Autumn Term 1 - Romans on the Rampage – Year 4 As historians we will be: Finding out about the Roman As mathematicians we will be… As artists and designers we will be: Empire and its impact on Britain:  Finding out about Roman numerals.  Making our own Roman musical instruments.  The founding of Rome and its expansion into an empire.  Investigate place value in numbers to 4 digits.  The by AD42. (links to both music and science).  Roman soldiers and the structure and power of the army.  Ordering, comparing and rounding numbers, up  Roman invasion of Britan. to 4 digits.  Developing our basic artistic skills weekly and  British Resitance (e.g. Boudicca).  Adding and subtracting, up to 4 digiits researching different artists with Mrs  ‘Romanisation’ of Britain – e.g. technology, culture and  Measuring the perimeter of different shapes. Narongchai. beliefs.  Roman withdrawal from Britain in AD410.  Multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10 and  Creating our own Roman mosaics.  Find out about Roman daily life and compare it to 100. our own.  Developing our confidence with all our As philosophers we will be developing our… timetables.  Research the lasting impact of the Romans in  Understanding of Hinduism and what following Britain: As writers, we will be: this religion entails.  Look at historical evidence, especially locally:  Understanding of the British values and how  Hardknott Roman Fort; ; Hadrian’s Wall.  Non-Fiction Writing (Link to History):  Talk from local historian about the Romans in .  Research aspects of Roman life, take we can uphold them.  The history of Romans in York. notes, write a factsheet and present As Scientists we will be: As explores we will be: imaginatively.  Write a newspaper report about the Roman  Investigate how sounds are made and link to  Using maps, atlases, globes and computer Invasion. vibrations.  Narrative Writing (Link to History): mapping to locate:  Find out how sounds travel to the ear.  Rewrite the story of Romulus & Remus as  The counties of the Roman Empire.  Learn how the ear works and research  Italy and its capital city Rome. a play script. Alexandar G. Bell.  Areas of the UK of particular significance in  Adventure and Historical stories – Escape . from Pompeii by Christian Balit  Investigate pitch and volume, what these are  Local Roman sites in Cumbria.  Poetry Writing (Link to History): and what changes these. As musicians we will be:  Write a poem about Roman soldiers.  Investigate patterns in sounds made by  Reading: objects of different sizes.  Finding out about the musical instruments the  Discuss texts in depth, in regular guided As athletes we will: Romans had. reading sessions.  Develop prediction and questioning skills,  Singing songs about the Romans form the ‘Sing-Up’  Rugby - Developed basics skills associated with using range of texts. website. rugby, including teamwork, tactics and passing.  Read, enjoy & share a range of texts,  Learning how to play the recorder with Mrs Cullen, including poems.  Cross-country – To know and understand how our lungs work, and how exercise effects this. As IT Technicians we will be:  Talking & Listening:  Zumba – To develop dancing skills, in time to a  Develop skills for quality discussions rhythm, whilst thinking about how our muscles  Develop internet skills through topic-related across the curriculum. work. research.  Spelling, Grammar & Handwriting:  Gymnastics – To develop skills in gymnastics  Researching and discuss aspects of E-Safety and  Develop skills through weekly sessions. Foreign Languages and performance. how to stay safe online.  Other – Throughout the term we will also be doing  Investigate and experiment with programming  Begin weekly sessions as an introduction to French. some mindfulness sessions and phunky food software.  Learn and practice songs in French. sessions.