A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

National Security Files General Editor George C. Herring

The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961–1963

Middle East First Supplement

A UPA Collection


Cover: Map of the . Illustration courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook.

National Security Files General Editor George C. Herring

The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961–1963

Middle East First Supplement

Microfilmed from the Holdings of The John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts

Guide by Dan Elasky

A UPA Collection from

7500 Old Georgetown Road ● Bethesda, MD 20814-6126 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961–1963. Middle East, First supplement [microform] / project coordinator, Robert E. Lester. microfilm reels. –– (National security files) “Microfilmed from the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts.” Accompanied by a printed guide compiled by Dan Elasky, entitled: A guide to the microfilm edition of the John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961–1963. Middle East, First supplement. ISBN 1-55655-925-9 1. Middle East––Politics and government––1945–1979––Sources. 2. –– Foreign relations––Middle East. 3. Middle East––Foreign relations––United States. 4. John F. Kennedy Library––Archives. I. Title: Guide to the microfilm edition of the John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961–1963. Middle East, First supplement. II. Series. DS63.1 956.04––dc22 2007061516

Copyright © 2007 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-925-9. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Scope and Content Note ...... v Source Note...... xiii Editorial Note ...... xiii Abbreviations ...... xv

Reel Index

Reel 1 ...... 1 Crete...... 3 ...... 3

Reel 2 Cyprus cont...... 5 ...... 6

Reel 3 Iran cont...... 9 ...... 11 ...... 12

Reel 4 Israel cont...... 12

Reel 5 ...... 17 ...... 18 ...... 19

Reel 6 Lebanon cont...... 19 Oman...... 20 ...... 20

Reels 7–9 Pakistan cont...... 21

Reel 10 Palestine ...... 26

iii ...... 28

Reel 11 Saudi Arabia cont...... 28

Reel 12 Saudi Arabia cont...... 30 ...... 30

Reel 13 Syria cont...... 32 ...... 33 ...... 34

Reels 14–15 United Arab Republic cont...... 34

Reel 16 United Arab Republic cont...... 38 Yemen...... 38

Reels 17–18 Yemen cont...... 40

Principal Correspondents Index...... 45 Subject Index...... 51


The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963, Middle East, First Supplement contains a large collection of recently released documents on national security issues in the Middle East, as well as on the Kennedy administration’s efforts both to respond to these developments and to help shape them. The collection includes substantial material on a variety of political, economic, and social topics including Arab-Israeli relations, border conflicts, political conditions, government changes, military coups, arms trade, Palestinian refugees, the role of the in mediating disputes, Communist activity and popular sentiment, economic policy and national planning, and U.S. economic, food, and military assistance. The material is organized into separate sections for each of fifteen countries, plus Crete and Palestine. Each section contains some or all of the following types of documents: diplomatic cables, military and intelligence reports, White House–State Department letters and notes, memoranda of White House conversations, political/economic assessments, contingency plans, and personal communications between Middle East leaders and President Kennedy and other U.S. officials. The collection provides illuminating glimpses of important personalities involved in Middle East decision making, including Muhammad Al-Badr, Ali Amini, Kemal Ataturk, Mohammed Ayub Khan, George M. Ball, , David Ben-Gurion, Ali Bhutto, Chester Bowles, Ralph Bunche, McGeorge Bundy, Ellsworth Bunker, Fuad Chehab, Mohammad Daud, William O. Douglas, Levi Eshkol, Crown Prince Faisal, Myer Feldman, Mordechai Gazit, Avraham Harman, Sayf Al- Al-Hassan, W. Averell Harriman, Hussein I, Ismet Inonu, Joseph E. Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mostafa Kamel, Carl Kaysen, Robert W. Komer, Makarios III, Edward Mason, John J. McCloy, Golda Meir, Paul Boutros Meouchi, Armin H. Meyer, Livingston T. Merchant, Mullah Mustafa Barzini, Mohammed Naim, , Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Nazim Al-Qudsi, Walt W. Rostow, Dean Rusk, , Abdullah Al-Sallal, Ahmad Shuqairi, Mongi Slim, Philippe Takla, , Phillips Talbot, Maxwell D. Taylor, , Carl C. Van Horn, Mohammed Yusuf, Mohammed Zahir Shah, and President John F. Kennedy. The following sections highlight the information that the collection includes for each country.

Afghanistan Afghanistan carried on a dispute with Pakistan over the border area commonly referred to as “Pushtunistan.” As a consequence of this dispute, Pakistan forced landlocked Afghanistan to abandon its trade route to the sea through Pakistan. Collection documents cover this conflict as well as Iran’s attempt to mediate the dispute. As was the case with the leaders of many developing countries, U.S. diplomats and officials found Afghanistan’s leader, Mohammed Zahir Shah, quite adroit at playing off the United States against the in order to obtain needed aid. Collection authors illuminate this gamesmanship.

v Cyprus The collection includes material on the relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, as well as on the larger relations between and Turkey as they affected Cyprus, and Archbishop Makarios III’s visit to the United States.

Iran Iran during the early faced a desperate domestic economic crisis, with ballooning government spending and budget deficits, and the country’s leaders, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Prime Minister Ali Amini, continually tempted to dip into oil revenues to make up the shortfalls. Collection documents cover the attempts by U.S. and International Monetary Fund (IMF) officials to devise measures to help Iran recover fiscal stability and implement its long-term development plans. A large number of documents portray the Shah’s repeated demands for U.S. military hardware, while U.S. diplomats attempted to convince him that Iran’s problems were economic, not military. The collection additionally includes material on the 1962 earthquake and subsequent U.S. disaster aid, as well as on political stability under the Pahlavi regime and the Shah’s 1962 visit to the United States. Finally, a number of documents provide detail on the Shah’s ambitious program to implement land reform, which was intended to transform Iran’s rural society from the traditional landlord-sharecropper system to one of village cooperatives. One U.S. diplomat sums up what seems to have been the consensus view on the Shah: “I am convinced that the Shah is an honest patriot with a genuine desire to help his people and to officiate at the birth of a new Persia. He is also spoiled, difficult, and overly preoccupied with military weaponry” (Reel 3, Frame 0243).

Iraq The collection includes material on the troubled rule of Abdul Karim Qasim, as well as his difficult relations with other Arab countries and with the United States. Collection documents additionally cover the 1963 military coup. One report, by Department of State research director Roger Hilsman, examines the complex relations among Arab countries, illustrated by their reactions to the Iraq coup and postures toward the new government, all in the context of the feared—or welcomed—influence of Gamal Abdel Nasser and the United Arab Republic (UAR) in the Persian Gulf region (Reel 3, Frame 0523). The Saudis and Jordan appear to have feared Nasser’s influence in Iraq’s revolutionary government but soon realized the group’s independence from Nasser.

Israel During the Kennedy years, the Arab-Israeli confrontation experienced a comparatively calm period. As President Kennedy stated in a 1961 letter to Arab leaders, “The Middle East during the past three years has been relatively tranquil. Underlying tensions do, however, remain, not the least of which is the unresolved Arab-Israel controversy” (Reel 10, Frame 0006). The collection includes significant materials on a number of issues, including the border violence between Israel and Syria in the Lake Tiberias area where Israel planned to divert water from the Jordan River; U.S. food aid; Israel’s nuclear program, which the United States feared would lead to nuclear weapons and so demanded to inspect the facilities; French and West German military aid; the

vi “arms race” with the UAR; Israel’s request for a U.S. “security guarantee” and the U.S. refusal to give it; and the Palestinian issue. Many documents focus on UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson’s mission to the Middle East to try to lay the groundwork for a refugee resettlement agreement among Israel and the three Arab host countries, Jordan, Syria, and the UAR. Working with UN and U.S. Department of State officials, Johnson developed a plan that would allow individual refugees to state their preference as to where they would like to settle. Israel adamantly opposed this scheme, fearing that most refugees would choose repatriation in their former home areas, which were now part of Israel. One of the collection’s more significant documents records the intense debate in a long, difficult meeting between Johnson and Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir (Reel 4, Frame 0241). A number of top U.S. officials expressed extreme annoyance at what they viewed as Israel’s inflexibility in refusing to seriously consider UN-U.S. proposals such as the Johnson plan designed to lessen Arab-Israeli tensions. National security adviser Robert W. Komer sent a strongly worded letter to Kennedy, urging him to be firm in his talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir and demand that Israel “reciprocate” for the aid the U.S. had given it over the past fourteen years (Reel 4, Frame 0308).

Jordan Collection documents cover Jordan’s domestic political conditions, including King Hussein’s parliament dismissal and cabinet change. In addition, the collection includes material on Israel-Jordan relations, especially as they concerned sharing the water of the Jordan River and Israel’s planned diversion of a significant portion of the Jordan’s flow. A number of documents provide glimpses of the kind of diplomatic parrying the United States practiced when two or more governments with which the United States had relations start, or appear to be planning to start, a conflict. While U.S. diplomats reassured King Hussein of the U.S. “special friendship” with him and Jordan, U.S. Ambassador to John S. Badeau was telling an Egyptian official, “Our interest in Jordan is neither support of or of King Hussein as an individual, but the prevention of major conflict” (Reel 5, Frame 0387).

Kuwait The collection includes documents on Kuwait’s domestic political conditions, as well as the tensions caused by Iraq leader Abdul Karim Qasim, who asserted Iraq’s claim to Kuwait, while the United States and other countries recognized the small country’s sovereignty. Several documents cover the ’s military presence in and aid to Kuwait.

Lebanon Collection materials cover a military coup attempt, civil-military relations in general, a U.S. Navy visit, the sale of the airline Air Liban, the prospective purchase by the Soviet Union, and the U.S. visit by the Maronite Patriarch Paul Boutros Meouchi.

Oman The collection includes material on Oman officials’ visit to the United States.

vii Pakistan U.S. officials held the point of view that the most important policy consideration in the South Asian subcontinent was thwarting the Communist expansion, whether directed by the Soviet Union or China. As Kennedy says in a memo to W. Averell Harriman on the Chinese invasion of , “By the Chinese action, the subcontinent has become a new area of major confrontation between the Free World and the Communists” (Reel 7, Frame 0711). Pakistanis needed, therefore, to understand and accept the U.S. decision to supply India with arms in its border war with China, and accept U.S. assurances that such aid did not mean a lessening of U.S. support for Pakistan’s security. As Secretary of State Dean Rusk says in a letter to Pakistan’s foreign minister, “Our defense assistance [to India] is to be used only against the outright Chinese aggression now facing India” (Reel 7, Frame 0695). As a large set of collection documents show, Pakistani leaders protested, to no avail, this U.S. military aid to India, fearing that India would, immediately or eventually, use the hardware against Pakistan. U.S. officials became increasingly frustrated and disappointed with Pakistan’s refusal to attempt even a partial rapprochement with India during the 1962 India-China border war. Secretary Rusk said, “Pakistan support for India at this time of trouble will strengthen Free World resistance to Communist threat and ultimately create [a] new and healthier climate in which Pakistan’s problems with India could become more manageable. In all candor, Pakistanis now have an unparalleled opportunity to transform basic relationships in the subcontinent” (Reel 9, Frame 0901). In the view of Rusk and others, Pakistan made little attempt to seize this opportunity, in part because Pakistan wanted the U.S. to demand that India agree to a Kashmir settlement, in exchange for U.S. military aid to India. U.S. policy makers additionally resented what they perceived as Pakistan’s attempt to blame the United States for many of the difficulties they faced. Other U.S. national security interests in Pakistan during the Kennedy administration centered on the following major issues: the long-standing dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir; India’s seizure of Pakistan’s Goa area; the border dispute with Afghanistan, as well as the denial of transit for Afghan trade goods through Pakistan; and Pakistan’s increasingly cordial relations with China, as evidenced by the countries’ border agreement and the establishment of air links. The rapprochement disturbed U.S. policy makers. Secretary of State Dean Rusk remarked, “The U.S., which looks to India as a key bastion for democracy in Asia, has become increasingly impatient with Pakistan’s friendly approaches to Communist China as a means of pushing its grievances against India” (Reel 8, Frame 0621).

Palestine After years of failure in its attempt to resettle Palestinian refugees, the United Nations established the Palestine Conciliation Commission and sent Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson to the Middle East to try to lay the groundwork for a resettlement agreement among Israel and the three Arab host countries, Jordan, Syria, and the UAR. Johnson devised a plan that was rejected by Israel and then by the Arab countries. Basically, Israelis felt that the plan would sell out Israel’s interests to and lead to a flood of Palestinian refugees into Israel. It would allow each refugee to indicate a preference for repatriation inside Israel or resettlement in Arab countries or elsewhere. Israel feared that half or more of the refugees would indicate a preference for

viii repatriation, even as U.S. officials tried to reassure them that “the approach assumes, and by careful restriction and phasing assures, that only a fraction of the refugees will in fact return to live permanently in Israel” (Reel 10, Frame 0002). Israel refused to budge. The Johnson plan further generated intense policy debates within the Kennedy administration, with some officials, such as Myer Feldman, urging withdrawal of support for the plan because of Israel’s rejection of it, while Dean Rusk, Robert W. Komer, Carl Kaysen, and others urged Kennedy to maintain at least private support for it in communications with Arab and other world leaders, and in the United Nations. Collection documents provide extensive coverage of the interactions and debates among UN officials, Israeli and Arab leaders, and Kennedy administration officials.

Saudi Arabia The collection’s substantial set of documents on Saudi Arabia includes material on U.S.-Saudi military basing arrangements, U.S. military aircraft sales, by the Saudi government against U.S. Jewish military personnel, King Saud’s medical treatment in the United States and meeting with President Kennedy, Saudi government relations with the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), U.S. economic aid, and political conditions including King Saud’s relations with his relative and rival Crown Prince Faisal. From the U.S. point of view, the major national security topic concerning Saudi Arabia was the country’s difficult relations with the UAR, which at several points came close to breaking into open war when the two countries began supplying military aid to the opposing sides in the Yemen civil war: Saudi Arabia to the Royalist counterrevolutionaries, and the UAR to the new leaders of the Yemen Arab Republic. The UAR attempted, unsuccessfully, to stop the flow of Saudi aid by initiating a series of attacks on Saudi territory near the Yemen border, an area that the UAR viewed as the staging area for the Saudi weapons convoys. Saudi Arabia, as well as other countries including Israel, Pakistan, and Syria, asked the United States to issue public declarations of U.S. support, with (in most cases) a U.S. commitment or “guarantee” to defend the country in question from aggression. In each case, the United States always refused, preferring to reassure the country’s leaders privately that the United States would come to the aid of the country with whatever aid was needed—including military intervention—if the country was attacked. Among the reasons for the U.S. refusal to issue public security commitments outside security alliances like NATO was the belief by U.S. policy makers that such declarations would lead adversarial countries—such as the UAR in the case of Saudi Arabia and Syria—to seek explicit defense alliances with the Soviet Union. As always, the fear of the spread of international communism seemed in the forefront of decisions of U.S. diplomats and policy makers. Although the United States refused to give an explicit security guarantee to the Saudis, the administration did attempt to demonstrate its commitment to protect Saudi territory by deploying an air force squadron to Saudi Arabia on what was ostensibly a joint training mission, but whose principal function was, apparently, to serve as a deterrent to more broad-based Saudi military attacks by the UAR.

ix Syria Syria’s September1961 military coup and subsequent secession from the UAR had repercussions not only for these two countries but also for other Middle East states and the international community. Collection documents provide material on newly separate, sovereign Syria’s attempt to win international recognition, as well as to regain the UN seat it held before the 1958 union with Egypt. Reel 12 contains interesting documents reporting exchanges among world diplomats and UN officials on resumption of Syrian membership after its secession from the UAR in . Nobody wanted to get into a long debate on the legal justification for Syria’s resumed membership after it had given up its General Assembly seat when it joined the UAR in 1958; everyone seemed to agree, even assembly President Mongi Slim, that the world diplomatic community (except Egypt) should simply agree that there was no legal problem and that Slim would, if there was no objection, invite the Syrian delegate to take his seat. U.S. diplomatic officials additionally devoted much effort to keep Syria and Israel from bursting into open conflict over Israel’s planned diversion of water from Lake Tiberias on the Jordan River, questioned Syria’s requests for aid to dam the River, and monitored political stability in the country. Syrian as well as some U.S. officials worried that Nasser might attempt to take Syria back into the UAR by force. Finally, a useful feature of the collection is its inclusion of a number of documents in which U.S. diplomats and their foreign counterparts attempt to gauge the growing influence of the Ba’ath movement in Syria as well as Iraq, Lebanon, and the UAR.

Turkey According to Central Intelligence Agency documents in this collection, Turkey and Syria were the scenes of nearly constant coup plotting. The collection includes substantial bodies of material on Turkey, covering such subjects as economic policies and conditions, political conditions and parties, Turkey’s relation to the European Economic Community (EEC), Iraq relations, Turkish aid to India, international economic assistance, U.S. missiles in Turkey, and U.S. military aid to Turkey. Charles E. Bohlen, Robert W. Komer, and other top officials supported increased U.S. aid for Turkey, because it was a staunch ally of the United States, was a committed member of NATO, and maintained a strong, disciplined, and dedicated—but poorly equipped—defense force.

United Arab Republic Concerned about the aggressiveness of Gamal Abdel Nasser and his efforts to expand Arab unity, as well as the Soviet Union’s interest in the UAR, the Kennedy administration sought a “limited accommodation” with Nasser (Reel 13, Frame 0915). The collection includes a large number of documents on the intense diplomacy played out by officials in both the United States and the UAR. For their part, Nasser and Kennedy carried on a personal correspondence that was always cordial but often spirited as they debated issues such as U.S. military aid, UAR aid to Yemen’s revolutionary government, UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia, the Palestine issue, the Cuban missile crisis, and Nasser’s economic plan. Interesting collection documents additionally cover the IMF stabilization program in the UAR, the preservation of the Nubian monuments threatened by the rising waters behind the Aswan High Dam, an economic conference of developing

x countries held in , the “arms race” between the UAR and Israel, and U.S. attempts to induce the UAR and Israel to reach a strategic arms agreement. Highly interesting top secret documents chronicle the planning by administration officials, including President Kennedy, of the mission by special presidential envoy John J. McCloy to try to broker an agreement by—but not directly between—Israel and Egypt to stop any current or planned development of strategic weapons, especially nuclear. A memorandum on a key meeting among Kennedy, McCloy, State Department officials Phillips Talbot and James P. Grant, and national security aides McGeorge Bundy and Robert W. Komer offers fascinating insights into the political calculations used during the Kennedy administration in making policy decisions about the Middle East (Reel 16, Frame 0057). The collection includes a number of memoranda describing such “big guns” meetings with the president. The portrayal of Gamal Abdel Nasser differs markedly among the various U.S. ambassadors who write about him, with the most negative characterizations coming from envoys in Syria and Israel and the most positive, perhaps, from Ambassador John S. Badeau in Cairo. Researchers interested in U.S.-UAR relations, or for that matter in U.S. bilateral relations in general, will want to peruse the detailed administration strategy for building Middle East stability through a long-term strengthening of the U.S. relationship with Egypt. The strategy lists specific policies and the tactics that were being, or would be, used to achieve the goals (Reel 14, Frame 0884).

Yemen The collection includes a large set of documents on the military coup that established the Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), as well as on the civil war that followed, as tribes loyal to the royalist regime of Imam Muhammad al-Badr conducted a sustained guerrilla war in the countryside, away from the capital and the large towns. The UAR sent a large number of troops to help the YAR government and its leader Abdullah Al- Sallal consolidate power. At the same time, Saudi Arabia and Jordan sent convoys of weapons to the royalist guerrillas. The UAR initiated a long series of air and naval attacks on the area of Saudi Arabia from which the convoys crossed into Yemen. Concerned that the violence might escalate into a major war between the UAR and Saudi Arabia, the UN sent observers to monitor the “disengagement from Yemen” that was supposed to be taking place on the part of the UAR, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. President Kennedy sent a personal representative, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, to Saudi Arabia. Bunker’s mission was, primarily, to convince Prince Faisal that a UN mediator (Bunche) between Cairo and Riyadh constituted the last, best chance to coordinate the mutual disengagement of the UAR and Saudi Arabia from Yemen, and consequently to prevent the Yemen conflict from drawing the two countries into direct war. A Saudi-UAR war did not break out; the Yemen civil war, on the other hand, dragged on for years.

Robert W. Komer One of the more interesting and significant features of this collection is its inclusion of many secret memoranda written by the highly influential National Security Council adviser Robert W. Komer. Addressed to President Kennedy, McGeorge Bundy, Walt W. Rostow, Carl Kaysen, and other top administration officials, these sometimes handwritten letters provided sharp counterpoints to the policy proposals coming from the State Department in Washington, D.C. and the department’s ambassadors abroad—as

xi well as from foreign leaders themselves. One gets the impression that Kennedy and Bundy always wanted Komer’s perspective before making important policy decisions. They may have appreciated his blunt style: Komer seemed to take special delight in cutting through polite, cordial diplomatic language and exposing the underlying motives and strategies of foreign heads of state and their deputies, especially as they attempted to persuade or even “blackmail” the United States into providing military or economic aid, or increasing it. Komer seemed especially annoyed by certain ambassadors that he viewed as unwilling to present tough U.S. policy stances, such as Julius C. Holmes in Iran. Disturbed by Holmes’ too-close relationship with the Shah and his pitching of the Shah’s military aid demands, Komer pleaded to McGeorge Bundy: “Look for a better ambassador, preferably a nonprofessional with drive” (Reel 2, Frame 0853). Komer often expressed frustration with the State Department, as illustrated by his note to Walt Rostow on the department’s cautious approach toward dealings with Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser: “Here again we find a situation where State is moving slowly and cautiously in the same direction we are, but where it is extremely reluctant to look very far ahead and to assess the policy consequences of a more dynamic line of action” (Reel 13, Frame 0875). Komer often was able to marshal powerful allies like Bundy, presidential aide Carl Kaysen, and diplomat W. Averell Harriman. Nicknamed “Blowtorch Bob,” in part for his fiery, cutting style, Komer would later play a leading role in the Vietnam War as head of the U.S. “pacification” effort.

Finally, many collection documents provide interesting glimpses of the importance that protocol played in diplomatic interaction. For example, U.S. envoy Ridgway B. Knight describes the delicate situation in post-coup 1962 Syria: “I told Caride that I would be pleased and interested to exchange ideas with al-Azm, whom I was anxious to know better. In view of the fragility of . . . the present situation, I did not want to do anything which might look as if I was undermining either President Qudsi or Prime Minister Azmah. I feared that calling on Azm or inviting him to the chancery or residence at this time could be so interpreted. If, however, Caride wished to invite us both to a small lunch in his home, I would be glad to accept” (Reel 12, Frame 791).


The documents reproduced in this microfilm publication are donated historical materials from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Papers, National Security Files, Countries, in the custody of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts. The donors have dedicated their literary rights to the public.


LexisNexis has microfilmed in their entirety all National Security Files (NSF) “Country Files” documents that were declassified, sanitized, or unclassified as of January 2001 for the Middle East. There are individual documents and folders of documents that remain classified and or unprocessed; LexisNexis has included in this NSF microfilm publication the “Document Withdrawal Sheets” for each folder. These withdrawal sheets itemize documents that have been withdrawn from the folders, due to either national security or privacy restrictions, by the staff of the John F. Kennedy Library.


LexisNexis would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of the John F. Kennedy Library, especially Mr. Stephen Plotkin and Ms. Sharon Kelly.



The following abbreviations are used three or more times in the Reel Index.

CENTO Central Treaty Organization

FRG Federal Republic of Germany ()

IMF International Monetary Fund

JFK John F. Kennedy

NSC National Security Council

PCC Palestine Conciliation Commission

SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

UAR United Arab Republic

UK United Kingdom

UN United Nations

UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency

UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

UNYOM United Nations Yemen Observation Mission

USMTM United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia

USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

YAR Yemen Arab Republic



The following is a listing of the folders that comprise The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961–1963, Middle East: First Supplement. The four-digit number on the far left is the frame at which a particular file folder begins. This is followed by the file title and the date(s) of the file. Substantive issues are highlighted under the heading Major Topics, as are prominent correspondents under the heading Principal Correspondents. Topics and correspondents are listed in the order in which they appear on the film, and each one is listed only once per folder.

Reel 1 Frame No. Afghanistan

0001 General, , 1961. Major Topics: Pakistan border dispute; Pushtanistan; U.S. aid to both countries; Mohammad Daud. Principal Correspondent: Henry A. Byroade.

0006 General, , 1961–February 28, 1962. Major Topics: Pakistan relations; Kuchi nomads. Principal Correspondent: Henry A. Byroade.

0010 General, May 1–15, 1962. Major Topic: U.S. aid. Principal Correspondent: George M. Ball.

0018 General, –July 23, 1962. Major Topics: USSR influence; Iran relations. Principal Correspondent: Walter P. McConaughy.

0021 General, July 24–August 7, 1962. Major Topics: Iran relations; Mohammed Naim; Pakistan border dispute; Pushtanistan; Mohammed Ayub Khan; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Principal Correspondent: John M. Steeves.

0036 General, August 8–September 13, 1962. Major Topics: Iran relations; Mohammed Naim. Principal Correspondent: John M. Steeves.

0039 General, October 17–31, 1962. Major Topics: Government instability; USSR response; Pakistan border dispute. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Foy D. Kohler.

1 Frame No.

0052 General, . Major Topic: Pakistan border dispute. Principal Correspondents: John M. Steeves; Robert W. Komer.

0057 General, December 1–19, 1962. Major Topics: Pakistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; U.S. aid; highway construction; Mohammed Naim; government instability; Mohammad Daud. Principal Correspondents: Phillips Talbot; Dean Rusk; John M. Steeves.

0088 General, December 20, 1962–, 1963. Major Topics: Pakistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; highway construction; U.S. aid; U.S. military cooperation; Pushtunistan. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Mohammed Naim; John M. Steeves; William D. Brewer; Robert W. Komer.

0114 General, March 1–17, 1963. Major Topics: Government change; Mohammad Daud; Mohammed Naim; Wali Shah; U.S. aid; Mohammed Yusuf; Mohammed Zahir Shah. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John M. Steeves.

0145 General, March 18–31, 1963. Major Topics: New Afghan government; Mohammed Yusuf; Pakistan border dispute. Principal Correspondent: John M. Steeves.

0155 General, April–. Major Topics: Pakistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; normalization of relations with Pakistan; Mohammed Hashim Maiwandwal–JFK meeting; new Afghan government; U.S. aid; China border treaty; Abdul Zahir; USSR aid in beryl ore mining; Mohammed Yusuf; King Mohammed Zahir Shah state visit to U.S.; Zahir power consolidation; Zahir policies; U.S. education aid. Principal Correspondents: John M. Steeves; Dean Rusk; Walter P. McConaughy; Mohammed Zahir Shah; William H. Brubeck.

0264 Subjects, Visit of the King and Queen, , January–September 1963. Major Topics: Mohammed Zahir Shah state visit; JFK and Zahir Shah toasts; joint communique; JFK–Zahir Shah meeting; USSR relations; Pakistan relations; Dean Rusk–Zahir Shah meeting. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Zahir Shah; John F. Kennedy; George M. Ball; Dean Rusk; John M. Steeves; Robert W. Komer.

2 Frame No.

0408 Subjects, King Zahir Visit, September 1963, Briefing Memoranda and Book (Parts I–III) August 28–29, 1963. Major Topics: Mohammed Zahir Shar ruling style; government structure and stability; USSR relations; China relations; Pakistan relations; U.S. economic aid; Afghan tribes; Pushtunistan. Principal Correspondent: McGeorge Bundy.

0489 Subjects, King Zahir Visit, September 1963, Briefing Book Parts IV–V, August 28– 29, 1963. Major Topic: Members of visiting party.

0515 Subjects, King Zahir Correspondence, 1961–1963. Major Topics: JFK–Zahir Shah communications; Pakistan-Afghanistan relations break; impact on U.S. aid; Mohammed Hashim Maiwandwal–JFK meeting; Pakistan-Afghanistan relations normalization. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer; Henry A. Byroade; Dean Rusk; Mohammed Zahir Shah.

0608 Subjects, Winant/Gummessen Case, . Major Topics: Disappearance of Swedish national in Afghanistan, Gunnel Gummesson; murder of companion Peter Winant; Christy Wilson; Gummesson alleged abduction by tribal leader. Principal Correspondents: John M. Steeves; William H. Brubeck.

0665 Subjects, Winant/Gummessen Case, June–. Major Topics: Disappearance of Swedish national in Afghanistan, Gunnel Gummesson; murder of companion Peter Winant; Christy Wilson; U.S., Swedish, and Afghan officials involvement; Gummesson alleged abduction by tribal leader; Afghan government investigation. Principal Correspondents: John M. Steeves; Dean Rusk.


0736 General, 1961–1963. Major Topic: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) missile practice range. Principal Correspondent: Robert S. McNamara.


0741 General, 1961. Major Topics: U.S. economic aid; Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondent: Fraser Wilkins.

3 Frame No.

0752 General, January–. Major Topic: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondent: Fraser Wilkins.

0786 General, March–. Major Topics: U.S. economic aid; Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.; Voice of America. Principal Correspondent: Fraser Wilkins.

0795 General, . Major Topics: U.S. economic aid; Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.; Voice of America. Principal Correspondents: Fraser Wilkins; Robert W. Komer.

0817 General, Visit of the President of Cyprus, –28, 1962. Major Topics: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.; Makarios profile; visiting party officials; U.S. communications facilities; Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot relations; domestic policy; Voice of America.

0852 General, –15, 1962. Major Topics: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.; Makarios-JFK meeting. Principal Correspondent: L. Douglas Heck.

0860 General, –30, 1962. Major Topic: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondent: Fraser Wilkins.

0869 General, . Major Topics: USSR air routes through Cyprus; U.S. aid; Principal Correspondents: Fraser Wilkins; William H. Brubeck.

0885 General, . Major Topics: Communist activity; Voice of America; Makarios-JFK meeting; U.S. aid. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Fraser Wilkins.

0904 General, September–. Major Topics: Greek Cypriot–Turkish Cypriot relations; U.S. aid. Principal Correspondents: Fraser Wilkins; Dean Rusk.

0931 General, , 1962–February 12, 1963. Major Topics: Anti-Communist political party; Voice of America; Greek Cypriot– Turkish Cypriot relations; U.S. aid. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Philip Clock; Fraser Wilkins; Robert W. Komer.

4 Frame No.

Reel 2

Cyprus cont.

0001 General, February 13–28, 1963. Major Topics: Greece-Turkey relations; Greek Cypriot–Turkish Cypriot relations; Archbishop Makarios III; U.S. missile-carrying submarines. Principal Correspondents: Raymond Hare; Fraser Wilkins; Dean Rusk.

0028 General, March–. Major Topics: Greece-Turkey relations; Greek Cypriot–Turkish Cypriot relations; development bank; Cyprus International Fair. Principal Correspondents: Fraser Wilkins; George M. Ball; John F. Kennedy.

0066 General, Emergency and Evacuation, July 19, 1963, Part I. [Document withdrawn.]

0068 General, Emergency and Evacuation, July 19, 1963, Part II. Major Topics: U.S. citizens in Cyprus; evacuation procedures.

0118 General, Emergency and Evacuation, July 19, 1963, Part III. [Document withdrawn.]

0120 General, Emergency and Evacuation, July 19, 1963, Part IV. Major Topic: U.S. Foreign Service travel form.

0123 General, Emergency and Evacuation, July 19, 1963, Part V. [Document withdrawn.]

0125 General, August–November 1963. Major Topics: Greece-Turkey relations; Greek Cypriot–Turkish Cypriot relations. Principal Correspondents: Henry R. Labouisse; Robert W. Komer; Raymond Hare; Fraser Wilkins; David K. E. Bruce.

0165 Subjects, Makarios Briefing Book, –June 1, 1962. Major Topics: Makarios-JFK talks; Communist activity; U.S. aid; Greek Cypriot– Turkish Cypriot relations. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0169 Subjects, Makarios Briefing Book I–II, , 1962. Major Topic: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S..

5 Frame No.

0182 Subjects, Makarios Briefing Book III, June 5, 1962. Major Topics: Archbishop Makarios III visit to U.S.; Greek Cypriot–Turkish Cypriot relations; Communist activity; economic conditions; U.S. aid; U.S. communications facilities; Voice of America; U.S.-sponsored university.


0224 General, May 1–14, 1961. Major Topics: U.S. contingency plan for military action; USSR threat; U.S. citizens evacuation plan; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Earle G. Wheeler; Edward T. Wailes.

0255 General, –31, 1961. Major Topic: Foreign assistance. Principal Correspondent: Walter C. Dowling.

0259 General, August 1–14, 1961. Major Topics: Political conditions; economic conditions; Iran Task Force; U.S. support for Ali Amini; foreign assistance. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; L. D. Battle; Armin H. Meyer; Dean Rusk.

0283 General, August 15–, 1961. Major Topic: Debt to U.S. Principal Correspondent: Julius C. Holmes.

0289 General, –October 13, 1961. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; U.S. contingency plan for military action; USSR threat. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer.

0309 General, October 28–, 1961. Major Topics: Iran Task Force; U.S. military aid; NSC–State Department policy disagreements; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; government reforms; elections; USSR nuclear testing resumption; U.S. aid; political conditions; U.S. support for Ali Amini; Iran participation in disarmament forum. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Julius C. Holmes; Harold H. Saunders.

0344 General, November 10–December 10, 1961. Major Topics: Ali Amini; Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi invitation to visit U.S.; government reforms; economic policy; U.S. aid; USSR relations; Afghanistan- Pakistan dispute; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk.

6 Frame No.

0375 General, December 11–31, 1961. Major Topics: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi invitation to visit U.S.; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondent: Julius C. Holmes.

0389 General, January 1–18, 1962. Major Topics: Oil revenues; government reforms; economic policy; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; USSR relations; Iran Task Force. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Phillips Talbot.

0426 General, –February 28, 1962. Major Topics: NSC–State Department policy disagreements; U.S. military aid; violent student demonstrations; Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi invitation to visit U.S.; Chester Bowles visit; economic policy; U.S. aid. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Julius C. Holmes; John F. Kennedy.

0459 General, March 1–26, 1962. Major Topics: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi–JFK communication; economic policy; defense policy; government reforms; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; Chester Bowles.

0500 General, March 27–, 1962. Major Topics: Economic policy; international aid; World Bank; Abol Hasan Ebtehaj; Abbas Aram; Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; L. D. Battle; McGeorge Bundy.

0521 General, , 1962. Major Topics: Economic policy; cabinet reorganization; budget; Dean Mason; U.S. economic aid. Principal Correspondents: George M. Ball; Dean Rusk; Julius C. Holmes.

0566 General, July 1–17, 1962. Major Topics: Pakistan relations; budget; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; Iran mediation in Afghanistan-Pakistan dispute. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk.

0603 General, July 18–23, 1962. Major Topics: Ali Amini resignation; cabinet resignation; U.S. economic aid; National Front; Asadollah Alam; economic policy; government reform; budget; Iran mediation in Afghanistan-Pakistan dispute. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk.

0643 General, July 24–31, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. aid; antiriot police force; U.S. military aid; Kurd revolt in Iraq. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; W. H. Brubeck.

7 Frame No.

0675 General, August 1–11, 1962. Major Topics: USSR relations; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; government reforms; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to Afghanistan; Mohammed Zahir Shah; Pahlavi address to Afghan national assembly; Iran mediation in Afghanistan-Pakistan dispute. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer; Herbert B. Leggett; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; Mohammed Zahir Shah.

0720 General, August 12–31, 1962. Major Topics: Petroleum export increase; budget; William O. Douglas; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; W. H. Brubeck; Robert W. Komer; James W. Swihart.

0755 General, –11, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; earthquake hoax; U.S. disaster relief preparations. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk.

0777 General, –23, 1962. Major Topics: Foreign missile bases in Iran; earthquake damage and casualties; U.S. disaster aid; USSR relations; neutralist policy; U.S. military aid; foreign missile bases in Iran. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer.

0801 General, –30, 1962. Major Topic: U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; C. K. Johnson; Harry H. Schwartz; Julius C. Holmes.

0818 General, October 1962. Major Topics: Earthquake damage and casualties; U.S. disaster aid; Iran-JFK communication on Cuban missile crisis. Principal Correspondent: Julius C. Holmes.

0839 General, November 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; government stability; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; NSC position on U.S. Iran policy. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0855 General, . Major Topic: Iran participation in UN Congo peacekeeping operation. Principal Correspondent: Julius C. Holmes.

8 Frame No.

0863 General, . Major Topics: Land reform; on land reform; National Front; Iran Task Force contingency plan on Iraq. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer; Howard Furnas; John F. Kennedy; Dean Rusk; Melvin L. Manfull.

0888 General, . Major Topics: Referendum on land reform; National Front; Hassan Arsanjani; agricultural policy; land reform implementation; Iraq coup views; JFK invitation to visit Iran. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk.

0910 General, April 1–19, 1963. Major Topics: India-Pakistan relations; Kashmir; land reform implementation; National Intelligence Estimate; military forces; fiscal policy. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Julius C. Holmes.

0939 General, April 20, 1963. Major Topics: Land reform implementation; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; economic policy; fiscal policy; U.S. economic aid; Third Development Plan; U.S. military aid; NSC on military aid. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; William S. Gaud.

0985 General, April 21–30, 1963. Major Topics: Insurgency; oil facilities; India-Pakistan relations; Kashmir; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; Iraq relations; Dean Rusk meeting with Shah; economic policy; U.S. economic aid. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer.

Reel 3

Iran cont.

0001 General, May 1963. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; economic policy; World Bank role; U.S. economic aid; land reform implementation; cooperatives establishment; nomadic tribes resistance. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Julius C. Holmes.

0026 General, July 11–, 1963. Major Topic: Saudi Arabia relations. Principal Correspondent: Nicholas G. Thacher.

9 Frame No.

0030 General, –October 31, 1963. Major Topics: National Front civil protests; Mohammed Reza Pahlavi; government reforms; land reform implementation; elections; USSR nonagression agreement; U.S. economic aid; Iraq relations; JFK-Shah communication. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Robert W. Komer; W. Averell Harriman; John F. Kennedy.

0067 General, November 1–21, 1963. Major Topics: JFK-Shah communication; U.S. aid to . Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; William H. Brubeck.

0074 Subjects, Shah Briefing Book, April 11–14, 1962, Tab IV–Tab VI (A). Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; Central Treaty Organization (CENTO); U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid. Principal Correspondent: Fowler Hamilton.

0103 Subjects, Shah Briefing Book, April 11–14, 1962, Tab IV–Tab VI (B). Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; USSR military aid; student unrest; U.S. military bases; economic conditions; economic policy; U.S. military aid; Turkey political conditions. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; L. D. Battle.

0145 Subjects, Shah Visit, –March 20, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid; JFK-Shah communication; Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk; Julius C. Holmes; Maxwell D. Taylor; John F. Kennedy.

0170 Subjects, Shah Visit, March 21–24, 1962. Major Topic: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondents: George M. Ball; Julius C. Holmes.

0179 Subjects, Shah Visit, March 25–28, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid; NSC on military aid. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Phillips Talbot; Fowler Hamilton; Robert W. Komer.

0203 Subjects, Shah Visit, March 29–April 5, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid; JFK staff views on visit. Principal Correspondents: Julius C. Holmes; Dean Rusk; Chester Bowles.

0220 Subjects, Shah Visit, April 6–9, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Kenneth R. Hansen.

10 Frame No.

0235 Subjects, Shah Visit, April 10–15, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; relations with Turkey, Iraq, and Pakistan; revolt in Iraq; Abdul Karim Qasim. Principal Correspondents: Chester Bowles; Kenneth R. Hansen; Robert W. Komer; Roger Hilsman.

0267 Subjects, Shah Visit, April 16–, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi visit to U.S.; U.S. military aid; JFK-Shah talks; Iraq; Afghanistan; Turkey; USSR relations with U.S. and Iran; U.S. economic aid; Dean Rusk–Shah talks; economic policy; disarmament. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Melvin L. Manfull; E. S. Little.


0304 General, 1961–1962. Major Topics: U.S. imports of fruit; Kurds revolt; Mullah Mustafa Barzini; relations with government; Department of State policy guidelines; Abdul Karim Qasim; USSR relations; Communist sympathy; Iraq claim to Kuwait; U.S.-Kuwait diplomatic relations; Iraq relations with German Democratic Republic (); Renato della Chiesa D’Isasca; relations; expulsion of U.S. ambassador John D. Jernegan; recall of Iraq ambassador to U.S.; Ali Haidar Sulaiman; U.S.-Iraq civil aviation talks; Kurd request that U.S. citizens leave conflict area; foreign airline landing restrictions; Iraq military capability. Principal Correspondents: John D. Jernegan; Dean Rusk; Rodger P. Davies; George M. Ball; Roy M. Melbourne.

0437 General, January–February 1963. Major Topics: Abdul Karim Qasim; foreign relations; USSR relations; Communist sympathy; military coup d’etat; revolutionary council establishment; Qasim death; U.S. recognition of new government; political orientation of new government; Ba’ath sect role in coup and government; JFK message to new government; -Iraq relations; Iraq relations with Arab states; Iraq–United Arab Republic (UAR) relations; Gamal Abdel Nasser; Iraq claim to Kuwait; new government Communist sympathy; USSR relations with new government; relations. Principal Correspondents: Roy M. Melbourne; Dean Rusk; John F. Kennedy; Walter Lubkeman; Roger Hilsman; Foy D. Kohler; William B. Edmondson.

0584 General, March–May 1963. Major Topics: U.S. relations with new government; USSR relations; Kurds revolt; USSR military aid; USSR economic aid; Communist sympathy; Kuwait claim; relations with other Arab states; Ba’ath sect domination of government; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid. Principal Correspondents: Roy M. Melbourne; Dean Rusk; David K. E. Bruce.

11 Frame No.

0684 General, June–August 1963. Major Topics: Kurds revolt; Robert C. Strong; USSR relations; Ba’ath Party domination of government; religious leaders communication to JFK. Principal Correspondent: Robert C. Strong.

0770 General, September–November 1963. Major Topics: Ba’ath Party domination of government; Kurds revolt; government military response; Mullah Mustafa Barzani–JFK communication; power struggle within Ba’ath Party; Syria response. Principal Correspondents: Robert C. Strong; Mullah Mustafa Barzani; Robert W. Komer.


0886 General, . Major Topics: Golda Meir–JFK talks; Israel security policy; U.S. commitment to Israeli security; Avraham Harman; relations with Arab states. Principal Correspondents: Walter J. Stoessel Jr.; Dean Rusk.

0914 General, March–. Major Topics: Nuclear energy program; U.S. military sales; Hawk missiles; Israel- Jordan water sharing; U.S. food aid; David Ben-Gurion–JFK talks; U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; U. M. Staebler; J. W. Croach. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Melvin L. Manfull.

Reel 4

Israel cont.

0001 General, . Major Topics: David Ben-Gurion–JFK talks; “relative calm” in Middle East; Palestinian refugees; nuclear energy program; Israel security policy; FRG-Israel joint atomic bomb development. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; Dean Rusk.

0024 General, July–. Major Topics: Palestinian refugees; Golda Meir; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aid; Israel-Arab military situation; UK military aid. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; Dean Rusk.

0050 General, January–. Major Topics: Nuclear energy program; UK military aid; foreign diplomatic missions in Jerusalem; Golda Meir; Syria relations. Principal Correspondent: Walworth Barbour.

12 Frame No.

0063 General, April–May 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; Shimon Peres; Israel security; relations with Arab states; U.S. food aid; Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; Dean Rusk; McGeorge Bundy; E. S. Little.

0080 General, June 1–15, 1962 Major Topics: Mount of Olives road; Carl C. Van Horn replacement as UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) chief of staff. Principal Correspondent: Walworth Barbour.

0093 General, June 16–30, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. scientists second inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; David Ben- Gurion–JFK communication; relations with Arab states. Principal Correspondents: David Ben-Gurion; Walworth Barbour.

0108 General, July 1962. Major Topics: UAR views on Israel nuclear development; Israel-Jordan border incidents; Jerusalem; Walworth Barbour. Principal Correspondent: Dean Rusk.

0126 General, August 1–8, 1962. Major Topics: Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson. Principal Correspondents: Joseph E. Johnson; Dean Rusk.

0161 General, August 9–15, 1962. Major Topics: Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson. Principal Correspondent: William H. Brubeck.

0168 General, August 17–20, 1962. Major Topics: Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson; U.S. military aid; Hawk missiles. Principal Correspondent: Harold H. Saunders.

0183 General, September 1–5, 1962. Major Topics: Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson; Palestine Conciliation Commission (PCC). Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Joseph E. Johnson.

0221 General, September 6–21, 1962. Major Topics: David Ben-Gurion–JFK communication; Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson; PCC; Golda Meir–Johnson meeting on resettlement plan. Principal Correspondents: David Ben-Gurion; John F. Kennedy; Myer Feldman; William H. Brubeck.

13 Frame No.

0251 General, –October 1, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military sales; Hawk missiles. Principal Correspondent: George M. Ball.

0256 General, October 2–, 1962. Major Topics: Avraham Harman; Israel rejection of Palestinian refugee resettlement plan; Mordechai Gazit. Principal Correspondents: Carl Kaysen; Robert W. Komer.

0269 General, –December 21, 1962. Major Topics: U.S.-Israel talks on refugee resettlement issue; Myer Feldman; Phillips Talbot; Joseph J. Sisco; Harlan ; UN consideration of issue; JFK–Golda Meir talks; U.S. dissatisfaction with Israeli policy on security issues; UN peacekeeping operations.

0294 General, December 22, 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Golda Meir talks; Israel “reciprocity” for U.S. aid. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0312 General, January 4–14, 1963. Major Topics: JFK–Golda Meir talks; Israel “reciprocity” for U.S. aid.

0319 General, –31, 1963. Major Topics: David Ben-Gurion–JFK communications; Israel nuclear weapons development. Principal Correspondent: Dean Rusk.

0329 General, February 12–March 6, 1963. Major Topic: U.S. aid. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0334 General, March 7–April 23, 1963. Major Topic: UAR-Israel arms limitation. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0341 General, April 24–May 3, 1963. Major Topics: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; UAR-Israel strategic arms limitation agreement. Principal Correspondent: John S. Badeau.

0345 General, May 4, 1963. Major Topics: JFK–David Ben-Gurion communications; Israel security; Jordan political conditions. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; David Ben-Gurion.

14 Frame No.

0372 General, May 5–9, 1963. Major Topics: Avraham Harman; Myer Feldman; Israel and U.S. Zionist objectives; American-Israel Public Affairs Committee. Principal Correspondents: Robert C. Strong; Robert W. Komer.

0382 General, –13, 1963. Major Topic: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor. Principal Correspondent: Howard R. Cottam.

0392 General, May 14, 1963. Major Topics: David Ben-Gurion–JFK conversation; Gamal Abdel Nasser intentions; Jordan political conditions; Israel security. Principal Correspondents: David Ben-Gurion; P. Wesley Kriebel.

0416 General, –16, 1963. Major Topics: Mordechai Gazit; U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; Israel security; U.S. military aid; UAR missile threat; W. Averell Harriman; Palestinian refugees resettlement; UAR-Israel arms race; UAR-Israel arms limitation agreement; U.S. security “guarantee” for Israel; nuclear weapons; proposed JFK– Gamal Abdel Nasser communication. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Walworth Barbour; Dean Rusk; Phillips Talbot.

0473 General, –31, 1963. Major Topics: JFK–David Ben-Gurion communications; U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Walworth Barbour; Robert W. Komer; William H. Brubeck.

0502 General, June 1–20, 1963 Major Topics: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; U.S. security “guarantee” for Israel; David Ben-Gurion resignation as prime minister; Levi Eshkol succession; political conditions; cabinet changes; FRG scientists in UAR. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; E. S. Little; Walworth Barbour.

0530 General, –30, 1963. Major Topics: Factions struggle for control of government; Levi Eshkol. Principal Correspondent: Walworth Barbour.

0537 General, July 1–25, 1963. Major Topics: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; JFK–Levi Eshkol communication; Israel interception of U.S. military aircraft. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; Robert W. Komer.

15 Frame No.

0561 General, July 26–31, 1963. Major Topics: U.S. security “guarantee” for Israel; Palestinian refugees resettlement; Levi Eshkol. Principal Correspondent: Walworth Barbour.

0579 General, August 1–19, 1963. Major Topics: Syria-Israel prisoners exchange; Jordan-Israel water sharing; French aid to Israeli nuclear reactor; FRG diversion of U.S. helicopters to Israel; Limited Test Ban Treaty. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; George M. Ball; Robert W. Komer.

0612 General, August 20–22, 1963. Major Topics: Killing of Israelis near Syrian frontier; Security Council consideration; Odd Bull; Golda Meir; Israel nuclear energy development; UK security guarantee for Israel. Principal Correspondents: Walworth Barbour; George M. Ball; Samuel E. Belk; Robert W. Komer; N. Spencer Barnes.

0650 General, August 23–27, 1963. Major Topics: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; JFK–Levi Eshkol communication; killing of Israelis near Syrian frontier; Security Council consideration; UNTSO powers strengthening; Hanan Bar-On; Odd Bull; Avraham Harman. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; George M. Ball; Samuel E. Belk; N. Spencer Barnes.

0683 General, August 28–31, 1963. Major Topics: Killing of Israelis near Syrian frontier; Syria denial of official complicity; Security Council consideration; UNTSO powers strengthening; U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; Security Council resolution; Arab response. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; N. Spencer Barnes; Walworth Barbour; Levi Eshkol; Dean Rusk.

0734 General, September 1963. Major Topics: UK security guarantee for Israel; France nuclear aid; Arab-Israeli existing armistice agreements; ; Mordechai Gazit; request for U.S. security “guarantee”; U.S. refusal; JFK–Levi Eshkol communication; Abba Eban; Palestine refugee issue consideration at UN. Principal Correspondents: Stephen E. Palmer Jr.; John F. Kennedy; Dean Rusk; Frank K. Sloan; A. H. Manhart; Robert W. Komer; Walford Barbour.

0791 General, October 1–23, 1963. Major Topics: Palestine refugee issue consideration at UN; U.S.-Israel talks; balance of payments; Pinchas Safir; Mordechai Gazit; Abu Simbel Committee; Mohamed Habib; UAR missiles development; Avraham Harman. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Walford Barbour; N. Spencer Barnes.

16 Frame No.

0831 General, October 24–31, 1963. Major Topics: Mordechai Gazit; request for U.S. security “guarantee”; U.S. refusal; Avraham Harman; Iraq-Syria union; Odd Bull. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; N. Spencer Barnes; Walford Barbour.

0857 General, November 1–6, 1963. Major Topics: Request for U.S. security “guarantee”; U.S. refusal; U.S. troops Middle East exercise; Jordan-Israel water sharing; Shaul Bar-Haim; Jacob Blaustein. Principal Correspondents: Walford Barbour; Robert W. Komer; Averell W. Harriman.

0885 General, –17, 1963. Major Topics: U.S. inspection of Israeli nuclear reactor; UAR missiles development; Levi Eshkol–JFK communication; FRG diversion of U.S. helicopters to Israel. Principal Correspondents: Walford Barbour; William P. Bundy.

0925 General, [, 1963]–, 1964. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; UAR military strength; UAR threat to Israel; Yitzhak Rabin; Mordechai Gazit; U.S. commitment to defend Israel; Palestinian refugees issue consideration by UN; purchase of U.S. radar equipment. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Walford Barbour.

0961 Subjects, Ben-Gurion Visit, The Arab-Israeli Situation, April 6, 1961. Major Topic: France aid to Israel nuclear research.

0966 Subjects, Ben-Gurion Visit, , 1961. Major Topics: JFK meeting with David Ben-Gurion; Israel security; trial; Israel espionage mission in UAR; Pinchas Lavon; U.S.-USSR agreement on Middle East; Arab ambassadors–Phillips Talbot meeting. Principal Correspondent: Melvin L. Manfull.

Reel 5


0001 General, –March 1962. Major Topics: U.S. social scientists visit; Musa Nasir; King-Crane Commission report (1919); Hussein I–JFK communications; Israel-Jordan water sharing; Jordan River; Jordan–Saudi Arabia relations; Palestinian refugees resettlement; Wasfi Tal installation as prime minister; cabinet changes; U.S. economic aid; Yusuf Haikal–JFK meeting. Principal Correspondents: Andrew I. Killgore; Hussein I; John F. Kennedy; William B. Macomber Jr.

17 Frame No.

0102 General, April–October 1962. Major Topics: U.S. economic aid; Mount of Olives road construction; Jewish cemetery desecration; UK economic aid; UNTSO commander appointment; propaganda attacks on UAR; USSR relations; Hussein I; Saudi Arabia relations; West Bank border crossing restrictions; Hazim Nuseibeh; Palestinian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson; JFK message to Hussein I; dissolution of parliament; elections; Arab-Israeli negotiations; Yemen coup; UAR aid to coup leaders; U.S. economic aid; Wasfi Tal. Principal Correspondents: William B. Macomber Jr.; Dean Rusk; David D. Newsom.

0212 General, November 1962–. Major Topics: Yemen–Saudi Arabia conflict; Jordan military involvement; Wasfi Tal; Sa’ad Jum’a meeting with JFK; U.S. recognition of new Yemen government; JFK–Hussein I communications; USSR oil exploration in Jordan. Principal Correspondents: William B. Macomber Jr.; Dean Rusk; John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer.

0299 General, . Major Topics: Parliament dismissal and cabinet change; opposition leaders arrest; planned military coup; Hussein I role; UAR role in unrest; U.S. military aid; West Bank antigovernment demonstrations; police crackdown; Israel military intervention. Principal Correspondents: William B. Macomber Jr.; Dean Rusk; Walford Barbour; Phillips Talbot; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball; John S. Badeau.

0419 General, May–November 1963. Major Topics: UNTSO history and current functions; U.S. contingency plan; American University of Beirut medical center construction; Jordan support; parliamentary elections; William B. Macomber Jr.; USSR relations; U.S. economic aid; Israel-Jordan water sharing; Jordan River. Principal Correspondents: William B. Macomber Jr.; Richard D. Kearney; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk; John A. McKesson.


0508 General, June– (Folder A). Major Topics: Iraq claim to Kuwait; Abdul Karim Qasim; UK military forces in Kuwait; UN consideration of Iraq-Kuwait issue. Principal Correspondents: John D. Jernegan; Dean Rusk; Dayton S. Mak; David K. E. Bruce.

18 Frame No.

0600 General, June–July 1961 (Folder B). Major Topics: Iraq claim to Kuwait; Abdul Karim Qasim; UK military aid to Kuwait; UN consideration of Iraq-Kuwait issue; Kuwait diplomatic relations with U.S. and UK. Principal Correspondents: Raymond Hare; Dayton S. Mak; John S. Badeau; John D. Jernegan.

0658 General, –May 1962. Major Topics: Iraq claim to Kuwait; military intentions; Abdul Karim Qasim; forces deployment in Kuwait; Iraq-USSR relations; UK military forces in Kuwait. Principal Correspondents: Dayton S. Mak; Dean Rusk; Walt W. Rostow; John S. Badeau.

0752 General, –November 1963. Major Topics: Abdul Rahman Salim al-Atiqi designation as ambassador to U.S.; al- Atiki meeting with JFK; CENTO meeting; Howard R. Cottam designation as U.S. ambassador. Principal Correspondents: Dayton S. Mak; William H. Brubeck; Howard R. Cottam.


0812 General, January 1961–June 1962 (Folder A). Major Topics: Israel-Jordan water sharing; Israel diversion of Jordan River water; Philippe Takla; Fuad Chehab; Armin H. Meyer appointment as U.S. ambassador; USSR relations; Lebanon views on crisis; military coup attempt; Fuad Awad; Air Liban sale; USSR prospective purchase. Principal Correspondents: Robert McClintock; Armin H. Meyer.

0868 General, January 1961–June 1962 (Folder B). Major Topics: Air Liban sale; USSR prospective purchase; Jordan-USSR relations; civil-military relations; U.S. Navy visit; Maronite Patriarch visit to U.S.; Paul Boutros Meouchi; Iraq relations; Nadim Dimechkie; economic policy. Principal Correspondents: Armin H. Meyer; Phillips Talbot.

Reel 6

Lebanon cont.

0001 General, July 1962–November 1963 (Folder A). Major Topics: U.S. pro-Israel political pressures; Fuad Chehab; Maronite Patriarch Paul Boutros Meouchi meeting with JFK.; U.S. imports of cedar, restrictions; Syria-UAR relations; Arab League meeting. Principal Correspondents: Armin H. Meyer; Dean Rusk.

19 Frame No.

0066 General, July 1962–November 1963 (Folder B). Major Topics: Palestian refugees resettlement plan; Joseph E. Johnson; U.S. legislators visit; refugees nutritional aid; purchase of U.S. aircraft; church official Zare I death; Arab states unity; Syria; UAR; Iraq; Ba’ath Party efforts; Philippe Takla; Pierre Gemayel; trade; USSR proposal for “denuclearization” of Middle East; Fuad Chehab views on presidential succession; Ahmad Shuqairi. Principal Correspondent: Armin H. Meyer.


0140 General, 1961–1963. Major Topic: Officials visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondent: Dean Rusk.


0144 General, . Major Topics: Pact; aggression against Pakistan; U.S. food aid; grains; Mohammed Ayub Khan visit to U.S.; economic policy; India anti-Muslim riots; India relations; Mohamed Shoaib–JFK meeting; Aga Khan–JFK meeting; Afghanistan border dispute; Pushtunistan. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; William M. Rountree; Kenneth P. Landon; Dean Rusk.

0242 General, May–July 1961. Major Topics: U.S. and international economic aid; Lyndon Johnson visit; Mohammed Ayub Khan; Afghanistan border dispute; Pushtunistan; U.S. military aid; India and Pakistan military capabilities. Principal Correspondents: William M. Rountree; John F. Kennedy; William P. Bundy; Walt W. Rostow; Dean Rusk.

0331 General, Programme for Waterlogging and Salinity Control Report, May 1961. Major Topics: Loss of irrigated lands to waterlogging; remedial programs for reclamation and drainage.

0420 General, August 1961. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; fighter jets; Lyndon Baines Johnson–Mohammed Ayub Khan talks; economic policy and planning; U.S. economic aid; agriculture aid; U.S. Operations Mission (USOM); Afghanistan border dispute; Pushtunistan; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Afghanistan relations break. Principal Correspondents: George W. Ball; U. Alexis Johnson; Jim Killen; Henry A. Byroade; William M. Rountree; Dean Rusk.

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0515 General, September 1–14, 1961. Major Topics: Afghanistan border dispute; Pushtunistan; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Mohammed Ayub Khan; Afghanistan relations break; U.S. military aid; Dean Rusk–Mohammed Ayub Khan communication; China admission to UN. Principal Correspondents: Henry A. Byroade; Robert W. Komer; William M. Rountree; Mohammed Mohammed Ayub Khan.

0621 General, –30, 1961. Major Topics: Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; nomads attempt to enter Pakistan; Pushtunistan; Mohammed Ayub Khan; Afghanistan relations break. Principal Correspondents: Henry A. Byroade; William M. Rountree; Dean Rusk; Chester Bowles.

0686 General, October–December 1961. Major Topics: Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; nomads attempt to enter Pakistan; Pushtunistan; Livingston T. Merchant; Mohammed Ayub Khan; China admission to UN; India-Pakistan dispute; Kashmir; Goa area seizure by India. Principal Correspondents: William M. Rountree; Henry A. Byroade; Mohammed Zahir Shah; Melvin L. Manfull.

0797 General, January–February 1962. Major Topics: India-Pakistan dispute; Kashmir; Goa area seizure by India; U.S.-UK mediation; Eugene Black; UN Security Council consideration; U.S. and international economic aid; U.S. commitment to defend Pakistan; Aziz Ahmed– JFK meeting; Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Afghanistan relations break; Chester Bowles visit; East Pakistan demonstrations; China admission to UN; Walter P. McConaughy appointment as ambassador. Principal Correspondents: William M. Rountree; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer.

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Pakistan cont.

0001 General, March–April 1962. Major Topics: Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Chester Bowles visit; Afghanistan-USSR relations; Aziz Ahmed; India dispute; Kashmir; UN Security Council consideration; India direct talks; Jacqueline Kennedy visit; Mohammed Ayub Khan. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Chester Bowles; Dean Rusk; LeRoy Makepeace.

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0106 General, May–June 1962. Major Topics: China border agreement; India dispute; Kashmir; Mohammed Ayub Khan; UN Security Council consideration; USSR military aid to India; mob rioting against U.S. consulate; comparative U.S. military aid to India and Pakistan; East Pakistan refugees attack by military; military forces contribution to Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO); JFK–Ayub Khan communication; educational development; scientific and technological development; loss of irrigated lands to waterlogging; remedial programs for reclamation and drainage. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Chester Bowles; George M. Ball; Dean Rusk.

0230 General, July–August 1962. Major Topics: India dispute; Kashmir; Mohammed Ayub Khan; India direct talks; Jawaharlal Nehru; Indira Ghandi; Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Iran mediation in Afghanistan-Pakistan dispute; Ayub Khan–JFK meeting. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Dean Rusk; William H. Brubeck.

0343 General, . Major Topics: East Pakistan floods; U.S. disaster aid; Mohammed Ayub Khan–JFK meeting; USSR relations; Communist threat; China relations; India dispute; Jawaharlal Nehru; Kashmir; Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; Ayub Khan power and domestic support; political conditions; elections; agricultural production; food shortage; loss of irrigated lands to waterlogging; remedial programs for reclamation and drainage; military forces contribution to SEATO. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Dean Rusk; Harold H. Saunders; Roger Hilsman; Jerome B. Wiesner; William B. Grant.

0492 General, October 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan–JFK meeting; political opposition group activity; Afghanistan border dispute; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; Mohammad Ali; Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy; India dispute; Kashmir; East Pakistan-India border; Jawaharlal Nehru; U.S.-Pakistan joint military exercises; East Pakistan government change; China-India conflict; China relations; Communist threat; Cuban missile crisis. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Robert W. Komer; William H. Brubeck; Mohammed Ayub Khan.

0621 General, November 1962. Major Topics: India dispute; Kashmir; Mohammed Ayub Khan; China-India conflict; Communist threat; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; JFK– W. Averell Harriman communication; Jawaharlal Nehru.

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Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; John K. Galbraith; Robert W. Komer; Allan Evans.

0751 General, December 1962. Major Topics: India dispute; India negotiations; Kashmir; Mohammed Ayub Khan; China-India conflict; Communist threat; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; Jawaharlal Nehru; Walter P. McConaughy; Indus River dam; China relations; China border agreement. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk. 0837 General, January 1963. Major Topics: Indus River dam; Indus Basin Development Fund; India dispute; India negotiations; Mohammed Ayub Khan; Mohammed Ali death; China relations. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; George M. Ball; Robert W. Komer; Mohammed Ali; Roger Hilsman; Dean Rusk; Walter P. McConaughy.

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Pakistan cont.

0001 General, February 1963. Major Topics: East Pakistan student demonstrations; India dispute; India negotiations; Kashmir; U.S. military aid; U.S. military aid to India; China-India conflict; Pakistan-China relations; U.S. defense commitment. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Walter P. McConaughy; William H. Brubeck; Aziz Ahmed.

0080 General, March–April 1963. Major Topics: China border agreement; Ali Bhutto; political conditions; opposition groups; Mohammed Ayub Khan; U.S. military aid; SEATO role; Afghanistan relations; Walt W. Rostow and Robert W. Komer visit; U.S. and international economic aid; Afghanistan border dispute. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Walter P. McConaughy; Roger Hilsman; John F. McJennett; John M. Steeves.

0184 General, May–. Major Topics: Afghanistan relations normalization; Ali Bhutto; India dispute; Kashmir; U.S. military aid; Tamizuddin Khan; U.S. and international economic aid; U.S. military aid to India; military aircraft purchase from FRG; Dean Rusk visit; Nur Khan; China relations; China air link; Afghanistan dispute settlement. Principal Correspondents: John M. Steeves; Walter P. McConaughy; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; John McKesson.

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0342 General, July 1963. Major Topics: Aziz Ahmed; China relations; Ali Bhutto; India dispute; Kashmir; U.S. military aid; U.S. military aid to India; Indus River dam; Indus Basin Development Fund; Ghulam Ahmed. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; John F. Kennedy.

0450 General, August 1–14, 1963. Major Topics: Ghulam Ahmed; China relations; India dispute; Kashmir; George M. Ball visit; Jawaharlal Nehru; Mohammed Ayub Khan; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; India–East Pakistan border agreement; Indus River dam; JFK staff meeting on Pakistan policy. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball.

0551 General, August 15–31, 1963. Major Topics: India dispute; Kashmir; George M. Ball visit; Mohammed Ayub Khan; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; Ghulam Ahmed–JFK meeting; China relations; Communist threat; China air link. Principal Correspondents: Chester Bowles; Walter P. McConaughy; Richard C. Breithut; Dean Rusk.

0629 General, September 1963. Major Topics: George M. Ball visit; Mohammed Ayub Khan; India relations; China relations; China air link; U.S. commitment to defend Pakistan; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; Abdul Majid; JFK staff meeting on Pakistan policy; JFK–Ali Bhutto meeting; ; Jay R. Crook; Agha Shahi; Lyndon Baines Johnson–Ali Bhutto meeting. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball; Richard C. Breithut; Dean Rusk.

0758 General, Ball Mission, September 1963. Major Topics: George M. Ball visit; Ali Bhutto; U.S. commitment to defend Pakistan; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; China relations; India relations; Kashmir. Principal Correspondents: Walter P. McConaughy; George M. Ball; Robert W. Komer.

0850 General, Ball Mission, September 1963, Extra Copies.

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Pakistan cont.

0001 General, . Major Topics: JFK–Ali Bhutto meeting; China relations; China air link; U.S. commitment to defend Pakistan; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India; India relations; Kashmir; Maxwell D. Taylor visit cancellation; USSR air link; Limited Test Ban Treaty; W. Averell Harriman; Cuban missile crisis; U.S.- USSR relations. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Henry W. Spielman; Richard C. Breithut; David K. E. Bruce.

0112 General, November 1963. Major Topics: Relations normalization with Communist states; USSR relations; Communist states aid; USSR aid; United Press International operations in Pakistan, restriction; U.S. Navy deployment to Indian Ocean. Principal Correspondents: Chester Bowles; Richard L. Sneider; Walter P. McConaughy.

0170 Subjects, Ayub Correspondence, January 30, 1961–, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan communications with JFK, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and McGeorge Bundy; China relations; Ali Bhutto; India dispute; Kashmir; Jawaharlal Nehru; U.S. military aid to Pakistan; U.S. military aid to India. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Ayub Khan; John F. Kennedy; McGeorge Bundy.

0298 Subjects, Ayub Correspondence, –March 13, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan–JFK messages; China relations; India dispute; Kashmir; Jawaharlal Nehru; UN Security Council consideration of Kashmir issue; India-Pakistan talks on Kashmir; U.S. military aid to India. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Ayub Khan; John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer.

0410 Subjects, Ayub Correspondence, January 18–March 3, 1962, Miscellaneous and Extra Copies. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan–JFK communications; U.S. military aid to India; U.S. commitment to defend Pakistan; India dispute; Kashmir; Jawaharlal Nehru; India-Pakistan talks. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Ayub Khan; John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer.

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0515 Subjects, Ayub Correspondence, March 13–September 5, 1963, Miscellaneous and Extra Copies. Major Topics: Indus River Dam; Afghanistan relations; East Pakistan cyclone; U.S. disaster aid; George M. Ball visit. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Ayub Khan; John F. Kennedy.

0560 Subjects, Ayub Briefing Book, July 11–13, 1961. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan visit to U.S.; India relations; Afghanistan border dispute; Pushtunistan; goods transit to Afghanistan through Pakistan; political conditions; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aid; China relations; USSR relations; CENTO role; SEATO role; South Asia security.

0691 Subjects, Ayub Visit, July 1961. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan visit to U.S.; Ayub Khan–JFK talks; political conditions; India relations; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; Afghanistan relations. Principal Correspondents: Mohammed Ayub Khan; Dean Rusk; William M. Rountree; Walt W. Rostow; Robert W. Komer.

0785 Subjects, Ayub Briefing Book, September 24, 1962. Major Topics: Mohammed Ayub Khan visit to U.S.; Ayub Khan–JFK talks; South Asia security; Chinese expansionist intentions; USSR expansionist intentions; China relations; India relations; Kashmir; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; European Economic Community. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; William B. Grant; Melvin L. Manfull; Gordon Chase.

0887 Subjects, Sino-Indian Border War [1962]. Major Topics: U.S. military aid to India; effect on India-Pakistan relations; China expansionist intentions; Jawaharlal Nehru. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Walter P. McConaughy; John K. Galbraith; Phillips Talbot; Carl Kaysen.

Reel 10


0001 Refugees, General, April–. Major Topics: JFK communications to Arab leaders on U.S. Middle East policy; Arab-Israeli conflict; relative tranquility in Middle East since 1958; UN resolution 1604; PCC; resettlement of refugees in Israel versus Arab countries; United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); David Ben-Gurion views on resettlement within Israel; UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson mission to UAR, Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan; Israel rejection of refugee resettlement in Israel; UN consideration of refugee issue.

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Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Charles Bowles; Charles Y. Yost; Dean Rusk; Walford Barbour; Adlai E. Stevenson.

0182 Refugees, General, Responses to President Kennedy’s Letter, , 1961. Major Topics: JFK communications to Arab leaders on U.S. Arab-Israel policy; Arab leaders responses; Abdul Karim Qasim; Fuad Chehab; Hussein II; Saudi King Saud; Gamal Abdel Nasser. Principal Correspondents: Fuad Chehab; Robert McClintock.

0250 Refugees, General, December 1961–July 1962. Major Topics: Resettlement of refugees in Israel versus Arab countries; UN consideration of refugee issue; UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson mission to UAR, Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan; Israel rejection of refugee resettlement in Israel; Gamal Abdel Nasser views on issue; Dean Rusk–Avraham Harman talks. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Adlai E. Stevenson; Joseph E. Johnson; Armin H. Meyer; John S. Badeau; Charles Y. Yost.

0387 Refugees, General, August–September 1962. Major Topics: Resettlement of refugees in Israel versus Arab countries; UN consideration of refugee issue; UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson mission to UAR, Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan; Arab League; Johnson plan for refugee resettlement; Golda Meir–Johnson meeting on resettlement plan; Israel rejection of plan. Principal Correspondents: Armin H. Meyer; Dean Rusk; Adlai E. Stevenson; John S. Badeau; Rodger P. Davies; Joseph E. Johnson; William B. Macomber Jr.; Robert W. Komer; Phillips Talbot.

0539 Refugees, General, October–November 1962. Major Topics: Resettlement of refugees in Israel versus Arab countries; UN consideration of refugee issue; UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson plan for refugee resettlement; Israel rejection of plan; Myer Feldman; Avraham Harman; Arab countries rejection of plan. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Phillips Talbot; Harlan Cleveland; Dean Rusk; Adlai E. Stevenson; Charles Y. Yost; Charles Bohlen.

0669 Refugees, General, December 1962–November 1963. Major Topics: Resettlement of refugees in Israel versus Arab countries; UN consideration of refugee issue; UN Special Representative Joseph E. Johnson plan for refugee resettlement; Israel rejection of plan; Myer Feldman; Arab countries rejection of plan; Dean Rusk–Golda Meir talks; Avraham Harman; U.S. actions in UN; Johnson resignation as UN Special Representative; Johnson-JFK meeting. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Carl Kaysen; Dean Rusk.

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Saudi Arabia

0762 General, January 1–August 18, 1961. Major Topics: U.S. military air base agreement nonrenewal; Abdullah Al-Khayyal; U.S. arms purchase. Principal Correspondent: Bromley Smith.

0775 General, August 19–, 1961. Major Topics: King Saud ill health; transfer to U.S. for treatment. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; John E. Horner.

0807 General, , 1961–January 31, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military air base agreement nonrenewal; base conversion to U.S. technical assistance center; King Saud ill health; transfer to U.S. for treatment; King Saud–JFK meeting. Principal Correspondents: John E. Horner; Parker T. Hart; Robert W. Komer.

0834 General, February 1–19, 1962. Major Topics: King Saud–JFK meeting; Saudi-Arab states relations. Principal Correspondent: Robert W. Komer.

0857 General, February 20–March 16, 1962. Major Topics: King Saud–JFK meeting; Saudi-UAR relations; King Saud relations with Crown Prince Faisal; ruling families political conditions; cabinet changes; U.S. economic aid. Principal Correspondents: Melvin L. Manfull; Dean Rusk; Parker T. Hart.

0901 General, March 17–April 30, 1962. Major Topics: Saud relations with Crown Prince Faisal; ruling families political conditions; U.S. economic aid; new cabinet; Arabian American Oil Company; Ahmad Zaki Yamani; petroleum industry; King Saud–JFK meeting; U.S. radio transmitting equipment procurement; Abdullah Balkhayr. Principal Correspondents: John E. Horner; L. D. Battle.

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Saudi Arabia cont.

0001 General, May 1–June 5, 1962. Major Topics: UAR relations; citizens travel to Egypt; U.S. radio transmitting equipment procurement; Abdullah Balkhayr; U.S. economic aid to UAR. Principal Correspondent: Parker T. Hart.

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0036 General, –30, 1962. Major Topics: U.S. Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia (USMTM) stationing negotiations; U.S. radio transmitting equipment; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aircraft sales. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Harold H. Saunders; Dean Rusk.

0061 General, July–September 1962. Major Topics: U.S. radio transmitting equipment; U.S. military aircraft sales; Crown Prince Faisal visit to U.S.; Faisal-JFK talks; France military aircraft sales; UAR relations. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Dean Rusk.

0147 General, October 1962. Major Topics: Crown Prince Faisal visit to U.S.; U.S. military aircraft sales; U.S. military assistance; U.S. technical assistance; JFK-Faisal meeting; military pilots defection to UAR; Yemen military coup; UAR involvement; Sayf al-Islam al- Hassan; Rashad Fir’awn; U.S. aid to UAR; Gamal Abdel Nasser; Saudi government discrimination against Jews. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; E. S. Little.

0255 General, November–December 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; U.S. Navy visit; Rashad Fir’awn; Faisal accession as prime minister; new council of ministers installation; Yemen military coup; UAR involvement; Faisal political reform program; slavery abolition; Islam promulgation; King Saud illness; Bourne Hickenlooper visit; U.S. military aircraft sales; U.S. technical assistance; U.S.-UK military cooperation in Saudi Arabia; UAR military attacks; U.S. defense commitment. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John F. Kennedy; Parker T. Hart.

0379 General, January–March 1963. Major Topics: JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; fiscal policy; U.S. military aircraft sales; USMTM operations; U.S. air forces deployment; joint training exercise; U.S.-Arab health center in Lebanon; Yemen relations; Yemen military coup; opposition Royalist forces; UK military cooperation; Faisal reform program; television stations; France technical assistance. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; Parker T. Hart; McGeorge Bundy; Dean Rusk.

0493 General, April–May 1963. Major Topics: UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; Ellsworth Bunker; JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; U.S. air forces deployment; joint training exercise; U.S. Jewish military personnel participation. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Dean Rusk.

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0584 General, June 1–14, 1963. Major Topics: UAR attacks; Saudi response; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; U.S. air forces deployment; joint training exercise; U.S. Jewish military personnel participation. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Carl Kaysen; Robert W. Komer; McGeorge Bundy; Dean Rusk.

0684 General, –30, 1963. Major Topics: UAR attacks; Saudi response; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; UN observers; U.S. air forces deployment; joint training exercise; U.S. Jewish military personnel participation. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Phillips Talbot; Dean Rusk; John F. Kennedy; Robert C. Strong; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball.

0798 General, July–August 1963. Major Topics: U.S. air forces deployment; joint training exercise; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; Frank E. Basil Company; Yemen diplomatic recognition by U.S.; JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Robert W. Komer; Phillips Talbot.

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Saudi Arabia cont.

0001 General, September–November 1963. Major Topics: UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UAR military attacks; UN observers; JFK–Crown Prince Faisal communications; U.S. air forces deployment withdrawal; joint training exercise withdrawal; UK missile sales; Abdullah al-Khayyal; USMTM operations reduction. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Dean Rusk; John F. Kennedy.

0096 Subjects, King Saud Briefing Book [February 1962]. Major Topics: Visit to U.S.; Kuwait sovereignty; cold war; UAR relations; Syria new regime; U.S. economic aid; UK relations; Oman independence; U.S. military sales; Palestinian refugees.


0177 General, January–September 1961. Major Topics: Abd al-Hamid Sarraj; military coup; Syria secession from UAR; Ma’um Kuzbari; U.S. Navy visit to Lebanon; postcoup military conditions; UAR relations; Gamal Abdel Nasser. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; Chester Bowles; Robert W. Komer.

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0243 General, October 1–5, 1961. Major Topics: Military coup; international recognition of new government; UAR reaction to coup; Yugoslavia reaction; U.S. recognition; USSR recognition; UAR appeal for U.S. nonrecognition; Arab countries views on recognition; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communication; Jordan relations; Turkey relations. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; William B. Macomber Jr.; John S. Badeau; Adlai E. Stevenson; Llewellyn Thompson.

0344 General, October 6–31, 1961. Major Topics: International recognition of new government; USSR recognition; Ma’um Kuzbari; Gamal Abdel Nasser; UN membership; Mongi Slim; U.S. recognition; U.S. food aid. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; John S. Badeau; Adlai E. Stevenson; Dean Rusk; Roger Hilsman.

0425 General, November–December 1961. Major Topics: Political conditions; elections; Nazim al-Qudsi election as president; JFK-Qudsi communications; international financial aid. Principal Correspondent: Ridgway B. Knight.

0459 General, January–March 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Nazim al-Qudsi communications; U.S. financial aid; Omar Abu Riche; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aid; Israel-Syria border violence; Lake Tiberias; Jordan River basin water sharing by Israel, Syria, and Jordan; Israel water diversion; UN Security Council consideration of incidents; Golda Meir; USSR relations; UNTSO role in Israel-Syria confrontations. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; John S. Badeau; Walford Barbour; George M. Ball; Frances T. P. Plimpton; Adlai E. Stevenson; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk.

0618 General, April 1962. Major Topics: Israel-Syria border violence; Lake Tiberias; Jordan River basin water sharing by Israel, Syria, and Jordan; Israel water diversion; UN Security Council consideration of incidents; UNTSO role in Israel-Syria confrontations; Jordan relations; Carl C. Van Horn; political conditions; Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement; Nadim Mallah. Principal Correspondents: Walford Barbour; William B. Macomber Jr.; John S. Badeau; Harlan Cleveland; Phillips Talbot; Ridgway B. Knight; Adlai E. Stevenson.

0741 General, May–July 1962. Major Topics: Jordan River basin water sharing by Israel, Syria, and Jordan; Israel water diversion; Israel-Syria border violence; Lake Tiberias; Israel Goldstein; Nazim al-Qudsi; Euphrates River dam; UAR relations; reunification of UAR and Syria; UN proposal for Arab-Israeli negotiations; obstacles to negotiations;

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constitution; Gamal Abdel Nasser relations; political conditions; civil-military relations; Jamal Farra; Akram Hawrani; Khalid al-Azm; USSR support of anti- Nasser campaign; Nasser anti-Syria rhetoric. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; Dean Rusk; Walford Barbour.

0825 General, August–December 1962. Major Topics: Nasser anti-Syria rhetoric; Arab League; Syria-UAR relations; Rafiz Juwayjati; Nazim al-Qudsi; political conditions; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; new cabinet formation; Khalid al-Azm; Qudsi-JFK communication; Israel- Syria border violence; anti-U.S. statements in Syrian press; Cuban missile crisis; Euphrates River dam; U.S. construction aid; Yemen coup; Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; Armin H. Meyer; Rodger P. Davies;

0917 General, January–February 1963. Major Topics: Political conditions; UAR relations; Gamal Abdel Nasser; U.S. embassy officials alleged improprieties; JFK–Nazim al-Qudsi communications; pro-Communist sentiment. Principal Correspondents: Ridgway B. Knight; John F. Kennedy; William H. Brubeck; Roger Hilsman.

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Syria cont.

0001 General, March 1963. Major Topics: Government instability; military coup; National Council of the Revolutionary Command; Salah al-Din Bitar; Nazim al-Qudsi postcoup status; political conditions; U.S. recognition of new government; UAR relations; Iraq relations; U.S. economic aid; economic conditions; Syria-Iraq-UAR federation; Ba’ath movement; Communist activity; U.S. military aid; pro-Nasser demonstrations; Ziyad Hariri. Principal Correspondents: Robert Moore; Roger Hilsman; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk.

0105 General, April–November 1963. Major Topics: Israel-Syria border violence; UNTSO operations; Nazim al-Qudsi postcoup status; Salah al-Din Bitar; Syrian views on JFK Middle East statements; political conditions; Ba’ath movement; new coup rumors; new government instability; Abou Riche; Limited Test Ban Treaty; Israel-Syria prisoner exchange; government officials listing. Principal Correspondent: Ridgway B. Knight.

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0184 General, January–September 1961. Major Topics: Cemal Gursel–JFK communications; non-U.S. foreign aid; political conditions; elections; civil-military relations; Committee of National Union; Republican People’s Party; Selim Sarper; economic policy; economic conditions; foreign relations; USSR relations; U.S. wheat shipment; former government officials trials; ; executions. Principal Correspondents: Walt W. Rostow; Raymond Hare.

0258 General, October–December 1961. Major Topics: Alpaslan Turkes; elections; political conditions; Committee of National Union; political parties; civil-military relations; new cabinet formation; U.S. economic aid; U.S. military aid; Ismet Inonu; NATO missile bases. Principal Correspondents: Raymond Hare; Dean Rusk.

0352 General, January–June 1962. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; Ismet Inonu; civil-military relations; political conditions; military school cadets uprising; JFK views on Truman Doctrine; France relations; Izmir International Fair; Bulend Usakligil; economic conditions; new cabinet formation; U.S. military basing rights; labor dispute; Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. plant; international aid consortium. Principal Correspondents: Raymond Hare; John F. Kennedy; E. S. Little.

0450 General, July–December 1962. Major Topics: Howard International; steel mill payment dispute; Ismet Inonu cabinet agenda; economic policy; social welfare policy; labor policy; administration of justice; civil-military relations; Turkey relation to European Economic Community; USSR relations; Turgut Menemencioglu; Iraq relations; U.S. economic aid; U.S. citizens flight to avoid Turkey trials; Robert College; political parties; Cuban missile crisis; military aid to India. Principal Correspondents: E. S. Little; Philip Clock; Ismet Inonu; George M. Ball; Ekrem Alican; Ferit Melen.

0605 General, January–June 1963. Major Topics: Cyprus relations; Arab relations; NATO role; UAR relations; Asia relations; U.S. military aid; U.S. economic aid; international aid consortium; troops withdrawal from Korea; Dean Rusk visit; U.S.-Turkey commodities barter; chromium; Ismet Inonu; political conditions; uprising by military academy cadets; JFK meeting with Turkish leaders; Feridun Erkin; Principal Correspondents: Philip Clock; Dean Rusk; Raymond Hare; Maxwell D. Taylor; George M. Ball; Robert W. Komer;

0717 General, July–November 1963. Major Topics: Izmir International Fair, U.S. exhibit; France relations; U.S. missiles in Turkey; U.S. military aid; military aircraft shipments; Ekrem Alican; economic

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policy; international aid consortium; JFK remarks on Kemal Ataturk and Turkish Republic; Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Charles E. Bohlen; John D. Jernegan; Robert W. Komer; Raymond Hare.

United Arab Republic

0826 General, January–June 1961. Major Topics: African nationalism; Gamal Abdel Nasser; Congo civil war; ; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Mostafa Kamel; USSR relations; UAR-USSR press attacks; Arab relations; U.S. food aid; John S. Badeau; J. William Fulbright; Nasser visit to U.S.; Dean Rusk-UAR communications on Israel nuclear program; JFK-Nasser communications on Cuba; . Principal Correspondents: G. Frederick Reinhardt; Mostafa Kamel; Phillips Talbot; Robert W. Komer; Walt W. Rostow; C. L. Sulzberger; George McGovern.

Reel 14

United Arab Republic cont.

0001 General, July–. Major Topics: U.S. military aid; rockets; JFK communications to Arab leaders; Palestinian refugees; Arab-Israel relations; Gamal Abdel Nasser political and economic reforms; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; Berlin crisis; U.S. economic planning aid; Edward Mason; U.S. food aid; grain storage project; Weitz-Hettelsater Engineers; Syria military coup; Syria secession from UAR; postcoup military conditions; Edgar S. Bayol; Hubert H. Humphrey–JFK communication on Nasser; Syria relations. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; Robert W. Komer; Roswell H. Whitman; Melvin L. Manfull; Sherman Kent.

0104 General, November–December 1961. Major Topics: Sarwat Okasha; Chester Bowles; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; River; comparative U.S. aid to UAR and Israel; Dean Rusk meeting with Arab ambassadors; -France conflict; JFK views on nonaligned states; UAR press criticism of JFK; nonaligned states cooperation; Mostafa Kamel; French diplomats charged as spies; international aid consortium; IMF stabilization program; technical assistance; U.S. food aid; Jacqueline Kennedy invitation to visit UAR; nationalization of industries. Principal Correspondents: Walt W. Rostow; Harold H. Saunders; John S. Badeau; James M. Gavin; Melvin L. Manfull; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball; John R. Barrow.

34 Frame No.

0260 General, January–February 1962. Major Topics: French diplomats arrest for espionage; U.S. economic aid; U.S. agricultural aid; cotton; USSR relations; Chester Bowles visit; rocket firings; U.S. economic planning aid; Edward Mason; Gamal Abdel Nasser views on communism; economic policy; Africa relations; U.S. economic aid; IMF stabilization program participation. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Dean Rusk; Edwin H. Martin; Dean Rusk; Llewellyn Thompson; Robert W. Komer; George McGovern; Donald C. Bergus.

0409 General, March–May 1962. Major Topics: UK relations; U.S. economic planning aid; Edward Mason; economic conditions; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; Nile River; Syria relations; U.S. agricultural aid; cotton; U.S. economic aid; IMF stabilization program participation; Abdel M. Kaissouni; American Jewish Congress; police training in U.S.. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; George McGovern; George M. Ball; Chester Bowles; Robert W. Komer; McGeorge Bundy.

0526 General, June 1962. Major Topics: Developing countries economic conference in UAR; Yugoslavia role; Cuba participation; participating countries economic policies and conditions; Afghanistan; Bolivia; ; Burma; Cambodia; Ceylon; ; Cuba; Cyprus; Ecuador; Ethiopia; Guinea; India; ; Libya; ; Morocco; Nigeria; Pakistan; ; Somalia; Sudan; Tunisia; U.S. civil aviation talks. Principal Correspondent: John S. Badeau.

0664 General, July–August 1962. Major Topics: Nasser views on nuclear testing; USSR arms purchase by UAR; developing countries economic conference in UAR; Salah Dessouki; rocket firings; Mostafa Kamel; UAR-Israel arms race; UAR-Israel arms limitation agreement; general UAR arms policy; restraint along Israel border; U.S. aid impact; Syria relations; Saudi Arabia political conditions; U.S. missile sales to Israel; Palestinian refugee resettlement. Principal Correspondents: Wesley P. Kriebel; Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; E. S. Little; Robert W. Komer; William B. Grant.

0773 General, September–December 1962. Major Topics: Political conditions and reforms; ; U.S. military aid; U.S. agricultural aid; ; Cuban missile crisis; Yemen military coup; UAR involvement; UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN Yemen Observation Mission (UNYOM); Hussein Zulficar Sabri; U.S. senators meeting with Gamal Abdel Nasser.

35 Frame No.

Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Robert W. Komer; Phillips Talbot; Dean Rusk.

Reel 15

United Arab Republic cont.

0001 General, January–March 1963. Major Topics: Anti-Israel propaganda; military attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR missile program; purchase of U.S. missiles; USSR industrial development assistance; G. Mennen Williams visit; Palestinian refugees international food aid; UNRWA; U.S. educational exchanges; Syria-Iraq-UAR federation; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; Nile River. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Dean Rusk; Linscott A. Hall; Robert W. Komer; Hedrick Smith.

0095 General, April–May 1963. Major Topics: FRG military assistance; Robert W. Komer visit; U.S. military exercise in Saudi Arabia; Syria-Iraq-UAR federation; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; Nile River; U.S. economic aid to UAR and Israel; Arab-Israel tensions; USSR relations; Ahmed Ben Bella; USSR aid to Iraq Kurds. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Dean Rusk; Thomas L. Hughes; Foy D. Kohler.

0219 General, June–August 1963. Major Topics: Syria-Iraq-UAR federation; Richard M. Nixon–Gamal Abdel Nasser talks; Mostafa Kamel–JFK meeting; poison gas use by UAR; Allen J. Ellender; Nasser anti-Ba’ath movement remarks; Nasser views on Arab-Israel tensions; UAR military involvement in Yemen; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UNYOM; UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; John McKesson; Robert W. Komer; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0358 General, September–November 1963. Major Topics: U.S. economic aid; UAR military involvement in Yemen; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia; Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; Nile River; UNYOM; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communication; IMF stabilization program; UAR military involvement in Algeria; Ahmed Ben Bella; USSR relations; U.S. congressional action curtailing UAR aid; Mohammed Faiq; William H. Brubeck; Africa political conditions; cotton exports. Principal Correspondents: Marion A. Baldwin; Robert W. Komer; George M. Ball; John S. Badeau; Mostafa Kamel.

36 Frame No.

0493 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, , 1961–April 30, 1961. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; Congo civil war; UN peacekeeping operation; Henry Cabot Lodge visit; U.S. Cuba policy. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0536 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, May–July 1961. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; ; U.S. and UAR Middle East views; PCC; Palestine issue; Arab-Israeli tensions; UN Palestine resolution; UAR Cuba relations; . Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0577 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, August–December 1961. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; U.S. and UAR Middle East views; Arab-Israeli tensions; Palestine issue. Principal Correspondents: Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0603 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, January–May 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; Chester Bowles trip; U.S. agricultural aid. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer.

0629 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, June–July 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; Nasser economic plan. Principal Correspondents: J. L. Rogers; Robert W. Komer; Harold H. Saunders.

0653 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, August–October 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; Abdel M. Kaissouny visit to U.S.. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0678 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, November–December 1962. Major Topics: JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications; Cuban missile crisis; Nasser message to Nikita S. Krushchev on crisis; UAR military involvement in Yemen; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0716 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, January 1–March 12, 1963. Major Topics: UAR military involvement in Yemen; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

0758 Subjects, Nasser Correspondence, March 13–April 30, 1963. Major Topics: UAR military involvement in Yemen; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UAR military strikes on Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser.

37 Frame No.

0803 Subjects, Nasser Visit, , 1961–January 3, 1963. Major Topics: JFK staff debates on Nasser invitation to visit U.S.. Principal Correspondents: Carl Kaysen; Robert W. Komer; McGeorge Bundy; George M. Ball; Dean Rusk; John R. Barrow.

0854 Subjects, Preservation of Egyptian Temples, April 14, 1961–November 7, 1963. Major Topics: Nubian monuments preservation; Abu Simbel; Aswan High Dam; U.S. contribution; JFK message; Gamal Abdel Nasser message; Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Gamal Abdel Nasser; Mostafa Kamel; John S. Badeau; Rene Maheu; McGeorge Bundy; Robert W. Komer.

Reel 16

United Arab Republic cont.

0001 Subjects, UAR/Israel Arms Limitations, May 1–June 15, 1963. Major Topics: UAR-Israel talks; nuclear weapons; U.S. role; code word CANE communications on talks; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communications. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; John F. Kennedy; James P. Grant; Gamal Abdel Nasser; E. S. Little; Robert W. Komer.

0043 Subjects, UAR/Israel Arms Limitations, June 16–July 10, 1963. Major Topics: UAR talks; missiles; nuclear weapons; U.S. mediation; John J. McCloy; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communication. Principal Correspondents: John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer; John S. Badeau.

0094 Subjects, UAR/Israel Arms Limitations, July 11–31, 1963. Major Topics: UAR talks; missiles; nuclear weapons; U.S. mediation; John J. McCloy. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; John S. Badeau.

0134 Subjects, UAR/Israel Arms Limitations, August–October 1963. Major Topics: UAR talks; missiles; nuclear weapons; U.S. mediation; John J. McCloy; Limited Test Ban Treaty ratification by UAR; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communication. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer; John S. Badeau.


0156 General, August 1961–September 1962. Major Topics: Muhammad al-Badr visit to U.S.; UAR relations; rumors of planned military coup; Imam Ahmed death; Muhammad al-Badr succession as king; military coup and proclamation of Yemen Arab Republic (YAR); UAR involvement; Anwar Sadat view on coup; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan.

38 Frame No.

Principal Correspondents: William H. Brubeck; Robert W. Stookey; Roger Hilsman; John S. Badeau.

0235 General, October 1–8, 1962. Major Topics: Military coup and proclamation of revolutionary YAR; Abdullah al- Sallal; UAR military involvement; Anwar Sadat view on coup; international recognition of YAR; coup impact on UAR–Saudi Arabia relations; UK reaction to coup; coup impact on Aden Colony; cabinet; U.S. Agency for International Development projects resumption; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan; tribal loyalties; foreign diplomats safety; U.S. recognition. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Stookey; Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; E. S. Little; Armin H. Meyer.

0341 General, October 9–15, 1962. Major Topics: Political conditions; Abdullah al-Sallal; civil war; UAR military involvement; Yemen oil exploration; John Mecom; political conditions; executions; Saudi Arabia military involvement; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan–JFK communication; Muhammad al-Badr counterrevolution role; U.S. recognition. Principal Correspondents: Armin H. Meyer; David K. E. Bruce; Robert W. Stookey; John S. Badeau; William M. Rountree; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan; Dean Rusk; Robert W. Komer.

0434 General, October 16–31, 1962. Major Topics: Political conditions; Abdullah al-Sallal; UAR military involvement; U.S. recognition; civil war; Muhammad al-Badr–JFK communication. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; Parker T. Hart; Robert W. Stookey; Adlai E. Stevenson; Muhammad al-Badr.

0549 General, November 1–15, 1962. Major Topics: Political conditions; Abdullah al-Sallal; UAR military involvement; U.S. recognition; civil war; tribal loyalties; Saudi Arabia and Jordan military involvement; Aden Colony and Protectorate Federation merger; UAR attacks on Saudi Arabia; Gamal Abdel Nasser views on UAR involvement; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; JFK message to UAR, YAR, Jordan, and Saudi leaders. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; David K. E. Bruce; George C. McGhee; John S. Badeau; Parker T. Hart; Robert W. Stookey; William S. Macomber Jr.; John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer.

0712 General, –30, 1962. Major Topics: UAR military involvement; Abdullah al-Sallal; U.S. recognition; civil war; Saudi Arabia and Jordan military involvement; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; Israel views on UAR involvement in Yemen; Golda Meir; Saudi Crown Prince Faisal; UK recognition; YAR claim of sovereignty over Aden; JFK messages to Faisal and Hussein II of Jordan.

39 Frame No.

Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; Walford Barbour; William S. Macomber Jr.; Parker T. Hart; Adlai E. Stevenson; Robert W. Stookey; John F. Kennedy; Robert W. Komer; Armin H. Meyer.

Reel 17

Yemen cont.

0001 General, December 1962. Major Topics: U.S. recognition; civil war; Saudi Arabia and Jordan military involvement; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; Treaty of Sanaa of 1934; Muhammad al-Badr–JFK message; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Stookey; E. S. Little; Muhammad al-Badr; Sayf al-Islam al-Hassan.

0131 General, January 1963. Major Topics: UK recognition; Abdullah al-Sallal policies; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; new military coup rumors. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Robert W. Komer; G. Lewis Jones; Dean Rusk; Frances T. P. Plimpton; John S. Badeau; Phillips Talbot; John S. Badeau; Adlai E. Stevenson.

0230 General, February 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR and Saudi military involvement; YAR-Aden border violence; UK recognition; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; Prince Faisal views on Yemen; UK policy toward Aden; Abdullah al- Sallal policies. Principal Correspondents: Adlai E. Stevenson; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; George M. Ball; G. Lewis Jones; Robert W. Stookey; Frances T. P. Plimpton.

0333 General, March–April 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR and Saudi military involvement; YAR-Aden border violence; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN observers; Ralph Bunche; Abdallah al-Hosein; U.S. economic aid; Abdullah al-Sallal; USSR relations; Abdul Ahad Kharbash; Hakim Amer; Ellsworth Bunker talks in Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; David O. Gore; James M. Cortada; James R. Barrow; Adlai E. Stevenson; John S. Badeau; Parker T. Hart;

0482 General, May 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; U Thant; Ralph Bunche; Carl C. Von Horn; UN disengagement observers; Hakim Amer; UAR attack on Saudi Arabia; Saudi military aid; USSR economic aid.

40 Frame No.

Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Parker T. Hart; Adlai E. Stevenson; George M. Ball; Armin H. Meyer; Robert W. Komer.

0591 General, Saudi Arabian Cables, January–March 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; Saudi military aid to Yemen counterrevolutionaries; UAR military involvement; UAR attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; Hafez Wahba. Principal Correspondents: George M. Ball; Parker T. Hart; John E. Horner; John S. Badeau.

0659 General, UAR Cables, January–March 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; Saudi military aid; UAR attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; U Thant; Ralph Bunche; Carl C. Von Horn; UN disengagement observers; UNYOM. Principal Correspondents: John S. Badeau; Dean Rusk.

0700 General, June 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; UAR poison gas use; UAR attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; U Thant; Ralph Bunche; Carl C. Von Horn; UN disengagement observers; UNYOM; Saudi military aid to Yemen counterrevolutionaries; Abdullah al-Sallal visit to UAR; Muhsin al-Ayni; U.S. air forces deployment to Saudi Arabia; joint training exercise. Principal Correspondents: Parker T. Hart; Adlai E. Stevenson; George M. Ball; Armin H. Meyer; Robert W. Komer; U Thant; Dean Rusk; James M. Cortada; John E. Horner.

Reel 18

Yemen cont.

0001 General, July 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; UAR poison gas use; Saudi military aid to Yemen counterrevolutionaries; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UN disengagement observers; Yugoslavia and participation; UNYOM; UK-Yemen relations; Muhsin al-Ayni–JFK meeting; Abdullah al-Sallal; U.S. economic aid; USSR military aid. Principal Correspondents: Francis T. P. Plimpton; James M. Cortada; Sherman Kent; John S. Badeau; Robert W. Komer; Dean Rusk; Foy D. Kohler; Dean Rusk.

0142 General, August 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; UAR military attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UAR troop withdrawal; U.S. air forces deployment to Saudi Arabia; joint training exercise; UAR-Saudi talks; Phillips Talbot; Bourne Hickenlooper; Saudi military aid to Yemen

41 Frame No.

counterrevolutionaries; civil war; political conditions; tribal relations; UN disengagement observers; UNYOM; Carl C. Von Horn; U Thant. Principal Correspondents: James M. Cortada; Dean Rusk; George M. Ball.

0324 General, September 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; UAR military attacks on Saudi Arabia; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UK role; UAR-YAR federation; UN disengagenment observers; UNYOM; Carl C. Von Horn; U Thant. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; Parker T. Hart; Charles Y. Yost; Adlai E. Stevenson.

0405 General, October 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR military involvement; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UK role; UN disengagement observers; UNYOM; U Thant; Yugoslavia and Canada participation; YAR political conditions and history; Prince Faisal views on Yemen issues; UAR troop withdrawals; Gamal Abdel Nasser; Mostafa Kamel; Pier Spinelli. Principal Correspondents: Adlai E. Stevenson; Dean Rusk; David O. Gore; Robert W. Komer; John S. Badeau; Parker T. Hart; George M. Ball; Comay.

0553 General, November 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; UK role; UN disengagement observers; UNYOM; Abdullah al-Sallal; UAR troop withdrawals; USSR economic aid; U.S. food aid; political conditions; Pier Spinelli. Principal Correspondents: Adlai E. Stevenson; Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; James M. Cortada; Parker T. Hart.

0654 Subjects, Bunche Mission, March 1963, February 12–April 12, 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; U.N. mediation in Yemen conflict; Ralph Bunche; UAR attacks suspension. Principal Correspondents: Adlai E. Stevenson; Dean Rusk.

0732 Subjects, Bunker Missions, Cables, February 25–April 20, 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; presidential envoy Ellsworth Bunker mission to UAR and Saudi Arabia; Prince Faisal; U.S. naval vessels deployment off Saudi Arabia; UN mediation in Yemen conflict; Ralph Bunche; JFK-Faisal communication; JFK–Gamal Abdel Nasser communication; Bunker-Nasser meetings; Bunker-Faisal meeting. Principal Correspondents: Dean Rusk; John S. Badeau; Francis T. P. Plimpton; Parker T. Hart; John E. Horner; Armin H. Meyer; George M. Ball.

42 Frame No.

0931 Subjects, Bunker Missions, Miscellaneous, February 26–April 30, 1963. Major Topics: Civil war; UAR-Saudi disengagement from Yemen conflict; presidential envoy Ellsworth Bunker mission to UAR and Saudi Arabia; JFK- Faisal communication; U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia; JFK staff meeting. Principal Correspondents: Robert W. Komer; John F. Kennedy; Maxwell D. Taylor; Phillips Talbot.


PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS INDEX The following index is an alphabetical listing of the principal correspondents in this microform publication. The first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four–digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular file folder containing the document from the source begins. Hence, 8: 0001 directs the researcher to the folder that begins at Frame 0001 of Reel 8. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial section of this guide, researchers will find a document list including folder titles and major topics in the order in which they appear in the film.

Ahmed, Aziz Barzani, Mullah Mustafa 8: 0001 3: 0770 Ali, Mohammed Battle, L. D. 7: 0837 2: 0259, 0500; 3: 0103 Alican, Ekrem Belk, Samuel E. 13: 0450 4: 0612, 0650 Badeau, John S. Ben-Gurion, David 4: 0341; 5: 0299, 0600, 0658; 12: 0243, 4: 0093, 0221, 0345, 0392 0344, 0459, 0618; 14: 0001–0773; Bergus, Donald C. 15: 0001–0358, 0854; 16: 0001– 14: 0260 0712; 17: 0131–0659; 18: 0001, Bohlen, Charles E. 0405 13: 0717 Al-Badr, Muhammad Bowles, Chester 16: 0434; 17: 0001 2: 0459; 3: 0203, 0235; 6: 0621; 7: 0001, Baldwin, Marion A. 0106; 8: 0551; 9: 0112; 12: 0177; 15: 0358 14: 0409 Ball, George M. Breithut, Richard C. 1: 0010, 0264; 2: 0028, 0521; 3: 0170, 8: 0551, 0629; 9: 0001 0304; 4: 0251, 0579–0650; 5: 0299; Brewer, William D. 6: 0420; 7: 0106, 0837; 8: 0450, 1: 0088 0629, 0758; 11: 0684; 12: 0459; Brubeck, William H. 13: 0450, 0605; 14: 0104, 0409; 1: 0155, 0608, 0869; 2: 0643, 0720; 15: 0358, 0803; 17: 0230, 0482, 3: 0067; 4: 0161, 0221, 0473; 0591, 0700; 18: 0142 5: 0752; 7: 0230, 0492; 8: 0001; Barbour, Walworth 12: 0917; 16: 0156 4: 0001–0093, 0416–0612, 0683–0925; Bruce, David K. E. 5: 0299; 12: 0459, 0618, 0741; 2: 0125; 3: 0584; 5: 0508; 9: 0001; 16: 0712 16: 0341, 0549 Barnes, N. Spencer Bundy, McGeorge 4: 0612, 0650, 0683, 0791, 0831 1: 0408; 2: 0500; 4: 0063; 9: 0170; Barrow, James R. 11: 0379, 0584; 14: 0409; 15: 0803, 17: 0333 0854 Barrow, John R. Bundy, William P. 14: 0104; 15: 0803 4: 0885; 6: 0242

45 Byroade, Henry A. Hare, Raymond 1: 0001, 0006, 0515; 6: 0420, 0515, 2: 0001, 0125; 5: 0600; 13: 0184, 0258, 0621, 0686 0352, 0605, 0717 Chase, Gordon Harriman, W. Averell 9: 0785 3: 0030; 4: 0857 Cleveland, Harlan Hart, Parker T. 12: 0618 11: 0001–0798; 12: 0001; 16: 0434, Clock, Philip 0549, 0712; 17: 0131, 0333–0591, 1: 0931; 13: 0450, 0605 0700; 18: 0324, 0405 Cortada, James M. Al-Hassan, Sayf al-Islam 17: 0333, 0700; 18: 0001, 0142 16: 0341; 17: 0001 Cottam, Howard R. Heck, L. Douglas 4: 0382; 5: 0752 1: 0852 Davies, Rodger P. Hilsman, Roger 3: 0304; 12: 0825 3: 0235, 0437; 7: 0343, 0837; 8: 0080; Dowling, Walter C. 12: 0344, 0917; 13: 0001; 16: 0156 2: 0255 Holmes, Julius C. Edmondson, William B. 2: 0283–0426, 0521–0818, 0855, 0863, 3: 0437 0888, 0910, 0985; 3: 0001, 0030, Eshkol, Levi 0145–0203 4: 0683 Horner, John E. Evans, Allan 17: 0591, 0700 7: 0621 Al-Hosein, Abdallah Feldman, Myer 17: 0333 4: 0221 Hughes, Thomas L. Furnas, Howard 15: 0095 2: 0863 Hussein I Galbraith, John K. 5: 0001 7: 0621; 9: 0887 Inonu, Ismet Gaud, William S. 13: 0450 2: 0939 Jernegan, John D. Gavin, James M. 3: 0304; 5: 0508, 0600; 13: 0717 14: 0104 Johnson, C. K. Gore, David O. 2: 0801 17: 0333; 18: 0405 Johnson, Joseph E. Grant, James P. 4: 0126, 0183 16: 0001 Johnson, U. Alexis Grant, William B. 6: 0420 7: 0343; 9: 0785; 14: 0664 Jones, G. Lewis Hall, Linscott A. 17: 0131, 0230 15: 0001 Kamel, Mostafa Hamilton, Fowler 13: 0826; 15: 0358, 0854 3: 0074, 0179 Kaysen, Carl Hansen, Kenneth R. 4: 0256; 9: 0887; 11: 0584; 15: 0803 3: 0220, 0235

46 Kearney, Richard D. Labouisse, Henry R. 5: 0419 2: 0125 Kennedy, John F. Landon, Kenneth P. 1: 0264, 0515; 2: 0028, 0426, 0863; 6: 0144 3: 0030, 0145, 0437; 4: 0221, 0345, Leggett, Herbert B. 0473, 0650, 0734; 5: 0001, 0212; 2: 0675 6: 0242; 7: 0837; 8: 0342; 9: 0170– Little, E. S. 0515; 11: 0255, 0684; 12: 0001, 3: 0267; 4: 0063, 0502; 11: 0147; 0917; 13: 0352, 0717; 15: 0493, 13: 0352, 0450; 14: 0664; 16: 0001, 0536, 0603, 0653, 0716, 0758, 0854; 0235; 17: 0001 16: 0001, 0043, 0549, 0712 Lubkeman, Walter Kent, Sherman 3: 0437 14: 0001; 18: 0001 Macomber, William B., Jr. Khan, Mohammed Ayub 5: 0001–0419; 12: 0243, 0618; 16: 0549, 6: 0515; 7: 0492; 9: 0170, 0298, 0410, 0712 0515, 0691 Maheu, Rene Killen, Jim 15: 0854 6: 0420 Mak, Dayton S. Killgore, Andrew I. 5: 0508, 0600, 0658, 0752 5: 0001 Makepeace, LeRoy Knight, Ridgway B. 7: 0001 6: 0144; 12: 0177–0917; 13: 0105 Manfull, Melvin L. Kohler, Foy D. 2: 0863; 3: 0267, 0914; 4: 0966; 6: 0686; 1: 0039; 3: 0437; 15: 0095; 18: 0001 9: 0785; 14: 0001, 0104 Komer, Robert W. Manhart, A. H. 1: 0052, 0088, 0264, 0515, 0795, 0931; 4: 0734 2: 0125, 0165, 0259, 0289, 0309, Martin, Edwin H. 0426, 0500, 0675, 0720, 0777, 0801, 14: 0260 0839, 0863, 0910, 0985; 3: 0030, McClintock, Robert 0067, 0103, 0145, 0179, 0220–0267, 5: 0812 0770; 4: 0256, 0294, 0329, 0334, McConaughy, Walter P. 0372, 0416, 0473, 0537, 0579, 0612, 1: 0018, 0155; 7: 0001–0837; 8: 0001– 0683–0857, 0925; 5: 0212, 0299, 0758; 9: 0112, 0887 0419; 6: 0515, 0797; 7: 0492–0837; McGhee, George C. 8: 0184, 0342, 0450, 0629, 0758; 16: 0549 9: 0001, 0298, 0410, 0691; 11: 0147, McGovern, George 0379, 0584–0798; 12: 0177, 0459; 13: 0826; 14: 0260, 0409 13: 0001, 0605, 0717, 0826; McJennett, John F. 14: 0001–0409, 0664, 0773; 8: 0080 15: 0001, 0219, 0358, 0603, 0629, McKesson, John A. 0803, 0854; 16: 0001–0134, 0341, 5: 0419; 8: 0184; 15: 0219 0549, 0712; 17: 0131, 0230, 0482, McNamara, Robert S. 0700; 18: 0001, 0405 1: 0736 Kriebel, P. Wesley Melbourne, Roy M. 4: 0392, 0664 3: 0304, 0437, 0584

47 Melen, Ferit 0095, 0603, 0803; 16: 0094, 0134, 13: 0450 0235–712; 17: 0131, 0230, 0333, Meyer, Armin H. 0659, 0700; 18: 0001–0405 2: 0259; 5: 0812, 0868; 6: 0001, 0066; Saunders, Harold H. 12: 0825; 16: 0235, 0341, 0712; 2: 0309; 4: 0168; 7: 0343; 11: 0036; 17: 0482, 0700 14: 0104; 15: 0629 Moore, Robert Schwartz, Harry H. 13: 0001 2: 0801 Naim, Mohammed Shah, Mohammed Zahir 1: 0088 1: 0155, 0264, 0515; 2: 0675; 6: 0686 Nasser, Gamal Abdel Sloan, Frank K. 15: 0219, 0493, 0536, 0577, 0653, 0716, 4: 0734 0758, 0854; 16: 0001 Smith, Hedrick Newsom, David D. 15: 0001 5: 0102 Sneider, Richard L. Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza 9: 0112 2: 0459, 0675 Spielman, Henry W. Palmer, Stephen E., Jr. 9: 0001 4: 0734 Steeves, John M. Plimpton, Frances T. P. 1: 0021, 0036, 0052–0264, 0608, 0665; 12: 0459; 17: 0131, 0230; 18: 0001 8: 0080, 0184 Reinhardt, G. Frederick Stevenson, Adlai E. 13: 0826 12: 0243, 0344, 0459, 0618; 16: 0434, Rogers, J. L. 0712; 17: 0131–0482, 0700; 15: 0629 18: 0324, 0405 Rostow, Walt W. Stoessel, Walter J., Jr. 5: 0658; 6: 0242; 9: 0691; 13: 0184, 3: 0886 0826; 14: 0104 Stookey, Robert W. Rountree, William M. 16: 0156–0712; 17: 0001, 0230 6: 0144, 0242, 0420–0797; 9: 0691; Strong, Robert C. 16: 0341 3: 0684, 0770; 4: 0372; 11: 0684 Rusk, Dean Sulzberger, C. L. 1: 0039, 0057, 0088, 0114, 0155, 0264, 13: 0826 0515, 0665, 0885–0931; 2: 0001, Swihart, James W. 0259, 0344, 0521–0603, 0755, 0863, 2: 0720 0888, 0939; 3: 0001, 0145, 0203, Talbot, Phillips 0304–0584, 0886, 0914; 4: 0001, 1: 0057; 2: 0389; 3: 0179; 4: 0416; 0024, 0063, 0108, 0126, 0183, 0319, 5: 0299, 0868; 9: 0887; 11: 0684, 0416, 0502, 0683, 0734; 5: 0102– 0798; 12: 0618; 13: 0826; 14: 0773; 0508, 0658; 6: 0001, 0140–0242, 17: 0131 0420, 0621, 0797; 7: 0001–0343, Taylor, Maxwell D. 0751, 0837; 8: 0001–0629; 9: 0691, 3: 0145; 13: 0605 0785, 0887; 11: 0036–0684; Thacher, Nicholas G. 12: 0001, 0344, 0459, 0741; 3: 0026 13: 0001, 0258, 0605; 14: 0001, Thant, U 0104, 0260, 0664, 0773; 15: 0001, 17: 0700

48 Thompson, Llewellyn Wiesner, Jerome B. 12: 0243; 14: 0260 7: 0343 Wailes, Edward T. Wilkins, Fraser 2: 0224 1: 0741–0795, 0860–0931; 2: 0001, Wheeler, Earle G. 0028, 0125 2: 0224 Yost, Charles Y. Whitman, Roswell H. 18: 0324 14: 0001


SUBJECT INDEX The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence, 12: 0459 directs researchers to frame 0459 of Reel 12. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find topics listed in the order in which they appear on the film.

Abu Riche, Omar U.S. economic aid 1: 0010, 0057, 0088, 12: 0459 0114, 0155, 0408, 0515 Abu Simbel Committee U.S. education aid 1: 0155 4: 0791 U.S. state visit 1: 0155, 0264, 0489 Aden Colony USSR relations 1: 0018, 0039, 0264, merger 16: 0549 0408; 7: 0001 UK policy 17: 0230 Zahir, Abdul, policies 1: 0155 Yemen conflict 17: 0230, 0333 Africa Yemen coup impact 16: 0235 Algeria 14: 0104; 15: 0358 Aden Protectorate Congo 2:0855; 13:0826 merger 16: 0549 general 14: 0526 UK policy 17: 0230 Ghana 3:0437 Yemen conflict 17: 0230, 0333 Guinea 3:0067; 14: 0526 Administration of justice political conditions 15: 0358 Turkey 13: 0450 UAR and 13: 0826; 14: 0260 Afghanistan Agricultural assistance beryl mining 1: 0155 see Food assistance China relations 1: 0155, 0408 Agricultural commodities general 14: 0526 cotton 14: 0260, 0409; 15: 0358 government 1: 0039, 0057, 0114, 0145, grain 6: 0144; 14: 0001 0155, 0408 Agriculture highway 1: 0057, 0088 Iran 2: 0888 Iran relations 1: 0018–0036; 3: 0267 Pakistan 7: 0343 Kuchi nomads 1: 0006 Ahmed, Aziz missing tourists 1: 0608, 0665 general 7: 0001; 8: 0342 Pahlavi, Mohammed visit 2: 0675 JFK meeting 6: 0797 Pakistan dispute 1: 0001, 0021, 0039– Ahmed, Ghulam 0088, 0145, 0155; 2: 0344, 0566, 8: 0342, 0450, 0551 0603, 0675; 6: 0144, 0242, 0420– Ahmed, Imam of Yemen 0621, 0797; 7: 0001, 0230, 0343, 16: 0156 0492; 8: 0080, 0184; 9: 0560 Air Liban Pakistan relations 1: 0006, 0155, 0264, 5: 0812, 0868 0408, 0515; 6: 0420–0621, 0797; Airlines 8: 0080, 0184; 9: 0515, 0691 Iraq 3: 0304 tribes 1: 0408 Lebanon 5: 0812, 0868

51 Alam, Asadollah border violence 4: 0108, 0612, 0650, National Front 2: 0603 0683 Algeria general 4: 0024, 0063; 14: 0001; France conflict 14: 0104; 15: 0358 15: 0095, 0536, 0577 Ali, Mohammad JFK communications 10: 0182 7: 0492, 0837 Jordan-Israel 5: 0102, 0299 Alican, Ekrem Middle East “tranquility” 4: 0001; 13: 0717 10: 0001 Amer, Hakim military competition 4: 0334 17: 0333, 0482 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, views 15: 0219 American Jewish Congress Palestinians resettlement 4: 0126, 0161, 14: 0409 0183, 0221, 0256, 0269, 0416, 0561, American University of Beirut 0734, 0791, 0925; 5: 0001, 0102; 5: 0419 6: 0066; 10: 0001, 0250–0669; American-Israel Public Affairs 14: 0664 Committee peace talks 12: 0741 4: 0372 Syria border 12: 0459–0741, 0825; Amini, Ali 13: 0105 2: 0259, 0309, 0344, 0603 UAR-Israel 14: 0664 Anti-Semitism Aram, Abbas Saudi Arabia 11: 0147, 0493, 0584, 2: 0500 0684 Arbitration and mediation Arab League Iran 2: 0344, 0566–0675; 7: 0230 5: 0658; 6: 0001; 10: 0387; 12: 0825 Yemen Arab Republic 17: 0230, 0333; Arab states 18: 0654, 0732 France relations 3: 0437 Armed services Iraq relations 3: 0584 Iran 2: 0459, 0910 Israel relations 3: 0886 Iraq 3: 0304 JFK communications 10: 0001, 0182; UAR 4: 0925 14: 0001 see also terms beginning Military nationalism 13: 0826 Arms control and disarmament refugees resettlement 10: 0001, 0250– Iran role 2: 0309; 3: 0267 0669 Arms trade Turkey relations 13: 0605 military aircraft 13: 0717 U.S. meeting 4: 0966 Pakistan-FRG 8: 0184 UAR relations 13: 0826 U.S. military aid 4: 0168 UN resolution 4: 0683 U.S.-Israel 3: 0914; 4: 0251; 14: 0664 unity 6: 0066 U.S.-Lebanon 6: 0066 see also Arab-Israeli conflict U.S.-Saudi 12: 0096, Arabian American Oil Company U.S.-UAR 15: 0001 10: 0901 UAR-USSR 14: 0664 Arab-Israeli conflict UK-Saudi 12: 0001 armistice agreements 4: 0734 Arrest arms talks 4: 0341, 0416; 14: 0664; UAR, French diplomats 14: 0104, 0260 16: 0001, 0043, 0094, 0134

52 Arsanjani, Hassan Balance of payments 2: 0888 Israel 4: 0791 Asia Balkhayr, Abdullah Southeast 14: 0526 10: 0901; 11: 0001 Turkey relations 13: 0605 Ball, George M. see also China 8: 0450–0850; 9: 0515 see also South Asia Bangladesh Aswan High Dam see East Pakistan 14: 0001, 0104, 0409; 15: 0001, 0095, Banks and banking 0358, 0854 Cyprus 2: 0028 Ataturk, Kemal Barbour, Walworth 13: 0717 4: 0108 Al-Atiqi, Abdul Rahman Salim Bar-Haim, Shaul 5: 0752 4: 0857 Awad, Fuad Bar-On, Hanan 5: 0812 4: 0650 Al-Ayni, Muhsin Bayol, Edgar S. 17: 0700; 18: 0001 14: 0001 Ayub Khan, Mohammed Ben Bella, Ahmed Ball, George, talks 8: 0629 15: 0358 Bundy, McGeorge, talks 9: 0170 Ben-Gurion, David general 1: 0021; 6: 0242, 0515, 0621, JFK communications 4: 0093, 0221, 0686; 7: 0001, 0230, 0343, 0621– 0319, 0345, 0392, 0473 0837; 8: 0001, 0080, 0450, 0551 JFK talks 3: 0914; 4: 0001, 0966 JFK talks 7: 0230–0492; 9: 0170–0410, refugee issue 10: 0001 0691, 0785 resignation 4: 0502 Johnson, Lyndon, talks 6: 0420; 9: 0170 Berlin crisis U.S. visit 6: 0144; 9: 0560, 0691, 0785 Lebanon views 5: 0812 Al-Azm, Khalid UAR views 14: 0001 12: 0741, 0825 Beryl Ba’ath Party Afghanistan 1: 0155 Iraq 3: 0437, 0584–0770 Bhutto, Ali Lebanon 6: 0066 Ball, George, talks 8: 0758 Syria 13: 0001, 0105 general 8: 0080, 0184, 0342; 9: 0170 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, views 15: 0219 JFK meeting 8: 0629; 9: 0001 Badeau, John S. Johnson, Lyndon, talks 8: 0629 13: 0826 Bitar, Salal al-Din Al-Badr, Muhammad 13: 0001, 0105 JFK communication 16: 0434; 17: 0001 Black, Eugene succession as king 16: 0156 6: 0797 U.S. visit 16: 0156 Blaustein, Jacob Yemen civil war 16: 0341 4: 0857 Bolivia 6: 0144 14: 0526 see also Central Treaty Organization

53 Border conflicts Canada Afghanistan-Pakistan 1: 0001, 0021, Yemen observers 18: 0001, 0405 0039–0088, 0145, 0155; 2: 0344, 0566, 0603, 0675; 6: 0144, 0242, Turkey 13: 0184 0420–0797; 7: 0001, 0230, 0343, Yemen 16: 0341 0492; 8: 0080, 0184; 9: 0560 Castro, Fidel India-Pakistan 6: 0686, 0797; 7: 0001– 15: 0536 0837; 8: 0001, 0184–0551; 9: 0170– Cemeteries and funerals 0410 5: 0102 Israel-Jordan 4: 0108 CENTO Israel-Syria 4: 0612, 0650, 0683; see Central Treaty Organization 12: 0459–0825; 13: 0105 Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) Kashmir 2: 0910, 0985 3: 0074; 5: 0752; 9: 0560 U.S.-UK mediation 6: 0797 Ceylon UAR-Israel 14: 0664 14: 0526 Yemen-Aden 17: 0230, 0333 Chehab, Fuad Borders 5: 0812; 6: 0001, 0066; 10: 0182 Afghanistan-China 1: 0155 Chemical and biological warfare East Pakistan-India 7: 0492; 8: 0450 UAR 15: 0219; 17: 0700; 18: 0001 Pakistan-China 7: 0106, 0751; 8: 0080 Chile see also Border conflicts 14: 0526 Bowles, Chester China diplomatic missions 2: 0426; 14: 0104 Afghanistan relations 1: 0155, 0408 Pakistan visit 6: 0797; 7: 0001 expansionism 9: 0785, 0887 UAR visit 14: 0260; 15: 0603 India conflict 7: 0492, 0621, 0751; Brazil 8: 0001; 9: 0887 14: 0526 Pakistan air link 8: 0184, 0551, 0629; Brubeck, William H. 9: 0001 15: 0358 Pakistan border agreement 7: 0106, Bull, Odd 0751; 8: 0080 4: 0612, 0650, 0831 Pakistan relations 7: 0343, 0837; Bunche, Ralph 8: 0001, 0184–0758; 9: 0001, 0170, 17: 0333, 0482, 0659; 18: 0654, 0732 0298, 0560, 0785 Bundy, McGeorge UN admission 6: 0515, 0686, 0797 9: 0170 Chromium Bunker, Ellsworth U.S.-Turkey trade 13: 0605 Saudi talks 17: 0333 Civil aviation UAR-Saudi mission 11: 0493; 18: 0732, U.S.-Iraq 3: 0304 0931 U.S.-UAR 14: 0526 Burma Civil war 14: 0526 Congo 15: 0493 Cabinets Yemen 11: 0379; 16: 0341, 0434, 0549, see Officials 0712; 17: 0001–0591, 0700; 18: Cambodia 0001–0931 14: 0526

54 Civil-military relations Crete Iraq coup 3: 0437 NATO missile range 1: 0736 Jordan 5: 0299, 0868 Croach, J. W. Lebanon coup 5: 0812 3: 0914 refugees attack 7: 0106 Crook, Jay R. Syria 12: 0177, 0243, 0741; 13: 0105; 8: 0629 14: 0001 Cuba Turkey 13: 0184, 0258, 0352, 0450 conference, UAR 14: 0526 Yemen coup 5: 0102; 11: 0147, 0255, Lebanon trade 6: 0066 0379; 14: 0773; 16: 0156, 0235; missile crisis 2: 0818; 7: 0492; 9: 0001; 17: 0131 12: 0825; 13: 0450; 14: 0773; Cleveland, Harlan 15: 0678 4: 0269 U.S. policy 15: 0493 Cold War UAR relations 15: 0536 12: 0096 Cyclones Colleges and universities East Pakistan 9: 0515 Cyprus 2: 0182 Cyprus Turkey 13: 0352, 0450, 0605 Communist activity 1: 0885, 0931; Committee of National Union 2: 0165, 0182 13: 0184, 0258 development bank 2: 0028 Communism domestic policy 1: 0817 Cyprus 1: 0885; 2: 0165, 0182 economic conditions 2: 0182 Iraq 3: 0304, 0437, 0584 evacuation 2: 0068 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, views on 14: 0260 general 14: 0526 Pakistan 7: 0343–0751; 8: 0551; 9: 0112 Greek-Turkish relations 1: 0817, 0904, Syria 12: 0917; 13: 0001 0931; 2: 0001, 0028, 0125, 0165, Conferences 0182 developing countries 14: 0526, 0664 travel form 2: 0120 Congo Turkey relations 13: 0605 UAR role 13: 0826 U.S. economic aid 1: 0741, 0786, 0795, UN force 2: 0855 0869–0931; 2: 0165, 0182 Constitutional law U.S. facilities 1: 0817; 2: 0182 Syria 12: 0741 U.S. vessels 2: 0001 Contingency planning university 2: 0182 Iran 2: 0224, 0289, 0863 USSR air route 1: 0869 Corporations Voice of America 1: 0786–0817, 0885, Arabian American Oil Company 0931; 2: 0182 10: 0901 Cyprus International Fair Frank E. Basil Company 11: 0798 2: 0028 Iraq Petroleum Company 3: 0304 Dams and reservoirs Cottam, Howard R. Aswan High Dam 14: 0001, 0104, 0409; 5: 0752 15: 0001, 0095, 0358, 0854 Cotton Pakistan 7: 0751, 0837; 8: 0342, 0450; 14: 0260, 0409; 15: 0358 9: 0515 Coups d’etat Daud, Mohammad see Civil-military relations 1: 0001, 0057, 0114

55 Della Chiesa D’Isasca, Renato Economic conditions 3: 0304 Cyprus 2: 0182 Department of State developing countries 14: 0526, 0664 2: 0309, 0426; 3: 0304 Iran 2: 0259; 3: 0103 Dessouki, Salah Syria 13: 0001 14: 0664 Turkey 13: 0184, 0352 Developing countries UAR 14: 0409 conference, UAR 14: 0526, 0664 Economic policy Dimechkie, Nadim Iran 2: 0344, 0389–0521, 0603, 0939, 5: 0868 0985; 3: 0001, 0103, 0267 Diplomatic and consular service Lebanon 5: 0868 Cyprus, U.S. diplomats 2: 0120 Pakistan 6: 0144, 0420 Iraq 3: 0304 Turkey 13: 0184, 0717 Pakistan riots 7: 0106 UAR 14: 0104, 0260, 0409; 15: 0358, Syria improprieties 12: 0917 0629 Yemen safety 16: 0235 Ecuador Diplomatic recognition 14: 0526 Iraq 3: 0437 Education Kuwait 5: 0600 Afghanistan, U.S. aid 1: 0155 Syria 12: 0243, 0344; 13: 0001 Iran students 2: 0426 U.S.-Kuwait 3: 0304 Pakistan 7: 0106 Yemen 5: 0212; 16: 0235, 0341, 0549, UAR, U.S. exchanges 15: 0001 0712; 17: 0001, 0131 Eichmann, Adolf Disaster relief 4: 0966 East Pakistan 7: 0343; 9: 0515 Eisenhower, Dwight D. Iran, U.S. aid 2: 0755, 0777, 0818 13: 0826 Discrimination Elections see Anti-Semitism Iran 2: 0309, 0863, 0888 Douglas, William O. Jordan 5: 0102, 0419 2: 0720 Pakistan 7: 0343 Earthquakes Syria 12: 0425 Iran 2: 0755, 0777, 0818 Turkey 13: 0184, 0258 East Germany Ellender, Allender J. see German Democratic Republic 15: 0219 East Pakistan Employment cyclones 9: 0515 Turkey policy 13: 0450 demonstrations 6: 0797; 8: 0001 Erkin, Feridun floods 7: 0343 13: 0605 government 7: 0492 Eshkol, Levi India border 7: 0492; 8: 0450 general 4: 0530, 0561 refugees 7: 0106 JFK communications 4: 0537, 0650, U.S. disaster aid 7: 0343; 9: 0515 0734, 0885 Eban, Abba succession 4: 0502 4: 0734 Espionage Ebtehaj, Abol Hasan Israel in UAR 4: 0966 2: 0500 UAR, French diplomats 14: 0104, 0260

56 Ethiopia Fir’awn, Rashad 14: 0526 11: 0147, 0255 Euphrates River Fiscal policy dam 12: 0741, 0825 Iran 2: 0521–0603, 0720, 0910, 0939 Saudi Arabia 11: 0379 Crete 1: 0736 Floods German Democratic Republic 3: 0304 East Pakistan 7: 0343 see also Cyprus Food assistance see also Federal Republic of Germany Israel, U.S. aid 3: 0914; 4: 0063 see also France Pakistan, U.S. aid 6: 0144, 0420 see also Greece Palestinian refugees 6: 0066; 15: 0001 see also Turkey Syria, U.S. aid 12: 0344 European Economic Community Turkey, U.S. aid 13: 0184 9: 0785; 13: 0450 UAR, U.S. aid 13: 0826; 14: 0001– Executions 0409, 0773; 15: 0603 see Capital punishment Yemen, U.S. aid 18: 0553 Expropriation Food supply UAR 14: 0104 Pakistan 7: 0343 Faiq, Mohammed Foreign debts 15: 0358 Iran 2: 0283 Faisal, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Foreign relations accession 11: 0255 see Arms control and disarmament Bunker, Ellsworth, talks 18: 0732 see Border conflicts JFK communications 11: 0255–0493, see Diplomatic recognition 0684, 0798; 12: 0001; 16: 0712; see Foreign trade 18: 0732, 0931 see International assistance political reform 11: 0255 see International military forces Saud, King, relations 10: 0857, 0901 see Military assistance U.S. visit 11: 0061, 0147 see Security Yemen conflict, views 18: 0732 see Sovereignty Yemen, views on 17: 0230; 18: 0405 see War Farra, Jamal see terms beginning International 12: 0741 cooperation Fawzi, Mahmoud see under name of specific country 14: 0773 Foreign trade Federal interagency relations Afghanistan goods transit 1: 0057, 0088, NSC-State Department 2: 0309, 0426 0155; 6: 0420–0797; 7: 0001, 0230, Federal Republic of Germany 0343, 0492; 9: 0560 Israel nuclear research 4: 0001 Izmir International Fair 13: 0352, 0717 Pakistan arms sales 8: 0184 U.S.-Lebanon 6: 0001 scientists in UAR 4: 0502 U.S.-Turkey 13: 0605 UAR aid 15: 0095 UAR cotton 15: 0358 U.S. helicopters 4: 0579, 0885 France Feldman, Myer Algeria conflict 14: 0104; 15: 0358 4: 0269, 0372; 10: 0539, 0669 Arab relations 3: 0437

57 France cont. Haikal, Yusuf Iraq relations 3: 0437 5: 0001 Israel nuclear aid 4: 0579, 0734, 0961 Hariri, Ziyad military aircraft sales 11: 0061 13: 0001 Saudi aid 11: 0379 Harman, Avraham Turkey relations 13: 0717 3: 0886; 4: 0256, 0372, 0650, 0791, UAR, diplomats arrest 14: 0104, 0260 0831; 10: 0250, 0539, 0669 Frank E. Basil Company Harriman, W. Averell 11: 0798 4: 0416; 7: 0621; 9: 0001 Freedom of the press Al-Hassan, Sayf al-Islam 9: 0112 11: 0147; 16: 0156, 0235, 0341; Fruit and fruit products 17: 0001 3: 0304 Hawrani, Akram Fulbright, J. William 12: 0741 13: 0826 Health facilities and services Gazit, Mordechai Lebanon 5: 0419; 11: 0379 4: 0256, 0416, 0734–0831, 0925 Saud, King, U.S. treatment 10: 0775, Gemayel, Pierre 0807 6: 0066 Hickenlooper, Bourne German Democratic Republic (East 11: 0255; 18: 0142 Germany) Highways Iraq relations 3: 0304 Afghanistan 1: 0057 Germany, Federal Republic of Mount of Olives 4: 0080; 5: 0102 see Federal Republic of Germany Historic preservation Ghana see Monuments and memorials Iraq relations 3: 0437 Holmes, Julius C. Ghandi, Indira 2: 0801 7: 0230 Homicide Goldstein, Israel Afghanistan tourist 1: 0608, 0665 12: 0741 Israel citizens 4: 0612, 0650, 0683 Government investigations Al-Hosein, Abdallah Afghanistan disappearances 1: 0665 17: 0333 Grains Humphrey, Hubert H. 6: 0144; 14: 0001 14: 0001 Greece Hussein I Cypriots relations 1: 0817, 0904, 0931; coup role 5: 0299 2: 0001, 0028, 0125, 0165, 0182 general 5: 0102 Turkey relations 2: 0001, 0028, 0125 JFK communications 5: 0001, 0102, Guinea 0212; 10: 0182; 16: 0712 3: 0067; 14: 0526 IMF Gummesson, Gunnel see International Monetary Fund 1: 0608, 0665 India Gursel, Cemal China conflict 7: 0492, 0621; 8: 0001; 13: 0184 9: 0887 Habib, Mohammed conference 14: 0526 4: 0791 East Pakistan relations 7: 0492; 8: 0450

58 Goa seizure 6: 0686, 0797 Israel, U.S. aid 4: 0024, 0294, 0312, military capability 6: 0242 0329; 14: 0104 Pakistan dispute 2: 0910, 0985; 6: 0686, Jordan, U.S. aid 5: 0001, 0102, 0419 0797; 7: 0001–0837; 8: 0001, 0184– Jordan, UK aid 5: 0102 0551; 9: 0170–0410 Pakistan, Communist aid 9: 0112 Pakistan relations 6: 0144; 8: 0629, Pakistan, U.S. aid 1: 0001; 6: 0242, 0758; 9: 0001, 0560, 0691, 0785, 0420, 0797; 7: 0343; 8: 0080, 0184; 0887 9: 0560, 0691, 0785 Pakistan talks 7: 0001, 0230; 9: 0298, Saudi Arabia, U.S. aid 10: 0807, 0857, 0410 0901; 11: 0001, 0036, 0147, 0255, riots 6: 0144 0379; 12: 0096 Turkey military aid 13: 0450 Syria, U.S. aid 12: 0425, 0459, 0825; U.S. military aid 7: 0106, 0621, 0751; 13: 0001 8: 0001, 0184–0758; 9: 0001, 0170– Turkey, U.S. aid 13: 0184, 0258, 0352, 0410, 0887 0450, 0605, 0717 Indian Ocean UAR, IMF aid 14: 0260, 0409; 15: 0358 U.S. Navy deployment 9: 0112 UAR, U.S. aid 11: 0147; 14: 0001– Indonesia 0409, 0664; 15: 0095, 0358, 0854 14: 0526 UAR, USSR aid 15: 0001 Indus Basin Development Fund Yemen, U.S. aid 16: 0235; 17: 0333, 7: 0837; 8: 0342 0482; 18: 0001 Indus River see also Military assistance dam 7: 0751, 0837; 8: 0342, 0450; International cooperation in law 9: 0515 enforcement Inonu, Ismet UAR-U.S. 14: 0409 13: 0258, 0352, 0605 International cooperation in science and Insurgency technology Iran 2: 0985 Arab-U.S. health 11: 0379 Kurds 2: 0643; 3: 0235, 0304, 0584– France-Israel 4: 0579 0770; 15: 0095 Israel nuclear program 3: 0914; 4: 0093, Intelligence services 0341, 0382, 0416, 0473, 0502, 0537, Iran, U.S. intelligence 2: 0910 0650, 0683, 0885 International assistance U.S.-Jordan 5: 0001 Afghanistan, U.S. aid 1: 0001, 0057, International military cooperation 0088, 0114, 0155, 0408, 0515 Middle East exercise 4: 0857 Cyprus, U.S. aid 1: 0741, 0786, 0795, Saudi-UK 11: 0379 0869, 0885, 0904, 0931; 2: 0165, U.S.-Afghanistan 1: 0088 0182 U.S.-Pakistan 7: 0492 Guinea, U.S. aid 3: 0067 U.S.-Saudi 11: 0036–0379, 0584–0798; Iran, U.S. aid 2: 0255, 0259, 0309, 0344, 12: 0001; 15: 0095; 17: 0700; 0426, 0459, 0500, 0521, 0603, 0643, 18: 0142 0939, 0985; 3: 0001, 0030, 0074, U.S.-UK 11: 0255 0235, 0267 International military forces Iraq, U.S. aid 3: 0584 Arab League 5: 0658 Iraq, USSR aid 3: 0584 Congo 2: 0855; 15: 0493

59 International military forces cont. new cabinet 2: 0521, 0603 Israel-Arab 4: 0269 NSC views 2: 0839 Korea, Turkey troops 13: 0605 oil 2: 0720, 0985 SEATO 7: 0343; 8: 0080 Pakistan relations ; 3: 0235 UNTSO commander 5: 0102 political conditions 2: 0259 see also NATO Saudi relations 3: 0026 International Monetary Fund (IMF) student unrest 3: 0103 UAR stabilization 14: 0104, 0260, 0409; Third Development Plan 2: 0939 15: 0358 tribes resistance 3: 0001 Iran Turkey relations 3: 0235, 0267 Afghanistan relations 1: 0018–0036; U.S. aid 2: 0309, 0344, 0426–0459, 3: 0267 0521, 0603, 0643, 0939, 0985; agriculture 2: 0888 3: 0001, 0030, 0074, 0235, 0267 antiriot police 2: 0643 U.S. citizens evacuation 2: 0224 Bowles, Chester, visit 2: 0426 U.S. disaster aid 2: 0777, 0818 budget 2: 0521, 0566, 0720 U.S. economic aid 3: 0001 civil protests 3: 0030 U.S. military aid 2: 0224, 0289–0375, Congo force 2: 0855 0426–0500, 0643, 0720, 0755–0839, contingency planning 2: 0224, 0289, 0939; 3: 0074, 0103, 0145, 0179, 0863 0203, 0220, 0235, 0267 cooperatives 3: 0001 U.S. military presence 3: 0103 defense policy 2: 0459 USSR relations 2: 0344, 0389, 0675, demonstrations 2: 0426 0777; 3: 0030, 0103 disarmament 2: 0309; 3: 0267 USSR threat 2: 0224, 0289 earthquake 2: 0755, 0777, 0818 World Bank role 3: 0001 economic conditions 2: 0259; 3: 0103 Iran Task Force economic policy 2: 0344, 0389–0521, 2: 0259, 0309, 0389 0603, 0939, 0985; 3: 0001, 0103, Iraq 0267 Arab federation 13: 0001 elections 2: 0309; 3: 0030 Arab unity 6: 0066 fiscal policy 2: 0910, 0939 Ba’ath role 3: 0437, 0584–0770 foreign debts 2: 0283 civil aviation 3: 0304 government reforms 2: 0309, 0344, Communist sympathy 3: 0304, 0437, 0389, 0459, 0675; 3: 0030 0584 government stability 2: 0839 diplomatic relations 3: 0304 insurgency 2: 0985 East Germany relations 3: 0304 international aid 2: 0255, 0259, 0500 federation 15: 0001, 0095, 0219 Iraq relations 2: 0888, 0985; 3: 0030, foreign relations, general 3: 0437 0235, 0267 Iran relations 2: 0985; 3: 0030, 0235, JFK communication 2: 0818 0267 land reform 2: 0863–0939; 3: 0001, Italy relations 3: 0304 0030 JFK communications 3: 0437, 0684 mediation 2: 0344, 0566–0675; 7: 0230 Kurds revolt 2: 0643; 3: 0235, 0584– military forces 2: 0910 0770; 15: 0095 missile bases 2: 0777 Kuwait claim 3: 0304, 0437, 0584; neutralism 2: 0777 5: 0508, 0600, 0658

60 Lebanon relations 5: 0868 U.S. relations, general 4: 0537; 6: 0001 military coup 3: 0437 U.S. security guarantee 4: 0416, 0502, military forces 3: 0304 0561, 0612, 0734, 0831, 0857, 0925 political conditions 3: 0437 U.S. talks 4: 0269, 0791 Syria relations 4: 0831; 13: 0001 UAR arms talks 4: 0334, 0341, 0416; Turkey relations 13: 0450 14: 0664; 16: 0001–0134 U.S. aid 3: 0584 UAR espionage 4: 0966 U.S. contingency plan 2: 0863 UAR, views on 16: 0712 U.S. fruit imports 3: 0304 UK military aid 4: 0024, 0050 U.S. relations 3: 0437, 0584 UK security guarantee 4: 0734 UAR relations 3: 0437 water sharing 3: 0914; 4: 0579, 0857; USSR relations 3: 0304, 0584; 5: 0658 5: 0001, 0419, 0812; 12: 0459–0741 Iraq Petroleum Company West Bank border restrictions 5: 0102 government relations 3: 0304 Zionists objectives 4: 0372 Irrigation see also Arab-Israeli conflict Pakistan 6: 0331; 7: 0106, 0343 see also Jerusalem Islam Israeli-Syrian General Armistice India riots 6: 0144 Agreement Iraq, JFK communications 3: 0684 12: 0618 Saudi Arabia 11: 0255 Italy Israel 3: 0304 Arab relations 3: 0886 Izmir International Fair balance of payments 4: 0791 13: 0352, 0717 cabinet 4: 0502 Jernegan, John D. Eichmann, Adolf, trial 4: 0966 3: 0304 France nuclear aid 4: 0579, 0734, 0961 Jerusalem helicopters 4: 0579, 0885 diplomatic missions 4: 0050 Mount of Olives 4: 0080 Israel-Jordan incidents 4: 0108 nuclear program 3: 0914; 4: 0001, 0319, Mount of Olives road 4: 0080; 5: 0102 0341, 0382, 0416, 0473, 0502, 0537, Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc. 0612, 0650, 0683, 0885; 13: 0826 4: 0063 political conditions 4: 0502, 0530 Jews prisoners exchange 4: 0579 military personnel 11: 0493, 0584, 0684 refugees resettlement 10: 0001, 0250– Zionists objectives 4: 0372 0669 Johnson, Joseph E. security policy 3: 0886; 4: 0001, 0050, JFK meeting 10: 0669 0063, 0269, 0345, 0392, 0416, 0966 Meir, Golda, meeting 4: 0221 Syria relations 4: 0050 Palestinians mission 4: 0126–0221; U.S. defense commitment 3: 0886, 0914 5: 0102; 6: 0066; 10: 0001, 0250– U.S. economic aid 4: 0024, 0294, 0312, 0669 0329; 14: 0104; 15: 0095 resignation 10: 0669 U.S. food aid 3: 0914; 4: 0063 Johnson, Lyndon Baines U.S. military aid 4: 0024, 0063, 0168, Pakistan talks 6: 0242, 0420; 8: 0629; 9: 0416, 0925 0170 U.S. missiles purchase 3: 0914; 4: 0251; Joint military exercises 14: 0664 see International military cooperation

61 Jordan Kennedy, Jacqueline Arab-Israeli conflict 4: 0108; 5: 0102, 7: 0001; 14: 0104 0299 Khan, Aga cabinet changes 5: 0001 JFK meeting 6: 0144 civil-military relations 5: 0868 Khan, Nur elections 5: 0102 8: 0184 medical center funding 5: 0419 Khan, Tamizuddin military coup 5: 0299 8: 0184 Mount of Olives 4: 0080; 5: 0102 Kharbash, Abdul Ahad oil exploration 5: 0212 17: 0333 Palestinian refugees 5: 0001, 0102; Al-Khayyal, Abdullah 6: 0066 10: 0762; 12: 0001 parliament 5: 0102, 0299, 0419 Kidnapping police crackdown 5: 0299 Afghanistan 1: 0608, 0665 political conditions 4: 0345, 0392 King-Crane Commission refugees resettlement 10: 0001, 0250– 5: 0001 0669 Komer, Robert W. Saudi relations 5: 0001, 0102 8: 0080; 15: 0095 Syria relations 12: 0243, 0618 Korea U.S. contingency plan 5: 0419 Turkey troops withdrawal 13: 0605 U.S. aid 5: 0001, 0102, 0299, 0419 Krushchev, Nikita S. U.S. scientists visit 5: 0001 15: 0678 UAR, attacks on 5: 0102 Kurds UK economic aid 5: 0102 Iraq revolt 2: 0643; 3: 0235, 0304, USSR relations 5: 0102, 0419 0584–0770 water sharing 3: 0914; 4: 0579, 0857; U.S. relations 3: 0304 5: 0001, 0419, 0812; 12: 0459–0741 USSR aid 15: 0095 West Bank border restrictions 5: 0102 Kuwait Yemen involvement 5: 0212; 16: 0549, ambassador designation 5: 0752 0712; 17: 0001 Arab League forces 5: 0658 Jordan River CENTO meeting 5: 0752 water sharing 3: 0914; 4: 0579, 0857; Iraq claim 3: 0304, 0437; 5: 0508, 0600, 5: 0001, 0419, 0812; 12: 0459–0741 0658 Jum’a, Sa’ad Iraq relations 3: 0584 5: 0212 recognition 5: 0600 Juwayjati, Rafiz sovereignty 12: 0096 12: 0825 UK military aid 5: 0508, 0600, 0658 Kaissouni, Abdel M. Kuzbari, Ma’um 14: 0409; 15: 0653 12: 0177, 0344 Kamel, Mostafa Lake Tiberias 13: 0826; 14: 0104, 0664; 15: 0219; 12: 0459–0741, 0825 18: 0405 Land reform Kashmir Iran 2: 0863, 0888, 0910, 0939; 3: 0001, dispute 6: 0686, 0797; 7: 00010–0837; 0030 8: 0001, 0184–0551, 0758; 9: 0001, Lavon, Pinchas 0170–0410, 0785 4: 0966

62 Lebanon McConaughy, Walter P. airline sale 5: 0812, 0868 6: 0797; 7: 0751 ambassador designation 5: 0812 Mecom, John Ba’ath Party 6: 0066 16: 0341 cedar, U.S. imports 6: 0001 Meir, Golda Cuba trade 6: 0066 general 4: 0024, 0050, 0612; 10: 0387; economic policy 5: 0868 12: 0459; 16: 0712 health center 11: 0379 JFK talks 3: 0886; 4: 0269, 0294, 0312 Iraq relations 5: 0868 Johnson, Joseph, meeting 4: 0221 military coup 5: 0812 Rusk, Dean, talks 10: 0669 refugees resettlement 10: 0001, 0250– Mediation 0669 see Arbitration and mediation U.S. arms purchase 6: 0066 Menderes, Adnan U.S. Navy visit 5: 0868 13: 0184 U.S. officials visit 6: 0066 Menemencioglu, Turgut USSR relations 5: 0812, 0868 13: 0450 water sharing 5: 0812 Meouchi, Paul Boutros Libya 5: 0868; 6: 0001 14: 0526 Merchant, Livingston T. Limited Test Ban Treaty 6: 0686 9: 0001; 13: 0105; 16: 0134, Meyer, Armin H. Lumber and lumber industry 5: 0812 Lebanon, U.S. imports 6: 0001 Military aircraft Lumumba, Patrice France sales 11: 0061 13: 0826 helicopters 4: 0579, 0885 Macomber, William B., Jr. Lebanon purchase 6: 0066 5: 0419 Pakistan, U.S. aid 6: 0420 Maiwandwal, Mohammed Hashim Turkey 13: 0717 1: 0155, 0515 U.S. sales 11: 0036–0379 Majid, Abdul Military assistance 8: 0629 India, Turkey aid 13: 0450 Makarios III, Archbishop India, U.S. aid 7: 0106, 0621, 0751; general 2: 0001 8: 0001, 0184–0758; 9: 0001, 0170– JFK meeting 1: 0852, 0885 0410, 0887 JFK talks 2: 0165 India, USSR aid 7: 0106 U.S. visit 1: 0741–0860; 2: 0169, 0182 Iran, U.S. aid 2: 0224, 0289–0375, 0426, Mali 0459, 0500, 0643, 0720–0801, 0839, 14: 0526 0939; 3: 0074, 0103, 0145, 0179, Mallah, Nadim 0203–0267 12: 0618 Iran, USSR aid 3: 0103 Mason, Dean Iraq, U.S. aid 3: 0584 2: 0521 Iraq, USSR aid 3: 0584 Mason, Edward Israel, U.S. aid 3: 0886, 0914; 4: 0024, 14: 0001, 0260, 0409 0063, 0168, 0416, 0925 McCloy, John J. Israel, UK aid 4: 0024, 0050 16: 0043, 0094, 0134 Jordan, U.S.aid 5: 0299

63 Military assistance cont. Minority groups Kurds, USSR aid 15: 0095 Afghan tribes 1: 0408, 0608, 0665 Kuwait, UK aid 5: 0600 Cyprus 1: 0817, 0904, 0931; 2: 0001, Pakistan, U.S. aid 6: 0242, 0420, 0515, 0028, 0125–0165, 0182 0797; 7: 0106, 0343, 0621, 0751; Iran tribes 3: 0001 8: 0001, 0080, 0184–0758; 9: 0001, nomads 1: 0006; 6: 0621, 0686 0170, 0410, 0560, 0691, 0785 Yemen tribes 16: 0235, 0549; 18: 0142 Saudi Arabia, U.S. aid 11: 0147; see also Kurds 18: 0931 Missiles and rockets Syria, U.S. aid 12: 0825; 13: 0001 Crete practice range 1: 0736 Turkey, U.S. aid 13: 0258, 0352, 0605, Cuba crisis 2: 0818; 7: 0492; 9: 0001; 0717 13: 0450 UAR, U.S. aid 14: 0001, 0773 Iran bases 2: 0777 UAR, FRG 15: 0095 Israel, U.S. sales 3: 0914; 4: 0168, 0251; Yemen, Saudi aid 17: 0482–0700; 14: 0664 18: 0001, 0142 submarines 2: 0001 Yemen, USSR aid 18: 0553 Turkey 13: 0258, 0717 see also International military UAR 4: 0416, 0791, 0885; 14: 0001, cooperation 0260, 0664; 15: 0001 Military aviation UAR-Israel talks 16: 0043, 0094, 0134 Israel-U.S. confrontation 4: 0537 UK sales 12: 0001 pilots defection 11: 0147 Monuments and memorials Saudi-U.S. 10: 0762, 0807; 11: 0584– Abu Simbel 14: 0001, 0104, 0409; 0798; 12: 0001; 17: 0700; 18: 0142 15: 0001, 0095, 0358, 0854 see also Military aircraft Nubian 14: 0001, 0104, 0409; 15: 0001, Military bases, posts, and reservations 0095, 0358, 0854 Iran 2: 0777; 3: 0103 UAR, U.S. aid 15: 0854 Kuwait 5: 0508, 0658 Morocco Saudi Arabia 10: 0762, 0807 4: 0734; 14: 0526 Turkey 13: 0717 Mount of Olives Military education and training road 4: 0080; 5: 0102 Turkey 13: 0352, 0605 Mustafa Barzani, Mullah Military personnel 3: 0304, 0770 11: 0493, 0584, 0684 Naim, Mohammed Military strategy 1: 0021, 0036, 0057, 0114 Iran, U.S. planning 2: 0224, 0289 Nasir, Musa Iraq, U.S. planning 2: 0863 5: 0001 Jordan, U.S. planning 5: 0419 Nasser, Gamal Abdel Kuwait, Iraq intentions 5: 0658 anti-Nasser campaign 12: 0741 UAR 14: 0664 Arab-Israel views 15: 0219 Military weapons Ba’ath movement views 15: 0219 Israel-UAR 4: 0334, 0416; 14: 0664 Bunker, Ellsworth, talks 18: 0732 see also Arms trade demonstrations 13: 0001 see also Nuclear weapons economic plan 15: 0629 Mines and mining general 3: 0437; 13: 0826; 15: 0536, Afghanistan 1: 0155 0577

64 government reforms 14: 0001 Pakistan relations 7: 0230–0751; Humphrey, Hubert H., views on 8: 0450, 0551; 9: 0298, 0410 14: 0001 Neutrality Israel relations 4: 0392 Iran 2: 0777 JFK communications 4: 0416; 10: 0182; JFK views 14: 0104 12: 0243; 15: 0358–0678; 16: 0001, UAR and 14: 0104 0043, 0094, 0134; 18: 0732 Nigeria Krushchev, Nikita, communication 14: 0526 15: 0678 Nile River monuments preservation 15: 0854 14: 0104, 0409; 15: 0001, 0095, 0358, Nixon, Richard, talks 15: 0219 0854 nuclear testing 14: 0664 Nuclear power on communism 14: 0260 France-Israel 4: 0579, 0734, 0961 Palestinians, views on 10: 0250 Israel 3: 0914; 4: 0001, 0050, 0612; Saudi relations 11: 0147 13: 0826 Syria relations 12: 0177, 0344, 0741, Israel, U.S. inspection 3: 0914; 4: 0093, 0825, 0917 0341, 0382, 0416–0502, 0537, 0650, U.S. senators meeting 14: 0773 0683, 0885 U.S. visit 13: 0826; 15: 0803 Nuclear weapons Yemen conflict views 16: 0549 “denuclearization” 6: 0066 Yemen policy 18: 0405 Israel 4: 0319 National Council of the Revolutionary Israel-UAR talks 4: 0416; 16: 0001, Command 0043, 0094, 0134 13: 0001 UAR 14: 0664 National defense USSR tests resumption 2: 0309 see Armed services Nuseibeh, Hazim National Front 5: 0102 2: 0603, 0863, 0888 Officials National Intelligence Estimate Cyprus 1: 0817 2: 0910 Israel cabinet 4: 0502 National Security Council Jordan cabinet 5: 0001 Iran policy 2: 0839; 3: 0179 Lebanon visit 6: 0066 policy disagreement 2: 0309, 0426 Peace Corps 8: 0629 NATO Saudi Arabia 10: 0857, 0901 Crete missile range 1: 0736 Turkey 13: 0258, 0352, 0605 Turkey role 13: 0258, 0605 Yemen cabinet 16: 0235 Naval vessels see also Parliaments U.S. submarines 2: 0001 Okasha, Sarwat Navy 14: 0104 Saudi Arabia deployment 11: 0255; Oman 18: 0732 independence 12: 0096 Negotiations U.S. visit 6: 0140 Pakistan-India 7: 0751, 0837; 8: 0001 Organization of Petroleum Exporting UAR-Saudi 18: 0142 Countries Nehru, Jawaharlal 2: 0675 general 9: 0170, 0887

65 Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza international aid 6: 0242, 0797; 8: 0080, Afghanistan visit 2: 0675 0184 general 2: 0309, 0389, 0566, 0839, 0910, Iran relations 2: 0566; 3: 0235 0939, 0985; 3: 0001, 0030 JFK staff meeting 8: 0450, 0629 JFK communications 2: 0459; 3: 0030, Johnson, Lyndon, visit 6: 0242 0067, 0145, 0267 land reclamation 6: 0331; 7: 0106, 0343 mediation role 1: 0021 military 6: 0242; 7: 0492; 8: 0184 U.S. visit 2: 0344, 0375, 0426, 0500; nomads 6: 0621, 0686 3: 0074, 0103–0267 opposition groups 7: 0492; 8: 0080 Pakistan political conditions 7: 0343; 8: 0080; Afghanistan dispute 1: 0001, 0021, 9: 0560, 0691 0039–0088, 0145, 0155; 2: 0344, science and technology 7: 0106 0566, 0603, 0675; 6: 0144, 0242, SEATO role 7: 0106, 0343; 8: 0080; 0420–0797; 7: 0001, 0230, 0343, 9: 0560 0492; 8: 0080, 0184; 9: 0560 U.S. defense commitment 6: 0797; Afghanistan goods transit 6: 0420–0797; 8: 0001, 0629, 0758; 9: 0001, 0410 7: 0001, 0230, 0343, 0492; 9: 0560 U.S. economic aid 1: 0001; 6: 0420; Afghanistan relations 1: 0006, 0155, 7: 0343; 9: 0560, 0691, 0785 0264, 0408, 0515; 6: 0420–0621, U.S. food aid 6: 0144 0797; 8: 0080, 0184; 9: 0515, 0691 U.S. military aid 6: 0242, 0420, 0515; aggression against 6: 0144 7: 0106, 0343, 0621, 0751; 8: 0001, agriculture 7: 0343 0080, 0184–0758; 9: 0001, 0170, anti-U.S. riots 7: 0106 0560, 0691, 0785 CENTO role 9: 0560 USSR air link 9: 0001 China air link 8: 0184, 0551, 0629; USSR relations 7: 0343; 9: 0112, 0560 9: 0001 see also East Pakistan China relations 7: 0106, 0343, 0492, Palestine Conciliation Commission 0751, 0837; 8: 0001, 0080, 0184– 4: 0183, 0221; 10: 0001; 15: 0536 0758; 9: 0001, 0170, 0298, 0560, Palestinians 0785 food aid 6: 0066 communism and 7: 0343–0751; 8: 0551; general 15: 0536, 0577 9: 0112 refugees resettlement 4: 0001, 0024, dam 7: 0751, 0837; 8: 0342, 0450; 0126–0221, 0256, 0269, 0416, 0561, 9: 0515 0734, 0791, 0925; 5: 0001, 0102; economic policy 6: 0144, 0420 6: 0066; 10: 0001, 0250–0669; education 7: 0106 12: 0096; 14: 0001, 0664; 15: 0001 elections 7: 0343 Parliaments food shortage 7: 0343 Jordan 5: 0102, 0299, 0419 general 14: 0526 Saudi Arabia 11: 0255 Goa seizure 6: 0686, 0797 Syria 12: 0825 India dispute 2: 0910, 0985; 6: 0686, Turkey 13: 0450 0797; 7: 0001–0837; 8: 0001, 0184– Peace Corps 0551; 9: 0170–0410 8: 0629 India relations 6: 0144; 8: 0629, 0758; Peacekeeping forces 9: 0001, 0560, 0691, 0785, 0887 see International military forces India talks 7: 0001, 0230; 9: 0298, 0410

66 Peres, Shimon Presidential communications and 4: 0063 messages Petroleum and petroleum industry JFK-Arab leaders 10: 0001, 0182; Iran 2: 0389, 0720, 0985 14: 0001; 16: 0549 Iraq 3: 0304 monuments preservation 15: 0854 Jordan 5: 0212 Press Saudi Arabia 10: 0901 Syria 12: 0825 Yemen 16: 0341 UAR on JFK 14: 0104 Police UAR-USSR attacks 13: 0826 Iran 2: 0643 Prisoners of war Jordan 5: 0299 Israel-Syria exchange 4: 0579 UAR 14: 0409 Propaganda Political conditions anti-Israel 15: 0001 Afghanistan 1: 0039, 0057, 0114, 0145, UAR, attacks on 5: 0102 0155, 0408 Protests Africa 15: 0358 see Public demonstrations East Pakistan 7: 0492 Public demonstrations Iran 2: 0259, 0309, 0344, 0389, 0459, East Pakistan 6: 0797; 8: 0001 0521, 0603, 0675, 0839; 3: 0030 Iran students 2: 0426; 3: 0103 Iraq 3: 0437 U.S., anti-Shah 3: 0103 Israel 4: 0502, 0530 West Bank 5: 0299 Jordan 4: 0345, 0392; 5: 0299 Pushtunistan Middle East “calm” 4: 0001 border dispute 1: 0001, 0021, 0088, Pakistan 7: 0343, 0492; 8: 0080; 0408; 6: 0144, 0242, 0420–0797; 9: 0560, 0691 7: 0001, 0230–0492; 9: 0560 Saudi Arabia 10: 0857, 0901; 14: 0664 Qasim, Abdul Karim Syria 12: 0096, 0425, 0618–0917; death 3: 0437 13: 0001, 0105 general 3: 0235, 0304, 0437 Turkey 3: 0103; 13: 0184, 0258, 0352, JFK communications 10: 0182 0605 Kuwait policy 5: 0508, 0600, 0658 U.S. pro-Israel 6: 0001 Al-Qudsi, Nazim UAR 14: 0773 JFK communications 12: 0425, 0459, Yemen 16: 0341, 0434, 0549; 18: 0142, 0825, 0917 0405, 0553 post-coup 13: 0001, 0105 Political parties presidency 12: 0425, 0741 Ba’ath, Iraq 3: 0437, 0584–0770 Rabin, Yitzhak Ba’ath, Lebanon 6: 0066 4: 0925 Ba’ath, Syria 13: 0001, 0105 Radar Ba’ath, UAR 15: 0219 4: 0925 Cyprus 1: 0931 Radio Pakistan 7: 0492; 8: 0080 11: 0001, 0036, 0061 Republican People’s Party 13: 0184 Reclamation of land Turkey 13: 0258, 0450 Pakistan 6: 0331; 7: 0106, 0343

67 Referendum Sabri, Hussein Zulficar see Elections 14: 0773 Refugees Sadat, Anwar East Pakistan 7: 0106 16: 0156, 0235 Palestinians 4: 0001, 0024, 0126–0221, Safir, Pinchas 0256, 0269, 0416, 0561, 0734, 0791, 4: 0791 0925; 5: 0001, 0102; 6: 0066; Al-Sallal, Abdullah 10: 0001, 0250–0669; 12: 0096; UAR visit 17: 0700 14: 0664; 15: 0001 Yemen rule 16: 0235, 0341, 0434, 0549, Religious organizations 0712; 17: 0131, 0230, 0333; Maronite Patriarch 5: 0868 18: 0001, 0553 see also Islam Sarper, Selim Republican People’s Party 13: 0184 13: 0184 Sarraj, Abd al-Hamid Riche, Abou 12: 0177 13: 0105 Saud, King of Saudi Arabia Riots and disorders Faisal, Prince, relations 10: 0857, 0901 Iran police 2: 0643 illness 10: 0775, 0807; 11: 0255 Rivers and waterways JFK meeting 10: 0182, 0807, 0834, Euphrates River 12: 0741, 0825 0857, 0901 Indus River 7: 0751, 0837; 8: 0342, U.S. visit 12: 0096 0450; 9: 0515 Saudi Arabia Jordan River 3: 0914; 4: 0579, 0857; Arab relations 10: 0834 5: 0001, 0419, 0812; 12: 0459–0741 fiscal policy 11: 0379 Nile River 14: 0104, 0409; 15: 0001, France aid 11: 0379 0095, 0358, 0854 Iran relations 3: 0026 Robert College Jordan relations 5: 0001, 0102 13: 0450 Oman independence 12: 0096 Rostow, Walt W. petroleum industry 10: 0901 8: 0080 political conditions 10: 0857, 0901; Runaway and missing persons 11: 0255, 0379; 14: 0664 Afghanistan 1: 0608, 0665 television stations 11: 0379 Rural cooperatives U.S. economic aid 10: 0807, 0857, 0901; Iran 3: 0001 12: 0096 Rusk, Dean U.S. military relations 10: 0762, 0807; Arab leaders meeting 14: 0104 11: 0036–0798; 12: 0001, 0096; Iran talks 2: 0985; 3: 0267 15: 0095; 17: 0700; 18: 0142, 0732, Israel talks 10: 0250 0931 Meir, Golda, talks 10: 0669 U.S. radio transmitting equipment Pakistan communications 6: 0515; procurement 10: 0901 8: 0184 UAR attacks 11: 0255, 0584, 0684; Turkey visit 13: 0605 12: 0001; 14: 0773; 15: 0001, 0219, UAR messages 13: 0826 0358, 0716, 0758; 16: 0549; 17: Zahir Shah meeting 1: 0264 0482–0700; 18: 0142, 0324, 0654 Sabri, Ali UAR relations 10: 0857; 11: 0001, 0061; 14: 0773 12: 0096; 16: 0235

68 UAR talks 18: 0142 Somalia UK relations 11: 0379; 12: 0096 14: 0526 Yemen aid 5: 0212; 11: 0379; 16: 0341, South America 0549, 0712; 17: 0001, 0230, 0482– 14: 0526 0700; 18: 0001, 0142 South Asia Yemen disengagement 11: 0493–0798; security 9: 0560, 0785 12: 0001; 14: 0773; 15: 0219, 0358, see also East Pakistan 0678, 0716, 0758; 16: 0549, 0712; see also India 17: 0001–0591, 0659, 0700; 18: see also Pakistan 0001–0931 Southeast Asia Science and technology 14: 0526 Pakistan 7: 0106 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization UAR, U.S. aid 14: 0104 (SEATO) see also International cooperation in Pakistan role 7: 0106, 0343; 8: 0080; science and technology 9: 0560 SEATO Sovereignty see Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Aden 16: 0712 Security Kuwait 3: 0304, 0437; 5: 0508, 0600, Israel 3: 0886; 4: 0001, 0063, 0269, 0658; 12: 0096 0345, 0392, 0416, 0561, 0612, 0734, Soviet Union 0831, 0857, 0925, 0966 see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Israel, U.S. guarantee 4: 0502 Spinelli, Pier Middle East 4: 0966 18: 0553 South Asia 9: 0560, 0785 Staebler, U. M. Shahi, Agha 3: 0914 8: 0629 Strong, Robert C. Shaw, Wali 3: 0684 1: 0114 Students Shephard, Alan Iran demonstrations 2: 0426 15: 0536 Sudan Shoaib, Mohamed 14: 0526 JFK meeting 6: 0144 Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed Shuqairi, Ahmad 7: 0492 6: 0066 Sulaiman, Ali Haidar Sierra Leone 3: 0304 14: 0526 Syria Sisco, Joseph J. anti-U.S. press 12: 0825 4: 0269 Arab relations 6: 0066; 12: 0243; Slavery 13: 0001 Saudi abolition 11: 0255 Ba’ath movement 13: 0001, 0105 Slim, Mongi border violence 4: 0612, 0650, 0683 12: 0344 civil-military relations 12: 0741 Social science research Communist sentiment 12: 0917; U.S.-Jordan 5: 0001 13: 0001 Social security constitution 12: 0741 Turkey 13: 0450 Cuban missile crisis 12: 0825

69 Syria cont. Technical assistance demonstrations 13: 0001 Saudi Arabia, U.S. aid 10: 0807 economic conditions 13: 0001 Telecommunication elections 12: 0425 Cyprus 1: 0817; 2: 0182 Euphrates River dam 12: 0741, 0825 radio 11: 0001, 0036, 0061 federation 15: 0001, 0095, 0219 television 11: 0379 general 12: 0618 Television government officials listing 13: 0105 Saudi Arabia 11: 0379 instability 13: 0001, 0105 Thant, U international aid 12: 0425 general 17: 0659 Iraq relations 3: 0770; 4: 0831; 13: 0001 Yemen role 17: 0482; 18: 0142, 0324, Israel border violence 12: 0459–0741, 0405 0825; 13: 0105 Travel and tourism Israel relations 4: 0050; 12: 0741; Cyprus, U.S. diplomats 2: 0120 13: 0105 Saudi-UAR 11: 0001 JFK statements 13: 0105 Treaties and conventions Jordan relations 12: 0243, 0618 Afghanistan-China 1: 0155 military coup 12: 0177, 0243; 13: 0001, Arab-Israel 4: 0734 0105; 14: 0001 Bagdad Pact 6: 0144 Nasser rhetoric 12: 0741, 0825 Iran-USSR 3: 0030 political conditions 12: 0096, 0425, Yemen 17: 0001 0618, 0741, 0825, 0917; 13: 0105 see also Limited Test Ban Treaty prisoners exchange 4: 0579 Trials recognition 12: 0243, 0344; 13: 0001 Turkey government officials 13: 0184 reunification of UAR 12: 0741 Turkey, U.S. citizens 13: 0450 Turkey relations. 12: 0243 Tribes U.S. aid 12: 0344, 0459, 0825; 13: 0001 see under Minority groups U.S. embassy improprieties 12: 0917 Tunisia U.S. Navy visit 12: 0177 14: 0526 UAR relations 6: 0001; 12: 0177, 0741, Turkes, Alpaslan 0825, 0917; 13: 0001; 14: 0001, 13: 0258 0409 Turkey UNTSO role 12: 0459, 0618; 13: 0105 Arab relations 13: 0605 USSR relations 12: 0243, 0344, 0459, Asia relations 13: 0605 0618 cabinet 13: 0258, 0352 water sharing 12: 0459–0741 cadets uprising 13: 0352, 0605 Yemen coup 12: 0825 civil-military relations 13: 0184, 0258, Takla, Philippe 0352 5: 0812; 6: 0066 Cypriots relations 1: 0817, 0904, 0931; Tal, Wasfi 2: 0001, 0028, 0125, 0165, 0182; 5: 0001, 0102, 0212 13: 0605 Talbot, Phillips economic conditions 13: 0184, 0352 4: 0269, 0966; 18: 0142 economic policy 13: 0184, 0450, 0717 Taylor, Maxwell D. elections 13: 0184, 0258 9: 0001

70 European Economic Community Iran threat 2: 0224, 0289 13: 0450 Iraq relations 3: 0304, 0437, 0584, 0684; executions 13: 0184 5: 0658 France relations 13: 0352, 0717 Jordan relations 5: 0102, 0419 government policies 13: 0450 Kurds aid 15: 0095 Greece relations 2: 0001, 0028, 0125 Lebanon relations 5: 0812, 0868 international aid 13: 0184, 0605 Middle East policy 6: 0066 international assistance 13: 0717 nuclear tests resumption 2: 0309 Iran relations 3: 0235, 0267 oil exploration 5: 0212 Iraq relations 13: 0450 Pakistan relations 7: 0343; 9: 0001, JFK remarks 13: 0352, 0717 0112, 0560 NATO role 13: 0258, 0605 Syria recognition 12: 0243 political conditions 3: 0103; 13: 0184, Turkey relations 13: 0450 0258, 0352, 0605 U.S. relations 3: 0267; 4: 0966; 9: 0001 Syria relations 12: 0243 UAR relations 14: 0260, 0664; 15: 0001, trials 13: 0184, 0450 0358 UAR relations 13: 0605 Yemen relations 17: 0333; 18: 0001, U.S. economic relations 13: 0184, 0258, 0553 0352, 0605 United Arab Republic (UAR) U.S. military aid 13: 0258, 0352, 0605, Abu Simbel 14: 0001 0717 Africa relations 13: 0826l 14: 0260 U.S. bases 13: 0717 Ben Bella, Ahmed 15: 0095 USSR relations 13: 0184, 0450 Algeria war 15: 0358 U.S. Agency for International Arab relations 6: 0066; 13: 0001, 0826 Development Aswan High Dam 14: 0001, 0104, 0409; Yemen projects 16: 0235 15: 0001, 0095, 0358, 0854 U.S. citizens abroad Berlin crisis 14: 0001 Cyprus 2: 0068 Bowles, Chester, visit 15: 0603 Iran evacuation 2: 0224 civil aviation 14: 0526 Turkey trials 13: 0450 conference 14: 0526 U.S. Navy Congo civil war 13: 0826; 15: 0493 Indian Ocean deployment 9: 0112 cotton 14: 0260, 0409; 15: 0358 Lebanon visit 5: 0868; 12: 0177 Cuba relations 15: 0536 U.S. Operations Mission Cuban missile crisis 13: 0826; 14: 0773; 6: 0420 15: 0678 UAR economic conditions 14: 0409, 0260; see United Arab Republic 15: 0629 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics educational exchanges 15: 0001 (USSR) federation 15: 0001, 0095, 0219; Afghanistan relations 1: 0018, 0039, 18: 0324 0155, 0264, 0408; 7: 0001 France diplomats arrest 14: 0104, 0260 anti-Nasser campaign 12: 0741 France military aircraft sales 11: 0061 Cyprus air route 1: 0869 FRG aid 4: 0502; 15: 0095 India military aid 7: 0106 gas warfare 15: 0219; 17: 0700; Iran relations 2: 0344, 0389, 0675, 0777; 18: 0001 3: 0030, 0103, 0267

71 United Arab Republic (UAR) cont. USSR relations 13: 0826; 14: 0260; grain storage 14: 0001 15: 0001, 0095, 0358 IMF stabilization 14: 0104, 0260, 0409; Yemen disengagement 11: 0493–0798; 15: 0358 12: 0001; 14: 0773; 15: 0219, 0358, international aid 14: 0104 0678–0758; 16: 0549, 0712; Iraq relations 3: 0437 17: 0001–0700; 18: 0001–0931 Israel arms race 4: 0334, 0341, 0416, Yemen engagement 5: 0102; 11: 0147, 0925; 14: 0001, 0664; 16: 0001– 0255; 14: 0773; 15: 0219, 0358, 0134, 0712 0678–0758; 16: 0156–0712; Israel espionage 4: 0966 17: 0230, 0591–0700; 18: 0001, Kennedy, Jacqueline 14: 0104 0142 JFK, press criticism 14: 0104 United Kingdom (UK) Jordan unrest 5: 0299 Aden policy 17: 0230 Lodge, Henry, visit 15: 0493 Kuwait relations 5: 0508, 0600, 0658 military policy 14: 0664 Saudi relations 12: 0096 missiles 4: 0416, 0791, 0885; 15: 0001 UAR relations 14: 0409 monuments preservation 14: 0001, 0104, Yemen relations 16: 0235, 0712; 0409; 15: 0001, 0095, 0358, 0854 17: 0131; 18: 0001, 0324, 0405, nationalization 14: 0104 0553 nonaligned states and 14: 0104 United Nations (UN) nuclear program, Israel 4: 0108; Arab-Israeli talks 12: 0741 13: 0826 China admission 6: 0515, 0686, 0797 police training 14: 0409 Congo force 2: 0855; 15: 0493 political reforms 14: 0773 India-Pakistan dispute 6: 0797; 7: 0001, propaganda 5:0102; 15: 0001 0106; 9: 0298 refugees resettlement 10: 0001, 0250– Iraq-Kuwait issue 5: 0508, 0600 0669; 14: 0001 Israel-Syria violence 4: 0612, 0650, rocket firings 14: 0001, 0260, 0664 0683 Saudi attacks 11: 0255, 0584, 0684; Palestinian issue 4: 0269, 0734, 0791, 12: 0001; 14: 0773; 15: 0001, 0219, 0925; 10: 0001, 0250–0669; 15: 0358, 0716, 0758; 16: 0549; 17: 0536 0482–0700; 18: 0142, 0324, 0654 peacekeeping 4: 0269 Saudi pilots 11: 0147 Syria membership 12: 0344 Saudi relations 10: 0857; 11: 0001, Syria-Israel incidents 12: 0459, 0618 0061; 12: 0096; 16: 0235; 18: 0142 Yemen observers 11: 0584–0798; Syria relations 6: 0001; 12: 0177, 0243, 12: 0001; 16: 0549; 17: 0131, 0482, 0741, 0825, 0917; 13: 0001; 0659, 0700; 18: 0001–0732 14: 0001, 0409, 0664 United Nations Relief and Works Agency treaty ratification 16: 0134 10: 0001; 15: 0001 Turkey relations 13: 0605 United Nations Truce Supervision U.S. aid 13: 0826; 14: 0001– 0409, Organization (UNTSO) 0664, 0773; 15: 0095, 0358, 0603 commander appointment 5: 0102 U.S. missile purchase 15: 0001 general 5: 0419 UAR military strength 4: 0925 UK relations 14: 0409

72 powers 4: 0650, 0683 see also Insurgency Syria operations 12: 0459, 0618; see also Prisoners of war 13: 0105 Water supply and use United Nations Yemen Observation Jordan River sharing 3: 0914; 4: 0579, Mission 0857; 5: 0001, 0419, 0812; 12: 14: 0773; 15: 0219, 0358; 17: 0659, 0459–0741 0700; 18: 0001–0553 Weitz-Hettelsater Engineers United Press International 14: 0001 9: 0112 West Bank UNRWA border restrictions 5: 0102 see United Nations Relief and Works demonstrations 5: 0299 Agency see also Jerusalem UNTSO Wheat see United Nations Truce Supervision 13: 0184 Organization Williams, G. Mennen UNYOM UAR visit 15: 0001 see United Nations Yemen Observation Wilson, Christy Mission 1: 0608, 0665 Usakligil, Bulend Winant, Peter 13: 0352 1: 0608, 0665 U.S. Military Training Mission to Saudi World Bank Arabia 2: 0500; 3: 0001 operations 11: 0379; 12: 0001 Yamani, Ahmad Zaki stationing negotiations 11: 0036 10: 0901 USSR Yemen Arab Republic see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Aden relations 16: 0712; 17: 0230, 0333 Violence civil war 16: 0341–0712; 17: 0001– see Homicide 0700; 18: 0001–0931 Voice of America executions 16: 0341 1: 0786–0817, 0885, 0931; 2: 0182 international recognition 16: 0235 Von Horn, Carl C. JFK staff meeting 18: 0931 Yemen role 4: 0080; 12: 0618; 17: 0482, military coup 5: 0102; 11: 0147, 0255, 0659, 0700; 18: 0142, 0324 0379; 12: 0825; 17: 0131 Wahba, Hafez oil exploration 16: 0341 17: 0591 political conditions 16: 0341, 0549; War 18: 0142, 0405, 0553 Algeria-France 14: 0104; 15: 0358 Saudi military aid 17: 0482–0700; China-India 7: 0492, 0621; 8: 0001; 18: 0001, 0142 9: 0887 Saudi relations 5: 0212; 16: 0341 UAR-Saudi 14: 0773; 15: 0001, 0219, tribal relations 16: 0549; 18: 0142 0358, 0678–0758; 16: 0549; U.S. economic aid 16: 0235; 17: 0333, 17: 0482–0700; 18: 0142, 0324, 0482; 18: 0001, 0553 0654 U.S. recognition 5: 0212; 11: 0798; see also Border conflicts 16: 0341–0712; 17: 0001 see also Civil war see also Cold War

73 Yemen Arab Republic cont. Yusuf, Mohammed UAR military engagement 16: 0156, 1: 0114, 0145, 0155 0235, 0341, 0434, 0712; 17: 0591– Zahir Shah, Mohammed 0700; 18: 0001–0405 general 1: 0114; 2: 0675 UAR-Saudi disengagement 11: 0493– JFK communications 1: 0264, 0515 0798; 12: 0001; 18: 0142, 0553 power consolidation 1: 0155 UAR federation 18: 0324 ruling style 1: 0408 UK relations 16: 0712; 17: 0131, 0230; Rusk, Dean, meeting 1: 0264 18: 0001, 0324, 0405, 0553 U.S. visit 1: 0155, 0264, 0489 UN mediation 17: 0230, 0333; 18: 0654, Zahir, Abdul 0732 1: 0155 UN observers 11: 0584–0798; 12: 0001; Zare I 17: 0482, 0659, 0700; 18: 0001, 6: 0066 0142, 0324, 0405, 0553 USSR relations 17: 0333; 18: 0001, 0553 Yugoslavia conference 14: 0526 Syria coup 12: 0243 Yemen observers 18: 0001, 0405


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Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, Lebanon, 1960–January 1963

UPA Collections from LexisNexis® http://academic.lexisnexis.com/

fter years of failure in its attempt to resettle Palestinian refugees, the United Nations in 1962 sent Special ARepresentative Joseph E. Johnson to the Middle East to lay the groundwork for an agreement among Israel, Jordan, Syria, and the United Arab Republic. Johnson devised a plan that would allow refugees to indicate a preference for repatriation inside Israel or resettlement in Arab countries or elsewhere. Israel feared that most of the refugees would indicate a preference for repatriation, even as U.S. officials reassured them that only a fraction of the refugees would in fact return to live permanently in Israel. Israel refused to budge. The Johnson plan generated intense policy debates within the Kennedy administration, with some officials urging withdrawal of support for the plan because of Israel’s rejection of it, while Dean Rusk and others urged President Kennedy to maintain at least private support for it in communications with Arab leaders, and in the United Nations.

This is just one of the many highly interesting and important issues covered by documents in the UPA collection The John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961–1963, Middle East: First Supplement. The collection contains hundreds of recently released documents on national security issues in the Middle East, as well as on the Kennedy administration's efforts both to respond to these developments and to help shape them. The collection includes substantial material on a variety of political, economic, and social topics including Arab-Israeli relations, border conflicts, political conditions, opposition groups, government changes, military coups, arms trade, water sharing, Palestinian refugees, the role of the UN in mediating disputes, cold war politics, domestic Communist activity, economic policy, national planning, U.S. relations, and U.S. economic and military assistance.

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