Collection in the Archives on the History of Christianity in China (Microform Materials) No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 1 1950義務工作人員會議 [microform] / 上海基督教青年會 [上海] : s.n., 1950 MF 240 4424.3 no.22 Address to Christian workers. Chinese;"竭力事主 [microform] / 2 上海 : 三牌樓福音會堂, 1877 MF 243 1524 no.10 [by Dwight L. Moody translated by W. Muirhead]" Administration of a student Young Men's Christian Association. 3 上海 : 青年協會書報部, 1919 MFC 247.8 8564 no.1 Chinese;"學校青年會治理法 [microform] / 撰著者 狄爾耐" Aid book to engineering enterprise abroad. pt. 1. Chinese;"工程致 4 富論畧 [microform] : 13卷 附圖 / 瑪體生撰 傅蘭口譯 鍾 [S.l.] : 愼記書莊, 光緒丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 I43 天緯筆述" Aid book to engineering enterprise abroad. pt. 2. Chinese;"攷工記 5 要 [microform] : 17卷 / 瑪體生撰 傅蘭雅 鍾天緯同譯 汪 [S.l.] : 愼記書莊, 光緒丁酉 [1897] MFC 245.6 6657 I44 振聲校訂" Aids to the understanding of the bible. Chinese;"二約釋義叢書 6 [microform] / [編纂者 韋廉臣 ... 等 校正者 季理斐 陳金 上海 : 廣學會, 1921 MF 240 4424.3 no.5 鏞]" Alphabet of Romanized Shaowu [microform] / by Mrs. Walker 7 [Fuzhou : M.E. Mission Press, 188-?] MFC 245.6 6657 G19-22 and Mr. Chang Analogy of religion. Chinese;"天人異同 [microform] / [by Joseph 8 香港 : 華英書院, 咸豐6年 [1856] MF 243 1524 no.2 Butler translated by W. Muirhead]" Anatomy, descriptive and surgical [microform] / by Dauphin W. 9 Foochow : American Board Mission, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 J1 Osgood Anxious inquirer. Chinese;"救靈先路 [microform] / [by John A. 10 [Hong Kong] : [s.n.], 咸豐6年 [1856] MF 243 1524 no.1 James translated by W. Muirhead]" Anxious inquirer. Chinese;"救靈先路 [microform] / [by John A. 11 [上海] : [s.n.], [1856] MF 243 1524 no.1 James translated by W. Muirhead]" Apostle of China. Chinese;"施約瑟主敎傳 [microform] / 麥雅各 12 [上海] : 中華聖公會書籍委員會, 1940 MFC 245.6 6657 E14-15 著 魏稀本譯" Apostles' Creed. Chinese;"耶穌門徒信經 [microform] / 13 香港 : 英華書院, 同治10年 [1871] MF 243 1524 no.2 [translated by J. Legge]" 14 Armour of light. Chinese;"光明的裝備 [microform] / 單倫理譯" 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1956 MF 248.2 1335 v.12 Special Collections and Archives, HKBU Library 1 / 164 June 2017 Collection in the Archives on the History of Christianity in China (Microform Materials) No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Autobiography of a Chinese farmer. Chinese;"董顯光自傳 15 [microform] : 一個中國農夫的自述 / 董顯光英文原著 曾虛 臺北 : 臺灣新生報社, 民國62[1973] MF 248.2 1335 v.13 白譯" Pauvre Horloger de Genève. Chinese;"鍾表匠論 [microform] / 16 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1855 MFC 245.6 6657 A95-98 [Justus Doolittle修訂]" Background of the Old Testament;"舊約背景 [microform] / 米德 17 上海 : 廣學會, 民國29 [1940] MF 240 4424.3 no.8 峻著 梁德惠譯" 18 Bible. Acts. Chinese;"聖差言行傳 [microform]" [S.l. : s.n., 184-?] MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 19 Bible. Acts. Chinese. 1874;"使徒行傳 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 20 Bible. Acts. Chinese. Union. 1910;"使徒行傳 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 B156-158 21 Bible. Apocrypha. Chinese. 1898;"聖經外傳 [microform]" 上海 : 大美國聖公會, 1898 MFC 245.6 6657 B167 Bible. Cantonese dialect. 1905;"Sheng keng [microform] : Kwong- 22 [S.l. : Pakhoi Mission Press, 1905-07] MFC 245.6 6657 B54 tung t'o wa" 23 Bible. Chinese;"聖經 [microform] / 蘇學眞著" 香港 : 基督敎輔僑出版社, 1960 MF 248.2 1335 v.13 Bible. Chinese. 1853;"舊遺詔聖書 [microform] 新遺詔聖書 24 S.l. : s.n., 太平天國癸好3 [1853] MFC 245.6 6657 B28-29 欽定舊遺詔聖書" Bible. Chinese. 1874;"舊約全書 [microform] / [translated from 25 the Hebrew by the Rev. S.I.J. Schereschewsky D.D. of the 北京 : 美華書院, [同治]甲戌 [1874] MFC 245.6 6657 B43 American Episcopal]" 26 Bible. Chinese. 1902;"舊新約聖經 [microform] / 施約瑟新譯" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 光緖28 [1902] MFC 245.6 6657 B52 27 Bible. Chinese. 1913;"舊新約全書 [microform] : 廣東土白" 上海 : 大美國聖經會, 民國2 [1913] MFC 245.6 6657 B55 28 Bible. Chinese. 1921;"Sin ku iok e seng keng [microform]" Shanghai : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921 MFC 245.6 6657 B168 29 Bible. Chinese. Selections. 1869;"聖經擇要 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., 同治8 [1869] MFC 245.6 6657 B14-16 30 Bible. Chinese. Selections. 1871;"聖經要言 [microform]" 北京 : 美華書館, [同治]辛未 [1871] MFC 245.6 6657 B14-16 31 Bible. Chronicles. Chinese. 1881;"歷代志略. 上卷 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 B98 32 Bible. Chronicles. Chinese. 1882;"歷代志略. 下卷 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1882 MFC 245.6 6657 B99 Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1858;"歌林多書註解 33 上海 : 墨海書館, 1858 MFC 245.6 6657 B162-163 [microform]" Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1867;"使徒保羅達歌林多人前 34 [S.l. : s.n., 1867?] MFC 245.6 6657 B162-163 書 [microform]" Special Collections and Archives, HKBU Library 2 / 164 June 2017 Collection in the Archives on the History of Christianity in China (Microform Materials) No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Corinthians, 1st. Chinese. 1886;"使徒保羅達歌林多人前 35 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1886 MFC 245.6 6657 B164-165 書 [microform] / translated by J.S. Burdon & H. Blodget" Bible dictionary. Chinese;"聖書衍義 [microform] / [translated by 36 上海 : 美華書館, 1874 MF 243 1524 no.5 A. P. Happer]" Bible dictionary for schools. Chinese;"袖珍學生聖經辭典 37 上海 : 廣學會 民國22 [1933] MF 240 4424.3 no.17 [microform] / 林輔華原著 [谷雲階譯述]" Bible. Epistles of Paul. Chinese. 1836;"聖差保羅信 [microform] 38 新嘉坡 : 堅夏書院, 1836 MFC 245.6 6657 B159 : 依本文譯述" 39 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1893;"Chok Ai-gik ge [microform]" Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1893 MFC 245.6 6657 B75 Ningbo : Da Ing Peng koh teng wae koh sing shu we, 40 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1899;"Cih Yiae-gyiu kyi [microform]" MFC 245.6 6657 B77 1899 Bible. Exodus. Chinese. 1902;"Chok Ai-gik. Hok-ciu tu kiong Lo- Fuzhou : British and Foreign Bible Society : printed at 41 MFC 245.6 6657 B76 ma ce [microform]" Romanized Press, 1902 42 Bible. Ezekiel. Chinese. 1883;"以西結書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1883 MFC 245.6 6657 B114-115 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1863;"創世傳翻譯福州平話 43 [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會鐫, 1863 MFC 245.6 6657 B69 [microform]" 44 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1872;"創世記 [microform]" 北京 : 美華書館, 1872 MFC 245.6 6657 B67-68 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1875;"創世記 [microform] / translated 45 福州 : 美華書局, 光緒元年 [1875] MFC 245.6 6657 B70 by C.C. Baldwin" Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1888;"Tshang si ki [microform] / 46 [Shantou] : Loi pai tug Hong soh hun, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B73-74 translated by W. Duffus & J.C. Gibson" 47 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1888;"Tshang si ki [microform]" [Shantou] : Loi pai tug Hong soh hun, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B73-74 48 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1892;"Chaung sie ge [microform]" [Foochow] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1892 MFC 245.6 6657 B71 49 Bible. Genesis. Chinese. 1899;"Ts'ong shu kyi [microform]" [Foochow] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1899 MFC 245.6 6657 B72 Bible. Genesis I. Chinese. 1814;"舊遺詔書. 第1章 [microform] : 50 [廣州] : s.n., [1814] MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66 依本言譯出" 51 Bible. Genesis I-II, 4. Chinese. 1875;"上主創世 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, [光緒]乙亥 [1875] MFC 245.6 6657 B67-68 52 Bible. Genesis I-IX, 19. Chinese. 1866;"創世記 [microform]" 福州 : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66 53 Bible. Genesis I-VI. Chinese. 1849;"元始傳 [microform]" 寧波 : 福音殿, 道光29 [1849] MFC 245.6 6657 B64-66 Special Collections and Archives, HKBU Library 3 / 164 June 2017 Collection in the Archives on the History of Christianity in China (Microform Materials) No. TITLE 書名 / Author 著者 PUBL INFO 出版項 CALL # 索書號 Bible. Gospels. Chinese. 1855;"新約全書 [microform] / 54 [China : s.n.], 咸豐5 [1855] MFC 245.6 6657 B32 translated in part by Rev. E.C. Bridgman" 55 Bible. Gospels. Chinese. 1924;"福音書 [microform]" [上海 : 大英聖書公會 : 美國聖經會, 1924] MFC 245.6 6657 B119 Bible. Haggai. Chinese. 1895;"Hap-ki Sat-ka-lĩ-a Kũa Má-la̓ h-ki 56 sa nâng kâi tsṳ e̓ k tsò Tîe-chiu pe̓ h pe [microform] / [John Sùa-thâu : Lói pài tng, hông-soh-hṳn ìn, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B116-117 Campbell Gibson譯]" 57 Bible. Isaiah. Chinese. 1882;"以賽亞書 [microform]" 福州 : 美華書局, 1882 MFC 245.6 6657 B113 Bible. Job. Chinese. 1866;"約伯記畧 [microform] / translated by 58 福州 : 美華書局, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B100 R.S. Maclay" 59 Bible. John. Chinese. 1845;"約翰傳福音書 [microform]" S.l. : s.n., 道光25 [1845] MFC 245.6 6657 B145 60 Bible. John. Chinese. 1868;"約翰福音書 [microform]" 上海 : 美華書館, 1868 MFC 245.6 6657 B146-147 61 Bible. John. Chinese. 1874;"約翰福音 [microform]" 京都 [北京] : 美華書院, 1874 MFC 245.6 6657 B146-147 Bible. John Chinese. 1881;"Iok-hang tiong hok ing zhu 62 Fuzhou : Romanized Press, 1881 MFC 245.6 6657 B150-151 [microform] / [transliterated into Roman character by Ll. Lloyd]" 63 Bible. John. Chinese. 1895;"Yuehan fu yin shu [microform]" Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1895 MFC 245.6 6657 B150-151 64 Bible. John. Chinese. 1910;"約翰福音 [microform]" 漢口 : 蘇格蘭聖經會, 1910 MFC 245.6 6657 B148-149 65 Bible. Jonah. Chinese. 1866;"約拿書 [microform]" [福州] : 亞比絲喜美總會, 1866 MFC 245.6 6657 B114-115 Bible. Jonah. Chinese. 1888;"Iak-na tsu. Tie-chiu peh ue 66 Shantou : L¸oi p¸ai t^ng, hông soh hun ¸in, 1888 MFC 245.6 6657 B116-117 [microform]" 67 Bible. Joshua. Chinese. 1899;"Iah-shu-uo kyi [microform]" [Ningbo] : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1899 MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 Fuzhou : British and Foreign Bible Society : printed at 68 Bible. Joshua. Chinese. 1904;"Iok cu a. Ming kiong [microform]" MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 the Romanized Press, 1904 69 Bible. Judges. Chinese. 1900;"Z-S kyi [microform]" Ningbo : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900 MFC 245.6 6657 B88-91 Bible. Kings, 1st. Chinese. 1879;"列王紀略. 上卷 [microform] / 70 福州 : 美華書局, 1879 MFC 245.6 6657 B94 translated by S.F.
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