Collection in the Archives on the History of in (Microform Materials)

No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1 1950義務工作人員會議 [microform] / 上海基督教青年會 [上海] : s.n., 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 Address to Christian workers. Chinese;"竭力事主 [microform] / 2 上海 : 三牌樓福音會堂, 1877 MF 243 1524 no.10 [by Dwight L. Moody translated by W. Muirhead]" Administration of a student Young Men's Christian Association. 3 上海 : 青年協會書報部, 1919 MFC 247.8 8564 no.1 Chinese;"學校青年會治理法 [microform] / 撰著者 狄爾耐" Aid book to engineering enterprise abroad. pt. 1. Chinese;"工程致 4 富論畧 [microform] : 13卷 附圖 / 瑪體生撰 傅蘭口譯 鍾 [S.l.] : 愼記書莊, 光緒丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 I43 天緯筆述" Aid book to engineering enterprise abroad. pt. 2. Chinese;"攷工記 5 要 [microform] : 17卷 / 瑪體生撰 傅蘭雅 鍾天緯同譯 汪 [S.l.] : 愼記書莊, 光緒丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 I44 振聲校訂" Aids to the understanding of the bible. Chinese;"二約釋義叢書 6 [microform] / [編纂者 韋廉臣 ... 等 校正者 季理斐 陳金 上海 : 廣學會, 1921 MF 240 4424.3 no.5 鏞]" Alphabet of Romanized Shaowu [microform] / by Mrs. Walker 7 [ : M.E. Mission Press, 188-?] MFC 245.6 6657 G19-22 and Mr. Chang Analogy of religion. Chinese;"天人異同 [microform] / [by Joseph 8 香港 : 華英書院, 咸豐6年 [1856] MF 243 1524 no.2 Butler translated by W. Muirhead]" Anatomy, descriptive and surgical [microform] / by Dauphin W. 9 Foochow : American Board Mission, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 J1 Osgood Anxious inquirer. Chinese;"救靈先路 [microform] / [by John A. 10 [] : [s.n.], 咸豐6年 [1856] MF 243 1524 no.1 James translated by W. Muirhead]" Anxious inquirer. Chinese;"救靈先路 [microform] / [by John A. 11 [上海] : [s.n.], [1856] MF 243 1524 no.1 James translated by W. Muirhead]" Apostle of China. Chinese;"施約瑟主敎傳 [microform] / 麥雅各 12 [上海] : 中華聖公會書籍委員會, 1940 MFC 245.6 6657 E14-15 著 魏稀本譯" Apostles' Creed. Chinese;"耶穌門徒信經 [microform] / 13 香港 : 英華書院, 同治10年 [1871] MF 243 1524 no.2 [translated by J. Legge]" 14 Armour of light. Chinese;"光明的裝備 [microform] / 單倫理譯" 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.12

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Autobiography of a Chinese farmer. Chinese;"董顯光自傳 15 [microform] : 一個中國農夫的自述 / 董顯光英文原著 曾虛 臺北 : 臺灣新生報社, 民國62[1973] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 白譯" Pauvre Horloger de Genève. Chinese;"鍾表匠論 [microform] / 16 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 A95-98 [Justus Doolittle修訂]" Background of the Old Testament;"舊約背景 [microform] / 米德 17 上海 : 廣學會, 民國29 [1940] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 峻著 梁德惠譯" 18 Bible. Acts. Chinese;"聖差言行傳 [microform]" [S.l. : s.n., 184-?] MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 19 Bible. Acts. Chinese. 1874;"使徒行傳 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 20 Bible. Acts. Chinese. Union. 1910;"使徒行傳 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 21 Bible. Apocrypha. Chinese. 1898;"聖經外傳 [microform]" 上海 : 大美國聖公會, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 B167 Bible. dialect. 1905;"Sheng keng [microform] : Kwong- 22 [S.l. : Pakhoi Mission Press, 1905-07] MFC 245.6 6657 B54 tung t'o wa" 23 Bible. Chinese;"聖經 [microform] / 蘇學眞著" 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1960 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 Bible. Chinese. 1853;"舊遺詔聖書 [microform] 新遺詔聖書 24 S.l. : s.n., 太平天國癸好3 [1853] MFC 245.6 6657 B28-29 欽定舊遺詔聖書" Bible. Chinese. 1874;"舊約全書 [microform] / [translated from 25 the Hebrew by the Rev. S.I.J. Schereschewsky D.D. of the 北京 : 美華書院, [同治]甲戌 [1874] MFC 245.6 6657 B43 American Episcopal]" 26 Bible. Chinese. 1902;"舊新約聖經 [microform] / 施約瑟新譯" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 光緖28 [1902] MFC 245.6 6657 B52 27 Bible. Chinese. 1913;"舊新約全書 [microform] : 廣東土白" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 民國2 [1913] MFC 245.6 6657 B55 28 Bible. Chinese. 1921;"Sin ku iok e seng keng [microform]" : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921 MFC 245.6 6657 B168 29 Bible. Chinese. Selections. 1869;"聖經擇要 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., 同治8 [1869] MFC 245.6 6657 B14-16 30 Bible. Chinese. Selections. 1871;"聖經要言 [microform]" 北京 : 美華書館, [同治]辛未 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 B14-16 31 Bible. Chronicles. Chinese. 1881;"歷代志略. 上卷 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 B98 32 Bible. Chronicles. Chinese. 1882;"歷代志略. 下卷 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1882 MFC 245.6 6657 B99 Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1858;"歌林多書註解 33 上海 : 墨海書館, 1858 MFC 245.6 6657 B162-163 [microform]" Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1867;"使徒保羅達歌林多人前 34 [S.l. : s.n., 1867?] MFC 245.6 6657 B162-163 書 [microform]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1886;"使徒保羅達歌林多人前 35 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B164-165 書 [microform] / translated by J.S. Burdon & H. Blodget" Bible dictionary. Chinese;"聖書衍義 [microform] / [translated by 36 上海 : 美華書館, 1874 MF 243 1524 no.5 A. P. Happer]" Bible dictionary for schools. Chinese;"袖珍學生聖經辭典 37 上海 : 廣學會 民國22 [1933] MF 240 4424.3 no.17 [microform] / 林輔華原著 [谷雲階譯述]" Bible. Epistles of Paul. Chinese. 1836;"聖差保羅信 [microform] 38 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 1836 MFC 245.6 6657 B159 : 依本文譯述" 39 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1893;"Chok Ai-gik ge [microform]" Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1893 MFC 245.6 6657 B75 : Da Ing Peng koh teng wae koh sing shu we, 40 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1899;"Cih Yiae-gyiu kyi [microform]" MFC 245.6 6657 B77 1899 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1902;"Chok Ai-gik. Hok-ciu tu kiong Lo- Fuzhou : British and Foreign Bible Society : printed at 41 MFC 245.6 6657 B76 ma ce [microform]" Romanized Press, 1902 42 Bible. Ezekiel. Chinese. 1883;"以西結書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1883 MFC 245.6 6657 B114-115 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1863;"創世傳翻譯福州平話 43 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會鐫, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 B69 [microform]" 44 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1872;"創世記 [microform]" 北京 : 美華書館, 1872 MFC 245.6 6657 B67-68 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1875;"創世記 [microform] / translated 45 福州 : 美華書局, 光緒元年 [1875] MFC 245.6 6657 B70 by C.C. Baldwin" Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1888;"Tshang si ki [microform] / 46 [] : Loi pai tug Hong soh hun, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B73-74 translated by W. Duffus & J.C. Gibson" 47 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1888;"Tshang si ki [microform]" [Shantou] : Loi pai tug Hong soh hun, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B73-74 48 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1892;"Chaung sie ge [microform]" [Foochow] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1892 MFC 245.6 6657 B71 49 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1899;"Ts'ong shu kyi [microform]" [Foochow] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1899 MFC 245.6 6657 B72 Bible. Genesis I. Chinese. 1814;"舊遺詔書. 第1章 [microform] : 50 [廣州] : s.n., [1814] MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66 依本言譯出" 51 Bible. Genesis I-II, 4. Chinese. 1875;"上主創世 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, [光緒]乙亥 [1875] MFC 245.6 6657 B67-68 52 Bible. Genesis I-IX, 19. Chinese. 1866;"創世記 [microform]" 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66 53 Bible. Genesis I-VI. Chinese. 1849;"元始傳 [microform]" 寧波 : 福音殿, 道光29 [1849] MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Gospels. Chinese. 1855;"新約全書 [microform] / 54 [China : s.n.], 咸豐5 [1855] MFC 245.6 6657 B32 translated in part by Rev. E.C. Bridgman" 55 Bible. Gospels. Chinese. 1924;"福音書 [microform]" [上海 : 大英聖書公會 : 美國聖經會, 1924] MFC 245.6 6657 B119 Bible. Haggai. Chinese. 1895;"Hap-ki Sat-ka-lĩ-a Kũa Má-la̓ h-ki 56 sa nâng kâi tsṳ e̓ k tsò Tîe-chiu pe̓ h pe [microform] / [John Sùa-thâu : Lói pài tng, hông-soh-hṳn ìn, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B116-117 Campbell Gibson譯]" 57 Bible. Isaiah. Chinese. 1882;"以賽亞書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1882 MFC 245.6 6657 B113 Bible. Job. Chinese. 1866;"約伯記畧 [microform] / translated by 58 福州 : 美華書局, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B100 R.S. Maclay" 59 Bible. John. Chinese. 1845;"約翰傳福音書 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., 道光25 [1845] MFC 245.6 6657 B145 60 Bible. John. Chinese. 1868;"約翰福音書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書館, 1868 MFC 245.6 6657 B146-147 61 Bible. John. Chinese. 1874;"約翰福音 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B146-147 Bible. John Chinese. 1881;"Iok-hang tiong hok ing zhu 62 Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 B150-151 [microform] / [transliterated into Roman character by Ll. Lloyd]" 63 Bible. John. Chinese. 1895;"Yuehan fu yin shu [microform]" Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B150-151 64 Bible. John. Chinese. 1910;"約翰福音 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 B148-149 65 Bible. Jonah. Chinese. 1866;"約拿書 [microform]" [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B114-115 Bible. Jonah. Chinese. 1888;"Iak-na tsu. Tie-chiu peh ue 66 Shantou : L¸oi p¸ai t^ng, hông soh hun ¸in, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B116-117 [microform]" 67 Bible. Joshua. Chinese. 1899;"Iah-shu-uo kyi [microform]" [Ningbo] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1899 MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 Fuzhou : British and Foreign Bible Society : printed at 68 Bible. Joshua. Chinese. 1904;"Iok cu a. Ming kiong [microform]" MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 the Romanized Press, 1904 69 Bible. Judges. Chinese. 1900;"Z-S kyi [microform]" Ningbo : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 Bible. Kings, 1st. Chinese. 1879;"列王紀略. 上卷 [microform] / 70 福州 : 美華書局, 1879 MFC 245.6 6657 B94 translated by S.F. Woodin" 71 Bible. Kings, 2nd. Chinese. 1880;"列王紀略. 下卷 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1880 MFC 245.6 6657 B95 72 Bible. Kings. Chinese. 1900;"Lih wong kyi liah [microform]" Ningbo : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B97 Bible. Leviticus. Chinese. 1823;"利未氐古傳書 [microform] : 依 73 嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院, [1823?] MFC 245.6 6657 B84 本言譯出"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Leviticus. Chinese. 1854;"舊約書利未記 [microform] : 依 74 上海 : s.n., 1854 MFC 245.6 6657 B85-86 希伯來本文譯" 75 Bible. Luke. Chinese;"路加傳福音書 [microform]" [S.l. : s.n., 184-?] MFC 245.6 6657 B137 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1836;"路加傳福音書 [microform] : 依本 76 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16 [1836] MFC 245.6 6657 B136 文譯述" 77 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1845;"路加傳福音書 [microform]" [S.l.] : 英番聖書公會, 道光25 [1845] MFC 245.6 6657 B138 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1853;"Lu-kyuo djun Foh ing shu 78 Ningbo : Presbyterian Press, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 B144 [microform]" 79 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1865;"路加傳福音書 [microform] : 官話" 上海 : 美華書館, 1865 MFC 245.6 6657 B140-141 80 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1873;"路加福音 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1873 MFC 245.6 6657 B139 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1886;"路加傳福音書 [microform] : 上海 81 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B142-143 土白" 82 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1910;"路加福音畧解 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 B140-141 83 Bible. Luke. Chinese. 1924;"路加福音 [microform] : 廣東土白" 上海 : 美國聖經會, 1924 MFC 245.6 6657 B142-143 Bible. Mark. Chinese. 1837;"聖馬耳可傳福音書 [microform] / 84 [China : s.n.], 1837 MFC 245.6 6657 B131 chiefly the work of Mr. Medhurst" 85 Bible. Mark. Chinese. 1873;"馬可福音 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1873 MFC 245.6 6657 B133-134 Bible. Mark. Chinese. 1883;"馬可福音傳 [microform] / [prepared 86 S.l. s.n., 1883 MFC 245.6 6657 B132 by C.P. Piton]" Bible. Mark. Chinese. 1894;"Ma-hoh ch'uen fuk yam shue 87 [London] : Taai Ying Kwok Shing-shue Kung-ooi , 1894 MFC 245.6 6657 B135 [microform]" 88 Bible. Mark. Chinese. 1909;"馬可福音 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1909 MFC 245.6 6657 B133-134 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1836;"馬太傳福音書 [microform] : 依 89 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16 [1836] MFC 245.6 6657 B120 本文譯述" 90 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1851;"馬太傳福音書 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., 咸豐元年 [1851] MFC 245.6 6657 B121-123 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1851;"馬太福音上海翻譯福州册改 91 [S.l. : s.n., 1851?] MFC 245.6 6657 B121-123 [microform]" Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1852;"聖經新遺詔馬太福音傳 92 寧波 : 真神堂, 1852 MFC 245.6 6657 B121-123 [microform] / 高德參訂" 93 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1861;"Mota [microform]" [S.l. : s.n., 1861?] MFC 245.6 6657 B129-130

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 94 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1868;"馬太福音書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書館, 1868 MFC 245.6 6657 B124 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1886;"馬太福音 [microform] / 95 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B125-126 translated by John Shaw Burdon and Henry Blodget" Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1889;"Ma-thai hok im tsu [microform] : Swatow [Shantou] : English Presbyterian Mission Press, 96 MFC 245.6 6657 B129-130 Tie-chiu peh ue / transliterated by W. Duffus & J.C. Gibson" 1889 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1895;"馬太傳福音書 [microform] : 上 97 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B128 海土白 / 諸會重訂" 98 Bible. Matthew. Chinese. 1909;"馬太福音畧解 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1909 MFC 245.6 6657 B125-126 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1813;"耶穌基利士督我主救者 99 [廣州 : s.n., 1813-1814] MFC 245.6 6657 B24 新遺詔書 [microform] : 依本言譯出" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1836;"救世主耶穌新遺詔書 100 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 1836-1840? MFC 245.6 6657 B27 [microform] : 依本文譯述 / [K. F. A. Gützlaff修訂]" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1839;"[救世主耶穌新遺詔書] 101 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光19 [1839] MFC 245.6 6657 B28-29 [microform] : 依本文譯述" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1853;"聖經新遺詔全書 102 [microform] / 高德譯訂 = The New Testament in Chinese / by J. 寧波 : 寧波眞神堂, 1853 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 Goddard" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1853;"聖經新遺詔全書 103 [microform] / 高德譯訂 = The new testament in Chinese / J. 寧波 : 寧波真神堂, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 B30 Goddard" 104 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1854;"新約全書 [microform]" 香港 : 英華書院, 咸豐4 [1854] MFC 245.6 6657 B31 105 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1863;"新約聖書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書館, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 B33 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1863;"聖經新約全書 106 福州 : 美華書局, 同治2 [1863] MFC 245.6 6657 B40 [microform]" 107 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1864;"新約全書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書館, 同治3 [1864] MFC 245.6 6657 B34 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1865;"新約串珠 [microform] = 108 福州 : 美華書院, 同治4 [1865] MFC 245.6 6657 B37 Reference testament / References prepared by Rev. O. Gibson" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1866;"新約全書 [microform] : 109 福州 : 美華書局, 同治5 [1866] MFC 245.6 6657 B41 榕腔" 110 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1868;"新約全書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 同治7 [1868] MFC 245.6 6657 B38

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 111 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1868;"新約串珠 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書院活板, 同治8 [1868] MFC 245.6 6657 B39 112 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1872;"新約全書 [microform]" 北京 : 美華書院, [同治]壬申 [1872] MFC 245.6 6657 B42 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1889;"新約聖經 [microform] / 113 福州 : 美華書局活板, 光緒15 [1889] MFC 245.6 6657 B45 包爾騰 柏亨利本官話重譯" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1889;"新約全書 [microform] : 114 上海 : 美華書館, 1889 MFC 245.6 6657 B46 官話" 115 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1894;"新約全書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書舘, 光緒20 [1894] MFC 245.6 6657 B48 116 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1895;"新約聖經 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 光緒21 [1895] MFC 245.6 6657 B49 117 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1898;"Sing iah shu [microform]" Ningpo : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 B60 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1900;"新約全書 [microform] : 118 [S.1.] : 大美國聖經會, 光緖26 [1900] MFC 245.6 6657 B53 廣東土白" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1900;"Sing iok cu [microform] : 119 Foochow : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B57 Hok-ciu tu kiong" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1904;"Sing iok cu [microform] : 120 Foochow : The Romanized Press, 1904 MFC 245.6 6657 B58 Ming kiong" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1904;"新約全書 中西字 121 [S.l.] : American Bible Society, 1904 MFC 245.6 6657 B62 [microform] = The New Testament in English and Mandarin" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1908;"新約全書 [microform] : 122 上海 : 聖書公會, 1908 MF 240 4424.3 no.5 官話" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1908;"新約聖書 [microform] : 123 [S.l.] : 聖書公會, 1908 MF 240 4424.3 no.11 官話串硃 = Mandarin New Testament" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1908;"新約全書 中西字 124 [microform] = The New Testament in English and Canton [S.l.] : American Bible Society, 1908 MFC 245.6 6657 B63 colloquial" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1911;"新約全書 [microform] : 125 [中國 : 大美國聖經會, 1911?] MF 240 4424.3 no.1 官話和合" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1912;"新約聖書 [microform] : 126 Hinghwa : Hinghwa Industrial Mission Press, 1912 MFC 245.6 6657 B56 興化平話" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1913;"新約聖書 [microform] : 127 [上海] : 聖書公會, [1913?] MF 240 4424.3 no.5 文理和合"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1915;"新約聖經 [microform] : 128 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 民國4 [1915] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 官話串珠" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1921;"新約全書 [microform] : 129 上海 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, [1921] MF 240 4424.3 no.14 官話和合譯本 = Mandarin New Testament union version" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1921;"新約全書 [microform] : 130 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1921 MFC 245.6 6657 B61 官話和合譯本" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1924;"新舊約全書 [microform] 131 上海 : 美國聖經會, 民國24 [1935] MF 240 4424.3 no.13 : 官話和合譯本 = Mandarin Bible union version" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1933;"新約全書 [microform] / [ 132 靑島 : 中華基督敎會, 民國22[1933] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 王宣忱譯]" Bible. New Testament. Chinese. 1946;"呂譯新約初稿 133 北平 : 燕京大學宗教學院, 1946 MF 240 4424.3 no.18 [microform] / 呂振中譯" Bible. Numbers. Chinese. 1854;"民數記略 [microform] : 依希伯 134 上海 s.n., 1854 MFC 245.6 6657 B85-86 來本文譯" Bible. Numbers. Chinese. 1895;"Ming su kyi liah [microform] / 135 Zong-hae : Me Wo Shu Kun, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B87 tranlsated by M. Lawrence" Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1863;"舊約全書 [microform] / 136 上海 : 美華書館, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 B35 Bridgman and Culbertson" 137 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1865;"舊約全書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書院, 同治4 [1865] MFC 245.6 6657 B36 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1886;"舊約全書 [microform] : 官 138 上海 : 美華書館活板, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B44 話" 139 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1891;"舊約全書 [microform]" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1891 MFC 245.6 6657 B47 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1894;"Ku iok e seng keng 140 [S.l. : s.n., 1894] MFC 245.6 6657 B169 [microform]" 141 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1898;"舊約全書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局活板, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 B50 Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1899;"舊約全書 [microform] : 官 142 [上海] : 聖書公會, 光緒25 [1899] MFC 245.6 6657 B51 話" Bible. Old Testament. Chinese. 1906;"Go iok ciong cu 143 Foochow : the Romanized Press, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 B59 [microform] : Hok-ciu tu kiong"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Proverbs. Chinese. 1868;"箴言全書 [microform] / 144 福州 : 美華書局, 同治7 [1868] MFC 245.6 6657 B109-110 [Stephen Livingston Baldwin譯]" 145 Bible. Proverbs. Chinese. 1892;"Cing ngiong [microform]" Hok-ciu, Ging-seuk-sang : Mi Buo Huoi Eng, 1892 MFC 245.6 6657 B111-112 Bible. Proverbs. Chinese. 1904;"Cing ngiong [microform] : Ming 146 Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1904 MFC 245.6 6657 B111-112 kiong" Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1830;"神詩書 [microform] / translated by 147 嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院, 1830? MFC 245.6 6657 B101 R. Morrison" Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1857;"Sing S. [microform] / translated by 148 Ningbo : [s.n.], 1857 MFC 245.6 6657 B106-108 Rev. W.P. Martin" Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1868;"詩篇全書 [microform] / translated 149 福州 : 美華書局, 同治7 [1868] MFC 245.6 6657 B102-103 by S.F. Woodin L.B. Peet" 150 Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1874;"舊約聖詩 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B104-105 151 Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1892;"Si pieng [microform]" Hok-ciu : Mi Buo Huoi Eng, 1892 MFC 245.6 6657 B106-108 152 Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1900;"舊約詩篇 [microform]" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B104-105 Bible. Psalms. Chinese. 1902;"Si pieng [microform] : Hok-ciu tu 153 Fuzhou : British and Foreign Bible society, 1902 MFC 245.6 6657 B106-108 kiong Lo-ma ce" Bible. Psalms. Chinese (Cantonese). 1884;"舊約詩篇 154 [上海 : s.n., 1882?] MFC 245.6 6657 B102-103 [microform]" 155 Bible. Romans. Chinese;"使徒保羅達羅馬人書 [microform]" [S.l. : s.n., 1867?] MFC 245.6 6657 B160-161 Bible. Romans. Chinese. 1886;"使徒保羅達羅馬人書 156 北京 : 美華書院, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B160-161 [microform]" Bible. Ruth. Chinese. 1874;"路得記 [microform] / translated by 157 福州 : 美華書局, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 S.F. Woodin" 158 Bible. Samuel, 1st. Chinese. 1875;"撒母耳前書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1875 MFC 245.6 6657 B92 159 Bible. Samuel, 2nd. Chinese. 1878;"撒母耳後書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1878 MFC 245.6 6657 B93 160 Bible. Samuel. Chinese. 1900;"Sah-meo-r kyi [microform]" Ningbo: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B96 Bible. Timothy. Chinese. 1877;"保羅達提摩太前後書 161 香港 : 小書會, 光緒3 [1877] MFC 245.6 6657 B166 [microform]" Biblie. N.T. Matthew. Chinese. 1863;"馬太傳福音書 162 福州 : 金粟山, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 B127 [microform] : 翻譯榕腔 / revised by C. Hartwell"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Biblische Geschichten;"新約舊約全書節錄 [microform] / [by 163 厦門 : 英番勸世文公會, 1857 MF 243 1524 no.8 Christian G. Barth translated by J. Stronach]" 164 Biology. Chinese;"活物學 [microform] / 厚[美安]著" [S.l. : s.n.], 光緒15 [1889] MFC 245.6 6657 I25 Blind Johannes sermon on tithes. Chinese;"瞽牧勸捐 [microform] 165 [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 / [Chauncey Goodrich譯]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"敎會禱文 [microform] / 166 上海 : 聖約翰書院, 1880 MFC 245.6 6657 D11 [Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"英吉利國神會祈禱文大槪 167 [Malacca] : 英華書院, 道光9年 [1829] MF 243 1524 no.1 翻譯漢字 [microform] / 馬先生纂" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"祈禱式文 [microform] / 168 [福州] : 霞浦街禮拜堂, 同治13年 [1874] MF 243 1524 no.1 [Thomas Cranmer translation by D. W. Osgood]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"眾禱告文 [microform] / 169 寧波 : 仁恩堂, 同治3年 [1864] MF 243 1524 no.2 [Thomas Cranmer translation by G. E. Moule]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"祈禱文全書 [microform] / 170 漢口 : 福音堂, 同治4年 [1865] MF 243 1524 no.3 [Thomas Cranmer translation by J. Cox]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"聖會禱文 [microform] / 171 [香港] : 聖士提反禮拜堂, 1872 MF 243 1524 no.3 [Thomas Cranmer translation by J. Piper]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"祈禱文全書 [microform] / [by 172 [廣東] : [s.n.], 咸豐9年 [1859] MF 243 1524 no.5 Thomas Cranmer translation by G. Piercy]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"公禱書 [microform] / [by 173 [杭州] : 信一堂, [1875?] MF 243 1524 no.5 Thomas Cranmer translated by G. E. Moule]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"耶穌聖教禱告文 [microform] 174 / [by Thomas Cranmer translation by W. H. Medhurst selected 香港 : 聖保羅書院, 1854 MF 243 1524 no.8 by G. Smith]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"聖日禱文 [microform] / [by 175 香港 : 聖士提反堂, 1877 MF 243 1524 no.8 Thomas Cranmer translation by A. Hutchinson]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"祈禱敘式 [microform] / 176 [S.l.] : [s.n.], [1818] MF 243 1524 no.10 [Thomas Cranmer translation by R. Morrison]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"禱告文全書 [microform] / [by 177 香港 : 聖保羅書院, 乙卯年 [1855] MF 243 1524 no.11 Thomas Cranmer translation by W. H. Medhurst]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Book of common prayer. Chinese;"禱告文全書 [microform] / [by 178 香港 : 聖保羅書院, 乙卯年 [1855] MF 243 1524 no.11 Thomas Cranmer translation by W. H. Medhurst]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"祈禱文讚神詩 [microform] / 179 [澳門?] : [s.n.], [1825?] MF 243 1524 no.11 [Thomas Cranmer translation by R. Morrison]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"聖會禱詞 [microform] / 180 [香港] : [聖保羅書院], [1845?] MF 243 1524 no.11 [Thomas Cranmer translation by K. F. A. Gutzlaff]" Book of common prayer. Chinese;"教會禱文 [microform] / [by 181 上海 : 聖約翰書院, 1880 MF 243 1524 no.12 Thomas Cranmer]" The Book of Deuteronomy. Chinese;"申命記釋義 [microform] / [ 182 上海 : 廣學會, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.4 都孟高著 黃葉秋譯]" Book of Genesis. Chinese;"創世記釋義 [microform] / [林輔華 183 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 著 夏明如譯]" The Book of Proverbs. Chinese;"箴言釋義 [microform] / [孟都 184 上海 : 廣學會, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.4 高著 黃葉秋譯]" The Book of Proverbs. Chinese. 1932;"箴言新釋 [microform] / 185 [北平] : l中華聖公會書籍委員會, 1932 MF 240 4424.3 no.19 都孟高 黃葉秋編著" Boring and blasting. Chinese;"井礦工程 [microform] : [3卷] / 白 186 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I38-39 爾捺輯 傅蘭雅口譯 趙元益筆述" Brief historical sketches of Baptist missions in China, 1836-1936. 187 Chinese;"浸會在華佈道百年畧史 [microform] / [A. R. [上海 : 中華浸會書局], 民國25 [1936] MFC 245.6 6657 E33 Gallimore等]" 188 Burning ship. Chinese;"焚船喻言 [microform] / [Miss North]" [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 [S.l. : Mi-buô-huôi huák siù, 1907?] (Foochow City : 189 Cáng Cil Séng Sĭ béng Mi buo [huoi] la ung [microform] MFC 245.6 6657 D43-45 Romanized Press, 1907) Catalogue of publications in English and Chinese [microform] / 廣 190 [上海 : 廣學會], 1922 MFC 245.6 6657 A54 學會 (The Christian Literature Society for China) Catechism for youth. Chinese;"真道入門 [microform] / [by Issac 191 上海 : 墨海書館, 咸豐元年 [1851] MF 243 1524 no.5 Watts translated by W. C. Milne]" 省城 [廣東] : 增沙惠師禮堂, 咸豐11年 [1861] / 俾士 192 Catechism. no. 2. Chinese;"初學問答 [microform]" MF 243 1524 no.3 氏譯

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Catechism of Old Testament history. Chinese;"舊約史記問答 193 [上海] : [s.n.], 1875 MF 243 1524 no.2 [microform] / 愛孩提女史譯輯" Child's book on the soul. Chinese;"Kiau' 'ts lok [microform] / [by 194 [上海] : [s.n.], 1861 MF 243 1524 no.3 T. H. Gallaudet translated by C. P. Tenney]" China and Protestant missions: a collection of their earliest [Cambridge, Mass.] : Harvard-Yenching Library, 195 MFC 245.6 6657 works in Chinese / compiled by John Yung-Hsiang Lai Harvard University, [1983?] China's first preacher, Liang A-fa. Chinese;"梁發傳 [microform] / 196 [香港] : 基督敎輔僑出版社, [1955] MFC 245.6 6657 E12 麥沾恩著 胡簪雲譯" China's first preacher, Liang Afa. Chinese;"梁發傳 [microform] / 197 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 麥沾思著 胡簪雲譯" Chinese characteristics. Chinese;"支那人之氣質 [microform] / 198 上海 : 作新社, 光緖29 [1903] MFC 245.6 6657 H15 斯密斯著 作新社譯" Chicago, IL : Dept. of Photoduplication, the Joseph 199 Chinese periodicals, [part I] [microform] MF 240.5 1335 Regenstein Library, the University of Chicago, 1977 Chicago, IL : Dept. of Photoduplication, the Joseph 200 Chinese periodicals, [part II] [microform] MF 240.5 1335-1 Regenstein Library, the University of Chicago, 1977 Christian family in changing . Chinese;"演變中的東亞 201 基督化家庭生活 [microform] : 東亞基督敎家庭硏究大會報 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 告書 1954年11月 / 孟尼甘 海珥瑪合編 [吳麟璋譯]" Christian occupation of China. Chinese;"中華歸主 [microform] / 202 [中華續行委辦會調查特委員編製 原書編輯主任司德敷 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國11[1922] MFC 245.6 6657 E22 漢文編輯主任全紹武 翻譯員陸士寅]" Christie's old organ. Chinese;"安樂家 [microform] / by C. A. 203 上海 : 中國聖教書會 : 畫圖新報館, 1882 MF 243 1524 no.10 Walton translated by Mary A. Porter" Coal and coal mining. Chinese;"開煤要法 [microform] : 十二卷 204 [China : 鴻文書局, 1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I38-39 / 士密德輯 傅蘭雅口譯 王德均筆述 [張蔭桓編輯]" 205 Coi sing gi [microform] : Lo ma ce hok kuo Fuzhou : The Stewart Peet Memorial Press, 1923 MFC 245.6 6657 G25 Come to Jesus. Chinese;"來就耶穌 [microform] / [by Newman 206 [上海] : [s.n.], 1856 MF 243 1524 no.3 Hall translated by W. Muirhead]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Commentary on the Acts. Chinese;"使徒行傳註解 [microform] / 207 上海 : 美華書館, 1868 MF 243 1524 no.8 A. Joseph Alexander 倪維思註 [translation by J. L. Nevius]" Confessiones. Chinese;"古聖任罪 [microform] / [by Saint 208 [上海] : 上海福音會堂, 光緒十年 [1884] MF 243 1524 no.10 Augustine translated by W. Muirhead]" 209 Constitution. Chinese;"亞美利加合省國之總律例 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., [187-?] MFC 245.6 6657 H25-26 210 Conversion in old age. Chinese;"桑榆再生記 [microform]" [北京] : 福音堂, 同治乙丑年 [1865] MF 243 1524 no.1 Covenant people of God. Chinese;"永遠的約 [microform] / 韋經 211 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 世著 [單倫理譯]" 212 Cup of wine. Chinese;"Ih-pe tsiu [microform] / [F. F. Gough]" Nyingpo : [s.n.], 1852 MFC 245.6 6657 A111-113 213 De le ts vung taeh [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 185-?] MFC 245.6 6657 F9 Death of Altamont. Chinese;"亞大門臨死畏刑論 [microform] / 214 上海 : 墨海書館, 1853 MF 243 1524 no.2 [translated by ]" Descriptive treatise on mining machinery, tools, and other appliances used in mining. Chinese;"開礦器法圖說 [microform] 215 上海 : 江南製造局, 光緖己亥 [1899] MFC 245.6 6657 I40 : [10卷 附圖] / 俺特累撰 傅蘭雅 王樹善合譯 華蘅芳 孫 景康同校" 216 Di gyiu du [microform] [寧波 : s.n.], 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 F10 Dialogue on Christianity for my Chinese friends. Chinese;"談道 217 錄 [microform] / by Archibald G. Adams translated by Wei 上海 : 靑年協會, 1922 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 Shung Kao and Timothy Y. Jen" Dialogues and detached sentences in the with a free and verbal translation in English [microform] : collected from Macao : Printed at the Honorable East India Co.'s Press, 218 MFC 495.1 D541 various sources. Designed as an initiatory work for the use of by P.P. Thoms, 1816 students of Chinese Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels. Chinese;"四福音大辭典 219 [上海 : 廣學會], 民國24-25(1935-1936)] MFC 245.6 6657 A56 [microform] : [上下卷 / 海丁氏原編 林輔華 夏明如編譯]" Dictionary of the Bible. Chinese;" Chinese Hastings Dictionary of the Bible based on Dr. Hastings' one vol. and other dictionaries 220 [上海 : 廣學會, 民國22(1933)] MFC 245.6 6657 A55 [microform] / edited by Rev. W. Hopkyn Rees Rev. D. Macgillivray"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Chinese;"聖經闡詳 [microform] / 221 [厦門] : [s.n.], 1873 MF 243 1524 no.7 碼約翰刊 [John Eadie] [translated by J. Macgowan]" Ecclesiastes and Canticles. Chinese;"傳道書雅歌釋義 222 上海 : 廣學會, 民國38 [1949] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 [microform] / [力戈登著 林夜明譯]" Electro-metallurgy practically treated. Chinese;"電氣鍍金略法 223 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I55-56 [microform] / 華特纂 傅蘭雅口譯 周郇筆述" Elementary physiology. Chinese;"省身指掌 [microform] / 博恆 224 北京 : 美華書院, 光緖17 [1891] MFC 245.6 6657 J3-4 理撰" Elementary physiology. Chinese;"省身指掌 [microform] / 博恆 225 [北京] : 美華書院, 光緖23 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 J5-6 理撰" Elements of analytical geometry and of the differential and 226 integral calculus. Chinese;"代微積拾級 [microform] : [18卷] / [ [上海 : 墨海書館], 咸豐已未 [1859] MFC 245.6 6657 I7 羅密士撰 偉列亞力口譯 李善蘭筆述]" Elements of international law. Chinese;"萬國公法 [microform] / [ 227 [江口(東京)] : 開成所, 慶應元年[1865] MFC 245.6 6657 H32 惠頓著 丁韙良譯]" Elements of natural philosophy and chemistry. Chinese;"格物入 228 京都 : 同文館, [1868] MFC 245.6 6657 I1 門 [microform] / 丁韙良著" The epistle to the Hebrews. Chinese;"希伯來書釋義 [microform] 229 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 / [力戈登著 陳景熹譯]" Evanston speaks. Chinese;"挨凡斯吞呼聲 [microform] / 陳舉 230 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 譯" Evils of gambling. Chinese;"賭博明論畧講 [microform] / 博愛 231 S.l. : s.n., 1840? MFC 245.6 6657 H1-3 者纂 [William Milne]" Exodus. Chinese;"出埃及記釋義 [microform] / [力戈登著 潘 232 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 鏡高譯]" Faith and practice of a Christian church. Chinese;"聖會準繩 233 香港 : 英華書院, 咸豐10年 [1860] MF 243 1524 no.3 [microform] / [by Francesco De Sanctis translated by J. Legge]" The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Chinese;"哥林多前 234 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 書釋義 [microform] / [林輔華著 夏明如 程伯羣合譯]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Frank Lucas. Chinese;"Lu Hyiao-ts [microform] / [Divie Bethune 235 Nyingpo : [s.n.], 1852 MFC 245.6 6657 A111-113 McCartee]" From pioneer home to White House. Chinese;"苦英雄 236 Shanghai : Association Press of China, 1919 MFC 247.8 8564 no.41 [microform]" 237 Géu cil hèng diông cháuk iéu [microform] / [H. C. Woodhull編] Foochow : Romanized Press, 1903 MFC 245.6 6657 C27-28 238 Ging ca ong dak [microform] Foochow : Romanized Press, 1907 MFC 245.6 6657 B12-13 239 Ginling College magazine [microform] Nanking, China : Ginling College, MF 240.5 3354 240 God. Chinese;"上帝論 [microform] / [何頓著 元應道譯]" 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1957 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 Golden balance. Chinese;"天佛論衡 [microform] / 耶穌教士慕 241 [Shanghai] : [s.n.], [1856] MF 243 1524 no.1 維廉輯 [Edkins J. 譯]" Good news. Chinese;"基督言行錄新編 [microform] / 韋經世編 242 香港 : 香港聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 著" Gospels consolidated. hinese;"福音四書合串 [microform] / 243 福州 : 美華書局, 1874 MF 243 1524 no.6 [translated by W. Ashmore]" Greatest thing in the world. Chinese;"至美之德 [microform] / 上海 : 中韓香港基督敎靑年會總委辦發刊, 光緖 244 MFC 245.6 6657 C73-74 [Henry Drummond]" 28[1902] Greatest thing in the world. Chinese;"Ce mi ci daik [microform] / Hok-ciu [Foochow] : Lo-ma ce cu guoh [Romanized 245 MFC 245.6 6657 C73-74 [Henry Drummond著 Ling Iu-cu譯]" Press], 1903 246 The green year [microform] : the Y.W.C.A. magazine Shanghai, China : National Y.W.C.A., 1923- MF 240.5 3622 Henry and his bearer. Chinese;"亨利實錄 [microform] / [Henry 247 上海 : 美華書館, 1867 MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 Blodget等]" History of ancient and moderen nations. Chinese;"萬國通史 248 台北 : 台聯國風出版社, 民國60 [1971] MFC 245.6 6657 F4 [Microform] / 李思倫白約翰輯譯 蔡爾康 曹曾涵紀述" History of little Henry and his bearer. Chinese;"Siao Hyin-li teng 249 gyi-go ti-'ô nying Bu-zi [microform] / [by Mary M. Sherwood [上海] : [s.n.], 1868 MF 243 1524 no.3 translated by D. B. McCartee]" History of the Eastern Church. Chinese;"東方敎會史 250 香港 : 聖書公會, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 [microform] / 羅金聲著"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 History of the martyrs. Chinese;"耶穌信徒受苦總論 251 [香港] : [s.n.], 1855 MF 243 1524 no.8 [microform] / [translated by T. Hamberg Dai Wenguang]" 252 Hók ĭng sp gé sŭ dĭ [microform] / [E. S. Hartwell譯] Foochow : Romanized Press, 1902 MFC 245.6 6657 C27-28 Holy war. Chinese;"人靈戰紀 [microform] / [by J. Bunyan 253 [上海] : 上海福音會堂, 光緒十年 [1884] MF 243 1524 no.10 translated by W. Muirhead]" Homily of the Church of England (First). Chinese;"勸讀聖錄熟 254 知文 [microform] / [by John Harpsfield translated by Robert [廣東] : [s.n.], [1812?] MF 243 1524 no.12 Morrison]" Homily of the Church of England (Second). Chinese;"勸讀聖錄 255 熟知文 [microform] / [by John Harpsfield translated by Robert [廣東] : [s.n.], [1812?] MF 243 1524 no.11 Morrison]" 256 Hua hok gi li [microform] 福州 : The Romanized Press, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 I21 Imitatio Christi. Chinese;"天鏡衡人 [microform] / [by à Kempis 257 香港 : 英華書院, 同治5年 [1866] MF 243 1524 no.2 Thomas translated by J. Chalmers]" Imitatio Christi. Chinese;"遵主聖範 [microform] / [A Kempis 258 京都[北京] : 美華書局, 1889 MFC 245.6 6657 C67 Thomas原著 Henry Blodget修訂翻譯]" Injunctions against depraved conduct. Chinese;"誡妄行錄 259 [S.l.] : 福漢會, [1855?] MF 243 1524 no.2 [microform] / [translated by Lobscheid W.]" 260 Intercession and evangelism. Chinese;"祈禱與佈道 [microform]" 上海 : 婦女青年會總委辦, 1918 MFC 247.8 8564 no.80 Introduction to the Book of Psalms. Chinese;"詩篇新論 261 上海 : 廣學會, 民國21 [1932] MF 240 4424.3 no.1 [microform] / 林輔華著 夏明如譯" [Invitation for Mr. John R. Mott to come to Foochow from the 36 262 [S.l. : s.n., [19--?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.6 and preacher of the American Board Society] [microform] [Invitation for Mr. John R. Mott to come to Foochow from the 263 [S.l. : s.n., [19--?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.6 members of six associations at Foochow] [microform] Isaiah. Chinese;"以賽亞書釋義 [microform] / [力戈登著 潘鏡 264 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 高譯]" 265 Jessica's first prayer. Chinese;"Sieu cu bek tuk [microform]" Foochow : Romanized Press, 1902 MFC 245.6 6657 A110 Jessica's first prayer. Chinese;"小子必讀 [microform] / [A. M. 266 [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (福州 : 美華書院 光緖4[1878]印) MFC 245.6 6657 A109 Payson譯]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Jesus, a life of Jesus taken from the records of Matthew, Mark and 267 Luke [microform] / by Lesslie Earl Willmott ... [et al.] = 耶穌, 由 成都 : 華英書局, 1936 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 馬太馬可與路加三書輯成之本傳 / 編者, 雲從龍 ... [et al.] Jesus dealings with women and children. Chinese;"婦孺之福 268 [上海] : 中華基督教婦女青年會總委辦處, 1915 MFC 247.8 8564 no.80 [microform] / 尉遲靈著 王則撛 戴志鵬合譯" Kleine Katechismus. Chinese;"聖會幼學問答 [microform] / [by 269 [香港] : [s.n.], 同治甲子年 [1864] MF 243 1524 no.2 Martin Luther translated by P. Winnes]" Knowing the Bible. Chinese;"聖經之認識 [microform] / [著者 270 [上海] : 廣學會, 民國36 [1947] MF 240 4424.3 no.9 諾克斯 譯者 密記勵 趙鴻祥]" Lapland girl. Chinese;"立蘭姑孃實錄 [microform] / [D. Z. 271 [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A106-108 Sheffield]" Letters on missions. Chinese;"天教證略 [microform] / [by 272 [上海] : [s.n.], 咸豐6年 [1856] MF 243 1524 no.2 William Swan translated by W. Muirhead]" Life of Christ. Chinese;"基督傳 [microform] / [William Bancroft 273 上海 : 靑年協會書報部刊, 1920 MFC 245.6 6657 C29 Hill著 陳霆銳 胡貽穀譯]" Life of David Hill. Chinese;"李修善牧師傳 [microform] / 林輔 274 上海 : 廣學會, 民國23 [1934] MFC 245.6 6657 E13 華編[著] 谷雲階譯" Life of Dwight L. Moody. Chinese;"慕翟先生行述 [microform] / 275 上海 : 華美書局, 1903 MF 240 4424.3 no.20 [by William R. Moody]" Light amid the darkness as seen in the life of Martin Luther. 276 Chinese;"馬丁路得的事蹟 [microform] / [譯述者 中華浸會少 上海 : 中華浸會書局, 民國38 [1949] MF 240 4424.3 no.16 年團聯合會編輯部]" Line upon line. Chinese;"蒙童訓 [microform] / [by Favell L. 277 上海 : 美華書館, 1875 MF 243 1524 no.3 Mortimer translated by A. C. Safford]" Line upon line. Chinese;"蒙童訓 [microform] / [by Favell L. 278 [上海] : [s.n.], 1857 MF 243 1524 no.4 Mortimer translated by C. P. Tenney]" Line upon line. Chinese;"Jih tsih yüih le [microform] / [by Favell 279 Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1868-1869 MF 243 1524 no.4 L. Mortimer translated by R. H. Cobbold]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Line upon line. Supplement. Chinese;"Jih tsih yüih le. Pu-tsoh 280 [microform] / [by Favell L. Mortimer translated by M. Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1875 MF 243 1524 no.4 Laurence]" 281 Lo-ma ing chiek ce loi [microform] / Hannah C. Woodhull Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 G23-24 Lord's prayer. Chinese;"耶穌祈禱文 [microform] / [Dyer Ball譯 282 [福州 : 出版者不詳, 1866] MFC 245.6 6657 D1-5 註]" Lost child brought home. Chinese;"領出迷路 [microform] / 283 [北京] : 京都福音堂, 1866 MF 243 1524 no.1 [Jonathan Lees譯]" Mandarin scripture history. Chinese;"聖經指畧 [microform] / [by 284 [北京] : [s.n.], 1873 MF 243 1524 no.7 J. S. Burdon]" Manual of materia medica, and therapeutics. Chinese;"西藥大成 285 藥品中西名目表 [microform] : 附人名地名兩表 / 江南製造 [上海 : 江南製造總局], 光緖13 [1887] MFC 245.6 6657 J14 總局編" Manual of mineralogy. Chinese;"金石識別 [microform] : [12卷 286 [China : 小倉山房, 1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I22 附英文表] / 代那撰 瑪高溫口譯 華蘅芳筆述" Membership of the student Young Men's Christian Association. 287 Chinese;"學校青年會全書. 第九編 會員論 [microform] / [原 上海 : 中華基督教青年會組合, 1914 MFC 247.8 8564 no.4 著者 韋良士]" Mensuration and practical geometry. Chinese;"算式集要 288 [microform] : 四卷 / 哈司韋輯 傅蘭雅口譯 江衡筆述 [張 [China] : 鴻文書局, 光緖22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I6 蔭桓編輯]" Methodist Episcopal catechism. Chinese;"依經問答 [microform] / 289 福州 : 美華書局, 1872 MF 243 1524 no.3 [translated by R. S. Maclay]" Methodist Episcopal Church discipline. Chinese;"美會例文 290 [福州] : 美華書局, 同治8年 [1869] MF 243 1524 no.2 [microform] / [translated by R. S. Maclay S. L. Baldwin]" 291 Ministry. Chinese;"學牧問津 [microform] / 史樂德著" 香港 : 聖公會, 1924 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 Moody's latest sermons. Chinese;"慕翟最後的講壇 [microform] 292 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.7 / 慕翟著 謝頌羔譯" Moulders and founder's pocket guide. Chinese;"冶金錄 293 [S.l.] : 小倉山房, 光緒丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I36 [microform] : [3卷] / 阿發滿撰 傅蘭雅口譯 趙元益筆述"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Neophyte's catechism. Chinese;"進教問答 [microform] / [by 294 [上海] : [三牌樓上帝禮拜堂], [1865?] MF 243 1524 no.4 translated by W. Muirhead]" New commentary on St. Paul's Letter to The Ephesians. Chinese;" 295 上海 : 廣學會, 1921 MF 240 4424.3 no.10 以弗所書註釋 [microform] / 赫士譯著" New historical commentary on The Book of The Prophet Isaiah. 296 Chinese;"根據於歷史的以賽亞書釋義 [microform] / [林輔華 上海 : 廣學會, 民國21年 [1932] MF 240 4424.3 no.10 著 夏明如譯]" Nickel-plating. Chinese;"電氣鍍鎳 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 297 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I55-56 徐華封筆述" Notes from the Gospels. Chinese;"四福音隨筆 [microform] / 慕 298 上海 : 廣學會, 民國29 [1940] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 翟著 謝頌羔譯" Old Testament history. Chinese;"舊約節錄啓蒙 [microform] / 麥 299 上海 : 華美書館, 1868 MF 243 1524 no.6 耐氏参訂 [J. M. McCartee]" Old Testament literature in outline. Chinese;"聖經綱要 300 [S.l.] : 中華信義會書報部, 1934 MF 240 4424.3 no.10 [microform] : 舊約之部 / 哈斯著 [翻譯者 劉健]" Outline of Old Testament history. Chinese;"聖書典論 301 上海 : 美華書館, 1880-1881 MF 243 1524 no.9 [microform]" Outlines of astronomy. Chinese;"談天 [microform] : [18卷 附表] 302 [S.l.] : 益智書會, 光緒9 [1883] MFC 245.6 6657 I13-14 / 侯失勒原本 李善蘭删述 偉烈亞力口譯 徐建寅續述" Outlines of theology. Chinese;"神道簡略 [microform] / [by 303 Archibald A. Hodge] 謝衛樓口述 [Sheffield D. Z.] 趙如光筆 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1876 MF 243 1524 no.9 錄" Parley the porter. Chinese;"兩可喻言 [microform] / [Mary Harriet 304 [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 Porter]" The Patriarchs. Selection. Chinese;"亞伯拉罕 [microform] / [著 305 上海 : 基督福音書局, [19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.5 者 柏勒 譯者 王民先]" Peace in death. Chinese;"善終誌傳 [microform] / [translated by J. 306 [北京] : 京都福音堂, 1866 MF 243 1524 no.1 Edkins]" Peace in death. Chinese;"善終誌傳 [microform] / [translated by J. 307 [廈門] : 廈門禮拜堂, 道光26年 [1846] MF 243 1524 no.2 Stronach]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Peep of day. Chinese;"曉初訓道 [microform] / [by Favell L. 308 [廣東] : [s.n.], [1868?] MF 243 1524 no.1 Mortimer 英國俾士氏譯]" Peep of day. Chinese;"正道啓蒙 [microform] / [by Favell L. 309 京都 [北京] : 福音堂, 同治3年 [1864] MF 243 1524 no.4 Mortimer translated by W. C. Burns]" Peep of day. Chinese;"訓兒真言 [microform] / [by Favell L. 310 上海 : 美華書館, 1867 MF 243 1524 no.5 Mortimer translated by S. Holmes]" Peep of day. Chinese;"Iu-dong ts'u-hyiao [microform] / [by Favell 311 Nying-po [Ningpo] : [s.n.], 1859 MF 243 1524 no.6 L. Mortimer translated by H. S. C. Nevius]" Peep of day. Chinese;"曉初訓道 [microform] / [by Favell L. 312 [廣東] : 增沙惠師禮堂, 同治元年 [1862] MF 243 1524 no.9 Mortimer translated by G. Piercy]" Peep of day. Chinese;"訓兒真言 [microform] / [by Favell L. 313 上海 : 華美書館, 1879 MF 243 1524 no.9 Mortimer translated by A. C. Safford]" Philosophy of the plan of salvation. Chinese;"救世當然之理 314 [microform] / [by James B. Walker] 李提摩太譯 [translated by 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1876 MF 243 1524 no.8 ]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程. 五卷 [microform] / [by J. 315 香港 : 中華印務總局, 同治12年 [1873] MF 243 1524 no.3 Bunyan translated by W. C. Burns]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"Thian l⁻o lék thêng [microform] = 天 316 [廈門] : [s.n.], 1853 MF 243 1524 no.3 路歷程/ [by J. Bunyan]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"Li-jing jih sing [microform] = 旅人 317 Zong-hae [Shanghai] : [s.n.], 1864 MF 243 1524 no.5 入勝 / [by J. Bunyan translated by R. H. Cobbold]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程. 卷一 [microform] / [by 318 [S.l.] : [s.n.], [18--?] MF 243 1524 no.8 John Bunyan]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"勝旅景程 [microform] / [by J. 319 寗郡 [寧波] : 福音殿, 1870 MF 243 1524 no.9 Bunyan translated by T. H. Hall]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程土話 [microform] / [by J. 320 羊城 [廣東] : 惠師禮堂, 同治十年 [1871] MF 243 1524 no.10 Bunyan translated by G. Piercy]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路厯程官話 [microform] / [by J. 321 京都 [北京] : 京都福音堂, 同治四年 [1865] MF 243 1524 no.11 Bunyan translated by W. C. Burns]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"續天路厯程官話 [microform] / [by 322 京都 [北京] : 京都福音堂, 同治五年 [1866] MF 243 1524 no.11 J. Bunyan translated by W. C. Burns]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程 [microform] : [5卷] / [by 323 [香港? : s.n.], 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 G11-13 J. Bunyan]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程 [microform] : [5卷] / [by 324 上海 : 美華書館, 1869 MFC 245.6 6657 G11-13 J. Bunyan]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"天路歷程 : 土話 [microform] = 325 羊城 : 惠師禮堂, 同治9-10 [1870-1871] MFC 245.6 6657 G11-13 Pilgrim's progress : Canton vernacular / [Pen-jen Yüeh-han]" Pilgrim's progress. Chinese;"Tieng lo lik tiang [microform] / [by J. 326 Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1905 MFC 245.6 6657 G14 Bunyan]" Political economy. Chinese;"理財學 [microform] / [Francis 327 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖28 [1902] MFC 245.6 6657 H21-22 Amasa Walker]" Poor Jeseph. Chinese;"論善惡人死 [microform] / [W. H. 328 [嗎[liu]呷] : 英華書院, 道光9[1829] MFC 245.6 6657 C43-46 Medhurst]" Poor Jeseph. Chinese;"論善惡人死 [microform] / [W. H. 329 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光17[1837] MFC 245.6 6657 C43-46 Medhurst]" 330 Poor Jeseph. Chinese;"苦人約色實錄 [microform]" [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 Poor Joseph;"Gyuong-nying iah-seh [microform] / [translated by 331 [Hangchow] : [s.n.], 1868 MF 243 1524 no.1 G. Crombie]" 332 Poor Joseph. Chinese;"貧人約瑟 [microform]" [Hong Kong] : [s.n.], [1851?] MF 243 1524 no.1 Practical course of military surveying. Chinese;"行軍測繪 333 [microform] : [10卷 卷首] / 連提撰 傅蘭雅口譯 趙元益筆 [China : s.n.], 光緒20 [1894] MFC 245.6 6657 I75-76 述" Practical geometry. Chinese;"運規約指 [microform] : [3卷] / 白 334 [上海 : 江南製造局, 1871] MFC 245.6 6657 I9 起德輯 傅蘭雅口譯 徐建寅筆述" A practical Mandarin commentary on first Corinthians. Chinese;" 335 漢口 : 中國基督聖教書會, 民國26 [1937] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 哥林多前書實用官話註釋 [microform] / [著作者 何賡詩]" Practical treatise on testing and working silver ores. Chinese;"銀 336 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I37 礦指南 [microform] / 亞倫撰 傅蘭雅口譯 應祖錫筆述"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Practice of embanking lands from the sea. Chinese;"海塘輯要 337 [microform] : 10卷 卷首 / 韋更斯撰 傅蘭雅口譯 趙元益筆 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I45-46 述" Preparation. Chinese;"準備 [microform] / 盧述福註釋 [繙譯者 338 上海 : 萬國聖經研究會, 1934 MF 240 4424.3 no.6 陳石言]" President of a student Young Men's Christian Association. 339 上海 : 中韓基督教青年合會, 1909 MFC 247.8 8564 no.4 Chinese;"會正之職務 [microform] / [如雅德著 陳在新譯]" Private thoughts on religion. Chinese;"三德論 [microform] / [by 340 上海 : 墨海書館, 1856 MF 243 1524 no.3 Thomas Adam translated by J. Edkins]" Private thoughts on religion. Chinese;"信徒格言 [microform] / 341 [寧波] : [s.n.], 1875 MF 243 1524 no.5 [by Thomas Adam translated by A. E. Moule]" The Psalms. Chinese;"詩篇釋義 [microform] / [林輔華著 夏明 342 上海 : 廣學會, 1949 MF 240 4424.3 no.4 如譯]" Psychology of religion. Chinese;"宗敎心理學 [microform] / 343 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 Lyman V. Cady" Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication 344 Rare books National Library Peiping, notices 1-2720 [microform] MF 018.52 4316 Service, [1952?] Re-thinking missions. Chinese;"宣敎事業平議 [microform] / 美 345 [上海] : 商務印書館, [民國23(1934)] MFC 245.6 6657 D55 國平信徒調查團編 徐寶謙 繆秋笙 範定九譯" Refraction and how to refract. Chinese;"屈光學 [microform] / 盈 346 S.l. : 博醫會, 1914 MFC 245.6 6657 J12 享利譯 陳桂清筆述 管國全校訂" Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards. Chinese;"定志錄 [microform] 347 = Dr. Edwards' resolutions / [by Jonathan Edwards translated by [上海] : 上海聖教書會, 1881 MF 243 1524 no.10 H. Blodget]" Robert Morrison (1782-1834). Chinese;"馬禮遜小傳 [microform] 348 / 淸潔理[Katharine R. Green]著 [費佩德[Robert F. Fitch] 楊榮 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 瀏譯]" Robert Morrison, a master-builder. Chinese;"傳敎偉人馬禮遜 349 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 [microform] / 海恩波著 簡又文譯"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Rules for holy living. Chinese;"成聖之法 [microform] / [Robert 350 澳門 : 和愛堂, 咸豐丁巳 [1857] MF 243 1524 no.1 Newstead translation by G. Piercy]" Science and religion. Chinese;"近代科學家的宗敎觀 351 上海 : 中華基督敎文社, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.7 [microform] / [J. Arthur Thomson] 謝頌羔 米星如合譯" Scripture catechism. Chinese;"經錄問答 [microform] / [by J. G. 352 [寧波] : 開明山福音殿, 1868 MF 243 1524 no.3 Pike translated by T. H. Hudson]" Scripture histories. Chinese;"聖經精義. 卷上 [microform] / [by 353 [北京] : [s.n.], [1866?] MF 243 1524 no.3 Christian G. Barth translated by J. S. Burdon]" 354 Scripture history. Chinese;"聖經之史 [microform]" [香港] : [s.n.], [1849?] MF 243 1524 no.12 355 Scripture treasury. Chinese;"聖書綱目 [microform]" [上海] : 倫敦聖書會印 : 上海申報館, 1882 MF 243 1524 no.10 The second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Chinese;"哥林多後 356 上海 : 廣學會, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.4 書釋義 [microform] / [柏基根著 馬福江譯]" 357 Sek ce ga gi do [microform] / [Locke King] Foochow : Romanized Press, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 C51-52 358 Seng ging du siok kie mung [microform] / Luoma ce [S.l. : s.n.], 光緒16 [1890] MFC 245.6 6657 B12-13 Seng sing ci sa [microform] / Ding Gă-lh sŭ gŭ, Ding kăi-céng 359 [Foochow : Romanized Press : A. B. C. F. M, 1904] MFC 245.6 6657 C51-52 sĭng săng, dùng ĭk Sermons for the year. Chinese;"週年講壇 [microform] / 著作者 360 上海 : 廣學會, 1931 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 萬保全 編述者 黃化堂" Sermons on the Mount. Chinese. 1834;"救世主坐山敎訓 361 Boston : s.n., 1834 MFC 245.6 6657 B152-155 [microform]" Sermons on the Mount. Chinese. 1862;"耶穌上山傳道 362 福州 : 救主堂, 1862 MFC 245.6 6657 B152-155 [microform] : 榕腔" Sermons on the Mount. Chinese. 1868;"耶穌上山敎訓 363 福州 : 美華書局, 1868 MFC 245.6 6657 B152-155 [microform] : 榕腔 / C. Hartwell" Sermons on the Mount. Chinese. 1875;"耶穌登山寶訓 364 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1875 MFC 245.6 6657 B152-155 [microform]" Short history of the Baptists. Chinese;"浸會簡史 [microform] / 365 上海 : 中華浸會書局, 1949 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 Henry C. Vedder著 李肇琳譯" Short history of the World's Student Christian Federation. 366 上海 : 中華基督教青年會全國協會, [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.11 Chinese;"世界基督教學生同盟史畧 [microform]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Shorter catechism. Chinese;"耶穌教要理問答 [microform] / 367 寧波 : 華花聖經書房, 1849 MF 243 1524 no.2 [Anthony Tuckney]" Shorter catechism. Chinese;"教會問答 [microform] / [by Anthony 368 [上海] : 墨海書館, 1855 MF 243 1524 no.2 Tuckney translated by W. Muirhead]" Shorter catechism. Chinese;"福音道問答合講 [microform] / [by 369 上海 : 美華書館, 1861 MF 243 1524 no.5 Anthony Tuckney translated by M. S. Culbertson]" Shorter catechism. Chinese;"福音道問答簡畧 [microform] / [by 370 上海 : 美華書館, 1862 MF 243 1524 no.5 Anthony Tuckney translated by M. S. Culbertson]" Shorter catechism. Chinese;"Foh-ing dao-li ling-kying veng-teh 371 Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1870 MF 243 1524 no.1 [microform] / [Anthony Tuckney translated by W. A. P. Martin]" Shorter catechism. Chinese;"耶穌教要理答問 [microform] / [by 372 粤東 [廣東] : 惠濟醫館, 咸豐元年 [1851] MF 243 1524 no.11 Anthony Tuckney translated by A. P. Happer]" 373 Sing saen yiae ko [microform] Nyingpo : [華花書房], 1858 MFC 245.6 6657 D43-45 374 Story of Kwei-on. Chinese;"閨娜傳 [microform]" [上海] : 中國聖教書會 : 畫圖新報館, 1882 MF 243 1524 no.10 The story of our Bible. Chinese;"聖經的故事 [microform] / [原 375 上海 : 青年協會書局, 民國29 [1940] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 著者 韓丁] 顧惠人譯" The strike at Shane's. Chinese;"牲畜罷工記 [microform] : 官話 / 376 上海 : 恊和書局, 民國6 [1917] MFC 245.6 6657 H11-12 [James S Shelton]" Summons to a larger evangelism. Chinese;"擴大佈道的呼籲 377 上海 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, 民國18[1929] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 [microform] / [by J. R. Mott]" Swiss boy. Chinese;"孩童故事 [microform] / translated by H. S. 378 [上海] : 中國聖教書會 : 畫圖新報館, 1883 MF 243 1524 no.10 C. Nevius" Systematic theology. Chinese;"教條 [microform] / translated by 379 [S.l.] : [s.n.], [1849?] MF 243 1524 no.11 K. F. A. Gutzlaff" Ten commandments. Chinese. 1841;"上帝之命 [microform] / 花 380 S.l. : 書院藏板, [1841] MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 旗國叔訂" Ten commandments. Chinese. 1853;"神十誡其註釋 381 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 [microform]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Ten commandments. Chinese. 1866;"上帝聖誡繙譯榕腔 382 福州 : 金粟山寓所藏板, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 [microform]" 383 Ten commandments. Chinese. 1879;"十條聖誡 [microform]" 福州 : 南臺霞浦街福音堂, 光緒4 [1879] MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 Terrible red dwarf. Chinese;"紅侏儒傳 [microform] / [by Mark 384 漢口 : 聖教書局, 1882 MF 243 1524 no.10 Guy Pearse translated by G. John]" A text-book of ophthalmology. Chinese;"眼科證治 [microform] / 385 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖21 [1895] MFC 245.6 6657 J11 [聶會東譯 尚寶臣述]" A text-book of practical therapeutics. Chinese;"賀氏療學 386 [microform] / Hobart Amory Hare translated by James H. [上海] : 博醫會, 民國4 [1915] MFC 245.6 6657 J15 Ingram" 387 Textbook of geology. Chinese;"地質學 [microform] / 麥美德著" 北京 : 協和女書院, 1911 MFC 245.6 6657 I24 Thanksgiving Ann. Chinese;"Dˇo-siâ ˇAng-ngp hdng-diông 388 Sfk hóng giˇong siˇoh hˇong [microform] / [K. W. Foochow : Romanized Press, A.B.C.F.M, 1904 MFC 245.6 6657 A111-113 Hamilton Ling Cáik-hif ik]" Theological lectures and theology explained. Chinese;"神理總論 389 [microform] / 尚德者纂 [by T. Dwight D. Bogue translated by [Malacca] : 英華書院, 道光13年 [1833] MF 243 1524 no.5 W. H. Medhurst]" Thirteen articles on Christian doctrine. Chinese;"天理十三條 390 [上海] : [s.n.], [1856] MF 243 1524 no.2 [microform] / [translated by W. Muirhead]" Treatise on coast defence. Chinese;"防海新論 [microform] : [18 391 [China : s.n.], 光緒20 [1894] MFC 245.6 6657 I72 卷] / 希理哈撰 傅蘭雅口譯 華蘅芳筆述" Treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry. Chinese;"三角數理 392 [上海 : 江南製造局, 1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 I10 [microform] : [12卷] / 海麻士輯 傅蘭雅口譯 華蘅芳筆述" Tribulations of the church in China, A.D. 1900. Chinese;"庚子敎 393 上海 : 廣學會, 1901 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 會受難記 [microform] / [D. MacGillivray]" 394 Tsaen-me tsing jing s. [microform] Nyingpo : [s.n.], 1851 MFC 245.6 6657 D43-45 [上海] : [中華基督敎青年會全國協會], 民國26 395 Tung kung. January 1937. [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.56 [1937] Under the highest leadership. Chinese;"唯一領袖 [microform] / 396 廣州 : 光樓發行, 民國10[1921] MFC 245.6 6657 C30 [John Douglas Adam著 C. A. Nelson譯]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Uplift of China. Chinese;"靑年興國準範 [microform] / [A. H. 397 上海 : 廣海會, 1913 MFC 245.6 6657 E17-19 Smith著] 季理斐[編]譯" Way of salvation. Chinese;"救靈先路 [microform] / [W. 398 上海 : 三牌樓福音會堂, 1882 MF 243 1524 no.10 Muirhead]" Westminster Confession of Faith. Chinese;"信道摘要書 399 上海 : 美華書館, 1866 MF 243 1524 no.4 [microform]" Westminster Confession of Faith. Chinese;"Larger catechism. 400 上海 : 美華書館, 1866 MF 243 1524 no.5 Chinese";"耶穌教要理大問答 [microform]" Westminster Confession of Faith. Chinese;"信道揭要書 401 上海 : 美華書館, 1881 MF 243 1524 no.9 [microform]" Wonder of grace. Chinese;"救主奇恩 [microform] / [William H. 402 [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 Boole]" 403 Young Gideon. Chinese;"伶俐小孩 [microform]" [北京] : 京都福音堂, 1866 MF 243 1524 no.1 404 一九二一年南京學生聯修會每日開會程序 [microform] [中國] : [中華基督敎青年會], [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 一九二二年中華基督教學校青年會統計表 [microform] = 405 1922 statistics, student Young Men's Christian Associations in [中國] : [中華基督教青年會], [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.29 China 一個上海商人的改變 [microform] / 李觀森原著 明燈報社 406 上海 : 廣學會, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 譯 407 一個實驗的鄉村敎會 [microform] / 朱敬一著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 一羣披着羊皮的狼 [microform] : 揭穿美帝國主義利用宗教 408 上海 : 華東人民, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 危害中國的罪行 / [編輯, 華東人民出版社] 409 三十一國志要 [microform] / 李提摩太著 [S.l. : s.n., n.d.] MFC 245.6 6657 F15-16 410 三字經 [microform] / [Henry Blodget] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A37-38 [天津 : 華北書會印發, 190-?]. (上海 : 商務印書館, 411 三字經 [microform] / [Chauncey Goodrich 註] MFC 245.6 6657 A34-36 光緖30[1904]印) 福州 : 閩北聖書會印發 : 啓明印刷公司活版, 民國 412 三字經 [microform] / [夏察理氏著] MFC 245.6 6657 A37-38 2[1913] 413 三字經 [microform] / [Walter Henry Medhurst] 香港 : 英華書院, 道光23[1843] MFC 245.6 6657 A29-33 414 三字經 [microform] / [Walter Henry Medhurst] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, [185-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A29-33

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 415 三字經註解 [microform] / [Chauncey Goodrich 註] [S.l. : s.n., 19--?] MFC 245.6 6657 A34-36 416 三寶仁會論 [microform] / [William Milne] [嗎(Liu)呷 : 出版者不詳, 1821] MFC 245.6 6657 D53-54 417 三得惟枝島紀略 [microform] / 林樂知著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F38-40 418 上帝會關懷我麼? [microform] / 許碧璋著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 419 上帝生日之論 [microform] / 尚德纂 新嘉坡 : [堅夏]書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C93-96 420 上帝的兒女們 [microform] / 張資平著 上海 : 光明書局, 1931 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 421 上帝萬物之大主 [microform] / 善德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [1836?] MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9 422 上帝總論 [microform] / [] 福州 : 福州霞浦街[福音堂?], 光緖3[1878] MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9 423 上帝聖敎公會門 [microform] / [cWilliam Milne] 博愛者纂 [上海] : 墨海書館, 道光25年 [1845] MF 243 1524 no.2 424 上帝聖敎公會門 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎(liu)呷 : 出版者不詳], 道光5[1825] MFC 245.6 6657 D1-5 425 上海廣東中華基督敎會月報 [microform] 上海 : 廣東中華基督敎會, 1917-[1924?] MF 240.5 2133 426 上海青年 [microform] : 每月一回童子遠足隊特別增刊 [上海] : 上海基督敎中國青年會, 民國2 [1913] MFC 247.8 8564 no.54 427 不是他們的耶穌 [microform] / [野渡] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國12[1923] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 428 世人救主 [microform] / [K. F. A. Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C14-18 429 世界基督教學生同盟 [microform] [China] : s.n., [19--?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.11 香港 : Council on Christian Literature for Overseas 430 世界基督敎文摘 [microform] MF 240.5 7707 Chinese, 1954-1957 431 世界女青年會聯合之成績 [microform] [中國] : [世界女青年會], 民國8 [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.79 432 中國三敎的共同本質 [microform] / 謝扶雅著 香港 : 基督敎中國宗敎文化硏究社, 1966 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 433 中國傳統文化與天主古敎 [microform] / 蘇雪林著 香港 : 香港眞理學會, 1957 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 434 中國古世公法 [microform] / 丁韙良撰 上海 : 上海書局, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H28-31 435 中國回敎史鑑 [microform] / 馬以愚著 [上海] : 商務, 民國30[1941] MF 248.2 1335 v.10 中国基督教三自爱国运动委員会常务委員会第十次(擴大) 436 会議專輯 [microform] / 中国基督教三自爱国运动委員会編 [中國] : 該委員会, 1957 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 印 437 中國基督敎史 [microform] / 楊森富著 臺北 : 臺灣商務印書館, 民國57[1968] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 438 中國基督敎史綱 [microform] / 王治心著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 439 中國基督敎史綱 [microform] / [王治心] [上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29 (1940)] MFC 245.6 6657 E40 440 中國基督敎學生運動特刊 [microform] [中國] : [中國基督敎學生運動委員會], [1928?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.47 441 中國基督敎學生運動特刊. (二) [microform] [中國] : [中國基督敎學生運動委員會], [1928?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.48

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 442 中國基督敎敎會改革的途徑 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 中國基督敎敎育事業 [microform] / 中國基督敎敎育調查會 443 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國11 [1922] MFC 245.6 6657 H38 編 444 中國基督敎的開山事業 [microform] / 簡又文著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 445 中國基督敎的開山事業 [microform] / 簡又文編撰 [香港] : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1960 MFC 245.6 6657 E16 446 中國天主敎傳敎史 [microform] / 德禮賢著 王雲五主編 上海 : 商務印書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 447 中國宗敎思想史大綱 [microform] / 王治心編 上海 : 中華書局, 1933 MF 248.2 1335 v.14 448 中國官紳反敎的原因 (1860-1874) [microform] / 呂實強著 臺北 : 中央硏究院近代史硏究所, 民國55[1966] MF 248.2 1335 v.10 449 中國少年的個人問題 [microform] / [藍安石著] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1923 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 450 中國敎會新報 [microform] 上海 : 林華書院, 1868-1872 MFC 245.6 6657 A82 451 中國歷史的上帝觀 [microform] / 王治心著 上海 : 中華基督敎文社, 民國15[1926] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 452 中國聖賢要道類編 [microform] / [董景安纂輯] [中國 : s.n., 19--?] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 453 中國鄉村敎會之新建設 [microform] / 朱敬一著 上海 : 中華基督敎文社, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 454 中國靑年職業問題 [microform] / 何淸儒著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.6 455 中外問答 [microform] / [] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 咸豐6[1856] MFC 245.6 6657 A95-98 456 中外新報 [microform] [寧波 : s.n., 咸豐甲午[1854]- MFC 245.6 6657 A79-80 457 中外新聞七日錄 [microform] 臺北 : 華文書局, 1969 MFC 245.6 6657 A81 中東戰紀本末 [microform] 文學興國策 / [林樂知 蔡爾康 458 上海 : 廣學會, 光緖22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 F52 著譯] 459 中華基督敎女青年會詩歌 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎女青年會全國協會, 1919 MFC 247.8 8564 no.70 460 中華基督敎敎育季刊 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎敎育會, 1925-1936? MF 240.5 5044 中華基督敎文字索引(華英合璧) [microform] = A classified 461 index to the Chinese literature of the Protestant Christian churches [上海 : 廣協書局, 1933] MFC 245.6 6657 A50 in China 中華基督教衛理公會華東年議會第八屆會議記錄 462 [microform] / [中華基督教衛理公會華東年議會第八屆會議 上海 : [該委員会], 1953 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 記錄委員會編] 463 中華基督敎靑年會二十五年小史 [microform] / 來會理著 [上海 : 中華基督敎靑年協會, 1920] MF 248.2 1335 v.10 464 中華基督教青年會全國協會章程 [microform] S.l. : [中華基督教青年會全國協會], [19--?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.2 465 中華基督教青年會全年報告 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督教青年會全國協會, 民國11 [1922] MFC 247.8 8564 no.28

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 466 中華基督敎靑年會史略 [microform] / [余日章] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 上海 : 中華基督教青年會全國協會校會組, 民國11 467 中華基督教青年會學生事業討論問題 [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.62 [1922] 468 中華基督敎靑年會年鑑及董幹名簿 [microform] 上海 : 青年協會書局, 民國20 [1931] MFC 247.8 8564 no.35 469 中華學生夏令會 [microform] [中國] : s.n., 民國9 [1920] MFC 247.8 8564 no.63 470 中華歸主 [microform] 上海 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, MF 240.5 1335-2 471 中華民族眼裏的耶穌 [microform] / 照流居士著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 中華浸會百週年紀念會報告書 [microform] / 編輯, 劉粤聲, 472 [廣州] : 中華浸會百週年紀念會, 1936 MF 240 4424.3 no.7 馮紹榮, 唐馬太 473 中華諸兄慶賀新禧文 [microform] / 尚德者拜 新嘉坡 : [堅夏]書院, 183-? MFC 245.6 6657 H13-14 中韓基督教青年合會典章 [microform] / 中韓基督教青年合 474 上海 : 中韓基督教青年合會, 1912 MFC 247.8 8564 no.2 會 中韓香港基督教青年合會典章 [microform] / 中韓香港基督 475 上海 : 中韓香港基督教青年合會, 1902 MFC 247.8 8564 no.3 教青年合會公定 上海 : Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General 476 中西敎會報 [microform] MF 240.5 5014 Knowledge Among the Chinese, 477 中西聞見錄選編 [microform] / [丁韙良輯] [S.l. : s.n.], 光緖丁丑[1877] MFC 245.6 6657 A86 478 中西關繫略論 [microform] / [林樂知著] 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖2 [1876] MFC 245.6 6657 F55-56 479 主日源流 [microform] / [編述者: 施禮敎, 李瑞舫] [中國] : 中華信義會書報部, 民國19[1920] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 480 主神論 [microform] [寧波] : [寧波]福音殿, 道光29[1849] MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9 481 主禱文讀本 [microform] 武昌 : 鄂湘聖公會識字運動幹事處, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 482 主禱文默想錄 [microform] / 霍子山著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 於是對門徒說要收的莊稼多作工的人少所以你們當求莊稼 483 [中國 : s.n., 19--?] MFC 245.6 6657 A106-108 的主打發工人出去收他的莊稼 [microform] / [J. H. Ingram譯] 484 五十年來 [microform] / [王明道著] [北京 : s.n., 1950] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治 485 五字經註解 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 10[1871]印) 486 互相服事 [microform] / 蘇學眞著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 487 亞墨理格洲合省國志略 [microform] : 上卷 / 高理文撰 香港, 道光24 [1844] MFC 245.6 6657 F35-37 488 交際委辦須知 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 489 人生 [microform] 香港 : 人生雜誌社, MF 240.5 8025 490 人生槪論 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 491 人當有孝順父母之實 [microform] 厦門 : [s.n.], 丁未[1847] MFC 245.6 6657 C89-92 492 人的敎育 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 493 他山石語 [microform] / [范禕著] 上海 : 靑年協會書報部, 民國10[1921] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 494 以色列的故事 [microform] / 陳述儀 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 495 以賽亞書講義 [microform] [S.l.] : 華北神學院, 19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.10 496 佛化基督敎 [microform] / 張純一著 上海 : 佛學書局, 民國19[1930] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 497 佐治芻言 [microform] : 三卷 / 傅蘭雅口譯 應祖錫筆述 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H20 498 佈道委辦 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 但以理講義 [microform] = Thoughts on Daniel / [by R. F. 499 上海 : 時兆報館, 民國3 [1914] MF 240 4424.3 no.21 Cottrell] 作基督徒的眞意義 [microform] / 濮士華原著 [麥美德, 王德 500 濟南 : 齊魯大學神科, [1926] MFC 245.6 6657 C76 潤譯述] 501 使徒信經十講 [microform] / 韋卓民著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 502 使徒實蹟誌 [microform] / [H. W. Luce] 上海 : 美華書館, 1903 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 503 使徒行傳 [microform] : 官話和合譯本 上海 : 大美國聖經會印發, 1921 MF 240 4424.3 no.21 504 使徒行傳之硏究 [microform] / 路思義編譯 上海 : 美華書館, 1918 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 505 使法事略 [microform] / 林樂知著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F53-54 506 信仰問題 [microform] / 吳永泉著 上海 : 中國各大學基督徒學生聯合會, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 507 信約錄 [microform] / [Chauncey Goodrich] 京都[北京] : 美華書局, 光緖20[1894] MFC 245.6 6657 C53-56 508 信經導言 [microform] / 林步基編著 [S.l.] : 中華聖公會書籍委員會, 1933 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 509 信經讀本 [microform] 武昌 : 鄂湘聖公會識字運動幹事處, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 保富述要 [microform] / 布來德著 傅蘭雅口譯, 徐家寶筆述 510 [上海] : 愼記書莊, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H16-19 [求自強齋主人輯] 511 保福山聖敎醫館畧述. 17編 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖18 [1892] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 512 保福山聖敎醫館畧述. 18編 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖19 [1893] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 513 保羅言行 [microform] / [Mary E. Andrews序] [北京] : 華北書會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 E7-9 514 保羅言行錄 [microform] / 善德者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光17 [1837] MFC 245.6 6657 E7-9 515 俄羅斯國鑑畧 [microform] / 聖約翰書院譯 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖 [1881] MFC 245.6 6657 F22-26

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 516 個人佈道 [microform] / [W. MacNaughtan] 上海 : 全國基督敎協進會, 民國19[1930] MF 248.2 1335 v.10 517 個人傳道範式 [microform] / [王元德著] 上海 : 靑年協會書報部, 1921 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 518 家庭敎育的硏究 [microform] / 謝頌羔編著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國19[1930] MF 248.2 1335 v.7 519 家庭禱告 [microform] / 明恩博著 [中國] : 漢津基督聖敎協和書局, 1916?] MFC 245.6 6657 C72 520 傳道一隅 [microform] / [陳金鏞著] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國19[1930] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 521 傳道偉人集 [microform] 上海 : 中華聖公會, 1926 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 傳道會秩序 [microform] : 一九四八年一至十二月 / [編譯者, 522 上海 : 中華浸會書局, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.17 中華浸會女傳道會聯合會編輯部] 523 僧侶信主記 [microform] / 龔天民編譯 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 524 儒敎衍義 [microform] : [3卷] / 韶波撰 香港 : 巴色會, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 G5 525 儒釋道回耶穌五敎通考 [microform] / 慕維廉著 日本東京 : 十字書舖, 1879 MFC 245.6 6657 G8 526 光論 [microform] / 艾約瑟, 張福僖譯述 上海 : 商務印書館, 1936 MFC 245.6 6657 I18-19 527 兒童管理法 [microform] / [Barbour, Dorothy Dickinson] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 528 入耶穌敎小引 [microform] : 福州平話 / [C. C. Baldwin] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1854 MFC 245.6 6657 A95-98 529 入門之光全本 [microform] / [Emma Dickson Smith] [天津] : 華北書會印發, 民國4[1915] MFC 245.6 6657 C69-71 530 入門切要 [microform] / [J. Edkins] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : [東?]門樓傳敎室印) MFC 245.6 6657 A27-28 531 全人矩矱 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新加坡 : 堅更書院, 道光16[1837] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 532 全人矩矱 [microform] : [5卷] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 533 全體入門問答 [microform] / 賀路綏譯 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖28 [1902] MFC 245.6 6657 J7-9 534 全體新論 [microform] / 合信, 陳修堂撰 羊城 [廣州] : 惠愛醫館, 咸豐元年 [1851] MFC 245.6 6657 J2 535 兩人謊言;"二人謊言 [microform] / [Charles Alfred Stanley]" 京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1873 MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 兩友相論 [microform] / [William Milne 著 Henry Blodget 修 536 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A7-8 訂] 537 兩友相論 [microform] / [William Milne著] [中國 : s.n., 18--?]. (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A73 兩廣浸會同胞自立的培正學校 [microform] / [撰述著, 曾郁 538 廣州 : 兩廣浸會事務所, 1927 MF 240 4424.3 no.5 根] 539 八福眞經 [microform] / [朱退愚] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 540 六合叢談 [microform] 松江 : 上海墨海書館, [1857-1858] MFC 245.6 6657 A79-80 541 公法總論 [microform] / 羅柏村撰 傅蘭雅, 汪振聲同譯 [上海] : 小蒼山房, 光緖丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H28-31 542 公禱文 [microform] / 聖公會訂 [S.l. : s.n.], 1917 MFC 245.6 6657 D14

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 543 共享主義 [microform] / 周伯琴著 香港 : 圖鴻印刷公司, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 544 共讀經文 [microform] / [Henry Hlodget輯著] 京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 D12-13 共讀經文 [microform] / [Henry Blodget輯著 George D. Wilder 545 北通州 : 協和書院, 1907 MFC 245.6 6657 D12-13 重修纂] 兵船汽機 [microform] : 6卷, 附卷 / 息尼德撰 傅蘭雅口譯 546 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I41-42 草備鈺筆述 兵船礮法 [microform] : [6卷] / 美國水師書院撰 金楷理口譯 547 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I58-60 朱恩錫筆述 李鳳苞删潤 548 最淺由淺入深 [microform] : 讀四福音入門 / 畢來思著 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 1941 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 549 冰洋事蹟述略 [microform] / 艾約瑟著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F22-26 550 出版界 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎出版協會, 1918-1951? MF 240.5 2226 列國歲計政要 [microform] / 麥丁富得力編纂 林樂知口譯 551 [上海] : 小蒼山房, 光緖丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H36 鄭昌棪筆述 [張蔭桓編輯] 列國陸軍制 [microform] : 九卷 / 歐潑登著 林樂知口譯 瞿 552 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H33 昂來筆述 利用光陰團佈道課略 [microform] / 中華基督教女青年會全 553 上海 : 廣學書局, 1920 MFC 247.8 8564 no.81 國協會學生部 554 利用光陰團學生衛生願詞 [microform] [上海] : [中華基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.79 555 [利用光陰團的資料] [microform] [上海] : [中華基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.76 556 前線的基督徒靑年 [microform] / 劉良模著 香港 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 克虜伯礮操法 [microform] : [4卷] / 布國軍政局撰 金楷理譯 557 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I61-63 李鳳苞筆述 克虜伯礮準心法 [microform] / 布國軍政局撰 金楷理口譯 558 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I58-60 李鳳苞筆述 559 克虜伯礮表 [microform] : [8卷] / [金楷理口譯?] [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I61-63 克虜伯礮說 [microform] : [4卷] / 布國軍政局撰 金楷理口譯 560 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I61-63 李鳳苞筆述 561 創世記的家庭研究 [microform] / [作者, 陳金鏞] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國13 [1924] MF 240 4424.3 no.20 562 動物學啓蒙 [microform] : [8卷] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I31-35 563 勝利的生活 [microform] / 謝受靈著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國30[1941] MF 248.2 1335 v.7

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 564 勸世崇眞文 [microform] / [Thomas T. Devan] 香港 : 禮拜堂藏板, 道光27[1847] MFC 245.6 6657 A90-94 565 勸世良言 [microform] : [9卷 / 梁阿發著] 廣州 : [s.n.], 1832 MFC 245.6 6657 A68-70 勸世良言. Selections;"揀選勸世要言 [microform] / 學善居士 566 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A68-70 纂" 567 勸世良言 [microform] : 福州平話 / [Justus Doolittle編] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 A71 568 勸世良言與太平天國革命之關係 [microform] / 鄧嗣禹 [臺北 : 臺灣學生書局, 民國54(1965)] MFC 245.6 6657 A68-70 569 勸戒鴉片良言 [microform] S.l. : s.n., 18--? MFC 245.6 6657 H4-7 570 勸戒鴉片論 [microform] / [Justus Doolitte] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 H4-7 571 勸戒鴉片論 [microform] : 正文 / [Justus, Doolittle] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 H4-7 572 勸善喻道傳 [microform] / 丁韙良著 渡部溫訓點 東京 : 渡邊溫, 明治10[1877] MFC 245.6 6657 C75 573 勸鄉人十則 [microform] / 夏察理謹識 福州 : 福音堂, 同治13 [1874] MFC 245.6 6657 H13-14 574 化學啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I31-35 化學求數 [microform] : 15卷, 附表 / 富裏西尼烏司撰 傅蘭 575 [S.l. : s.n. 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 I20 雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [北京師範大學圖書館館藏基督敎文獻彙編. Part I] 576 [北京 : 北京師範大學圖書館, 2003] MF 240 1102 [microform] / [北京師範大學圖書館製作] [北京師範大學圖書館館藏基督敎文獻彙編. Part II] 577 [北京 : 北京師範大學圖書館, 2003] MF 240 1102 [microform] / [北京師範大學圖書館製作] 578 北平公理會公產委員會典章 [microform] [北平 : 該會], 民國17 [1928] MFC 245.6 6657 E38-39 匠誨與規 [microform] : [3卷] / 諾格德撰 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽 579 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I47-48 筆述 580 十條誡讀本 [microform] 武昌 : 鄂湘聖公會識字運動幹事處, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 581 十駁五辯歌 [microform] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治13[1875] MFC 245.6 6657 C93-96 582 半生之回顧 [microform] / 浦化人自述 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1921 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 協和書局圖書目錄 [microform] = Catalogue of Chinese books 583 上海 : 協和書局, 民國11[1922] MFC 245.6 6657 A51 sold by The Mission Book Company 584 協和醫學堂徵信錄 [microform] 上海 : 美華書館, 宣統2 [1910] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 585 協進 [microform] 中國 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, 1943-[1954?] MF 240.5 4430 586 南洋佈道記 [microform] / 趙世光編著 [S.l : s.n., 19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.17 587 印度志略 [microform] / 慕維廉著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 廣州 : 美華浸信會印書局, 1921 (香港 : 印刷者不詳, 588 去荊鋤 [microform] / [張文開著] MFC 245.6 6657 C99 [1971?]印) 589 司布眞生平 [microform] / 謝頌羔著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 590 古今萬國綱鑑錄 [microform] 寧波 : 華花聖經書坊, 道光30 [1850] MFC 245.6 6657 F1 MF 240 4424.3 no.15 pt. 1-3 591 古史參箴 [microform] / [沈則寬撰] [S.l.] : 土山灣印書館, 1930 MF 240 4424.3 no.16 pt. 4 592 古史略 [microform] / [沈容齋] 上海 : 土山灣印書館, 1937 MF 240 4424.3 no.18 593 古文今譯中國故事 [microform] / 王治心編譯 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.14 594 古時如氐亞國歷代略傳 [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 1815?] MFC 245.6 6657 B10 595 古猶太革命史演義 [microform] / 簡又文著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1957 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 [上海] : 中華基督敎青年會全國協會市會組, 民國18 596 同工. 第三十八期 [microform] = Tung kung MFC 247.8 8564 no.55 [1929] [上海] : 中華基督敎青年會全國協會市會組, 民國19 597 同工. 第九十五期 [microform] = Tung kung MFC 247.8 8564 no.56 [1930] 598 同文館題名錄 [microform] / 丁韙良編 北京 : 同文館, 光緖5 [1879] MFC 245.6 6657 H39-41 599 同文館題名錄 [microform] : 第4次 / 丁韙良編 北京 : 同文館, 光緖13 [1888] MFC 245.6 6657 H39-41 600 同文館題名錄 [microform] : 第5次 / 丁韙良編 北京 : 同文館, 光緖19 [1893] MFC 245.6 6657 H39-41 601 同治十一年禮拜單 [microform] [福州 : 耶穌敎美部傳道公會], 同治11[1872] MFC 245.6 6657 D1-5 602 同治十一年聖敎醫館施醫單 [microform] [福州 : 聖敎醫館], 同治11 [1872] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 603 名牧遺徽 [microform] / [謝洪賚] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會全國協會, 1916 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 604 名牧遺徽 [microform] / [謝洪賚] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會全國協會, 1916 MFC 247.8 8564 no.43 各國交涉公法論 [microform] : [初集四卷, 二集四卷, 三集八 605 卷, 附卷末一卷] / [費利摩羅巴德撰 傅蘭雅口譯 俞世爵 [上海] : 小蒼山房, 光緖丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H28-31 筆述] 606 各樣的安慰 [microform] / [著者, 陳崇桂] 重慶 : 佈道雜誌社, 1948 MF 240 4424.3 no.6 607 告靑年 [microform] / [胡貽穀編輯] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國17[1928] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 608 咬[liu]吧總論 [microform] / 尚得者纂 [Batavia? : s.n., 1824?] MFC 245.6 6657 F41 609 唐朝基督敎之硏究 [microform] / 龔天民著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1960 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 610 問答淺註耶穌敎法 [microform] / [Robert Morrison] [嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院?, 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 A10 611 問答淺註耶穌敎法 [microform] / [Robert Morrison] [廣州 : 出版者不詳, 1812?] MFC 245.6 6657 A9

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 612 嘉賓戾止 [microform] / 陳舉著 香港 : 聖公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 器象顯眞 [microform] : 四卷, 附圖 / 白力蓋輯 傅蘭雅口譯 613 [China] : 鴻文書局, 光緖22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I16 徐建寅删述 [張蔭桓編輯] 614 四敎鼓詞 [microform] / 劉覺非創作 上海 : 廣學會, 民國12[1923] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 615 四裔編年表 [microform] / 林樂知, 嚴良勳同譯 李鳳苞彙編 [上海 : 江南製造局, 1874?] MFC 245.6 6657 F5 616 回熱爐法 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54 617 回特活德鋼礮 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l.] : 小倉山房, 光緒丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I58-60 國內近十年來之宗敎思潮 [microform] : 燕京華文學校硏究 618 北京 : 燕京華文學校, 1927 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 科參考材料 / 張欽士選輯 619 國內近十年來之宗敎思潮 [microform] / 張欽士選輯 北京 : 燕京華文學會, 1927 MFC 245.6 6657 G9 團契聖歌集 [microform] / [translated by] 趙紫宸 [music] by 620 北平 : 燕京大學, 1931 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 范天祥 621 土國戰事述略 [microform] / 艾約瑟著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F22-26 622 地上平安歸與人 [microform] / 林漢英著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 623 地學啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I26-30 624 地學淺釋 [microform] / 雷合兒撰 瑪高溫口譯 華蘅芳筆述 [China] : 小倉山房, 光緒丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I23 625 地球推方圖說 [microform] / 培端著 上海 : 著易堂, [1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 F14 626 地球說略 [microform] / 褘理哲撰 寧波 : 華花聖經書房, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 F8 627 地理全志 [microform] / 慕維廉輯譯 上海 : 墨海書館, 咸豐3 [1853]-1854 MFC 245.6 6657 F6 628 地理略論 [microform] / George Piercy 著 增沙, [廣州] : 福音堂, 咸豐5 [1855] MFC 245.6 6657 F7 629 地理志畧 [microform] [S.l. : s.n.], 1903 MFC 245.6 6657 F11 630 地理志略 [microform] / 戴德江著 上海 : 着易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F12 631 地理志畧 [microform] 通州 : 公理會, 1915 MFC 245.6 6657 F13 632 地理質學啓蒙 [microform] : [7卷] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I26-30 633 地志啓蒙 [microform] : [4卷] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I26-30 在中國五十年 [microform] : 司徒雷登回憶錄 / 司徒雷登著 634 香港 : 求精出版社, 民國44 [1955] MFC 245.6 6657 F57 閰人俊譯 635 埃及紀略 [microform] / 韋廉臣著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F30-33 636 培靈講道 [microform] 香港 : 培靈硏經會, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.11

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 基督信徒中之偉大人物黃乃裳 [microform] : 紱丞七十自敘 / 637 上海 : 美華浸會書局, 1929 MF 240 4424.3 no.8 [編者, 張亦鏡] 基督化的家庭敎育 [microform] / 巴狄德水手執 蔡詠春書 638 上海 : 廣學會, 民國22[1933] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 譯 639 基督化的婚姻 [microform] : 中國家庭全盤基督化 上海 : 全國基督化家庭委員會, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 基督化經濟關係全國大會報告 [microform] / 召集者, 中華全 640 上海 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, 1927 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 國基督敎協進會 641 基督徒之佛學硏究 [microform] / [王治心] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國30[1941] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 642 基督徒家庭 [microform] / [劉美麗編譯 陳琪珍繪圖] 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 643 基督徒日用神糧書 [microform] / [Simeon Foster Woodin] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 1869 MFC 245.6 6657 D50 644 基督徒生活的培養 [microform] / 梁小初著 香港 : 中華基督敎會公理堂, 1963 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 645 基督徒的信仰與生活 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 646 基督徒的兩個問題 [microform] / 修中誠著 [S.l. : s.n., 19--?] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 647 基督徒的希望 [microform] / 吳雷川著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.15 648 基督徒的言語 [microform] / 王明道著 [Singapore?] : 純正基督敎文字建道社, 1957 MF 248.2 1335 v.14 649 基督徒與戰時服務 [microform] / 王象咸, 應遠濤合著 [上海] : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 650 基督徒與救國運動 [microform] / 沈體蘭著 香港 : 靑年協會書局, 民國27[1938] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 651 基督徒進步問答. 卷 2 [microform] / 畢來思著 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 1938 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 652 基督敎十二講 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 653 基督敎哲學 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 蘇州 : 中華基督敎文社, 1925 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 基督敎在臺灣的發展 [microform] = The development of 654 [臺北] : s.n., 民國59[1970] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 Christianity in Taiwan / 董顯光著 655 基督敎思想史 [microform] / [彭彼德編著] 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 656 基督敎敎會的意義 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 657 基督敎救國主義刊行之三 [microform] / 徐謙 上海 : 基督敎救國會, 民國9[1920] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 658 基督敎是什麼? [microform] / 陳際雲編 上海 : 廣學會, 民國38[1949] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 659 基督敎是什麼 [microform] / [沈靑來著] 上海 : 基督敎靑夫協會書局, 1923 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 660 基督敎書目摘錄 [microform] / [協和書局] 上海 : 協和書局, 民國12[1923] MFC 245.6 6657 A52-53 661 基督敎的中心信仰 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 662 基督敎的倫理 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.2

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 663 基督敎的基本信仰 [microform] / 韋卓民著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 664 基督敎的歷史觀 [microform] / 梁小初著 香港 : 基督敎文藝出版社, 1968 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 665 基督敎社會主義 [microform] / 石川三四郎著 李榑譯 上海 : 華通書局, 民國18[1929] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 666 基督敎精神 [microform] / 羅運炎著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 667 基督敎與世界和平 [microform] : 學習手册 / 劉良模編著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1951 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 668 基督敎與中國 [microform] / 周億孚著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1965 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 669 基督敎與中國 [microform] / 謝扶雅著 香港 : 中華基督徒送書會, 1965 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 670 基督敎與中國文化 [microform] / 吳雷川著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國25[1936] MF 248.2 1335 v.15 671 基督敎與中國文化 [microform] / 徐松石著 香港 : 浸信會出版部, 1965 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 672 基督敎與中國鄉村建設運動 [microform] / 余牧人著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 673 基督敎與共產主義 [microform] / [by M. S. Bates] 張仕章譯 香港 : 靑年協會, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 674 基督教與大國民 [microform] 上海 : 基督敎青年合會, 1911 MFC 247.8 8564 no.73 675 基督敎與文學 [microform] / [朱維之著] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 676 基督敎與新中國 [microform] / 吳耀宗編 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.15 677 基督敎與新中國 [microform] / 羅運炎著 上海 : 美以美會全國書報部, 民國12[1923] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 678 基督敎與新物理學 [microform] / 涂羽卿著 香港 : 靑年協會書局, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 679 基督敎與現代思想 [microform] / 謝扶雅著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國30[1941] MF 248.2 1335 v.7 680 基督敎與社會主義運動 [microform] / 張仕章著 香港 : 靑年協會書局, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 681 基督敎與科學 [microform] / [撰著者, 謝洪賚] 上海 : 靑年協會書報部, 1921 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 682 基督敎與馬列主義 [microform] / 江文漢著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 683 基督敎講話 [microform] / 吳耀宗著 上海 : 靑年協會, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 684 基督敎農村運動 [microform] / [張福良] 上海 : 廣學會, 1930 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 685 基督敎週報 [microform] = Christian weekly [香港 : 香港華人基督敎聯會] 1964- MF 240.5 4424 686 基督敎進解 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 687 基督敎道德觀與中國倫理 [microform] / 黃華節著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1962 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 688 基督敎靑年會原理 [microform] / [謝扶雅編著] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1923 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 689 基督教青年會原理 [microform] / [謝扶雅] [上海] : [中華基督教青年會全國協會], 1923 MFC 247.8 8564 no.5 690 基督敎靑年會釋要. 會員書. 第2種 [microform] / [陳立廷著] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 691 基督聖敎出版各書書目彙纂 [microform] / 雷振華纂 [漢口 : 聖敎書局, 1917(i.e. 1918)] MFC 245.6 6657 A49 692 基督與吾祖國 [microform] / 張美德 上海 : 基督敎女青年協會, 1920 MFC 247.8 8564 no.80

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 基督與我的人格 [microform] : 宗敎與人生問題討論課本 / [ 693 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國14[1925] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 趙紫宸] 694 堅強之女青年會 [microform] [中國] : [中華基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 堅苦中成長的家 [microform] : 蔣翼振全家紀實 / [蔣翼振全 695 [上海] : 中華全國基督敎協進會, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 家著] 696 增訂聖母會友袖珍 [microform] / [編輯者, 徐勱] 上海 : 上海徐家滙土山灣書館, 宣統元 [1909] MF 240 4424.3 no.21 697 夏令會手冊 [microform] : 民國十二年 [中國] : [中華基督敎青年會], 民國12 [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.67-68 698 外國史略 [microform] / 馬禮遜著 王錫祺輯 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F15-16 699 大光報 [microform] = The Great Light 香港 : 大光報印務有限公司, 1912-1938 MF 059.9338 2034 700 大光破暗集 [microform] / [張文開編] 香港 : 大光報, 民國6[1917] MFC 245.6 6657 C98 701 大同學 [microform] / 器德元本 李提摩太譯 蔡爾康筆述 上海 : 廣學會, 光緖25 [1899] MFC 245.6 6657 H27 702 大時代的宗敎信仰 [microform] / 吳耀宗著 香港 : 靑年協會書局, 民國27[1938] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 703 大眾的福音 [microform] / 陳際雲編著 上海 : 廣學會, 1949 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 大美國聖經會[目錄] [microform] = Catalogue of Chinese 704 scriptures published and for sale / China Agency of the American 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 1921 MFC 245.6 6657 B19-20 Bible Society 705 大美聯邦志略 [microform] / [裨治文撰] 上海 : 墨海書院, 咸豐辛酉 [1861] MFC 245.6 6657 F35-37 706 大英國人事略說 [microform] / Robert Morrison 譯 [S.l. : 嗎[liu]呷英華書院, 1832] MFC 245.6 6657 F27 707 大英國統志 [microform] MFC 245.6 6657 F28 708 大英國志 [microform] / 托馬斯米爾納著 慕維廉編譯 上海 : 墨海書院, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 F29 天主敎三位一體論 [microform] = Tractatus de Deo uno et trino 709 上海 : 聖敎雜誌社, 民國19[1930] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 / 徐宗澤 天國偉人;"宗敎界六大偉人之生平 [microform] / [編輯者謝 710 [上海] : 靑年協會書報部, 民國13 [1924] MFC 245.6 6657 E10-11 洪賚 增訂者靑年協會書報部]" 711 天文問答 [microform] / 盧公義原本 夏察理更正 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治十二 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 I13-14 天文圖說 [microform] : [4卷] / 柯雅各原撰 摩嘉立, 薛承恩 712 [S.l.] : 益智書會, 光緖9 [1883] MFC 245.6 6657 I11-12 同譯 713 天文揭要 [microform] : [2卷] / 赫士口譯 周文源筆述 上海 : 美華書館, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 I11-12 714 天文啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I31-35

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 天津基督敎靑年會新建築之立基紀念 [microform] = Souvenir 715 of the exercises on the occasion of the laying of the cornerstone, [天津] : [中華基督教青年會], [1913] MFC 247.8 8564 no.30 Tientsin Young Men's Christian Association building 716 天父眞經 [microform] / [朱退愚] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 717 天理要論 [microform] : [8章] / [Walter Henry Medhurst] [中國 : s.n.], 太平天國甲寅4年[1854] MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9 718 天路指南 [microform] / [John Livingston Nevius] 上海 : 美華書館, 1861 MFC 245.6 6657 D52 719 天道溯原 [microform] / [丁韙良著] 上海 : 美華書館鉛印, 同治11[1872] MFC 245.6 6657 C77-78 720 天道溯原 [microform] / 丁韙良著 中村正直訓點 東京 : 山田俊藏, 明治10[1877] MFC 245.6 6657 C77-78 721 天鏡明鑑 [microform] / 種德者纂 嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院, 道光6年[1826] MFC 245.6 6657 C1-3 722 天風 [microform] 上海 : [基督敎聯合出版社], MF 240.5 1077 723 奉勸眞假人物論 [microform] = Turth and error / 為仁者纂 [香港 : 英華書院?], 道光29[1849] MFC 245.6 6657 A90-94 724 女子講道及蒙頭 [microform] / 趙世光編述 上海 : 宣道會守真報社, 民國25 [1936] MF 240 4424.3 no.16 725 女鐸小說集. 第1輯 [microform] / 女鐸月刊社編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 726 女鐸童話集. 第1集 [microform] / 女鐸報社編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 727 女靑年 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎女靑年全國協會, MF 240.5 4058 728 女青年會員委辦須知 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 729 始祖本善總論 [microform] / 修德纂 [嗎[liu]呷 : s.n.], 道光8[1828] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 730 媽祖婆生日之論 [microform] / 尚德纂 新嘉坡 : [堅夏]書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C93-96 媽祖婆論 [microform] / [Walter Henry Medhurst原著 Justus 731 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 C93-96 Doolittle修訂] 732 嬰兒書課 [microform] / [Walter Henry Medhurst] [嗎[liu]呷] : 英華書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 733 孝經通考 [microform] / 蔡汝堃著 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國26[1937] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 734 學仁 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 中華基督敎女靑年會全國協會, 1936 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 學塾青年會典章式 [microform] / 中國學塾基督教青年會總 735 上海 : 中國學塾基督教青年會, 1902 MFC 247.8 8564 no.2 委辦著 學塾青年會典章式 [microform] / 中韓香港基督教青年合會 736 上海 : 中韓香港基督教青年合會, 1906 MFC 247.8 8564 no.2 總委辦著 737 學校基督敎女青年會幼女部模範章程 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.76 738 學校基督敎女青年會模範章程 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 739 學校女青年會委會員舉行法 [microform] 上海 : 基督敎女青年會協會, 1921 MFC 247.8 8564 no.77

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 上海 : 中華基督教青年會全國協會校會組, 民國15 740 學生事業叢刊. 第七卷, 第四號 [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.40 [1926] 741 學生夏令會 [microform] [中國] : [中華基督教青年會], [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.62 742 學生會說 [microform] / 謝洪賚 [上海] : 中華基督教青年會組合, 1914 MFC 247.8 8564 no.62 743 學生聯修會 [microform] [中國] : [基督敎學校女青年會], 1918 MFC 247.8 8564 no.79 學生聯修會晨更單 [microform] : 以基督的標準為我們的標 744 [中國] : [中華基督敎女青年會], [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.70 準 守禮拜日論 [microform] / [Walter Macon Lowrie原著 Justus 745 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 D1-5 Doolittle修訂及翻譯] 746 安仁車 [microform] / [Young John Allen原著 George Loehr譯] [上海 : 廣學會], 光緖28[1902] MFC 245.6 6657 A114 747 安南論 [microform] / 李提摩太著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 748 宗主詩章 [microform] 福州 : 福音堂 : 救主堂, 同治10[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 D37 749 宗主詩章 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 1891 (印刷地不詳 : 美部會印) MFC 245.6 6657 D42 750 宗徒大事錄 [microform] / 李杕譯 上海 : 土山灣印書館, 1936 MF 240 4424.3 no.11 751 宗敎哲學 [microform] / 謝扶雅著 香港 : 圖鴻印刷公司, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 752 宗敎敎學法大綱 [microform] / [編述者, 彭長琳] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國14[1925] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 753 宗敎敎育叢書 [microform] / 謝頌羔編譯 [S.l. : s.n., 1924?] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 754 宗敎敎育季刊 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎宗敎敎育促進會, 1937-1940? MF 240.5 3044 755 宗敎敎育與國魂 [microform] / [雅各韋白斯脫著] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國15[1926] MF 248.2 1335 v.15 宗敎敎育論文集. 第1輯 [microform] / 余牧人, 陳晉賢編 [畢 756 上海 : 廣學會, 民國22 [1933] MFC 245.6 6657 H42 範宇校訂] 757 宗敎槪論 [microform] / 艾香德講 黃景仁編述 上海 : 廣學會, 1933 MFC 245.6 6657 G7 758 宗敎與人格 [microform] / 陳文淵編著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國24[1935] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 759 宗敎與人生 [microform] / [簡又文編輯] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1923 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 宗敎與科學 [microform] / 顧德, 康克倫, 烏德邦合著 簡又 760 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會全國協會, 民國11[1922] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 文編譯 761 宜感聖靈畧論 [microform] / [Charles Adolphs Nelson] [香港? : s.n., 189-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C49-50 762 官話經齋課 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 光緒19 [1893- MFC 245.6 6657 B17-18

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 官話聖書註釋. 新約巻六 [microform] : 羅馬人書 = The 763 Mandarin Bible commentary. The New Testament, v. 6 : Romans / 上海 : 中國基督聖教書會, 1926 MF 240 4424.3 no.10 貝赫奕著 764 官話萃珍 [microform] / 富善著 京都[北京] : 滙文書院, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 G16 765 官話萃珍 [microform] / 富善著 上海 : 美華書館, 1916 MFC 245.6 6657 G17-18 766 官話萃珍 [microform] / 富善原著 石山福治校訂 東京 : 文求堂, 大正4 [1915] MFC 245.6 6657 G17-18 767 宣道學 [microform] / 麥沾恩著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 768 宣道指歸 [microform] / 倪維思著 上海 : 美華書館, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 D53-54 769 富國養民策 [microform] / 耳哲分斯著 [求自強齋主人輯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H16-19 寒食淸明論 [microform] / [Walter Henry Medhurst原著 Justus 770 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 Doolittle修訂] 771 實踐的信仰 [microform] / 何世明著 [香港] : 基督敎文藝, [1966?] MF 248.2 1335 v.6 772 實驗宗敎學敎程 [microform] / [曾寶蓀編] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 [嗎[liu]呷 : 出版者不詳], 嘉慶乙亥[1815]-道光壬午 773 察世俗每月統記傳 [microform] MFC 245.6 6657 A75 [1822] 774 寫給靑年的基督徒 [microform] / [王明道著] 北平 : 靈食季刊社, 1948 MF 248.2 1335 v.14 775 小學;"朱子小學 [microform] / [朱熹著]" 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國15[1926] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 776 小學四字經 [microform] / [察理氏著] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 華美書局, 同治13[1874]印) MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 香港 : Council on Christian Literature for Overseas 777 展望 [microform] MF 240.5 7707 Chinese, 1958- 778 山東濟南齊魯神學院章程 [microform] [濟南] : 濟魯神學院, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 779 崇眞實棄假謊略說 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎Liu呷 : s.n., 1816] MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 780 嶺南學報 [microform] = Lingnan journal 廣州 : 嶺南大學, MF 051 2247 781 巴德的宗敎思想 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 782 帕勒斯廳歷史地理學 [microform] / 斯密史著 萬卓志繙譯 上海 : 廣學會, 民國17 [1928] MFC 245.6 6657 F58-59 帕勒斯聽歷史地理學 [microform] / 斯密甫著 萬放習譯 楊 783 上海 : 廣學會, 民國3 [1914] MFC 245.6 6657 F58-59 堅芳校 帝國主義怎樣利用宗教侵略中國 [microform] / [編輯, 人民 784 [北京] : 該社, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 出版社] 785 常拜眞神之道 [microform] / [Dyer Ball] [出版地不詳 : 出版者不詳, 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 D1-5

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 786 平民千字課. 第1册 [microform] / 晏陽初, 傅若愚編 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 787 平民故事集 [microform] / 謝頌羔編 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1953-1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 788 年中每日早晚祈禱敘式 [microform] / [Robert Morrison譯] [嗎(liu)呷 : 英華書院, 1830?] MFC 245.6 6657 D8 789 幼女部須知 [microform] : 虹霓團 [中國] : [中華基督敎學校女青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.76 790 幼女部須知附篇 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會], [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.76 791 幼學保身要言 [microform] / 伍梅氏撰 林程初述 S.l. : s.n., 光緖26 [1900] MFC 245.6 6657 J7-9 792 幼學淺解問答 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [福州] : 福州寓所, 道光30[1850] MFC 245.6 6657 A11-15 793 幼學淺解問答 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [福州] : 福州寓所, 道光28[1848] MFC 245.6 6657 A11-15 794 幼學淺解問答 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院?], 嘉慶丙子[1816] MFC 245.6 6657 A11-15 795 幼學淺解問答 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院], 嘉慶丙子[1816] MFC 245.6 6657 A11-15 幼稚園與初等小學詩歌 [microform] / [Elizabeth Sheffield 796 上海 : 美華書館, 1915 MFC 245.6 6657 G27 Stelle] 庚子敎會受難記 [microform] / 上海廣學會譯 [季理斐彙集 797 上海 : 廣學會, 1903 MFC 245.6 6657 E30-31 翻譯 任廷旭執筆] 798 庚子敎會華人流血史 [microform] / 柴蓮馥著 漢口 上海 : 中國基督聖敎書會, 民國24 [1935] MFC 245.6 6657 E30-31 799 康小姐 [microform] / 女鐸社譯 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 800 康熙字典撮要 [microform] / [湛約翰著 王揚安述釋] 廣東 : 倫敦教會, 光緖4 [1878] MFC 245.6 6657 G15 廈門音新字典 [microform] = A dictionary of the Amoy 801 臺南 : 新樓書房, 1924 MFC 245.6 6657 G26 vernacular spoken throughtou the prefectures of ... / 甘為霖編 802 廣孝歸宗論 [microform] / [Alexander Williamson著] 福州 : [s.n., 187-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C89-92 803 廣孝集 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell編] 福州 : 南臺救主堂 : 美華書局活闆, 光緖7[1882] MFC 245.6 6657 C89-92 804 廣學會書目 [microform] [上海 : 廣學會], 光緖24[1898] MFC 245.6 6657 A52-53 805 廣州基督敎協和神學校章程 [microform] [廣州 : 該校, 1922] MFC 245.6 6657 E38-39 806 廣東公理會年報 [microform] [廣州] : 該會, [191-- MFC 245.6 6657 A88-89 福州 : 太平街福音堂印 : 美華書局活版, 光緖 807 廟祝問答 [microform] / [Ferdinand Genahr] MFC 245.6 6657 C80-81 7[1882] 808 弘道二十週紀念刊 [microform] 杭州 : 弘道女子中學, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 上海 : 美華書館擺印 [天津市] : 華北書會印發, 光 809 張袁兩友相論 [microform] : [11回 / William Milne] MFC 245.6 6657 A7-8 緖32[1906]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治 810 張遠兩友相論;"甲乙二友論述 [microform] / [William Milne]" MFC 245.6 6657 A3-6 10[1871]印) 811 張遠兩友相論 [microform] : [12回 / William Milne] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 A1 812 張遠兩友相論 [microform] : [12回 / William Milne] [香港 : 英華書院?, 1844?] MFC 245.6 6657 A2 813 張遠兩友相論 [microform] : [12回 / William Milne] 福州 : 花旗寓所, 道光29[1849] MFC 245.6 6657 A3-6 814 張遠兩友相論 [microform] : [12回 / William Milne] 寧波 : 華花聖經書房, 1857 MFC 245.6 6657 A3-6 815 彼得羅言行全傳 [microform] / [Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18 [1838] MFC 245.6 6657 E6 從哈同路到南陽路 [microform] : 致倪柝聲先生七封公開的 816 上海 : 基督徒叢刊社, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 信 / [主編, 黃漁深] 817 從基督敎看中國孝道 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1963 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 微積溯源 [microform] : [8卷] / 華里司輯 傅蘭雅口譯 華蘅 818 [無錫? : s.n.], 同治13 [1874] MFC 245.6 6657 I8 芳筆述 上海 : Preparatory Commitee of the Chinese Christian 819 微音 [microform] MF 240.5 2807 Student Movement, 1928-30 820 微音月刊 [microform] 上海 : Wei Yin Yueh Kan She, 1931-1932? MF 240.5 2807 821 德國學校論略 [microform] / 花之安譯述 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖23 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H37 822 徵信錄 [microform] / [喜嘉理等識] [香港 : 美華自理公會, 光緖26 (1900)] MFC 245.6 6657 E36-37 823 徵信錄 [microform] / [喜嘉理等識] [香港 : 美華自理公會, 光緖30 (1904)] MFC 245.6 6657 E36-37 824 心算指明 [microform] / 何天爵著 京都 [北京] : 燈市口書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 I4 心靈學 [microform] / [謝衛樓著 管國全筆譯 諸葛汝楫校 825 北通州 : 公理會印字館, 宣統3 [1911] MFC 245.6 6657 G3 訂] 826 忘憂草 [microform] / 安瀾著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 827 快樂的故事 [microform] / 福幼報社編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 828 快樂聖誕故事 [microform] / 福幼報社編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 829 性學舉隅 [microform] : 上下卷 / 丁韙良著 羅善智記 上海 : 廣學會, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 G2 830 性海淵源 [microform] / 花之安著 上海 : 廣學會, [1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 G1 831 愛人如己 [microform] / 蘇學眞著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 832 愛的勝利 [microform] / [何繼興] 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 833 慈惠博愛 [microform] / [Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光19[1839] MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 834 慕翟生平 [microform] / 謝頌羔著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.8

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 835 戀愛, 婚姻與家庭 [microform] / 馬敬全 ... [et al.] 編著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 836 成人之路 [microform] / [郭中一] 上海 : 廣學會, 1930 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 837 我們為甚麼做基督徒 [microform] / 廖安仁著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國22[1933] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 838 我所認識的基督 [microform] / [王揆生, 薛冰著] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國24[1935] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 839 我所認識的耶穌 [microform] / [吳耀宗編] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國18[1929] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 840 我為何不作耶穌門徒 [microform] [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A106-108 841 我為什麼作基督徒 [microform] / 謝景升編 上海 : 靑年協會, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.7 842 我為甚麼跟從耶穌 [microform] / 曹新銘著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 843 我生之世 [microform] / 陸志韋著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國15[1926] MF 248.2 1335 v.10 844 我的宗敎觀 [microform] / [殷子恒著] [S.l. : s.n., 1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 845 我被逮住了 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 846 所謂三自運動 [microform] / [王昌祉編] 香港 : 眞理學會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 847 抗戰詩歌集. 第5本 [microform] / 馮玉祥著 [桂林] : 三戶圖書社, 民國34[1945] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 848 批評非基督教言論彚刊全編 [microform] / [真光雜誌社編] [S.l : s.n., 11927] MF 240 4424.3 no.19 849 拜日學課 [microform] [天津] : 華北書會, 光緒21 [1895- MFC 245.6 6657 B17-18 850 拓荒 [microform] / 文敬著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1960 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 851 指南針 [microform] / [Thomas Hall Hudson] [寧波] : 福音殿, 道光29[1849] MFC 245.6 6657 A90-94 852 控訴揭發王明道反革命集團 [microform] / 天風週刊資料室 上海 : 廣學會, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 853 控訴美帝國主義利用基督教侵略中國的罪行 [microform] [上海] : 華東人民, [1951] MF 240 4424.3 no.22 854 探道本原 [microform] / [秀耀春著] 上海 : 廣學會, 光緖20[1899] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 揭露反革命分子王明道的反動言論 [microform] / 天風週刊 855 上海 : 廣學會, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 資料室編 856 揭露美帝國主義利用天主教侵略中國的罪行 [microform] 上海 : 華東人民, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 857 摩西言行全傳 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16 [1836] MFC 245.6 6657 E4-5 858 支那敎案論提要 [microform] / 宓剋撰 嚴復譯 鄭考檉校] [S.l.] : 南洋公學譯書院, [189-?] MFC 245.6 6657 E17-19 859 政治源流 [microform] / 謝衛樓子榮著 北通州 : 協和書院印書館, 宣統2 [1910] MFC 245.6 6657 H25-26 860 敎務紀略 [microform] / [周馥編] [安徽? : s.n.], 光緖辛醜 [1905] MFC 245.6 6657 E25-26 861 敎務輯要 [microform] / [徐家幹編] [武昌 : 湖北官書局, 光緖24 (1898)] MFC 245.6 6657 E24 敎務輯要 [microform] : [內篇4卷, 外篇3卷 / 瀋祖恩, 王念祖 862 [江西 : 江西官紙刷印所, 1908] MFC 245.6 6657 E27 編輯 李嘉德, 莊兆銘, 汪鍾霖鑒定]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 863 敎友 [microform] / 全紹武著 上海 : 協和書局, 民國13[1924] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 864 敎友問答 [microform] / 何受良, 林志士合編 香港 : 基督敎文藝出版社, 1967 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 865 敎友簡易讀本 [microform] / 謝頌羔編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 866 敎士列傳 [microform] / [by Mrs. Timothy Richard] 上海 : 廣學會, 1900-1901 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 867 敎會事工平議 [microform] / 師道弘著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1964 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 868 敎會信錄 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治10[1870] MFC 245.6 6657 C53-56 869 敎會史記入門 [microform] / 雷德禮著 漢口 : 中華聖公會, 1915 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 870 敎會歷史 [microform] / [赫士編] 上海 : 廣學會, 1929-1931 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 871 敎會準繩 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治11[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 C53-56 872 敎會的正統 [microform] 臺北 : 臺灣福音書房, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 873 敎會禮文 [microform] 九江 : 美以美會書館, 1891 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 874 敎會禱文 [microform] / 包爾騰, 施約瑟同譯 京都[北京] : 美華書館, 1872 MFC 245.6 6657 D9-10 875 敎會聖禮規則 [microform] / 華北公理會 北通州 : 公理會印字館, 1911 MFC 245.6 6657 D6-7 876 敎案史料編目 [microform] / [吳盛德, 陳增輝合編] [北平 : 燕京大學宗敎學院, 1941] MFC 245.6 6657 E28 877 敎案奏議彙編 [microform] / [程宗裕編] [上海 : 上海書局, 1901] MFC 245.6 6657 E25-26 878 敎義神學 [microform] / [赫士著] 上海 : 廣學會, 1930-1933 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 879 敎育公報 (上海, 中國);"敎育公報 [microform]" 上海 : 華東基督敎敎育會, 1925-1928 MF 240.5 4808 880 救世主耶穌之聖訓 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新加坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1837] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 881 救世主耶穌之聖訓 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C14-18 882 救世主耶穌基督行論之要畧傳 [microform] / [K.F.A. Gützlaff] [S.l. : s.n.], 道光甲午[1834] MFC 245.6 6657 C11-13 883 救世敎詩歌 [microform] [福州 : 倉山書室, 1892] MFC 245.6 6657 D38-39 884 救世箴言 [microform] / [by W. C. Milne] [上海] : [s.n.], [1861] MF 243 1524 no.2 885 救主堂會規 [microform] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1861 MFC 245.6 6657 C53-56 886 救主文 [microform] / [C. C. Baldwin] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, [1857?] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 887 救主行傳 [microform] : 榕腔 / [吳思明集] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] (福州 : 美華書局, 光緖2[1876]印) MFC 245.6 6657 C26 888 救靈獲福文 [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 C39 889 啟示錄之大概 [microform] / 丁義華著 梧州 : 宣道書局, 1917 MF 240 4424.3 no.6 890 啟示錄句解 [microform] = Exposition of the Revelation 上海 : 時兆報館, 民國元 [1912] MF 240 4424.3 no.21

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 啟示錄正解 [microform] = The true explanation of revelation 891 [中國] : 真耶穌教會總會, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.6 prophecy / [著作者, 張巴拿巴 編輯者, 羅馬可] 892 敬禮聖心月 [microform] 上海 : 土山灣印書館, 1920 MF 240 4424.3 no.8 上海 : 元昌 : 百新 : 吼聲 : 育才 : 新文化 : 錦章, 893 新中國的宗教革新運動 [microform] / 徐鰲編著 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 1951 894 新增三字經 [microform] / 尚德纂 [S.l. : s.n., 184-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A29-33 895 新增頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Chauncey Goodrich編譯] 上海 : 美華書館, 1922 MFC 245.6 6657 D34 896 新宗敎觀 [microform] / [簡又文編] 上海 : 中國基督敎靑年會全國協會, 1923 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 897 新政策 [microform] : 1卷 / 李提摩太撰 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H23-24 新時代的信仰 [microform] : 宗敎與人生問題討論課本 / [謝 898 上海 : 靑年協會, 民國14[1925] MF 248.2 1335 v.7 扶雅編] 899 新父母 [microform] / 劉幼振, 孫蕙蘭編著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 900 新理事部就職之儀式 [microform] 上海 : 基督敎學校女青年會, 1921 MFC 247.8 8564 no.78 901 新約人物 [microform] / 謝頌羔編 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 902 新約正經成立史 [microform] / 張伯懷著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 903 新約硏究指南 [microform] / 誠質怡 香港 : 聖書公會, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.3 新約希漢英字典 [microform] = Greek-Chinese-English 904 [香港] : 信義宗聯合出版部, [1953] MFC 245.6 6657 A57 dictionary of the New Testament / 司徒雷登編著 905 新約聖經之初 [microform] / 李湧泉著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國24 [1935] MF 240 4424.3 no.12 906 新經譯義 [microform] [S.l.] : 震旦大學圖書館, 1897 MF 240 4424.3 no.11 907 新纂聖經釋義 [microform] / 種德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光10 [1835] MFC 245.6 6657 B3-4 908 新纂聖道備全 [microform] / 種德者纂 S.l. : s.n., [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 B2 909 新舊約問答 [microform] / 畢來思, 陳達三合著 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 910 新舊約輯要 [microform] / [費佩德, 楊蔭瀏編] 上海 : 開明書店, 民國22 [1933] MF 240 4424.3 no.14 911 新鑄華英鉛印 [microform] / 華英校書房 澳門 : 華英校書房, 道光24 [1844] MFC 245.6 6657 I77 912 新開地中河記 [microform] / 丁韙良著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F30-33 913 日出而作 [microform] : 婦女短禱文集 / 歐嘉道著 劉美麗譯 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 914 日本載筆 [microform] / 韋廉臣著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 [上海 : 日用指明主人印發, 光緖29- [1903- . (上海 : 915 日用指明 [microform] / [赫顯理著] MFC 245.6 6657 A65-67 美華書館印) 916 明道集 [microform] : [2卷 / 仲偉儀編述] 天津 : 基督敎靑年會, 民國10[1921] MFC 245.6 6657 A74 917 是非略論 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新加坡 : 堅夏書院, 1835 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 918 是非要義 [microform] / [謝衛樓著 管國全筆述] 通州 : 華北協和書院發行, 光緖33[1907] MFC 245.6 6657 C69-71 919 晨鐘的故事 [microform] / 福幼報社編 上海 : 廣學會, 1926 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 920 景敎碑考 [microform] / 馮承鈞編 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 921 普天崇拜 [microform] / [編著者: 中華基督敎會 ... [et al.] 香港 : 基督敎輔僑, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.4 922 普度施食之論 [microform] / 尚德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 923 智慧書 [microform] / 北平方濟堂聖經學會編譯 北平 : 方濟堂, 民國36 [1947] MF 240 4424.3 no.7 924 暮鼓故事 [microform] / 福幼報社編著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國27[1938] MF 248.2 1335 v.6 925 曉初訓道 [microform] / [俾士氏譯] 羊城[廣州] : 小書會, 同治7[1868] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 926 會員委辦須知 [microform] [中國] : [學校基督敎女青年會全國協會], [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 927 會牧書信釋義 [microform] / [著者, 誠質怡] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.4 928 月季花 [microform] [福州] : 金粟臺, [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 D46-49 929 [有關基督敎女青年會的通告] [microform] [中國] : [中華基督敎女青年會], [192-] MFC 247.8 8564 no.78 930 朋友 [microform] / 蘇學眞著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 931 朝聞道韻渠傳記 [microform] / 張霽 上海 : 廣學會, 1939 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 932 李傅相歷聘歐美記 [microform] / 林樂知序 蔡爾康譯 上海 : 廣學會, 光緖25 [1899] MFC 245.6 6657 F53-54 933 李叔靑傳 [microform] / [李仲覃編] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 934 東南洋島紀略 [microform] / 林樂知錄 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 935 東西洋考每月統記傳 [microform] [廣州市 : s.n., 1833-1838] MFC 245.6 6657 A78 936 校會事業叢刊. 第四號, 第一卷 [microform] [中國] : 中華基督敎青年會協會校會組, [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.55 937 格致彙編 [microform] / 傅蘭雅輯 上海 : 格致書院, 1876- MFC 245.6 6657 I2 938 格致總學啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I26-30 939 格致質學啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I31-35 940 梅瑟五書 [microform] / 聖經學會譯 北平 : 方濟堂, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.20 941 植物學啓蒙 [microform] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緒24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I31-35 942 榕城格致書院畢業單 [microform] 福州 : 格致書局, 光緒22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H43-44 943 榕腔神詩 [microform] / [William Chalmers Burns等譯] 福州 : 美華書局, 1865 MFC 245.6 6657 D35-36

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 944 榕腔神詩 [microform] 榕城 [福州] : 太平街福音堂, 同治9[1870] MFC 245.6 6657 D35-36 945 榜樣 [microform] / 蘇學眞著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 946 榮耀的事實 [microform] / [編者, 倪柝聲] 上海 : 福音書局, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 947 模楷進後 [microform] / [謝洪賚] 上海 : 基督敎靑年合會, 1912 MFC 247.8 8564 no.46 948 機動圖說 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54 949 欽定英傑歸眞 [microform] / 洪[仁玕] [金陵? : s.n. 1935] MFC 245.6 6657 E23 950 歐洲史畧 [microform] / 艾約瑟譯 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 F19-21 951 歐洲各國開闢非洲考 [microform] / 李提摩太著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F30-33 歐洲東方交涉記 [microform] / [麥高爾輯著 林樂知, 瞿昂來 952 S.l. : s.n., 光緖6 [1880] MFC 245.6 6657 F22-26 譯] 953 正敎安慰 [microform] / 愛漢著纂 新加坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1837] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 954 正敎安慰 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C11-13 955 正道之論 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 [新加坡 : 堅夏書院, 1837] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治 956 正道啓蒙 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] MFC 245.6 6657 A27-28 10[1871]印) 957 正邪比較 [microform] / 善德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C79 958 皈依基督自述 [microform] / 殷子恒著 [武昌] : 鄂湘五運委員會, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 959 每月統紀傳 [microform] / 闕名 上海 : 著易堂, [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 F17-18 960 比國考察罪犯會紀略 [microform] / 傅蘭雅譯撰 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H23-24 民國十一年份中華基督教城市青年會成績統計表 961 [中國] : [中華基督教青年會], [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.29 [microform] 962 民國十年夏令會報告 [microform] [中國] : [中華基督敎青年會], [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.74-75 963 民國十年夏令會手冊 [microform] [中國] : [中華基督敎青年會], 民國10 [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.66 964 民敎相安 [microform] / 高步瀛, 陳寶泉同編 [直隸 : 學務處編書課, 1905] MFC 245.6 6657 E17-19 965 民眾聖歌集 [microform] / 趙紫宸作曲 范天祥合譜 上海 : [distributed by] 廣學會, [1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 水師操練 [microform] : [18卷, 卷首, 附卷] / 英國戰船部原書 966 [上海 : 江南製造局, 1872] MFC 245.6 6657 I71 傅蘭雅口譯 徐建寅筆述 967 永息敎案策 [microform] / [惠誌道, 李提摩太等奏] 上海 : 廣學會 : 美華書館, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 E20-21 968 求福免禍要論 [microform] / 學善居士纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C40-42

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 汽機必以 [microform] : [12卷, 卷首, 附卷] / 蒲而捺撰 傅蘭 969 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I41-42 雅口譯 徐建寅筆述 970 沒有人看見過上帝 [microform] / 吳耀宗著 成都 : 基督敎聯合出版社, 民國32[1943] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 971 泰西城鎮記 [microform] / 美國丁韙良著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F22-26 972 洪溝 [microform] / 張宛如著 上海 : 廣學會, 1935 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 浸會基本要道 [microform] / [著者, 賴恩 編譯者, 華北浸會 973 上海 : 中華浸會書局, 1941 MF 240 4424.3 no.17 神學院] 974 消息 [microform] 上海, 中國 : 靑年協會校會組, [1928- MF 240.5 3926 975 海戰指要 [microform] : [一卷] / 金楷理口譯 趙元益筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I70 976 淸明掃墓之論 [microform] / 尚德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [183-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 977 淺字文 [microform] / 畢來思著 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 1938 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 978 遊歷基督幼徒會記畧 [microform] / 黃榮良 上海 : 美華書館, 1901 MFC 247.8 8564 no.39 979 遊歷西藏紀 [microform] / 李提摩太著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 980 測候叢談 [microform] : [4卷] / 金楷理口譯 華蘅芳筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I66 温故知新 [microform] : 中國文化與基督敎神學思想 / 封尚 981 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1964 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 禮 982 瀛光 [microform] 臺南 : 臺灣敎會公報社, 1955- MF 240.5 3090 983 為什麼怕進化論 [microform] / 夏禮賢著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 984 為了獻金救國愛國朋友的十四封信 [microform] / 馮玉祥 [桂林] : 三戶圖書社, 民國34[1945] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 985 燈塔 [microform] 香港 : 證道, 1956-1967? MF 240.5 9144 986 燕京學報 [microform] 北京 : 燕京大學, MF 051 4407.1 營城掲要 [microform] : [2卷] / 儲意比撰 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽 987 [上海 : 江南製造局, 188-?] MFC 245.6 6657 I73-74 筆述 牧師的工作與生活 [microform] / 沈子高講述 吳福臨, 何慈 988 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 洪筆記 989 牧範學 [microform] / 麥沾恩編著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 990 牧長詩歌 [microform] / 唐意雅譯 福州 : 美華書局, 光緒26 [1882] MFC 245.6 6657 B109-110 991 特選撮要 [microform] / [尚德者編纂] Batavia : [s.n.], 1823-1826 MFC 245.6 6657 A76-77 992 特選撮要每月紀傳 [microform] Batavia : [s.n.], 1823-[1826] MFC 245.6 6657 A76-77 993 現代思想中的基督敎 [microform] / [胡貽穀編輯] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國15[1926] MF 248.2 1335 v.9

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 上海 : 中華基督教女青年會全國協會, 民國22 994 現代青年新約必讀 [microform] / [編著者, 柏基根 ... [et al.]] MF 240 4424.3 no.17 [1933] 995 理事部須知 [microform] [中國] : 學校基督敎女青年會, [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.77 996 理解聖經 [microform] / [夏禮賢著] 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 997 瑪德拉斯大會印象集 [microform] / 編輯者, 吳耀宗 上海 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, [1939?] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 998 甚麼是基督敎信仰 [microform] / 江文漢著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國38[1949] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 999 生利分利之別論 [microform] / 李提摩太著 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H16-19 1000 生命無限無疆 [microform] / [Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 1001 生意人事廣益法 [microform] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1857 MFC 245.6 6657 H11-12 山東 : 華北基督敎農村事業促進會文字部, 1934- 1002 田家半月刊 [microform] MF 240.5 6039 1952? 1003 由淺入深 [microform] / [畢來思著] 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 1935-1947 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 1004 異端辨論 [microform] / [Justus Doolittle] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1858 MFC 245.6 6657 C80-81 1005 異蹟問答 [microform] / [E. J. G. Bridgman] 京都[北京]燈口市 : 耶穌堂, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 C19-23 1006 省身淺說 [microform] / 惠享通著 閩北 : 聖書會, 光緖31 [1905] MFC 245.6 6657 J7-9 1007 省身初學 [microform] / 惠享通著 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖17 [1891] MFC 245.6 6657 J3-4 1008 眞光 [microform] [廣州 : 美華書局發行], 1902-1935? MF 240.5 4090 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 美華書局, 光緖元年[1875] 1009 眞理三字經 [microform] / 察理氏 MFC 245.6 6657 A39-40 印) 1010 眞理問答 [microform] / [Henry Blodget] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1873印) MFC 245.6 6657 A17-19 1011 眞理問答 [microform] / [Henry Blodget] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1892印) MFC 245.6 6657 A20-21 1012 眞理易知 [microform] / [培端氏著 察理氏校訂] 福州 : 金粟山, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 A24-26 福州 : 美華書局, [18--?]. (S.l. : 霞浦街福音堂, 光緖 1013 眞理易知 [microform] / 培端氏[著] 察理氏[校訂] MFC 245.6 6657 A24-26 7[1882]印) 1014 眞神十誡. 救世要言. 主禱文 [microform] 北京 : 美華書院, [187-?] MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 1015 眞神總論 [microform] / [Seneca Cummings] 福州 : [亞比絲喜美]總會, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9 1016 眞神耶穌之論 [microform] / [David Abeel] [香港 : s.n., 1846?] MFC 245.6 6657 C19-23 1017 眞神耶穌之論 [microform] / [David Abeel] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 C19-23 1018 眞道入門 [microform] / [William Charles Milne] [厦門]鷺門 : 花旗館寓, 咸豐5[1855] MFC 245.6 6657 A11-15 1019 眞道問答淺解 [microform] / 學善纂 [嗎[liu]呷] : 英華書院?], 道光9 [1829] MFC 245.6 6657 A16

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1020 眞道常識 [microform] / [黃鐸編輯] 上海 : 廣學會, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 1021 眞道自證 [microform] : [4卷] / 善德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 C1-3 1022 破除迷信叢書 [microform] : [10集 / 李幹忱編] 上海 : 美以美會全國書報部, 民國21-[1823- MFC 245.6 6657 C97 1023 研經委辦須知 [microform] [中國] : 學校基督敎女青年會, [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.78 1024 祀先辨謬 [microform] / 倪維思 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治8[1869] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 1025 社會主義新史 [microform] / 沈嗣莊著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.12 1026 社會福音 [microform] / 吳耀宗著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1027 祈嚮 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國20 [1931] MF 240 4424.3 no.21 1028 祈禱式文 [microform] : 附敎會信錄 / [Dauphin W. Osgood編] 褔州 : 霞浦街禮拜堂, 光緖元年[1875] MFC 245.6 6657 D9-10 1029 祈禱的導師 [microform] / 麥沾恩著 香港 : 香港聖書公會, 1953 MF 248.2 1335 v.10 1030 神天之十條誡註明 [microform] / [尚德者纂] [嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院?], 道光12 [1832] MFC 245.6 6657 B78-83 1031 神學四講 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1032 神學誌 [microform] 南京 : Nanking Theological Seminary, MF 240.5 3570 1033 神的哲學 [microform] / 袁定安著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國13[1924] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1034 神詩合選 [microform] [廈門 : 花旗館寓, 1854?] MFC 245.6 6657 D16-19 1035 神論 [microform] / [Caleb Cook Baldwin] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 C10 1036 神道要論 [microform] / [D. Z. Sheffield] 上海 : 美華書館, 宣統2[1910] MFC 245.6 6657 C1-3 1037 神道論贖救世總說眞本 [microform] / [Robert Morrison] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 C40-42 1038 神道論贖救世總說眞本 [microform] / [Robert Morrison] [廣州 : s.n., 1814?] MFC 245.6 6657 C40-42 1039 福州基督敎靑年會歷史 [microform] : 各項規則附 [S.l. : s.n., 19--] MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1040 福州奮興會詩歌 [microform] 福州 : 羅馬字書局, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 D40-41 1041 福幼聖經 [microform] / 福幼報社編輯 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 1042 福建並臺灣圖 [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 1875-1885?] MFC 245.6 6657 E34-35 1043 福音之箴規 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新加坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1837] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 1044 福音之箴規 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 1045 福音撮要 [microform] / [Ada Haven Mateer] [S.l. : s.n., 188-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C24-25 1046 福音新報 [microform] [福州 : Beular Woolston 等], 乙亥[1875- MFC 245.6 6657 A84-85 1047 福音的準備 [microform] / 陳際雲編 上海 : 廣學會, 1949 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1048 福音調和 [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 1834?] MFC 245.6 6657 B118 1049 福音合參 [microform] / [H. W. Luce] 上海 : 美華書館, 1902 MF 248.2 1335 v.10

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1050 福音合參綱要 [microform] / 葛富恩, 許福之編譯 上海 : 天聲報社, 民國37 [1948] MF 240 4424.3 no.10 御風要術 [microform] : [3卷] / 白爾特撰 金楷理口譯 華蘅 1051 [China : s.n.], 光緒20 [1894] MFC 245.6 6657 I67 芳筆述 1052 萬國公報 [microform] 上海 : 林華書院, 1874-1907 MFC 245.6 6657 A83 1053 萬國通鑑 [microform] / 謝衛樓撰 Shanghai : American Presbyterian Press, 1882 MFC 245.6 6657 F2 萬國通鑑 [microform] / 摩嘉立[i.e. 謝衛樓]著 林穆吉譯成 1054 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖18[1892] MFC 245.6 6657 F3 榕腔 C.C. Baldwin 修訂 1055 希望月刊 [microform] 成都 : [美道會], MF 240.5 4007 1056 希臘志畧 [microform] / 艾約瑟譯 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 F19-21 1057 童子事業淺言 [microform] / [華樂著 童星門譯] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會全國協會書報部, 1922 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 1058 童子拓胸歌 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治10[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 D46-49 1059 童子部說明書 [microform] 上海 : [中華基督教青年會], [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.31 1060 童心的呼喚 [microform] / 趙蔚然著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1959 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1061 第二次大戰與中國 [microform] / [章乃器等著] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國25[1936] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 1062 第五福音 [microform] / [無名使徒著 費爾樸等譯] [S.l.] : 青年協會書局, 民國38 [1949] MF 240 4424.3 no.12 [Shanghai] : The Secretarial Association, Young 1063 第四次幹事修進會記錄 [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.61 Women's Christian Associations of China, [1919] 1064 算法全書 [microform] / [by E.T.R. Moncrieff] [香港] : 聖保羅書院, 1852 MFC 245.6 6657 I3 1065 繫獄記 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國37[1948] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 約翰壹書研究 [microform] / [編輯者, 中華浸會女傳道會聯 1066 [S.l.] : 中華浸會書局, 1946 MF 240 4424.3 no.10 合會] 1067 約翰聖經釋解 [microform] / [Benjamin Hobson注釋] 上海 : 三牌樓聖堂, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B148-149 1068 約翰言行錄 [microform] / 善德纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光17 [1837] MFC 245.6 6657 E7-9 1069 經學不厭精 [microform] : 2卷 / [花之安著] 上海 : 美華書館, 光緖22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 G4 1070 經文彙編;"中文聖經經文索引大典 [microform] / 芳泰瑞編" 台北 : 中華世界資料供應出版社, 1977 MFC 245.6 6657 B21 1071 綱紀愼會年報 [microform] [廣州] : 廣東綱紀愼會, [1909-191-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A88-89 1072 緬甸論 [microform] / 李提摩太著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 1073 [致第禮士先生函] [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 E10-11 1074 繪地法原 [microform] : [附表圖] / 金楷理口譯 王德均筆述 [S.l. : 江南製造局, 1875?] MFC 245.6 6657 I75-76 1075 續纂省身神詩 [microform] 嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院, 道光15[1835] MFC 245.6 6657 D15

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1076 罪與得救 [microform] / 夏禮賢著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1077 羅運炎論道文選 [microform] / 羅運炎著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國20[1931] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 1078 羅馬人書講義 [microform] : 官話 / 翟輔民著 梧州 : 宣道書局, 1931 MF 240 4424.3 no.18 1079 羅馬書信釋義附圖解 [microform] / 董海倫, 許翟葆靈編著 上海 : 誠信書報社, 1949 MF 240 4424.3 no.19 1080 羅馬志畧 [microform] / 艾約瑟譯 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 F19-21 美國怎樣利用宗教侵略中國 [microform] : 學習手冊 / 劉良 1081 上海 : 青年協會書局, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 模編 美國水師考 [microform] / 巴那比, 克理同撰 傅蘭雅, 鍾天 1082 [上海] : 小蒼山房, 光緖丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H34-35 緯同譯 [張蔭桓編輯] 1083 美滿生活是甚麼? [microform] / [編輯者, 趙紫宸] [上海] : 青年協會書報部, 民國19 [1930] MF 240 4424.3 no.7 1084 美理哥國志畧 [microform] / 高理文著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F38-40 1085 美理哥合省國志略 [microform] / [高理文題書] 新加坡 : 堅夏書院藏板, 道光18 [1838] MFC 245.6 6657 F34 美醫家道德主義條例 [microform] = Principles of medical 1086 S.l. : 博醫會, [19--?] MFC 245.6 6657 J22 ethics / 盈享利譯 陳桂清筆述 1087 老子考 [microform] / 王重民著 北京 : 中華圖書館協會, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.14 1088 耶穌 [microform] / 蘇學眞著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 1089 耶穌之寶訓 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C14-18 1090 耶穌之死 [microform] / 茅盾著 重慶 : 作家書屋, 民國34[1945] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 1091 耶穌之要道 [microform] / [David Abeel著 E. Doty修訂] [厦門? : s.n., 1854?] MFC 245.6 6657 C19-23 1092 耶穌傳 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 靑年協會, 民國24[1935] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 耶穌基督在中國古籍中之發現 [microform] = The discovery of 1093 香港 : 春秋雜誌社, 1960 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 China's earlist story of Jesus Christ / [李聖華, 劉楚堂著] 1094 耶穌實錄講義 [microform] / 靑州神道學堂撰 [濟南] : 山東大學堂書局, 1911 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 1095 耶穌小傳 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 青年協會書局, 民國30 [1941] MF 240 4424.3 no.9 1096 耶穌敎例言;"聖敎例言 [microform] / 培端氏著 察理氏校" 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治8[1869] MFC 245.6 6657 C57-59 1097 耶穌敎例言;"聖敎例言 [microform] / 培端氏著 察理氏校" 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治7[1882] MFC 245.6 6657 C60 1098 耶穌敎問答 [microform] / [Helen Sanford Coan Nevius] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (福州 : 美華書院, 光緖5[1880]印) MFC 245.6 6657 A22 1099 耶穌敎小引 [microform] / [Justus Doolittle] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 咸豐6[1856] MFC 245.6 6657 A95-98 1100 耶穌敎聖詩 [microform] 天津 : 耶穌堂, 1862 MFC 245.6 6657 D20-22 1101 耶穌敎要旨 [microform] / [培端氏著] 福州 : 金粟山, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 A24-26

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1102 耶穌是什麼東西 [microform] / 朱執信著 上海 : 華通書局, 民國18[1929] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 1103 耶穌正敎答問 [microform] / [E. Doty翻譯及修訂] [厦門 : s.n.], 咸豐4[1854] MFC 245.6 6657 A17-19 1104 耶穌比喻之註說 [microform] / [K. F. A. Gützlaff] [新嘉坡? : s.n., 18--] MFC 245.6 6657 C14-18 1105 耶穌的人生哲學 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 上海 : 中華基督教文社, 民國15 [1926] MF 240 4424.3 no.6 耶穌的生平與敎訓 [microform] = Life and teachings of Jesus / [ 1106 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 王梓明, 蒲克明編] 1107 耶穌的硏究 [microform] / 寶廣林著 上海 : 中華基督敎文社, 民國17[1928] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 1108 耶穌眼裏的中華民族 [microform] / 照流居士著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 1109 耶穌神蹟之傳 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C14-18 1110 耶穌聖敎入華 [microform] / [林樂知等呈] [S.l. : s.n., 1895] MFC 245.6 6657 E20-21 耶穌言行三十課 [microform] = Thirty lessons in the life of 1111 上海 : 中華浸會書局, 1937 MF 240 4424.3 no.17 Jesus Chirst / 原著者, 戴斐士 重譯者, 呂朝良 1112 耶穌言行總論 [microform] / [Collie David原著] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C19-23 1113 耶穌言行錄 [microform] : 摘用聖經 / [Chester Holcomb] [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] (北京 : 美華書館, 1872印) MFC 245.6 6657 C24-25 1114 耶穌巡徒養心日課 [microform] / 為林譯 [出版地不詳 : 出版者不詳], 甲辰[1844? or 1904?] MFC 245.6 6657 D51 1115 耶穌降世之傳 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光16[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C11-13 1116 聖保羅傳 [microform] / 趙紫宸著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1117 聖公會報 [microform] 上海 : 樊王渡約翰大學聖公會報社, MF 240.5 1688 1118 聖學問答 [microform] : [8卷 / C.C. Baldwin] [福州] : 鋪前頂福音堂, 1853 (1864印) MFC 245.6 6657 A17-19 1119 聖德管窺 [microform] / [謝洪賚] 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1920 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1120 聖敎三字經 [microform] / [夏察理氏著] [福州] : 太平街福音堂, 同治9[1870] MFC 245.6 6657 A29-33 1121 聖敎便覽五字經 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] [福州 : 美華書局?, 187-?] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 1122 聖敎史記 [microform] / [謝衛樓] 上海 : 美華書館, 1915 MFC 245.6 6657 E3 1123 聖敎擇要禮文 [microform] 京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1885 MFC 245.6 6657 D6-7 1124 聖敎鑑畧 [microform] / 應思理著 [寧波 : s.n.], 1860 MFC 245.6 6657 E1-2 1125 聖敎鑑畧 [microform] / 應思理著 [寧波 : s.n.], 1860 MFC 245.6 6657 E1-2 1126 聖書五常撮要 [microform] / [Charles Finney Preston] 上海 : 美華書館, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 C57-59 聖書公會[目錄] [microform] = Price list of scriptures published 1127 上海 : 聖經公會, 1921 MFC 245.6 6657 B19-20 and for sale / China Agency of the British & Foreign Bible Society 1128 聖書列祖全傳 [microform] / [Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18 [1838] MFC 245.6 6657 E4-5

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1129 聖書地理 [microform] = Scripture geography / 葉韙良著 北京 : 美華書館, [同治]辛未 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 B7-8 1130 聖書憑據總論 [microform] / 種德者纂 嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院, 1827 MFC 245.6 6657 B1 1131 聖書日課初學便用 [microform] : 依本言譯述 [廣州 : s.n.], 道光辛卯 [1831] MFC 245.6 6657 B5 1132 聖書袖珍 [microform] / [David Collie] [嗎[liu]呷?] : 聚寶樓, 道光12[1832] MFC 245.6 6657 C57-59 1133 聖書註疏 [microform] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光19 [1839] MFC 245.6 6657 B6 聖書論畧 [microform] = Introduction to the study of the Bible / 1134 北京 : 美華書館, [同治]庚午 [1870] MFC 245.6 6657 B7-8 葉韙良著 1135 聖經. 新約. 中文. 1827;"神天聖書 [microform] : 新遺詔書" [嗎[Liu]呷] : 英華書院, 1827 MFC 245.6 6657 B26 1136 聖經. 舊約. 中文. 1827;"神天聖書 [microform] : 舊遺詔書" [嗎[Liu]呷] : 英華書院, 1827 MFC 245.6 6657 B25 1137 聖經之婚姻觀 [microform] / [陳建勛編] 漢口 : 信義會, 1932 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 上海 : 美華書館擺印 : 中國聖敎書會發, 光緖 1138 聖經問答 [microform] / [C. R. Hager譯] MFC 245.6 6657 A20-21 13[1887] 1139 聖經圖記 [microform] / 卦德明著 寧波 : s.n., 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 B9 聖經甘露法雨 [microform] / 谷口雅春著 泉雅夫、 袁錦 1140 東京 : 光明思想普及會, 昭和14 [1939] MF 240 4424.3 no.18 昌、 三原增水共譯 武田寧信閱 MF 240 4424.3 no.2 1141 聖經百科全書 [microform] 上海 : 協和書局, 1925 MF 240 4424.3 no.3 1142 聖經百科全書 [microform] / [edited by James Orr] 台北 : 中華世界資料供應出版社, 1976 MFC 245.6 6657 B22 1143 聖經節解 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎[liu]呷 : 英華書院?], 道光5 [1825] MFC 245.6 6657 B164-165 1144 聖經與中國孝道 [microform] / 徐松石著 香港 : 浸信會出版部, 1970 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 1145 聖經要言 [microform] [北京] : 華北書會, [光緒]庚寅 [1890] MFC 245.6 6657 B14-16 1146 聖經證據 [microform] / 何進善撰 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治9 [1870] MFC 245.6 6657 B3-4 1147 聖詠集 [microform] / 北平方濟堂聖經學會編譯 北平市 : 方濟堂, 民國35 [1946] MF 240 4424.3 no.12 1148 聖詩典攷 [microform] / 王神蔭著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1955 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 1149 聖詩樂譜 [microform] 福州 : 羅馬字書局, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 D40-41 1150 聖諭像解 [microform] 廣州 : 味經堂書坊, [1856?] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 1151 聖道證言 [microform] : 世界名人宗敎觀 / 章力生著 香港 : 基督敎中國佈道會聖道出版社, [1970] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 1152 聖道起信論 [microform] / 徐松石著 上海 : 廣學會, 1940 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 1153 聖靈之研究 [microform] / 陳崇桂著 長沙 : 湖南聖經學院, 民國22 [1933] MF 240 4424.3 no.11 1154 聖體紀 [microform] 上海 : 土山灣, 1912 MF 240 4424.3 no.17

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1155 聯邦志略 [microform] / 裨治文撰 箕作阮甫訓點 東京 : 江左老皂館(萬屋兵四郎), 明治7 [1874] MFC 245.6 6657 F35-37 臨陣管見 [microform] : [9卷] / 斯拉弗司撰 金楷理口譯 趙 1156 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I73-74 元益筆述 [香港 : s.n.] 廣東 : 小書會眞寶堂發售, 光緖 1157 自西徂東 [microform] / [Ernst Faber] MFC 245.6 6657 C68 10[1884] 臺灣基督長老敎會北部敎會九十週年簡史 [microform] / 鄭 1158 [臺灣] : 臺灣基督長老敎會北部敎會, 1962 MF 248.2 1335 v.8 連德 ... [et al.]編著 臺灣基督長老敎會百年史 [microform] / 臺灣基督長老敎會 [臺南?] : 基督敎在臺宣敎百週年紀念叢書委員會, 1159 MFC 245.6 6657 E34-35 總會歷史委員會編 [1965] 1160 台灣敎會公報 [microform] Taiwan : Prebyterian Church of Taiwan, MF 240.5 2334 1161 與陳獨秀沈玄廬辯道 [microform] / [張亦鏡著] 廣東 : 美華浸會印書局, 民國12[1923] MF 248.2 1335 v.1 舉目向田觀看 [microform] / [編譯者, 中華浸會女傳道會聯 1162 上海 : 美華浸會書局, 1940 MF 240 4424.3 no.19 合會] 1163 舉行利用光陰團委任之秩序單 [microform] 上海 : 基督敎學校女青年會, [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.79 1164 舊約人物 [microform] / 聶紹經, 張仕章著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 1165 舊約六經新解 [microform] / 夏禮賢著 鄭天嘉譯 上海 : 協和書局, 民國16 [1927] MFC 245.6 6657 B23 1166 舊約史 [microform] / 趙宗福編 浙江 : 福善堂, 1938 MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1167 舊約史記撮要 [microform] / 馬牧師著 上海 : 中國基督聖教書會印行, [19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.7 1168 舊約硏究指南 [microform] / 李勞芳著 香港 : 聖書公會, 1954 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 1169 舊約綱目 [microform] / [彭善彰編述] [中國 : s.n, 19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.7 1170 舊約預表 [microform] / [Eleanor (Sherrill) Sheffield] 通州 : 文奎齋, 光緖癸卯 [1903] MFC 245.6 6657 B11 1171 舊金山紀 [microform] / 丁韙良著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F38-40 航海簡法 [microform] : [4卷] / 那麗撰 金楷理口譯 王德均 1172 [China : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I68 筆法 1173 船塢論略 [microform] : [附圖] / 傅蘭雅輯譯 鐘天緯筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I64-65 1174 色相留眞 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54 1175 苦杯裏的甜果 [microform] / 何世明著 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1957 MF 248.2 1335 v.6 1176 苦海餘生 [microform] / [鄧述堃] 上海 : 廣學會, 1931 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 英國水師考 [microform] / 巴那比, 克理同撰 傅蘭雅, 鍾天 1177 [上海] : 小蒼山房, 光緖丙申 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 H34-35 緯同譯 [張蔭桓編輯]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1178 英國鑄錢說略 [microform] / 傅蘭雅撰 [武昌] : 質學會, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H16-19 1179 英屬地志 [microform] / 慕維廉著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F30-33 1180 莊子 [microform] / [葉玉麟譯] 上海 : 廣益書局, 民國27[1938] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 [北京] : 華北書會, 1891- . (S.l. : American Board 1181 華北月報 [microform] MFC 245.6 6657 A87 Mission Press 印) 1182 華年 [microform] 上海 : 華年周刊社, 民國21- [1932- MF 610 4480 1183 [華東師範大學圖書館館藏基督敎文獻彙編] [microform] [上海] : 華東師範大學圖書館, [2000] MF 240 4442 1184 華東敎會五年運動計劃 [microform] 上海 : 中華全國基督敎協進會, 民國18[1929] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 華東浸會百年史 [microform] = Centennial history of the East 1185 China Baptist Mission and Chekiang Shanghai Baptist Convention 上海 : 浙滬浸禮議會, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 : 1843-1943 / 主編者, 鮑哲慶 編著者, 黃雪痕 1186 華美報 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖22[1897]- MFC 245.6 6657 A88-89 1187 華美敎保 [microform] 上海 : Methodist Publishing House, 1904-1927? MF 240.5 4480 1188 華英和合通書 [microform] / [Dyer Ball編] 香港 : [s.n.], 道光23-咸豐10[1843-1860] MFC 245.6 6657 A58-63 1189 華英言語撮要訓蒙日課 [microform] / [William Young] [Batavia? : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 G19-22 1190 葡萄園 [microform] / 朱味腴著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國21[1932] MF 248.2 1335 v.4 1191 蘇州私立萃英中學校四十週紀念刊 [microform] 蘇州 : 萃英中學四十週紀念刊出版社, 民國22[1933] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 行軍鐵路工程 [microform] : 2卷 / 英國武備工程課則 傅蘭 1192 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I45-46 雅, 汪振聲同譯 1193 術數辨謬 [microform] / 閩知非子 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治10[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 1194 衛理公會敎友問答 [microform] / 何受良, 林志士合編 香港 : 砂拉越衛理公會文字專業部, 1958 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1195 衛身撮問 [microform] / 富克理著 [S.l. : s.n.], 光緖28 [1902] MFC 245.6 6657 J10 1196 初學問答 [microform] / [] 福州 : 美華書局, 光緖18[1892] MFC 245.6 6657 A23 1197 初學階梯. 首集 [microform] / [夏察理, 陳修靈同訂] 福州 : 南臺救主堂, 光緖7[1881] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 1198 初期的敎會 [microform] / 誠質怡編 上海 : 廣學會, 民國28[1939] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 1199 被附後的釋放 [microform] / [著者, 倪柝聲] 上海 : 福音書局, 1951 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 1200 製油燭法 [microform] / 林樂知口譯 鄭昌棪筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54 製火藥法 [microform] : [3卷, 附圖] / 利稼孫, 華得斯輯 傅蘭 1201 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I64-65 雅口譯 丁樹棠筆述 1202 製肥皂法 [microform] : [2卷] / 林樂知口譯 鄭昌棪筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1203 解元三字經 [microform] / [歐適子著] [S.l.] : 芥子園, [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 A29-33 1204 訓女三字經 [microform] / [馬典娘娘著] [新嘉坡 : s.n.], 道光12[1832] MFC 245.6 6657 A39-40 1205 訓蒙摘要 [microform] / [Emma Dickson Smith] [天津] : 華北書會印發, 1915 MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 1206 評宣敎事業平議 [microform] : 前四章 / 趙紫宸著 北平 : 燕京大學, 民國23[1934] MF 248.2 1335 v.2 1207 詩篇釋義 [microform] / 郭斐蔚著述 俞恩嗣譯文 上海 : 廣學會, 民國21 [1932] MF 240 4424.3 no.12 1208 認識與行動 [microform] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會全國協會, 1936 MF 248.2 1335 v.4 1209 誨謨訓道 [microform] / [Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C61-66 1210 諸敎的硏究 [microform] / 謝頌羔, 余牧人編 上海 : 廣學會, 民國35[1946] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 1211 論啤酒與黃酒之害 [microform] S.l. : s.n., [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.79 論悔罪信耶穌;"悔罪信耶穌論 [microform] : 福州平話 / [W. 1212 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1854 MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 H. Medhurst原著 J. Doolittle修訂及改寫]" 1213 論聖靈 [microform] 上海 : 華美書局, 光緖30[1904] MFC 245.6 6657 C49-50 1214 論舌寶訓 [microform] / [Emma Dickson Smith] 上海 : 中國聖經書會售, 民國4[1915] MFC 245.6 6657 C69-71 1215 論覺罪之事 [microform] / [W. H. Medhurst] [上海 : s.n., 1846?] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 1216 論道 [microform] / 金岳霖著 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 1217 講範上下篇 [microform] / 陳金鏞著 上海 : 廣學會, 民國16[1927] MF 248.2 1335 v.3 1218 謝年歌 [microform] / [Charles Hartwell] [福州] : 太平街福音堂, 光緖5[1880] MFC 245.6 6657 D46-49 1219 謝廬隱先生傳略 [microform] / [胡貽穀著] 上海 : 靑年協會書報部, 1917 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1220 謝廬隱先生傳略 [microform] / 胡貽穀 上海 : 靑年協會書報部, 1917 MFC 247.8 8564 no.42 1221 謝廬隐先生傳略 [microform] / [胡貽穀撰] [上海 : 靑年協會書報社, 1917] MFC 245.6 6657 E14-15 1222 謝輯華人接受基督敎 [microform] / [謝恩光] 上海 : 廣學會, 1917 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1223 證道一助 [microform] / 張之江 上海 : 廣學會, 1929 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 1224 證道集 [microform] / [謝洪賚編] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年協會, 1918 MF 248.2 1335 v.7 1225 讚主聖詩 [microform] 福州 : 羅馬字書局, 1906 MFC 245.6 6657 D38-39 讚神樂章 [microform] : 曲譜附 = Hymns and tunes / compiled 1226 Nyingpo : [出版者不詳], 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 D46-49 by E. C. Lord 讚美神詩 [microform] / [Charles Finney Preston], 雙門底福音 1227 [S.l. : s.n., 186-?] MFC 245.6 6657 D20-22 堂翻譯 1228 讚美詩 [microform] [S.l. : s.n.], 咸豐2 [1852] MFC 245.6 6657 D16-19 1229 貿易通志 [microform] / 闕名 上海 : 著易堂, [18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 F17-18

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1230 賭博明論 [microform] / [William Milne] 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 H1-3 1231 贖罪之道傳 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 [新加坡?] : s.n., 1836 MF 248.2 1335 v.5 1232 贖罪之道傳 [microform] / 愛漢者纂 [新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院], 道光丙申[1836] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 1233 趙夏雲自傳 [microform] / 趙夏雲 上海 : 廣學會, 1932 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 1234 身理啓蒙 [microform] / 艾約瑟譯 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 J5-6 1235 輔仁學誌 [microform] / 輔仁大學輔仁學誌編輯會 北平 : 輔仁大學輔仁學誌編輯會, MF 051 5327 輪船布陣 [microform] : [12卷, 圖1卷] / 裴路原書 [卷首賈密 1236 [上海 : 江南製造局, 1873?] MFC 245.6 6657 I69 倫原書] 傅蘭雅口譯 徐建寅筆述 1237 轉禍為福之法 [microform] / [K. F. A. Gützlaff] [新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院], 道光18[1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 1238 辨世人祀鬼論 [microform] 厦門 : [s.n., 184-?] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 1239 辨孝論 [microform] / [Justus Doolittle修訂] 福州 : 太平街福音[堂], 同治10[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 C89-92 1240 辨學啓蒙 [microform] / 艾約瑟譯 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 G10 [S.l. : s.n., 18--?] (福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治9[1870] 1241 辨性二論 [microform] / 韋廉臣 MFC 245.6 6657 C31-38 印) 辨鬼神論 [microform] / [Wilhelm Lobscheid著 Justus Dolittle 1242 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治10[1871] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 修訂] 辨鬼神論 [microform] / [Wilhelm Lobscheid著 Justus Dolittle 1243 福州 : 南臺霞浦街福音堂, 光緖4[1879] MFC 245.6 6657 C82-88 修訂] 1244 農學新法 [microform] : 一卷 / 貝德禮撰 李提摩太譯 武昌 : 質學會, 光緖23 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H21-22 1245 農村工作經驗談 [microform] / 徐寶謙編 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 民國25[1936] MF 248.2 1335 v.8 1246 近代人物 [microform] 香港 : 聖書公會, 1952 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 1247 造硫強水法 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I49-54 1248 造管之法 [microform] / 傅蘭雅口譯 徐壽筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I47-48 1249 進小門走窄路 [microform] / 博愛者纂 [嗎[liu]呷 : 出版者不詳], 道光12[1832] MFC 245.6 6657 C40-42 1250 進步 [microform] 上海 : 上海進步雜誌社, 1911-1916? MF 240.5 3021 1251 進步問答. 卷 1 [microform] / [畢來思著] 漢口 : 中國基督敎聖敎書會, 1938 MF 248.2 1335 v.11 1252 道原晰義 [microform] / [A. G. Jones] [S.l.] : 靑州浸禮會, 光緖21[1896] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 道德經. Chinese;"老子道德經 [microform] : 白話譯解 / [譯白 1253 上海 : 廣益書局, 民國29[1940] MF 248.2 1335 v.9 者 葉玉麟]" 1254 道敎史 [microform] / 許地山編 上海 : 商務印書館, 民國24[1935] MF 248.2 1335 v.8

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1255 道聲 [microform] : 聖經敎育雜誌 上海 : Christian Literature Society, [1931?-1935?] MF 240.5 3847 1256 過蜀峽記 [microform] / 艾約瑟著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 1257 鄉村傳道工作經驗談 [microform] / 余牧人主編 上海 : 廣學會, 1949-1950 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1258 鄉村禮拜 [microform] / 朱敬一, 張佩英編著 上海 : 廣學會, 1940 MF 248.2 1335 v.4 鄉訓. 第一訓 [microform] / [William Milne原著 Justus 1259 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 A90-94 Doolittle修訂] 1260 鄉訓十三則 [microform] / [William Milne著 Eliph Doty編] 鷺江[廈門] : 花旗館寓, 咸豐4[1855] MFC 245.6 6657 A90-94 1261 醒世良規 [microform] / [Justus Doolittle修訂] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1856 MFC 245.6 6657 A72 醒世要言 [microform] / 仁愛會纂 [with assistance of Liang A- 1262 S.l. : s.n., 道光18 [1838] MFC 245.6 6657 H1-3 fa] 1263 醫學辭彙 [microform] 上海 : 博醫會, 1908 MFC 245.6 6657 J23 1264 醫館畧述 [microform] / 柯為樑校訂 [福州 : 醫館], 同治10 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 1265 醫館畧述四書 [microform] S.l. : s.n., 光緖元年 [1875] MFC 245.6 6657 J16-21 重學 [microform] : [20卷] / 胡威立撰 艾約瑟口譯 李善蘭 1266 [湘鄉] : 湘鄉左楨署, 同治五 [1866] MFC 245.6 6657 I15 筆述 1267 金陵學報 [microform] 成都 : 金陵大學, MF 051 8077 1268 鑑史輯要 [microform] 淸史輯要 / 諸葛汝楫撰 横濱 : [福音印刷合資會社], 民國3 [1914] MFC 245.6 6657 F50-51 1269 鑑史輯要圖說 [microform] / 萬卓志著 [Japan] : Yokohama Fukuin Printing Co., 1907 MFC 245.6 6657 F50-51 1270 長遠兩友相論 [microform] : [11回 / William Milne] 福建鷺門 : 花旗館寓, 咸豐4[1854] MFC 245.6 6657 A3-6 1271 閩省會報 [microform] 福州 : 美華書局, 1874- MFC 245.6 6657 A84-85 1272 關於中國基督敎三自愛國運動的報告 [microform] / [吳耀宗] 上海 : 廣學會, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1273 關於朱執信耶穌是什麼東西的雜評 [microform] / 張亦鏡編 上海 : 美華浸會書局, 1930 MF 248.2 1335 v.1 1274 辟邪紀實 [microform] / [天下第一傷心人撰] [S.l. : s.n.], 同治辛未 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 E29 1275 阿比西尼亞國述略 [microform] / 林樂知著 上海 : 著易堂, [1877?] MFC 245.6 6657 F42-49 1276 陸地戰例新選 [microform] / 丁韙良撰 上海 : 上海書局, 光緖丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 H28-31 1277 雙千字文 [microform] / [W. A. P. Martin] [上海 : 美華書館?, 1865?] MFC 245.6 6657 A41-48 電學 [microform] : [10卷, 卷首] / 瑙埃德著 傅蘭雅口譯 徐 1278 上海 : 江南製造局, 1879? MFC 245.6 6657 I17 建寅筆述

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 電學綱目 [microform] : 一卷 / 田大裏輯 傅蘭雅口譯 周郇 1279 [China] : 鴻文書局, 光緖22 [1896] MFC 245.6 6657 I18-19 筆述 [張蔭桓編輯] 1280 電學鍍金 [microform] : [4卷] / 金楷理口譯 徐華封筆述 [S.l. : s.n., 1---?] MFC 245.6 6657 I57 1281 靈修日新 [microform] : 聖經每章之講義 / 陳崇桂著 [中國] : 作者, 1936 MF 240 4424.3 no.9 1282 靈魂眞理明說 [microform] [福州? : s.n., 18--?] MFC 245.6 6657 C47-48 1283 靈魂篇 [microform] / [D. B. McCartee] [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1853 MFC 245.6 6657 C43-46 1284 靈魂篇 [microform] / [D. B. McCartee] 福州 : 太平街福音堂, 同治8[1869] MFC 245.6 6657 C43-46 1285 靈魂篇 [microform] / [D. B. McCartee] 福州 : 太平街福音堂 : 美華書局活版, 光緖7[1882] MFC 245.6 6657 C47-48 1286 靑年會創立者 [microform] / [謝洪賚] 上海 : 中華基督敎靑年會, 1914 MFC 247.8 8564 no.45 Shanghai : Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 1287 靑年會報 [microform] MF 240.5 5088 1896-1917 1288 青年會第一次幹事會報告 [microform] 上海 : 基督敎青年合會, 1912 MFC 247.8 8564 no.72 1289 靑年讀書運動 [microform] / [胡貽穀著] [上海] : 靑年全國協會, 1927 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 1290 青年進步 [microform] 上海 : 中華青年會全國協會, 1917-1932 MF 240.5 5083 1291 非宗敎論 [microform] 北京 : 非宗敎大同盟, 民國11[1922] MF 248.2 1335 v.5 1292 頌主聖詩 [microform] 京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875 MFC 245.6 6657 D20-22 1293 頌主聖詩 [microform] / 聖公會譯 [S.l. : s.n.], 1918 MFC 245.6 6657 D23 1294 頌主詩歌 [microform] 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1887 MFC 245.6 6657 D25 1295 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich註] 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1891 MFC 245.6 6657 D26 1296 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich 序] 京都 [北京] : 美華書局, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 D27 1297 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich編] [橫濱] : 日本橫濱製紙分社, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 D28 1298 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich編] [橫濱] : 日本橫濱分社, 1907 MFC 245.6 6657 D30 1299 頌主詩歌 [microform] [橫濱] : 日本橫濱分社, 1911 MFC 245.6 6657 D31-32 1300 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich編] [橫濱] : 福音印刷合資會社, 1914 MFC 245.6 6657 D31-32 頌主詩歌 [microform] / [Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich, 1301 [橫濱] : 福音印刷合資會社, 1915 MFC 245.6 6657 D33 Elwood Gardner Tewksbury編] 1302 頌主詩歌 [microform] / Henry Blodget, Chauncey Goodrich註] 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1880 MFC 245.6 6657 D24 頌主詩歌譜 [microform] : 音樂嗖[fa] / [Elwood Gardner 1303 [通州 : 河洛書院, 1895] MFC 245.6 6657 D29 Tewksbury編] 1304 頌言讚語 [microform] 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, [1838] MFC 245.6 6657 C4-9

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1305 領出迷路 [microform] / [Jonathan Lees譯] [中國 : s.n., 18--?] (京都[北京] : 美華書院, 1875印) MFC 245.6 6657 A99-105 1306 養心神詩 [microform] / 尚德者纂 [Jakarta : s.n., 1838-1843?] MFC 245.6 6657 D16-19 1307 養心神詩新編 [microform] 藔仔後[廈門] : 花旗館寓, 咸豐4 [1854] MFC 245.6 6657 D16-19 1308 香港剪報資料 [microform] / [友聯硏究所剪輯] [香港 : 友聯硏究所, 1950-1969] MF 059 2038 1309 香港基督敎會史 [microform] / [劉粤升主編] [香港] : 香港基督敎聯會, 1941 MF 248.2 1335 v.9 1310 香港基督敎會史 [microform] / [劉粤聲主編] [香港 : 香港基督敎聯會, 民國30 (1941)] MFC 245.6 6657 E36-37 [香港浸會大學圖書館當代中國硏究資料部藏剪報資料] 1311 1950-1972 MF 610 2033 1950 [microform] 1312 馬可福音 [microform] : 官話和合譯本 上海 : 美華聖經會, [19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 1313 馬太福音 [microform] : 官話和合譯本 上海 : 美國聖經會, [19--?] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 馬太福音 [microform] : 官話略解 = Annotated Mandarin 1314 上海 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, [1928] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 Matthew : union version 鴉片速改文 [microform] / 仁愛者纂 [composed with 1315 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 道光乙未 [1835] MFC 245.6 6657 H4-7 assistance of Liang A-fa] [羊城(廣州) : 小書會, 18--?]. ([S.l.] : 眞寶堂書局, 光 1316 麥氏三字經 [microform] / [夏察理氏著] MFC 245.6 6657 A34-36 緖26[1900]印) 1317 黑暗與光明 [microform] / 吳耀宗著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1949 MF 248.2 1335 v.16 1318 黑門山路 [microform] / 梁雅禮編譯 上海 : l中華浸會書局, 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.19 1319 黑门甘露正續編 [microform] / [主講者, 宋尚節] 上海 : 基督徒佈道團清心區, 1937 MF 240 4424.3 no.8 1320 墨子 [microform] / 葉玉麟選譯 [葉昀校勘] 上海 : 廣益書局, 民國26[1937] MF 248.2 1335 v.11 1321 墨翟與耶穌 [microform] / 吳雷川著 上海 : 靑年協會書局, 1940 MF 248.2 1335 v.15 西國近事彙編 [microform] : [4卷] / (美)金楷理口譯 姚棻筆 1322 上海 : 上海機器製造局, 同治12 [1873] MFC 245.6 6657 F60 述 1323 西學畧述 [microform] : [10卷] / [艾約瑟譯] 上海 : 圖書集成印書局, 光緖24 [1898] MFC 245.6 6657 I26-30 1324 西學考略 [microform] / [丁韙良著] 北京 : 同文館, 光緖癸未 [1883] MFC 245.6 6657 F55-56 1325 西敎紀略 [microform] / 李剛己著 都門 : [s.n.], 民國6[1917] MFC 245.6 6657 E32 1326 西洋中華通書 [microform] / [Justus Doolittle編] 福州 : 南臺保福山, 咸豐8[1858] MFC 245.6 6657 A64 1327 西算啓蒙 [microform] : 福州平話 / 吳思明譯著 福州 : 南臺保福山, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 I5 1328 西藥略釋 [microform] / 孔繼良譯撰 嘉約翰校正 羊城 [廣州] : 博濟醫局, 光緖12 [1886] MFC 245.6 6657 J13 1329 潞河書院名册 [microform] 通州 : 潞河書院, 1893? MFC 245.6 6657 H43-44

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1330 鄞邑土音 [microform] [China : s.n.], 18--? MFC 245.6 6657 G19-22

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The 100 years Anglo-Chinese calendar [microform] : 1st Jan., 1776 to 25th Jan., 1876, corresponding with the 11th day of the 1331 11th moon of the 40th year of the reign Kien-lung, to the end of Shanghai : [Print at the North-China Herald Office], 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.86 the 14th year of the reign Tung-chi together with an appendix, containing several intereting tables and extracts / by P. Loureiro 1843 - Shanghai - 1893 [microform] : the model settlement, its 1332 [Shanghai] : Shanghai Mercury Office, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.245 birth, its youth, its jubilee 1911 among young men in the Middle Kingdom [microform] : a Shanghai : General Committee of the Young Men's 1333 report of the work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of MFC 247.8 8564 no.23 Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1912 China and Korea A 1915 message from the Young Women's Christian Associations 1334 Shanghai : The National Committee, 1916 MFC 247.8 8564 no.31 of China [microform] Shelbyville, Ky. : Edited and published by John Finley 1335 Abolition intelligencer and missionary magazine [microform] MF 266 AB75 v.1 1822-23 Crow, 1822-[1823] The aborigines of northern Formosa [microform] : a paper read 1336 before the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Shanghai, 1874 MFC 951.03 N622 no.60 Shanghai, 18th June, 1874 / by Edward C. Taintor An Abridged account of the state of religion in China and 1337 Cochinchina, during the years 1806-7 [microform] / with an London : Keating, Brown and Keating, 1809-1811 MFC 266.00951 AB87 introductory preface, annotations, and reflections by the translator An abridged account of the state of religion in China and 1338 Cochinchina, during the years 1806-7 [microform] / with an London : Keating, Brown and Keating, 1809-1811 MFC 951.03 N622 no.186 introductory preface, annotations, and reflections by the translator 1339 An abridgement of sacred history [microform] / by David Collie Malacca : Printed at the Mission Press, 1826 MFC 220.95 C69A Abstract of four lectures on Buddhist literature in china 1340 [microform] : delivered at University college, London / By Samuel London : Trübner & co., 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.429 Beal An account of the cultivation and manufacture of tea in China 1341 [microform] : derived from personal observation during an official London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1848 MFC 951.03 N622 no.6 residence in that country from 1804 to 1826 ... / by Samuel Ball

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Açvaghosha's discourse on the awakening of faith in the Mahâyâ 1342 na [microform] / translated for the first time from the Chinese Chicago : Open Court Pub. Co., 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.336 version by Teitaro Suzuki Address in behalf of the China mission [microform] / by the Rev. 1343 : W. Osborn, 1837 MFC 951.03 N622 no.20 William J. Boone Address to masters, officers, and sailors in the Port of Canton 1344 Zug : InterDocumentation Co., 1986 MFC 259.8 ST47A [microform] / Edwin Stevens Address to the people of Great Britain, explanatory of our commercial relations with the empire of China and of the course 1345 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1836 MFC 951.03 N622 no.174 of policy by which it may be rendered an almost unbounded field for British commerce [microform] / by a vistor to China Addresses presented by the English and American communities of 1346 Shanghai : [s.n.], 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.212 Shanghai to the Hon. J. Ross Browne [microform] Admonitions, addressed to a mixed congregation from various nations, and belonging to different churches [microform] : being a 1347 [S.l.] : Printed for the Author at the Albion Press, 1833 MFC 266.7632 M834A sermon preached on board the American ship Morrison, at Whampoa, in China, December, 2 1833 / by Robert Morrison Advance steps in the Young Men's Christian Associations of 1348 S.l. : s.n., [19--?] MFC 247.8 8564 no.21 China, Korea and Hongkong during the year 1903 [microform] Aesop's fables. Chinese;"Aesop's fables [microform] / written in Chinese by the learned Mun Mooy Seen-Shang and compiled in 1349 [Canton, China] : Canton Press Office, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.351 their present form with a free and a literal translation by his pupil Sloth" After wild sheep in the Altai and Mongolia [microform] / by E. 1350 London : R. Ward, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.563 Demidoff Lake Junaluska, N.C. : General Commission on Archives Agency journals [microform] : Board of Home Missions minutes, 1351 & History of the United Methodist Church MF 266.7633 M566AH 1912-1925 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [199-]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Lake Junaluska, N.C. : General Commission on Archives Agency journals [microform] : Board of Missions minutes, 1850- 1352 & History of the United Methodist Church MF 266.7633 M566AM 1908, official records, 1928-1949, annual report, 1922-1940 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [199-] Lake Junaluska, N.C. : General Commission on Archives Agency journals [microform] : Board of Missions minutes, 1866- 1353 & History of the United Methodist Church MF 266.7633 M566A 1942 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [199-] Lake Junaluska, N.C. : General Commission on Archives Agency journals [microform] : Women's Foreign Missionary 1354 & History of the United Methodist Church MF 266.7633 W84A Society minutes, 1895-1923 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, [199-] An aide-de-camp's recollections of service in China [microform] : 1355 a residence in Hong-Kong, and visits to other islands in the London : Saunders and Otley, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.427 Chinese seas / By Captain Arthur Cunynghame 1356 Alone in China and other stories [microform] / by Julian Ralph London : Osgood, McIlvaine, 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.709 The American century in China [microform] : Henry Luce, United 1357 China Relief and the creation of American perceptions of China, 1991 MF 266.00951 J494A 1931-1949 / by T. Christopher Jespersen An American cruiser in the East [microform] : travels and studies 1358 London : Harry R. Allenson, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.679 in the far East / by John D. Ford An American engineer in China [microform] / Wm. Barclay 1359 London : McClure, Phillips, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.152 Parsons An American woman in China and her missionary work there 1360 Boston : Published by D. Lothrop & Co., 1874 MFC 951.03 N622 no.664 [microform] / by J.B. Jeter Among hills and valleys in western China [microform] : incidents 1361 of missionary work / by Hannah Davies with an introd. by London : S.W. Partridge, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.633 Isabella Bishop Among the celestials [microform] : a narrative of travels in 1362 Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas to India London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.680 / by Captain Francis Younghusband, ... with map and illustrations Among the high and lowly [microform] / two letters from Miss 1363 London : London Missionary Society, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.628 Georgina Smith, of Peking

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1364 Among the Mongols [microform] / by James Gilmour London : Religious Tract Society, [1883?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.636 The Ancient and modern history of China [microform] : comprising an account of its government and laws, religion, 1365 population, revenue, productions, manufactures, arts and science, London : Edward Gover, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.5 language and literature ... a statement of facts relative to the opium trade The Anglo-Chinese calendar manual [microform] : a handbook of reference for the determination of Chinese dates, during the period Hong Kong : Printed by C.A. Saint, China mail office, 1366 MFC 951.03 N622 no.659 from 1860 to 1869, with comparative tables of annual and mensual 1869 designations, &c., &c. / compiled by William Frederick Mayers 1367 Anking newsletter [microform] [China : s.n.] MF 266.351 D633 Announcement of East Central student conference of the Young [China] : [Young Women's Christian Association of 1368 MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 Women's Christian Association [microform] China], [1920] Announcement of East Central student conference of the Young [China] : [Young Women's Christian Association of 1369 MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 Women's Christian Associations [microform] China], [1921] Announcement of Fukien province spring conference of the Young [China] : [Young Women's Christian Association of 1370 MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 Women's Christian Association [microform] China], [1921] Announcement of Yangtze Valley summer conference of the [China] : [Young Women's Christian Association of 1371 MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 Young Women's Christian Associations [microform] China], [1920] Annual report [microform] / Primitive Methodist Missionary Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Company AG, 1372 MFC 266.74 P935R Society 1984- Annual report letter of Arthur Rugh [microform] : Young Men's 1373 Christian Association of China : for the year ending September 30, S.l. : s.n., [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.39 1919 Annual report letter of Edward H. Lockwood [microform] : Young 1374 Men's Christian Association, Canton, China : for the year ending S.l. : s.n., [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.39 September 30, 1919 1375 Annual report of the American Bible Society [microform] New York : American Bible Society, 1828-1995 MF 260 Am352A 1376 The ... annual report of the Anglo-Chinese College [microform] Malacca : Mission Press, [18--?]- MFC 378.5951 An467A

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Annual report of the Board of Managers of the American Bible 1377 New York : Printed for the Society by J. Seymour, 1817 MF 260 Am352A Society [microform] Annual report of the Christian Literature Society for China 1378 Shanghai : The Society, 1905-1947 MF 266.00951 C462A (C.L.S.) for the year ending .... [microform] 1379 Annual report of the London Missionary Society [microform] London : The Society, MFC 266 L846A The ... annual report of the Morrison Education Society MFC 377.6 M834A 8th-10th 1846- 1380 Hongkong : The Society [microform] 48 Annual report of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and 1381 General Knowledge among the Chinese for the year ending .... Shanghai : Society's Office, 1888-1904 MF 266.00951 C462A [microform] Annual report of the Young Men's Christian Associations of 1382 [China] : s.n., [1922] MFC 247.8 8564 no.26 China, 1921 [microform] Annual reports of the Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal 1383 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources Inc., [1980] MF 266.7632 M566A Church, 1819-1906 [microform] Another year's progress 1913 [microform] : annual report : Young 1384 Shanghai : National Committee, 1914 MFC 247.8 8564 no.23 Men's Christian Associations of China 1385 The Anti-Jacobin review and magazine [microform] London : J. Whittle, 1799-1810 MF 072 Ea763 1386 Appeal [microform] Zug : IDC, 1986 MFC 376.95 SO13A 1387 An Appeal on behalf of China [microform] Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., c1986 MFC 266 AP48 The archives of the Council for World Mission, 1775-1940. Africa 1388 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1977-1978 MFC 266.0096 C832A and Madagascar [microform] The Archives of the Council for World Mission, 1775-1940. 1389 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266 L846CA London Missionary Society, board minutes [microform] The archives of the Council for World Mission, 1775-1940. Ultra- 1390 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.0095 L846CA Ganges [microform] Archives of the United Board for Christian Higher Education, 1391 1882-1974 MF 378.51 Un3A 1882-1974 (inclusive) [microform] An argument for Shang Te as the proper rendering of the words 1392 Elohim and Theos in the Chinese language [microform] / James Zug : IDC, 1986 MFC 231.04 L524A Legge

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Asiatic journal and monthly miscellany. Selections;"Selections from the Asiatic journal and monthly register for British India and 1393 Madras [India] : Higginbotham, 1875 MFC 915.4 As426S its dependencies [microform] vols. I to XXVIII January 1816 to December 1829. Forming the first series / [by J.J. Higginbotham]" The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British and foreign London : Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, & Allen, 1394 MFC 950 As426 new ser India, China and Australasia [microform] 1830-[1843?] The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British India and its London : Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, & Allen, 1395 MFC 950 As426 dependencies [microform] 1816-1829 Association terminology [microform] = 青年會應用名詞中西對 1396 Shanghai : Association Press of China, 1920 MFC 247.8 8564 no.1 照表 1397 The attaché at Peking [microform] / by A.B. Freeman-Mitford London : Macmillan, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.147 An Australian in China [microform] : being the narrative of a quiet 1398 London : Horace Cox, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.477 journey across China to British Burma / by G. E. Morrison An authentic account of an embassy from the king of Great Britain to the emperor of China ... together with a relation of the voyage 1399 undertaken ... [microform] / taken chiefly from the papers of ... the London : Printed for G. Nicol, 1797 MFC 951.03 N622 no.404 Earl of Macartney ... Sir Erasmus Gower ... and other gentlemen ... of the embassy, by George Staunton The awakening of the East [microform] : Siberia--Japan--China / 1400 by Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu tr. by Richard Davey, with a preface by London : W. Heinemann, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.522 Henry Norman Baptism for the dead, in China [microform] : or, A voice from the 1401 London : Thomas Ward, 1835 MFC 266.00951 B229 tombs of Morrison and Milne, to the schools of the prophets .. [Boston : Board of Managers, Baptist General 1402 The Baptist missionary magazine [microform] MF 266.6 B229 Convention], 1836-1849 Baptist missionary magazine (1871);"Baptist missionary magazine [Boston : American Baptist Missionary Union], 1871- 1403 MF 266.6 B229 [microform]" 1909

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Nashville, Tenn. : Microfilmed for Historical Baptist Missionary Society archives, 1792-1914, London, England Commission, Southern Baptist Convention, in 1404 MF 266.6 B229AR [microform] cooperation with the Baptist Missionary Society, London, England, 1981 The Baptist problem of the indigenous church in China 1405 1934 MF 275.1 W873B [microform] / Frank T. Woodward Barrow's Travels in China. [microform] : an investigation into the origin and authenticity of the facts and observations related in a work entitled Travels in China, by John Barrow, F.R.S. 1406 (afterwards Sir J. Barrow Bart.) Proceded by a preliminary inquiry London : G. Philip, 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.548 into the nature of the powerful motive of the same author, and its influence on his duties at the Chinese capital, as comptroller to the British Embassy, in 1793 / William Jardine Proudfoot Beginning in South China [microform] : a story of the first 1407 missionary efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1835-1945 [1945] MF 266.6 G136B / Arthur R. Gallimore Behind the Great Wall [microform] : the story of the C.E.Z.M.S. work and workers in China / By Irene H. Barnes Preface by 1408 London : Marshall Brothers, [1897?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.676 Handley C.G. Moule, D.D and Church of England Zenana Missionary Society Beleaguered in Peking [microform] : the Boxer's war against the 1409 Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co., 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.388 foreigner / by Robert Coltman Bhamo expedition [microform] : report on the practicability of re- 1410 opening the trade route, between Burma and western China / by A. Rangoon : American Mission Press, 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.54 Bowers The Bible growing a Christian culture in China [microform] / Ira 1411 1928 MF 248 EA88B Dennis Eavenson Bits of old China [microform] : being a few chapters upon the 1412 Beverley : Green & Son, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.68 customs, language, & condition of the Chinese

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The blind in China [microform] : letters on Miss C. F. Gordon- 1413 Cumming's advocacy of the Murray numeral method of printing [Helensburgh] J. Lamont, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.460 the spoken languages of China / C. F. Gordon The Blockade of the port & harbour of Hongkong [microform] : 1414 by the Hoppo, or farmer in Canton of customs duties levied upon London : Kent and Co., [1875] MFC 951.03 N622 no.38 Chinese vessels The blue triangle in China [microform] : annual report and Shanghai : The National Committee of the Young 1415 MFC 247.8 8564 no.33 directory of the Young Women's Christian Association Women's Christian Associations, 1921 The Boxer rising [microform] : a history of the Boxer trouble in 1416 [Shanghai] : Shanghai Mercury, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.226 China Berne, Ind. : Brethren Home Missions Council, 1939- 1417 The Brethren herald [microform] MF 266.65 B755 1940 1418 Brethren missionary herald [microform] Fort Wayne, Ind. : Brethren Missionary Herald, 1940- MF 266.65 B755 A Brief account of an ophthalmic institution during the years 1419 1827, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 1832 at Macao [microform] / by a Canton, China : [s.n.], 1834 MFC 362.1977 B765 philanthropist A brief account of an ophthalmic institution during the years 1827, 1420 Canton : [s.n.], 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.355 28, 29, 30, 31 and 1832 at Macao [microform] / y a philanthropist Bright Celestials [microform] : the Chinaman at home and abroad 1421 London : Unwin, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.707 / by John Coming Chinaman The British and China railway [microform] : from her majesty's port of Rangoon, in the Bay of Bengal, through Pegue & Burmah, 1422 London, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.119 to the Province of China, with loop-lines to Siam & Cambodia, Tonquin & Cochin-China / projected by Richard Sprye The British arms in North China and Japan [microform] : Peking, 1423 London : Murray, 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.549 1860, Kagosima, 1862 / D.F. Rennie London : [National Council of Young Men's Christian 1424 The British empire Y.M.C.A. review & foreign letter [microform] MF 267.3942 B747 Associations] British opium trade with China [microform] : (from the Leeds 1425 [S.l. : s.n., 1840? (Birmingham : B. Hudson, printer)] MFC 951.03 N622 no.647 Mercury, of September 7th, 1839)

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 British policy in China [microform] : is our war with the Tartars 1426 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.34 or the Chinese ? / by John Scarth British policy in China [microform] : Italy for the Italians, and 1427 China for the Chinese, a letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.199 / with supplementary notes and appendix by John Scarth British policy in China [microform] : neutral war and warlike 1428 Edinburgh : Edmonston and Douglas, 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.200 peace! / by John Scarth British relations with the Chinese Empire in 1832 [microform] : 1429 comparative statement of the English and American trade with London : Parbury, Allen, 1832 MFC 951.03 N622 no.87 India and Canton / by Robert Montgomery Martin Buddhism in China [microform] / by the Rev. S. Beal published under the direction of the Committee of general literature and London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1430 MFC 951.03 N622 no.15 education appointed by the Society for promoting Christian 1884 knowledge Shanghai : National Christian Council of China and the Bulletin of the Council on Christian Medical Work (occasional 1431 Council on Christian Medical Work of the Chinese MF 266.00951 B874M leaflet) [microform] Medical Association, The Bulletin of the Diocesan Association for Western China 1432 [S.l. : s.n.], 1937- MF 266.00951 F825 [microform] The Bulletin of the Diocese of Western China [microform] : where 1433 [S.l. : s.n.], MF 266.00951 F825 the C.M.S., C.I.M. and B.C.M.S. are at work The Bulletin of the East China Christian Educational Association 1434 Shanghai MF 371.071 B874 [microform] 1435 The Bulletin of the National Christian Council [microform] Shanghai : The Council, [1922-1937] MF 266.00951 B874 The Bulletin of the National Christian Council. no. 17, December, 1436 Shanghai : The Council, 1925 MFC 247.8 8564 no.48 1925 [microform] 1437 The Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies Old Aberdeen, Scotland : The Institute, 1967- MF 266 B955 The Burlingame mission [microform] : a political disclosure 1438 supported by official documents, mostly unpublished / by Shanghai : [s. n.], 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.208 Johannes von Gumpach

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Burma [microform] : with special reference to her relations with 1439 [Rangoon] : Rangoon Gazette Press, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.373 China / by Edward Harper Parker 1440 C.B.M.S. archives, London. Asia Committee [microform] Zug, Switzerland : IDC, [1984] MFC 266.02341 C102 C.B.M.S. Archives, London. Asia Committee [microform] / 1441 Leiden : IDC, 1984 MFC 266.00951 C102 H6024-6064 [S.O.A.S., London] 1442 C.B.M.S. archives, London. Christian Lit. Cttee [microform] Zug, Switzerland : IDC, [1984] MFC 266.02341 C102C C.B.M.S. archives, London. Medical Advisory Board. China 1443 Leiden : Brill, [20--] MFC 266.02341 C102M [microform] 1444 C.C.E.A. newsletter [microform] Shanghai : China Christian Educational Association, MF 371.071 C102 New York : Chinese Students' Christian Association in 1445 C.S.C.A. fellowship notes [microform] MF 267.61 C11 America, 1922-1925 Call to prayer for the student conferences of the Young Women's 1446 [S.l.] : s.n., [1920] MFC 247.8 8564 no.70 Christian Association, 1920 [microform] 1447 Call to prayer for the Y.W.C.A. conferences of 1921 [microform] [S.l.] : s.n., [1921] MFC 247.8 8564 no.70 Call to prayer for the Young Women's Christian Association 1448 [S.l.] : s.n., [1918] MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 conferences in China, 1918 [microform] Call to prayer for the Young Women's Christian Association 1449 [S.l.] : s.n., [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 conferences in China, 1919 [microform] Called out [microform] : or, the Chung Wang's daughter / by 1450 Hongkong : the Hongkong Daily Press Office, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.708 Charles. J.H. Halcombe Calvinistic Methodist archives, foreign mission documents index 1451 [S.l. : s.n., 19--?] MFC 016.2662 C139 [microform] The Canton Chinese [microform] : or, The American's sojourn in 1452 Boston : Cambridge, J. Munroe and Co., 1849 MFC 951.03 N622 no.665 the celestial empire / by Osmond Tiffany 1453 The Canton miscellany [microform] China : Published by the editors, 1831- MF 266 C168 Canton press (Canton, China : 1835);"The Canton Press 1454 Canton : [s.n., 1835- MF 079.51 C168P [microform]" Catalogue of Chinese coins from the 7th cent. B.C. to A.D. 621 1455 [microform] : including the series in the British museum / by London : Quaritch, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.370 Terrien de Lacouperie ed. by Reginald Stuart Poole

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A catalogue of Chinese works in the Bodleian library [microform] 1456 Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.346 / by A catalogue of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka [microform] : the sacred canon of the Buddhists in China and 1457 Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1883 MFC 951.03 N622 no.431 Japan / compiled by order of the Secretary of state for India by Bunyiu Nanjio A catalogue of the library of the North China Branch of the Royal Shanghai : Printed at the Ching-Foong general printing 1458 Asiatic society (including the library of Alex. Wylie, esq.) MFC 951.03 N622 no.263 office, 1872 [microform] / by Henri Cordier The catechism of the Shamans [microform] or, The laws and 1459 regulations of the priesthood of Buddha, in China / translated from London : The Oriental Translation Fund, 1831 MFC 294.3 C282 the Chinese original by Charles Fried. Neumann Cathay and the way thither [microform] : being a collection of medieval notices of China / translated and edited by Colonel Sir 1460 Henry Yule with a preliminary essay on the intercourse between London : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.79 China and the western nations previous to the discovery of the Cape route Caught in the Chinese Revolution [microform] : a record of risks 1461 London : Unwin, 1912 MFC 951.03 N622 no.385 and rescue / by Ernest F. Borst-Smith The cause of the riots in the Yangtse Valley [microform] : a 1462 Hankow : [s.n.], 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.703 complete picture gallery Central Asian questions [microform] : essays on Afghanistan, 1463 London : Unwin, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.215 China, and Central Asia / by Demetrius C. Boulger A century of Protestant missions in China (1807-1907) 1464 [microform] : being the Centenary conference historical volume / Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1907 MF 266.00951 M175C edited by D. MacGillivray The challenge of China to America [microform] / Augustus Young 1465 193u MF 266.00951 N162C Napier A charge delivered to the Anglican clergy in Trinity Church at Shanghae : Printed at the North-China Herald Office, 1466 MFC 951.03 N622 no.617 Shanghae, on March 16th, 1860 [microform] / by George Smith 1860

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Cheapness or efficiency [microform] : the pecuniary needs of 1467 London : London Missionary Society, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.290 / Arnold Foster The children of China [microform] : written for the children of 1468 London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.670 England / By their old friend the author of The children of India. Chin-chin [microform] : or, the Chinaman at home / by Tcheng-ki- 1469 London : A.P. Marsden, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.675 tong translated by R.H. Sherard Chin ku chi kuan;"The affectionate pair or The history of Sung- 1470 Kin [microform] : a Chinese tale / translated from the Chinese by London : Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, 1820 MFC 951.03 N622 no.579 P.P. Thoms" 1471 China [microform] / Thomas de Quincey Edinburgh : James Hogg, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.518 China [microform] : a brief account of the country, its inhabitants, London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1472 MFC 951.03 N622 no.725 and their institutions / By Samuel Mossman [1867?] China, a dialogue, for the use of schools [microform] : being ten 1473 conversations between a father and his two children, concerning London : J. Nisbet, 1824 MFC 951 C441M the history and present state of that country / by an Anglo-Chinese China, a dialogue, for the use of schools [microform] : being ten 1474 conversations between a father and his two children, concerning London : J. Nisbet, 1824 MFC 951.03 N622 no.471 the history and present state of that country / by an Anglo-Chinese China [microform] : a geographical, statistical and political sketch 1475 [S.l. : s.n., 18--] MFC 951.03 N622 no.12 / Alfred E. Hippisley China [microform] : a history of the laws, manners, and customs 1476 of the people / by John Henry Gray edited by William Gow London : Macmillan, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.139 Gregor China [microform] : a popular history with a chronological 1477 account of the most remarkable events from the earliest period to London : J. Blackwood, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.331 the present day / by Oscar Oliphant China [microform] : an outline of its government, laws, and policy 1478 : and of the British and foreign embassies to, and intercourse with, London : Parbury, Allen and Co., 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.3 that empire / by Peter Auber

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 China and Formosa [microform] : the story of the mission of the 1479 London : Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.194 Presbyterian Church of England / Jas Johnston 1480 China and her spiritual claims [microform] / by Evan Davies London : John Snow, 1845 MFC 951.03 N622 no.275 China and its future [microform] : in the light of the antecedents of 1481 London : Stock, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.246 the empire, its people, and their institutions / by James Johnston China and its people [microform] : a book for young readers / by a 1482 London : James Nisbet and Co., 1862 MFC 951.03 N622 no.723 missionary's wife [Aunt Helen] China and its resources, and peculiarities, physical, political, 1483 social, and commercial [microform] : with a view of the opium London : Grattean and Gilbert, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.270 question, and a notice of Assam / by Robert Mudie China and the allies [microform] / by A. Henry Savage-Landor ... 1484 London : William Heinemann, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.418 with illustrations and maps by the author China and the Boxers [microform] : a short history of the Boxer 1485 outbreak, with two chapters on the suffering of missionaries and a Toronto : William Briggs, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.382 closing one on the outlook / by Z. Chas. Beals China and the Chinese [microform] : a general description of the country and its inhabitants its civilization and form of 1486 government its religious and social institutions its intercourse New York : Harper & Brothers, 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.188 with other nations and its present condition and prospects / by John L. Nevius 1487 China [microform] : and the Chinese mission / by James Hamilton London : James Nisbet and Co., 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.294 China and the Chinese [microform] : their religion, character, customs and manufactures the evils arising from the opium trade 1488 London : Wm. S. Orr, 1849 MFC 951.03 N622 no.8 : with a glance at our religious, moral, political, and commerical intercourse with the country / by Henry Charles Sirr 1489 China and the federation [microform] S.l. : s.n., [1922] MFC 247.8 8564 no.57 1490 China and the gospel [microform] / by London : J. Nisbet and Co., 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.619 China and the powers [microform] : a narrative of the outbreak of 1491 London : Longmans, Green, 1902 MFC 951.03 N622 no.364 1900 / by H.C. Thomson 1492 China and the present crisis [microform] / by Robert L. Jefferson London : G.W. Bacon & Co., 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.216

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 China and the Roman Orient [microform] : researches into their 1493 ancient and mediaeval relations as represented in old Chinese Leipsic : Georg Hirth, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.261 records / by F. Hirth 1494 China as a mission field [microform] / by Arthur E. Moule London : Church Missionary House, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.28 China, as it was, and as it is [microform] : with a glance at the tea 1495 London : Cradock and Co., 1842 MFC 951.03 N622 no.602 and opium trades China [microform] : being The Times special correspondence 1496 from China in the years 1857-58 / with corrections and additions London New York : G. Routledge, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.541 by the author, George Wingrove Cooke 1497 China Christian advocate [microform] Shanghai : Methodist Pub. House, [1914]- MF 266.762 C441 1498 The China Christian year book [microform] Shanghai : Christian Literature Society, 1926-1940 MF 266.00951 C441M New York : Associated Boards for Christian Colleges in 1499 The China colleges [microform] MF 378.51 C441 China, 1934-1951 China, containing illustrations of the manners, customs, character, London : Printed for R. Ackermann, Repository of Arts, 1500 MFC 951.03 N622 no.175 and costumes of the people of that empire [microform] [1823] China [microform] : country, people, religious systems, Christian 1501 London : John Snow and Co., [1881] MFC 951.03 N622 no.292 missions / by J.T. Gracey China [microform] : during the war and since the peace / by Sir 1502 London : Longman, 1852 MFC 951.03 N622 no.426 John Francis Davis Shanghai, China : Christian Fundamentals League for 1503 China fundamentalist [microform] MF 275.1 C441F China, 1504 China [microform] : her claims and call / by London : Hodder and Stoughton, [1882] MFC 951.03 N622 no.289 China, her future and her past [microform] : being a charge 1505 delivered to the Anglican clergy in Trinity Church, Shanghae, on London : Thomas Hatchard, 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.613 October 20, 1853 / by George Smith China [microform] : historical and descriptive / by Charles H. 1506 Eden with an appendix on Corea frontispiece by a native artist, London : M. Ward, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.539 numerous illustrations, and map

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 China, in a series of views [microform] : displaying the scenery, architecture, and social habits, of that ancient empire / drawn from 1507 London : Fisher, Son, & Co., 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.4 original and authentic sketches by Thomas Allom with historical and descriptive notices by the Rev. G. N. Wright 1508 China in convulsion [microform] / by Arthur H. Smith Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.390 China in decay [microform] : a handbook to the far eastern 1509 question / by Alexis Krausse with six maps and twenty-one London : Chapman & Hall, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.146 illustrations 1510 China in transformation [microform] / by Archibald R. Colquhoun London : Harper, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.249 China Inland Mission, 1865-1951 [microform] : from the School Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Publications, 1511 MF 266.00951 C441i of Oriental and African Studies, London 2006- 1512 China Inland Mission [microform] : Occasional papers London : Nisbet, 1866-1875 MF 266 C4412 China [microform] : its costume, arts, manufactures, &c. / edited principally from the originals in the Cabinet of the late M.Bertin 1513 London : Stockdale, 1812 MFC 951.03 N622 no.399 with observations explanatory, historical, and literary, by M. Breton China [microform] : its past history and future hopes / byW. G. 1514 London : Bateman, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.14 Rhind China, its spiritual need and claims [microform] : with brief 1515 notices of missionary effort, past and present / by J. Hudson London : J. Nisbet, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.183 Taylor China, its state and prospects [microform] : with especial reference 1516 to the spread of the Gospel / by W. H. Medhurst illustrated with London : John Snow, 1838 MFC 266.00951 M468C engravings on wood, by G. Baxter The China-Japan War [microform] / compiled from Japanese, 1517 London : Low, Marston, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.180 Chinese, and foreign sources by Vladmir The China medical journal [microform] / Medical Missionary 1518 Shanghai : The Association, [1907-1931] MF 362.1 C441M Association of China 1519 The China medical missionary journal [microform] Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1887-1907 MF 362.1 C441M 1520 The China Methodist forum [microform] Foochow, China : Methodist Book Concern, 1902- MF 266.7632 C441

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1521 The China mission advocate [microform] [Louisville, Ky. : s.n.] MF 266.00951 C441MA The China mission [microform] : embracing a history of the 1522 various missions of all denominations among the Chinese, with New York : Sheldon, 1859 MFC 951.03 N622 no.438 biographical sketches of deceased missionaries / William Dean 1523 The China mission hand-book [microform] Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1896 MF 266.00951 M175C 1524 China mission resources [microform] Philadelphia : Presbyterian Historical Society, 1985 MF 266.00951 C441MR Shanghai : Christian Literature Society for China, 1910- 1525 The China mission year book [microform] MF 266.00951 C441M 1925 China news [microform] : from the American Board of Boston : American Board of Commissioners for Foreign 1526 MF 266.02373 C441 Commissioners for Foreign Missions Missions China news letter (Shanghai, China);"The China news letter 1527 Shanghai : Lutheran World Federation, MF 266.00951 C441C [microform]" New York : China Committee, Far Eastern Office, 1528 China notes [microform] MF 266 C441 Division of Foreign Missions, NCCC/USA, [1962-1992] China opened ... [microform] / by Charles Gutzlaff revised by 1529 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1838 MFC 915.1043 G989C Andrew Reed China opened, or, a display of the topography, history, customs, manners, arts, manufactures, commerce, literature, religion, 1530 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1838 MFC 951.03 N622 no.176 jurisprudence, etc. of the Chinese Empire [microform] / by Charles Gutzlaff rev. by Andrew Reed China [microform] : or, illustrations of the symbols, philosophy, antiquities, customs, superstitions, laws, government, education, 1531 London : Taylor & Walton, 1841 MFC 951.03 N622 no.350 and literature of the Chinese / derived from original sources and accompanied with drawing fom native works by Samuel Kidd China pictorial, descriptive, and historical [microform] : with 1532 London : H.G. Bohn, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.181 some account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam and Anam China, political, commercial and social [microform] : in an official 1533 London : Madden, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.7 report to Her Majesty's government / R. Montgomery Martin

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 China present and past [microform] : foreign intercourse, progress 1534 London : Chapman and Hall, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.250 and resources, the missionary question, etc. / by R.S. Gundry The China question dispassionately considered [microform] / by 1535 London : Edward Stanford, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.111 an Asiatic The China review [microform] : or, notes and queries on the Far 1536 Hong Kong : China Mail Office, [1873-1901?] MFC 951.05 C441r East 1537 China revolutionized [microform] / by John Stuart Thomson Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1913 MFC 951.03 N622 no.400 1538 China Sunday school journal [microform] Shanghai : The Union, [1913- MF 266.00951 C441SU China [microform] : the long-lived empire / by Eliza Ruhamah 1539 New York : Century, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.405 Scidmore China through western eyes [microform] : manuscript records of Marlborough, England : Adam Matthew Publications, 1540 MF 951.03 C441T traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1792-1942 [1996]- China through western eyes [microform] : manuscript records of Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Publications, 1541 MF 951 C441 traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1792-1987 2007- China [microform] : travels and investigations in the Middle 1542 Kingdom : a study of its civilization and possibilities with a New York : D. Appleton, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.72 glance at Japan / by James Harrison Wilson The Chinaman in his own stories [microform] / by Thomas G. 1543 London : Kelly, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.684 Selby 1544 Chinamen at home [microform] / by Thomas G. Selby London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.681 1545 China's intercourse with Europe [microform] / by E.H. Parker [Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1890?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.557 1546 China's millions [microform] London : Morgan and Scott, [1876-1952] MFC 266 C4412 China's millions (London, England);"China's millions 1547 [London : Morgan & Scott], 1876-1952 MF 266 C441H [microform]" China's open door [microform] : a sketch of Chinese life and 1548 history / by Rounsevelle Wildman with an introduction by Boston : Lothrop Publishing Company, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.307 Charles Denby China's revolution, 1911-1912 [microform] : a historical and 1549 London : Unwin, 1912 MFC 951.03 N622 no.393 political record of the civil war / by Edwin J. Dingle

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Shanghai : [National Committee of the Young Men's 1550 China's young men (Shanghai, China);"China's young men" MF 267.3951 C441 Christian Associations of China], 1906-1916 China's young men (Shanghai, China);"China's young men Shanghai : [National Committee of the Young Men's 1551 MFC 247.8 8564 no.49-53 [microform]" Christian Associations of China], 1906-1916 The Chinese [microform] : a general description of the empire of 1552 London : Charles Knight, 1836 MFC 915.1043 D294C China and its inhabitants / by John Francis Davis The Chinese [microform] : a general description of the empire of 1553 London : Charles Knight, 1836 MFC 951.03 N622 no.349 China and its inhabitants / by John Francis Davis The Chinese [microform] : a general description of the empire of 1554 London : Charles Knight, 1836 MFC 951.03 N622 no.419 China and its inhabitants / by John Francis Davis 1555 Chinese account of the Opium war [microform] / by E.H. Parker Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, ltd., 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.574 1556 Chinese and general missionary gleaner [microform] London : Partridge & Oakey, 1851-1853 MF 266.00951 C44 The Chinese and the Chinese question [microform] / by James A. 1557 New York : Thompson & Moreau, Printers, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.652 Whitney The Chinese and the ministry [microform] : an inquiry into the origin and progress of our present difficulties with China, and into 1558 London : T. Cadell, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.33 the expediency, justice, and necessity of the war / by John Fisher Murray Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh London : Kegan Paul, 1559 Chinese architecture [microform] / by Joseph Edkins MFC 951.03 N622 no.515 Trench, Trübner & Co., 1890 1560 The Chinese army [microform] / by Captain William Gill [London] : Harrison and Sons, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.266 The Chinese as they are [microform] : their moral and social character, manners, customs, language with remark on their arts 1561 Albany : George Jones, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.57 and sciences, medical skill, the extent of missionary enterprise, etc. / by G. Tradescant Lay The Chinese as they are [microform] : their moral, social, and 1562 literary character : a new analysis of the language, with succinct London : William Ball & Co., 1841 MFC 951.03 L451C views of their principal arts and sciences / by G. Tradescant Lay A Chinese biographical dictionary [microform] / by Herbert A. 1563 London : Bernard Quaritch, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.277 Giles

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Chinese Buddhism [microform] : a volume of sketches, historical, 1564 London : Trübner & Co., 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.78 descriptive, and critical / Joseph Edkins Chinese Central Asia [microform] : a ride to little Tibet / Henry 1565 London : Sampson Low, Marston, & Co. Ltd., 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.280 Lansdell 1566 Chinese characteristics [microform] / by Arthur H. Smith Shanghai : North China Herald Office, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.143 Chinese children [microform] : their religious training / by Mrs. 1567 London : Morgan & Scott, [1899] MFC 951.03 N622 no.625 C.H. Judd A Chinese chrestomathy in the Canton dialect [microform] / by 1568 Macao : S. Wells Williams, 1841 MFC 495.1 B764C E.C. Bridgman New York City : Chinese Students' Christian Association 1569 The Chinese Christian student [microform] MF 267.61 C441 in America, [1925-1947] New York City : Chinese Students' Christian Association 1570 The Chinese Christian student. no.2, vol.II [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.54 in America, 1926 The Chinese classics [microform] : with a translation, critical and Hong Kong : Printed at the London Missionary Society's 1571 exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes / by James MFC 951.03 N622 no.163 Printing Office, 1861-1872 Legge A Chinese commercial guide [microform] : consisting of a Canton : Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1572 collection of details and regulations repecting foreign trade with MFC 951.03 N622 no.120 1856 China, sailing directions, tables, &c / by S. Wells Williams A Chinese commercial guide [microform] : consisting of a 1573 collection of details respecting foreign trade in China / by John Canton : Albion Press, 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.44 Robert Morrison Chinese courtship, in verse [microform] : to which is added, an 1574 appendix, treating of the revenue of China / [translated] by Peter London : Parbury, Allen, 1824 MFC 951.03 N622 no.340 Perring Thomas 1575 Chinese customs [microform] / by E.H. Parker Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.661 1576 The Chinese drama [microform] / by William Stanton Hong Kong : Printed by Kelly & Walsh, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.704 Chinese fiction [microform] / by George T. Candlin with 1577 Chicago : Open court publishing company, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.169 illustrations from original Chinese works 1578 Chinese foreign policy [microform] / by John Ross Shanghai : Celestial Empire Office, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.37

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A Chinese fragment containing an enquiry in the present state of 1579 religion in England [microform] / with notes by the editor, [E. London : Printed by J. Davis ... for J. Strahan ..., 1786 MFC 200.942 C441 Bates] The Chinese government [microform] : a manual of Chinese titles, 1580 categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix / by Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.259 William Frederick Mayers 1581 Chinese immigration [microform] / S. Wells Williams New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.530 Chinese immigration [microform] : in its social and economical 1582 New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.529 aspects / by George F. Seward The Chinese in : description of Chinese life in San 1583 Francisco, their habits, morals and manners [microform] / : Pettit & Russ, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.564 illustrated by Voegtlin Chinese Jews [microform] : a lecture delivered at the Jews' 1584 College Literary Society, Queen Square House, London, on June Oxford : Horace Hart, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.182 17, 1900 / by Marcus N. Adler 1585 Chinese medical mission [microform] Bath : C. Godwin, [1850?] MFC 362.1 C441 Chinese miscellanies [microform] : a collection of essays and 1586 London : J. Murray, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.550 notes / by Sir John Francis Davis 1587 The Chinese miscellany [microform] [Shanghae : Mission Press, 1845]- MFC 951 C441MI no.1-4 1845-50 The Chinese miscellany [microform] : consisting of original 1588 extracts from Chinese authors in the native character / with London : London Missionary Society, 1825 MFC 495.1 C441 translations and philological remarks by Robert Morrison Chinese miscellany [microform] : consisting of original extracts 1589 from Chinese authors in the native character with translations and London : London Missionary Society, 1825 MFC 951.03 N622 no.352 philological remarks by Robert Morrison 1590 The Chinese missionary gleaner [microform] London : Partridge & Oakey MF 266.00951 C44 1591 Chinese monopoly [microform] : examined / [by] John Crawford London : Ridgway, 1830 MFC 951.03 N622 no.493 1592 The Chinese mother [microform] : a drama / Dr. Tanner London : Richardson and Son, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.589 Chinese Mother Goose rhymes [microform] / translated and 1593 New York : Revell, c1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.587 illustrated by Issac Taylor Headland

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Chinese novels [microform] : translated from the originals to which are added proverbs and moral maxims, collected from their 1594 classical books and other sources the whole prefaced by London : J. Murray, 1822 MFC 951.03 N622 no.269 observations on the language and literature of China / by John Francis Davis Chinese philosophy [microform] : an exposition of the main 1595 Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co., 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.126 characteristic features of Chinese thought / by Dr. Paul Carus Chinese pictures [microform] : notes on photographs made in 1596 London : Cassell, 1990 MFC 951.03 N622 no.330 China / by Mrs J.F. Bishop Chinese poetry in English verse [microform] = 古今詩選 / 1597 London : Quaritch Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.567 [translated] by Herbert A. Giles 1598 The Chinese problem [microform] / by L. T. Townsend Boston : Lee and Shepard, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.303 The Chinese rebel chief, Hung-Siu-Tsuen [microform] : and the 1599 origin of the insurrection in China / by Theodore Hamberg with London : Walton and Maberly, [1855] MFC 951.03 N622 no.310 an introduction by George Pearse Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1912- 1600 The Chinese recorder [microform] MF 266.00951 C441RM 1938 1601 The Chinese recorder and educational review [microform] Shanghai : Editorial Board, [1939-1941] MF 266.00951 C441RM 1602 The Chinese recorder and missionary journal [microform] Foochow : [s.n., 1868-1912] MF 266.00951 C441RM 1603 The Chinese repository [microform] Canton : Printed for the Proprietors, 1832- MFC 950 C441 1604 The Chinese repository [microform] [Canton : Printed for the proprietors, 1832-1851] MF 950 C441 1605 Chinese researches [microform] / by Alexander Wylie Shanghai : [s.n.], 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.656 Chinese researches. First part, Chinese chronology & cycles 1606 Shanghai : [s.n.], 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.309 [microform] The Chinese revolution : the causes which led to it [microform] : its rapid progress and anticipated result with abstracts of all the known publications emanating from the insurgents the whole 1607 London : Henry Vizetelly, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.127 derived from ... proclamations and other documents, missionary narratives, official communications, and the letters of European residents

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Chinese scenes and people [microform] : with notices of Christian missions and missionary life in a series of letters from various 1608 parts of China / J. R. Edkins with narrative of a visit to Nanking London : Nisbet, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.27 by her husband, Joseph Edkins also a memoir by her father, William Stobbs Chinese school-books [microform] / Ts'in-tsz-man, translated by 1609 Hongkong : printed at the 'China Mail' Office, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.571 E.J. Eitel 1610 Chinese sketches [microform] / By Herbert A. Giles London : Trübner & co, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.465 The Chinese slave-girl [microform] : a story of woman's life in 1611 Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.663 China / by J.A. Davis Chinese stories [microform] / [translated and adapted] by Robert 1612 Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.167 K. Douglas 1613 Chinese student conferences, 1920 [microform] [Shanghai] : s.n., [1920] MFC 247.8 8564 no.63 [China] : National Committee, Young Women's Christian 1614 Chinese summer conference [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.64 Associations of China [1915] 1615 Chinese summer conferences, 1917 [microform] [China] : s.n., [1917] MFC 247.8 8564 no.32 The Chinese [microform] : their education, philosophy, and letters 1616 New York : Harper & Brothers, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.327 / by W.A.P. Martin The Chinese, their present and future [microform] : medical, 1617 Philadelphia : Davis, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.248 political, and social / by Robert Coltman Chinese topography, being an alphabetical list of the provinces, 1618 departments and districts in the Chinese empire, with their MFC 951.03 N622 no.241 latitudes and longitudes [microform] The Chinese vindicated, or, another view of the opium question [microform] : being in reply to a pamphlet, by Samuel Warren, 1619 London : Wm. H. Allen & co., 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.527 Esq. F.R.S. Barrister at Law in the middle temple / by T. H. Bullock

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The Chinese war [microform] : an account of all the operations of the British forces from the commencement to the Treaty of 1620 London : Saunders and Otley, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.10 Nanking / by Lieutenant John Ouchterlony with fifty-three ill. from original drawings by the author Christ or Confucius, which? [microform] : or, The story of the 1621 London : London Missionary Society, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.447 Amoy Mission / by John Macgowan Christian advocate (Nashville, Tenn.);"Christian advocate Nashville : For the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1622 MF 287.633 N178 [microform]" 1853- 1623 Christian broadcast bulletin [microform] Shanghai : Shanghai Christian Broadcasting Assoc., MF 269.26 C462 Christian progress in China [microform] : gleanings from the 1624 [London] : Religious Tract Society, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.501 writings and speeches of many workers / by Arnold Foster Christian researches in Asia [microform] : with notices of the London : Printed by G. Sidney for T. Cadell and W. 1625 translation of the scriptures into the Oriental languages / by MFC 275 B851C Davies, 1811 Claudius Buchanan Christianity and social change in China, 1912-1942 [microform] / 1626 1946 MF 266.00951 M832C Glenn Morris Christianity and the religions of China [microform] : a brief study 1627 London : London Missionary Society, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.291 in comparative religions / by Charles George Sparham Christianity and the students of Peking [microform] : description 1628 of work and program of the Peking Christian Student Work Union, [China] : s.n., [1922] MFC 247.8 8564 no.38 Sept. 1, 1920-Sept. 1, 1921 Christianity in China [microform] : a fragment / by T.W.M. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & 1629 MFC 951.03 N622 no.623 Marshall Roberts, 1858 Christianity in China [microform] the history of christian 1630 London : WM. S. Orr & Co., Amen Corner, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.295 missions, and of the preset insurrection Christianizing Chinese sex relations : [microform] the fight for 1631 1929 MF 305.2 W648C monogamy in China / James Hundley Wiley Marlborough, England : Adam Matthew Publications, 1632 Church Missionary Society archive [microform] MF 266.3 C475C 1996-

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Church (Shanghai, China);"The church [microform] : bulletin and 1633 Shanghai : Church of Christ in China, MF 275.1 C475 forum of the Church of Christ in China" Chusan and Hong Kong [microform] : with remarks on the treaty 1634 of peace at Nankin in 1842, and on our present position and London : James Madden, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.372 relations with China / by James B. Urmston Cité chinoise. English;"China its social political and religious life London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1635 MFC 951.03 N622 no.150 [microform] / G. Eug. Simon translated from the French" 1887 The cities and towns of China [microform] : a geographical 1636 Hong Kong : Noronha & Co., 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.76 dictionary / by G.M.H. Playfair Clavis Sinica, containing a dissertation, I. On the Chinese 1637 characteristics, II. On the colloquial medium of the Chinese, and Serampore, Mission-Press, 1813 MFC 495.1 M358C III. Elements of Chinese grammar [microform] / by J. Marshman The closing events of the campaign in China [microform] : the 1638 operations in the Yang-Tze-Kiang and the treaty of Nanking / by London : Murray, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.101 Granville G. Loch Collectanea Commissionis Synodalis [microform] = Dossiers de la 1639 Peking : Commission Synodalis in Sinus, 1928-1947 MFC 266.251 C685 Commission synodale = Digest of the Synodal Commission A collection of Chinese proverbs [microform] : tr. and arranged by 1640 Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.257 William Scarborough with an introd., notes and copious index Colloquial versions of the Chinese scriptures [microform] a 1641 paper to be read at the Shanghai Missionary Conference of May, Hong Kong : Noronha, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.499 1890 / by J. S. Burdon 1642 The Colored Lutheran [microform] [Selma, AL : Alabama Luther Conference, 1923- ] MF 266.41 C719 Commerce with the Shan states west of China, by railway direct from Rangoon to Kiang-Hung [microform] : on the upper Huddersfield : printed for the Huddersfield Chamber of 1643 Kamboja River, on the south-west frontier of China, Memorial No. MFC 951.03 N622 no.690 Commerce, 1869 50 thereon / From the Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce, to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury. April, 1869 Richmond, Va. : Foreign Mission Board, Southern 1644 The Commission [microform] MF 266.6132 C737 Baptist Convention, 1938-

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1645 The Commission [microform] Richmond : Southern Baptist Convention, 1849-1851 MF 266.6132 F761 The Commission, or, Southern Baptist missionary magazine 1646 Richmond, Va. : [MacFarlane & Fergusson], 1856-1861 MF 266.6132 C737S [microform] A complete view of the Chinese empire [microform] : Exhibited in a geographical description of that country, a dissertation on its 1647 London : C. Cawthorn, 1798 MFC 951.03 N622 no.417 antiquity, and a genuine and copious account of Earl Macartney's embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Confucian cosmogony [microform] / a translation of section forty- 1648 nine the Complete works of the philosopher Choo-foo-tze with Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874 MFC 951.03 N622 no.168 explanatory notes by Thos. M'Clatchie Shanghai : Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission 1649 [microform] / by Ernst Faber MFC 951.03 N622 no.283 Press, 1895 Confucianism in relation to Christianity [microform] : a paper read 1650 before the Missionary Conference in Shanghai on May 11th, 1877 Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.22 / by Confucius and the Chinese classics, or, Readings in Chinese 1651 San Francisco : A. Roman, 1867 MFC 951.03 N622 no.581 literature [microform] / edited and complied by A.W. Loomis Confucius [microform] : his life and his doctrine / by Marius 1652 Deshumbert translated from the French by Captain E. M. London : Williams & Norgate, 1897. MFC 951.03 N622 no.503 Perceval. Confucius [microform] : the great teacher, a study / George 1653 London : K. Paul, Trench, Trilbner, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.285 Gardiner Alexander Congregational magazine (London, England);"The Congregational 1654 London : B.J. Holdsworth, 1825- MF 285.8 L846 magazine [microform]" Considérations générales sur l'ensemble de la civilisation chinoise. English;"A general view of Chinese civilization and of the 1655 London : Trübner, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.149 relations of the West with China [microform] / M. Pierre Laffitte translated from French by John Carey Hall"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Considerations on the danger and impolicy of laying open the trade with India and China [microform] : including an examination London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and 1656 MFC 951.03 N622 no.379 of the objections commonly urged againat the East India Brown, 1812 Company's commercial and financial management / [by Cossim] Considerations respecting the trade with China [microform] / by 1657 London : W.H. Allen, 1835 MFC 951.03 N622 no.712 Joseph Thompson Constitution of the College Young Men's Christian Association of 1658 S.l. : s.n., 1896 MFC 247.8 8564 no.3 China [microform] Shanghai : General committee of the Young Men's Constitution of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 1659 Christian Associations of China, Korea and Hongkong, MFC 247.8 8564 no.3 Korea and Hongkong [microform] 1902 Constructive activities of the Young Men's Christian Associations [China] : The National Committee of the Young Men's 1660 MFC 247.8 8564 no.30 of China [microform] Christian Associations of China, 1925 Contribution to an historical sketch of the Portuguese settlements in China [microform] : principally of Macao, of the Portuguese 1661 Macao : [s.n.], 1832 MFC 951.03 N622 no.306 envoys & ambassadors to China, of the Roman Catholic mission in China and of the Papal legates to China / by A. Ljungstedt Contributions towards the materia medica & natural history of Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press 1662 China [microform] : for the use of medical missionaries & native MFC 951.03 N622 no.640 London : Trübner, 1871 medical students / by Frederick Porter Smith A corner of Cathay [microform] : studies from life among the 1663 Chinese / by Adele M. Fielde illustrated by artists in the New York : Macmillan, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.142 celebrated school of Go Leng, at Swatow, China Corrected report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Sir James Graham's motion on the China trade [microform] : in the 1664 House of Commons, April 7, 1840 with an appendix, containing London : Edmund Lloyd, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.125 resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Corrected report of the speeches of Sir George Staunton, on the 1665 China trade [microform] : in the House of Commons, June 4, and London : Edmund Lloyd, 1833 MFC 951.03 N622 no.124 June 13, 1833 with an appendix Correspondence between Captain Richard Sprye, and the Rt. Hon. William-Ewart Gladstone, on the commercial opening of the Shan 1666 London : [s.n.], 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.221 States, and western inland China, by railway, direct from Rangoon [microform] Correspondence between the president and select committee of the East India Company's factory in China, and Captain Alexander Grant of the ship Hercules [microform] : relating to the conduct of 1667 the latter, in taking his letters from an open gunny bag, and the Canton : China, 1833 MFC 951.03 N622 no.555 threatened recall of the ship's license thereto, together with the circumstances of the late affray at Cum-Sing-Moon, and the factory's interference on that occasion [Correspondence concerning making Tientsin headquarters for 1668 [1895] MFC 247.8 8564 no.12 Young Men's Christian Association work in China] [microform] 1669 [Correspondence of De Vargas] [microform] 1916 MFC 247.8 8564 no.8 1670 [Correspondence of Grace Coppock] [microform] [1911-1920] MFC 247.8 8564 no.7 1671 [Correspondence of Henry T. Hodgkin] [microform] [1920-1924] MFC 247.8 8564 no.8 1672 [Correspondence of Ingeberg Wikander] [microform] [1912-1927] MFC 247.8 8564 no.9-10 1673 [Correspondence of Seesholtz] [microform] 1920 MFC 247.8 8564 no.8 [Correspondence of Young Women's Christian Association] 1674 [1910-1944] MFC 247.8 8564 no.17 [microform] [Correspondence related to Christianity and new China] 1675 [1920-1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.17 [microform] [Correspondence related to conferences of Young Men's Christian 1676 [1920-1924] MFC 247.8 8564 no.18 Associations of China] [microform] Correspondence relative to the affairs of China 1839-40-41 [London?] : Printed solely for the use of the Cabinet, 1677 MFC 951.03 N622 no.732 [microform] [1841?]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Rochester, NY : Filmed by ABFMS, Distributed by 1678 Correspondence. [microform] Selections. China 1821 (ca)-1959 MF 266.86 AM35M American Baptist Historical Society, 19uu Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940 [microform] / 1679 Leiden : IDC, 1987 MFC 266 Un393C School of Oriental and African Studies, London Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. [Candidates 1680 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co. : Brill, 1978 MFC 266 C823CP papers] [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. Central China 1681 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1979 MFC 266.00951 L846CCC [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. China, general 1682 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co. : Brill, 1978 MFC 266.00951 L846CC [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. Committee 1683 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266 L846CM minutes [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. Fukien 1684 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00951 L846CF [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. [Home office] 1685 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co. : Brill, 1978 MFC 266 L846CH [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. Missionary 1686 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00922 L846CM portraits 1798-1844 [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. North China 1687 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1979 MFC 266.00951 L846CN [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1775-1940. South China 1688 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00951 L846CS [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1797-1927. South Africa 1689 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00968 C832C [microform] Council for World Mission archives, 1941-1950. Asia. 1690 Leiden, the Netherlands : IDC, <1998-> MFC 266.00951 L846CA [China/Hong Kong] [microform] 1691 Council for World Mission archives. Australia [microform] Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266 C832CA 1692 Council for World Mission archives. India [microform] Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00954 C832C Zug, Switzerland Leiden, the Netherlands : Inter 1693 Council for World Mission archives. Inventories [microform] MFC 266 L846Ci Documentation Co., 1980

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1694 Council for World Mission Archives. North India [microform] Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 266.00954 C832 Crime and government at Hong Kong [microform] : a letter to the editor of the Times newspaper offering reasons for an enquiry, 1695 London : Effingham Wilson, 1859 MFC 951.03 N622 no.39 into the disgraces, brought on the British name in China, by the present Hong Kong government / by T. Chisholme Anstey Crisis in the opium traffic [microform] : being an account of the China : Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1696 proceedings of the Chinese government to suppress that trade, MFC 951.03 N622 no.380 1839 with notices, edicts &c, relating thereto A critical examination of the National Christian Council of China 1697 1928 MF 275.1 R167C [microform] / Milledge Theron Rankin The cross and the dragon, or, Light in the broad east [microform] / 1698 New York : Anson D.F. Randolph, c1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.631 by B.C. Henry with an introductory note by Joseph Cook The cross and the dragon, or, The fortunes of Christianity in China [microform] : with notices of the Christian missions and 1699 London : Smith, Elder, and Co., 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.507 missionaries, and some account of the Chinese secret societies / by John Kesson A cruise in an opium clipper [microform] / by Captain Lindsay 1700 London : Chapman and Hall, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.672 Anderson, [pseud.] The currency of China (a short enquiry) [microform] / by James 1701 London : Effingham Wilson, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.42 K. Morrison A cycle of Cathay [microform] : or, China, south and north, with 1702 Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.318 personal reminiscences / W.A.P. Martin Daily China mail;"Revision of the British treaty with China 1703 [Hong Kong : s.n., 1867] MFC 951.03 N622 no.113 [microform] / Daily China mail" Dao de jing. English;"The speculations on metaphysics polity and 1704 morality of the old philosopher Lau-tsze [microform] / translated Londonn : Trübner, 1868 MFC 951.03 N622 no.45 from the Chinese with an introduction by John Chalmers" Darkness in the flowery land [microform] : or, religious notions 1705 and popular superstitions in north China / by M. Simpson New York : Charles Scribner, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.29 Culbertson

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Daughters of China [microform] : or, sketches of domestic life in 1706 New York : Robert Carter & Brothers, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.721 the Celestial empire / by Eliza J. Gillett Bridgman Days of blessing in inland China [microform] : being an account 1707 of meetings held in the province of Shan-si, &c / with an London : Morgan & Scott, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.189 introduction by J. Death blow to corrupt doctrines [microform] : a plain statement of 1708 Shanghai : Gestry and people, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.26 facts Defense of an essay on the proper rendering of the words Elohim Canton : Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1709 and Theos into the Chinese language [microform] / by William J. MFC 231.04 B644D 1850 Boone Description of a view of Canton, the River Tigress, and the surrounding country [microform] : now exhibiting at the 1710 London : Printed by T. Brettell, 1838 MFC 915.127 B899D Panorama, Leicester Square / painted by the proprietor, Robert Burford Description of a view of Macao in China [microform] : now 1711 exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square / painted by the London : Printed by Geo. Nichols, 1840 MFC 951.26 B899D proprietor, Robert Burford Description of the city of Canton [microform] : with an appendix, containing an account of the population of the Chinese empire, 1712 Canton : Chinese repository, 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.556 Chinese weights and measures, and the imports and exports of Canton Desultory notes on the government and people of China, and on the Chinese language [microform] : illustrated with a sketch of the 1713 London : Allen, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.274 province of Kwang-tûng, shewing its division into departments and districts / by Thomas Taylor Meadows Diary of a journey overland, through the Maritime Provinces of 1714 China from Manchao, on the south coast of Hainan, to Canton in London : Sir R. Phillips, 1822 MFC 915.1 D542 the years 1819 and 1820. [microform]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A diary of the siege of the legations in Peking during the summer 1715 of 1900 [microform] / by Nigel Oliphant with a preface by London : Longmans, Green, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.389 Andrew Lang A dictionary of the Chinese language [microform] : in three parts / Macao : Printed at the Honorable East India Co.'s Press, 1716 MFC 495.1321 M834D by Robert Morrison by P.P. Thoms, 1815-1823 Digest and index of all the ordinances of the Hongkong 1717 Hong Kong : D. Noronha, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.298 Government to the close of 1849 [microform] / by William Tarrant A Digest of the despatches on China (including those received on Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1995;"London : 1718 the 27th of March) [microform] : with a connecting narrative and MFC 951.03 N622 no.271 James Ridgway 1840" comments Directory of the College Young Men's Christian Association of 1719 [China] : s.n., [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.38 China [microform] Dissertation on the silk-manufacture, and the cultivation of the 1720 mulberry [microform] / translated from the works of Tseu-kwang- Shanghae : Printed at the Mission Press, 1849 MFC 951.03 N622 no.165 k'he, called also Paul Siu Dissolving view lecture [microform] : entitled, A peep at our 1721 London : London Missionary Society, 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.449 China missions / George Cousins Wuhu, Anhwei, China : American Episcopal Diocese of 1722 District of Anking newsletter [microform] MF 266.351 D633 Anking, Documents relating to the proposed new Chinese translation of the 1723 [S.l. : s.n., 1837?] MFC 220.5 D659 Holy Scriptures [microform] Doings in China [microform] : being the personal narrative of an officer engaged in the late Chinese expedition, from the recapture 1724 London : Richard Bentley, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.358 of Chusan in 1841, to the peace of Nankin in 1842 / by Alexander Murray Dr. Macgowan's remarks on Chinese foreign relations [microform] 1725 [S.l. : s.n., 1857] MFC 951.03 N622 no.116 / Dr. Macgowan

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The dragon, image, and demon [microform] : or the three religions of China : Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, giving an 1726 London : S.W. Partridge and Co., 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.367 account of the mythology, idolatry, and demonolatry of the Chinese / by Hampden C. DuBose Early history of the Chinese civilisation [microform] / a lecture by 1727 London : E. Vaton, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.135 Terrien de Lacouperie Early migrations [microform] : origin of the Chinese race, philosophy of their early development, with an inquiry into the San Francisco : Reprinted from the Proceedings of the 1728 MFC 951.03 N622 no.335 evidences of their American origin, suggesting the great antiquity Academy, 1878 of races on the American continent / by Charles Wolcott Brooks The early spread of religious ideas [microform] : especially in the 1729 London : Religious Tract Society, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.497 Far East / by Joseph Edkins East Asia millions (London, England);"East Asia millions 1730 Reading : Bradley at the Crown Press, 1965- MF 266 C441H [microform] / CIM Overseas Missionary Fellowship" The Eastern seas [microform] : being a narrative of the voyage of 1731 London : Murray, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.472 H.M.S. Dwarf in China, Japan, and Formosa / by B. W. Bax Eclectic review (London, England : 1805);"The Eclectic review 1732 London : C. Taylor, 1805-1868 MF 052 EC63 [microform]" Edifying and curious letters of some missioners of the Society of 1733 [London?], 1707 printing MFC 266.2 ED41 Jesus, from foreign missions [microform] Education of women by Baptists in South China [microform] / 1734 1947 MF 376.951 B732E Pauline Frances Brammer Educational review (Shanghai, China);"Educational review Shanghai : Educational Association of China, [1909- 1735 MF 370.951 ED83 [microform]" 1938] 1736 Electric messages from Japan [microform] Tokyo : C.E. Cowman and E.A. Kilbourne, -1914] MF 266.023 EL25 Elements of Chinese grammar [microform] : with a preliminary dissertation on the characters, and the colloquial medium of the 1737 Serampore : printed at the Mission Press, 1814 MFC 495.15 M358E Chinese, and an appendix containing the Ta-Hyoh of Confucius with a translation / By J. Marshman, D.D

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat 1738 [microform] : in the U.S. sloop-of-war Peacock, David Geisinger, New York : Harper & Brothers, 1837 MFC 951.03 N622 no.424 commander, during the years 1832-3-4 / by Edmund Roberts The Emperor of China v. the Queen of England [microform] : a refutation of the arguments contained in the seven official 1739 documents transmitted by Her Majesty's Government at Hong London : P.P. Thomas, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.645 Kong, who maintain that the documents of the Chinese Government contain insulting language / By P.P. Thomas Empire chinois. English;"The Chinese empire [microform] : 1740 forming a sequel to the work entitled Recollections of a journey London : Longman, 1855 MFC 951.03 N622 no.403 through Tartary and Thibet / M. Huc [tr. by Mrs. Percy Sinnett]" Encouraging signs [microform] : in the work of the Young Men's Shanghai : General Committee, Young Men's Christian 1741 Christian Associations of China, Korea, and Hongkong during the MFC 247.8 8564 no.22 Associations of China, Korea and Hongkong, 1905 year 1904 England and China [microform] : two episodes of recent Anglo- 1742 London : James Bain, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.201 Chinese history illustrating British policy in China / by Justum 1743 England and the opium trade [microform] London : Leominster, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.517 England, China, and opium [microform] : three essays / by Sir 1744 London : Bumpus, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.223 Edward Fry The English-Chinese cookery book [microform] : containing 200 1745 Hongkong, Kelly & Walsh, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.160 receipts in English and Chinese / by J. Dyer Ball 1746 The English in China [microform] / by William Curling Young London : Smith, Elder, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.89 1747 English life in China [microform] / by Henry Knollys London : Smith, Elder, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.73 English policy in the Far East [microform] : being the Times' 1748 London : Leadenhall Press, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.523 special correspondence / by Archibald R. Colquhoun 1749 The Englishman in China [microform] London : Saunders, Otley, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.668 Entombed alive and other songs, ballads, &c. (from the Chinese) 1750 London : W.H. Allen, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.580 [microform] / by George Carter Stent

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 An epitome of the reports of the medical officers to the Chinese 1751 imperial maritime customs service, [microform] from 1871 to London : Bailliere, Tindall, & Cox, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.457 1882..., comp. and arranged by ...C. A. Gordon.. 1752 Essays on the Chinese language [microform] / by T. Watters Shanghai : Presbyterian Mission Press, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.492 Essays on the history, philosophy and religion of the Chinese 1753 Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.479 [microform] / W. A. P. Martin Europe in China [microform] : the history of Hongkong from the 1754 London : Luzac & Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.230 beginning to the year 1882 / by E.J. Eitel Oak[l]and, Calif. : Evangelistic Prayer and Missionary 1755 Evangel (Oakland, Calif.);"The Evangel [microform]" MF 266.00951 Ev141 Union, 1756 Evangelical magazine and gospel advocate [microform] Utica : D. Skinner, [1830-1850] MF 289.134 EV144 1757 The Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle [microform] London : Williams and Son, 1813- MF 072 Ea763 Evangelical magazine (London, England : 1793);"The Evangelical 1758 London : T. Chapman, 1793-1813 MF 072 Ea763 magazine [microform]" Evangelical magazine (Utica, N.Y.);"Evangelical magazine 1759 Utica, N.Y. : [Dolphus Skinner], 1829 MF 289.134 EV144 [microform]" 1760 Evangelical recorder (1818);"Evangelical recorder [microform]" Auburn, N.Y. : [Rev. D.C. Lansing], 1818-1821 MF 266 EV14 v.1-2 1818-21 Evangelical repository (Troy, N.Y.);"Evangelical repository 1761 Troy, N.Y. : [s.n.], 1827-1828. (Troy : F. Adancourt) MF 289.134 EV144 [microform]" 1762 The Evangelist, and miscellanea sinica [microform] Canton [China] : Marckwick & Co., 1833-[18--?] MFC 266.00951 Ev148M Events in the [microform] : being reprints of 1763 mss. copied by General Gordon, in his own handwriting / with London : Allen, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.281 monograph, introd., and notes by A. Egmont Hake The Ever-Victorious Army [microform] : a history of the 1764 Chinese Campaign under Lt.-Col. C.G. Gordon C.B.R.E. and the Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1868 MFC 951.03 N622 no.232 suppression of the Tai-ping Rebelliion / by Andrew Wilson Everyday life in China [microform] : or scenes along river and 1765 [London] : Religious Tract Society, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.328 road in Fuh-kien / by Edwin Joshua Dukes

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The evolution of the Chinese language [microform] : as 1766 exemplifying the origin and growth of human speech / by Joseph London : Trübner, 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.595 Edkins Ex-territoriality as applied to the China customs [microform] : as provided for by treaty, and legislated for by Statute and Order in 1767 Hong Kong : Daily Press, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.112 Council a series of arguments proving that British Consuls have the right to adjudicate on customs cases / [W.L. Bathurst] Experiences of a missionary refugee in north China [microform] / [London] : Rye Lane Sunday School Young Christians' 1768 MFC 951.03 N622 no.629 [by F.J. Shipway] introduction by Rev. J.W. Ewing Missionary Union, 1900 An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chinese 1769 [microform] : with an analysis of their ancient symbols and London : Printed for Richard Philips by T. Bensley, 1801 MFC 951.03 N622 no.608 hieroglyphics / by Joseph Hager The expulsion of the Chinese [microform] : what is a reasonable 1770 San Francisco : Samuel Carson, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.531 policy for the times? / Charles Dana Barrow Eye-gate, or, The value of native art in the mission field with 1771 special reference to the evangelization of China [microform] / by London : S.W. Partridge, [1897] MFC 951.03 N622 no.609 William Wilson [Facts of encouragement regarding association work in China] 1772 S.l. : s.n., [1906] MFC 247.8 8564 no.21 [microform] Facts relating to Chinese commerce [microform] : in a letter from 1773 London : J.M. Richardson, 1829 MFC 951.03 N622 no.268 a British resident in China to his friend in England The fall of Wei-hai-wei [microform] / compiled from official and 1774 other sources, by Jukichi Inouye with numerous collotypes by K. Yokohama : Kelly and Walsh, [1895] MFC 951.03 N622 no.658 Ogawa Familiar lectures on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians 1775 [microform] : delivered to a few individuals in a private room at Malacca : Printed at the Anglo-Chinese Press, 1818 MFC 227 M834F Macao, China / by Robert Morrison The family law of the Chinese [microform] / By P.G. von Mö 1776 Shanghai : Kelley & Walsh, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.689 llendorff

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The Famine in China [microform] / illustrations by a native artist 1777 with a translation of the Chinese text [by the Rev. Jas. Legge] London : C. Kegan Paul, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.170 Issued by the Committee of the China Famine Relief Fund The 'fan kwae' at Canton [microform] : before treaty days, 1825- 1778 London : K. Paul, Trench & co., 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.485 1844 / by an old resident The fan-qui in China, in 1836-7 [microform] / by C. Toogood 1779 London : Henry Colburn, 1838 MFC 951.03 N622 no.273 Downing The Far East [microform] : its history and its question / by Alexis 1780 London : Richards, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.214 Krausse [Fenchow, Shansi, China : Fenchow Station of the 1781 Fenchow [microform] American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, MF 266.00951 F351 1919-1936] A Few observations on the Canton outrage [microform] : 1782 London : W. & F.G. Cash, [1857] MFC 951.03 N622 no.642 addressed to the electors of Great Britain and Ireland / by J.F.L Fifth annual student summer conference for north China 1783 [China] : s.n., [1912] MFC 247.8 8564 no.65 [microform] 1784 Fifty-two letters from Dr. Carey 1793-1825 [microform] MF 266.00924 C189F Fifty years in Amoy or a history of the Amoy mission [microform] New York : Board of publication of the Reformed 1785 MFC 951.03 N622 no.296 : China / by P. W. Pitcher Church in America, 1893 The first. Contayning peregrinations and discoveries, in the remotest north and east parts of Asia, called Tartaria and China. The second. Peregrinations, voyages, discoveries, of China, Tartaria, Russia, and other the north and east parts of the World ... 1786 The third. Voyages and discoveries of the north parts of the London : Fetherstone, 1625 MFC 910.4 P971C World, by land and sea, in Asia, Europe, the Polare regions and in the north-west of America. The fourth. English Northerne Navigations, and discoveries ... The fifth. Voyages and travels to and in the new world, called America .... [microform] The first quarter century of the Young Men's Christian Association 1787 Shanghai : Association Press of China, 1920 MFC 247.8 8564 no.11 in China, 1895-1920 [microform] / by D. Willard Lyon

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 First report of the Chinese Polytechnic Institution and Reading Shanghai : Printed at the North-China Herald Office, 1788 Rooms, Shanghai [microform] : from March 1874 to September MFC 951.03 N622 no.171 1875 1875 First report of the Glasgow Association in Aid of Chinese Medical 1789 [S.l. : s.n.], 1846 MFC 610.695 G462F Missions [microform] The first report of the Medical Missionary Society's hospital at Canton [China] : Printed at the Office of the Chinese 1790 Macao [microform] : for the quarterly term beginning 5th July, MFC 362.1 P227F repository, 1838 and ending 1st Oct., 1838 / by Peter Parker Five years in China or, the factory boy made a missionary 1791 [microform] : the life and observations of Rev. William Aitchison, Philadelphia : Presbyterian publication committee, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.240 late missionary to China / by Charles P. Bush Five years in China [microform] : with some account of the Great Nashville, Tenn. : J.B. McFerrin New York : Derby & 1792 MFC 951.03 N622 no.610 Rebellion, and a description of St. Helena / by Charles Taylor Jackson, 1860 The flight of the Lapwing [microform] : a naval officer's jottings 1793 London : Longmans, Green, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.683 in china, Formosa and Japan / by Henry Noel Shore The flowery republic [microform] / Frederick McCormick with 1794 special illustrations by the author and from the photographers and London : Murray, 1913 MFC 951.03 N622 no.363 the Chinese Press, maps, etc Fo guo ji. English;"Record of the Buddhistic kingdoms 1795 London : Trübner & Co., 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.236 [microform] / translated from the Chinese by Herbert A. Giles" Fo guo ji. English;"Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun 1796 [microform] : Buddhist pilgrims from China to India (400 A.D. London : Trübner, 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.238 and 518 A.D.) / translated from Chinese by Samuel Beal" Fo guo ji. English;"The pilgrimage of Fa Hian [microform] / from 1797 the French edition of the 'Foe koue ki' of Mm Remusat Klaproth Calcutta : J. Thomas, Baptist Mission Press, 1848 MFC 951.03 N622 no.343 and Landresse with additional notes & illustrations" The folk-lore of China, and its affinities with that of the Aryan and 1798 London : Trübner and Co., 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.731 Semitic races [microform] / by N.B. Dennys Foochow, China : American Board of Commissioners for 1799 The Foochow messenger [microform] MF 266.00951 F739 Foreign Missions, 1903-

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 For the Lord's remembrancers in China [microform] : a meditation Shanghai : Reprinted by National Committee Young 1800 and prayer-cycle : in connection with the student evangelistic MFC 247.8 8564 no.70 Men's Christian Associations, [1913] mission The Forbes papers. [microform] / Frederick S. Allis, Jr., editor 1801 Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, [1969] MF 974.4 F742F Alexander W. Wiliams, associate editor Richmond, Va. : Foreign Mission Board, Southern 1802 The foreign mission journal [microform] MF 266.6132 F761 Baptist Convention, 1874-1895 Foreign mission journal (1896);"The foreign mission journal Richmond, Va. : Southern Baptist Convention, 1896- 1803 MF 266.6132 F761 [microform]" 1916 The foreign missionary [microform] : his field and his work / by 1804 Piladelphia : Bible and Publication Society, 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.506 M.J. Knowlton Philadelphia : Executive Committee of the General Foreign missionary (Philadelphia, Pa.);"The Foreign missionary 1805 Council of the Evan. Lutheran Church on Foreign MF 266.41 F761 [microform]" Missions, [1880-1963] The foreign trade of China divested of monopoly, restriction and 1806 London : E. Wilson, 1832 MFC 951.03 N622 no.605 hazard by means of insular commercial stations [microform] The foreigner in China [microform] / by L.N. Wheeler with 1807 Chicago : Griggs, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.251 introduction by W.C.Sawyer 1808 The foreigner in far Cathay [microform] / by W.H. Medhurst London : Stanford, 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.252 A foreigner's evidence on China question [microform] / [Robert S. 1809 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1859 MFC 951.03 N622 no.110 Sturgis] 1810 Formosa [microform] / compiled by J. D. Clark Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.546 Forty years in China [microform] : or, China in transition / by 1811 Baltimore : R.H. Woodward Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.401 R.H. Graves Four hundred millions [microform] : chapters on China and the 1812 London : Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1871 MFC 951.03 N622 no.187 Chinese / by A.E. Moule 1813 The four streams [microform] [S.l. : s.n.], MF 266.00951 F825 1814 Fourteen months in Canton [microform] / by Mrs. Gray London : Macmillan and co., 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.66 Fragments of oriental literature [microform] : with an outline of a 1815 London : Printed for the author, by S. Rousseau, 1807 MFC 951.03 N622 no.414 painting on a curious china vase / by Stephen Weston

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1816 Freemasonry in China [microform] / by Herbert Allen Giles Amoy : Printed by A.A. Marcal, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.31 The French at Foochow [microform] / by James F. Roche, L. L. 1817 Shanghai : Printed at the Celestial Empire Office, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.224 Cowen Friend of China;"The position of affairs in China [microform] / 1818 from the Friend of China (a Shanghai newspaper) of the 19th [London] : Friend of China, [1863?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.211 July 1863 and following numbers" From far Formosa [microform] : the island, its people and 1819 missions / by George Leslie Mackay edited by the Rev. J.A. Edinburgh : Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.478 Macdonald From Swatow to Canton [microform] : [overland] / by Herbert A. London : Trübner & Co. Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1820 MFC 951.03 N622 no.315 Giles 1877 From Tientsin to Peking with the Allied forces [microform] / by 1821 London : Charles H. Kelly, 1902 MFC 951.03 N622 no.381 Frederick Brown Fruits of a year's efforts : annual report of the Young Men's 1822 Shanghai : The National Committee, [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.26 Christian Associations of China, 1922 [microform] The funeral discourse occasioned by the death of the Rev. Robert Morrison, D.D.F.R.S. delivered before the London Missionary 1823 London : Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 1835 MFC 266.00924 M834FF Society at the Poultry Chapel, February 19, 1835 [microform] / by Joseph Fletcher Fusang [microform] : or, the discovery of America by Chinese 1824 London : Trübner & Co., 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.334 Buddhist priests in the fifth century / by Charles G. Leland 1825 Future trade in the Far East [microform] / by C.C. Wakefield London : Whittaker, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.378 The gage of the two civilizations, shall christendom waver? [microform] : being an inquiry into the causes of the rupture of the 1826 English and French Treaties of Tien-Tsin, and comprising a Macao : Trübner & Co., 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.397 general review of our relations with China, with notices of Japan, Siam and Cochin-China / [by ] 1827 Gems of Chinese literature [microform] / by Herbert A. Giles London : Bernard Quaritch, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.17 General description of Shangae and its environs [microform] : 1828 Shanghae : Mission Press, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.166 extracted from native authorities / [H.W. Medhurst]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 General report, Ladies Auxiliary report, and China's children's 1829 helping band [microform] / Dublin University Fuh-Kien Mission Dublin : University Press, MF 266.3 T736G in connection with C.M.S A general report of the hospital at Kum-Le-Fau in Canton from 1830 Canton : Press of S. Wells Williams, 1850 MFC 362.1 H653G April 1848 to November 1849 [microform] / by B. Hobson Glimpses of missionary work in China, [microform] : illustrated 1831 by engravings from the Chinese Pilgrim's progress, with Edinburgh : William P. Kennedy, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.436 introduction by Rev. James Johnston A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East Hong Kong : Lane Crawford Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh 1832 MFC 951.03 N622 no.573 [microform] / by Herbert Allen Giles London : Trübner & Co., 1878 Golden lilies and the flowery land [microform] : glimpses of a 1833 Chinese city for English boys and girls /by William Theodore London : Charles H. Kelly, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.483 Aquila Barber Gordon's campaign in China [microform] / by himself [Charles 1834 George Gordon] with an introduction and short account of the London : Chapman and Hall, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.305 Tai-Ping Rebellion by R.H. Vetch Government gazette (George Town, Pinang : 1806);"Government 1835 [George Town, Pinang] : A.B. Bone, 1806- MF 959.51 G746G gazette [microform]" A grammar of the Chinese language [microform] / by Robert 1836 Serampore [India] : printed at the Mission-Press, 1815 MFC 495.1 M834G Morrison The Grand magazine of magazines, or, Universal register 1837 London : T. Kinnersly, 1758-[1760] MF 072 Ea763 [microform] A great deliverance [microform] the story of the escape from 1838 London : China Inland Mission, 1900. MFC 951.03 N622 no.444 She-ki-tien, Ho-nan / by G. W. Guiness. 1839 The green year supplement, summer 1927 : [microform] Shanghai : China Y.W.C.A., 1927 MFC 247.8 8564 no.33 The green year supplement [microform] : the Y.W.C.A. of China, 1840 [Shanghai] : [China Y.W.C.A., [1928] MFC 247.8 8564 no.33 November, 1928 The green year supplement [microform] : Y.W.C.A. of China, 1841 [Shanghai] : [China Y.W.C.A., [1929] MFC 247.8 8564 no.34 May, 1929

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Growing Chinese leadership [microform] : the annual report of the 1842 Young Men's Christian Associations of China for 1917 : with a [China] : The National Committee, [1918] MFC 247.8 8564 no.25 partial review of the five years 1912-1917 1843 Guide for tourist to Peking and its environs [microform] Hong Kong : China Mail Office, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.333 Guide to archival manuscript and pamphlet collections 1844 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1984 MFC 277.3 Y12G [microform] / Library, Yale University Divinity School A guide to Hongkong with some remarks upon Macao and Canton 1845 Hong Kong : Walter W. Brewer, [1893] MFC 951.03 N622 no.476 [microform] / by William Legge A guide to the archives and records of Protestant Christian 1846 missions from the British Isles to China, 1796-1914 [microform] / Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1978 MFC 016.266 M331G by Leslie R. Marchant A guide to the tablets in a temple of Confucius [microform] / by Shanghai, China : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.701 T. Watters 1879 Hai tao i chih. English;"The Chinaman abroad an account of the 1848 Malayan Archipelago particularly of Java [microform] / by Ong- London : John Snow, Paternoster Row, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.262 Tae-hae tr. from the original by W.H. Medhurst" 1849 Hainan newsletter [microform] Horchow, Hainan : American Presbyterian Mission MF 266.5151 H126 Half a decade of Chinese studies (1886-1891) [microform] / by 1850 Leyden : E.J. Brill, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.594 Henri Cordier Hān koong tsew, or, The sorrows of Hān [microform] : a London : Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund by 1851 Chinese tragedy / translated from the original, with notes by John MFC 951.03 N622 no.597 A.J. Valpy, sold by J. Murray, 1829 Francis Davis Hand-book for the student of Chinese Buddhism [microform] / 1852 London : Trübner & Co., 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.265 E.J. Eitel A hand-book to Hongkong [microform] : being a popular guide to 1853 Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.319 the various places of interest in the colony, for the use of tourists Handbook and index to the minutes of the conference [microform] : showing the growth and development of the Wesleyan Methodist 1854 London : Wesleyan Methodist Book-Room, 1890 MFC 287.1 W188H constitution from the first conference, 1744 to 1890 / by Charles E. Wansbrough with an introduction by George Osborn

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Hao ch‘iu chuan;"The fortunate union [microform] : a romance / London : Printed from the Oriental translation fund, and 1855 translated from the Chinese original with notes and illustrations to MFC 951.03 N622 no.596 sold by J. Murray, 1829 which is added a Chinese tragedy by John Francis Davis" 1856 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies [Cambridge Mass] : Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1936- MF 895.05 H782 Boston : [Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the 1857 The Heathen woman's friend [microform] MF 266.7632 H352 Methodist Episcopal Church, 1869-1895] Heralds of salvation [microform] : being brief memorial sketches 1858 of Wesleyan missionaries who have died in the work since the London : Wesleyan Conference Office, 1878 MFC 266.71 M729H commencement of the enterprise / by William Moister Heroic Japan [microform] : a history of the war between China & 1859 London : Sampson Low, Marston, 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.179 Japan / by F. Warrington Eastlake and Yamada Yoshiaki Hints for collecting information compiled for the expedition to 1860 [Calcutta] : William Rushton & Co., 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.484 China [microform] / William Henry Skyes Histoire des deux conquerans Tartares que ont subjugué la Chine. English;"History of the two Tartar conquerors of China [microform] : including the two journeys into Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest in the suite of the Emperor Kanh-Hi / from the 1861 French of Pere Pierre Joseph d'Orleans ... To which is added London : Printed for the Hakluyt society, 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.415 Father Pereira's journey into Tartary in the suite of the same emperor from the Dutch of Nicolaas Witsen. Translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. With an introduction by R. H. Major" Historic China and other sketches [microform] / by Herbert A. 1862 London : Thos. de la Rue, 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.325 Giles An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese London : Printed for, and sold by the editor, J. Ridgway 1863 Empire [microform] : comprehending a description of the fifteen MFC 951.03 N622 no.395 and W. Button, 1795 provinces of China ... / by W. Winterbotham 1864 History of a voyage to the China Sea [microform] / by John White Boston : Wells and Lilly, 1823 MFC 951.03 N622 no.98 1865 History of China [microform] / by Demetrius Charles Boulger London : W.H. Allen, 1881-84 MFC 951.03 N622 no.129

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The history of China & India [microform] : pictorial & descriptive 1866 London : Dean, [184-] MFC 951.03 N622 no.607 / by Miss Corner A history of China [microform] : being the historical chapters from The Middle kingdom / by the late S. Wells Williams with 1867 London : Sampson Low, Marston, & Co., 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.657 a concluding chapter narrating recent events, by Frederick Wells Williams A history of China from the earliest days down to the present 1868 London : K. Paul, Treach, Trubner and Co., 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.233 [microform] / by J. Macgowan A history of China [microform] : from the earliest records to the 1869 London : Wm.H. Allen and Co., 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.425 treaty with Great Britain in 1842 / by Thomas Thornton A History of China to the present time [microform] : including an 1870 account of the rise and progress of the present religious London : R. Bentley, 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.229 insurrection in that empire History of European botanical discoveries in China [microform] / 1871 London : Sampson Lows, Marston and Company, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.300 by E. Bretschneider The history of the laws and courts of Hong Kong, tracing consular jurisdiction in China and Japan and including parliamentary 1872 debates, and the rise, progress, and successive chiages in teh London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.197 various public institutions of the colony from the earliest period to the present time [microform] / by James William Norton-Kyshe A history of the London Missionary Society in the Straits 1873 Settlements (c. 1815-1847) [microform] / by Ronnie Leona 1986 MFC 266 OS8H O'Sullivan A history of the Szechuen riots (May - June, 1895) [microform] / 1874 Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury Office, [1895] MFC 951.03 N622 no.106 by Alfred Cunningham Hók-c‘iu L̤ò-mà cê huôi dù mùng h‘ok [microform] / 1875 [Fuzhou : Romanized Press?, 1906] MFC 245.6 6657 G23-24 [Hannah Conklin Woodhull] [Nashville, Tenn. : Published for the Convention by the 1876 Home and foreign fields [microform] Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist MF 266.6132 H752 Convention], 1916-1937

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Richmond, Va. : The Boards of Domestic and Foreign 1877 Home and foreign journal [microform] MF 266.6132 F761 Missions of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1851- Hong-Kong to London or our new road home from China 1878 [microform] / [Peter George Laurie] by the author of A London : Simmons & Co., [1872] MFC 951.03 N622 no.235 reminiscence of Canton , &c HongKong, Canton & Macao Steam-boat Company, Limited and China Navigation Company Limited [microform] : information of 1879 Hong Kong : Noronha & Co., 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.323 general interest to travellers visiting Canton and Macao / by the Steamers of the above companies Hongkong [microform] : its inadequency for actual and future 1880 Hongkong : Printed by Kelly & Walsh, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.244 requirements / by Carolus De Jesmont 1881 Hongkong. Part 1, 1839 to 1844 [microform] / by William Tarrant Canton : Friend of China Office, 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.308 Horæ sinicæ [microform] : translations from the popular literature 1882 London : Black and Parry, 1812 MFC 951.03 N622 no.576 of the Chinese / by Robert Morrison Horæ sinicæ [microform] : translations from the popular literature 1883 London : Black and Parry, 1812 MFC 895.1 M834H of the Chinese / by Robert Morrison Hospital reports of the Medical Missionary Society in China 1884 Canton : [The Society], 1840 MFC 610.695 M468H [microform] : for the year 1839 1885 How to conquer China [microform] York : printed and sold by John L. Linney, [1842?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.604 How to read Chinese war news [microform] : a vade-mecum of notes and hints, to readers of despatches and intelligence from the 1886 London : Unwin, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.408 seat of war, with a coloured war map and a glossary of military technical ternms, local titles, places, phrases, etc How we got to Pekin [microform] : a narrative of the campaign in 1887 London : Richard Bentley, 1862 MFC 951.03 N622 no.402 China of 1860 / by R.J.L. M'ghee The Hunan tracts of China, which produced the anti-Christian and anti-foreign riots of 1891 [microform] / analysed by a shocked Shanghai : Printed and published at the Shanghai 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.193 friend and, A critical digest of Indulgent treatment of foreigners Mercury Office, [1892] / by China's true friend

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Hung lou meng. English;"Hung Lou Meng or the dream of the 1889 red chamber [microform] : a Chinese novel / [by Hsüeh-chin Hongkong : Kelly & Walsh, 1892-1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.260 Tsao] translated by H. Bencraft Joly" The impending contact of the Aryan & Turanian races, with special reference to recent Chinese migrations [microform] : a 1890 London : Sunday Lecture Society, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.19 lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, on Sunday afternoon, 10th February, 1878 / by Matthew Macfie Impressions of China and The present revolution [microform] : its 1891 London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1855 MFC 951.03 N622 no.720 progress and prospects / By Fishbourne In a mule litter to the tomb of Confucius [microform] / by Alex. 1892 London : J. Nisbet, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.685 Armstrong In perils by the heathen [microform] : being the account of Mr. 1893 London : China Inland Mission, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no. 442 Argento's flight from Ho-nan / by A. Argento In the Far East [microform] : letters from Geraldine Guinness, 1894 from the Mediterranean to the Po-Yang Lake, China, 1888-1889 / London : Gilbert and Rivington, [1889] MFC 951.03 N622 no.293 Mrs Howard Taylor edited by her sister [Lucy E. Guinness] 1895 In the valley of the Yangtse [microform] / by Mrs. Arnold Foster London : London Missionary Society, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.448 In weariness and painfulness [microform] : being the account by 1896 Rev. A. R. Saunders, of the flight from Ping-iao to Han-kow of London : China Inland Mission, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.445 himself and party / Alexander R. Saunders Incidents in the China war of 1860 [microform] / compiled from 1897 Edinburgh : Blackwood, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.132 the private journals of Sir Hope Grant by Henry Knollys Incidents of a journey from Hankow to Szechuen [microform] / 1898 [Shanghai] : North-China Herald, 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.463 Reprinted from the North-China Herald Incipient ecumenism in the functioning of the British and Foreign Bible Society in China from 1804 to 1937 with particular 1899 1981 MF 275.1 B919I reference to the work of Reverend H.O.T. Burkwall in China [microform] / Paul A. Burkwall 1900 The Indian contingent in China [microform] / by Henry Newman Calcutta : W. Newman and Co., 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.231 1901 Indigenous churches in China [microform] / Hendon Mason Harris 1927 MF 275.1 H241I

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Indigenous preaching in China with a focal critique on John Sung 1902 1982 MF 275.1 G96I [microform] / Yun-han Gwo Indiscreet letters from Peking [microform] : being the notes of an eye-witness, which set forth in some detail, from day to day, the 1903 London : Hurst and Blackett, Limited, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.392 real story of the siege and sack of a distressed capital in 1900--the year of great tribulation / edited by B.L. Putnam Weale The Indo-Chinese gleaner [microform] : containing miscellaneous 1904 communications on the literature, history, philosophy, mythology, Malacca [Malaysia] : [s.n.], 1817-1822 MFC 266 In278 &c. of the Indo-Chinese nations The Indo-Chinese opium trade [microform] : considered in relation to its history, morality, and expediency, and its influence on 1905 London : Henry Frowde, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.375 Christian missions / by J. Spencer Hill for prefatory note by Justice Fry Information letter (Lutheran World Federation. Dept. of Geneva, Switzerland : LWF Marxism and China Study, 1906 MF 275.1 IN36 Studies);"Information letter [microform]" [1972-1985] The iniquities of the opium trade with China [microform] : being a development of the main causes which exclude the merchants of Great Britain from the advantages of an unrestricted commercial 1907 London : W. H. Allen, 1839 MFC 951.03 N622 no.601 intercourse with that vast empire, with extracts from authentic documents / by A.S. Thelwall. Drawn up at the request of several gentlemen connected with the East-India trade An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word god in 1908 translating the sacred scriptures into the Chinese language Shanghae : [Printed at the Mission Press], 1848 MFC 951.03 N622 no.93 [microform] / by W.H. Medhurst An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word God 1909 [microform] : in translating the sacred scriptures into the Chinese London : Lionel Booth, 1849 MFC 951.03 N622 no.583 language / George Thomas Staunton An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word God ... 1910 Zug : IDC, 1986 MFC 231.04 ST29I into the Chinese language [microform] / G.T. Staunton 1911 Inside Canton [microform] / Melchior Yvan London : Henry Vizetelly, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.545

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 An international court for China [microform] / James Joseph 1912 Shanghai : [s.n.], 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.213 Hernderson 1913 International Missionary Council archives, 1910-1961 [microform] MFC 266.006 IN8I Intimate China [microform] : the Chinese as I have seen them / by 1914 London : Hutchinson, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.239 Mrs. Archibald Little Introduction to the science of Chinese religion [microform] : a 1915 Hong Kong : Lane, 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.21 critique of Max Müller and other authors / by Ernst Faber Inventories (manuscript) [microform] / Baptist Missionary Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Company AG, MFC 266.6 B229I 1916 Society, London 1978 MFC 266.6 B229i c.2 Is the war with China a just one? [microform] / by H. Hamilton 1917 London : James Ridgway, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.118 Lindsay The jade chaplet in twenty-four beads [microform] : a collection of 1918 songs, ballads, &c / [translated] from the Chinese by George London : Trübner & Co., 1874 MFC 951.03 N622 no.342 Carter Stent 1919 James Gilmour and his boys [microform] / by Richard Lovett London : Religious Tract Society, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.616 The Japan-China war on the regent's sword [microform] : Kinchow, Port Arthur, and Talienwan / ompiled from official and 1920 Yokohama : Kelly & Walsh, [1895] MFC 951.03 N622 no.719 other sources by Jukichi Inouye with numerous collotype plates by K. Ogawa The Japan-China war [microform] : the naval battle of Haiyang / 1921 compiled from official and other sources by Jukichi Inouye with Yokohama : Kelly and Walsh, [1895] MFC 951.03 N622 no.256 numerous collotype plates, by K. Ogawa 1922 Jewish-Chinese papers [microform] / by A. Kingsley Glover [Appleton, Wis. : s.n., 1894] MFC 951.03 N622 no.611 Jewish records [microform] : chiefly for the use of collectors and London : [London Society for Promoting Christianity 1923 small subscribers to the London Society for Promoting MF 266 C168 Amongst the Jews, [1818]- Christianity amongst the Jews The Jews in China [microform] : their synagogue, their scriptures, 1924 London : B. Wertheim, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.95 their history, &c / by James Finn

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 John Chinaman [microform] : his ways and notions / by G. 1925 Edinburgh : J. Gardner Hitt, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.686 Cockburn John Kenneth Mackenzie [microform] : medical missionary to 1926 London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.455 China / by Mrs. Bryson 1927 Journal and log of two voyages [microform] [S.l.] : New York Public Library, 1964 MF 910.4 H555J Journal of a residence in China and the neighboring countries from 1928 1830 to 1833 [microform] / with an introductory essay by Baptist London : James Nisbet, 1835 MFC 951.03 N622 no.94 Wriothesley David Abeel Journal of an overland journey from China towards India Calcutta : Office of Superintendent of Government 1929 MFC 951.03 N622 no.348 [microform] : the plains of Hoopeh / by T.T. Cooper Printing, 1869 The journal of Mr. Samuel Holmes ... as one of the guard on Lord 1930 Macartney's embassy to China and tartary [microform] : 1792-3 / London : W. Bulmer and Co., 1798 MFC 951.03 N622 no.353 [by Samuel Holmes] Journal of the Educational Association of the Fuhkien Province 1931 Foochow : Methodist Pub. House, 1906- MF 370.951 J826 [microform] Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China [microform] : comprising a correct narrative of the public 1932 transactions of the embassy, of the voyage to and from China, and London : J. Murray, 1817 MFC 951.03 N622 no.1 of the journal from the mouth of the Pei-Ho to the return to Canton ... / by Henry Ellis Journal of three voyages along the coast of China in 1831, 1832 1933 and 1833, with notices of Siam, Corea and the Loo-Choo islands London : Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 1834 MFC 266.00951 G989J [microform] / by Charles Gutzlaff Journals kept by Mr. Gully and Capt. Denham during a captivity 1934 London : Chapman and Hall, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.495 in China in the year 1842 [microform] / edited by a barrister The journals of Major Samuel Shaw [microform] : the First Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1995;"Boston : 1935 American consul at Canton with a life of the author / by Josiah MFC 951.03 N622 no.137 Wm. Crosby 1847" Quincy Korean games [microform] : with notes on the corresponding 1936 Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.516 games of China and Japan / by Stewart Culin

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Korean repository (, Korea : 1892);"Korean repository 1937 [Seoul : The Trilingual Press, 1892-1898] MF 951.9 K841K [microform]" Kwang Tung, or, Five years in south China [microform] / by John 1938 London : S.W. Partridge & Co., [1894?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.635 A. Turner The Land of Sinim [microform] : or, China and Chinese missions / 1939 London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.437 by William Gillespie The land of the Boxers [microform] : or, China under the Allies / 1940 London : Longmans, Green, 1903 MFC 951.03 N622 no.391 by Gordon Casserly The land of the dragon [microform] : my boating and shooting 1941 excursions to the gorges of the upper Yangtze / by William London : Hurst and Blackett, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.561 Spencer Percival The land question [microform] : with lessons to be drawn from 1942 Glasgow : James Maclehose, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.653 peasant proprietorship in China / by John Dudgeon Lâo-tsze [microform] : the great thinker, with a translation of his 1943 Thoughts on the nature and manifestations of god / by G.G. London : Kegan Paul, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.366 Alexander Lao-tze's Tao-teh-king [microform] : Chinese-English = 老子道 1944 Chicago : Open Court Pub., 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.572 德經 / with introduction, transliteration, and notes by Paul Carus Lao-Tzu [microform] : a study in Chinese philosophy / by T. 1945 Hong kong : China mail office, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.23 Watters Laou-seng-urh, or, An heir in his old age. [microform] : a 1946 London : J. Murray, 1817 MFC 951.03 N622 no.582 Chinese drama The last year in China, to the peace of Nanking [microform] : as sketched in letters to his friends / by a field officer, actively 1947 London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.100 employed in that country with a few concluding remarks on our past and future policy in China The Latter day luminary [microform] / by a committee of the Philadelphia, Pa. : Printed for the Board by Anderson and 1948 MF 266.6 L356 Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the Meehan, 1818-1825 1949 Laws of the colony of Hongkong [microform] : 1841-54 [Hong Kong] : Hongkong Government Gazette, 1856 MFC 951.03 N622 no.347

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Lecture on the nature and structure of the Chinese language, 1950 London : Taylor & Walton, 1838 MFC 495.1 K537L delivered at University College [microform] / by Samuel Kidd Lectures on the sayings of Jesus [microform] / by Robert 1951 Malacca : Printed at the Mission Press, 1832 MFC 232.954 M834L Morrison Lessons for China missionaries from Paul, the herald of the 1952 1930 MF 266.00951 M229L Gospel [microform] / Robert Johnston McMullen Letter on the Chinese version of the Holy Scriptures [microform] : 1953 to the British and Foreign Bible Society / from the Right Rev. Hongkong : Printed at the China Mail Office, 1851 MFC 951.03 N622 no.615 George Smith A Letter to Lord Althorp, on the China trade [microform] : 1954 occasioned by an article in the Edinburgh Review , no. CIV / London : J. Ridgway, 1833 MFC 951.03 N622 no.173 [J.C. Spencer] A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury [microform] : containing [Hong Kong] : Printed at the Hong Kong Register office, 1955 the annual report of St. Paul's College and Mission at Hong Kong / MFC 951.03 N622 no.630 1852 by George Smith Letter to the Right Hon. Charles Grant, President of the Board of 1956 Controul [microform] : on the present state of British intercourse London : J. Hatchard and Son, 1833 MFC 951.03 N622 no.172 with China / by Charles Marjoribanks A letter to the right honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury president of the British and Foreign Bible Society [microform] : on the 1957 pantheistic and on the Buddhistic tendency of the Chinese and of London : Bell and Daldy, 1856 MFC 951.03 N622 no.500 the Mongolian versions of the Bible published by that society / by S.C. Malan 1958 [Letters on various Chinese provinces] [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 1872?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.688

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Lettres édifiantes et curieuses. English. Selections;"The travels of several learned missioners of the Society of Jesus [microform] : into divers parts of the archipelago India China and America : containing a general description of the most remarkable towns : 1959 London : Printed for R. Gosling, 1714 MFC 915.1 T697 with a particular account of the customs manners and religion of those several nations : the whole interspers'd with philosophical observations and other curious remarks / translated from the French original publish'd at Paris in the year 1713" Li Hsiu-ch‘eng kung chuang. English;"The autobiography of the 1960 Chung-wang [microform] / translated from the Chinese by W.T. Shanghai : Presbyterian Mission Press, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.345 Lay" The life and labors of Elijah Coleman Bridgman [microform] / 1961 edited by Eliza J. Gillett Bridgman with an introductory note by New York : Randolph, 1864 MFC 266.00924 B764BL ASA D. Smith The life and labours of Alexander Wylie [microform] : agent of 1962 British Foreign Bible Society in China : A memoir / by M. Henri [London : Trübner & Co., 1887?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.693 Cordier The life and opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., missionary to China [microform] : illustrated by biographical annals of Asiatic 1963 London : J. Snow, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.599 missions from primitive to Protestant times. Intended as a guide to missionary spirit / by Robert Philip 1964 Life in China [microform] / by William C. Milne London : G. Routledge, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.551 The life of Hiuen-Tsiang [microform] / by the Shamans Hwui Li 1965 and Yen-Tsung with a preface containing an account of the London : Trübner & Co., 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.278 works of I-Tsing by Samuel Beal The life of Jenghiz Khan [microform] / translated from the 1966 London : Trübner & Co., 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.344 Chinese with an introduction by Robert Kennaway Douglas The life of John Livingston Nevius, for forty years a missionary in 1967 New York : Revell, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.195 China [microform] / by his wife Helen S. Coan Nevius

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The life of Sir Harry Parkes [microform] : sometime Her Majesty's 1968 London : Macmillan, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.694 minister to China & Japan / by Stanley Lane-Poole Life of Tai-ping-wang [microform] : chief of the Chinese 1969 New York : Dix, Edwards & co., 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.691 insurrection / By J. Milton Mackie The life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China, with memoirs of the court of Peking [microform] : including a sketch of the 1970 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1852 MFC 951.03 N622 no.11 principal events in the history of the Chinese empire during the last fifty years / by the late Charles Gützlaff The life of Yakoob Beg [microform] : Athalik ghazi, and Badaulet 1971 : Ameer of Kashgar / By Demetrius Charles Boulger with map London : W. H. Allen, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.692 and appendix Ling-Nam [microform] : or, interior views of southern China, 1972 including explorations in the hitherto untraversed island of Hainan London : Partridge, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.329 / by B.C. Henry List of association terms [microform] = 青年會會務中西名稱表 Shanghai : National Committee of the Young Men's 1973 / issued by the National Committee of the Young Men's Christian MFC 247.8 8564 no.1 Christian Associations, 1914 Associations of China List of the higher metropolitan and provincial authorities of China 1974 [microform] / compiled by Walter C. Hillier corrected to Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.162 December 31st, 1889 A little history of China [microform] : and a Chinese story / 1975 London : T.F. Unwin, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.535 Alexander Brebner 1976 The Lo-Fou mountains [microform] / F.S.A. Bourne Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.677 The log of the Fortuna [microform] : a cruise on Chinese waters, 1977 containing tales of adventure in foreign climes by sea and by shore London : Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1870] MFC 951.03 N622 no.591 / by Augustus F.Lindley The London Christian instructor, or, Congregational magazine 1978 London : T. Hamilton, 1818-1824 MF 285.8 L846 [microform] The London Missionary Society in India and China, 1798-1834 1979 1965 MF 266 K658L [microform] / Laurence Kitzan

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The Long White Mountain [microform] : or a journey in 1980 Manchuria : with some account of the history, people, London : Longmans, 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.332 administration, and religion of that country / by H.E.M. James Lu-kiao-li [microform] : or, the two fair cousins : a Chinese novels 1981 London : Hunt and Clarke, 1827 MFC 951.03 N622 no.341 from the French version of M. Abel-Remusat Lun yü. English;"The Confucian analects [microform] / a 1982 translation with annotations and an introduction by William London : George Routledge and Sons, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.77 Jennings" Lun yü. English;"The Lun yü [microform] : being utterances of 1983 [S.l. : s.n., 1869?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.568 Kung Tzu known to the western world as Confucius" 1984 Lutheran missionary journal [microform] York, Pa. : [s.n., 1880-1907] MF 266.41 L977 A maker of the new Orient [microform] : Samuel Robbins Brown : 1985 pioneer educator in China, America, and Japan : the story of his New York : F.H. Revell, c1902 MFC 266.00924 B815GM life and work / by William Elliot Griffis 1986 Malacca observer [microform] [Malacca] : [s.n.] MF 266.009595 M29 1987 Malacca observer, and Chinese chronicle [microform] [Malacca] : [s.n.], -1829 MF 266.009595 M29 The Manchus, or, the reigning dynasty of China [microform] : 1988 Paisley : J. and R. Parlane, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.48 their rise and progress / J. Ross Mandalay to Momien [microform] : a narrative of the two 1989 expeditions to western China of 1868 and 1875, under Edward B. London : Macmillan, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.407 Sladen and Horace Browne / by John Anderson The mandarin's daughter [microform] : a story of the great Taiping 1990 Rebellion, and Gordon's Ever-Victorious Army / by Samuel London : Griffith and Farran, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.593 Mossman The manners and customs of the Chinese of the Straits Settlements 1991 Singapore : Printed at the Mission press, 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.687 [microform] / By J.O. vaughan Manual of Chinese bibliography [microform] : beign a list of 1992 works and essays relating to China / by P.G. & O.F. von. Shanghai : Kelly & Welsh, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.730 Mollendorff

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A manual of Chinese quotations [microform] : being a translation 1993 of the Ch'êng Yü k'ao with the Chinese text, notes, explanations Hongkong : Kelly & Walsh, limited, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.157 and an index for easy reference / by J.H. Stewart Lockhart Manual of customs' practice at Shanghai under the various treaties entered into between China and the foreign powers [microform] : 1994 supplemented with the tariff treaty port regulations and various Shanghai : Noronha & Sons, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.121 trade regulations ... and a complete list of forms need at the Shanghai customs / by a shipping clerk of seven years standing The marriage of the emperor of China, at Peking on the 16th Shanghai : Printed and published by Da Costa and Co., 1995 October, 1872 [microform] / [by Tung-Che] [translated] from the MFC 951.03 N622 no.136 1872 Chinese by L. M. F [S.l. : s.n., 1803-1816 (Boston, Mass. : Manning & 1996 The Massachusetts Baptist missionary magazine [microform] MF 266.6 M382 v.1-4 1803-16 Loring)] [Salem, Mass. : Massachusetts Missionary Society, 1803- 1997 The Massachusetts missionary magazine [microform] MF 266.58 M382 v.1-5 1803-08 1807] (Salem : Joshua Cushing) Mediaeval researches from Eastern Asiatic sources [microform] : fragments towards the knowledge of the geography and history of 1998 London : Trubner & Co., 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.178 Central and Western Asia from the 13th to the 17th century / by E. Bretschneider The medical missionary in China [microform] : a narrative of 1999 London : Hurst and Blackett, 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.486 twenty years' experience / by William Lockhart The Medical Missionary Society in China [microform] / [by 2000 [Philadelphia : s.n., 1838] MFC 362.1 M468M Thomas R. Colledge] Memoir of the life and brief ministry of the Rev. David Sandeman 2001 London : James Nisbet & Co., 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.453 [microform] : missionary to China / by Andrew A. Bonar Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Dyer, sixteen years missionary to the 2002 London : J. Snow, 1846 MFC 266.00924 D986DM Chinese [microform] / by Evan Davies Memoir of the Rev. Wm. C. Burns, M.A. [microform] : 2003 missionary to China from the English Presbyterian Church / by London : J. Nisbet, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.454 Islay Burns

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A memoir of the Serampore translations for 1813 [microform] : to 2004 which is added, an extract of a letter from Dr. Marshman to Dr. Kettering : J.G. Fuller, 1815 MFC 220.4 M519 Ryland, concerning the Chinese Memoires for Rome concerning the state of the Christian religion 2005 Zug : Inter Documentation Co., 1986, MFC 275.1 M281M in China [microform] / Carlo Tommaso Maillard de Turnon Memoirs of Father Ripa [microform] : during thirteen years' residence at the court of Peking in the service of the emperor of 2006 China : with an account of the foundation of the college of the London : J. Murray, 1844 MFC 951.03 R48M education of young Chinese at Naples / selected and translated from Italian by Fortunato Prandi Memoirs of the life and labours of Robert Morrison [microform] / 2007 compiled by his widow with critical notices of his Chinese works, Zug : Interdocumentation Co., 1986 MFC 266.00924 M83M by Samuel Kidd, and an appendix containing original documents.. Memoirs of the Rev. Walter M. Lowrie [microform] : missionary New York : Robert Carter & brothers Philadelphia : 2008 MFC 266.5151 L955ME to China / edited by his father William S. Martien, 1849 Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne [microform] : late missionary 2009 to China and principal of the Anglo-Chinese College / by Robert Malacca : Mission Press, 1824 MFC 951.03 N622 no.600 Morrison Memoirs of the Rev. William Milne [microform] : late missionary to China, and principal of the Anglo-Chinese College / compiled 2010 Malacca : Printed at the Mission Press, 1824 MFC 951.03 N622 no.600i from documents written by the deceased to which are added occasional remarks by Robert Morrison

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The memorable year [microform] : of the war in China the mutiny in India the opening up of the resources of Siam the projected movement upon Cochin-China and the record of periodical reflections and comments elicited by the course of events in the 2011 Macao : [s.n.] 1958 MFC 951.03 N622 no.461 East, with incidental notices of political and commercial affairs in the West and some special papers upon political and geographical topics of the period and including a sketch of the inflation and collapse of Mr. High-Commissioner Yeh Memorandum relative to the improvement of the Hwang-ho or Yellow River in North-China [microform] / by J.G.W. Fijnje van 2012 Salverda and report of Captain P.G. van Schermbeek and A. The Hague : M. Nijhoff, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.717 Visser on their inspection of the Yellow River and its flooded districts in 1889 translated from the Dutch by W.D. Dickinson Memorial addressed to the British and Foreign Bible Society on a 2013 [London : s.n., 1836] MFC 266.00951 M519 new version of the Chinese scriptures [microform] Memorials of James Henderson, M.D. [microform] : medical 2014 London : James Nisbet, 1869 MFC 610.6950924 H383M missionary to China Memorials of Rev. Carstairs Douglas, [microform] missionary of 2015 the Presbyterian Church of England at Amoy, China / by J. M. London : Waterlow and Sons Ltd., 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.456 Douglas The memory of the righteous [microform] : a sermon, preached 2016 September 10, 1843, on the occasion of the death of the Hon. John London : W.H. Allen, 1844 MFC 266.00924 M834BM Robert Morrison / by S. R. Brown Elkhart, Ind. : Home and Foreign Relief Commission, 2017 Mennonite missionary messenger [microform] MF 266.97 M527 1901 Methodist Episcopal Church Board correspondence, 1884-1915 2018 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources Inc., [1999?] MF 266.7632 M566 [microform] Methodist Missionary Society archives (London) [microform] : 2019 [1815-1905] MFC 266.71 W516M China, 1815-1905 : inventory (MS 8 to H-2719)

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Methodist Missionary Society (London) [microform] : home : 2020 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1984 MFC 266.71 W516MH inventory (MS) to H-2701 2021 Methods of mission work [microform] / by John L. Nevius London : China Inland Mission, [1898] MFC 951.03 N622 no.612 Microfilm edition of the Lee family papers, 1535-1957 2022 Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, [1982] MF 929.2 L51LM [microform] Microfilm edition of the Samuel Cabot papers, 1713-1858 2023 Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, [1981] MF 973.3 C112M [microform] Microfilm edition of the Thomas Handasyd Perkins papers, 1789- 2024 Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, [1981] MF 381.0924 P419M 1892 [microform] The middle kingdom [microform] : a survey of the geography, 2025 government, literature, social life, arts, and history of the Chinese London : W. H. Allen, 1883 MFC 951.03 N622 no.18 empire and its inhabitants / by S. Wells Williams Uxbridge, Middlesex : King & Hutchings, Hillingdon 2026 Millions (London, England);"The Millions [microform]" MF 266 C441H Press, 1952-1964 Minutes of two annual meetings of the Medical Missionary Canton, China : Printed at the Office of the Chinese 2027 Society in China [microform] : including the sixteenth report of its MFC 951.03 N622 no.440 Repository, 1852 Ophthalmic hospital at Canton for the years 1850 and 1851 Miscellaneous notices relating to China [microform] : and our 2028 commercial intercourse with that country / by Sir George Thomas London : J. Murray, 1822 MFC 951.03 N622 no.423 Staunton, bart Mission journal (Richmond, Va.);"The mission journal Richmond, Va. : Foreign Mission Board [Southern 2029 MF 266.6132 F761 [microform]" Baptist Convention] Mission problems and mission methods in South China 2030 [microform] : lectures on evangelistic theology / J. Campbell Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.441 Gibson Mission work in central China [microform] : a letter to Methodist 2031 London : Beveridge and Miller, 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.288 young men / by David Hill 2032 Missionaries in China [microform] / by Alexander Michie London : Edward Stanford, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.30 Missionary chronicle (London, England);"Missionary chronicle 2033 London : London Missionary Society, [1813?-1836] MFC 266 M691M [microform]"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 2034 Missionary files [microform] : Methodist Church, 1912-1949 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources Inc., [1999?] MF 266.76 M691 Missionary files [microform] : Methodist Episcopal Church 2035 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources Inc., [1999?] MF 266.7632 M691 missionary correspondence, 1846-1912 Boston Saco, Me. [etc.] : Free Baptist Woman's 2036 The Missionary helper [microform] MF 266.6 M691H Missionary Society Missionary herald (Boston, Mass.);"The Missionary herald [Boston : Published for the Board by Samuel T. 2037 MF 266.58 P194 [microform]" Armstrong, 1821-1934] A missionary journal kept at Singapore and Siam [microform] : 2038 Malacca : Mission-Press, 1832 MFC 266.00924 T596M from May, 1830, to January, 1832 / by J. Tomlin 2039 Missionary journals and correspondence, 1792-1914 [microform] Nashville, TN : Historical Commission, SBC, 1981 MF 266.6 B229M Missionary journals and letters [Microform] : written during 2040 eleven years residence and travels amongst the Chinese, Siamese, London : James Nisbet, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.420 Javanese, Khassias, and other eastern nations / by J. Tomlin Selma, Ala. : Lutheran Synodical Conference, Missionary 2041 The Missionary Lutheran [microform] MF 266.41 C719 Board, -1961 The Missionary magazine and chronicle [microform] : relating [London : Published by the Directors of the Society, 2042 MFC 266 M691M chiefly to the missions of the London Missionary Society 1836-1866] Missionary magazine (Boston, Mass.);"The Missionary magazine [Boston : American Baptist Missionary Union], 1850- 2043 MF 266.6 B229 [microform]" 1870 The missionary mail to faithful friends and candid critics 2044 London : Elliot Stock, [1900] MFC 951.03 N622 no.509 [microform] / Moir B. Duncan Missionary papers [microform] : for the use of the weekly and 2045 [London : L.B. Seeley, 1816-1831 (London : R. Watts)] MF 266 C168 monthly contributors to the Church Missionary Society The missionary problem [microform] : a reply to Missionary 2046 London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.632 Theology, an article by the Rev. Edward White / by F.S. Turner 2047 The Missionary recorder [microform] Foochow : Am. M.E. Mission Press, [1867] MF 266.00951 M691R 2048 Missionary register [microform] London : L.B. Seeley, 1813-1855 MF 266 M691 Missionary sketches [microform] : for the use of the weekly and 2049 London : London Missionary Society, [1818]- MF 266 C168 monthly contributors to the London Missionary Society

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church 2050 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources Inc., [1979] MF 266.7632 M566M [microform] : missions minutes 1819-1916 Greenwood, Ind. : Oriental Missionary Society, 1949- 2051 The missionary standard [microform] MF 266.023 EL25 1973 New York : Published jointly by the American Baptist Missionary Union, the American Baptist Home Mission 2052 Missions [microform] : a Baptist monthly magazine MF 266.6 M691 Society, and the American Baptist Publication Society, [1910]- Model constitution for a local College Young Men's Christian 2053 S.l. : s.n., 1897 MFC 247.8 8564 no.3 Association [microform] Model constitution for a student Young Men's Christian Shanghai : National Committee, Young Men's Christian 2054 MFC 247.8 8564 no.3 Association in China [microform] Associations of China, 1919 Mongolia [microform] : the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, being a narrative of three years' travel in eastern London : Smapson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 2055 high Asia / by Lieut.-Colonel N. Prejevalsky translated by E. MFC 951.03 N622 no.360 1876 Delmar Morgan with introduction and notes by Colonel Henry Yule Monthly bulletin of the Educational Association of China 2056 Shanghai : The Association, [1907-1908] MF 370.951 ED83 [microform] The morning of my life in China [microform] : comprising an outline of the history of foreign intercourse from the last year of 2057 Canton, 1873 MFC 951.03 N622 no.134 the regime of Honorable East India Company, 1833, to the imprisonment of the foreign community in 1839 / by Gideon Nye Mr. Mackinnon's memorial to the Honorable Court of Directors of the Hon. East-India Company [microform] in reply to certain 2058 London : Lewis and Roden, 1806 MFC 951.03 N622 no.519 charges preferred against him by Mr. Drummond, Chief of the Honorable Company's factory at Canton / Charles Mackinnon 2059 My diary in a Chinese farm [microform] / by Mrs. Archibald Little Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, [1894] MFC 951.03 N622 no.145

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The mystic flowery land [microform] : a personal narrative / 2060 London : Luzac, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.480 Charles J. H. Halcombe Nan-hua ching. English;"Chuang Tzu [microform] : mystic 2061 moralist and social reformer / translated from the Chinese by London : Bernard Quaritch, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.159 Herbert A. Giles" 2062 The Nanking University magazine [microform] Nanking, China : University of Nanking, MF 266.00951 N155 Narrative of a journey in the interior of China [microform] : and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817 : London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and 2063 containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord MFC 915.1 Ab34N Brown, 1818 Amherst's embassy to the court of Pekin and observations on the countries which it visited / by Clarke Abel Narrative of a recent imprisonment in China after the wreck of the 2064 London : W.H. Dalton, 1841 MFC 951.03 N622 no.90 Kite [microform] / by John Lee Scott A narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan in behalf of 2065 London : Seeley, Burnside, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.96 the Church Missionary Society [microform] : in the years 1844, 1845, 1846 / by G. Smith Narrative of massacres in Shansi, July, 1900 [microform] / by 2066 Shanghai : North-China Herald Office, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.255 R.C. Forsyth with intro. by E.H. Edward, and Timothy Richard A narrative of the British embassy to China [microform] : in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794, containing the various circumstances 2067 London : Debrett, 1795 MFC 951.03 N622 no.416 of the embassy, with accounts of the customs and manners of the Chinese, and a description of the country, towns cities, &c. &c Narrative of the Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars [microform] : in the years 1712, 13, 14, & 15 / by the Chinese Ambassador and published, by the Emperor's authority, at 2068 London : J. Murray, 1821 MFC 951.03 N622 no.88 Pekin translated from the Chinese and accompanied by an appendix of miscellaneous translations by George Thomas Staunton

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Narrative of the expedition to China, from the commencement of the war to the present period [microform] : with sketches of the 2069 London : Henry Colburn, 1842 MFC 951.03 N622 no.102 manners and customs of that singular and hitherto almost unknown country / by J. Elliot Bingham Narrative of the late proceedings and events in China [microform] 2070 China : Canton Register Press, 1839 MFC 951.03 N622 no.538 / John Slade Narrative of the mission to China of the English Presbyterian Church [microform] / by Donald Matheson with remarks on the 2071 London : Nisbet, 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.435 social life and religious ideas of the Chinese, by J. MacGowan, and notes on climate, health, and outfit, by John Carnegie Narrative of the North China campaign of 1860 [microform] : containing personal experiences of Chinese character, and of the 2072 London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.105 moral and social condition of the country : together with a description of the interior of Pekin / by Robert Swinhoe A narrative of the origin and early progress of the wonderful work of God in Laou Ling, province of Shantung, China [microform] / 2073 London : William Cooke, 1867 MFC 951.03 N622 no.621 as reported in the journals and letters of the Rev. William N. Hall, and the Rev. John Innocent A narrative of the recent events in Tong-King [microform] / Henri 2074 Shanghai, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.51 Cordier Narrative of the second campaign in China [microform] / Keith 2075 London : Richard Bentley, 1842 MFC 951.03 N622 no.428 Stewart MacKenzie Narrative of the voyages and services of the Nemesis, from 1840 to 1843, and of the combined naval and military operations in China [microform] : comprising a complete account of the colony 2076 London : H. Colburn, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.553 of Hong Kong, and remarks on the character and habits of the Chinese / from notes of W.H. Hall with personal observations by W.D. Bernard

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Nashville : A.L.P. Green, J. Cross, R.C. Hatton Pub. 2077 Nashville and Louisville Christian advocate [microform] Committee for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, MF 287.633 N178 1851-1853 2078 Nashville Christian advocate [microform] Nashville : J.B. M'Ferrin & M.M. Henkle, -1850 MF 287.633 N178 The Nestorian monument of Hsî-an Fû in Shen-hsî, China relating to the diffusion of Christianity in China in the seventh and eighth centuries [microform] : with the Chinese text of the inscription, a 2079 London : Trübner & Co., 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.25 translation, and notes and a lecture on the monument with a sketch of subsequent Christian missions in China and their present state / James Legge New China and old [microform] : personal recollections and 2080 London : Seeley and Co., 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.247 observations of thirty years / by Arthur E. Moule [Ting Hsien] : Chinese National Association of the Mass 2081 New citizens for China [microform] / by Y.C. James Yen MFC 247.8 8564 no.19 Education Movement, 1929 2082 The New-England missionary intelligencer [microform] [Concord, N.H. : Printed by Hill and Moore, 1819] MF 266.02373 N42 no.1 1819 2083 The New-England missionary magazine [microform] Concord, [N.H.] : Printed by I. King, 1815-1816 MF 266.02373 N42M v.1-4 1815 The new Far West and the old Far East [microform] : being notes 2084 of a tour in North America, Japan, China, Ceylon, etc. / By W. London : E. Stanford, 1889 MFC 951.03 N622 no.462 Henry Barneby A new general collection of voyages and travels [microform] : consisting of the most esteemed relations, which have been 2085 London : Printed for T. Astley, 1745-47 MFC 910.4 N42G hitherto published in any language : comprehending everything remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America The New quarrel in China [microform] : a statement drawn from 2086 London : Ward, 1859 MFC 951.03 N622 no.520 the official documents A new thing [microform] : incidents of missionary life in China / by F.M. Williams with an introd. by Elder Cumming and an 2087 London : S.W. Partridge & Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.287 appendix containing a short sketch of the inception, development, and present position of the China inland mission

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The New-York missionary magazine, and repository of religious MF 266.02373 N42Y v.1-4 1800- 2088 [New York, N.Y. : Cornelius Davis], 1800-1803 intelligence [microform] 03 2089 New York observer & chronicle [microform] New York : Morse, Hallock, & Co., 1826 MF 285 N42 2090 New-York observer, and religious chronicle [microform] New York : Morse, Hallock, & Co., 1827-1828 MF 285 N42 New-York observer (New York, N.Y. : 1823);"New-York 2091 New-York : John P. Haven, 1823-1826 MF 285 N42 observer [microform]" New-York observer (New York, N.Y. : 1829);"New-York 2092 New York : Morse, Hallock, & Co., 1829-1912 MF 285 N42 observer [microform]" New York's Chinatown [microform] : an historical presentation of 2093 New York : Bohemia Publishing Company, [1898] MFC 951.03 N622 no.410 its people and places / by Louis J. Beck Newcastle chronicle (Newcastle upon Tyne, England);"The 2094 Newcastle : Thomas and James Hodgson, 1793-1864 MF 072 N431 Newcastle chronicle [microform]" Niphon and Pe-che-li [microform] : or, Two years in Japan and 2095 London : Saunders, Otley and co., 1862 MFC 951.03 N622 no.469 northern China / by Edward Barrington De Fonblanque No opium!, or, Commerce and Christianity, working together for 2096 good in China [microform] : a letter to James Cropper, Esq. of London : T. Ward, 1835 MFC 382.4 N659 Liverpool / by a minister and a layman North-China daily news;"The anti-foreign riots in China in 1891 2097 Shanghai : North-China herald Office, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.128 [microform]" North-China daily news;"The emperor Kuang Hsu's reform 2098 [Shanghai] : North China Herald Office, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.156 decrees 1898 [microform]" North-China daily news;"The jubilee of Shanghai 1843-1893 2099 [microform] : Shanghai past and present and a full account of the Shanghai : North-China daily news, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.697 proceedings on the 17th and 18th November 1893" The North Pacific surveying and exploring expedition [microform] : or, my last cruise, where we went and what we saw : being an 2100 account of visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the coasts of Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1858 [c1857] MFC 951.03 N622 no.470 China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the Amoor River / by A. W. Habersham

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Note on the condition and government of the Chinese Empire in 2101 [Hongkong : s.n., 1850] MFC 951.03 N622 no.700 1849 [microform] / by Thomas Francis Wade Note on the opium question [microform] : and a brief survey of 2102 London Effingham Wilson, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.496 our relations with China / Horation N. Lay Notes and commentaries on Chinese criminal law and cognate topics [microform] : with special relation to ruling cases, together 2103 London : Luzac, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.196 with a brief excursus on the law of property / by Ernest Alabaster chiefly found on the writing of the late Sir Chaloner Alabaster Notes by the way [microform] : taken during a journey by the so- 2104 London : Williams and Strahan, 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.311 called overland route to China / by [J.H. Dudgeon] Notes for tourists in the north of China [microform] / by N.B. 2105 Hongkong : Printed by A. Shortrede & Co., 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.724 Dennys Notes of a correspondence with Sir John Bowring on Buddhist 2106 London : Harrison and Sons, 1854 MFC 951.03 N622 no.24 literature in China [microform] / by Wilson Notes of a journey outside the Great Wall of China [microform] / 2107 [Peking?] : [s.n.], [1874?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.322 [by Stephen Wootten Bushell] Notes of proceedings and occurences, during the British embassy 2108 London : H. Skelton, 1824 MFC 951.03 N622 no.228 to Pekin in 1816 [microform] Notes on Chinese materia medica [microform] / by Daniel 2109 London : J.E. Taylor, 1862 MFC 951.03 N622 no.638 Hanbury Notes on Chinese mediaeval travellers to the west [microform] / Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press 2110 MFC 951.03 N622 no.313 by E. Bretschneider London : Trübner, 1875 Notes on the ethnology of Formosa [microform] / by Robert 2111 London : Frederick Bell, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.543 Swinhoe. Notes on the geography of the Chinese empire [microform] / 2112 Hong Kong : printed by Noronha & Co., 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.61 Thomas Kirkman Dealy Notes on the geography of the Chinese empire [microform] / 2113 Hongkong : printed by Noronha & Co., 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.321 Thomas Kirkman Dealy 2114 Notes on the island of Formosa [microform] / by Robert Swinhoe London : Frederick Bell, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.542

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Notices concerning China, and the port of Canton [microform] : also a narrative of the affair of the English Frigate Topaze, 1821- 2115 Malacca : Printed at the Mission Press, 1823 MFC 951.03 N622 no.154 22 : with remarks on homicides, and an account of the fire of Canton / [R. Morrison] Notices on the British trade to the port of Canton [microform] : 2116 with some translations of Chinese official papers relative to that London : Smith, Elder, and Co., 1830 MFC 951.03 N622 no.534 trade, &c. &c. &c. / by John Slade The numerical relations of the population of China [microform] : during the 4000 years of its historical existence, or, the rise and 2117 fall of the Chinese population / by T. Sacharoff translated into Hongkong : A. Shortrede & co., 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.50 English by W. Lobscheid also, the chronology of the Chinese, from the mythological times up to the present ruler Observations in China with special reference to Chinese 2118 colonization, the French, the opium question, and English colonies London : Edward Stanford, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.202 [microform] / by Fortescue Fox Observations on China and the Chinese [microform] / by W. L. G. 2119 New York : Carleton, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.317 Smith Official minutes of the ... session of the North China Annual 2120 [S.l. : s.n.,], 1926-1956 MF 266.7633 M566O Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. [microform] The old Babylonian characters and their Chinese derivates 2121 London : Babylonian and Oriental record, 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.641 [microform] / by Terrien de Lacouperie Old forces in new China [microform] : an effort to exhibit the fundamental relationships of China and the West in their true light 2122 : together with an appendix dealing with the story of the Chinese Shanghai : National Review Office, 1912 MFC 951.03 N622 no.374 revolution down to the end of June, 1912 and a new map showing the natural resources of China / by George Lanning 2123 Old highways in China [microform] / by Isabelle Williamson London : Religious Tract Society, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.148 The oldest and the newest empire [microform] : China and the 2124 Hartford, Conn. : S. S. Scranton, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.13 United States / by William Speer 2125 OMS outreach [microform] [Greenwood, Ind. : OMS International, 1973- ] MF 266.023 EL25

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 On active service with the Chinese regiment [microform] : a 2126 record of the operations of the first Chinese regiment in North London : Grant Richards, 1902 MFC 951.03 N622 no.383 China from March to October 1900 / by A.A.S. Barnes On Chinese currency [microform] : coin and paper money / by W. 2127 Leiden : Brill, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.43 Vissering On chronology and the construction of the calendar [microform] : 2128 with special regard to the Chinese computation of time compared St. Petersburg : Lithographed by R. Laverentz, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.533 with the European / by Dr. H. Fritsche On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs 2129 and Arabian colonies and other western countries mentioned in London : Trübner & Co., 1871 MFC 951.03 N622 no.237 Chinese books [microform] / by E. Bretschneider On the study and value of Chinese botanical works, with notes on 2130 the history of plants and geographical botany from Chinese Foochow : Bozario, Marcal & Co., [1870] MFC 951.03 N622 no.32 sources [microform] / by E. Bretschneider On the tea cultivation in western Ssuch'uan and the tea trade with 2131 London : Luzac & Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.107 Tibet via Tachienlu [microform] / by A. De Rosthorn On the true meaning of the word shin [microform] : as exhibited in the quotations adduced under that word, in the Chinese Imperial 2132 Shanghae : printed at the Mission Press, 1849 MFC 231.04 M468O Thesaurus, called the pei-wan-yun-foo / translated by W.H. Medhurst One of China's scholars [microform] : the culture & conversion of 2133 London : Morgan and Scott : China Inland Mission, 1904 MFC 951.03 N622 no.282 a Confucianist / by Mrs. Howard Taylor The onomastic similarity of Nai Hwang-ti of China and Nakhunte 2134 London : David Nutt, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.514 of Susiana [microform] / by A. Terrien de Lacouperie Open China! [microform] : an appeal to the British and American 2135 churches, on the question, is China open to the Gospel? / By two London : Paternoster Row, 1834 MFC 275.1 Op21 friends An open letter to the students of China [microform] / David, Z.T. Shanghai : Student Division, National Committee 2136 MFC 247.8 8564 no.55 Yui Y.M.C.A. of China, [1919]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The opening of China [microform] : six letters reprinted from the 2137 Times in the present condition and future prospect of China / by London : Field & Tuer, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.204 A.R. Colquhoun with an introduction by S.H. Louttit The opium question [microform] : a review of the opium policy of 2138 Great Britain, and its results to India and China / by Arthur E. London : Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.207 Moule with a preface by Edward B. Cowell The opium question [microform] : or, is India to be sacrificed to 2139 London : Trubner & Co. 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.524 China? / by Robert Needham Cust Opium-smoking in America and China [microform] : a study of its 2140 prevalence, and effects, immediate and remote, on the individual New York : G.P. Putnam's sons, 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.639 and the nation / by H.H. Kane The Opium trade in China [microform] / by an eyewitness: to 2141 London : J. Heaton & Son, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.643 which is added, a voice from India on the opium question The opium trade [microform] : including a sketch of its history, 2142 extent, effects, etc., as carried on in India and China / by Nathan Lowell [Mass] : J.P. Walker, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.569 Allen Ordered to China [microform] : letters of Wilbur J. Chamberlin written from China while under commission from the New York 2143 London : Grant Richards, 1903 MFC 951.03 N622 no.384 Sun during the Boxer uprising of 1900 and the international complications which followed / by [Wilbur J. Chamberlin] The organization of a student Young Men's Christian Association Shanghai : The Student Dept., National Committee 2144 MFC 247.8 8564 no.1 in China [microform] / W.B. Pettus Young Men's Christian Associations, 1915 2145 The Orient [Microform] : and its people / by Mrs. I. L. Hauser Milwaukee : I.L. Hauser & Company, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.540 2146 The Oriental and inter-american missionary standard [microform] Los Angeles : Oriental Missionary Society, 1944-1949 MF 266.023 EL25 Oriental and western Siberia [microform] : a narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the 2147 London : Hurst and Blackett, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.491 Kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia / by Thomas Witlam Atkinson 2148 The Oriental Christian spectator [microform] Bombay : American Mission Press MF 275 Or42

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Tokyo : C.E. Cowman, Mrs. C.E. Cowman, E.A. 2149 The Oriental missionary standard [microform] MF 266.023 EL25 Kilbourne, 1914-1944 Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion 2150 Boston : J. R. Osgood and company, 1873 MFC 951.03 N622 no.432 [microform] / Samuel Johnson The oriental voyager, or, Descriptive sketches and cursory remarks, on a voyage to India and China, in his Majesty's ship 2151 Caroline, performed in the years 1803-4-5-6. Interspersed with London : J. Asperne, 1807 MFC 951.03 N622 no.598 extracts from the best modern voyages and travels [microform] / by J. Johnson The origin of the Chinese [microform] : an attempt to trace the connection of the Chinese with the western nations in their 2152 Hong Kong : De Souza & co., 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.47 religion, superstitions, arts, languages, and traditions / by John Chalmers The Origin of the first Protestant mission to China, and history of events which induced the attempt, and succeeded in the 2153 London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1842 MFC 951.03 N622 no.620 accomplishment of a translation of the Holy Scriptures into the Chinese language ... [microform] / W.W. Moseley The orphan colony of Jews in China [microform] : containing a 2154 letter received from themselves, with the latest information London : Nisbet, 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.434 concerning them / by James Finn 2155 The other side of the opium question [microform] / W. J. Moore London : J. and A. Churchill, 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.528 Our interests in China [microform] : a letter to the right Hon. Earl 2156 London : Robert Hardwicke, [1864] MFC 951.03 N622 no.35 Russell, K.G. / by Horatio N. Lay Our island [microform] : a naturalist's description of Hong Kong / 2157 Hong Kong : Kelly & Walsh, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.326 by Sydney B.J. Skertchly Our national relations with China [microform] : being two 2158 speeches delivered in Exeter Hall and in the Free-trade Hall, London : T. Hatchard, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.109 Manchester / by the Bishop of Victoria 2159 Our opium trade with China [microform] / by Samuel S. Mander London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.649

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Our opium trade with China, [microform] and England's injustice London : The Anglo-Oriental Society for the Suppression 2160 MFC 951.03 N622 no.532 towards the Chinese / William Piers Ormerod of the Opium Trade, 1876 Our policy in China [microform] : or a glance at the past, present, 2161 London : Bell and Daldy, 1858 MFC 951.03 N622 no.302 and future of China : in its foreign relations and commerce 2162 Out-letters, 1785-1832 [microform] / Clarke, A Leiden, the Netherlands : IDC, c1994 MFC 287.0924 C55O Overland communication with western China [microform] : a brief 2163 Liverpool : Webb, Hunt & Ridings, [1872] MFC 951.03 N622 no.243 statement of how the matter stands at present / by R.G Overland through Asia [microform] : Pictures of Siberian, Hartford : American publishing company Chicago : F.S. 2164 MFC 951.03 N622 no.464 Chinese, and Tartar life / by Thomas W. Knox Gilman & co., 1870 2165 The overland to China [microform] / by Archibald R. Colquhoun London : Harper & Brothers, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.562 Pagoda shadows [microform] : studies from life in China / by 2166 Boston : Corthell, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.140 Adele M. Fielde introduction by Joseph Cook Pamphlets issued by the Chinese insurgents at Nanking [microform] : to which is added a history of the Kwang-Se rebellion, gathered from public documents, and a sketch of the 2167 Shanghae : N.C. Herald, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.339 connection between foreign missionaries and the Chinese insurrection, concluding with a critical review of several of the above pamphlets / compiled by W.H. Medhurst 2168 The Panoplist, and missionary herald [microform] [Boston : Samuel T. Armstrong, 1818-1820] MF 266.58 P194 2169 The Panoplist, and missionary magazine [microform] [Boston : S.T. Armstrong, 1812-1817] MF 266.58 P194 2170 The Panoplist, and missionary magazine united [microform] [Boston : Farrand, Mallory, and Co., 1809-1812] MF 266.58 P194 2171 The Panoplist, or, The Christian's armory [microform] [Boston : s.n., 1806-1808] (Boston : E. Lincoln) MF 266.58 P194 2172 Papers, [1759-1837] [microform] 1759-1837 MF 973.30924 W83WP 2173 [Papers, 1916-1919] [microform] / A.A. Fulton MF 266.00951 F959P The papers of Dr. Adam Clarke [microform] / John Rylands 2174 University Library of Manchester, Methodist Archives Research [Manchester] : The Centre, [1991?] MFC 287.0924 C55P Centre 2175 [Papers of Dr. Adam Clarke, 1786-1832] / [microform] [S.l. : s.n., 199-?] MF 287.0924 C55PD [S.l.] : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 2176 The papers of Edmund Roberts [microform] MF 327.73 R541P 1974

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign 2177 Woodbridge, CT. : Research Publications, 1982-1985 MF 266.02373 AM35P Missions [microform] A parting memorial [microform] : consisting of miscellaneous discourses, written and preached in China, at Singapore, on board 2178 ship at sea in the Indian Ocean, at the Cape of Good Hope, and in London : W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1826 MFC 252.051 M834P England : with remarks on missions, &c. &c. / by Robert Morrison The passing of the dragon [microform] : the story of the Shensi 2179 London : Hodder and Stoughton, [1913] MFC 951.03 N622 no.386 revolution and relief expedition / by J.C. Keyte 2180 The passing of the Manchus [microform] / by Percy Horace Kent London : Edward Arnold, 1912 MFC 951.03 N622 no.394 The past and future of British relations in China [microform] / by 2181 Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.138 Sherard Osborn Peace with China!, or, The crisis of Christianity in Central Asia 2182 [microform] : a letter to the Right Honourable T.B. Macaulay / by London : J. Snow, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.715 Robert Philip A peep at China in Mr. Dunn's Chinese collection [microform] : with miscellaneous notices relating to the institutions and customs 2183 Philadelphia : Printed for Nathan Dunn, 1839 MFC 951.03 N622 no.357 of the Chinese, and our commercial intercourse with them / by E.C. Wines A peep into a Chinaman's library [microform] : being a popular 2184 [Shanghai] : Shanghai Mercury Office , 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.705 view of Chinese literature / by rev. James Ware Peeps into China, or, The missionary's children [microform] / by 2185 London : Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., [1882?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.710 E.C. Phillips Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British 2186 London : Murray, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.153 embassy at Peking [microform] / by D.F. Rennie The Peking legations [microform] : a national uprising and 2187 Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.337 international episode / by Robert Hart

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Peking the goal,-the sole hope of peace [microform] : comprising an inquiry into the origin of the pretension of universal supremacy 2188 by China and into the causes of the first war : with incidents of the Canton, 1873 MFC 951.03 N622 no.133 imprisonment of the foreign community and of the first campaign of Canton 1841 / by Gideon Nye [George Town, Pinang] : Norman Maclister M'intyre, 2189 Penang register and miscellany [microform] MF 959.51 P371 1827- The people called Methodist [microform] : card catalogues of the 2190 Methodist Archives of the John Rylands University Library, [Leiden : IDC. 1990?] MFC 016.287 J613P Manchester The people of China [microform] : their country, history, life, 2191 London : Methuen, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.151 ideas, and relations with the foreigner / J.W. Robertson-Scott The peoples and politics of the Far East [microform] : travels and studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese colonies, 2192 London : Unwin, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.406 Siberia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam and Malaya / by Henry Norman Persecuted but not forsaken [microform] being an account of the 2193 journey of the three Swedish missionaries from Ho-Nan to the London : China Inland Mission, [1901] MFC 951.03 N622 no.443 coast, written by one of themselves Personal narrative of occurrences [microform] : during Lord 2194 Elgin's second embassy to China, 1860 / by Henry Brougham London : J. Murray, 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.537 Loch Personal narrative of three years' service in China [microform] / 2195 London : Richard Bentley, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.56 by A. A. Fisher London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall 2196 Peter Parley's tales about China and the Chinese [microform] MFC 951.03 N622 no.682 Court, 1843 A philosophy of action [microform] or what I mean by action / Chungking, China : The China Information Committee, 2197 Chiang Kai-shek translated into English with a foreword and MFC 247.8 8564 no.78 1940 notes in the nature of a discursive commentary 2198 Pictures of southern China [microform] / by J. MacGowan London : The Religious Tract Society, 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.62

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Pidgin-English sing-song, or, Songs and stories in the China- 2199 London : Trübner & Co., c1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.588 English dialect [microform] / by Charles G. Leland 2200 Pilgrimes [microform] / S. Purchas Zug : IDC, 1986- MFC 327.51 P961P The pioneer of American missions in China [microform] : the life 2201 and labors of Elijah Coleman Bridgman / ed. by Eliza J. Gillett New York : Anson D.F. Randolph, 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.297 Bridgman with an introductory note by Asa D. Smith The pioneer of American missions in China [microform] : the life 2202 and labors of Elijah Coleman Bridgman / ed. by Eliza J. Gillett New York : Anson D.F. Randolph, 1864 MF 266.00924 B764BP Bridgman with an introductory note by Asa D. Smith Pioneering in Formosa [microform] : recollections of adventures among mandarins, wreckers, & head-hunting savages : with an 2203 London : Hurst & Blackett, 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.324 appendix on British policy and interests in China and the Far East / by W.A. Pickering Pioneering in the Far East [microform] : and journeys to 2204 California in 1849 and to the White Sea in 1878 / by Ludvig London : W. H. Allen & co., 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.488 Verner Helms Points and pickings of information about China and the Chinese 2205 [microform] / by the author of soldiers and sailors , Paul Preston London : Grant and Griffith, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.177 , etc. with twenty engravings from drawings by W.H. Prior 2206 Political disturbances in China [microform] / W.C. Milne London : [s.n.], 1855 MFC 951.03 N622 no.570 Portfolio chinensis [microform] : or, a collection of authentic Chinese state papers, illustrative of the history of the present 2207 Macao : Printed for the translator, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.412 position of affairs in China / with a translation, notes and introd. by J. Lewis Shuck A practical treatise on the China and eastern trade [microform] : comprising the commerce of Great Britain and India, particularly Bengal and Singapore with China and the Eastern islands, 2208 Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1835 MFC 951.03 N622 no.359 including much useful information, and many interesting particulars relative thereto : with directions, and numerous statements and tables ... / by John Phipps

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The practice of medicine by the Chinese in America [microform] / 2209 [S.l.] : Medical and Surgical Reporter, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.301 by Stewart Culin The Praya Reclamation Scheme [microform] : as proposed to the [Hongkong] : Printed at the office of The Hongkong 2210 Hongkong Government and the Marine lot-holders / by the Hon. MFC 951.03 N622 no.655 Telegraph, [1888] C.P. Chater Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 1833-1911. China 2211 [Wilmington, Del.] : Scholarly Resources, inc., [199-?]- MF 266.5151 P92P [microform] Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Archives, 1847- 2212 Zug, Switzerland : IDC, 1986-1987 MFC 266.52 P92P 1950 [microform] 2213 Presbyterian survey [microform] [Atlanta, Ga. : Presbyterian Church in the United States] MF 266.51 P92 Present day China [microform] / compiled by the Student 2214 Shanghai : Commercial Press, 1927 MFC 247.8 8564 no.37 Departments of the Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A [The preservation of denominational periodicals in Hong Kong]. 2215 [Baptist Convention of Hong Kong] [microform] = [教會刊物數 Shelton, Conn. : Conversion Service Associates, [2011] MF 230.005 Y12 碼化計劃].[香港浸信會聯會] [The preservation of denominational periodicals in Hong Kong]. 2216 [Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong] [microform] = [教 Shelton, Conn. : Conversion Service Associates, [2011] MF 230.005 Y12 會刊物數碼化計劃].[基督教香港信義會] [The preservation of denominational periodicals in Hong Kong]. 2217 [Hong Kong Christian Council] [microform] = [教會刊物數碼化 Shelton, Conn. : Conversion Service Associates, [2011] MF 230.005 Y12 計劃].[基督教協進會] [The preservation of denominational periodicals in Hong Kong]. [Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China] 2218 Shelton, Conn. : Conversion Service Associates, [2011] MF 230.005 Y12 [microform] = [教會刊物數碼化計劃].[中華基督教會香港區 會] [The preservation of denominational periodicals in Hong Kong]. 2219 [Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui] [microform] = [教會刊物數碼化 Shelton, Conn. : Conversion Service Associates, [2011] MF 230.005 Y12 計劃].[香港聖公會] Primitive Methodist Missionary Society archive [microform] : 2220 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.74 P935P minutes

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Primitive Methodist Missionary Society archive [microform] : 2221 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.74 P935PM reports Shanghai : Secretarial Training Dept. of the National Principles of the Young Men's Christian Association [microform] / 2222 Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations of MFC 247.8 8564 no.6 by W. W. Lockwood China, 1920 The problem in China and British policy [microform] / Archibald 2223 London : King, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.206 R. Colquhoun The problem of Asia [microform] : and its effect upon 2224 London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.526 international policies / by A.T.Mahan [Tientsin] : [Tientsin British Committee of Information], 2225 The problem of extra-territorial privileges in China [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.57 [1929] 2226 Progress of the Chinese Christian Union [microform] Cork [Eng.] : Guy Brothers, 1849 MFC 275.1 P943 2227 Propagation of the Gospel in the East [microform] London : J. Downing, 1718 MFC 266.00954 P945 1718 The question of terms simplified [microform] : or, the meanings of 2228 shan, ling, and ti in Chinese made plain by induction / by John Canton : E-Shing, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.286 Chalmers Races jaunes. English;"China and the Chinese [microform] / by 2229 Edmund Plauchut translated and edited by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. London : Hurst and Blackett, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.559 D'Anvers)" 2230 Rambles in Central China [microform] / W.Arthur Cornaby London : Charles H. Kelly, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.451 Rambles with a camera [microform] : or a series of photographs with descriptive text illustrating the physical features, scenery, 2231 Hongkong : Kelly and Walsh, [1893?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.80 temples, types of native life, etc., etc., of the island of Amoy and its immediate neighbourhood / by George Uvedale Price The rationale of the China question [microform] : comprising an inquiry into the repressive policy of the imperial government, with considerations of the duties of the three treaty powers, England, 2232 London Macao : [Friend of China Office], 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.114 France & America, in regard to it : and a glance at the origins of the first and second wars with China, with incidental notices of the rebellion, by an American / [G. Nye]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 2233 The real Chinaman [microform] / by Chester Holcombe London : B. F. Stevens, [1895] MFC 951.03 N622 no.320 Recent events and present policies in China [microform] / J.O.P. 2234 Bland joint author with E. Backhouse, of China under the London : Heinemann, 1912 MFC 951.03 N622 no.376 Empress Dowager Reception and entertainment of the Chinese embassy [microform] 2235 Boston : A. Mudge & son, city printer, 1868 MFC 951.03 N622 no.217 / by the city of Boston, 1868 Recollections of a three years' residence in China [microform] : 2236 including peregrinations in Spain, Morocco, Egypt, India, London : Bentley, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.547 Australia and New Zealand / by W. Tyrone Power Recollections of Baron Gros's embassy to China and Japan in 2237 London : Richard Griffin and Company, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.316 1857-58 [microform] / by the Marquis de Moges Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants [microform] / 2238 London : John Murray, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.468 by Mrs. Thomas W. Atkinson The record of 1914 [microform] : annual report : Young Men's 2239 Shanghai : The National Committee, 1915 MFC 247.8 8564 no.24 Christian Associations of China Record of the seventh annual conference of the secretaries of the 2240 international committee, Young Men's Christian Associations in S.l. : [YMCA], [1909] MFC 247.8 8564 no.58 China and Korea [microform] Washington, D.C. : Photoduplication Service, Library of 2241 Records of Russell & Company [microform] MF 382.0973 R912R Congress, 1985 2242 Reformation of missionary enterprise in China [microform] Amoy : Man-shing, 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.439 Regard to the affairs of others [microform] : a discourse delivered London : Printed and published for the author, by Samuel 2243 MFC 248.4 M834R at Hoxton Academy Chapel, February 6, 1825 / by R. Morrison Burton, 1825 Relation du premier voyage des François à la Chine fait en 1698. English;"A journal of the first French embassy to China 1698- 2244 London : Thomas Cautley Newby, 1859 MFC 951.03 N622 no.474 1700 [microform] / F. Froger translated from an unpublished manuscript by Saxe Bannister" Religion in China [microform] : containing a brief account of the 2245 three religions of the Chinese : with observations on the prospects London : Trübner, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.16 of Christian conversion amongst that people / by Joseph Edkins

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 2246 Religion of China [microform] : Confucianism / George Matheson Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, [1881] MFC 951.03 N622 no.502 The religion of the Dayaks [microform] : and the political, social and religious constitution of the natives on the west coast of 2247 Formosa, before and during the occupation of the island by the Hong Kong : J. de Souza, 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.505 Dutch, a contribution to the knowledge of East / Collected and translated by W. Lobscheid The religions of China [microform] : Confucianism and Tâoism 2248 London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.104 described, and compared with Christianity / by James Legge The religious ceremonies of the Chinese in the eastern cities of the 2249 Philadelphia : [Franklin printing house], 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.284 United States [microform] / by Stewart Culin 2250 Religious Education Fellowship bulletin [microform] Shanghai : N.C.C.R.E. Office, [1939- MF 371.071 R279 Shanghai : National Committee for Christian Religious 2251 Religious Education Fellowship [microform] : [monthly paper] MF 371.071 R279F Education, [1947- The religious system of China [microform] : its ancient forms, 2252 evolution, history and present aspect, manners, customs and social Leyden : Brill, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.504 institutions connected therewith / by J. J. M. de Groot 2253 The remains of Lao Tzu [microform] / by Herbert A. Giles Hongkong : printed at the 'China Mail' Office, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.566 Remarks on China and the China trade [microform] / by R.B. 2254 Boston : Samual N. Dickinson, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.122 Forbes Remarks on occurences in China [microform] : since the opium Cambridge : Chadwyck-Healey Ltd., 1995;"London : 2255 MFC 951.03 N622 no.92 seizure in March 1839 to the latest date / [H.H. Lindsay] Sherwood Gilbert and Piper 1840" Remarks on the British relations with China, and the proposed 2256 plans for improving them [microform] / by George Thomas London : Edmund Lloyd, 1836 MFC 951.03 N622 no.123 Staunton 2257 A reminiscence of Canton [microform] / [Peter George Laurie] London : Harrison and Sons, [1866] MFC 951.03 N622 no.67 ... rendering the word God in translating the sacred scriptures into 2258 Zug : IDC, 1986 MFC 231.04 M468R the Chinese language [microform] / W.H. Medhurst A reply to the charges brought against protestant missions in 2259 China [microform] : in a letter addressed to the 'Times' / by London : Ranken and Co., 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.365 Carstairs Douglas

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Reply to the essay of Dr. Boone on the proper rendering of the 2260 words Elohim and Theos into the Chinese language [microform] / Canton : S. Wells Williams, 1848 MFC 266.00951 M468R by W.H. Medhurst Report and findings of the first meeting of the student work [China] : [Young Men's Christian Associations of China], 2261 MFC 247.8 8564 no.61 commission [microform] 1923 Report [microform] : concessions of the Pekin Syndicate, Limited, in the provinces of Shansi and Honan, China, with estimates of 2262 London : [s.n.], 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.222 cost of railways and other works necessary for their development / by Mr. J.G.H. Glass Report for the years of 1863 & 1864 of the Chinese vernacular schools, established in the Sinon, Kiushen, Fayuen, & Chonglok 2263 Hong Kong : Printed by A. Shortrede & Co., 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.264 District of the Quangtung province [microform] / superintended by Aug. Hanspach Report of commissions to the first conference of secretaries of the Shanghai : General Committee of the Young Men's 2264 Young Men's Christian Associations of China and Korea MFC 247.8 8564 no.59 Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1912 [microform] Shanghai : Student Division, National Committee 2265 Report of conferences of student secretaries of China [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.60 Y.M.C.As of China, 1919 Report of proceedings on a voyage to the northern ports of China 2266 London : B. Fellowes, 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.494 [microform] : in the ship Lord Amherst 2267 Report of the American Bible Society [microform] New York : the Society, v 1818-1827 MF 260 Am352A Report of the Chinese mission at Malacca [Microform] / [Samuel 2268 Malacca : Mission Press, 1830 MFC 951.03 N622 no.510 Kidd] Report of the committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce [microform] : for the year ending 31st December, 1895 2269 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.81 presented to the members at the annual meeting held on 13th May, 1896

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Report of the committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce [microform] : for the year ending 31st December, 1896 2270 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.82 presented to the members at the annual meeting held on 28th April, 1897 Report of the committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce [microform] : for the year ending 31st December, 1897 2271 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.83 presented to the members at the annual meeting held on 5th April, 1898 Report of the committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce [microform] : for the year ending 31st December, 1898 2272 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.84 presented to the members at the annual meeting held on 5th April, 1899 Report of the committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce [microform] : for the year ending 31st December, 1899 2273 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.85 presented to the members at the annual meeting held on 30th April, 1900 Report of the delegates of the Shanghai General Chamber of 2274 Commerce on the trade of the upper Yangtsze and report of the Shanghai : Shanghai Recorder Office, 1869 MFC 951.03 N622 no.304 naval surveyors on the river above Hankow [microform] Report of the East India Committee of the Colonial Society on the 2275 causes and consequences of the military operations in China London : J. Maynard, 1843 MFC 951.03 N622 no.606 [microform] Report of the first conference of secretaries of the Young Men's Shanghai : General Committee of the Young Men's 2276 MFC 247.8 8564 no.58 Christian Associations of China and Korea [microform] Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1912 A report of the Malacca Mission-station and the Anglo-Chinese 2277 College, from January, 1830 to June, 1831 [microform] / [Samuel Malacca : Mission Press, 1831 MFC 266 K537R 1830-31 Kidd, Josiah Hughes] Report of the mission to China of the Blackburn Chamber of 2278 Commerce 1896-7 [microform] / F.S.A. Bourne, [H. Neville and Blackburn : North-East Lancashire Press Co., 1898 MFC 951.03 N622 no.219 H. Bell]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Report of the Missionary Conference, held in Shanghai, May 1890 2279 Shanghai : North-China Herald Office, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.565 [microform] Shanghai : Association Press of China : National Report of the second conference of employed officers of the 2280 Committee, Young Men's Christian Associations of MFC 247.8 8564 no.60 Young Men's Christian Associations of China [microform] China, 1915 A report of the work of the Young Women's Christian Shanghai : The National Committee of the Young 2281 MFC 247.8 8564 no.29 Associations of China [microform] Women's Christian Associations of China, 1915 Report on Christian literature in China [microform] : with a 2282 Shanghai : Printed at the Hoi-lee press, 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.634 catalogue of publications / By J. Murdoch Report on the railway connexion of Burmah and China 2283 [microform] / by Archibald R. Colquhoun and Holt S. Hallett London : Allen, Scott & Co., [1888] MFC 951.03 N622 no.63 with an account of exploration-survey by Holt S. Hallett [Hongkong] : Printed at the Hongkong Register Office, 2284 Report regarding the Chinese Union at Hongkong [microform] MFC 951.03 N622 no.192 1851 Reports, minutes and despatches, on the British position and 2285 London : Harrison, 1846 MFC 951.03 N622 no.103 prospects in China [microform] / R.M. Martin 2286 [Reports of YWCA and YMCA in China] [microform] [1917-1918] MFC 247.8 8564 no.34 2287 Request for prayer [microform] [S.l.] : s.n., [19--] MFC 247.8 8564 no.69 A residence among the Chinese [microform] : inland, on the coast, and at sea, being a narrative of scenes and adventures during a 2288 third visit to China, from 1853 to 1856, including notices of many London : J. Murray, 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.475 natural productions and works of art, the culture of silk, &c, with suggestions on the present war / by Robert Fortune Resolutions on student work at the ninth national convention of [China] : [Young Men's Christian Associations of China], 2289 MFC 247.8 8564 no.19 the Young Men's Christian Associations of China [microform] [1923] A retrospect of political and commercial affairs in China during 2290 Shanghai : North-China Herald Office, 1873 MFC 951.03 N622 no.40 the five years 1868 to 1872 [microform]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Retrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant mission to China [microform] : ... accompanied with miscellaneous remarks on the 2291 Malacca : Anglo-Chinese Press, 1820 MFC 266.00951 M635R literature, history, and mythology of China, &c. / by William Milne A retrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant mission to China [microform] : now, in connection with the Malay, 2292 denominated the Ultra-Ganges Missions : accompanied with Malacca : Anglo-Chinese Press, 1820 MFC 951.03 N622 no.622 miscellaneous remarks on the literature, history, and mythology of China &c. / by William Milne Rev. G. Smith's report on Hong Kong [microform] : more 2293 especially in reference to missionary facilities there and in the London : Church Missionary House, 1845 MFC 266.00951 Sm573RE contiguous parts of Canton Province Rev. G. Smith's second report on China [microform] : in reference 2294 London : Church Missionary Society, 1845 MFC 266.00951 Sm573R to the operations of the Church Missionary Society in that county Review of the management of our affairs in China, since the opening of the trade in 1834 [microform] : with an analysis of the 2295 London : Smith, Elder, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.91 government despatches from the assumption of office by Capt. Elliot, on the 14th December, 1839 to the 22nd of March, 1839 The right, obligation, & interest of the government of Great Britain to require redress from the government of China Glasgow : R. Stuart Edinburgh : J. Menzies London : 2296 MFC 951.03 N622 no.714 [microform] : for the late forced surrender of British-owned opium Whittaker & Co., 1840 at Canton / by Alexander Graham The rights of aliens in Hongkong [microform] : being a record of the discussion carried on through the medium of the public press 2297 Hongkong : Noronha & Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.210 as to the employment of aliens in the colony / with a short preface, by the compiler J.P. Braga The river of golden sand [microform] : The narrative of a journey 2298 through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah ... / By Capt. William London : J. Murray, 1880 MFC 951.03 N622 no.726 Gill ...With an introductory essay by Col. Henry Yule. 2299 The rivers of China [microform] [Shanghai : Hankow, 1869] MFC 951.03 N622 no.669

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The road from Simla to Shipki in Chinese Thibet and various other 2300 minor routes [microform] : with a few hints for travellers / by H.F. Calcutta : Thacker, Spink, 1893 MFC 951.03 N622 no.482 Gordon Forbes The rupture with China, and its causes, including the opium 2301 question, and other important details [microform] : in a letter to London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.117 Lord Viscount Palmerston / [H. H. Lindsay] Russian travellers in Mongolia and China [microform] / by P. 2302 London : Chapman & Hall, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.560 Piassetsky translated by J. Gordon-Cumming The Russians in Central Asia [microform] : their occupation of the Kirghiz steppe and the line of the Syr-Daria : their political relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and Kohan : also descriptions of 2303 London : Edward Stanford, 1865 MFC 951.03 N622 no.361 Chinese Turkestan and Dzungaria / by Valikhanof, M. Veniukof and other Russian travellers translated from the Russian by John and Robert Michell The sacred edict [microform] : containing sixteen maxims of the emperor Kang-He, amplified by his son, the emperor Yoong- London : Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and 2304 Ching : together with a paraphrase on the whole, by a mandarin / MFC 951.03 N622 no.253 Allen, 1817 translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes, by William Milne The sacred edict [microform] : containing sixteen maxims of the emperor Kang-He, amplified by his son, the emperor Yoong- London : Printed for Black, Kingsbury, Parbury, and 2305 Ching : together with a paraphrase on the whole, by a mandarin / MFC 181.11 K131S Allen, 1817 translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes, by William Milne Sagas from the Far East [microform] : or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales, with historical preface and 2306 London : Griffith and Farran, 1873 MFC 951.03 N622 no.498 explanatory notes / by the author of Patrañas, Household stories from the land of Hofer, &c San-Poh or north of the hills [microform] : a narrative of 2307 Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, [1869] MFC 951.03 N622 no.190 missionary work in an out-station in China / by John L. Nevius

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 San zi jing;"A precise translation of the 2308 [Rangoon : s.n., 1891] MFC 951.03 N622 no.698 [microform]" Saved at eighty-six [microform] : the story of Mrs. Hu / by Miss 2309 London : Morgan & Scott, [1899] MFC 951.03 N622 no.626 H.M. Kölkenbeck Scenes in China [microform] : or, Sketches of the country, 2310 religion, and customs of the Chinese / by the late Mrs. Henrietta Philadelphia : American Baptist publication society, 1852 MFC 951.03 N622 no.722 Shuck A seaman's narrative of his adventures during a captivity among Chinese pirates [microform] : on the coast of Cochin China, and 2311 London : Charles Westerton, 1861 MFC 951.03 N622 no.467 afterwards during a journey on foot across that country, in the years 1857-8 / by Edward Brown The second annual conference of government school students 2312 [China] : s.n., [1912] MFC 247.8 8564 no.65 [microform] : Christianity and national progress The second Kiang Nan summer conference of the Young Men's [China] : Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 2313 MFC 247.8 8564 no.65 Christian Associations [microform] [1905] The second revolution in China, 1913 [microform] : my 2314 adventures of the fighting around Shanghai, the arsenal, Woosung Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury, 1914 MFC 951.03 N622 no.396 Forts / by Piero Rudinger The secret of the Chinese method of transcribing foreign sounds [Leyden] : Oriental Printing-Office formerly E.J. Brill. 2315 MFC 951.03 N622 no.696 [microform] / by Dr. G. Schlegel Leyden, 1900 A sermon occasioned by the sudden death of the Rev. Samuel 2316 London : T. Ward and Co., 1843 MFC 259.6 W878S Kidd [microform] / by John Woodwark 2317 Shanghai considered socially [microform] : a lecture / by H. Lang Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.141 Shanghai Evening Courier;"The Tientsin massacre [microform] : 2318 being documents published in the Shanghai Evening Courier from Shanghai : A.H. de Carvalho, [1870?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.718 June 16th to Sept. 10th 1870 with an introductory narrative" Shanghai : [Chinese Young Men's Christian Association 2319 Shanghai young men [microform] : camper's number MFC 247.8 8564 no.54 Boys Camp], [1913]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Shangtung (China) [microform] : a general outline of the 2320 geography and history of the province, a sketch of its missions and Shanghai : Shanghai Mercury, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.368 notes of a journey to the tomb of Confucius / A. Armstrong 2321 Shauu K'iong, Loma t'se [microform] / [Joseph Elkavah Walker] [Fuzhou : M. E. Mission Press, 1887] MFC 245.6 6657 G19-22 Shih ching;"The book of Chinese poetry [microform] : being the collection of ballads sagas hymns and other pieces known as the 2322 London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.258 Shih ching or Classic of poetry / metrically translated by Clement Francis Romilly Allen" Canton, China : printed by order of the Select Shhhêrh lou. English;"San-Yu-Low [microform] : or The Three 2323 Committee, at the Honorable East India Company's MFC 951.03 N622 no.695 dedicated rooms / by J.F. Davis" Press, by P.P. Thoms, 1815 A short account of the declaration [microform] : given by the 2324 London, 1703 MFC 299.512 Sh811 Chinese emperour Kam Hi, in the year 1700 Short studies in the science of comparative religions [microform] : 2325 embracing all the religions of Asia / by Major-General J. G. R. London : B. Quaritch, 1897 MFC 951.03 N622 no.433 Forlong Shu jing;"Ancient China [microform] = The Shoo-king or The historical classic : being the most ancient authentic record of the 2326 Shanghai : Printed at the Mission Press, 1846 MFC 951.03 N622 no.161 annals of the Chinese empire / illustrated by later commentators translated by W.H. Medhurst" Shueypingsin [microform] : a story made from the Chinese 2327 London : K. Paul, Trench, Trüber & Co., 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.592 romance Haoukewchuen / by an Englishman The Siberian overland route from Peking to Petersburg 2328 [microform] : through the deserts and steppes of Mongolia, London : J. Murray, 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.481 Tartary, &c. / by Alexander Michie The siege of the Peking legations [microform] / being the diary of 2329 London : Smith, Elder, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.362 the Rev. Rolland Allen Simple truths [microform] : the English version of a small treatise 2330 on political economy for the information of Chinamen / written by London : Harrison and Sons, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.41 C. T. Gardner and translated into Chinese by J. Sadler

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 2331 Singapore chronicle [microform] [Singapore] : Singapore Chronicle Press, -1830 MF 959.57 Si641 2332 Singapore chronicle and commercial register [microform] [Singapore] : Singapore Chronicle Press, 1831-1837 MF 959.57 Si641 The sister martyrs of Ku Cheng [microform] : memoir and letters London : James Nisbet Melbourne : Melville, Mullen & 2333 of Eleanor and Elizabeth Saunders ( Nellie and Topsy ) of MFC 951.03 N622 no.452 Slade, 1896 Melbourne / by D.M. Berry The situation in China from a sociological point of view 2334 1913 MF 951.03 SH47S [microform] / Charles R. Shepherd Six months with the Chinese expedition [microform] : or, Leaves 2335 London : John Murray, 1841 MFC 951.03 N622 no.660 from a soldier's note-book / by Lord Jocelyn 2336 The sixth Yangtse Valley summer student conference [microform] [China] : s.n., [1912] MFC 247.8 8564 no.65 A sketch of Chinese history, ancient and modern [microform] : 2337 comprising a retrospect of the foreign intercourse and trade with London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1834 MFC 951.03 N622 no.552 China / by Charles Gutzlaff A sketch of the new route to China and Japan [microform] : by the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.'s through line of steamships between 2338 San Francisco : Turnbull & Smith, 1867 MFC 951.03 N622 no.234 New York, Yokohama and Hong Kong, via the Isthmus of Panama and San Francisco Sketches in the foreign settlements and native city of Shanghai 2339 Shanghai : [s.n.], 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.155 [microform] / by W. Macfarlane Sketches of China and the Chinese [microform] / from drawings 2340 London : Tilt and Bogue, [1842] MFC 951.03 N622 no.711 by Auguste Borget Sketches of Chinese customs & manners, in 1811-12, taken on the spot [microform] : and interspersed with a variety of curious occurrences, during a voyage to the cape of Good Hope, Pulo 2341 Bath : Printed by J. Browne, 1814 MFC 951.03 N622 no.99 Penang, China, Canton, Whampoa, and Saint Helena : with some account of the ladrones in a series of letters to a friend at Palermo / by George Wilkinson The so-called people's will [microform] : a comment on the secret 2342 Shanghai : [s.n.], 1916 MFC 951.03 N622 no.411 telegrams of the Yuan government / by Liang Chi-chao

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Social life of the Chinese [microform] : with some account of their religious, governmental, educational and business customs and 2343 New York : Harper & Brothers, 1867 MFC 951.03 N622 no.74 opinions with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhchau / by Justus Doolittle Some account of a secret association in China, entitled the Triad 2344 Society [Microform] / by Dr. Milne communicated by Robert London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, 1825 MFC 366.0951 M635S Morrison Some account of a secret association in China [Microform] : 2345 entitled the Triad Society / by Dr. Milne communicated by London : Printed by Cox and Baylis, 1825 MFC 951.03 N622 no.585 Robert Morrison Some account of charms, talismans, and felicitous appendages London : Printed by J.L. Cox and Sons, Printers to the 2346 [microform] : worn about the person, or hung up in houses, & c. Royal Asiatic Society, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn MFC 951.03 N622 no.586 used by the Chinese / by John Robert Morrison Fields, 1832 Some account of the public life [microform] : and a selection from 2347 the unpublished writings of the Earl of Macartney / By John London : T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1807 MFC 951.03 N622 no.733 Barrow 2348 [Some aspects of the present situation in China] [microform] S.l. : s.n., [1906] MFC 247.8 8564 no.21 Some pros and cons of the opium question [microform] : with a 2349 London : Smith, Elder, 1840 MFC 951.03 N622 no.713 few suggestions regarding British claims on China 2350 Some remarks on our affairs in China [microform] London : James Ridgway, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.521 Some thoughts on the proper term to be employed to translate 2351 Elohim and Theos, into Chinese [microform] / by an American Zug : IDC, 1986 MFC 231.04 D742S missionary in China Some thoughts on the proper term to be employed to translate 2352 Elohim and Theos, into Chinese [microform] / by an American Shanghae : Printed at the Mission Press, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.618 missionary in China Boston New York : Houghton, Mifflin and company, 2353 The soul of the Far East [microform] / by Percival Lowell MFC 951.03 N622 no.728 1888 Southern Baptist contributions to missions in China [microform] : 2354 1947 MF 266.6 AN24S a survey of investments and achievements / Park Harris Anderson

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Richmond, Va. : Board of Foreign and Domestic 2355 Southern Baptist missionary journal [microform] MF 266.6132 SO884 Missions of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1846-1851 Southern Baptist missions in China, 1945-1951 [microform] / 2356 1967 MF 266.651 W583S Garnett Lee White Ssu shu. English;"The Chinese classical work commonly called 2357 the Four books [microform] / translated and illustrated with notes Malacca : Printed at the Mission Press, 1828 MFC 951.03 N622 no.164 by David Collie" The star of China [Microform] : or, The imperial edict, in its 2358 political, commercial, and religious bearings on protestant and London : John Snow, 1845 MFC 951.03 N622 no.421 popish missions / by two friends 2359 The state religion of China [microform] / by Inquirer Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1881 MFC 951.03 N622 no.185 2360 [Statement on Tsinan Incident of May 1928] [microform] 1928 MFC 247.8 8564 no.30 Statements and suggestions regarding Hong Kong [microform] / 2361 London : Trelawney Saunders, 1850 MFC 951.03 N622 no.525 addressed to the Hon. Francis Scott Statements respecting hospitals in China [microform] / by Peter 2362 London : Edward Suter, 1841 MFC 362.1 P227S Parker Statements respecting hospitals in China [microform] : preceded 2363 Glasgow : James MacLehose, 1842 MFC 362.1 P227SP by a letter to John Abercrombie / by Peter Parker Statistical report of the city Young Men's Christian Associations 2364 [China] : s.n., [1918] MFC 247.8 8564 no.25 of China for the year ending December 31, 1917 [microform] Statistical report of the city Young Men's Christian Associations 2365 [China] : s.n., [1919] MFC 247.8 8564 no.26 of China for the year ending December 31, 1918 [microform] Statistical report of the city Young Men's Christian Associations 2366 [China] : s.n., [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.27 of China for the year ending December 31, 1922 [microform]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Storia della fondazione della congregazione e del Collegio de' cinesi. English. Selections;"Memoirs of Father Ripa during thirteen years' residence at the court of Peking in the service of the 2367 London : John Murray, 1844 MFC 951.03 N622 no.354 Emperor of China [microform] : with an account of the foundation of the college for the education of young Chinese at Naples / selected and translated from the Italian by Fortunato Prandi" 2368 Stories about China [microform] / by Annie R. Butler London : T. O. Smith, [18--] MFC 951.03 N622 no.446 Stories from China [microform] / by the author of The story of a 2369 [London] : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1876 MFC 951.03 N622 no.667 summer day , etc. with twenty-five illustrations Stories of everyday life in modern China [microform] / told by 2370 London : D. Nutt, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.578 Chinese and done into English by T. Watters The story of 1916 as told through the Chinese women of the 2371 Shanghai : The National Committee, 1917 MFC 247.8 8564 no.31 Young Women's Christian Associations of China [microform] The story of China [microform] : with a description of the events relating to the present struggle / by Neville P. Edwards with over 2372 London : Hutchinson, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.130 seventy illustrations and maps from photographs taken by the author and others, and from original drawings 2373 The story of Chinese Gordon [microform] / by A. Egmont Hake London : Remington and Co., 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.276 The story of James Gilmour [microform] : and the Mongol 2374 London : The Sunday school union, [1894?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.511 mission / by Mrs. Bryson 2375 The story of the Chinese crisis [microform] / by Alexis Krausse London : Cassell, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.227 The straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China [microform] : or, Ten years' travels, adventures and residence abroad / By J. 2376 London : S. Low, Marston, Low, & Searle, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.671 Thomson illustrated with upwards of sixty wood engravings by J.D. Cooper from the author's own sketches and photographs A string of Chinese peach-stones [microform] / by W. Arthur 2377 London : C.H. Kelly, 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.678 Cornaby

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Shanghai : National Committee Young Women's Student relief in China [microform] : report of national student 2378 Christian Association : National Committee Young Men's MFC 247.8 8564 no.71 relief committee, 1937-1940 Christian Association, [1941?] The student work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of [China] : [Young Men's Christian Associations of China], 2379 China [microform] : call to an immediate and vigorous forward MFC 247.8 8564 no.40 [1922] advance in this work Student work of the Young Women's Christian Ass'n of China : The National Committee of the Young Women's 2380 MFC 247.8 8564 no.30 [microform] / made by Miss Seesholtz Christian Associations of China, 1915 [China] : [Young Men's Christian Associations of China], 2381 Student work seminar [microform] : abridged notes MFC 247.8 8564 no.71 [1922] 2382 The student world, [July 1925] [microform] S.l. : World Student Christian Federation, [1925] MFC 247.8 8564 no.29 A study of progressive Christian education in light of the needs of 2383 1950 MF 378 L514S China [microform] / Peter Hsing-hsien Lee A subaltern's sick leave [microform] : or, Rough notes of a visit in 2384 search of health to China and the Cape of Good Hope / by Lieut. Calcutta : G.H. Huttmann, 1837 MFC 951.03 N622 no.662 Nicolas Polson Substance of an address at a meeting of the Friends of the Chinese 2385 Association, in aid of the Medical Missionary Society in China Hackney : The Society, 1846 MFC 951.03 N622 no.614 [microform] / delivered by Benjamin Hobson Substance of an address at a meeting of the Friends of the Chinese 2386 Association, in aid of the Medical Missionary Society in China Hackney : The Society, 1846 MFC 951.03 N622 no.614i [microform] / delivered by Benjamin Hobson Suggestions for the formation of a medical missionary society [microform] : offered to the consideration of all Christian nations, 2387 Canton, China : [s.n.], 1836 MFC 362.1 Su34 more especially to the kindred nations of England and the United States of America Summary of the principal Chinese treatises upon the culture of the 2388 mulberry and the rearing of silk worms [microform] / translated Washington : Peter Force, 1838 MFC 951.03 N622 no.108 from the Chinese by Aignan Stanislas Julien

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A systematical digest of the doctrines of Confucius [microform] : according to the Analects, Great learning and Doctrine of the 2389 mean, with an introduction on the authorities upon Confucius and Hongkong : China Mail Office, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.577 Confucianism / by Ernst Faber translated from the German by P.G. von Moellendorff The Taeping Rebellion in China [microform] : a narrative of its 2390 rise and progress, based upon original documents and information London : John Murray, 1862 MFC 951.03 N622 no.131 obtained in China / by Commander Lindesay Brine The Taeping Rebellion in China [microform] : its origins, 2391 London : Warren Hall & Co., 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.644 progress, and present condition / by W.H. Sykes The T'ai-ping rebellion [microform] : a lecture delievered at the 2392 temperance hall, for the benefit of the Shanghai Temperance Shanghai : Printed at the Celestial Empire Office, [1853] MFC 951.03 N622 no.267 Society / revised and enlarged by M.T. Yates Taoist texts [microform] : ethical political and speculative / [by Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, London : Trubner & Co., 2393 MFC 951.03 N622 no.338 Lao-tzu] [ed. and tr.] by Frederic Henry Balfour 1884 2394 The Tea plant [microform] : its history and uses London : J. & I. Tirebuck, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.637 Templehouse papers [microform] : the Hardcastle family, c.1725- Northern Ireland : Public Record Office of Northern 2395 MF 266.00924 H216HT 1885 Ireland, 1994 Ten thousand Chinese things [microform] : a descriptive catalogue of the Chinese collection now exhibiting at St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, London, with condensed accounts of the 2396 London : printed for the proprietor, 1842 MFC 951.03 N622 no.58 genius, government, history, literature, agriculture, arts, trade, manners, customs and social life of the people of the celestial empire / by W. B. Langdon Ten years in Manchuria [microform] : a story of medical mission Edinburgh : Religious Tract and Book Society of 2397 MFC 951.03 N622 no.450 work in Moukden, 1883-1893 / by Dugald Christie Scotland, [1894?] These from the land of Sinim [microform] : a narrative of the 2398 London : James Nisbet & Co., 1868 MFC 951.03 N622 no.624 conversion of a Chinese physician / H. Moule These from the land of Sinim [microform] : essays on the Chinese 2399 London : Chapman & Hall, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.377 question / by Robert Hart

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Thian ti hwui [microform] : the Hung-league, or Heaven-earth- 2400 league : a secret society with the Chinese in China and India / by Batavia : Lange, 1866 MFC 951.03 N622 no.413 Gustave Schlegel Things Chinese being notes on various subjects connected with 2401 London : Sampson Low, Marston, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.144 China [microform] / by J. Dyer Ball Those foreign devils! [microform] : a celestial on England and London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 2402 MFC 951.03 N622 no.158 Englishmen / by Yuen Hsiang-Fu translated by W.H. Wilkinson 1891 A thousand miles of miracle in China [microform] : a personal 2403 record of God's delivering power from the hands of the imperial London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1904 MFC 951.03 N622 no.369 Boxers of Shan-si / by Archiblad E. Glover 2404 A thousand years of the Tartars [microform] / E. H. Parker London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1895 MFC 951.03 N622 no.536 2405 Three cries from Chinese lips [microform] / by Mrs. Cecil Smith London : Morgan & Scott, [1899] MFC 951.03 N622 no.627 2406 Three lectures on Buddhism [microform] / by Ernest J. Eitel Hongkong : London Mission House, 1871 MFC 951.03 N622 no.430 Three years in western China [microform] : a narrative of three 2407 journeys in Ssu-ch'uan, Kuei-chow, and Yün-nan / by Alexander London : George Philip, 1890 MFC 951.03 N622 no.59 Hosie with an introd. by Archibald Little Three years' wanderings in the northern provinces of China [microform] : including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton countries 2408 London : J. Murray, 1847 MFC 951.03 N622 no.9 with an account of the agriculture and horticulture of the Chinese, new plants, etc / by Robert Fortune 2409 Through China with a camera [microform] / by John Thomson London : Harper & Brothers, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.64 Through the Yang-tse gorges, or, trade and travel in western China London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 2410 MFC 951.03 N622 no.75 [microform] / by Archibald John Little 1888 Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia [microform] : their social and 2411 political condition, and the religion of Boodh, as there existing / London : W. H. Allen, 1851 MFC 951.03 N622 no.544 by Henry T. Prinsep Tientsin besieged and after the siege [microform] : From the 15th 2412 of June to the 16th of July, 1900 : A daily record / by the Shanghai : North-China Herald, 1901 MFC 951.03 N622 no.716 correspondent of the North-China Daily News

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The Tientsin massacre [microform] : the causes of the late 2413 disturbances in China and how to secure permanent peace / Edinburgh : Blackwood, 1870 MFC 951.03 N622 no.49 George Thin The Tientsin Y's Men's club quarterly. Spring number [microform] [Tientsin] : Y's Men's club, Tientsin Young Men's 2414 MFC 247.8 8564 no.55 = 天津聯青社季刊 Christian Association, [1934] To the Protestant missionaries labouring at Hongkong, and the five 2415 Shanghae : [s.n.], 1850 MFC 291.21 T55 ports of China [microform] To the public, concerning the Anglo-Chinese College [microform] 2416 Malacca : Mission Press, 1823 MFC 377.6 T55 / [by R. Morrison] To the public, concerning the Anglo-Chinese College [microform] 2417 Malacca : printed at the Mission Press, 1823 MFC 951.03 N622 no.699 / [by R. Morrison] 2418 To the snows of Tibet through China [microform] / by A.E. Pratt London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.554 Topics for open forum discussions on the student Young Men's Shanghai : Student Division, National Committee of the 2419 MFC 247.8 8564 no.62 Christian Associations of China [microform] Y.M.C.A.'s of China, [1923?] Trade and travel in the Far East [microform] : or, recollections of 2420 twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China / London : Madden and Malcolm, 1846 MFC 951.03 N622 no.422 by G. F. Davidson Trade of central and southern China [microform] / by Consul Shanghai : Printed at the Shanghai Mercury Office, 2421 MFC 951.03 N622 no.459 Bourne 1898 Trade with China [microform] : a letter addressed to the British 2422 public on some of the advantages that would result from an London : Royston & Brown, 1837 MFC 951.03 N622 no.97 occupation of the Bonin Islands / by G. Tradescant Lay The training of an efficient native leadership for the Christian 2423 1928 MF 275.1 L619T churches in China [microform] / Francis Pugh Lide Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and 2424 London : Parbury, Allen & Co., 1827-1835 MF 950 J826R Ireland [microform] Translations from the Manchu [microform] : with the original 2425 texts, prefaced by an essay on the language / by Thomas Taylor Canton : Press of S.W. Williams, 1849 MFC 951.03 N622 no.575 Meadows

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Canton, China : Printed by order of the Select Translations from the original Chinese, with notes [microform] / 2426 Committee, at the honorable East India Company's Press, MFC 951.033 T687 [translated by Rev. Mr. Morrison] 1815 Canton, China : Printed at the Honorable East India Co.'s 2427 Translations from the original Chinese, with notes [microform] MFC 351.51 T687 Press, by P.P. Thoms, 1815 The transmigrations of [the Mandarin Fum-Hoam] (Chinese tales) 2428 London : H.S. Nichols, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.590 [microform] / edited by Leonard C. Smithers Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor [microform] : and the Russian acquisitions on the confines of India and China, 2429 with adventures among the mountain Kirghis and the Manjours, London : Hurst and Blackett, 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.489 Manyargs, Toungouz, Touzemtz, Goldi, and Gelyaks the hunting and pastoral tribes / by Thomas Witlam Atkinson Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats, or, An 2430 overland journey from China towards India [microform] / by T.T. London : J. Murray, 1871 MFC 951.03 N622 no.71 Cooper Travels on horseback in Mantchu Tartary [microform] : being a 2431 summer's ride beyond the Great Wall of China / by George London : Hurst and Blackett, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.312 Fleming Travers la révolution chinoise. English;"Through the Chinese revolution [microform] : my experiences in the south and north the 2432 evolution of social life interviews with party leaders an London : Duckworth and Co., 1915 MFC 951.03 N622 no.398 unconstitutional loan -- the coup d'état / by Fernand Farjenel translated from the French by Margaret Vivian" Treaties, etc;"Treaties etc. between Great Britain and China and between China and foreign powers [microform] : and orders in 2433 Council rules regulations acts of parliament decrees and London : Harrison & Sons, 1896 MFC 951.03 N622 no.115 notifications affecting British interests in China in force on the 1st January 1896 / by Edward Hertslet"

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A treatise on acupuncturation [microform] : being a description of a surgical operation originally peculiar to the Japanese and 2434 Chinese, and by them demominated zin-king, now introduced into London : Simpkin and Marshall, [1821] MFC 951.03 N622 no.198 European practice with directions for its performance, and cases illustrating its success / by James Morss Treaty between Denmark and China [microform] : including tariff 2435 Shanghai : Printed by F & C Walsh, 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.203 and trade regulations The Treaty illegality of the coast trade duties levied by the Shanghai : Printed at the North-China Herald Office, 2436 Chinese government on British and foreign shipping [microform] / MFC 951.03 N622 no.220 1877 by a British merchant Treaty of Wanghia, the art of Congress of August 11th, 1848, with the attorney general's opinion, and decrees and notifications issued Canton : Printed at the office of the Chinese repository, 2437 MFC 951.03 N622 no.209 for the guidance of consular courts of the United States of 1856 America China in China [microform] / published by Authority The treaty ports of China and Japan [microform] : a complete guide to the open ports of those countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Forming a guide book & vade 2438 London : Trübner and co., 1867 MFC 951.03 N622 no.490 mecum for travellers, merchants, and residents in general / by Wm. Fred. Mayers, N. B. Dennys, and Chas. King Compiled and edited by N. B. Dennys The Triad society, or, Heaven and earth association [microform] / 2439 Hongkong : Kelly & Walsh, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.651 by William Stanton The triangle in China [microform] : report of the Young Men's 2440 Shanghai : The National Committee, 1919 MFC 247.8 8564 no.25 Christian Associations of China for the year 1918 The tribulations of a chinaman [microform] / by Jules Verne London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Trivinton , 2441 MFC 951.03 N622 no.706 translated by Ellen E. Frewer illustrated by L. Benett 1880 The triple curse [microform] : or, the evils of the opium trade on 2442 London : Judd and Glass, [1858] MFC 951.03 N622 no.654 India, China, and England / by J. Passmore Edwards The triune powers [microform] : known in the classics as the San- 2443 Amoy : A.A. Marcal, [1878] MFC 951.03 N622 no.46 Huang or the San-Ts'ai / by Chaloner Alabaster

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 True celestials, or, Leaves from a Chinese sketch-book 2444 London : S.W. Partridge & co., [1891] MFC 951.03 N622 no.508 [microform] / by J. Sadler assisted by W.H. Muncaster The truth about opium [microform] : being the substance of three 2445 lectures delivered at St. James's Hall on the 9th, 16th, and 23rd London : W.H. Allen & Co., 1882 MFC 951.03 N622 no.650 February last / by William H. Brereton Tsiology [microform] : a discourse on tea, being an account of that exotic, botantical, chymical, commercial, and medical, with 2446 London : Wm. Walker, 1826 MFC 951.03 N622 no.356 notices of its adulteration, the means of detection, tea making, with a brief history of the East India Company / by tea dealer 2447 T'ung pao;"通報 = T'oung pao" Leide : E.J. Brill, 1890- MFC 950 T644 Turbans and tails [microform] : or sketches in the unromantic East London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 2448 MFC 951.03 N622 no.409 / by Alfred J. Bamford 1888 Twelve years in China [microform] : the people, the rebels, and 2449 Edinburgh : Thomas Constable and Co., 1860 MFC 951.03 N622 no.242 the mandarins / [John Scarth] by a British resident Two sermons preached in the cathedral of St. John, Victoria, Hong 2450 Leiden : IDC, 1986 MFC 252 ST29T Kong [microform] / Vincent Stanton Two visits to the tea countries of China and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya [microform] : with a narrative of 2451 adventures, and a full description of the culture of the tea plant, London : John Murray, 1853 MFC 951.03 N622 no.314 the agriculture, horticulture, and botany of China / by Robert Fortune Typical women of China [microform] : translated from a popular 2452 native work on the virtues, words, deportment, and employment of Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.603 the women of China / by Miss A.C. Safford edited by John Fryer United Society for Christian Literature archives, 1799-1960 2453 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1987 MFC 266.02341 UN3 [microform] 2454 Up the Yang-tse [microform] / By E.H. Parker Hongkong : Printed at the China Mail Office, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.673

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Urh-chih-tsze-tëen-se-yin-pe-keáou [microform] : being a parallel drawn between the two intended Chinese dictionaries by the Rev. 2455 Robert Morrison, and Antonio Montucci together with London : A. Montucci, 1817 MFC 495.1 M769U Morrison's Horae sinicae, a new edition, with the text to the popular Chinese primer San-tsi-king (三字經) The use of opium and its bearing on the spread of Christianity in 2456 China [microform] : a paper read before Shanghai Missionary Shanghai : Celestial Empire Office, 1877 MFC 951.03 N622 no.36 Conference, 19th May, 1877 / by A.E. Moule 2457 Utica evangelical magazine [microform] [Utica, N.Y. : Dolphus Skinner, Lemuel Willis], 1829 MF 289.134 EV144 The vegetable lamb of Tartary [microform] : a curious fable of the 2458 cotton plant : to which is added a sketch of the history of cotton London : S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.512 and the cotton trade / by Henry Lee A view of China for philological purposes [Microform] : Macao : Printed at ... the East Indian Company's Press by 2459 containing a sketch of Chinese chronology, geography, MFC 495.181 M834V P.P. Thomas ..., 1817 government, religion & customs / by R. Morrison A view of China, for philological purposes [microform] : 2460 containing a sketch of Chinese chronology, geography, Macao : P.P. Thomas, 1817 MFC 951.03 N622 no.2 government, religion & customs / by The Rev. R. Morrison Village life in China [microform] : a study in sociology / by 2461 Edinburgh : Oliphant, 1899 MFC 951.03 N622 no.65 Arthur H. Smith A vindication of England's policy with regard to the opium trade 2462 London : W.H. Allen, 1884 MFC 951.03 N622 no.646 [microform] / by C.R. Haines A visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853 [microform] / 2463 New York : Putnam, 1855 MFC 951.03 N622 no.666 By Bayard Taylor A visit to Peking [microform] : with some notice of the imperial 2464 worship at the altars heaven, earth, sun, moon and the gods of the Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1879 MFC 951.03 N622 no.184 grain and the land / by A.P. Happer A vocabulary of diseases [microform] : based on Thomson's 2465 vocabulary and Whitney's anatomical terms / prepared by J.G. Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.513 Kerr

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Macao, China : Printed at the Honorable East India Co.'s 2466 Vocabulary of the Canton dialect [microform] / by R. Morrison MFC 495.1 M834V Press, by G.J. Steyn, 1828 Voyage en Indo-Chine et dans l'empire chinois. English;"Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese empire [microform] / by Louis de 2467 London : Chapman and Hall, 1872 MFC 951.03 N622 no.53 Carné with a notice of the author by the Count de Carné translated from the French" Wae yàng jin [microform] : eight months' journal kept on board 2468 one of Her Majesty's sloops of war during visits to Loochoo, London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, 1856 MFC 951.03 N622 no.473 Japan, and Pootoo / A. L. Halloran Walks in the city of Canton [microform] : with an itinerary / John 2469 Hongkong : De Souza, 1875 MFC 951.03 N622 no.558 Henry Gray 2470 Wanderings in China [microform] / by C.F. Gordon-Cumming Edinburgh : William Blackwood, 1886 MFC 951.03 N622 no.70 2471 War with China [microform] [S.l.] : [s.n.], [184?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.371 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2472 [Zug, Switzerland] : Inter Documentation Co., [198-?] MFC 266.71 W516BC [microform] : Burma : correspondence Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2473 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Company, 1982 MFC 266.71 W516CC [microform] : China : correspondence Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2474 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1982 MFC 266.71 W516CS [microform] : China : Synod minutes Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2475 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1981 MFC 266.71 W516HC [microform] : home and general : correspondence Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2476 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1981 MFC 266.71 W516HM [microform] : home and general : minutes Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2477 [Zug, Switzerland] : Inter Documentation Co., [198-?] MFC 266.71 W516SB [microform] : special series : biographical Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2478 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.71 W516WS [microform] : special series : finance Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive 2479 [Zug, Switzerland] : Inter Documentation Co., [198-?] MFC 266.71 W516SN [microform] : special series : notes and transcripts

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London) archive Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., [1982 or 2480 MFC 266.71 W516WC [microform] : women's work collection : China 1983] [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London)] archive 2481 [microform] : women's work collection : financial records : Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.71 W516WF overseas schedules [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London)] archive 2482 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.71 W516WM [microform] : women's work collection : minutes [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London)] archive 2483 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.71 W516WML [microform] : women's work collection : missionaries on leave [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society (London)] archive 2484 Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., 1983 MFC 266.71 W516WR [microform] : women's work collection : reports Wesleyan Missionary Society [microform] : Ladies' Auxiliary for 2485 London : [s.n.] , 1873-1885 MF 266.7 W275 Female Education Wesleyan Missionary Society [microform] : Woman's work as 2486 London : [s.n.] MF 266.7 W275 conducted by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Quarterly paper Chungking, West China : [West China Missions 2487 The West China missionary news [microform] MF 266.00951 W52 Advisory Board], [1899]-1943 Western China [microform] : a journey to the great Buddhist 2488 Boston : Ticknor and Company, 1888 MFC 951.03 N622 no.69 centre of Mount Omei / by Virgil C. Hart Western origin of the early Chinese civilisation from 2,300 B.C. to 200 A.D. [microform] : or Chapters on the elements derived from 2489 London : Asher & Co., 1894 MFC 951.03 N622 no.52 the old civilisations of west Asia in the formation of the ancient Chinese culture / by Terrien de Lacouperie Westward to the Far East [microform] : a guide to the principal 2490 [Montreal] : Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.727 cities of China and Japan / by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore What is Lord Elgin to do? [microform] : the Canton dispute and London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & 2491 MFC 951.03 N622 no.648 our relations with China considered / by Joseph Beaumont Roberts, 1857 2492 What is the opium trade? [microform] / by Donald Matheson Edinburgh : Thomas Constable andd Co., 1857 MFC 951.03 N622 no.458 2493 When I was a boy in China [microform] / Yan Phou Lee Boston : Lothrop Co., 1887 MFC 951.03 N622 no.254

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Where Chinese drive [microform] : English student-life at 2494 London : Allen, 1885 MFC 951.03 N622 no.487 Peking, by a student interpreter / William Henry Wilkinson 2495 Where the world is changing [microform] [China] : s.n., [1923] MFC 247.8 8564 no.27 Who is God in China [microform] : Shin or Shang-te? : remarks 2496 on the etymology of elohim and of theos, and on the rendering of London : Samuel Bagster, [1855] MFC 951.03 N622 no.272 those terms into Chinese / by S.C. Malan Shanghai : The National Committee of the Young 2497 The widening circle [microform] : a report of growth MFC 247.8 8564 no.32 Women's Christian Associations of China, [1919] A winter in north China [microform] / by T. M. Morris, with an 2498 London : Religious Tract Society, 1892 MFC 951.03 N622 no.674 introd. by Richard Glover With Gordon in China [microform] : letters from Thomas Lyster / 2499 London : T.F. Unwin, 1891 MFC 951.03 N622 no.225 edited by E.A. Lyster Boston : [Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the 2500 Woman's missionary friend [microform] MF 266.7632 H352 Methodist Episcopal Church, 1896-1940] New York, N.Y. : Woman's Foreign Missionary Societies 2501 Woman's work for woman and our mission field [microform] MF 266.02373 W84 of the Presbyterian Church, 1886-1890 Woman's work for woman (New York, N.Y. : 1890);"Woman's New York : Woman's Foreign Missionary Societies of 2502 MF 266.02373 W84 work for woman [microform]" the Presbyterian Church, 1890-1904 Woman's work for woman (Philadelphia, Pa.);"Woman's work for Philadelphia : Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of 2503 MF 266.02373 W84W woman [microform]" the Presbyterian Church, Woman's work (New York, N.Y.);"Woman's work [microform] : a New York : Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the 2504 foreign missions magazine / Woman's Boards of Foreign Missions MF 266.02373 W84 Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., 1905-1924 of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A" Women's missionary archives from the Centre for the Study of 2505 Marlborough : Adam Matthew Publications, 2007 MF 266 W842 Christianity in the Non-Western World [microform] Work for the blind in China [microform] : showing how blind 2506 beggars may be transformed into useful scripture readers / by C.F. London : Gilbert & Rivington, [1887?] MFC 951.03 N622 no.191 Gordon-Cumming

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 The work of the Young Men's Christian Association of China and Shanghai : General Committee of the Young Men's 2507 Korea during 1908 [microform] : a report to the General MFC 247.8 8564 no.22 Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1909 Committee / by the general secretary The works of Confucius [microform] : containing the original text. 2508 Vol. 1 / with a which is prefixed a dissertation on Serampor : Mission Press, 1809 MFC 951.03 N622 no.584 the Chinese language and character, by J. Marshman World-crisis in China, 1900 [microform] : a short account of the outbreak of the war with the Boxers , and ensuing foreign 2509 complications, including also a sketch of events leading up to the Baltimore : John Murphy Co., [1900] MFC 951.03 N622 no.205 distracted situation in the Chinese empire in the closing year of the century / by Allen S. Will World politics at the end of the nineteenth century [microform] : 2510 New York : MacMillan Company, 1900 MFC 951.03 N622 no.218 as influenced by the oriental situation / by Paul S. Reinsch Shanghai : World's Chinese Students' Federation, 1906- 2511 The World's Chinese students' journal [microform] MF 377.60951 W675 1914 The world's navies in the (China 1900) 2512 London : Digby, Long & Co., 1905 MFC 951.03 N622 no.387 [microform] / by C.C. Dix Wu Ko;"Translation of the Ts'ing wan k'e mung a Chinese 2513 grammar of the Manchu Tartar language [microform] : with Shanghae : London Mission Press, 1855 MFC 951.03 N622 no.702 introductory notes on Manchu literature" The Wu-Shih-Shan affair impartially considered [microform] : 2514 with the original agreements and counsel's opinion thereon / by Hong Kong : China Mail Office, 1878 MFC 951.03 N622 no.299 Fair Play 2515 Yale-in-China. Winter, 1944 [microform] = 雅禮 [New Haven] : [Yale University Press], [1944] MFC 247.8 8564 no.57 [China] : Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 2516 Yangtse Valley student conference [microform] MFC 247.8 8564 no.72 [1910] The Yangtze Valley and beyond [microform] : an account of journeys in China, chiefly in the province of Sze Chuan and 2517 London : John Murray, 1899 MFC 951.30 N622 no.279 among the Man-Tze of the Somo territory / by Isabella L. Bird dedicated by permission to the Marquess of Salisbury, K. G

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 A year among young men in the middle kingdom [microform] : a Shanghai : General Committee of the Young Men's 2518 report of the work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of MFC 247.8 8564 no.22 Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1910 China and Korea Year book and roster of the Young Men's Christian Associations 2519 Shanghai : Association Press, [1932] MFC 247.8 8564 no.35 of China, 1931 [microform] Year book and roster of the Young Men's Christian Associations 2520 Shanghai : Association Press, [1936] MFC 247.8 8564 no.36 of China, 1935 [microform] A year in China [microform] : and a narrative of capture and imprisonment, when homeward bound, on board the rebel pirate 2521 New York : Hurd and Houghton, 1864 MFC 951.03 N622 no.55 Florida / by Mrs. H. Dwight Williams with an introductory note by William Cullen Bryant The year nineteen sixteen [microform] : the annual report of the 2522 Shanghai : The National Committee, 1917 MFC 247.8 8564 no.24 Young Men's Christian Associations of China Yedo and Peking [microform] : a narrative of a journey to the 2523 London : J. Murray, 1863 MFC 951.03 N622 no.466 capitals of Japan and China / by Robert Fortune Peiping, China : Board of Trustees of Yenching 2524 Yenching news (, China);"Yenching news [microform]" MF 378.51 Y398 University, The Young Men's Christian Association and the future of China Shanghai : Publication Dept., National Committee 2525 MFC 247.8 8564 no.20 [microform] Y.M.C.A.'s of China, 1926 Young Men's Christian Association, Tientsin, China [microform] : 2526 annual report for the year ending September 30, 1917 / Roscoe M. S.l. : s.n., [1917] MFC 247.8 8564 no.38 Hersey The Young Women's Christian Associations of China [microform] [Shanghai] : [The Young Women's Christian 2527 MFC 247.8 8564 no.32 : report of the third - secretaries' conference Associations of China], [1916] Yu-Pe-Ya's lute [microform] : a Chinese tale, in English verse / by 2528 London : Macmillan and Co., 1874 MFC 951.03 N622 no.729 Augusta Webster 2529 四書. English & Chinese;"註釋校正華英四書 [microform]" [上海?] : 商務印書館, [1948?] MFC 245.6 6657 G6 Dernier mot sur le Dictionnaire chinois du Dr. Robert Morrison 2530 Paris : [s.n.], 1830 MFC 495.1 K664D [microform]

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No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Historia nobilis feminae Candidae Hiu, Christianae Sinensis. French;"Histoire d'une dame chrétienne de la Chine [microform] : Zug, Switzerland : Inter Documentation Co., [1986];"© 2531 ou par occasion les usages de ces peuples l'établissement de la MFC 275.1 C832H 1986" religion les manieres des missionaires & les exercices de pieté des nouveaux chrétiens sont expliquez" Chinas Millionen [microform] : eine Monatsschrift fur China und 2532 Dinglingen (Baden) : St. Johannis-Drucherei MF 266.00951 C441MI seine Freunde 2533 Studier och bilder frn det nya Kina [microform] Stockholm : Sveirges kristliga studentrrelses frlag, [1922] MFC 247.8 8564 no.13-16

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