
ЕВРЕЙСКОЕ КЛАДБИЩЕ Чадыр-Лунга, Молдавия

The Jewish Cemetery of Ceadir-Lunga, Bendery district, , Russia, now in Republic of , district

Final report, Yefim Kogan, January 30, 2015 Translator Terry Lasky, second reading Yefim Kogan

Ceadir-Lunga (Chadyr-Lunga) on the map of South Moldova. You can see also close towns of Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy(, Ukraine), Bender, Chisinau (Kishinev).

Chadyr-Lunga had 24 business running by Jews in 1924 and 524 Jewish residents in 1930.


The project was started by JewishGen, Bessarabia SIG in October 2014. All the photographs were done by Serghey Daniliuk, resident of Kaushany, Moldova, person who photographed a number of cemeteries in Bessarabia.

Address: 39 Sergey Lazo, Chadyr-Lunga

Caretaker: Кывыржик Надежда Алексеевна – KYVYRZHIK Nadezhda, phone 92-0-32

Sergey Lazo street


Gates to the Cemetery

2014, Serghey Daniliuk

The corner of the cemetery

2014, Serghey Daniliuk

Cemetery fence


There are about 92 grave stones standing or laying on the ground at the Chadyr-Lunga cemetery. Some of them do not have any inscription, and broken.

There are 73 records uploaded to the JOWBR, with 69 photographs of them.

Also 19 graves were unrecognized, because of no writing or very little writing, from which we could derive any names. These 19 photos you can view at the Bessarabia SIG website / Cemetery section or directly here: Unknown Graves at Chadyr-Lunga cemetery.

Here are our members of JewishGen who helped to decipher the writings at a number of graves:

Nathen Gabriel Dov Oppenheim David Rosen Jo Mintz Seligman Odeda Zlotnick Madeleine Isenberg

Thank you very much to all of you! Without your help that project will not be possible!

View of the Chadyr-Lunga Jewish cemetery


The oldest graves are from 1920s. The inscriptions are written mostly in Russian, some in Hebrew.

At the grave of SHREYBMAN Sarra Malka bat Mordekhai, died 18 Tammuz, 5687 (18 July 1927).

On recent monuments you can see photos of the deceased.

Grave of GRINBERG Khaya Sura daughter of Azrril, 1880 - 1952


At the cemetery


At the cemetery