecause ttrcttl anrl sit'kttt'.s lrrttltl tttr longt'r for illstRnce. thnt llrt' iatltcl' ol a sponsibility," he continued, a clear rccognition of the nisrn -- not onlf in organizcd llr lt'ft lo llrr' l.atl1' llotrrtlifrrls, f:rntill' sltortld hilrc ;r lllL':lstll'o ol Iacts involverl constitutcs the basis of all goorl sociirl wotk or Chris. (]orl'qttoll lullrr Irttt in intt'r'national affairs t:ontinci'tl trI lite slnltls secut'ity so lltnl tlttr r:ltatttltl tltltl tiarr charity. "ihc no lcss. ol t'it'll tltittt itt ltis casllo. tltc str.ttrs lrt gor.ertt hiS \'ofJ' lt()pt "Social " "\s IIc alrvat's rnlrntiririr)(l tlrat. ro, rvork had its origin in an undcrstanrlirrg of the lact ilrat lr()ol lt\illl llt llls titlo ctlltl of rnrpkrl tntttt slrttttld rl(rt tllt'nitt:e t,ialistn, so faf fronr lreing llre tttany o1 tlrr: problcnrs which affect the wcll,bt'ing of l}re irrdividual irs t'lt;tt'i11"' rtlts iht' lrt)nt(';ll {lc' lris tift'arrd tlrnlily antl lcave itt llegittttin:1sol corrrurrrrristtr,rvas irt -whethcr poverty, Do pcoplc get lazy ir Wclfare Stntc'l it be or dlsease, :al'll)lirlll ot illt' Iuillinlitl ltitntlottts tlrt,nr lttlttgt'.r' lnd coltl, or rleprurlcncy of any kind- lilct its t'lft:r:tivc nns\t'er. (llis- cirn bc traced parl. lf tht lit'lt lo 1r1'q'1,'n1 tltt' poor {t is a rrtirtlot' of ,ittsticc irttd ol in to social causas... , Scjentific sor:iirl wolk tolicallv it has bcen the I'aseists Irr)nl ncttlitll) stilfvln!1. tltc eont ruott gootl, becaustl tltt is not an invidious rellection on the l3enuine spilit of chtrity, but l'lther llltud llvans, 0.P., ciistinguishc(l cclitol' oll lllackl'r'iars, lJritish nnrl tltt: an(i'Sctnilcs. lhr alclr. It \r'ils a tf:r*ic llit\astl t)[ $'hflt riqlrts clainrorl b1' llte t'ttotlt'ru t'uthcr its rational implementation. Char.ity, {o bc ,{cnuiucr, ruust const'tvirtivcs anrl natiorralis{s, t'lt;tt'ilr t r':rlll lll('alls. 0l tltitt stxte cnn']- rvitlr tltt'nt c{)rl'Lrspond- ol opinion. flns\t:ers itont exprci'icttce irr [lre ilcconrl)lulying article be an intelligant sorvice to our rreiglrbor., not. ir blurlr,off ryith .iountal rvlro have fortnrl thl contersion somc hrrrnin! l,xo rr'lltr'lt sltottltl ltt' tltt intl tluties, rrnd lhe t'oirotlre(rs ol passing alnrs." (luestions ol'tc.n raiserl about. u'h:rl lrl1t1)cltsLo charit.v aurl personal initia- to Conrrnrrnisrn rnrrclr rasiol lrr tllilt'li r)l ('ltt irl's ftillort'ot's :ttttl tlrt cpnrttrrtrrill. slrrlllrl be ltar'- 'fhc nchicve than Iralc the ntorlelalc Archbishop explaincd tlrat.,clrarily is a thjrrg ot the uititll itt tltt't'tttl rtill lrt'llrc sittglt' llasic sor:inl spint.,, nt,ssr.tl ttt socttt't'tht tile irr t \\'clflrrtr State. llis artsrversnltiv.sur'[)r'ise nlany t\rrrelit:alr rr]a[l- ".rocial "thi: Socialisls, n'ho, ho,u'evr.r' scctrlat' anrl rvolk a tlring of the rnind," and twrr trrttililii,tt trl lltt'ir sillt ilti()ll. lltlt rr*crls of tltr. citirt'tt. .\ conetln ar.e rrof iu ers \r'ho have litalcl anc[ rca(l illal'ntitrg cli.stt)r'Lionsalrortt Lhe cf{ects ol llrt'il irsstrrnJrtions nral' hat'c been. oppositiorr hrtt arc r:onrplemenlaly to circlr otlter." llrr,i.r, \r,:ts l lll(,il\u11' of lr.rrlh itr l(r [)rr'sur\'.t indit'itltt:rl {t'et'tlotrt Irave on tlre rrlrrrlc letairrcrl a "l llrt Srrt'illli:t ( ('llll)lilillt. {of tocr slutrtld not connirc at att itnat'clt' irtcntion thesc things tor trvo reas{rns," Ar.chbisholi i\ltrr. socitlizccl nrr)(licin{-)in I'lnglarrtl. lespecl lor hrtrnnn I'reerlonr.) "The olltn rll(ll I plttoth t)l ll'ltt'cll:tl" it'rl irr<ltfloltncc lo tlttlst ltteds. 'fhc stutcrl. lust is that ue must never lose sight (,f thc fact the{. ('t)\'('l' baptisnr of thc Wclfalr: 111 ll;rs l)t |il lls('{l l(r ll il, is the spirit of Christ which nlu$t inl'use nll sot'ial rvork to make ! ,Statc is pt'r'!rlps a lortg nnrl rrn- i' (rf \illl. ll()l ll)0 lt'ast ot lN ANY th'tclrrpr:tl socit't]' lhe 'l'hu illtlililtt(ir itrcottsisttrttt pntlrt'n ul s0rt tctt; luccirr, ft'rrnr pulrlie ltrtuls lrrrs en rl r,. tlrcrr thirl. clurlitl' rrllly it tttct'itorious, . , secon(l ,'0ils0lr is that tlrclu is ;r glov,ilrg jtrstictl. plobirrrr of plovirltng ftlt' a tvllult r.eltirirt brrsint'ss. llut to tlrosr: ttlttt'lt ts llrt'rltrrial rlf lo irttplot c tlnit' cottkl not itrle'rluulell ttttct. ltrlctl thcru Il- l)L'lltlls. tr'ho sal' thll it rnrtst loccssarill' tcnrlcncy to nrirrrnrize ildivitlual lcspgnsibilitl arul ovcr cnrphasize titttl.;o r'tf sticial agrttcies ltas bce tt 'l'he clt,ri('f t ilrlit s rvlrilc t't'tatuitti.i tltt'il trrvtr cottflict rvitlt Catlroli<r social responsibility io tlre carrse of huntan rvelfar.t. ri,{hl. atti- lN A SIMPLER strt'tt'l1. incrt'asitii:l)' asstttnotl bl' tlttr "l €hristian, you lN LONDON, onll otrt' tltr' untler- rm nol r il Llt0llt)lrll', to lttlic l\' lllt. nillut irl t'lt1lltnt ()l llrulr.{s, stantlittg of nrln in sociclv anrl turle is oner c,{ balanc€. , . In a s'oltl, therc nrust lle intlivirlrrat stlte. all(l scatct'l]' an1'onc uottltl know, bul I'm nol one of thotr t,rlnrplt. ril)lon,-{ lnilnv. lhr: lrislr tlrt'rtlt'rls oI Iitc:ilh. llto llortt itntl stirtc lrns tlte liglrt, ('llrlilv Itis tItr0 trc,tlrls its il p{!t'so}l {rll(, rcsponsibility lo nrltr:lr a progl'aln ol social iesponr;ibilitl'." tlt'n1 thlt tlto rgnoslicr with rn rnti.Crtholic 1 \ l':.\,\\l l'l.l': rrtiglrt lrc ,Sistr.r'sol lonrltrr:t it trrtn" (llictt tltr' rc.tt'ctt'il, r'rrlti\l btr Ittct antl ert'tt the tltttt. to llttcrtt'nc can otrly iurs\r'{'!'llral .irrslicc irnrl chip on rny rhouldlr." A rlttoltrl ltoll lhc ilorrrt, rlct'lul lrospicc fot' tt't'rninnl cnsc's, nitlrin llrr ctrrnrrrrrrrit)'itsclf. [rnrn- cltlrlii l sltorrlrl ttcvct lrc tnat[r: tvltt'tt gross hardslrips fall {}tt f()r'\\'llr)llr tlrt't'c is liltlc ltopc ol. llllllllllillilllliliiflilltlllllllllllllllllllilliillilliiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiitr rll \\ us rtiil ;rtl ori{irtll(' 'l'lrr' inlo r.ttcrrttos. lrie u ulkcls *'lto ltRvt' onll' llteir fl,. lilllil,,i,l"lliill,,',1';,*"1;crrle, l1115picois intlcptnrlent, llalrll. attri lltt \\{)flis of lltcl'(')' 'l'lrr'il labor to bargrin u'itlt. lr:ligiuus sistoli. lrorrrcs ftrr' t lr o rr ! h tlrc |t'girrtllrl ltospital rr hicli tirt' t'hulch srrstaint'tl vcle ll()rr'ovcr, irs l'o1tc .loltlt \XIII ot'pltatt cltiklt'rrt, schools fol the Iroalrls lrrtr larlcll' r'r'slrortsilllc fot' r'rarhl3 ar:tillttrk' in n c(tllte\r irnper'{cel, cnrr il horrestly Ito said hus lrcentl]' rettttlked in Itis ttt- rlt'lirtquent attrl the' rrr;rlarl.lusLt,tl --- scnrlitrg 1ir(,(:ir\rls attrl rrrake sotttc u'hirh still alltrrrrrl ftrt'the stnst' that tht' altclnalirt's nfc a tnlel' rAiltrYEl{JoY! c)'clical.
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