Tunel Obsah Na
11. ROâNÍK, ã. 3/2002 âASOPIS âESKÉHO TUNELÁ¤SKÉHO KOMITÉTU A SLOVENSKEJ TUNELÁRSKEJ ASOCIÁCIE ITA/AITES PODZEMNÍ STAVBY (V¯VOJ, V¯ZKUM, NAVRHOVÁNÍ, REALIZACE) MAGAZINE OF THE CZECH TUNNELLING COMMITTEE AND SLOVAK TUNNELLING ASSOCIATION ITA/AITES UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION (DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH, DESIGN, REALIZATION) VOLUME 11, No. 3/2002 MK âR 7122 ISSN 1211 - 0728 METROPROJEKT Praha a.s. âeská projektová a inÏen˘rská Czech design and engineering akciová spoleãnost joint-stock company Magazine of the Czech Tunnelling Committee and the Slovak Tunnelling Association ITA/AITES Established by Ing. Jaroslav Grán in1992 CONTENTS pg. Dle Vašich požadavků pro Vás According to your requirements vypracujeme: we elaborate for you: Editorial: Dipl.-Ing. Boris Klement, ILF Consulting Engineers, s. r. o. 1 Design of tube umbrellas ➢ ➢ pre-investment studies & analyses Dipl.-Ing.Dr.Techn. Max John, Dipl.-Ing. Bruno Mattle, ILF Consulting Engineers . 2 rozborové studie a analýzy investic The NATM application on the Copenhagen metro ➢ ➢ Dipl.-Ing. Paul Bonapace, ILF Consulting Engineers . 10 projektovou dokumentaci všech stupňů projekt documentation at all levels The new Tfiebovice tunel project ➢ ➢ Ing. Petr Svoboda, ILF Consulting Engineers, s. r. o. 14 transformaci a autorizaci dokumentace transformation & authorization of project New tunnels on the „Middle" section of the Nuremberg – Ingolstadt high-speed line zahraničních klientů podle českých ➢ Mgr. Jifií Zmítko, ILF Consulting Engineers, s. r. o. 21 documentation of foreign clients in com Vepfiek – the first Czech Railways’ tunnel in the new millenium norem a předpisů pliance with Czech norms and regulations Ing. Jifií Wohlmuth, âeské dráhy, s. o., DDC, o. z., building department Prague . 26 The control of the ground response – milestones up to the 1960s (completion) ➢ ➢ Prof.
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