Organizational Behavior Program

PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCH DOCUMENTS - 1960 and 1961 ANDREWS. F. 1904 1630 A Study of Company Sponsored Foundations. New York: Russell Sage Founda• tion, I960, 86 pp.

1844 (See Pelz 1844)

Mr. Frank Andrews has contributed substantially to a series of reports con• cerning the performance of scientific and technical personnel. Since these reports constitute an integrated series, they are all listed and described together under the name of the principle author, Dr. Donald C. Pelz, p. 4.


1604 A new look at the new leisure. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1960, 4 (4), 446-467.

1620 (With Platz, A.) Productivity of American psychologists: Quantity versus quality. American Psychologist, 1960, 15 (5), 310-312.

1696 A Durkheimian approach to some temporal problems of leisure. Paper read at the Convention of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August I960, New York, 16 pp., mimeo.


1690R (With Patchen, M.) Factors determining first-line supervision at the Dobeckmun Company, Report II, , 43 pp., mimeo.

1803R Tabulated agency responses: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. , 242 pp., mimeo.

1872 Some aspects of affiliative behavior in work groups. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan, .

1847 Some aspects of affiliative behavior in work groups. .Abstract of doctoral dissertation, January 1962, 3 pp., mimeo.

Study of life insurance agents and agencies: Methods. Report I, , 11 pp., mimeo.

Insurance agents and agency management: Descriptive summary. Report II, December 1961, 41 pp.., typescript.

Plus a few documents from 1962.

NOTE: Some items have not been issued ISR publication numbers. These are either (a) not yet in final published form, or (b) working documents and papers not for publication. BOWERS, D. (Con't)

Study of life insurance agencies: A model of managerial performance. Report III, , 69 pp., ditto.

Self esteem and the diffusion of leadership style. Technical Note to the Air Force, March 1962, 15 pp., ditto.


1770R (See Patchen 1770R)


1750R (With Tannenbaum) The adaptability of older workers to technological change , 106 pp., mimeo.


1715R (See Slesinger 1715R)

(With Slesinger) Key role incompetence: Studies of disruptive behavior in social and personal organizations. February 1962, 35 pp., ditto.

(See Slesinger, un-numbered document)

(See Slesinger, un-numbered document)


1539 (See Seashore 1539)

1633 (See Seashore 1633)

1674 (With Becker, B. and Beeuwkes, A.) Comprehensive review, analysis and eval• uation of the English language literature of the pertinent studies and methodologies used to obtain the dietary intake and eating patterns of individual adults. The University of Michigan, , 162 pp.

1724 Organization size and member participation. Unpublished doctoral disser• tation, The University of Michigan, January 1961.

1725 Organization size and member participation. Abstract of doctoral disser• tation, The University of Michigan, January 1961, 3 pp., mimeo.

1811 Organization size and member participation. Paper read at the American Psychological Association, New York, September 1961, 16 pp., mimeo. -3-

1845R (With Seashore) Effects of organization size on member attitudes and be• havior. Part I (36 pp), Part II (42 pp), , 82 pp., mimeo.

1859 (With Georgopoulos and Seashore) Superior-subordinate relationships and performance. Personnel Psychology, Winter 1961, 14 (4), 357-374.


Membership survey workbook. Prepared for the League of Women Voters of the United States, 1961, 456 pp., ditto.


1580 Absence and employee feelings about fair treatment. Personnel Psychology, 1960, 13 (3), 349-360.

Review of Purcell, Theodore V. Blue Collar Man: Patterns of Dual Allegiance in Industry. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960. Journal of the American Statistical Association, , 56_ (294), 462-463.

1621 A conceptual framework and some empirical data regarding comparisons of social rewards. Sociometry, June 1961, 24 (2), 136-156.

1679R Supervisory methods, group standards, and performance at the Dobeckmun Company. Report I, , 47 pp., mimeo.

1690R (See Bowers 1690 R)

1680 Mobility chances and the choice of wage comparisons. 1960, 29 pp., mimeo.

1770R (With Eckerman, W.) Some dealership characteristics related to change in new car sales volume. June 1961, 90 pp., mimeo.

1839 The Choice of Wage Comparisons. Englewood Cliffs, : Prentice- Hall, 1961. (Ford Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Series, 1960 award winner.)

1846 (With Stotland, E.) Identification and changes in prejudice in authoritar• ianism. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961,

Alternative questionnaire approaches to the measurement of influence in organizations. Technical Note to the , March 1962, ditto.

Supervisory methods and group performance norms. Technical Note to the United States Air Force, March 1962, 36 pp., mimeo. PELZ, D, C.

1530 Interaction and attitudes between scientists and the auxiliary staff: II. Viewpoint of scientists. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1960, 4 (4) 410-425.

1588R Uncertainty and anxiety in scientific performance. , 53 pp., mimeo.

1844 (With Andrews, F.) The SRC computer program for multivariate analysis: Some uses and limitations. September 1961, 46 pp., mimeo.

Self-determination and self-motivation in relation to performance: A study of interaction effects. January 1962, 21 pp., mimeo.

1741 Pelz, D. C. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (first set in a series) : No_. 1, Some properties of the measures of scientific output; No. 2, Intensity of work motivation, as related to output; No. 3, Technical competition and secrecy, as related to output; No. 4, Congruence between personal and organizational values, as related to output; No. 5, Satisfaction with the work situation, as related to out• put; No .• 6, The scientists's self-image as related to output. January 1961, 1-71, ditto.

1825 Andrews, F. M. and Pelz, D. C. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't.): No. 7, Dimensions of organizational atmosphere (Andrews and Pelz); No. 8, An exploration of scientists' motives (Andrews). , 72-113, mimeo.

1826 Pelz, D. C. and Andrews, F. M.) Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't.): No. 9, Organizational atmosphere, as related to types of motives and levels of output (Pelz and Andrews); No. 10, How motives relate to three kinds of output, in various types of labora• tories (Pelz and Andrews); No. 11, Logarithmic transformation of out• put of scientific products (Andrews). , 114-170, mimeo. and ditto.

1827 Pelz, D. C. and Andrews, F. M. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't.): No. 12, Similarity to five colleagues and rate of communication with them, as related to output (Pelz); No. 13, The re• lation of selected pairs of motives to three kinds of output in various kinds of laboratories (Andrews). July 1961, 171-209, mimeo. and ditto.

Andrews, F. M. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't.): No. 14, The scientist and his administrative chief: Communication, autonomy, influence, and scientific performance. January 1962, 210-236, mimeo. and ditto.

Andrews, F. M. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't): No. 15, Contributions of colleagues to a scientist's performance. January 1962, 237-255, mimeo. and ditto. -5-

PELZ, D.C. (Con't.)

Pelz, D. C. Analysis memos from study of scientific personnel (con't.): No. 16, Adjustment of performance measures to hold constant some back• ground factors. January 1962, 256-297, mimeo. and litho. -


1539 (With Indik, B. and Georgopoulos, B.) Relationships among criteria of job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1960, 44 (3), 195-202.

1732 Review of John M. Pfiffner and Frank P. Sherwood. Administrative Organi• zation. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1960. Personnel, January-February, 1961, 87-88.

1733 Review of Bernard M. Bass. Leadership, Psychology, and_Organizational Behavior. New York: Harper 6c Brothers, 1960. Personnel Psychology, Winter 1960, 13, 459-461.

1845R (See Indik 1845R)

1633 (With Georgopoulos, B. and Indik, B.) Some models of organizational effec' tiveness. , 70 pp., mimeo.

1859 (See Indik 1859)

Communications and decision processes as determinants of organizational effectiveness. Technical Report to the United States Air Force, March 1962, 102 pp., ditto and multi.


1782 Autism, realism, and system balance in a student group. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan, 1961.


1670 Personnel adaptations in the federal junior management assistant program. Abstract of doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan, , 4 pp., mimeo.

1671 Personnel adaptations in the federal junior management assistant program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan, June 1960.

1715R (With Harburg, E.) Leadership and organizational effectiveness study of West Virginia Pulp and Paper. , 79 pp., mimeo.

(With Harburg, E.) Adaptations to the stresses of change in a complex or• ganization. February 1962, 24 pp., ditto. SLESINGER, J. (Con't.)

(See Harburg} un-numbered document)

(With Harburg, E.) The management of executive stress in complex organiza• tions. January 1962, 12 pp., mimeo.


1534 La participation aux activites syndicales. Sociologie du Travail, May-June 1960, 2, 141-150.

1535 The application of social research in industry (L1Applicazione Delia Ricera Sociale Nell'Industria). Quaderni di Sociologia, Autumn 1960, 38, 227-239 (translated into Italian by Gian L. Bravo).

1750R (See Grenholm 1750R)

1777 Union Management Dyads. Review of Milton Derber, W. E. Ellison Chalmers, and R. Stagner, with the cooperation of M. Edelman. The Local Union- Management Relationship. Urbana, 111.: Institute of Labor and Indus• trial Relations, University of , 1960. Contemporary Psychology, May 1961, 6 (5), 171-172.

1802 Control and effectiveness in a voluntary organization. The American Journal of Sociology, July 1961, 67 (1), 33-46.

1883 Reactions of members of voluntary groups: A logarithmic function of size of group. Psychological Reports, 1962, 10, 113-114.

An event-structure approach to power and the problem of power comparability. Submitted to Behavioral Science, 1962, 39 pp., mimeo.

The adaptability of older workers to technological change: Performance in retraining. Paper read at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Copenhagen, , and also at the International Congress of Mental Health, , August 1961.