Unraveling Diplomacy: Turkish and American Diplomats on the Cyprus Crises of 1954-1967 Dil Ar a E R Ç E L Ik Un R Av E L
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DİLARA ERÇELİK UNRAVELING DIPLOMACY: TURKISH AND AMERICAN DIPLOMATS ON THE CYPRUS CRISES OF 1954-1967 A Master’s Thesis UNRAVELING UNRAVELING DIPLOMACY by DİLARA ERÇELİK The Department of History İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Bilkent University Bilkent 2020 Ankara November 2020 To my beloved parents iii UNRAVELING DIPLOMACY: TURKISH AND AMERICAN DIPLOMATS ON THE CYPRUS CRISES OF 1954-1967 The Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by DİLARA ERÇELİK In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA November 2020 ABSTRACT UNRAVELING DIPLOMACY: TURKISH AND AMERICAN DIPLOMATS ON THE CYPRUS CRISES OF 1954-1967 Erçelik, Dilara M.A., Department of History Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Owen Miller November 2020 Cyprus has been a problem for Turkey since 1954 and the entangled conflict attracted the attention of the United States as well. While the situation of the island required mediation and diplomacy, it not only concerned the two communities of Cyprus but also the two allies; the United States and Turkey to confront with the major crises often. One of them was the 1964 Letter Crisis and the other one was the Conflict of 1967 which brought Turkey and Greece to the threshold of war. It was mediated by American diplomacy and described as a success by George Ball. Deadlocks and crises hurt the relations between the two states and the diplomacy that the United States called successful, in actuality meant disappointments and therefore were unable to address all their priorities for Turkey. This thesis argues that a catastrophic success was the result of bilateral relations and for this purpose, the thesis; surveys the effects of Turkish and American diplomats by combining their memoirs and archives. Keywords: Cyprus, Diplomacy, Turkey, The United States of America vi ÖZET DİPLOMASİ ÇÖZÜMLEMESİ: 1954-1967 KIBRIS KRİZLERİNDE TÜRK VE AMERİKAN DİPLOMATLAR Erçelik, Dilara Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Owen Miller Kasım 2020 Kıbrıs, 1954’ten beri Türkiye için bir problem teşkil ediyordu ve çatışma karmaşası Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin de ilgisini çekmişti. Adanın durumu arabuluculuk ve diplomasiyi vazgeçilmez kılarken, sadece Kıbrıs’ta yaşayan iki toplumu değil, iki müttefik olan Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ni de zaman zaman büyük krizlerle karşı karşıya getirmişti. Bunlardan en büyüğü 1964’te yaşanan mektup krizi, bir diğeri ise Türkiye ile Yunanistan’ı savaşın eşiğine getiren ve Amerikan diplomasisiyle çözülen, sonunda da George Ball tarafından bir başarı olarak tanımlanan 1967 anlaşmazlığıydı. Art arda gelen çözümsüzlükler ve sorunlar iki ülke ilişkilerini derinden etkilemiş, Amerikan tarafının başarı olarak nitelediği diplomasi, Türkiye için istediğini elde edememe ve hayal kırıklıkları anlamına gelmiştir. Bu tez, ikili ilişkilerde yıkıcı bir başarı elde edildiğini savunuyor ve bu yolda Türk ve Amerikan diplomatların hatıratlarıyla arşiv çalışmalarını birleştirerek onların bu süreçteki etkilerini inceliyor. Anahtar Kelimeler: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Diplomasi, Kıbrıs, Türkiye vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Owen Miller for his continuous support and guidance, especially when I was feeling lost, he gave the best advice on how I should proceed and inspired me with his vast knowledge. Asst. Prof. Dr. Kenneth Weisbrode, who was my other advisor, thank you for being so patient with me and encouraged me all the time even when I thought I could not be successful. I have learned so much from you for the last three years and I will always cherish what you have thought me. I cannot express my gratitude for both of my professors enough as they believed in me and made me create this thesis. To Prof. Dr. Tanfer Emin Tunç, since my studies at Hacettepe University, you have always been an inspiration for me and I would like to thank you for being a part of my jury and sharing your comments with me as well. I would like to thank all of my professors at Bilkent University as I have learned so much from them over the years and I feel privileged to be their student. I want to thank my classmates and friends from Bilkent as well; it was such a pleasure to study by your side and share wonderful memories together. Marium Soomro and Joel Ljungqvist: thank you for reading my thesis and sharing your comments with me. I will always honor your friendship. I owe so much to my family, especially to my parents: Saliha and Aşkın. I thank you for your never-ending encouragement and love. I would not complete my studies without your faith in me. To my brother Ahmet and my sister Hümeyra, you and your children are a joy in my life and I always know you are there for me no matter how viii far we are from each other. Ayşenur Demir, my childhood friend, I want to thank you for being my pillar throughout these years and for always pushing me to be better. I feel myself honored to be your friend. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................vi Ö ZET.........................................................................................................................vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.....................................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................x LIST OF DIPLOMATS……………………………………………………………xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………….......1 1.1. Background and Objectives…………………………………………...1 1.2. Historiography........................................................................................8 1.3. Resources and Methodology.................................................................19 CHAPTER II: THE FIRE SPREADS………………………...................................22 2.1. Struggle for Common Ground……………..........................................26 2.2. London–Zurich Agreements of 1959……….......................................45 CHAPTER III: IN A SHOW OF BRINKMANSHIP.....................................................................................................50 3.1. The Christmas Inferno………………………………………………...50 3.2. Letter Diplomacy……………………………………………………...64 x CHAPTER IV: SUBTLETIES OF ARBITRATION……………………………....77 4.1. Acheson Plans and Geneva Talks…………………………………....77 4.2. American Intervention…………………………….………………...101 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION…………………………………………..………120 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................125 xi LIST OF DIPLOMATS American Ambassadors to Turkey Fletcher Warren 1956-1960 Raymond A. Hare 1961-1965 Parker T. Hart 1965-1968 American Ambassadors to the Republic of Cyprus Fraser Wilkins 1960-1964 Taylor G. Belcher 1964-1969 Turkish Ambassadors to the Republic of Cyprus Emin Dirvana 1960-1962 Faruk Şahinbaş 1962-1964 Mazhar Özkol 1964-1966 Özdemir Benler 1966-1967 Ercüment Yavuzalp 1967-1972 Turkish Ambassadors to the United States of America Feridun Cemal Erkin 1948-1955 Ali Haydar Görk 1955-1957 Suat Hayri Ürgüplü 1957-1960 Melih Esenbel 1960 xii Bülent Uşaklıgil 1960-1962 Rıfat Turgut Menemencioğlu 1962-1967 Melih Esenbel 1967-1974 Other Diplomats Mentioned George Ball 1961-1966 (Under-Secretary of States) James Riddleberger 1958-1959 (American Ambassador to Greece) Dean Acheson 1964 (American Mediator) Nihat Erim 1954-1967 (Special Representative of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and İsmet İnönü) Cyrus Vance 1967 (Special Representative of President L.B. Johnson) xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background and Objectives So much sacrificed over the small island of Cyprus, and it was rather a peculiar experience for its people as well as four other states; Turkey, Greece, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It is located 40 miles away from the south of Turkey and 250 miles from the closest Greek island Rhodes, about 500 miles from mainland Greece. Although the United Kingdom was still the colonial power over the island, the time for decolonization came for Cyprus as well just like the other colonized states in various places at the time. The rivalry between Greece and Turkey attracted other countries into the conflict. The British saw it as a problem like Palestine and possibly another Cuba for the Americans because of the potential Soviet threat. On the other hand, it was the beginning of a national policy which created a continuing dilemma for the Turkish foreign policy. Cyprus was a homeland for many civilizations in history such as Egyptians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Persians, Ptolemies, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, and 1 Venetians, finally in 1571 by the Ottoman Empire. Turkish Muslims along with Greek Orthodox populated areas were the major populations living on the island as well as a small number of Armenians, Maronites, and Latins. There has never been a Cypriot nation even before this conquest; rather there were two major different nations; with different languages, religions, and ethnicities with only one thing in common which was this island they called home. When Ottomans annexed the island, the Greek Orthodox Church became the highest position with its archbishop on top as a political leader as well for the Greek community there, this tradition continued for a really long time. Joseph S. Joseph explains what contributed to this situation in Cyprus after the Ottoman rule and during the British rule which