The IB at Sevenoaks 2018 LR.Pdf
The Sixth Form at Sevenoaks is large, Every student in the Sixth Form at Sevenoaks ‘ Sevenoaks is best cosmopolitan and exciting, comprising over is encouraged to be curious, creative, critically 400 students from more than 40 countries aware, and to develop his or her talents to around the world. All of our Sixth Formers the full. Life is fast-paced and dynamic, and known for pioneering pursue the International Baccalaureate expectations are high. Diploma Programme, which the school has delivered for over 40 years. The IB Diploma At the same time, we try to cultivate in our the ib and for being a represents, in the school’s view, the best pupils the habit of reflection, and the school’s preparation for university and the world international outlook promotes understanding strongly international of work. and open-mindedness. The IB has rapidly established itself as the Our strong pastoral ethos supports expert gold standard of world education. The IB is teaching, and a broad range of co-curricular school – not just in its not just an exam board, however; it embodies opportunities complements the academic a philosophy of education based on a few courses on offer, preparing our students for basic principles: leadership in an increasingly complex world. intake but in its outlook ’ l students should be both literate and Katy Ricks the Good schools Guide numerate, scientifically adept as well as linguistically able, and not abandon key subjects at the age of 16; l education is about more than passing exams; it involves promoting creativity in the arts, well-being through sport, and compassion through service in the community; l schools have a responsibility for advancing a clear set of values, including international-mindedness, integrity and honesty, and tolerance towards others.
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