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Neighborhood Arts CLU honors The « Men først en kaffe og avis farmer i morgenstundens stille bris. » tickles D.C. Read more on page 13 – Per Larsen Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 126 No. 14 April 17, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Meet Seattle’s skål-worthy akevitt Story on page 8

What’s inside? News 2-3 Brooklyn revs up for Syttende Mai Business 4 Victoria Hofmo The second event has been a tradition theme and a journal. This year’s pin design Sports 5 Brooklyn, N.Y. since the parade’s inception: the Church Ral- is very elegant; a golden cross between two Opinion 6-7 ly. This year will be especially meaningful, axes on a crimson background, the shield of Taste of 8 Brooklyn is revving up for its annual as the parade’s theme is “Celebrating 1,000 the Christian church of Norway, which was Travel 9 Norwegian Constitution Day Parade, to be Years of Christianity.” The rally will be held founded under King Olaf during the 1030s. held on Sunday, May 17. One interesting on Saturday, May 2, at the Norwegian Chris- The journal does more than raise funds Roots & Connections 10 change that has occurred at Brooklyn’s pa- tian Home, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The guest through advertising. It has meaty content: an Obituaries & Religion 11 rade is that an increasing number of specta- speaker is Doug Thuen from Sparta Evan- essay about the theme, messages from dig- In Your Neighborhood 12-13 tors and participants come from Norway to gelical Free Church, New Jersey. (While you nitaries, the parade line-up, the participants, Norwegian Heritage 14 celebrate here. As the parade’s popularity are at the Home, why not take the opportu- and the two essay contest winners from the grows and changes, the committee continues nity to see the murals outside the building on Scandinavian East Coast Museum’s annual Arts & Entertainment 15 to fine-tune the parade and activities- sur the Ovington Avenue side, “Generations”? contest. (The SECM coordinates their theme Back Page 16 rounding it, through the efforts of over 100 They were painted by students from McKin- with that of the parades.) Pins can be pur- volunteers. Celebrations hit the road in April ley JHS in partnership with 20/20 Visions for chased and journals will be distributed on the $1 = NOK 8.095 and accelerate until the main event. Schools and featured in the June 13, 2014, day of the parade. updated 04/13/2015 The first activity occurred on Sunday, issue of NAW.) The parade is organized into sections April 12, at The Salty Dog. This is the com- Besides events, the committee is also by the following groups: Churches, Sons of In comparison mittee’s newest event, a fundraiser to keep responsible for designing two parade me- 03/13/2015 8.1956 the parade running. mentos each year: a pin that encapsulates the See > parade, page 13 10/13/2014 6.4960 04/13/2014 5.9444 Photos: Jason Brooks / Old Ballard Liquor Co. 2 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter 75-årsdagen for krigsutbruddet Janne Ørsund Bruseth vant 43 mil- lioner kroner på Lotto Kong Harald la ned krans ved Nasjonalmonumentet på 9. april Den ferske mangemillionæren fra Sunndal innkasserte storgevinsten på forsvarssjef Haakon Bruun-Hanssen var til 8. april kveld. Selv hadde hun ikke sett stede under markeringen. trekningen, og trodde det var en spøk I sin tale la stortingspresidenten vekt på da norsk Tipping ringte ved 21-tiden. at vi ikke må glemme Norges krigshistorie. — Jeg ble helt satt ut. Det første som slo — Dette er den mest skjellsettende da- meg, var at det var en spøk, sier Janne toen i vårt lands historie. Det norske folk Ørsund Bruseth til TV 2. — Det var sto overfor sin hittil største krise. Men vi helt uvirkelig å høre summen 43.2 mil- kjempet for vår frihet og kom styrket ut av lioner kroner. Det har fortsatt ikke gått kampen. Demokratiet overvant diktaturet, sa opp for meg. Trebarnsmoren (53) var Thommessen. nettopp ferdig med å vaske vinduene — Dette er en dag å trekke lærdom av, hjemme i leiligheten på Sunndalsøra fortsatte han. da telefonen ringte. — Jeg ble spurt Også resten av dagen blir preget av om jeg hadde fulgt med på treknin- markeringen. Søreide skal foreta den høy­ gen, noe jeg kunne fortelle at jeg ikke tidelige åpningen av Forsvarsmuseets ferske hadde gjort. Jeg fikk vite at lykketallet utstilling «62 dager—kampen om Norge», hadde gått inn, og at jeg hadde vun- før hun haster videre til Oscarsborg for tale net en stor gevinst. Så kontrollerte vi og kransenedleggelse. spillekortet sammen, forteller hun til Foto: Terje Pedersen / Aftenposten Thommessen skal også holde tale og Kong Harald på Akershus i formiddag. Han la ned krans ved Nasjonalmonumentet. lokalavisen Driva. 53-åringen forteller legge ned blomster på Eidsvolls plass fo- til Driva at hun foreløpig ikke har ten- ran Stortinget. Dessuten er det markeringer kt over hva hun skal bruke pengene til. Aftenposten Den tirsdagen våknet nordmenn til flere steder i landet, blant annet på På spørsmål om hun vil vurdere å gå kanondrønn fra festningene langs kysten og folkehøyskole, der Stortinget og regjeringen av med tidlig pensjon, er hun klar: — 96 soldater fra Garnisonskompaniet i krigsfly som kom som svarte rovfugler inn­ samlet seg og vedtok den såkalte Elverums- Det er fullstendig­ uaktuelt. sto i givakt da kongen la ned kransen over landet. Noen timer senere kom tyske fullmakten om kvelden 9. april 1940. (VG) i de norske fargene rødt, hvitt og blått og soldater marsjerende gjennom Oslos gater. gjorde honnør for de falne under krigen. Også stortingspresident Olemic Thom- English Synopsis: King Harald laid a wreath at the Kongen var selv kun tre år gammel un- messen, statsminister Erna Solberg (H), National Monument on April 9 to commemorate the Dyrevernere reagerer etter sjiraff- 75th anniversary of the German invasion of Norway. dødsfall der invasjonen 9. april 1940. forsvarsminister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) og Veterinær og leder i NOAH, Siri Mar- tinsen reagerer på at Dyreparken i Kristiansand ikke klarte å forebygge det dødelige angrepet på sjiraffen Beklager rasistisk rom-politikk Melvin. — Det er flere ting jeg rea- gerer på i denne saken, forteller Siri Solberg beklager til rom for behandlingen de har fått av norske myndigheter Martinsen, veterinær og leder i dyre­ rettighetsorganisasjonen NOAH, om dramaet som utspilte seg i Dyreparken NRK sigøynerparagrafen fra 1927 gjorde at norske i Kristiansand, der sjiraffen Melvin ble rom ble nektet innreise til Norge, og at 68 drept av en antilope. Bilder fra hen- — På vegne av den norske stat vil jeg norske rom som forsøkte å flykte fra Hitler- delsen viser hvordan Melvin har satt nå beklage overfor norske rom: Jeg beklager Tyskland i 1934 ble nektet å komme tilbake fast hodet sitt i en del av gjerdet, og den rasistiske ekskluderingspolitikken som til Norge. at en antilope stanger Melvin i hjel. ble ført i tiårene både før og etter andre — De ble overlatt til seg selv i et stadig — Området på bildet ser veldig beg- verdenskrig. Jeg beklager også de fatale føl- farligere Europa. Som en følge av den norske renset ut for flere sjiraffer, antilopedyr gene denne politikken fikk for norske rom utestengelsen, ble norske rom i det tyskok- og sebraer, mener Martinsen. Direktør under Holocaust, sa Erna Solberg da hun kuperte Europa deportert til konsentrasjons i dyreparken, Per Arnstein Aamodt talte i anledning Den internasjonale romda- ­leirene under andre verdenskrig. Slik ble de tilbakeviser at dyrene har for dårlig gen. ofre for nazistene, sa Solberg. plass. — Jeg har ikke det konkrete tal- Hun viste til det hun betegnet som en — Tiden er høyst moden for et moralsk let her og nå, men den innhegningen rasistisk og ekskluderende politikk norske oppgjør med denne mørke delen av vår his- er en av de største vi har. Bildet viser myndigheter har ført overfor norske rom. torie. Staten må erkjenne sitt ansvar for de bare et utsnitt av innhegningen som — Fra begynnelsen av 1900-tallet gjen- feil som ble begått, og den urett som norske heter «Savannen» og er anslagsvis på nomførte staten en politikk hvor målet var rom har opplevd, sa Solberg på 8. april. Foto: Nina-no / Wikimedia fem eller seks mål, sier han. å ta fra norske rom dokumentasjonen deres Statsminister Erna Solberg beklaget på vegne av den (VG) på norsk statsborgerskap og å utvise dem fra English Synopsis: Solberg apologized for Norway’s norske stat politikken som er blitt ført overfor norske landet, sa Solberg. history of racist treatment and politics towards Nor- rom i tiårene før og etter andre verdenskrig. Hun viste også til at den såkalte wegian Roma on April 8, International Romani Day. Norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 3 news page Norway adjusts This week in brief Stricter immigration 70% oppose EU Membership Ebola response Seven out of ten Norwegians are op- The Rightist coalition posed to EU membership. This is shown wants to extend the Infection rates declining, by a fresh poll by Sentio for the newspa- Norway scales aid back pers Nationen and Klassekampen. qualification period for However, even with this major op- position to the EU, there is not a major- Ministry of Foreign Affairs residence permits by ity for leaving the European Economic Area (EEA), Nationen writes. two years Norway has so far provided more than (Norway Post / NRK / Nationen) NOK 500 million to the efforts to fight Eb- Michael Sandelson ola in West Africa. The infection rate is now The World’s largest computer party The Foreigner greatly reduced. Norway is therefore scaling down its ef- resumes In the proposal sent to hearing, the gov- forts in cooperation with the authorities in The world’s biggest coming-together ernment wants foreigners to live five years the countries concerned and the UN. Norwe- of young data enthusiasts took place in Norway instead of the current three before gian health workers returned to Norway at for the 23rd year running. More than being granted permanent residency. the end of March. 5,200 young people filled ’s skat- “A permanent residence permit brings The Ebola virus has claimed more than ing arena, the Viking Ship Hall for this an extended protection against expulsion 10,000 lives in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra year’s big event, “The Gathering 2015.” with it, for example [regarding] criminal acts Leone over the last year. The crisis is still not The Gathering (TG) is an annual and violations of the Immigration Act,” says Photo: Kari Meijers over, and it is important to strengthen the au- data event for young enthusiasts that Justice and Public Security Minister Anders Immigrants may soon be less “velkommen.” thorities’ capacity to stop any new outbreaks started in 1992 with 1,200 participants Anundsen in a statement. and prevent the spread of infection. in the Hall, near Oslo. It has “The new proposal means that foreign dents should the couple get divorced within “Norway has had a broad engagement in since grown steadily in popularity, and nationals must have resided [in Norway] for the five-year period, for example. the efforts to fight Ebola. We will continue the last couple of years it has attracted at least five years before they can get perma- Specific input regarding the extended our strong engagement by providing support more than 5,000 participants. nent residency.” period’s possible significance for people to NGOs, the World Health Organization, More than 13km of cables have He argues that the move will allow au- who are subjected to abuse by their partner and other partners. This will include an ad- been rolled out and 7,568 connecting thorities to better check whether foreign is also asked for. ditional contribution of NOK 50 million to points have been installed, Atenposten nationals have been granted permanent resi- “The proposal will probably result in the WHO’s efforts,” said Minister of Foreign writes. In 1999 it was registered in dency on false grounds. Pro forma marriage more foreigners being expelled as a result Affairs Børge Brende, who visited Liberia The Guinness Book of Records as the is one reason given. of [having committed] criminal offenses and and Sierra in September last year. world’s biggest temporary data net- Moreover, foreign nationals will also no work. Six years ago it was threatened longer retain their status as permanent resi- See > immigration, page 5 See > Ebola, page 14 by a Swedish meet, but then the Nor- wegian organizers squeezed in a record 5,100 enthusiasts. The Gathering attracts growing in- terest, both nationally and internation- Nordics-Russia issues escalate ally. TG is organized by the non-profit organization KANDU (Kreativ Aktiv Officials from the five Norsk DataUngdom/Creative Active Norwegian Computer Youth). countries sign a joint (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) declaration against Norway’s new climate target Russia increasing her Norway has submitted its 2030 climate target to the UN Framework Conven- military capability tion on Climate Change. In December, a new global climate agreement is to be concluded at the UN Climate Con- Michael Sandelson & Sarah Bostock ference. Norway is the third country The Foreigner to submit its intended contribution, af- ter Switzerland and the EU. Norway is Norway, , , , committed to a target of at least a 40% and Iceland are to widen their military co- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions operation. Sweden and Finland are the only by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. countries who are not members of NATO. Photo: U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley / Wikimedia Commons The aim is to fulfill the emission Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and Finn- A Russian military honor guard. reduction target as a collective delivery ish Defense Ministers—Ine Eriksen Søreide, with the EU and its member states. Nor- , Peter Hultqvist, and Carl The security situation in the Nordic effective use of military means in order to way will enter into a dialogue with the Haglund, respectively—as well as Iceland’s Countries’ neighboring areas has deterio- reach their political goals, even when this EU on an agreement for the collective Foreign Minister, Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, rated markedly in the last year, according to involves violating principles of international delivery of the climate target. If there announce their intentions in an op-ed Nor- them. law,” reads the declaration’s text. is no agreement on a collective deliv- wegian national daily Aftenposten has pub- And despite the region being predomi- “The Russian military act in a challeng- ery with the EU, Norway will fulfill the lished. nantly stable, the ministers say that, “we ing way along our borders, and there have commitment independently. Terming Russia’s conduct as “repre- must be prepared to face possible crises or been several border infringements regard- “We need more international coop- senting the gravest challenge to European incidents. We must ascertain that it is no lon- ing Baltic Sea countries. What is particularly eration to meet the climate challenge. A security,” the ministers say that aggression ger business as usual, and now have a new disturbing is the fact that Russian military collective delivery for Norway and the towards Ukraine and the illegal annexation normal state [of play] to relate to.” aircraft have behaved in a manner that has EU on climate change is a step in the of Crimea are “violations of human rights “They [Russia’s leaders] have shown right direction. Both Norway and the and other international agreements.” that they are prepared to make practical and See > russia, page 14 EU have high ambitions on climate, and view climate measures in the context of theforeigner.no is one of the top sources for English-language news long-term transition to low emission so- There are no foreign and features from Norway. Subscriptions start at NOK 49 per month cieties. By linking our climate efforts, we can achieve better results,” says «lands. It is the traveler climate and environment minister Tine Sundtoft. only who is foreign. (Norway Post / NRK) – Robert Louis Stevenson » 4 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Zaptec charges ahead Municipal pension fund jettisons coal firms South Africa, and Honduras, as well as a KLP will cut investments in coal companies wind power project in Kenya. further this summer after pulling out from 27 (Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner) The company’s innovative chargers are firms in November 2014, reports say. Norway’s largest life insurance company New record for Norwegian seafood exports solving problems and winning awards KLP also handles municipal employees’ pen- Norway exported seafood worth NOK 6.4 sions. Some NOK 2 billion currently remains billion in March. That is an increase of 13 Rasmus Falck in oil and coal firms, reports Vårt Land. percent, or NOK 741 million, compared to Oslo, Norway Norwegian environmental organization March 2014. “A record-strong month makes The Future in Our Hands (FIOH) calculates the first quarter of the year the strongest in The start-up Zaptec won Rogaland’s that these are among the 200 companies that history for Norwegian seafood export. This Innovation Award for 2015 for the devel- sit on 97 percent of the world’s coal, oil, and in spite of the two first months showing opment of the company’s groundbreaking gas reserves. weaker export figures compared to the re- power technology: its vast potential for ap- KLP wants to be more environmentally cords from last year,” says Geir Bakkevoll, plication impressed the jury. Zaptec devel- friendly, according to Responsible Invest- Head of Communication at the Norwegian ops and manufactures extremely compact, ment Director Jeanett Bergan. Seafood Council. efficient, and lightweight switch mode trans- The probable upcoming new divest- Cod is being sold at a high price, Bak- formers and power supplies. ments follow FIOH’s demands for further kevoll explains. He says that in spite of a late The company was only established in action. “Our main aim is to move the capital cod season this year with poor weather con- 2012, but its founders have been working for from fossil fuels to renewables,” she told the ditions, there has been lots of activity both a decade with miniature power electronics. publication, “and we’re going to. New [coal before and during Easter. The amount of cod This has resulted in a unique high-voltage company] exclusions will probably come on that has been exported proves this. transformer technology with several appli- June 1. The climate has been high on KLP’s The salmon has also had a strong first cations. Their transformer was originally agenda for many years.” quarter this year, mainly because of a weaker developed for oil drilling. The company has KLP has invested in several renewable Norwegian Krone against both the Euro and their head office in Stavanger, a district of- energy-based facilities. They currently com- the Dollar, which has helped increase sales. fice in Oslo, and ten employees. prise four solar energy parks in Rwanda, (Norway Post / Aftenposten) Their product, the ZapCharger, is a su- per compact transformer technology which is 1/10 the size and uses 1/100 the amount of MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE copper and iron of traditional transformers. A frequently asked question in Norway about charging an electric car is if it is necessary Attorneys and counselors at law to have a built-in transformer. The answer is yes, if you have the special Norwegian elec- tric system (IT-net) at your charging loca- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, tion and want to boost your charging power. commercial transactions and estate planning. Zaptec’s technology ensures fast and reliable charging of cars that are sensitive to ground- ing issues and to the Norwegian system. 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 The Renault electric car had a challenge. About 70 percent of the Norwegian electric- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 ity net couldn’t handle the make. The solu- tion was a cable developed by Zaptec. The company likes to call it a portable charge station. Actually it is the first charging cable WOODEN SPOON SCANDINAVIAN SHOP in the world with a built-in electronic trans- 1617 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 former. Now all Renault’s electrical cars (972) 424-6867 will be equipped with the cable. The recent agreement between the automobile company and Zaptec might also have an international Order all your lefse potential. Zaptec has been working with space- equipment by calling us related projects for several years, and one or ordering on line. of the company’s main projects is the mis- sion of searching for signs of life on Mars by drilling deep to map the geology and find Mention this ad and liquid water. The company’s technology is a shipping is free! significant step in the development of drill- “Rolling in the Dough” apron $22.95 ing modules for space operations. The aim Photo: Zaptec.com is to drill hundreds of meters with a total The ZapCharger allows Norwegians to charge [email protected] • www.woodenspoon.ws equipment weight of less than one ton and their Teslas in eight hours instead of 24. extremely low energy needs. At the Front End of Innovation 2015 Rasmus Falck is a strong conference, the American Shackleton En- innovation and entrepre- ergy Company (SEC) and Zaptec signed a neurship advocate. The Memorandum of Understanding. Together author of “What do the they will explore how their super-compact best do better” and “The and efficient transformer technology can board of directors as a be used to power infrastructure and plasma resource in SME,” he re- drilling technology, to extract water from lu- ceived his masters degree nar ice and refine it into fuel on the moon. In from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He this case, the sky isn’t even the limit! currently lives in Oslo, Norway.

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (April 13, 2015) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 8.0952 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 7.0714 Frontline 23.40 18.18% TGS-NOPEC 172.50 -12.44% Archer 2.99 11.57% Dolphin Group 2.00 -9.09% Svensk Kr. 8.8184 Vardia Insurance Group 16.00 9.22% Norwegian Energy Co. 0.42 -8.70% Islandsk Kr. 139.43 Scatec Solar 39.30 7.67% GC Rieber Shipping 24.00 -7.69% Canadian $ 1.2595 Atlantic Petroleum 49.00 7.46% Oceanteam Shipping 5.12 -6.40% Euro 0.9465 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 5 sports Sports News Streak for Alexander Kristoff & Notes

First to win Three Curling: Norway loses final Days of De Panne, Norway lost 5-9 to Sweden in the final in the Curling World Championship in Canada Tour of Flanders, on Sunday, April 5. Host nation Canada won the bronze final against Finland 8-4. and Scheldeprijs in (Norway Post / NRK) a single season Cycling: Kristoff takes 10th Place in Paris-Roubaix Molly Jones German John Degenkolb won the Paris- Norwegian American Weekly Roubaix race on April 12. Alexander Krist- off could not quite keep up and ended up in Norwegian road cyclist Alexander 10th place to conclude his winning streak. Kristoff is off to an incredible start this sea- (NRK) son with 11 victories, a winning streak, and a new title as the first ever to win Three Days Hockey: Women lose to Austria of De Panne, Tour of Flanders, and Schelde- Norway was beaten 5-2 by Austria in Group prijs in a single year. A in the 1st division in the women’s hockey His streak began with the Three Days World Cup. Austria’s victory was secured of De Panne, a three-day race in Belgium. with three goals in the second period. Austria Kristoff’s three stage victories and a third- leads the group with 6 points. Norway has 3 place finish in the time trial earned him the points after 6-5 over France on April 12. victory as well as the points classification. Second place went to Stijn Devolder and (NRK) third to Bradley Wiggins, both of Belgium. This year’s race took place from March 31 Best attendance since 2011 to April 2, leading right up to the prestigious Photo: Jarle Vines / Wikimedia Commons A total of 62,503 spectators turned up for Tour of Flanders. Alexander Kristoff at the Tour de Fjords in 2014. the eight opening games of the 2015 Tippe- Considered one of the biggest races in ligaen season. This is the best turnout since the world, the Tour of Flanders is the second as well as sprinting. Theuns and Belarusian Yauheni Hutarovich. 2011. With 19,872 attendees at Lerkendal, of the season’s Five Monuments of Cycling. NRK’s cycling expert and former cy- It’s only April, but 2015 is looking to Rosenborg was the team with the most fans Kristoff became the first Norwegian to ever cling professional Dag Erik Pedersen agrees be the best season for the Norwegian, who at the opening match, according to NTB. win the Tour of Flanders, held in Belgium on that Kristoff’s career reached a new level at races for the Russian team Katusha. Prior (NRK) Easter Sunday, April 5. Flanders. “Kristoff is the best cyclist in the to Three Days of De Panne, Kristoff had al- The monument race ended in an exciting world right now. Not only because he won ready claimed three stage victories and the < immigration 30 kilometer sprint finish between Kristoff the race, but even more because of the way sprint jersey at the Tour of Qatar, a stage vic- From page 3 and Niki Terpstra of the Netherlands. Dem- he did it,” said Pedersen. tory at the Tour of Oman, and a sprint victo- onstrating his strength as a sprinter, Kristoff Is the Norwegian really the world’s best ry in stage one of Paris–Nice. The two-time violations of the Immigration Act, since it beat Terpstra to the finish line with Belgian cyclist? It’s hard to say, but Kristoff’s con- Norwegian National Champion and bronze- will take longer before the foreigner obtains Greg Van Avermaet following in third. tinued success certainly supports Pedersen’s medal Olympian is now being compared to greater protection against expulsion,” de- “It has been one of the season’s big claim. Just three days after Tour of Flanders, Thor Hushovd, widely accepted as Norway’s clares Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen. goals, and it is a fantastic feeling. That I Kristoff secured his 11th victory of the sea- greatest cyclist ever. This extension is in line with the quad- managed to achieve it so well almost ex- son at Scheldeprijs on April 8. “Now I have won two ‘monuments’ so Party agreement between the Conservatives ceeds all expectations,” said Kristoff after Kristoff was one of the few cyclists who I’m getting closer, but he delivered for many (H), Progress (FrP), Christian Democrats his Flanders victory. made it past the dramatic mass crash, just years,” comments Kristoff of these compari- (KrF), and Liberals (V), according to him. “It is maybe the biggest victory in my one kilometer from the finish line. With an sons to Hushovd. “If I keep putting results The deadline for comments and input is entire career,” he continues, noting that this impressive 150-meter sprint finish, Krist- forward, maybe I will get closer.” set to May 15, two days before the annual win is proof that he can excel in the classics off won the race ahead of Belgian Edward Constitution Day celebrations. Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings WHEN IT COMES TO RETIREMENT 04/06 Mjøndalen 1 – 0 Viking Tippeligaen PLD PTS ARE YOU READY TO ROLL? 04/06 Rosenborg 5 – 0 Aalesund 1. Rosenborg 2 6 04/06 Sandefjord 3 – 1 Bodø/Glimt Recent tax law changes may help 2. Odd 2 6 04/06 Stabæk 1 – 1 Haugesund Thrivent Financial offers solutions that can 04/06 Tromsø 0 – 1 08 3. Vålerenga 2 4 help you protect retirement assets, 04/06 Vålerenga 3 – 1 Strømsgodset 4. Start 2 4 defer taxes or enjoy a guaranteed 04/07 Lillestrøm 1 – 1 Start 5. Mjøndalen 2 4 stream of income for life. Plus, 04/07 Molde 1 – 2 Odd 6. Sarpsborg 08 2 4 new tax law changes may mean 04/10 Sarpsborg 08 1 – 1 Vålerenga 7. Molde 2 3 new options for your 04/11 Bodø/Glimt 1 – 3 Molde 8. Sandefjord 2 3 retirement income strategy. 04/11 Strømsgodset 1 – 1 Mjøndalen 9. Viking 2 3 Find out how a rollover can help! 04/12 Aalesund 1 – 1 Lillestrøm 10. Lillestrøm 2 1 Contact a Thrivent Financial 04/12 Haugesund 0 – 6 Rosenborg representative or visit 04/12 Odd 2 – 0 Stabæk 11. Strømsgodset 2 1 Thrivent.com/ready2roll. 04/12 Start 2 – 1 Sandefjord 12. Stabæk 2 1 04/12 Viking 3 – 1 Tromsø 13. Aalesund 2 1 To read more about football in 14. Haugesund 2 1 Norway, visit www.uefa.com 15. Tromsø 2 0 16. Bodø/Glimt 2 0 Guarantees backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Thrivent Financial. Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. 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28358NBA N2-15 6 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly opinion

A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! Transparency and need

As you may (hopefully!) be aware, changes for the better. NAW is running a campaign this month If you’d still like to contribute (and to raise money. every contribution, no matter how small, It’s like a pledge drive, and we’re sends a tiny thrill of happiness straight like PBS calling on “Viewers Like You” into my heart), the campaign runs through to keep us in business. But the difference the end of the month at www.indiegogo. is that we’re not public radio (or even com/projects/save-the-norwegian-ameri- newspaper). We are, for some mystifying can-weekly or igg.me/at/naw. reason, organized as a for-profit company. If you’re interested in something Which unfortunately means that your do- from this list and you don’t internet, you nations aren’t tax-deductible. can also support us through the mail. Be It also means that we’ve had some sure to clearly indicate what package questions about why we need to hold a you’d like on your form (next page). The fundraiser in the first place. Aren’t we only restriction is that some packages making enough money from subscrip- have limited availability. It will be first tions? After all, we just raised our sub- come, first serve for these if we run out. scription price about a year ago, to $70! The short answer is no. But let me how little we make; I really don’t. In 2014 All of which is to say that we’re not $5: Spread the Word Package give you a longer answer. All these num- our payroll was $80,640 (for one full-timer making our financial woes up. We’re very 50 flyers and your name on our “He- bers are from 2014, and rounded to the and three part-timers), which adds $1,716 to close to making this thing work, but the bot- roes of Ragnarok” page. For the fan of nearest dollar for simplicity. the cost of each issue. We now need 2,819 tom line is that with our current numbers of NAW who doesn’t have a lot of money First, it costs a lot to print and deliver subscribers, which, dear readers, is where subscribers ends do not quite meet. but wants to help by being our emissary. a physical paper. Each issue costs $1,045 we hit trouble, because we do not have that This is, of course, why reaching more You agree to distribute or prominently to print and on average $867 to ship. Oth- many. And this expense really needs to in- subscribers is our first priority. Costs for ship- display our attractive 3.5x8” flyers. er costs, like credit card and PayPal fees crease: $80K is a decent salary in Seattle… ping and printing do go up with additional 80 available and the software that manages our mail- for one person. subscribers, but not in a linear progression ing list, add another $107 per issue. Those We still haven’t paid for any of our con- (setup costs are huge), and virtually none of $12: Your Very Own Nisse are our “costs of goods sold,” and if they tent in this calculation. Most of our amazing our other expenses change. Many hands make One Nils Anders Wik die-cut mag- were the extent of our expenses we’d only writers are volunteers, but I would desperate- light work, and many subscribers make sus- net. He’ll make your refrigerator at least need 1,346 subscribers to break even. ly love to pay them all. If we started offering tainable newspapers. If we had 20,000 sub- 12% more adorable. Unfortunately (but fortunately, be- $50 per story (which is low), it would cost us scribers we could give ourselves raises and Estimated delivery: July 2015 cause I’d go insane working from home!) an additional $600 or so per issue, which we’d pay all our contributors $100 per story and we also have an office. Rent adds another need another 400 subscribers to support. still bring you the newspaper for $35 per year! $20: Back Issue Grab Bag $306 per issue. Things like postage (send- Advertising is another area in which Without advertising! 5,000 would be enough This won’t literally be in a bag. We’ll ing back issues, books for review, invoices we’d like to we need to increase spending. to do all of that at our current price. send you five randomly chosen issues of for advertising, etc.) and office supplies How can we reach the new subscribers we If you are reading this paper and you NAW from the past year or so. add $37. It’s amazing how fast postage need without advertising? We can’t. And yet, haven’t paid for it, I’d like you to consider 28 available adds up! We also need a phone and internet we need the support in order to do it. this, especially if you habitually read the pa- access in the office, which costs $59 per is- And don’t forget that businesses need a per for free—for example if you always get it $25: Postcards fra Norge sue. We are probably getting ripped off on cushion to operate. Last year we had to in- from your neighbor or pick it up at the Sons You’ll receive one genuine Norwe- that, but there’s a monopoly in our area, so vest in a new computer and new website, and of Norway lodge. What if every person who gian postcard with a very short fiction what can we do? All told, having an office things like that are sure to come up every year. currently reads our paper that way paid for a story written on the back, inspired by the brings our per-issue cost to $2,421. So now We do bring in some advertising rev- subscription? What if even half of them did? postcard itself. we need 1,614 subscribers before we break enue, and we expect that amount to increase. The Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign 12 available even. So far so good! In months when we meet our advertising is a temporary boost, an injection of funds to Boring but necessary costs of run- target, we break even. In months when we buy us time while we build up our subscriber $50: Who’s that Nisse? Package ning a business, like bank fees, business don’t… well, you do the math. Last year, base and advertising. It won’t fix everything, One Nils Anders Wik die-cut magnet tax, and licenses, add another $91. 1,675 staffing irregularities led to a lot of that sec- but neither do we intend to give up if we and one small needle-felted nisse. Is it subscribers are now necessary. ond kind of month, which is part of the trou- don’t meet our goal. Not before we’ve had one of Nils Anders’s siblings? A descen- This is before any of us have been ble. This year, Drew’s been pretty solidly at a chance to fight for the kind of readership paid for our time. I don’t want to tell you work and shows no sign of slowing down. that will let us not only go on but make some See > pledge drive, page 7

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Just the right amount of NAW

Want to try NAW on for size? Name: ______Phone: ______Looking for a lower-priced gift Address: ______for the Norwegian in your life? Here’s a secret: we’ll pro-rate City/State/Zip: ______subscriptions to fit your budget. Visa / Mastercard: ______Expiration: ______CVV: one year: $70 Email: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. Or buy part of a year for less! You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Publisher Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] < pledge drive Editorial Assistant From page 6 Molly Jones [email protected] from NAW will conduct a phone, skype, or Taste of Norway Editor dent? We’d love to hear whatever stories the $150: Scandinavian DJ for a Day email interview with you to document Nils Daytona Strong [email protected] little nisse tells you! Co-host the Seattle-area KKNW Scan- Anders’s journey. Afterward, you agree to Advertising Estimated delivery: August 2015 dinavian Hour with Doug Warne some Sat- send him on his way. Drew Gardner [email protected] urday. The show records on weekday after- Also comes with a prize pack of nisse- Subscriptions $100: Happy Birthday Package noons. Write and present two ads for your related goodies including two magnets and a John Erik Stacy [email protected] One print gift subscription, a Commu- company (worth $50 each) or club fundrais- very special, secret gift. nity Connections greeting in any issue (with er. Or air some announcements about your 10 available Contributors five extra copies of that issue sent to you or favorite club activities to be presented on the Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. your friend), and your friend’s name on our Weekly Bulletin Board. Introduce a few re- $5,000: Your Name in Lights Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands “Heroes of Ragnarok” page. Community cords and chat a bit on air! Profile of your Norwegian-American Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Connections greetings are approximately 4 available business/project/etc. We won’t write propa- M. Michael Brady , Norway 5x3.5” and can include a photo and a few ganda for you, but we believe there’s a story Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. lines of message. You’ll work with NAW to $200: Alternate History Package anywhere you look, and we’ll do our best to Daughters of Norway Members Various Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. design the greeting at least one month prior One copy of the extremely limited find it. Someone from NAW will conduct a Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway to placement. edition “final” issue, signed by the staff of phone, skype, or email interview with you, Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland NAW, and a Community Connections greet- you provide photos, and the result is a story. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. $100/$190: Hovden “Busserull” ing in any issue between June 5, 2015, and The first of these will also include a vi- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Hovden Formal Farm Wear’s flagship June 3, 2016 (with five extra copies of that sual story. Features Editor Larrie Wanberg Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. garment is the reproduction of the 150-year- issue sent to you). will script your story, you supply up to 20 Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. old Scandinavian work shirt. You get one 29 available scanned images to fit the script, and he’ll put Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. hand-made linen busserull in either kids’ it together with background music as a short Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y ($100) or adult ($190) sizes. For color op- $500: A Visit from the Nisse video. We’ll also post it on the NAW website Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. tions, sizes, and other info, visit www.hov- Nils Anders Wik will come visit you! along with your written story. Only one of Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. denformalfarmwear.com. Price includes Can you help him find his family, other nisse these is on offer! Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. shipping to the U.S. Please add $5 for inter- who may have been turned into furniture or This package also includes ad space Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Darin Lietz Seattle, Wash. national shipping. otherwise magically changed? During his equal to 2 full pages b/w or 1 page color. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. 20 available visit be sure to take lots of pictures. Someone 6 available. Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. We accept check and Visa or Mastercard. To pay with a credit card over the phone, call us at David Nikel Trondheim, Norway (206) 784-4617. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to: Norwegian American Weekly. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. NAWLetters notes You can send your check or credit card info with this form to: 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Will return. We have quite a John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Card Holder Name: Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. few of them, actually, but are just Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. too pressed for space this issue Credit Card Number: to run them. Stay tuned! Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Expiration Date: CVV: question or comment about news coverage call Birthdays! (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions Whoops! We forgot to Shipping Address: for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and include last week’s birthdays the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this before we left for Easter break. newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion Please wish an extra happy be- writers and letter writers are not necessarily those lated birthday to the folks we of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- Billing Address (if different from shipping): tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. missed, and pinch them extra to Comments, suggestions, and complaints about make up for the delay. the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- Correction Phone: E-mail: 1389) is published weekly except the first week of As a few of you have pointed the calendar year, the week after Easter, the last week of July, and the first two weeks of August by out, in the March 27 issue article, Package(s) desired: Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Periodicals “The Princess and the President,” postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. •PO STMASTER: Please send ad- King Olav’s name was misspelled. dress changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seat- It should read “Olav,” not “Olaf.” tle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten

Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven


Can that be Ha ha ha, I have to Yeah, do You, Lars, here in the paper possible? show this to Lars. that, Per. it says if you really want to make someone laugh you You should try should tickle their sides. it on Værmor. 8 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Seattle’s skål-worthy akevitt With a modern twist on an age-old drink, Old Ballard Liquor Co. is bringing Scandinavian drinking culture back, one bottle of akevitt at a time

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

Why did Old Ballard Liquor Co. choose ucts to capture the seasonal drinking cus- to distill akevitt, a spirit unknown to many toms of Scandinavia. The distillery’s website non-Scandinavians? Well, as an 18-year-old is the best place to find a complete listing of in Sweden, owner Lexi had acquired a taste the current products, which can be purchased for akevitt. But after returning to the U.S., at the distillery’s location in Ballard, Total her quest for authentic akevitt deemed fruit- Wines throughout the state, Whole Foods in less—so she decided to make her own! Seattle, as well as a selection of independent After years of planning, Lexi opened the liquor stores in Washington. Old Ballard Liquor Co. in June 2013. Akev- The distillery’s biggest challenge is itt is the distillery’s primary product, which standing up to engrained brand loyalties and sets Old Ballard apart from other American introducing Old Ballard to new customers. akevitt producers. Many with strong brand loyalties to im- Lexi describes the akevitt distilling pro- ported akevitt are hesitant to try Old Ballard cess as “like gin, but with different spices.” products, says Lexi. But she’s confident that The spices vary according to the variety of if she can get them to try it, they will like it! akevitt, but Old Ballard tends to steer clear Old Ballard honors the local Scandina- of fennel and anise. Whichever spices are vian community by educating customers and chosen are then added to unflavored vodka local craft bartenders on not only the drink and the mixture is redistilled. After this sec- itself but also the Scandinavian drinking cul- ond distillation, more spices are often added ture as a whole. For customers looking to for color and additional flavor. immerse themselves in the culture, the dis- The spirit is so unique because it offers tillery holds a two-hour class covering the a diversity of flavors that can be completely history, production, technique, styles, and different from bottle to bottle, according to regions of akevitt—plus some cocktails and Lexi. Of course this can also be a challenge, drinking songs! Lexi also donates her prod- especially as a small-batch craft distillery; ucts to Scandinavian charities and groups as bottles can vary according to the freshness much as possible and enjoys involving mem- of the herbs or even the time of the year. bers of the local Scandinavian community in Old Ballard offers three core akevitt the distillery’s events. products: the Swedish Älskar Aquavit, the To further honor Ballard’s roots, the Danish Midsommar Aquavit, and the Nor- distillery offers a 10 percent discount to wegian Riktig Aquavit. According to Lexi, Scandinavian language speakers and Ballard Swedish akevitt is generally sweet and Dan- maritime workers. But a mere “uff da” won’t ish is dry, while Norwegian akevitt is known suffice! For the discount, customers must for its richness. Many Scandinavians will show off their Scandinavian language skills Photos: Jason Brooks / Old Ballard Liquor Co. enjoy all three but declare the akevitt of their in a conversation with Lexi. With several akevitt options, Old Ballard has something for most Scandinavian palates. homeland to be the “real” akevitt, Lexi has But most importantly, selling akevitt observed. allows Lexi to share the compelling history moving forward and introducing new gen- traditional, rich Norwegian winter meal. It is Considering the diversity of the flavors of the spirit and the drinking customs with erations to akevitt. made with alder wood—similar to the birch among the varieties, the ideal food pairings Scandinavians and non-Scandinavians alike. One of Lexi’s favorite akevitt cocktails used by Norwegians—contributing histori- also vary. Lexi recommends oysters with Äl- With a tattoo-style design on the label is the Nordic Muse, a bright drink with lem- cal aspects and a sense of place. skar Aquavit, crayfish or salmon with Mid- and innovative akevitt cocktails, Lexi is on and herbal notes that is excellent served sommar Aquavit, and pinnekjøtt (or any rich, channeling a more modern representation of alongside lamb. To learn more about Old Ballard Liquor Co., fatty meats) with Riktig. Scandinavian culture in hopes of attracting a The Nordic Muse is made with the Nor- visit www.oldballardliquorco.com or register In addition to the three mainstays and new generation of akevitt customers. Many wegian-style Riktig Aquavit, which has the for the Aquavit Tasting Craft School at the her popular Cherry Bounce liqueur, Old Bal- are shocked that Lexi would serve akevitt kick needed to stand up to the flavors of a Nordic Heritage Museum on June 7 or 14. lard also offers a selection of seasonal prod- in cocktails, but she believes it is the key to The Nordic Muse

2 oz Riktig Caraway Aquavit 4 oz juice of lemon & simple syrup to taste 2 large sprigs fresh rosemary and tarragon, chopped roughly

Shake vigorously over ice for at least 10 seconds. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 with a sprig of fresh herb or lemon peel. Skål!

Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska Shipshape & Seaworthy www.pacificfishermen.com norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 9 travel Following in the footprints of emigrants Fotefar Temareiser takes Norwegians all over , Russia, and the United States

Lagertha Aslaug Brooklyn, N.Y.

Fotefar Temareiser, a Norwegian travel agency, is spreading its wings and host- ing its first tour to New York. The business is owned and operated by a father and son team, Rasmus and Yngve Sunde, and their office is located in Leikanger in the beautiful Sognefjord area. I asked Rasmus about how the company started: “Our first trip was to the Midwest. I have a PhD in emigration history and many friends in the Midwest. Our first trip was to Moorhead, where a person had built a rep- lica of a Norwegian stave church. This was in 1998 and we have arranged trips to the Midwest every year after.” I was also curious about the company name. Rasmus said, “Fotefar means that we are traveling in the footprints of the emi- grants, the Vikings, and so on.” Office manager Toril Partenyi elaborat- ed and explained the company’s focus. “We arrange tours in the footprints of historical Norwegians all over Europe, Russia, and the U.S. In 2015 we will arrange 20 tours.” This March the group took its first tour in New York. Toril led the group. Prior to the trip, Toril described their itinerary as fol- Photo: Espen Mills / Tasteofnationaltouristroutes.com / visitnorway.com lows: “This particular tour to New York is Leikanger, where the company is located, is a very beautiful place to visit—but Fotefar Temareiser brings groups to other exotic destinations, such a Brooklyn, New York. a music and literature tour. We have hired Ragnar Hovland, a well-known Norwegian author, to go with us, and he will have daily perience shows and musicals at Broadway back to our main theme, walking in Norwe- followed by lunch and then they head back lectures about New York authors and litera- scenes. The people attending this tour are gians’ footprints, as Siri has Norwegian an- to Manhattan. Local Brooklyn Norwegians ture. We will also visit Harlem for gospel particularly interested in jazz, soul, and lit- cestors.” were also invited to greet, meet, and lunch concerts and soul food, Greenwich Village erature. Meeting Siri Hustvedt at the Danish The group will also be having a half- with the travelers. to visit several jazz clubs, and we will ex- club is a highlight at our trip, and takes us day tour of Norwegian Brooklyn, led by I asked Rasmus what makes Fotefar tour guide Victoria Hofmo, President of the Temareiser tours unique. “We are a small Norwegian American Weekly Scandinavian East Coast Museum. Hofmo company and try to give good service to all said that the group came by bus, which al- participants. Also, history telling is impor- lowed them to see a broad sweep of what tant in our tours.” I concur. If you can take a Photo of the Week Norwegians have contributed to this area of trip whose itinerary encompasses your pas- Brooklyn. She added, “I plan to have them sion and puts it in a historical context for visit three social institutions/organizations you, what could be better? So, hats off to that exemplify the Norwegian value of so- Rasmus, Yngve, and Toril for the wonderful cial responsibility; each institution/organiza- gift they have created for Norwegian travel- tion is going strong and has been serving the ers. community for over 100 years.” If you want to go off the beaten path, Hofmo also plans to have them visit the don’t choose any port in a storm or you’ll Brooklyn waterfront and Leif Ericsson Park. miss the boat and could even be taken for The tour will end at the Danish Athletic a ride. Travel with Fotefar Temareiser, for Club, where Brooklyn resident and author, they will go the extra mile and you will be Siri Hustvedt, will be interviewed, and the ensured smooth sailing. They will have you audience will have a chance to ask her ques- flying high into the wild blue yonder. tions about her probing work. This will be

Photo: Valerie “Magna” Borey Nils Anders Wik had a great time making new friends at Skogfjorden’s Mini Norwegian Village on March 28. Andrew “Finngeir” Hinrichs takes a break from giving visitors troll makeovers to hang out with Nils Anders.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. 10 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

James G. Jerpseth Vista CA Arthur Hilmo Davenport IA John Skaftun Shoreline WA James Leider Kent WA Roy E. Isaksen Auburn WA Olav S. Meum Vista CA Alvin Lansverk Murdock MN 21. april Erling Morken Anchorage AK Earl Lillestrand Bloomington MN Magnhild M. Andvik Danny L. Strand Seattle WA Vernon Mathisen Nordland WA Andvikgrend Norway Alma Swanson Louis Park MN LeRaine Olson Maplewood MN Scott Baunsgard Portland OR Ursula Rickman Duck NC Laura Jensen Mt. Kisco NY 14. april Paul W. Sevig Ft. Pierre SD Penny Joseph Knudsen Martinez CA 10. april Berit Alexander East Point GA Marie Strand Bisbee ND Leo Langley Sun City West AZ Dave Braaten Cyrus MN Mrs. Hjalmer Christenson Wahpeton ND Edith Sundset Duluth MN Einar Mathison Missoula MT Carla S. Buchanan Tacoma WA Torval Engevik Fitjar Norway Ivar Mathison Columbus MT Ingvar Drage Tacoma WA Martin Gjesdal Nekoma ND 19. april Thomas Rasmussen Weatogue CT Ole J. Hellie Pipestone MN Ragnhild Isane Herset Kila MT Delores Cleveland Sioux Falls SD Elida Salmonson Otis Orchards WA Inga McCarthy Alhambra CA Olav Isane Brosten MN Marit Ekelund Lunner Norway Kristmar Simpson Surrey BC Canada Magnhild Olson Stangeland Bjarne Magnussen Vaksdal Norway Gunhild Hope Fagerbakke Beulah Sollie Camano Island WA Larimore ND Marie Olson Dalekvam Norway Williston ND Tina A. Stensland Lynnwood WA Sam Sjoen Petaluma CA Alma Nelson Monica CA Tom Tindeland Springfield MN 11. april Ross Willison Federal Way WA Maxine Foss Paulson Grand Forks ND Elsie Willumsen Brooklyn NY Howard Hansen Moraga CA Edward Svanoe Stillwater MN Gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN 15. april Janet K. Ungerman Brooklyn Park MN 22. april Eric Nelson Santa Monica CA Paul H. Gilje St. Petersburg FL Will Fry Tacoma WA Doris Johannessen Ryder Long Beach Colleen Elise Grobstok Kirkland WA 20. april Nathan Luke Herset Kalispell MT CA Rev. Janni Belgum Coleman AB Canada Knut Jensen Gjovik Norway Astrid Virding Thousand Oaks CA 16. april Marianne Ekelund Løvenstad Norway Elaine M. Nelson Holmen WI Turid Bouchoukian Edmonds WA Mette Ekelund Løvenstad Norway Charles Svensen Philomath OR 12. april Janna Glomstad Tretten Norway Edwin O. Emang Juneau AK Ole N. Tvede Glens Falls NY Mrs. O. K. Blomlie Tacoma WA Christie Grimsbo Lake Mills IA Jens Flesland New London MN Viggo Christensen Seattle WA Mary Ellen Lane Minneapolis MN Aage Førre Slater IA 23. april Kristine Dorris Parkland WA Virginia F. Mansell Springfield OR Barbara Judd Rainbow CA Kjell Bakke Leavenworth WA Selma Erickson Bellevue WA Hans Karlstad Sacramento CA Renate Haugeto Staten Island NY Hans Everett Idso St Peter MN 17. april Konrad Knutsen Toms River NJ Torgeir Haugland Auburn WA Arnt Lyngen Vernon BC Canada Jens Fuhr Brandon MN Sally Lorentzen Staten Island NY Minnie Helgeson Anoka MN Judy Morken Anchorage AK Simon Hansen Canby OR John Lovell Scottsdale AZ Oscar Hokold Tacoma WA O. Hilmar Rud Birchdale MN Sven Nilsen San Mateo CA Bernice Nissen Everett WA George O. Lillegard Chico CA G. R. Vidness Midwest WY John Pedersen Prince Rupert BC Canada Kristine Lovise Nilsen Portland OR Kay Saatvedt Everett WA Mary Rolf Brandon MN Caroline Olsen Tacoma WA 13. april Norma Watterud Fort Myers FL Carl Dokken Benson MN Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Margaret Furan Kelowna BC Canada 18. april Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. Sonia Heggedal Fargo ND Carl A. Alfheim Seattle WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! Community Connections Community Connections Happy Birthday Happy 102nd Birthday to our Lou Ann Vidden Knorr Norwegian Grandma, LeRaine Olson!

We love you, Nana.

From your grandchildren April 21, 1954 in MN and AZ.

Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Norwenglish Crossword Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord

Solution to “A favorite composer” Solution to puzzle #90: Solution to last week’s puzzle: norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Sivert Steen Strøm December 17, 1921 – October 10, 2014 Mentors all Sivert Steen Strøm was born in Torsken career. Inger-Marie passed away Christmas I suffered with a bad cold for most NCAA tournament praised and credited on Senja in Troms on December 17, 1921. 1981, and he has since lived alone. of the month of March and ended up their coaches for their success. He was one of the oldest of 10 children, six He was a great bridge player and had watching a lot of NCAA basketball dur- The life of faith also requires teachers boys and four girls. He went fishing with his his own bridge club for many years, but ing what has come to be known as “March and coaches for guidance and direction. father, but he was more often home helping stopped when he faced heart problems in Madness.” I noticed that every team was Many congregations now have mentoring his mother. He became interested in cooking 2008. Bridge was near to his heart. After filled with unbelievably skilled players programs. Older members of the congre- at a young age. undergoing bypass surgery, he continued to who were great leapers, ball handlers, and gation are asked to mentor a young person, He traveled to Oslo after completing his play bridge; it was a passion that meant very shooters. However, the teams that ended often as part of their confirmation pro- military service and worked, among other much to him. up rising to the top were characterized gram. These mentors are like faith coach- places, at the Grand Hotel. He then went to He was an incredibly agile man and more by their coaches than their players. es, and often end up being very important culinary school in Sandefjord, returned to remained so for many years. He made fish All teams in the final four were coached people in the lives of their students. Oslo, and continued at the Grand until he balls, fish cakes, and chicken soup in large by long-time successful, winning coaches. Of course, you do not have to be part applied for the Norwegian America Line. quantities and happily shared it. They were One sports analyst thought the coaches of of a formal mentoring program to be a He sailed as a cook on the Oslofjord, Ber- fantastic and made with love. the final four teams were hands down the mentor to others in their faith life. We are gensfjord, and Stavangerfjord from 1948 Eventually, his health declined; it was best coaches in the tournament. all mentors to our children, grandchildren, until 1958, when he moved to New York. He his heart that suffered from spring 2013 until It is easy to underestimate the influ- friends, and acquaintances. As we share thrived there, working at Statton Hilton Ho- he died on October 10, 2014. He was very ence and power teachers, coaches, and our own faith stories with others we lead tel among others. He got married in 1959 to sick, but he was alert until the end. Sivert mentors have in our culture. When some- and guide them in the way of faith. When Norwegian Inger-Marie from Ulvøya outside was reflective, smart, humorous, and a good one succeeds, we might think they ac- people see and understand how God has of Oslo. He began to work at IBM as chef de conversationalist. Everyone in the family complished greatness on their own. This worked in our lives they find the strength cuisine, where he worked for the rest of his has truly appreciated him. happens even though successful people to move forward with their own lives of are often quick to thank those who helped faith. For this reason, God calls us all to be them along life’s way. Nearly every play- mentors of our faith. Gladys “Randi” Smith er interviewed following victory in the October 12, 1931 – March 7, 2015 Gladys (Randi) Smith (née Hatvik- Gladys returned to work and was eventually Community Connections Nilsen), of Centennial, Colo., passed away employed as a bookkeeper at Robinson, Sil- on March 7, 2015, at the age of 83 after a verman, a prominent real estate law firm in Gratulerer med Dagen! long battle with congestive heart failure. New York, working alongside former New Gladys was born to Norwegian-immi- York City Mayor Edward Koch. Gladys and grant parents, Gullik and Ragna Hatvik- Karen made two trips to Europe; visiting her Happy birthday / Nilsen on October 12, 1931, in Brooklyn, parents’ native Norway as well as Denmark, New York. Her family lived for a time in Ta- Iceland, England, Scotland, and Wales. engagement / etc! coma, Wash., returning to Brooklyn where Gladys is survived by her daughter, she attended Prospect Heights High School Karen Smith Pavone; her son-in-law, Rich- and graduated in 1949. In 1957, Gladys mar- ard Pavone; her grandson Andrew Pavone; Your name and ried Richard McLeod Smith and they resided her granddaughter Blaire Pavone, all of in Elmhurst, New York. Five years later their Highlands Ranch; and her brothers Thomas message here! only child, Karen, was born in 1962. Moe and Ole Moe of Plant City, Florida. After becoming a widow in 1972, For more information, call us at (206) 784-4617 or email Terrence Tormoen [email protected]. February 24, 1933 – April 8, 2015

Terrence (Terry) Ebert Tormoen (82) and family, including his children Eric (Tra- passed away peacefully after a long illness cy) Tormoen of Libertyville Ill., with their on April 8 in Woodbury, Minnesota. children Brittany and Kali; Chris (Dolly) Terry was born in Duluth, Minn., on Tormoen of Middletown, Md.; Lisa (Rich- February 24, 1933, to Franklin Haakon (Mar- ard) Hickey of Colorado Springs, Colo.; jorie Ebert) Tormoen and grew up in Kansas Madeline Tormoen of Colorado Springs; City, Kansas. He graduated from Carleton Casey (Terese) Tormoen of Glenview, Ill., College in Northfield, Minn. He was proud with their children Trevor, Chad, Charles, of his Norwegian heritage and spent a sum- Kaitlyn, and Jack; Jennifer (Craig) Forsman mer in Norway and then served in the U.S. of Chicago, with their children Carver and Marines, which allowed him to travel to the Ty; Erin (Tim) Schraeder of Nekoosa, Wis.; Arctic Circle and Panama. He lived in North Craig (Jill) Tormoen of Vesper, Wis., with Carolina and Chicago before moving to Port their children Caleb, Arlo, and Aida; Anne Edwards in the 70s to work as a sales execu- (Ron) Tatro of Woodbury, Minn., with their tive for Nekoosa Edwards Paper Company, children Simon, Lynnea, and Viola; and from which he retired in 1991. After retire- Garth (Ann) Tormoen of Portland, Ore., with ment, he remained in Port Edwards for sev- their son Graham; also his special nephews The Scandinavian Hour eral years, commuting to Oshkosh where he Jesse and Phillip Martinez, and special niece The KKNW Scandinavian Hour and friends will be going owned a paper box company. Maria (Luis) Hernandez, with their children to Norway together to take in the fabulous Hurtigruten He moved to Northfield in 2009, where Olivia and Cecelia. Terry is also survived by he enjoyed reconnecting with college friends his brother Joel (Judy) Tormoen and sister trip along the coast of Norway! Participants will gather in and building new friendships. Terry’s pas- Jenny (Chuck) Hitchcock, and first wife Su- for the Northbound trip on September 14th. sions included cars, travel, and the Green Bay san (Meese) Tormoen. Packers. He loved calling his family members Terry was predeceased by his parents To receive a flyer with details, contact MichelleThurston@ and celebrating their accomplishments. Franklin and Marjorie Tormoen, wife Lynne aaawin.com, or call Doug Warne at (206) 441-9490. Terry will be missed by many friends Tormoen, and granddaughter Isabelle Tatro. 12 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california ing at Plymouth Public Library. Ghosts Performance virginia Akevitt Tasting Party • April 21, 7:00 p.m.: Q&A and book signing at now—May 3 Rosemaling Workshop April 24, 7:30—9:30 p.m. Once Upon a Crime. New York, N.Y. April 25, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Los Gatos, Calif. • April 23, 7:00 p.m.: Reading and book signing at Lesley Manville gives an Olivier Award-winning Fairfax, Va. After steeping akevitt for a month, -the Nor Waseca Public Library. performance leading the cast in director Richard The Washington Lodge will sponsor a rosema- dahl Grieg Lodge tastes their creations. What • April 24, 3:30 p.m.: Reading and book signing at Eyre’s multi-award-winning adaptation of Ibsen’s ling workshop at Norway House led by award- special blend of herbs and spices will tickle Cross River Heritage Center Schroeder Area His- masterpiece, Ghost. At BAM Harvey Theater. winning artist Tina Keune. Students will re- your taste buds? Pair up the akevitt with some torical Society. Tickets start at $30. Visit www.bam.org/the- ceive a packet containing a brush, a sheet smørbrød and pickled herring. Cost is $10. Ev- • April 26, 11:00 a.m.: Q&A, Lake Superior-in- ater/2015/ghosts for more information. illustrating the basic painting strokes of rose- eryone is invited, whether you attended the spired Nordic Buffet luncheon, and book signing maling, practice paper, a blank bookmark, a infusion party or not. SKÅL! At Nordahl Hall. at the Nordic Center in Duluth; tickets are $12 One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the printed rosemaled bookmark, and a wooden from [email protected] or (218) 393-7320. Massacre in Norway Book Talk ornament to decorate. $10 for instruction, Norwegian Women’s Club Fashion Show April 22, 6:00 p.m. materials, and your keepsake. Appropriate April 26, 11:30 p.m. Trollheim Lodge Meeting: Amy Boxrud New York, N.Y. for ages 8 to 88+. Class size is limited to 10. Saulsalito, Calif. April 20 In One of Us, journalist Åsne Seierstad tells the Payment required the day of the workshop. The Spinnakar restaurant will be a beautiful St. Cloud, Minn. story of July 22, 2011, and its reverberations. To register, email [email protected]. fashion show luncheon featuring Oleana Nor- Amy Boxrud is the new director of the Norwe- How did Breivik, a gifted child from an affluent wegian sweaters. Laura Almas from Chalet in gian-American Historical Association (NAHA), neighborhood in Oslo, become Europe’s most Reading Circle: The Far Traveler or The Sea the Woods and Anne from the lovely Novato bringing over 25 years’ publishing and market- reviled terrorist? How did he accomplish an as- Road shop, “Anne’s Secret Hangups,” will show their ing experience, including four years as editor of tonishing one-man murder spree? Copies of the April 28, 7:30—9:00 p.m. new spring lines. Lunch will be delicious, and Viking magazine. A graduate of St. Olaf College book will also be available for purchase and sign- Fairfax, Va. raffle items generous. Sure to sell out. Contact with degrees in Norwegian and English, Amy in- ing following the program. At Scandinavia House. Choose either The Far Traveler by Nancy [email protected]. cludes as her hobbies Scandinavian folk fiddling Marie Brown or The Sea Road by Margaret and blogging about Nordic food, music, design, Loyal Lodge Viking/Chinese Auction Elphinstone for the April Reading Circle with Bunad Retreat and travel at nordesque.com. At Trollheim Lodge. April 24, 7:00 p.m. the Washington Lodge. Everyone is welcome. May 6—9 St. James, N.Y. Please RSVP to Christine Meloni at reading@ Santa Rosa, Calif. Vestland Lodge Meeting Loyal Lodge is hosting its annual Viking/Chinese norwaydc.org. At Norway House. Individual instruction in authentic embroidery April 21, 7:00 p.m. Auction at St. James Lutheran Church Parish Hall. and construction will be taught by Sue Suther- Minnetonka, Minn. There will be great prizes and something for ev- Washington Join the Vestland Sons of Norway lodge for a eryone! $10 per person, which includes a card of land of Bunad Butikken. A selection of import- Cantus presents Vuelie–the Sound of Norway meeting with speaker Beth Butala, local middle 25 tickets. Additional cards of 25 tickets may be ed fabric will be available to purchase. Reg- April 27 school teacher who won Alt for Norge in 2014. purchased for $5 each. In addition, higher priced istration is $300 plus lodging and materials. Seattle, Wash. Free and open to the public. At Minnetonka Com- tickets will be available for purchase! For further Class size is limited to 12 students. At Norway The Norwegian female choir Cantus will per- munity Center. For more info call (952) 941-5740. info, please contact Reidun at (631) 589-8698. Hall. Contact (707) 778-8120 or clothcrafter@ form with Norwegian singer-songwriter Hen- sbcglobal.net for more information. ning Sommerro. Cantus is known for Vuelie, North Shore Sightseeing Tour Inspired by Vidar North Dakota the opening song in Disney’s Frozen, and is Sundstøl colorado 1814-2014 Red, White and Blue: Norwegian ranked the world’s #1 female choir by Inter- April 24—26 Bunad Construction Class Constitution, American Inspiration kultur. Featuring music by famous coposers Minneapolis, Minn. April 23—26, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. now—April 23 such as Henning Sommerro, Frode Fjellheim, Hosted by Mindekirken’s Colorado Springs, Colo. Grand Forks, N.D. Knut Nystedt, and New York-based Ola Gjeilo. and Cultural Program and Trillium Tours, this tour You too can have a bunad! Sue Sutherland The Chester Fritz Library at the University of They also bring music from their newest CD, inspired by Vidar Sundstøl’s Minnesota Trilogy from Ely, Minn., will teach a class in bunad North Dakota will host, “1814-2014 Red, White SPES. For more info, go to cantus.no. includes two nights in Hotel AmericInn in Tofte; embroidery at Viking Lodge. Fee is $250. If and Blue: Norwegian Constitution, American two breakfasts; one dinner at Waves of Superior you are interested, contact Sue at (218) 365- Inspiration,” a celebration of the bicentenary “Tango Under the Arctic Moon” Cafe; tour leader and guide, Ingeborg Sorensen, 7745 or [email protected]. of the Norwegian Constitution. The exhibit fea- May 3, 4:00 p.m. Trillium Tours, LLC; motor coach; and book dis- tures 10 artists and 15 authors. It is co-sponsored Seattle, Wash. cussion leader, Signe Ilstrup. Tour starts and ends by Grand Forks’s Sons of Norway Gyda Varden Enjoy The Nord Trio: Sini Simonen, Violin; district of columbia at Mindekirken. Price per person with double Lodge, the Nordic Initiative, and UND’s Depart- Heidi Luosujärvi, Accordion; and Inger-Kris- The Norwegians—A Dark Comedy room is $375 (subject to change). Space is lim- ment of Modern and Classical Languages—Nor- tine Riber, Piano as part of the Mostly Nordic now—April 19 ited; if you have questions, contact Trillium Tours wegian Program. It is free and open to all. Concert Series! Dazzlingly virtuosic, adventur- Washington, D.C. at (612) 532-6618 or [email protected]. Scena Theatre presents The Norwegians by ous, and intense, this Norwegian-Finnish trio Runology Scholar Dr. Henrik Williams at UND C. Denby Swanson, a female playwright with of violin, accordion, and piano is equally at Cantus presents Vuelie—the Sound of Norway April 21, 4:00 p.m. a fresh voice. Set in Minnesota, the play is home with its own arrangements of solemnly April 26 Grand Forks, N.D. about two scorned women who enlist two burning Finnish tangos as it is with Norwegian Minneapolis, Minn. Professor Henrik Williams will deliver a public “nice gangsters” to dispose of their ex-lovers. masters Grieg, Sinding, Geirr Tveitt, and Ole The Norwegian female choir Cantus will perform lecture on the University of North Dakota cam- The Norwegians will run at the Anacostia Play- Bull. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. with Norwegian singer-songwriter Henning Som- pus in the East Asian Room of the Chester Fritz house with tickets from $25 to 45. Reserve on- merro. Cantus is known for Vuelie, the opening Library. Enter the world of runic inscriptions with line at ScenaTheatre.org. Wisconsin song in Disney’s Frozen, and is ranked the world’s its lively Pagans and pious Christians during his Cantus presents Vuelie–the Sound of Norway #1 female choir by Interkultur. Featuring music talk, entitled “Runes, Twitter, and the Vikings.” April 24 & 25 iowa by famous coposers such as Henning Sommerro, Learn about law makers, warriors, trade corre- Stoughton & Appleton, Wis. Cantus presents Vuelie—the Sound of Norway Frode Fjellheim, Knut Nystedt, and New York- spondence, death poems, cryptograms, and au- The Norwegian female choir Cantus will per- April 23 based Ola Gjeilo. They also bring music from their tocrats. And above all, find out what the Vikings form with Norwegian singer-songwriter Hen- Decorah, Iowa newest CD, SPES. For more info, go to cantus.no. have to say on their mighty runestones. The Norwegian female choir Cantus will per- ning Sommerro. Cantus is known for Vuelie, Frozen, form with Norwegian singer-songwriter Hen- Norwegian Heritage Day ohio the opening song in Disney’s and is ning Sommerro. Cantus is known for Vuelie, ranked the world’s #1 female choir by Inter- May 8, 11:30 a.m. 12th Annual Ashville Viking Festival the opening song in Disney’s Frozen, and is kultur. Featuring music by famous coposers Northfield, Minn. April 24—25 ranked the world’s #1 female choir by Inter- such as Henning Sommerro, Frode Fjellheim, Join the Norwegian-American Historical Associa- Ashville, Ohio kultur. Featuring music by famous coposers Knut Nystedt, and New York-based Ola Gjeilo. tion for Norwegian Heritage Day at St. Olaf College. A fun festival featuring Viking crafts and lore. such as Henning Sommerro, Frode Fjellheim, They also bring music from their newest CD, Bring a Norwegian antique, and it may be featured 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday and 10:00 a.m. Knut Nystedt, and New York-based Ola Gjeilo. SPES. For more info, go to cantus.no. in Antique ID. Laurann Gilbertson, chief curator to 5:00 p.m. Sunday. For more info go to www. They also bring music from their newest CD, at Vesterheim, will choose objects to describe. ashvillevikingfest.com or contact Esther Charlton SPES. For more info, go to cantus.no. NAGC & NL Annual Benefit Dinner (Please note she cannot offer appraisals.) The at (513) 923-3798. Located at 200 Walnut St. event includes a Norwegian-themed luncheon, May 3, 4:00—9:00 p.m. Madison, Wis. Minnesota and Lars Skjervheim Spelemanslag will provide texas Vidar Sundstøl’s Minnesota Book Tour traditional folk music. $25 per person in advance, The Madison-area Friends of the Norwegian Snorre Shrimp Party April 18—26 $30 at the door (space permitting). To register, American Genealogical Center & Naeseth Li- April 25, 7:00—10:00 p.m. Minnesota visit naha.stolaf.edu or call (507) 786-3221. brary invite you to their Ninth Annual Benefit Houston, Texas Join Vidar Sundstøl for his Minnesota tour to Dinner. Guest of honor is leading genealogist The Royal Norwegian Consul General Dr. Jostein support The Ravens. new york Elaine Helgeson Hasleton. At the Blackhawk Mykletun and Mrs. Sonia Mykletun cordially in- Country Club. Social gathering and silent auc- • April 18, 2:00 p.m.: conversation, reading, Pulse of Abstraction vite NST members to the annual rekefest (shrimp tion start at 4:00 p.m., with Norwegian dinner and book signing at the American Swedish now—April 21 party)! Attire is business casual. First come first and program at 6:15 p.m. Bunads and festive Institute; cost is free but registration is recom- New York, N.Y. served, seating 80 guests. Visit www.norwegian- dress encouraged. $55 per person. Contact mended at ASImn.org or (612) 871-4907. Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature the original societyoftexas.org/events/snorre-shrimp-party. [email protected] or (608) 255-2224. • April 19, 2:00 p.m.: Q&A and book signing at work of Norwegian artist Vibeke Lillefjære in Mindekirken. Pulse of Abstraction. Gallery hours are Tuesday • April 20, 2:00 p.m.: Reading and book sign- through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 13 In your neighborhood Freeborn Lutheran CLU to dedicate “A place to gather; a place to worship; a place to grow; a place to serve” Pederson statue Rancher donated the university’s land in 1957

Special Release California Lutheran University

After five years in the making, a bronze statue of the farmer who donated his land for the California Lutheran University campus in Thousand Oaks will be dedicated at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 18. The statue of Richard Pederson, a son of Norwegian immigrants, will be dedicated during the Scandinavian Festival, but the site will be accessible to people who are not at- tending the event. The statue stands next to Soiland Humanities Center near the flag- poles on Memorial Parkway. The ceremony is free and open to the public. Cal Lutheran President Chris Kimball Photos: Solveig Lee will preside over the event. Pederson’s niece, The Pilchuck Learning Center (above) Janet Pederson Reeling of Bishop, plans to and the church itself (right) were sur- rounded by a riot of daffodil blooms attend. earlier this spring. They have since been While serving as an artist-in-residence suceeded by tulips, according to reports. during Cal Lutheran’s 50th anniversary in 2009, Paul Lucchesi of West Virginia decid- ed to sculpt a statue of Pederson based on a black-and-white photograph of him looking out over his ranch. With the statue now at the top of an incline near the center of campus, Pederson will forever look out over the uni- versity he made possible. The original clay sculpture sat in stor- age until last spring, when the Cal Lutheran Community Leaders Association, Artists and Speakers Committee, and University Advancement paid for Lucchesi to return to campus to create a wax mold and prepare it for casting in bronze. Pederson had been ready to retire a bachelor when he donated his 130-acre Photo: Brian Stethem ranch in 1957 so California Lutheran Col- The statue of Richard Pederson will be dedicated on April 18, after five years in the making. lege could be built. The ranch’s chicken coops were converted into the first offices and classrooms. Classes began in 1961 with After Lars Pederson died, the fam- Solveig Lee in Milltown’s temporary church building/ 330 students. Today, the university has 2,800 ily moved to Santa Barbara, but Richard Mount Vernon, Wash. grange hall. When it was no longer need- undergraduate and 1,350 graduate students and his brother Peder returned in 1913 and ed, it was given to Freeborn Lutheran. The who come from around the world and repre- their mother later joined them. They lived in A daffodil festival and open house took Brandstrom family donated a stained-glass sent a diversity of faiths and cultures. a Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog kit house, place at Freeborn on March 21 and 28. The window from the Milltown church. The fi- Pederson’s parents, Lars and Karn Ped- which today is the home of the Music De- church and surrounding grounds captured nancial support of David Thomsen has made erson, had paid $3 an acre for the ranch land partment. They grew alfalfa, hay, tomatoes, the eyes of all. To view the thousand of yel- possible the restoration of the church. and $2 an acre for the hillside in 1890 when and grapefruit and raised chickens, selling low daffodils that covered the grounds was Many pastors have served this congre- they became one of the founding families of about 9,000 eggs a day. Pederson died in but the beginning of a wonderful experience. gation through the years. Not until 1945 the Norwegian Colony. 1976 at the age of 81. The Stanwood, Wash., area was settled did Freeborn have its first resident pastor, by Norwegians (with some Finns and Danes) John Maakestad. Pastor Donald Brekhus, in the 1870-1910 period. In 1894, Pator Is- Freeborn’s pastor since 2009, has been in- < parade who make this parade a reality. “Trust in the berg arrived at Freeborn and held a meeting strumental in the growth of the congregation From page 1 LORD with all your heart and lean not on for the new settlers who lived in the Free- these past years. your own understanding; in all your ways born community. Times were different than The entire campus features much be- Norway Lodges, and Civic Groups. Each submit to him, and he will make your paths those of today. He walked in from Stanwood sides the church and cemetery. Many glass year, the order alternates, so each group straight. So as we walk down 3rd Avenue in high-top rubber boots to serve a handful centerpieces made by the Pilchuck Glass marches first every three years. Outstand- let us keep our paths straight and well orga- of people. They met in a schoolhouse that School are on display. Across the road from ing marching bands energize spectators and nized, let us think of how we have given of had been donated by Peder Pedersen. the church are the 14 Stations of the Cross, marchers alike. The committee judges and ourselves, and how we have made this jour- The year was 1900 when Pastor G. two Nordic cabins, a Learning Center, Pil- awards prizes for the best marching group, ney through our faith and our love of Nor- Gulbrandson met with seven families that be- chuck Living History Farm, and the Bon- as well as for floats. The latter tradition truly way. Proverbs 3:5-6.” The chair is correct in came the first members of this church named hoeffer Botanical Gardens. Outdoor learning enhances this event. The creativity and ef- her assessment, as the committee does not Freeborn Evangelical Lutheran Church and, centers, teaching stations (kiosks), pantings, fort put into each float always astounds. The wait to put their pedal to the metal, but have later, Freeborn Lutheran Church. Peder Ped- and exhibits for children of all ages are in parade kicks off at 1:30 p.m. It runs along been planning for over a year working for ersen also donated the land where the church the making. It is intended that there will be Third Avenue, turns onto Bay Ridge Avenue countless hours. and cemetery now stand. In 1904, the church easy walks for those persons 80 years of age until it reaches Fifth Avenue, and the finish The parade is one of Bay Ridge’s many was built. At that time, they used a grocery as well as those under the age of eight. Out- line and grandstand are Leif Ericsson Park. community events, its oldest continuous one. box as a pulpit and seats were wood planks door learning labs are being developed with Steering this year’s parade to the finish It is a time to gather and socialize, share, and with no back rests. On the old altar one reads Trinity Lutheran College in Everett. Words line is Chair Barbara Berntsen. Her mes- welcome visitors, whether from New Jersey the words, “Pray and you shall receive” in cannot express how beautiful this setting is, sage was inspired by a passage from Prov- or Norway. As Berntsen says, “It is a day Dano-Norwegian. This altar was first used nor its potential for learning. erbs, to rev up the marchers and volunteers when everyone can ‘be Norwegian.’” 14 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage < ebola forces, who have transported equipment for < russia missiles.” From page 3 the British, and the many others who have From page 3 Denmark has announced they would made this work possible. contribute radar capacity on some of its No new cases of Ebola have been con- Now Norway is encouraging the major posed a direct danger to civilian air traffic.” available warships to the missile shield, firmed in the Moyamba district of Sierra Le- global actors in the field, such as Gavi (the The five ministers also cite Russia’s in- equipping available ships. one in recent weeks. This means that there Vaccine Alliance); the Global Fund to Fight creased intelligence gathering, and that the “Denmark would be part of the threat is less need for treatment centers, but the AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; and the nation’s propaganda and political maneuver- against Russia. It would be less peaceful general health and humanitarian needs in the World Bank to invest in the rebuilding of ing contribute “to sowing discord between and relations with Russia will suffer. It is, of country are very great. The health authori- the health systems in the affected countries. the countries and organizations such as course, your own decision—I just want to re- ties in Sierra Leone want to see a rapid nor- Norway will also support measures to ensure NATO and the EU.” mind you that your finances and security will malization of the situation, so that the local that schools can be safely reopened, and will This new agreement’s key points in- suffer. At the same time Russia has missiles health workers can return to their normal deploy humanitarian experts through NOR- clude more joint exercises; joint industrial that certainly can penetrate the future global jobs and help to rebuild the country’s ordi- CAP (the Norwegian Refugee Council’s cooperation, including within the defense missile defense system,” Britain’s The Tele- nary health services. They have therefore de- emergency standby roster). sector; joint exchange of intelligence infor- graph reported. cided to close 15 of the 24 treatment centers. Many people have criticized the inter- mation; and joint processing of cyber-mate- Ambassador Vanin’s statement prompt- On behalf of the Norwegian Govern- national response to the Ebola crisis for be- rial. It also includes increased cooperation ed a response from Danish Foreign Minis- ment, both ministers have expressed their ing too slow. Norway, together with Ghana with Baltic countries. ter , who said that this was gratitude to all who have taken part in this and Germany, has requested that the UN Defense analyst Professor Janne Haa- “unacceptable.” effort: aid workers, health personnel, tech- Secretary-General initiate an evaluation, and land Matlary, part of an expert group advis- “Russia knows very well that NATO’s nical staff from the Norwegian Directorate a panel of independent experts has been es- ing Norwegian Minister of Defense Ine Er- missile defense system is defensive and not for Civil Protection, teams from the armed tablished for this purpose. iksen Søreide, believes the Russians could targeted at [Russia]. We disagree with Russia construe what the Nordic Ministers see as on many important things, but it is important being aggressive. that the tone between us remains as positive She believes there may be “negative re- as possible,” Lidegaard declared. have a story to tell? actions from the Russian side.” At the same His statement echoes the one Danish time, her opinion is that the text will achieve Defense Minister Nicolai Wammen made a more credible deterrent being formed. when Denmark first publicized the country’s NAW is now a market for fiction! Aftenposten’s own translation of the op- contribution to NATO’s facility. He said that NAW is now accepting fiction of • up to 1,500 words ed can be read at www.aftenposten.no/nyhet- the initiative was not targeted at Russia, but up to 1,500 words (1,000 or fewer • English-language er/uriks/Russian-aggression-Nordic-states- “rogue states, terrorist organizations, and extend-their-military-cooperation-7975109. others who would have the capacity to fire preferred) of any genre that have • Norway-themed or mystery • $50 payment html. missiles at Europe and the United States.” something to do with Norway, or The announcement of the deal comes al- Russian Deputy Defense Minister Ana- crime/mystery stories even if they • [email protected] most three weeks after Russia warned Den- toly Antanov asserted his nation’s intentions have nothing to do with Norway mark that their ships could become nuclear were opposite to those Ambassador Mikhail targets if they join NATO’s missile defense Vanin had stated. Deputy Minister Antanov (but bonus points if they do). We shield. issued a statement the same day as the Am- pay a flat rate of $50 for stories, “I do not think that the Danes fully un- bassador’s. on publication. Submit your best derstand the consequences if Denmark joins “We are not seeking confrontation with (English-language) stories to the US-led missile defense shield,” Russian the alliance, and we favor the development Ambassador to Denmark Mikhail Vanin told of cooperation,” it is reported he the told [email protected]! Jyllands-Posten. “If that happens, Danish Russian news agency Interfax. warships become targets for Russian nuclear

Vidar sundstøl’s Minnesota trilogy Translated by Tiina Nunnally


It’s been a long, dark time since a gruesome discovery drew U.S. Forest Service ranger Lance Hansen into a murder investigation that is now approaching a resolution—although not to his satisfaction. Sundstøl’s affinity for the northern world of Lake Superior is on full display as the mysteries of love and nature, $15.95 paperback | 296 pages $14.95 paperback | 168 pages history and culture, and family and ancestry merge in a “What wonders there are in “The most extraordinary aspects of powerful conclusion. America’s own backyard, if we this second book are the incredibly rich $24.95 hardcover | 288 pages only think to look. That’s what the descriptions of the wild topography of Norwegian writer Vidar Sundstøl Minnesota’s North Shore—the land, the “The last in Sundstøl’s Minnesota Trilogy is the most like a does in The Land of Dreams.” trees, the water—and the meticulous traditional mystery while continuing the mystical images and —New York Times Book Review rendering of the threatening weather.” stunning descriptions that make for a superb reading experience.” —Norwegian American Weekly —Kirkus Reviews, starred review

Join Vidar Sundstøl on his upcoming book tour. University of Minnesota Press www.upress.umn.edu For more information, please visit http://tinyurl.com/q62sgfh 800-621-2736 norwegian american weekly April 17, 2015 • 15 arts & entertainment Scena’s dark comedy Book review: The Norwegians tickles Washington, D.C., Odin’s Promise with hilarious mockery of “Minnesota nice” fulfilled in YA novel

Rosalie Grosch Arden Hills, Minn.

Eleven year old Mari, with her trusted Norwegian elkhound companion, Odin, takes us on a powerful journey into the land she loves, her beloved Norway and her small area of Ytre Arna. From the first line, this historical novel, written by Sandy Brehl for the middle-grade reader, promises to engage adult readers as well. The author has drawn on her own travels and experiences to create the setting and the characters. 1940: World War II and the first year of German occupation in Norway is a time of confusion, fear, and submission for the Photo: Jae Yi Photography / Scena Theatre Norwegians. Mari, her family, and many of Ron Litman, Nora Achrati, and Brian Hemmingsen in The Norwegians. her neighbors are drawn into the secretive activities of the Norwegian underground Christine Foster Meloni much to drink, and she rails on and on not resistance. Often the children carry notes to Washington, D.C. only about her ex-boyfriend but also about others in the resistance. As children they are the Minnesota culture and weather. less likely to be questioned by the soldiers Norwegian are the only eth- Both Olive and Betty hate the weather or by the locals who have bent under Nazi The wedding, to be held on Constitution nic group in the U.S. that can laugh at itself. but Betty cannot tolerate the way the Min- oppression. Day, must not be announced publicly for Or so it is said. Those at the performance of nesotans have adapted to it. She is astounded Mari, innocently picking berries in the the Germans have declared a New Norwe- the dark comedy The Norwegians in our na- that they weatherproof their babies at birth to woods to take home as a gift for her father’s gian Constitution. No recognition of King tion’s capital certainly proved that they could withstand the cold. If you come to Minnesota birthday, is confronted by two frightening, Haakon’s Norway could be acknowledged. thoroughly enjoy being made fun of. as an adult, she laments, you are out of luck. foot-stomping German soldiers, The Rat and When surprise guests arrive at the wedding The Scena Theater staged a fast-paced, Your heart freezes and you become evil. The Scarecrow. Odin, Mari’s constant com- Mari sees a compassionate side in one of the hilarious performance of Swanson’s play and She can’t believe how they only offer panion, placed in her arms as a puppy on her German soldiers as he turns to thank her for had the audience in stitches for the full 90 driver’s education classes in the winter and eighth birthday, has always followed her ev- a reminder of his home. minutes. The entire cast was extraordinary, make you learn to drive on frozen rivers. erywhere. Now, three years later, he would The villagers remember and talk about each actor giving a virtually flawless perfor- And they wear those perpetually colorful do whatever she wished. But his Norwegian the strength of Odin. They remind Mari that mance. Minnesota was the setting and also snowsuits. And they actually stop in the dead elkhound instincts take over when he sees his faithfulness, courage, and boldness have an ever-present, although silent, character. of winter to help a stranger change a flat tire! the German soldiers. Her trusty dog stands inspired others to continue to be brave dur- Two women, Olive (Nora Achrati) and And the people give lots of money to his ground, neither budging nor listening to ing the difficult times ahead. Betty (Nanna Ingvarsson), left the South and foster the arts. Why? Gus tells her that if they her commands. With his lips curled back and Author Sandy Brehl, teacher and writer, ended up, much to their dismay, in an alien didn’t, Minneapolis would be like Omaha, a snarl deep in his throat he alerts Mari to the has created a brilliant portrayal of a young northern state. Olive, a feisty transplanted only farther north. danger before them. girl’s courage in the face of ongoing dan- Texan, meets Betty, a distraught Kentucky And Minnesotans take something called Mari watches as her good friend, Mr. ger and struggle. Mari grows up in many native, in a bar. Not only are they fish out of hotdish to their potlucks. What is a hotdish? Meier, staggers and falls, shoved by the Nazi ways. In this beautifully written story about water in Minneapolis, they are also suffer- With ill-concealed disgust, she explains that soldier known as “The Rat.” When asked by Norway’s struggle during the beginnings of ing from broken hearts. Betty is angry and it is Stove Top and Cream of Mushroom soup the soldiers if she knew him, Mari stammers WWII we get a great visual of life for the bent on revenge. She has, therefore, hired a topped with Tater Tots. Who are these people? and then glances at Mr. Meier. He turns away Norwegians living in the countryside as well hit man to eliminate her ex. She convinces Although the play definitely has a plot from her while slightly shaking his head. She as the city. One does not feel like a witness Olive that she should do the same. (and who is killed in the end will not be re- stumbles with her words, saying nothing that to life in Norway but a participant with Mari, So Olive goes to the office of two nice vealed here), the appeal is in the continuous would incriminate him. Mari’s loyalty be- her family, and her friends. The struggle that (Minnesota Nice) Norwegian (Minnesota execution of one-liners, either ridiculing the comes clear to the reader with such a mo- Norway faced during the WWII years comes Norwegian) hitmen, Gus (Brian Hemming- Minnesotans for their passive acceptance of ment. alive for all readers. sen) and Tor (Ron Litman). The office decor the subarctic winter temperatures, their puz- Later, the same two soldiers encoun- At Lise’s wedding everyone quietly reflects their heritage—a Norwegian flag, a zling social conscience and philanthropy, or ter Mari, this time threatening to kill Odin. sings the Norwegian national anthem, a song moose head, a picture of the current King of making fun of the Norwegians for their calm, She, as a brave eleven year old, stands up no longer heard in pubic, “Ja,vi elsker dette Norway, a plate with a fish image, and a sled. restrained, unexcitable temperament. to their boastful threats, confidently saying, landet.” “Unlike the rousing renditions typi- Tor is the perfect stereotypical Minne- Artistic Director Robert McNamara “Since when do we not belong in our own cal of past Syttende Mai fests, but more like sota Norwegian. In his “Fargo” accent, he brings you, as he says, “into the world of village streets? Or on our own mountain tops a choir singing a soft lullaby,” they sing of explains the predominant characteristics of ‘Minnesota nice’ with its quaint Norwegian for that matter.” Soon the village learns of their love for the land and their hope for free- Minnesota Norwegians. They are loyal. They customs and its fusion of American Gothic Mari’s courage. Proud of Mari and wishing dom. are restrained. They are not showy, and they played out as a Viking Western on the streets to acknowledge her bravery, the villagers don’t brag. They don’t like variety. They don’t of downtown Minneapolis.” dare not speak about this in case the Ger- Rosalie Grangaard Gro- like ethnic foods. They are unemotional. They This production offers theater goers an mans hear them. sch was born into a Nor- don’t waste energy on emotions because they entertaining cultural experience. And we can Although this is a novel, the reader is wegian/American fam- ily in Decorah, Iowa. A need it for heat. fortunately look forward to more exciting drawn into the Norwegian culture with its graduate of Luther Col- Gus occasionally flies off the handle. Tor Norwegian productions from Scena Theater. traditions, foods, relationships, village ways, lege, she taught music hastens to assure Olive that what he’s told loyalties, and the undeserving hardships the Christine Foster Meloni is and English in American her still holds true. They are not emotional. professor emerita at The Norwegians endured during this difficult schools, taught English Gus is almost 100% Norwegian but he does George Washington Uni- time. and developed a team teaching program at have a little something else. That something versity. She has degrees As Mari’s older sister, Lise, prepares Trinity School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was a else makes him emotional at times. (We nev- in Italian literature, lin- for her wedding, her family and the neigh- drama/music/English teacher at Balob Teach- er discover what that “little something else” guistics, and international bors quietly go about bartering, trading, and ers’ College, Lae, Papua New Guinea and Ac- is. Perhaps Swedish? Or Danish?) education. She was born gathering everything that is needed for a tivity Director/Consultant for a long term care The focus shifts between Olive with the in Minneapolis and cur- truly Norwegian celebratory wedding. Bu- facility in St. Paul/Minneapolis, MN. She is a hitmen in their office and Olive and Betty in rently lives in Washington, DC. She values her nads, (the national dress) are brought out contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul and the bar. Betty has apparently had a bit too Norwegian heritage. and cleaned. Traditional foods are prepared. has written numerous articles for publication. 16 • April 17, 2015 norwegian american weekly

back5.NAW.Seter.CMYK.20March2014.qxp_Layout page 1 3/20/14 8:11 PM Page 1 Norwegian Language Corner Legend of Siljatjern Seter: NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Life, love and faith on a Norwegian mountain dairy By Gunlaug Nøkland • Bilingual English Norwegian text SALE • 6″x 9″, hardcover, 448 pages 1/2 price • Recipes & pictures of old seter life • Was $29.95, now only $14.95 Volume 2 • Plus FREE shipping in USA With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. pond) Seter. Now you can experience life as your ancestors lived in Norway before they immigrated to America. Call, send check or visit website Made in America! Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected]

39th Annual Norwegian Heritage Festival April 25, 2015 ~ 11:00am-3:00pm Musical Entertainment, Craft Demonstrations, Information Booths, Vendors, and our Norwegian Café. Presten og husmannen The Pastor and the Cotter del 2 part 2 Free Admission! Alt det presten la ut, kom han ingen No matter what the pastor said, he veg med husmannen. Han stod på sitt. — did not get anywhere with the cotter. University Center—Main Floor, PLU Du sa at ein skulle få tidobbelt att, og du He stood his ground. “You said that one kan vel ikkje ha skift tru sidan sundagen? would get back tenfold, and you couldn’t 122nd South Park Ave., Tacoma, WA meinte han. Til sist vart dei samde om at have changed your beliefs since Sunday?” den som vann helsa først på den andre he said. In the end they agreed that the neste morgon, skulle ha kyrne. one who greeted the other first the next Tidleg morgonen etter kom husman- morning would keep the cows. nen setjande og ville inn og helsa på pre- Early the next morning the cotter sten. Men døra var stengd. Så fann han came running and wanted to go in and Treat yourself to eit ope vindauga over kjøkkendøra. Der greet the pastor. But the door was closed. kraup han inn og kom opp på nokre lause So he found an open window above the pølse med lompe, fjøler som låg til tørk på tverrbjelkane, og kitchen door. He crept in and found some sette seg til å venta på presten. loose boards that lay drying on the cross- ertesuppe, Kvelden før hadde dei bryggja i pre- beams, and sat there to wait for the pastor. rømmegrøt, stegarden, og no kom tenestjenta ut i The evening before they had brewed kjøkkenet og ville sjå til brygget. Då ho at the pastor’s farm, and now the servant smørbrød and lefse. hadde teke loket av bryggjekaret, kom girl came to the kitchen to check on the presten og ville gå til husmannen. Men brew. When she had taken the lid off Scandinavian straks han fekk auga på jenta, gløymde the brewing vat, the pastor came in on han både husmannen og hastverket. his way to the cotter’s house. But just as Cultural Center — God morgon, jenta mi! Så tidleg he saw the girl, he forgot both the cotter gjekk ikkje eingong Pilatus til domhuset, and the rush he was in. open downstairs! sa presten. Dette var underleg snakk, “Good morning, my girl! Not even tenkte husmannen. Og då han høyrde at Pontius Pilate went to the judgment presten stansa hjå jenta, vart han nyfiken hall this early,” said the pastor. That was og tøygde seg fram og ville sjå. I det same strange talk, thought the cotter. And vippa fjøla han sat på. when he heard that the pastor stopped by Become a member today! Find out more Dermed stupte husmannen på hovu- the girl, he was inquisitive and stretched Scandinavian Cultural Center www.plu.edu/scancenter det ned i bryggjekaret. — Skund deg, far, forward to see. Just then, the board he 253-535-7349 den vonde tek oss — no hoppa han ned i sat on tipped over. bryggjekaret! skreik jenta. Ho og presten And so the cotter plunged head- for ut til kvar sin kant. Og husmannen first down into the brewing vat. “Hurry krabba seg opp or karet det fortaste han up father, the devil will take us — now th kunne og gjekk heim etter tørre klede. he has hopped down into the brewing 17 of may GreetinGs! Så kom han til prestegarden att og vat!” screamed the girl. She and the pas- ville helsa på presten. — Eg var først tor each went their own way. And the Purchase your space in our annual 17th of May Issue oppe, så kyrne er mine, sa presten. cotter pulled himself up over the vat as — Nei, eg var her lenge før Pilatus fast as he could and went home after dry Name:______gjekk til domhuset og den vonde datt i clothes. bryggjekaret, sa husmannen. Then he went back to the pastor’s Message:______— Hyss! Då er kyrne dine, men nemn farm and wanted to greet the pastor. “I ikkje meir om dette, sa presten. was the first up, so the cows are mine, City, State:______Phone:______said the pastor.” “No, I was here long before Pontius th Gratulerer med Pilate went to the judgment hall and the Happy 17 of May! devil fell into the brewing vat,” said the dagen norge! cotter. Bjorn and Nina Ola og Berit “Hush! Then the cows are yours, but Steffensen Nordmann don’t say any more about it,” said the staten island, n.y. Blue mounds, Wis. pastor. $15 for small ad $25 for large ad $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com Deadline: April 29 – mail this form today!