The Missionary Society

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The Missionary Society OB THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OK THH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOE THE YEAR 1872. JANUARY, 1873. gite gark: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, 80S BROADWAY. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS FOR 1873. OFFICERS. H e y . BISHOP MORRIS, P r e s i d e n t . u BISHOP JANES,, 1st Y ice-President. tt BISHOP SCOTT, 2 d a u BISHOP SIMPSON, 8d U ¿C BISHOP AMES, - 4th U u BISHOP BOWMAN, 5th U u BISHOP HARRIS, 6th a u BISHOP FOSTER, 7th « u BISHOP WILEY, 8th tt u BISHOP MERRILL, 9th u u BISHOP ANDREWS, 10th u u BISHOP HAYEN, 11th u ii BISHOP PECK, 12th « a Hon. Enoch L. F a n c h e r , 18th R e v . M. D’C. Crawford, 14th Cl Mr . W. B. S k id m o r e , 15th « a R e v J. A. R o c h e , 16th u Mr . J a m e s H. T a f t , 17th Mr . O liver Hoyt, 18tli u - V R e v . J o h n P. Dubbin, D.D., H onorary Secretary. , f “ Robert L. Dashiell, Corresponding Secretary. i - - j. “ T h o m a s M . E d d y , “ “ . “ J o h n M , R e i d , . “ “ “ R e u b e n N e l s o n , T r e a s u r e r . “ L u k e H it c h c o c k , A s s is t a n t T r e a s u r e r . “ D a v i d T e r r y , R e c o r d in g S e c r e t a r y . MANAG-ERS. MINISTERS. J o h n P . D u r b i n , Stephen D. Brown, G e o r g e F. K e t t e l l , T h o m a s C a r l t o n , John Lanahan, W i l l i a m F. B u t l e r , J o s e p h H o l d ic h , Ohs. H. Tiffany, Reuben Nelson, J o h n A . R o c h e , Lewis R. Dunn, W illiam M’A llister, D a n i e l W i s e , A lbert D. Tail, C h r i s t i a n F. G rim m , J a m e s M . T u t t l e , Aaron K. Sanford, Richard Van Horne, C y r u s D . F o ss, Robert H. PattisoN, W i l l i a m F. W a r r e n , M . D ’ C. C r a w f o r d , John A. M. Chapman, W illiam S. StuiJley, D a n i e l C u r r y , J o h n F. H u r s t , Erastus O. Haven, H e n r y B . R i d g a w a y , J o h n M i l e y , John H. Yincent. A l b e r t S. H u n t , J o h n B . M e r w t n , LAYMEN. Wm. B. Skidmore, S t e p h e n C r o w e l l , ’ J o h n S t e p h e n s o n , John Falconer, O l i v e r H o y t , J a m e s M . F u l l e r , W illiam Truslow, Charles C. North, G e o r g e I. S e n e y , Enoch L. Fancher, G ilbert -Oakley, G e o r g e G . R e y n o l d s , James H. Taft, Charles H. Fellows, C l i n t o n B . F is k , Timothy A. Howe, S a m u e l U. F . O d e l l , A n d r e w V . S t o u t , Hiram M. Forrester, Isaac O dell, S t e p h e n B a r k e r , H e n r y J. B a k e r , O l i v e r H . P . A r c h e r , T h e o d o r e R u n y o n , John S. M’Lean, G e o r g e J . F e r r y , J o h n W h i t e m a n , J o h n F r e n c h , J o s e p h F . K n a p p , J o h n M . P h i l l i p s . J n o .H.O ckershausen , J o n a t h a n O . F o w l e r , STANDING COMMITTEES FOE 1873. The Treasurer and one of the Corresponding Secretaries shall be ex-ojfcio mem­ bers of each of the Standing Committees, except the Committees on Estimates and on Audits ; and the Bishop having charge of a foreign mission shall be jjn ex-officio member of the respective Committees having charge of the same. Missions in Africa* On India and Turkey. D a n i e l W i s e , J o s e p h H o l d ic h , D a n i e l C u r r y , C h a r l e s C. N o r t h , W i l l i a m T r u s l o w , John P. Durbin, J a m e s M . T u t t l e , J o h n A . R o c h e , W i l l i a m B. S k id m o r e , J o h n S t e p h e n s o n , G i l b e r t O a k l e y , Isaac O dell, J o h n H . V in c e n t . H . B . R i d s a w ay , Jonathan O. Fow ler, Estimates. C l in t o n B . F i s k , A lbert D. Vail, J o h n F a l c o n e r , T h o m a s C a r l t o n , Andrew V. Stout, H e n r y J. B a k e r , W i l l i a m F . B u t l e r . Richard Van Horne. J o h n S. M ’L e a n , Domestic Missions. Missions in South America J o s e p h F . K n a p p , and Mexico. D a n i e l W i s e , J o h n A . M . C h a p m a n , Charles C. N orth, J o h n F r e n c h , J o h n M i l e y , John S. M’Lean, A lbert S. Hunt, E r a s t u s O . H a v e n . Charles H. Fellow s, Charles H. Fellow s, R. H. Pattison, J o h n B. M e r w i n , Annual Meeting and An­ niversary. Theodore Runyon, Stephen D. Brown, C y r u s D . F oss, Aaron K. Sanford, • John M. Phillips, W i l l i a m T r u s l o w , W i l l i a m S. S t u d l e y , W illiam M’A llister. W illiam F. W arren. J o h n F r e n c h , Finance. S t e p h e n C r o w e l l , St e p h e n C r o w e l l , Missions in China. A l b e r t S. H u n t , E n o c h L . F a n c h e r , J a m e s H . T a f t , L e w i s R . D u n n , O l i v e r H o y t , C y r u s D. F o s s , G e o r g e F . K e t t e l l . feAAt! O d e l l , S a m u e l TJ. F . O d e l l , J a m e s H . T a f t , Audits at New York. John Lanahan, G e o r g e I. S e n e y , T im o t h y A . H o w e , G eorge I. Seney, J . M . F u l l e r . M. D’C. Craw ford, Lewis R. Dunn, ^Legacies. G ilbert Oakley, Stephen Barker. Enoch L. Fancher, H enry B. Ridgaway, Missions inWesternE ur ope. Hiram M. Forrester, George J. Ferry, S a m u e l TJ. F . O d e l l , M. D ’C. C r a w p o r d , W i l l i a m B. S k id m o r e , J a m e s M. F u l l e r . JohnH.Ockershausen, O liver Hoyt, Otis H. Tiffany, O l i v e r H . P. A r c h e r , Audits at Cincinnati. John Stephenson, Joseph F. Knapp, John Cochnower, A n d r e w V.
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