
Getting Ready For Your New School Last Week… In our 1st session, we were looking back at our time at Primary School - • We looked at what “Transition” means – A change from one thing to another.

• We talked about how we can choose our attitude towards life’s challenges and how having a Growth Mindset can help us to handle changes with confidence.

• We learned that part of having a Growth Mindset is looking back to see what lessons we can learn from our experiences.

• We talked about how much we have changed since starting Primary School and which things have stayed the same.

• We remembered our first day at Primary School and wondered what we could learn from the things which helped us back then.

• We came up with creative ways to celebrate our special memories from Primary School and thought about anything we were happy to leave behind.

• We figured out what kind of mindset we have and how we learning to have more of a “Moving On” mindset can help us with our transition to secondary school. Moving On To Secondary School

Because most schools are not fully open at the moment, we are not going to focus on specific things about your school – All the Secondary Schools are working on plans for how they can support you to get to know your new school, meet your new teachers and start to connect with your new classmates. Each school will be doing something different… Time To Investigate Your new school may have been in touch with you already to invite you to a special Year 6 Transition Group or to let you know about taster days – Whether you have heard from your school yet or not, going onto the school’s website is a great place to find out more -

ASTOR COLLEGE – http://www.astor-college.co.uk/ BROCKHILL PARK PERFORMING ARTS COLLEGE - https://www.brockhill.kent.sch.uk/ – https://www.folkestoneacademy.com/academy/secondary/ FOLKESTONE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS – https://www.folkestonegirls.kent.sch.uk/ HARVEY - http://www.harveygs.kent.sch.uk/ HIGHWORTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL – https://www.highworth.kent.sch.uk/ ST ANSELM’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL – https://www.stanselmscanterbury.org.uk/ TURNER FREE SCHOOL – https://www.turnerfreeschool.org/

Over the next few weeks, spend some time exploring your new school’s website to see what you can find out. Rumours A “rumour” is anything you hear from someone else that may or may not be accurate.

Rumours can seem true, especially if you hear it from someone you trust.

They are a bit like fake news; they might have bits that are true but it is important that we don't just assume everything we hear is the truth. Rumours Have you heard anything about secondary school that worries you?

There are lots of bullies!

There are too many The work is too hard! subjects to learn!

The teachers are mean!

It’s hard to make friends! There is too much Could it just be a rumour? homework! ACTIVITY What could help you with your worries? Who can answer your questions? What is Holding You Back? Sometimes, our worries can make us focus on what could go wrong, instead of all the things which could go right.

We fear making mistakes because we think we will look silly so we might avoid trying new things altogether.

All Year 7 pupils will have times when they feel a bit worried because everything is different - This is a normal part of change!

When we are able to face our worries, we can embrace change and all the wonderful possibilities it can bring.

We are going to watch a video about something called “Resilience”

Resilience is what helps us to feel confident to take on new challenges in life.

We can build our resilience by being brave and keeping going when things get tough. *Click on the MP4 file titled “Resilience – Premier League” to watch this video* What Did You Learn About Resilience? Thinking About The Future

A big part of having a “Moving On” Mindset is feeling positive about the future – Yes, there will be challenges ahead but there will be so many amazing things too!

What are you looking forward to

about Secondary School? ACTIVITY Future Me Fast forward to the year 2027…….

You will be 18! That will be in 7 years time, the same amount of time that you have been at Primary School. Remember all the things we realised had changed about ourselves in that time – What do you think will change about you at Secondary School? ACTIVITY What will “Future You” be like? The Process of Change Remember - It can take us a little time to get used to the idea of change. It is normal for our feelings about it to change over time - How are you feeling about moving on to Secondary School now?