THE UNIVERSYTY OF TEXAS Office of the Chancellor Austin

October 23, 1961



The dockets prepared by the component institutions listed below are herexnth submitted, with my recomendation for approval, for consideration at the meeting of the Board of Regents in Austin on -11, 1961,

Main University M. D, Anderson Hospital and Tumor Texas Western College Institute Medical Branch Southwestern Medical School Dental Branch

No docker. has been submitted by the Postgraduate School of Medicine.

Listed below are Central Administration items which I recommend for your approval,

~,EVX?JERSTEDEVELOPMENT -BOARD /.- ...-\.&<.,,,./, Appoint Calvin C, Nolen Assistant Director at an annual salary rate '.-,,'' of $9,000 effective October 1, 1961; source of funds is an unfilled position in ljevelopment Board budget. Mr. Nolen was formerly Director of the Texas Union at ao annual salary rate of $8,520,

Appoint Wallace Y. Gorski Assistant Maintenance Engineer 93/20 time) at an annual salary rate of $7,104 effectzve September 1, 1961; source of funds is the Mitchell Building Expense Account of the Varner Properties, W. e. ~ogg~~nd.


Effective Au-st 15, 1960, WeGrover Gale-. W:.Zlifard.of.ElPaso, Texas was employed as Clerk-of-the-Works on the Classroom4ffice Building at Texas Western College, at a monthly salary rate of $475, wnich appointment was to contime in effect until further notice from this office. The construction on this building is now completed except for a few very minor items on the \* punch list, and Mr. Williford's services are no longer needed, It is, there- ?~.) :\ fore, recommended that his employment be terminated and that he be removed \... from the Vaiversity payroll effective at the close of business October 27, .,, 1961, which allows Mr. Williford two weeks vacation to which he is entitled, \*- APPOINTMENT OF WORKl1EN' S COMI"fNSATION. INSURANCE POS'LHONS

In 8ccordance with Section 5.8, Chapter VI, Part Two, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents, report is made of the following physicians who were used for emergency treatment and other cOmpensable treatment at the specific request of ao injured employee:

Austin, Texas HOl.l5 ton, -reJ.{8S

Wootten Brown, M.D. E. H. ~anfield, M,D. John E. Douglas, M.D. C~arles E, Ferrin, M.D. Corpus Christi, Texas Warran A. Ross, M.D. ~obby Joe Smith, M.D. Sidney M. Conolly, M.D.

1:1 Paso, Texas Lubbock, Texas Joe R. Floyd, M.D. Sam H. Hitch, D.O. 'Leigh IL Wilcox, M:. D.

It is requested that the ~oard of Regents ratify these actions.

In addition, the Board of Regents' approval is requested for designa­ tion of the following physicians to make physical examinations of eligible Unlversity of Texas employees of 80uthwestern Medical School:

Dallas, Texas

Peter C. Canitaro, M.D. Wayne E. Delaney, M.D. James E. Hempstead, M.D.

Finally, approval is requested to designate Paul Powell, M.D., ~orger, Texas, to make physical examinations of eligible University of Texas employees of Main University and to render medical tresoment to such employees in the event of on-the-job injury. Dr. Powell's designation is requested since it was necessary for him to give physical examinations to Main University employees who reported fo~ work at The University of Texas Archeological Salvage Project without coroing to Austin.


The Endowment Office has reported receiFt of $58.59, representing distributable income from the &state of Hattie E. Gaines for the period July, 1961, through September, 1961, for deposit in the Current Restricted Account in Central Adminlstr~tion authori~ed by th~ January, 1960, weet­ ing of the aoard of Regents.


rrofessor Warren Roberts, Director of the Humanities Research Center, has been authori~ed to travel to New York City and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the period October 22~26, 1961, for appraisal of various literary snd bistori~1 collections for possible purchase or gift to the University. This travel is reported to the lSoard of Rege~ts because the source of funds does not cont,;,ln the word "travel." 8udget Rule Iff> requires form"l report­ Lng through the docket.


In accordance with pxevious actions of: the Committee of the Whole, a payment of $250 has been made from the Etter Fund (current restricted fund) to nr. J. R. Smiley, PreSident of the Main University.


Upon recolWlendacion by, Presidenc' 'Smi'!eY,\J",'theJ,Cllancellor has approved the expendicure,of.$500 by,Campus Services,"Inc.,to assist in the purcbase of a trailer designed to transport the lllascot of.. th& football tssm; 3evo.


Attached to this docket sre copies of pages 29~39 from the Monthly Financial Report as at August 31, 1961, for Central Administration, Available University Fund, covering the following sections of Plant Funds Unexpended AppropTiations:

Available University Fund Appropriations for Central Administration, Main University, and Medical ~ranch.

Plant Funds Unexpended for Central Administration, Medical ~ranch, Main University, H. D. Anderson Rospital and Tumor Institute, Southwestern Medical School, Texas Western College, and Dental Branch.

The Comptroller recoJlllllends that all the free balan.cas maTked "R" be reappropriated and that all the free balances lIIll:rked "Lot be lapsed. All items marked "L" should be lapsed to a particular account where it b shovn on the attached sheets. ~nere no particular account is given, the items should be lapeed as follows!

Items marked "L" under Available Univers1.ty Fund appropriations should be lapsed to the Available University Fund UnaPPropriated Balance .

•••••••~•••~~. should be lapsed to Medical'Brsnch Current Funds General - Unappropriated Surplus.

snd portions marked "L" in Accounts Nos. should be lapsed to Unallocated Proceeds of Permanent Univers1.ty Fund BQrtds.

and portions marked "I." in should be lapsed to Avai Unappropriated ~alance,

Account No. 94215 should be lapsed to Texas Oaion Fees.

portion marked "L" in should be lapSed to Athletic Council FundS.

C - 3

- - ~------~ :' 225

, 2 should be lapsed to Reserve for Constructi.on o Parkiug Areas ~nd Lots.

should be lapsed to M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Gi.ft Funds.

The recommended actions conform to our regular standard procedures and are presented to the Board of Regents for ratification with the approval of vice-Chancellor Dolley and the Chancellor.

Sincerely yours, ~~~ Chancellor

HR;ag attachment

ADDENDUM November ll, 1961

The Board approved the (oliowing amendments to the 1961-62 budget:

Central Admini strati-on

1. A mend the 1961 ~ 62 budget of Central Administration on Page :) by adding a new positioo "Assistant to the Chancellor" at an ar,.r.ual salary rate of $15, 000 aad by appainti" g Gra ves W. Landrum to this position effective December 15, 1961. The funds are to COme from Unallocated Accoultt of Central Administration. (Approved prior w this meeting for reporting when his succesilor had been appointed. )

Main UniveJ:'sity

2. Amend the 196! ~ 62 budget of Main Univer s~ty or. Page 6, Item I, by accepting the res ignation of Graves W. Landrum and by ap~ pointing James H. Colvin as Business Manager at a saLary rate of $14, 000 per annum ($13, 500 from the present budgeted pos i­ tion and $500 from the Etter Fund, a cur rent re stricted fund). effective Decembe r 15, ! 961.

The Board after hearing a report of the Committee appointed to study the new nondis crimination in employment claus e approved the cor.tracts that were deleted hom the docket of the Sep~ember meeting. Mr. McNeese was recorded as vatiog "no." The cOt:.tracts approved are:

Mail> Univer"ity

I. ,UPPlementat A.eTnent, ModlHcation No. 6 to Contract by which the Departmer.t of the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright~Patterson Air Force Bas e, Ohio, adds the sum of $17, 500. 00 to the COntract fur.ds and extends the per iod of the cant ract through 14 . The research continues at tr.e Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Bonet, ProfeSSOr of Physics.

c - 4 2. Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract AF 33!616)-7307 by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, incorpo- rates Basic. Agreement AF 18(600)-2400 between the University and the Department of the Air Force, into the coctract.. The research continues in t,he Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics.

3. Contract AF 33(657)-7007, by which the Department of the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, provides $132, 000. 00 for certain electro- magnetic studies during the period July 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962. The research will be conducted at the Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics.

4. Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract DA-23-0?2-ORD- 1564, by which the Department of the Army, U. S. Army Ordnance Dis- . . , .~> .. : -' trict, St. Louis, Missouri, adds the sum of $14, 100. 00 to the ,. .. .. contract funds and extends the period of the contract through December 15, 1961. The research on the study of meteorological research and analysis of rocket data continues in. the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory under the directioc of Dr. A. W. Straiton, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Laboratory.

5. Amendment No. 18 to Basic Contract Nonr-375(00), by which the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, Washington,

D. C., adds the new nondiscrimination employment clause to the .. . .. ) .,,; , . . contract and changes the patent clause of the contract to extend a nonexclusive, license to any service acquired by or for the government with funds derived through the Mut.ua1 Security Program.

6. Contract CDM-SR.-62-2, by which the Office of Civil. and Defense Mobilization, Battle Creek, Michigan, provides $6, 180. 00 for . - :.. ., ., :.., support of "A Community Study of Public Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Civil Defense ard Fa3.Iout Shelters." The contract is effective for the period August 14: 1961 through January 13, 1962, and the program will be under the direction of Dr. Harry E. Moore, Professor of Sociology.

7. Contract CDM-OS-61:-110, by which. the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, Battle Creek, Michigan, provides $2, 000. 00 for parti-.

cipation by the University Sch.ool. of Architecture in a Professional $. , Deveiopment Program conducted by the Pennsylvania State Univer-P sity. The contract is effective for the period June 22, 1961 to , 1961, and will. be under the direction of Philip D. Creer, Professor and Director, School of Architecture.

8. Contract 14-10-0434-811, by which the United States Department /g7 of the Interior, National Park Service, provides $5, 100. 00 for , ' .." ..!0 architectural drawings of the Mission San Antonio De Valero, .. .. ,.i San Antonio, and other historic structures located in Texas. ,,".. The contract is effective for the period beginning July 1, 1961, and the work will be carried on under the direction of W. Eugene George, Jr. , Assistant Professor of Architecture.

9. Contract SBA-947(MRA), by which the Small Business Adminis- tration, Washington, D. C. , provides $11, 500. 00 for a survey of business and economic research projects conducted by not less . ,~ : than 350 universities and colleges and completed during the . ., academic years 1959-1960 and 1960-,1961 or presently in progress '' ' and to be completed during the academic years 1961- 1962 and 1962- 1963. The contract is effective for the period June 27, 1961 through October 31, 1962, and the survey will be directed by Dr. John R. Stockton, Director, Bureau of Business Research.

Texas Western College

1. Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. NAS 5-556, by which the Chief Procurement and Supply Division, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, provides for an increase in the limitation

of expenditures from $15,000. 00 to $88, 000. 00 and the addition ... . j;> . , . of a modified provision entitled "Nondiscrimination in Employ- ment. " The work will continue to be done under the supervision of Mr. Thomas G. Barnes, Director of the Schellenger Research Laboratories.

M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute

1. Contract No. SAph 76875, by which the Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services, Division of Chronic Diseases, Cancer Control program, provides under a cost reimbursement contract i.:. , . . the sum of $40,246 for the period July 10, 1961 to December 31, 1962, for research on "To Collect Data on Quantitative and Qualitative Differences in the Sputum of Smokers and Non-Smokers by Exfoliative Cytology of Pulmonary Secretations", to be directed by Dr. William 0. Russell.

secretary, Board of gegents

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS - OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR FiNANCIAl.. REPORT' AS I'W AD", ---,,-----~~------~--~-~~~------,_~------_T~ __~~=_.r_~~~~_r~~-~---~~.~'~.~~ __~~~=~~~~~£~~TRA~ """"'TRAL «;""'" CASH BALANCES TRANSFERS AND APPROPAtATlONS UPENDJl'Ulll::S O~ ACCOUN NAME OF ACCOUNT eNCUMBRANCES FRE;e BALANCES ""y-'-. NO. >.:; ,- '~ ______I=-,;:.SE:::P..cTE=M::.::B:::E,,-R ..c1:.:.ST-I::--:.:.A":.:.Jc:Uc:.$T;.;;M;;:;E:.:.NT:.;;":...... _.~~ORc;;...;;;INc:OMS INCOMe: £STtMATee: p-, .~ ~ ~ V, AV A I LA BL E UN] V F D·' AP PRO P R''']' -c-Ar:C-I""'OC'C NS £ iJ> f,:------I;:------91 545 REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF',;. .r ELEVATOR IN HOME ECONOMICS BUILDING 4464.00 4464.00 1L ~ 91 546 MA?~jiLn5¥M2~E~~iR 90.00.!,fA~O£ 91 558 OF ROOFS AND 8116.50 8026.50 ROOF DECKS 8310.33 8310.3-3"\ 91 570 WOMENS GYMNASIUM-REPLACEMENT OF FILTRATION SYSTEM AND MODERNIZATION OF SWIMMING POOL . 35000.00 2811.38 8358.69 23829.93 i 91 58 a PATCHING AND SEALING STREETS I AND DRIVES 30000.00 30000.001 91 585 PHYSICS BUILDING-REPLACEMENT OF ! INADEQUATE CIRCUITS AND LIGHTING i EQUIPMENT 27000.00 17572.32 9427.68\ 91 59 a PHYSICS BUILDING-REMODELING AND ' MODERNIZ iNG OF ELEVATOR 20000.00 20000.00 '., 91 595 I<,\USIC BUILDING-RETIREMENT OF /' REFRIGERATION PLANT AND CONVERSION 91 600 BIOLOGiCALOF SUPPLY OFLABORATORIES-REMODELING CHILLED WATER 22.80°0°0°0".°0°0 22080°0°0°."0°00 " AND MODERNIZING OF ELEVATOR 91 605 GEOLOGY BUILDING-REMODELING AND I MODERNIZING OF ELEVATOR 20000.00 20000.00 I 9" 610 INSTALLATION OF ATOMIC REACTOR- I " ROO M 1 3 l'~"l AY l. 0 R HAL L ___. __ .__ ~, ______,--.lJiQQQ",-O.D..,., _____, __ .__ __,,_16.D..0-,,-.QO'-'-h~'~';L(h.O_Q,L, TOTALS (P~n' p&.ge ,J 1___ ~ ______t- __. ____ .~~~~?,,10_._8~___ 2f>..:~41_6, 38 _1_L'_4~5."...!:_9_+_2_8_1_8_8_4_9_.~7~"

MEDICAL BRANCH ("'l REPAIR AND REMODELING OF !ZOLLER BLDG. • ;I 'c' 91800 ALLOTMENT ACCOUNT 300000.00 300000.00A .; 9HTH BUlL.DING I 91810 ALLOTMENT ACCOUNT 1------~------TO~_:_g£--r---~H~_!-~~------300-Hi:Z:-~-'" (P~T pag~ ~) TOTALS ----,,------'------1----_. -----,-~

1=-==---====i=====F==.. ===j===-'=- =.-,.= .,-- """'-"'---~=--.---~-

. ,




DENTAL BRANCH 96200 UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE TQTe41.tS (Per page .s ',>-: 711 -.-- -


Page No . Budget Errata. 1961-62 M 30 Budget Items 1960-61 Auxiliary Budgets Classified Personnel ...... M 34 Government Sponsored Research Academic Personnel ...... M 32 - 34 Classified Personnel ...... M 35 Main University Academic Personnel ...... M 31 Classified Personnel ...... Id 34

Miscellaneous Sponsored Areas Academic Personnel ...... M 31 .32

1961-62 Auxiliary Budgets Classified Personnel ...... M 23 .24 Government Sponsored Academic Personnel ...... M 16 .20 Classified Personnel ...... M 25 .30 &in University Budget Academic Persobnel ...... M 1 .15 Classified Personnel ...... M 21 - 23 Miscellaneous Sponsored Areas Academic . Personnel ...... M 15 .16 Classified Personnel ...... M 24 .25 Contracts Academic and Business ...... M 47 Government Contracts (~esearch) ...... M 43 .46 Credits for Sales ...... M 35 - 36 Faculty Legislation ...... M 50 - 51

Gifts and Grants ...... e.eoee.e ...... &% 37 - 42 Nepotism Exceptions ...... M 50 Outside Employment ...... M 48 - 49 Reappropriations of Balances ...... M 35 Travel Paid from Non-travel finds ...... M 49 . 50 Use of Textbooks Written by Faculty ...... M 48

Main University .Index TEE rnIVERSITY OF IPEXAP, Main University Office of the President Austin

October 21, 1961

Dr. 5rry Ransom, Chancellor The Waiversity of 'Paxas Austin, Texas

Dear Chancellor Ranscmtr

The folloving dwket for &in University is submitted for your approval and subission to the Boeud of Regents at its meeting in Austin on Blowmber 10- 11, 1961. -,

Recommended Amendments --to the 1961-62 Budget Academic Personnel

(salary rates are based on nine months, and the terminal date of appointment I is Nay 31, $962, unless otherwise shown. For docket purposes, dollar figures are used, cents omitted. The term "rate" for academic personnel is the full- I time nine month base rate; the appointee receives the proportionate aomt depending on the period of his appointment and the fraction of time for which he is appointed. Funds for appointments or salary increases are fmm Unallocated I Salaries nnhss otherwise shown. Unagad salaries am unfilled positions or positions vacated by resignations. ) Effective Item Present Status Recamended Status Date

SCHOOL OF ARC~T?URE ~esignamon: 1. Th-s R. Glover Instructor Prior to (304) Rate: ,$5,500 September 1, 1961 I Appointment : 2. Jorge Luis Divino Visiting Lecturer September I (292) Rater $5,500 18, 1961 Source of funds: I Unused salaries 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

3. From: Salary Supplementation Fund To: Asseoiate Pmfessor David Bloch For: To provide a salary supplement for 1961-62 0-

Chemistry Appointment : I 4. William Hampton Wade Assistant Professor September I (17) ate: $6,800 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Increases in Salary: 5. Will- Shive Professor (112 T.) Professor (112 T.) September (202 Rate: $14,500 Rate : $15,000 1, 1961 6. L. F. Hatch professor Professor September ( 149 Rate: $10,500 Rate: $10,700 1, 1961 Economics ,A Increase in Salary: 7. Edward ~verett Professor Professor September I Hale Rate: $9,500 Rate: $10,000 1, 1961

Change of Status: 8. Benjamin Howard Professor Professor (213 T .) September Higgins ate: $16,000 ate: $16,000 1, 1961 (90) English Appointments: 9. Nan T. Ledbetter Special Instructor September (166) Rate: $4,500 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries c 10. Kathleen bhhaffey Special Instructor September (213) Rate: $4,500 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Source of Funds for appointment of the following Teaching I Assistants is the I lump-sum Teaching I Assistants item

ll. Stanley Gerald Teaching Assistant September Alexander (112 T.1 1, 1961 (215) Rate: $5,000 L. 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Teaching Assistant September (112 T*) 1, 1961 Rate: $5,000

13. Charles Barnos Teaching Assistant September (220) (112 T.1 1, 1961 Rate: $5,000 14. Jasper F. Kobler, Teaching Assistant September (1/2 T.1 1, 1961

15. James Milton Teaching Assistant September Kellard (,1/2 T.) 1,1961 Rate: $4,600 1960-61 9% ~~ecialtructor Special Instructor September l.e Rate: $3,600 Rate: $4,500 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

17. Silas Griggs Special Instructor Special Instructor September ($4 ) ate: $3,600 Rate: $4,500 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries i Increases in Salary: I ' ,18. Lee Andrew Instructor Instructor September Elioseff Rate: $5,700 Rate: $6,200 1, 1961 (396) *. *. .n ,19. Roger D . Abrahams Instructor Instructor September (394) Rate: $5,500 Rate: $6, COO 1, 1961 20. muelEdrich Instructor Instructor September - ' (395) Rate: $5,500 Rate: $6,000 1, 1961 Leaves of Absence: 21. Leo Hughes Professor (112 T.) September (67) Rate: $10,500 1, 1961 22. E. Bagby Atwood Professor September (245) Rate: $10,000 1, 1961 - January 319 1962 23. William J. Handy Associate Professor September (66) Rate: $8,800 1, 1961 - January 31, 1962 Resignations: 24. Robert 0. Stephens Instructor Prior to (92) ate: $6,000 Septembw 1, 1961 I 1961-62 ~udget(continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

COLLEGE OF AR!f'S AM) SCIENCE^(^^^^) Germanic Languages Appointment:-- - 25. Louis Thomas Jardine Teaching Assistant September (151) (1/2 T.1 1, 1961 Rate: $5,000 Source of Funds: Teaching Assistants A-entHistory : 26. ~homssB. ~avins Visiting Professor September (143 (112 Te) 1, 1961 - Rate: $8,000 January 31, 1962 Transfer of Funds: 27. From: Unallocated Salaries To: Salaries,Account For: To set up position of Lecturer (1T.) for the First Semester (113) Home Economics Appointment:- @ 28. Paula Janet or September Connor Chalupnik 1, 1961 - (257) January

Change of Status: 29. Louise Wilson Lecturer (1/2 T. J Lecturer (2/3 T. ) September Snider Rate: $4,700 Rate: $4,700 1, 1961

Journalism Changes of Status: 30. Paul Bolton Visiting Lecturer Change appointment Febr~ary1, ( 397 1 (1/3 T.) bng Session to Second Semester 1, 1962 Rate: $6,000 only

31. Arlie Ray McTee Lecturer (1/4 T.) Change appointment February (398) First Semester to Second 19 1962 , Rate: $8,000 Semester Microbiology (" ,App0i;z7;t: 32. James M. Clampit Instructor (1/2 T. ) September Rate: $6,000 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries Physics AD DO%^^@^% : 33: Richard Perry Teaching Assistant September 4 (1/2 T. 1 1, 1961 Rate: $4,800 I Source of Funds: I Teaching Assistants 1961-62 Budget (continued) A~CPersonnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

34. Eugene Vasily Associate Professor Leave without September Ivash Elate: $8,000 salary 1, 1961 - (118) Jam- 31s 1962 Resignation: 35. Gerald Glenn Assistant Professor Prior to Ohlsen (2/3 T. ) September (243) Rate: $7,500 1, 1961 Change of Status: 36. ~ohn avid Assistant Professor Assistant Pmfessor September Gavenda Rate: $7,500 (2/3 To) 1,1961 (265) Rate: $7,500 Psychology Change of Status: 37. Hugh C. Blodgett Professor ~rofessor(3/4 T. ) September (400) Rate: $11,500 Rate: $ll, 500 1, 1961- Leave of Absence: 38. willard H. Assistant Professor Leave without September Brentlinger Rate: $5,000 sury 1, 1961 (401) Resignations: 39. Milton Whitcomb Assistant Professor Prior to (402 ate: $6,500 September 1, 1961 40. Robert Moulton Assistant Professor Prior to (412) ate: $6,300 September 1, 1961 Romance Languages Increases in Salary: 41. Ramon Professor Professor September Martinez-Lopez Rate : $9,500 Rate: $10,000 1, 1961 (107) 42 Donald Selwyn Instructor Instructor September Rate: $5,500 Rate: $5,500 1, 1961 Plus $500 supplement for 1961-62 only from Salary Supplementat ion

Funds for the following Teaching Assistants are from the lump-sum Teaching Assistants item Appointments: 43. Bertie Iiaylor Teaching Assistant September Acker (1/2 To) 1, 1961 (152) mter $4,800 1961-62 -Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Statas Recommended Status Date

Appointments: Didier T . Jaen Teaching Assistant September (131) (1/2 T.1 1, 1961 ate: $4,600

Sociology Change of Status: 45. ~ackP. Gibbs Associate Professor Associate Professor September (328) (2/3 T*) (113 T*) 1, 1961 ~iate:$8,500 ate: $8,500

Zoology -e -e in salary: 6 William King Lecturer September %ten $6,300 1, 1961

COLIgOE(0F BUSIW&SS ADWXISPBII- TIOB h. u Accounting Transfer o? Funds; ' 47+ From: Salary items No. 20 - $600; Hoe 21 - $900;

To: Item 22 - Lecturer position Item 31 - Teaching Assistants S~rrTo increase position of Lecturer from -57 to full. time and to provide additional funds for Teaching Assistants (140 Funds for the following Lecturers are frmn the Lecturers account

Business Services Appointments : . Patrick Wtacre Lecturer (113 T. ) September Rate: $4,500 I., 1.961 - January 319 1962 ' C 49. Eee Tebbs Brooks Lecturer (1/3 T. ) September ate: $5,169 I, 1961

..I. . . a:;,,-A.2 I-, . :.- ,.i 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective 1 Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Lecturer (1/3 T. ) September te: $5*600 1, 1961 (~lsoin Marketing Administration) - 51. George Hamis Lecturer (2/3 T. ) September Rate: $5,200 1, 1961

\ 52. Kaom Takata kcturer (2/3 T . September ( 498 Rate: $5,200 1, 1961

dcturer (1/3 To) September I Rate: $4,500 1, 1961

"Apzwe nt 8 54. William C . House Lectumr (1/2 T.) September (248) Rate: $5,200 1, 1961 - Source of Funds: January , Unused Salaries 31, 1962

Reappointments : 1960-61 \ 55. Henry T. Owen Professor (2/3 T.) Professor (2/3 T. ) September (221) (222) Bate: $7,700 Special Faculty 1, 1961 Assignment Rate: $7,700 056. ReynoldsOriffith Isatnrer (112 T. ) Lecturer (1/2 T. ) September (102 1961. ~umslarsession Bate: $5,200 19 1961 Bate: $4,800

Change of Status: 57. Jack W . Cashin Associate Professor Associate Professor September (132) Rate: $8,400 oh 'f-1 1, 1961 with $2,000 from Rate: $8,400 carrent restricted with $2,000 frau fnnd8 current restricted funds

Lecturer (1/2 T .) September Rate: $5,600 I>I%1 - i

59. John Stephenson Lecturer (1/4 Te) September Ludlam Rate: $5,200 1, 1961 - January 31, 1962 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continned) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Associate Professor September Rate: $9,400 lr 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries Assistant Professor September Rate: $7,200 1, ,1961 Source of ppurds: Unased Salaries Assistant Professor September Rate: $8,000 1, 1961 Soarce of Fuadsr Unused Salaries 3. Joseph C . Lectwer (1/2 T. ) Septeaber -hey Rate: $5,400 1, 1961 (59) Source of Funds: I Unused Salaries I 64. Ralph Winston Cain Teaching Assistant September (219) (1/2 T.1 1, 1961 Rate: $4,500 I Source of Funds: Teaching Assistants

Reappointments : 1960-61 65. ~IM. avid Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September & Cohen ate: $6,300 On Leave I, 1961 (326) c 66. at stiuinn Lecturer (1/2 T. ) Lectprer (1/2 T. ) September (58) Rate: $5,400 Rate: $5,400 1, 1961 Source of Funas: i Unused Salaries I @, 67. -1 Jackson Lecturer (2/3 T. ) Lecturer (1/3 T.) Febntary Covan Rate: $6,000 ate: $6,000 12 196? i Lecturer without September stipend 1, 1961 - I January 31, 1962 --- I Lecturer (1/2 T. ) Lecturar (3/4 To) September Rate: $5,400 Rate: $5,400 1, 1961 I (235) (211) (274) Source of Funds: i Unused and Unallocated Salaries 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (caatinued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION '-nKd]- '-nKd]- Curriculum and ~strnctio~continued) T!ransfer of Funds: 69. From: Office of the Dean - Visiting ~ecturera To: Curriculum and Instruction - + Clerical Assistants ' Far: Because of heavy teaching loads in Depa-en$ need clerical assistant help (139) 70. From: Assistant Professor $7,600. 00 To: Teaching Assistants 7,600.00 For: Necessary to use Teaching Assistantsbecause of increased enrollments (277) Educational AdministratPon ,Appoi;y: 71. Clyde E. Blocker Associate Professor September Rate: $9,000 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Change of Status: 72. John 0. Rodgers. Associate Professor Associate Profeseor September

(10) (1/2 T 0 1 (1/4 To) 1, 1961 Rate: $8,000 Rate: $8,000

Educational Psychology Appointments : \ 73. Francis John Lecturer (1/2 T.) September Buy Rate: $5,400 19 1961 ( (247) Source of Funds: Unused Salaries I

7 Th-s B. Scott Assistant Professor September -1244) (1/3 T.1 19 1961 Rate: $5,8i0 Source of Funds:

Uqnsed salaries A* I

Change of Status: 75. Leigh Peck Associate Professor As~sciateProfessor February (255) 2/3 First Semester; (2/3 ) 1, 1962 W Second Semester Rate: $6,600 Rate: $6,600

Transfer of Funds: 76. From: Teaching Assistants To: Teaching Salaries For: Increasing Lecturer (1/2 T. ) to Lecturer (3/4 T. ) (146) : 77. From: Office of the Dean - VisitL ng $l,950.00 Lectwers To: Educational Psychology - Salaries 1,950.00 For: Establishing new position of Assistant Professor (1/3) 1961-62 Budget (continued) GZGXc personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recornmended Status Date


History and Philosophy of ~dtlcaxon Ssfer of mas: 78. F~om: Unallocated Salaries $6,300.00 To: Histow and Philosophy of ' Education - Salaries 613OO.OO .#' 4or: ,reas, one ,cturer 4 position to ftUrtiPre and i*H~w*d~ b~ - position + 0 ~~~E?~~T.) at (pm~mt= (ftU-the) L. (134) Physical and Health Educatipn Appointment : 79. Carrie Lee Warren Lecturer (1/2 T.) September (163) Rate: $5,400 11 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Resignation: 80. George A. mey, Lecturer ( 1/6 T. ) Prior to Rate: $4,800 September $i) 1, 1961

cianaes of Status: 81. -Kenneth H. Jehn Associate Professor Associate Professor September (241) (3/4 T.) (F.T.) 1, 1961 Rate: $8,800 Rate: $8,800

Viriiting hctwe.r Visiting Lecturer September (2/3 ) (F.T.) 1, 1961 Rate: $7,400 Rate: $7,400

83. Nomn K. Wagner Instructor (1/2 T. ) Instructor (2/3 T. ) Septeqber (249) me: $5,700 Rate: $5,700 1,1961 Engineering Mechanics Appointment: 84. Dwight Alton Instructor (1/2 T.) September Rate: $4,500 1, 1961

Death: Special Lecturer August 27, Rate: $7,500 1961

Resignations: 86. nab Wayne Instructor (1/2 T. ) Prior to I Evertson ate: $5,328 September (60) 1, 19a I 87. Elmer Gerald Instructor Prior to Orif Pies Rate: $4,500 September (61) 1, 1961 * 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Rece~rrmendedStatus Date

COLLEGE OF ENGIHEERlPlG -=dr Engineering Mechanics have : 88. Bill Gorton Eppes Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September (57) Rate: $7,500 Leave without salary 1, 1961 - Januam

r. Mechanical Engineerirlg ChaPne .of Status : 89. -car1 J. Eckhardt Professor (1/4 T. ) Leave of absence September (224) Rate: $ll,000 without salary 1, 1961- Rate: $ll,OOO January 3 1962

90. Robert R. Instructor Instructor (2/3 T .) September Rate: $5,500 Rate: $5,500 1, 1.961 - January 31, 1962

Teachtng Assistant ,September (1/4 T.1 1, 1961 - -9: $51000 January Source of Funds: 31, 1962 Teaching Assistants

Resignation: 92. Eldred W. Eough Professor Prior to (24) Rate: $9,800 September * 1, 1961

COLLWE OF FINE ARTS Art --- f' -Appointments: 93-. Albert A+deff Assistant Professor September (264 ate: $6,000 1, 1961 ' Source of Funds: Unused Salaries 094. Robert V. Berg Instructor September (200) Rate: $5,800 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Reappointment: 1960-61 95. Frances Goodhue Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September Loder (second semester) ate: $5>600 1, 1961 (162) Rate: $5,600 Source of Fnnds: Unused Salaries Music -e -e of Status: 96. -~harlesE . Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September i Brookhart (3/4 T.1 (F.T.) 1, 1%1 (201 Insfrument Custodian Bate: $6,000 (1/4 T.) Source of Funds: Unused Salaries I I 1Sl-62 -Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

COLLXGE OF FINE AR!FS 'mncdr- Music (continued) Bntment: < 4.1. James I. Dickie (204) (205) ~nstrumenicustodian 1,-1961 (314 To) Rate: $4,500 Source of Funds: Unused and Unallocated Salaries

ScmL OF IAW ~ppointiznE- 98. Charles T. kcornick Professor (113 To) September (26) Rate: $15,000 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

COmOF PmBHACY Appointment: 99. Paul Frank Special Instructor September -- (TI (1961-62 Q~W) 1, 1961 Rater $5,400 V Sowce.of ~\tnds: Unased Salaries

Consultant on September Soeial Welfa&l/10 T. ) 1, 1961 Rate: $9,000

Unused Salaries I 01Robe* c . Lecturer - September Nodine. M.D. Psychiatry (1/6 T. ) 1, 1961 - I -Rate: $6,000 January Source of Ftmds: 319 19Q 2% ktaused Salaries ..- C- C- 102. Charles W. Associate Professor Associate Professor September Iaughton Rate: $7,800 ate: $6;900 1; 1961. 045) Resignation: 103. John A. Boston, Lecturer - Prior Jr . Psychiatry (1/6 T. ) September (108) Rate: $6,000 1.9 1961 196~62Budget (continued) -c -c Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Statas Recommended Status Date

OFFICE OF THX DEAN OF -----TIIE GBADUATE SCHOOL c&s - of Status: 104. Leo Hughes Associate Dean Associate Dean September (223) (112 T.1 (115 'T 1 19 1961. Rate: $13,500 Rate: $13,500 105. E. Joseph Weiss Assistant to the Assistant to the September (26 Dean (1/4 T. ) Dean (112 T*) 1, 1961 Rate: $12,1)00 Rate: $12,000 Sowce of Funds: Unused Salaries

-NAVAL SCIENCE d Appointments: 106. a. W. H. Dankert Associate Professor Sep-bar Commander, USH NO salary tkm 1, 1961 University

1w. John 0. McDermott Assistant Professor September Lieutenant, USN No salary from &a 19a e University Resignation: ,?i 108. Jack PI. Stevens, Associate Professor Prior ta Lt. Commander, Blo salary frorn September USBl University 19 1%1

Wrcille Hook Special Instructor September Bradshaw Rate: $4,600 1, 1961 Source of Buads: Unused Salaries Instructor September Rate: $4,500 L, 1961 Source of Funds: Unased Salaries 1ll. Ethel S. Gill Teaching ~ssistant(a) September I .(227) aten $4,800 1, 1961 ..- Source of Funds: Teaching Assistants Resignation: ll2. Bobbie Nell Instructor Prior to Rate: $4,800 September 19 1%1 1 ORMIZED RESEARCH Research in Bacteriology 1960-61 ~ppointmex: Special Lecturer (112) Research Scientist V @)September Bacteriology ate: $9,600 (12 mas) 1, 1961. - (33) Elate: $8,008 Source of Funds: January (9 months) Research Assistants 31, 1962 and Technicians - "*.I J 1961-62 Budget (continued) . Acsdemic Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Reconmended Status Date QBeAIIIZH) rnSEARCH ( continuer ~&eauof ~igineering ~esears Transfer of Funds: ll4. From: Main University Unappropriated Balance $1,850.00 To: ater-agency Contract Expense 1,850.00 For: To appropriate proceeds resulting from an Inter-agency Contract No. 4413-541 with Texas State Board of Professional Engineers (336) University Research Institute Appoiptments : ll5. David P. Bloch Assoeiate.Professor Research Assignment September (302) of Botany Stipend: $10,500 1, 1961 Rate: $10,508 plus Source of Funds: Allotment Account . - -. ..6 James R. Soulcup Assistant Professor Research Assignment September (258) of ~overnment Stipena: $700 1 - 30, On leave Long Session Source of F~S: 1961 Rate: $7,000 Allotment Account ll7. Raphael Levy Associate Professor Research Assignment September - (259) of Romance languages Stipend: $4,250 1, 1961 - Source of Funds: January Allotment Account 31, 1962

"t Interschqlastie September Drama Director 1, 1961 (112 T.1 Rate: $5,000 Source of ~onds: Unused Salaries

Office of the Dean ~ncreasr'i~: U.9. Harold Bean Assistant Director Assistant Director September Powell Pharmacy Extension Pharmacy Extension 1, 1961 - Service (1/2 T. ) Service (1/2 T. ) August Rate: $4,800 ate: $5,028 31, 1962 Source of Funds: Pfeiffer Foundation

PHYSICAL PIAlT Chpe- of-sxns: 120. Carl J. Eckhardt Director (314 T. ) Director (F .T.) September (232) Rate: $14,000 Rater $14,000 1, .l$l - (12 months) (12 months) Januarg 31, 1962 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (contfnued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

PHYSICAL PLANT -uzq-- Transfer of Funds : 121. From: Improvements, RemodelLng and Major Repairs - Allotment $~,OOO.OO To: Main Building - Improvement of ~ighting ~,OOO.OO FOP: TO improve lighting on 16th, LTth, 19tII, 20th, 21st, and 26th floors (170 1

All Stipends paid from grant funds

A - 121. Robed H. Ryan Special Instructor Social Science September 6208) in Business Services Research Associate 1, 1961 - Rate: $5,400 (~acu~ty)(1/4 T.) March 31, Stipend: $1,050 1962

Ford Foundation Tofessional Development of ~acrnlty) Appointments: 122. Percy H. Miller Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September 6 291 Aero-Space (1/3 T.1 1, 1961 - Engineering (2/3 T. ) Stipend: $1,500 January First erne ester;(^.^. ) 3~ 1962 Second Semester Rate: $9,000

12 Robert Fonda Instructor in Instructor (1/4 T. ) September Gribble Electrical Engineering Stipend: $1,300 1, 1961 (234) (3/4 T.1 Rate: $5,200 124. John Paul Craig Instmetor in Instmctor (1/4 T . ) September (301.1 Electrical Engf neering Stipend: $1,200 1, 1961 (3/4 T.1 Rate: $4,800

125. Samuel J. Dwyer, instructor in Instructor (1/4.T. ) September ZII Electrical Stipend: $1,300 1, 1961 (233 Engineering (3/4 To) Rate: $5,200

126. ~homasN. Xnstmctor in Instmctor (114 T. ) September mitaker Electrical Stipend: $1,600 1, 1961 (240) Engineering ( 3/4 To) Rate: $6,400

127. Char1es H. Karnes Instructor in Instructor (1/3 To) September (236) Engineering Mechanics Stipend: $1,800 1, 1961 Rate: $5,400 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effektive Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

MISCELLANEOUS SPONSORED AREAS ~~d~ Linguistics (NDEA) Appointment: / 128. Edgard Polome Visiting Associate Visiting Associate September (409 Professor in Arabic Professor (112 T. f 1, 1961 Center (112 T . ) St.ipend: $4,500 Rate: $9,000 -RDEA Graduate Fellowships Appointment: 129. William E. Drake Professor of History Professor (113 To) September 1197) and Philosophy of Stipend: $3,900 1, 1961 Education (213 T,) Rate: $11,900 Resources --for the Future CResearch In ~ccmomics) &pointment : 130. Benjamin H. Professor of Professor Project September Riggins ~conomics(213 T. ) Director) i 113 T.) 1, 1961 (91) Rate : $16,000 Stipend: $5,333 Russell Sage Foundation Grant - lr~ichard. M. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor September Colvard Of Sociology (~esearchScientist) lj 1961 - (4x0 (on leave) Stipend: $8,500 July 31, Rate: $6,800 in (negotiated - gmnt 1962 1960-61 xo Professor ~01vard)

In this area "Present Status" column gives the staff member's academic title and teaching ratej the "Recommended Status" column reflects either his nomina- tion to the project or a change in his government sponsored project appointment to that set forth. All stipends are from contract funds.

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Academic-Year Institute {NSF grant) 132. John David Assistant Professor Associate Director September Cevenda of Physics (113 T.1 1, 1961 (386) Rate: $7,500 Stipend: $2,500 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Associate Professor Research Scientist September Morrow of Microbiology (Faculty) (1/4 T. ) 1, 1961 ( 286) Rate: $7,000 Stipend: $1,750

134. Keith P. Young Professor of Geology Director (Faculty) September (340) Rate: $9,500 61/2 T.1 1, 1961 Stipend: $4,750

Defense Research Labomtory 115.-. John Davfd Assistant Professor Research Scientist September Gavenda of Physics (physics) (Faculty) 1., 1961- - I393 Rate: $7,500 0/5 T*) August 31, Stipend: $1,999 1962

136. Milton Arlo Assistant Professor Research Scientist September Whitcomb of Psychology (~sychology) 1, 1961 - (288) Resigned (~aculty) August 31, Leave without salary 1962

137. Beverly Jean Groh Special Instructor Film Analyst September Martin in Speech Leave without salary 1,. 1961 - (323) Rate: $4,800 August 31, 1962

138. Robert Fonda Instructor in Research Engineer September Gribble Electrical (Fac?a1tY) 1, 1961 - (287) Engineering Leave without salary August 31, Rate: $5,200 1962

139. Samuel Joseph Instructor in Research Engineer September Dwyer, I11 Xlectrical (Faculty) 1, 1961 - (289) Engineering Leave without salary August 31, Rate: $5,200 1962

140. Harold John Professor of Research Engineer September Plass, Jr . Engineering (Faculty) (1/4 T.) I, 1961 - (318) Rate: $10,500 Stipend: $3,499 August. 31, 1962

Electrical Engineering Research Labomtory 141. Archie W. Professor of Director (Faculty \ September Stmiton Electrical Engineering (1/2 T. ) 2, 1963 - 115) Rate : $159500 stipend $10,333 August 31, 1962

142. Harold Wood Smith Professor of Radio Engineer September (12) Electrical (Faculty) (1/4 T .) L, 1961 ., Engineering Stipend: $3,999 August 31, Rate: $12,000 1962 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (conthued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Professor of Raaio Engineer September Electrical (~aculty)b1/4 T. ) 1, 1961 - Engineering Stipend: $3,666 Rate: $11,000

144. Bob Meredith Associate Professor Radio Engineer September of Electrical (Faculty) (l/4 T. ) 1, 1961 - Engineering Stipend: $3,166 Algdst 31, Rate: $9,500 1962

145 Edwin Carl Assistant, Professor Consultant (without September Lowenberg of Eleetrical salary) 1, 1961 - (320) Engineering August 31, Rate: $8,800 1962

Eydrocarbon Metabolism (NSF ) 146. Jackson W . Foster Professor of Director of Research September (285) Microbiology (on Stipend: $499 1 - 10, leave ) 1961 Rate: $13,500

Mental Bealth in Teacher Tr-ainEg 3nnaldJ, Assistant Professor Research Coordinator Veldman of Educational (113 T-) (187) psycho log^ Stipend: $2,399 Rate: $7,200

Middle East, Ianguage and Area- Center 1m xphen Simmons Instmctor September ( 321) Stipend: $4,000 1, 1961 - January 31, 1962

149. Edgar Shlomo Inst~uctorin &stmctor (1/2 T.) September Ef rat Classical Languages Stipend: $1,611 1, 1961 - (253) Rate: $5,800 Jartry 31, 1962

150. Carl Leiden Visiting Professor Associate Professor September (256) of P~arernnaent (2/3 T.1 1, 1961 - &te: $8,000 Stipend: $2,955 January 31s 1962

151. Edgard Polome' Visiting Associate September 6 211) Professor $1/2 T.) 1, 1961 - Stipend: $2,250 January 31, 1962 Military Pwsics Research Laboratory 152. Winfred P. Professo~of Chief Investigator September 0/4 T.Z 1, 1961 - Stipend: $3,999 May 31, 1962 1961-62 ~udget(continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Government Sponsored Research (cont inued) NDEA Counseling and PGuidance center- 153. 3. Carson McGuire Professar of Professor; Instructor September (303) Edwational in Xnstitute 1, 1961 - Psyeho1ogy Ql/3 T-) January Rate : $13,000 Stipend: $2,407 31, 1962

154. William G. Wolfe Professor of Professor; Instmetor February (198) Educational '. in 1nstitute(l/3 T. ) 2, 1962 Psychology Stipend: $1,797 Rate: $12,000

155. Royal B. Embree Professor of Professor, September (290) Educational Director and 1, 196i Psychology Coordinator of Rate: $10,000 Institute (213 T. ) Stipend: $6,666

156. Charles M. Clark Assistant Professor Assistant Professor; September (195) of Educational Instmetor in 1, 1961 ~syeho~o~ Institute (1/3 To) Rate: $3,500 . Stipend: $2,500 157. Leigh Peck Associate Professor Associate Professor; September (251) of Educational Instmetor in 1, 1961 Psychology Institute (l/3 T. ) ate: $6,600 Stipend: $2,200

158. Eugene B. Doughtie Psychologist I Lecturer in Educational September (335) Testing and Counseling Psychology; Comseiing 1, 1961 Center Supervisor (1/2 T. ) Rate: $3,600 Stipend: $2,100

Professor of Director {~aculty) September Educational (1/4 T.) l91961 - Psychology Stipend: $2,726 August 31, (M.s.] 1962 hte: $4,090 Psychiatric Socialwork- Reappointment- - and Increase in Salary: 1bO. Joseph Irvin Visiting Associate Visiting Associate September Emgate, Jr* P~ofessor professor 1, 1961 (6) Rate: $7,500 Stipend: $8,000 161. Robe& Cariton Leetarer - Reseapch Associate September Nodine Psychiatry .(xi6 ) 1, 1961 - (38) Graduate School of Stipend: $553 Social Work Rate: $6,000 1961-62 Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Government Sponsored Research (continued) Radiobiological Laboratory 152. Theophilus Shickel Professor of Director (118 T,) September Painter Zoolo@ Stipend: $1,525 1, 1961 (214) (M-8.1 Rate: $6,100

Research on ~elativi5and Gravitatl onTa Theories 163. Alfred Schild Professor of Director (~acaculty) September (199) Mathematics (114 T*) 1 - 309 Rate: $15,000 Stipend: $416 1961

Shelter Study = Moore Professor of Project Director September ( 392) Sociology (114 T,) 1, 1961 - Rate: $10,000 Stipend: $1,223 January 13, 1962

Small Business -Administration Grant 165. ~harlesT. P Associate Professor Social Science September Clark of Business Services Research Associate 1, 1961 - (54) Rate: $8,200 (F'aculty) (114 T. ) January Stipend: To be 31s 1962 vouchered on hourly basis at $5.26 per hour South-- Asia Language --and Area Center lnridree F. Special Instructor September Sjoberg (213 T ) 1, 1961 - (322) Stipend: $1,500 January 31, 1962

Instmctor in Research Engineer September Civil Engineering (~aculty)(112 T. ) 1, 1961 - ate: $4,800 Stipend: $3,199 August 31, 1962

168. Eugene Arman Professor of Associate Director September Engineering (11'3 T-) 1, 1961 - Mechanics Stipend: $5,333 August Rate: $12,000 31, 1962

169. Michael Dean Instructor in Research Engineer September Ref fel Engineering Mechanics (~aculty) (114 T .) 1, 1963. - ( 300 Rate: $4,500 Stipend: $1,500 August 31, 1962 "I.-- z($(:-j !,

1961-62 Budget (continued)

Classified Personnel

(Salary rates are based on twelve months and the terminal date of appointment is August 31, 1962, unless otherwise shown, For docket purposes, dollar figures are used, cents omitted.)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date Student --Life Staff Appointment: 470. David H. Thomas Assistant Dean of September (266) Student Life 1, 1961 - (Studeiat Group 312 Adviser III) 1962 Rate: $6,468 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

Increase in Salary: 171 Rollin A. Student Group Student Group September Sininger Adviser I11 Adviser III 1, 3.961 - (36) Rate: $6,468 Rate: $7,104

Testing -and Counseling -Center Au~ointmnts:- - 172. John A A. PsychoLogist 111 September Rate: $7,440 1, 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

193. Joseph S. Assistant Professor Psychologist PIP September Thorpe of Psychology (l/2) (clinical) b 1/2 1, 1961 - (34) Rate :$6,500 Rate: $6,500 May 31, (9 months) 1.962 Source of Fbpnds: Unused Salaries

Reappointment: 1960-61 134. Vincent A. Psychologist TI Psychologist I1 September Harren Rate: $6,468 Rate: $6,468 1, 1961 (23) Source of Funds : Unused Salaries

Library Increase in Salary: 175. Nettie Lee Latin American Lzttin American September Benson Collections Col~ections I., 1961 1284 Librarian Librarian Rate: $7,104 Rate: $q2800

QREANIZED RESFARCH Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute Amointment: Frank L. Siege1 Research Scientist V September (293) Rate: $8,880 1, 1961 1961-62 Budget (continued) Classified Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date ORGANIZED RESEARCH '-lGZZEieT Computation Center Reappointment: 1960-61 177. Mozelle Hampton Computer Programmer Computer Programmer September (183) 111 213: 1, 1961 Rate: $6,.468 Rate: $6,468 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries Resignation: 178. Carl Bower Computer Programmer Prior to Bailey 11 September (184) Rate: $6,468 1, i961 Institute of Public Affairs - Resignation:

179. John T T. Social Science Prior to Thompson Research Associate IV September (280 Rate: $7,440 1, 1961 Cotton Economic Research Reappointment: 180. William B. Research Scientist Research Scientist September 111 I11 1 - 309 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168 1961 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

DIVISION OF EXTENSION Bureau ofTublic ~choolTervice Resignation:P 181. J. Roy Moses, Jr. Interscholastic Prior to (298) Journalism Director September Rate: $6,468 1, 1961 Industrial and Business Training- Bureau Appointment: 1%. William Julius Tmining Specialist September Iiamann 11, Technical 1, i961 (263) Instructor in Petroleum Training Rate: $6,468 Source of Funds : Unused Salaries

~eappoin-ment: 1960-61 183. James Edward Traiwecialist Training Specialist September Moore 11, Supervisory 11, Supervisory 1, 1961 (20) Training Training Rate: $6,468 Rate: $6,468 Source of Funds: Unused and Unallocated Salaries 1961-62 Budget (continued) Classified Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

DIVISION OF EXTENSION cont inux) Industrial -and Business Training Bureau TGXIiiEed) - 184. James L. Cockpum Training Specialist September (225) I1 (112 T . ) 30, 1961 Rate: $6,780

185. Curtis F. Kruse Training Specialist Prior to (260 I1 September Rate: $6,468 1, 1961 Service and Revolving Funds Revolving- Printing - -Fund Resirnation:- 186. James L. Cockrum Training Specialist September (231) 13. (1/2) 30, 1961 Rate: b$6,780

PKYSICAL -PLANT Balcones Research Center Increase in Salary: 187- John Henry Cain Assistant Assistant September (36) Maintenance Engineer Maintenance Engineer 1, 1961 Rate a $6,468 Rate: $6,780

TEXAS WORIAL MUSEUM PAppointment: 188. Gerald George Research Scientist September III 1, 1961 Rate: $6,168 Source of Funds: Unused Salaries

AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES BUDGET Student Bealth Center - Outpatient Division Appointments: 189. Gilmore Wootten Physician, September Brown Specialist 1, 1961 (262) Eye (113 To) Rate: $10,920

190. Joel Clark Physician, General September Johnson Medicine 1, 196i 1297 Rate: $9,600 (11 months) Increases in Salary: 191. Robert, Clovis Physician, General Physician, General September Stokes Medicine Medicine 1, 1961 (19) Rate: $9,600 Rate: $9,600 (12 months) (u. months) 1961-62 Budget (continued) -Classified Personnel (continued) Effective -Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Increases in Salary: 12 Stanley Wayne Physician, General Physician, General September Medicine Medic ine 1, 1961 Rate: $9,240 Rate: $9,600 (11 months) (11 months)

193. William L. Hall Physician, General Physician, General September 128.3 Medicine Medicine 1, 1961 Rate: $8,710 Rate: $9,310 (11 months) (11 months)

Resignation: 194. Carl Dair Ambler Physician, General Prior to (18) Medicine September Rate: $9,600 1, 1961 (11 months)

Intramural Sports .- for Men 1 Change the appointment period of Mr, Robert N. Higgins, Intramurals Assistant Director at $6,468 for twelve months, from September 1, 1961 - May 31, 1962, to September 11, 1961 - June 10, 1962, (330)

196. Calvin C. Nolen Texas Union Director September ( 228) Rate: $8,520 30, 1961

-- 197. Christian Frank Assistant. Director September Gent, Rate: $8,880 1, 1961 6229)

MISCELLANEOUS SPONSORED AFWiS American Chemical Society, -PRF, Electronic Structure A11 stipends from of Atoms grant funds Awoointment:0- soJeremiah N. Research Scientist September Silverman v (T) 1 - (3) Rate: $8,520 October 31, 1961 Genetics Foundation Qeawwointment-- and &lam" Increase: 1.99" Glen A. Seaholm Research Scientist Research Scientist September 6334) 111 (415) 111 (718) 1, 1961 Rate: $5,468 Rate: $6,380 1961-62 Budget (continued) Ciassif $.ed Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

population Research Center Appointment: 200. Betty Janette Social Science September Maynard Research Associate 1, 1961 - (254) 1x1 (112 T ~ May 3, Rate: $6,16 B 1962 (12 months)

PROJECTS UNDER OFFICE -OF 60~~- SPONSORED RESEARCH Clayton Foundation A11 stipends from contract funds Biochemical Institute 1960-61 Reappointment:-- 201, Shinyichi Research Scientist Research Scientist September Tamka 111 IEI 1, 1961 - (333 1 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168 June 30, 1962

Defense Research Iaboratory 202. George Warren Research Scientist Research Scientist September Blankenship, Jr. IV IV 1, 1961 6 331) Rate: $7,104 Rate: $3,104

203. Frederick Research Scientist ~esearchScientist Septaber Loneil Beckner IV JB 1, 1961 (191) Rate: $7,104 Rate: $7,204

204. Orian William Scientific Scientif ic September Shipman Instrument kker I1 Instrument Maker PI 1.) 1961 (133 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168

Changes of Status: 205. Jimmy Howard Systems Development Systems Development September Eenson Specialist I specialist I (1/2 T.) 1, 1961 (21.1 Rate: $8,520 Rate: $8,520

206. byd ~onald Research Scientist V Research. Scientist V October Eampton Rate:. $8,520 (1/5 T~) 1, 1961 1332) Rate: $8,520

207. - Jaek Carl Research Scientist Field Operations September Whitesell IV Specialist 1, 1961 (182 ) Rate: $7,104 Rate: $6,168

208. Glen Edward Ellis Research Scientist Research Scientist September ((181) 111 IE (1/2 T.) 1, 1961 Rate: $6,780 Rate: $5,268

209. Gayle Earle Research Scientist Research Scientist September English III IIE 1, 1961 (180) Rate: $6,468 Rate: $5,784 1961-62 Budget. (continued) Classified Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

(continued) 210. Daie Wayne Research Engineer IV Reseapch Engineer IV September Evertson (314 T.1. (F.T.) 1, 1961 (238) Rate : $7,440 Rate: $7,440

211, Berbert Andrew Research Engineer IV Research Engineer IV September Bamblin (314 T.1 (F.T.) 1, 1961 6 1‘791 Rate: $'j',10& Rate: $7,104 %crease in Salary: 212. William Bryan Scientific Scientific September Stoemer Instrument Maker I1 Instrument Maker I1 1, 1961 135) Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,468

Resignatians: 213. Spwgeon Eugene Systems Development Prior to Smit;h Specialist I1 September (381 Rate : $10,020 1, 1961

214. Cecil Glenn Research Scientist IV Prior to Rate: $79440 September 1, 1961

215. Miles Oren &yes Research Scien$.ist Prior to Ill: September Rate: $6,468 1; 1961

216. Richard Economy Research Engineer IV (22) Rate: $6,468 September 1, 1961

27 David Cappington Research Engineer Prior to 11%. September Rate: $6,468 1, 1961

21.8. John Earl Tingle, Technical Staff Prior to

Zr a Assistant V September (296 1 ate: $6,168 1., 1961

Science) Reappointment.:- - l Robert ;. Research Scientist Research Scientist September Beye~s IIT I11 I - (34.2) Rate: $6,468 Rate: $6,468 December 33, i961

Electrical &gineering Research Laborato~y Reappointments and Salary Iacreases: 220. Fmncis Xavier Systems Development Systems Development September Bostlck, Jr. Specialist I (1/2 T .) Specialist I (112 T. ) 1, 1961 (ll.0) ate: $7,800 Rate: $8,520 --.1961-62 Budget (continued) Classified Personnel (continued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Reappointments and Salary hcreases: (continued) 221. Paul Edward Martin Research Engineer EV Research Engineer IV September (295) Rate: $7,440 Rate: $7,800 1, 1961 222. George Hamilton Research Engineer IV Research Engineer IV September Eopkins , Jr . Rate: $6,780 Rate: $7,104 1, 1961 (35).- . Reappointment: 223. Charles Ellis Research Engineer IXI Research Engineer III September McCullough Rate: $6,468 Rate: $6,468 1, 1961 (239) ----Genetics F~undation Reaoooin+aents: 22b:- Walter K. Long Research. Scientist V Research Scientist V September Rate: $12,600 Rate: $12,600 1, 1961 Reappointment and Salary Increase: 225. Alexander C . Research Scientist V Reseapch Scientist V September- Faberge Rate: $10,020 Rate: $10,920 1 - (346) December 31, 1961

226. Werner Sckmid Research Scientist IK Research Scientist fV September (350) Rate: $7,800 ate: $8,160 1, 1961 - May 31, 1962

227. Robert M. Welch Research Scientist JV Research Scientist IV September 6352) Rate: $7,800 Rate: $8,160 1, 1961

228, Rolf bhrnmnn Research Scientist IV Research Scientist IV September f 348) Rate: $7,440 Rate: $9,800 1 - December 31> 1961 2'29. Florence D. Researcb Scientist III Research Scientist IPI September Wilson hte: $6,&68 Rate: $6,780 19 1361 6 3.89 8 230. Arloa M. Research Scientist Research ScLentist Septeslber XII III 2, 1962 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,468

231. Caro.oi.yn Jane Research Scientist I9 Research Scientist September %lone Rate: $5,520 IHP 1, 1961 B a93 1 Rate: $6,168 Geology of the Rim -Rock Co~mtry me- Reaaoointment:A 232. Page C Twiss Research Scientist TV Research Scientist IV September ( 188 Rate: $8,160 R~te:$8,160 1 - 10, 1961 1961-62 Budget (continued) -C.Jassifi.ed Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

-- 233. Leonard J. Rode, Rese-arch Scientist IV Research Scientist IV September Jr. Rate: $8,520 Rate: $8,520 1 - (32) , 1961 234. Jerome 3. Perzy Research Scientist PV Research Scientist IV September 12) Rate: $7,104 Rate: $7,104 1, 1961 -Linguistics Research Changes ofSTatus: Military Physics ResdT,. 235. Eugene D. Research SePentist V@ Research Scientist V September Pendergraft Rate: $9,240 (112 T-) 1, 1961 (175) Rate: $9,240 Military Physics RL 236. William A. Holley Research Scientist Research Scientist September (177 ) 1x1 1x9: 1, 1961 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,780 Reappointment: 1660-61 237. Scott A. McGall Computer Programmer Computer Programer September (17-8) 1x1 111 1, 1961 Rate: $7,L40 Rate: $7,440

238:' Frances F. Fuller Psychologist IPI Psychologist III (+ T.) September (174) Rate: $7,104 Rate: $4,104 1, 1961 - May 31, 1962

Microwave Proiect Reappointment--- and Salary Increase: 239. Baly B. Oxley Radio Sepipt Writer Television September (192) Rate: $5,268 Production 1, 1961 Supervisor Rate: $6,168

Military Physics Research Zaboratory Reappointment : 240, Donald W . Goodson Field Operations Field Operations September (230) Specialist Specialist 1, 1961 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168

Change of Status: 241. Eugene D . Research Scientist V Research Scientist V September Pendergraft Rate: $9,240 (112 T-1 1, 1961 (68) Rate: $9,240

242, Carter 0. Price Administrative Administrative September (27) Assistant Assistant (3.12 T.) 1, 1961 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168

Lea~res: 243. Robert E, Research Scientist IV Leave without salary September Ho1'l.ingsworth Rate: $8,160 1 - 3Oj 428) 1961 1961-62 Budget (continued) Classified Personnel fcont.inued)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Leaves (continued) 244. Florence A. Twck Computer Progmer Leave without salary September (73) 11: 16, 1.961 Rate: $9,440

245. James S. Hanna, Research Scientist Leave wi.thout salary September JP. 1x1 1, 1961 (72) Rate: $6,168

Resignations : 246. William K. Systems Development Prior to Griffis Specialist I1 September (3.1) (115 T.) 1, 1.961 Rate : $10,920

247. Frederick Lo Research Scientist IV Ppior to Beckner Rate: $7,104 September (40) 1, 1961

248. William A. Holley Research Scientist Prior. to (691 III September Rate: $6,168 1, 1961

249. Mozelle Hampton Computer Progmer Prior to 11 Rate: $6,168

250. Orian W. Shipman Scientific Prior to (29) Instment Maker I1 September Rate: $6,168 1, 1961 --NDEA Co-nseling -and maidance Training Institute Reappoin.tment; Sa InCr. 1960-61 Counseling Supervisor; 251. Jmes C. Horger Lecturer in Lecturer in September (305) Educational Educational 1, 1961 - Psychology Psychology May 31, Rate: $5,600 Rate: $6,460 2962 (9 months) (9 months) Counseling Supervisor; 252. rbyce Ivy D. Lecturer in Lecturer in September McGehearty Educational Educational 1, 1966 - (299) Psychology Psychology &Y 313 Rate: $4,600 Rate: $5,500 1962 (9 months) (9 months) -Nonr Contract 375(12) Reappointment: 2 53. KO Aida Research Scientist IV Research Scientist IV September (1) Rate: $7,800 Rate: $7,800 1 - December 313 1961 1961-62 Budget (continued) Classified Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date GOVHMMENT SPONSORED RESEARCH (continued) Ra&iobiological Laboratory 'Reauuointment : 254:- John William Research Scientist Research Scientist September Spies IV (1/2 ,T .) IV (1/2 T :) 1, 1961 (137 Rate : $7,800 Rate: $7,800 Change in Status: 255. Arnold A. Research Scientist IV Research Scientist IV September Rate: $8,160 (3/4 T.1 1, 1961 Rate: $8,160 Salvage Archeoloff Resppoiqtment: 256- Shields Mitthell Assistant Director Assistant Director September (282) for Motion Picture for Motion Picture 1, 1961 Rate : $10,000 Rate: $10,000 Structural Mechanics Research Iaboratory Reappointment: 297. Dwight Garrison Research Engineer Research Engineer Sephember (138) 111 111 1, 1961 Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168

Research Scientist Research Scientist September I11 I11 1, 1961 - Rate: $6,168 Rate: $6,168 April 30, 1962

BUDGET ERRATA: The following were inadvertent erromin preparing the -2 -2 Budget:

MAIN UNIVERSITY BUDGET College of Arts and Sciences ~ep&rtmezofhxcs Page 91 - Item 23 --Change titlrof Dr. Hans Schluter from Assistant Professor to Visiting Assistant Professor as per nomination blank Military Science Page 192 - Items 5 and b - ~hanmeof Captain Horace R. Jordan and of Captain Donald Young from Associate Professor to Assistant Professor, the professorial title being determined by military rank Naval Science Page 194 - Items 5 andrchange the title of Lt. W. B. ~nlland of Lt. George W. Porter, Jr., from Associate Professor to Assistant Professor to accord with military rank

AUXILIARY BUDGET Student Health Center - Outpatient Division Page 3 - Item 2 - Change appointment of Dr. Virg S. Rabb, Jr., Assistant Director and Physician, General Medicine, from twelve months to eleven months with no change in total salary of $12,000. Dr. Rabb 's 1960-61 appointment was on an eleven month basis. Recommended Amendments to the 1960-6: Budget -= -

Academic Personnel

(Salary rates are based on nine months, and the terminal date of appointment is 2me 10, 1961, unless otherwise shown. For docket purposes, dollar figures are used, cents omitted. The term "rate" for academic personnel is the full- time nine month base rate; the appointee receives the proportionate amount depending on the period of his appointment and the fraction of time for which he is appointed.)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

MISCEWOW GENEPAL ~STI'GEPPXONALEXPENSE Surplus Property Acquisitions Transfey of Funds: 1. From: Main Universizy i3napp:opriated Ealance $32~~~.~~ To: Surplus Property Acquisition - Pmrchases, Packing, Shipping and Storage Costs 3,000.00 For: TO enable the University to continue to participate in the benefits of SurpP~sProperty Acquisitions Program (1324)

2. From: Research Assistan2.s and Technicians $ 83.31 To: Maintenance, Equipment and Travel 83 31 For: To cover essential and unexpected expenses incurred. to facilitate resea~ch (2319 j

~~ ~ ~rofessarof Economics, for the perfod June 3.3 - August 17, 1961; at a total stipend of $1,800. Mr. Heale's academic rate is $7,400 for nfne months. (1349) Qrientation Center - X~ternational3ffice Appointments: Visiting Professor August Stipend: $1,100 1 - 31, 1961 5. ,Toe W. Meal Director of interna- Director (l/2 T. ) June 11 - (.:337') tional Office jlh) Stipend: $1,666 ~ugust31, during this period. 1961 Rate : $10,666 1960-6: Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effective item Present Status Recommended Status Date


Aoooinxmenta. : 6. Jbe W. Neal Director of Interns- Director (1/4 T. ) September (13369 %ion& Offiee and Lee- Stipend! $1,500 11, 1960 - Cierer.;.iiGovement June 10, Academic Rate : $6,000 1961 -Welch Foundation Grants Investigation of Crystal Structures --ofTome Meta1l.o-organi @ --Chelate Compounds -- 7. Stanlev H. Associate Professor Director August 18- of Chemistry Stipend: $391 31, 1961 Rate :. $7,800 ---X-Ray Abs. Edge Studies -of Chemical Bonding F-016- Appointment:- 8. Harold P. Eanson Associate Professor Project DErector August B 3-344) of Physics Stipend : $401 18 - 31, Rate: $8,000 1961

CFFSCE OF GOVERNMENT s~cilvs~%bFJ3SEARCH ID this area "Present Status" coPm gives the staff member's academic title and teaching rate; the "Recommended Status" column reflects either his nomfnation to the project or a change in his government sponsored proJect appaintmenx to that set forth. All stipends are from contract fundse Comparatfve --Study of Behavior --of tne Qttiscaline Icterids 9. R. -KOSelflnder Assistant Professox- Director August (1361j (1368) of Zoology Stipend: $338 1 - 15, Rate: $6,300 1961 Leave without August salary 16 - 31, 1961 Defense Research- Labowto~y 10. Milton '3. Professor of Associate Director August Aero-Space Stipend: $677 18 .. 31, Engineering 1961 Rate: $13,500

11. Cla2de W, Horton Professor of Physics Research Scientist August (33345 Rate : $10,800 (physics) (Faculty) 1 - 31, 63/4 To) 1961 Stipena: $900 1960-61 Budget (continued) Academlc -Personnel (continued) Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

Research Engineer August (1328) Aero-Space (Faculty) 18 - 31, Engineering Stipend: $225 1.961 Rate: $bf500

Development of Teachers of- ~ngi.neeriEMecha.anics 1.3. Earo:,d 3. Plass Associate Professor Director (~aculty) August. (1338) of Engineering (31'4 To) 17' - 319 Mechanics Stipend: $37'0 1961. Rate: $9,200

Electrical Engineering Research Iabomtory I/+. James E. Boggs Associate Professor Research Scientist August (1347 I of Chemistry (~aculty) 18 - 31, Rate : $7,500 Stipend: $376

Linguistic Research 15. Winfred P. Professor of Chief August Lehmann Germanic bnguages Investigator 21 - 31, (13591 Rate : $14,500 Stipend: $571 1961 Militazy --P'hysics Research bboratory lb Jchn A A. Walter Associate Professor Technical. Reports Ed. August 03531 of English Leave without, 16 - 31, Rate: $7,000 salary 1961

19. Arthar E. Professor of Physics Director (~aculty) August Lockenvltz Rate: $30,200 Leave without 18 - 31, (1346) salary 1961 ccupat.ional Analysis Project Beajmin Fmchter Professor of Research Scientist Aumst (13ip) Educati.ona1 Stipend: $400 PsychoZ.ogy Rate. $8,600

Reactor Fuel Waste -- P Disposal Project- 9 Earnest F. Gloyna Professor of Principal August (1350) Civil Engineering Investigator 25 - 31, Rate: $10,500 Stipend: $263 1961

Research on RelativiG and ~ravita,~iom--fDTb.eories

20. Alfred Schild Professor of Director (~aclalty)~ ~ June 11 - 63.1551 Eaatchematics Stipend: $4,000 ,August =te: $13,500 31, 1961 1960-6; Budget (continued) Academic Personnel (continued)

Effective Present Status Recommended Status Date

Sie~terstudy 21. Harry E. Moore Professor of Sociology Project Director August 613581 Rate : $9,000 (1/4 T.1 15 - 319 Stipend: $137 1961

Sxmctura1 Mechanics Research Laboratory 22. Charles R. Karnes Instructor in Research Engineer August El3431 Engineerfng Mechanics (Faculty ) 19 - 31, Rate: $4,500 Stipend: $226 1961 ---St2dy of the Ecology of a Them.?.--- Stream - 2T-~he1ps Associate Professor Director August (1362 ) of Zoology Stipend: $331 18 - 31, Rate: $6,600 1961

Unde~graduateResearch Participation Progm 2&. R. N* Little Professor of Physics Director (Faculty) August (13573 Rate: $9,500 Stipend: $442 18 - 30, 1961

Classified Pe~sonnel

(SaLaiyy rates are based on twelve months and the terminal date of appointgent is August 31, 1961, unless otherwise shown. For docket purposes, dollar figdres are used, cents omitted.)

Effective Item Present Status Recommended Status Date

25. Curtis F. &use Training Specialist August 11345) IT; Technical 15, 1961 Znstructor in Petroleum Training Rate: $6,468

A-rn1rnRY BUDGET Student Health Center Change- of Status : 26. Change the appointment of Dr. Robert Clovis Stokes, Physician, General Mediche, from half-time status to full-time status as of July 1 instead of July 6> as previo-dsly reported. His full-time rate of pay is $9,600 for eleven months. (1.3511 1960-61 Budget (continued) ClasSifl.ed Personnel (continued) PP Effective Ttem Present Statras Recommended Status Date

OFFXCE OF (3.3- SPONSO~DRESEARCH Defense Research Labomtory Resignation: 27. surgeon E. Smith Systems Development August (13351 Specialist II 9, a961 On leave without pay

Linguistic Research Project Aavointment : 28: Scott A. McGall Computer Programmer August (1360 f TXI 21, 1961 Rate: $'j',440

REAPPROPRIATZON OF BALANCES: On recommendation of Business Manager G. W. Landrun, J recommend that the sum of $33,000 from unencumbered balances in the accounts given below be reappropriated to an account entitled "Physical Plant - Special Equipment," to be set up in the Offiee of the Dipector of Physical Plant budget:

Accorult Number Titze 26250 Department of Buildings and Grounds - Maintenance, Repairs and Equipment

26580 Department of Construction and Maintenance-- .Maintenance, Operating Supplies and Repairs

21040 Department of Utilit:~es - Maintenance and Eqwipment

At the time the request was made, it was nct known what the exact balances would be, but, that there wo=ld be sufficient funds to provide the amount which is needed to cover expansion of the PPAX'telephone system and to provide a new air compressor. (1341)

CREDITS FSR SALES RECEPTS: Mi-" G. C. S4&rnes:, Auditorg has submitted the ,- ,- following- schedale reflecting the receipts .:hat have been credited to the various departments for Sales and Services in the quarter ending August 31, 1961.. 1 conzur in his recommendation "that account Number 2040 - Estimated Zncome, be increased in the total sum of $21,286.89, and such ms be charged to the indicated Esthated income accounts for Credits for Sales . also that: each departmental. appropr:lation accomt be credited with the like sum received by each department - such appropriation:to be made from account nmber 2060 - B-ddget Contspbl." (1356) CREDITS --FOR SAiaS --RECEIPTS (continued)

Account Transfer to Number Title Amount Account Number

Credits for Sales Cieneral --College Administration Office of the Registmr Testing and Counseling Center --General Institutional Expense Diplomas Resident Instruction -and Departmental Research Astronomy 1.60 ~acterioiogy 6. oo* Chemistry 11.041.26 Germanic Languages Home Economics Physics Zoolofg Accounting Educational Aaministration Edueat ional Psycholofg History and Philosophy of Education Chemical Engineering C ivi1 Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Petroleum Engineering College of Pharmacy Col.3,ege of Pharmacy Physical Training for Women Radio-Television Library

Organized Research Institute of Public Affairs

Division of Extension Bureau 3 Public School Service Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau Package Loan Library

Physical Plant BuLLdidinasP and Grounds ~hysicaiPlant Construction and Maintenance Utilities Balcones Research Center

TOTAL GIFTS ANIj GMWTS: The following gift:; and grants :have been received at the --kin TJnf.versity, 1 recommend acceptance and that the thanks and appreciation of the Board be sent the donor by the Secretary, Sn .the case of scholarships were the recipient has been designated, it :?,as been ascertained that the donor is a public or charitable institution and "-,at the donation does not constitute an evasion of taxes.

1. A donor who wishes to remain anonymous has sent a eheck for $5,000 for the Student Loan Fruad. (296)

'v 2. The Amemda Petrolenm Corposation, Post Off ice Box 2040, Fdsa, Oklahoma, has sent a check in the amosant of $500 for ,the Texas Geologic Atlas Project, Bureau of Economic Geology. (3873

\/.." 3. The American Association of Oilwell DriPllng Contractors, 211 North Emy, Dallas 1, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $1,000 as %he first quarter payment on its annual grant to the Petroleum Extension Service Department of the Division of Extension. (450)

L 4, nl,e American Fwmdation for Pharmaceuticai Education, 777 Fourteenth Street, Washington 5, I& C,, has senta check in the amount of $750 for the American Foundation for Phasmace;,.tlca.l Education fsnd for fellowships. (566) 5. The American Heart Association, Irac., 44 East 23rd Street, New York 10, New York, hs sent a check in the amount of $1,000 for use by the Clayton Foundation Biochemical Inst

. 6. krgo Oil Corporation, Milam Building, San Antonio 5, Texas, has sent a check in the amo-mt of $100 for t.he Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (327) 7. The Association of American University Presses, 20 West 43rd Street, New York 36, New Pork, has sent a check in the amo-ont of $4,600 for the Latin American Fund t.o be used for publications by the University of Texas Press. (85)

., i.., 8. The Association of American Universit.y Presses, 20 West 43rd Street, New York 36, New York, has-sent a check in the amount of $49070 to cover pifblication costs of three books by the University of Texas Press. (455)

..,, ..,, 9. The At1antic Refining Company, Post Office Box 2819, Dallas 21, Texas, has seat a check in the amomit of $1,500 .to sipport %he Texas GeoLogi,c Atlas Project (388)

-, SG. Mr. L. T. Earrow, 332.4 Cke7.y Chase Drive, Houstor, 19, Texas, has sent two handred shares of American General Inswi-ance Company stock as a gift from him and Mrs. Barrow, specifying, if soid, that t,he proceeds shall be distributed as follows: To the Simords Memorial. Scholarship Fmd income account, $235.09 to bping t.he .total. to $500; to euyler Memorial Scho1a;cship Fund income account, $254.43 to bring the total to $500; to Simolaonds Memorial Scholarship F-md endowment aeeo:mt $3,695 t!s bring the totak to $10,9000; to Cuyler Memorial Scholarship Fmd, endowment, accoimt, $3,946 to bp:%ngtotal to $10,000; to Department of Geology Student, ban Fund $3,29'! to bring total to $10,000; the balance of approxinaately $3,572 to i:he EaL P. Bybee Memorial Fund income account. If the stock is not said, the shares ape to be allocated to the three endowme~taccounts and the BySee M? Fund income aeccznt equally, that is fifty shares to each fund. (Ec p.&2icity)

11. The Boeing Ai;-~lnneCsmpan.y, Post 1:ffice Box 3707, Seattle 24, Washington, has sent a check in the amok of $1,000 9s orovide scholarshius as follows: College of Engineering, $700; ~epaP&er,t of kathematics, $150;-~eparknent of Physics, $150. (509j

12. Nra Ww. F. Bowman, 5633 Candlewood, Houston 27, Texas, has sent a check in the mount of $500 for tk College of Engineering. (266: ,*3ift~ .: and Grants (caatinued.! P-- I?." Dr, Robert E. Boyer,-". 35kb West -12nd Street., A?is*J;;n, Texas, has sent a check Lin .the amount of $200 for rke Cepar?:.meat of tGeol,ogy., representing a refund from the Smer ;,96a, gmat. for eight days wages during the Peace Corps FroJect. (452) . 14, The George W. Brackenr",ge Estate: Mr. krcy G. Benman, Zr., Trustee, 225 West Commerce Street, Sa-r,.Ar;tonlo 5, Texas, has sent $1,9000 for t.he George W .- Bracken-ridge SehoLa~shipFwd, Sc3ooi of Jolzrnalism. 36'93 >5The Brown Tmst of the T. S. Brown and C . 4. Papton Founda.tion, Mr. S. P. Woadson, Jr., Managing Di:rec%or, Post 3ffice Box 1378, Fop% Worth 1, Texas, has sent, a check in the amc-x~.tof $22,0012 for t:he Facu.Xt.y Improvement Fund.

1.6. The Cameron Iron Works, me., Post Office Box 1212, Houston 1, Texa?, has sent a check in the amount of $5,000 in support of the fatigue researeh program proposed by the E3ureau cf Eng';nee:ring Research, the gift being contingent xpon raising m91 amount fcr program, !, 505)

\*' lPi sr. Tne Amon G. Carter Foun&t.i.on, Post. Ofrice Box 3.036, Fort Worth, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $5,000 for the Department of Josrnalism's Program of Publie Affairs Reporiing. (329) 18. Chance Vo?.zght Corpomtion, P. 0:. Box 5907, Dallas, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $750 as an ;inres"oieted gift :n connection with l.ts scholarships. The funds have been deposited to the Office of the President, Various Donors - Various Purposes acc~int~.{2l?f 19. The Clayton Fund, Post Office Box 2538, Houston 1, Texas, has sent,a check in Yne amount of $12,500 as the second installment, of its contributi.on to the Texas Fan American Fublicatioa Fad. (831:

20. The Clayton Foazdation, Eolzston, has sent a check for $10,000, the fourth lnsta:allment. on a $50,000 gSft to finance the completion of tae west end of the Experinental Science Building.

2.1. Ring Crosby Enterprises, 9028 Sunset BouLemrd, Los Angeles 46, Cal.ifornia, at the reqsest of Mrs. Crosby has seat a check in the amolmt .of $200 for the Lill' Barkley Scholarship Fund of t.he Department of Drama. 6 492 1

2 Dallas GeoPcglcal Society, Post Office :Box 253, SMPJ Station, Dallas 22, 9 Texas, .",%asent a check in the amount of $750 for t,he Texas GeoPogiz Atias ProJect. (386)

,/23. ., T3e Dallas Morning Uews, Dallas, Texas, has sent, a check in the amount nf $1,000 for -;he S'owrna2,ism F~~r:d%t,ion,the third of f:he insta2,lments for *he progcam of Psblie Aff si:rs Repor%:'.ng, ,[ 319) 2k. Dal3.a~Shakespeare Club, 4205 S$en&ndoal",, Dal.Eas 19, Texas, has sent a check for $500 for the Callas Shakespeare C>$b Gwduaiate Seholzrship, Department of Dma. (449)

25. De'ita Dri1l:lng Company? Tyzey, Texas, :has sent $1,,000 for tAe Col1,ege of Engineering F'o%mdaS2,on. 216)

26. T'ie Ford Fo-mdaticn, 4y7 Mad:l.s,?n Avenue, Rex Y:a!rk 22, New York, has sent a check in the amo-mt. of $1,:,,546 $0 provide a. s.~~?~olarsSipin the College of :E~sixlessAdmi..s,:.stxation 2n nne amoi_in%of $3?736 and in i3,e Departaent of Economics, College of Arts &lid Scierxes, in the amount of $3,810, as we11 as a gmrt of $2,000 each +;o the college and deparCaent mentioned, {b84&~).-

"' 2 Mr. E. W. Fra~ke,307 Weber B.diiaB,ng, Corcp~;s Christ$., Texas, has sent a cheek for $1,000 for the Engineering Foazdation, (3693

28. G,enerai Crud.e 05.1.Company, Post Office 3ox 2252, Emston, Texas, has sent a cheek for $300 for the Texas GeoLog2.c At.:.:tza Projecir. (531.) --Gifts and Grants (contixaed) 29. Houston Endowment, Inc . , Post Office Box. lklG9 Boreston 1." Texas, 32s sent a check for $25,500 for .the Jesse E. Jones and Mary Gibbs Jones School ;Distrie.ts Scholarship.Progrm, the names of the recipients being submitted by Houston Elidowment. (448)

30. Bozzston Endowment, be., Post Office Box lk4, RoIousLon I, Texas, has sent a cheek for $2,500 for the Jesse H. Jones Scholarship in ScwrnaLism, (301) 31. Houston Endowment, Inc., Post Office Box 141.4, Rouston 1, Texas, has sent two checks in the amount of $1,000 each for the Jesse H. $Jones Naval Scholarships honoring Fleet Admiral Ernest Z. King and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, respectively, (298, 299)

-32. Houston Geological Society, 71; First Gity National Bank Building, Houston, Texas, has contributed $200 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (494)

'33. Hdle Oil and Refining Company, Houston 1, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $3.1,000 to cover five H~mbleGraduate fellowships of $1,800 eaeh in the Departments of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Petroleum Engineering, Accounting, and of $2,300 in the Depa~tBIentof Geology, eaeh department in addition to recei-ye $300 for general use, (459-468) 34. Humble Oil and Refining Company, Post Office Box 2180, Houston, Texas, has sent a check for $5,000 fop the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (506)

L. 35. Bumble Oil and Refining Company, Post Office Box 2180, Houston, Texas, has sent a check for $3,000 to support Dr. F. A. Matsen's research in optical spectroscopy quantum mechanics and/or kinetics. (330) '/ 36. The Hunt Foundation, 1501 Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania, has sent a check for $1.25 in support of the Hunt Foundation scholarship held by a University student. This sum has been deposited to the Loans and Scholarships Office - Vasious Donors - Various Purposes, (453) ,/' 31. Interstate Circuit, Inc.,, Majestic Theatre Building, Dallas 1, Texas, has given to the Hob1itzelle Theatre Arts Library, Humanities Research Center, approx.lmately twenty-seven tho'usand and two hundred items of instrumental sheet music accirmulated during %he era of silent moti.on pictures and vaudeville. * 38, Mrs. Erin Rain Jones, 471'9 Pa.rk Lane, Dallas 20, Texas, has sent a check In the amount of $1,963 for the Soha Ieddy Jones Memorial Scholarship Fimd. C 406)

The W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 250 Champion Street, Battle Creek, / 39. Michigan, has sent a check in the amoimt of $65,228 for Research in Jwjor Col1.ege Education. (456)

i.-J-co The Louisiana land & Explorat,ion Company, Post Office Box 1696, Midland, Texas, has sent $500 for the Texas GeoLogi.c Atlas Project, (382) - 41, The Mission Manufac.t.uring Campany, Main at Jefferson, Eouston 2, Texas, has sent a check in the amoun*, of $2,400 to provide a scholarship of $1,000 each in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and $200 t.? each department as a research grant. ( 4:71.-iiq4)

42. Mobll Xnternational Oil Compacy, 150 East 42nd Street.t-,New York 19, New Tot-k, has sent a cheek to cover 8. $546 scholarship grant in the Department of Petrolerun Engineering and $400 grant to the department. 1480, 481) Gifts -and Grants (continged) rMobil Oil Company, Post Office Box 177, Houston 1, Texas, has sent a check for $500 for a scholarship in the Department of Geology. (246)

44. Mobil Oil Company, Houston 1, Texas, has sent a check for $500 for a scholarship in the Department of Civil Engineering. (247)

45. Professor Walter L. Moore, of the Department of Civil Engineering, has given five shares of Texas Instmments, Inc,, stock, the stock to be sold and the proceeds deposited to the Engineering Foundation.

L,,' 46. The Edward Orton, Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 1445 Summit Street, Columbus 1, Ohio, has sent $750 for its fellowship in the Department of Chemical Engineering. (374) 47. Pan American Sulphur Company, Houston 2, Texas, has sent a check for $12,500 as a second installment on its contribution to the Texas Pan American Publication Fund, University of Texas Press. (82) / 48. Press Club of Dallas Foundation, 1416 Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas, has sent $900 for scholarships in the School of Journalism. (328)

L'49. Public Welfare Foundation, Mr. E. P. Cravens, Trustee, Capital National Bank, Austin, Texas, has sent a check for $1,800 representing one-half of their contribution to provide scholarships for sixteen students. (372)

,,.,'' ,,.,'' 50. Reader's Digest Foundation, Pleasantville, New York, has sent a check for $500 for travel grants, School of Journalism. (368) 51. Rowan Drilling Company, 6000 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Fort Worth 16, Texas, has sent $500 for its scholarship account. (276)

52. Schlumberger Foundation, 5320 Sugar Hill, Houston 27, Texas, has sent $1,000 as an unrestricted grant to the University, which is being deposited in the Office of the President, Various Donors - Various Purposes account, a's yell as $1,000 for its scholarship fund, (402,403)

53. Shell Companies Foundation, 50 West 50th Street, New York 20, New York, has sent a check for $2,757.35 for its fellowship in the Department of Geology. (178)

- 54. Shell Oil Company, Exploration Department, Post Office Box 2099> Ho~uston 1, Texas, has sent $2,500 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (383)

55. Shell Oil Company, Exploration Department, Post Office Box 1509, Midland, Texas, has sent a check for $2,500 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (384) 56. South Texas Geological Society, 1610 Milam Building, San Antonio, Texas, has sent $200 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (326) '' 57. Standard Oil Company of Texas, Post Office Box 1249, Houston 1, Texas, has sent a check for $500 for its scholarship in the Department of Petroleum Engineering. (375)

58. Standard Oil Company, Post Office Box 2249, Houston 1, Texas, has sent $150 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (324) 59. Mr. Bartlett Strayhorn, Rotan, Texas, nas sent a check in the amount of $500 for the Business Administration Foundat,ion, (470)

-*60. Sun Oil Company, Post Office Box 2880, Dallas 21, Texas, has sent a check for $500 for the Texas Geologic Atlas Project. (385)

61. Texas Electric Service Company, Post Office Box 970, Fort Worth 1, Texas, has sent a check for $2,500 for the Foundation. (220) Gifts -and Grants (continued) 62.-~exasInstments Foundation. Post Office Box 1079. Dallas. Texas. has ',sent a check in the amount of $7,600, of which $5,200'is for feilowships in the Department of Physics, and $1,800 an unrestricted grant to the department. (400, 401)

63. Texas Power and Light Company, Fidelity Union Building, 1511 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas, has sent $2,500 for tae Engineering Foundation. (116) 64. Texas Press Association, 1716 San Antonio, Austin, Texas, has sent a check for $200 for a scholarship in the School of Journalism. (493) 65. The Texas Society of American College of Apothecaries, Austin, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $300 for scholarships in the College of Pharmacy. (356)

, 66. Dr. Edward Larocque Tinker, 550 Park Avenue, New York 21, New York, has sent a check in the amount of $8,000 to be used in promoting Inter-American understanding and co-operation. (469) 67. United States Steel Foundation, Inc., 71 Broadway, New York 6, New York, has sent a check in the amount of $7,200, of which amount $5,800 is for fellowships in the Graduate School, and $1,400 as a grant to the Graduate School for improvement of the graduate program. (380, 381) 68. The following checks have been received for scholarships with the recipient specified:

Air Force Aid Society, Washington, D. C. American Association of University Women, Dallas, Texas - Armco Foundation, Middletown, Ohio -- George David Bivin Foundation, Inc., , Ohio i Board of Home Missions of the Congregational and Christian Church, Denver, Colorado

:. ,, The Dallas County Chapter, The National Foundation, Dallas, Texas . . Dazlghters of Penelope, Sr. Laclies Auxiliary, Order of Ahepa, Washington, D. C ., ' Henry L. Doberty Educational Foundation, New York City i,. Eldon Durrett Memorial Scholarship Fund, Amarillo Independent School District, Amarillo, Texas L. Familias Unidas Club, Houston, Texas

i Hope Cottage-Childr.en's Bureau, Inc., Dallas, Texas

* , Houston Chamber of Commerce, Houston, Texas Houston Council of Parents and Teachers, Houston, Texas Ed E. and Gladys Hurley Foundation, Dallas, Texas : The Jack Hutchins Foundation, El Campo, Texas The Jack Eutchins Foundation, El Campo, Texas . K-Athletic Club, Kountze, Texas Kermit Independent School District, Kermit, Texas . Killeen Kiwanis Club, Killeen, Texas .. Kiwanis Club of Southwest Bouston, Houston, Texas --Gifts and Grants (continued) , Bruce McMillan, Jr., Foundation, Overton, Texas $1,250.00 Bruce McMillan, Jr., Foundation, Overton, Texas 350.00 )," )," Bruce McMillan, Jr., Foundation, Overton, Texas 200 .OO -. Bruce McMillan, Jr., Foundation, Overton, Texas 500 a0 '- Midland Booster Club, Midland, Texas '500.00

. . : Midland City Council Parent-Teacher Association; Midland; Texas 500.00 Moncrief Educational Fund, Fort Worth, Texas 300.00

. . National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students, New York City 225.00 Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, Denvep, Colorado 500 "00 - The Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Chicago, Illinois 300.00 . Sigma Delta Chi, Fort Worth Chapter, Fort Worth, Texas 300.00

li Society of Exploration Geophysicists Foundation, Tulsa, Oklahoma 500.00 :/ Southland Paper Mills, Inc . , Lufkin, Texas 1,000.00 .- Southland-Paper Mills, Inc., Lufkin, Texas 1,000.00

,, ,, Southland Paper Mills, Inc., Lufkin, Texas 1,000.00 The Bernice P. Stege Foundation, Chicago, Illinois 1,000.00 Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers, Austin, Texas 125 ,OO Texas Interscholastic League Foundation, Austin, Texas 3jLOO -00 The Wintemann Foundation, Eagle Lake, Texas 500.00 Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, b, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1,350.00 RESFARCH--. COTWCTS: The fallo~rjing!2on'crac'cs and amendments have been negotiated by the Cffice of Ciorl-ernment Sponsored Research and have been signed by the Xce-Presidest and/or President upon the recommendation of the appropriate Technical Director, the Director of the Office of Government Sponsored Research, ar,d foe hsiness Manager. I recommend your approval and ratification of signatures

1. Modification Xo . 8, Change Order to Contract AF 33(616)-3985, by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Systems Command,

Wrigtt-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, substitutes a new fund cita- 4j__ ./ tion for the contract. The research on combat analysis was conducted in the Military Physfcs Resea~chLaboratory under the direction of Professor A. E. Lockenvitz, Director of the Laboratory,

2.. Wdification ?Too 2, Supplemental Agreement to Contract AF l9(604)-5556, by which the Cepartment of the Air Force, Electronic Systems Division, Air Force Systems Co,nrmand, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, adds the sum of $55,000.00 to the 'PA Sc?.3 contract funds and extends the period of the contract. through Xovember 3, 1962. The study of wind and temperature profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer continues in the Electrical Engineer- ing Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. A. W. Straiton, Professor of Electrical Engineering.

3. tiiodification No. 2, mange Order to Contraet AF 33(616)-7307, by vhich the Department of the Air Force, Air Fxce Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, extends the period of the contract through September 30, 1961,without additional funds. The research continues in the Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics.

4. Wodification Xo* 8, Change Order to Contract AF 33(600)-33446, by which the Department of the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, changes the Air i, Force source of funds aceolmt nwmber u.rfier the contract. The re- search was performed in the Cefense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of E%ysics.

5. Grant DA-A.R0(~)-31-l2lt-~l89,by which the U. S. A-m.y Research Office, Durham, Zorth Carolina, provi&es $19,905 .TO for studies of plastic ?rave propagation. The grant is effective for the pexiodo? 3 1'~' September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, and the research, will be directed by E . A. Ripperger, Professor of Engkeering Mechanics and H. J. Plass, Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics.

6. Contract ~6Qg21-.70~2?by which the &partmen% of the ;$avy, U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Wni.te Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland, provides $175,000.00, of which only $i25,000.00 is now appropriated. The contract is effective for the period September 1, 1961 through %-'.' August 31, 1962, and t,he research will be performed in the Defense Research Laboratory .ur.der the direction of Dr. C . P. Boner, Professor of Physics .

7. Amendment 240. 1 to Contract ?4onr-375(1k) by ~rhichthe Department of the Xavy, Office of Xa-val Research, Washin&,on, D. C., describes the trucks and trailers furnished by the Government for use in the ;34&p,x, perfomance of the technical >rork mder t.he contract. The study of millimeter radiowaves and magne'cotelluric signals continues in 'c'ne Electrical Engineering Research La.boratory znder the direction of Dr . A, W . Straiton, Professor of Elect~icalEngineering. 8. Wdification No. 14, Change Order to Contract N&d-16382, by which the Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Washington, D. C., extends the period of the contract through * 0 November 30, 1961, without additional funds. The research con- tinues in the Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Pnysics.

9. Modification No. 24, Change Order to Contract NObsr-72627, by which the bpartment of the Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washington, , D. C., describes two pieces of equipent to be furnished by the m- 3q6n Government on a loan basis for use under Contract ETObsr-72627. The underwater ordnance studies cbntinue in the Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Pnysics . 10. Modification No. 25, Supplemental Agreement to Contract N~bsr-72627, by which the Department of the Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washinhn, D. C., adds the sum of $425,000.00 to the contract -S 9 6- fdds and extends the period of the contract through October 31, 1962. The underwater ordnance studies continue in the Defense i Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, 1 Frofessor of Pnysics.

11. Wdification No. 26, Supplemental Agreement to Contract NObsr-72627, by which the Department of the Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washington, D. C., adds the sum of $75,000.00 to the contract fuzkls and increases the level of the work. The underwater m- ~46N ordnance studies continue in the Defense Research Laboratory 1 under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics. I 12. Modification No. 6, Supplemental Agreement to Contract AT-(11-1)-490, by which the United States Atomic Energy Conrmission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, adds the sum of $20,000.00 to the contract r/l-s;2 2 , funds and extends the period of the contract through September 30, 1962. me research on the feasibility of storing radioactive wastes in salt formations continues mder the direction of Dr. E.F- Gloyna, Professor of Civil Engineering.

13. Modification No. 10, Supplemental Agreement to Contract AT-(29-2)-621, by which the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Albuquerque, New &xSco, extends the period of the contract through M3-23 January 31, 1962. The research on stress-strain characteristics of materials exposed to high rates of straining continues under the direction of )Dr. E. A. Ripperger, Professor of Engineering Mechanics.

14. Modification No. 7, Supplemental Agreement to Contract AT-(40-1)-1751, by which the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, adds the sum of $10,362.00 to the contract ' funds and extends the period of the contract through September 30, I fl-334 k. 1962. The research on effects of radiation on genetic and develop- mental systems of vertebrates continues under the direction of Dr. W. Frank Blair, Professor of Zoology. I 15. Contract 14-10-0333-812, by which the bited States Department of the Interior; National Park Service, provides $54,000.00 for archeological surveys of Toledo Bend, Columbus Bend, and Livingstone #-p3. 34 projects and for excavations at Amistad, Navarro Mills, and McGee . Bend projects. The excavations are to be carried out during the period September 1, 1961 throw August 31, 1962, with the final technical report due August 31, 1963. Tne archeological surveys and excavations will be carried on under the direction of Dr. T. N. Campbell, Professor of Ant2-mopology. 16. Grant NSF-G19198, by which the National Science Foundation, 1 Washington, D. C., provides $25,400 .OO for support of research entitled "Isolation, Growth and Nutrition of Marine Blud-green .%~J/x,/s Algae ." The grant is effective for %he period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1963, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Chase Van Baalen, Institute of Marine Science. \ 17. Grant NSF-019277, by which the National Science Foundation; Washington D. C., provides $95,000 .OO for the support df research entitled ,"&velopment of a Linguistic Computer System." The .y-34/~, / 3 grant is effective for the period August 18, 1961 through August 17, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. W. P. Lebmann, Professor of Germanic Languages.

18. Grant NSF-G19432, by which the National Science Foundation, I Washington, D. C., provides $16,700 .OO for support of research I entitled "Thermal Force Act~gon Colloidal Particles in the /7f-3*./4 Liquid Phase." The grant is effective for the period September 1, 1961 throu& August 31, 1964, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. James R. Brock, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. i 19. Grant PJSF-019439, by which the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., provides $17,400.00 for support of research entitled "Flow of Water in Ched Channels." The grant is &W/x)(.p5- effective for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1963, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Andrew W. Marris, Associate Professor of &chanical Engineering.

20. Grant NSF-G19656, by which the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C ., provides $23,000 .OO for support of re search I entitled "Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Chemical ~34/~. Kinetics." The grant is effective for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1963, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. William C. Gardiner, Jr., Instructor in Chemistry.

21. Grant ~VS~-~19665,by which the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., provides $30,000.00 for support of research d.339 entitled "Theory of Numbers." The pant is effective for the 6 period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1963, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. H. S. Vandiver, Professor of Mathematics.

22. Grant NSF-Glgn3, by which the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., provides $18,000 .OO for support of research entitled "Middle Tertiary Volcanism and Igneous Intrusion, in South Texas and Xortheastern &xico." 'Be grant is effective for the 4'34/31~/7 period October 1, 1961 through September 30, 1963, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Peter T. Flawn, ' Professor of Geology and Director, Bureap of Economic Geology, and Dr. Earle F. McBride, Assistant Professor of Galogy.

23. Grant E-4237, by which the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $15,252 .OO /yl-~~k*& for support of research entitled "Comparative Study of Pollen Ultra- structure ." The grant is effective for the period December 1, 1961 through November 30, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Donald A. Larson, Assistant Professor of Botany. 24. Grant M-4240(C1), by which the United States Department of Health, Educatign, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $10,177.00 R_ for support of research entitled "Factors in Verbal Paired-Associate 3spk Learning." The grant is effective for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Alfred Castaneda, Associate Professor of Psychology.

25. Grant RG-8871, by which the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $28,235 .OO for support of research entitled "me Chemodifferentiation of the,q- 3r6P. -# Avian Urogenital System." The grant is effective for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. lkrrell H. Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Zoology.

26. Grant RG-9654, by which the United States Departanent of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $9,773 .OO for support of research entitled "Studies of Histone Metabolism." The grant is effective for the period September 1, 1961 through #--3J-k/= 6- August 31, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. David P. Bloch, Assbdate Professor of Botany.

27. Grant WP-~O~(C~),by which the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $29,325.00 for support of research entitled "Metabolism of Marine 4-60 Bays of Texas." The grant is effective for the period October 1, 1961 through September 30, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. H. T. Odum, Director, Institute of Marine Science.

28. Grant ~~4.46-62-C2,by which the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Cffice of Vocational Rehabilitation, provides $2,404.00 for support of research entitled "Strength Maintenance Following Specific Rehabilitation - Validation of a ./Y- 35d-d Specific Rehabilitation Apparatus - and Exercise Related to InJwy Potential ." The grant is effective for the period October 1, 1961 through September 3, 1962, and the research will be performed under the direction of Karl K. Klein, Associate Professor of Pnysical Training for &n.

29. Contract 03-2-11-023, by which the United States Ikpartment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, provides funds to pay one-half of the costs of tessing secondary school students in the nonpublic secondary schools of Texas. The other -68bdg@- one-half of the costs are to be paid by the schools being tested. The contract is effective for the period September 1, 196l through June 30, 1962, and the testing will be conducted under the direction of Dr. Gordon V. Anderson, Director, Testing and Counseling Center.

30. Contract M-9542, by which the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Ed~cation~provides $16,761 -00 for support of a "National Conference on Application ,&- of Newer Communication Media in Correspondence Study." The sum of $14,575.00 is now available. Tne balance of $2,186 .OO will be funded in fiscal year 1962 provided funds are appropriated by Congress. The contract is effective for the period June 28, 1961 throw December 31, 1962, and the work will be performed under the direction of James R. D. Eddy, Dean, Mvision of Extension. CONTRACTS: The following contracts have been executed at the Main Universi.ty by the official indicated. I recommend approval and ratification of signatures:

1. Memorandum of Agreement with American-Institute of Bfol.ogical Sciences, signed by President J. R. Smiley, providing for the continuation of the 4 '2 $<,), 5c program of the Committee on Innovation in Laboratory Xnstruction under the i; directionof Dr. Addison E. Lee, Professor at the University of Texas, for the period September 1, 1961 through September 30, 1962, the institute to make available to the University a sum of money to pay for two-thirds of the regular salary of Dr. Lee as well as money for miscellaneous services and use of facilities.

2. Contract with Austin Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company, Snc., and Burtons Laundry and Cleaners, signed by Business Manager Graves W. Landrum, whereby ,),- 17 these cleaners will furnish cleaning requirements for students in Kinsolving Dormitory for the period September 4, 1961 through June 2, 1962, this contract being a renewal of contract in effect during the last 'three years, the University to receive the sum of $25.00 per .month from the cleaners.

3. Memorandum Agreement with The Cotton Research Commiztee of Texas, signed by Vice-Chancellor Ianier Cox for the Chancellor, whereby research relating to the marketing of cotton fiber, cottonseed, and cottonseed products will be conducted by the University in cooperation with the Committee for the period $, $/2 September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 for which the University will receive the sum of $31,500 to be paid on a monthly basis.

4. Interagency Cooperative Contract No. 4413-578, with the Texas Game and Fish Commission, signed by President J. R. Srniley and Business Manager G. W. ~andrumh whereby the University through its Institute of Marine Science will furnish % personnel, materials, and services to the Commission for research concerning the\%d/ study of the' pounds per acre of fish and shrimp stocks to principal seafood "3 i fishes and marine life in Texas coastal waters, for the purpose of better ." protection and conservation of same. The period of the contract is September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1963 and the total amount of the contract, $30,000. 5. Interagency Cooperation Contract No. 4413-589 with the State Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners, signed by President J. R. Smiley, whereby the >4 University will furnish clerical work and test scoring on I. B. M. Machines % of Vocational Nurse examination answer sheets. The period covered by the '\ J; b .' ci contract is September 1, 1961. through August 31, 3.963, and the total amount is j. not to exceed $400. '7 i 6. Interagency Cooperation Contract with the Texas Department of Public Safety, signed by Chancellor Harry Ransom for the President, and by Business Manager ,$ G. W. Landrum, whereby the University will provide machine scoring services and materials for employment and promotion examinations for the Department. The QG'i7 .5 period covered by the contract is September 1, 1961 .to September l, 1962, and the total payment is not to exceed $1,000. Con3ract number is 4413-599.

7. Contract ~600(22)57444with U. S. Navy Purchasing Office, signed by President J. R. Smiley, whereby the University will carry out the regulations for the administration and training for Naval Keserve Officers' Training /'?i~..-jMd,,'z Corps, and also train commissioned officers of the regular Navy entitled to training under the so-called "Five Ten Program." The period of the contract is July 1, 1961 until June 30, 1962, and the estimated total contract price $25,000. ,.,. 'R, USE OF TEXTBOOKS WRITTEN BY FACULTY ME?/1B.FRS: I recommend approval. of the use :.' -- . - i of the followfn~textbooks witten by membe'rs of the faculty:

1. Engineering Mechanics, Part I, by W. W. Hagerty and Harold J. Plass, Jr., published by Van Nostrand, .which sells for $3.00 (pre-publication edition), -3 with no royalty to authors until regular edi-Lion is on market. .>; d* and, Probiems u -- 2 Mimeographed -Study ---Materiald, by G. H. Newlove, which sells for $6.50 with ..i/_ no royalty to author. This is a stibstitute for Mimeographed Problems by the

4. Machine Design Analysis, by W. S. Carter, which sells for $9.00 with $1.35 royalty to author.

5. Elements of Mechanism, by Doughtie & James, which sells for $6.00 with $ .72 royalty authors,

6. Engineering Thermodynamics, by Short, Kent, and Treat, which sells for $6 50 with $ .935 royalty to authors.

7. Design of Machine Members, by Vallance & Doughtie, which sells for $7~50 withm5Toyalty to authors.

8. Air Conditioning, by Woolrich & Woolrich, which sells for $7.50 with $ .5croyalty to author. 9. Programing the LGP-30 Computer, by D. A. Bartlett., which sells for $1.00 with a royalty Tless thamauthor.

OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: I recommend that the following staff members be permitted mrtaket'he autside employment indicated, the work to be performed so as not to interfere with University assignments, and otherwise to conform to regulations of the Board of Regents. l. Mr. Lorrin Kennamer, Acting Chairman of the Department of Geography, to perform a specific consultative service for the Texas Education Agency in regard to textbooks in the field of geography and relatted social studies, compensation to be $650 The Texas Education Agency requests that this be kept confidential until the report i.s completed.

2. Mr. Samuel P. Ellison, Jr., Chairman of the Department of Geology, to , -_ act as consillting Geologist to the H-mble Oil and Refining Company, Houston, i.; \, Texas, for a maximum not to exceed two days per month, each month from October, 1961 through May, 1962. He will receive a stipend of not more than $200 per month for any one month during this period.

3. Mr. Emmette S. Redford, Professor of Government, to serve as president of the University Co-0peza;tive Society.

4. Mr. Joe A. Bailey, Instructor in Speech, to accept administrative duties not to exceed one-quartes time with the Texas Educational Microwave Network during the period September ~961to .

5. Mr. Bernard C. Kissel, Assistant Professor of Speech, to accept teaching duties not to exceed one-quarter time at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest during the period September 196i to June 1962. Outside Employment ( continsed) Charles T. Zlatkovichp Professor, Mr. Robert Lo Grinaker, Associate Professor, and Mr. Ben B. Barr, Assistant P;-ofessor, a3.1 in the Department of Accounting, to conduct a series of night classes to prepare about twenty employees of the Stat,e Auditor's Office and other state agencies to take the C.P.A. examination. Each of the men would con2stcr; six two-hour sessions, which wou1.d be concluded during the first week of November.' Average compensation is estimated at $240 each. 7. Dean John A. White of the College of Business Administration, to serve as a consultant to a committee recently appointed by the Houston School Board to study the organization and administration of the Houston Independent School District.

8. The following members of the faculty of the College of Engineering to do outside consulting work, the general rule in that College being that the time will not exceed the equivalent of one day a week, and that anyone working a quarter over-time on sponsored research is not eligible for outside employment: Department- -of Electrical Engineering- Professor A. A. Dougal Professor W, C . Duesterhoeft, Sr . Professor Harold W. Smith Associate Professor W. A. Youngblood Associate Professor Roy R. Krezdorn

Department of Petroleum Engineering professor-$.- J. Pirson Professor H. H. Power Professor Carl Gatlin .Assistant Professor I. H. Silberberg Assistant Professor Kermit E. Brown Assistant Professor Norman Wont

9. Mr. M. J. Thompson, Professor of Aero-Space Engineering and Chairman of the Department, to continue to participate in consulting engineering activities, devoting the major portion of his time to activities carried on through the consulting firm of Hanneman Associates, me., of Dallas, Texas, of which organization he is a senior member and Vice-President. His consulting services will be limited to one-fourth time.

10. Mr. Jerald Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Music, to offer limited instruction in Church fiIusic at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, total salary for the year to be $1,500.

11. Mr. Lynn F. Anderson, Assistant Director, Institute of Public Affairs, to continue consulting services, in which he is joined by Professor Frank D. Graydon, in revising Mut~icipalAccounting - and-- Auditing for the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and its sponsoring organization, the Muni.cipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada; and to act as consultant to the Texas Research League jn conjunction with its staff work for the Commission on State and Local Tax Policy.

TRAVEL PAID FROM RON-TRAVEL FUNDS: The travel has been approved --0-. -*-- with expenses paid from funds not specifically budgeted for travel:

1. Mr. Davi.d J. DeLai,ra, instructo~in English, October 23 - 26, 1961, to New York City to act as English Department representative at the annual meeting of the College Entrance Examination Board, expenses to be paid from Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses, Office of the President. Travel paid from Ron-Travel P~r~ds(.c.r,tin;ed; --. -.-.------=- 2. Miss Friary ~dew&Gardner, !:ss.:stan< Prtrfess3r. . of 2ssrrAalisms 2e.tober 14 - 19,-, l96:.,- , to New York C1.t~to rep:reser.k ,the L!?~>rnai.isrnat a meeting of the Inter-American Press Assccfat50ni expenses to be paid from Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses of the Office of the President.

3. Mr. H. Malcolm ?4acdenald, Prcfeesor of i7-ferment and Liaison Officer for ROTC, October 24 .. , i.961, to Fort Bliss and McGregor Missile Range, Texas, and to 3. S. Army Air. Defense Ccmand, Cc:crado, and WXte Sands Missile Range, New Nexico for a series of mnferences at which the Depa~tment of Defense requested the Unive-sL", to be represented, per diem expenses to be paid from Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses, 2ff:se of the Pycesident.

4. Mr. E. B. Price, Director of Staden*. Activiries and Assistant Dean of Student Lue, 8o.v-ember 22 - 14, 1961, Do Bcwllng Green, hit.o attend the annual Orientation Directors Conference, expenses to be paid from Miscellaneous Administrative Expenses, Office of t'ne President..

5. Mr. Loren ~hii~rship~Frcfesso.~ of Drama and Chairman of toe Departmen$, Avgust 23 - September 5, 1961, to New York City to attend the annval conventi.on of the American Educational Theatre Assoc:a'tion and ,517 inspect edu-ational faciiities enroute, the amoxnt of $3k,22 to come from Drama Windenan-e and Operation item; the balance from travel finds provided for the Department. 74 EXCEPTIN TO NEPOTISM REGtFATICNS: Nepotism regulations have been suspended, - ", (%*,/ in the caseof the appointment of Mrs. Kay Petersen as Lecturer in Curricui-q !:, 2- and Instruction. Here husband is an Assistant Professor of Physical and \&*'w ,,, ,,, ..,:> SJ Heaith Education. Mrs. Petersen served in -this capacity in 1960-61 when .... -Xu :<:.-:.<,~..,,..; an emergency situation existed, and is needed again this year because of last ,.. ' '. -.%' minute resignations and heavy enrollments. Thi.s action has been taken and is reported pursuant. to the authorization of See. 5.34? Clap, I Part One, -Rules ,. ; and Regulations of the Board of Regents. V' ~ . --* -.-~- -. -- -- ,?f ; ,/ {/I FACUPT'Y- -i.EGISLAT19N: I reoommend apprrival of the foli.owing Legislation pass^^''"/::^ *',h by the General Faculty and/or Faculty Coun:i1: %<~..-~Lg< \ 1. The Faculty Council at it,s meeting on September 18, 1961, delegated to the deans the fa@uityt8 alitb.,xity %o apprme the 1961-62 degree candidates, (D&P 2949)

2 The Faculty Council at- 2.t~meeting on September 13, 1961, approved ., . , , circularization procedure the recammendations of the College of .*~ L~ regarding changes in degree plans to become effective with the 1962-64 College of Engineering Cat.a;;gue, (D&P 2947-48)

., . 1 A11 the changes in the programs ax in accordance with the minimiurn general education req.~.lrement.sfor unde.rg:ad;ia-he degrees, T:be genera1 effect Ps to enhance the degree offerings in t:he College of Engineering and to king the st~ldeni;abreast of the technoiogi~~alchanges in EngineerLng while at the same time broadening his base in the fi, of mat.eria.L., energy, convers:ion, systhesis and design as based on a s4;?onger mathematzcal and scientific backgro:;ng. Matthematics 301E (Cc:llege ~i.gebrajand 20b% (Brief ~rigonometry) are e.l,imi.nated as the res3l.t of -he incr-eased e.nt:rance requ.irements in. mathemat.ics approved in 1960, and changes are made in reqiliremen*;~in. chemistry in two pians and i,n engineering and geoLog. in two otbc-rs. The number of hours required is redrjcfd in seven of tLe nine plans leading to 'ihe baccai;aureal;e degree; b.12~riot. the njumber of hours in engineering eourses, thocgh some course nt;rnbers tind course coritents have been cb.anged, i Faculty Iegislation (continued) 3. The Faculty Council at its meeting of October 16, 1961, approved the Summer 'J/..,..i

Session 1962 and Long- Session 1962-63 Calendars, the latter with an amendment ,., that classes for Honors Day will be dismissed from 10:OO a.m. on. The date for Honors Day not yet being definitely determined. (D&P 2958-2959) 7

For the summer offerings, the School of Law will have two six-veek terms; the College of Pharmacy one twelve-week session. Registration for both will be June 4, Monday, and Graduation Day will be August 25, Saturday, though there will be no public exercises. The Law School has examinations scheduled for July 12 - 14 for the first term, and both Law and Pharinacy have final examinations scheduled for August 22 - 24, Wednesday - Friday.

The other schools and colleges will have a nine-week summer session, registraticn occurring June 12, Tuesday, and classes beginning June 13, Wednesday. Final examinations will be August 11 - 15, Saturday - Wednesday, with August 16, Thursday as Graduation Day (no public exercises).

September 16, Sunday, is set for the opening of the 1962-63 Long Session, with orientation on Monday and Tuesday, September 17 - 18, and registration September 17 - 21, Monday - Friday. Classes begin Monday, September 24, and the First Semester examinations are scheduled for January 16 - 25, Wednesday - Friday, with January 26, Saturday, called Graduation Day (no public exercises).

The Second Semester begins January 28, Monday, with registration continuing through February 1, Friday. Classes will begin Monday, February 4, and examinations are set for May 21 - 30, Tuesday - Thursday, except in the School of Law, where they will be given May 18 - 30.

Commencement Day is Saturday, June 1, 1963.

Sincerely yours, Dr, Sarry .-n. Ransom, Chancellor rnl_iue University of Texas i!ius tin 12, Te:

Dear Dr. Ransom:

-.:&fie rollowing- docket is sobi?.itted for vour approval and presentation to the Board of Regents at its m~etingin AusCin on Never-ber 10-11, 1961:

EDUCATIONAL ;;gD G%I$EF;i.K. GEN3R.a COLE% ,n.i;. fu~idsto coi:e F..,corn Uilallocnted Salaries. Be serves one-third rim for nine months and one-half tine for three rconths. He also serves two-thirds ti:ne for nine ~ionthsand one-hali ..,.me , for three months as Professor ar:d Cha:i.ri-im of the Department of Fbilosophy and Psychology. Ibis salary adjustmen$: is necessary bccasse of his promotion to Pro-

fesssr and Chai.rn:an of the 1)epartcent o""' ailosophy' aaild ?sychology. (RBC 2) LL),?~ fin ;m c rgaL e ,!4 L2 C!LL ,L.-- ZXPE$jS:: Stenooraphic-.--. Bureau 2. Transfer of P,+rcn: TjnalLo:oted >jai?:ienance and $1,232.0; To: Equipxent 1,250,CO ..-?or: The purchase of an off-set priatiag nacnlre*. . (RBC 39)

RESIDENTBRUCTLON Bioloaica? Sciezs 3. Apsoint. . john S. Ni1Liars as .b.ssistant I'roffssor at a sziarv or' $6.,230,00 fo? nine months effective Septfmher 15, 1961; funds to come Erom the unfiiied position of .2>ssociate2rofcssor budp:=ted,- a: $7,23:3,00 the unused balance of $i,009.00 lapsed to ijnallocated Salar~es, (EBG 12)

4, Appoint $(\.7an C, >firer as Instructor at ,I ,. *.-81----. <-.. ;, of $2,500,03 for fsur and one- %nair -7 msn!rhs effective Septerher 16, 1961; Sl,300,00 to cor2r: from the appropristion for instructors, Tart-time, and $1,200,00 Erom Unailocated Salaries. pintJohn i, Meason as in?,tructor a; 2 saiary of S6,000,00 for nine effective September l6, 1961; fends to come frorn the unf"il~rl-.,, v.osition of Associate

3-r,.ofessor at $7,COG.00 wich the urujed balance of $1,000,00 lapsed to Unalloceted Salaries, (RBC 3)

6. i?p:?oint Richarc! L, lii1.l.e-r as Instr.iccor aE a sa'.ciry of $b,Or33,00 for -3-L>AA~~ ccnths effective September 16, 1961; firnds to cone froin the unfilled .nosition? of Assistant Professor at $6;500.00 wirh the cnused balance of jsGC3.00 lapsed to ..unaliocated Salarieso (RBC 4) Erapa and Speech .-. .-- .. 8. Reappoint aLld increase the salary of Rosemarie Merkin (1960-61 rate of $900.S8(j for one-half time for four iy~~done.-half ~onths)as Instructor, one-hali tip.2, at a 6:L:~y of $;,L.OO.C': for nine months effective Scptenber 16, 1961; funds to cone frcp. ti?? unf;lleG position of Assistant Professor et $i,SCO,90 with the unused bal;n.ce of $1,233.00 ;-?sed to Unailocated Salaries. (T.SC 28:

9, Ch,~.?~gethci starus of 2,o;emarie Merliin from Ir.s+ructcr, osc-half tiice, for <, " . f:. 6,1961 at a salary of $2,000.00 to -Lnstl:rctD:, -Li'li-- jl__LlL ...... ;, ,- 6: .,;..., ?:>nv.CO for nine months effective Septe:nber 15; 1951; ths ., .+ 3 .( ; "' -. i.L .... -Liii - -::.,.. - L i;ii)iic; o COT^ ~?:cIP_UnalLocated Salaries.. Lni.s than-e is necessa::i c"ue - L? to ~b?e;;-r;::::!.y . . ., .. Large snroii~~_ent-. in Speech courses, (R3C 60) iO, i!8;>2cint Jean ~,;xculk;.,. . 2s Tzscruccor, one-haif time, a!: a salary of $*,300,00 for fs:~;- azd one-.h;:~lL -33th~e?_j:ecti:?e " - Sep$re!T;ier 16, 1961; funds to ccme fro:? -.cnallocnt;2< jalarics, (HE<51)

.?z.c3n3ris and ".3<.i3,-es ;'..'-' ' .,LO -..-.. .a<:l,3~.:>~~t~ati.t>'~ 5- -3230 .>,> .:. ". . .. - ;.', .'e.:p-oini: aci,: iilc:c?aso sa:i-,r-.1 o:f Lena G. ~cr~:rrn~n(/?50-6l rat:: of $&&+.30 . . ,.. on f-o;:sr:s j,-;r -.ine-.m.;~~ths)as 'T-<:+-.-:,-c, , :hree-fo.;r;hs time, at a _.-I-_-_ 01- jL+,la2j,C3 pine aonths effective Septepjcr 1-6, 196:; funds :o come jp , .. - .. .-. , a~;>:~:"i^,":...... ::s;r j.n~tr~cto~spar:-time.

'zn,7-ln -7 ' <,! lj. Cil;,?pe.., i:!?e $izt~s Ro':ertzi ;J-iker frcn I~.c;cruc~~r,thr~e-four-hs ti,?:-, for nine r:onib,s at :? ~(?,i;ri3f $3,975,0{) effective Scptel-cl:er I:, 3.": tc instrucror, -a?.: .& 3 * ...... , ., ::,: 2o~~:ra::,< .ddiric:?.aLf>::.ds of $563,00 to coi~:c ire- r:p,e :.:nfilled DositLon ....,sc. ..-....i <..: ...-... ..L + ,!,:.,., 6 cssor LIE $6,0".~,00 i,jit?1 tl:? cncsei. ba!.azoe of $5,337.00 1aps.l-d -ic . .: . .)Jr~aiiocati?d -- tnlri2L2s. snc,. ., :.:LLI revert ~(2three-fourths tiye for stb,e 1962 Spring jenester,, (32.C 6.3)

...... n,<:aicn<:<>.l:,.:..*.>*+?.., ,Ill?.-ii..VI" -- .... la. I?cce.-:rth2 ....:, .,.. ... :+.:. . f .., avi.s, ?ssistan; ~.cof-.~;~?;::+:.>c>-fh,~,:ch~ co oo:ye .fro:C the cn"'. . ' .,c] pOSl-

__2 i. .. !-...i .>i., :.?c :>.:;,?.:> */.Lt-:: !::i<: .... .'... . ~,2:-~3$ .:;.:: ..,.3 .a;.-..,. , .,-:, ,.a~.,..i ..(,>- ....:3v.p.,-,; ,. , at The

\'. . ' ...... '. ..s 2.c..... 4'.>.I .... L,s.,.<.:: <.--,-- o 3 (j.9~(;-6; rs::c of ~~~3.00 . ..* T_.,"-l._.">.?l- c.7 ...... *:.-,-., is3.; ;;-. ...L .... > <...- L,.. -, ;i3:- ;i3:- e:,;<> ,: .->,-7...... a .... Seotczker ib, . . -, .L- -.,..: ..-- ,.->.,,- . Cc- " -2 .,.<<.:. (...;.- 22,.-,., ...... A. A.,...... :. ,L .. .,.:......

9,:i$q;p3:Lne cl;,J incl-::aie the saia,Ti. $f,::

, , .. - 3: 9 :: :., :I$ i:o-?>-,~-.'*..i,;.l'T- --.p. &----.- _ ;. .. ;.., , .Lii,:i.,~.!.;&i -.< ,.7. A,.. LLtdb.~.,.. ~-.. ,. ~:~,:.:.:.~~>i-i.~,-~~.,,~;.~cr .j.!.? ;,A:,,js, the: sci.,?>:n?. b~.sed017 the 1961-62 . . a:ade!l;c race i;:::;: :r:i;-:~. months of :;;,530,(;?; fZins,,>, tilc a7rouat of $5$0,0$ to ccil;e . . fr;? biicige-zd :2-der 6;f-d;ly j::.2i,# ,., *, ,. 2s)

3, ').l>

; 03--si.;iti~tize, from

.;;.-.- .,. iGlker, ,.? based on the 1961-6?

... ;-cn budperc.d2 - snlc,ric.s c~~ eraat, (RRC 30~) --ii.,i">i-~\..7: no,>..-.. c7 > r,~q;: >.iln>7 , , " ,., . , . ! i:;CC:.;TZ?;UED) Sche?lznrer ae;e;:cch iajoratorv (Con(;,;.nued'. ---.____/ i:~,~~j.~?i:~ ti-:?, n:7--:?, --...ii,:.,:cs; and aaouncs ,2s follows:

. . c I 59. ~e;!~~c;i~t an^ L~CT?.:?::~ , s $,:pje. 2ruitt (1963-61 race or- qo,66ra00 :?, xsnths) ;n Elec trfc?.l a seiaiy of $7,200,0[> .for r.jcl-\re nonths .C; :>.. , .,,,.::.. 1961; ?ayab].c fro-:.t

Zi..- ~-:s,nDci.:::t and. ; sa';=y $2.. ~-~j.b:rt-, .... 1, Gaod (1.960-51 rate of $6,000,00 ,. . i:ie 'I- ,,~~!~~~~..:i~t a sai,lr--of tweis-o p:o::ths e-;feci:l-_e , Y $5,300.0 C.2; c.....te~L.q7: ...... i i.361; t;.~::c -..-,,i.,p;!.. i:ro~!- OI?~ or r.3re G3~~c_rnma' Contracts .z!:d!?r GT&I'.~s

^?:,, <..I.*,..&:: -.-x>,,is is <.>f ti;zC ~::,:.2<3*(i3L 35)

? -, , ~,2zEnoirit ...... :..-r7-D:>ij-. -.:...... > . sf 1;o~ax:i L. Chapii: (1960-61. rare of $5,$6',? ,^? or- ,..;,.mu ,..-..., isj -~-LC-- ... "-~j~,-;-ti;?... :;ci.. ac a saixy nC $6,956,!33 for - c . . t:qci*~~eTC~;~:: e:13ci:::~,>e 1, l$>hl; .i:,o 3:. ,>bid ~~oin~:ie or are Cov:-,r,?;m--'.-...... L:~ . . Ccnt;-r;;ccs a*i-/Cr Grir.::s on tile '-..i<<=,~,-- -"&,- ...... i-'-..-. > c. ,,;,.3<,:?:12(-i:e-a"..c:n a:: a s.:lary of ?:>,(??(),$O,. < for twe!.ve ...... - .. / .. .. - n;o;itks !;c;-:.::.ri.-v.c ,s:::,i,terr,i-):-L, ; ;^ be i.ja.ia i:co:a o:lc or %ore G~ve;-nn,,entCoaEra:c:s . . cn!:joc is on t~,2basis -f +G.-,,~....,;.,. .7qr..i., .. :.-LL . (REC 3:i)

. . 55. fieaopsj.nt ';i;;:l:::,R. i::.; i'ec>:rica; Engineer and Research r:.x...s~crst,[' 3-'y- i,, i461; to Dni?,from one 3~ ncre Covernix

57. ?,e..pp~j.;i!: j;ii-:-q,? i!,+ ;)eafi 21s Pysici;t, snc-fourth cil::::., :-!: a salary of $:i,iOC,O0 CI .'- .:+ ,2>A ...... r...!7.* -~Al?*3 ..,$ ...... 3::cr%.t-:-.n .,= e 16, 6 to be -aid :Iron 31:s or core Cove?:rx?eair ... Con;raci:s ,?Lnr?s/orGrarlcs (2- the basis o? 3-5:;-L ~;;or::ea- FLj.:; saitxry is based on :If-$ ic.drlic T;" of ;(;,(ja:).cC j.:) ;jnbc.,atics ,:=i:. 1 ..,.,,,..cs'~h-,-'-+ for :? r.ontks, (RRC Cti)

.T..., -'- . >... -...-,.-.-?) '...... i.w.'. ... i.2.. .L!.',>,.< c.>: .!.'~!.~I!~~..L.>C> 7%": ,>...... i,ili!-., T:;,iol.<..- i - ;> ..\,> .\>-\,iL ..-. .. 59. :;"ao-,o.:,nt John jc7es"g -~:)"OI:.StCrQ .. :.4:lfi.;\c<:;: .?. 3. c. a< of $h,lh8.0!3 Cor ti;ol-v-e . .. . ;.cni,:hs c:rcci::,vc <,.;: ... i- ..,-:.-..-. 'L. igji; s:...... LO CC~-::? :::ro? the an:;.iied of ., . ,, ,. , 7..;.3.,3&il... - 7 ,,,7j, t;;,~ Li~,i-,~:,p::.-;13!,,7.p.<:c 3f :,;.j.L,CO- La~sedi;s the :&~$~er?c 1j~i.g~:

., .. 1, a , c/o $:rr;, Cha-lcs 3. ?iy?,ys, 7021,. Cicio Vis.;a =c:ij:e, i:i ?;l:;s. . . . Texas, bas ;:Lv-.r! $L-O,i:? crlsh for 3 ~~i,::e:,~.~~:?i-nfor tll? .. ; -651;-.. ..~- ., .. . ,.-;, +jhiCh yy-~ rc.~;?~;:~~;Oatohor :.$&L; is 2. eVf , . : .. JC c';?piie~. TO: the indiv;hal E-el:3cCL& thii ,s'Z,rLlter -hiqi ,;?-.-.;c~~ . In the Lk., :.urc > ;:be 2.:,7:>.r: ,$:j.i: ... .. be restricged 'to .3 j:~rr-.s :j:,:h Scb,ool graduate &:'no i;!te:>;:; t:- er!;;,, ;rj;.e ;:;i>.r.nt 6ll2 - 2o11hC7.s1 P.'.re,:iu

5. Texas SOC~.?~:; 3:: <.-~~-or;bridge Drp.;~: ..,L,. , a ..- , ,.. has , : , 1-0- 5: 5: . .t.~scaLyenr 1951-62, mne77.I i T.:h'.c:: :rlls rccelveci ,~el,~2;xi:c . .. . . L~nd,c . is i.e~t>:i.,:,::~: :::: ;;. ~:~(l,p~~i;~~~~:i,.i~>j in tkie Scfiooj. ; .. . c,2 3" ... a,? "i <.,-.,.a :-.-.?0, j:e Schoi;::;h;p :sn:mit;-c 2: !.'?:

o >:?. John .!.r::en:.cs .. -62. I><:?:-.oz:..;:~ -,:.::.:a $Wi . * .. .- .," ..,?,, ._.,i~~Izi; a r ..L ,... \L. -L.i t;,.;;:c:: ::o (,'::-;:c,x .. ;Ciql 5ii.)0 - jJjL::C CO:.:~?. 3.1. -;iJ,,e

.,, .~ O-. S":'.'",. - , '- .. - ,,>- ... .iL..wL,8, . ,;;:,ien $2().i;;.-.-e;>i.r..l.. COT . 3 scholarski3 "h, recc!.?.ica . Sep te,.nber . .. .> . . i, i'J61 , i r-r)c.<.:;>, -7, --i? ei.D;n;filfi ?.t r,;$;3-e ,) alill..Ls..~..L.O:l;- ,--.<, ,- < Sf ti?~ SCh. c:ge. Dfposi,ted !--, .. ~~~~~~t s,estricce cxdaticn Scholarship .F:x:-,,-,.<,.. .

22,15 >:. "?orc:i:e, .--i .. i": - _,seal year 1961-,5L, t: , 1. '95 1 . i.~a ilc;,jfend :,-,.:...:*.: i,...... i L- ~...,.... 0.E T~Y-s. .*:~*C~-.-~-P -- ,--A ' . . C3iLegc, D~D~S:rat; - Vart~ous nonors.

:-. .*,.: ;.... . -,;, ..:,:>,:-. ALL-- v~.,~1Th~~.~12 ;$.C\L, ~~~..c..,~b 'rho '' i - <,-i, tract 2-,$. ,.?-"- ? ,.-.,. I ;.oi .... ~ .L,.. . ,: .... ~...:.~.,LL;., -- have be?!~ ~lnotial:eC~?.ilk h.ave

. ;:(,;-.(:;; -.f. bs. -.jnlc.a.. t;-.-.c '.slce Corps, >!ashi-;.;ton, , . 3 .,r-;;r.,-.. . nc-essary :n;.ipccnance dental care 5 # '2. 2; a-pro:;oc'i !-.xi tkc o,c :he pcicc Corps. . .. "., /.. '

(2) to estcnd

. 4o. : ."-?,.>.: a ....t;

.; .; ,.)- ,.." -; !. .. . . , ,.,.i..."'. .., -". > CC.3 i-, Fr.-"Y-

Q .,.'t ,", , .,.' ,

5un>:].c-:ci:;l 3 . : j- 556, b" ;'hich t;-ic: . :. Naiicra.;. Ael:ur. , G;e,eriorrrazcc.frcm )Qdz.\;.:.;e.., :.5; 196 7. Grcnt NS1-Gi9284, bo ijl> the KatjonizL Science Bour,dr:tisn, ;,lashinton 25, ?/, I! I! D, C,, provi.'es $12L,.)G'?.C3 for the support of research entitled "Meteorological 'i Zocliet ?robes of the Upper :\.tmosphere i? the Antarctic:'. The contract is effcc- /q tive il~~gustI, 2961, for appro:z.ima+eIy t:io years and the rosearch :,~iil. be under '., the direction of Mr,;6. jznes, Professor of i:ather?atjcs and Physics. 13 8. ,3:22plemental :\>$rec-ent,i.icdific;:-cior? 50, .5 to Contract 2.1 2'1-QtO-OPorted in ills corrcct forn in a previous docket,

9, Silppler1ental Agreexent, Picdi-Zica'lionXs. 6 to Contract Di: 29-043-ORD-24iQ, by which Procurement, ~.$jhite. Sands >lj.ssil.a fiange, NeTq Mexico, increased the estiizated acoun'l of the COLI~~~C~by $!4.7,966.00, tkcreby c?;uiging the es'linai-ed tozal fron $265,872.77 re $2?4,941?.37, and extnciei :he co~rple'iior;date t3 Ssp$ 50, iCJ62. The work cill contii~.ue to be done ?;ndcr tkic supervision of Mr. -,inomas G.. Barnes, Director of the Schellenger Rcsearch THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH GALVJXSTON

October 20, 1961

Dr. Harry H. Ransom Chancellor The University of Texas Austin 12, Texas

Dear Dr. Ransom:

The following docket is submitted for your approval and submission to the Board of Regents at its meeting in Austin on November 10-11, 1961:

Recommended Amendments to 1961-62,~udget

General Administration Office of Public Information 1. ~eazointRalph William Myers as Assistant Director for Public Information, at a salary rate of $14,000 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 (1960-61 Rate, $14,000) ; funds to come from the Current Restricted Funds - Harris & Eliza Kempner Grant and the Sealy & Smith Foundation Grant. (RBC 17)

Office of Admissions 2. ~eagointJames Hamilton Young as Assistant Director of Admissions, at a salary rate of $6,400 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 (1960-61 Rate, $6,400); funds to come from the vacant position of Assistant Registrar, and Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (RBC 18) Office of the Business Wnager -and Comptroller of Hospitals 3. Increase thesalary of E. D. Walker, Business Manager and Comptroller of Hospitals, from a salary rate of $14,500 for twelve months ($12,500 from General Budget plus $2,000 from Sealy & Smith Fmdation rant) to a salary rate of $15,000 for twelve months ($13,000 from General Budget plus $2,000 from Sealy & Smith Foundation rant), effective September 1, 1961; funds ~leededto come from Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching, (RBC 68) 4. Increase the salary of Henry L. Benecke, Jr,, Assistant Business Manager and Director of Auxiliary Enterprises, from a salary rate of $9,200 for twelve months ($4,600 from General Budget plus $4,600 from Auxiliary Fhterprises), to a salary mte of $9,400 for twelve months ($4,800 from General Budget plus $4,600 from Auxiliary Enterprises), effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (RBC 65) Office --of the Assistant Business Manager 5. Increase the salary of Julius E. Weeks, Assistant Business Manager, from a sabary rate of $9,000 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $9,200 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from,Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (RBC 67) $ Purchasin Department 6---gCancel the appointment of Joe B. Wilt, Assistant Purchasing Agent, at a salary rate of $6,468 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. Mr. Wilt aid not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (RBc 94) Recommended Amendments to 1961-62 Budget - continued

General Expenses --Print Shop 7. Appoint Jack R. Crmett as Print Shop Supervisor, at a salary rate of $5,520 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from the vacant position of Print Shop Supervisor; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching, (RBC 95) Personnel Clinic 8, Appoint Dr. Robert L. Fordtran as Assistine Phvslc-an, at a salarv rate of $1,500 for twelve months, effective ~eitember1, i961; funds %o come from the position of Assisting Physician formerly occupied by Dr. Stuart Riggs. Dr. Fordtran also receives a stipend of $3,120 per mum as Resident in Medical House Staff; total salary for 12 months, $h+&#. (RBC 38) +~.2c' Office i?f Audio-Visual Research Services 9. Appoint William L. Stucker as Coordinator of Audio-Visual and Research Services, at a salary rate of $8,000 for twelve months, ef- fective September 1, 1961; funds to come from Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (RBC 96) School -of Medicine Anatomx 10. Appoint Ricardo V. Morales as Research Technician 11, at a salary rate of $6,168 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 through February 28, 1962; funds to come from U. S, Public Health Service Grant NO. 2~-459(Cl). (RBC 9)

11. Decrease the salary of Dr. Glenn V. Russell, Associate Professor, from a salary rate of $12,700 ($11,500 from Department Budget plus $1,200 from U. S. Public Health Service rant) for tuelve months to a salary rate of $11,800 for twelve months ($11,500 from Department Budget plus $300.00 from the Current Restricted Account - Pathology Pro- fessional pees), effective September 1, 1961. he U. S. Public Health Service Grant from which the supplement of $1,200 was paid in 1960-61 was not renewed for 1961-62) (RBC 27) 12 Appoint Dr. Russell Eugene Dill as Instructor, at a salary rate of $7,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 6L) 13. Increase the salary of Dr, Wendall Keith O'Steen, Assistant Pro- fessor, from a salary rate of $9,000 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $9,600 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from Us S. Public Health Service Grant No. 2~-29(~2~1). (RBc 73) 14. Appoint Dr. Robert D. Yates as Instructor, at a salary rate of $7,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962; f'unds to come from U. S. Public Health Service Grant No, 2~-459(~1). (RBC 92) Biochemistry 15. Cancel the appointment of Dr. Gordon C. Mills as Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $8,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; Dr. Mills did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (RBC 39) Recommended Amendments to 1961-62 Budget - continued y6;chemistry Decrease the salarv". of Dr* David R. Celander. Assistant Professor. from a salary rate of $8,500 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $8,400 for twelve mont'ns, effective September 1, 1961; accept his resignation effective December 31, 1961; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 58)

17. Appoint Dr, George W. Brown, Jr,, as Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $10,000 for twelve months, effective September 15, 1961; funds to come from the hosition of Assistant Professor, formerly occupied by Dr. Gordon C, Mills, and Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 69)

Internal Medicine 18. Correct the name of William Grant Gwinup, Instructor, to read Grant Gwinup. Decrease Dr, Gwinup's salary from a salary rate of $12,000 for twelve months to a salary rate of $11,000 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, and accept his resignation effective September 30, 1961; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 13)

19. Cancel the appointment of Dr. Stuart Riggs, Instructor, at a salary rate of $11,500 for twelve months ($9,900 from Department Budget plus $1,500 from Personnel clinic), effective September 1, 1961. Dr. Riggs did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. He will continue his Fellowship at South5restern Medical School during the 1961-62 academic year. (RBC 22)

20. Increase the salary of Dr. George R. Herrmaan, Professor, from a salary rate of $10,900 for twelve months, to a salary mte of $11,400 for twelve mont'ins, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from Unallccated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 72)

21. Increase the salary of Dr, John W. Middleton, As~ociateProfessor, from a salary rate of $11,000 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $11,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBc 77)

22. Increase the salary of Dr. Harry Levine, Associate Professor, from a salary rate of $11,000 for twelve months, to a salapy rate of $11,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching, (RBC 78) Neurology -and Psychiatry 23. Appoint Dr. Robert B. White as Associate Professor, at a salwy rate of $17,000 for twelve mont'ns ($11,000 from vacwt position..of Associate Professor plus $6,000 from U. S. Public H alth service Grant, No. 2M-6527(~4), effective January 1, 1962; unused Ymds to be trans- ferred to Unallocated Salaries -. Teaching. (RBC 6)

24. Change the status of Dr. Charles Dewitt, Instructor (~s~chology), from half-time at a salary rate of $4,800 for twelve months, to full- time at a salary pate of $8,400 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from U. S, Public Health Service Grant, No. a-7631 and Current Restricted Funds - Professional Services - Neurology and Psychiatry. (RBC 8)

25. Change the status of Dr. James E, Johnson,, Jr., Assistant Professor, without salary, to Instructor, Part-time, at a salary rate of $1,200 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from U. S. Public Health Service Grant, No. 2&6034(C5). (RBc 29) Recommended Amendments to 1961-62 Budget - continued

Neurolo & Psychiatly e- Decrease- - - the salarv of Dr. Billv W. Hem, Assistant Professor, from a sabry rate of $i0,000 for t&lve months, to a salary rate of $8,400 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RX45) Obstetrics and Gynecolo~ 27. Reappoint br. Julius L. Jinkins, Sr., as Clinical Associate Pro- fessor (part-time), at a salary rate of 81,200 for twelve months (1960-61 Rate, $1,200), effective September 1, 1961. The salary of Dr. Jinkinsl . ,, , ; was &md$ert&tly omitted from the 1961-62 Budget. (RBC 12) . I .. ./ , 28. Correct the title of Dr. Leonard A. Charpentier from Clinical Associate Professor, part-time, to Clinical Assistant Professor, part- time. Dr. Charpentier- serves without salary. (RBC 54)

I I ./* Path010 .1 . 29. -%point Dr. Smter S. Arnin, Br. Charles T. Ashworth, Dr. havius L. Austin, &. John H. Childers, Dr. Walter Krohn, Dr. Andrew Bmfer, Dr. William 0. Russell, Dr. George W. Thoma, and Dr. Frank M. 'Pamsend as visiting Lecturers, without sa.lary, effective Septerber 1, 1961. They served, without salary, as Visiting Lecturers during 1960-61 and were inadvertently omitted from the 1961-62 Budget. (IiBC 71)

30. Increase the salary of Dr. Frank L. Jennings, Associate Professor, from a salary rate of $19,000 ($12,000 from Department Budget plus $7,000 from Current Restricted Funds - Pathology Fees), for twelve months, to a salary rate of $20,000 for twelve months ($12,000 from Department Budget lus $8,000 from Current Restricted Pulds - Pathology Fees), effective &tember 1, 1961. (RBC 74) Approved by Executive Committee September 30, 1961.

31. Increase the salary of Dr. Elwood E. Baird, Professor, from a salary rate of $19,000 for twelve months ($l2,5Qb from Department Budget plus $6,500 from Current Restricted Pulds - Pathology Fees), to a salary rate of $20,000 for twelve months $12,500 from Depsrtment Budget plus $7,500 from Current Restricted Funds - Pathology Fees), effective Septeraber 1, 1961. (RBc 75) Approved by Executive Committee Septenfoer 30, 1961.

32. Increase the salary of Robert A. Turner, Research Associate, from a salary rate of $5,784 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $6,468 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 through by 31, 1962; funds to come from U. S. Public Health Service Grant No. ~-4207(C2). (RBC 76) 33. Appoint Dr. William 0. Green, Jr., as Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $17,500 for twelve months, effective October 15, 1961; funds to come from Undlocated Salaries - Teaching, and from went Restricted Fuuds - Pathology Fees. (RBC 89)

35. Appoint Dr. James G. Hilton as Associate Professor, at a salary rate of $12,000 for twelve months, effective October 1, 1961; funds to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 5) 36. Cancel the appoints of Drs. Arthur Grollman, Raphael Mendez and Paul Tuller as Lecturers, without salsry. They did not accept their 3 1961-62 appointments. (RBC 97) i0l0 ReaEoint Dr. Iuddo % &&L as %search Assistant Professor, at

Rate, $7,200) (RBC 10)

40. Cbmgct.:lUtestitga of Dr. Robert D. Baker from Instructor to Assistmi Professor. (RBC 28)

Preventiye Medicine @

twelve montha, effective September 1, 1@; unused funds to be trans- ferred to Unallocated Salaries - Teachin@;. (RBC 61)

-el the appointntent of Johu B. Starkey as Associate, at a salary rate of $5,000 for twelve months, effective September 1 6 Dr. Starkey did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (RBC 7j

45. Reappoint Loreto Amparo as Associate, at a salary rate of $6,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1g1; funds to come from Current Restricted Funds - Rsdiolo@;yFees. (1960-61 Rate, $6,500) (RBc 59) Ermli?crXb@ a&'= Jwe 3q/5%2, Recommended Amendments to 1961-62 Budget - continued

=prove the transfer of the position of Research Professor (~io- chemistry) occupied by Dr. Wiktor W. Howinski and the budgeted salary of $9,500 from the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry to the Depart- ment of surgery, effective Septeniber 1, 1961. (RBC 3)

50. Approve the transfer of the following positions with the budgeted salaries from the Department of HeUrwlogy &Psychiatry to the Department of Surgery, effective September 1, 1961:

Transfer From: qmlogy and Psychiatry Senior Secretary - Dorothy A. Rohde $ 3,828 Re-ch Technician I1 - Va-t 4,392 Laboratory Technical Assistant Harry A. Roberts, Jr. 3,072 Kaintenance and muiplsent -J?E $u,99

~Sry Senio.~Secretary - Dorothy A. Rohde 8 3,828 Research Technician I1 - Bacaut 4,392 Laboratory Technical Assistant Harry A. Roberts, Jr. ~~ceand Equipment

51- Reappoint Br. Frances Lorraine Estes as Research Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $9,400 for twelve months, effective SEptember 1, 1961 through April 30, 1962; funds to come from U. S. Army Contract No. DA-49- 007-MD-kh7. (RE 14) (Dr. Estes' salary rate for 1960-61, $gym)

52. Reappoint Tatsuya Ohkubo as Research Associate, at a salary rate of $7,104 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 through December 31, 1961; funds to come from U. 6. Navy Contract No. ~onr-1598(05). (1960-61 Rate, $7,104) (m 16)

53. Increase the salary of Patricia J. Pomeroy, Administrative Assistant, from a salary rate of $6,096 for twelve lnonths ($4,393 from Department Budget plw $1,704 from Aavy Contract Ho. 2277(00) to a salary rate .of $6,168 for twelve months ($4,37.60 from Department Budget plus $1,850.40 from Navy Contract No. 2277(00), effective mtember 1, 1961; unused funds in the Bepartment Budget ($74.40) to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries Teaching. (RBC 26)

54. Uppoint Dr. Rose G. Schneider as Research Associate, at a salary rate of $7,104 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; mds to come from U. S. Public Health Senrice Grant No. A-780(~10). (1960-61 salary rate, $7,104) (RBC 3) 55. Appoint Dr. John B. Lynch as Associate in Plastic Surgery, at a salary rate of $3,120 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962; funds to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. Dr. Lynch also receives an annual stipend of $3,120 as a Resident in Medical House Staff; total salary for twelve months, $6,240- (m 34) Recomerenrded Amen-ts -to 196142 Budget - continued

-mint William Claiborn Ihhaffey as Research Associate, at a salary rate of $7,440 for twelve months (same as 1960-61 rate), effective September 1, 1961 through December 3, 19613 funds to come from U. S. Bavy Contract No. ~onr-l498(05) and U. S. Public Health Service Grant HO. c-2296(~10). (RBC 63)

57. Correct the name of Jobma Blugel, Assistant Professor - Research Genetics, incorrectly show in the Budget as Johanna El-1. Eefective September 1, 1961, change the source of funds for the of D.T. Bllmrel from $~,DTx) per annum from General Budget, plus $1,500 per annum from Special Activities (orthopedics) to $6,000 per anum from herd Budget plus $1 500 per annum from U. S. Public Health Service Grant, No. ~~-6660(~2j3total annual salary =ins $7,560. (BBC 81) 58. Change the salary of Joseph Paderewski, YIedical Sculptor, from a sdlary rate of $6,864 for twelve months ($4,584 from General Budget plus $2,280 from Special Account - Plastic 8urgery) to a salary rate of $6,780 for teemonths ($4,576.56 from General Bizdget, plus $2,203.44 from mecial Account - Plastic Smgery), effective Septemizer 1, 19613 unused funds in General Budget to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. This adjustment in Mr. Paderewski's salary is necessary in order to phce him on a adary step. (RBC 85)

59. Reappoint Ilr. Louis W. FieM as Instructor, at a salary rate of $9,000 for twelye months (- as 1960-61 rate). effective Se~tmber1. 1961 through Dee-r 15, 19613 funks to come from Unalloca&i Salaries- Teaching. (RE 88)

School of EIw 60.&ange the source of fuuds for the salary of kry L. Moore, Assistant ' Professor, at a salary rate of $7,150 for twelve months, effective Sep- tember 1, 1961 Prom:

$2,900 per annum from General Budget 4,250 ger mum from USPgS Grant a-8645 $7,150 total salary for twelve months

To : $4,850 per anuum from General Budget 2,3O0 per annum from USPHS Grant a-8645 $7,150 total salary for twelve months Fkds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 35)

61. Correct the name of Edith V. Sanextino, Assistant Professor, to read Xdith Samrtino and increase-her salary from a salary rate of $6,500 for twel~emonths to a salary rate of $7,000 for twelve months, effective September 1, 19613 funds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (ILBC 36)

62. Correct the name of Ann B. Gretzinger, htructor, to read Alice A. -- 7- Gretzinger snd increase her salary from a salary rate of $5,000 for tvelVe months to a salary rate of $5,200 for tuelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from tIMLlocated Salaries - Tea-g- (= 37)

63. Cancel the appointment of Dorothy M- Blume, Instructor, at a salary

rate of &,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. She did , , not acwt her ampoinb~entfor 1961-62. (RBC 42)

...... Reconnnended Amendments -to 1961-62 Budget - continued

School of Hmsing 64.Cance1 the appointment of Eleanor S. Pouudstone, Instructor, at a salary rate of $6,000 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. She did not accept her appointment for 1961-62. (RBC 43)

65. Gameel the appointment of Carol S. Lawry, Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $6,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. She did not accept her appointment for 1961-62. (RE 44) 66. Qmgd the name of Mitai I. Auhn, Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $6,& for twelve months, to Mitzi I. Dreher, effective September 1, 1961. (KBE 46)

67. Appoint Ruth Prances Jobyon s;s Assistant in Instruction, at a salary rate of $IzElOo for twelve months, effective September 1, 19611 funds to come frmw unfilled position of Instructor; unused funds to be trans- ferred to Unallocsted Salaries - Teeiching. (IZBC 47)

70. Cancel the appointment of Lora Lee Lockhart, Assistaut in Instruction, at a salary rate of $1,200 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. Miss Lockhart did not accdt her appointment. (see Item Ao. 70 above) (m 93) 71. Cancel the appointwt of Slamuel B. McLemore, Assistant Professor, at a salary rate of $8,250 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. He did not accept his appointment for 1961-62. (REC 50)

be tderred to Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (REC 51) 73- Pspolnt llancy KiC.Spencer as Instructor, at a salary rate of $5,000 for twelve months, effective September 15, 1961; fcmas to come from U. S. Public Health Service Grant Ho. PHT-1-~62-61. (BBC 52) 74. Reappoint &cia Whitaker as Assistat Professor (Psychiatric &sing), at a salary rate of $6,m for twelve months, effective Sep- tember 1, 196l3 funds to come from the vacant position of AssiBtant Professor, foraerly occlxpied by Carol S. Lowry. (1960-61 Rate, $6,000) (= 53) 75. Reqpoint George D. White as Research Associate, at a salary rate of $7,440 for twelve months (kte 1960-61, $7,104) , effecti~September 1, 1961; funds to come from II. S. Public Health Service Grast No. GN-86&5. (KBt: 62)

76. Increase the salary of Ihry Jean Gorge, Instructor (~ology), Part-time, from a salary rate of $1,001) for twelve months, to a salary rate of $3,600 for twelve months, efrective September 1, 1961 through January 31, 19&; funds needed to come from Unallocated Salaries - Teaching. (REC 82)

G-8 Reconrmended Amendments -to 1961-62 Budget - continued School of Nursin& n. Appoint Kathryn A. Lukens as Assistant Professor, at a saLary rate of $6,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from Wocated Salaries - Teaching. (RBC 87) Libraries

'*%t '*%t a leave of absence, without salary, to Eliubeth D. Bpge, Librarian, at a salary rate of $6,780 for twelve monthe, for the period September 8, 1961 throu@ October 20, 1961; unwed funds to be treas- ferred to llnellocated Balaries - Non-Teaching. .(RBC 23) Physical plarrt 79. Cancel the appointment of Wr. Joe L. Walbron, Mechanlcel E$gkreer, at a rate of $8,880 for twelve months, effective Bsgtember 1, 1961. Mr. Waldron dld not accept his egpointmmt for 1961-62. (RBC 32) 80. Reappoint William H. Long as Assietenf Director, at a salery rate of $8,& for twelve months (1960-61 Rage, $8,5201, effective September 1, 196l' funds to come from the vaca& position of bhchaaical &&near. (RBc 331 81. Increase the eelary of Louis C. (lillirun, Director of Pby8ical P-t, from a eslesy rate of $11,200 for twelve months, to a salary rate of $11,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds needed to come from -located wies- lion-%aching. (RBC66) Hospitals meral Administration g& mcelthe appoint-t of 0- Y. Hop, Assistant Ibector of Hospitals, at a salary rate of $10,000 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. &. bfooney did not accept his 1961-62 sgpointment. (BBC 19) 83. Appoint Ra. E. Vsrr Cleave as Assisteat Director of Hospitals, at a salary rate of $9,500 for twelve months, effective September 18, 196l; funds to come from the vacant position of Assistet Director of Hospitals; unused Arads to be transferred to Wlocated Salariis - Non-Teaching. (RBC 79)

~qBP?~i~therineFrances Perault as Assistant Director, at a salary rate of 46,168 for twelve months, effective September 11, 1961; funds to come from the vacant position of Assistant Director; unused funds to be trasferred to Woceted Salaries - #on-Teaching. (RBC 55) 85. Appoint Doris Wgaret Hmel as Assistant Director of N-bg (~sychiatry),at a dery rate of $6,168 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from the vacant position of Assistant Director; unused funds to be transferred to Wlocatea Salaries - Ron- Teach*. (RBC 60) Medical Records Library 86.acel the appoint-t of Elizabeth S. DuMoulin, Chief Medical Record Librarian and ~ifector,School of Medical Record ~ibkrians,at a ealary rate of $8,880 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. Dr. DuMoulin did not accept her appointment for 1961-62. (RBC 20)

87. Appoint Gillis Ann Bienvenu as Chief l4dical Records Librarian and Director, School of Medical Record Librarians, at a sslary rate of $8,169 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from the Recommended Amendsent6 to 1961-62 Budget - continued

position of CMef Weal ReeordLibrarian andDirector, School of %dica.l BewrdLibrarians; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - laon-Teaching. (RBC 21) Medical -Case Service 88.ncel the appointment of lDIsrjorie L. Gardenier, Social Work Super- visor, at a salary rate of $6,780 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961. She did not accept her 1961-62 appointment. (RBC 70) 89. Change the status of Lois E. Lindt from Social Case Worker 11, at a salary rate of $6,468 for twelve months, to Social Tt70rk Wrpemisor, at a salary rate of $6,780 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from the position of Social Work Supervisor. (RBC 11)

C3.inical Laboratory 90. Cnncel the appointment of William K. Perry, Technical Director (Laboratory ~echnology),at a salary rate of $8,520 for twelve months ($7,029 from General Budget plus $1,491 from Current Restricted Funds - Pathology ~ees),effective September 1, 1961.. Mr. Perry did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (RBC 90)

Endocrine Clinic 91 Cancel the appointment of Fred Sanders, Research Investigator (part- time), at a salary rate of $5,000 for twelve months ($3 840 from General Budget, plus $1,160 from the William 0. Ball.ington Fund$, effective September 1, 1961. Mr. Sanders did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (61Be 40)

E2%E?Fie;y 92. Appoint Thomas Edward Chamberlain RS Pharmacist, at a salary rate of $6,168 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; funds to come from the vacant position of Pharmacist. (RBC 30) -Dietary Service 93. Cancel the appointment of Clarence G. Allen, Food Service Director, at a salary rate of $10,500 for twelve months, effective September 1, :. 1961. Ee did not accept his 1961-62 appointment. (MC 56)

94. Appoint Agnes B. Bannister as Director, Dietary Department, at s salary rate of $10,500 for twelve months, effective 0ci;ober 1, 1961; ::I: funds to come from the vacant position of Food Service Director; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Eon-Teaching. (RBC 57) 95. Change the status of Eancy C. Lipscomb from Therapeutic Dietitian, at a salary rate of $5,784 for twelve months, to Chief Therapeutic Dietitian, at a salary rate of $6,168 for twelve months; funds to come from the vacant position of Chief Therapeutic Dietitian; unused funds to be transferred to Unalpocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (RBC 83) Other Organized fimviti&sRe1.g- to Instructional Departments Medical Illustration 96. Decrease the salary:~:aft~eo~&3~x@e~~,Medical Illustration Supervisor, from a salar* rate of $7,880 for twelve months, to a salary rate or $7,800 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries - Non-Teaching. (This decrease ws necessary in order to place Mr. Newman on a salary step. The Classified Pay Plan is $7,800 for a salary step. (RBC 24) CWTRMTS GMRTS: The following contracts and grants have been negotiated by the Business Xmager and Comptroller of Hospitals, and have been signed by the Executive Dean and Director upon the recommendation of the academic director and the Business Manager and Comptroller of Hospitals, and approved by the Comptroller and Chancellor. I recornend your approval and ratification of signatures:

1. Grant No. ~-3&07(~1),by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $12,248, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 3, 1962, for research on Sulfated Mucopolysaccharides and Resistance. The project is directed by Dr. R&rt D. Higginbotham, Assistant Professor of Microbiology.

2;. Grant No. KT-38-C5, by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $38,557, for the period September ]33-OY 1, 1961 through August 3, 1962, for a Professional Nurse Traineeship Program. The project is directed by Miss Marjorie Bartholf, Dean, School flB' of Nmsing.

3. Grant Plo. 11~7926(~1),by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $10,350, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, for research on Kinetic Bio- /?& -134~ chemical Studies on the Growth of the Rat. The project is directed by Dr. Donald A. Bappoport, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.

4. Grant Bo. A-2419(CI.S2), by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $2,856, for the period July 1, 1961 through December 3, 1961, for research on Effect of Radiation on Erythrocyte Kktsbolism. The project is directed by Dr. William C. Levin, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine.

5. Grant Bo. ~-2703(&), by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $9,682, for the period Bovember 1, 1961 through October 3, 1962, for research on Hormonal M G-IgD Influences Affecting the Ekytbmcyte. The project is directed by Dr. Charles E. Hall, Professor of Physiology.

6. Grant No. H-2249(C6), by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $33,194, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 3, 1962, for research on Physio- //10-J3 0 0- pathologic Responses in Heart Tissue Culture. The project is directed by Dr. A. W. B. Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Pathology. . --..;>a., 7. Grant No. ~-4327(C2), by which the Department of Health, ~aucatidn, snd Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $12,477, for the period -/gOe.I October 1, 1961 through September 30, 1962, for research on Age Modif i- catinn of Endocrhologic and Stress &actions. The project is directed by Dr, Charles E. Hall, Professor of Physiology.

8. Grant Bo. RG-9695, by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $9,435, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, for research on The in ilitro ~iochemicalrf,&/34& Effects of Nitro Aliphatics. The project is directed by Dr. Frances L. \, Estes, Research Assistant Professor of Surgery.

9. Grsnt No. ~~-4833(~5),by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $8,913, for the period Febmry 1, 1962 through Jan- 31, 1963, fdr research on Influence of flo-13'b Stress on the Action of Adrenal Hormones. The project is directed by Dr. Charles E. Hall, Professor of Physiology.

10. G-t No. PE43-62-118, by which the Department of Health, Education, snd Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $18,530, for the period beginning approximstely .' v-dnty-J, 1961 and ending June 30, 1962, to M 6 - 13 3 ., . I .I,, r.,A,..,>I-< ,-

Conduct a Survey on Indian Xutrition Health. The project is directed byi" :I: :: 41;. &I Wblillism J. HcGanity, Professor and Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gpecology.

ll. Grant Boa 6-3994(~4),by mch the Department of Health, Education, and Welf-, Public Health Service, provides $l2,715, for the period ~8 -,af January 1, 1% through December p, 1962, for Studies on Ascorbic Acid and on Tramport Phenomena. The project is 'directed by Dr. Lotbar L. Salomcm, Associate Professor of Biochemistry.

12 Grant Xo., B-llh'i'(C5), by which the Department of Health, Eaucation, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $13,880, for the period 151 xl, November 1, 1961 through October p, 1962, for research on Genetics in M8' the Etiology of Diseases. The project is directed by Dr. C. Wallace Wutt, Associate Profesrior of Anatomy. - 3 -m 2 .- .. . T rn U. Grsmt Xo. ~-4$2(~1),by which the Department of Health, miicat.tP&i, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $32,075, for the period fl& -12 1s ~ee1, 1961 through ~ovember30, 1962, for research on Radio- graphic Visualivtion of Visceral Vasculature. The project is directed by Dr. Robert H. Cooley, Professor and Chdnusn, Department of Radiology.

14. Grant No. F.-64(~13), by which the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, provides $16,385, for the period January 1, 1962 through December 3, 1962, for research on hmunity to Helml~~thParasites. The project is directed by Dr. J. men Scott, /tla-127c~ -Professor of Preventive Medicine aud Public Health, and Dr. Etta Mtae &cdanald, Associate Professor of Microbiology.

15. Letter of Extension, dated September 25, 1961, by which the Depart- . ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, extends the elrpiration date of Grant No* PX-163-2 through , 1961. The revised period dates are September 1, 1960 through November 15, 1961 for a Post-Sophomore Research Fellowship in behalf of Xr. kvid Ely Smith*

16. Modification No. 2 to Army Contract Bo. DA-49-193-MD-2339, by which the Department of the U. S. Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, D. C., provides an additional $15,249 to the contract and extends the emiration date through August 31, 1962. The rgsearch on 4 &- ) I,/ Y) The Influence of Total-Body X-Radiation an the Kinetics of Erythrocyte and Other Tissue Enzymes for Use as Bial~gicalDosimeters continues under the direction of Dr. Donald A. Rappoport, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.

CONTRACTS, -TS (BUSDTBS) -S: -S: The following agreements have been executed on behalf of The University of Texas Medical Branch by the officials indicated. I recomaend appropal and ratification of signatures. . \-r .i I 1. Intemgency Co-operation Contract No. 4413-576, signed by Dr. K. M. Earle for Dr, John B. l'ruslow, Executive Dean and Dirbctor, and Xr. E. D Walker, Business Manager and Comptroller of Hospitals, by which the State4:'; of Texas Ikpartment of Health provides $5,833.34, for the period Sep- '4 tember 1, 1961 through Juue 30, 1962, for certain services for the care of children preeto be severely impaired in hearing. The contract 3 was sigaed by the State ~oardof control on August 23, 1961.

2. Interagency Co-operation Contract Ho. hh3-577, signed by Dr. K. M. Earl, Dean of Xedicine, for Dr. John B. Truslow, Executive Dean and Director, and &.E. D. Walker, Business Wager and Comptroller of Hospitals, by wkich the State of Texas Department of Health provides $7,083.34, for the period September 1, 1961 through Juue 30, 1962, for support of a clinical prom in the Well Child Conferences and Maternity "ij: I"' Conferences in Galveston County. 'Ehe contract was signed by the State ' ' I< .- Board of Control on August 21, 1961. . 8 '-,l7,.' I - 4 3. Interagency &-Operation Contract No. 4413-594 between The uniyersit+ of 'fexas Medical Branch and the Texas State Board for Hospitals and /cf" ' Special Schools, acting for and in behalf of the Moody State School for Cerebral Palsied Children, by which the Texas State Board for Hospitals 'a) aw3 Special Schools provides $8,600, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 3, 19@3 for certain professional services for the care, physical examination, treatment, and hospitalization of patients admitted to the Moody School. The contract was signed by Plr. E. D. Walker, Business -ger and Comptroller of Hospitals on behalf of The University of Texas Hedical Branch, and the contract was signed by the State Board of Control on August 28, 1961.

4. Agreement between the City of Wveston and The University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing, by which the City of Galveston pro- vides certain facilities for student nurses to obtain the necessary experience to qualify them for a career in Public Health Nursing. This agreemeat was signed by Dr. John B. huslow, Erxecutive Dean and Director, on behalf of The University of Texas Medical Branch.

GIFTS BHD GlWtTS (NOH-): The following gifts and grants haye been receid at the Meal Branch. I recommend acceptance and that the appreciation of the Board of Regents be sent the donors by the Secretary.

1. Borden's ~ceuticalDivision, 350 &Cison Avenue, Hew York 17, X. Y., haa sent a cheek in the amount of $500 to help defray the cost of aninnil studies in connectioli with Study 47. The project is directed by Br. mnd6. Golhan, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics.

2. FlBB Flmnmceutical Products, kc., Summit, N. J., have awarded a grant in Wamount of $2,500 for research on a clinical evaluation of Dianabol. The project is directed by Dr. S. R. Lewis, Associate Professor of Surgery.

q93!he Galveston County Heart Association, 716 Rosenberg Street, Galveston, Texas, has avarded a grant in tlle amount of $3,000 for research on (1) A Comparison of Several Derivatives of Lentoside C; (2) An Evaluation of Xlectrocardiographic Leads ABC and the Vectorcardiogmm in Right and Left Ventricular mertrophy; (3) Lipid Studies---A Comparison of Therapeutic Agents. The proJect is directed by Dr. George Hermtsnn, Professor of Internal Medicine; Director of Heart Station.

4. ¶!be Allstate Foundation, 5510 Greenbriar Dr+~e,Houston 5, T-, has sent a check in the amount of $975 which is to pr~videthree (3) nursing scholarships at $325.00 each. The funds are to be administered by Miss -.- Marjorie Bartholf, Dean, School of Nursing. (This is reported as an extension of a previous gift previously docketed - see Board of Re@;ents1 Xinutes of September 23-24, 1960, Item Ho. 4, Page G-18) q. The %bodyXational Bank, Galveston, Texas, Independent Executor under the Will of the Estate of Dr. Wie Dietzel, has sent a check in the amount of $500. Dr. %rie Dietzel, in her will, stipulated a cash bequest of $500 to the "John Sealy Crippled Childrens Hospital for braces or appliances to get them well.' The funds are to be deposited in the exist- Current Restricted Account entitled Special Fund for Crippled .Children; aenditures authorized by Dr. G. W. E. mers, Professor and Chlief of Orthopedic Surgery.

We have received a check in the amomt of $5,546.25 from the Robinodtz Brothers, Rfchmond, Texas, which represent the net proceeds I from the sale of 55 calves donated to the Hedical Branch by Dr. Titus Harris, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. The funds are to be deposited in the existing Cwrent Restricted Account, No, 914890, entitled Sgeciai Fund to be used by the Department of Reurology and Psychiatry for sqport of research, augmentation of certain salaries, travel exlenses for younger staff members to attend medical meetings; expenditures authorize by Dr is(Ptis gift is reported as an extension of a previous gift previously docketed - see Board of Regents' Yirr~tesof December 9-10, 1960, Page L-11)

7. The Good samaritans, 103 Jesse H. Jones Library Building, Houston 25, Texas, has sent a check in the amount of $500 to be used as nursing scholarships for Miss Linda Patterson ($250) and Xss Penelope Robinson ($250)~ - 8. The Liberty Musc~darDystrophy Research Foundation, Inc., 2040 Trinity A~renue, Liberty, Texas, has sen?; a check in the mount Of $1,000 whicS represents the first quarterly payment on a $4,000 grant for research OE Penetration of Amino Acids Into Striated Muscle Cells of Dystrophic Kce. The project is directed by Dr. R. David Baker, Instrluctor of Paysiology, and Dr. Charles Eric Eall, Professor of Physiolog?..

-.--'go The Hogg Poundation for Mental Health, The Uni-versity of Texas, Austin, Texas, has sent a check in the mount of $230.00 to cover consultant fees of Dr. Kenneth Beech, Houston, Texas, for seminars held last year for the students and residents in psychiatry.

J10. The Rollaway Construction & Finance Cowany, 742 North Loren Avenue, Azuso, California, has sent a check in the mount of $162.50 which represents the fourth liquidating divid-end we have received on 65 shares of stock of the Company at $2,50 per share. The funds have been deposited in the Dr. Gause CcvL?gtos Loaz Fund, Account NO. 57- 9100-0340 537 Mr. William W. Stewapt, &dowment Officer.

xll. The Schering Corporation, BlooAmfield, New Jersey, has sent. a check in the amount of $500 to cover the cost of a study on. the use of Dichlorisone in Ulcerative Colitis. TL~project is directed by Dr. Marcel Patterson, Associate Professor, Department of Internal Hediciae.

iXENUEXri REPORT OF GIFTS OF $100 OR. IESS: accordance with Part Two, Chapter I, Section 1.4, of the Rules ma Regulations of the Board of Regents, the semiaanual report of gifts of $100 or less for the period March 1, 1961 through August 31, 1961, has been forwarded to the Chancellor.

Sircerely yours,

~6~ BB. Truslow, M.D. Executive Dean and Director


Dr. Harry II. Ransom, Chancellor The University of Texas Austin 12, Texas

Dear Doctor Ransom:

The following docket is submitted for your approval and presentation to the Board of Regents at the meeting in Austin on November 10-11, 1961:

Recommended Amendments to 1960-1961 Budget

1. Transfer of Funds. $1,142.72 from Office of the Dean (Maintenance, Operation, Travel and Equipment) to Office of Business Manager (Mainte- nance, Qeration, Travel and ~~ui~rnent);$1,742.33 from General Institu- tional Expenses (Alcohol, Commencement, Diplomas and Miscellaneous General Expenses) to General Institutional Expenses (Workmen's Compensa- tion Insurance and 0.A.S.I. (RBC 66)

Recommended Amendments to 1961-1962 Budget

Office of the Dean

1. Leave of Absence Without Pay. &'Irs. Eva R. Williams, Administrative Assistant at an annual salary of $6,168.00, effective September 1, 1961 to December 31, 1961, inclusive; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries. (RBC 20)

Anatomy (ilental Anatomy and ist to log^) @,+G @, op ,fiofl /A 2. Reappointment. George M. Higgins, Professor (414 ~ime)at an annual. salary of $10,125.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 1)

3. Change in Source of Funds. Fred F. Simmons, Jr., Instructor (1/2 Time) at an annual salary of $4,000.00, effective September 1, 1961 from General Practice to Anatomy (Dental Anatomy and ist to log^); funds from budgeted position. (RBC 3)

General Practice

4. Resignation. Willeford N. Taff, Assistant Professor at an annual salary of $8,800.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 2)

5. Resignation. Jack 0. Tucker, Instructor (1/2 Time) at an annual salary of $3,700.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 4)

Shirley J. Gens, Clinical Instructor (1/2 Time) at an ,000.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 5)

Medicine (~nternal~edicine)

7. Reappointment. J. Charles Dickson, Clinical Professor at an annual salaryof$150.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted posi- tion. (RBC 6)

8. Reappointment. Paul V. Ledbetter, Clinical Professor at an annual salary of $150.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted posi- tion. (RBC 7)

9. Resignation. Jack B. Mazow, Clinical Assistant Professor (1/20 Time) at an amual salary of $800.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 22) D-I 10. Appointment. Edwin J. Morrow, Clinical Assistant Professor (1/20 ~ime) at an annual salary of $800.00, effective October 1, 1951; funds from bud- geted position. (RBC 25)

Medicine (~eriodontics)

11. Resignation. Charles W. Conroy, Assistant Professor at an annual salary of $10,500.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 8)

12. Reappointment. Frank A. Lemoine, Assistant Professor at an annual salary of $10,000.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 9) Pathology (~eneralpathology)

13. Reappointment. Joseph A. Jachimczyk, Clinical Associate Professor at an annual salary of $2,500.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 10)

Pathology (Microbiology)

14. Resignation. Lavern I. Galyen, Instructor at an annual salary of $7,500.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 11)

Physics, Dental Materials

15. Reappointment. John E. Weatherford, Clinical Instructor (1/2 Time) at an annual salary of $3,500.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 12)

Physiology (Biological chemistry)

16. Leave of Absence Without Salary. George R. Young, Assistant Professor at an annual salary of $8,800.00, effective September 1,. 1961. to September 6, 1961, inclusive-anda Military Leave of ~bsencefrom October 1, i961 to August 31, 1962, inclusive; unused funds to be transferred to Unallocated Salaries. (RBc 23)

Physiology (~armacoloa)

17. Appointment. James R. Templeton, Assistant Professor at an annual salary of $7,000.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted In- structor position. (RBC 13)

18. Reappointment. Willis W. Smith, Instructor (I/$ ~ime)at an annual salary of $1,000.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted Clinical Instructor position. (RBC 14)

19. Cancellation of Appointment. Willis W. Smith, Instructor at an annual salary of $1,000.00, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 27)

20. Reapoointment. William A. Attra, Clinical Instructor at an annual salary of $600.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted posi- tion. (RBC 15)

Preventive Dentistry (Orthodontics )

21. Change of Status. Milton Yellen, Clinical Assistant Professor (1/5 Time) at an annual salary of $3,000.00 to Clinical Assistant Professor (1/10 ~ime)at an annual salary of $1,500.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 24)

Preventive Dentistry (Pedodontics)

22. Reappointment. Quinton E. Williams, Clinical Instructor at a rate of $50.00 per visit with a maximwn of $700.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (RBC 16) Restorative Dentistry (Complete Restorations)

23. Appointment. James R. Smith, Instructor (3/10 Time) at an annual salary of $2,400.00, effective October 2, 1961; funds from budgeted Clini- cal Instructor position. (RBC 26)

Restorative Dentistry (~axilloFacial Somato Prosthesis)

24. Reappointment. Marjorie P. Wynn, Clinical Instructor at an annual salary of $3,500.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted posi- tion. (RBC 17)


2 Change of Status. William H. Bell, Assistant Professor (1/2 Time) at an annual salary of $4,200.00 to Clinical Assistant Professor (1/5 Time) at an annual salary of $1,680.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds Prom budgeted position. (RBC 18)

26. Reappointment. Daniel G. Walker, Clinical Assistant Professor (1/5 Time) at an annual salary of $1,680.00, effective September 1, 1961; funds from budgeted position. (R~C19) FACULTf (WITTOUT SALkRY): I recommend your approval of the followinq appointments to the Faculty, all without tenure and without salary: \"9 ".\, " / Clinical Professors Department "\ Dr. Donald Duncan Anatomy Dr. Lee D. Cady Medicine Dr. 8. J. Ehlers Medicine Dr. Grant Taylor Medicine Dr. John B. Truslo7.r Mediclne Dr. Bela Halpert Pathology Dr. William 0. Russell Pathology Dr. Stuart Wallace Pathology Dr. A. Clark Griffin Jiological Chemistry Dr. R. Lee Clark Surgery Dr. M. D. DeBakey Surgery Dr. R. E. Fonville Surgery Dr. G. A. LaForge Surgery Dr. R. L. Ledbetter Surgery Dr. Geston Plazt Surgery Dr. Donald Ruthven Surgery Dr Flayne Speer Surgery Dr. Roy A. Stout Surgery

Clinical Associate Professors

Dr. Hey1 G. Tebo Medicine Dr. Edward J. Cooksey Physiology Dr. Hugh D. Xillmer Restorative Dentistry Dr. John D. Hull Surgery Dr. Morris B. Murphy Surgery

Clinical Assistant Professors Dr. Roy W. Bell Biological. Chemistry Dr. Harry L. Anscorabe Restorative Dentistry Dr. A. Harold Sills Surgery Dr. H. Whisennand Surgery

Clinical Instructors

Dr. Carroll Curl Surgery Dr. Robert R. Debes Surgery

Visiting Professors

Dr. George A. Emerson Physiology Dr. Maurice M. Guest Physiology Dr. Russell A. Huggins Physiology Dr. Auline R. Schrank Physiology Dr. Howard G. Swam Physiology

GOVERNMENT GRANTS: The following government grants have been negotiated by the Business Ymager and signed on behalf of the Dental Branch by John Victor Olson, Dean and approved by the Comptroller and Chancellor. I recom- mend your approval and ratification of signatures:

1. United States Public Health Service Research Grant C-jj50 (C-1) for $6,791.00 for the period January 1, 1962 to December 31, 1962, inclusive o-37e,j for research on "Endocrine and Other Coctrol of Neoplastic Lymph Nodes." This project is directed by Dr. Henry C. Browning, Professor, Department of Anatomy (~eneraland Microscopic). 2. United States Public Health Service Research Grant D-1060 (c-2)for $6,863.00 for the period November 1, 1961 to October 31, 1962, inclusive 1, 9 3>?dL for research on "Explantation and Transplantation of Mouse Tooth Germs. - This project is directed by Dr. Federico Gonzales, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy (General and Microscopic). 3. To correct Item 5, Page D-2 of the Dental Branch Docket from the Board of Regents Minutes of Meeting Number 601, September 29-30, 1961 to read as follows: United States Public Health Service Post-Sophomore Research ,L> - < 9:,~. Fellowship Grant PY-2l7-3 for .$2,2l4.00 for the period September 1, 1961 to August 31, 1962, inclusive, in behalf of Mr. Israel Torres. This pro- ject is directed by Dr. John Victor Olson, Dean.


1. As provided by Article V, Section 40, Senate Bill No. 1, Fifty-seventh Legislature, First Called Session, a contract has been negotiated by the Business Manager and approved by Dr. John Victor Olson, Dean and the Chancellor for vending machine service for the Dental Branch to be pro- vided by the Kwik Kafe Coffee Service of Houston, Texas. This contract *cc,-3x, is for a period of two years, effective September 1, 1961, with a provi- sion for cancellation after thirty days written notice. This contract provides for the vending of soft drinks, hot drinks, candies, gum, mints, pastries, refrigerated foods and cigarettes. Commissions vary according to volume and the item being vended. Proceeds from vending machines will be credited as general funds income.

Respectfully submitted,


October 20, 1961

Dr. Harry H. Ransom, Chancellor The University of Texas Austin 12, Texas

Dear Doctor Ransom:

The following docket is submitted for your approval and presentation to the Board of Regents at its meeting in Austin on November 10-11, 1961:

1. se in Salaq. Mr. Joe E. Boyd, Jr., Administrator, from $13,500.OO%welve months to $1/+,400.00 for twelve months, from budget- ed position, Reserve for Salaries account and the Rosalie B. Hite Fund, bffective September 1, 1961. (RBC 61)

2. einS Mr. Elmer R. Gilley, Business Manager, from $10,000.00~welvem% to $10,500.00 for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 23) 3. bw@ase in s . Mr. Henry M, Hallmark, Assistant Business Manager, from $9,1CO.OO~twelve months to $9,500.00 for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective Septem- ber 1, 1961. (RBC22)

4. e in Source of Dr. Mary E. Sears, Assistant Internist, at $9,000.00 for twelve months, from the Various Donors for Department of Medicine account to National Cancer Institute Grant CY-3163 C3, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC26)

5. A . Dr. Alphonse Van Schoote, Associate in Pathology, at $lO,OOO.OO%%% months, effective January 1, 1962, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831. (RBC47)

6. ve of Absence Without Pa. Mrs. Lois H. Lunin, Research Asso- ciate, at e300.00 for twelve months payable from National Cancer Insti- tute Grant CS-9724 (Cl), effective September 1, 1961 to September 4, 1961. (RBC56)

7. h S Dr. John P. McGraw, from Associate Radiologist (1/12 Time), at $1,000.00 for twelve months to Associate Radiologist and Acting Head of the Section of Diagnostic Radiology (1/2 Time) at $8,000.00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account. (RBC13) 8. Dr. Zoltan Petrany, Assistant Radiologist, at $11,000.00 for twelve months from budgeted position, effective September 25, 1961. (RBC 60)

9. of ADD&&^^&. Dro Eleanor Montague, Assistant Radiotherapist, at $11,000,00 for twelve months, effective July 1, 1961. (RBC20)

10. . Dr, John So Jones, Clinical Assistant Urologist (1/2 Time)m.OO for twelve months, effective August 21, 19610 (RBC17) 11. -., Dr, Gene A, Guinn, Clinical Associate Surgeon (Urology) (1/2 Time), at $5,000,00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries. 1960-61 rate was $5,000.00 for twelve months at 112 Time. (RBC 18)

12. and Increase in Salaq, Lk, Shogo Otsuji, Post- doctoral Fellow, at $~,OOO,OO for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, from American Cancer Society Grant P-26~~1960-61 rate was $5,500.00 for twelve months, (RBC 25)

13. A* Dr. No Burr Furlong, Assistant Biochemist (Part- Time), at -or twelve months from budgeted position, effective September 15, 1961. (RBC 58)

14. R Dr, James M, Bowen, Postdoctoral Fellow, at $6,000.00 enths,effective September 1, 1961 to July 16, 1962 payable from National Cancer Institute Grant CRT-5047(C2), 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC 43) 15. -. Dro Marjorie La Salle, Postdoctoral Research Trainee, at $6,000,00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant CRT-5047 (~2). 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months, (RBC 44) 16. -. Dr, Tsuneo Kada, Postdoctoral Fellow, at $6,000,00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 to December 20, 1961, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant CRT-5047 (C2)0 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC 45)

17. m,Dr. Tsuneo Kada, Postdoctoral Fellow, at $6,000.00 for twelve months, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant CRT-5047 (~21,effective September 40, 1961, (RBC 59)

18. in TU. Dr, Ronald Me Humphrey9 from Research Associate to Assistant Radiation Biologist, Source of yment for Dr. Humphrey is National Cancer InstStute Grant C-4484 (C2 P" and Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT-(40-1)-2832. (RBC 52)

19. Urease in Salarv, Dr. Elon W, Frampton, Research Associate, from $7,200.00 for twelve months to $7,800.00 for twelve months, payable from Atomic Energy Cormnission Contract AT-(40-11-2695, effective Septem- ber 1, 1961, (RBC 50) 20. -., Dro Dale W, Vogt, Research Associate, at $6,000,00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-2890 (C5), 1960-61 rate was $6,000,00 for twelve months. (RBC37)

Section of Virolpgg and E&&ron Microsco~y

21. A- Dr. Donald A. Dreyer, Assistant Biologist, at $8,000.00 =months, effective September 1, 1961, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831, (RBC46)

22. R s' . Mr. Stig J, Ekeroot, Electronic Engineer, at $7,104.00 for twelve~fectiveSeptember 22, 1961. (RBC 38)

23 0 -ease in Salaq, Myo Edward B, Moore, Engineer Designer, from $8,520~00 for twelve months to $8,880,00 for twelve months, effective Septem- ber 1, 1961, from budgeted position and the Reserve for Salaries account. (RBC40) 240 ResS~na~~MP, James W, Hall, Junior Physicist, at $6,168,00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, (RBC 54)

250 a.Miss Marjorie A, Cork, Res- earch Assistant, at $6,168,00 for twelve months, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-l+l+84 (C2), effective September 1, 1961, 1960-61 rate was $5,784,00 for twelve months, (RBC35)

26. Dr, Kamal S, Sheena, Assistant Surgeon (Experhen- tal) (3/10~,400.00for twelve months, effective September I, 1961 from the Reserve for Salaries account, 1960-61 pate was $2,400,00 for twelve months for 3/10 time, (RBC28)

27. Dr. Benjy Brooks, Research Assistant (3/10 Time), at $2,100.00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961, payable from the William Heuermann Fund for Cancer Research, 1960-61 rate was $2,100.00 for twelve months for 3/10 timeo (RBC48)

28. -ease in Salary- Miss Evelyn E, Bubendorf, Assistant Epidemiolo- gist, from $5,784,00 for twelve months to $6,168,00 for twelve months, effect- ive September 1, 1961, from budgeted positioh and the Reserve for Salaries account. (RBC 39)

-1 Tests Laborat=

29. in Source of Funds, Dr, David Marrack, Associate Patholo- gist and Head of Special Tests Laborato~y, at $12,50O000 for twelve months from full-time budgeted position in Special Tests Laboratory to one-fourth time from Special Tests Laboratory and three-fourths tfme from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831, (RBC 16)

30. -o Dr, Philip O?Neill, Fellow in Experimental Surgery, at $7,000.00 for twelve months, payable from iiiUiam and Lola Heuermann Fellowship Fund, effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962, 1960-61 rate was $7,000~00 for twelve months, (RBC3) Office of Education

31. Dr. Roger B. Burrus, Senior Fellow in Gyneco- lorn at $6=welve months, payable from National Cancer Insti- tute Grant CLT-7129 ($4,200.00) and lump sum for Fellows and Residents, Department of Surgery($1,800.00), effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months, (RBC l/+) 32. . Dr. Noriaki Ida, Senior Fellow in Pediatrics, at $6,OOO.R months, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5791, effective September 1, 1961 to April 30, 1962. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC7) 33. . Dr. Reuben E. Koenig, Senior Fellow in Surgery, at $6,mO.%%%%% months, from lump sum for Fellows and Residents, Department of Surgery ($1,000.00) and Jesse H. Jones Fellowship Fund ($5,000.00), effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC 8) 34. . Dr. Bernard G. Vine, Senior Fellow in Surgery, at $6,000.R months, effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962, from lump sum for Fellows and Residents, Department of Surgery. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months, (RBC9) 35. -. Dr. Jack E, Tolar, Senior Fellow in Surgery, at $6,000.00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962, from lump sum for Fellows and Residents, Department of Surgerg. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months, (RBC10) 36. -. Dr. Jorge Albores, Senior Fellow in Pathology, at $6,000.00 for twelve months, effective September 1, 1961 to June U, 196~pfrom lump sum for Fellows and Residents, Anatomical Pathology. 1960-61 rate was $6,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC 11) 37. -t, and Increase in Sala~.Dr, Kinichi Sugae, Fellow in Biochemistry, at $6,000.00 for twelve months, payable from Welch Founda- tion Grant G-051, effective September 1, 1961 to April 19, 1962. 1960-61 rate was $5,500.00 for twelve months, (RBC 34)

Medical Communications 38. . Mr. George S. Daugherty, Motion Picture Cameraman, at $6,168.%%%%ve months, effective khy 31, 1961. (RBC 6)

39. e in S . Miss Loraine Neal, from $6,500.00 for twelve months to -00 forEve months from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961~ (RBC 21)

Administratiti Office

40. Mr. Warren L. Rutherford, Assistant Administrator, Patient Cas,at $6,780.00 for twelve months from budgeted posi- tion, effective September 1, 1961. 1960-61 rate was $6,780.00 for twelve months. (RBC12)

41. se in Salary. Mrs, Mary Lo Johnson, Nurse Anesthetist, from $5,784.00 Eelvemonths to $6,168*8.~for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC41)

A-L Anesthesiolow Service @. e in S . Mrs. Martha M. Drasal, Nurse Anesthetist, from $5,78zor twel%nths to $6,168.00 for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC42)

-a1 Social Sera

43. wve of Absence Without Pav, Miss Sylvia A. Gentry, Social Worker, at $6,168.00 for twelve months, effective October 1, 1961 for an indefinite period. (RBC53)

44. in St-. Mrs. Eula E. OfDonnell, from Senior Social Worker at $6,468.00 for twelve months to Case Supervisor at $6,780.00 for twelve months, payable from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC49) 45. -ve of Absw Without Pax* Mrs. Edna P. Wagner, Director of Medical Social Service, at $9,200.00 for twelve months, effective October 3, 1961 for an indefinite period. (RBC 55)

46. -. Mr. Gus Pratley, Pharmacist, at $6,468.00 for twelve months from budgeted position, effective Se tember 1, 1961. 1960- 1961 rate was $6,468.00 for twelve months. (RBC47 47. -. Mrs. Beverly Jo Watson, Pharmacist, at $6,468.00 for twelve months, from budgeted position, effective September 1, 1961. 1960-61 rate was $6,468.00 for twelve months. (RBC5)

48. -ease 3n Sa Miss Mary A. Walker, Chief X-Ray Therapy Technician, from $6,78o.%or twelve months to $7,104~00 for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 36)

49. -ease in Sw.Miss Renilda Hilkemeyer, Director of Nursing, from $9,500.00 for twelve months to $9,800.00 for twelve months from budget- ed position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 24) Service

50. e in Salaq. Miss Flora D. Goode, Nurse Supervisor, from $5,784.00 for twelve months to $6,168.00 for twelve months, payable from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective October 1, 1961. (RBC57) Service - 51. ease 5n Salaq. Mrs. Ethel V. Fleming, Nurse Supervisor, from $6,16% for twelve months to $6,468.00 for twelve months from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC30) 52. Msein Sa . Mrs. Peggy J. Dunn, Nurse Supervisor, from $6,468.00 for twelvznths to $6.780.00 for twelve months, from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC31) 53. R s' 'o . Miss Annie D. MacDonald, Nurse Supervisor, at $6,168.00 -months, effective August 2, 1961. (RBC27)

54. Increase in Salary. Miss Katharine E. Brown, Nurse Supervisor, from $6,468.00 for twelve months to $6,780.00 for twelve months from budget- ed position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 32)

55. Increase in Salaly. Mrs. Sylvia Jones, Nurse Supervisor, from $6,168.00 for twelve months to $6,468.00 for twelve months from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC 29)

56. Increase in Salarv, Miss Bertha Lo Murph, Nurse Supervisor, from $6,468.00 for twelve months to $6,780~00 for twelve months from budgeted position and Reserve for Salaries account, effective September 1, 1961. (RBC33) -1 Cancer Institute Cancer Research Grant C- 5811

57. Dr. Reimut Wette, Assistant Biometrician, at $12,500.OO%?%%$%onths payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831, effective September 1, 1961. 1960-61 rate was $12,500.00 for twelve months, (RBC 2)

58. Dr, Saul W, Soffar, Research Associate, at $7,000.00 =nths, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831, effective September 1, 1961. 1960-61 rate was $7,000,00 for twelve months. (RBC 15) 59. . Dr. Vernon W, Cole, Research Associate, at $lO,OOO.OO~onths, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant C-5831, effective September 1, 1961, 1960-61 rate was $10,000.00 for twelve months. (RBC19) 1. A. Dr, Eleanor Montague, Assistant Radiotheramlvemonths, ef f active July 1, 1961. (RBC112)

Pat holoq

2. kave of Absence Without Pax. Mrs. Lois H. Lunin, Research Associate, at $6,300.00 for twelve months, payable from National Cancer Institute Grant CS-9724, effective July 3, 1961 to August 31, 1961. (RBC130)

3. of Absence Without Pax. Dr. Margery A. O'Neal, Post- doctoral Fellow in Biochemistry, at $7,000.00 for twelve months, payable from Welch Foundation Grant G-035, effective August 16, 1961 to August 31, 1961. (RBC128) 4. wsfer of -. The amounts shown below in unfilled budget positions and Maintenance and Equipment accounts to the Maintenance and Equipment accounts as indicated:

SOURCE OF FUNDS: Budget Amount Page to be llluhX. Line Item Trans- Blood Bank Maintenance & Equipment 35

Pharmacy Drug Supplies -44

Therapeutic Radiology Naintenance & Equipment 48

Physical Plant Maintenance & Equipment 60

Office of Research 13 Biometrician 3,000.00

Nursing Service Hospital Inpatient 50 Assistant Director 6.168.00 Nursing Service i&udLsz APPLICATION OF FUNDS: Budget Amount Page to be -t -t Nkl&!2?2 Line Item Transf err& Medical Library Maintenance & Equipment 28 $ 5,259031

Clinic Outpatient Service Maintenance & Equipment 35

Hospital Inpatient Service Maintenance & Equipment 37

Operating Suite Maintenance & Equipment 40 Budget Amount Page to be -nt LiUmkC Line Item -sf errek

Diagnostic Radiology Maintenance & Equipment 46

Reserve for Salaries 61 -2LLlUa

The transfers that are requested are necessary due to the in- creased patient load both in the hospital and the clinic, increases in the cost of materials, the increase in the volume of work accomplished in the Section of Ragnostic Radiology, the necessary replacement of surgical instruments in the operating room, and the additional require- ments for books and periodicals in our Nedical Library.. (RBC 129) INTERAGENCY CONTRACTS:

The following Contracts have been negot.iated by the Business Manager and have been si.gned by the Direct.or upon, the recomrneDdation of the Business Manager, and appro~redby the Comptroller, she Chanceli.or, and the State Board of Control.. ;recommend your apprcval and ratifica- tion of signatures: A '/,.y 1. Interagency Con.t,ract No* 441.3-587 whereby The University of 4

Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute agrees to proviae laundry ';' A service for The .University of Texas Dental Rrxnch dliring the 1,961.-62 fiscal year. The total. services rendered under thi.s cont.ract are not to exceed $8,500.00.

2" Interagency Contract No. 441.3-588 whereby 3.e Gniy;ersity of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Inst.i.t,ute agrees to fixrish to The 4 'Icniversity of Texas Dent,al Branch during the 1.96i.-62 fiscal year, e1.e~-. .7;_,!.~,> triclty, gas, l.abor and su-h mteria1.s as are necessary for the operation .,-- :P of a joint boiler room, Tne costs of 1.abor and supplies are to be prorated ' ,,, 40% to the Dental Branch and 60% to Ma D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor .....-9 " - -4 Institute. Other costs are prorated on a metered basis. The total services <...> J) rendered under this contract are not to exceed $90,000.00. $.,

I respectfUlly req~est,as provided by Section 5.34, Chapter 117 of Part I of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents for the government of The UnPversfty of Texas, the employment of Dr. Joseph G. Norton as a Resident in Anesthesiology at this in~titu~ioxl.,for a one year period, effective October 1, 1961. Cr, Narton is the hasband of Mrs. Corinne Norton, Chief Medical. Records Librarian 8;t $6,78~,~0for Vgei;?e months, Dr. and Mrs. Norton will be erpi.oyed !n differen5 departments of the insti.tution and neither will exercise s~per'risionover or in any act on t,he appointment of the ~ther. Due to the difficui.ty that has been experienced in attracting qualifi.ed applicants for the residency program in anesthesi~logy,it, is fe1.t that t,he best interest of The Uni.versity wi1.l be served by sus:3ension of the fiepotism re@lations in the case cf this emp:Lcymen+,

GVTERNKEW ~ONTRACTS AIE GFAWS: The following Cont.racts, Crants and Amendments have been negotiated- by the Business Manager- and have been signed by the Director upon recommendation of the Contract Director, and the Business Manager, an?. app1.3-ied by the Compt;rci.Ler ar13 Chancellor. I recommend your approwl. and rat:ficat-'_on. of sigratures: l, Srani, No. T460526~, by srhich the P~blic:5ealth Serdce provides a Comy~.nity Cancer Demonstration poject, graiit, of $:,95~, C!O for the period September 1, 1961 to Zune 30, l.962, "To Conduct;;, $:onferenees on - - - ,% 4 n- Cancer 3f the G.e:r.ito.-??rr.l,.fiary'Tract", f;o be dire@;& 'c:; 3:r. L::;-ei:. So Miller. This corrects item 23, page A,--;, 3o~errix!.enr2c;rCt.raets and Grants of tine Docket dated Sept,ember 11, ig61., for the Se,r",ember 29.-3C., 1961. meeting of the Esard of Regents.

2. rtNo C.-U21.2 (3,3j, Sy the )k?i~lia;, cancer Insiritute provides $9,2611,00 for t:?e peri.od Sep3ember L,, 1961, tx Mgust 31., 1.962~ ;7,4.- .),6,f for research on "Bi.ozheml.zal. Stzdies on Fbster Iienal Dm.or ind~~ction" to be directed by I)r. DarreLl. N, Ward,

9-- -, 3 . c rant Xo. CY.-523'j ;JL) Med Chem., by vh.rbieh the ~Iationai.Cancer institute pro'riiies $1.2,:95,93 for tse perio3 2aniral.a; 1, ~962,,to December;,);::/::--,V Cn; 31, 1962, for research on "Synthesis of St.ercfd-alkyLating Agent Combina- t.ionsWt,o be direct,ed by Dr. Tad L, Patton.

a-g mCTS A-S (AcADWC)NONGO- SPWD. INCLUDING gES FARCH GRANTS DISTINGUISHABLE GIFTS: CTS5 The following contracts have been executed on behalf of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute by the Director. I recommend approval and ratification of signatures:

1. A grant fromthe American Cancer Society, Texas Division, which provides $5,000.00 for the period January 1, 1962 to December 31, 1962, as support for the Sixteenth Anrmal Sgmposium on Fuudamental Cancer Research "Recent Advances in ~ologyand their Significance for Onocology", to be directed by Dr. Felix L. Haas.

m: I reccmend acceptance of the following gifts and that the appreciation of the Board be sent to the donor by the Secretary: vl. $250.00 from Eaton Laboratories, Mr. James L. Weeden, Conven- tion Manager, Norwich, New York to help defray the buffet in conjunction with the Annual Clinical Conference held at M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, October 20-21, 1961. w2. $742.50 from the M. D. Anderson Foundation, Mr. Carroll Do Simmons, Fiscal Agent, Post Office Box 2557, Houston 1, Texas, for the "Mrs. Harry C. Wiess Fund for Cancer Research", representing the third quarterly dividend from stock donated by Mrs. Harry C. Wiess, and held by the M. D. Anderson Foundation. a 33 shares of National Old Line Insurance Company Common Stoc~ as an unrestricted gift from Mr. W. W, Heath, Perry-Brooks Bnilding, Austin, These shares of stock have been sent to the Ehdowment Officer for sale, and the proceeds will be deposited in the l'University Cancer Foundation M".

Respectfully submitted, -.

Director THE UNIVERSiTY OF TEXAS SOUTidESERN MEDICAL SCHOOL 5323 Harry Hines !3oulevard, Dallas 35, Texas

October 16, 1961

Dr Harry H Ransom, Chan.ce1lor The University of Texas Austin 12, Texas

Dear Dr. Ransom:

The following docket for Southwestern Medicai School is submitted for your approval and submiss5.on to the Bclard of Regents at its r-eeting in Austin on November 10-11, 1961:

i:.c~commended Av.en&.e.n.ts to 1961-62 Budget

Administration-Office of the Dean 1. Change- the tirie of Dr. John 5, Chapman., effec~iveSeptember 1, 1961, with no change in salary, to Assistart Dean for Posi-graduate Education. and Professor of Internal Medicine. Dr. Chapr.anls present title is Assistant Dean for Postgraduate Echcation and Alumni Relations and Professor of Internal Medicine. (RBC No. 73)

Business Office 2. Delete the line item position of Assistant to the Business Manager, unfilled, effective September i, 196i, (RBC So. 45)

Biochemistry . 3 Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. Herbert C. Tidwell, Professor and Chairman, to $13,500 payable from the Biochemistry budget, effective September 1, 1961, Dr. Tidwell is presently budgeted at an. annual salary rate of $13,000 payable from the Biochemistry budget. (RBC No. 27)

..I 4. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. John M. Johnston, Associate Professor, effective December 1, 1951 through August 31, 1962, to $10,700 payable as fallows: $3,000 from Biochemistry budget, $1,250 from Soathwestern Medical Foundation Grant, and $450 from American. Medical Education Foundation Grant. Dr.. Johnston is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $10,250 payable as follows: $3,000 from Biochemistry budget and $1,250 from So.~t;?,restern Medical Foundation Grant. (RBC No. 71)

5. Continue the leave of absence for Dr. nerbert.- W. R.umsfeid, Jr., Associate Professor, effective Septenber I?, 1961 through March 9, 1962. Cr, Rw,sfeld is presently budgeted at an. afl-nual salary rate of $11,700 payabie as follows: $10,000 from Biochemistry budget md $1,700 from South%~ester.nMedical Foundation Grant. (RBC No. 50)

6. Gange the title of Dr. Joseph L,ospaiiuto, effective October 7, 1961, with no change in salary, t.3 Associate Professor of Fiiochemistry. Dr. Lospalluto's present title is Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, (RBC Xo. 74)

Experimental I'Iedicire

7. Appoint- - Dr. Hirofumi Sokabe as Fellow, effective September l, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $6,090 payable as follows: F3r the period September 1, 1961 through December 32, 1'351, frorr the Mr, axd Mrs. Grady Vmghn Grant and for the period January l, i962 through August 31, 19EZr from bited States Public Zealth Service Grant H-4124. (53C No. 57)

'"-18. Increase the salary OF Mr, Robe:.t ::, Srubey, Research Associate, effective September 1, 1961, -co ah ai.~.uaisa2.ary rate of $7,i04, payable as follows: $6,168 from Experimental Kedicine budget 23.d $936 'from ?Ir. and Mrs, G, H, Vaughn Grant for the period September 1, 1961 through December 31, 19611 and from Enited States Public Health Service Grant H-4;24 for the period January 1, i962 through Aug~st31, 1962. Mr. Trubey is budgeted at an an:3ual salary rate of $6,750 payable as follo~,i~:$S,lE8 from Zxperimental Mediclne budget and $612 from United States F-&lie Health Se~viceGram 3-a124. (RBC No. 1) Fi.terna1 Medicine "--3 9. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. Morris Ziff, Professor, effective September 1, 1961, to $18,460 payable as follows: $2,500 from Internal Medicine budget, $15,000 from North Texas Chapter of Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation Grant, and $960 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5154. Dr. Ziff is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $17,500 payable as follows: $2,500 from Internal Medicine budget and $15,000' from North Texas Chapter of Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation Grant. (RBC No. 3)

10. Appoint Dr. George Schools as Assistant Professor, effective September 1, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $14,000 payable as follows: $12,000 from Parkland Memorial Hospital Services and $2,000 from National Fund for Medical Education Grant. (RBC No. 52)

11. Reappoint Dr. Charles Austin as Instructor, Clinical %--time, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary of $2,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant GYP-3796, (RBC No. 19)

12. Change the source of salary of Dr. Jack Barnett, Instructor, effective September 1, 1961, to $10,500 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2E-30. Dr. Barnett is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $10,500 payable as follows: $8,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2-30 and $2,000 from Merck and Company, Ino., Grant. (RBC No, 4)

,; 13. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. John Baum, Instructor, effective September 1, 1961, to $11,000 payable as follows: $5,500 from The National Foundation-Operation of Arthritis Clinic Grant and $1,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant ZA-5154. Dr. Baum is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $10,000 payable as follows: $8,500 from The National Foundatiori-Operation of Arthritis Clinic Grant and $1,500 from The Nationsl, Foundation-Research on Arthritis Grant, (RBC No . 5) (/qiO-6/ &.//LL

15. Reappoint Dr. Paul K. Conner as Instructor, Clinical 3/5-time, effective September 1, 1961 through December 31, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $6,000. The $1,200 to be paid for this period will be as follows: $1,147.57 from Merok and Company Grant and $5~~43from Victoria County Iieart Association Grant. (RBC No. 14)

16. Appoint Dr. Arthur Chris DeGraff as Instructor, effective September 19, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $7,500 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant HTS-5396. (RBC No. 68) .%r+n;,?ci_f/;-/?d&,& &,oe. .30, / 962-

17. Change the source of salary of Dr. Norman M, Xaplan, Instructor part-time, effective September 1, 1961, to an annual salary of $2,500 payable from the Internal Medicine budget. Dr. Xaplan also receives a Fellowship of $8,000 paid directly from the United States Public Heal-ch Service. Dr. Kaplan is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $10,500 payable as follows: $2,500 from the Internal Wedicine budget and $8,000 from United States Pubiic Health Service Grant 9TS-5469. (RBC No, 66)

18. Reappoint Dr. David Young as Assistant, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an enn:ual salary rate of $6,500 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant CYP-3796. (RBC No. 20)

19. Reappoint Dr. Luis Fernando Herbin as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from U~~ited States Public Health Service Grant ;35-5469, (RBC No. 13) Internal Medicine - continued 21. Reappoint Dr. Jawdat D. Xhalaf as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000, payable from United States Public Health Service Grant HTS-5396. (RBC No. 21)

22. Reappoint Dr. Betty Woods Hunter as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 t'nrough June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2E-30. (RBC No. 7)

23. Reappoint Dr. Hugo E. Jasin as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $7,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5154. (RBC No. 18)

24. Reappoint Dr. Caesar C. Shediac as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable as follows : $1,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant A-3906 and $4,500 from Eli Lilly Grant. (wNo. 9) 25. Reappoint Dr. Walter Norton as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5154. (RBC No. 16)

26. Reappoint Dr. Robert Reid as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,500 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5154. (RBC No. 15)

27. Reappoint Dr. E . P . Madhava Bhattathiry as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable as follows: $3,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant C-5090 and $3,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant 23.-5028; and an annual salary rate of $6,500 for the period October 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, payable as follows: $3,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5028 and $3,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant C-5090. Dr. Bhattathiry is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from united States Public Health Service Grant A-3892. (RBc No. 11)

28. Appoint. Dr. Hiroshi Sakakida as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through January 31, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from iinited States Public Health Service Grant 2A-5028. (RBC No. 62)

29. Reappoint Dr. Stuart Riggs as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $7,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2E-30. (RBC No. 6)

30. Reappoint Dr. Pedro Stastny as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 t'nrough June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $7,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2A-51511. (RBC No. 17)

31. Reappoint Dr. George E. Van Giesen, Jr,, as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,000 payable from Uni-Led States Public Health Service Grant IPTS-5469. (RBC No. 12)

32. Reappoint Dr. Richard Bryant as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $7,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2E-30. (RBC No. 8) Internal ?4edi:2':rp - c;ntinued 33. Reappoint Dr. Dayid Mebz?.e as Fellow, e:xective-- Septenber I, '.96l throug>. September 30, 1961, at a?. axrual salary rate of $6,500 payable f~rn7J-c.i;ed States Public Healti- Srr-cfce Grant Ifr,-293, (R%;3 Nor 50) - 34. Appoint Dr. Herber-t Bl0032r as :teliaw, effective gczobsr 1, lqiji; at - " -- annual salary rate of $6,OCC payabls fron U,?.ited Srates Pubilc -?salt>. Service Grant HTS-54F9. (RBC No. 7:!)

35. Reappoirt a~.d?.ncressc the a:?.ruzl salary rzte of Nrs. Violet Fagar., Xesearck Associate, effective September 1, 196!., %:I $6,168 payable from %.ited States Public Health Service %fact A-.:3905* (3%~Xo. 10) ,/ X&fe d>;2-3~.

Microbiology , . 36 Increase the a?.naa!. salary rate of Cr. Donalci -17, Koore, Assistant Professor, " effective September 1, 19to $8,602 payab2.e from the Mlcrobiolagy Sudget. Dr. Moore is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $8,050 payable from the Microbiology budget, (RBC No. 23)

37. Accept the resignation of Dr, Lester Packer, Assistant Professor, effective September 21, 1961, Dr, Packer is budgeted for the period September 1, 196I. through August 31, 1962, at an arnual salary rate of $10,000 payable as follows: $8,500 from Microbioiogy budget md $1,500 from Xationai Science Foundatio-.. Grant G-17342. (RBC No. 69)

~.38. Increase the ann-~alsalary rat.e of Niss Ruby Iiae Allen, Research Asssciate, effective Sep-:;ember 1, 1961, to $6,466 payable from the Kicrobiology budget. Miss Allen is presently budgeted at an axr~ilalsaiary :rate of $6,168 payable from the Microbiology budge-. (RBC Yo. ?,L;

Obstetrics and Gynecology 39. Change t?,e source of salayy of Dr. Peggy TWaalley, Assistant Professor, effective Septenber 1, l9S:, to $i.0,800 psyable I-ran :he Obstetrics a~.dGyrecology budget. Dr. i&.alley is presertly budgeted az a?, a.nnual salary rate 3f $l0,800

payable as Yol101.r~: $8,800 fro- Obstetrics mci Gynecoiouvoa budget ad $2,. ;:om Internal Medici:?e.-Thited St.a:es Fablic Health. Service Grant 2A .... 5028. (Rae NO, 54)

Pathology -- .-, . . '-.. '-.. 40. Increase the a~.r.ual salary rave of Mr, bmA Bon?*er, Researc!~Scientist I, effective September I, 196i3 to $8,522 payable from tb.2 Dmon R.avon Pu~,ci Grar.t. Mr. Bonner is budgeted a:; an a~nualsaiary rate of $8,'-^L~U payable from the Damo:n .3dnyoj? Fmd Grarz, ,acC,?,. No, .28

41. Increase the a~.?:ual salary rat- sf w-s . -i:railces 2" Wrightsmar; ?.esear:,ih ," ,- .. ',-A+ Associate, effec-tive Septzrrber 1; lj3i, zo $5,780 payable 2.s folloi,~~:$5,7aL from the Pathology budget and $993 r;:::; ;'nice6 States Public Zealti; Service Grant 8-5120. Mrs. Wrigk,tsrer- is presestly b-udgetsd at an annual salary rate of $5,468 payable from the Pazl.ol.ogy Sudget. (RBC No.. 29)

Pediatrics 42. Change the source and i-?crease tFe amual salary rate 31 Dr Kollie A.. Combes, Instructor, effectix September I, i961, t.o $8,000 ~ayableas follows: $2,000

from Ross ',aborazories &ra~.; $,G,qsOOfrom Criho "...-.,~:~-eit<~ ..<>. .: - cal Corporatio:p, Grant, Dr. Combes is presentiy b-~dgeteda- a.7~ ap-nual salary of $7,500 pa;yable from the Ross Laboratoriss c2;;i-.t, (.PBC No. 47)

43. the source of salary of Ex, Jc'm Selsn-,, ],pa,?$ ... time,

effective October 1, 9 ~s "'>, ..,l-,nn? ,aynoien..---' -' 2s folla~s:$1,5GO from Pitman-Roore Co::.r;ar,;z Grant and .$1,50[: fror :& Fe6iaSrii.s 'cudget. Dr, Nelso- w;l;. . also receive $6,000 dlreztly .fr?rn zhe 'jai-,-d States Fublic 3ealt;. Se3iic.e. ar. xelsan is presently b~odgetedat a? anxual salary rate of $8,500 2ayable as ?olious: $7,000 from the PediatrLcs ?:ldget z7.d $1,503 from the Pitma?. ..Moore [:orpa-y Grant. (RYC N3. 63) Pediatrics - continued 44. Appoint Dr. Wil.iim Eugene Potts as Fellow, effective Se~tem3er'L, _>ai, at an annual salary rate of $8,600 payable from The Willi

Pharmacology 45. Continue the leave of absence s~ithoutoav-. of Dr. James E!, Assistant Professor, Clinical 1/3- Ine, from September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, Dr. Holman is budgeted at an annual salary of $2,400 payable from the Pharmacology budget. (RBC No. 2)

Physical Nedicine and Rehabilitation 46. Appoint Dr. Layton Sutton as Fellow, effective January 18, 1962, at an annaal salary rate of $8,000 payable from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation budget. (RBC No, 72)

Physiology ~47Reappoint and increase the annual salary rate of Mrs. Marimne 5. Xlaiber, Research Associate, effective September 1, 1961, to $6,780 payable fron United States Public Health Service Grant A-1237. Mrs. Xlaiber is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $6,168 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant A-1237. (RBC No. 55)

Psychiatry 48. Appoint Dr. Stephen Ideisz as Professor, Clinical ptime,1 effective October i, 1961 through August 31, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $4,500 payable from Terrell State Hospital interagency Contract No. 44.13-456. (RBC Wo. 64)

49. Delete the nane of Dr. It. B. lichxond, Associate Professor, Clinical. 1/6-time, who resigned prior to August 31, 1961. Dr. lich.ond was budgeted at an a~-nual salary of $2,000 payable fro?; United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528. (RBC No. 48)

50. Change the source and increase the arm-ual salary rate of Dr. John fi. Giadfelter, -4 Assis-tant Professor, September 1, 1961, to $8,600 payable as follows: $7,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-5928, $850 from gnited States Public Health Service Grant 2T4-6528, and $750 from Texas Woman's Tjniversity Interagency Contract 4413-426. Dr. Gladfelter is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $8,300 payable as follows: $7,000 from kited States Public Health Service Grant 2M-5928, $550 from Texas Psychiatric Foundation Grant, and $750 from Texas Woman's University Interagency Contract 4413-426. (PJC No. 34)

51. Change the source and increase the annual salary rate of Dr, Maurice Xorman, '% Assistant Professor, effective September 1, 1961, to $9,000 payable from the Psychiatry budget. Dr. Xorrnan is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $8,500 payable as follows: $8,000 from. the Psychiatry budget and $500 from United 5-tates Public. Eealth Service Grant 2M-6528. (RBC No. 33)

52. Increase the annual salary rate and change the source of salary of Dr, Barry Martin, Assistant Professor, effective September 1, 1961, to $10,OOG payable as follows: $4,500 from The Hogg Foundation Grant and $5,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant 24-6528. Dr. Martin is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $9,800 payable as follows: $4,500 from The Bogg Foundation Grant and $5,300 from Texas Psychiatric Foundation Grant, (RBc No, 31.)

53. Change the source of salary of Mrs. Sophia Bell ?!ay, Assistant Professor, effective September I, 1961, to $9,350 payable as follows: $6,800 from Psychiatry budget, $1,800 fron United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528, and $750 from Texas lnioman's University Interagency Contract 4413-$26. Mrs. May is presently budgeted at an ar,nilai salary rate of $9,350 payable as follows: $6,800 from Psychiatry budget, $1,800 from Texas Psychiatric Foundation Grant, and $750 from Texas Womanss University Interagency Cor!tract 4413-426. (82C No. 32) Psychiatry - continued 54. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. William T. Moore, Assistant Professor, effective September 1, 1961, to $12,500 payable as follows: $8,500 froro the Psychiatry budget, $3,500 from Southwestern Medical Foundation Grant, and $500 from Texas Woman's University Interagency Contract 4413-426. Dr. Moore is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $12,000 payable as follows: $9,500 from Psychiatry budget, $2,000 from United Stazes Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528, and $500 from Texas Woman's University Interagency Contract 4413-426. (RBC No. 30)

55. Change the source of salary of Dr. Charles E. Simmons, Assistant Professor, Clinical l/3-time, effective September 1, 1961, to $3,800 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7296, Dr. Simmons is presently budgeted at $3,800 payable as follows: $300 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528 and $3,500 from United States Public Health Servlce Grant 2M-7296. (RBC NO. 37)

56. Accept the resignation of Mrs. Jane Porter Friedman, Instructor, effective September 30, 1961. Mrs. Friedman is presently budgeted at an annual salary of $7,400 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2N-6528. (RBCNo. 65)

57. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. Stanley Blumberg, Instructor, effective September 1, 1961, to $7,800 payable from the Psychiatry budget. Dr. Blumberg is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $7,500 payable from the Psychiatry budget. (RBC No. 35)

58. Reappoint Dr. Lawrence Id. Kartin as Instructor, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $10,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7375. (RBC No. 44)

59. Change the source and increase the annual salary rate of Mr. David Pope, .Jnstructor, effective September 1, 1961, to $10,500 payable as follows: $7,500 from the Psychiatry budget and $3,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528. Mr. Pope is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $10,000 payable as follows: $8,000 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-5928 and $2,000 from Texas Psychiatric Foundation Grant. (RBC No. 36)

60. Appoint Dr. Uri Gonik as Instructor, effective September 15, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $8,0'30 payable as follows: $4,400 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6777 and $3,600 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-5928. (RBC No. 58)

6:. Change the source and increase the annual salary rate of Mr. Harold Wedel, Unstructor, effective September 1, 1961, to $7,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528. Mr. Wedel is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $6,600 payable as follows: $600 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2'1-6528 and $6,000 from Texas Psychiatric Foundation Grant. (RJC No. 38)

-.. 62. Increase the annual salary rate of Mrs. Frances Coltharp, Assistant, effective September 1, 1961, to $6,500 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528. Mrs. Coltharp is presently budgeted at an annual salary rate of $6,200 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-6528. (RBc No. 39)

63. Reappoint Dr. Florentino Dominguez as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961. through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $9,720 payable from Terrell State Hospital Interagency Contract 4413-456. (RBC No. 40)

64. Reappoint Dr. Joseph 5. Kugler as Fellow, effective September 1, 19E1 through June 30, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $12,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7130. (RBC No. 42)

65. Reappoint Dr. Ignacio Magana as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962, at an ar.nual salary rate of $10,000 payable from Terrell State Hospital Interagency Contract 4413-456. (RBC No, 41) Psychiatry - continued 66. Reappoint Dr. Arr.old J. Schuman as Fellow, effective September 1, 1961 through-September 30, 1961, at an wnual salary rate of $12,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7130. (RBC No. 43)

67. Increase the annual salary rate of Dr. Charles L. Smith as Fellow, effective 4 December 1, 1961, to $12,000 payable from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7130. Dr. Smith is currently being paid at an annual salary rate of $11,500 from United States Public Health Service Grant 2M-7130. (RBC No. 49)

Radiology 68. Change the title of Dr. Jack 5. Krohmer, effective October 7, 1961, with no change in salary, to Associate Professor of Radiology and Director of the Radiation Safety Program, Dr. Xrohmer's present title is Assistant Professor of Radiology and Director of the Radiation Safety Program. (RBC No. 76)

69. Appoint Dr. Ernest Elmendorf as Instructor, effective September 1, 1961, at an annual salary rate of $10,000 payable as follo~is:$5,000 from the Radiology budget and $5,000 from Parkland Memorial Hospital Services. (RBC No. 53)

Surgery 70. Change the title of Dr. 'hiilliam Kemp Clark, effective October 7, 1961, with no change in salary, to Associate Professor of Heurosurgery and Chairman of the Division of Neurosurgery. Dr. Clark's present title is Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery and Chairman of the Division of Neurosurgery. (RBC No. 75)

71. Delete the name of Dr. Ronald F. Garvey, Instructor, who resigned prior to August 31, 1961. Dr. Garvey was budgeted at an annual salary rate of $12,100 payable as follows: $8,500 from the Surgery budget and $3,600 from Parkland Memorial Hospital Services. Dr. Garvey will retain his faculty status as Clinical Instructor without salary. (RBC No. 51)

72. Change the status of Dr, Robert Walker from 4/5-time to full-time as Assistant Professor of Oral Surgery and Chairman of the Division of Oral Surgery, effective October 1, 1961, at a. annual salary rate of $12,500 payable from the Surgery budget. Dr. Walker is presently budgeted. at an annual salaxy rate of $10,500, Clinical 4/5-time, from the Surgery budget. (RBC No. 59)

73. Change the title of Dr. Richard W. Ernsi, to Assistant Professor of Thoracic Surgery and Acting Chairman of the Division of Thoracic Surgery, effective September 1, 1951, with no change in salary. Dr. Ernst's oresent titlp is Assistant Professor of Thoracic Surgery. (RBC No. 61)

Physical Plant 74. Delete the name of Mr. Ralph W. Harris, Mechanical Engineer, who resigned prior to August 31, 1961; and reappoint Iqr, Samuel Ihiachel, Meci>.a.nical Engineer, eff~' September 1, 1961 through Jar.uzy 31,- 1.962, at an annual salary rate of $6,165, and effective February 1, 1962, at an annual salary rate of $6,458, payable from the Physical Plant budget. (RBC No. 46)

Medical Electronics Laboratory 75. Chance- the title of Mr. Harrv Stokes to E.~,eineerinc- - Technician TI. effective September 1, 1961, with no change in salary. Mr. Stokes' present title is Engineering Techniciarr. I. (RBC No. 26) VISITING LECTURERS: Approve the appointments of the following Visiting Lecturers at the honoraria indicated:

1. Dr. Sidney F, Velick, Visiting Lecturer in Biochemistry, for the period October 30-, 1961, at an honorarium of $800 from Biochemistry Maintenance and Equipmert;

2. Dr. David E. Green, Visiting Lecturer in Biochemistry, for the period -December 2, 1961, at an honorarium of $800 from Biochex6stry Maintenance and Equipment.

CLINICAL FACULTP: Approve the following, without salary, effective on the dates indicated:

1. Appointments and Reappointments:

Dr. Winfrey W, Goldman, Jr., as Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective September 1, l961

Dr. Sylvan Busch as Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine, effective September 6, 1961

Dr. R. Neal Schneiderman as Clinical Instructor in Dermatology, effective September 18, 1961

Dr. Julian A. Wells as Clinical Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective September 29, 1961

Dr. Eleanor Valentine as Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, effective September 6, 1961

Dr. Robert Rasor as Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, effective September 25, 1961

Dr. Lawrence Claman as Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, effective March 1, 1962

Dr. Samuel B. Bashour as Clir.ica1 Instructor in Surgery, effective September 1, 1961

2, Change of Status:

Dr. Paul Ellis from Clinical Instructor in Surgery to Clinical Instructor in Thoracic Surgery, effective September 1, 1961

FELLOWS: Approve the following, effective September 1, 1961, unless otherwise indicated:

1. Appointmentments and Reapp0intmer.t~:

Dr. Gail Douglas Tatum, Jr., as Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. William L. Schemmel as Clinical Fellow in Oral Surgery Dr. George Kennedy Hempel, Jr., as Fellow in Surgery

2. Changes of Status:

Dr. Tom Dees from Fellow in Internal Medicine to Cllnical Fellow in Internal Medicine Mr. Charles J. Black, Jr., from Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry to Fellow in Psychiatry Dr. Nyron Weiner from Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry to Fellow in Psychiatry

3. Resignations: Dr. Paul Shaw, Clinical Fellow in In-ternal Medicine, effective September 18, 1961 Dr. J, P, Vineyard, Fellow in Internal Medicine Dr. Thomas Curry, 111, Fellow in Radiology, effective September 16, 1961 \ DOCKET ERMTA: In the docket dated September 5, 1961, Item No. 50 under %.<.$? "Government Contracts and Grants and Other Agreements" reported the grar?t from the Dmon Panyon Xemorial Fur.d as "Grant D3G-355D". This should have been reported as "Gr~ntDRG 355E".

SEMI-ANNUAL RZPORT OF GIFTS OF $100 OR mSS: In accordance with paragraph 2, Chapter I, Section 1.4 of the Fiscal Regulations, a seni-annual report of cash. gifts of $100 or less, rwhich have been accepted by the institutional head, has been filed with the Secretary of The Board of Regents for the six-month period ending August 31, i9El.

GIFTS OF MORE THAN $100: It is reconm-encied tha.t the following cash gifts for expenditure. at the direction of the depa.rtment. or individual indicated, be accepted and that the appreciation of The Board of Regents be sent to the donors, There is no terminal date for ex-jendi-Lure of funds unless specific- ally stated below. Item 1 has been reported a.nd previously documented.

1. From Children's Medical Center (Mr. Sames Farns~worth, A&ministrator, 2306 Welborn Street, Dallas, Texas) payment for the months of July md August, 1961, for the use of the Department of Anesthesiology, deposited to "Children's Medical Center-Anesthesia F-and-direction of Department Chairman" (Account 7590) $2,000 .00

2. From Dr. CF-arles I. Gregory (Division of Orthopedic Surgery) a contribution to "Faculty Gifts for Orthopedic Surgery" (Accoun~804Ej 225.00

- - - . it is recommended that he appreciation of The Board of Regents be sent to the donors of the grants.

Department of Health, Education, and Idelfare Attention: Edward P. Offutt, Ph.D. Deputy Chief, Extramural Progrms National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases National Institutes of Health Bethesda 14, Maryland

1. Research Grant A-3612(C2) Thyroid function- and iodine netabolism Dr. Alvin Taurog Decercber 1, 19Ei - November 30, 1.962 $19,399

2. Research Grant A-*708(Cl) e-- .*c c:.,". :,,,. , i Studies on plasma insulin kinetics- Dr. Holbrooke 5. Se1tzer December 1, 1961 - November 30, 1962 $16,551

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Attention: Edwin L. iiove, ?h,D, Assi.stant Chief, Extrm.ura1 Progrms National Institute of Neurological Diseases and E:indness National Institutes of Bealth Bethesda 14, Maryian-d

3. Research Grant B-3424 Effects of radia:tion zn nanaalian peripheral nerve ..* 3rs. Frank Earrison and P4ary C. Arnold .- Li .,,, -... ..? Septenbe? 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 $12,892 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND GRANTS AND OTHER AGREEMENTS (continued)

Department of Health, Education, and :nielf are Attention: J. Franklin Yeager, Associate Director for Extramural Programs National Heart Institute National Institutes of Health Bethesda 14, Maryland ..~ q -. i,$ ,':< '; .,..\* 4. Research Grant H-2516(C5) - Hematologic :!.terations in pregnancy Dr. Jack A. Pritchard September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 $13,196

5. Fellowship Supply- Grant HF-11,392(Cl) - -- ' Acute & chronic effect of pulmonary embolism on :,,:, c,,,,, A. , i/ pulmonary vasculature - Dr. Robert L. Johnson in behalf cl Dr. William C. Wilcox, Postdoctoral Fellow July 1, 1961 - June 30, 1962 $500

Department of the Army U. 5. Army Medical Research and Development Commznd Attention: Irwin Lee, Major, MSC Contracting Officer Office of he Surgeon General Washington 25, D.C. 'i 6. Contract No, DA-49-193-MD-2193 Research in ionizing irradiation and its effect upon healing wounds Dr. Beverly L. Reynolds September 1, 1961-- August 31, 1962 $44,116.00

7. Contract No. DA-49-007-MD-662 ,-::nn . a'. Modification No. 10 d Minor changes in provision far "Insurance-Liability to Third Persons" to provide uniform clause in all Army Contracts.

8. Contract No. DA-49-007-MD-6E2 ,.., .- , . . ',, .: Modification No. 11 "" .. Additional research support in the amount of $2,691 and extension of the period of contract to August 31, 1962.

,..,i; a... ,: 9. Contract No. DA-49-007-ND-884 - (' Modification No. 6 Minor changes in provision for "Insurance-Liability to Third Persons" to provide uniform clause in all Army Contracts.

U. 5. Atomic Energy Commission Attention: Mr. John 3. Bowyer, Senior Licensing Reviewer, Isotopes Branch Division of Licensing and Regulation Washington 25, D.C.

10. Byproduct Material License No. 42-231-30 (163) ,-. cv :,.-, Authority to receive, acquire, own, possess, transfer, $-..Q :\ and import byproduct materials in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Atomic Energy Corca.ission. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND GRANTS AND OTKER AGREEMENTS (continued)

McKnight State Tuberculosis Hospital Sanatorium, Texas

'??, P 11. Interagency- Contract No. 4413-598 ",* Development of Medical Teaching Program \," 9 September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1963 a, ":' $l0,000 -, + \, Terrell State Hospital Terrell, Texas

12. Intera~encvContract No. 4413-602 b - > k Educational Program in Men-cal Health Diseases \ September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1963 L'\

Texas State Department of Health Austin, Texas

13. Interagency Contract 4413-574 ,i\ Fellows fo; Regional Cardiac Center u September 1, 1961 - June 30, 1962 '3G-\ $8,333.30 RIZ 14. Interagency Contract 4413-57s Congenital Open Heart Surgery '*'i. - September 1, 1961 - June 30,1962 ,A +, , &4 $8,333.30 'x

15. Interbgency Contract No. 4413-586 ~echnicalAssistant for Regional Cardiac Center up September 1, 1961 - June 30,1962 \ :,- >J '. $4,215 f3

Texas Woman's University Denton, Texas

u ::> 16. Interagency Contract 4413-603 , ~',+. , -. Psychiatric Nursing Q' September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 "-. 17. Interagency Contract 4413-604 c.~.: .., ,,? Occupational Therapy I i September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 Q

18. Interagency Contract 4413-60s 3 -. ... Nursing Instruction / (\ September 1, 1961 - August 31, 1962 d .=- $1,500 r-,

19. From the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (Dr. Thomas L. Willmon, Medical and Research Director, 257Park Avenue South, New York 10, New York) an award to support studies on the mechan- ism of nervous tissue regeneration, under the direction of Dr. Sven G. Eliasson for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, deposited to "National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Mechanism of Nervous Tissue Regeneration" (Account 8330) $12,000.00 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND GRANTS AND OTEIER AGREEPENT5 (continued)

20. FmmTexas Psychiatric Foundation (Mr. Hm,mond Coffman, First National Bank Building, Dallas 2, Texas) a grant for the purpose of developing teaching and research in psychiatry, with authoriza- tion to use unexpended funds from the 1360-1961 award, de;ositi:ii tc "Texas Psychiatric Foundation-Teaching and Research in Psychiatry" (Account 6984) $ 7,200.00

For support of the establishment and maintenance of a training program in inhalation therapy under the direction of Dr. W, F. Miller and Dr. M. T. Jenkins, the following grants have been received and deposited to "Various Donors-Inhalation Therapy Training Program" (Account 7740) :

21. The DeVilbiss Company (~r.Howard P. DeVil'olss, President, Toledo, Ohio.)

22. Duncan Oxygen Therapy Company (Nr. W. A. Gardner, Manager, 906 South 9th Street, Duncan, Ohlahoma)

23. From The McDermo-tt Foundation (Mr. Eugene McDermott, 6000 Lemon Avenue, Dallas, Texas) continued support of the grant providing funds for Visiting Appointments in Anesthesiology and travel for the Chairman of the Department, for the period September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1962, deposited to "The McDermott Foundation-Visiting Appointments, Maintenance and Travel" (Account 7592)

GRANT REFUNDS: Approve refunds on the following grants:

1. American Heart Association, Inc. grant for research on "Study of Clubbing of the Digits" under the direction of Drs. C. B. Chapman and Fouad Bashour; refund of over- expenditure of travel allocation, $208.73.

2. American Cancer Society, Inc. grant for research on "Study of the Nucleic Acid MetaboLism in Leukemia using Physical, Chemical and Imunological Techniques" under the direction of Dr. JoAnne Wfiitaker; refund of unexpended balance, $3,861.96.

Respectfuily s~bmitted,

A. J- Gill, M.D., Dean