Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1962 The aG zette March 1962 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1962" (1962). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 14. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '" ■ c r u ir m Langston University Gazette VOLUME TWELVE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA. MARCH, 1962 NUMBER TV^O Langston University S t u c U n t ^ Information released by the office In Sixty-fiftli Year of the Registrar regarding scholastic ascrages for the first semester, 1961- Activities celebrating the six'" 62, lists five stuilcnts who earned fifth anniversary of the founding four point averages in all subjects Office of the President of Kingston University was held on yielding grade (x)ints: Godfrey Ek- the campus March 18. Hundreds wemc, freshman in chemistry, from Dear Laiij;stonitc: of alumni, former students and Yaba, Nigeria; Barbara Foster, sen­ friends attended the affair. ior in chemistry, from Kansas City, I'uiiiulcr's Day reminded us of I'he program was focuscd on the Missouri; Stewart Gilbert, freshman our rich heritage and the debt wc nation wide observance of the Cen­ in biology, from Tulsa, Oklahoma; owe to those who have gone lx;fore. tennial of the I^ng-(Jrant College ('lara Patmon, sophomore in chem­ The picture of )ohn Nl. Kingston, Act which established the land-grant istry, Ciuthrie, Oklahoma; and Lil­ for whom our institution was nam- colleges and universities of the na­ lian Williams, junior in Engilsh, eii, hangs in tiie lover of the Audi­ tion. from Haskell, Oklahoma. torium. The good works that he Founders Day activities began The five students will be award­ did sliould remain ever in our with worship services at 10 a. m. ed keys by the Women's Council hearts. in the L W. Young Memorial Aud­ for having maintained the highest )ohn Mercer I^ingston was a sym­ itorium. The speaker was Dr. F. averages. bol of the highest ty[X' of education­ D. Moon of the class of 1929, well al leadership. He attended Oberlin known eilucator, civic leader and Women's Council to Honor Students with "B" Average ('ollege and was a member of the churchman. The address was deliv­ class of 1846. I'or eleven years he ered by Dr. John Taylor Williams, and Above was a memlx'r of the Hoard of Ed­ President of Maryland State College, Students making a “B” average ucation of the City of Oberlin. He Princess Anne, Maryland. Dr. Will, or above the first semester ](/u -k )62 also practiced law in the city for iams of the class of 1928, has the will Ix; honored by the Women's many years, and was twice a mem­ distinction of being one of the Lang­ Council, April 29, 1962. Their ber of the city council. He served ston Alumni who head land-grant names, classification, and home town as Consul-general to the Republic colleges. are listed as follows: Nancy C. Abram, Senior, Ard­ of Haiti, and was elected to the Distinguished Alumni Awards more. Oklahoma; Frankie Alford, United States Congress from the were presented to Dr. F. D. Moon, Senior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; State of Virginia. Dr. lohn Taylor W illiams and An­ Clara Anderson, Junior, Mc.Mester, [ohn Mercer Langston’s deep in­ tonio Fuhr. Dr. Lazarette Hale, Di­ Oklahoma; Clyde Anderson, Junior, terest in the education of his race rector of the Langston University Beggs, Oklahoma; Prins Ella An­ is evidenced by the many positions Development Foundation gave a re- derson, Junior, Choctaw, Oklahoma! of leadership which he accepted in |X)rt on the work of the Foundation. Verlean Asfaw, Senior, l^angston, conncction with it. At one time he The final event of the day was Oklahoma; Charles Atkinson, Jun­ supervised the schooling of Negro the presentation of an operetta, ior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; De. youth in Ohio; at another time he "Down in the \'alley,” directed by loris Berry, Junior, Atlanta, Texas; was inspcctor-gencral of the freed- Donald E. Barrett of the Depart­ Valletta Bobo, Freshman, Oklaho­ men’s schools. He was the first dean ment of Music, and Mrs. Mo\ie ma City, Oklahoma; Robert Brazel- of the Harvard University Law Weaver King, Department of Eng­ School and for a time served as ton, Senior, Detroit, Michigan; Flor­ lish and Modern Language. Stewart Gilbert Clara Louis* Patmon acting president of the newly es­ ence Brooks, junior, Tulsa, Okla­ tablished university. loiter in he Ix:- homa; Brenda Burrell, Freshman, Fuhr, Senior, Ardmore, Oklahoma; came president of the Virginia Career Day Conference Bolye, Oklahoma; Bcuv Caniiad), Ruben Funderburk, Junior McAics- Normal and Collegiate Institute, Senior, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Joan ter, Oklahoma; Mary Gaines, Fresh­ now know as \'irginia State Col­ May 5, 1962 Clayton, Freshman, .McAlester, Ok­ man, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Stewart lahoma; Laura Cole, Freshman, Tul­ ic,I’e. President William H. Hale an­ Gilbert, Freshman, Tulsa, Oklaho­ Txt us not forget our heritage sa, Oklahoma; Norma Cole, Junior, ma; Willia Etta Gist, Senior, Tulsa, nounced that a Career Conference Slick, Oklahoma; John K. Coleman, nnd strive always to see that our will Ix; held at Langston University, Oklahoma; Leonard Grant, Senior, Freshman, Holey, Oklahoma; Nfal- school is just a little Ix'tter bccause May 5, 1962. Mrs. Charles L. Ben­ Sand Springs; Norman Green, we as students or teachers passed colm Coleman, Sophomore, Boley. Freshman, Boley, Oklahoma; Mel- nett, Managaing Editor, Tlie Daily Oklahoma; Charlesetta Collins, Sen­ this way. Oklahoman-Oklahoma City Times, vetta Harjier, Sophomore, Haskell, ior, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Be Etta Sincerely yours, will be the guest sjieaker. Oklahoma; Martha Harris, Junior, Combs, Freshman, Clcarview, Okla­ McAlester, Oklahoma; Evelyn Hat- William' H. Hale Commencement Exercises, May homa; May me Crawford, Senior President 27, 1962. horn, Senior, Guthrie, Oklahoma; Sand Springs, Oklahoma; Anetha Carole Hebert, Sophomore, Lang­ Cullors, Junior. Sapulpa. Oklahoma; ston, Oklahoma; Mary E. Hender­ Don Daniels. Senior, Lublx)ck, son, Senior, Lawton, Oklahoma; w w Texas; Wanda Davis, Junior, Okla­ Mary J. Henderson, Senior, Lul> It \l Dr. Daniel W . Wynn Was Speaker Here homa City, Oklahoma; Waymon bock, Texas; William Henderson, \ D tvIs, Freshman, Oklahoma City, Junior, Lawton, Oklahoma; Vern- i »" Oklahoma; Percy Dedrick, Junior, '1 SI li Hattisbago, Mississippi; Gwendolyn Continued on Page Two Dinwiddie. Senior, Spencer, Okla. Lillian Marie Wiliams homa; Willie Dixon. Freshman, Ok­ lahoma City, Oklahoma; Juanicez- NHA Rally Sef Science and Life Week etta Doster, Senior, Boley, Oklaho­ April 2-4, 1962 ma; Alfonso Drain, Sophomore, For March 24 Tatums. Oklahoma; I.orine Dubose, The Biology Club's student plan­ Fresman, Oklahoma City, Oklaho­ The Oklahoma Association New ning committee announces plans for ma City, Oklahoma; Godfrey Ek- Homemakers of Amcrica will hold its First Annual Scicnce and Life wucme. Freshman. Yaba. Nigeria; its .‘\nnual State R.illy at Langston Week program. This affair will be Minnie Enulish, Senior, Tuls'a. Ok­ University on March 24, 1962. The held April 2-4, 1962. The theme for lahoma; Carl Fileds, Freshman, program this year will be based on this series is “Our Dynamic Role Mounds, Oklahoma; Jewel Fisher, Gates and Doorways for NHA. It in a Changing Society.” Senior, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; will be a focus on New Homemak­ Dr. Walter R. Hearn, noted Bicv- Barbara Foster, Senior, Kansas ers of Tomorrow become today. The Chemist and Lecturer from Iowa State University, will lie guest lec­ Left to right— Dr. John W . Coleman, Director of Religious Activities, City, Missouri; Thesis Franks, Sen­ State President, Hazel Faye Bell, Dr. Daniel W . Wynn, Chaplain of Tuskegee Institute, and Dr. William ior, Ardmore, Oklahoma; Sandra from Harris, Oklahoma and other turer. Dr. Lavell Henderson, De­ Henri Hale, President of Langston University. state officers will be in charge of partment Head at Oklahoma State the program. University, and Dr. James Harlow, Daniel W. Wynn, Chaplain of C. Paz, Argentina; The Reverend Parent’s Day Special features of the program in­ of Oklahoma University, will also Tuskegee Institute, native of Okla­ Kelly, S. J., St. Mary’s Kansas; The clude greetings from Dr. illiam present lectures. homa and an alumnus of Langston Reverend James T. Goode, Oklaho­ April 29, 1962 H. Hale, President of Langston Plans arc being finalized by our University, lectured to the students ma City; The Reverend David S. University and an Address “Home conimittee. The affair promises to during Religious Emphasis Week. Shields, Oklahoma City, The Rever­ Langston University will observe Is Where You Hang Your Heart,” be very informative, inspirational, “The Good Life: Its Attainment, end Joe Edwards, O klahoma City, its annual Parents’ Day, Sunday, by Dr. Charlyce King, Assistant and educational. For a hint as to Its Interpretation, and Its Joys.” He The Reverend J. Castina Jackson; April 29, honoring parents of stu­ Professor, School of Home Econom the type of lectures that will be giv­ The tdpic for religious week was The Reverend John Le Smith, Ot­ dents attending the U liversity. The ics. University of Oklahoma, Nor­ en, Dr. Hearn will ex{x>und on his also participated in REW at Okla­ tawa, Kansas; The Reverend D. Rev. Ben C. Hill will be the guest man. theory of the Scientific Creation of homa State University. Leon Everett, III, Houston, Texas; speaker for the 10:00 worship serv­ The afternoon program^ includes Life at our initial convocation.
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