The Journal of Roman Studies Volume Xxxiii 1943 Parts I and Ii
THE JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES VOLUME XXXIII 1943 PARTS I AND II CONTENTS M. P. Charlesworth, Pietas and Victoria: the Emperor and the Citizen W. W. Buckland, Gaius i, 166 ' Tutela parentis manumissoris ' Charles Green, Glevum and the Second Legion, ii Norman H. Baynes, The Decline of the Roman Power in Western Europe. Some Modern Explanations. R. P. Wright, The Whitley Castle Altar to Apollo J. M. R. Cormack, High Priests and Macedoniarchs from Beroea I. A. Richmond, Recent Discoveries in Roman Britain from the Air and in the Field Fritz Schulz, Roman Registers of Birth and Birth Certificates, ii Gervase Mathew, The Character of the Gallienic Renaissance Roman Britain in 1942 REVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS G. Tseretheli, A Bilingual Inscription from Armazi near Mcfyeta in Georgia (by Marcus N. Tod) P. W. Duff, Personality in Roman Private Law, i (by David Daube) H. J. Haskell, This was Cicero : Modern Politics in a Roman Toga (by Hugh Last) E. M. Dohan, Italic Tomb-Groups in the University Museum, Philadelphia (by Paul Jacobsthal) REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWS Emanuele Ciaceri, Le origini di Roma: la Donald Atkinson, Report on Excavations at Monarchia e la prima fase dell' Eta repubbli- Wroxeter {the Roman city of Viroconium) in cana (dal Sec. VIII alia meta del Sec. V A.C.) the County of Salop C. E. Smith, Tiberius and the Roman Empire E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, and E. P. Wegener, John Day, An Economic History of Athens under The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part xviii Roman Domination Transactions and Proceedings of the American K. Lehmann-Hartleben and E.
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