Initiatives for the Improvement of the Drinking Water Quality and Health of Children in Rural Schools

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Initiatives for the Improvement of the Drinking Water Quality and Health of Children in Rural Schools Initiatives for the improvement of the drinking water quality and health of children in rural schools Grant number REG155 Grant type Cooperative Lead CSO Women's Association for the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Partner CSOs Belarusian Public Association (NGO) "Ecological Initiative" Project background Despite the fact that during the years 2009-2014 were recorded improvement trends of both quantitative and qualitative indicators of pupils' access to safe drinking water level, the situation is still difficult especially in rural areas. 20.8 percent of schools are not connected to centralized water supply and water quality in 51.7 percent of cases is below level allowed for the chemical parameters and in 11.7 percent of cases for microbiological parameters. More than one third of pupils from entire country have no access to safe water, , exposing them to a high risk pollution and water containing excessive nitrate , fluorine and bor. The highest risk areas in terms of water quality and students exposure are the following districts: Şoldăneşti, Edinet, Donduseni, Ungheni, Soroca, Gagauzia, Criuleni, Ialoveni, Sângerei, Făleşti and Taraclia. Water assessment results revealed that in most rural undergraduate institutions in Moldova, the state of sanitation systems is far below the set requirements, which does not allow ensuring access to adequate hygiene conditions. Undergraduate institutions do not have the capacity to ensure effective management of resources and water quality. From the administration point of view, this issue does not have much of importance and it is not in a focus due to the lacking financial support. Both in Moldova and in Belarus, most rural areas lack adequate sanitation conditions - missing or not functioning sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants, usage of permeable WC. The rural population has no information and do not know about the health risks caused by poor-quality drinking water and poor sanitation practices. Project objectives The project aim was to promote decisions of the 5th Ministerial Conference from Parma, 2010 "To protect children’s health in a changing environment" and the Protocol on Water by increasing the level of knowledge of the population on the drinking water quality and health of children through concrete educational and health activities, strengthening the capacities of the local government in the evaluation and management of drinking water quality and improving the quality of drinking water in rural schools. Project budget Total project budget: 41757 EUR. Total project budget from REC: 39977 EUR. Monetary contribution from Theoretical School, Malaiesti village, Criuleni district: 1000 EUR. In-kind contribution: 1780 EUR (salary, equipment, travel). Implementation Along with implementation of the European Ministerial Conference on Health and Environment entitled "Protecting children's health in a changing environment" in Parma, Italy (March 2010) it was prepared a report on "Water quality and sanitation in pre-university institutions in Moldova". This document contains collected data on the state of water quality in rural schools and health of students, and percentage of student’s illness caused by quality of water. After collecting and systematizing data regarding quality of drinking water in schools, we have made an assessment and selected the following districts: Faleşti, Sangerei, Chisinau, Criuleni, Calarasi, Cahul and Balti where we organized workshops with representatives of educational institutions responsible for water quality in schools and public health center representatives. These workshops were organized to inform about current situation regarding water quality used by educational institutions and impact it has on human health, especially youth. We had as a guest in the meetings in Făleşti and Sangerei Mrs. Lilia Osoianu - representative of the State Chancellery in the North of the country along with vice presidents of Falesti, Sangerei, Calarasi and Criuleni districts. In pilot schools in the localities where filters were installed - Malaiesti Noi (Criuleni district) and Ciuflesti (Căuşeni district) - were created support committees. Together with pupils from these schools, we discussed water quality, possibilities of youth involvement in environmental activities. We talked about youth involvement in development of plans about safe drinking water in their localities. Support groups have been created to be involved in the project activities, they were helped to develop environmental projects,, and have signed cooperation agreements to have further activities on environmental protection issues. In localities with the greatest problems related to drinking water supply, we had a questionnaire regarding: the impact of water quality on health of mother and child, water use habits in family, equal opportunities for women and men, causes of pollution, alternatives and costs; proposals / approaches for building toilets, providing safe drinking water to schools, kindergarten and a clinic. We organized a summarizing meeting of the project involving our partners from Belarus. The meeting was attended by Vice Minister of Environment Mr. Dorin Duşciac, Mrs. Lilia Osoianu - representative of the State Chancellery in the North of Moldova, Mr. Alecu Renita - president of the Ecological Movement of Moldova, Mr. Victor Cotruţă - Executive Director REC Moldova, vice director of CNBP - Mr. Ion Salaru, Administration representative of "Apele Moldovei", representatives of the district’s Public Health Centres, representatives of state institutions responsible for water quality and public health, school principals involved in the project, representatives of NGOs and the media. During project implementation we delivered ecological classes on aquatic resources: Lyceum "UNIVERSUM" Sarata Galbena (Hancesti district), Gymnasium of Ciufleşti (Căuşeni district) and High School from Malaiesti Noi (Criuleni district). We created documentary movie entitled "Water H2O". The movie is in Romanian with English subtitles. It was dissiminated in schools in Moldova, and soon to be published on the website and on project Facebook page. We managed to produce a publication entitled "Safe water in every home" on health improvement through water supply systems and sanitation, including treatment and water filtration. It wascirculatedin 1,000 copies, 56 pages, A5 format. It was distributed for free throughout the schools. We printed Flyers / bookmarks for pupils in schools. A5 format, 2,000 copies. These materials contained information about water quality and impact on maternal and child health, population health for the general public (schools). It was distributed to schools, town halls, etc. for free. 2 On the site, AFPMDD was created a special section dedicated to project activities, containing description of the project, the main activities undertaken, description of materials made in both Romanian and English languages. Target groups and beneficiaries The target group were children from pilot schools in rural areas (2 from Moldova and 1 from Belarus). Around 500 children in total. The population of the 5 villages - 5,000 people. According to studies, national and international reports, 90% of drinking water from wells in Moldova is polluted, and over 80% of rural residents have no access to safe drinking water. Poor water quality causes about 25% of acute diarrheal diseases, and over 60% of students in Moldova may get sick because of quality water and unsanitary living conditions. Stakeholders: Local governments, operators in the field of water supply and sanitation, teachers, doctors and rural population, NGOs, women from rural areas who will monitor how mayors implement guidelines, Ministries etc. The ultimate beneficiaries were 500 children from schools and kindergartens supplied with water filters. Around 300 people participated in meetings and workshops. 500 people surveyed, 1,000 people who received the project publications, visitors of the website, visitors of Facebook, etc. Women NGOs was participating in lobbying activities on the ground and decision-making processes related to drinking water in rural areas. Achievements Outcomes: During project implementation were identified and applied policies, practical measures, priority activities for implementation of the Parma Declaration from March 2010. Together with project partners was carried out the exchange of knowledge and discussion on the real situation and the importance of drinking water safety and sanitation for the health of women and children and the actions needed to improve this situation. This project is the beginning of a program that we intend to continue within other projects. We will develop local plans of safe water supply, training programs, etc. We expected that activities under this project will continue in the future, will be developed and promoted in other regions of Moldova. Effective implementation of the project will lead to a higher visibility for NGO partners, to the creation and expansion of information resources, which will result in successful financing later. Project visibility helps us to find potential partners, volunteers and stakeholders which provides us with more opportunities to obtain funding / resources in the long term to continue the project. Relations with the LPA, with other organizations and the public will help us to conduct future projects. Outputs/products: • 8 meetings with implementation team, project partners, stakeholders, public authorities
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