GLOBAL MISSIONS BOARD Nigerian Baptist Convention


Theme: Partnering Through Discipline of Going

Text: Romans 10:13-15

Suggested Dates March - May 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword ...... iii Introduction ...... 5 Sunday Worship ...... 8 Sermon Outline ...... 10 Monday: Partnering Through Discipline of Going to Bassa and Kamuku ...... 19 Tuesday: Partnering Through Discipline of Going to Akwa Ibom and Benue ...... 32 Wednesday: Partnering Through Discipline of Going to School of Missions ( and Oke Bola) ...... 42 Challenges and Needs from Various Fields...... 54 Fields, Missionaries and Phone Numbers ...... 64 Commitment to God ...... 65 Pictures from the Mission Fields ...... 66 FOREWORD

lory be to God for your partnership with the Lord of Missions over the years. We thank God for your prayers, Glove, support, encouragement, visitation, pieces of advice, understanding and all the ways God has enabled you to be part of what He is doing on the mission Frontiers. May God reward your love and sacrifices for Him. Amen. The theme for the year 2020 Home Mission emphasis is: Partnering Through the Discipline of Going. The message of God’s love needs bearers who will go and proclaim the message. In addition, the bearers and field workers need people of God who will travel far and near to visit them on the mission frontier. This will encourage them and let them realize that they are not alone. In addition, God has a way of opening our eyes to see the needs on the fields, to know how to intelligibly advice /encourage our missionaries on the field and to know what He really wants us to do, if we see the situation on ground ourselves. It is our prayer that God will make use of this Mission week of emphasis to raise more labourers, more goers and more supporters (prayer, moral, material and financial support) for His work Our deep appreciation to our father the President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention who God has also made the President of the Christian Association of , Rev Dr Supo Ayokunle, all our Convention leaders, the Board Chairman and all the Board members, Pastors, Deacons/ Deaconesses, Churches, Conferences, Association and Bodies for their unparalleled and

iii unalloyed support to ensure that Christ is known in all nations. We are equally thankful to all our serving Missionaries, Mission Pastors, Evangelists and all the GMB staff members for their dedication and commitment to the duty God has entrusted in our hands. May you never lose nor miss your rewards in Jesus name. Amen. Thanks to the Coordinator, Frontier Missions of Home- Rev Noah Adedokun, his assisting officer- Mrs. Christie Makinde, the Coordinator of Training, Media and Research-Rev Segun Makinde, the Unit Head of Training- Rev Mrs. Temilola Adewumi, the GMB Media Officer- Rev Allen Olatunde, Mrs. Titi Akintola and all the interpreters for the extra efforts they put into the production of this mission emphasis booklets. May God reward your love and sacrifices for Him. Every Church, family and individual is encouraged to get at least a copy of this booklet and we appeal to our Pastors and leaders to help our collective mission effort by ensuring that all our Baptist Churches observe this mission program and also ensure that the mission offering is sent to the GMB office. Thank you very much for all the ways God is using you to bless His ministry and His stewards. May God continue to depend on you all. Amen. Your co-steward in God’s vineyard:

Adewumi, John Oluwafemi Director, Global Missions Board


INTRODUCTION he time is here again for us as Nigerian Baptist Convention family to assemble at the feet of our commanding Master Twho commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). As a disciplined and obedient Church, we must go to the world (fields) and preach the gospel of Christ to the lost souls. This year the Lord God is calling us to go to the mission fields for great harvest of souls into the kingdom of God. As a disciplined church, one might ask; why must we go to the fields to reach the lost souls for Christ? Apart from Jesus Christ’s command to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16), the pathetic conditions of the unreached challenge us to go into the field because the god of this world has enslaved them,they are led away by the deceit of Satan, traditions and false religions. The unreached are like a widow broken with grief sitting so lonely in her mourning. Though created in the image of God, they are now slaves to the enemy of truth and righteousness because they do not know the true God. They cry aloud for anyone who cares but they do not have a helper. The lost are waiting to experience freedom, liberty, salvation, and deliverance from the power of darkness (Satan) through their faith in Christ. The unreached do not have rest because there is no peace or rest for the wicked (Isa. 32:17; 48:22). They are afflicted with hard labour, they are poor, and they are without food, without good

5 health and are filled with distress. They are great people with great intelligence but do not know the way to the Church in order to worship the great God. They can’t feast on the abundance of God’s riches that is made available to those who believe, they cannot become fellow citizens of heaven without someone showing them the way and leading them to light and life in Christ Jesus. Therefore, brethren, the call is to go and reach the lost souls and set them free from the bondage of sin through Christ power. Please, join the team of witnessing Churches by going to the mission field (Romans 10:13-15). This booklet will afford you the opportunity of knowing what is going on in some of our Home Mission fields. These fields are: Bassa, Benue, Akwa Ibom and Kamuku. You will be informed on the extent of the work done, some major needs and challenges facing the work as well as some testimonies and prayer concerns for each field. In addition, you will be updated on the progress of work in our Dry Season School of Missions in Minna, and School of Missions in Okebola. We believe if we can come together to pray for each of the fields, the Lord of harvest will grant us bountiful harvest of souls. Trusting God that through this year’s emphasis, mission prayer altars will be raised in every Baptist Church and families for a continuous and consistent prayer for missions. In the words of A. B. Simpson: "Prayer is the mighty engine that moves the missionary work." Therefore, we are all challenged to be kneeling saints before the God of missions, so that the whole world will be reached with the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our expectation is to see every member buy a copy of this booklet, read and encourage the Church to observe the Mission Emphasis Week.

6 Appreciation We want to express our profound gratitude to all our mission supporters both at home and abroad. We do appreciate all the Churches, Associations and Conferences that have been supporting the Missionaries, Pastors, indigenes on the fields and the Global Missions Board at large. We appreciate God for your lives. Our deep appreciation goes to the President of the Convention, Rev. Dr. Supo Ayokunle, for his support in leading the Convention in Breaking New Frontiers. The Director, Rev. Dr Femi Adewumi for his leadership, advice and prayers. Our thanks also goes to Mrs. Christiana Makinde for her efforts in compiling and analyzing some missionaries’ reports that are reflected in this report. Special thanks to the media and editing team who worked tirelessly in editing and making valuable contributions in the manuscript of this report: Rev. Allen Olatunde, Rev. Mrs. Temi Adewumi and Mrs. Titi Akintola. Rev. Olusegun Makinde, the Coordinator of the Training, Research and Media Ministry. You are all highly appreciated for general coordination of the entire production of this booklet. Also, we appreciate our Yoruba and Hausa translators. May the Lord of Missions visit us anew to rise with the sole goal of getting the nations to the knowledge of our saving Lord.

Thanks and remain blessed!

Adedokun, Noah Adetayo Coordinator: Frontier Ministry Home

7 Please feel free to send your offering and donations to:

Zenith Bank PLC Account Name – Global Missions Board Account Number: 1010490546 Sort Code: 057190015

NOTE: For easy acknowledgement of any money paid into any of these accounts, call the Account office of Global Missions Board using any of these numbers – 08027694894, 08159990262, and 08159990263. Write any of the below codes to signify the type of payment(s) made at the front of the depositor's name. e.g. Janet David [HMO] to mean, Janet David is sending Home Missions Offering.

HMO = Home Missions Offering IMO = International Missions Offering MD =Mission Donation PR = Pledge Redemption DF = Designated Fund

Monthly N10 donation For the monthly N10 per every Baptist member including children, please send it to this account, Polaris Bank Plc ( former Skye Bank Plc)

Account No: 1770678900 Account Name: Global Missions Board Note: Ø for an individual is 10 x 12 = N120/annum Ø for a family of 4 (A father, mother and 2 children) is 10 x 4 x 12 = N480/annum Ø for a family of 5 (A father, mother and 3 children) is 10 x 5x 12 = N600/annum etc.


WE ENTER HIS PRESENCE THROUGH: Processional Hymn: BH 138 - Glorious Is Thy Name Songs of Praise: Choir Prayer of Thanksgiving

WE DEMONSTRATE OUR LOVE TO HIM THROUGH: Welcome and Announcement Our Tithe and Offering

WE LISTEN TO GOD ON DISCIPLINE OF GOING THROUGH: His Word (Romans 10:13-15) The Sanctuary Choir His Servant (Mission Testimonies and Emphasis) Hymn of Call to Service: BH 457 - Send the Light

WE RESPOND TO GOD’S REVELATION THROUGH: Prayer of Commitment to Missions The Giving of our Special Missions Offering and Pledges

WE DEPART TO JOIN HIM IN PARTNERING THROUGH THE DISCIPLINE OF GOING: Closing Prayer and Benediction Recessional Hymn: BH 207 - Rescue the Perishing

9 SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH 2020 MESSAGE Theme: Partnering Through Discipline of Going SERMON OUTLINE THE DISCIPLINE OF GOING Text: Romans 10:13-15

INTRODUCTION: t is traditionally held that missions involvement basically rest on a tripod stand of giving, praying and going. While it is easy Ito get people who will be committed to giving and praying, securing commitment of volunteers to go is always an uphill task. Many prefer to stay at home supporting the ones going than enlisting themselves among the “goers”. Right from the Bible times, the call to go has been strongly resisted by God’s people. The case is always majority sponsoring few individuals who have been confirmed to receive a genuine call to apostolic ministry. Statistics shows that the ratio of Christian population to those committed to going is 1:1800 (Source: Global Frontier Missions, This year’s mission emphasis text gives a clue to why majority still remain unreached despite the 2000 years of the Great Commission and the paucity of labourers for the remaining vast harvest. Sermon Outline: 1. The Simplicity of Salvation of Individual and the Nations (Romans 10:13)

10 The text made it clear that Salvation is not the birthright of any people and no ethnic group has monopoly of it. “Whoever” means anyone whether Jew or Gentile that obeys the Gospel will be saved. Again the verse of the Scriptures made salvation of individuals and the nations a very simple matter. It says, “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved”. Thus what is required from an individual to be saved is not a difficult ritual or great sacrifice; it is just to call on the name of the Lord. Calling on the name of the LORD is a prayer which encompasses acknowledgment, confession and belief in Christ and what He has done to purchase the salvation of the individual (Romans 10:9-10). What billions of souls living in ignorance and at variance from God need to do to reconcile with their Maker is not ambiguous or difficult, it is just a desperate call on the LORD. If salvation of the lost is so simple, why is the majority of the world population still unreached after 2000years that the commission to make disciples of the nations was given? The second subtopic attempts to answer this question. 2. The Complexity of Salvation of Individual and the Nations (Romans 10:14) Salvation of the lost though simple on one side is complex on the other side. Multitude of nations remain yet unreached because there is a chain of conditions that must be fulfilled to accomplish their salvation. In this verse, four conditions were mentioned in reverse order, namely: one, the preacher (Missionary, Evangelist, Church Planters etc.) must be sent; two the Gospel must be preached; three, unbelievers must hear the Gospel and four, they must believe in the Gospel and consequently call on the name of the Lord for salvation of their souls. Salvation of the heathen is complex because this chain must not be broken to achieve it. At the

11 beginning of the chain is God the owner, initiator and controller of mission enterprise. Unless He calls and sends, all the efforts of individuals, the Church and mission agency at saving the nations will be in vain. It is also complex because whereas the Church is commissioned to go and also given special privileges to partner with God in sending people, the role of God the ultimate senders remain sacrosanct which must not be usurped by any human partner. This places on the Church the responsibility of discerning God’s will at every point of the chain. The pertinent question to ask is: What is expected of the Church to ensure that right men are redeployed to the field? 3. Going: The Basic Problem in Reaching the Nations Jesus has completed the work of salvation of the world and has commissioned the Church to go and make disciples of all nations but over 2000 years after that this commission was given billions of people still remain outside the Church and majority of this group has not even heard the Gospel. Why is majority unreached and why do we find many who are yet to hear the Gospel? Has God stopped calling people to mission? Or the Church is reluctant to go? Why do we find few people going, while majority of the Church appears indifferent? The common answer to this question revolves around the matter of call. Many Christians say they are not going because God has not called them. Is God to be blamed for few people going to reach the vast population of the unreached? Why then do we have many Christians responding to pastoral and teaching ministry to the extent that we now have many Pastors without local Churches to serve? One would wonder why God who gave His one and only begotten Son for us and whose only expectation is to see the vast majority of his creation turn to

12 become His worshippers, will be calling majority of His children to pastoral and teaching ministry while commissioning only few to His harvest that is plentiful and ripe? The answer is that God has called all New Testament believers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20) and has given all believers the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthian 5:18). No esoteric vision or revelation is needed to obey this clear command of the Lord to go. The blame of lack of enough Christians to go should not be put on God but on His people that are resistant and unwilling. Other reasons given by believers for not going are hinged on the fact that the mission call is a special one reserved only for the “super” or spiritually strong Christians. Others for the fear of premature death and great sacrifice attached to mission work, decline invitation to missions. The reason for others is simply incompatible or seemingly poor remuneration given to missionaries. Substantial numbers of Christians are not willing to leave their comfort zone for strange lands where they will need to be adjusting to other culture or ways of life. To all the excuses above we say, any Christian who has responded to the call to discipleship and has embraced its cost (Luke 9:23-26; 57-61) can never see any of these excuses as tenable for disobeying or resisting the call to go. If the remaining nations must hear, believe and call on the name of God for salvation, the Church must be willing and obedient to go. 4. Going: The Missing Discipline in Reaching the Nations The people of God both in the Old and New Testament have consistently demonstrated apathy to the explicit mission call of God to go to the nations. The New Testament Church prides herself much in the Great Commission, but how can the Church fulfill her

13 call to make disciples of all nations without going? Setting the priority of going is the missing discipline in reaching the nations. A purposeful going is the first step in making disciples of all nations, without this step, conversion and congregation of heathens to a worshipping community can never be achieved. The Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations is not a commission to few members of the Church but to the entire Church. The pertinent question is how will the entire Church go to the nations? While the entire Church may not step out at once like Paul and Barnabas to go to the nations, the whole Church must understand and acknowledge that she has been commissioned to go and no more exoteric revelation or vision is needed from above to respond to or fulfill this commission. Every member of the Church must constantly wait for the opportunity or open door to the nations while at home ministering to the unsaved in their immediate environment and supporting those that are already on the field. The entire Church must actively support those that are going with the mindset that they are fulfilling what is lacking on their part. Active support consists of consistent regular intercession for missionaries and their ministry among unreached nations, allocating significant percentage of Church budget to support those on the field and their ministry to the unreached, regular visitation to the field, caring for missionaries’ personal and family needs and constant communication with them while on the field. The Church must identify with this people, be ready to welcome them and hear reports of their stewardship. They must be seen as God’s servants to the nations and not as parasites that only deplete the Church resources. The Church can be going by regularly assisting members on the call to go, soliciting their commitment to

14 volunteer either on short or long term missions and actively supporting those that are going. 5. The Discipline of Going The discipline of going is a deliberate and intentional commitment of the Church to obey the call and commission to go and make disciples from among the nations. This Going is not an aimless wandering but a purposeful outing to make disciples of nations. The mandate to Go and make disciples of peoples is not an option but a command that must be obeyed. Jesus is committed to the salvation of the lost and delighted in a Church that identifies with his passion for the nations. Any Church that constantly rebuffs His calling, despises or becomes unserious with it may be forced to comply. The failure of the Israelites to fulfill her missionary mandate made God to disperse them among the nations and the failure of the disciples in the New Testament to make a deliberate effort to reach the Gentiles equally brought persecution that compelled them to reach them involuntarily. The Church must learn from these examples to avoid being compelled to obey the commission to go. 6. The Target of Going The Gentile nations or individuals that have not yet heard the Gospel at all must hear adequately to the point of making decision to follow Christ. It is not just to geopolitical nations that Christ sends His followers but to the nations of distinct people groups found in geopolitical nations. The Church must become more disciplined in prioritizing people group that are the purpose and the target of her going.

15 7. Type of Going The Church can go in two ways: Voluntarily and Involuntarily. The call of God on the Church is to go to the nations voluntarily. Whenever the Church fails to obey God in going voluntarily, He brings about adverse situation that compel them to go involuntarily. The reason for this is simple; going is a necessity laid upon the Church to fulfill the Great Commissions. Without personnel to go, the unreached cannot hear the Gospel, they can believe for the salvation of their souls. How can the Church go voluntarily? To go voluntarily, the Church must accept the Great Commission in all its forms and presentation in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostle as the explicit call of God to every believer to be actively involved in God’s work among the nations. This can be achieved by doing the following: a. Creating awareness and educating Church members on the commission to Go through annual mission conference, and observance of Home and International Mission Emphasis, along with regular teachings on missions b. Willingness and readiness of members to go c. Openness to God’s call to go d. Joyfully accepting the call to go e. Celebrating those that go and hold them in high esteem f. Identifying with and actively supporting those that are going g. Welcoming those that have gone enthusiastically The going of the Church can take the following forms: 1. Long term mission either as tentmakers or from 1 month to 2 years

16 2. short term missions from 1 month to 2 years 3. Mission exposure trip for few days to 3 weeks 8. Partnership in Going Effective going requires partnership and networking. Individuals who sense God’s call to go must be patient and humble enough to submit to the local Church for approval and recommendation. The local Church in turn must partner with a mission agency that will network with other missionary organizations to ensure that they achieve its purpose. These actions from beginning to the end must be guided by fervent prayers. Partnership is essential because mission work belongs to the entire Church. The solo approach to going is causing a lot of misunderstanding, waste of resources, duplication of efforts, unnecessary rancor, and above all misrepresentation of Christ to the nations we are called to reach. The Church must become more disciplined in humbly submitting to one another, pulling resources together and synergizing in deploying faithful and committed labourers to the field. Levels of partnership includes: a. Local Churches partnering together to adopt unreached people group and redeploy missionary. b. Association of Churches partnering with GMB to engage unreached people groups and send missionaries. c. Local Churches partnering with Association and Conference in collaboration with GMB to reach the unreached in their context. d. A conference partnering with GMB to engage the least reached people and send missionary.

17 e. A local Church directly partnering with GMB to engage unreached people or adopt existing field for mission work. CONCLUSION: Salvation of the nations is simple and complex. God has called the Church to go and has equally given her the privilege to partner with Him to send those called to the field. The Church needs to work together to facilitate the going of many potential missionaries and increase harvest force among the nations. It is our expectation that the challenges from this text will spur the Church and mission agency to prioritize the discipline of going by facilitating the redeployment of called messengers that are Spirit filled, passion soaked and well prepared to the specific people group to which they are sent.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: he history of Bassa Home Mission Field will not be complete without referring to Miss Cruse Amanda, an TAmerican lady who came to Bassaland in the year 1942 on ‘Divine Assignment from On High.’ She was the one the Lord used to bring Christianity to Bassa land which has now been transformed to both Bassa Home Mission Field and Cruse Amanda Baptist Association. On entering Bassa land through Bassa Gari, the people living in the community saw her as threat to their religion. Although they gave her a warm welcome, she was later told that she couldn’t live amidst them in Bassa Gari. She had to resettle elsewhere about 2 kilometers away from Bassa Gari, a place called ‘Tudu Baturiya’ which means “The Hill of the White Woman”. The structure of First Baptist Church in Bassa land at Tudu Baturiya and others are still standing there as proof of her mission efforts till date. Bassa Home Mission Field was declared a Mission Field in the year 2004. It is located in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State. The predominant people groups in this catchment area are the Gwari and Bassa people group. Other people Group reside in the area also. The field has her Mission Headquarters at Erena. These God’s Generals have served since the inception of the field as Supervising Missionary Couples together with their children: Pioneer Missionary Couple -Rev’d & Mrs. David Sunday Bonibaiyede (2004 -2009), Rev’d & Mrs. S. O. A. R. Akanbi (2009

19 – 1st February, 2011) and Rev’d & Mrs. J.A. Elewode(1st February, 2011 - July 2018). May the Lord bless them in their present places of assignments in His service.At present, Rev’d & Mrs. Folasayo Naomi Odetunmibi are the current Supervising Missionary Couple together with their children. TARGET PEOPLE GROUPS: Gwari and Bassa EXTENT OF WORK DONE: n Church Planting: Twenty-two (22) Churches have been planted on the field while two (2) have been organized (First Baptist Church, Tudu Baturiya and Haske Baptist Church, Bassa-Gari). The membership in each of these Churches ranges between10 to 120. n Church Development: The field through the Missionary is making candid efforts to make the Churches to be self- governing, self-financing and self-propagating through Pastoral leadership. The Missionary’s efforts in reaching out to individuals, Churches, Convention organizations have been yielding positive responses, and we are still trusting God for more of such (Mission Partners) in order to move the work forward and give our Churches spiritual leadership. At present, 10 of our Churches have Pastors, while the remaining 12 Churches are still trusting God for those that will partner in this regard. We are trusting God for a minimum of N30,000.00 as a monthly stipend for each of our Mission Pastors on the field. We are also trusting God for befitting worship auditoria for some of our churches due to their dilapidating states.

20 n Leadership Development: Six (6) indigenes and three (3) others from the field are currently undergoing Theological training at Baptist Theological Seminary, Kaduna, Baptist College of Theology, Jos and Dry Season School of Mission, Minna. n Mission School: In order to solve the illiteracy problem on the field and as a way of reaching the children with the message of Jesus Christ, four Mission Schools (Nursery and Primary Schools) were opened at Erena, Guto, Jangaru and Shape respectively. Unfortunately, three of the schools have folded up due to lack of physical structures and funds to pay the salary of the teachers. Part of the buildings at Guto, Shape and Jangaru have collapsed and academic activities have stopped. However, the School at the Mission headquarters (Erena) is still operating with the potential of being self- sustaining. The School is paying a monthly stipend to 8 staff members through the little school fees the pupils pay). Our pupils are excelling academically within Erena and neighbouring communities. The school graduated her third set of twenty four (24) pupils on Thursday, 25th July, 2019. Presently, the total number of pupils at the Baptist Group of Schools, Erena is One hundred and thirty (130). We thank God for the support received from The First Baptist Church, Lagos and Dn. & Mrs. Rufai Rasheed Adeniyi of FBC Kaduna towards the structural development and the registration of the School with the Niger State Government.

21 SOME CHALLENGES ON THE FIELD 1. CULTURAL BELIEFS: a. Bassa People Group: Before now, Bassa people did worship a god known as “Regge” in the month of December, though the worship has now turned into fun fare celebration because of the way it attracts both indigenes and non-indigenes, especially by climbing the mountain in the morning and coming down when they so desire. Also there is another god known as “Apesa” in those days, whenever a woman gives birth to twins, they will take the twins to “Apesa” shrine to pay homage with hope that “Apesa” will protect the twins from any evil occurrence. b. Gwari People Group: In time past, the Gwaris were typical idol worshippers before the advent of Christianity which later became the dominant religion. Sadly, when they began to welcome and allow Hausas to reside with them and gave them landed properties, the Hausas introduced their religion ‘Islam’ to them gradually until they captured them. One of the strategies used is the issue of ‘polygamy’ that a man can marry as many wives as he wants which is not allowed in Christianity. Some of them are still practicing syncretism. Gwari people also have a deity called ‘Magiro’ which originated from Gwari land and is held in high esteem. If two (2) or more people are fighting over a particular thing(s) which could not be resolved by the elders, they will all stand before “Magiro’ shrine for its judgment. Anyone that is guilty will die within seven days after leaving ‘Magiro’ shrine. Both Bassa and Gwari People Groups don’t have their own special dress code again due to ’s influence and Islamic religion.

22 2. Islam: Islam has gained ground among Bassa and Gwari people and has now become a great threat to Christian presence and witness on the field. 3. Polygamy: Polygamy is embraced because of the belief that the wives will be of assistance to them during farming and harvesting seasons which is their major occupation. 4. Early Marriage: This is common among them, a child can decide to get marry anytime he/she desires and their parents often support their children on the issue of early marriage. The cost of dowry is also high. Some parents pay as much as N500,000 to N1million for this purpose. Despite this, divorce rate is still high. 5. Illiteracy: Majority of the adults do not have any formal education, and some don’t even encourage and motivate their children to have access to it. They do this because of the belief that sending their children to school will make them lose their service on the farm, especially during harvest season when the need is high. 6. Insecurity: We have records of kidnapping and the likes. We covet more of your prayers for God’s protection over all of us on the field and in Nigeria at large. PRAYER AND TESTIMONIES: 1. Thank God for the release of the mission Pastors and two members that were kidnaped last year. 2. Thank God for the progress of the structural development on Mission School at Erena 3. Pray for God’s protection over the ministers and believers on the field. Ask God to restore all their losses due to kidnaping and hermen attacks.

23 4. Pray for salvation of souls and spiritual maturity of believers on this field. 5. Pray for manifestation of God’s power and presence in the lives and ministry of believers and Ministers on the field. URGENT NEEDS OF THE FIELD: (a) Missionary’s Concerns 1. Engaging 12 Pastors to Churches that have no Pastors on the field with minimum monthly stipend of N25,000 each 2. Discipleship materials (Six lessons, Follow the Master, etc.) - N100,000 3. Hausa Bible for new converts on the field 4. N200,000 is needed to acquire a small portion of land that is very close to the Mission House at Erena. 5. The sum of N1.5 million is needed to complete the ongoing Church auditorium at Sudna. 6. 1 Projector – 4,500 Lumen – for Evangelistic Outreach 7. 1 Generator (4.5 KVA) – for Evangelistic Outreach - N150,000 8. 6 Motorcycles for Mission Pastors - N270,000 each 9. 7 Generators for our Churches and Mission Pastors’ use - N70,000 each 10. 2 Bore holes at Ungwan Kawo and Bassa Gari communities - N800,000 each 11. 3 Sewing and 4 Grinding Machines to empower some of our Mission Pastors’ wives

24 12. Building of befitting Church auditoria (3) at N1.5 million each 13. Regular visitation to the Field as a way of encouragement to the Missionary’s family and Mission Pastors on the field. 14. Increase in Mission Partners (b) Mission School at Erena: 1. Completion of 3 blocks of classrooms that is at lintel level - N3.5m 2. Sponsoring of (at least 40) our pupils termly with N2,500 per pupil 3. Engaging 4 teachers @ N15,000 monthly each 4. Wiring of the school building -N100,000 5. Stationeries (exercise books, biros, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, board markers, etc.) per session -N100,000 6. 35 sets of Chairs & Tables (wooden) @ N6,000 each - N210,000 7. 150 sets of School Uniform @ N1,500 each -N225,000 8. 150 sets of Sport Wear @ N1,000 each -N150,000 9. 2 Desktop Computers @ N70,000 each -N140,000 (c.) Missionary and Mission House: 1. Mobility for the Missionary’s use 2. Printer - N65,000 3. Installation of Solar Panel and Accessories - N200,000


BACKGROUND INFORMATION: he mission field is situated in the North-Western part of Niger State. It covers Rafi, Mariga, Mashegu and TWushishi LGAs of Niger State and the Southern part of B/Gwari LGA of . The mission field’s Headquarters is at Kagara which is along Kaduna to Lagos road, where the Missionary family lives. The mission field was started in 1995 with Rev. Philip Mwelbish Dafes as the pioneer Missionary who worked from 1995 to 2006. Rev. Bitrus Galadima took over from 2007 to 2008 and Rev. Solomon Lanzah was the third Missionary, he started work in 1st September, 2009 till date. EXTENT OF WORK DONE Nigerian Baptist Convention families have done a lot in developing God’s work in this mission field especially among Kamuku tribe. There are about 105 Baptist Churches and 70 native Kamuku people are now ministers of the gospel. The Kamuku people also have the New Testament Bible, Jesus film and Gospel message in their dialect. THE UNFINISHED TASK OF THE MISSION FIELD The work today is more difficult than before. The other tribes on the field are predominantly Muslims and have largely embraced Hausa culture; n Tribal groups with no single Christian: Bassa of Mashegu, Igade, Kumonu, Kusherki, Sambuga and Sambaro. Among

26 them only Sambuga and Sambaro can speak their dialect but the other tribes claim to be Hausas. n Tribal groups in which Christianity is dying: Bauci, Supana, Ungwai and Urawa n Tribal groups in which Christianity has become stagnant: Pangu and Ushammah. n Tribal groups with a strong influence of Islam: Fulani, Hausa and Nupe OUR TARGET: We chose 5 tribal groups to work with between 2017 to 2020 to establish and develop Christianity among them, they are as follows:

UPG Pop. ATR Muslims Christians Christian Bapt. Gospel Bible Jesus Church Church Message Film Bauci 55, 000 20% 70% 10 2 Nil Yes Nil Nil Pangu 70, 000 35% 65% 135 4 3 Yes Luke Nil Supana 35, 000 40% 40% 20 Nil 2 Yes Nil Nil Ungwai 60, 000 10% 85% 55 2 1 Yes Nil Nil Urawa 50, 000 45% 40% 25 1 1 Yes Nil Nil

1. Bauci: Among the 2 Bauci Christian families, one family is undergoing training at our School of Missions, Minna to return back and work among their people. 2. Pangu: Traditional beliefs and practices are very strong even among those who claim to be Muslims and Christians. 3. Supana: They are mostly nominal religionists, poor people and too materialistic.

27 4. Ungwai: They claim to be Muslims, they are friendly and good in hospitality but they are very difficult to reach. 5. Urawa: In 2016 the challenge of insecurity had crippled Christianity in the land; some mission agencies have evacuated the area. Out of 10 Christian Churches, only 2 Churches remained today, most of the worshippers had turned to Islam and paganism. MISSION STRATEGIES: These include witnessing, crusade and film shows, discipleship, training, Biblical teaching, Church planting, vocational skills training or empowerment scheme, etc. TESTIMONIES: 1. Ministries: 15 souls were won, 6 out of them were Muslims. 20 rededicated their lives to Christ, 13 were discipled. Some mission stations started Bible and literacy classes. U/Bayero literacy class was adopted by interdenominational Chapel from Hydro company ; they are processing its registration as a Private Primary School with the government. 2. Workers: We employed a new Church Planter for T/Assun. He started children literacy class and the worshippers have increased in number. 3. Persecutions: A new Supana convert was charged to court for giving his daughter in marriage to a Christian, but God caused the case to be in favor of the new convert. OUR CHALLENGES AND PRESSING NEEDS 1. Missionary: Unknown people entered missionary’s house twice and stole foodstuffs, clothes, laptop, 2 handsets,

28 electronics and money. 2. Islam: Muslims are deploying teachers and preachers into interior villages to propagate Islam. They sometimes threaten weak Christians and convert them to Islam. They also marry Christian ladies and use materials and money to entice people to their faith. Fulanis also engage the local teenagers in shepherding; with the aim of islamizing them. 3. Lack of Pastors: The U/Bayero and Karaya mission stations have no shepherds. There is an urgent need for 2 Church Planters to work among Bauci and Urawa people coupled with the need to take care of the payment of their monthly stipends. The stipend of each Church Planter is N12, 000 per month. 4. Lack of residence for mission workers: This has made some gospel workers to live far away from the sheep and go for Church worship only on Sundays. This is crippling Church growth. There is an urgent need for N400, 000 to build a pastorium at U/Bayero and another N400, 000 to build a pastorium at U/Bawa Guntu. There is need of N85, 000 to complete the pastorium work of Karaya and N80, 000 to complete the U/Bawa pastorium. 5. Lack of social amenities: Most of our works are in rural areas where there are no accessible roads, Schools, health facilities and network for communication. This makes most of the outreaches difficult in terms of transportation. This leads to many Gospel workers being reluctant to living in the village. 6. Lack of mobility: The missionary’s car is old and already out of use.

29 7. Mission house: We need N500,000 to sink bore hole in the house; N75,000 to make burglary, proof and N40,000 to renovate the kitchen, which leaks whenever it rains. INTERCESSORY PRAYERS FOR UNGWAI PEOPLE Pray against: n The rule of the devil in the lives of people and in the land. 1 Jn.5:19 n Islamic domination on the people. 2 Chron.20:2, 10-12 & Josh.6:20 n The hardness of people’s hearts. Ezek.36:26-27 & 2 Cor.4:4 n Covenants and curses people made with the gods. Isaiah 28:18 n Every yoke that is delaying people from accepting Christ. Isaiah 10:27 Ask God : n For breakthrough and open doors to reach and evangelize the people. Josh.1:3, 5 n To uproot the Spirit of fear from people. Jn.6:16-20 n To draw people to His Kingdom. Jn.6:44, 65 n Through the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to Ungwai people and convince them to accept Christ. Jn.16:8 n To grant us the grace and success to win souls for Christ Pray for: n God’s Kingdom to be established in Ungwai and His will be done. Mt.6:10

30 n God’s presence in the outreaches. Mt.28:20b, Jn.15:5 n Those who always oppose the Gospel and persecute Christians to turn and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. n Ungwai Christians who turned to Islam to return back to Christ. Jn.10:28-29


BACKGROUND: kwa Ibom Home Mission Field is located in the South- South region of Nigeria. The field was established in A1991 and it covers all the Local Government Areas, towns and villages within the borders of Akwa Ibom State. Our present mission base is in Uyo city for effective concentration and easy access to all our target groups. We have 5 Baptist Churches in Uyo till date, hoping to increase as soon as possible. The current missionary couple on the field is Rev. Royal and Mrs. Judith Ify. RELIGION: The major religion of the people of Akwa Ibom is Christianity. They still practice African traditional religion while Islam is pushing hard to gain more ground. For religious statistics, Christianity is 84%, Traditional religion 11% and Islam 5%. TARGET GROUP: Our target people groups on the field are the Ibibio, Anang and Oron. These people groups covet your earnest prayers especially Oron nation, as they are popularly called. The Baptist mission work has been established to some extent among the Ibibios and Anangs, though there is still a lot to be done but we are yet to establish an effective presence among the Oron people. The main focus for this year is to establish a strong mission presence among Oron people since we have only one preaching station among the 5 Local Government Areas of the Oron people group.

32 With support from some of our partners, some widows have been empowered to start their own businesses and several food stuffs and new wrappers have been distributed among them. (c) Discipleship We have an effective discipleship programme on the field. Most of our churches especially those in urban areas are involved in this ministry too. Through this ministry, many Church leaders and evangelists have been trained. (d) Crusades and Revivals This is another ministry that has been very effective in reaching out to the unreached on the field. Many lives have been rededicated through the revival services which has been organized in different churches on the field, especially in the rural areas. 2. Church Planting: Through the mission efforts of Providence Baptist Church, Uyo, Idorenyin Baptist Association and New Heritage Baptist Church, Lagos, 3 Baptist Churches have been planted on the field recently. Two of these Churches are located in Uyo while one is located at Ikot-Akpaden (Akwa Ibom State University community). The University of Uyo (permanent site) community has been surveyed for Church planting by the missionary and we are earnestly expecting some mission minded Churches and families to come and join God at work with us to save most of our youths from falling prey to some fake ministries and their heretic teachings in the universities. 1. Oron Mission/Church Planting: Our major focus for Church planting this year is among the Oron

33 EXTENT OF THE WORK DONE: At present, we have 31 Baptist Churches on the field with two Associations namely: Idorenyin and Uyo. There are 13 Baptist Churches in Idorenyin Baptist Association and 18 Baptist Churches in Uyo Baptist Association. These 2 Associations have been divided into 4 zones: and Etinan zones are in Idorenyin Association while Calvary and Victory zones are in Uyo Association. By His grace, these 4 zones will multiply into four Associations in the next two years as adequate efforts are being put in place for more effective Church planting and growth. 1. Evangelistic Ministry By His grace, the missionary and other workers on the field are working hard in the area of soul winning, evangelism, empowerment and Church planting. Different evangelistic methods have been employed at different locations on the field to reach out to souls for Christ. (a) Youths/Secondary School Ministry To catch the young ones for Christ and impart moral values in them, we started a Secondary School outreach programme. The aim of this ministry is to retrieve the young ones from the forces of darkness and establish them in Jesus Christ. We ministered to 510 students of Community Secondary School, Ikot Uko in Essien Udim L.G.A in June 2019 and 240 of the students gave their lives to Jesus. Educational materials were distributed to over 510 students in the School. (b) Widows Ministry To put smiles on the faces of widows and empower them to serve God better, we established The Widows’ Ministry on the field.

34 people group. To the glory of God, Baptist mission work expanded to Oron nation eight years ago, but unfortunately we have only one preaching station in the whole of five Local Government Areas of the Oron people group. This is a distinct ethnic tribe in Akwa Ibom State, although some of these LGAs are still in rural places with little or no viable and vibrant economy. At present, two of these Local Government Areas namely, Oron and Mbo are ripe for Baptist mission work. TESTIMONY: Last month, three armed robbers attacked one of our Pastors’ families on the mission field on one Sunday morning. It was at about 6:20am on that fateful Sunday morning while they were having their family devotion. They gained access to the sitting room and attacked the father of the house so hard and broke his head. His Bible was soaked in his blood; his wife and the only daughter at home were not spared. The innocent daughter looking at her father in the pool of blood shouted, JESUS! One of the armed robbers slapped her and asked, “Which Jesus? Who is Jesus? Jesus cannot save you from our hands.” They took their phones and church money and left the house while the father of the house was still lying helplessly in the pool of his blood. When they left, the daughter summoned courage by the power of the Holy Spirit, she ran after them and raised alarm to alert the neighbors. Few minutes later, the robbers were apprehended and she walked up to the one who slapped her when she was calling on Jesus and asked him, “Have you seen the Jesus I was calling on few minutes ago.” By the grace of God, all that the robbers took away from the Pastor’s family were recovered with the church money intact but

35 unfortunately, the armed robbers did not survive the mob action on them. Indeed, there is power in the name of Jesus! CHALLENGES AND IMMEDIATE NEEDS 1. Mission Land in Uyo 2. Partnership to build a Mission house 3. Three motorcycles for 2 Mission Pastors urgently 4. Partnership for Church Planting in UNIUYO urgently 5. Two generating sets 6. Assistance to build a place of worship for Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Ikot-Uko PRAYER REQUESTS: 1. Appreciate God for His grace in the field, it has been the Lord. 2. Thank God for the protection of the lives of the missionary and his family, mission Pastors and their families, field evangelist, Church planters and our members. The hand of God is with us. 3. Ask God for the provision of land urgently for the building of Baptist mission house in Uyo. 4. Pray for God to sustain and increase the number of newly planted churches on the field. 5. Pray for open heavens as we prepare to plant churches in all the areas that have been surveyed on the field. 6. Pray to God to silence every force/power fighting against the deliverance of souls on the field.

36 7. Ask God for open doors for more partners in the area of church planting and empowerment on the field. 8. Pray for willing hearts among the Pastors and members for more effective mission work. 9. Pray for uncommon fruitfulness/results in our mission activities on the field. 10. Pray to God to open more doors for the conversion of souls for Jesus in the field.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION enue Mission field has over 6 Million Tiv and ethnic groups in 17 Local Government Areas of the State BMajority of the Tiv and Igedes are predominantly farmers and that is why Benue State is known as the Food Basket of the Nation. The larger populations of people live in abject poverty and this is the major reason why many of their ladies go into prostitution especially in the Tiv land. Today Benue State has the highest number of people living with HIV in Nigeria. In January 2015, Rev. and Mrs. Josiah Ige were sent as the supervising Missionary couple to the field. CULTURAL BELIEFS: Culturally, are devoted to a deity called Aondo. Their major events are New Yam Festival, traditional wedding and burial. During these occasions, musical instrument called Adiquve is played with traditional dancing to the admiration of all. It is also symbolic during the death of an elder in the community. The anger is the most popular form of attire of the Tiv. It is made up of white and black strips woven together to form a beautiful design. There is Tugudu which is used strictly for burying dead ones. Also, Igede people are well known for their new yam festival called “Igede Agba” Traditional Dancing and Masquerades are featured to add cultural value to the festival and every Igede son and daughter takes part in this ceremony. In Igede land, Alegwu and Akpam are popular gods who forbid their subjects from doing evil. The

38 people’s tradition strongly held onto this day has to do with the burial of indigene’s corpses in a special forest. Corpses of people who are killed with arms or during war are regarded as ‘special.’ RELIGIONS: Christianity 60%, Traditional Religion 30%, and Islam 5%. CHRISTIANITY: Roman catholic 45%, NKST 30%, Evangelical 15% Pentecostal Church 7% and Protestant 3%. EXTENT OF WORK DONE: Baptist work spread into Benue State in the early 1960s, but in Tiv and Igede lands, Baptist work is still struggling for survival. Thus in 2009, the Global Mission Board intervened in the area by sending mission Pastor’s to plant Churches in Wannune (Tiv) and Oju (Igede). I. At present, the GMB has planted 11 Churches on the field. Also Churches like Okelerin Baptist Church, Ogbomoso, Glad Tiding B. C. Ogbomoso, Goodnews B. C Ogbomoso, First Baptist Church, Makurdi, Goodness B.C. Lagos, United Baptist Conference and other have planted 28 Churches. ii. About 1.5 Million Tiv and 6,000 Igede people have been reached. Over 600 have been discipled, and 460 members have been baptized. iii. “Catch them young” was introduced to disciple children through the establishment of mission schools in Baptist Academy in Wannune (Tiv Land) and Onyhawu (Igede Land). iv. Recently, 9 Tiv and 6 Igede indigenous Pastors have been

39 trained in Theological institutions. In Tiv and Igede land churches, we have 19 trained Pastors. CHALLENGES: 1. Language barrier in Rural Areas. 2. Poverty among the people in the Land. 3. Inadequate human and financial resources. 4. Spiritual strongholds. 5. Traditional religious practices / beliefs. 6. Fulani herdsmen challenges. NEEDS: 1. Mobility: Rugged vehicle (Four wheel drive) for the missionary and 5 motorcycle for the mission Pastors. 2. Purchase of land for 6 Churches, two plots for each between (N250 - N500 per plot). 3. Building of worship centre for 7 Churches. 4. Sponsorship for the School of Missions for training indigenous Church planters and leaders. 5. Purchase of evangelism equipment and musical instruments. 6. Digging of boreholes in 5 Villages. 7. Supply of Bibles, tracts and discipleship Materials. 8. Support for mission Schools, Baptist Academy in Wannune and Onyhawu PRAYERS: 1. Thank God for opening the door of ministry in Tivs & Igede

40 Land. 2. Pray for peace and security of lives and properties as Fulani herdsmen and indigenous militants continue to kill silently. 3. Pray for true and lasting revival for souls that have been won for Christ. 4. Pray for the missionary and mission Pastors’ families. 5. Pray that God should send partners for mission work.


SCHOOL OF MISSIONS, MINNA aptist School of Missions Minna has been training Church Planters, Evangelists, and Missionaries for the past 15 Byears, to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. The School underwent different developmental stages and has contributed a lot to the development of Baptist work. It has produced 132 gospel workers, among these are those who have gone to obtain higher levels of education in Theological Institutions and have become Pastors, while others have even been ordained as Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in different locations. So many others today, are working as Church Planters and Evangelists reproducing and nurturing Churches The School started temporary at Zumunta BC Taidna-Minna on January, 2004. A parcel of land (2.784 hectares) was gotten for the permanent site of the School in 2010. Though there weren’t buildings erected yet, the School was moved from its temporary site to the permanent site in 2013. At the time of the relocation, the foundation of a block of three class rooms had been put in place and 3 courses of blocks laid on it. Since there were no completed buildings, they resorted to using the shades of mango trees as classrooms. Considering the weather and the openness of the area, the students are exposed to heavy winds from time to time that disrupted the classes, and the harsh condition brought along with it; cough and catarrh, sore throat and other diseases.

42 The classroom-block was later raised to 9 courses all around, and then wood and grass were used to roof the incomplete structure. On 3 occasions the rafter fell on the students but none was injured to the glory of God. It wasn’t just the classrooms that were not available, even a place of worship was a challenge. The School had to make do with under the shade of one of the large mango trees at the beginning, then a hall was constructed using aluminum roofing sheets in the year 2015. This also did not last as the heavy wind destroyed it on the 28th of April 2019. SCHOOL PROGRAMS AND COURSES The School runs 3 main courses these are: l Certificate in missions, l Certificate in Christian women leadership development and l Literacy program. SOME ACTIVITIES OF THE SCHOOL IN 2019 l Discipleship: Every student in 2019 went through 3 discipleship programs each: New students did Christ Indwelling Your Life and Follow the Master while Returning students went through In God’s Presence and Master Life, and all students did Experiencing God. Many students rededicated their lives to Christ. l Outreach: Students went out for outreaches twice to mission fields during School session and had people praying to ask Jesus into their lives. A couple among our students saw the ripeness of the harvest in the

43 field; he wept and sacrificed himself with his wife for a year to harvest souls for Christ. The whole student body decided to encourage the couple by giving a token for another outing in 2020. l Long vacation: Mission students are asked to work during long vacation which is between April and December every year. Their home Pastors were asked to supervise them and the Principal visited some of them. l Spiritual enrichment: This is observed during the first week after resumption. l Prayer ministry: General assembly is observed every Thursday. The School has group prayers and mid-week prayers on Wednesdays and organizes fasting and prayers once every month. l Vocational skills training: Women were taught how to cook/new recipes; make soap, pomade, and air refreshner and fashion design. The School bought 2 sewing machines to help with the skill acquisition. Men were trained in building, farming and animal husbandry skills and will be taught carpentry skill in 2020. TESTIMONY OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS IN 2019 l Short Term Mission Volunteer Service: This is a scheme that is planned by the GMB, for people of all professions to use their leave period or to take some time off for missions during their retirement to visit and serve on a mission field. Some of our Schools of missions have caught on with the

44 vision : 1. A graduate of SOM Minna, an ECWA member volunteered and worked 6 months in Kamuku Home Mission Field. 2. A lady named Esther Yakubu worked voluntarily for 1 month in a mission field. 3. A couple, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bello volunteered to work from February to December, 2019 in a field. He built 2 rooms and make a fence round the Pastorium. He is taking 5 unbelieving families through the study of God’s word. 16 Muslims went to assist him on farm work and 2 Muslims gave him land to farm and asked that he should not be transferred. The Missionary has consented to this by engaging him as a gospel worker in Kamuku HMF. CHALLENGES AND PRESSING NEEDS A. Lack of Fund: Funding for our Schools of Missions mainly come from internally generated revenues: the School fees, support from Churches and communities that are touched to give and some support from the GMB. The lack of enough finances is one great challenge facing SOM Minna too; it has hindered the completion of the only 3 block of classrooms (see B and C below for details), the building of hostels and the perimeter fencing of the School land. The perimeter fencing is very important as the land is in a choice place and encroachers are already making moves. There is also the pressing need to reconstruct another place of worship. The SOM Minna like all the other dry Season Schools of Missions is run on meager income. The Instructors, Teacher and lecturers are

45 all doing the work as volunteers with just a small token to appreciate their efforts. There is the need to improve on the appreciation we show/give to these people. It will interest us to note and appreciate 5 volunteers who have worked without receiving honorarium, and a teacher who sacrificed his 3 months premium (N30, 00), to put ceiling at the School veranda B. Completion of the Only Block of Classrooms: We need the following; l N197, 500 to plaster the classrooms l N90, 000 to make and fix 6 doors l N443, 050 for ceiling l N160, 000 for toilet facilities and fixation l N219, 500 for painting l N351, 750 for electrification C. Furniture And Teaching Aid l 7 tables and chairs for teachers to use in a class. l 1 table for Principal and 3 chairs l 20 desks for students l 7 Blackboards10 packets of white and coloured chalks D. Skills Acquisition Instruments: We need (a.) 3 additional sewing machines each N40, 000 (b.) 2 knitting machines. E. MINI LIBRARY LITERATURES. We need N40,000 to buy books for the school library and class textbooks.

46 OUR TARGET We are trusting God to build the following on the School land: l 3 hostels each with10 rooms and toilet facilities equipped with kitchen and laundry section l Principal/Guest house l Fencing of the entire School land l Chapel/Multipurpose Hall l 4 Blocks of classrooms for Women Development Progam and Literacy SCHOOL OF MISSIONS OKE BOLA, OGBOMOSO Introduction The Diaspora Ministry is a mission effort of the Global Missions Board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention ministering to the migrant workers from the Middle Belt, Northern Nigeria and neighboring West African Countries who are resident in villages and towns in South-western Nigeria, farming or fishing for themselves or working for others. It began in October 1996. The Diaspora Ministry and the Dry Season School of Mission The Diaspora Ministry with 120 Churches in Ogbomoso, Abeokuta, Oyo, Iseyin, Ido and Benue (93 as at 2002) could not afford 93 salaried Pastors, and when student Pastors in the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary were withdrawn from providing Pastoral supervision as a result of new budgetary regulations and new directions in missions by the Baptist Mission of Nigeria, capable and potentials members were selected from these Churches for training in what is now called the Dry Season

47 School of Missions. The first Principal was Rev. Frank, who was at the same time coordinating the Diaspora Ministry; while the Consultant was Prof Matthews Ojo. The Bivocational Nature of the Programme Those trained are to adopt the tent making missionary strategy that Paul used – working for the Lord and at the same time continuing with their profession to support themselves. These students, after graduation, will be bi-vocational Church planters, Evangelists and Missionaries, who will operate within and outside their ethnic groups. Support for this School of Missions comes from the GMB, local Churches and Mission-loving individuals. The Duration of a School Session As it is in all our other dry Season Schools of Missions, students are trained for 12-13 weeks (Although the earlier years ran for 9 weeks only) each year between January and April, when there is no farm work, for three (3) consecutive years. The first contact session was held from 15 January to 2nd March, 2001. The second session was held from 8th January to 4th March, 2002, and the third session commenced on 14 January, and ended 14 March 2003. At the close of each session students are challenged to go and evangelize and plant at least a Church before the next contact session. They are also challenged to begin discipleship classes and to organize leadership meetings to raise assistants. A proposed full time course leading to the award of Diploma in Missions for those with higher academic qualifications was planned to commence by the second half of 2003. This has not yet

48 materialized because of some pressing issues, one of which is the lack of befitting and adequate accommodation for both students and the volunteer staff. Our Goal 1. Training people as missionaries, Church planters, and Evangelists who will serve in our Diaspora Churches or in Churches they will plant and nurture in their homelands. 2. Training Baptist members from other Home and Foreign mission fields. These will provide leadership for Churches among unreached people groups. 3. Training those who have a zeal for missions and want to know how to get involved on a short time basis. 4. Offering refresher courses to missionaries of the Global Missions Board and others. 5. Training full-time career Missionaries for the Global Missions Board and other Great Commission Churches within and outside the Country Progress so far l The dry Season School of Mission has trained about 300 Evangelists and Church Planters from various ethnic groups within and outside of Nigeria. l The School that started in a rented old building that belonged to Oke-Bola Village Baptist Church, now has her own landed property with a few buildings. l Many of our products have been employed by Churches as Church Planters and requests are still coming in.

49 l The Ministerial Training Board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention has approved the new curriculum for the School and this has upgraded the School to a standard Mission School within the Nigerian Baptist Convention. l The School students no longer struggle with the villagers for water from a public deep well because the School now has her own bore hole. Modern toilet, kitchen and bathroom facilities are now available for the staff and lecturers. l Experienced lecturers from Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary Ogbomoso and Pastors from Local Churches are always more than ready to render their services with little or no stipend. l The School is looking forward to starting her Diploma level regular School of mission which has been part of her objective from the onset. Challenges l Infrastructural Development: The School lacks the capacity to expand her intake of willing candidates due to inadequate hostel accommodation, classrooms and other relevant physical development. l Mobility: The School currently does not have any vehicle to convey lecturers and staff to the campus which is about 1hour drive to the city thereby subjecting staff and others to settle for the commercial transporters. This can make them to spend as much as N1000 for a return trip. l Power Supply: Even though a petrol generator has been provided by the Global Missions Board, the cost of fueling

50 and repair is telling on our meager income. l Solar Power: We are trusting God for a regular power supply through Solar Energy so as to have power supply 24/7 instead of 3 hours supply through our generator. l Free Primary Education: Within the campus, we run free Nursery/Primary School Education for the benefit of Oke- Bola Community. The number of Students have increased more than the available space therefore, there is need for another block of 3 classrooms with a teachers’ lodge. 95% of the students are from other ethnic groups within and outside Nigeria with poor parents. We need sponsorship to enable the School provides textbooks, uniform and meals for them. Sponsorship for Evangelists in Training: l Some of our Evangelists –in-training with genuine call and great potentials do not have the financial capacity to continue and some have dropped out. l Despite the fact that the School charge less than N30,000 per session, some are unable to meet up. We trust God that mission-minded individuals will come to the aid of these indigent students. Furniture And Teaching Aid l Library Facility and Books l Chairs and Tables for Students. Testimonies l The Lord has helped in the deliverance of many students from demonic bondage through our mandatory prayer chain normally organized during the School session.

51 l The yearly storm which had hitherto destroyed part of the School buildings and some other structures in the Oke-Bola Community has been stopped through God’s power as we prayed. l Some of our old students have planted new Churches that are doing great and growing well. l We have at least 2 of our old students as radio Evangelists presently blessing lives and communities. l The Lord has been so gracious unto the school Vice Principal, Rev. Moses Ajibade, who was sick for months without medical solution but was later miraculously healed. l The Principal, Patrick A. Rotimi too has had close shaves with death on Oyo-Ogbomoso road with his car and at times in commercial vehicles but God has been faithful in delivering him all the time. l The Chairman of the Global Missions Board, Senator Phillip Aruwa Gyunka on behalf of his family donated a borehole sunk in December 2018 to the School. l The Lord has opened up the school in such a way that people from all walks of life and professions come to make enquiries; about mission and for research purposes. l Recently the President of The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Rev. Emiola Nihinlola was used by God to facilitate a partnership arrangement with a USA based Faith Organization to help our school. We are trusting God for good result soonest.

52 Prayer Needs l Appreciate God for His protection and provision. Thank God for the progress made so far. Commit students’ progress unto His hands in all areas. Pray for the members of staff and leaders for wisdom and strength. Rebuke the enemy over the family of students and staff. l Receive divine provision for all God sent helpers to the School. Ask the Lord to bless and prosper all partnerships we have. Pray that the purpose of the School shall be fulfilled. Lift up those that have helped for divine lifting and promotion. l Appreciate God for the safe journey that He grants to both new and returning students.


Abia State Home Mission Field-Umuahia l Pastors for Pastorless Churches l N2.5m for building projects on the field; FBC Umuahia and FBC Alayi auditorium l 2 Motorcycles at the cost of N260,000 for the Pastors at FBC Ohafia, and FBC Umuire l A sum of N1.2m for 2 plots of land for Bethel Baptist Church, Bende and FBC, Ohafia l A sum of N100,000 is needed for musical instruments l 6 Generators Adamawa State Home Missions Field l 3 motorcycles for the mission Pastors. l Provision of exercise books, pencils, chairs or desks for our seven Nursery and Primary Schools. l Building and roofing of some Churches. Akwa-Ibom State Home Mission Field l Mission Land l Partnership to build a Mission House l Two motorcycles for 2 Mission Pastors l Partnership for the training of two Indigenous Pastors in the

54 School of Missions for more effective ministry l Partnership for Church Planting in UNIUYO. l One Wireless Amplifier for aggressive evangelism. l Urgent Support for the Empowerment of some Widows and Orphans on the field. l Assistance to raise a Place of Worship for the Newly Planted Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Ikot-Uko, meeting in a Member's House. Anambra State Home Mission Field, Awka Onitsha l Glorious Baptist Church, Ogidi needs N200,000 to complete the fence of the Church land. A young, dynamic Pastor is needed. l Macedonia Baptist Church, Obosi (Onitsha) needs a landed property that will cost about N5 million, for her permanent site,. l Pleasant - Green Baptist Church, Isinyi Nando needs N2.5m to complete the building of the mission house. l Miracle Baptist Church, Okija needs a landed property, which will cost about N4 million, on which her Church building will be erected. l Adonai Baptist Church, Awkuzu-Duzogu needs about N450,000 to continue the work of her building. For the fence of her land to get to a good level, we need an additional N300,000. l Calvary Life Baptist Church, Nkpor Uno needs a new Pastor to lead the Church.

55 l Global Missions Baptist Church, Ukpor needs to be fully adopted Benue State Mission Field l Prayer - Raising Intercessory group for Benue people. l Purchase of land. - 7 Churches need at least 2 plots of land. (a plot is between N250,000 - N600,000) l Building of worship center(s) l Purchase of land at Gboko for Missionary Mission House and other mission activities (4 plots with uncompleted 3 bedrooms flat and functioning bore hole -N 4 million) l Purchase of evangelism equipment and musical instruments. l Sponsorship or support School of Missions in Benue State for training indigenous Church planters and evangelists. l Supply of Bibles, tracts and discipleship materials. l Digging of bore hole. l Mobility: A 4 wheel drive (truck) for missionary and 7 motorcycles for mission Pastors. l Training of indigenous Pastors in Theological Institutions (5 people on waiting list). l Adoption of Churches or Pastors. Cross River Home Mission Field l Building of a mission house in Ikom at N4.5m l 3 Churches need adoption to provide them with spiritual leadership l Adopt and sponsor a mission worker in the field by paying at

56 least N10,000 per month l A 4 wheel drive for the work of the field l Good clothing materials for the less privileged l Mission Partners Delta State Home Mission Field, Isoko l Adopt and sponsor a mission worker on the field by paying at least N10,000 per month. l Places of worship for First Baptist Church Owhelogbo and Divine B.C Uzere at the cost of N2m each l Musical instrument at the cost of N250,000 for Triumphant B.C. Oghenerurie l Plots of land for Success B.C. Irii at the cost of N1.5m Ebonyi State Home Mission Field l Pastors for Pastorless Churches- each at the cost of N20, 000 per month, Trinity B.C. Ngbo-Ekka and New Glory B.C., Unwana, etc. l We need two motorcycles for the use of our missions Pastors on the field. l A generating set at the cost of N100, 000 l Megaphones @ N20,000 l Fund for Land purchase at Unwana l Fund for building project of New Life B. C. Afikpo. Imo State Home Mission Field l Mobility for the Missionary, (a four wheel drive at N2 million)

57 l The Church needs two plots of land (worth 6 million Naira) l 2 motorcycle and generators Home Mission Field-Dukawa l Projector and Digital Camera at the cost of N250, 000 l At least four trained Pastors are needed in some Churches l Mobility for the Missionary at N1.5million l Needs a borehole @ N500,000 l Education support for the mission Pastor's Children l Building of the mission house fence l Building and roofing of Bethel B.C, Dirin Daji which collapsed this year. l 4 motorcycles for mission Pastors. Kebbi State Home Mission Field-Kyengawa l A Lister Grinding Machine for one of our villages to serve as empowerment. l We need one borehole of N500,000 in one of our ministry points and one well water of N250,000 in another Mission station. l We need two Pastor's house in two ministry points. Each will cost N1.5m. l Mission clinic at the headquarters. (Cost N2m). l Three motorcycles for three Pastors. (Each will cost N250,000.) l Support for staff children education. A child may need

58 nothing less than 50,000 per term. l Two of our Mission houses need finishing touches. This will cost N500,000. l 2 Big generators l We need short term community health training for the Missionary and His Wife that will help us to be more effective in reaching the people. l Projector for outreaches in the field. Kogi State Home Mission Field l Three Mission Pastors and 2 Church Planters. l Two generating Sets. l Establishing Baptist Mission Clinics among the Igala and Bassa Communities. l Establishing Baptist Mission School among the Igala and Bassa Communities -Jebba l Evangelism equipment like projector, camera, Bible in Hausa, Yoruba and English Languages. l Financial support for the Nursery & Primary School and for the teachers l A sum of N250,000 is needed for purchase of musical instrument. l 1 motorcycle @ N260,000 Niger State - Guffanti Home Mission Field: l Volunteer teachers for the new Secondary School

59 l Support of School fees for some students in our School whose parents refuse to pay their fees anymore for becoming Christians. l Most of the Churches are without Pastoral leadership, while the ones with Pastoral leadership are facing the problem of Church leaders dragging leadership with them. l Mobility for the missionary @ the cost of N2m l Completion of the health centre as locals are charged exorbitantly for medical services provided by semi- professionals, while those who seek professional help go as far as New Bussa to get proper help. Ondo State Home Mission Field-Ilaje/Apoi l Laptop and projector l Three Motorcycles at the cost of N350, 000 each l Sponsorship of two indigenes for Theological training at the cost of N150, 000 per year. l Church building for Halleluyah Baptist Church, Kofawe l Adoption of Pastor for Igbegunrin Church l Completion of Ikorigho and Odu-Oyinbo Church Ogun State Home Mission Field-Ohori-Ije l Pastorless Churches. Many of our Churches are without Baptist trained Pastors which have hindered their growth. Adoption of a Pastor @ N30,000.00per month will be very helpful. l Drinking Water: Non availability of clean drinking water is a major problem on the field, especially during the dry season.

60 Drilling of a Borehole @ N2million. (Due to the nature of our land which is a limestone terrain.) l High level of illiteracy: Many of our members cannot read or write and this has affected them negatively. No School for children too. We need functional Schools. l Health Institution: Functioning health institution is not on the field. As a result, many children have died prematurely of sicknesses that can be treated and many pregnant women have died also during delivery process due to lack of good health facilities. To build a hospital will cost about N10 million. l Four new Motorcycles for Mission Pastors @ N260,000 each. l Evangelistic Equipment ( PAC) @ N250,000. l One big generator for Evangelistic Outreach @ N150,000. Rivers State Home Mission Field-Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni The Sum of N4.2 million Naira is needed to complete the mission house project at Omoku. l N1.2 million Naira is needed to purchase a portion of land sought for at Obite, where the Church can put up her permanent structure l The sum of N800,000 (eight hundred thousand Naira) is needed to pay for a portion of land at Aggah. l At Elieta, we need the sum of N700,000 (seven hundred thousand Naira) to acquire a plot of land Taraba State Home Mission Field

61 l A 4 bed room flat to be built on the mission plot in Bali town for missionary at the cost of N2 Million naira only. l We need 3 Pastors to be adopted in order to man the leadership of Bali Kaiwinbou, Shimbon, and Jamtari Preaching stations on a stipend of N30, 000, monthly. l We need 2 bed room flat Pastorium to be built at Bali and Mudai preaching stations (each will cost N1 Million Naira only.) l We need well to be dug at Kunfan and Kaiwinbou preaching stations for safe drinking water for the people. (each at the cost of N60, 000.) Ngara Home Mission Field, Yobe State l Pray for us to have more breakthroughs and more grace to witness Christ in this Islamic emirate. We can't do it alone. l Need of Mission Pastors to serve in Churches without Pastoral leadership at a cost of N40, 000 monthly. l Need to train and support the indigenous discipled members in Theological training. l Need to start Evangelist training School/Hope Mission Primary School in Potiskum to help in our adoption strategy and training of Children in villages, to have on-going relationship with Christ and address the concern of witnessing in our context (cost N3million.) l Need discipleship materials in Hausa/English and audio/visual for children, l Need of 4, 500 lumen focus capacity Projector N250, 000 and 20x1ft projector screen N30, 000,

62 l Need bore-hole in FBC Buni Yadi, Ngalda, Bishara Baptist Potiskum, FBC Gashua, FBC Damaturu and FBC Potiskum. (cost about N600thousand to N1.3million each.) l Rebuilding the Churches that were burnt down and building of Bishara Baptist Church, Potiskum.



State Fields Missionary Phone Number 1. Abia Umuahia Rev. John Mark (Contact Person) 2. Adamawa Gyenye Rev. & Mrs Joseph Shada 07032234204 3. Akwa Ibom Akwa Ibom Rev. & Mrs. Royal Ify (study leave) 08037514588 (Contacts person) Rev. Etiebet Thompson 07032263477 4. Anambra Akwa/Onitsha Rev. & Mrs. Isaac Opayinka 07065561780 5. Benue Tiv/Igede/ Rev. & Mrs. Josiah Ige 08060334520 6. Cross Rivers Ikom Rev. & Mrs. Akpan Ekpeyong 08068505742 7. Delta Isoko Rev. & Mrs. E. Orogun 07065485744 (Contact person) 8. Ebonyi Abakaliki Rev. & Mrs. Clement Oyelakin 08034130375 64 9. Gombe Billiri Rev. & Mrs. Mike Dogo 08062526682 10. Imo Okigwe/Orlu Rev. Bola Oludare (Contact Person) 08039418720 11. Kebbi Dukawa Rev. Yusuf Demeh (Ag. Missionary) 07087833165 12. Kebbi Kyengawa Rev. & Mrs Oluwagbemi 08035617391 13. Kogi Igala/Bassa Rev. Dr & Mrs S. Obateru 07035274694 14. Kwara Okuta Rev. & Mrs. John Gamsari 08076501189 15. Niger Bassa Rev. & Mrs. ‘Sayo Odetunmibi 08165122708 16. Niger Guffanti Rev. & Mrs. 'Busoye Olopade 08066635498 17. Niger Kamuku Rev. & Mrs. Solomon Lanza 07068884516 18. Ogun Ohori Rev. & Mrs. Noah Adedokun 08027723984 19. Ondo Ilaje/Apoi Rev. & Mrs. Solomon Olaniran 08032172082 20. Oyo, Ogun, Osun Diaspora Ministry - Rev. Patrick Rotimi 08030638206 21. Oyo Iseyin/Kishi (Fulani) Rev. Jilani Ibrahim 08136001351 22. Oyo Saki/Okerete Rev. & Mrs Josiah Akintayo 08060860449 23. River Rev. & Mrs Solomon Ikwekwa 08034855163 24. Rivers Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Rev. & Mrs Ezekiel Amusan 08062843929 25. Taraba Gashaka Rev. & Mrs Ishaya Tiyari 07039267505 26. Yobe Ngara Rev. & Mrs John Matthew 08035077355 COMMITMENT TO GOD What commitment(s) do you want to make to God having read this booklet and observed the mission week in your Church? Kindly pick one or more from the list below and pray to God to help you to be faithful to it (them). o1 Pray for the missionaries and Pastors on the fields. o2 Pray for the fields for great harvest of souls. o3 Visit the fields as led by the Lord this year. o4 Support mission work in cash and kind. o5 Sponsor the planting of a Church in one of the mission fields. o6 Adopt a mission Pastor on the field for payment of salary. o7 Train an indigene in our Missions Schools or Theological Institutions. o8 Donate vehicles and motorcyles to needy fields. o9 Buy and send recharge cards to Missionaries on the fields. o10 Mobilize people to do any of the above. o11 Be a part of the monthly Ten Naira Support by every Nigerian Baptist Convention member for GMB.

Please, text the above number(s) picked to 08027694894 or 08034140455 for adequate follow up. GOD BLESS YOU!


Missionary Baptizing a member Missionary's family of Faith Baptist Church, Erena

New converts making decisions for Jesus Christ at Ungwan Kawo during the Outreach organized by Cherubim Cross section of pupils of & Seraphim Corpers Fellowship, Niger State Chapter Baptist Group of Schools, Erena.

Ongoing Church project at Sudna, through the Third Graduating Set effort of the Church members, we are trusting God for the sum of N1.5million to complete it. of BGS, Erena


Staff members of Baptist The First Baptist Church at Tudu Baturayi Group of Schools, Erena that was built by Miss Cruse Amanda

Ongoing 3 blocks of classrooms at Baptist Graduating Pupils from BGS, Jangaru Group of Schools, Erena, we are trusting God for the sum of N3.5million to complete it.

The historic building that was built by Miss Cruse Amanda at Tudu Baturayi


Southern Kaduna Lydias Calvary BC Suleja Medical Team Ministering going out for witnessing

Missionary orienting Vacation Pastor ministering by ploughing volunteer missionaries

Ongoing discipleship at T/Assun BSF FUT Minna in Medical Outreach


Mission House @ Kagara Children Literacy at Dogo Fili undergoing plastering

U/Buhari Baptist Primary School Karaya Pastorium fence built by Volunteer Church Painter

Student on Outreach fetching water to cook Volunteer Missionaries assit work in T/Asun


Widows Ministry Baptism

Widows Ministry Widows Ministry

Widows Ministry Widows Ministry


Fulani victims Escaped, Celebration Christmas outreach at Tomahar of victory at Bethel BC Agah

Missionary's family Candidates for Baptism

Uncompleted building at Baptism at Lessel Glad Tidys BC Obusa


Baptist Academy at Medical outreach at Ameka by Onyhawu (Igede) WMU, United Conference

Baptist Academy at Wannune (Tiv) First Baptist Church, Wannune

Rented Worship Centre, Glory BC Oju First Baptist Church, Wannune