THE UNIVERSYTY OF TEXAS Office of the Chancellor Austin October 23, 1961 TO THE IIONOEUBLE BOARD OF REGERTS OF THE WVERSITY OF TEXAS Gentlemen: The dockets prepared by the component institutions listed below are herexnth submitted, with my recomendation for approval, for consideration at the meeting of the Board of Regents in Austin on November 9-11, 1961, Main University M. D, Anderson Hospital and Tumor Texas Western College Institute Medical Branch Southwestern Medical School Dental Branch No docker. has been submitted by the Postgraduate School of Medicine. Listed below are Central Administration items which I recommend for your approval, ~,EVX?JERSTEDEVELOPMENT -BOARD /.- ...-\.&<.,,,./, Appoint Calvin C, Nolen Assistant Director at an annual salary rate '.-,,'' of $9,000 effective October 1, 1961; source of funds is an unfilled position in ljevelopment Board budget. Mr. Nolen was formerly Director of the Texas Union at ao annual salary rate of $8,520, Appoint Wallace Y. Gorski Assistant Maintenance Engineer 93/20 time) at an annual salary rate of $7,104 effectzve September 1, 1961; source of funds is the Mitchell Building Expense Account of the Varner Properties, W. e. ~ogg~~nd. ------CLERK-OF-THE-WORKS FOR THE $USSROOM-(1PFiCfP,BUILDING --AT TmS WESTERN COLLEGE Effective Au-st 15, 1960, WeGrover Gale-. W:.Zlifard.of.ElPaso, Texas was employed as Clerk-of-the-Works on the Classroom4ffice Building at Texas Western College, at a monthly salary rate of $475, wnich appointment was to contime in effect until further notice from this office. The construction on this building is now completed except for a few very minor items on the \* punch list, and Mr. Williford's services are no longer needed, It is, there- ?~.) :\ fore, recommended that his employment be terminated and that he be removed \... from the Vaiversity payroll effective at the close of business October 27, .,, 1961, which allows Mr. Williford two weeks vacation to which he is entitled, \*- APPOINTMENT OF WORKl1EN' S COMI"fNSATION. INSURANCE POS'LHONS In 8ccordance with Section 5.8, Chapter VI, Part Two, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents, report is made of the following physicians who were used for emergency treatment and other cOmpensable treatment at the specific request of ao injured employee: Austin, Texas HOl.l5 ton, -reJ.{8S Wootten Brown, M.D. E. H. ~anfield, M,D. John E. Douglas, M.D. C~arles E, Ferrin, M.D. Corpus Christi, Texas Warran A. Ross, M.D. ~obby Joe Smith, M.D. Sidney M. Conolly, M.D. 1:1 Paso, Texas Lubbock, Texas Joe R. Floyd, M.D. Sam H. Hitch, D.O. 'Leigh IL Wilcox, M:. D. It is requested that the ~oard of Regents ratify these actions. In addition, the Board of Regents' approval is requested for designa­ tion of the following physicians to make physical examinations of eligible Unlversity of Texas employees of 80uthwestern Medical School: Dallas, Texas Peter C. Canitaro, M.D. Wayne E. Delaney, M.D. James E. Hempstead, M.D. Finally, approval is requested to designate Paul Powell, M.D., ~orger, Texas, to make physical examinations of eligible University of Texas employees of Main University and to render medical tresoment to such employees in the event of on-the-job injury. Dr. Powell's designation is requested since it was necessary for him to give physical examinations to Main University employees who reported fo~ work at The University of Texas Archeological Salvage Project without coroing to Austin. JOHN Q. GAINES FOUNDAtION FOR CANCeR RESEARCH ...• DISTRIlSUTION OF INCOME The Endowment Office has reported receiFt of $58.59, representing distributable income from the &state of Hattie E. Gaines for the period July, 1961, through September, 1961, for deposit in the Current Restricted Account in Central Adminlstr~tion authori~ed by th~ January, 1960, weet­ ing of the aoard of Regents. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL FROM ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES, OfFICE 017 THE C!Wl'CELLOR rrofessor Warren Roberts, Director of the Humanities Research Center, has been authori~ed to travel to New York City and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the period October 22~26, 1961, for appraisal of various literary snd bistori~1 collections for possible purchase or gift to the University. This travel is reported to the lSoard of Rege~ts because the source of funds does not cont,;,ln the word "travel." 8udget Rule Iff> requires form"l report­ Lng through the docket. C - 2 APPROPRIATION FROM ETTER FUND In accordance with pxevious actions of: the Committee of the Whole, a payment of $250 has been made from the Etter Fund (current restricted fund) to nr. J. R. Smiley, PreSident of the Main University. APPROl'RIAnON FRQlol CA.'1PUS SERVlCES, INC. Upon recolWlendacion by, Presidenc' 'Smi'!eY,\J",'theJ,Cllancellor has approved the expendicure,of.$500 by,Campus Services,"Inc.,to assist in the purcbase of a trailer designed to transport the lllascot of.. th& football tssm; 3evo. RECOMMENDED REAPPROPRIJ.TIONS AND LAPSES OF PLANT FUNDS UNEXPENDED MLANCES AT AUGUST 31, 1961 Attached to this docket sre copies of pages 29~39 from the Monthly Financial Report as at August 31, 1961, for Central Administration, Available University Fund, covering the following sections of Plant Funds Unexpended AppropTiations: Available University Fund Appropriations for Central Administration, Main University, and Medical ~ranch. Plant Funds Unexpended for Central Administration, Medical ~ranch, Main University, H. D. Anderson Rospital and Tumor Institute, Southwestern Medical School, Texas Western College, and Dental Branch. The Comptroller recoJlllllends that all the free balan.cas maTked "R" be reappropriated and that all the free balances lIIll:rked "Lot be lapsed. All items marked "L" should be lapsed to a particular account where it b shovn on the attached sheets. ~nere no particular account is given, the items should be lapeed as follows! Items marked "L" under Available Univers1.ty Fund appropriations should be lapsed to the Available University Fund UnaPPropriated Balance . •••••••~•••~~. should be lapsed to Medical'Brsnch Current Funds General - Unappropriated Surplus. snd portions marked "L" in Accounts Nos. should be lapsed to Unallocated Proceeds of Permanent Univers1.ty Fund BQrtds. and portions marked "I." in should be lapsed to Avai Unappropriated ~alance, Account No. 94215 should be lapsed to Texas Oaion Fees. portion marked "L" in should be lapSed to Athletic Council FundS. C - 3 - - ~----------- ~ :' 225 , 2 should be lapsed to Reserve for Constructi.on o Parkiug Areas ~nd Lots. should be lapsed to M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Gi.ft Funds. The recommended actions conform to our regular standard procedures and are presented to the Board of Regents for ratification with the approval of vice-Chancellor Dolley and the Chancellor. Sincerely yours, ~~~ Chancellor HR;ag attachment ADDENDUM November ll, 1961 The Board approved the (oliowing amendments to the 1961-62 budget: Central Admini strati-on 1. A mend the 1961 ~ 62 budget of Central Administration on Page :) by adding a new positioo "Assistant to the Chancellor" at an ar,.r.ual salary rate of $15, 000 aad by appainti" g Gra ves W. Landrum to this position effective December 15, 1961. The funds are to COme from Unallocated Accoultt of Central Administration. (Approved prior w this meeting for reporting when his succesilor had been appointed. ) Main UniveJ:'sity 2. Amend the 196! ~ 62 budget of Main Univer s~ty or. Page 6, Item I, by accepting the res ignation of Graves W. Landrum and by ap~ pointing James H. Colvin as Business Manager at a saLary rate of $14, 000 per annum ($13, 500 from the present budgeted pos i­ tion and $500 from the Etter Fund, a cur rent re stricted fund). effective Decembe r 15, ! 961. The Board after hearing a report of the Committee appointed to study the new nondis crimination in employment claus e approved the cor.tracts that were deleted hom the docket of the Sep~ember meeting. Mr. McNeese was recorded as vatiog "no." The cOt:.tracts approved are: Mail> Univer"ity I. ,UPPlementat A.eTnent, ModlHcation No. 6 to Contract by which the Departmer.t of the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright~Patterson Air Force Bas e, Ohio, adds the sum of $17, 500. 00 to the COntract fur.ds and extends the per iod of the cant ract through 14 October 1961. The research continues at tr.e Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Bonet, ProfeSSOr of Physics. c - 4 2. Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract AF 33!616)-7307 by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, incorpo- rates Basic. Agreement AF 18(600)-2400 between the University and the Department of the Air Force, into the coctract.. The research continues in t,he Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics. 3. Contract AF 33(657)-7007, by which the Department of the Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, provides $132, 000. 00 for certain electro- magnetic studies during the period July 1, 1961 through June 30, 1962. The research will be conducted at the Defense Research Laboratory under the direction of Dr. C. P. Boner, Professor of Physics. 4. Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract DA-23-0?2-ORD- 1564, by which the Department of the Army, U. S. Army Ordnance Dis- . , .~> .. : -' trict, St. Louis, Missouri, adds the sum of $14, 100. 00 to the ,. .. .. contract funds and extends the period of the contract through December 15, 1961. The research on the study of meteorological research and analysis of rocket data continues in. the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory under the directioc of Dr. A. W. Straiton, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Laboratory.
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