www.ppstag.org TAG parent survey results 2012 v2.xlsx-comments www.ppstag.org A B C NOTE: These comments have been edited to remove personal information, replacing, for example, names of students, by "my son" or "our daughter". Please email
[email protected] if you find any 1 remaining personal information that should be removed. 2 3 School_Name comment1 (positive aspects) comment2 (suggested improvements) Abernethy E.S. We love our school and teachers, but I have to say there has not been very clear communication from about exactly how and what TAG services are being provided, if any. My child's teachers have been very good about working with her particular strengths and weaknesses as a student, but it has not been clear whether her TAG status fits into their plan. More specific information about TAG services at our school would be helpful. 21 22 Abernethy E.S. Abernethy E.S. Don't think there are any at this point. Pull out! In my son's old school, he had a pull out one day a week. That was the ONLY day he was excited to go to school. He was able to be in a class of his PEERS, so that they understood where he was coming from. The other four days (even though he missed one day a week) he 23 was extremely bored, which led to bad behaviors. 25 Abernethy E.S. Abernethy E.S. She has attention from the teacher that guides her to appropriate individual challenges. Enhanced Group challenges with tag students on similar or equal level would help with 28 motivation and engagement.