ALUMNI OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Bookkeeper, I878--9. Principal High School, Shullsburg, Wis., I879-80. Law clerk with Duell and Benedict, Cortland, N. Y., I88<>-2. Admitted to the bar at Ithaca, N. Y., 5 May I882; as Counselor at Law at Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. I882. Lawyer at Homer, N. Y., I882-3. Managing clerk with Hon. Gerrit A. Forbes, Canastota, N. Y., July I883-Feb. I884. Prac ticed independently at Canastota, I 884--9. Examiner of Titles for the German Am. Real Estate Title Co., New York City, I889-May I890. In business with Judge Adam E. Schatz, I89o-I; with John D. Townsend, 49 Chambers St., N. Y., I89I-3. Chief clerk and business manager with (Elihu) Root and Clarke, 32 Nassau St., I893-<i; with Gen. Horatio C. King, 375 Fulton St., Brooklyn, I 896--I 900. Practiced alone, I9oo-Jan. I 902. Real estate operator, Homer, N.Y., since I902. Married IS Feb. I882, Lulu E. Chapman of Oneida Lake, N.Y. Children-HUBERT C., born I May I893· LUCILE ELOISE, born 23 Aug. I898. Residence, Homer, N.Y. 394· JOSE CUSTODIO ALVES DE LIMA Born 7 Sept. I852 at Tiete, Province of S. Paulo, Brazil. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., I878. Z 'Y. C.E. 4\.ssistant Engineer of the Director of Public Works in I879 at S. Paulo, Brazil. Engineer of the Magyana railroad, S. Paulo. Government Engineer of the Bananalense and S. Paulo railway. Government Engineer of the Sorocabann railro~d, S. Paulo, 25 Nov. I88s-?. Planter in San Paulo, I89o-{). Brazilian Consul at Montreal, I89Q-I.
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