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ISSN 2619-0990 │2018│Vol. 37│Is. 3 ФГБУН “Калмыцкий научный центр Российской академии наук” ORIENTAL STUDIES • 2018 37 3 ORIENTAL ORIENTAL STUDIES (Vestnik of KIH RAS) Founded in 1963, Published as a journal since 2008 ISSN 2619-1008 (online version) ISSN 2619-0990 (print version) The Journal was registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on September 27, 2017. Registration number PI No. FS77-71236 2018. Vol. 37. Iss. 3 Published six times a year Editor-in-Chief: Ph. D. in Philology V. Kukanova Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ph. D. in History E. Bakaeva Editorial Council: Acad. of the RAS G. Matishov (Chairman — Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Corr. Member of the RAS S. Arutyunov (Moscow, Russia), Ph. D. in History M. Balzer (USA), Acad. L. Bold (Mongolia), Ph. D. in History N. Bugai (Moscow, Russia), Ph.D. in Philology Chao Gejin (China), Ph.D. in History V. Grayvoronsky (Moscow, Russia), Corr. Member of the RAS A. Dybo (Moscow, Russia), Ph.D. in Philology V. Klyaus (Moscow, Russia), Ph.D. in Philology I. Kulganek (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Ph.D. in History K. Maksimov (Elista, Russia), Ph.D. in Philology O. Mudrak (Moscow, Russia), Ph.D. in History I. Popova (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Ph.D. in History N. Sukhbaatar (Mongolia), Ph.D. in History D. Schorkowitz (Germany), Ph.D. in Philology A. Tsendina (Moscow, Russia), Ph.D. in History Wei Jian (China) Editorial Board: Corr. Member of the RAS Kh. Amirkhanov (Makhachkala), Acad. of the RAS B. Bazarov (Ulan-Ude), Ph.D. in Philology Chao Getu (China), Ph.D. in Philology L. Dampilova (Ulan-Ude), Ph.D. in Sociology V. Delaru (Volgograd), Ph.D. in Sociology G. Denisova (Rostov-on-Don), Ph.D. in Philology B. Dugarov (Ulan-Ude), Ph.D. in Sociology N. Dulina (Volgograd), Ph.D. in Philology S. Krylov (Moscow), Ph.D. in Sociology D. Lushnikov (Stavropol), Ph.D. in Philology G. Pyurbeev (Moscow), Ph.D. in History S.-Kh. Syrtypova (Moscow), Ph.D. in History A. Sytdikov (Kazan), Ph.D. in Philology E. Skribnik (Germany), Ph.D. in History V. Trepavlov (Moscow), Ph.D. in History Ts. Vanchikova (Ulan-Ude), Ph.D. in History N. Zhukovskaya (Moscow) Ph.D. in History E. Badmaeva, Ph.D. in Philology T. Basangova, Ph.D. in Philosophy B. Bicheev, Ph.D. in Philology D. Muzraeva, Ph.D. in Philology V. Mushaev, Ph.D. in History U. Ochirov, Ph.D. in History M. Ochir-Goryaeva (Elista) Founding Institution – Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Editorial Board, Founding Institution and Publisher’s address: 8, Ilishkin Street, Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia. Phone No. (84722) 3-55-06, (84722) 3-55-15; Fax No. (84722) 3-55-06. E-mail: [email protected] Home page: https://kigiran.elpub.ru/jour © Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018 CONTENTS HISTORY National History Kuzmin S. The Uriankhai Issue and Mongolia-Tuva Relations in the Early the 20th Century . 2 Tepkeev V. Kalmyks in the Derbent Campaign of 1722 . 15 Archaeology Prokopenko Y. Pre-Scythian Findings from Stavropol Neighborhood: Arms and Horse Tack. 23 Burataev E. The Dyuker Mound Group: Burials of Late Nomads . 37 Ethnology Nanzatov B. Shunduya Khamnigans in 19th Century: Ethnic Composi- tion and Allocation . 54 Sources Studies Tsendina A. A History of Tsam in Mongolia by the Abbot of Gandan Monastery Ka-Chu Erdenipel . 61 Muzraeva D. The gZungs ‘dus Buddhist Texts Collection: Excerpts from the History of Its Existence among the Kalmyks (a Case Study of E. B. Ubushiev’s Collection from the Scientifi c Archive of the Kalmyk Scientifi c Center of the RAS) . 68 LINGUISTICS Linguistics Brodsky I. Finno-Ugric Plant Names Containing Zoosemisms with the Meaning ‘Sheep’ (a Case Study of Finno-Permic Lexical Materials) . 95 FOLKLORE & LITERARY STUDIES Folklore Studies Dyakonova M. The Evenks and Evens: Time in the Mythological Cycle of the World’s Creation . 101 Dongak A. The Tuvan Epic Bora-Shokar Attyg Boralday: Poetic Peculiarities in the Context of Multitemporal Recordings . 109 Literary Studies Bicheev B. The History of Enduurel Khan: a Mongolian Version . 118 Nabiullina G. The Image of Sacral Space in Modern Bashkir Prose . 133 SOCIOLOGY Gabdrakhmanova G., Mahmutov Z. National Internet of Russia: Problem Statement Revisited . 142 Badmaeva N. Migration of Rural Population in Southern Russian Regions: Problems, Trends, Directions . 152 REVIEW Barsukova T. Book Review: Namrueva L. V. Etnicheskaya sotsializatsiya molodezhi Respubliki Kalmykiya (analiz 2000–2010-kh gg.) [The Republic of Kalmykia: ethnic socialization of youth (analysis of the years 2000 to 2010s)]. Elista: Kalmyk Humanities Research Institute of RAS, 2015. 195 p. 165 ORIENTAL STUDIES, 2018, Vol. 37, Is. 3 HISTORY Copyright © 2018 by the Kalmyk Scientifi c Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Published in the Russian Federation Oriental Studies (Previous Name: Bulletin of the Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Has been issued as a journal since 2008 ISSN: 2619-0990; E-ISSN: 2619-1008 Vol. 37, Is. 3, pp. 2–14, 2018 DOI 10.22162/2619-0990-2018-37-3-2-14 Journal homepage: https://kigiran.elpub.ru UDC 342.156 The Uriankhai Issue and Mongolia-Tuva Relations in the Early the 20th Century Sergius L. Kuzmin1 1Ph.D. in History (Doct. of Historical Sc.), Ph.D. in Biology (Cand. of Biological Sc.), Leading Research Associate, Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS (Moscow, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The paper discusses a transformation of views of Mongolia’s authorities upon Tuva’s status (Uriankhai) after the 1911 proclamation of independence of Mongolia in the context of relations between Mongolia, Tuva and Russia. The lack of legal fi xation of the Uriankhai issue’s solution by the Russian Empire and Mongolia created uncertainty and laid a basis for further territorial disputes. During the period of monarchy in Mongolia (1911–1921), Mongolian authorities considered Tuva to be a part of Mongolia proceeding from the fact that under the Qing rule the Uriankhai region had been subordinate to the authorities of Western Mongolia. Tuva itself displayed quite a spectrum of opinions regarding its new status, the prevailing being that of independence from both Mongolia and Russia, while very few were inclined towards China. Taking advantage of this uncertainty, the Republic of China attempted to ‘return’ Outer Mongolia together with Uriankhai to their control laying ‘hereditary’ claim to all territories of the collapsed Qing Empire which had once included China itself, Mongolia, and Uriankhai. The failure of these attempts resulted from the liberation of Outer Mongolia by Baron R. F. Ungern (1886–1921), and a subsequent establishment of the Soviet infl uence over Mongolia and Tuva. During the direct aftermath of the Mongolian People’s Party’s rise to power in the summer of 1921, the main trend of the Mongolian policy towards Tuva remained the same as it had been before the Mongolian Revolution, but there emerged more and more statements regarding self-determination of the people of Tuva. Inside the latter ― even after the People’s Revolutionary Party of Tuva came to power ― two main trends took shape, namely: a trend towards independence and that of joining Mongolia. The key arguments of those who supported the latter position were similarity of Tuva and Mongolia’s peoples in terms of their historical backgrounds, customs, religion, writing system, etc. The course towards Tuva’s independence together with pro-communist ideas supported by its government resulted in rebellions of 1923 and 1924 that were successfully quelled by the then Tuvan authorities with the assistance of Soviet Russia and pro-Soviet Mongolia. The offi cial recognition of Tuva’s independence by the Mongolian People’s Republic ― under a direct infl uence of the Soviets ― also meant a legal fi xation of Mongolia’s northern borderline. The article also provides a number of previously unpublished documents. Keywords: Mongolia, Russia, Tuva, Uriankhai, China, independence, borders, autonomy, international relations 2 NATIONAL HISTORY История Тувы в новое и новейшее время учениками) одного из высших лам Внешней интенсивно изучается ― в частности, рос- Монголии ― Джалханцза-хутухты [Самдан сийско-тувинские отношения начала ХХ в. 2011: 55–58; Установление… 1994: 8–10; в связи со становлением независимости Монгуш 2001; Магсаржав 1994: 38; Дацы- Тувы, а также ее последующим вхождени- шен 2005: 67–68; 2012: 265]. Несмотря на ем в состав СССР в 1944 г. В то же время разногласия между Ургой и Петербургом, монголо-тувинские отношения остаются желание нойонов Салчакского и Тоджин- изученными фрагментарно. Важные ма- ского хошунов было удовлетворено: они териалы на эту тему содержатся в архивах были приписаны к ведомству Джалханцза- России и Монголии, а также в публикациях хутухты в Дзасактуханском аймаке Мон- российских и монгольских исследователей. голии, а один из Кемчикских хошунов был Указанные материалы позволяют просле- вновь включен в Сайннойонханский аймак дить трансформацию взглядов монгольско- на основании своей прежней подчиненно- го руководства на отношения между Мон- сти. 12 февраля 1912 г. было провозглашено голией и Тувой в процессе становления не- отречение Цинской династии и установле- зависимости последней в начале ХХ в. ние Китайской республики. В мае 1912 г. С древних времен территория Урянхая Западная Монголия контролировалась Ки- (Тувы) входила в состав различных госу- тайской республикой. В связи с этим китай- дарств. В XIII в. она вошла в состав Мон- ский парламент принял декларацию о при- гольского государства Чингис-хана и его надлежности Урянхайского края Западной потомков. После распада этой империи Монголии, что было оспорено российской Урянхай был частью монгольских госу- дипмиссией [Василенко 2013: 64–66]. дарств, образовавшихся на ее месте, в част- Богдо-гэгэн VIII после провозглаше- ности, ханств хотогойтов и джунгаров.