Ecumenical Methodist Conference
r :Zi^NDB00Kv^lS[D:B^06^^MMB OF THE OBcumenical Methodist Conference HELD AT CITY. ROAD CHAPEL, LONDON. September 7tb to 20tb, 1881. LONDON: WESLEYAN CONFERENCE OFFICE, a, CASTLE-STREET, CITY-ROAD, AND 66, PATRKNOSTER-ROW, E.G. PRIMITIVE METHODIST BOOK DEPOT, METHODIST NEW CONNEXION BOOKCONCERN, SUTTON STREET, COMMERCIAL ROAD, E. 4, LONDON HOUSE YARD, ST. I'AUL'S. BIBLE CHRISTIAN BOOK ROOM, METHODIST FREE CHURCH BOOK ROOM, 36, FATBKNOSTER-ROW, E.C, 119, .CALISBURY-SQUARE, E.C. BOOK ROOM OK THB UNITED FREE GOSPEL AND INDEPENDENT METHODIST CHURCHES, 49, KENT STREET, BOLTON, LANCASHIBB; PUBLISHER, E. STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON. I 8 8 I . H^TMAH BE0THEE3 AKD LILLT, PKINTEES, EAITON HOUSE, FABBINQDOir BOAD, LONDON, E.C. CONTENTS. PAGE Committees and Secretaries, &c 5 Representatives—Eastern Section 8 „ Western Section 14 Programme 20 Regulations for the Government of the Conference, Rules, &c. 32 Plan of Sunday Services 35 Other Arrangements:— Lord Mayor's Reception at Mansion House . ^ Lovefeasts r 44 Reception of Deputations from other Churches at Exeter Hall ) Regulations for the Recognition and Admission of Representadves to the Conference ........... 45 Regulations for Admission of the Public and the Press . -45 Ticket Regoilations 46 Provincial Meetings 4^ Arrangements for Luncheon 49 Postal Arrangements 49 Methodist Insdtudons 5° Addresses of the Representadves S8 ^ Mantiibijufe antr ;i^jccij3;ramme OF THE (ECUMENICAL METHODIST CONFERENCE. =5—=30«=—:-= General Eyecutive Committee. EASTERN SECTION. REV. E. E. JENKINS, M.A., Chairman. REV. J. SWANN WITHINGTON. REV. JOHN BOND, Secretary. II. J. .M.^WSON, ESO. H. J. ATKINSON, ESQ. REV. JOHN WATSFORD. REV. W.
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