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3-1962 The aG zette March 1962 Langston University

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Langston University S t u c U n t ^

Information released by the office In Sixty-fiftli Year of the Registrar regarding scholastic ascrages for the first semester, 1961- Activities celebrating the six'" 62, lists five stuilcnts who earned fifth anniversary of the founding four point averages in all subjects Office of the President of Kingston University was held on yielding grade (x)ints: Godfrey Ek- the campus . Hundreds wemc, freshman in chemistry, from Dear Laiij;stonitc: of alumni, former students and Yaba, Nigeria; Barbara Foster, sen­ friends attended the affair. ior in chemistry, from Kansas City, I'uiiiulcr's Day reminded us of I'he program was focuscd on the Missouri; Stewart Gilbert, freshman our rich heritage and the debt wc nation wide observance of the Cen­ in biology, from Tulsa, Oklahoma; owe to those who have gone lx;fore. tennial of the I^ng-(Jrant College ('lara Patmon, sophomore in chem­ The picture of )ohn Nl. Kingston, Act which established the land-grant istry, Ciuthrie, Oklahoma; and Lil­ for whom our institution was nam- colleges and universities of the na­ lian Williams, junior in Engilsh, eii, hangs in tiie lover of the Audi­ tion. from Haskell, Oklahoma. torium. The good works that he Founders Day activities began The five students will be award­ did sliould remain ever in our with worship services at 10 a. m. ed keys by the Women's Council hearts. in the L W. Young Memorial Aud­ for having maintained the highest )ohn Mercer I^ingston was a sym­ itorium. The speaker was Dr. F. averages. bol of the highest ty[X' of education­ D. Moon of the class of 1929, well al leadership. He attended Oberlin known eilucator, civic leader and Women's Council to Honor Students with "B" Average ('ollege and was a member of the churchman. The address was deliv­ class of 1846. I'or eleven years he ered by Dr. John Taylor Williams, and Above was a memlx'r of the Hoard of Ed­ President of Maryland State College, Students making a “B” average ucation of the City of Oberlin. He Princess Anne, Maryland. Dr. Will, or above the first semester ](/u -k )62 also practiced law in the city for iams of the class of 1928, has the will Ix; honored by the Women's many years, and was twice a mem­ distinction of being one of the Lang­ Council, April 29, 1962. Their ber of the city council. He served ston Alumni who head land-grant names, classification, and home town as Consul-general to the Republic colleges. are listed as follows: Nancy C. Abram, Senior, Ard­ of Haiti, and was elected to the Distinguished Alumni Awards more. Oklahoma; Frankie Alford, United States Congress from the were presented to Dr. F. D. Moon, Senior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; State of Virginia. Dr. lohn Taylor W illiams and An­ Clara Anderson, Junior, Mc.Mester, [ohn Mercer Langston’s deep in­ tonio Fuhr. Dr. Lazarette Hale, Di­ Oklahoma; Clyde Anderson, Junior, terest in the education of his race rector of the Langston University Beggs, Oklahoma; Prins Ella An­ is evidenced by the many positions Development Foundation gave a re- derson, Junior, Choctaw, Oklahoma! of leadership which he accepted in |X)rt on the work of the Foundation. Verlean Asfaw, Senior, l^angston, conncction with it. At one time he The final event of the day was Oklahoma; Charles Atkinson, Jun­ supervised the schooling of Negro the presentation of an operetta, ior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; De. youth in Ohio; at another time he "Down in the \'alley,” directed by loris Berry, Junior, Atlanta, Texas; was inspcctor-gencral of the freed- Donald E. Barrett of the Depart­ Valletta Bobo, Freshman, Oklaho­ men’s schools. He was the first dean ment of Music, and Mrs. Mo\ie ma City, Oklahoma; Robert Brazel- of the Harvard University Law Weaver King, Department of Eng­ School and for a time served as ton, Senior, Detroit, Michigan; Flor­ lish and Modern Language. Stewart Gilbert Clara Louis* Patmon acting president of the newly es­ ence Brooks, junior, Tulsa, Okla­ tablished university. loiter in he Ix:- homa; Brenda Burrell, Freshman, Fuhr, Senior, Ardmore, Oklahoma; came president of the Virginia Career Day Conference Bolye, Oklahoma; Bcuv Caniiad), Ruben Funderburk, Junior McAics- Normal and Collegiate Institute, Senior, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Joan ter, Oklahoma; Mary Gaines, Fresh­ now know as \'irginia State Col­ May 5, 1962 Clayton, Freshman, .McAlester, Ok­ man, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Stewart lahoma; Laura Cole, Freshman, Tul­ ic,I’e. President William H. Hale an­ Gilbert, Freshman, Tulsa, Oklaho­ Txt us not forget our heritage sa, Oklahoma; Norma Cole, Junior, ma; Willia Etta Gist, Senior, Tulsa, nounced that a Career Conference Slick, Oklahoma; John K. Coleman, nnd strive always to see that our will Ix; held at Langston University, Oklahoma; Leonard Grant, Senior, Freshman, Holey, Oklahoma; Nfal- school is just a little Ix'tter bccause May 5, 1962. Mrs. Charles L. Ben­ Sand Springs; Norman Green, we as students or teachers passed colm Coleman, Sophomore, Boley. Freshman, Boley, Oklahoma; Mel- nett, Managaing Editor, Tlie Daily Oklahoma; Charlesetta Collins, Sen­ this way. Oklahoman-Oklahoma City Times, vetta Harjier, Sophomore, Haskell, ior, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Be Etta Sincerely yours, will be the guest sjieaker. Oklahoma; Martha Harris, Junior, Combs, Freshman, Clcarview, Okla­ McAlester, Oklahoma; Evelyn Hat- William' H. Hale Commencement Exercises, May homa; May me Crawford, Senior President 27, 1962. horn, Senior, Guthrie, Oklahoma; Sand Springs, Oklahoma; Anetha Carole Hebert, Sophomore, Lang­ Cullors, Junior. Sapulpa. Oklahoma; ston, Oklahoma; Mary E. Hender­ Don Daniels. Senior, Lublx)ck, son, Senior, Lawton, Oklahoma; w w Texas; Wanda Davis, Junior, Okla­ Mary J. Henderson, Senior, Lul> It \l Dr. Daniel W . Wynn Was Speaker Here homa City, Oklahoma; Waymon bock, Texas; William Henderson, \ D tvIs, Freshman, Oklahoma City, Junior, Lawton, Oklahoma; Vern- i »" Oklahoma; Percy Dedrick, Junior, '1 SI li Hattisbago, Mississippi; Gwendolyn Continued on Page Two Dinwiddie. Senior, Spencer, Okla. Lillian Marie Wiliams homa; Willie Dixon. Freshman, Ok­ lahoma City, Oklahoma; Juanicez- NHA Rally Sef Science and Life Week etta Doster, Senior, Boley, Oklaho­ April 2-4, 1962 ma; Alfonso Drain, Sophomore, For Tatums. Oklahoma; I.orine Dubose, The Biology Club's student plan­ Fresman, Oklahoma City, Oklaho­ The Oklahoma Association New ning committee announces plans for ma City, Oklahoma; Godfrey Ek- Homemakers of Amcrica will hold its First Annual Scicnce and Life wucme. Freshman. Yaba. Nigeria; its .‘\nnual State R.illy at Langston Week program. This affair will be Minnie Enulish, Senior, Tuls'a. Ok­ University on March 24, 1962. The held April 2-4, 1962. The theme for lahoma; Carl Fileds, Freshman, program this year will be based on this series is “Our Dynamic Role Mounds, Oklahoma; Jewel Fisher, Gates and Doorways for NHA. It in a Changing Society.” Senior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; will be a focus on New Homemak­ Dr. Walter R. Hearn, noted Bicv- Barbara Foster, Senior, Kansas ers of Tomorrow become today. The Chemist and Lecturer from Iowa State University, will lie guest lec­ Left to right— Dr. John W . Coleman, Director of Religious Activities, City, Missouri; Thesis Franks, Sen­ State President, Hazel Faye Bell, Dr. Daniel W . Wynn, Chaplain of Tuskegee Institute, and Dr. William ior, Ardmore, Oklahoma; Sandra from Harris, Oklahoma and other turer. Dr. Lavell Henderson, De­ Henri Hale, President of Langston University. state officers will be in charge of partment Head at Oklahoma State the program. University, and Dr. James Harlow, Daniel W. Wynn, Chaplain of C. Paz, ; The Reverend Parent’s Day Special features of the program in­ of Oklahoma University, will also Tuskegee Institute, native of Okla­ Kelly, S. J., St. Mary’s Kansas; The clude greetings from Dr. illiam present lectures. homa and an alumnus of Langston Reverend James T. Goode, Oklaho­ April 29, 1962 H. Hale, President of Langston Plans arc being finalized by our University, lectured to the students ma City; The Reverend David S. University and an Address “Home conimittee. The affair promises to during Religious Emphasis Week. Shields, Oklahoma City, The Rever­ Langston University will observe Is Where You Hang Your Heart,” be very informative, inspirational, “The Good Life: Its Attainment, end Joe Edwards, O klahoma City, its annual Parents’ Day, Sunday, by Dr. Charlyce King, Assistant and educational. For a hint as to Its Interpretation, and Its Joys.” He The Reverend J. Castina Jackson; April 29, honoring parents of stu­ Professor, School of Home Econom the type of lectures that will be giv­ The tdpic for religious week was The Reverend John Le Smith, Ot­ dents attending the U liversity. The ics. University of Oklahoma, Nor­ en, Dr. Hearn will ex{x>und on his also participated in REW at Okla­ tawa, Kansas; The Reverend D. Rev. Ben C. Hill will be the guest man. theory of the Scientific Creation of homa State University. Leon Everett, III, Houston, Texas; speaker for the 10:00 worship serv­ The afternoon program^ includes Life at our initial convocation. Dr. Wynn is an ordained minister Dr. Phil Fife, a Christian layman, ice, (I.W. Young Auditorium). The a movie “Young Doctors,” Starring Don’t miss this event!!! of the Methodist Church and is a Guthrie, Oklahoma; Reverend activities for the day will liegin ar Frederick March, Ben Gazzard, and The members of the planning contributor to a diversity of regional Green, and Mrs. S. G. Washington 8:^0 a. m. with coffee for the par­ Tna Balin. A social will follow the committee are: W'm. Gerald Hen­ and national publications. of l^ngston and I^^ngston Univer­ ents who arrive early. Dinner will movie with music furnished by derson, chairman; Rodney Simon, Other leaders and consultants par­ sity. be served at i;oo p.m. Langston University Combo. The Violet Powell, Mattyella Roque- ticipating in the week’s activities The Senior Choir of the First The afternoon program includes newly elected officers will be in­ more, Ed Randolph, Donald Dun­ were: The Reverend Kenneth Earl Baptist Church, Tulsa, presented the awarding of honors to the stu­ stalled at the State Meeting. Kather­ can, and Josephine Thomas. Henry, Jarvis College, Hawkins, “The Spech of Angeles,” a concert dents who earned an average of ine Borders, Lawton, is the newly Reporters, Wm. Henderson and Texas; Dr. Wesley J. Fuerst, Jose of religious music. “B” or above for the first semester. elected president. Rodney Simon LANGSTON UNlVBRSil f GAZE!TE MARCH, 1962

LANGSTON Ij NIVESITY GAZETTE Peace Corp Sum-Up University Men A New Life Dorm Council .A new life was born in Marquess Job Is Being Done Hall on january 17, u)(>2 when the The L niverMty .Men Dormitory Mari]uess I lall council was formed. \ \ear after its ince|>tion, the ( ’ouncil elected the lollowinc ol- The following arc the officers: Presi­ tJ. 'S :f<1 t < ' • United Stalls ('orjis has al- fuers lor the year: President, Rob­ dent, (^(Mlfrey I'.kwueme; Carl 'ij-'l'a F,.'.', ino'.t (mio volunteers vvorking o\er- ert L. Phillips, senior, Wewoka; I'ileds. \ ’ice President; Secretary, M l , ■ V, “ ■ r j, I ! an \\ ; am- with .inotlier 2o(i uig at Vice i’resuient, Willie Mi Kissie, Steward Ix'c (lilliert; .Assistant Sec­ R f U-va:. luiiiie and some i''.ij(jo aplic.itions sophomore, Meniphis, "rennessee; retary, lames Oitton; Treasurer, ! • ' B’." ■ Sar" M - ■: It lias not had the unqu.ilitieil Secretar\, \\'illie 1 hirte, senior, Ard­ |ohn Coleman; Parliamentarian, P .d Ip' M a.A-' success some predicted lor it, more; .Assistant Secretarv, (Hyde Winford Willie; ('ha ilain, ('harles V . 'an , but neillitr has it been the cat.istro Mar LaF!;'hic taihirc that others teared it A. C. Pti'i'''' C. D. Ba? h'v ' ( larence Tunlev, senior, Okmulgee; Brown; Sgt at arms, Kenneth Will­ woiilil k-. Rather, it has esiablished Sgt. at-arms. ( Ulell N’athani .1, sen­ iams, ('leorge Brown, Clay and Gene itself as an eltective lorce loi in- ior, .Memphis, Tennessee and Roy Batson. tcrn.uuMial gnod uill. Tluirston, sopliomore. .\rdniore; These are among conclusions to The council's aim is to make Mar­ PA G ro up AIR FORCE OFFERS Parliamentarian, I^ircnzo Crant, line's Hall .T model men’s dormitory bi- drau'ii Irom an article in the COMMISSIONS TO .senior, Sand Springs; Song Leader, where students live like brothers and ' .'-Ml. A 'j.u is (;rou|i six.ii Nfarch Rc.ider's [digest describing I' Scott, sophomore. Muskogee, COLLEGE GRADS “'Fhe Peace ('orps—(hie matured gentlemen. To accomplish : I >■ M. II. 'I'olson, h,r. ;is and Ch. plain, Rodney Simon, jun­ this aim. the council through its of­ ■ ^ HI,1)111 pui'i'osis tlu' pro- e r.' ■Major I'dimind .\. Lev, ('otn ior, W’ewoka. ficers discourage unnecessary noise ■ . ■ : .iiK .iiu c im 'iii liy .\|(ist clo.selv watched ol all Peace Clarencc I ’unley was apixiinted niander ot the 4oi)th L'S.M- Kecriiit- ('orps |irc)grains is the comiminitv— that might distruh the occupants’ M'. , : n j ill.. '.luik’n is i n l d r n u i l ot cb.iirm.ui ot the Courtesy (!onimit iiiL; I )et.iclimenl in O kl.ihom a ('ity, studies. 'Fhe officers also liclp to see ■\ ■.Mi(, ,111(1 i m i t i r i i a df\(lopiiieiit project ;n ('olumhia. tec, and Willie McKissie, ap- annouiued tiiis wiek vouiij.; that pro |X 'r use of facilities are made. ■■ iM'Ht's .iiul mtni'tncms. L’ nlike other C'orps— men who are [xiinted ch.iirnian of the .Social Com men .iiu! women who ,irc colleue The coui.cil works in coo[x-ration .i.l'.K’.c this (.'iiil the group b.isie.illy te.ichers, ('olumbi.i's (>2 gr.iduates mav applv lor commis mittee. with the dormitory directors Mr. B. s qiii//cs (Ml lUrrciit .ill.iirs. I’Cers are pioneers who work at The ('ouncil encour.iges "good sions thiough the .\ir l'(irce ( 'iiuers Moruan and Mr. R. Masters. iliNi'ii'.Mci)'; (it Mkh lopit's chores that range Irom I’aiilding Tr.niiini: Si liool M.iti limt; housekeeping." Persons receiving .Is I Mstciiti.ilisin .iiiil w'cfkiv tele- ro.uls to teaching sanitation to peo- the cNteiisne r.uige o! -oi's honors are: l .ilisoii I l.irriiiutoii. . !c! I h.l|Kl. j'le \'lio ha\e never seen a flush .i\.iilalile to the .1 ..v',:c Roosevelt N'iveiis; |oe L. |olinsoii. ( i|i S.iiiiiJ.iv. I'( iirii.irv 17. the toilit. and women. t:;e A:: I'.':.;- I'iuis Long. I .irl H.iv. R.ilph News From ^'1'.:;' I \)KTU'IUX'.1 .111 imi-lk' .\iileil by the sup|H>rt of President a w i d e ctii’k'i -i; > u : ' ”.;i; .u u l White. Willie IKiclie (Unit III); ■'i f - Hr. lols(iii s()['kf (HI the tcp .\.llxTto Lleras ('amar^o and of the n o n u ^ I’i’u .il :'.s .is w t l ' .is .1 .Marvin Clark. Thornton Shelton. Sanford Hall 1. "1 ■■ I ’.lUinn (it R:u'i:tl I’rdiiulu’c," powerful ('.itholic ('liurcli, Willie McKissie, and ('oinmodore li( ,1 ! 'Mrt I'l'. ;'u' i.irciT l.ulder of nolunibi.i's C'orpsmen have earni'd S.uiford I lall voung ladies have ’I”'.. Al'i'.'iirs ( irciip is ,if . .':';'.’r:;:ni!ies, Primous. Other voung men on the : VMtl; the ('('I'V , !tu- the trust of the people they work started the .second .semester off with Ti-:. ,:.:h its ('nicer 'I'r.iinin<; .second honor list were: ('larence ('I'uiici! Idr th(.- Tpitr.! \',i with despite ('omiminist charges several projects that they plan to or. S. :'i.'. the .\ir I'orce trains young Tunlev. Hilly Snoddy. R.nniond Hens whiih seek tc I'ropii t; 'I’.’tr;-: that they are- preparing the couii- hit. They are: ( 1) Second F.dition gr.u'.u.ries. I'oth men and .McPiride. Donald loiies, Xorm.ui in ihi' \^■(1rl(l oru.mi.Mti. n trv for sale to the United Stales. of the Sanford Hall Review X’ews- \>. I 'l’C!!. to l>ec(iine com m issioned of- Huft'ord, I'.ugene Pugh, Lecile Bos­ 1)11 FfhriKirv !'■ .i.n ' ! ' P.;:' Hut if the ('orpsnien have proven tic, \\'illiani Anderstni, Robert Phil­ paper will appear Parents' Day, ed­ ■ :.trs. ( ir.idiMtes with a haccalaur- themselves abriKid. thev .ire still con­ lips. .Marcellus \\'ade; Hosea 1 lavnes itor .Margie NN’orley report'. ^2) t.ite or higher degree Ix'tween the troversial heer at home. Opposite : - t . •’ • fi ’ V M;.;: ' i \i (Unit III); .\rchie lones. |ohn Chtick-Wagon Dinner. ( ^) .Sotiho- .1^1 s Ilf ;n' • to 2ii'. years of age at views are epitomi/ed bv Univcrsitv \-- Hates. Pen v Derick. Dewilt Ander- niore Party. (4) Sanford Hall’s tune 'pjiiication m ay ajiplv. ('ol- of Chicago historian D.uiii'l l5oor- i s .son. Fddie West; Roilnev Simon. House Council had a I: _-e s(.niors mav aj'plv 6 m o n t h s stein, who chai.icterizes the ('orps Robert Cudjoe. linimv Williamson, )62 in their remodeled prior to graduatio'i. All applicants as iinother demonslr.ition "I'l both F.\ erett I louse. Orv;in .\ndrews, kitchen to discuss dormitory plans must he citizens of the United States, .\nierican nai\etc :i:iil .irrogance, '.i:rs ( ' r c ’.ip mi-ris \\'ilbert C.iddv (Unit 111); N\'illis for Religious r'tiijihasis Week. meet the physical requirements and ami bv N'ew ^’ork psychologist Mor­ S.iiur'!.i\. In- Warren ( Unit I I ), and .Malvin I lob- .Miss \ ’iolet Powell, our president, successt’iillv cotnplete the written ris Stiiii, who s.i\s: "'niese kids rep­ •iti'! f.iciiliv .Trc attended a State meetiii'^ at Okla­ examination for commissioning. resent sdmerhin-.: nruiv ot us son ( I ’nit II). I . ' . , U I ; I I ’he Dormitory ('ouncil ot Uni- homa St;ite University ol the L.W. The ,\ir Foru Ti.nininu Scliool. thought had disappeared from .-\ versilv Men meets: secoiul Monday S. with the Dean of Women and located at L.ackl.ind .M 'l’i. San .An­ merica—the old frontier spirit." of every month, 7:^)-^^:^’. Uiiiver- Presidents of other women dormi­ tonio. Texas, is thrt.e months in du- IH' director Sargent Shriver read­ sitv Men. .-Viincx. juniors anil Sen tories to sec if .A.N\\S. was for Lang­ Lanqston University Club r.uicm. L’pim successtullv complet- ily admits that mistakes have been iors from the I'nit.s. ston University. in_' it. an api' w ill b e c o m m i s . mailc. but argues: "The tact is O f L A . Celebra+es Second Tuesdav of everv month. The l.ul'i's (-f Sanlord Hall would sinned a .Seci'iid l.ieuten.uit in thi' t’ne proieci works and the job is 'Founder's Day" 7:;o-S:3o, Men of tst floor L'M like to welcome our new matrons, I'nit-d St.ites ,\ir I' !ve and Ix' as- bcin;: done." Mrs. X't'Kon, ni'dit matron and Mrs. si-nid to ,m .\ir T.-'rce unit tor and Sophomores from 'he Units. I1u- \iiini,ii loiiiuliTs l).i\ Strv- Dickerson, swing > latron. (lutv, or tor further technical or Second Thursday of everv month. ur !'i li).' L.iii-stdii (.TMtv ( lliiW Tulsa Arts Festival 7:^0-'':^), Men of 211(1 floor. Reporte .a I', iohnson SuiiiKu-, M.itvh 12 .It 1'ill- flight training. For more inlorma- ’r.i ! \f. I'l^i 'ivt ('hurrh. Rcvcrtnil. tion call collect CF, (''•2^11. F.xt. 210. Publicity Committee STUDENTS WITH "B" AVERAGE Reed, I'-eshman, (!rant, Okl.ihoma; f.. I.. hitc, P.istor. Oklahoma City. Oklaliom.i or write • \ special Children's .Matinee ol to. Com mander. I'SA F RecriiitiiiL: AND ABOVE Fiarb.'a Lee Richardson, M r .'ph D . u i s , n i c m h i T of th e classic hallct numbers belo\ed by Detachment 4'|ii. n o t North Hroad- ('onnniicd I'loni I'ig c ('hic ( )klahoma; I 'i!' .nil! I’u'si.iciit (H tlu- Iiitcrcol- children will he presented by the wav, Okl.ihoma ('itv. Okl.ihoma. on I lickerson. Senior, Langston, I'rnest Richardson, Fresman, Tul­ iiL'i.iir ('m iiuil iiitr(Hhicci.l tlic in.iin Tulsa Civic I'allet, Inc.. starring ()klahoma; .\rinanda llopi;ood, sa, Oklahoma; .Maxine Richardson, spt.ikcr, Mrs. l,(.'ii,i I’lrowii W ork. .MosceKiie Larkin and lelia" and "Swan Freshman. Oklahoma City, ( )klalio- Senior, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Oscar cr.i(hi:m- di' i.;inust()ii rniv(.rsitv ma: F'.verett House. Iunior. Dover. Robinson, )uiiior, Okmulgee, Okla­ iihl l 'n i \ i r s i t \ ' (if a n d Lake" and divertisement. This out Studen+s Advised +o Oklahoma; lulius I luff. Senior. .\l- homa; .Mattyella Roijuemore, Senior, M,ith('m.iti(,'s t(;u'hcr nt Iordan standing event is sponsored bv the Submit SSCQT tus. ()klahoma; I-.llsworth Huling. Okmulgee; 'niornton Shelton, Sen­ 1 IiL;h. Sch(«il. SliL' ;4 a\f a hrici fiis- (iirl Scouts and will take place on Sophomore, Tulsa. ()klahoma; W ill­ ior, Kansas C'ity, Kansas; |aci|uelyn t o r\ (if thi- m iiv c r s itv whii.-h w .is Application Nov/ Saturday. March 24. 2:00 p. ni., at iam Hunt, Freshm;m, Holey, Okla­ Shropshire, .Sophomore, (iuthrie, founded in and tlu- ai'hicvc the Tulsa Municipal Theater. .\pplic;itions lor the .\pril 17, homa; )udy |ones. Senior. Oescent. Oklahoma; Lucil'e Shumate, Sopho­ int'nts ot ilu' outstandir.” students Tne .\\id Dancers are an Israeli 1062 administr.ition of the ('ollege Oklahoma; 1 lelen Kelley. Sopho­ more, Muskouee, Oklahoma; Hen­ of till' ;;ch()ok trouiK of T performers leaturing (,)uahlicaiioii Test are now avail­ more, Claremore, Oklahoma; ry Simms, Sophomore. Haskell, Ok­ Soloist for till' affair was Mrs. Frances .\lenikoff and F'.liezer .\d- Rushella Lawson, Iunior, Tulsa. lahoma; Faylease Smiley, Freshman, ■M ir:;if l-oriii i. ( 'iI u t miisii.-.'il niim able at Selective Service System local oraiii in biblical, oriental, eastern bt'ards throughout the country. Oklahoma; F.artha Lewis. Freshman. .Arcadia. Oklahoma; X’athaniel 1m r< w c T f ui'in I'V the choir. FurofX'and modern Israeli song and i'.ligihle students who intend to Broken How, ()klahom:i; Maxine Smith, I'reshman, Sand Springs, Ok- M r s . (’I(.iii-\,i W ’iltiirii, P r c s i d r n t ol ilancc- numbers. The lewish ('om- t ike this test should apply at once Lewis, Senior, Ikoken Bow, Okhi- loham; P>illy Snoddy. Senior, Clare- the fluh wislv.-s L t.ikc this oppor inunitv C'oiincil .\rt and ('nlture to die nearest Selective Service local homa; Don Linville, Senior. W'eath- more. Oklahoma; Barbara Taylor, tunitv to puhli(.-|y thank ilu- p.istnr. Series is sponsoring this event which bo:ird for an applic.uion bulletin of erford. Oklahoma; ('arrie .Mc('ol- n i c m l n r s o f ilu- c h u r c h a n d I r i i n d s takes place on .(), S:(io p. m., Freshman. Seward. Oklahotna; Al­ intorination. lums. Senior, Ft. Worth, Texas; Pat­ for thi'ir \vond( rtiil rcsnonsr. wliitli at Temple Israel, 22iid Place ami bert ,M. Thompson, [r.. Freshman, sy .Mcl'.lwee. I'reshman, .Muskogee. \\:is niosr ur,itif\inj^. I'ollowing instructions in the bul­ 'i'drktowii Avenue. I'he admission Langston, Oklahoma; I-'.velyn Bibbs Oklahoma; .Alice .Mack. Sophomore. riu' {'oiiiniittci.' rispor.sihlc lor letin. the student should fil! out !iis is free. Thrower, Senior. Langston, Oklaho- •Muskog.e. Oklahoma; I'obhie, this wi'll oreani/cd scr\iii' \\.is loliii application and mail ii immediately Or, Thomas .Anderson represen­ nia;Ruth Tibbs, Freshman. T'ulsa, Freshman. F'alis, Oklaliom.i; Dol- (ii-liain. ('hairnian: h’dw.ird Briici-, in the envelope [irovided to SI'.l.I'.C- tative on the regional committee, Oklahom:i; Menzol.i .Anderson s f r i a m i x i x ena Mack. Freshman. MuskoL;ee, .M.ittic VoiiinT and I-.sthir Piinw.irc. T i \ ' F : \ I ( ' F :.\ . (; stated this is the first arts festival Todd, junior, Oklahoma ('ity, f^k- SI'.CTIOX. Education Testing Serv­ ever heltl in Tulsa and stro’igly Oklahoma; A LaRuth Malov, Sen­ lahonia; Patsy Todd, Iunior, Tulsa, urges its support. The date of the ior. Boley. Oklahoma; Catherine [ ) T o n e . .\ telephone o[K'rator ice, P. O. Box Princeton. New Oklahoma; ('larence Tunley, Senior, Tulsa .\rts Festival is .March iv .Mathenia. Freshman. Broken How, ■inswiTed .1 call from an outdoor fersey. .\[)pIications for the .\pril 17 Okmulgee, Oklahoma; and the offfice is located at no Oklahoma; Sandra Mimtiis, Fresh­ lio o th a n d h e a r d a re


1 ,i stun ' lU'. LT'.itv lias^c'd lut 11 .iiidcii to tliL- university. arships, anti ret.iin S=;.<’''’S for tu-

1-M Its sti'.uiv tliis Hr. .iiul .\lts. i l.ili' si.irttii the tu re use. l'(-- ti' risiij'iu enrollment^ston I'nivcrsity I K v ilo p iiu nt I.xjxnses ol o[H'r.iting tlie fuml ■ ' . .1 . (!• .llv -iu S". 'ru rlltv - I'oiiiul.itioii .1 \ .ij,'d with the since it u'.is establislied in l.iiiu.iry. I \v S t - nri'lli'il icr ilu- ilriMin ()l r.iising liiiids lor pro\i(l li.ive i>een o n U S 2 4 1 , l.irg e ly -.;‘irrc'-t--i .Ui-'rdnii; ic- ('. I). ill:: short ti-rni sttnlctu loans, schol bec.uise .Mrs. I I.lie, I )irector of the r.,!i>l;- i. iu /.sir It. I'lu- I'tirolltm-nt arsliips to high school \ali‘(lii.'tori"'is, Found.ition, worked .is an al­ h'.s . .‘nt;:iiii 1 i(= ilitiih sinci' tfjss an.i^ston stiuUiUs who earned most lullfim e, non paid emplovee ol the fouiiii.ition. ; >r \ \ ' t l l i . i f i i H . I l.iU ’ , I ’r t s i i i i n t .1 str.ii^ht "\" average. 1 1 stdii I niv>'r>iiiv, sci's .1 con llie luiiil has reachei! onlv Sio,- I^epairs and repl.icements .in- be­ |(.l tlu' s. hlU'l .inti js ooo. hut It has lu'l[x»l the iiniversitv ing made on w.iter and waste pip-

‘.K :■ r-V;ini'.I t o l-".lik! It. to match t'ederal funds asailahlc for iiit; and im|'roveil b.ith .ind rest Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jackson. Mr. Jackson is principal of Dunbar High rooms out of the I.ang. School, Okmulgee. \ lu'w m ii'li rn ii-.ulin:; l.iUir.itory. defense education scholarships, set ston received from the legisl.i- fiiri'ii.Mi lit’ ^^^ti.iucs l.iU.r.itorv, .iml iip.i St.i'oo shiall lo.ui rcvolvin fund, tu re million bond issue lor c.UvT ilcAi'loi'mciit ci-ntcr li.ivc .ippropriated S::,2S5 lor tuition .schol- colleges. ( )ilier blind issue funds w ill Ix- used for such \vdrk .is repl.icing two old heating I'oilers and renovating cl.issrooins.

President 1 I.ile hopes ston Universiiv will develop into a comimmitv college with more stii- d e iiis. 1-Kith w h ite and N 'egro. w h o live in surroundini: towns and com- « inute to class. - ^ ^ A Liin^.

The Slate I .rgislaliire ('oiincil group are Langston University graduates and one student during off- campus student teaching at the high school in Okmulgee. ('ontnnicd on F i t c High School

A Cappella Choir Seniors Attend A Cappella Choir on Tour Career Conference

I'hc ,\ ('apfKll.i ( lidir uiI'Iit ihe Ardniore. ptrlorniin;^ lor “’IT h A l t dirc-'tioii oi .Virs. .\u u l i.i T .iv lo r is t r .Si\ (!lu l> ." now prcp.iniiu: li>r :iii e\k'iuleole\ anti Tulsa in elementary school.

O n M.ircli 2’,r(l they will hi' in .\ p ril.


.Mr. Roh. rt W illianii, class of 6i. resij;iicd his position at Lanyston Uni\ersity to lake a position as internal I^cvcnuc Agent, Oklahoma City.

Mr. .Matthew Atkinson is tlic new Dormitory Director, the [Xisition licld by i^jhcrt Williams. Mr. O. L. Laclty, member of the Board of Regents for the Oklahoma M r. and M rs. Frederick I’atmon were visitors on the campus recently. State University and the Oklahoma Ag­ Patnion is ciiipoyed with the Internal lUvcnue, Detroit, and attending ricultural and Mechanical Colleges. law school at W'a\iic University. Mrs. Pattnon (Opal Combs) is em- The Okmulgee f'ounty C'hajner ployetl as a teller in a bank, Detroit, and during advanced study in ac­ ol l.angston University Alum ni As. counting. Wayne University. socialion s[>onsored “ l.angston Day.” Mr. H. D. Stearns, President of Langston University Alumni A s ­ When you arc in Okkiiionia, he our guest, us know where you The activities ol the day were held sociation, presenting a check to President Hale as a gift to the Langston University Development Foundation. are, and what ycni arc doing— at Dunbar liigh School, Okmulgee, Mr. C. lackson. Principal. CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS BLANK NOW ! Representatives from Langston University were there to accjuaint LANGSTON UNIVERSITY ALUMNI RECORD high school students w ith carcer op- Complete this form and mall to; Almeda C. Parker, Box 188, Langston, Oklahonna portunities and to answer stuilcnts and parents cjuestions about the of­ ferings at 1 -angston University. Stu­ Name Last First Middle dents from the following schools were in attendance: Boley High Address _ School; Wheatley High School, Street, P. 0 . Be* Town State Beggs; Dunliar P^igh School, Ok­ mulgee; Boynton High School; I'e.'rs AHended _ Year Graduated__ Slick High School; Clearview High School, Grayson High School; and Dttpdftment--- - Advanced Sludy_- Bristow High School. The representatives also made statements relative to the rec]uire-

Personal Data: ments and e.\|K’nses of the institu­ Martial Status^______No. of Children______Name of Spouse, if LU Alumnus tio n . Hig h school seniors danced to the music of the L. U. Comlx), and (If wife, give Maiden Name) a banquet climaxed the activities for the day. Memlx^rs of the association, Other comments including mailing address of other L.U. graduates— parents and friends of Langston University attended the banquet dur­ These three young ladies represented Langston University with a musi­ ing which time the chapter present­ cal number. They are listed among the students making a "B" average or above. Left to right— Martha J. Pinckney, freshman in biology, Bruns­ ed a check of $500 to the Develop­ wick, Georgia; Dolena Mae Macit, music, freshman, Muskogee, Oklahoma; ment Foundation. Gloria Dell Prewitt, freshman, sociology, Langston, Oklahoma. MARCH, 1962 LANGSTON UNIVERSITY GAZETTE PAGE FIVE Department of Art Department LANGSTON UNIVERSITY BUILDS Social Science Continued From I‘uge Four Mr. Payne, Head of the Depart­ Appro|>riations and Budget Com­ llic Social Scicnce (!lul> presented ment ol .Art, announces that a new mittee jointly with the Higher Ld- its anniKil olmrvaiice of N'cj^ro His­ .\rt organization has Ix-en formed ucation Committee visited I^ngston tory Wi'i'k on I'chriiary ii-iS. The on the Langston campus. L'niversity last 'Hmrsday afterncx)n. till ini' (it this year's dhsfrvance was The name of the organzation is The main interest was the needs ot "Xiuro History and a New Mirth the Langston L’nivcrsity Student the University. (it I'reedoin." It was around this Committee on ;\rt f Art Club). The Dr. William H. Hale, President theme iltat the j^iiest s[X'aker, Mr. memlxTs are at present 25-30 in of Langston University, presented J.inus I'. Scott, chairman of the De- number, llie executives are: Fdwin a drawing of a plan and financial partinein ol Social Science at Lang­ •Moore, ('hairman; Ollic M. Ray, needs of Langston University for the ston. built his talk at the general Co-('bairman; Laura Swan, Secre­ next ten years. He also discussed the assembly of the Langston student tary; Carroll lenninys. Secretary; reorganization of the program, and Ixidy on February 14. Nfr. Scott im­ Bobbie lean .Mack, Treasurer; Lon- financial needs of the institution. plored stiidents to develop and abide ya Burgess and Sonva Burgess, Soc­ Representative Ix>u S. Allard, by a consistent system of values chairman of the appropriations and ial Committee ('o-Chairmen. Sctntt faUn in th* lobby of the Mumm*r$ Th«at*r, th* Th#«t#r which will not only provide the The club Ix-gan last semester un­ budget committee, from Drumright in the Round, and the Theater Party's departure from the campus. “know-how” to solve certain prob­ der its new name Ix'cause the stu­ was present. Other memlxrs of the coiiimitte were .Maynard E. Black- On February 13, 1962, the English Club sponsored a trip to Okla­ lems, but also the “know-why.” He dents decided it should Ix" an or­ homa City to see Shakeseare's “Hamlet," Over 75 students and faculty saiil that, “Xegro History, inasmuch ganization composed of Ixith male ard, Muldrow; (Jrant (». Forstythe, members enjoyed this cultural experiences at Mummers, the Theater in as it has Ix'cn molded by American and female since Iwth sex maior in Tulsa; Tom Mc('hristian, .Mc.Alesi- the Round. Previous to this experience the English Department sponsored culture, is within all of us.” But b Art and take Art courscs. Hence, er; Frank Reneau, Cherokee; W ill­ a seminar on "How to Get the Most Out of Hamlet." The Seminar was conducted by Mr. Batchlor. also stated that, “the opportunities Alpha Rho Tail was discarded. iam K. Shibley, Bristow; (). R. W il­ for N’egro history to become a moral The club prt)poses to have semin­ helm, F.rick. incentive lor a new birth of free­ ar discussions, teas, exhibitions and The two from Logan (!ounty dom. depend u)X)n the extent to socials. We also plan to have a Beat­ were: Senator I^)uis A. Ritzhaupt, English Department wbiih we ciilti\ate our own lives." nik dance party or a spring ball and Representative Dick I'ogarty of The new English department ma­ Mr. lames I'. Scott, ('.hairnian called La Priniavera (the spring). ('lU thrie. TTie newly organized French jors arc: Constance Thompson and of the Department of Social Science, The place and date has not been set. Among the visitors were memlxTs club, held their first meeting under W'anda Banks. Shirley Richardson spent two days in Washington, The .Art Department has had six of the (iklahoma State Regents for the sponsorship of Monsieur Feller W'ashington returned to the campus C.. in conference with otticials ol exhibitions in its combination sem­ Higher Education: CJuy M. Harris, Jean. The purpose of the club is to continue her study in the field of U. S. Peace {^>rps. The purpose of inar classroom and gallery. The ex­ Arilmore, Kenneth T. (lallagher, to promote an interest in Foregin Stillwater, and Mrs. S. F. Ditmars, English. The new minors are: Car­ the conference was to bring together hibitions were: i. .\ showiny of old Languages and to learn to speak ole Hebert, Ellsworth Huling. Fan­ Peace ('orps liason officers of Land master prints from the art depart­ Muskogee. .Member of the Board of and write the language fluently. nie Jo h n so n , W a lte r L o n g and Lnc- Gran collegi's throughout the coun­ ment print col'ectinn. 2. Richard C. Regents tor Oklahoma State Uni­ The followmg officers were elect­ try in an el fort to explore wavs of Cramer’s one-man show. Mr. Cram­ versity and ( )klahoma Agricultural c]ueline Shropshire. ed: President, Walter Randolph; Recently the English department, increasing Negro stiulent participa­ er, a University of Wisconsin Pro­ and Mechanical Colleges present Vice-President, Rudolph Riviera located on the third floor of the tion in the (\>rps. fessor, exhibited 2? works, some was Mr. P. E. Harrill, chairman. Maxwell II; Secretary, Thelma •Administration Building, has been Mrs. Hemalata .\cbarya, a Rhodes drawing, i print and casinos. An Others present were Phil Wilber, Randles; Treasurer. Paul Reagor; exhibition of Lanuston L'niversity architect; E. Moser Frye, attorney; the sccne of constant activity. The scholar from India, was guest lect. Parliamentarian, Winfred Willis; student works from last vear. lofio- S. L. Sanderson, business manager, English office has been completely urer on the I^ingston L’niversify Chaplain, Eva Dcmitt. 4. Samuel IIar|H;r, senior exhibit. OSU; anti Jack Strain, assistant tli- remodeled and the English seminar campus, rnbruary =5-7. Being a s ck i- \ constitutional committee was T. .\n exhibition of prints from the rector of the Research Department room has become one of the most ologist at the L^iiversity of Bombay, ap(X)inted for the purpose of writing lohn Pavne collection. The prints of the State Legislative ('ouncil, and inviting places tm campus. More •Mrs. .\charva was well c|ualified to a constitution and Rolx*rt Cudjoe were ackuired from the ,\blxit Lab­ Ralph l^icharils. than 1=50 bo(/ks, periodicals, news­ discuss at length matters concern­ II was appointed chairman. oratories, a medical research firm papers, television, radio and record ing the ampact of industrialization The club is planning many inter­ which buys masters past and con­ player— all help to create an atmos­ ;uul urbanization upon Indian soci esting activities and is inviting temporary, original art works and News of Kappa Delta Pi phere that is most conducive to ety and to evaluate the effecti\eness others to join. loans them around the world. f> To each Biennial ('onvocation of scholarship and achievement. .Mrs. of \arious plans for increased ai;ri- Kappa Delta Pi, I'.ta Sii;ma Ch.ipter February 7-2H. a show consisting of Moxie King is head of the English cultural productivity in India. at Langston University sends two ft students works from the first se­ department. rei>resentatives—one old member Till' Social Science club has em­ mester, They are: Ch;irles ew ^ R(. .itly the English Club spon­ barked upon the new semester wit •\tkinson, Rube Lawson, president of the club, of . joy and profit from the drama. The President, Paul Smith; \’ice Presi- acts as chairman of the discussion .Majors and minors are required Theresia B. .Moore, Counselor and senvnar. “How to u'ct the most out tlent. Barbara Tavlor; Recordinu groups. to attend. Other students taking art Dr. Louise Stephens, .\dvisor will of Hamlet,” was comluctetl bv M r. Secretary, Sandra Price: (Correspond­ courscs will be welcomc. also be in attendance at the convo­ C. D, P>atchlor. Professor of Shake- ing Secretary, Ruth Tavlor: T'velvn Thow er, senior art major, cation. spearan studies. er, lames Richardson: ('haplain. |an- Noel ('!()Ward was .ipproached by wi'l wind up the regular scIk k iI year The F'.nglisli ('lub congratulates ice H e n d r ix ; P a rlia m e n ta ria n . R o sie a rejMirter for the Star, w h o with her one-man senior exhibit to its members who became members Bellows; Reporter, Burton ('ollins; a>iked, “Mr. ('oward, would you be annouticed. of Kappa Delta Pi. an honor society Alpha Kappa Mu honor society anil .\dvisor. Miss Clara Davis, like to s.'iv somethinu to the Starr” This summer the art deiiartment in education. They are Delores, initiated the following persons into The purpose of the club is 10 ex­ “Certaihlv,” Coward replied “Twin­ will offer courses for cerdit during Herese C'lardner. Cleo Spearman and the organization, Anetha .M. ('ul- pose the language to a larger num ­ k le ." the summer scsions. Lillian Williams. Congratulations lors, junior in business education, ber of students and to encourage also to Lillian Williams who is a Sapulpa; Rushella Lawson, junior, hii^h scholarship. candidate for .Alpha Kappa Mu business administration, Tulsa; Eva The nai;ie selected for the club Honor Society. Young, senior, biology, Boley; Walt­ is El Club Sociedad “Progreso.” Mavme Crawford and Sandra er l^ng, junior, mathematics. Sand (The Social “Progress” Club). The Fuhr, Seniors, are doing their stu­ motto is, Adelante, Siempre, Ade- Springs; Grover B. Quinn, junior, dent teaching at Booker T. Wash­ lante! (Forward, Always. Forwartl!) physcial education, 01x;rlin, Ohio; ington, Tulsa, and Marian .Ander­ Colors; Green and Gold, and Lillian Williams, junior, Eng­ son, Tulsa. lish, Haskell, Oklahoma. E l Club Sociedad “Proijreso” will Two other persons were accepted continue to meet on the first Th u rs­ !! ■ and are to be u'l'tiated are: Nancy day night of each month, and at SNEA News Abram, senior, home economics, each meeting, the languaee will be Ardmore; and Everett W. House, that of the club, “Espanol.” Dr. A. C. Shropshire. Diiertor of business atlministrtion, junior, Dov­ A “BOOM ” of excitement is in of the Division of Education, ad- er, Oklahoma. orbit for the chib. tlressed the S.N.E..A. at their last meeting. He discussed the “Import­ ance of the Teacher Education Pro­ Mrs. Thelma Artarberry lectures to the class as the students worl on Zefa Phi Befa News gram at Langston University and the muscles of the arms. the “NC.\TLS V 1S1T IN (; CO.M- The Lambda Alpha Chapter of M ITTEE,” The discusion was very the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. held enlightening. The ('osmetology Club Officers 4, 1961, served as consultant stress­ its annual vesper on February 2^, 1962 in observance of Finer Wo­ The S.N.E..A. State Convention arc as follows; President, Chrisalene ing security insurance while in will Ix- held .April 6-7 at Central Darrington, Chickasha, Oklahoma; school and after grailuation. manhood Week, The speaker on this occasion was State College, in Edmond, Okla­ \ ’ice Presiilent, |ean Moore, Ponca The class also attended an Ed­ homa. The theme was the conven­ ucational Clinic in Tulsa, Oklaho­ Soror Juanita Tate of Tulsa who City, Oklahoma; Secretary, Willie tion will be “AI.M FOR EXCEU )ean Colbert, El Reno, Oklahoma; ma, at which time the Ever-Perm emphasized the importance of the finer woman in our present day LENCF." Assistant Secretary, Evelyn Agers, was demonstrated by an instructor Miss Carrie .McCollums, memlx-r Ardmore, Oklahoma; Treasurer, of the Helene Curtis Industries, Inc. world. Immediately following the vesfx’r, of the Student OE.A Executive Shcrletta lenkins, Oklahoma City. In the various units of learing the Cosmetology students have acquired a reception was held in the lounge Board, was selected to be one of the The Club members were very skills in giving many and varied of Phyllis Wheatley for all Sorors. leatlers at the convention. happy being sccond place winners ty[KS of hair color make-up, ana­ Zelma Reed, Bobbie Jean Mack, The Senior members of the S.- during the homecoming parade. lyzing facial types, and applying and Anita Naff were pledged into N,E..A. are: Lecile Bostic, Ruth the Archonian Club on Sunday The Oklahoma Beauty Culturist correct make-up. MR. E. A. MILLER Hampton, Solonia Holloway, morning, \farch 4. We are very League sponsored an Educational We invite our schoolmates, friends W h o departed this life judy K . jones, rejxirter, Faye proud of these young ladies. Clinic in which students observed and visitors to conic in and receive January 9, 1962 Lauson, program chairman; Maxine various phases of cosmetology. New our free sugj^estions on “Correct In fVemory of the Beloved Faculty Lewis, vice president; Carrie Mc­ ecpiipment and skills were demon- Hair Styles” and other Ix'auty prob- Member, Director of Division of If you can’t be thankful for what Collums, member of the Student strnted. lueins that confront you. Mechanic Arts (1927-1962). you receive, be thankful for what OE.A Executive Board; Maxine Mr. John B. White, on December Reporter, Katherine Matthews you escajx’. Richardson, song leader. LANGSTON UNIVERSITY GAZETTE MARCH, 1962 NCATE SELF SURVEY S p o rf s State Power COMPLETED I'bis year in the eves of many Lift Champion tv\. \-.ils t'- I (lie will Ik.' the return of .t new track ■ I I >lf. > Ml : h r. -.Iliilll i ! team, it has suftereil a great loss Edison Dean “Hcrcules" Harring. i- -11 p--- T.ini. ■ in the eves of ('oach Bernard ('row- ton a f) ft. 2 in., 220 lbs. senior, has ' ■ ■ ,1 nil'll ell. again won honors in the weightlift­ --■ ■■ \ 1 1 K\ l-V ( »!■ l.ast year we were able to come ing contest. Tile State Power Lift :i I'l \- I ■ I >i I \ I’h out on top in onr conference, imder ('hampionship was held at the YM- , 'I : \ \ ; .N 'V r \ i\ I UM r'l . the splendid coaching and supervis l'. \ in Tulsa, Oklahoma, ., '!'■ : : - ^ -!■ ion of ('oacii ('rowell. II/):. \ ; \T I This without the help ot Thirteen health clubs and organ­ . I. :-lur l-.l ixoln’rt liiggins. i.eon Wilson, izations (larticipated in the contest. • M. >: • -s. 11.. 'riioinas N’olan, and Tliornton Shel. Harrington won ist place lilting \' TI. . . ■ 1 M l! ot to'i, we hope with the return ot 610 lbs. and sa a new state record. 'If 1 :1 : li'v Ils. 1 >: . \lvill oi.r lettermen and the freshmen we .Mr. Harrington was last year's “Sen­ Iv \ : >r I >t ■ ’ . ---. li. Ih lc n t. can fill the shoes of those that we ior Mr. SiK^ner Physicjue" and this \\ |. r - i . r..!.!., s. hi I >i. I. W. lost. We will also strive to keep up year he was one of the judges for i , 11. .1(1. ! - 'Mn.- :it . t r . i - and prevail some new reconls this this year’s “.Senior Mr. Sooner ;!.11, I’’ ir .. \ ii" \.\ nI ; season. Physique.” S i\ |. I 'hn- r ^ r.-'MInr I)t 'fho returning lettermen are as ■Mr. Harrington will participate in : . . ' ■ I J':. .ni.ili. .!( I >' i>.irt follows; .\lexander Varl-Kirough. the National Collegiate Champion­ i ■ . -u'.h, ||. - : •-,n. !V.' Al lohn i'.ates. .\rctiie lones, i^ichard ship at Dallas, Texas on . \ I - : . I ii.i:. iii.ii- I . isio n i\ol>inson. Oscar Robinson, Ed i^an- .\lso the Mid-.State Championship . '' ■ ; I .. r I '- ' 'Ill' K.m-,i>; .'^l.iii’ Miss Laura Jean Evans, freshman from Tulsa, receivinq the Lincoln dolph, ('harles Wright, ivoland at Oklahoma City in May. His plans Ragsdale Scholarship award from Dr. William H. Hale, President of Lang­ T ■ > ■’ : M ' . ^ M M>- I laves, Kermit Stei>hcns, i^oix-rt ston University. for the future include playing pro­ ' > -i-- : riuM j'.il, ! --'i;.;' I I Ii;:ti Philliiis, isoosevelt \ivens. Silver fessional ffx)tball. ; I .McOiiarters, and Wilbur Ltw. i’i: inr ,\.crc Tlie new m e m lx T s and freshmen .\drian I'.asily anil Ronnie Watsc:>n. • f'l .ii'tu r 1 -.Ilk iiion i'' .in are as follows; David Forrest, De- .. .ti'iHiinni)-, n ru .in i/.iH i'n wliiisc sn!i' sota P)(TI, Ovied i.acv. L. C. I Ifxlge, In our next item we hope to give puri'ii'>i' is M hnpri>\! ii.utur t-iiucn- H. Robinson. 1'. Moore, R. Smooth you more details alxiut our Track

ti..n ihroucli .k\ rc.Iit.ition, ( Uily ertiian, FVlix Tavlor, Charles ,\tkin- team this season.

tl'. - i]'!.rlific.l in stitu tio n '; .i[v son. Isaac White, ('leophus Watson, Sports Editor— James Letcher, Jr.

•■U v 'l':: t. riiv .iiiii ,ir?' idiiiKi h v I'x-

1,' i n ( c t ;'st:il)lislK-il st in- iiir t'n ['r(.'p.ii-';iinn f4 ti.uTi- Oklahoma Collegiate Track Schedule tr^- ire ,u. ri’ditcd hv ttu' ('oiuu'il. Mar. 20— Tuesday OBU. SE Lang. E. Cent. E. Cent \:'i in s t it u t io n in.iv 1h ;u'iTi'(iitcil at NW Cent., SW NW liiiiiiTcr.ulu.iti- (>r j^r.iiliKUc levels f'l r ;mv <;r ,il! of the follnwin:; cate. M..V. 27— Tuesn'ay SW. E. Cent. SE SW SW L-irir-. : 1 ) .'I c n n 'n ta r v slIkkiI teacii- Mar. 29— Thursday Cent, Lanq. OBU Cent. i i >, I : ) '••.■(Uiilarv slIkioI ti-ai luT s. I 1 ..luKil s; r\iL< p t r s o n n c l siK'h Mar. 3 i— Saturday Pan., N W NW :v -I'-.hninistraiors. supirvisors. and

U^iid.iticc loiinscldrs. If uitiiiii any Aor. 3— Tuesday OBU E. Cent. SE SW OBU (il' these tliree categories Aoril 6-7— OSU Relay p a rts (if t h e p r i '^ r a t n d o no t n ieet tile '^t.indarils of the ('oimcil, the Apr, 12— Cent, Lanq. Pan. NW Cent. institution mav not he accredited Mrs. S G. Washington, Head of the Department of Home Economics, Aoril 12— Prairie View Relays tor that particular catejjorv, nr may presents Miss Betty Morris, a freshman, the Sears, Roebuck Foundation Scholarship Award. he expected either to drop the de- Apr.l 1 3— Friday SE Pan. S W E. Cent. SW ticiint curriculum, or within a reas or SE niiahle time, to rem edv the dcficieii- E. Cent. oE Pan. SW SW .An insii’uiii’ii whose prouiani Langs+on University Ar-r. 1 4— Saturday NW Cent, Lang. OBU OBU Ilf :.,uiur (diic.itinn is i;ener.illv Doors Are Open It we could hear the .\ew Vi .ir str'an i l;!’-: ' '.^ o o d promise nt Aor. SF Cen', E. Cen\ ( ieneral lees cost the student Ss--:=; and it could t.ilk. what secrets d(j 1 7— Tue->day SE furihir ill\elo)'ment hut is still (ie SW N W OBU fii ieiit ill - ; rt.iin respects mav he per semester credit iiour; out-ol-state you think it would lui\e to tell ahout granted provisional accredit.iiion ior students Sn !>vmcster hour. It vows, rings, girls, Uiys, hearihre.ik, Apr. 27— Friday Lanq. Cent, Cent. and t e a r s ...... a term not to exceed three vtars. a state Mudents takes an avcraj;e of OBU. E. Cent. SE E, Cent. In such i.ases, tin institiiiion is ex- if) semester hours, he will pay S''4 Congratulations are due to all the Pan. N W SW Pan. iHHted t" furnish the ('ouiuil with a semester tor his general fees. Ireshmen giils who .ire now mem­ May 4— Friday OBU Lano. SE E. Cen\ OBU annual rejxirts ot progress in eliiirn- Living in the dormitory will cost bers ot the ■‘Wisconsin Sleepers c:iuh." N W . Cent. NW atiiv^ its ikliciencies and will he the student S42 per montli f;T room Do you know that \\'..\I. is what's SW Pan. Pan. uranted full accreditation w hen st.m- and meals. I'.ooks and. supplies vary happening on the campus.- . . . J. ilards are fullv met. with each suulent, cost approximate­ May 1 1-12— Frl., Saf. CONFERENCE OBU ly S50 a seintser sincc price ot print­ R, will you please call W.W,; her ing has increased. roommate can't sleep nights. .\ women plioned her drut.;uist is I. B. waitinu for L. .\I. or .M.' . . . It seems after R. .\I. played touiid a girl . . . .\I. E. LI„ a sopho­ One may figure another Sio per and ordered a dozen c.itis ot Met- K. . . . Why do \'. H. anti I. D. one of the twins and P>. L. he is more was trying to hit on E. P. month for personal items, including lo I'c sent up rij;ht away. "My try t\ir the same fish, and who wins.' now on vacation . . . Why is it that earlier this year who happens to such essentials as haircuts, launry, cluh is coming" to luiicli." siie cx- . . . has a new C'niess J. B. keeps up with evervhodv's work in the dining hall. l'>l.lined. ctc. who.' Sweets! . . . ( I }. savs she business." . . . C. L. I), says, “I .M„ why don't you and J. f. wishes L. [. would leave her alone Cot .My Eyes On. Did smoke a “Peace Pipe” . . . Did you strictly tor R. W. It seems as soon you know that A. I-. thought that know that K. S. has tried to go with as R. W. left, I.. II. hegan fainting. she was in the know with T. C. seven (7) young ladies this year.^ Can this he explained.' until W. B . stepped in to show her These lovely girls arc: Ci.F., M.L.- Did you know that S. H. and L. who really was 'in the know’ . . . W„ R.L., E.D., B.R., S.D., and B. the girls from D. M. are both /Ml L. G. could do was crv since -■\.H. fwatch out pano, someone is after one of the W'. brothers. Don't C. M. blew him up! . . . M. ('. has watching you!) . . . TTie believed you know by this time that 2 plus Ix'en having a hall while M. E. R. foxiest young lady on campus is 2 doesn't always ccjual 4.^ is doing her student teaching. What M. S. . . . Everytime that M. A. S. B. from Tenn. and S. P. from haf)pens when she returns.- . . . . ijoes on restriction, R. H. and M. Tulsa have set a new sweating rec­ Why did .\. E. get out of the Pledge W. take time out to play. Take the ord dial was formerly held by Club.^^ W’as it Ix’cause of W. B..' library for instance, it can he a place H. and I). B. both of Texas ...... L. S. wants it known that in which you learn. Right pano.^ Students registering for the seconrl semester: (reading left to right) Mr. F.. L. Nf. is trying to he a cwl she loves J. P. and would like to . . . When B. S. put C. G. down she Mrs. Katherine Matthews, Jessie Balfour, Harry Wjlters, Luollen Mack, havea date with him . . . The ru­ like to l->c called L. A. Alexander Yarborough and Carol Hebert. Mrs. Wyatt loolts on. kid and play two hens. They are B. M. C. and T. R. mor is out that “D(k" has an open And now as this column near its Surely spring is just around the noce for E. A. W. . . . It was told end, we wold like to enter this new's corner, for B. E. T. and B. M. to us that S. B . really broke R. M.’s from a certain young lady in San­ are looking for that certain some­ heart. He didn’t eat for weeks, and ford Hall; it goes like this . . . one .. . Do you know that P. C. has turned to drinking and calling her “TTiese initials will reveal a most lost out again.^ It seems that her name, which Ix^gins with an S anil treasured secret of mine. A quiet, lover has married someone else . . . has the sound of SURELY shy, and gentle looking freshman, A. L. and R. R. are feuding about A freshman basketbal player B. who now resides in Marcus Hall, her certain young man. but give up T. of Mc.\lester is very much adored havinir the initials T.L., has passed girls someone already has ^ m rop­ by a charming young lady of San­ the pleasing personality test of a ed for life! . . . K. S. is a stepping ford Hall W. C. who is also the Junior residing in Sanford Hall bear­ and a blowing, (with pretty girls former girl friend of D, L. . . . C. ing the initials A. B. who is the of course) . . . The news is out G. you should check-up to see what sister of L. B.” that there is a Skating Chajnp in happens when you are over playing One moment please, we have a our midst. She hails from K. C., “ping-pong” and B . L. S. is in San­ late news flash. . . Mr. Fine J. A. Mo. and her initials are O. S. W.! ford Hall entertaining L. A. was stood up by a certain freshman. . . . The new year gave us two new Dear C. B ., be true to yourself He had been bragging all the year love-birds, E. R. and C. P. first, then talk to me. U-No-Who that “he had the power to get any Have you heard R. E. and W. . . . E. E(. and A. M. are closely woman, and that he took no stand­ M. W. They are in love! . . . Who associated now for a few weeks . . . ing up business.” Well this certain was that poor fellow crying on the What kind of a chance do you think freshman young lady broke the re. front steps of Sanford Hall asking that P. M. has of taking A. D. cord. Do we hear you bragging— SiudenH raglttsring for the sscond semester. H. K. to forgive him.^ Was it R. fr'-m his wife.^ . . . J. P. has finally now Mr. J. A.’’