Special publication on the occasion of the 5th Pan-European Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe"


Вітаю учасників та гостей представницького I would like to welcome the participants and форуму, присвяченого актуальним питанням guests of the representative forum dedicated to захисту навколишнього середовища. the timely issues of environmental protection. Україна, послідовно проводячи політику Ukraine, which has been consistently a policy of інтеграції до європейської спільноти, докла integration into the European Community, is ma дає всіх зусиль для беззаперечного дотриман king every effort to meet unconditionally all norms ня норм екологічної безпеки. Наша держава в of environmental safety. Our state has underta інтересах міжнародного співтовариства пішла ken radical measures in the interests of the inter на радикальні заходи — добровільно відмо national community by voluntarily abandoning вилася від ядерної зброї та закрила Чорно nuclear weapons and shutting down the Chernobyl бильську АЕС. Це підтверджує наше незмінне Nuclear Power Plant. These actions reaffirm our прагнення зробити Європейський дім якомо unshakable desire to make the European home as га безпечнішим для всіх його мешканців. safe as possible for all its inhabitants. Упевнений, що ваша конференція стане I am confident that your conference will repre важливим кроком на шляху розв’язання гло sent an important step towards a solution of global бальних екологічних проблем, сприятиме environmental problems and promote harmonization гармонізації життєдіяльності людини в при of human activities with the natural environment. родному середовищі. I wish you fruitful work and success in your noble Бажаю вам плідної роботи й успіхів у вашій cause. благородній справі.

Президент України The President of Ukraine Л. Кучма Leonid Kuchma


Шановні учасники Конференції! Уряд України щи ро вітає Вас із знаковою подією на шляху, визначе ному рішеннями Всесвітнього саміту в Йоганнес бурзі. Нові процеси європейської інтеграції вимагають від керівників урядів, міністрів нових рішень, нових практичних кроків, спрямованих на формування екологічно безпечного довкілля для Європи. Саме наші узгоджені спільні рішення, ефективна співпра ця у сфері зміцнення природного каркасу Європи, збереження і відтворення її біорізноманіття, водних і земельних ресурсів, наша ефективна внутрішня і зовнішня екологічна політика, яка має грунтуватися на рішеннях всесвітніх самітів у РіодеЖанейро і Йоганнесбурзі, формують головні засади сталого розвитку окремих країн і регіону ЕВК ООН в цілому. Україна багата насамперед своєю природою, землею і людьми. Вона має унікаль ний масив чорноземних грунтів понад 20 % світових ресурсів. Зразок цих грунтів як «Еталон чорнозему», взятий із Добровеличківського району Кіровоградської об ласті, знаходиться у Парижі в Лабораторії земельних ресурсів Європи. Народ Ук раїни доброзичливий і працьовитий, має високий освітній та інтелектуальний по тенціал. Саме ці дві домінанти природна та інтелектуальна визначені як базові стратегічні напрями формування національної політики розвитку на засадах еко логічної, економічної та соціальної збалансованості. Це знайшло своє втілення в Основних напрямах державної екологічної політики України та в Посланні Президента України до Верховної Ради України «Євро пейський вибір. Концептуальні засади стратегії економічного та соціального розвит ку України на 20022011 роки». За минуле десятиріччя в Україні стали чинними 15 основних природоохоронних законів, 40 двосторонніх міжнародних угод, 20 природоохоронних конвенцій глобального та регіонального характеру, 5 додаткових протоколів і поправок до цих конвенцій. Уряд готує до підписання, ратифікації або приєднання ще 20 міжнародних конвенцій, протоколів і угод. Для уряду України головне завдання сьогодні полягає у відпрацюванні ефективних механізмів реалізації визначених стратегічних напрямів національного розвитку з урахуванням досвіду європейських та інших країн світу, спираючись на консолідо вану міць національних рушійних сил (політичних, державних, наукових, бізнесо вих, громадських). Урядом України вже прийнята Комплексна програма реалізації рішень Всесвітньо го саміту в Йоганнесбурзі. Принципи сталого розвитку, його екологічні аспекти закладені у Програму дій уряду на 2003 2004 роки. Активізувало свою діяльність Міністерство екології та природних ресурсів України. Проведені у 2003 році парламентські слухання про стан виконання та ефективність природоохоронного законодавства в Україні ще раз висвітили гостроту проблем, що стоять перед


Dear participants of the Conference! The Government of Ukraine sincerely congratu lates you on this special occasion, a milestone on the path chosen by decisions of the World Summit in Johannesburg. New processes of European integration require from govemment heads and ministers new solutions, new practical steps aimed at development of ecologically safe environ ment for Europe. Our coordinated, common decisions, our effective cooperation in the domain of enhancement of the natural frame of Europe, conservation and restoration of its biological diversity, water and land resources, our effective domestic and foreign envi ronmental policy, which has to comply with decisions of the world summits in Rio and Johannesburg, form major principles of sustainable development in some countries and UNECE region as a whole. Ukraine is rich in its nature, in its lands and people. It possesses a unique tract of cher nozem land exceeding 20% of the total world resources of chernozem. The sample of this soil taken from Dobrovelychkivsky region of Kirovogradska oblast is kept as a «Standard chernozem» in Paris, in the Laboratory of land resources of Europe. People in Ukraine are friendly and laborious; they have significant educational and intellectual potential. These two dominants, natural and intellectual, are determined as basic strategic lines of national development policy forming on the basis of environmental, economic, and social balance. This was externalised in the Main Lines of National Environmental Policy of Ukraine and in the Address of the President of Ukraine to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine «European Choice: Conceptual Grounds for the strategy of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 20022011». For the last decade in Ukraine 15 main environmental laws, 40 bilateral international agreements, 20 environmental global and regional conventions, 5 additional protocols and ammendmeds to these conventions came into force. The government is preparing 20 more international conventions, protocols and agreements for signing, ratification or joining. For today, the Government of Ukraine faces the task of elaboration of efficient mech anisms for realisation of the adopted strategic lines of national development, taking into account experience of European and other countries and relying on the consolidated power of all national driving forces (political, governmental, academic, business, and civil). The Government of Ukraine has already adopted the Comprehensive programme of implementation of decisions by the World Summit in Johannesburg. Principles of sustain able development, its environmental aspects are incorporated in the Action Programme of the Government of Ukraine for 20032004. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine invigorated its activity. Public hearing on the issue of compliance with the environmental legislation in Ukraine, which took place in 2003, once again high lighted acuity of the challenge faced by the country in the domain of conservation and restoration of natural environment, providing of environmental safety. In recent years we witnessed emerging of centres of instability and intergovernmental conflicts caused or reinforced by environmental degradation and natural resources exhaustion, first and foremost energy resources.

5 державою у справі захисту і відтворення природного середовища, забезпечення техногенноекологічної безпеки. Ми є свідками того, як в останні роки погіршення стану довкілля на планеті і вичерпання природних ресурсів Землі, перш за все енергетичних, викликали або підсилювали джерела нестабільності та міждержавних конфліктів. Глибоко стурбовані загрозливою деградацією біосфери, учасники Йоганнесбурзького саміту вирішили «активно розвивати і зміцнювати пов’язані між собою та підтримуючі одне одного ключові компоненти сталого розвитку економічний розвиток, соціальний розвиток та охорону й відтворення навколишнього середовища на місцевому, національному, регіональному і глобальному рівнях». Це рішення покладене в основу формування сучасної державної політики України щодо збереження довкілля, раціонального використання і відтворення природних ресурсів, переходу на засади сталого розвитку. Зокрема, здійснюється розробка системного Екологічного кодексу України, формування Національного екологічного фонду, системи екологічного аудиту і страхування, державного екологічного моніторингу України. Політичні рішення переорієнтовуються на вирішення гострих екологічних проблем в екологічно депресивних регіонах України (Чорнобильська зона, Донбас, Придніпров’я, Криворіжжя), формування екологічних передумов для сталого розвитку на місцевому рівні. Практично реалізується політика щодо покращення стану інформованості та сприяння участі громадськості у процесі прийняття рішень з питань охорони довкілля та їх виконання. В Україні сформувалася сучасна наукова школа сталого розвитку, в основу якої покладені біотична та інноваційна моделі регулювання життєдіяльності, а також базові пріоритети в економічній, соціальній та екологічній сферах. Провідну інтелектуальну роль у суспільстві відіграє Національна академія наук України. Уряд України впевнений, що ті надзвичайно складні завдання, які життя сьогодні поставило перед країнами Європи, спільними зусиллями ми зможемо вирішити. Надто важливо знайти спільні підходи й інтереси. А вони закладені в ідеї екологізації усіх сфер буття, у створенні ефективних систем гармонізації життєдіяльності суспільства, у виконанні загальноєвропейських стратегій збереження біологічного та ландшафтного різноманіття, відповідальності за майбутнє нашого спільного дому планети Земля.

Голова Національного організаційного комітету, Прем’єрміністр України В.Ф.Янукович

6 Driven by anxiety about threat of biosphere degradation, the participants of the Johannesburg Summit decided to vigorously develop and strengthen the interlinked and hanging together key components of sustainable development: economic development, social development, conservation restoration of the environment, on local, national, regional, and global levels. This decision actually underlies the forming of the modern state policy of Ukraine on envi ronment conservation, rational use and restoration of natural resources, transition to sus tainable development. In particular, elaboration Environmental Code of Ukraine, establising of the National Environmental Fund, the system of environmental audit and insurance, the system of environmental monitoring of Ukraine. Besides, acute environmental problems in the regions of environmental tension (Donbas, middle area, Chornobyl zone, and Kryvorizhya) are supposed to be resolved, and prerequisites for sustainable development on the local cevel are to be formed. The policy on improvement of informing and promtion of society participation in deci sion making on environmental issues and thesedecisions fulfillment is implemented in practice. A modern scientific school of sustainable development emerged in Ukraine, which is based on biotic and innovation model of life activity regulation, as well as on basic prior ities in economic, social and environmental domain. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine plays a leading intellectnal role in society. The goverament of Ukraine is sure that we will cope, by joint effort, with the challenge that all European countries are facing now. It is very important to find common approaches and interests. And they are incorporated in the idea of ecologization environmentally of all spheres of life activity, in creation of effective systems of life harmonization, in implemen tation of PanEuropean strategies of conservation of biological and landscape diversity, responsibility for the future of our common home the Earth planet.

Head of National Organisational Committee PrimeMinister of Ukraine V.F.Yanukovych


Необхідність актуалізації державної екологічної політики, розширення її до масштабів національної екологічної стратегії обумовлена діалектикою розвитку суспільства в умовах системної трансформації, зобов’язаннями щодо реалізації рішень Всесвітнього саміту в Йоганнесбурзі (2002 р.) та політикою європейської інтеграції України. Концептуальні основи національної екологічної стратегії ґрунтуються на закладених раніше базових передумовах: екологічна стратегія розглядається як паритетна складова національної стратегії переходу до сталого розвитку з усіма системними та інтегрованими положеннями, принципами і цілями; національна екологічна стратегія формується і реалізується у взаємозв’язку із Концепцією національної безпеки України, що обумовлює пріоритетність екологічної безпеки у процесі переходу до сталого розвитку; національна стратегія має бути гармонізована з європейською екологічною стратегією відповідно до геополітичного курсу європейської інтеграції України; при формуванні національної екологічної стратегії мають бути враховані стан виконання і перспективи розвитку міжнародних зобов’язань і співпраці, оцінки громадськістю, європейською та міжнародною спільнотою результативності природоохоронної діяльності в Україні за минуле десятиріччя, досвід виконання національних екологічних програм, у тому числі з міжнародною допомогою, можливості нарощування потенціалу гармонізації життєдіяльності суспільства і переходу до сталого розвитку; формування національної екологічної стратегії має здійснюватися з урахуванням пріоритетності екологічних проблем України за критеріями ризику впливів на всі сфери життєдіяльності суспільства, здоров`я населення та інтереси прийдешніх поколінь. Особливість екологічних проблем України характеризується проявом складних природнотехногенних процесів: радіаційне забруднення великих територій, пов’язане з Чорнобильською катастрофою; забруднення токсичними, побутовими та іншими відходами значних територій внаслідок їх техногенного перевантаження та нераціональної структури виробництва і природокористування; забруднення стічними водами великих і малих річок як результат невиваженості й недалекоглядності в господарюванні; підтоплення значних територій внаслідок нераціонального гідротехнічного будівництва і меліорації; регіональні повені, що пов’язані зі змінами клімату, надмірностями в землекористуванні;


Necessity to actualize the government environmental policy, to scale it up to the nation al ecological strategy has been caused by dialectics of the society development in condi tions of systemic transformation primarily by Ukraine's, commitments to implement deci sions of the World Summit in Johannesburg (2002) as well as by Ukraine's policy for the European integration. Conceptual grounds for the national ecological strategy are based on the following ref erence premises: the ecological strategy is considered as the parity component of the national strategy of transition to balanced sustainable development with all outcoming systemic and inte grated provisions, principles and targets; the national ecological strategy takes shape and is implemented in the interrelation with the Concept of the National Safety of Ukraine that makes environmental safety a priority in transition to balanced development; the national ecological strategy should be harmonized with the European ecological strategy in compliance with Ukraine's geopolitical course for the European integration; the national ecological strategy accounts for provisions of the national ecological edu cation concept and makes a big emphasis on the necessity to shape up the high level of ecological culture, awareness and spirituality of the Ukrainian people; formation of the national ecological strategy should account for the following: the actual condition of international commitments' implementation and the prospects for developing cooperation; assessment of Ukraine's environmental action efficiency in the past decade by the European and the global community; scientific expert assess ment of experience accumulated in the course of implementing national environmen tal programs with international support; estimates for capacity to augment environ mental potential in harmonizing society vital activities and transitan to balanced devel opment; formation of the national ecological strategy should account for Ukraine's environ mental priorities by risk of impact on all society life aspects, public health and interests of the generations to come. Peculiarities of Ukraine's environmental challenges find their expression in the following natural and technogenic features: radiation contamination of significant territories as the result of Chornobyl disaster; contamination of significant territories with toxic, domestic and other waste resulting from their technogenic overload as well as lack of rational production structure economy management; waste water polluting large and small rivers resulting from lack of rational economy management; submerging of significant areas as the result of lack of rationale in hydrotechnical engi neering and melioration; regional floods cased by climate change and irrationality in land use; evolvement of exogenous geological processes (soil shifts, surface subsiding, etc.);

9 розвиток екзогенних геологічних процесів (зсуви, осідання поверхні й т. ін.); деградація родючості ґрунтів унаслідок зниження культури землеробства, надмірної хімізації, мінералізації тощо; недостатньо утверджений рівень екологічної свідомості, освіченості і культури. З урахуванням вищевикладеного актуалізуються наступні стратегічні цілі на перші десять років XXI століття: забезпечення екологічної безпеки усіх сфер життєдіяльності; екологічне оздоровлення і відтворення порушених екосистем, у першу чергу басейнових; створення екологічних передумов для переходу до сталого розвитку, передусім на екологічно депресивних територіях; збереження і розширення біологічного та ландшафтного різноманіття; внутрішня інтеграція екологічних вимог у секторальну політику, в системи забезпечення життєдіяльності суспільства; впровадження міжнародних стандартів, регламентів системного екологічного управління і аудиту, розвиток корпоративних систем екологічного управління; демократизація процесу прийняття рішень і підсилення відповідальності за їх виконання. Стратегічні цілі досягаються шляхом формування і реалізації відповідних заходів згідно з наступними критеріями: стан здоров`я населення сучасних і прийдешніх поколінь; гармонізація життєдіяльності суспільства у природному середовищі; екологічна свідомість і відповідальність усіх верств населення; екологічна чистота і культура виробництва й господарювання; економія ресурсів, енергії, збереження самовідновлюваних властивостей і господарської ємності біосфери. Національна екологічна стратегія має гармонійно поєднувати: біотичний підхід, що заснований на біотичному механізмі регулювання та природній домінанті життєдіяльності суспільства; інтеграційний підхід, що має забезпечити інтеграцію екологічних вимог в усі сфери життєдіяльності, у формування інтегральних індикаторів розвитку та кумулятивної ефективності; системний підхід, що забезпечує взаємну обумовленість екологічних проблем, стратегічних цілей та екологоекономічних механізмів їх досягнення, цілісність і системні взаємозв’язки як екологічного, так і всіх інших аспектів національної політики, ефективність реалізації прийнятих рішень. Процес реалізації національної екологічної стратегії потребує тісного взаємопов’язування короткострокових, середньострокових та довгострокових цілей і етапів на десятирічному відрізку часу. Особливість їх полягає у тому, що слід дотримуватися принципу «снігової кулі» – від малих проектів до великих, від некапіталомістких заходів до середніх і капіталомістких. Головна мета сучасного етапу національної політики – суттєве покращення стану навколишнього середовища України (антропосфери, соціосфери, техносфери, біосфери, атмосфери, гідросфери, літосфери), створення екологоекономічних передумов для сталого розвитку нашої держави. Основними пріоритетами національної екологічної стратегії об’єктивно визначені: екологізація усіх сфер життєдіяльності населення у контексті національної безпеки України;

10 soil fertility degradation as the result of deteriorating land treatment culture, excessive use of chemicals and mineral fertilizers, etc.; not sufficiently confirmed level of environmental awareness, education and culture. Accounting for the above, the following strategic targets are defined for the first decade of the 21st century: ensuring ecological safety in all the domains of vital activities; ecological rehabilitation and reproduction of destroyed ecosystems, first of all those basin ones; rehabilitation and protection of human habitat, primarily in the environmentally unsafe territories; conservation and expansion of biological and landscape diversity network; environmental requirements integration into sectoral policy, into support systems for society vital activities; introduction of international standards, regimens of systemic environmental manage ment and audit as well as development of corporate systems in environmental manage ment; democratization of decision making process and raising responsibility for their imple mentation, mass media activation. Strategic goals are achieved through shaping up and implementing the respective meas ures meeting the following criteria: public health and future generations health; society vital activities harmonization in the natural environment; ecological awareness and responsibility of all population strata; environmentally clean production culture, economy management; saving of resources energy, preservation of selfrenewable characteristics and bios phere economic capacity. The national ecological strategy has in harmony to combine: biotic approach based on biotic mechanism in regulating the natural environment and nature as a dominant in society vital activities; integration approach, that is to ensure the process of integrating environmental requirements and aspects into all vital activities domains, into sectoral policy as well as formation of integrated development indicators and integrated efficiency; systemic approach ensuring systemic causality of environmental problems, policy, strategic targets as well as environmental and ecoeconomic mechanisms of their imple mentation, integrity and systemic interconnection in implementing the national environ mental policy with all the other aspects of sectoral policy and effectiveness in imple menting adopted decisions. Implementation stage of the national ecological strategy covers the following: short term, middleterm and longterm targets for the period of ten years. The specific feature manifests in the necessity to adhere to the "snow ball" principle and move from small proj ects to large ones, from low capital measures to those requiring capital investment. The major objective of the modern stage of the national policy is sipnificant improvement of Ukraine’s environment state (anthroposphere, sociosphere, technosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere), creation of environmental and economic preconditions for sustainable development of our country. Major priorities of the national ecological strategy are the following: ecologization of all society activity domains in the contex of Ukraine’s national safety; implementation of the system of professional environmental preparation of state offi

11 впровадження системи професійної екологічної підготовки державних службовців, керівників і посадових осіб, які приймають відповідальні рішення на локальному, регіональному і державному рівнях; вдосконалення законодавчої та нормативноправової бази, прискорення процесу гармонізації екологічного законодавства України з вимогами міжнародних стандартів, зокрема з нормативами ЄС; забезпечення екологічної безпеки ядерних об’єктів та місць накопичення радіоактивних відходів, підвищення ступеня захищеності населення та довкілля від радіаційного впливу, пом‘якшення наслідків катастрофи на Чорнобильській АЕС; захист, стабілізація та поліпшення екологічного стану в містах і промислових центрах, зокрема ДонецькоПридніпровського регіону; запровадження інтегрованого управління водними ресурсами з метою їх збереження і відтворення, прискорення переходу до управління водокористуванням за басейновим принципом; поліпшення екологічного стану річок та підземних вод України, зокрема басейну Дніпра, та якості питної води; формування екологічно збалансованої системи природокористування на основі екологічно безпечних технологій та адекватної структури виробничого потенціалу у промисловості, енергетиці, будівництві, сільському господарстві, на транспорті; реалізація заходів щодо пом’якшення негативного впливу глобальних екологічних проблем, зокрема змін клімату, на стан екологічної безпеки України. Національна екологічна стратегія здійснюється у контексті реалізації національної стратегії переходу до сталого розвитку відповідно до рішень Всесвітнього саміту у Йоганнесбурзі та політичних орієнтирів панєвропейського процесу «Довкілля для Європи».

Міністр екології та природних ресурсів України В.Я. Шевчук

12 cials and heads, which take responsible decisions at the local, regional and state level; improvement of legislative and normative legal base, acceleration of the process of harmonization of Ukraine’s environmental legislation with international standards requirements, particularly with EU normatives; ensuring of safety of nuclear objects and places of radioactive wastes accumulation, increasing of safety level of population and environment from radioactive impact, miti gation of Chornobul Nuclear Power station catastrophe results; protection, stabilization and improvement of environmental state in cities and industri al centres particularly DonetskoPrydniprovsky region; establishment of integrative water resources management for their preservation and reproduction, acceleration of transition to water use management according to the basin principle; improvement of environmental state of rivers and underground water of Ukraine, par ticularly basin and drinking water quality; formation of environmemtally balanced system of nature use at the basis of environ mentally safe tachnologies and an adequate structure of productional potential in indus try, energy, building, agriculture, transport; implementation of measures on mitigation of negative impact of global environmental problems, particularly climate changes, on environmemtal safety state in Ukraine; consolidation of the national driving forces for society vital activities and balanced development harmonization based on new ecological and spiritual values. The national ecological strategy is being implemented in the context of implementing the national strategy for transition to balanced development according to decisions of the World Summit in Johannesburg and political orients of the PanEuropean process «Environment for Europe».

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Shevchuk V.Y.

13 14 Composition of the Editorial Board on Preparation of the National Report of Ukraine on Harmonization of Society Activity in Natural Environment

Coheads of the editorial board:

Janukovych Head of the National Organizational Viktor Fedorovych Committee on Preparation of the Fifth Pan European Ministerial Conference, Prime Minister of Ukraine

Paton President of the National Academy of Sciences Borys Yevgenovych of Ukraine

Responsible Head of elaboration:

Shevchuk Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Vasyl Yakovych Ukraine

Members of the editorial board:

Biliavsky Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Georgiy Oleksijovych Environment and Resources Research by the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine

Voloshyn Head of the Sector of Nature Use and Valentyn Vasyliovych Protection of ScientificOrganizational Department of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Kachynsky Deputy Director of the Department of the Anatoliy Bronislavovych National Institute of Strategic Research by the President of Ukraine

Kurulenko Head of the State Administration of Ecology Sviatoslav Sergiyovych and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine in Donetsky Region

Kuchar Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Valeriy Pavlovych Chemistry and Petroleum Industry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

15 Lyzun First Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Stepan Oleksijovych Ecology and Natural Resources

Lutsko State Secretary of the Ministry of Ukraine on Vasyl Stepanovych Emergency Situations and Population Protection from the Chornobyl Accident Consequences

Medvedenko Head of the Department of the Ministry of Innesa Viktorivna Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Secretary of the editorial board)

Navrotsky Head of the Administrative Board of the Vasyl Mykolajovych International Dnipro Fund

Ovcharenko State Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Petro Pavlovych Social Policy of Ukraine

Osaulenko Head of the State Committee of Statistics of Oleksandr Grygorovych Ukraine

Pershyn State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Volodymyr Leonidovych and European Integration

Rudenko Director of the Institute of Geography of the Leonid Grygorovych National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Satalkin Senior Scientific Officer of the Ukrainian Juriy Mykolajovych Institute of Environment and Resources Research by the Council of Security and Defense of Ukraine (coordinator of the work ing group)

Tolstouhov Head of the AllUkrainian Ecological League, Anatoliy Volodymyrovych People's Deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Shpak First VisePresident of the National Academy Anatoliy Petrovych of Sciences of Ukraine

16 The following persons took part in preparation of certain chapters: Demkiv O.I., Gvozdetsky P.M. (editor), Getman V.V., Kvashuk L.P., Kyrylchuk I.G., Koval G.M., Mazurkevych O.O., Marushevsky G.B., Matorin Y.M., Mezherin V.O., Pylypchuk M.O., Stetsenko M.P., Tymochko T.V., Tolkachev V.A., Trofimova I.V., Yakovlev Y.O.

The report has been prepared by using materials of the Executive Authority cen tral and local bodies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute of Environment and Resources Research by the Council of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian Center of Land and Resources Management. The editorial board expresses gratitude to all who took part in the work over the National Report of Ukraine. Publishing has been carried out with the support of UNDP Program to Promote Sustainable Development in Ukraine and financial support of the governments of Great Britain, Netherlands and Germany.


1. Ukraine: Brief geographic description 20

2. National development of Ukraine: Environmental perspective 21 2.1. Economic inheritance and environmental aftereffects 21 2.2. Formation of national environmental legislation 24 2.3. Harmonisation of Ukrainian and European laws 25 2.4. Elaboration of national environmental policy 25 2.5. Regional environmental policy forming 26 2.6. Development of ecological and economic mechanisms 27 2.7. Environmentally sustainable development of basic domains and sectors of the economy of Ukraine 28 2.8. Innovation policy of development: Environmental perspective 29 2.9. Development of ecological education 29 2.10. Environmental partnership development 32 2.11. Integration into European environmental community 33

3. NaturalResource Potencial of Ukraine 36 3.1. Land Resources 36 3.2. Water Resources 40 3.3. Forest Resources 43 3.4. Atmospheric Air 44 3.5. Bowels and Territories in which Minerals are Produced 46 3.6. Biodiversity 48

4. National cultural and environmental networking 52 4.1. Biospherical centers of cultural and environmental network 52 4.2. Historical and cultural heritage 59 4.3. Global aspects of national culturalenvironmental network forming 60 4.4. State programme of forming of national ecological network in Ukraine 61 4.5. Fund of natural reserves 62 4.6. Recreational resources 67

5. Effectiveness of the National Environmental Policies in the past Decade 68 5.1. National Environmental Programs Implementation 69 5.2. Efficiency of Government Ecological Control 70 5.3. Overcoming Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath 71 5.4. Natural Resources Balanced Use and Reproduction 72 5.5. Reinforcing economic mechanisms of Kyoto Protocol in Resolving Climate Change Issues 75 5.6. Effectiveness of International Cooperation 78

18 5.7. Effectiveness Assessment and Recommendations of the Committee on Environmental Policy of the European Economic Commission 80

6. The National Driving Forces for Harmonizing and Accelerating Processes of Transition to Sustainable development 82 6.1. Institute of State Authority 82 6.2. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 83 6.3. The System of Training and Education 84 6.4. Mass Media 85 6.5. Environmental Public Interest Groups and NGOs 86

7. National Strategies for Social Harmonization and Transition to Sustainable Development 89 7.1 Harmonizing Approaches for the Choice of Sustainable Development Strategies 89 7.2. Innovation Strategy for Harmonizing Society Vital Activities and Nation's Balanced Development 91 7.3. Replacement of Inefficient Production and Consumption Structures 93 7.4. Modern Ukrainian School of Noospherogenesis and Harmonized Development of the Society 96 7.5. The National Strategy for Harmonizing Society Vital Activities and Sustainable Development withim the Context of the World Summit Decisions(Johannesburg, 2002) 99

Appendix. General overview of anthropogenic influence on environment in Ukraine. 108


Ukraine is situated in the Eastern Europe, in the South it is washed by the and Azov Sea. The capital of Ukraine is city of .

Area 603,700 ,

Population 48,400,000.

Areal extent: West to East 1,316 km. North to South 893 km. State border length 6,500 km.

Extreme points: North village of Petrivka, Chernihivska oblast, South cape of Sarych, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, West town of Chop, Zakarpatska oblast, East village of Chervona Zirka, Luhanska oblast.

Neighbouring countries: Poland; Slovakia; Hungary; Romania; Moldova; Russian Federation; Belarus.

Climate. On the Eastern European plain (95% of the territory) and in the Ukrainian Carpathians and Crimean Mountains (5% of the territory) the climate is mainly temperate continental, on the southern coast of the Crimea the climate features subtropical characteristics.

Main rivers (length in the territory of Ukraine, km): Dnipro 1,121 Western Boog 401 Dniestr 925 ' 384 Southern Boog 806 365 Siversky Donets 700 363 Horyn' 577 Ingul 354 575 ' 346 Ingulets 549 Uday 327 520 320 Sluch 451 317 Styr 424 Vovcha 323 Khorol 308

Major lakes and coastal lakes, Lakes Coastal lakes Yalpug 149 DniprovskoBooz'ky 800 Kugurluy 82 Utlyutsky 700 Kagul 8293 Dnistrovsky 360 Sasyk 71 Sasyk, Kunduk 205 Molochny 168 Tyligul'sky 150170

Major peaks, height in metres: The Ukrainian Carpathians The Crimean Mountains Goverla 2061 RomanKosh 1545 Brebeneskul 2032 DemirKapu 1540 Petros 2020 ZeytinKosh 1534 Gutyn Tomnatyk 2016 Kemal'Egerek 1529 Rebra 2010 EkliziBurun 1527 PipIvan 1936 AngaraBurun 1453


2.1. Economic inheritance and higher than that in the countries of environmental aftereffects European Union. As of the date of Independence Unbalanced deployment of production Declaration, the situation in Ukraine was facilities, which occurred over a long period rather peculiar. Though its surface area did of time, resulted in 45 times higher level of not exceed 3% of the total area of the former mancaused load on the environment than Soviet Union, Ukraine possessed 25% of the that in advanced countries. The share of country's industrial potential; therefore, it ploughedup lands constitutes 80% of farm accounted for 25% of the total volume of land and 57% of the total area of land; the environmental pollution. amount of water used in technological In 1991, manufacturing of one unit of processes, compared to the newer technolo product in Ukraine required several times as gies, exceeds the needed amount 2 to 5 much raw materials and energy as that in times, and even 10 to 13 times at some enter advanced countries. Development of power prises. engineering implied mainly use of non Under the centralised commandadminis renewable natural resources. In the structure trative system, the strategy for develop of energy industries, heatingandpower ment of the economy in Ukraine lacked plants provided 69% of the total capacity, proper assessment of ecological conditions nuclear power plants 27%, and hydroelec specific to different regions. As a result, tric stations 4% of the national energy some regional centres feature excessive capacity. density of industrial production facilities National income increase was accompa causing higher level of environmental pollu nied by greater use of natural resources for tion and intensive use of natural resources. manufacturing purposes and perpetual Economic capacity of the biosphere was growth of wastes generation. According to neglected in the process of regional indus judgement of experts from the World Bank, trial structure deployment thus creating the level of energy consumption per unit of extremely strong concentrators of man national product in Ukraine was 8 to 10 times caused pressure in some regions of Ukraine.

Europe – space glance (data obtained NOAA satellite).

21 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 One of such is DonetskoPrydniprovsky made, but most of them were not fulfilled. industrial complex, which ranks as one of By now a new Chornobyl threat has the most significant sources of pollution in emerged: the threat of possible conse Europe. quences if the Chornobyl Nuclear Power The crisis in agricultural sector was caused Plant is closed without proper financial pro primarily by the collapse of the traditional vision for safe functioning of objects and husbandry and creation of major agro territories thereof. industrial enterprises. Hypercentralisation In regard to water supply, Ukraine is listed and enlargement policy implemented in the among regions of Europe, which are experi agricultural sector management resulted in encing the most acute lack of water. Transit problems characteristic of industries and cities. Giant cattlebreeding and pigbreed ing farms intended for 25100 thousand heads of animals became the largest sources of environmental pollution in rural areas. Pollution due to a pigbreeding farm con taining 100,000 pigs equates to that caused by a city counting 400,000 inhabitants. A tragedy in the modern Ukrainian history is socalled Chornobyl «breakdown», which is the major manmade environmental disas ter contributing significantly into the global ecological crisis. More than 200,000 people were relocated from over 2,000 places situ ated in the contaminated zone. Actually, Ukraine was left on its own with regard to resolving the Chornobyl problem. At that time numerous promises to help were

river flows, canals and waterways effecting interbasin streamflow redistribution, partly make up for water deficiency. Building of major waterstorage reservoirs along the Dnieper River, intended for electric power and water supply for industrial centres of Kryvorizhya and Donbas, as well as for water ing of farmlands in the Black Sea region and Crimea, did not justify hopes and resulted in adverse environmental aftereffects. Over 500,000 hectares of prolific soil were sub merged and out of agricultural use; under flooding zone covered nearly 100,000 hectares of land adjoining these storage reservoirs. Meanwhile, power production by coordinated hydroelectric system on the Dnieper River did not exceed 4% of the national volume of electricity production. Green scum and progradation of reservoir shorelines became very common.

22 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE Under the Soviet system the economy of Ukraine used 1.3 to 1.5 billion tons of raw materials every year. The major part of these has returned into the environment as wastes. By 1991, 17 billion tons of wastes were accu mulated in Ukraine on the surface area of 53,000 hectares. Most of them were accu mulated in Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions, the utilisation rate being very low. The problem of handling toxic wastes was not solved; there were 2,700,000 tons of such wastes accumulated in Donetska oblast, 3,200,000 tons in Dnipropetrovska oblast, 1,300,000 tons in Kirovogradska oblast, 1,700,000 tons in Mykolayivska oblast. Summary Environmental aftereffects of totalitarian economic management in the territory of Ukraine can be described as a state of emer gency causing systemic, rather complicated Ecological conditions of the Black Sea and problems on the path to sustainable develop Azov Sea is close to crisis due to pollution of ment. Nearly all environmental prerequisites the offshore water by industrial and sewage effluent from the «hot points» on the shore and to polluted flow of such rivers as Danube, Dnipro, Dniestr, Southern Boog, and Don. The problem of overborder pollution of the NorthWest shelf in the Black Sea by the flow of Danube and pollution of the Dnipro River from the territory of Russia and Belarus is still awaiting its resolution on international level. Water pollutants migrating from the area of Danube shelf owing to natural fac tors, bring 50% of actual pollution from Danube to the Ukrainian contiguous zone thus causing decrease in bioproductivity in the major places for commercial fishery of main types of food fish. Many species of flora and fauna in Ukraine are in grave jeopardy, especially in the areas of intensive economical activity. It was stat ed, as early as 1991, that preservation of just 50% of species of living things required of sustainable development soil, water, reserving 10% of land. At that time the area forests, farmlands, minerals, underwent con of all reserves in Ukraine constituted only siderable changes due to antropogenic impact. Such situation requires implementa 2.1% (1,211,000 hectares) of the optimal rate tion of adequate ecological policy highlighting of 15%, declining to 0.5% in some regions. natural resources potential restoration, eco State of affairs in the domain of reservation, logical rehabilitation of waters, and legislative as Ukraine inherited it from the Soviet Union, submission of managerial, commercial, and was not satisfactory in terms of preservation investment activities to this dominant. of gene pool of animals and plants.

23 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 2.2. Formation of national Use and conservation of surface environmental legislation waters, marine environment, natural For the years of our in dependence, a num resources of territorial waters, continen ber of environmental laws were adopted and tal shelf, contiguous zone; a new code formed, which includes the Land Ambient air conservation; Code (1992), Forest Code (1994), Water Protection of forests and other vegeta Code (1995), Fossil Code (1994), the Laws of tion; Ukraine «On Natural Environment Wildlife protection, including struggle Protection» (1991), «On Fund of Nature against poaching; Reserves» (1992), «On Ambient Air Use and conservation of territories and Conservation» (1992), «On Wildlife objects belonging to reserves; Protection» (1993), «On Environmental Harmful substances handling, including Impact Assessment» (1995), «On Nuclear toxic industrial waste and municipal solid Energy Use and Radiation Safety» (1995), wastes; «On Radioactive Waste Handling» (1995), Observance of radiation safety regula «On Municipal and Industrial Wastes» tions; (1998), «On Plant Kingdom Protection» Observance of environmental legisla (1999), «On Environmental Emergency tion and environmental protection regu Zone», «On Protection of Population and lations when cargoes and means of Territories against Natural and ManCaused transport cross the state border. Emergencies», «On Extrahazardous Objects» Summary (2000) etc. At the moment, it can be considered that the Citizens' right to environmentally safe life Ukrainian environmental legislation has has been stated in the Constitution of already come into being, though it has not yet Ukraine. According to the Constitution, pro become an effective system of legal support vision of environmental protection and main for environmental bearing of the national taining of ecological balance in the territory course of development. The problem of law of Ukraine, as well as elimination of the enforcement, of providing potent mecha Chornobyl catastrophe aftereffects, is the nisms for attaining this objective became extremely acute. constitutional obligation of the Government. Rather severe is also the problem of contin Authorised bodies of executive power, such ual improvement of the effective legislation in as Ministry of Environment and Natural accordance with current requirements of the Resources, State Committee of Forestry, economy under reformation and actual con State Committee of Land Resources, State ditions of economical activity. The general Committee of Water Industry, and State principle «polluter pays» should be stipulated Department of Fish Industry at the Ministry in the law, and the national environmental of Farm Policy, exercise control over environ legislation is to be brought to conformity with mental law observance. European regulations. Main tasks of these bodies are as follows: Increase in environmental control effi ciency aimed at procurement of strict observance of effective environmental law; Persistent improvement of legislative basis; Dissemination of the uptodate meth ods and techniques of monitoring; Improvement of methods and reference support for environmental protection; Control over: Use and conservation of land, minerals, ground waters;

24 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2.3. Harmonisation of Ukrainian authorised executive power bodies, including and European laws law machinery, are under development. The In pursuance of the Decree by the President Law of Ukraine «On the Programme of of Ukraine #1072 «On the Programme of Forming of National Ecological Network in Integration of Ukraine into the European Ukraine for 20002015» has been carried into Unit» of September 14, 2000, the effect. Government has been developing and imple Summary menting the detailed programme of coordi Integration of Ukraine into the European nation of the Ukrainian environmental law Union, from its environmental perspective, with the EU legislation. Integration of should take place by way of systemic improve Ukraine into the European Union is to be ment and reconciliation of environmental effected through development of legislative management and protection, as well as of basis, subordinate legislation, methodologi interaction between governmental bodies and cal basis, and institutional basis harmonised NGO, with European legislative and institu with the European rule and meeting the tional bases. Fulfillment of this task requires primarily that the national environmental requirements of Ukrainian and European policy should be identified and harmonised environmental safety. with the European environmental policy.

2.4. Elaboration of national environmental policy Environmental policy of Ukraine, in general, has been framed over the period of time since Independence Declaration. In March 1998 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved «Policy Statement and Guidelines on Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Use, and Procurement of Environmental With a view to coordinating environmental Safety». This legal instrument declared a legislation, the Government of Ukraine takes longterm public policy of resolving environ appropriate steps; i.e., draft laws «On mental problems in Ukraine. Environmental Audit», «On Ecological Given numerous environmental problems Insurance», «On Environmental Safety from of different level of complexity and extreme Natural and ManCaused Factors», «On Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change» were developed. Adopted was the Law «On Amendments to Legislative Instruments in View of Ratification by Ukraine of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters». A series of legisla tive and sublegislative enactments was devel ly limited supply of resources available for oped, which are crucial for Ukraine in order their resolving, the national priorities in the to comply with terms of the Montreal domain of environmental protection and Protocol on substances destructive to the efficient use of natural resources include: ozone layer. Export and import licensing is ensuring environmental harmlessness implemented with respect to ozone cracking of nuclear power plants and radiation substances. Mechanisms of legislative con protection of the population and environ trol over interaction between environmental ment; reduction of adverse impact of protection bodies with other relevantly

25 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 Chornobyl catastrophe to a minimum; 2.5. Regional environmental policy improvement of ecological balance in forming the Dnieper River basin and of drinking Basic principles of the regional environmen water quality; tal policy are stipulated in the «Policy stabilisation and enhancement of envi Statement and Guidelines on Environmental ronmental conditions in cities and indus Protection, Natural Resources Use, and trial centres of DonetskoPrydniprovsky Procurement of Ecological Security». region; Harmonisation of national and regional construction of new and reconstruction interests underlies the processes of regional of operational facilities at the municipal development in Ukraine. Shifts in regional sewage disposal plants; policy, which occur in Ukraine nowadays, the Black Sea and Azov Sea pollution result both from the level of the authorities' prevention, enhancement of ecological and public awareness in the core regional conditions thereof; socioeconomic processes, and from the development of a wellbalanced system of nature management and adequate structural change in production facilities of the Ukrainian economy; use of envi ronmentally appropriate technologies in industries, power engineering, construc tion, farming, transportation sector of economy; securing of biological and landscape diversity, development of reservations. Public policy in the domain of environmen tal protection and effective and saving nature management closely relates to eco logical programmes, which are the main model selected for further governmental means of environmental policy implementa control over sustainable regional develop tion. Nature conservation programmes are ment. The model of regions' and depressed aimed at ambient air and water quality areas' development assumed as a basis for improvement, at development of reserves, at the Conception of Governmental Regional deployment of united ecological network, at Policy, contains the following objectives: implementation and observance of principles provide incentives for local authorities of environmentally balanced development. for efficient draft on national funds and local budgets' funds; Summary coordinate actions taken by central The European Unit policy requires that public bodies and local authorities aimed Ukrainian environmental policy should be at resolving of regional development perpetually amended and developed. The problems; regulations enacted in 1998 are to be modi formulate principles enabling definition fied in view of some new global realities, both of depressed areas; specify the procedure European and Ukrainian, and of decisions of qualifying an area as depressed; deter made by the World Summit in Johannesburg. The problem lies in lack of permanent mine tools of central and regional support national legislative mechanism for updating for development of such areas; strategic decisions on environmentally sus determine the mechanism of financing tainable development of Ukraine, for integra the aforementioned incentives for tion of environmental policy objectives into regional development given active budget the body of other developmental policies constraints. objectives: social and economic policy, inno The Conception of Governmental Regional vation policy etc. Policy stipulates as follows. To encourage sustainable development of regions, contractual relationship is introduced

26 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE between the Government, central public bod 2.6. Development of ecological and ies and local selfgovernment bodies. Under economic mechanisms terms and conditions of regional compacts, Nowadays, the main constituents of nature concerted actions are to be taken, which have management and environmental protection national priority and are financed from the economic mechanisms are developed and state budget on the basis of subsidiarity. In implemented in Ukraine. The foremost of the above actions obligations of local self these are: government bodies are stipulated. · duties and fines for environmental Depressed area is defined as a settlement, pollution; political district or aggregate thereof. A set · dues for specific use of natural of indicators should be determined with resources (minerals, waters, lands, respect to environmental, economic and forests, biological resources); social conditions on the territory that is to be · reparation of damages caused by given the status of depressed area. Over the breach of environmental legislation. period of rehabilitation, these indicators Implementation of ecologicaleconomic should meet scientifically grounded and instruments created incentives to use natural legally confirmed criteria of life activity on resources more intensively and revealed actual this territory. sources of environmental activity financing. The funds stipulated in regional compacts With a view to financing of expenditures and the funds aimed at depressed areas sup for conservancy activities aimed at restora port are annually allocated by the State tion and proper maintenance of natural Budget of Ukraine. These funds do not include transfers appropriated in the State Budget for levelling of budgets. A dedicated parliamentarygovernmental commission on sustainable development of regions has been established to take into account interests of regions and of central authorities in planning regional development, to coordinate activity of these power bodies and to provide transparency in the process of determining depressed areas. This commis sion is to act as an arbiter for resolving prob resources, a special item «Environmental pro lems, which can occur within the compact tection and nuclear safety» was included into relationship. the State Budget since 1994. This section Summary appropriates funds for protection and effec The DonetskoPrydniprovsky region and tive use of water, mineral, land resources, for the Dnieper River region can be regarded as afforestation and planting forest shelter an example of efficacy of the regional envi belts, maintenance of reserves, running of ronmental policy in Ukraine. However, our local conservancy bodies. country still lacks an integral regional envi Since 1992, the system of state special pur ronmental policy harmonised with the pose funds intended for environmental pro national environmental policy. The regional tection is operating in Ukraine on national and environmental policy is to a certain extent local levels. In 1998, these funds were includ efficient owing to the activity of local authori ties and the public. The problem is that the ed into relevant budgets (previously they were current system of state nature management offbudget funds). remains overcentralised and basically Underefficiency of the current system of departmental, adhering to strict distribution environmental funds is caused by a series of of functions and taking account of territorial reasons; the major of these reasons are as fol interests. lows: · scattering of resources across numer ous funds (1500 units);

27 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 · on the local level, funds are not always Summary used properly; Further improvement of the economic · lack of mechanism for inciting effec machinery for national environmental policy tive use of appropriated funds. can be seen in establishing of the National Under present conditions, this form of Environmental Fund and introduction of the accumulating of and draft on funds needs principle «polluter pays» into Ukrainian legis urgent reforming. In our view, the most rea lation. These steps will enable mastering mar sonable way to do it is to establish the ket mechanisms of environmental payments National Environmental Fund on national and management, adjusting these payments to the damage inflicted, providing purposeful regional levels, which should act as a legal financing without extra expenditures from the entity. State Budget and local budgets, and expand We believe that integration of environmen ing of assessment basis. tal funds in a united financial system, provid Ukraine actively cooperates both with ed that all elements of regional funds' inde international financial organisations (the pendence are retained, will provide good World Bank, EBRD) and with many countries opportunities for mutual insurance, crediting, on the twoway basis, thus ensuring receipt of and pooling resources for implementation of significant amounts of money intended for specific environmental projects. The draft law resolving of many national and regional «On National Environmental Fund» elaborat problems. However, this international support could be much more effective if national eco ed by the Ministry of Environment and logical and economic machinery operated Natural Resources awaits being enacted. adequately. The Government vigorously promotes implementation of environmental investment projects. The priority projects on environmen 2.7. Environmentally sustainable tal protection are being carried out, including development of basic domains and those within the National Programme for san itation of the Dnieper River basin and sectors of the economy of Ukraine enhancement of drinking water quality, the National environmental policy is carried Programme of utilisation of industrial and out both through purposeful national, gov municipal wastes for a period till 2005, ernmental, and regional programmes Governmental Programmes of social and eco (nature conservancy, sanitation, restoration nomic development of Polisky, Karpatsky, etc. programmes) and through national or and Prychornomorsky region etc. governmental development programmes for Due to the credits obtained from the different domains of economy. In the European Bank of Reconstruction and National Energy Programme of Ukraine till Development, reconstruction and completion 2030, the strategy of environmentally sus of central sewage disposal plants in tainable development of the fuel and energy Zaporizhya comes to the end, their capacity complex (FEC) was stipulated. This strategy totalling 435,000 cubic metres per day. The is based on stepbystep augmentation of Government of Denmark, in the framework environmentally sound basis of the complex, of the Programme of twoway assistance, these steps subject to the priority of taken carries out a series of multipurpose invest measures and their ecological and economic ment projects aimed at reconstruction of pub efficacy. lic utilities and other objects of municipal economy in 9 towns of Ukraine; they also conduct research on feasibility of investment project on wastes handling in Kyiv (total price of the project is 100,000,000 US$). The Government of Japan, in the context of the Programme of assistance, works on the proj ect regarding water treatment in the city of Kryvyi Rih.

28 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE Three major lines were identified in the pol · development of nature conservancy icy of environmentally sustainable develop measures on the basis of international ment of the fuel and energy complex of law requirements and strengthening of Ukraine. The first line is significant reduction its significance in the practice of agricul and possibly partial elimination of gas and tural management; smoke emission, waste discharge and other · elaboration of a system of economic kinds of harmful impact of FEC works on the incentives for production of ecologically environment and population owing to heat pure agricultural products with use of and electric energy saving. Thereupon, essen biological farming technologies; tial decrease in volume of consumed energy · maintenance of ecologically resources (organic and nuclear fuel) is favourable environment, infrastructure, expected and less use of environmentally and conditions of work, leisure, and harmful technologies of extraction and pro physical development of rural populace; cessing of these resources. · cessation of use of lowyield farm lands, mainly in regions with large share of ploughedup lands. Environmentally sustainable development of water industry is to be organised in accor dance with the National Programme of water industry development, which was enacted as the Law of Ukraine by Verkhovna Rada in 2002. The Programme set the following objectives: · ecologicaleconomic and sanitation regulation and state water consumption management with absolute priority given Environmentally sustainable development to water resources conservation; mainte of the agrarian sector of economy of Ukraine nance of favourable conditions of catch includes the following: ment basin landscapes' functioning; · creation of highly productive and eco maintenance of good ecological condi logically resistant agricultural landscapes; tions of water bodies; · harmonious combination of laws of · ecologically balanced, in terms of economy and laws of nature functioning water management, development of within the bounds of the territory, with regions, taking account of water allowance for limitations on the load on resources' current state and forecast; farmlands, biological resources, and · devising and implementation of meth landscapes; ods of water resources consumption, · establishing of requirements in regard conservation, and restoration, based on to environmental safety and implementa basin principles of management; tion thereof into the agricultural manage · economic instruments' priority with ment system; respect to water regulation; efficient · ensuring extended restoration of fer combination of these instruments with tility of the soil by way of development administrative and legal measures; and implementation of a set of soil con · implementation of watersaving and servancy measures; energysaving technologies in different · promotion of environmentally sound domains of economy; way of handling pesticides and agricul · giving priority to development of tural chemicals; water consumption system in regard to · elaboration of the mechanism of eco social sphere; nomic, administrative, and criminal · comprehensive approach to territorial responsibility of agricultural tenants and organisation of production, land and other users for breach of environmental water use depending on water resources requirements; capacity of a catchment basin;

29 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 · «programmepurposeful» method of Meanwhile, it should be mentioned that the planning, forecasting and arrangement National Academy of Sciences acknowledges of water industry management; that environmental protection, pollutionfree · compliance with effective internation power engineering and resourcesaving tech al conventions on water management; nologies are the priorities. cooperation with neighbouring countries The present day requires extension of envi in the domain of water resources use and ronmental priorities along the lines of innova conservation, and prevention of harmful tion policy: innovations in the domain of san impact of water in transborder water itation of the environment and restoration of bodies; natural resources; development of environ · extensive involvement of the public in mental innovative business enterprising; cre discussion of, planning of, and control ating of ecosociotechnoparks; ongoing over the process of water resources use. improvement of environmental management Summary At present, Ukraine has available strategies of environmentally sustainable development of basic domains and sectors of economy, legally formulated in the programme docu ments. The problem lies in ensuring of efficien cy of these strategies, finalising of mechanism for their implementation. The only solution for this problem is establishing of potent sectoral (corporate) systems of environmental man agement in compliance with international standards and European regulations with re levant effective economic machinery.

2.8. Innovation policy of development: Environmental perspective systems; buildingup of regions' ecological Ukraine is listed among countries with high innovative potential and of relevant innova scientific potential. First of all, our country tion infrastructures. has generally recognised schools of thought, significant and even unique achievements in Summary numerous spheres: in development of new National innovation policy must possess materials, of biotechnology, in radio elec mechanisms not only of technological, but also tronics, cryogenics, nuclear physics, electric of environmental anticipation. Besides, its pri welding, information science, and telecom orities should be in compliance with national munications. environmental policy's priorities as one of the dominants of sustainable development and of Innovation policy of the country is stated in the process of environmental shift in life activ the Law of Ukraine «On Innovation Activity», ity of the society. in the Message from the President of Ukraine to Verhovna Rada of Ukraine «European Choice: Conceptual Grounds for the Policy of 2.9. Development of ecological Economic and Social Development of Ukraine education for 20022011», and in the Draft National Doctrine of Innovation Development and Ecological education in Ukraine has rich his Modernisation of the Economy of Ukraine. tory, from introduction of the first course Unfortunately, environmental aspects were units of environmental protection and nature not given priority in these documents. More conservancy into curricula of different insti account of them is taken in the Message from tutes of Ukraine in the middle of 1970s till the President of Ukraine to Verhovna Rada of development and approval of the Conception Ukraine. of Ecological Education in Ukraine (2001) and

30 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE elaboration, approval and stepbystep per mentation of new ecological education pro forming of this Conception's implementation grammes both for preschool and school schedule for 20022005 (2002). children and for students of colleges, techni A milestone in the development of ecologi cal schools, institutes, and universities, as cal education in Ukraine was joint Regulation well as for managers of institutions and of the State Committee of Environmental enterprises, specialists in various domains Protection of the Ukrainian SSR and the and industries. Ministry of Higher and Specialised Secondary Ecological education reforming is executed Education of the Ukrainian SSR «On the State with obligatory allowance for ecological laws of Ecological Education in the Framework of and rules, and for scientific principles, which the Ministry of Higher and Specialised act concurrently in the biological, social, eco Secondary Education of the Ukrainian SSR» nomic, technological, and military spheres. (#11/4/210 of April 24, 1990), which Ecological education at institutes depends approved the «Republican Programme of on the level of the institute's research and Ecological Education in Higher and Secondary educational potential and on regional needs, Special Educational Institutions of the and is provided within the framework of Ukrainian SSR for the period till 2005». In approved educational programmes for differ pursuance of this Programme, the number of ent qualification levels: «junior specialist», institutions where professional ecologists «bachelor», «specialist», and «master». The were trained greatly increased, the scope of standard of ecological education on «bache the educational course augmented, and a lor's» level has been developed recently by series of new research lines of practical experts and submitted for consideration and importance was added, which had to ensure approval to the Ministry of Education and environmental solutions in all spheres of Science of Ukraine. activity. In the recent years, the Ukrainian The next important step was the Decree by Environmental League has been paying great the President of Ukraine of September 12, attention to increase of environmental 1995 «On Main Lines of Reforming of the awareness in people. Over nearly 10 years the Higher Education System in Ukraine» which National EcologicalNaturalist Centre of set the task to develop the aforementioned Pupils and Students works on ecological edu cation; local ecologicalnaturalist centres in Zhytomyrska, Zakarpatska, Donetska, Luhanska and other oblasts have also revived their work. In 1994, the guidance commission on eco logical education was established at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; over the last 10 years this commission did a great and important work, promoting evolve ment of ecological education. In 1994, a new specialism of «Ecology» was Conception of Ecological Education in added to the list of specialisms, in which stu Ukraine. dents were trained at institutes. According to The Conception is a very important regulat the Regulation by the Cabinet of Ministers of ing official act, which stipulates chief aims Ukraine #607 of May 24, 1997, professional and tactical schemes of evolving ecological training is provided in the following spe education in all sections of population, from cialisms: «Ecology and environmental protec children to elderly people, aimed at forming tion», «Applied Ecology» (by branches), and of environmental awareness and culture in «Operation of environmental monitoring citizens, acquiring habits and fundamental facilities». Specialists in ecology are being ecological knowledge. This document pro trained in 23 institutes of III levels of accred vides grounds for development and imple itation and in 52 institutes of IIIIV levels of accreditation.

31 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 In 2001, a dedicated institute for training of tions, citizens' associations, business groups, specialists in ecology was established, Odessa and populace. For the time being, these driv State Ecological University, which is the basic ing forces feature different level of environ branch institute developing manpower for mental activity and therefore, different level the Ministry of Environment and Natural of influence on the society, on the processes Resources of Ukraine. of implementation of sustainable develop In the last decade, a great number of ment principles. Unfortunately, current situa instructional courses on ecological subjects tion is that numerous civil environmental was developed; prepared and published were organisations and NGOs existing in Ukraine dozens of manuals and handbooks on differ cannot perform their socioecological func ent ecological disciplines, including such new tions in full, since the integral systemic public subjects as «Ecological audit», policy on civil and nongovernmental organi «Environmental monitoring», «Ecological sations and national environmental partner business enterprising», «Environmentally sus ship is lacking. tainable development of power engineering», The grounds for civil environmental organi «Methods of environmental parameters sations' activity in Ukraine are set in the measuring», «Urban ecology», «Ecological obsolete Laws of Ukraine «On Citizens' economy», «Ecology and sustainable devel Associations» and «On Natural Environment opment», «Environmental management», Protection». Amendments to these Laws with «Production modernisation: systemicenvi respect to national environmental partner ronmental approach», «Basics of professional ship's development are being prepared and training of civil servants and managers in the adopted without proper expert justification domain of environmental policy and manage and without widespread public discussion. ment» etc. Lack of efficient mechanisms and proce dures for development of national environ Summary mental (as well as general) partnership has Development of the national educational detrimental impact on efficacy of national system and its major constituent of ecological driving forces. education is one driving force in the process of the Ukrainian society's transition to harmo Meanwhile, it should be mentioned that the nious development. Ministry of Environment and Natural Upon adoption of the Conception of Resources has available an advanced mecha Ecological Education, reorganisation of edu nism of interaction with civil and nongovern cation started, using principles of ecologically mental organisations. balanced concordant development. The priority of ecological education in the nearest future is to resume teaching of the dis cipline «Basics of ecological knowledge» in all schools of Ukraine. Therefore, arrangements for training of highly qualified school faculty are required, as well as for professional train ing of civil servants and managers in the basics of environmental policy and manage ment.

2.10. Environmental partnership development Signing and ratification by Ukraine of the Aarhus «Convention on Access to The major driving forces, on the national Information, Public Participation in Decision level, of the society's life harmonisation and Making and Access to Justice in sustainable development of the country Environmental Matters» in 1999 incited include state institutions (legislative, academ Ukrainian authorities to develop a strategy ic, educational, executive), local selfgovern enabling them to meet the requirements of ment bodies, nongovernmental organisa

32 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE this Convention and stirred up activities of environmental aftereffects inherited from civil environmental organisations. the past on its own, without proper interna The Public Council established at the tional aid. Ministry of Environment and Natural On the other hand, the natural potential of Resources consists of representatives of the Ukraine is the ecosystem constituent of national level civil environmental organisa European natural resources, as such, their tions and coordinates activities regarding conservation and restoration can be regarded adoption of the Aarhus Convention require as a common cause for Europe. In terms of ments in Ukraine. The scope of responsibili history and geography, Ukraine belongs to ties of the Public Council includes provision of the European environment. Therefore, the the community with information on environ crucial factors are the level of advance and mental conditions, involvement of the public implementation of political, economic, and in legislative activity, civil environmental con institutional machinery for environmental trol, deployment of local branches of the integration of Ukraine into Europe. Public Council in oblasts, ecological education In 2000, the «State Programme of Forming and children's environmental movement, and of National Ecological Network in Ukraine for organising of civil environmental actions etc. 20002015» was adopted. Nowadays, approximately 500 civil environ The Programme was developed in compli mental organisations operate in Ukraine. ance with recommendations by «Pan Specific conservancy measures taken by these European Biological and Landscape Diversity organisations are aimed at environment Strategy» (1995). This Programme highlights enhancement, municipal improvements and the issues of forming of the European envi enhancement of adjacent terrain, afforesta ronmental network as an integral system of tion of riverbanks, cleansing and water purifi European countries' territories with natural or cation in rivers, ponds, springs, and mainte partly changed landscapes. nance of reserves and objects of cultural her Unification of the National environmental itage of Ukraine. network with environmental networks of neighbouring countries in the context of the Summary European network is to be executed by way Over the last decade, potent driving forces of of creating common transborder elements of the national level accumulated in Ukraine, environmental networks within natural which are capable of providing significant acceleration of the process of society's life har regions and corridors, agreeing the projects monisation and of transition to sustainable on land amelioration in the border zone. development, provided that the integral public The process of environmental integration policy on national environmental partnership of Ukraine into Europe is supported by the is developed. Numerous instances of effective activity of civil and nongovernmental organ isations, business quarters, and of local initia tives can be given. They require systemic legal and governmental support. In environmental sphere, more than anywhere else, favourable conditions for development of national envi ronmental partnership emerged.

2.11. Integration into European environmental community Under conditions of formation of the state of Ukraine and social and economic reform ing, national interests of safe life activity is agreement on partnership and cooperation the highest priority. Meanwhile, both the between the European Union and Ukraine, in political circle and the community realise that particular, general policy of the EU regarding it will be difficult for Ukraine to manage the Ukraine.

33 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 2 The Ministry of Environment and Natural Ukraine is a party to 35 bilateral agree Resources took active part in elaboration of ments, 14 of these are interdepartmental the issue on environmental protection and agreements. Among the partners of Ukraine nuclear regulation in the Programme of are the following countries: Republic of Integration of Ukraine into the EU enacted by Poland, Republic of Moldova, Hungarian the Decree of the President of Ukraine #`1072 Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of of September 14, 2000. Belarus, Republic of Slovakia, Romania, and With a view to implementation of the above Republic of Bulgaria. Significant advance can Decree, the following priority lines were be observed in the domain of cooperation determined in 2000: with the U.S.A., Canada, the Netherlands, · ensuring of public participation in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Great decision making and access to justice in Britain. Launched is the process of elabora environmental matters; tion of interdepartmental agreements on · development of ambient air's and cooperation in the environmental domain water's quality standards; with Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece, · elaboration of adapted norms and Morocco, Argentina, Kazakhstan, and Brazil. standards for assessment of likely impact Ukraine concluded an agreement with of genetically modified organisms on Poland on transborder conveyance of haz conservation and sustainable use of bio ardous wastes (1994) and agreement with logical diversity; Russian Federation on cooperation in issues · improvement of nuclear units' inspec of mercurybearing wastes (1997). In 1993 tion procedures; Ukraine signed the frame agreement with · arrangement for and exercising of Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the supervision over account and control of environmental domain. Both countries also nuclear materials; signed a separate agreement on use and con · adherence to principles of nuclear and servation of transborder water bodies. radiation safety regulation based on the Implementation of these agreements will international approach and recommenda help to protect the Dniestr River against pol tions of IAAE. lution. Joint workgroup has been organised, Cooperation with the EU took place in the which is to control the adverse impact of framework of TACIS programme. Launch of technogenic factors on this river. environment conservancy projects within the UkrainianDutch cooperation covers envi TACIS programme in Ukraine contributes to ronmental management, development of higher efficacy of nature conservation nature reserves, water resources manage measures taken both on governmental and ment, and of late climate change. Bilateral on regional level. It also enables Ukraine to agreements with the Netherlands and fulfill obligations ensuing from the signed Switzerland deal with water purification proj conventions and agreements on environ ects in Odessa and on sugar refineries, and mental protection. The projects implemented with reconstruction of pump stations in the within the TACIS programme of environ town of Mariupol on Azov Sea. Cooperation mental protection include: with Denmark resulted in pilot projects on development of regional systems of building of toxic wastes processing plants in industrial wastes treatment in Ukraine; industrial regions of Ukraine, the project of transborder monitoring and water qual «clean technologies» in engineering industry ity assessment of rivers Uzh, Latorytsa, of Ukraine etc. and Western Boog; Bilateral relationships are of especial development of municipal economy and importance with respect to sharing experi public utilities; ence in resolving environmental problems water resources management; conser and principles underlying national environ vation of biological and landscape diversi mental policy. ty in Bukovyna Carpathians; In September 1997, representatives of environmental protection in the Black Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sea region. Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and

34 2 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVE Ukraine signed the Torun Declaration on co Summary operation in the domain of environmental Being an integral part of the European envi protection among countries of Eastern and ronment, Ukraine carries out zealous policy of Central Europe. The parties committed them integration, both into the European Union and selves to developing of cooperation in all on bilateral basis. A number of agreements spheres of environmental protection, includ (bilateral and multilateral) have been signed ing climate change, energy and health prob and are in the process of implementation, as lems, monitoring of environmental condi well as joint programmes. Fulfilled are obliga tions, general and institutional issues of envi tions of Ukraine under the terms of Memorandum on Mutual Understanding ronmental policy, support for regional strate between the governments of «Great Seven» gies of sustainable development. countries, European Commission, and Representatives of signatory powers conduct Ukraine with respect to shutdown of yearly meetings with the purpose of sharing Chornobyl nuclear power plant. information and experience. Unfortunately, European partners of Ukraine Bearing in mind strengthening of economic neglect the Plan for improvement of objects' relations between countries participating in safety at the Chornobyl power plant after its the Central European Initiative (CEI) and shutdown. This poses a new mancaused envi Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BEC), ronmental threat not only on the national development and implementation of specific scale, but on the European scale as well. projects on environmental protection, Ukraine vigorously makes use of the potential of cooperation in the frameworks of these groups.


The territory of Ukraine has unique com dozens of mineral water types), including plex of physicalgeographic, landscape, known in the world water of «Naftusia» type, hydrologic, structuralgeologic and other as well as deposits of medical brine and mud features that enabled formation of a signifi in the areas adjacent to the Black sea. cant number and volumes of natural Present situation in the use of natural resources. Presence of several geographic resources is to a great degree inherited from climatic zones and location of the territory the practice used in previous times, especially within water catchment areas of two seas in technogenically overburdened areas of Black and Baltic ones cause significant alter Ukraine. At the same time one can count on ation of hydrographic network, vegetative increase of the naturalresource potential cover, fertility of soils and other indices of provided correct policy of natural resources the naturalresource potential. reproduction is followed. According to the assessments of the Council for Study of the Productive Forces of Ukraine, the most valuable resources are land 3.1. Land Resources (72 %) and mineral raw materials (26 %). However, it does not reduce economic and Ukraine occupies the biggest territory in ecological significance of water, timber, Europe; qualitative composition and biopro recreation resources, fauna, and flora as nec ductivity of its soils is one of the richest in the essary contributors to life activity and bal world. High natural productivity determines anced development of the state. leading role of the land stock as one of the Significant amount of natural and recre most important resources and the most valu ation resources in the territory of Ukraine has able part of the national wealth. unsurpassed economic and environmental At the beginning of the year 2003 land parameters. To the latter relate first of all a stock of Ukraine made up 60.4 mln hectares. unique mass of black soil (20 % of the world A significant part of the land area (69.3 % or resources), reserves of highquality caking 41.8 mln ha) belongs to agricultural lands 78 coal in the Donbas region, sources of mineral % of which (32.5 mln ha) are arable lands waters in Carpathian province (several (see table 3.1).

Changes in landuse in the process of land reform (data of Landsat satellite).

36 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE Table 3.1. Land Stock of Ukraine

Agricultural utilization of the territory State monopoly to the land is the main achieved 72 %, ploughed up area makes up handicap on the way to development of mar 56%. ket economy in the country that caused the To the most important criteria of the soil need to conduct land reforms from the very quality relates humus content. Studies of the first days after the country gained independ soil layer conducted in 1981 showed that ence. average humus content in the plowed land Demonopolization of the land ownership made up 3.2 % (124.8 tons per 1 ha). Soils started in the country after adoption of the with the highest humus content are concen Land Code of Ukraine (edition of 13.03.92). trated in Kharkiv region 4.9 % of humus Collective and to a limited degree private (191.1 tons per 1 ha), Kirovograd and ownership to land were legalized. It was Dnipropetrovsk regions 4.5 % (175.5 tons declared that all forms of ownership enjoy per 1 ha). At the same time the studies have equal rights. shown that almost in all regions is observed Constitution of Ukraine adopted in 1996 reduction of the humus content in soil layer. determined land (i. 13) as the main national Land stock of Ukraine is characterized by wealth put under a special protection of the high bioproductive properties. According to state. scientific estimates the state can provide with Processes causing changes in the present foodstuffs 300320 mln people provided landuse system in the agricultural sector of optimum structure of land use and respective Ukraine are of reformatory character and level of farming agriculture are achieved. targeted at three main goals ownership refo

37 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 rmation, equitable development of land Kherson, Zaporishje regions and Autonomous management methods, and improvement of Republic Crimea). The biggest areas of the land use efficiency. Much was done dur drained lands are located in L'viv, (513.2 ing the period from 1992 through 2002 to thous. ha) Zhitomir (425.4 thous. ha), Volyn' achieve these goals. (416.6 thous. ha), Rivno (390.4 thous. ha), An updated, brought into agreement with and Chernihiv (300 thous. ha) regions. the norms of Constitution of Ukraine, mar State of the drained lands in recent years ket oriented Land Code adopted on October was rather complex because agrotechnical 25 2001 makes it possible to completely and agroreclamation measures (chemical include land as one of the main means of reclamation, drainage, etc.) were carried out production into economic turnover. on a very limited territory. As of 01.01.2002 structure of the land stock Special attention is paid to the state of of Ukraine looks as follows (see diagram 1). waterlogged lands which require special According to the data of State Committee attention concerning support of their impor for Land Use (Derzhkomzem), irrigated tant functions in regard to formation of lands occupy 2329.7 thous. ha, i.e. 3.9 % of water conditions, microclimate and other the territory of Ukraine, including: agricul peculiarities of the location, preservation of tural lands 2323.9 thous. ha (arable land biovariability, etc. 2244 thous. ha, long fallow 0.2, perennial Legal acts of Ukraine establish a set of limi plantations 67.3, hay lands 2.8, pastures tations in regard to the use of waterlogged 9.6 thous. ha), forests and other areas lands. According to the decree of the Cabinet covered by woods 0.4 thous. ha. of Ministers of 08.05.1996 No 486 «On During last decade area of irrigated lands Approval of the Procedure for Determining which are not watered at all increased almost Size and Limits of the Water Preservation fourfold, norms of agricultural crops water Zones and Conditions for Conducting ing have also reduced thus causing reduction Economic Activity on the Latter» flooded of hydroenvironmental load on the soils. areas together with the first terraces located Structure of the land stock includes 3296,9 above flooded areas, embankment shoulders thous. ha of drained lands common in the and steep banks of the rivers, adjacent territory of 19 regions of the country (except gorges and ravines are obligatory a part of Dnipropetrivs'k, Kirovograd, Mykolajiv, water preservation zones and, as a result, are

Diagram 1. Land Stock Structure of Ukraine

38 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE the territories to which relate limitations arrange meadows and forests on the with established by the legislation in regard to drawn from cultivation lands. It was pro these zones. «Water Code of Ukraine» posed to arrange meadows first of all on low determines additional requirements concern productivity faintly and medium washed out ing use of flooded areas of small rivers, in slope lands having slopes up to 5070. Forests particular; prohibition of ploughing up and had to be planted on degraded strongly application of chemical substances, con washed out arable lands with slopes exceed struction (except hydrotechnical, hydro ing 70. Structure of agricultural lands in metric and line structures), gardening, and Ukraine is given on diagram 2. truck farming. At present in state ownership remain 49.7 Lands of mountainous and foothill territo % of the land stock of Ukraine. These are ries have unique natural features, especially mainly nonagricultural lands. Diagram 3 concerning their biologic and landscape shows dynamics of property in land forms diversity, bioresources, sanitation and development. recreation potentials, etc. formed under During the period from 1992 through 2002 influence of various climatic and relief condi essential changes have taken place in owner tions. The area of mountainous and foothill ship of agricultural lands. Only 28.9 % of territories makes up about 7 % of the territo agricultural lands of the country remained in ry of Ukraine. Forest conservation degree on state ownership as of 01.01.2002. These lands the mountainous and foothill lands is about were mainly used for scientific and training 46 %. purposes, as well as for seed growing, carry Structure of lands in Ukraine gradually ing out breeding activity, growing of medici changed during last decade. The area of nal plants, and production of specific kinds of arable lands in all groups of owners and users agricultural products. Distribution of agricul reduced by 1034.0 thous. ha; at the same tural lands on the basis of forms of owner time area occupied by longfallow lands ship is given in diagram 4. increased by 431.2 thous. ha. At present primary privatization of agricul It is a positive trend because the area of tural lands in Ukraine is mainly over non ploughed up lands in Ukraine exceeds envi stateowned agricultural enterprises were ronmentally substantiated limits. Arable allocated 30 mln ha of lands which were lands occupy 56.2 % of total area of the land divided into shares among members thereof. in Ukraine while in developed European Their cost is about 260 billion hryvnas. As of countries this index does not exceed 3032 01.02.2003 seven million peasants became %. Almost 20 years ago appeared a scientif owners of the certificates which entitled ically substantiated concept according to them to a land lot (share). More than 46.2 % which it was necessary to reduce area of of them have already received state acts con arable lands in Ukraine by 68 mln ha and to firming their title to the land.

Diagram 2. Structure of Agricultural Lands in Ukraine, %

39 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 So, practically a new market land system is Water stock of Ukraine includes about established in Ukraine based on the private 8073 lakes and firths, the total watertable ownership to land, market forms of economic area of which is 4021.5 km2, the watertable structures, paid land use, possibility of market area of firths is 1073 km2. The number of type turnover of various designation lands. water bodies that have water volumes of 1 mln km3 and more is 944. A relatively small part of the territory is occupied by the 3.2. Water Resources swamps, swampy terrain and excessively Ukraine has 63119 rivers, including 9 big humidified lands 3.6 mln ha, but they play ones (water catchment areas above 50 a significant resourcesstabilizing role. thous. km2), 81 medium ones (from 2 to 50 Water resources of Ukraine are distributed thous. km2), and 63029 small ones (less than as follows. 2 thous. km2). Their total length is 206.4 The most arid regions: thous. km, 90 % of which fall on small Lugans'k, Dnipropetrovs'k, Donets'k, rivers. Geographically almost all river basins Zaporizhia, Kirovograd, Mykolajiv, Odesa, (except South Bug) belong to international Kherson regions, and Autonomous water basins the fact that stipulates activi Republic Crimea. ty of transboundary waterenvironmental Normally humidified regions: relations and need for accelerated develop Vinnytsia, Volyn', , L'viv, Rivno, ment of the basin water resources manage Sumy, Ternopil', Khmel'nyts'k, Chernihiv, ment (table 3.2). Kyiv, , Poltava, and Kharkiv

Diagram 3. Dynamics of Property in Land Forms Development

Diagram 4. Distribution of Agricultural Lands According to Forms of Ownership, %

40 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE regions. and dirty one (IVV quality class). The most The most humidified regions: critical situation is observed in the basins of Zakarpats'ka, IvanoFrankivs'k, Chernivtsi rivers Dnipro, Sivers'ky Donets', rivers of the regionsі. Sea of Azov basin, certain tributaries of the Interstate water bodies: , West Bug where water is classified The Dnipro, Sivers'ky Donets', the as very dirty (VI class). Environmental and Dniester, the Danube, West Bug. metabolic regress are peculiar features for Ukraine belongs to the least provided with majority of water body ecosystems of water resources European countries. Its Ukraine. It is to a great degree connected main component is river runoff. Average with technogenic pollution and ploughing total annual hydraulicity is 87.1 km3. up of water catchment landscapes. Significant water resources are concen A trend of underground water quality trated in lakes of Ukraine located all over its worsening continues to exist as a result of territory. According to approximate assess bringing pollutants with wastewater into ments volume of water in freshwater lakes underground aquifers and intensive reaches 2.3 km3 while in salty lakes and firths exploitation of productive aquifers. Polluted it reaches 8.6 km3. The swamps contain sections of underground water occur mainly about 30 km3 of water that belongs to the in the areas where big industrial and agricul category of bound ancient reserves. tural enterprises are located, first of all, sur Predicted resources of fresh underground face waste disposals (storages, ash dumps, waters make up all together 20.9 km3 per tailing dumps, slurry ponds, etc.). More than year, while operational resources make up 290 underground water pollution centers 5.7 km3. Balance reserves of underground were detected in Ukraine in main aquifers, waters that are not hydraulically connected and in more than 90 operable water intakes with the surface runoff and are additional is observed a progressive worsening of water resources of local formation make up water quality. Underground waters which about 7 km3. The biggest volumes of under continue to remain main reliable source of ground waters occur in the basins of the water supply, especially in rural areas, not Dnipro (61 %), Sivers'ky Donets' (12 %), and always meet requirements set for potable the Dniester (9%). The economy uses water first of all as a result of increased con besides fresh water about 1 km3 of sea tent of nitrate and phosphorus compounds water. and bacteriological pollution. At present water of the majority of water Oxygen conditions in the rivers of Ukraine bodies of Ukraine is classified as polluted were satisfactory except local and short

Table 3.2. Main Characteristics of the Biggest Rivers of Ukraine

*) Data of the Department of hydrometeorological service and monitoring of the Ministry of Environmental Resources.

41 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 term reduction of oxygen content in waters was observed in the basin of the Dniester; of certain rivers in summer time. The latter zinc in waters of South Bug and Sivers'ky phenomenon is explained by reduced solubil Donets'; chromium in the basin of West ity of oxygen at high water temperature. Bug. The lowest content of all metals in water In prevailing majority of river basins of environment, except copper, was registered Ukraine, it is observed a favorable trend to in water bodies of Crimea. reduction of mineral compounds of nitrogen At the same time a certain concern causes (nminer.) that determine the level of the an appreciable increase of phenol content in natural waters eutrophication. Previous year water. It is peculiar first of all to the rivers of content of nminer. in the rivers of Crimea the Sea of Azov basin the fact that can be didn't change and in the waters of the connected with influence of mining areas of Dnipro its content has reduced. the Donbas. In waters of the Danube, South Bug, the An impeding factor for using water Dniester, rivers of Crimea and basin of the resources is their changeability in time: Sea of Azov insignificant reduction of mineral under natural conditions on spring runoff compounds of phosphorus was observed. falls 6070 % in North and NorthEast and In waters of the Danube, the Dnipro, and up to 8090 % in South thereof. West Bug reduction of the dissolved organic Territorial distribution of water resources substances concentration was observed, does not correspond to location of water while in the runoff of the Dniester and South retaining branches of economic complex of Bug their content increases. Ukraine. The largest number of water There is a trend towards reduction of sur resources (58 %) is concentrated in the face waters pollution with heavy metals in a rivers of the Danube basin in the border majority of rivers of Ukraine. The highest areas in which need in water does not content of copper and manganese in 2001 exceed 5 % of their total reserves. The least

Mapscheme of drainage network of Ukraine (space photographs of NOAA satellite).

42 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE provided with water resources are the Carpathians (Transcarpathian, Ivano Donbas, Kryvorizhja, Crimea, and South Frankivs'k, L'viv, and Chernivtsi regions). regions of Ukraine in which are located the Extremely insufficient areas of forestlands biggest consumers of water. are in Mykolajiv, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Territorial and time runoff nonuniformi Dnipropetrovs'k, Odesa, Kirovograd, ty is removed by means of 1.16 thous. water Donets'k, and Poltava regions (Fig. 3.2). reservoirs (total volume is almost 55 km3), Beginning from 80th of the previous cen more than 28 thous. artificial ponds, 7 big tury forests in Ukraine started to be mainly channels (total length is 1021 km, through used for environmentalpublic purposes. put 1000 m3/s) 10 big water ducts by means Sixty five percent of the total area of forests of which water is supplied into the areas (6.96 mln ha) are used for this purpose. which lack water. Water reservoirs of the These are mainly forests of the 1st group Dnipro cascade (usable volume of 18.7 km3) that carry out sanitationhygienic (18.7 %), provide for more than half water consump protection (30.4), and waterprotection tion volume of Ukraine. (3.6) functions, as well as forests of special Multibranch complex created in Ukraine designation (3.1 %). To this category also consumes in the process of production sig relate protection parcels of forests of the nificant volumes of water resources 2nd group (8.7 %). The rest forests are although within the last decade gross need forests of the 2nd group, which belong to in water reduced by 40 %. The needs are the category of commercial ones. They are met by intake of fresh water from the sur distributed on regional basis. For example, in face (24 %) and underground (3 %) the industrial Donbas, Dnipro and Black sources, mine (about 2 %) and sea (more seaadjacent areas lacking forests, as well as than 1 %) water, as well as due to the use of in Crimea, all forests are mainly used for water included into the circulating water environmentalpublic purposes. supply systems (70 %) (table 3.3). It should be taken into account that per Recent years volumes of water included centage of forests in Ukraine makes up 15.6 into circulating water supply systems have %, i.e. it is almost three times less than per stabilized 41.3 km3, irreversible water centage of forests in West Europe (43.2 %). intake being 5.3 km3 or 31 % of the total vol So, this percentage is not an optimum one ume of taken fresh water. (2022 %) when forests as the most com plex and the most powerful vegetation group can effect most positively climate, soils, erosion processes, and provide econo 3.3. Forest Resources my with necessary volumes of timber (table Ukraine has small area of forests and lacks 3.4). According to the latest assessments the its own timber resources. According to the area of forests has to be increased at least data of the State Committee for Forestry of by 22.5 mln ha in order to get optimum level Ukraine, area of forests in its territory is 10.8 of forest percentage. mln ha including 9.4 mln ha of lands covered Average reserves of timber per 1 hectare with forest vegetation the total timber of the lands covered with forests equal 186 reserves of which equal 1.74 billion m3. м3 and are much less than in Switzerland Timber reserves are assessed in national (278 м3/hа), Austria (234 м3/hа), Rumania equivalent approximately at the value of 3.4 (251 м3/hа), Check Republic and Slovakia billion USD, and according to the world (217 м3/hа). Average increase of these prices their value is 27 billion USD. During the reserves per 1 ha of lands covered with last decade a positive dynamics in change of forests is 3.8 м3/year. the forest stock area is observed. Beginning Ageold structure of forest plantations in from 1996 this area has increased by 45.5 Ukraine is not able to ensure sustainability, thous. ha (Fig. 3.1). continuity and uniformity of forest exploita The biggest forest masses are concentrat tion because in it prevail young and middle ed in Polissia (Zhitomir, Rivno, Kyiv, aged forest stands, and the area of matur Chernihiv, and Volyn' regions) and Ukrainian ing, mature, and overmature plants is below

43 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 Table 3.3. Use of Water Resources in Ukraine in 1990 2001, mln km3

Water Use Indices Years Index (percentage relative 1990) 1990 1995 2000 2001 1995. 2000. 2001.

Water Intake 35615 25852 18282 17577 73 51 49 Including surface sources 29294 20681 14479 13954 71 49 48 underground water 5200 4305 2987 2750 63 57 33 sea water 1121 866 817 872 77 73 78 Losses in the course of transportation 2424 1946 2477 2328 80 102 96 Volumes of water used for the 30201 20334 12992 12168 67 43 40 following purposes: economic and running water 4646 4404 3311 3041 95 71 65 systems industrial use 16255 10417 6958 7033 64 4343 irrigation 6958 3469 1699 1158 50 24 17 agricultural water supply systems 1697 1331 512 381 78 30 22 Volumes of water discharged into 19329 14175 10517 10136 73 54 52 water bodies Including polluted water 3199 4652 3313 3008 145 104 94 Irreversible use of water from water 14630 9630 5962 5267 66 41 36 bodies Circulating and repetitive seq uential 67661 51054 41523 41334 75 61 61 water supply Gross need in water 103276 76906 59805 58911 74 58 57 Treatment plants capacity 8131 8419 7992 7790 103 98 96

Fig. 3.1. Change of the Forest Stock Total Area

the optimum level. However, the share of the Donets'kDnipro adjacent industrial mature forests has lately increased from 6 % regions and characterized by high levels of to 11 %. discharge into the atmosphere of not just classic pollutants, but also cancerogenic substances. 3.4. Atmospheric Air In general during recent years annual con centrations of dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur State Hydrometeorologic Service carries dioxide and carbon oxide reduced together out on regular basis monitoring of 54 large with the level of pollution. However, they and small towns and 13 agglomeration frequently exceed 1.1 times and more maxi industries that are mainly concentrated in mum permissible concentration levels


Fig. 3.2. Map of Forests of Ukraine

Fig. 3.2. Map of Forests of Ukrain

established by the Ukrainian standards of air dations of the World Health Organization quality. For example, excess of nitrogen indicating air quality in Europe show that air dioxide was observed almost in all big cities, quality in regard to classic pollutants, except and in general annual measurements of var nitrogen oxides, improves. Concentrations ious pollutants conducted twice a year indi of SOx and CO are within the values estab cate that concentration of at least one sub lished by the Recommendations because stance exceeds maximum permissible levels. WHO standards in regard to these sub It mainly concerns toxic air pollutants. stances are less stringent. However, even Comparison of measurement data with WHO standards are exceeded in almost all the standards included into Recommen big cities of Ukraine when we speak about

45 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 specific and toxic pollutants. The worst gen national economy. About 5 percent of the eral situation is observed in Kyiv, Kharkiv, world volume of mineral raw material Dnipropetrovs'k, Donets'k, Kryvyi Rig, L'viv, resources are produced in Ukraine, and Mariupil', Odesa, and Zaporizhia. annual production of the mining industry The concentrations in wet precipitation in makes up 2528 billion USD (in prices of the the territory of Ukraine correspond in major world market). ity of cases to the main natural values. The Coal is produced in Ukraine in three coal highest concentration of pollutants in pre basins the Donbas, L'vivVolyn' basins cipitation was observed in the Donets'k (bituminous coal) and Dnipropetrovs'k region. Acid precipitation was observed in brown coal basin. Complex environmental Autonomous Republic Crimea and Odesa situation existing in the coal mining regions is region (pH value was below 4.5), while in caused by the fact that each third mine oper Volyn' and Chernihiv regions, and cities Kyiv ates for more than 50 years. Mining opera and Lviv lowacid precipitation was detected tions are carried out at depths up to 1400 m. within 4.5 5.5 pH. Total area of coal basins is about 160 000 Besides, six stations located in Kyiv, km2 (26 % of the territory of Ukraine), in Boryspil', Boguslav, Odesa, L'viv and the particular, the area of the Donbas is 50 000 Karadag natural preserve in Crimea conduct km2, total area of mines is 13000 km2 while monitoring of general ozone concentrations about 12000 km2 of them are in the Donbas. and state of the ozone layer. Longterm Iron ores are produced in Ukraine at results confirm aggravation of the ozone Kryvoriz'ke, Kremenchuts'ke and Bilozirs'ke deficiency that can worsen environmental deposits, manganese ores are produced at conditions especially during the period of Nikopol' deposit. biologically active solar ultraviolet radiation State Balance of Ukraine takes into account (springsummer seasons). raw oil, gas, and gas condensate reserves of 323 fields. Main bulk of them (191) is con centrated in East region, 96 fields are located in West region and 36 in South region. 3.5. Bowels and Territories in which During recent years on average 4 mln tons Minerals are Produced of raw oil with condensate and 18 billion m3 As of 01.01.2003 mineral basis of Ukraine of gas were produced annually in Ukraine includes about 20010 deposits and manifes the values which constitute 10 % and 20 %, tations of 113 kinds of minerals, 7892 of respectively, of the raw materials consumed which contain 97 minerals, are commercially by the country. important and included into the State Deposits of native sulfur are located in Balance of Ukraine. The estimated value of Ukraine within L'viv and partially Ivano reserves of the deposits explored in the Frankivs'k regions. Beginning from 50th of second half of the XX century is 7 7.5 tril the XX century Rozdil'ske deposit, from 60 lions USD. From 40 % to 75 % of explored th Podorozhnens'ke, and from 70th mineral reserves are produced at commercial Jazivs'ke and Nemyrivs'ke deposits started to level. Iron ore reserves constitute 14 % and be developed. At present quarrying of sulfur manganese ore reserves more than 43 % of is stopped because of a number of econom the world reserves. Ukrainian reserves of ic and environmental problems. Sulfur is titanium, zirconium, uranium, lithium, produced on a limited scale (2 deposits) graphite, kaolin, fireproof clays, sulfur, using only the method of underground potassium salts, decorative stones, etc. are smelting. among the biggest in the world. Ukraine is In major part of the regions of Ukraine also one of the leading producers of a great resources of underground hydrosphere are number of minerals: coal, manganese and an important factor for stabilization of iron ores, titanium, graphite, kaolin, etc. hydroenvironmental situation. (Fig. 3.3). Forecasted resources of fresh under Mineral raw material complex of Ukraine ground waters in Ukraine make up 61689.2 is one of the most important components of thous. m3/day, 57499.9 thous. m3/day of

46 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE which have mineralization level up to 1.5 Republic Crimea. Thermal water reserves in g/dm3 which makes them suitable for Beregivs'ke field make up 0.871 thous. 3 potable water supply. As of 01.01.02 373 m /day according to the category C2. underground water fields were explored At present Ukraine gradually solves com which include 977 locations with commercial plex problems connected with environmen reserves approved by the state standards of tal recultivation of a great part of mining USSR and Ukraine in the amount of 15829.8 districts caused by the previous extensive 3 thous. m /day. development of industrial sectors and At present 152 locations of the mineral resourceconsuming technologies. Environ water fields are explored and their reserves mental problems caused by outdated tech are approved. Their total commercial nologies and worn fixed assets consist in 3 resources make up 64865.7 m /day. Mineral accumulation of huge volumes of industrial water fields were found in all regions of waste which transform into technogenic Ukraine except IvanoFrankivs'k and Sumy resources, significant losses of mineral raw regions. materials (up to 70 % of oil reserves, 50 % As of 01.01.2002 two thermal water fields of salts, 28 % of coal, 25 % of metals (underground water with a temperature remain in the bowels), high anthropogenic above 20°С) were explored in detail in load on the environment, violation of the Ukraine Beregivs'ke in Transcarpathian geologic environment, hydrogeologic, and region and Novoselivs'ke in Autonomous hydrologic conditions stability against the

Fig. 3.3. Production of Main Types of Raw Materials in 2001

47 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 background of rather limited water zones. Potent ecosystem of the Dnieper resources. River and variety of landscapes is also a Mineralraw material basis of Ukraine has a characteristic feature of Ukraine. significant economic potential capable of Different zones in Ukraine, if judged by ensuring further development of national estimated biological diversity, can be economy under market conditions. The most ranged in ascending order as follows: important task on the way is ensuring of a meadows, marshes, wetlands, steppes, balanced restructuring of developed mining and woodlands. Given significant area of regions and formation of new developed agricultural lands (up to 70% of the total regions with the use of stateoftheart geo area of lands), a major part of biological logiceconomic models and comprehensive diversity remains associated with man monitoring of the bowels. changed ecosystems; however, the situa tion changes for the better owing to near ly permanent increase in the total area of reserves and buffer zones (see Fig. 3.4). 3.6. Biological diversity in Ukraine Ukraine is inhabited by representatives of While occupying less than 6% of the over 70,000 taxa. The Red Book of Ukraine area of Europe, Ukraine holds approxi contains 511 species of plants and 382 mately 35% of its biological diversity due species of animals. Over 3,500 aggrega to location at the junction of various nat tions of plant formations are distributed ural zones and covering of the crossing of across the territory of Ukraine. According animals' and plants' migration paths. to the Green Book of Ukraine, 126 plant Relatively small surface area contains four formations are considered to be rare or natural zones: broadleaved woodlands, threatened with extinction. foreststeppe, steppe, and Mediterranean

Kryvyi Rig iron ore mining quarries

48 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE Experts from Europe (Atlas Flora Ukrainian fauna and flora: nematodes Europaeae, 1999) state that Ukraine is situ 1,2001,600; protozoa 1,8001,840; inver ated in the sector of Europe where the den tebrates 44,00044,371; wild and cultivat sity of genetic diversity ranges between 23 ed vascular plants 5,0995,101; fishes and 430 conventional units, the top index is 184189; birds 400420; mammals 101 characteristic of the Carpathians and 113 (figures are given for 1992 and 2002 Crimean highlands. Compared to some respectively). neighbouring countries, the taxonomic core Larger number of species at the end of the of Ukrainian biodiversity has certain advan past decade can be explained both by revi tages; this makes our country to some sions, new findings, better information extent responsible for ensuring biodiversity about biodiversity, and by real changes in preservation in PanEuropean context (see the natural environment that occur due to Table 3.5) alleviation of mancaused load. Meanwhile, Note. The data presented in the table were some previous species extinct, while some obtained from printed sources and via new ones permeate into the territory of Internet, including the website of the Ukraine. European Centre for Nature Conservation During 1992 2002 Ukrainian researchers (ECNC). registered more than 15 instances of It is obvious that figures shown in the table extinction of species and emergence or are just estimates, as we deal with living penetration of new species. In most cases, beings. Ambiguous research data available in these findings concerned the Black Sea and Ukraine, with respect to the list and number Azov Sea (meaning algae, polychaete, mol of species, emphasises once again extraordi lusca etc.). narily dynamic and complicated nature of Analysis of water life diversity, including biodiversity. Ukrainian publications over the species of fishes, elicited negative trends, period of 1992 2002 contain records of the which have their grounds. So, as far back as following quantities of species in the 2000, experts from EEC stressed significant

Fig. 3.4. Augmentation of the total area of reserved territories in the Crimea over the last decade as a way to improve the balance between seats of biodiversity and man changed territories. (The data obtained by remote probing Landsat 7, 19992000).

49 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE 3 drop in fishery volume in inland waters of tered in the Red Data Book of Ukraine are Ukraine*. available and in quite satisfactory condition The number of steppe species in the flora in the contaminated zone. Increase in quan of grassland steppes of MidDnieper area tity of redlisted hydrophytes was discov decreased by 4% (19 species) over the last ered, such as salvinia, lings, as well as of century, this decrease resulting from the mammals and birds of prey. Obvious is negative anthropogenic impact and proba recovered condition of species for which bly, from the climate change. In particular, endangering factors include mowing and on the Southern Coast of Crimea local flora burning down of grass, ploughingup of has undergone significant changes, as the soil, use of pesticides etc. General forecast endemic species list has been enlarged and for development of fauna complexes in the penetration of 67 adventive species from zone is favourable. other regions of the world observed. Such The contaminated zone features as a changes occur mainly due to destruction of unique object in Europe, since the process of natural econiches and forming of qualitative ecosystem's selfrestoration under condi ly new ones under pressure of recreational tions of abrupt, longterm absence of human factors, urbanization, fires etc. During 16 impact can be watched here. years that passed after the Chornobyl catas Data obtained by Ukrainian researchers and trophe, natural restoration of deciduous and outcomes of international projects give evi coniferous kinds of trees was observed on dence that the main factors effecting the open lands in the contaminated zone. decrease of biodiversity's sustainability in Cessation of agricultural management and Ukraine are fragmentation of landscapes, hunting in the contaminated zone around complete tilling of soil and chemical pollution the Chornobyl power plant enabled recovery reaching 7585% in some oblasts, nearly of number of mammals, e.g. lynx or even complete shift in water yield and chemical desman. composition of water in surface water reser A specific example of local positive vors. changes of European importance can be Similar instances can be watched on the seen in the current situation regarding con European scale. According to the data of dition of redlisted species in the contami 19962000, the number of endangered nated zone. It is shown that 23 species of species of mammals increased both in the plants and at least 38 species of animals regis Eastern and in the Western parts of Europe.

Table 3.5. Index of biological diversity (maximum number of species)

* Fishing enterprises in Ukraine exercise fishery both in inland waters and in the fishery zone of Ukraine. The main fishing site is 200 miles shoaling water of other countries, which provide 94% of the total catch volume; around 4% of fish and seafood catch falls on the fishery zone of Ukraine and 1% on the open ocean.

50 3 NATURALRESOURCE POTENTIAL OF UKRAINE Most of European experts believe that this actions, reasonably anthropocentric fact results from more sensitive nature of approach was recommended for completion mammals' reaction to shifts in the land of red lists, combined with urgent designing usage practice. Nowadays, the share of of quasinatural ecosystems and protection mammals among other animals is the largest of functionally steady aggregations rather and reaches 40%. Ukrainian scientists than species as such. recorded similar trend in 1997 up to 39.7%. At the end of the last decade, the experts Observations of rare species of animals in from the EU concluded that despite 25 years Ukraine show the trend of significant and of implementation of the Community nearly stable rundown in population and Environmental Policy, attempts to achieve variety of species of predators, including sustainable positive changes in general qual numerous mammals. Later, on working ity of the environment in the EU countries meetings in Kyiv, the experts from the EEC failed. Such conclusion was rather unexpect summarised that approximately 9% of vas ed. The state of biodiversity as a component cular plants, 38% of mammals, 38.1% of of the environment in the aforementioned reptiles, and 29.4% of amphibia in Ukraine region is not perfect, but shows positive were endangered. The forecast was that, signs. Therefore, the future condition of bio taking into account previous trends, the diversity cannot be seen as fully predictable. share of redlisted mammals in Ukraine Many factors interfere with the forecast: sit would exceed 50%. uational changes in land usage; further pol Ukrainian scientists expect that, provided lution of the environment; alien species etc. the rate of red lists enlargement continues, Statistical and other problems will also have the 3rd edition of the Red Data Book of their impact till at least 2010. Nevertheless, it Ukraine will contain up to 5% of fauna and can be stated that, given the climate change, 2/3 of vertebrates. In terms of practical biodiversity of highlands renders endan gered, including mountains in Ukraine.


4.1. Biosphere centres of cultural centres, and the table below contains rele environmental network vant characteristics. On the surface of the Earth one can find Cultural layers were developing around relevantly stable landscape areas, which are biosphere centres, together forming ele called biogeocenoses, or ecosystems. As ments of the culturalenvironmental net biotic components are the main constituents work. Radically new structure of the bios of such ecosystems, uniformity of biotic phere emerged, where biosphere centres component results in emerging of biosphere were interconnected by cultural, not transi core areas, alias centres (see Fig. 4.1). The tional, zones. It should be emphasised that map of Ukraine shows numerous biosphere the culturalenvironmental network is the

Layout of biosphere natural core areas

Biosphere natural core areas: 1 Volynsky BNC 2 MaloPolisky BNC 3 Karpatsky BNC 4 Podilsky BNC 5 Dunaisky BNC 6 Tsentral'noPolisky BNC 7 Tsentral'noUkrainsky BNC 8 Booz'kostepovyi BNC 9 DniprovskoSivashsky BNC 10 GirskoKrymsky BNC 11 DesnianskoStarogutsky BNC 12 Slobozhansky BNC 13 Dniprovskostepovyi BNC 14 Skhidnoukrainskostepovyi BNC

Fig. 4.1. Layout of biosphere natural core areas.

52 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK natural phenomenon. Under current condi grounded limits, restoration of water tions, this formation is destroyed, so we have wetland lands. Safe operation of the to consider the issue of its restoring. This is Rivnenska nuclear power plant. one priority within the problem of recovery of biotic mechanism of natural environment management. 2. MaloPolisky BNC Conservancy characteristics Biosphere Natural Centres (BNC) Occupies the territory within Ukraine, which is the main watershed between the 1. Volynsky BNC Black Sea and the Baltic Sea drainage Conservancy characteristics basins; comprises a set of low hills and Exemplary centre of flora and fauna ridges. Topography of the locality, diversity of Ukrainian Polissia. Water patchiness of the topsoil, and specific rights of Volynsky BNC form one of the climate resulted in emergence of unique largest systems of lakes in Europe. forest and wetland flora and rich fauna. Contains wetlands of international Includes the nature reserve «Roztochya" importance (national park «Shatsky" and and the national park «Yavorivsky", which floodplain «Prypiat'Stokhid"). The best can become the basis of the prospective known as a migration route for birds and UkrainianPolish bilateral biosphere a seat of specific postglacial flora in the reserve «Roztochansky". middle part of Europe. Negative factors Negative factors Excessive precipitation in individual years. Development of karst, floods; mosaic Recommended activities radioactive pollution of certain territories. Development of recreational business Presence of extensive (the largest in and tourism on the basis of national parks Ukraine) hotbeds of multiple infections. and other objects of FNR, development Recommended activities of environmentally sustainable forestry Development of recreational industry on and hunting. the basis of national parks and other Environmental requirements to eco objects of the fund of nature reserves; nomic activity development of environmentally sustain Environmentally sustainable forestry, able fish industry and hunting. nonexhaustive hunting, restriction on Environmental requirements to eco density of transport network. nomic activity Environmentally sustainable forestry, restrictions on intensifying of farming, 3. Karpatsky BNC landimprovement within scientifically Conservancy characteristics Prominent not only in Ukraine, but in Europe, centre of accumulation of relic, endemic, and rare species, of biodiversi ty in general, of its latitudinal and longi tudinal migration paths etc. Ukrainian Carpathians contain the most developed in Ukraine network of territories belong ing to the fund of nature reserves, including trilateral PolishSlovak Ukrainian biosphere reserve «Eastern Carpathians", Carpathian biosphere reserve, Carpathian national park, national park «Synevir" etc. The share of DEM surface texturized reserved territories here is the largest in on Zakarpatya oblast.

53 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 Ukraine, reaching 12% in Zakarpatska Negative factors oblast. Soil erosion, cave development. Negative factors Recommended activities Floods, windfalls, mudflows, landslides, Preservation and reasonable use (mainly soil erosion. Existence of two large for tourist and recreational purposes) of hotbeds of multiple infections. Tovtry and Dnistrovsky canyon; spa; safe Recommended activities operation of the Khmelnytska nuclear Development of recreational nature man power plant. agement, spa, tourism, including eco Environmental requirements to eco tourism on the basis of biosphere reserves nomic activity and national parks, development of Improvement of forestry and of aquatic mountain sports. objects construction on the Dniester River. Environmental requirements to eco nomic activity Environmentally sustainable forestry and 5. Dunaisky BNC farming; ecologically balanced design, construction and operation of railroads, Conservancy characteristics highways, gas and oil pipelines, and high The core area of Dunaisky BNC covers voltage lines. Kilian delta of the Danube River and water reservoirs of the Lower Danube (Kartal, Kugurluy, Yalpug, Kytai etc.), as 4. Podilsky BNC well as water reservoirs in the adjacent Conservancy characteristics The core area of Podilsky BNC is Tovtry Ridge, which is considered to be the remains of the ancient Torton barrier reef and is a unique in Europe geographic

part of Romania. This territory is regis tered as the waterwetland zone of inter national importance, being the place of water birds nesting. This is the newest naturally formed land in Europe. Both the plant kingdom and the wild life are amaz ingly rich and original. Over 50% of formation. This territory avoided conti species of Ukrainian avifauna and all nental glaciation, thus enabling preserv kinds of fishes registered in the European ing of rich heatloving flora, of which Red List can be found here, including nearly onefifth is endemic and sub spinous shark., Atlantic sturgeon, and endemic species. Rich and specific fauna Black Sea and Danube salmon. Dunaisky of steep slopes and caves facilitates habi biosphere reserve occupies significant tation of rare species of birds of prey and area within Dunaisky BNC. bats. Fossil remains of animals and plants available here are of great interest. Negative factors National parks of Podilsky BNC are locat Floods, silting and shallowing of rivers' ed here. arms and riverbeds, ruin of river banks,

54 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK existence of hotbeds of multiple infec the biota state, development and testing tions. of biological methods of improvement of Recommended activities polluted lands. Fishery, traditional farming and cattle Environmental requirements to eco breeding, use of natural resources, in par nomic activity ticular, of reed. Development of recreation Prohibiting of economic activity aimed at al industry and tourism. procuring of biological products (timber, Environmental requirements to eco fish, fur etc.). nomic activity Nonexhaustive natural resources man agement, observation of fishing quota, 7. Tsentral'noUkrainsky BNC environmentally justified norms of cattle Conservancy characteristics grazing, of haymowing, reed stocking. This region is usually called «Kaniv dislo Environmentally justified recreational cations", it stretches along the Dnipro till industry.

6. Tsentral'noPolisky BNC (Chornobyl contaminated zone) Conservancy characteristics Covers the valley of Prypiat' and Dnipro,

Moshnogirsky ridge inclusive. Significant share of waterlogged ground gives rise to unique species of plants and inverte brates, which include Northern species isolated from their natural habitats, endemic and relic species. The region is an unites valuable natural complexes of important segment of migration route of these rivers, includes large area of marsh birds of passage. Ravine system of the es, water meadows, forests. Flora and region is one of the biggest in Europe and fauna feature significant share of rare holds unique fossil fauna. The region Boreal and MidEuropean species. includes such conservation areas as Following the cessation of economic Kanivsky nature reserve and regional activity, spontaneous recovery of water landscape park «Trakhtemyrivskyi". wetland and other lands is observed, Negative factors together with saturation of the territory Vulnerability of foreststeppe landscapes with rare species increasing their popula to erosion. tion. Recommended activities Negative factors Development of tourism and recreational Important radioactive pollution of the industry. territory, mancaused factors related to Environmental requirements to eco liquidation of the Chornobyl accident. nomic activity Recommended activities Balanced consumption of water Establishing of a biosphere radioecologi resources, natural waters protection, cal reserve in the contaminated zone. environmental sustainability of con Scientific research on and monitoring of

55 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 struction of hydrotechnical and power economy objects, forestry improvement, enhancement of FNR objects, erosion control, elimination of chemical and other harmful types of production from construction schedule.

8. Booz'kostepovyi BNC Conservancy characteristics 9. DniprovskoSivashsky BNC Booz'kostepovyi BNC is a major accumu Conservancy characteristics lation centre of relic and endemic species, The core area covers the intersection of of biodiversity in general, of its latitudinal three major ecocorridors: Prymorsko stepovyi, Booz'ky and Dniprovsky, and makes a unique reservation of the land scape and biodiversity. Birds' migration paths of international importance cross this territory. The BNC includes 2 bios phere reserves, one national park and one regional landscape park and has exten sive recreational and balneotherapeutic potential. Negative factors Eutrophic and mancaused pollution of water areas, breach of environmental and longitudinal migration paths etc. The requirements in forestry and farming, BNC contains unique natural and histori resort building, quarry of sand, clay, cal landscapes. Balneotherapeutic poten coquina; existence of multiple infections' tial comprises mineral and radon water hotbeds. reserves. Includes dense network of intact Recommended activities natural complexes (around 20%). Well Various types of recreational activity, tra known place for boating and moun ditional economic activity in conformity taineering. with environmental requirements, imple Negative factors mentation of international research and Windstorms, icing, existence of multiple conservancy projects and programmes. infections' hotbeds. Environmental requirements to eco Recommended activities nomic activity Development of recreational nature man Environmentally sustainable forestry and agement, sanatorium and resort sphere, farming, mining and chemical industry, ecotourism on the basis of regional land health resort industry. Prevention from scape parks, sport and historical tourism. heavy industry development. Environmental requirements to econom ic activity Environmentally sustainable farming, control over safety of nuclear power plants and military objects, termination of further hydro and energy building.

56 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 10. GirskoKrymsky BNC works. Environmentally grounded solu Conservancy characteristics tion for the problem of water supply. The core area represents one of the most Improvement of the FNR objects net illustrious biogeographic regions of work, including transformation of the Ukraine. It covers the Crimean Highlands nature reserve «Krymsky" into biosphere and adjacent geological formations of reserve and establishing of the national Tarkhankut and Kerchensky peninsula. Its park «Tavrida«. fauna and flora include significant amount of mountain endemic and relic species. Mediterranean species related to 11. DesnianskoStarogutsky BNC Asia Minor, Transcaucasian region, and Conservancy characteristics Balkans play an important part. The BNC The prominent vertebrates species con contains well developed network of centration centre and of biodiversity in reserved territories embracing nature general. Contains natural landscapes, reserves: «Karadaz'ky", which includes unique in Ukraine, with large variety of the only Jurassic massif in Europe with pine forests, and archaeological monu typical features of volcanic activity and ments. rich reserve of minerals; «Cape Mart'yan" Negative factors with relic plants species of Mediterranean Radioactive pollution, consequences of type; «Yaltynsky" preserving typical the drainage. mountainforest natural complexes; and Recommended activities «Krymsky" comprising oak, beech, and Development of recreational nature pine forests with unique plots of relic management and ecotourism on the species. basis of national parks. Negative factors Environmental requirements to eco Lack of watering, acute deficit of water nomic activity resources, seismically threatened territo Environmentally sustainable forestry and ry, cave development, presence of exten farming. sive hotbeds of multiple infections. Recommended activities Development of recreational industry and tourism on the basis of relevant FNR objects, such as national parks, biosphere reserves, regional landscape parks etc. Environmental requirements to eco nomic activity Environmental sustainability of agro industrial production, of recreational activity and forestry, of transport net

12. Slobozhansky BNC Conservancy characteristics The BNC is situated mainly in the forest steppe zone and is characterised by com bination of various landscapes, among which cretaceous strata can be distin guished, holding original flora and fauna. Floodplain of Siversky Donets is of great interest as the habitat of desman, the species enjoying the international protec

57 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 tion status. Important constituents of the Environmental requirements to eco BNC are the national park «Sviati Gory" nomic activity and the division of the Ukrainian steppe Environmentally sustainable farming, nature reserve «Kreydiana Flora". control over safe operation of nuclear Negative factors power plants, industrial units, and hydro Large share of tilled land, economic use constructions. of land, pollution, man's impact on the 14. Skhidnoukrainskostepovyi BNC environment, soil erosion. Conservancy characteristics Recommended activities This is the most destroyed BNC, however Nonexhaustive farming, light industry, some areas of natural steppe ecosystems tourism and recreation of all kinds, rein still persist and are of great value. These troduction and rearing of species from include Luhansky nature reserve and its indigenous fauna (bustard, little bustard affiliated reserves «Striltsivsky step" and etc.). «Provalsky step". Their unique and diversi Environmental requirements to eco fied flora and fauna resulted from char nomic activity acteristics of the relief and geographic Environmentally sustainable industry and position. They play a great role in preser farming, reconstruction and building of vation of biological diversity of south sewage disposal plants, prevention from eastern Ukraine and present an exemplar pollution of landscapes with industrial for restoration of steppe ecosystems in and municipal wastes. Ukraine and Russia.

13. Dniprovskostepovyi BNC Conservancy characteristics The BNC is famous for accumulation of relic and endemic species, of biodiversity in general, of its latitudinal and longitudi nal migration paths etc. Features unique natural and historical landscapes.

Negative factors Soil erosion, dry winds, droughts, lack of water resources. Recommended activities Nonexhaustive farming, horsebreeding. Environmental requirements to eco nomic activity Environmental sustainability of agro industrial complex, industrial wastes pro cessing, elimination of the transport pol Negative factors lution of the environment, recovery of Underflooding, mancaused pollution. lands (restoration of steppe areas and Recommended activities limited, environmentally justified Development of recreational nature man afforestation of territories), extension agement, historical tourism, and eco and improvement of the FNR network tourism on the basis of nature reserves and creation of relevant econetwork. and regional landscape parks.

58 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4.2. Historical and cultural heritage late, are exposed to significant man's impact, which endangers both their integrity The territory of Ukraine is extremely rich in and further existence. objects of historical and cultural heritage, Maintenance of parks under conditions of which include townplanning patterns, intense recreational load and insufficient architectural monuments, archaeological care of plants essentially changed the gene memorials, historical monuments, examples ral structure of these natural antropogenic of monumental art etc. complexes. Old parks of great historical and cultural Investigation of the current state of green value occupy a prominent place in the plantations in the landscape parks of national depository of cultural heritage of Ukraine. importance elicited the following tenden Such parks as «Sofiyivka» in Uman', cies: «Olexandriya» in Bila Tserkva, «Trostyanets», · depletion of taxonomic structure (planta Kachanivsky in Chernihivska oblast, Striysky tions lose, because of old age, lack of care in L'viv, parks in the Autonomous Republic of and damage inflicted by people, primarily Crimea are well known far abroad and con coniferous and ornamental shrubbery, sidered to be a gem of park architecture and conifers, ornamental forms of deciduous dendrology. trees); As of 01.01.2002, parks that are the monu · change in landscape (clearings, cuttings ments of landscape architecture numbered and meadows are overgrown with selfsown 529, and dendroparks numbered 35, all plants; park type landscapes where the ratio these enjoying special protective status of between plantations of trees and grassplots reserves in Ukraine. 88 parks among monu is 1:1, are substituted for forest landscapes; ments of landscape architecture and 19 fruit gardens are overgrown, parterres among dendroparks achieved the status of before palaces are destroyed or degraded); monuments of national importance. ·replacement of the main parkformative Significant part of landscape parks is based species of plants. It is well known that most on ancient parks created in 17th19th cen of old parks were created on the basis of turies. Most of them are situated in the AR natural oak woods, or oak trees were of Crimea, including famous Alupkinsky, planted as a dominant species, around Gurzufsky, Livadyisky parks etc. Nemyrivsky, which appropriate landscape was created. Pechersky, Chernyatynsky parks belong to Oak trees have been felled in many parks or Vinnytska oblast; Maliyevetsky, are lost because of age and were replaced Mykhaylivsky, Samchykivsky to by companion plants: ashtree, limetree, Khmel'nytska oblast. L'vivska oblast contains maple. The second layer is also different Stryisky and Pidhirtsivsky parks, now, with prevailing hornbeam or natu Zhytomyrska oblast Ivnytsky, ralised introducents: locust and other Novochortoryisky, Troschansky parks. species of maple. Kyivska, Ternopilska, Kharkivska, Cherkaska Relevant funds are yearly appropriated oblasts and city of Kyiv are also abundant in from the State Budget of Ukraine and the landscape architecture monuments. Fund of Environmental Protection for Among dendroparks created on the basis upkeep of the cultural heritage objects of of old parks from 17th19th centuries, the national and local importance, and recovery most famous parks are «Olexandriya» (Bila and conservancy work is conducted in Tserkva), «Sofiyivka» (Uman'), reserved territories. However, many cultural «Trostyanets» (Chernihivska oblast), «Veseli objects are in poor condition and require Bokoven'ky» (Kirovogradska oblast), renovation, reconstruction, permanent sani «AskaniaNova» (Khersonska oblast). tation, and preservation. Such poor condi Intensive and uncontrolled recreation tion of cultural objects is due to many natu causes damage to parks. Landscape parks of ral and mancaused factors. the southern coast of Crimea are exception One promising line of activity aimed at ally popular. Since they are situated in the preservation of historical and cultural heri resort area, their territories, especially of tage is foundation of regional landscape

59 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 parks (RLP) as recreational reserves on the instance of recognition of the Ukrainian territories of particular environmental and national cultural heritage by the world cultural significance. These multifunctional community. objects are supposed to be subject to diffe 2. National historical and cultural rentiated preservation and use of territory memorial KyivoPechersky (Kyiv). regulations; special administrations are to be 3. National memorial «Khersones created to manage them. Such measures can Tavriysky» (Sevastopol) be the most helpful for preserving these 4. National park «Khortytsa» lands. For instance, creation of the RLP (Zaporizka oblast) «Heraclea» on the seashore of Herakliysky 5. National memorial «Davniy Halych» promontory in city of Sevastopol or RLP (IvanoFrankivska oblast) «DermanskoMotivsky» in Rivnenska oblast 6. National historical and ethnographic would have good prospects in terms of land memorial «Pereyaslav» (Kyivska oblast) preservation. 7. National memorial of Ukrainian pot In pursuance of Articles 4 and 14 of the tery in settlement of Oposhnia Law of Ukraine «On Cultural Heritage (Poltavska oblast) Preservation», the Cabinet of Ministers of 8. National historical and cultural Ukraine adopted the Regulation #1761 of memorial «Chyhyryn» (Cherkaska December 27, 2001 «On Entering of oblast) Monuments of History, Monumental Art 9. National architectural and historical and Archaeology to the Public Register of memorial «Ancient Chernihiv» Immovable Monuments of Ukraine». This 10. National historical and cultural register counts 58 reserves, 10 of them enjoy memorial «Kachanivka». the status of national reserve: 1. National memorial «Sofiya Kyivska» (Kyiv). Universal significance of Sofia 4.3. Global aspects of national cultural cathedral's architectural ensemble was the reason for entering it on the environmental network forming UNESCO World Heritage Listin 1990. The process of national cultural and envi This event was the first noticeable ronmental network development is being

60 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK regulated, first of all, by the Convention on included in the UNESCO World Heritage Preservation of the World Cultural and List(«Sofia Cathedral KyivoPecherska Natural Heritage, to which Ukraine is a Lavra» and «Historic Centre of L'viv»). That is party. Entering of a cultural or natural mon why vigorous work along this line should be ument on the UNESCO World Heritage List regarded as a priority on national level. implies its protection on the international level by way of providing financial, acade mic and technical assistance. To enliven 4.4. State programme of forming of activity in this sector, the National Committee of Ukraine on UNESCO Issues national ecological network in has developed the Action Plan on Ukraine Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine. Natural landscapes are represented on In the last years cooperation of Ukraine nearly 2/5 of the territory of Ukraine. The with UNESCO in the domain of science least transformed natural landscapes can be noticeably revived. Concrete results were found on lands under forests, bush, and achieved, including establishing of National marsh and on the open land, totalling Oceanographic Committee of Ukraine, 19.65% of the whole territory of Ukraine. which is to be the coordinating body in the Bearing in mind that only 44% of forests field of marine research, technologies and perform protective and conservative func information exchange. tions, we can estimate that the landscapes in Activity of the National Committee of nearly natural condition occupy 12.73% of Ukraine on UNESCO Programme «Human the territory of Ukraine. and Biosphere» also yielded good results. In 2001, the State Programme of Forming The main efforts of the Committee were of National Ecological Network in Ukraine aimed at coordination and guidance with for 20002015 was launched. The first regard to elaboration of scientific grounds stage of the Programme (20002005) stip for transition to the principles of sustainable ulates for expansion of the surface area of development, as well as at further develop national econetwork's specific elements ment of the national network of biosphere (Fig. 4.2), use of economic instruments to reserves. Shatsky National Park was included promote their creation on lands of all pat in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere terns of ownership, provision of relevant Reserves by the Committee's proposition. legislative base, conducting necessary Developed were the proposals to create the research and making necessary arrange UkrainianPolish transborder biosphere ments. reserve on the basis of Shatsky biosphere The following conditions that emerged in reserve and «Zakhidne Polissia» reserve; the process of reforming economic relations these proposals were submitted for consi in the domain of land use can be seen as deration to the Bureau of Coordinating favourable prerequisites to extension of the board of the Programme «Human and area of lands with natural landscapes: Biosphere». ·cessation of use of agricultural lands Thus, development of the national cultural (first and foremost, degraded ploughland) and environmental network, which has due to unprofitableness of their agricultural ardent support of the world scientific com use; munity, provides additional opportunities · cessation of industrial use (in extractive for extending of Ukrainian institutions' co industry, construction etc.) of lands, which operation with international intergovern lost their natural state and are hazardous to mental and nongovernmental organisa environment; tions, for intensifying of their activity. · giving preference to recreation of natural Concerning Ukrainian monuments presented landscapes as the most reasonable use of in the UNESCO World Heritage List, we lands, which are out of agricultural use; believe that Ukraine, with its rich cultural · establishing of water protection zones and natural property, cannot be satisfied and shelter belts around water bodies; with the fact that only two objects were · augmentation of the area of groves and

61 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 forest belts around farming lands, industrial The share of area of specific categories of and settlement zones; territories and objects in the FNR area is as ·meticulous fulfillment of international follows: natural reserves 6%; biosphere obligations by Ukraine in the domain of reserves 8%; national parks 22%; game environmental protection. reserves 38%; natural monuments 1%; regional landscape parks 21%; reserved tracts 3%; artificial objects of FNR (botan ical gardens, zoos, dendroparks, parks 4.5. Fund of natural reserves monuments of landscape architecture) 1% The structure of the fund of natural (Table 4.1). reserves (FNR) of Ukraine comprises 11 cate The share of the land area belonging to the gories of territories and objects of national FNR in the total area of an administrative and local importance. These include natural district (»percent of reservation») is very dif and biosphere reserves, national parks, ferent in different oblasts. The least value regional landscape parks, game reserves, (below 1%) was spotted in Vinnitska, natural monuments, reserved tracts, and Dnipropetrovska, Kyivska, Kirovogradska, artificial objects: botanical gardens, den Kharkivska oblasts, the largest (11 15%) in droparks, parks monuments of landscape Zakarpatska, IvanoFrankivska, Khmelnytska architecture, and zoos. oblasts, city of Kyiv; in Sevastopol this index The fund of natural reserves of Ukraine nearly reached 30%. In Donetska, includes (as of date 01.01.2003) 7,040 terri Zhytomyrska, Zaporizka, Luhanska, tories and objects totalling 2,715,400 Mykolaivska, Odeska, Poltavska and hectares in area; it makes 4.5% of the whole Cherkaska oblasts, and Autonomous area of Ukraine. Republic of Crimea reserved territories occu

Natural reserves network


Environmental corridors

Fig. 4.2. National econetwork of Ukraine: Layout of design componentry of national importance.

62 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK py 2 4% of the total area, while in ship of natural resources in their boundaries, Volynska, Rivnenska, Sumska, Ternopilska, stipulated the order of relevant institutions' Khersonska, Chernivetska and Chernihivska operation, of control over natural complexes oblasts 6 9%. In average across Ukraine, and nature management, over activity of the the share of reserved territories constitutes state preservation service. Designated were 4.5%. Since 1992, i.e. during the period of special authorised bodies in the domain of independence of Ukraine the total area of reserves management, defined the rights of the FNR doubled. citizens and civil organisations. For every ca The governing law with respect to natural tegory of reserved objects regulations reserves is the Law of Ukraine «On Fund of regarding preservation and management are Natural Reserves of Ukraine». The Law determined, as well as principal require approved the classification of territories and ments to internal territorial layout of such objects of FNR, settled the issue of owner multifunctional objects as national parks,

Table 4.1. Shift in number and area of objects of FNR of Ukraine by categories

Note: * actual area of the FNR of Ukraine, without area of those FNR objects, which are included in other FNR objects.

63 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 biosphere reserves, regional landscape Highlands, Western Polissia, Dnipro region, parks. Polissia, Eastern Polissia, Podillia Hills, Mid The Laws of Ukraine «On Wildlife Dnipro region, intervale of Siversky Donets Protection», «On Plant Kingdom River, Donetsky mountainridge and Azov Protection», «On the Red Book of Ukraine», coastal eminence, DniproMolochansky and Statute of the Green Book of Ukraine interfluve, Danube mouth, Azov Sea, and occupy an important place among other leg Northeast shelf of the Black Sea. Existing islative instruments, which are immediately and prospective national parks, natural and aimed at preservation of biological and land biosphere reserves were assigned as the scape diversity. A series of issues related to main constituents for these regions. The protection of natural habitats of animals and main natural passages are the rivers: Dniestr, plants are regulated by the Land Code, Southern Boog, Western Boog, Dnipro, and Forest Code, Water Code, and Fossil Code, Siversky Donets. which were enacted during the period of Natural reserves and reserved zones of independence of Ukraine. biosphere reserves, of national parks, and of Development and approval by Verkhovna regional landscape parks, as well as other Rada of Ukraine of the Programme of valuable natural territories of large area sub Prospective Development of Reserves in ject to strict reservation regulations, com Ukraine in 1994 significantly contributed to prise the key regions of the ecological net resolving problems of preservation of bio work (Table 4.2). The key regions are united logical and landscape diversity. The into a single territorial system by connecting Programme worked out the development natural corridors, which include extra pre strategy for this important sphere of nature served territories and restorable, buffer and conservancy and determined means of sci connective territories of the econetwork. entific, legal, institutional, financial, and Restorable territories are delimited on the material and technical support for imple lands within natural complexes, which mentation of the strategy. underwent changes produced by human Augmentation of the area of lands, which related factors or calamities and can be are to be preserved, became the strategic restored through taking relevant measures. objective in terms of securing environmental Restorable territories also cover eroded lands stability in the territory of the country. and lands subject to reclamation and The national environmental network of reforestation. Ukraine covers territories and objects of Buffer territories are delimited for the pur FNR, forests, water bodies, water protection pose of prevention of economical activity's zones and littoral shelter belts of water bo negative impact on valuable natural com dies, other lands belonging to inventory of plexes and objects. Connective territories are water resources, water wetland lands, hay formed in the event that the territories of lands, pastures, forest shelter belts, lands the econetwork's components are discon intended for recreational purposes, and nected. lands of historical and cultural character. All Restorable, buffer and connective territo these lands are of especial value for environ ries legally enjoy the status of territories sub mental protection and preservation of bio ject to strict reservation regulations. logical and landscape diversity, primarily of In pursuance of the Programme, 29 species of plants and animals entered into national parks and 7 biosphere reserves are the Red Book of Ukraine, and plant forma to be established, boundaries of 3 natural tions entered into the Green Book of and 3 biosphere reserves, and of 5 national Ukraine. Stable environment is sustained on parks are to be extended before 2015. In these lands through establishing, by admin general, the total area of the fund of natural istrative order, of specific rules of nature reserves in Ukraine is to double and reach use. 10% of the total area of the country. Major natural regions of the econetwork The state programme of the national eco are as follows: Carpathian Highlands, Ante network forming stipulates submission of Carpathian region and Opillia, Crimean applications for acknowledging of the value


Table 4.2. Register of biosphere reserves, natural reserves, and national parks of Ukraine

65 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK 4 of natural territories of Ukraine, primarily Convention) within Ukraine's fund of natural reserves, on · Network of territories awarded with the the international level and compiling of the European Award national list of the natural heritage objects. ·Intergovernmental agreements on Applications for international acknowledge preservation of migratory species of animals ment of new biosphere reserves are to be · Network of transborder zones of nature prepared; propositions regarding additions conservancy and sustainable development, to the Ramsar Register of water wetland as well as transborder environmental pas lands of international importance, to the sages. Emerald Network of Europe and to the The World Network of Biosphere Reserves European list of biosphere reserves are to be already includes 6 objects in Ukraine: the made, and applications for awarding of biosphere reserves «AskaniaNova», nature conservancy territories with the «Chornomosky», «Dunaisky», «Karpatsky», European Award are to be submitted. Uzhansky national park including Ukraine in engaged in vigorous activity Nadsiansky regional landscape park within with respect to forming of the Pan the UkrainianPolishSlovakian biosphere European EcoNetwork, which is the core reserve «The Eastern Carpathians», and element of the PanEuropean Biological and Shatsky national park. Shatsky national park Landscape Diversity Strategy (Sofia, 1995). forms the basis of the Ukrainian sector of This activity is combined with implementa the prospective UkrainianPolish reserve tion of international conventions and agree «The Western Polissia» (materials were sub ments of the world, European and regional mitted for consideration to UNESCO). level. Materials are being prepared concerning Ukraine's contribution to the Pan creation of the Ukrainian sector of the European EcoNetwork can be estimated UkrainianRussian biosphere reserve on the through its participation in development of Desna River, which is supposed to be named the following components: «BrianskoStarogutsky Lisy». In the frame · World Network of Biosphere Reserves work of TACIS programme, the Ukrainian · Ramsar Register of water wetland lands Polish biosphere reserve on Roztochka is in ·Emerald Network of Europe (Bern the process of establishing, which is to

Total FNR area, thous. ha

Area of FNR territories and objects of national importance, thous. ha

Fig. 4.3. FNR area increase

66 4 FORMING OF NATIONAL CULTURALENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK include, on the Ukrainian part, Yavorivsky improvement, increase of life span and active national park, natural reserve «Roztochya» longevity of the population, promotion of and two newly organised regional landscape healthy lifestyle, development of competi parks. Ukraine is involved in creation of the tive, on the world scale, resort network, which following transborder biosphere reserves: in would the best way support the effective Maramoros mountains in the Carpathians reproduction of manpower resources and with Romania, in the mouth of Dniestr with gene pool of the Ukrainian nation and ensure Moldova, on the Tyssa River with Hungary, significant revenue from resort institutions to on the Prypiat' River with Belorus, on the fill the budgets of all levels. Siversky Donets River with Russia. The Ramsar Register of water wetland lands already includes 22 water rights and marshes of Ukraine, and another 30 prospective enters to the Register have been approved by the Government of Ukraine. Ukraine submitted application for includ ing of 15 objects of the FNR to the Emerald Network of Europe (Bern Convention), which is the analogue of the EU Network «NATURE 2000». Proposals regarding another 20 prospective enters from the FNR of Ukraine are to be prepared in the nearest future.

4.6. Recreational resources Ukraine is one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of recreational and health resort facilities. The most valuable are mineral water resources and natural therapeutic mud of nearly known balneal types. Availability of these natural resources was the environmen tal determinant for extensive development of spa and health resorts. A hospitable climate all over Ukraine enables extensive use of climatotherapy as one method of cure and prophylactics. The Southern Coast of Crimea, Crimean and Carpathian Mountains feature the most favourable conditions over the year, having the air saturated with salts, ozone, phyton cides, and fragrant. Sanatoria and health resorts department manages welldeveloped network of sanato ria and resorts of different types and levels; there are 3,200 sanatoria and spa in Ukraine. Nearly 3,000,000 persons receive treatment there over the year. The strategic aim of the public policy in this domain is to provide conditions for health


One of the prerequisites for achieving nisms to acute environmental problems in effectiveness in the national environmental the nation and its international commit policy is to adhere to the principle of com ments. At the stage of setting up the system prehensive and systemic approach in imple of environmental governance administrative menting this policy. In the past decade this mechanisms and their legal support were very prerequisite was not supported due to a prevailing. At the same time certain effec variety of reasons, including those political tiveness was achieved along separate lines and financial ones. This is primarily dealing and in reaching some environmental policy with respecting the priorities in the national that more or less matched the defined fea environmental policy as well as ensuring ade tures. Herein below you will find samples of quacy of economic and financial mecha such effectiveness.

Layout of Dnipro river basin

68 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5.1. National Environmental Programs Environment Management in Ukraine (the Implementation Area of the Dnipro River Basin)» contributed The National Program for Rehabilitating immensely to refining the basin manage the Dnipro River Basin and Enhancing ment principle. Drinking Water Quality impacts Ukraine's harmonious development the most. One of the most important places among economic and social development objectives and in the national environmental policy belongs to the issue of environmental condi tion of the Dnipro river with resources that make about 80% of Ukraine's water resources. This river provides water to 32 mil lion Ukrainians as well as to two thirds of the national economy. Environment rehabilita tion in the Dnipro river basin has become one of the most significant national priorities. The major purpose of the Program is to ensure restoration and sustainable operation of the Dnipro river ecosystem, quality water supply, environmentally safe conditions for population life and activities as well as eco nomy operation, water resources protection against contamination and depletion. The national environmental program has been formulated and implemented in Ukraine for the first time. The basin principle in resolving the major issues made its foun Ukraine lacked expertise in implementing dation. The Program was developed with environmental basin programs at such scale account of the global best practice in resolv as well as experience in systemic environ ing environmental problems of large water mental governance. That is why for the first objects: large lakes and the basins of the time financial and methodology support of Rhine, the Thames, the Seine, etc. the Government of Canada resulted in the Implementing tasks and measures with evolvement of the following: respect to the Program is to ensure that ·the methodology for comprehensive population living within the Dnipro river resolution of the Dnipro river basin issues at basin enjoys the right for ecological safety in the ecosystem level in conditions of reform using surface and ground waters. ing the nation's social and economic system; The appropriate financial and economic · the methodology for basin financial and support that is adequate to the level of for economic mechanism to implement environ mulated goals and tasks in the format of mental programs and projects; government decisions should be an indispen · the methodology for employing the cut sable condition for this basin rehabilitation. tingedge instruments of environmental Herewith adherence to the principle of equi audit and environmental leasing in managing ty in attitude to the Dnipro river is to become the environment followed by modernization the leading one: the river is earning for its of facilities in food processing, light and maintenance in the form of natural steel making industries polluting the Dnipro resources charges as well as pollution river basin with low level capital investment; charges and these amounts should come · environmental and economy effect from back to its environmental rehabilitation. implementing new technologies in water Implementation of the Canadian technical purification and waste dumps neutralization; assistance program «Development of · implementation of modern technologies

69 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 in rehabilitation of coastal areas effected by ments made in Provisions on the State anthropogenic activities; Department of Ecology and Natural · implementation of systems to manage Resources in the regions, in the cities of Kyiv environment condition with employment of and Sevastopol, approved by the Order of new information technologies; the Ministry of Ecology and Natural · initiating environmental entrepreneurship Resources of May 31, 2002 #205 and regis development and establishment of the rele tered with the Ministry of Justice on June 17, vant civil society associations; 2002 #57/6795. Due to implementing ·initiation of training and education these changes and amendments ecological processes related to the above issues based inspections were set up as part of the terri on workshops, creation and incorporation torial bodies of the Ministry of Ecology and into training process of the set of manuals Natural Resources (including town, district and textbooks, methodology handbooks as and interdistrict levels). They have their well as the series of video and TV films and rights and functions clearly defined. broadcasts; For the purpose of supporting inspection · consolidation of government, civil socie activities with legal acts and regulations, ty, academic and business entities in the changes and amendments to the Code of basin to prepare and implement strategic Ukraine on Administrative Offences with decisions on operation of the respect to control of petrochemicals' envi Comprehensive Basin Committee on mana ronmental indicators were prepared for con ging programs and projects. sideration. Thus, the whole complex of projects and As soon as the Cabinet of Ministers of works was implemented in the framework of Ukraine adopted the Resolutions of October UkrainianCanadian cooperation and their 26, 2001 #1429 «On Performing results fully meet the principles of harmo Environmental Control in the Customs nious development. They are unprecedented Operation Areas» the procedure for govern on the territory of Ukraine. ment ecological control over cargo and trans portation means at the state border crossing points was made significantly simpler. As of January 1, 2003 environmental con trol in customs operation areas was carried out at 87 state border crossing points with 131 state inspector on a payroll. As of January 1, 2002 there were 2756 state inspectors on protection the natural environment. This number of employed inspectors as well as the level of their mate rial, technical and financial support should be acknowledged as insufficient in terms of the number of business entities (217) making 5.2. Efficiency of Government the Registry of Environmentally Hazardous Ecological Control Objects, availability of the great number of facilities making part of the high techno Government control as to meeting the genic disaster risk list due to the obsolete requirements of environmental Law, ratio equipment as well as the number of facilities nal natural resources use, ecological and subject to government control. nuclear safety is one of the major lines in the Operation of 1220 facilities was suspended natural environment protection carried out in 2001 for their environmental law infringe by the State Ecology Inspection and the ter ment. That resulted in cutting down polluted ritorial bodies of the Ministry of Ecology and wastewater volume by 365.2 thousand m3 Natural Resources. and decreasing pollutants' emission into the Positions of inspection units were signifi ambient air by 159.9 tons. cantly reinforced with changes and amend

70 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE The growing number of officials made Regard less economic difficulties the State administratively responsible as well as does not forget its responsibility as to people increase in the number of filed claims can who suffered from destructive effect of not serve the indicator for efficiency of gov radiation. In the last 10 years Ukraine has ernment control accounting for the low level been financing expenses to alleviate disaster of levied penalties (this level did not exceed aftermath on her own. These expenses make 72% in 2001) and payments related to the from 5% to 7% of total expenses of the filed claims. In addition, the amount of State Budget of Ukraine. In the period 1991 charged penalties is not the factor stimulat 2002 expenses to eliminate disaster after ing new technologies implementation. math made almost 6.5 billion US dollars. Annual growth in the number of accident In the first days after the disaster the related contamination has served the evi major problems were caused by necessity to dence to the above. Better coordination of activities with con trol bodies of other ministries and agencies as well as with civil society environmental organizations remains the emerging issue.

5.3. Overcoming Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath The 17th year expires since Chornobyl NPP disaster. It entered the history of civilization development as a sad and tragic page in sci entific and technological progress in the 20 th century. Mankind did not know such tame nuclear elements and to prevent exces technogenic and ecological disaster. The sive irradiation of Ukraine's population. Ukrainian land became the epicenter of Presently we may be sure to say that radia nuclear disaster. tion conditions in Ukraine have stabilized Elimination of disaster aftermath forced and is under reliable control of monitoring government authorities to involve signifi systems of the Ministry of Extraordinary cant human and financial resources. Situations, the Ministry of Ecology and However, the circle of related urgent prob Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health lems is still extremely broad. This requires Protection, the Ministry of Agricultural permanent analysis of priorities with respect Policies as well as by radiology units of vari to the major lines of activities and the spe ous institutions and organizations. cific objectives within the limits of every line The major priority in the Government ope as well as comparison of achievements with ration has been and still is a human being. All urgent needs. the efforts and actions in alleviating Chornobyl disaster aftermath are targeted at their protection. Presently the following are the three major in protection: social, medical and antiradiation ones. Importance to overcome Chornobyl disas ter aftermath has been defined in Article 16 of the Constitution of Ukraine: «…overcom ing the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe the catastrophe of global sig nificance, and the preservation of the gene pool of the Ukrainian nation is the responsi bility of the State».

71 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 Fundamentals for legal support of effec Health Protection, the Academy of Medical ted population social protection are there in Sciences, etc.; the Law of Ukraine of February 28, 1991 «On · resolution of motherhood and child pro the Status and Social Protection of Citizens tection issues, improvement of the demo That Suffered as the Result of Chornobyl graphic situation in the regions effected by Disaster». This very Law defines the basic Chornobyl disaster aftermath; provisions for citizens that suffered from ·evolvement of primary and secondary Chornobyl disaster to exercise their constitu prevention of inherited pathologies by tional right for their life and health protec improving medical genetics services; tion. The unified procedure was established · support for the expert system operation for defining the status of effected individu to establish the causal link of diseases, inva als. Following the adoption of the above Law lidity and death to Chornobyl disaster after the broad range of activities was undertaken math; in the country to formulate and enact regu ·provision of additional treatment and lations to implement provisions and require diagnostic equipment to medical facilities ments stipulated by the Law, primarily as to providing servicing the effected population defining the status of effected individuals on the permanent basis; and organizing their appropriate social pro · purchase of pharmaceuticals, disposables tect. and substances for specialized hospitals, The complexity of financial and economic units and clinical laboratories, etc.; conditions was not the obstacle for financ ·scientific follow up for research and ing social protection by the following priori design as well as implementing scientific ties: development at treatment facilities that serv · provision of benefits and compensations the effected population; for effected children; ·social and psychological support and ·payment of compensations to the di rehabilitation of the effected population. sabled due to loss of health resulting from In 1999 medical institutions received 26.8 Chornobyl disaster as well as financial sup mln hryvnas (2.07 times more than in 1998), port of their rehabilitation; in 2000 the amount was 35 mln hryvnas and · monthly payment of compensations to in 2001 39.9 mln hryvnas were allocated to families that lost their bread winner as the implement the Program. result of Chornobyl disaster; · compensation payments for the value of foodstuff by medical norms to the indivi duals falling into 1st and 2nd categories as 5.4. Natural Resources Balanced Use well as free of charge procurement with and Reproduction pharmaceuticals by physicians' prescriptions; We may conventionally define two stages · payment of pensions on the regular basis; in the process of environmental and eco · free catering for children at the educa nomic development of Ukraine between tional institutions. 1992 and 2002: Since 1994 medical support of the effected · general environmental and economic cri population is annually performed in compli sis (19921998) with simultaneous essential ance with the Program of Measures to Organize the Comprehensive Medical and Sanitary Services for Individuals That Suffered as the Result of Chornobyl Disaster. The above Program is targeted as follows: · maintenance and evolvement of the State Registry of the individuals that suffered as the result of Chornobyl disaster; · treatment of gravely sick patients at spe cialized hospitals and clinics of scientific and research institutions of the Ministry of

72 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE contraction in use of major natural resources lowed by flooding and submerging of large (water, mineral raw materials, partially land) areas. Preliminary estimates show that dete as well as decrease in emissions in the air, rioration of environmental condition and etc.; more complicated conditions for using life ·relative stabilization and beginning of support resources (land and water) and renaissance (since 1999) in industrial and maintaining our traditional lifestyle is possi agricultural production with growth in vo ble on 30% of territories in mining regions lume of wastewater and hazardous sub with there typical expanding urban features. stance discharge in some regions, etc. Current use of Ukraine's land resources in the period of 19922002 use of water requires accelerated implementation of resources contracted from 28.6 billion rational nature use principles too. Significant m3/year down to 21.2 billion m3/year while specific weight of land resources (over annual extraction of basic mineral raw 40%) in economic capacity of the nation as materials decreased as follows: well as availability of highly fertile soils (up · coal from 180 to 78.5 mln t/year; to 65% of soil cover being black soils) pre · iron oar from 110 to 56.0 mln t/year; determines further implementation of the · manganese oar from 5.6 to 2.7 mln following sustainable development mecha t/year; nisms within agroindustrial sector of the · oil with condensate from 5.8 to 4.1 mln national economy: t/year; ·further implementing measures with · gas from 18.2 to 17.8 billion m3/year. respect to decreasing areas of deteriorated Related to the above, implementing the lands; policy of balanced use and reproduction of natural resources and objects within the li mits of all industrial territorial complexes of Ukraine featuring high resource and energy consumption was linked to the necessity to overcome environmental and economic cri sis phenomena. Analyzing developments in natural and technogenic systems of «technogenic objectenvironment» provides the fact that transition to balanced use and reproduction

· meeting environmental land conservation requirements in the process of regulating land tenure; · achieving environmentally balanced divi sion of arable lands in zones of land tenure as well as in water protection zones for sur face and ground objects use; ·improving land law and formulating modern regulations on land conservation and their implementation mechanisms. Stage by stage contraction of irrigation of natural resources is the most difficult task and optimization of ameliorated land struc in the mining areas of Donbas, Kryvbas and ture is taking an important place in the sys Prycarpattya. tem of measures to optimize land resources Environmentally misbalanced termination in recent years. At the same time, with of loss generating mines' operation with account of water reproduction and other their complete or partial scuttling results in land functions, it is extremely necessary to regional raise in ground water levels fol undertake more active measures aimed at

73 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 reducing erosion intensity by 1.82.0 times and to introduce combined biological plant protection methods at 60%65% of areas under crops. Essential decrease in water use scope in 19922002 (from 28.6 km3/year to 21.2 km3/year), decrease in technogenic load so far did not result in expected effect major ity of surface water objects still belong to 4 6 quality grade (ranging from «polluted» to «very much polluted» water). It is the regional geochemical contamina The following are the major grounds for tion of watershed landscapes with heavy environmentally balanced water use as well metals, petrochemicals and remaining min as sustainable reproduction of water eral fertilizers, etc. that result in too slow resources and objects in Ukraine: improvement of surface water objects envi · priority of social domain in water use, ronmental condition even under decreased ensuring human rights for drinking water of technogenic load. In recent years estimates adequate quality and beneficial water envi of Ukrainian Institute for Environment and ronment; Natural Resources Research and the State · introduction of water saving forms in Geological Service the Ministry of Ecology economy development, including forms and Natural Resources showed increase in based on marginal permissible water envi negative impact on environmental condition ronmental loads and changes in water of surface water objects due to discharge of objects condition; inadequately treated communal domestic as · prevailing use of water resource objects well as industrial waste waters. To our mind, in their natural condition; relative slow down in the above trend can be · meeting the requirements of the interna supported by climate changes in recent tional law, cooperation in the domain of use years and related growth in precipitation and protection of transborder water amount and surface outflow. resource systems. Prevailing impact of drinking and house It is well known that ecological condition hold water on public health condition (the of the natural environment and its capacity cause for 7080% of diseases) determined to reproduce significant number of natural recently the development of ground waters resources (water, land, air, biodiversity) use as the most environmentally sustain depends on afforestation in the country's able and protected drinking water source. territory. Presently Ukraine's territory Per capita use of drinking, table and medic afforestation indicator makes 16%, that is inal mineral waters is also growing and no way meeting scientifically grounded reached 11.2 l/year in 2002 (up to 90110 norms (2224%). Analysis of changes in the l/year in the developed nations). Hereto it forests environmental condition gave evi is worth mentioning essential slow down in dence to the fact that prior to the turn of the pollution of ground water at deep levels in 90ies the major negative changed in forest the majority of ground water basins. This structure were accounted for hydroenergy has mostly to do with decrease in agro sector impact, for the processes of agricul chemical and technogenic loads on soil tural lands (1.7 mln hectares) and forested level (the one that is not protected from lands (0.3 mln hectares) amelioration in the surface). Coming into being of local Polissya region as well as for radiogeo pollution ground water areas id prominent chemical contamination from Chornobyl dis mostly in mining regions resulting from aster aftermath involving over 3.5 mln impact of mineralized waters of mines in hectares of forests. the process of terminating their operation Present slow down in pace of forest repro as well as from impact of filtrating stor duction at the level of 57 thousand hectares ages of industrial and waste waters. with maintaining pace of timber stockpiling

74 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE at the level up to 12 mln m3/year (including landscape fragmentation, decrease in biodi up to 56 mln m3/year due to felling in areas versity and evolvement of dangerous exoge of main use) was caused, on one hand, by nous processes related to terminating opera decrease in scope of forest reproduction due tion of mines and quarries, etc. to contraction of felling in areas of main use In Ukraine the effective system for indica (by 22.5 times against the 60ies). On the tors assessing the natural environment con other hand, this was the result of decrease in dition and natural resources use is based financing due to deterioration of the nation mostly on statistic parameters of the 70ies. al economy condition in the 90ies. Implementing decisions of the World For the purpose of establishing the minimal Summit in Johannesburg (2002), of the necessary afforestation as well as improving Third Ministerial Conference «Environment condition of lands and small rivers in recent for Europe» (Sofia, 1995) requires concerted years measures were undertaken to immedi efforts with respect to shaping the grounds ately afforest eroded lands, lands that are for natural resources balanced use and not good for crops, etc. (approximately, up reproduction along the following lines: to 3 mln hectares). Calculations show that ·establishing the scientific grounds for this may provide for the possibility to stabi Ukraine's domestic needs in various types of lize environmental condition in the regions natural resources; of steppe and foreststeppe with their lower · accelerated implementation of measures afforestation level (4.0% and 12.6% respec on preventing irreversible natural environ tively), as well as increase reproduction of ment condition disruptions in the mining timber resource in the country. regions as well as in industrial urban con In the light of these trends traced along the glomerates, ensuring sustainable environ ways of decrease in technogenic load on the ment enhancement and balance; natural environment and improvement in use ·performing environmentally grounded of major ecology forming and life maintain assessments for specific weight of various ing natural resources (soils, waters, mineral types of natural resources, including those wealth, air, biodiversity), the possibility supporting life, in public supply; emerges to define the following targets for · perfecting economic levers in regulation the balanced natural and resource develop of resources use and in the natural environ ment of Ukraine (Table 5.1). ment protection. Indicators of balanced use and reproduc Ukraine is one of those countries whose tion of Ukraine's natural resources and development depends mostly on the bal objects are actually estimates based on anced use of available natural resources, pri trends in fluctuating nature and resource marily those supporting life (land, water, economic indicators in the period from 1992 mineral and raw materials). Research and till 2002. They also account for harmoniza analysis provide evidence to the fact that tion of Ukraine's ecological and economic Ukraine has the national capacity to resolve development with both European and the above issues in spite of inherited devel national sustainable development indicators. opment problems. The first moves should be At the same time, we should not underes targeted at efficient use of all types of natu timate the fact that the process of ecological ral resources. and economic optimization in natural resources use significantly differs by envi ronment reproduction capacity and by eco 5.5. Reinforcing economic mecha nomic capacity of the nation to support this nisms of Kyoto Protocol in Resolving process. Let's say, the process of ecological recuperation in the mining areas of Donbas, Climate Change Issues Precarpattya and the other similar territories Ukraine signed Kyoto Protocol on March in this country is the most complicated 15, 1999. That was the evidence to consistent process caused by disruption in the bowels actions in resolving global environmental of the earth and destruction of its balanced problems as well as commitment to sustain link with biosphere. That often results in able development concepts.

75 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 Table 5.1. Indicative features of Ukraine's balanced nature and resource development for the period till 20202025 by basic natural resources

Kyoto Protocol provided for the opportuni are being refined in Ukraine at the level of ty to apply international cooperation market separate facilities and regions (Zaporizhya). mechanisms in resolving both national and Refining of the above mechanisms opens global environmental issues. «Flexible mech perspective to introduce the market mecha anisms» stipulated by Kyoto Protocol, trad nism of trading quotas with involvement of ing in quotas for greenhouse gases emis significant financial resources (both foreign sions, joint implementation projects (JIP), and domestic) to modernize the national projects of clean development mechanism, industry, to sustainable manage agriculture

76 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE and forestry, programs for efficient energy Economic estimates data based on inter and resources use, etc. national economy models show that the Kyoto Protocol requires that Ukraine does specific weight of reducing greenhouse not exceed the 1990 emission level within the gases emissions in industrialized countries period of 20082012. Accounting for the falls into the range of 50 to 500 US dollars available estimates for the Ukrainian econo per a ton of СО2. In Ukraine reduction by my development, greenhouse gases emis one ton of CO2 involves only 520 US dollars sions will not reach the 1990 level by 2012 or in costs. even by 2020. Thus, in Ukraine there is no For the year 2010 the capacity of Ukraine urgent need to cut down the factual green to sell quotas for greenhouse gases emis house gases emissions. That eliminates the sions is estimated at the level of 257 367 need for financial resources. mln t СО2equivalent, while in 2020 it can Moreover, Ukraine will have excess quotas make 147 293 mln t СО2equivalent. for greenhouse gases emissions and they will International research institutions be sellable at the international marketplace. assessed Ukraine's capacity to sell 50% of The volume of potential investment related her excess quatas for greenhouse gases to JIP mechanism can reach significant emissions for 3 6 US dollars per ton of amounts, as Ukraine is capable to implement СО2equivalent. That can provide for measures to reduce greenhouse gases emis Ukraine's earnings from 500 million to 1 bil sions with less expenses than the European lion US dollars by 2012. Union member nations, Canada and Japan. It As to JIP mechanism, the Intergovernmental turns out as impossible for these countries to Task Force on Climate Change stipulated the meet their commitments as to gas emission following types of projects: reduction with involvement of internal ·energy sector: transition to use of fuel efforts only. Thus, countries with high cost types with less carbon content, renewed emission reduction are interested in imple and alternative energy sources, raising menting joint projects in Ukraine. energy efficiency, decreasing attendant

Recultivation of Nikopol manganese ore open pit mining quarries.

77 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 emissions, etc.; Full project capacity is much higher should ·industrial processes (excluding discharges we account for opportunity to implement from energy generation): materials process the significant number of projects to reduce es or equipment replacement, improvement greenhouse gases emissions that are less in waste management systems, waste uti attractive for their owners economy wise lization, etc.; due to positive increment value compared to ·agriculture: managing animal husbandry other alternative projects. productivity, manure management systems, Apart from reducing greenhouse gases enhancing the structure of agricultural emissions, involving investment in the JIP crops, optimal use of fertilizers and transi framework shall promote gaining significant tion to other types of fertilizers, etc.; attendant benefits including as follows: ·land use and forestry: reproduction, decrease in pollutants emissions; resolution planting and conservation of forests as well of domestic environmental problems; reduc as their optimal use, protection against fires, ing risks for public health and ecosystems etc.; condition; revitalizing of investment climate, ·measures to decrease greenhouse gases including the domain of environmental emissions in transportation sector; activities; prevention of «dirty» production · waste management systems with respect and obsolete technologies move to Ukraine; to solid domestic waste and wastewater, business ecologization; emerging incentives waste dump gas utilization, etc. to implement achievements of scientific and On the basis of the National Comprehensive technological progress including domestic Energy Saving Government Program and «know how»; promotion of energy some assumptions as to prospects of its resources economy; development of alter implementation it is possible to conclude that native environmentally clean technologies in estimates of energy saving capacity in energy generation. Ukraine that may support potential JIPs make 51.263.2 mln t of conventional fuel in 2010. To make that a reality it is necessary to involve 5.6. Effectiveness of International external financing at the level of 6.17.3 billion US dollars. Herewith, the capacity for reduc Cooperation ing greenhouse gases emissions is 92 144 There are none of the national environ mln t СО2/year. Average capital capacity in mental problems. When Ukraine meets chal reducing emissions prior to the end of the lenges of its Polyssya region the renewal of first commitment term according to Kyoto «the green lungs» of Europe is scaled up. Protocol (2012) is estimated at the level of 8.1 When we concentrate our efforts on envi US dollars/t СО2. Thus, emission reduction ronmental rehabilitation of the Dnipro river units in the JIP framework can be proposed at and its basin we strive as well at rehabilita the compatible price that is dozens times tion of water environment of Azov and Black lower than costs involved in reducing green Sea region to remove acute regional and house gases emissions in the industrialized global problems. Environmentally sound, countries. democratic Ukraine with sustainable econo my is not just our people's dream. It is the future fullfledged part of Europe and the whole global community. Ukraine is actively expanding international cooperation in the domains of environment, trade and development both at bilateral and multilateral levels. There are the following objectives in the policy for international cooperation: · participation in the process of interna tional law evolvement, designing sustainable development policies as well as cooperation

78 5 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE with international organizations; · protection of transboundary watersheds · implementation of modern environmen and international lakes; tal policies, norms and standards, of science · climate change; and technology achievements; · ozone layer protection; · international support involvement for the · ambient air protection; purpose of maintaining natural environment · waste management; protection, nuclear safety and rational use · environmental impact assessment. of natural resources; In 1994 Ukraine entered into Agreement · resolution of the issues related to over on Partnership and Cooperation with the coming Chornobyl disaster aftermath; European Union. This Agreement defines · evolvement of bilateral and multilateral targets for cooperation in 28 domains cooperation. including industry, energy sector, trans Ukraine is the party of over 50 bilateral portation and agriculture, in investment pro agreements and treaties in the domain of tection and attraction, in science and tech environment. Bilateral agreements stipulate nology, in education and training as well as the following major lines of cooperation: in the natural environment protection. undertaking mutually agreed measures Ukraine performs the relevant work to har targeted to reduce the negative impact of monize the national law in the domains of global environmental and climate changes at environment, trade and development with both economy and a human being; the European norms and standards. mutual instant information as to the One of the international cooperation threat of significant transboundary contam priorities in the ecology domain is involve ination of the territory of one of the parties ment in the process «Environment for and estimates as to its expansion; Europe». Ukraine joined this process since organization of ecological training and the Second Ministerial Conference in education of population; Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1993. information exchange in the domain of «Environmental Program for Central and the natural environment protection; Eastern Europe» adopted at this Conference harmonization of environmental law, served a good incentive to endorse the norms and regulations adjustment in the national action plan in the domain of natural domain of natural environment protection environment protection. and natural resources use; In 1998 the European community appointed improvement of economic mechanism Ukraine to host the Fifth PanEuropean for managing the quality of natural environ Conference of the Ministers of Environment ment and natural resources use. «Environment for Europe» (the 2123 of Our nation is the party of 17 international May 2003, the city of Kyiv). On one hand it conventions, 4 protocols and 1 agreement was the recognition of the national environ hereof. In addition 9 multilateral instru mental policy, while on the other hand it ments are on their way to ratification. provided strong impetus to public awareness Among those there are the UN Convention of importance to protect the natural envi to fight development of deserts, Rotterdam Convention on the procedure of a prelimi nary agreement with respect to individual hazardous chemical substances and pesti cides in international trade, Stockholm Convention on enduring organic pollutants, Cartagena Protocol on biosafety to the Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The following was defined as the major lines in multilateral cooperation: · biodiversity conservation;

79 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES IN THE PAST DECADE 5 ronment, primarily by means of harmonizing serve managerial decisionmaking. The society activities with its natural environ European Environmental agency should ment. get the integrated data. It is necessary to accelerate activities on developing the adequate information system to stimu late both government and civil society 5.7. Effectiveness Assessment and concern with environmental problems. Recommendations of the Committee e) The Ministry of Ecology and Natural on Environmental Policy of the Resources is to improve public access to European Economic Commission ecological information in compliance with 1. Legal instruments and institutional Arhus Convention as well as to try and grounds for environment protection establish closer contacts with the whole Assessment. Since declaration of the spectrum of nongovernment organiza Independence in 1991 Ukraine exerted signif tions, particularly in the process of law, icant efforts to implement environmental policy and program development. law norms to regulate the key sectors of the natural environment protection. However, 2. Economic and regulatory instruments the obsolete regulations keep their legal Assessment. Integration of nature conser force and this makes it difficult to under vation economic instruments into develop stand what regulation is applicable in speci ment policy in Ukraine is a complicated issue. fic instances. In addition, some laws took The first attempts of such integration were effect prior to adoption of the new made back in 1993 in the framework of the Constitution. annual national economy development plan with a chapter on «environmentoriented Recommendations: economic policy». Environment protection a) Laws formulated prior to adoption of measures were to get the adequate financ the new Constitution should be subject ing as well as the economic instruments back to critical review. Efficient application of up. The core of the problem in this domain is legal instruments should take a priority. the relatively low priority of environment b) The national environmental policy protection for many institutions. That is the should be reviewed and made specific to reason for strengthening institutional capac set up clear cut priorities, targets and ity that is limited and points out to the time frames in various environment pro urgent need for ecology entering all gover tection sectors employing cooperation nance levels. of other ministries and stakeholders Funds allocated for environmental policy from civil society. implementation are extremely insufficient. c) Environmental audit of industrial Revenue from payments and penalties could facilities should make grounds for the serve as financing source. The general strat stage by stage development of the inte egy should embrace adapting the effective grated permit system covering permits instruments to transition period realities in as to water, air and waste. Arrangement ways to optimize their efficiency. of the variety of inspection services More attention should be paid to studying should undergo review to improve their and analyzing economic instruments effi integral efficiency. ciency. Environmental payments should be d) The Ministry of Ecology and Natural set up at the level to efficiently stimulate Resources should increase its coordina implementation of environment protection tion efforts in the domain of environ measures. There is the need to practice ver mental monitoring. There is the need to satile application of the principle «the one develop the integral coherent national who pollutes does pay». monitoring systems based on agreed upon databases and data collection Recommendations: methodologies. Data should be system a) Efficient economic instruments atic, integrated and readily available to should be defined to introduce the prin


ciple «the one who pollutes does pay». It for introducing budget items for refi is necessary to undertake research to nancing waste processing and reuse. prepare transition to the new clearly d) There is the need to enhance statis 5marketoriented fiscal and economic tics data on environmental expenses, policy. The need is there to clearly define including financing sources. those feasible and efficient levels of e) There should be created targeted environmental payments as well as their national and regional (oblast) environ implementation timeframe. mental funds with clear and transparent b) The system for pollution standards management system. The purpose of that are the most essential health and these funds should be improvement in environment wise as well as for ecosys the complicated situation with financing tems protection should be targeted at environmental activities in transition pollutants that can be traced. It should period (accumulation, targeted usage, be made feasible to adhere to standards etc.). related to the above pollutants entailing Ukraine is finetuning in recommendations Ukraine's international commitments. of the Committee on Environmental Policy Standards should be simple, under of the UN for Europe Economic Commission standable and accessible for control. and accounts for them both in the process c) Special mechanism should be of strategic planning and in nature conser designed to establish the secondary vation practice. products market. Increase in payment for waste removal may pave the grounds


6.1. Institutes of State Authority The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, local PresidentialParliament republic in Ukraine authorities top management formulate the has been fixed in the Constitution. The respective government and local action and President as the Head of the State has the development programs. Efficiency of admi strongest impact on harmonizing and accele nistrative driving forces could be much higher rating the pace of political reform as well as if all the managerial personnel received appro economy innovation restructuring, meeting priate professional training and were attested objectives with respect to the European integ in compliance with the uniform curricula on ration as the foundation for both the new sustainable development strategy and tactics government strategy and the deeper nation's accounting for the specific choices on the consolidation for achieving sustainability in national path. the development of the society. The latter is This paves the foundation for successful the most important for the Ukrainian people. implementation of objectives on transition to Decrees and instructions of the Head of the sustainable society: its social and economic State have direct legal effect and in practice development, nation's wellbeing growth, and initiated comprehensive restructuring of gov democratization of society life strengthening ernance system and transition to sustainable international position and raising authority of development. This serves the evidence to Ukraine globally. active operations of the presidential institutes As the highest legislature, the Verhovna (the Presidential Administration, the National Rada of Ukraine has immensely contributed to Security and Defense Council, and its subordi designing and passing environmental law that nated entity the Ukrainian Institute for enjoys the reputation of one of the best in Environment and Resources Research). Europe. The Verhovna Rada impacts the The Head of the State Address to the processes of harmonization and balance Verhovna Rada of Ukraine mapped out the through parliamentary hearings on problem major national priorities in sustainable issues of environment condition. Generally, development: transparency and openness in significant political focus in People's Deputies' governance, nature capacity restoration, activities has negative effect on meeting poverty alleviation, European choice, econo urgent environmental challenges and interna my development based on innovation, public tional commitments with respect to imple health enhancement, access to and quality of mentation of sustainable development prin education, national harmony, versatile imple ciples. Legal acts implementation monitoring mentation of human rights. had been far from the appropriate functional level. Financial support for their implementa tion remains similarly inadequate. Availability of the fullfledge local self government has been one of the determining features of democratic lawful state. Local selfgovernment empowers population with additional opportunities to be part of the political process as well as promotes alleviat ing alienation between a citizen and a state. This is the very institute of the democratic society in Ukraine that makes possible the efficient implementation of public power (power of the people) vested in the Constitution. Local selfgovernment bodies are to reconcile divergences in the govern

82 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES 6 OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ment and specific community interests as well society, regional, academic, entrepreneurial), as to ensure protection of population inter that might have capacity to impact strategic ests and implementation of public interests in decision making at the national level. the civilized manner. Decisions of that kind should take effect by Local selfgovernment in Ukraine is legally Decrees of the President of Ukraine for their regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine cohesive implementation by central and local (1996), the Law of Ukraine «On Local Self executive authorities, by business entities of Government» (1997) and by other legal all forms of property without any delay. norms complying with norms and directives The Ministry of Ecology and Natural of the European Local SelfGovernment Resources of Ukraine representing the envi Charter. ronmental component in sustainable devel Rather a complex problem has manifested opment, the Ministry of Economy represent in recent years: division of functions and ing the economic component in sustainable powers between local selfgovernment bod development as well as the Ministry of Labor ies and local state administrations. This was and Social Policies representing the social caused by the fact that local selfgovernment component in sustainable development bodies exercise control and supervision func should play a special systemic, methodology tions with respect to local selfgovernment, and integrating role in public administration (the traditional function in the Western mechanism to ensure transition to sustainable nations). They also enjoy the significant scope development. But instability in management of authority in managing the respective terri of these key ministries, weaknesses in their tories. The issue of interbudget relations cooperation on issues of sustainable develop requires optimization too. Resolution of the ment have placed significant hurdles on the above issues and establishment of really path to systemic implementation of sustain operational local selfgovernment is possible able development principles. The need is there through further legal basis refinement, clear to make these ministries legally responsible cut definition of functions and competencies for cooperation in the domain of these princi of every local selfgovernment body. ples systemic implementation. The Decree by The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ensures the President of Ukraine on the Resolutions implementation of government environmen of the National Security and Defense Council tal policy in the framework set up by the of Ukraine «On the Condition of Technogenic effective law. It exercises governance func and Natural Safety in Ukraine» (2002) meets tions in the domain of environment protec this challenge. It is also necessary to mobilize tion. The National Commission on Sustainable local sustainable development administrative Development of Ukraine was set up under the resources. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 1997. It is a consultative and advisory body on the issues of designing the national sustainable deve 6.2. The National Academy of Sciences lopment strategy. There was the variety of reasons that prevented the National of Ukraine Commission from being the integrating cen The National Academy of Sciences of ter for sustainable development driving Ukraine plays the significant integrating role. forces. Definition of its status as consultative In the period that expired since the World and advisory body does not match the tasks Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992), the scientists the National Commission is to fulfill. Its pas of the National Academy of Sciences of sive stand is fuelled with frequent change of Ukraine implemented the whole range of the Government and commissioners as well as measures with respect to environment pro its inadequate placement in the strategic tection and conservation as well as dissemi decision making system. nation of scientifically grounded information It is expedient to subordinate the National on the core of sustainable development. In Commission to the President of Ukraine and 1994 the Scientific Council of the National to ensure the authoritative representation in Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on Biosphere its composition (governmental, political, civil was transformed into the Scientific Council of

83 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6 Energy Strategy of Ukraine till the year 2030 and further were formulated by joining efforts with the leading experts of other agencies. In fact, all the respective scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences, industry entities of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, of the State Committee for Energy Conservation and the Ministry of Industrial Policy, etc. were involved in developing this important docu the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ment. on Environment and Sustainable Presently the Ukrainian academics work to Development. On April 15, 1998 Presidium of develop the scientific grounds for the the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine National Sustainable Development Strategy, considered the issue of the scientific grounds for the theory of noosphere genesis and har for sustainable development in Ukraine at its monious development as well as on issues of extended session. The National Commission the national implementation of the resolu of Ukraine makes part of USESCO Program tions agreed at the World Summit on «Human Being and Biosphere» (it operates Sustainable Development in Johannesburg under Presidium of the National Academy of (2002). Sciences of Ukraine). In June 1998 its session considered and approved the action plan related to «The Scientific Grounds for Conserving Biological and Landscape Diversity 6.3. System of Training and Education in the Context of Sustainable Development in In the past decade Ukraine entered 72 inter Ukraine». For the purpose of implementing government and 37 interagency agreements provisions «Agenda for the 21st Century», on cooperation in the domain of education the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and science with 53 nations globally. passed the Resolutions «On the Scientific Conditions were set up to integrate the Council of the National Academy of Sciences national system of education into the of Ukraine on Environment and Sustainable European and global space (it goes about Development». The above Resolutions transition to the three levels in training: approved lines in scientific research of aca bachelor specialist masters). demic institutions dealing in problems of sus The Constitution of Ukraine and the Law tainable development and environment con «On Education» backed up legal regulation of servation. Three editions of scientific reports collection «Challenges of Ukraine's Sustainable Development» came out under the auspices of the above Scientific Council. The last edition was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro. The UNESCO Secretariat manage ment has highly appreciated materials of these collections and emphasized that their contents fully met requirements of the 19th UN General Assembly Special Session. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine initiated designing the Draft Strategy for Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 20022011. The draft Concept on reform of the political system of Ukraine has been prepared too. The Basic Principles for

84 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES 6 OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT the national education system. The following 6.4. Mass Media Laws with direct legal force have been passed: Mass media make one of effective mecha «On Preschool Education», «On General nisms to inform the public on social, econo Secondary Education», «On Extracurricular mic and environmental conditions in the Education», «On Vocational and Technical country. Training». The Draft Law of Ukraine «On The Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 15 and Higher Learning» was formulated as well as 34) stipulates that the life of society in the the set of regulations on the issues of general country is based on political, economic and schooling, or preschool, vocational, special ideological diversity; bans censorship and technical and post graduate education. grants everybody with the right for freedom The National Children Association of thought and speech, for unrestricted «Environmental Guard» («Ecologichna varta») promulgation of one's views and convictions; performs great education job among children ensures the right to freely collect, store, use and youth to involve their participation in vari and disseminate information employing the ous environmental research processes and variety of means to one's own discretion. nature conservation interventions. The fact that Ukraine ratified Convention These days «Environmental Guard» repre on Access to Information, Public Participation sents the whole system of public environmen in DecisionMaking and Access to Justice in tal education, the system of selfgovernment Environmental Matters serves the evidence and upbringing environmentally conscious for the State attributing great importance to leader. It equates with practical moves to pro mass media in the process of introducing the tect the natural environment. In this organiza concept of sustainable development. tion framework thirty two thousand young There are specialized civil society environ people from Bukovyna and Slobodian Area, mental associations operating in Ukraine. from the Transcarpathian region and the They deal in raising the level of public infor Crimea, from Kyiv and Sumy regions, form all mation on environmental issues. Among other regions of Ukraine make friends with them there are such organization as Center nature, take care of it, preserve its beauty and for Ecological Education and Information, the original set up. information and publishing center «Green Civil society environmental organizations Dossier», the information foundation WETI play the significant role in the extracurricular (Lviv). They issue permanent bulletins as well environmental education. For many years as make periodical publications «Native Nature» (the Society for Nature Conservation), «The Green World» (the Ukrainian Environmental Association «Green World»), «Oikumena» (the National Ecological Center of Ukraine), «OffSpring» («Parostok») (the National Ukrainian Charity «Parostok»), «The Ecological Herald«, etc. Civil society environmental organizations disseminate environmental information elec tronically, placing it at their own websites. For the purpose of the most efficient infor mation use some organizations create their own emailing lists. That is their way to dis they have been engaged in developing envi seminate environmental information. Time ronmental education and training programs demands establishing permanent electronic for extracurricular activities oriented at trans information sources like «Environmental fer of theory knowledge as well as at practical Library» in the Internet. and research work, at involving young people At the government level information provi into the variety of environmental interven sion to the population remains insufficient tions. not just due to the lack of radio and TV envi

85 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6 Resources of Ukraine and comprised national environmental public interest groups. This was an important step in the process of coor dinating activities of the Ministry and the public. The Public Council was set up for the pur pose of expanding public involvement in the processes of making environmentally impor tant decisions as an element in shaping up civil society in Ukraine. The Public Council pursues the following major objectives: · to stimulate the public taking a con scious and active stand with respect to further evolvement of environmental policy in Ukraine and support of public initiatives in the framework of this ronmental education programs for children process; and youth, or environmental headings in · to organize exchange of environmen news on both radio and TV, but also due to tal information between the Ministry of incompleteness in the mechanism of advising Ecology and Natural Resources of the population on environmentally important Ukraine and the Ukrainian citizenry; decisions adopted in the country. · to promote legal basis evolvement as Press introduces environmental aspects of well as implementation of ecological con sustainable development to its readers too. It trol and monitoring of the natural envi highlights condition in the domain of nuclear ronment condition. safety on the regular basis, in particular, the Broad spectrum of issues is being discussed problems related to termination of Chornobyl at the Public Council sessions. The issues of NPP operation. It also informs on the condi biodiversity conservation are getting more tion of the Dnipro River as well as on the qual acute. Global and regional environmental ity of drinking water. It raises issues of toxic problems need urgent resolution. Ecological waste accumulation and highlights both nat safety as well as reinforced control of meet ural and technogenic disasters. From time to ing requirements and norms of environmen time it draws attention of readers to the glob tal law requires additional effort and funds, al problems of conserving the ozone layer and especially with respect to environment con climate changes. However, we understand tamination effecting the public health. that it is not always appropriately meets the Discussions hereof result in decisionmaking challenges of existing environmental issues or and then the relevant letters are sent to the fulfils the tasks of sustainable development regions advising on resolution of these or implementation. other topical environmental issues. Mass media in the regions pay considerable The Public Council organizes «round tables» attention to environmental topics. and workshops, it is active in organizing and Environmental pages come out practically in holding the national contest «To Clean newspapers of every oblast. Environmental Wells». radio and TV broadcasts are aired on the reg The Public Council organized and held ular basis. national conferences involving ecologyori ented public. The topic of the first conference was «Environmental Policy: Public Outlook» 6.5. Environmental Public Interest (December 1516, 2000). This conference Groups and NGOs strived at assessing environmental policy in The Public Council was established under Ukraine in the most objective manner as well the Ministry of Ecology and Natural as at defining the real grounds to shape up its effective model, mechanisms for public par

86 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES 6 OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ticipation in making decisions that signifi The National Environmental League has for cantly impact environment. There were the mulated the goal to dramatically change following other objectives: to summarize the nation's environmental conditions, to shape best practice of Ukrainian environmental civil up the new nature conservation mentality, to society organizations related to control over raise the level of environmental education and meeting requirements of environmental law, citizens' culture, to establish effective model to design a joint action program in the frame and mechanisms of public participation in work of preparing the Fifth Ministerial decision making of concrete environmental Conference «Environment for Europe» (Kyiv issues, and to provide free exchange of expe 2003), to promote their integration into the rience and information in the sphere of envi European network of civil society organiza ronment conservation. The National tions. Environmental League brings together promi The second conference topic was nent scientists, public figures, the People's «Environmental Policy and Implementing Deputies of Ukraine, teachers, businessmen Sustainable Development Principle in Ukraine: and civil servants from all the regions of Public Participation» (December 1416, 2001). Ukraine. This conference endorsed the set of docu National Environmental Center focuses its ments and appeals reflecting successes and efforts on facilitating biological and land hurdles in environmental policy in Ukraine and scape biodiversity conservation in Ukraine, on proposals on public participation in formulat formulating sustainable state environmental ing and implementing policies. It made policy, on conducting scientific researches assessment of sustainable development and on implementing practical inputs aimed prospects in Ukraine and formulated propos at the development of nature conservation in als on the action plan for preparing civil soci Ukraine. ety environmental organizations to the The National Children Association «Environmental Summit «Rio+10» (Johannesburg2002). Guard» («Ecologichna varta») unites children, The third national conference of environ adolescents and youth that care about envi mentoriented civil society organizations was ronment. Association's mission is to bring up held in December 2002. Its task was to involve environmentally conscious personality organ the public into preparation of the Fifth Pan izing interesting environmental work with European Conference «Environment for children and youth as well as their involve Europe» and the parallel public forum for the ment in scientific research and nature conser purpose of formulating, discussing and vation interventions. It strives at helping the approving the document «Public Assessment young generation to be aware of their of Environmental Policy in Ukraine». belonging to the world we live in. Public interest groups have created the Regional Environmental Center RECKyiv is document «Public Assessment of independent, self governed, nonprofit and Environmental Policy in Ukraine» with the fol nonpolitical organization, activities of which lowing chapters therein: has international characteristics. The goal is to 1. Environmental policy and law facilitate resolving of environmental prob 2. Environmental governance lems in Ukraine and neighboring countries, to 3. Nature use and consumption models ensure civil environmental rights and in this 4. Environmental contamination impact manner to support the development the on public health democratic civic society in Ukraine and other 5. Civil society environmental organiza neighbouring countries. tions Ukrainian Environmental Association 6. Ecological education and information «Zeleny Svit» (Green World) advocates envi 7. Natural resources management ronmental safety, protection of human rights 8. Financial and economic issues on clean environment. 9. International cooperation . The National Ukrainian Charity «Parostok» Wellknown environmental public interest («OffSpring») in engaged in dissemination groups take the active leadership stand in of ecological knowledge and skills as well as Ukraine. shaping up environmental awareness of chil

87 THE NATIONAL DRIVING FORCES FOR HARMONIZING AND ACCELERATING PROCESSES OF TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6 dren and youth. It supports development of the environmental law requirements, in law ecological education, science and culture. making and disseminating ecological knowl National Environmental Civil Society edge among population, in formulating pro Organization «МАМА86» deals in education posals as to rational nature use. Panels for activities targeted at general population, protecting mineral wealth, water resources women in particular. and ambient air, vegetable and animal king The Ukrainian Society for Nature doms, land resources as well as youth group Conservation unites 24 oblast level, 480 and panel for nature use legal grounds are municipal and district level organizations as very active. well as 29.5 thousand grassroute organiza All in all in Ukraine there are about 500 civil tions embracing almost 4 million nature fans. society organizations targeted at resolving the 15 thousand enterprises and entities of all burning environmental issues through their property forms are collective members of the operation. Society. According to our estimates, in addition to Presidium of the National Council has the the above organizations almost every rayon volunteer panels for protecting mineral center and in many rural settlements of wealth, water resources and ambient air, veg Ukraine have public interest groups that are etable and animal kingdoms, land resources, ready to set up new environmentoriented natural preserve territories and fisheries. It civil society organizations. Dozens and hun also has youth group and panel for nature use dreds of volunteers and supporters are ready legal grounds. Panels target their work at to be part of their activities in some settle reviewing important industry issues, assessing ments. From 10% to 30% of population feel the impact of natural environment and ready to comprehend and follow their advice. resources condition on practical measures. These figures vary by region and quality of They take part in public control over meeting information on environmental problems.


The strategic planning of transition to sus On December 24, 1999 the Verhovna Rada tainable development in Ukraine has not yet of Ukraine approved the Concept for acquired the systematic policy characteris Settlements' Sustainable Development. This tics. A complicated and intense process document identifies the main trends in the including building up the national institu national policy as to promoting settlements' tions, development of environmental legis sustainable development as well as legal and lation and new social, political and environ economic ways for its implementation. mental relations, socialeconomical refor The practice of formulating sustainable ming and choice of the sustainable develop development concepts of separate munici ment concept as national strategy for the palities reflects fully gained popularity and 21st century prevailed at the first stage of growing informed acceptance of sustain the tenyears period (up to 1997). The first able development ideology at both regional steps towards official approval of the global and local levels. Thus, at the end of 2000 the sustainable development strategy at the Draft Concept for Kyiv Sustainable national level were taken in 1997 1998: the Development was designed and, eventually, National Commission for Sustainable it was done for the town of Mariupol. Development of Ukraine was set up under Topicality of formulating the national the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the strategy for harmonization of society vital National Concept for Sustainable activities and sustainable development Development of Ukraine was drafted. The keeps growing. Verhovna Rada, in its turn, approved «The Major National Policy Lines in the Domain of Natural Environment Protection, Natural 7.1. Harmonizing Approaches for the Resources Use and Ecological Safety Maintenance». This document clearly speci Choice of Sustainable Development fies the strategy for harmonious develop Strategies ment of production and natural resources In the aggregate of current motive powers capacity, wellbalanced use and reproduc in Ukraine embracing institutes of power, tion of natural resources. This was the first NGOs and public interest groups as well as official acknowledgement of strategic con businesses, government and civil society cepts of sustainable development and socie entities are the most active components. We ty vital activities harmonization. can assume government and civil society approaches (concepts) to sustainable develop ment and vital activities harmonization took their shape. In the meantime, businesses seem to follow fragmentary approaches with mostly market and economic compo nents dominating in natural resources use. The national strategy for sustainable develo pment of Ukraine has not been approved yet it is still at design and discussion stage. Discussions focus on two principal approach es: one proceeds from innovative, social and economic factors, while the other highlights the natural noospheric factors in transition to sustainable development. Numerous publica tions and presentations by Ukrainian scien tists reflect these positions.

89 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 Public view on the reality and approaches to the choice of national development path were laid out in «Public Assessment of Ukrainian Environmental Policy». In a nut shell, it deals with acknowledging both legal ly and politically the parity role of civil socie ty environmental activities as well as the priority of evolving population environmen tal awareness and culture, of ecological edu cation and training. Therefore, it goes about harmonizing innovation, natural noospheric and humanitarian approaches. After all, this is common and totally normal outlines in meeting the challenge and choosing the national development path. Unfortunately, procrastination seems to have become the birth rate, substantial social vulnerability and decisive factor hindering the very process of stratification of Ukrainian population into transition to sustainable development. the poor and the rich as well as the lack of We live in the conditions featuring man determining middle class impact. On top of cased depletion of nature capacity, ecologi that, the process of changing ownership cal misbalance in the natural environment, (privatization, land sharing, etc.) has totally significant technogenic load on it combined ignored its environmental aspects. The with the realities of explicit and pressing democratic institutions are not mature in the social stratification for the very poor and the country and there is no practical civil society very rich as well as hampering economic impact on military, legal and court systems. reforms and nation's business progress. Lack of spirituality becomes a real danger. Consolidation of government, academia, The third group of transition specifics is civil society and business efforts is badly of geopolitical nature. It covers the threat of needed for designing and implementing the international terrorism manifestations Ukrainian national development strategy. political, military, environmental, informa Herewith we need to account for the follow tion, transborder, etc. as well as transna ing transition specifics. tional monopolism and energy supply The first group of transition specifics deals dependency. with neutralizing inertia and negative impact Some other important considerations can of historic legacy factors. There are the fol be added to the list. First of all, it is a specif lowing basic instability factors: excessive ic hindering factor of inertial «nonecologi technogenic load on the Ukrainian territory cal» mentality of the majority of officials. To and depletion of the fixed assets; the critical a large extent, they are oriented at formal condition of power, hydrotechnical, com respect of international commitments. So munal, water treatment facilities and net far the concept of safe sustainable develop works; total negligence with respect to ment and society vital activities harmoniza regional ecosystems that sometimes results tion has not been appropriately rooted in in irreversible condition (in the areas of mentality of decisionmakers and public ser DonetskPrydniprovsk, Transcarpathia, vants. Podillya, etc); land fertility reduction caused It is noteworthy, that harmonization of by erosion and deflation; environmental and society vital activities and transition to sus resource misbalance of the Dnipro, the tainable development are systemically rela Siversky Donets and other river basins. ted to the national security of Ukraine, safe The second group of transition specifics is guarding its proper interests and strivings. defined by «acquired negative factors» born Internal and external realities make us to by decade of political and economic reforms wisely coordinate the national security stra in Ukraine. Hereof fluctuations root into tegy and the strategy for sustainable deve demographic crisis, mortality rate exceeding lopment.

90 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Ecological crisis made us to acknowledge sions for strategic planning in the process of the new environmental/spiritual paradigm achieving live activity harmonization orient environmental and simultaneously culturo ed at the final outcome the harmonious logical system of values, concepts and per sustainable society with marginal permissible ceptions, which shapes up new vision of norms for biosphere and natural ecosystems reality based on harmonizing relationships economic capacity. between a human being, society and Nature. One of the priority tasks, most topical Environmental paradigm, in its turn, provid today, is shaping up noospheric, environ ed impetus to shaping up the new life phi mentally oriented outlook of government losophy noospherogenesis, which is rea officials, political and public figures in sonable, mutually acceptable coexistence of Ukraine as well as in business community. a human being and nature. Presently the need is growing to reanimate the concept of «wisdom» as a format for the 7.2. Innovation Strategy for outlook, to be precise, as means to compre hend reality and to resolve practical issues Harmonizing Society Vital Activities harmoniously combining expertise and rea and Nation's Balanced Development soning. The innovation strategy has been formu The unity of physical (biological) and spiri lated in the President's Address to the tual life is the objective law of Cosmic Verhovna Rada of Ukraine «The European Harmony. This law infringement leads to Choice. Conceptual Grounds for the both ecological and social crisis. Economic and Social Development Strategy It is expedient for Ukraine, that is actually of Ukraine», in the Verhovna Rada balancing on the edge of depleting its nature Resolution «On the Concept of Scientific, capacity, to consider sustainable develop Technological and Innovative Development ment with Nature as life prevailing concept of Ukraine» and in the draft «National against treating it as a resource for econom Doctrine for Innovative Development and ic growth. That is why the multifactor Modernization of the Ukrainian Economy». process of putting in good order (of harmo The innovation strategy has considerable nization) in compliance with natural laws of scientific, technological and intellectual society operation should be perceived as the capacity; that is why it was accepted as the only reliable way to achieve sustainability in fundamental national development strategy its development with priorities on balanced and the strategy for nature capacity repro application of technological and biotic duction. mechanisms in regulating life harmoniza The President's Address to the Verhovna tion, regional modeling the ways and means Rada presents innovative development to practically achieve harmony and complete model as the basis for restructuring econo transition to sustainable development. my with the final goal of sustainable devel Alternative critical levels for economic opment and European integration. To that capacity of specific natural objects, ecosys end, scientific, technological and innovation tems, regions, biosphere as well as optimal policy of the state should be reconciled with technogenic loads for specific timeframes can innovation strategy. be established only through multifactor 1. Financing science should be improved nationwide and regional modeling. Only scien dramatically through increase in budget allo tific and theoretical definition of the original cations (not less than 1.5 1.7 % of GNP at condition in natural, economic, technologi the first stage and up to 2.0 2.5% at the cal, social and other systems can provide for second stage), and by offbudget funds application of theoretical principles of biotic involvement. regulation in the natural environment or in a 2. Reinforcing material and technological system managing the process of achieving support of scientific institutions, equipping harmonious development through biotic, them with computers and stateoftheart not technogenic priorities. It is about formu devices and machinery, establishing ade lating some fundamental reference provi quately equipped regional and industry cen

91 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 ters for their joint use is presently relevant. statistics system to reflect progress in 3. The level of scientific research results' science and technology; bringing these commercialization should be enhanced; systems in compliance with the innovation risks for the hightech industries European standards; and venture capital should be reduced with • implementing incentives, particularly support of special funds; state order for through tax benefits for cooperation innovative implementation should be the between science and production facili regular practice. ties, mechanisms of regional support for 4. Institutional back up for the national research and development as well as scientific, technological and innovation innovative workforce redistribution; policy is the priority task embracing as • developing and strengthening interna follows: tional cooperation in the realm of inno • improving the current and working out vation, its information and consulting the new normative and legislative support, technology transfer, first of all, framework for activities in science, with the EU countries and Russia. technology and research, providing sci 5. The legal framework for innovative entific research with financial and logis activities, international research and tech tic support; nology cooperation requires improvement • setting up modern patent and infor and expansion; same applies to the regula mation database with appropriate refe tion of innovation market, intellectual prop rence and search system, using global erty evaluation as well as export and import computer science achievements in of produce manufactured with its employ patent technologies; ment; innovative facilities and organizations • developing the national policy for pri should enjoy tax, lending and insurance vatization of institutions in the domain incentives. of science and technology; 6. All the appropriate measures should be • improving standardization and certifi taken to keep personnel capacity in scienti cation procedures as well as the state fic research institutions, to encourage youth

92 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT to participate in scientific, research and to renovate obsolete assets, to make tech technology development, in particular, by nologies environment friendly, to introduce staffing scientific institutions with specia the variety in property types, to shut down lists trained on the state order basis. Special loss generating facilities and to implement grants for young scientists should be intro new innovation policy. duced; specialized boards to present candi Fuel and energy complex of Ukraine is date of science and doctor degree theses in technologically obsolete, industrial and pro new occupations should be set up; the prac duction assets have depreciation level of tice of training highly qualified personnel at 65%75%. There is essential lack of funds to foreign educational institutions should modernize this sector. The scope of geolog expand. ical prospecting for oil and gas as well as 7. It is also high time to reinforce the engi commissioning of the explored deposits is neering system, which maintains its capacity not sufficient. The policy to diversify oil and and is the basic resource for the Ukrainian gas supply is not much active. economy in the course of its transit to inno For the purpose of resolving energy prob vation development stage. It requires raising lems and reforming fuel and energy indus both engineering profession prestige and tries the Concept of Fuel and Energy remuneration. The system of engineers Complex Development in Ukraine till the retraining and advanced training should also year 2010 was formulated in 1994. be revived on the modern basis. The following priorities in energy policy 8. Integration of research and production, of Ukraine were defined in the context of consolidation of industrial, banking and sustainable development and production commercial capital into powerful structures, and consumption structures improvement: capable of manufacturing hightech, com active resources and energy saving; petitive goods and services, are the predo expanding use of safe nonemission minant components in innovation develop (or low CO2 emission) energy supply ment. Respectively, setting up financial sources; industrial groups, particularly the transna reducing the hazardous impact of tional ones, as well as horizontal and vertical energy supply sources with high hydro holding companies, research and develop carbon contents on the natural environ ment centers, technopolices and ment; technoparks will provide institutional back creating monitoring systems employ ground for innovation policy implementa ing indicators to follow environmental tion. In future they will become the main aspects integration in fuel and energy gears for science, technology and innovation sector; progress. Some of such entities can be set up diversifying the sources of natural gas, and develop through the free economic zone oil, nuclear fuel imported into Ukraine; mechanisms..

7.3.Replacement of Inefficient Production and Consumption Structures Inefficient production and consumption structures are the main cause for crisis in the natural environment of Ukraine. They are responsible for poverty amidst population and for disproportion in economy. The national economy complex is still overcostly and focused at raw materials. Removal of this purpose is view, the relevant industries are restructured to improve their structure,

93 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 stabilizing and increasing domestic oil which split into the following categories by and gas production through more usage: wind energy 24.6 mln t of oil equi intense deposits prospecting; valent (31.4%), small scale hydropower developing oil and gas transportation industries 2.24 (2.9%), sun energy 4.92 corridors; (6.3%), bioenergy 21.2 (27.1%), chemical developing renewable energy sources; combustibles and coal mines' methane 13.2 using alternative types of fuel. (16.9%); usage of other sources accounts The policy aimed at higher efficiency of for 12.03 mln t of oil equivalent (15.4%). energy use and energy saving is enshrined in Usage of biogas energy, smallscale ther the National Program for 19971999 «High mal power plants, wind energy, smallscale Efficiency Energy Saving Technological hydropower plants, coal mines methane and Systems» as well as in the Comprehensive chemical combustibles, helioenergy and National Energy Saving Program of Ukraine geothermal energy can be considered the for 19972010. The State Committee of first priority energy alternative sources for Ukraine for Energy Saving was established, Ukraine. formidable organization work was per Young innovation development domain of formed, legislation and regulations were «fuel cells» technology is one of the developed to support implementation of the Ukrainian reserves for alternative energy national and regional policies in the domain supply sources. This technology transforms of energy saving and efficient use. the energy generated by organic fuel direct Coal is the only selfsufficient fuel ly into electric power. Ukraine is the only resource in Ukraine. The coal industry, how country in Europe which has zirconium ever, is an extreme problem for Ukraine as deposits that ranks third in the world. enterprises lack proper working capital and Zirconium is the raw material for fuel cells. suffer from significant depreciation of their These resources enable Ukraine to join inter production assets. That is why in 2000 the national cooperation in building up new Government formulated the Draft Concept environmentally safe power industry and for Coal Industry Restructuring and Strategic motorcars industries of the 21st century. Development. Agroindustrial complex. Sustainable The further building up of resource capa development of agroindustrial complex in city in fuel and energy complex will be Ukrainian stipulates promotion of environ implemented according to the Draft Law of mentally safe and economically balanced Ukraine «On Approving the National interaction between all the three spheres of Program for Mineral and Raw Material Basis its interbranch cooperation: manufacturing Development in Ukraine for the Period till agricultural inputs for agriculture proper, for 2010». agriculture produce collection, building up Nonconventional energy sources. stocks, processing, storage and transporta Evolvement of alternative renewable energy tion. Achieving optimal produce cost correla sources takes place in the framework of the tion in three components of agroindustrial Program for Government Support of complex is one of the main preconditions for Developing NonConventional and its sustainable operation. Renewable Energy Sources and SmallScale Hydro and Thermal Power Generation (1997). Presently the use of renewable energy sources in Ukraine (except for the large scale hydropower industry) accounts for about 0.5% of the total energy consump tion. Technologically feasible aggregate capacity of nonconventional and renewable energy sources in Ukraine makes about 78 mln tons of oil equivalent per year (100%),

94 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The state actively regulates agroindustrial complex operation through pricing, taxa tion, lending policy, subsidies to agriculture, incentives for agricultural products export, etc. Special attention is paid to agriculture produce storage, processing and sales. Poor storage conditions annually result in Ukraine losing about one fourth of the total produce. Direction for agroindustrial complex restructuring was defined in the Presidential Decree «On Urgent Measures on Accelerating Reforms in Agrarian Sector of Economy» (1999), in the Resolutions of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «Market Transformation in Agrarian Sector of accounted for 33% of all pollutants in the Economy», «The System for Storage and total emission volume in the country. Rational Use of Agroecological Capacity of Over the period between 1991 and 2001 a Ukraine», «Zone Systems in Producing number of the Laws of Ukraine were passed Fodder» and in other legal acts. and created legal grounds for transport Reforms carried out in Ukraine's agroin industry operation. Their implementation dustrial complex are aimed at transforming permitted to achieve certain stabilization in economic relations, primarily proprietary transportation volumes starting 1997, while relations in agriculture. Adoption of the Law further growth was registered in 19982000. of Ukraine «On Land Lease» in its new word Special attention was paid to implementing ing in 1998 became an important step legal acts and regulations as well as to taking towards reforming agriculture and boosting measures aimed at safe transportation of entrepreneurship. This law established hazardous cargo (toxic chemical substances, opportunity in Ukraine for developing the waste, plants protection means, fertilizers, new agricultural entity type private lease radioactive materials) and reducing their based companies. negative impact on environment in the The Program to Manufacture Machinery course of transportation. and Equipment Technological Complexes for Setting up of the transport corridor in Agroindustrial Complex for the Period 1998 AzovBlack Sea region, putting into opera 2005 stipulates improvements in manufac tion «Pivdenny» oil transportation terminal turing agricultural inputs and providing agri brought to life new task for Ukraine to culture with modern machinery of domestic establish efficient entities in transportation make. This purpose in view, 143 items of new industry capable of ensuring safe hydrocar machinery were designed and commercial bons transportation. ized. In 2001 technological processes in To ensure compliance with environmental agroindustrial complex employed 80% of requirements on mobile pollution sources domestically manufactured machinery the Concept for Reducing Heavy Metals' against 27% in 1992. Emissions into the Ambient Air was Access to the world markets remains the approved. The Program for stage by stage most problematic issue for Ukrainian agroin termination of ethylene gasoline use in dustrial complex. The set of necessary legal Ukraine is implemented too. acts enabling the effective Ukrainian Law to In 1997 Ukraine approved the Concept for meet the World Trade Organization require Establishment and Operation the National ments makes the agroindustrial complex to Network of International Transportation carry not only legal but institutional and Corridors. This Concept laid foundation for technological load. adoption of the Government Program Transport. Automobile transport remains (1998) for setting up and putting into oper one of the most significant sources of ambi ation the national network of the interna ent air pollution in Ukraine. In 2000 it tional transportation corridors by the year

95 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 became popular in Ukraine in 19912001 was marking food products and disseminating information on their quality and nutrition facts through mass media. Openness pro motes reconciling of manufacturers' and consumers' interests, thus harmonizing, to the certain extent, social relations.

7.4. Modern Ukrainian School of Noospherogenesis and Harmonized Development of the Society The scientific school of harmonized development became popular in Ukraine in recent years. Due to its operation, a number of new original, scientifically justified theo 2005. The Program declared transition to ries built on various concepts, scientific, implementing international transport policy philosophical and research approaches came principles approved by the European into being. The main concepts are based on Commission. biotic, social, innovation and technology as Consumption by population. In the peri well as economic approaches. od after 1995 the rates of decrease in con The noospheric trend is worth a special sumption started to slow down. In 1999 cer mention. It was introduced in due time by tain positive changes were registered in con renowned Ukrainian scientists S. Podolinsky sumption of some types of produce. The (the sun nature of added value) and year 2000 was marked with further increase V.Vernadsky (the dominance of reason, live in consumption of almost all the basic food matter in vital activities). These two pioneers stuffs. actually set up theoretic foundations for the To ensure the guaranteed consumption research tools and methodology of harmo level and higher living standards the Law of nizing society vital activities. Ukraine «On Protecting Consumers' Rights» The collection of scientific papers of the was passed in 1993. It set up the legislative National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine framework for the state guarantees in the «Sustainable Development Problems in structure of Ukrainian population consump Ukraine» (third amended edition, Kyiv, tion. One of priority draft laws aimed at 2001) deals with the concepts of balanced increasing consumption safety is the Draft development. Academician I.Loukinov draws Law of Ukraine «On Changes and attention to the destabilizing factors (both Amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Processed Foodstuff and Raw Food Quality and Safety». Majority of the Ukrainian population keeps living in much smaller and less comfortable apartments compared to housing norms in the developed countries. The need for reforms in the government housing policy was reflected in the Concept for Government Housing Policy (1995) that defined legislative framework and lines of operation for government housing pro grams. One of the national policy trends in shap ing efficient consumption structures that

96 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT of objective and subjective nature) recently linkages between energy and information being active in Ukraine, to imperfection of characteristics in transformation processes, transition economy model imposed on our peculiarities in development of natural and country; to the necessity of reviving invest social and economic systems. The author ment and innovation activity on the whole offers his vision for management of social and in the natural environment protection and economic development, which will domain in particular; to the fact, that mod ensure its coordination, progress and avert ern society should function in compliance the disaster. He claims that only by learning with environmental laws (having in mind the the lessons and laws of nature the humanity reproduction basis for harmonizing human will be able to get to the new level of effi vital activities). ciency in social and economic systems reach Professor V.Shevchuk defines 5 major ing the fundamentals of sustainable develo goals: social justice, economic progress, pment (biotic approach). environment rehabilitation, efficient use of Approach in presentation by professor M. natural resources and demographic stability Bilopolsky (Institute of Industrial Economy, and provides justification for each of these the National Academy of Sciences of goals. Ukraine, 1997) is different from that of Mr. In the same collection academician V. Melnik's research. It deals with summarized, Geyets clarifies the characteristic features of theoretical, philosophical, historical, social economic restructuring within the frame and economic analysis of the role performed work of Ukrainian transition towards sus by organization processes in social life and tainable development. The corresponding development looking for possible ways of member of the Academy S.Doroguntsov and improvement in social structures (produc O.Ralchuk made an effort to identify the gist tion, economy, specific countries and world and tasks of sustainable development taking as a whole). The author endeavors to prove into account components of environmental the necessity for integration between all the and economic safety in their interaction. technical, natural and social sciences to The corresponding member of the research the ways of optimizing social sys Academy L.Rudenko pays due attention to tems with due consideration to environmen the biological and geographical aspects of tal component, the necessity for formulating sustainable development, dwells upon four the scientific concept for civilization develo basic principles in designing sustainable pment and improvement «to avoid catac development models, presents comparative lysms in the future». characteristics of processes and stages The renowned Ukrainian biologist involved in sustainable development model V.Merezhin offered profound systemic implementation in Ukraine, Russia and analysis of a huge scope of scientific infor Germany. mation (from Bible and writings of the The specific characteristics of transition ancient thinkers to the most recent studies in towards sustainable development in Ukraine biology, geology, philosophy, astrophysics, are given also in the presentations by profes sor B.Danilishyn, academician M.Dolishny, the corresponding member of the Academy B.V.Burkinsky, professors V.Stepanov and S.Kharichkov, academician V.Tregobchuk, scientist and science manager V.Voloshyn. Professor L.Melnik (Sumy State University, 19982000) employed the results of his research of processes and phenomena in inorganic nature, biosphere and society and identified the regularities in functioning and characteristics of open permanent systems as uniform evolution of nature revealed the

97 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 mathematics and political science). His goal using qualitative and system analysis was to draw an objective picture of the methodology to develop new innovation World and the Biosphere, to show their policy of the country. The author proves integrity and development through inter convincingly that the universal forecast linked natural and civilization processes, the methodologies, especially those for techno ways of studying the Nature, environmental logical forecasts, will have significant disasters causes in the former geological impact on future society progress. Presently periods and in our times, to clarify the innovations play the key role of society eco human role in pulsating Biosphere as well as nomic development engine. the strategy for human survival. Studies on technological forecast method Y.Marchuk's study «Ukraine: New ology are related to the search of new inno Paradigm for Progress» (2001) is the most vation activity areas in which Ukraine stands innovative and pragmatic among the whole a good chance of entering the world mar range of Ukrainian studies analyzing the kets as well as to further development of most significant modern tendencies and balanced development scenarios. trends in the global progress, formulating The following papers on philosophy and this progress strategies and potential oppor economy published in 19972002 in Ukraine tunities for Ukraine's transition to balanced are noteworthy: «National Being in social and economic development. Environmental Realities» by the Ukrainian Y.Marchuk's study significantly differs scientists M.Kiselyov and F.Kanaka; from the others not only due to the welljus «Environmental Culture» by V.Krysachenko tified practical recommendations which can and «Environment, Culture and Politics» by be implemented even in the nearest future, V.Krysachenko and M.Khilko; «Harmony of i.e. within the next 35 years, but also due to the Dnipro River Vital Forces» (environmen profound objective analysis of modern social tal/spiritual essays) and «Noosphere and economic realities in Ukraine, of global Genesis and Sustainable Development» by ization processes specific nature and conse V.Shevchuk, Y.Satalkin, G.Bilyavsky, quences, of broad characteristics of the V.Navrotsky and O.Mazurkevich; «From main factors in the fourth epoch of civiliza Biosphere to Sociosphere» and tion the technological epoch. It is most «Ecosystemology» by M.Holubets; important that it provides detailed substanti «Ecologically Safe Development: Search for ation of conceptual provisions for Ukrainian Stratagems» by A.Tolstoukhov and progress and new strategy for regional poli M.Khilko. cy in social and economic development. The The above incomplete list testifies to the author is certain that implementation of fact that the natural principles of harmo «the 'sociopolicy' idea will enable resolving nized development eventually find more and the best capacity use in modern social ten more broad and diverse scientific and theo dencies in the condensed timeframe as well retical justification in Ukraine, namely in the as targeting the internal transformation of fields of philosophy, environmental science, our society in such a way that Ukrainian inte culture, innovation, spiritual life. The ideas gration into community of developed coun of harmonized development appeal to the tries will be natural and partners will desire Ukrainian people, first of all, due to pre it». dominant role of nature with its objectively In December 2001 another scientific paper existing environmental laws of harmonizing dealing directly with the innovation para the coexistence between human society and digm for Ukrainian sustainable development nature. The approaches and concepts of in the 21st century and with its scientific and human activity biotic regulation become technological component in particular was more and more popular as they reflect the published in Ukraine. It is the research of objective laws of the Universe in the best academician M.Zgurovsky «Systemic way. Forecast Methodology». The author studies a new approach in designing future event scenarios in various areas of human activity

98 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT · Alleviating poverty and enhancing liv ing standards for the residents of 7.5. The National Strategy for Ukraine; Harmonizing Society Vital Activities · Ensuring stable resourcesaving eco and Sustainable Development within nomic growth, building up competitive the Context of the World Summit market economy; Decisions (Johannesburg, 2002) · Improving the national economy struc Economic and social strategy for transition to ture through innovation development sustainable development is defined in the pack model; age of official documents the most important · Integrating into the European struc being the President's of Ukraine Address to the tures and the global economy system; Verhovna Rada of Ukraine «The European · Ensuring environmental balance, Choice. Conceptual Grounds for the Economic reducing the technogenic load on natu and Social Development Strategy of Ukraine for ral environmental systems; 20022011» and the Presidential Decrees «On · Biodiversity conservation. Poverty Alleviation Strategy», «On the Concept From the philosophical point of view and of Public Health Care Development», «On the proceeding from the sustainable develop Main Trends in Land Reform», etc. ment principles which deal with the global In its turn the ecological strategy is defined challenge of stage by stage increase in the by the official documents with the funda national capacity to enhance life quality in all mental one being «The Major National Policy areas without damaging the nature and Lines in the Domain of Natural Environment generations to come, the last decade (years Protection, Natural Resources Use and 19922002) turned to be the preparatory Ecological Safety Maintenance» (approved stage in transition to the sustainable devel by the Resolution of the Supreme Rada of opment for Ukraine. This stage is not over Ukraine of March 1998, #188/98BP). Of yet, as at least five years of active operation no lesser importance are «The National are needed to stabilize and reproduce the Program for Rehabilitating the Dnipro River natural capacity for sustainable develop Basin and Enhancing Drinking Water ment harmonizing all the aspects of life, Quality» (approved by the Resolution of the consolidating and putting in motion all the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine of February 27, gears. 1997) as well as the other national and gov At the same time, the last three years have ernmental environmental programs. shown that Ukraine has a considerable The important outcome of the designed national capacity for accelerating the transi and approved strategies is their compliance tion to sustainable development. with the sustainable development principles: The major components of this capacity are, first of all, the availability of highly qualified specialists as well as the general education level of population that is impor tant for accepting sustainable development concepts and principles as well as signifi cant support for strategies to harmonize vital activities and sustainable development by the public. Second, Ukraine managed to demonstrate considerable potential for growth regardless its obsolete production assets. Third, our nation has achieved sig nificant successes in environmental policy implementation. And, finally, the significant «critical mass» of implementing reforms has been accumu lated in Ukraine, particularly in agrarian sec tor, to support the irreversibility of the cho

99 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 sen course for further building up and rein tory social security system; forcing the nation. enhancing condition of children, As of today, the major objective for both youth, women, family; the country leadership and the society is to taking coherent steps aimed at improv reorient the national policy and strategy at ing public health protection, reducing concepts and principles of harmonizing vital mortality and expanding longevity; activities and sustainable development, at reinforcing position of the middle providing the legislative, institutional, edu class; cational and financial framework for their in environmental domain: implementation. safeguarding ecological safety of The Program for transition to sustainable nuclear objects as well as protection of development in our country is presented in the population and the natural environ the President of Ukraine L.Kuchma Address ment against radiation; minimizing the to the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine. This negative impact of Chernobyl NPP acci Program stipulates the European choice, dent aftermath and the hazard level at Ukraine's commitment to the general human the other NPPs; values, to ideals of freedom and guaranteed enhancing ecological condition of democracy, to ensuring economic stability Ukraine's rivers, of the Dnipro basin in based on innovation model of sustainable particular, and drinking water quality; development. This sets up the solid founda stabilizing and improving ecological tion for the further progress of the country. condition in the cities and industrial cen Change in orientation of the economic pol ters of DonetskPrydniprovsky region; icy to social issues has been the main goal of erecting new and restructuring the reforms implemented in Ukraine operating communal sewage treatment The following strategic priorities for facilities; sustainable development in the domain preventing contamination of the Black of economy have been identified: Sea and the Azov Sea, improving their уstrengthening the mechanisms which ecological condition; are to ensure reliable guarantees not forming the balanced system for use only for final economic stabilization, but of natural resources and making manu also for setting up the necessary precon facturing, energy, construction, agricul ditions for its rapid growth; ture and transportation technologies implementing scientific and techno environment friendly; logical innovations, mastering and conservation of biological and land applying new managerial methods as scape diversity, development of natural the main factors for sustainable eco reserves, improvement of agroland nomic development (change in produc scapes ecological condition. tion and consumption models); The basic gist of the current government implementing the active agrarian poli strategy for Ukraine's national development cy; presented in the Presidential Address and reinforcing the economic premises for the Government Action Program comprises profound restructuring in social domain; implementing the clear cut course for sus in social domain: tainable development principles adoption growth of nation's intellectual capaci through deep structural changes and inten ty, intensive development of education, sification of market reforms; through active of environmental knowledge, in particu and consistent environmental and social pol lar; icy. Naturally, it requires adjustment in the preventing pauperization of popula context of decisions of the World Summit on tion through social domain restructur Sustainable Development in Johannesburg ing, introducing reforms in labor com (2002). pensation, reducing unemployment, To mobilize and grow the capacity for improving the system of government transit to sustainable development the social support, introducing the manda

100 7 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT comprehensive program for national nent in the strategic plan for Ukraine's tran implementation of decisions made at the sition to sustainable development and integ World Summit on Sustainable ration into the European and global commu Development (Johannesburg, 2002) was nity. Formation of scientific, methodology, formulated in Ukraine for the period of organization and institutional support for 20032015 and approved by the National introducing the sustainable development Commission on Sustainable Development grounds is stipulated to achieve that basic under the Cabinet of Ministers of goal and to implement the Program tasks. Ukraine. Implementation of the Program will pro The Program was devised in compliance vide for comprehensive systemic approach in with commitment of the President of designing the government policy in Ukraine October 9, 2002 #11/1300 according to the based on sustainable development princi agreements reached as the result of bilateral ples. This policy will be focused at ensuring meetings at the highest level in the frame economic growth, social progress, creating work of the World Summit. This work was safe human habitat and the natural environ guided by the Ministry of Ecology and ment reproduction. Natural Resources of Ukraine with support Efficient implementation of the Program from the International Dnipro Foundation tasks will lead to the reduction in the scale of involving participation of the Ukrainian poverty, increase in living standards and Institute for Environment and Natural ensuring productive population employ Resources Study as well as the other stake ment, social condition stabilization and con holders the executive authorities, other sent in the society, enhancement in energy institutions and organizations. efficiency of manufacturing processes, dra Implementation of the Program tasks (see matic economy restructuring, technological Table 7.1) will make an important compo renovation of equipment, development of

101 NATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL HARMONIZATION AND TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 high tech industries, expansion in renewable this Program with account for the other energy sources use, reproduction and main national, industry, regional and local pro tenance of environmental balance in the ter grams within the limits of funds allocated in ritory of Ukraine. the State Budget as well as in oblast and local Implementation of sustainable develop budgets with employment of funds provided ment principles should be performed under by business entities of every property form.

Table 7.1. Main Interventions Stipulated by the Comprehensive Program for National Implementation of Decisions of the World Summit on Sustainable Development









108 APPENDIX Example of GIS usage in governmental informational and analytical system emergensy situations prevention.




Distribution of Land Resources of Ukraine (as of January 1, 2002)

water stock open lands 4% wetlands 2% other developed lands 2% lands 4%

forest stock lands 17%

agricultural lands 71%







118 APPENDIX Discharge of Polluted Recycle Waters into the Surface in 2001


120 APPENDIX Mancaused pressure on ambient air in Ukraine, 2000

121 APPENDIX b) Data obtained from Landsat satellite). Data obtained from a) Pollutants release from stationary sources into atmosphere (а Kryvyi Rig, б Zaporizhia. into atmosphere from stationary sources release Pollutants




Forest destruction by fires. Kinburzka split, 22 July 2001 (data obtained from NOAA satellites, Terra).





129 Special publication on the occasion of the 5th PanEuropean Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe"


Responsible Head of elaboration PhD in Economics, Professor V.Y.Shevchuk.

The report has been prepared by using materials of the Executive Authority central and local bodies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute of Environment and Resources Research by the Council of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian Center of Land and Resources Management. The editorial board expresses gratitude to all who took part in the work over the National Report of Ukraine.

This publication was made possible by support from UNDP Project "Programme to Promote Sustainable Development in Ukraine" with finan cial support of the governments of Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom.


Signed for print 07.04.2003 р. Format 60х84 1/8 Offset printing. OfficinaSans face. Offset paper. Conventional printer’s sheet 6,69. Edition 2000 copies. Order № 030786. Print «Novyi Druk» Co. 1, Magnitogorska, str., Kyiv.