
Neuronal injury: to the rescue?

Golo Kronenberg, Matthias Endres

J Clin Invest. 2010;120(5):1383-1386. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI40764.


Strong epidemiological evidence indicates that derangement of single-carbon has detrimental effects for proper CNS functioning. Conversely, a role for folate supplementation in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders remains to be established. In this issue of the JCI, in an elegant series of experiments in rodents, Iskandar and colleagues demonstrate a crucial role of folate in the regeneration of afferent spinal neurons after injury. Probing sequential steps in folate metabolism, from cellular entry to DNA , the authors show that axonal regeneration relies upon the integrity of DNA methylation pathways. These findings provide the first demonstration of an epigenetic mechanism contributing to neurorepair and suggest that manipulation of the methylation milieu may offer promising new therapeutic avenues to promote regeneration.

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5. Liu B, et al. The acute nociceptive signals induced vated chloride channel subunit. Cell. 2008; macology. 2008;54(8):1271–1278. by in rat sensory neurons are mediated 134(6):1019–1029. 20. Ferreira J, et al. Reduced nerve injury-induced neu- by inhibition of M-type K+ channels and activa- 13. Passmore GM, Brown DA. Effects of M-channel ropathic pain in kinin B1 receptor knock-out mice. tion of Ca2+-actived Cl– channels. J Clin Invest. modulators on peripheral excitability in rat hairy J Neurosci. 2005;25(9):2405–2412. 2010;120(4):1240–1252. skin. Program no. 681.8. 2007 Neuroscience Meet- 21. Patwardhan AM, et al. Heat generates oxidized 6. Passmore GM, et al. KCNQ/M currents in sensory ing Planner. San Diego, California, USA: Society linoleic acid metabolites that activate TRPV1 neurons: significance for pain therapy. J Neurosci. for Neuroscience. and produce pain in rodents. J Clin Invest. 2003;23(18):7227–7236. 14. Roza C, Lopez-Garcia JA. Retigabine, the specific 2010;120(5):1617–1626. 7. Gamper N, Shapiro MS. Calmodulin mediates KCNQ channel opener, blocks ectopic discharges in 22. Tominaga M, et al. The cloned capsaicin receptor Ca2+-dependent modulation of M-type K+ channels. axotomized sensory fibres. Pain. 2008;138(3):537–545. integrates multiple pain-producing stimuli. Neuron. J Gen Physiol. 2003;122(1):17–31. 15. Ault B, Hildebrand LM. GABA, Receptor-mediated 1998;21(3):531–543. 8. Jones S, et al. Bradykinin excites rat sympathetic excitation of nociceptive afferents in the rat isolat- 23. Patwardhan AM, Scotland PE, Akopian AN, Harg- neurons by inhibition of M current through a mech- ed spinal cord-tail preparation. Neuropharmacology. reaves KM. Activation of TRPV1 in the spinal cord anism involving B2 receptors and G alpha q/11. 1994;33(1):109–114. by oxidized linoleic acid metabolites contributes to Neuron. 1995;14(2):399–405. 16. Higashida H, Brown DA. Two polyphosphoinosit- inflammatory hyperalgesia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 9. Adams PR, Brown DA. Actions of gamma-amino- ide metabolites control two K+ currents in a 2009;106(44):18820–18824. butyric acid on sympathetic ganglion cells. J Physiol. neuronal cell. . 1986;323(6086):333–335. 24. Lukacs V, Thyagarajan B, Varnai P, Balla A, Balla 1975;250(1):85–120. 17 Funk K, et al. Modulation of chloride homeostasis T, Rohacs T. Dual regulation of TRPV1 by phos- 10. Yang YD, et al. TMEM16A confers receptor-acti- by inflammatory mediators in dorsal root ganglion phoinositides. J Neurosci. 2007;27(26):7070–7080. vated calcium-dependent chloride conductance. neurons. Mol Pain. 2008;4:32. 25. Gamper N, Shapiro MS. Regulation of ion trans- Nature. 2008;455(7217):1210–1215. 18. Wickenden AD, McNaughton-Smith G. Kv7 Chan- port by membrane phosphoinositides. Nat 11. Caputo A, et al. TMEM16A, a membrane nels as targets for the treatment of pain. Curr Pharm Rev Neurosci. 2007;8(12):921–934. associated with calcium-dependent chloride chan- Des. 2009;15(15):1773–1789. 26. Voets T, Droogmans G, Wissenbach U, Janssens A, nel activity. Science. 2008;322(5901):590–594. 19. Lang PM, Fleckenstein J, Passmore GM, Brown Flockerzi V, Nilius B. The principle of temperature- 12. Schroeder BC, Cheng T, Jan YN, Jan LY. Expres- DA, Grafe P. Retigabine reduces the excitability of dependent gating in cold- and heat-sensitive TRP sion cloning of TMEM16A as a calcium-acti- unmyelinated peripheral human axons. Neurophar- channels. Nature. 2004;430(7001):748–754. Neuronal injury: folate to the rescue? Golo Kronenberg1,2,3 and Matthias Endres1,2

1Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie and 2Center for Stroke Research Berlin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 3Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany.

Strong epidemiological evidence indicates that derangement of single-car- ratio of SAM to SAH. The ratio of these bon metabolism has detrimental effects for proper CNS functioning. Con- two compounds regulates the balance of versely, a role for folate supplementation in the treatment and prevention many cellular methylation reactions, not of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders remains to be estab- least that of genomic DNA. Accordingly, lished. In this issue of the JCI, in an elegant series of experiments in rodents, DNA hypomethylation has been demon- Iskandar and colleagues demonstrate a crucial role of folate in the regen- strated experimentally as a consequence eration of afferent spinal neurons after injury. Probing sequential steps in of dietary (2). folate metabolism, from cellular entry to DNA methylation, the authors As a water-soluble vitamin, folate can- show that axonal regeneration relies upon the integrity of DNA methyla- not be stored in large amounts in the tion pathways. These findings provide the first demonstration of an epigen- body. The special importance of folate etic mechanism contributing to neurorepair and suggest that manipulation for CNS functioning is evidenced by the of the methylation milieu may offer promising new therapeutic avenues to fact that in deficiency states, the brain is promote regeneration. relatively spared from folate deficiency as compared with other tissues (3). Uptake Folic acid, also referred to as folate (the to rely on the folate-dependent de novo of folate across the blood-CSF barrier is anion form) or vitamin B9, plays a central generation of methyl groups via the primarily accomplished via membrane- role in single-carbon metabolism. Specifi- single-carbon pool. is fur- bound folate receptors. Autoantibodies cally, in a reaction dependent on vitamin ther converted to S-adenosylmethionine against these receptors may lead to cere- B12, N5-methyltetrahydrofolate acts as a (SAM), which was discovered in 1953 as bral folate deficiency syndrome, a pedi- one-carbon donor in the remethylation the “active methionine” by Catoni (1). atric neurological disorder characterized of to methionine. Dietary The methyl moiety attached to the by psychomotor retardation, cerebellar intake of methionine as such is insuffi- atom in SAM is chemically reactive. This ataxia, seizures, and low CSF levels of cient to provide enough methyl groups explains why SAM is able to serve as the methyltetrahydrofolate (4). By now, solid that are required for cellular methyla- principal methyl donor in most biological evidence has also been assembled that tion reactions. Therefore, the body has transmethylation reactions (e.g., methyla- establishes an association between folate tion of nucleic acids, proteins, or lipids). metabolism and neural tube defects (5), The transfer of the of SAM although underlying mechanisms have Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists. to an acceptor yields S-adenosylhomo- not been fully elucidated. Furthermore, Citation for this article: J Clin Invest. 2010; (SAH). Dietary folate deficiency low folate status and hyperhomocyste- 120(5):1383–1386. doi:10.1172/JCI40764. therefore confers a strong decrease in the inemia have been implicated as poten-

The Journal of Clinical Investigation http://www.jci.org Volume 120 Number 5 May 2010 1383 commentaries

sitic DNA elements such as transposons ly, low extracellular folate concentration and retrotransposons. The agouti mouse has been shown to induce folate receptor model provides a fascinating demonstra- expression in human cultured cells (14). tion of the importance of methyl donors, The folate receptor is a polypeptide that including folic acid, in development: early binds folate with high affinity. In contrast, methyl donor during pregnancy the reduced folate carrier (RFC) is char- causes methylation and thereby silencing acterized by a significantly lower affinity of a retrotransposon, with silencing of for folic acid (15). Iskandar et al. found the nearby agouti gene altering fur color minimal change in Rfc1 mRNA expres- in the offspring (9). DNA methylation sion and protein levels in the injured is catalyzed by DNA nucleotide methyl- animals as compared with uninjured con- transferases (DNMTs). DNMT1 serves as trols (7). Three days after cord injury, the a “maintenance” and SAM/SAH ratio (see above) had declined accordingly shows 30- to 40-fold prefer- by approximately 50%. Consistent with ence for hemimethylated sites (10). In the rise in SAH, a contrast, DNMT3A and DNMT3B serve (MS) activity assay of spinal cord after as de novo . transection injury revealed reduced enzy- Altered patterns of DNA methylation, matic activity, whereas MS protein levels Figure 1 in particular hypomethylation of growth- observed on Western blots did not change. Role of folate in axonal regeneration. The promoting genes and hypermethylation Following spinal cord injury, no effects figure summarizes the sequence of events of tumor suppressor genes, have become on DNMT1 protein levels were observed. reported in this issue of the JCI by Iskandar a common theme in cancer biology. Addi- However, DNMT3A and DNMT3B pro- et al. (7) that underlie the proregenerative effects of folate on injured CNS tissue in their tionally, several single-gene disorders tein levels were strongly suppressed after rodent models. Experimental manipulations of the epigenetic machinery have been cord injury. Finally, three days after sharp that can block this pathway at specific steps uncovered. Rett syndrome is a neurodevel- injury, global DNA methylation was sig- are shown on the left. Following transection opmental disorder caused by mutations of nificantly decreased. injury to the CNS, increased expression of methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2), Next, the authors assessed the thera- FOLR1 promotes folate uptake. Folate is which regulates the expression of a wide peutic effects of folate in the spinal cord then reduced to tetrahydrofolate (THF) by variety of genes (11). Immunodeficiency/ and optic pathways (7). After transection DHFR. Methyl-THF is required for the regen- centromeric instability/facial anomalies injury, an autologous sciatic nerve graft eration of SAM, which in turn promotes meth- ylation of spinal cord DNA. Sufficient DNA (ICF) syndrome involves mutations in was implanted at the injury site (i.e., spi- methylation is crucial for axonal regenera- DNMT3B and is also associated with vari- nal cord or optic stump, respectively). The tion. 5-AzaC, 5-azacytidine. able degrees of mental retardation (12). other end of the graft was allowed to lie Another striking example of an epigen- freely under the skin. After an interval of etic mechanism operating in the brain is time sufficient to allow growth of axons tially reversible risk factors for cerebro- the effect of maternal behavior on DNA into the graft, the end of the graft was vascular disease, cognitive decline in the methylation at a glucocorticoid receptor filled with the retrograde neuronal tracer elderly, Alzheimer disease, and depression gene promoter in the hippocampus of rat hydroxystilbamidine (Fluoro-Gold). Fluo- (reviewed in ref. 6). pups (13). Considering that epigenetics rescently labeled cells were then quanti- In this issue of the JCI, Iskandar and col- is central to phenotypic variation, under- fied in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or leagues link folate status to an epigenetic standing and modifying the epigenome retina, respectively. Folate supplemen- mechanism of CNS de- and regeneration holds great promise for the treatment and tation of wild-type animals produced a in rodents (7). An epigenetic trait has been prevention of human disease. strong increase in the percentage of regen- defined as “a stably inherited phenotype erating spinal neurons and of regenerat- resulting from changes in a chromosome Spinal cord injury, the folate ing retinal ganglion cells relative to wild- without alterations in the DNA sequence” pathway, and DNA methylation type animals without folate treatment. (8). DNA methylation is a major epigen- Iskandar et al. investigated the conse- This proregenerative effect of folic acid etic mechanism central to regulation of quences of sharp transection injuries on was abrogated in Folr1+/– heterozygous gene transcription, chromatin structure, folate metabolism in rodents (7). Figure 1 mice, suggesting that increased expres- imprinting, development, and genomic provides an overview of the major experi- sion of FOLR1 subsequent to axonal stability in general. In higher organisms, a mental results. To sever primary somato- damage is critical to folate-mediated neu- methyl moiety is preferentially, albeit not sensory axons, the cervical dorsal column roregeneration. exclusively, targeted to the DNA base cyto- was lesioned. Additionally, transection of Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) cata- sine in the context of a CpG dinucleotide. the sciatic nerve corresponded to injury of lyzes the reduction of folate to dihydro- In mammals, DNA is highly methylated peripheral axons. Four days after injury, folate and then further to tetrahydrofo- in CpG sequences (>50%). DNA meth- the authors found a 2-fold increase in the late. To determine whether the propitious ylation is associated with a condensed percentage of cells expressing the α-iso- effects of folate depended on its initial structure and transcriptional repression. form of folate receptor 1 (FOLR1) and a bioactivation, Iskandar and colleagues It is believed to have originated as a host 6-fold increase in the percentage of cells repeated the optic nerve and spinal cord defense mechanism for silencing para- immunostaining for FOLR1. Interesting- lesion experiments in animals pretreated

1384 The Journal of Clinical Investigation http://www.jci.org Volume 120 Number 5 May 2010 commentaries with DHFR antagonist methotrexate 8-hydroxyguanine, which has been shown with the strength of the effects observed (MTX) (7). Again, DHFR inhibition abro- to profoundly alter methylation of adja- in the study by Iskandar and colleagues gated the proregenerative effects of folate. cent cytosines (19). (7) call for clinical investigations of folate In addition, the authors used nitrous Although the focus here is on the role supplementation in patients with spinal oxide (N2O), which irreversibly inactivates of folate in epigenetic regulation, the cord and neurotrauma. Although clinical MS, to determine whether the integrity of complete picture is no doubt considerably evidence is still largely lacking, folate may the single-carbon cycle is necessary for more complex. In particular, it should also have a role in the primary prevention the beneficial effects of folate. Again, in be noted that functional methyl-group and treatment of neurodegenerative disor- animals breathing N2O, neuronal regen- deficiency may also exert direct genetic ders such as dementia and stroke. eration decreased to baseline levels in effects. Methyl-group deficiency leads to both injury models. Finally, the authors the depletion of thymidine triphosphate Acknowledgments demonstrated that after spinal cord inju- (dTTP) levels, whereas levels of deoxyuri- The authors receive funding from the ry, folic acid treatment restored de novo dine triphosphate (dUTP) increase (20). VolkswagenStiftung (Lichtenberg pro- DNMT3A and DNMT3B protein expres- Large quantities of dUTP may be incor- gram), Bundesministerium für Bil- sion. Importantly, DNMT agonism pro- porated instead of dTTP during S-phase dung und Forschung (Center for Stroke moted, and DNMT antagonism inhibited, (or DNA repair). Although the resulting Research Berlin), Deutsche Forschungsge- growth of injured sensory spinal axons A:U mismatches do not produce muta- meinschaft (ExcellenceCluster NeuroCure into the nerve graft. tions, they may hamper recognition by and SFB-TR43), and the European Union Interestingly, the authors found an DNA-binding proteins and thereby per- (ARISE, grant agreement no. Health-F2- inverted U-shaped relationship between turb physiological function. Furthermore, 2008-201024 and EuStroke, grant agree- the therapeutic effect of folic acid and the low levels of genomic uracil may be gen- ment no. Health-F2-2008-202213). dose administered, with peak therapeutic erated during DNA repair or directly via effects observed at 80 μg/kg (7). A similar deamination of cytosines. The resulting Address correspondence to: Matthias biphasic increase and subsequent decrease G:U mismatches are premutagenic and, Endres, Klinik und Poliklinik für Neu- in spinal cord global methylation was if left unrepaired, lead to GC→AT transi- rologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin observed in response to increasing doses of tion mutations (21). Importantly, under Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, D-10117 Berlin, folate. Notably, the magnitude of de novo conditions of reduced SAM availability, Germany. Phone: 49.30.450.560.102; Fax: DNMT protein expression also followed DNMTs may catalyze cytosine deamina- 49.30.450.560.932; E-mail: matthias. an inverted U-shaped pattern over the dose tion in double-stranded DNA (22). Along [email protected]. range of folic acid treatment. these lines, we have previously demon- strated that prolonged folate deficiency 1. Catoni GL. S-Adenosylmethionine: a new intermediate Therapeutic implications and future leads to neurodegeneration in the absence formed enzymatically from L-methionine and adenos- ine triphosphate. J Biol Chem. 1953;204(1):403–416. perspectives of efficient uracil excision repair (23). 2. Balaghi M, Wagner C. DNA methylation in folate Clinically, the central message of the The precise cellular targets for the regen- deficiency: use of CpG methylase. Biochem Biophys current study by Iskandar et al. is the erative actions of folic acid also remain to be Res Commun. 1993;193(3):1184–1190. 3. Spector R. Micronutrient homeostasis in mam- hope that modification of the methyla- elucidated. The beneficial effects of folate malian brain and cerebrospinal fluid. J Neurochem. tion milieu may aid in the therapy of the supplementation may well extend beyond 1989;53(6):1667–1674. injured CNS via an epigenetic mechanism effects on neurons. Equally important, the 4. Ramaekers VT, et al. Autoantibodies to folate recep- (7). As a corollary, the authors show that influence of folate supplementation on the tors in the cerebral folate deficiency syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2005;352(19):1985–1991. cellular damage begets methyl-group formation of the glial scar (which consists 5. Blom HJ, Shaw GM, den Heijer M, Finnell RH. deficiency, so the cell responding to an predominantly of reactive astrocytes and Neural tube defects and folate: case far from closed. injury is no longer able to maintain its proteoglycans and forms after CNS tissue Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006;7(9):724–731. 6. Kronenberg G, Colla M, Endres M. Folic acid, neu- prior level of DNA methylation. Impor- damage, possibly retarding regeneration) rodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease. Curr tantly, contrary to the commonly accept- deserves further study. Of note, reactive Mol Med. 2009;9(3):315–323. ed model, DNA methylation as such has glia may secrete a variety of growth-inhibi- 7. Iskandar BJ, et al. Folate regulation of axonal regeneration in the rodent central nervous sys- recently been shown to be a reversible tory factors that chemically prevent axonal tem through DNA methylation. J Clin Invest. biological phenomenon (16). In line with extension. Additionally, folate effects on 2010;120(5):1603–1616. these results, [3H]methyl group incorpo- glial cells within the graft (e.g., Schwann 8. Berger SL, Kouzarides T, Shiekhattar R, Shilatifard A. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes ration has been shown to increase in the cells) should not be discounted. Important- Dev. 2009;23(7):781–783. injured mouse brain after transient brain ly, an epigenetic process involving histone 9. Waterland RA, Jirtle RL. Transposable elements: tar- ischemia (17). Similarly, hypoxia has been deacetylation has recently been shown to gets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. 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Department of Oral , Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.

Cleft lip and cleft palate, which can also occur together as cleft lip and for R84C (7), a common IRF6 mutation palate, are frequent and debilitating congenital malformations, with com- in individuals with PPS, replicate several plex geneses that have both genetic and environmental factors implicated. anomalies found in patients with VWS and Mutations in the genes encoding the p53 homolog p63 and interferon PPS, including skin impairment and the regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) are major causes of cleft lip and cleft palate, aberrant intraoral epithelial adhesions that but the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying this have not been lead to CP. The abnormal development of clear. However, in this issue of the JCI, Thomason et al. and Moretti et al. the skin is due to the inability of epidermal independently show that p63 and IRF6 operate within a regulatory loop to keratinocytes to stop proliferating and to coordinate epithelial proliferation and differentiation during normal pal- undergo terminal differentiation (6, 7). ate development. Disruption of this loop as a result of mutations in p63 or The discovery that mutations in the IRF6 causes congenital clefting. genes encoding p63 and IRF6 cause human ectodermal dysplasia syndromes The developing organism is a master at using characterized by cleft lip and/or cleft palate triggered a chain reaction of research simple paradigms to generate complexity. (CL/CP) and defects in ectoderm-derived tis- aimed at unravelling their functions and This is typified by the use, at least during sues, such as the epidermis, hair, teeth, and identifying their targets during normal early organogenesis, of the same molecular glands (1). Clinically, AEC syndrome differs and abnormal epithelial development pathways to drive the development of organs from EEC syndrome by the near absence of (4–8). Yet, their mode of action, regulation, and tissues as diverse as the brain, limbs, digit malformations and the occurrence of and targets during normal lip and palate teeth, and skin. This, however, has a major eyelid fusions (ankyloblepharon) and severe development and the mechanisms behind disadvantage, in that disruption of a specific skin erosions (1). Similarly, mutations in the genesis of CL/CP in both humans and molecular pathway can lead to concomitant the gene encoding the transcription factor mouse models are still largely unknown. dysfunction of multiple organs, a condition interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) cause However, in this issue of the JCI, Moretti clinically classified as a syndrome. van der Woude syndrome (VWS) and pop- et al. (9) and Thomason et al. (10) identify In humans, mutations in the gene encod- liteal pterygium syndrome (PPS), both of an intriguing relationship between p63 ing the transcription factor p63, a p53 which are characterized by many ectodermal and IRF6 during palate development (well homolog, cause several autosomal domi- anomalies, including CL/CP (2). p63 and illustrated in Figure 5 in ref. 9) by using an nant ectodermal dysplasia syndromes (i.e., IRF6 mutations also have been implicated in arsenal of experimental strategies. syndromes deriving from abnormalities nonsyndromic forms of CL/CP (i.e., forms in ectodermal structures, such as the hair, of CL/CP in which the lip and/or palate are IRF6 is a direct target of p63 teeth, nails, sweat glands, craniofacial struc- the only affected tissues) (3). Studies of the functions of p63 are compli- tures, and digits), including ectrodactyly- A first glimpse of the physiological roles cated by the existence of at least six differ- ectodermal dysplasia-clefting (EEC) and of p63 and IRF6 came from studies of ent isoforms. Two separate transcription ankyloblepharon-ectodermal dysplasia- mutant mice. p63-null mice lack a stratified start sites generate the ΔNp63 isoforms and clefting (AEC) syndromes. These are both epidermis, teeth, hair, and several exocrine the p53-like TAp63 isoforms. Transcripts glands and display limb truncations as well of both the TAp63 and ΔNp63 isoforms as CL and CP (4, 5). The skin defects are undergo alternative splicing, generating Conflict of interest: The author has declared that no conflict of interest exists. caused by impaired proliferation and dif- three subtypes each, designated α, β, and Citation for this article: J Clin Invest. 2010; ferentiation of epidermal keratinocytes (4). γ (4). Here, the term p63 is adopted to refer 120(5):1386–1389. doi:10.1172/JCI42821. Mice either null for Irf6 (6) or homozygous to experiments and data that do not dis-

1386 The Journal of Clinical Investigation http://www.jci.org Volume 120 Number 5 May 2010