
The THE WESTFIELDLeading and Most Widely Circulated. Weekly Newspaper in LEADERUnion County YEAR No. 33.


terson--Taking Aoantage Board Educatio Pa of n will Prob· Ordlnanet Pasltd by CouHII llggesUons ln Leader Etlltorlal t Special Aooommoda· ably Ask the People tf he for Will Cost Hotel Knptrs Bur Fruit and hard If by Rn. Shaw Additional tton Secured Funds 1210 Extra Health Gtta Busy DAY" NOT AT HIS BEST TO MEET T NEX WEEK MANY IMPROVEMENTS PAll IIUCH INTEREST SHOWN Old Men and Youn& nv�eaentatlon mllbt not e bulldlap w�. llaJ Jl'roa& On poNible to eqn- tbrou1b wltb aad control tbe billiard parlore Ia �I'J'O.. will oae tllla 10 e:rpectatlone. tbe lUll diJ' for ed. tbe •- up for aecond �dln1 .-1tta1 tbe froat yard ftL, , .. although a few dropped out. 11141 moneJ appropriat towu 11 attraetlft ued aad after eonalderable a l t fCoatlll oa dlaeuaeloa M po��lble, by rakiDI otr tbe debrla, ..t Deeentlal k ,...,...j.,, l boonda and Prelldaa PIP t.) -• n. ow ... IMIIIP Patntta1 ud waa ameaded aad back to ant trtmmln1 lawna, maiiiDI Bower beda, Co!Mial'll llbbop anrl Vlc<>-Praeldent Lueu, of ln WutfteW · t oo tile HIGH SCHOOL GLEE , �dial. Tbe ameadmeat called for * t�o Men • llro berb d of J'IJ'It liU a eloalDI boar aad tbl1 wu Mt at 1 ' EIIT. 1. E. rh ur<'h, and tbelr UBIItaDtf CLUB TO SING ELIJAH 'l'b...... ,, llaJ Ill. Pals& Paw· o'clock a. m. �pert,. owa.... aad llo-llold- for tbe little blue On swamped motloa of Obalrmaa Dnl1. 11f will want .,.., ..... m admluton A..tft KWt!DI ...l' to •• tbla daJ for .. ttclleta of ad tbe P'laaaae m l'lottd IJoltatllta to Comllllttee, billa amount- ID&IIII rencea, poreliea. porch WMD th� delejlatlOD bad - bled IDI I,OU. 7 J>romJ.e .., .... v..., ,.., to were .-d aad order�d ebalrl and mlncellueooa Trinity rhorcb, Pater10a, Dr. artlel11 11 certtaaate � Tbe Hl1b Bclltol Gl" Club, ulllt.­ paid. A of lndebtedneaa tbat touchlnl up. rornwr char .. , to marcb to 8800 certl- Prldar. M.,. neatilal •• Fiat lbw's ed by a few former Glee Club mlllll· for and an Improvement Meaq•to and Tal�·rntlcle, two blooll:a dlataat. 1.01 14, J"'y, bera, will aln1 tbe Oratoric "Ell!ab" ncate for .. were aotboriMd. O..df'lioa o.,., ar ..our variety of new, freeh, 1ro• l"""P''' had come In autol, Ia 8. In tbe ltletbodlat cborell, BaturdaJ On motion tbe requaet of W. Oarbqe, manure and otber lly meats and vel(fttablea, """''"· (Rill loada of tbe latter), a n·rit·s, Tbe nftiDI, ltlaJ Utb. In many waJ'I a- for permlaelon to bullet wood- bi'MII ml ma&erlal muat be removed of verythinr soon aa a hi� r.·owd of men wbo eould best e u they to be tbe gr.teat en bolldlq Ia tbe rear of prop- oa tbll da)' and the placae wbere �et away to 10 tbl1 prom._ lila It are on the market. Our pricea are from tbe eltJ wtJ waa 1raated. event e't'er 1lven by tbla or1anlaatloa. bu beea atorecl dlalnfeeted bJ lime; l!'ood nk to w eoJtlleld Ia time for t1141 reaoluUoa as as a ba account, becauu P'rederlck Weld, baritone, will 11111 A for , a 1ldewal11 oa pro't'laloaa aboold be made for pro­ at 4 · 4 5 p. m., went direct bJ everyone is a money-laver. tbe Ia oae of Booth aHDue to tbe Garwood llae tectta�r tllla material from from part of Ell,lab, wblcb ftlea. Tin New Yorll:. wa1 read and lnln the biii!Ml rolea In the repertoire of tbe beariDI aet for caue, bottle�, broken crocker)', etc., Ia There "'"" no delay atartlDI at June 7tb. 1bould be remo't'ed; 1 baritone. Mr. Weld Ia a aololat low placea In the atore.Wa \\'•·••n�ld and tbe proc-lon A. R. Mu-ll wu 1ranted II Ia, Our oa TVEIDAY Bt. Bartbolomew'l cbureb, and bu • - J•rd aned aad roof 1uttera clear- .... toni( o e, atruns out for 1reat Cftae to rua aa aato bua. mo- :.t I P. N. that our...., n apeared many tlmea In New York ed, to prneat tile breedlnl of • There were merr'J' partlea Cbalrmaa Affleck, of equltoee. Time wltb tbe Oratorio Boelety aad otber tbe Pollee 1boold alao be apent ..., ...... , outo whlcb were packed Committee, turaed onr U4 buaee cboru-. OniJ tbroosll friend• and oolleetecl oa llla da)o Ia dl11lns up dandelion• tobeuBIUyluday. . T eJ for reclaimed dop. In the alalee b ••1 1 bit of 1ood fortune, were the mem­ and raall: or polaonooa weecla wblch and had }DIIJ time and Tbe trouurer'a report abowed a a IOOd bera of tbe club able to aecore blm. dlallpre lawna or polaon people. ltt>ard to mplain of tbe balaace of 87,OU.U. Tbe collect- wa' co Tbou1b be baa many friend• bere, IMDI'IIar, llaJ 18, Jupectlon o.,., llld or t h<' showera wblcb tbeJ' rao eu or reported bnla1 reeel't'ed 83,188.- Tbla spent Mr. Weld bu never n1 In Weatnetd. daJ may be prontably E. LA VV"RENCE autoa U for and 8UI.ll lito. Tb., u tbeJ arrl't'ecl Dr. Ion A. Jaclllon, wbo bu d• tax11 eoeta. Ia aplll laapectln1 your premia- 138-138 BROAD STREET Telephone a73 were par d ear TrlnltJ cburcb. The bulldiDI lupector reported tble ttme kt> n lighted weatneld aodlencea twice to aote the lmpro't'ement hrJbody had ll R permlta brou1bt h11 or bar tbe "Cr.tlon" 't' 1ruted wltb f- of JOUr work bu made .u.d to aee If wltll bla worll: Ia bu $11.88, ""'"""" a of tbe to total amooat U8.11U.U. Re- JOU ban tonK and moat been a1atn enllled alng tbe tenor o'tWiooked aDJtblnl tbat c tbe waJ oorder Oprlllptead turae4 0'1'• Uf aboul 1141 ...... W<>rtl on•nmed oa parta. Hla art!atlc alnl(lnl Ia 10 4 doae; alao to nal1b aay­ not a ed commeata for a- eollected April, aad Bee· , but few bad aot opea mucb appreciated bare, Ia tblnl( JOU ban been oaable to eom­ l retai'J' unch bo ea aad tbey were not Harden, of tbe Board of pletle. Don't Sight >t upon It are uaaee-I'J'. reported U7 or to ta l!lto taber- Health, oolleetecl f Collectloaa will ke tbem tbe Mra. MarJ Hl118m de Mou. 10- be made bJ atreet Lose permlta. Chief of Pollee O'Neill �ndt of th- didn't .. t aoy- at tbe P'lftb Avenue rc- department wa1one aa followa: P'lrat prano aololat U to •·at after tile 11nloe Jowett. pon.d tllat arr•ta were made ·Ward, MoadaJ aad TueadaJ; Becoad until PreabJterlaa cborcb (Dr. of the fact that we are e:r­ a! dorln1 moatb of April. out 9:30 o'clock. Tbe men putor). will tbe aoprano aoloe. tbe Ward, Wedaeeday. Tblrd Ward, aln1 W11tfteld optician and that you train The poor of co.t tbe town TllundaJ; P'ourtb Ward, P'rlday. pert s eantt• hy from New Y-ork. Mra. de MoM Ia coaaldered to be for tbe moath UU. and the o't'er-r In the nearbJ r81taaraata. Oratorio aopranoe are at liberty to call any one of tbe rtne�t U71.U. her •bowed a baluce 11f ORILDR£1'1'11 OOUNTRY arrangementa made, worll:ecl Ia tbe oounti'J', aad only by anot time and have your eyes A communication wu recel't'ecl DOitiB AL. •lork work and wben tbe laat bit of 1ood fortune could abe be - ouunv examined free of charge. Hear from tbe Dletrlet Nunln1 AMocla­ bus had arrived, wblcb wu juat cured. Tbe oelebratecl aria, " Tbe feetl't'al unuaally taklal place tlGD uiiiDir tile Couacll to appro­ You will told frankly if o'clock, one of her fa't'orlte 7 tbe people were u- Ye lar..,l" Ia U00 on Ueooratlon Day at tbe Oblldrea'a be club priate tbe 1om of for tile work. on tbe at.pa of TrlnltJ and 10to., aad tbe memben of tbe CouatrJ Home will be replaced tbla A tetter from tbe cbalrmaa of tbe from anUclpa­ oldewalk and oa a aod took forward wltb 1reat :rear 117 a caralnl wttb new aad at· tbe Oratorio. Cltlaene Relief Committee alated . Hhaw tbe crowd, a•e ud ll:r t.ton to tbl1 aumber In tracUn r.turea. Tbe caral't'al will tbat tbe eommltt11 bad p't'en relief will IIDI tbe be the e't'eniDI started for tbe taberaaele. Mn. Robert Harden 81 DI 178 held on afternooa and We never recommend�tbem After manJ to tamtuee, repr-II n Into dei.,.Uona but contralto parta. b•rl•l of 8atllrdaJ, Juae lltb. ra other people. r1tty_,... if tbey are But hould they be found wboae •- bad beeD not. 1 be required we have all styles wa. only ., few mlnutee delaJ at eln.. l'l. no oae could 10 well taken care of bJ tb-, tbrw -r• and know we please you, to the Wettlleld voloe ud mullclaaablp meet wblcb u referred to tbe 0-r of t1141 Poor, can of tbla work, had been UBI&'ned and aoon all tbe requlremeata word Btunll 11 olecl on tile made upon tbla et1bt were outalde of to1r11. The one of tbe bacll: llll· well u tbe dellluda oeated In of tbe Tbe req-t of Bardell for poat C!IU'd notice 11Dt out bJ tbe­ r I tbe peraonnel c. w. at t h., ear. 'nle _.. were part conalderiD Da cer.. retar'J' of tbe Mea'a Brotllerbood of A. T. BRADY la therefore 1reat uo for tbe Deooratlon J dlstnnl'e from p t- quartet. It Ia wttb tile pulpit monlal wu rer.rred to tbe rtnaace tbe I'Sm M. B. cburcb for tbe meet­ ut w pride tbat tbe club aa· JEWELER ud OPTOMETRIST b 1t u 80 quiet durlnl tbe pteuure aad ln1 to be beld next Moaday evaat.11. Weatfteld'e e�wn Commltt- h r.w com· aouaoaa oae of •1••­ "atuata" or t e aermoa tbat A petltloa from 11:. 0. Whitlock 'l1be pNIJ'Im lacludea of 27 ELM ST. or i g unable to role. n bear or era to fill tbll of all ll:ladl aad nery member Ia Ufled be race a fe 1• aad otben for tbe lmpro-at Part of delep- Mlaa G Leedl Daroell, tbe Wettlleld DadleJ uaaue waa referred to tbe to briDI tbemtel't'81 and at leut one Expect Watcb and Clock Repairinfl' Alto. l!lerlcaa Guild of Or�ao; enalnl - to be a��&IIDed to another tow of tba A . a fJ'Iead belp malle the bnd lan 0 Road Committee Tbe petlUDil for to wu a mlllle of tbe bllb81t lo I l'!use by bllt tbe crowd 1at1, �I 111w• oa roart1lnaaa1, by B be m bered. aoepUuaal aeeompaalat, w -...s to re em and all Jot•- aad an _.. referred m•tl be .. '"'�'� toptber play.... w. Waloott ud otbera, wu wtll "eel. •lnglny, b tb or 11· Bhe bae Befreeh·l� tbe h)'maa IUDI J' plaJ • .. e Coramltt.e wltb poweJ· I ======lplendld IIIADY before and will ID til Road � c o 1,100 't'OIOM- "lllll,lab" tlmea h ir of and tbe b.rta111t for Jane 7tll. lpleadldlJ'. tabernarle waa pa cked all _ .. 1upport tile cboru a e�f A TRIAL or Ia A petlttoa uped IIJ oualler C. Tobin aad lil. Pont were re­ laa Do rotbJ Pelraall. a ! un 1 WIU _...._ JOU of of anti mr.n;Y 1tood M . t.a uiiiDI tbat tbe Couacll eleoted ar d -•d die npedor quU&r oar lauDclrJw'Ork, � tbe lr.r flli ... 111'111 1 ...ta hlllt tbrou1h tbe wlndowa. tbe Hllb School, club n.pa pro" parll: cblefe at tbe mettlap of tbe tbrM u Ill lllwa.r• wbl&e. 1 tbe •P ae· talul to tm tbe lall:e o de't'ot mpanllt, will piiJ' n t be a nltlbt .S ea- acoo Ia� propertJ, wu referred to tbe Park lire _,..1.. laat •-1111. l&ahrapAU. eompaaimota wltb to the laborlnlr people of :� ?.';.00� oa. ehrap n Oommllel u II l&rlllb· r Her -arll:able wor At leut Cholrm� llnll• pflllded ud all tbl 110 that a r r tbe Ka:ror 1101& OOIIPAXY OUTIJIO. Je 11 euetuur haadled 1a ..,_,..,...._, ...,....._ ....., ve . wltll a allp of paper In will �� meaobara tbe COIUUill - prt��at. m em of bf Ill t�bered1.,_ ..=, : - of of Tbe bel'l "- CompaaJ ci8N4 • wUllut maeh ..,...., &haa U...... ,_llae. M parta ..., ..-· o befoN r. lhuldaJ belan naeet ... No. 1 IN plallniDI to bold u outlq tile ta. ..,., ...... trial pMiypt t•alled on after operet poetal "IU detecatton oratorio are & pboae 01' ...... a JOV ..... of tbla or or PI• JfVIUIIJfG .ueooLlftoJf ...... to emploJ• fi'CJIII Tbe u,..- ul tnu tle proe..U of "Bulb " ..unru.u. IIIIB'fi :.:;;:n::-��a:���: �.::-.=: WI YOUR big uatrtal eetabllellmeat and met wltb NG. beJ'I ud tbelr frleladl will mall:e tbe DO IJft'IUY PAJIIL W Ala".- I!!! _ t brua . _,_;. • ood · J'e i'J' a.• Ia up at bla laYitatloa to aa- N waa anaouold lD 111 ....,.. anaual m..U.. or u.e Diltrlet trip auto llu-. AJU) fiOIT orTIIIIIR I U4; tlJ tbe a4mlalion w 1141 tree. Tile .....G POa their fa•ortte bJ1DU. IIH· tMIQuell Nvnlaf -'-latlDD wtu .. lleld Ia the daleptloal up bll PnA,.-terlaa lauded ..elal4 IAa4ere... 11 opel! tbe Parllll llolaM tbll IDIDWAL IIOCll8'ft'JIB£'1'Dl'O. or ftowere to luadaJ' anenooa ,t o'elooJa, -tiiiJ lii.Mtln1 of tbe WMt- Mr. Tile VI p, f I Tile NPOrl Tbe a del tile L a. ID.. laD.._....,d&J'I- eglltloa from -P� lrOIIl I to I of &II• Dlatrfct Nur-. M._ II� lle14 lftlttilal lollletJ waa ,beld at tll1 r "lil " lllk omPIUlJ pft a luadaJ ..,W, to ,....,. u4 � ao4 tbe fiiPOrtl of tbe Yllto1IJI MIMn bo- of Dr. lAird, oa Cantral a,... IIlii: ,:W:11 p-t.ed tlll8 .... 411 Westfield roll of to a ,._ 10 W -• or .... IDioraaatiOII .,_. wtu 11e at ..- aiM, lut -1a1. rollowlq tbe " r � Prea.-t IU.t,Weetlleld, N. tbe wGIIllll • _ aa4 bulba- --aoa relr�meata were PIION8 118-W :;: be beat d._. Ia prlaU...... ,.._ ...... tie-"" tlaOM Ia._..., are IO-U J. .. _ _ ,_ _..... U , ,_.._ IIUlO t ...... to Ule ...... 11,.-s to au-d. a�M� a -lal boar 811joy41d. .... IIl ,_., IN Landry ;:;;;. fl1 ... fll, 'liiB Wal'l'l'mLD LIIAJ)d, fti)IIUDAY, IIAY �. 191�.

rn��t:nM"f"d wi!'IJ knowfl ,.r,tora by Mr TrPVOr. CathttrlnP H1u•kf'tt au· Norm11n ThomRII, Yt'IIIIAm l.a MM.\1P, \\"n.lt,.r and AT J.�vtll" LUNCHEON • • • Players f'IRf'l'� TO With the Plays and RI!UII.I!IIf) �H011f 1!11 f'l,o\I!IIJ'JII:I,D. omnllrmo II•• on· New and Old Events Now Beini Prelented h RlniJ(IIna ' noun('PmPnt t at BrothPrR HOTEL MARTINIQ Playhouses======clreUO will ,. ••• two l•.rformanceo In "'TIJt Houst of Taylor" ======at Various d e ay, ! Platnllold on We n od Mey II. ------.. been addPd Sta., •� ------Many n�w f•atur,.ll haYe Broadway at 32nd and 33nl lt.-''llaUo h a moat notabtoe or wt\tch tlll In town nlwNew�n Aorter, B'waY aaoJ filii Fort�·.. olltll !lt. n..t ...... OII'HI't - t l Y•ftr, th., Thr moLI't modPrRte prtced rf!ltaurant P'oon " tht and tht Qu""" Broadway," wltll O.o. 11. Collul aad tht •Pfl'ctaC'lP "Rolomon quallt y obtalnable-prompt and courteoua MrYlce...... � producUoft II nonp MUIJe William Collier. nt lhf'ba." Thl• t"Oioual 1.110 peopl•. Utll lt.: ...... 1:11: Jl'or t�• third wee of tho 0.. Wolf pr.. ontod with a cut of a.._ Weort k 111 8at., ��euon of Gllbftrt and 8uii1Yan 100 ancln 1

Church. Ftrwt Rat.,tot. (Continued from Pate 1 l r h an o unday d that. a number Wo s ip d �erm n S Mr. Cutler otate at e had cropped ent mornlnl!' 10:30 and venlnl' or unforaeen eapen- cem 1:30. Announ •and ­ VAN l!unday l!chool ..ton at noon. up, namiDI the qulcll encoun MOTOR Youn��; Peoples' 8oclfl y p, In the apot where one of tbe for t at 8: tl> tered open in the Westfield Inn Building SERVICE m. mala plera had to be IH!l, and nece.­ We shall 8 'cl oell, l l a DIS Wedn.,.day evenln11 at o y oltatiDI!' the bul d nl' ol concrete on Broad Street, next Saturday LONG ­ rtt�rular prayer meet1n1 or tbe pier fourteen r.t below the llrtde. TANCE MOV­ cburcb. and that In hla opinion other eapen- A rordlal la't'ltatlon Ia l'lven to at· would yet be eneounlel'ed. tttnd th- oenlcea. Truatee Malmar aald tbat In hla ING The I>Adl•' Aid Society bold a opinion the bulldlnl could not be Great China Store meetlnl' In �be oburcb Thunday af· completed without more moue)', and EKJ�"�NIII ... tern oo11 at 1:30. PrNident DempaeJ' pYe tbe rollow­ A & GlassWear Gennl Tnckla& Cbaa. T. Snow, ActiDI' approximate lll'urea •• what Aluminum A&ate Rn. Putor. lnl' u to and would be required : For farnltare, , � �urdl. f&,OOO; 1tadiD1. U.I>OO; eompletlnl All Kinds of French and Austrian China, nadne., Thla ""'niDI!' In the Parlab Houae 117111naalum. ,4,000, and l of about U of atl, tbe resalar mld-weell meetlna. ,1,400, malliDI a tota t,· Comprising de- Band&J' mornlaa In tbe 000. From tbla amount can be Clllaa ... oluarob,tle l d PurnltaN, reaular cb urcb Mnloe at 10:10. dnoted tbe aum of U ,1100 a rea y re- ...... y ,.ak· BundaJ' mornlna In tbe Parl1b aened for furniture. Service Mr. Cutler tbe mat· rm .... 101-riece Diner Houe, tba NI'Ular meetlna of tile Oil motion of .. er C:Nted fer11hlpiMIIt ter laid oftlr until TuMdaJ e't'e­ Bunda)' School at 11. ReY. J'recl. ,... WORK GUARANTEED Wrll'ht will addNU the ��ebool. or neat weell: wben au ad)oa1'11· rm ...... S8-riece Diner Service ALL t or the bOard will be beld. RHm•--8,.aial nem• far BUild&)' nen lna at In tbe Pariah ed mee lnl!' 8epU'IIteLocbd NHI'Yed 8 for tbe roal ••I>" tbl.... Houe, the r•ular meetlnl' of tle Bide were opened Fin ..42-riec:e _. Diller Service ••• of Pluo•, Pollltlll... llaiiOI•, etc. nuatb Tbomp- plJ' for tbe oomlnl' J'e&r and theM Plymouth r-aue. Ke will be tbe leader, aabject, "m· were referred tbe IUPPIJ' romm lt OFFICE, eon to · I ALEIIROOIII Al!fD W AREHOU8ES : migration." tee. rm ladrn 31-riec:e DinerSenice n e A omm nleallon from tbe Pia)'· Dt,.t), 8. L. mle, D. D., ml lat r. e a 239-241 NOITB AVER1JE, (Rear WESTFIELD, l l R4n'. Loo aall iDI for the at once regardless of price, aroanda Comml•lon These must be sold P---DAY 13J, l!fiQHT 319W ROIIEitT WOODRUFF, ...... tbe Waalllnjlton lkb l Parl �- - of oo Glass, 11a17 'l'lf8HJ' and tbe permluloD to and Carloads of Cut, Blown and Flint Bunda)' aenlo-Low 111-. 1 : 11 wu read aae 2 111-. tbe gro nda wu arante4. a. m . 1: 1 1 a. m. HIeu.... a Bric-a-Brac and other lines too numer­ . Traateo TIIOIDPMID reported In tbe 10:30 a. m. Vases, at r of IIa hlDI' acb oo t prd ena Bund&J' lelaool lmiiMdlateiJ' after m te .tab ous to mention. tbat tbe plan wu not ad't'laable fer ..._, tbe 1: u tftetd tbla ,..r. x-1 and 7:10 a. m. W• and nau1 Bturala. for tbe Kqaal Ionia Fine Pottery Hoi)' DaJ 10, 00 aad IITL 1'. II. Art Ford M--': T: Jl'ranc.hlae Leqae, thu'Hd tbe board 00 a a. Ill f the r Iliad- In allowiDI' tbe l mm niOil Baa�nt or i Ho � a lkbocl ball :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::� :::: _ ' i of tbe Wuhlnaton ��:: :: ,, ______nd , lwl· aae I�------·- Ia a)' R-I'J' looietJ'; -ad for tbe lecture of ROM. Accessories d&J' HolT Name looletJ• Anpb a. Reot. Dr. Tile Tweben' Committee P""f�Dled boJ'a; tblrd ada , Anpl8 8o- la tbe followlnl' na- and tbelr ap- alet)'alet�. llrll. j t eonllnned : Frida)' ¥·- polntmen a -re lllu 1'1;.. DeYOtiODI , Robl�. u a t•cber 7:00 and 1:00 m. J' L. a. Bactred Bean lo.._eetb tb cart lkbn• DeYotlou and BealedleUon of Bte.ed Ia e t l'f&de; Mr. N. Guaranteed Tires ter. u t.acber of matb-aUca In tbe Goodrich & Fisk 8:00 p. m. Partition Sale ...,,._t, b kllool. and Winona 8. Conf...t----.tvd.,.., 1 : 10 ud Hla lllu ltb 7:10 •• BaiUr, .. ll&eber Ia tbe $ 8.50 •• Tbe tbe T b ra�- Com- Bpealal oa actloD of .-e e 1m IE SU. Dt'.UAII.E IOIJSFJ AD LOTS DeYOUoDI annoaaoed eniiDI'tlla the of Clull ltftet. WeetfteW, N. land.,.., - Ia Mn'tNe 0. J. complete te ReY H. J. wau.noa, a-ter...... Buell:boat to tbe na 30x3 1 34x4 . Ia .._ of IIIIa Dorela Dodd. rwlp- • Play 12, 1915 30x3 $11.00 36x41 wu aoDirmad. 1 n... v. a. Obllfth. Sizes .a. BelA rr.a1a 1rM eapcad &e Other EquallyLow II: U a. m., 8nnda7 School for Prl- tt.e etua p1aJ whlc'- will ...... Ella� $12.15 37x5 P. II., C:.art 32x� ... -lor at I et U. a .. R. J. 111&17 Dept. be a1- on c ....OQ , Ju• 11. 10:10 a. m .. llonllll' wonlllp ud 0a motloa ar HOWle Oark Street Cllalnaaa Orr,of�. ud Lot, :ZU IIMDOD. Jl'laanee Committee, �e follotrlal' HOUle ud Lot, ZJ8 Clark Street 11.00 m., BundQ Bcllool, Ilea'• ._latloa reprdlal' tbe Mlhool 'llaaka rorWD, Wo-•a 8thle Clua. · "R-lftd HOUle and Lot, Ill Ferrie Place wu adoploed tllat It be 10 m., .,_ tbe: t at Alto on I: p. . l.Mpe. the - of bOard h tbe .,.&em •veral ChoiceBuilding Lots Oark Street HENRY VOSSEUEI 1:00 p. m., Kpwort.b. �- of bubto be ll:llo1r11 u •bool bulb 1:10 p. m., de Orpa PM111 . be ..tabllalled In tbe Yartou •lloolll 1: m., worablp ud n mm Put el Lu6tw V. Clark U p. �1111' a d that tbe Jl'laanee Co iUee be I'Nperty r. wrmon. lnqalre 1-l'llotled &e If an tbe hulk• pod repair wttlt ...._. lmpro-11. Bolla aad loll 331 fark Avenue, flainfield, N. J. the ebapel W.ute!d .,. lntenlted operat- "- Ia •- Jlld--11: llllnloe Ia Ill Ia ebanoe to offenlcl. Telephone 1768 WedlleedaJeY elllaa at I o'clock. auela bllnlal." aeolljectJoaable aell'llbarllood.A bu)', 1814oan rna. ....u&l' �e Cllurell for Ia ltadJ' PNIIdent DemPMJ' preald&a and VOORHEES, Dt.tributora of BUICK Automobile• WeetfitN rrt4aJ .-lac. o'cloek. FOSTER M. Special Mlllter. I 11-.. Dennie. Moaer, Cutler, J-s�b r. 8baw, D. D., Putor. Tbompeou, Malmar, Orr and Colllna •- pr.ent. Tbe meetlq adJoana- ...... � to aaeet nat Taeed&J' evulna. laada7, � at 11 .. .. You IIOB'I'UJO It Wm PaJ to Order 8llll4&)' lellool at I p. m. or N. 6. Aflll'l!f AUCTION OhrtiUall ..._'ftr, f p. •· TO WOIIAN SUJI'Il'RAOR Your �atlp. m. OPP08RD Wltb In attend- Mlt-wM ..niceTM14aJ _..., N�l&tl- aaee from bN&cb orpaleaUon baY 1 y� -·• ...... a, - p. a., m b 1 lq aa � me ben lp of AWNINGS BOUSEIOLD GOODS Vrtda7 p. a., 01u1 . , -... 11,187, the New Jei'MIJ AMoelatlon Now 18 th"time to bUJ' aood• to Woman Butrra.- on Mon- for hou8Pkeeplnll' at Mlll'I'DJ''• llaolllaoa AY8lue ...... Obapel II&)' lrd, held a moat lnaplriDI' 8priDJ!' Weat Fron TbuJ'Id&J' at 8.00, meetln• of Good NOW! comer t • In Trenton. Sal.,.; &11-ful -loa It Templara Ia the cbapel. llb'ee& ud Ceotra.l Tbe mMtlna Ia Uta ora- wm.ow ShadN made to order. .l't'tmue. Bud&)' at 3.00, Bunda School. buel- m ,., lq when reporta from all fOil have _,. aooda &e clllpCMie ln at 4 o clock, In the C&noplea for weddlu1a and decora- a...-Jar -...toee branellea w- IIYen, wu followed I(OOd rondltlo � them lllharp of llr. Beemer. tiona for all occuloaa. o, to c. A. 11,. tbe eleetlon of olllcera. Marrar'• qulek&IH!doa We Monda,. at meettaa or Ml•. s.oo, tbe Ml8a Anna Dayton, or Trenton, Bible Stud)' Claaa In ebapel. L. bu)' for caab or aeU oa com­ tbe waa elected honorary prealdeat, and mlulo Goolb _. TIU'de B ....., of Truton, wu · a. combac ..... Oaareh. retained prealdent. Otber w a Sale of Muslin ,..... aa o lllcera I..IK·G GREN JIOlna eve17 da,,. . Buada7 llllll'llbl&' wonlalp at 10: 10 were chOMD u followa : & GREENE o'cloell:. . STREET Vloe-PN&Identa--Mra. Thoma• J. 138W SECOND R. PIURRAY, Auctioneer Bible acbool at 11 o'elocll:. Pr•ton, Jr., Prlaceton; Mra. Garret PLAINFIELD, N. J. PLAINFIELD, N. Tbe Youa Peopl• Cbolr at A. Hobart, Pater110n ; Mra. John J. • PHONE o'clock. r na Me 1848 668 lllmei'J', Mo rlatown ; Mlaa An - !•hone . Underwear Tbe YOUill' Peopl•' DeYOtloaal llnlue, TNnton; Mra. H. 0. Magie lentee at 1 o'clooll:. , ======--...,.,= ...,.,..,..______,.. Tbomu J. Cravan , :.,.,. ..,... Tbe reaular ..nlq l!llleabetb; Mra. e wonlllp at Salem ; Mra. William Libbey , Prlaa&­ I o'cloo ll:. ton ; Mlae Clara A. Vealn. Ellaabeth ; Thousands of Dollars' Worthof French an• ReY. W. I . Palt.er...... Mra. KArl C. RoebllDII. · Trenton ; Mra. &berman B. Joowt. Plalnfteld ; Domestic Undennuslinsand St. Trenton ; Crepe Paal'l P. lil. Obllft!b. Mra. William B. Btnrll:er. Hoi)' Communion evei'J' Bwada:p at llra. Henry ll. Dareey, Newarll ; Mr•. de Chine Lin&erie at Unusual 7:80 a. m., aad the B11aday O oa lira& Tbeodore C. Woodbury , raap. of the montll a uoo n4 oalebraUoa Recordlul' Becretanr-Mra, R. c. at mld-du. Ma:r.well, T�aton. Savin&s Morain• Prayer and Sermon at 11 Corr poa Mr . a. m. ea dilll Secretary -- s Ellaworth Corbett. It Pays You to Buy BU.Dd&J' 8cbool at a. m. Never 9: U General Becretar)'-Mra. 0. D. have we held a sale of muslin underwlll' Ennlna pra,.r at f o'clacll:. Oliphant, Trenton. Rev. J. Bmltb, Rector. ppli d A. Treaaurer-Mn. Geor1e B. Yard, th't could equal this. We have a e the accumu• Trenton. ObaU&Iaa YourHERE ON lated e p rience many y ar with tht lklleace. Mlaa Vesln waa named aa chairman e of e s. to this ale, Cbrlat BctenUat. of tbe Le1lalatlve mm Firat Oburab of Co ittee, Mrs. Cranford, N., JetaeJ, Bprlntrlleld Darce)' aa chairman of the Pffilla result that we have bettered our previoua sales in evert Aftllue and Mila Blreet. Committee, and M ra. John Conatable x Bema• Ianda)' 1 a. m., Wed neada)' e•• Moore, of Plalafteld chairman or th respect. It is a known fact that our white sales assume �ctocll:. , e CREDIT Dina 8 o ReaObll' Room , I l'lna.nee Committee. IU•:, '.-\1'�1·:, h) paying a Htt\(• at u thliH you ('Qll at­ Union ll the leadership rtmentl Aftllae, Cranford, opeo da )', Luncheon followed at m011t beau­ l"or•l to Wt'lll' dot h�·M uf tatt•st tst y\o. of thH H��HT the each year for value &ivini, asso wll\ p. m.; BWida)'a, I to li m., !Ifully ra tab The aaao ­ quality, ttH_• ki11t\ \h�tt give :;ou \on).; ttei'Vl.t'e ­ a to • P· ar npd lea. cla wbere a l Obrlltlan Bclelioa a you coul,ln't styles, this minl l liter · Uon colora of pink, wblte and black, t 'I.A)'I'ItES atrord on a. <·asb bu.sltt. Wlly and and year we are enthuaiaatic in clai &ure ean obtained. All being IIMd aoat lan ot be an wei · elleeUvely, don 't you �._·um'' u�1 and inveatlgate our p oreo At o'clock r in d thea selllng. our more nerou1 than ever bef 00- I a 1Je De al meet g u assortmentsto be R8 took placa wben apeall:era held the ON CREDIT AT CASH STORE PRICES WOMAN'S INDEPENDENOF: DAY. attent n of a You'll our pricea even more reuonable for qu ity and tht io very larll'! audience like our merrhaudlae and you'll lind It ea­ al , On BaturdaJ, May Woman for two boura. mon tbe apeallen to lat, ' A 1 l"'''lally ronv ..nlt�ol styles the moet popular ori2ioation1 of seaiOI' Independence Day was celebrated all• were M TL Arthur )(. Dodp, or New the over tbe country bJ earneat women York, president of tbe National All­ u Pay the "E-Z" Way From the lowest to the highest pric d prments lnterut.ed In tbe oaUM of Wom-·a aoclatlon Oppoaed to Woman B r. e all Iff 8T0Rio: OPJ<:N SATURDAY EVENINGS Suffrage. The home of tbe ollloera and Mra. Horaea Broek, of &e O.&.of·ToWII Ouarot.aera "'" Refaod Oarfare or the EqlUJ ,...... cblae Leatru• of prealdeat of tbe Penn- perfect. We invite every woman to come to this aalt tb.e an WeatUald - PJ' wtt.b t'llln.p l't' la Auoelatloa; Klaa Jllnme a to overflowing her wants fo oolo�r-. orapp, white (alva Mra. J'raa lr w. Oocdwln nd fill underwear r tht women vat.) ; the IMnne the D. OIJpllaat ud Klaa Mac-. 'Wblle ot 0. comin2 pre.Jdent, lira. 1'. Ill. Btarct•. at.. IIY&lae. seuan. tracte4 �al attelltioll, A..n utlYe eam palp ...Ul be wap<� dacorated with llap and the beaut!· from now oa anUI tbe lpeclal elec- bJ ful •utrrawa � dealllled IIra. Oil OIL 18th, wlleo the amend· j •======,...,..,,.....,,..,,..,===,.,-,..,.,====-=== Caroline Ball. 4t a ..Uaa h11ld Ia to tile Nw Jenej Conalltutloa tbe ll llra. llonor of cl&J' I atvpa• woman ,....._ wlll eom• parlora, the Woman'• DeclaraUon people. "'- N4ow Jerw.,. Aak for "CENTURY EDITION" Sheet Muaic: llldepelld•ee ,.. read and re ln- A.-lat.loa Oppo&ed &e Woman Suf .. Slaa>Wu•l and rlng of the mlraciM. 11" For AU Branehea rvatlve ortbodoll Jewa bow­ of EleetrlealWork l><•li<·vP In the pby lcal mira­ do • ------IDD POll:------of 1loo• l'f'ntateucb, 1ucb 11 that RPI'lC 'UL 0-IIIAIIt'B 110. -- o! the Red Sea, of I'""""�" All nRDIIIAIIt'B lwnltnl{, etc. te .,._ •• •ll(at (Ill IL.i'O l•f"• ••If•..,...... r .. ••••rf.... .lo·w• l><'lleve atronr;ly that aa W .r...... :M:. J. TOBIN The ... to ..... t•N•t•rl'l Not'tlt )lrlfl mla1lon. Tbey have :::: - f..t h11d :::lt�r..:; !IIOB'ftl W1D8'l' " to 1 f t ...DJD CII 8U AV8., rho,o•n h)' God exerelae Ia dl- To�n \,r·r�� �rge�l. \�· t'�:u �n°t y �; 91fl\!-1 llll tnftuence upon a 1reat ! ,:r humanity In the dlredloa u-;r.� :t orsdtml world at large Ia oaeeraed Promptly Attended te "'"' fullllh•d and cloaed wben Judo­ E. A. MERRILL IIVP to brllltlaoltJ The lim birth C , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 118EUCLID A.VENUE Telephone Connecrtlea J••• !><'II<''<' however that their mil· lion I• y<•t unaccompllahed beeauoe TOWN HALL BUILDING Att•flt : and re llloua experience LLO YD THOMIION, !'LARK. l'<'li�ion l 111 Pft08PIIlCT ITRBJ:T Proctor. CllARI.�:MTown C1erk. ""' not )<•I berome thoee of maa­ t-11-11 ( ( ..... tll.10) ,.·---·-- �� "� "- · ··-· ._._, In holr eaoeutlalll they are ���-:-::-::=:�=��-= =:- H. P. MANNING �d t IIPRC'IAI, 0-III.�IIC'B 110, ... Mltlned"" to ie ARMIN BOOB become. They bel ve Bft'ATB DIICII or raBDBBICKAa llD. 11'1'8Ba, o! th ir blatol')' tbe All ORDIII.�IIC'R .. this berRu!!e e llld VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR Pur•uant to thf!l order of OICOROB T. te ••• .. ... 181 Plumbin&, Heatin& and Tin Work �ll ory of mank nd ; that the pnrpoee r t t i Term• · .::r: r:�.: he r own preoervatloa 11 reiiiiOul. R-oaable G:,'!:,o!·a:.u ::•t-;.: u !:'!. �·�:.· :!.:: :::.::: 14 ELN STREET PHONE NO. 414-N or t i underal�rned. Adlnlnlotratora::plt�:t:;,c;. wtth�y ,:th!e ••:t.!i; .. . Tbe !.lheral Jewa and their ld... 111 111m 8tr•t. WMUieltl, N. J. Will aaaeaed Aid deceued, notlee 11 :.:-�e the of � tt ordained hy ·�<�ouneU' - nf "'"' rom1,arPd by aome of tbe mem­ r t uf \\'••ltlttld, In the County,.. of f F u �:::::et·�:n.or,N:.b\�8 t: or:� ��b:�.:::.: ln o t hP or m to tile oo-eallell under oath allrmatl n their ctah111 ·I That an IPIKht ln�b aanl· A. Daab1111 R. H. Colllul demand• of (I) • �f&ber <'l'itif's ot hlatorlcal Chrla­ 1'. and a.. alnat the e•tate •aid tan• •�w•r nnd appurt•aen(lt!B be con· . . ... deeeaM4 wlthlft nine month• from tile South EaBt, for a ...... FRANK �·:.:�;- a tllnlty. received very little aym­ DUNHAM COLLINS of ltrurh•d In AvenuP, from . RECA.RDO Wei auer la•t week 1 cheerful party KILLED Tei. IWW. HOME POULTRY Nmarked "Well, the paper Ia out. can ta T011 ke It ...y tor 1 few day a, BEEF - PORK - LAMB N iUI It Ill to s.u YOU �" Yep. otb r.-. CtutrJ . ,,.. ­Pnp Ab·so-LOOT-Iy uotbiDI- Oace OYSTERS and JH wut SEA FOOD, CLAMS paper Is printed all any editor atJ. laytWI& to do It to alt around watcbiDI HOIJIEI. 305 W•tfieJ4 AYt. Uttt., 1eatly NIIW Two phones-1138-1137 · insure quick service !JIIl1 oome due, and Wllft'IID.D. .IUUY. h ---w- ,otftold, J. his moaey buah until eaour Sealed propooalo will receivedN. on: to pay tboae, theae or boof by POST OFFICE N.theJ., Council of the Town Wntftold, Wbeo tbe editor aot at the TOWD Hall oa lloadaJ', llay Ia a.. o.c.a.••· .._.,. 17, at I o'olock, p. m., for radln& orr tbe paper bla favorite aoa-T T T:U Holl­ 1115. ctl of cf, Ope from L m. to p. m. IIAJIDEVILLE • KING CO'S I• to recllae oa • dina, D7 1t :00 a. ft':'.:.•\\!��··���.:: ::: mct•::::J da;ro, to m. P a ftne full-ftavorell Clara de MAILB RlllCIIllVIID f work to Maw Yorio. llaat. Iouth anti •,: :::�Proslmate amouwt o or , and watchlur the aab­ From :to. bo done will conolot of au. :rdo. ilOutbwoot-O ,n t� dellvarr at T 110 yda. ofUll FLOWER SEEDS Btruggllar with eaeb other r es.caYaUon. cu. embanllment JPRING PLA.NrJNG tf ;, ''ia:io t:oe. 10:11 and IIU oq, ydo. of I 111uts ou PblJadelplliL r ¥'o ��·of ���: 1 A t ::��.Tle:'!: bo t hla ctaar, 11Up11 It In For N•w Yorio.IIDutbWelt-1:01, 1:1l �·: f'\e ! Gale's Pharmacy and llll eaat &outb and u llOoket aauut.en, nuncba t· l tb y • :� �!1�!'J f 1 •• . :. �be Oil1 ";.�'l." to the boulevard Malo, !ullt 10:••· � .:r �nfcom�Y"t! bond ln a\�" penal aum': equal:��:�; II R 0 A 0 S T Rl! I! T do.,n tie W'\� Baoton and war ota­ f tbe work to ..u ar .._r thu merchaota olamor for ad­ \>i&!naeld. 1:10 t:30 p. the eatlmated e011t o tho.. tl11�...... -:!;. f·IOL ID; commenee•m. allI.. tbe faithful performance of space wi t•n In tbelr Carrlef� arei deliverY � aa th a.cond 4ellvery commence• eo;t :.C · •pedfteatton.a aDd or they his tootatep1. And 1':ll a. m. .!' form• dog 1:11 p. ... o m the newa buuta up the editor gf r.-;. :i'r a�T��:''J:J.:.!�� TBLBPIIONI d ,:�: ...... 1110 M ut to coalelllplate. Wbea "f::..'::.\ 'r!.!Y•• tile rt•llt to re- Ptller Is out the editor 1088 to Jeet8\!k. allY or all bldo. ED'W'ARD N. BRO'W'N Jeao1 April lt, de•k, back lu hta chair IUI.CHARLII8 and walta the diJ b• or-CLAClerk.RK, Wise UU t-11-i-I·U Funeral Direetor-Embalmer next prllll day, wbeB the people (r- ti.Ul o 47 ELJ1 ITaEBT Up it• !ro t of bill ol8ce ud tben .O'I'ICIIOW ...... &. h I• deslr, aatl tell bllll all tbe Notlco Ia barabl' •lYeil that the of the lD tbe week. He wrllll It up counell T"'WD of"tvoota.� tba of Unh•n. will -� Ill t ..a Town or twenty mlulltea ud CoQtl' 11 Prna�et lweot. W••tfteld. he booll. Tbe Roo- 1 on t com· Now Jt rNJ', Ma:r.oo ¥oJJ4ar. tile »e"oD· •bake the DOPJ oYer the ll.tll aer of uu1 •ut.crllt o'�\oek eYeDiq, to Noe •• &D"' 0011...d er few worda aad t;:tM f ""Y a m)'811c t � ��ir.� fu�Iah � ftleo lato place aad after -�= �"o"n". ! tn lle to tile!�<1 tollowlDII ! Improvement,�:� Pa•- by ro •a tbe � the - d cadaBllaiDI( tho are ready ior r 1' Grodin& allthe .... h Ule p.r- y&lu . or nortbweatorly alf editor and de­ l!!-llldIIaawOW&Yood Park 10111 down f'Jonde tmeh thinlf n n..t if n would feel any partkuiar need PI!JILIIRIDD WIDDJI.. IDAYI AT furnishPs the public. r MulfM t hf'rt' iR a wnuld hRve """" wi"" OUe of club to .. hut ?I lite WBITriiDLO. JIIDW .JDRIIDY, r r had upon o have as ov•·rduing PV<'Il t i Gove no al11o <'Hiil'd msurance• ., A number f cft'orta been h s mort of in 11811· ..... WBITII'IIDLD LID.t.D- PIUII'I'JIIO J.egiBlature to rPmRill Y N made in put to 1upport Bl'mi- rood. the Yet they are among the heaviest A D PVBLIIIIIJIO (JO.P.t.JIY. the to h patrons of A of aion enough pa•• t e hill profe11t1ional teama in We1Uield F.vPry p<'rRon R!'n'ing term long life insurance companies. dont h �on8 great IIIR J. Lllllll. llklltor o.ad Preol h ou ld . a e St H t ( tabu · W.t.LT one tl g• -· 't d 1 be IJIVen provt'd mg' orr t , ,. ' Llllll. vt.. ·Prooldont ..,4 ...,rotarJ and at 'me W-tfleld Wl'tneu- pen"' aervl u e investors, accustomed to C1 a. oc- Great dealing •. WITT Pllllllt, Troaoaror. Charity cha.nce w rk at me healthy Iary. Dll c. ed some very fine ramee. to o 110 erefore familiar with hf' that the rateR large sums, and th the ant\ othen pve Welt· cupation an ia t>ntitled to leave No one believe• fickle. AN N ., BN II w•wi Denman , I D P DID T P.t.P- health. ought to h v let down for a ness of Dame Fortune-they fully ap field a team that played IJ"at hi• priBor; i1 good ThP a e been preciate the undl'r he State t• the which aut lot of new lerfalation for t and dependability o-.cl.t.L PAP- h• o baeeball and crowd• filled plan wu homed certainty of life insurance. or u TOWJI WSI'I'rllllldJ ..ion had almoet Park. the Jaw pBIIM!d at the late of New Jeney bu And you its protection much more aoaovo11 or Recreation an st d need tbq o.t.awooo o the Jeney Auembly much c an aoaovoa or Movll'l'.t.llllmll have a good team f New will Jegi•lation u it Let Wet�tfield re they do. 10me of tboulfh the were ... and manBfe it properly and while Pnable the countit>ll to uee for one year, ·-l�ef-JI_.J __ m1.1 o the in a practical and aome mighty !fOOd laWII that were -- · ..... tq... - there n t be any larre aur- priaonera .... aenlible wo . )oat daya of the &el· 1 phu at the end of the aeeaon ayltem of road rk in the oloainlf -----·------orod Po t lllll at tho o 0111 at w..u.ae. people of th lealt be no •·�-at de- There ehould he no leuinr or �ion. Molt of the e If. J., -Dd c-.. Matter. there will at .. have ont· Sta tt> willing t.o do without ficit and the town will aport hirinr of convict labor to a111 are men side oonvict more or the time . Toi'IDII: that it w a.ntL The young contractor, but every any lawa f there a worked State one of theBe daye .... • , ...... _, - • - who have undertaken the organi- should be under the Some quite and ably ...... ruoiD1 Rat•• ll'llraiollod upoa aation of the team have bad or county authoritiea a.nd upon will come a eyltematic public Applt•tloa. a lot of experience and they have work or eome kind. Evt>ry directed movement te. do away priloner under t.be aee what can be conviction lhould with the annual lltllllioDB of .TolePIIo-1 had a chance to lldlt rlal Dept...... ParD hie the one o . ••• done. he compelled to keep, JJegialature and provide for B'DollloU Ollloe ...... bueball conu- 81'saion e Such a - · - There are a niiJDber of amount it coat11 the State or ev ry two yean. lob Prtatln1 Dept...... :: town keep food cloth- plan State ouM give th Co any much to h vp rou vi 1 _._ ..... h uta t to him in and will not only B&ve the JO;xhlblt � =--..,.,.,..=,.,..=--...,- lent uei rirht here i.a the y J'rudrntlal� �: on�Life fn•urance-pt�:-: and:�:- Public� W•·ltnre �\'" money M n and Meta11Ur1JY, Panama�l'actnc Hnn who would prefer to atay in Weat - ing. in the c011t of the -ion1 !�of��- i es . Es.po1lUon. Fi-an�.::--� DAY, :.&Y 11, 1111. -----···- - -- .. . ·-- . -·---- WEIOII ia a r b -- field every Saturday afternoon Thil a pract.ical and a f i ut it will do away with much of eituation hll8 turmoil To &be •--•• ...... _. and aee a good rame of bueball view or the and it tbt> aritation and arising ':======some • ,_ .., w..-... ..s Mk&be& ,_ ..u and theae fBDI will each contrib- worked well in of the StatPI. from the annual elections. to etart the there ahonld no at­ .. u, or �e�eprw.e .. _, _._ ute hie Rhare team ofr However, be ...... to &be towa. ..._ Hf In good ahape. After the ltart tempt made to produce any profit the ad tOll. the wocea or failure of propo- for the State in the work of con· aition will depend entirely upon vieta. R'OTIOB TO 4DVBRTI8IDUI. the the team and managemf'nt. f[ ti f[ "'- ....,_. to ...U....,..• fi fi f[ Governor Fieldf'r hu decided that tbelr ..YWtill_.,...... _.. sb* · auch e 1' t 11 neee111ary to eaII SLDce the� hu been a d ' . . - -- ..._._ . thP .. , .. Udl o-. llKJ'I'L&ftUI .-..v. of 01ded revival of &- a IJJ:CCI81 8eii8IOD 'l'BA!f TUB&DAY R'OOR'of ..... weell le a ur to right 1111 in the a..lon. I.eg l t e to ....,...... &m.ioa buaine 1\T ., pu� Cf'rtain meaaure1 w ich 411 li:LM ua4 rrc.p.tty. financial diatrict h WPrl' inconsistl'nt and a.n many people mlllt hP There lhould be a ready reaponae d ia atill ______. ______from have found that money to every o itilen o oao oao =oao oa the be made i.a W all Street, there hu li g lobl lD:Malciqof We�tfield to been 10m of you thl' house at 411 Beechwood Place, D Baa.-. oall for Clean-Up e renewal of the talk T . or the house at 2 Prospect Street. he e but ia a great It' 6 4 A Car To Venture With week uad th pro.perity, there 8 p former house is a lovely bouse right deal o p in tbie country u work if well done CBIIIIOt f ail to f rotperity among beautifulshade trees,on a terrace upon the coolingsu mmer breeze. Every part stronger than is necessary and be of benefit. There reallyllaould tbat il no longer dependent To You. where you get � fitted to thP t The of Eight rooms and bath, steam heat and be no neoellity for tnJCh a call i.a W all Stree . fannen neighbor with half-hairbreadth precision. to all other modern improvements. Large Built e are tinr up their profttM community uad U.e I'MlJltl W lt ooun W e W I•1 1 RIVE, whatever the road, and planned for a decade any plana open fire place lor real loiS· of MUO and making a IUcceaful Clte��-Up week Jut n a from and 5 e et h stead of a year. the b e ing of a new I arv .t oqbt to furniah an uample to be Sell or room < t h p ! :�:r�;:)� �: �� ����� followed every week i.a the ye&l'. lentiful aropa. every �modern convenience, large lot and The KING is America's original cantilever amme the there ia hope be­ The prorr u outlined il a In South fine neighborhood. Recently decorated car. This strong, mechanically perfect suspension crop not ing � Rent the pe is go throughout, to painted outside. practical on11 ud can be carried cauee llch soon be a of nates motoring fatigue, and gives long life to car l e i.a apite of &II the rl'nt t•ither house 01' we will sr\1 either house lor just a and without any excellive expenae to be fai ur 0 We �Ill ou\ payment balance monthly-just like payin1 a.ndthere iegoi.ae to be a fair II nommal cash aDd "FOUR" 30-3!1 H. P.-COMPLETE $1165 uad it oueht to leave Wlltlleld a rent. IF YOU HAVE LONGED TO OWN YOUR OWN of cotton which has ht>eu 5 40-45 P. -COMPLETE $1350 model town from the IIBDitary HOME here is your opportunity. Both houses were "Pearsall "EIGHT" H. all more cheaply than any crop atandpoi.at. Let \11 UJll.te to built" and that mean• the very best of everything. II vou wish a n of and after make the plan a great 1ucoeu ud lor iiJDber yeara to know more about the above all are propositions, consult with us Th lhow what can be done by a live tbinga conlidered the e p earsall Co. the direct, or through your own Street a buaine11 cbanoea are that mORt of coun- 1 Proepeet ONE PR08PEL"'' STUE�Jl' town when workin1 on broker. ABRAMS & SHEILDPHONI ... try is in fair shape. I Phone 388 prop?Bition. 01:101 The pl&n ia a buain8111 propo- All of theee thi.ap being true, oao o..a oao oao bean llition from many atandp<�int.s, for one more talk of vacation it il alway& good buainelll for a trips than prevailed a few montha We Make Moving town to be a clean town and while ago. The thing about this ae&IOn Weat1le ld h&B never really been a vacation i1 the fact that the acatio this aeaaon will be apent a Pleasure dirty town there ia now and v 01 AN NOUNCEM�NT in the United States uaually plenty of work to be done and thoua­ Our expert movers and packers have pleased many to \V estheld in the cleaninr line. The pri.aci- anda of dollan which went people and the dread of moving day has beell in former year& removed. pal purpoee i.a making a 11y1te- Europe will be We move, pack, ship or store in our modern matic clean-up and turning it into spent i.a our own country. fire­ DR. DANIEL NEIL MORRISON proof warehouse. a public occuion il to emphaeize There il a decided revinl of first" Vans, trucks and busses for all occasions. the importanlle o.nd value of keep- the talk of "seei.ag America all and it eounds to OSTEOPATH ing the town clean of the time. !fOod hear it. Billy Sunday Bua In calling upon the citizeDB for Some people will learn more about SUCCIISOR THB LATK DR. J. H. TOMORROW at M. their co-operation i.a the plan the their own country tbia au.mmer TO CORBIN 11 A. they FRIDAY at P. M. Mayor and the Board of Health than ever knew before and 4 Seats oo. Phone lor Reservat ion· are brinring the importance of great exhibitioDB on the Pacific •• . :a:a6 vie­ the work be done coast are ftndi.ag thouaanda of to directly to the 434 door of each and every reaident of iton from thia aection. OFFICE SUMMIT AVENUE It i1 !fOOd for STORAGE W the town. There &l'e some sec- the United Statea WESTFIELD, N. j. tions of and it u good for the people WESTnELD17 10 Proapect orth ,\ ve. the town where there will who and St.. and t38 and UOAREHOUStl N Telepboue �Oaf Night. 'llcLD, be very little work to be done, but are learning about their own conn­ or WESTJo N. 1. there il no aection that can aft'ord try'. to irnore the call and not get to ti ti ti the work. A well known judge of one of the i you If have no work to do on New York Court1 ������������������������� are your own place there some of Let 'l'bemWork. has recently ex­ appre- Announcement y�ur neighbors who will preued the opin­ Ciate help from you and a rood ion that priaou reform and philan­ ROSALIE SCHWEI THE day 'a work about the place will thropy in behalf of erirninala can MISS NFURTH hurt IJet not anyone. every reai- be carried too far. Coming from FORMRRL Y OF NE W YORK. ClTY Tomorrow, Thursday, May 6th dent get buay and find something one who bu I been oblircd rL to atudy AYoousE] tllat ce.n be done under the call of criminal charaoteri1tica of HAS TAKEN UP THE PRACTICE RUNAWAY JUNE the Mayor or 14TH EPISODE and the Board of the human race for a number of MASSAGE AND Health ie GYMNASTICS, USING UGULA.a PlJCEI 11 eDd soellll . years it well to conlider care- SWEDISH SYSTBM - fully THB OF MASSAGE II II . C[ mORt of the thinp he hu There . 7th 18 no town LD the State of Aid. FRIDAY, MAY New Jeney BOSWORTH Inc. preaents that will The primary object of a prilon On Call at 209 Union A'Vmw is I.e' U1 Ban be more loyal to a ��entence to punilh e.n individual Wtsl/ie/J, N. J. well BuebaU. manared hue- for the crim11 be bu committed TIL. I71 Hobart Bosworth ball team West- tban and impre111 individual upon that and a superb company in importanoe field. The people of Weetfield the e.nd value of be- i======�=====�====� abiding want baaeball, but they aliO want ine a law oitiaen. If the THE COUNTRY MOUSB and see criminal ia I a good team they wa.nt to lot of the made too NA.TDIEE ud lOo BVIJIDIG 10 .... the lpOrt conducted upon a high BIIQ' oonviotion ia likely to 10118 PLUMBING, TINNING� HEATING pla.ne. itl tenon lor the evU c1otr and TUESDAY, MAY lith THE LBADBB wiahea thil belt I.UUDber of habitual oriminall PARAMOUNT PICTURE PAINTING and DECORATING CO. pnNAta of luck to dlow who have under· Ubly to iDoreue. S. taken the work of orpnisin, a The cia)' of cruelty in priloDB WILLIAM HART and CLARA WJLLIAMI ol?b and hope� tMt tbaiiJo nearly paaeed ud iD moat of in will And the rtpt10t't of IUpport tile Statea the erimiDal ill fairly WEftPlBIJ), N • .J• THE BARGAIN at the aiart ot t.lae project. The well treated a.nd that ie juatabout I BVI.NING I 0 IU.TINIB uullOo uul ..lit ..ttimate IUB04III of the prop01ition all the orlrninal is entit leu to re- �------� The foUowlna adYertte LOCA prepued e­ I L NEWS IN BRIEF ment ••• by Lincoln Clark and Five Hundred ,._ M Weetfleldf!ro ei ed prize Ill l'la:r for the ay Cup atartecl Jut TW<>nt:r-fhe took InI c Y a tb •P<'<'IIll cent the 1'0- Saturday o•er the Wf'oUleld Golf " exrurelon to Waohlnr;ton. conte1t conducted !'lub llnlto. D. o n C .• n Bu da:r laet. by hl MIN Dr. G. Ne ma n t • bank In Wen­ Helen Wort b. or Rallwa,, L. w n I• the new Orl{a - reople Went to the or thf' Preab:rterlan In field Hl&h and IP"ht Bunda)' with ber brother, lat church, Grammar of H. Schoole. Ooor1e Worth, or No rth an�Due. P'-"" Mta. N. Ta,tor, realped. Mn. Mr.. Ill. c. l,ewla, or Carlten road , C. P'. W. Wittke and da111hter on P'lora, lett Tueada:r tor a Ylalt with rela­ are •laltlnl friend• In Brooll· Hear Billy Sunday In Philadelphi IJn. tiVflll a. Mra. Ra:r Tuur... or Bo,aton O.Yil- W. R. Darb,, or lllaolld aftlltM aae, Ieana nat tor a vloll Boutll, returned Monda, f o a "'"It: on r m ith trtMidl In Kalsmuoo, Mich. bual- Harrlabur1, w trip to Pa. Mr. and Yesterday Mn. 8pen0111' Gal•. or Tbe Utrn Pinochle Clab will bold Rantaon aftllu, ntertalned a the 'II'Mkl1 m.tilll at t:ll4l llo- ot aumber or t rlenda at brldp on Fri- In . ... o. Graft, Garwood, tbll -la1. d., "••niDI Iaiit. All &heM people ...... , the W. . 1 •. Cook, or HarriiOn .,... .. , The JOUDI people or Hot, Trtnlt1 -,aide Mid the ...... their 11oM F-ou baa purcbued a Ktn1 car tbrou1b tile oburcb are r�lnl rebaa tor a mlnatrel .....awtehel wtd!i llaWJefael' a agenq of Abram• aad ltbelld. lbow to be IIYlln In tbe near future. II-. ,_.,.._. a& llhe Wla4Md& M..n&. Mre. Oc.ldlteln, ot New York Clcy, Mn. 8. W. R-. ot Elmer lllrwt, the IU lt ller alater. Ml'll. en iA!rtalned relatl"* from lllllubelb Ia <'l or Sam.· Alii MJ Of thetift budN It ...., _,.,.. 11al Johu1ton, o•er the weell-.ud. or Broad atreet...... ueb. c. B. Clutr, or Cbhlalo, hu rented Mro. Dl•l•. wbo bu Ylal l been llll tbe bonae tormeriJ OOilnpled bJ at tbe home or &ad llr. llr. Mr 11. C. Werner, on Pleu&llt 0... Mea& .,.,..._., ta &be plide or w.,.. Stoddard, e. plaM. or llaolld a.enue, bu Mra...... 0o.e la Milloell l& OY81', Tbe pft­ turned to n- John 1. llebmttt, lr.. enter· her home In New York. ln<> ta d a number or trtenda at ller - rtps ud &be -.tee taa-.,.-1. A entitled "Tired oltetrh or Ill• hom" In F.mbree Cre!l<'ent on Monda, alono" will be Nndered Thul'llda1 e•"nlnl!f. ev<>nlnl!f, Ma1 ltb, In the IIMhocllat Mr. and Mro. Weele:r Colllna. or rhkt•"l b:r tile Standard Bearere. Plainfield, were the week-end 1!Uf>Cit8 Amour; tile Weetlleld people at· at the home oC Mre. G. Ill. Bau nde..._ tendln!l the Panama Parlflc lhpoatt- ot F:urlld aYenu". Inn or" Mra. A number C. H. Cox and Mra. w. 1. or Weetlleld auto en- ll'errla. thuelaatu attended tbe anto rarea at TIE WIDFELDT COIOIRATIOI NARm Olymlllr Park t ck laat Bat urda1 Mloa Oarr, ot FlemiDitlon. N. J., ... aft r n on. WIITFIILD wno th<' week-end IU.,.t of Mlu tt n 110 BAIT 81t0AD ITREIT, Koth••rlne Mra Ia Pear•ll, at her bome on 1.. C. Rmltb, ot Garwood. t PHONB 401 ll'errlo place. enter aining th11 memben or the Dorcu 8oclet1 ot tile Preeh terlan Mro. Ra)' Tuttle, ot Bo:rnton •� thla arterlloon. y nu�. entertained Mr. d cburcb an Mre. Ar· Westfield o ::� "KIm" Penlnaton, a b y . llllllllllllllllllllllll��� �������������������;,� thur Conrad, ot New Yorlt CltJ, oftr U � tlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiHII"' arrh·ed home Jfl8terda:r trom T<>xar­ th<> ,....., It-end. kana, Arlt.,•tor a vlalt with hlo l••r­ Th� dOl warden hu been Yei'J M· en ta. Mr. and M n. F. B. Penlnl{ton, durlnl uv.. tbe put -It: and tile or Broad atreet. PeoplesNational Bank number or 1tra1 dop baa dec!reall8d The conolderabl,. New Summer rumps of Weltlleld WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST The teeond car load or Tania ar· --- rh<'d on Monda, morning aad THE IIIIWON DOLLAR BANK tile "rom tl, 8. �t or Aptrullal'& worlt ot lprlnkllDI tbe 1tNet8 WU tor Wllflk ...... IDir Weda.... undlr tile direction ot When we say "NEW", you are to infer Cei'MI' Pro•pect reaumed llr. .ta,, BroM u4 8t....U Miller, or tbe road departmet. ... , 11, 18111. Middle Btata-·-Gen- Mlu Clair Tanrner, or llmbNe For Atlantic styles that are different from those ordinarily C�t. eatertalned the mllllbeh ot eraiiJ talr ....tiler, •ttb moderate tem peratur be expected dur- seen-that possess unusual individuality and the lllpworth LMaue ot the Firat ... ma1 II. IDI tbe weelt:. E. church at ber home on lload., in perfect tune with today's . eYenlnl. are Write Burglary Insurance. PR. 8UOOIDEillt We Kenneth Tbompaon will lead MORRIIIOJif the L\Tiil All made over special lasts which means meetiDI ot the PIJIDOUtb 1-... TRG DR. OORBIJif. nut 8unda1 ennlnl In the Parlab Dr. Danlel Nell Morrl10n, O.teo­ the utmost in fitting quality. M. Houoe or the Conl"!latlonal cbarob. path, or Uo Baat 84th St., New R. & I. CO. The oub)eot 11 "lmmlsratlon." Torlt: CltJ, bu purobued the prao- CLAitk..lr . [ IIALTD ITORU ._...... , Tb11 Weatmtnater Guild or tbe tlce and bome ot tbe late Dr. J. H. n Preab;rterlan �burch will meet at the Corbin, 434 Summit ave ue, aud here. bome ot lira. &berman a-. lU bu mond bla tamll:r Elmer atreet, on Wedneed., after· Dr. Morrtaon Ia • 1ra11uate under ERNEST T. HAND May tile rounder or O.teopatbJ, Dr. A. T. noon, lith, at 3 o'elook. I. E. FIBLDI, Plana.. r. i'- tl ll, at the KlrkiYtlle, Mo .. colleae, ,_...,v, F re d · r 1 Ibt will add 8 w ud not a 1traapr man1 or Telephen• 71-J 108 Breacl ltrM the Con lr&ptlonal Bunda, Bcbool Ia to REPAllliNG The time fo r Se_ring wed· next Bunda, mornlnl at 11• Mr. ow eltiMna, bavlal numbered amon1 Earl Sum· Wrlabt wu tor • number or Je&n hla patl.,ut.1 10me ot the leadlnl clti­ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll dings is here. IIIIUI ta tbla town and adjolnlnl ooun­ r the putor or tile Amerloan ellarob In � mer wedding. wil soon Ro 1:11e, ltalJ. o da11 a -k wtU be dnoted E8TABL18HED YEAill Stockton, ot tile Tw 28 Spring and talte place. Mia 4rt Depart. to tile Weatfleld practice, Dr. llor· ment ot the H'-11 Bcbool, a Pft fti'J' ,._•• aulatant belnl lett In obar.., lnter•tlna add� fo m lf you are about to purch· be re Uie lllll· ot the New York om�e durlnl hla Ina of the Parent·Teache Auocla· Early re a!Nienoe. Under anotber column ase a wedding gift do not tton or tile Grant hool on Monda, For prompt attention and expert workmanahlp Hnd te Sc Dr. Korrl10n•1 prot.,.lonal card ap- AWNING S fail to inspect our line of atternoon. Ron. Wm. ll. Tuttle, lr., wu oboa- peare. LAGGREN BROS. CO. Summer Gor� Sterllna en foreman ot tbe Union Count:r 80- FIT 1178-80 Eaet Grand St., Ellubeth, N. J. Grand Jur1 tor the Ma:r term or DOICII THE YOU ? verware, Cut IAcal J111r. WARREN 1110 Elm lt., Weetlleld Glau, court. R""· W. I. Ste&al and 8ldne1 Tbe time Ia at band when a man Or J. IIROWN, TEU:PMONE 11'7-R Weddings etc.,( Gorham'•Prlc ... ) L. Knlmn are al80 memben. ot the bouHbold 1oetb forth with a at Eat'-te. Cheerfully Given. Canoplea tor WMdl and a puon• Mlu Janet Warleld, ot Harrl10n apllde, a boe and a ralte and malt:etb ... .. Qual!ty the Very Be1t avenue, wu IIYID a aurprlle part:r a prden In blo baclt yard; and be Prlole the Very Low11t bJ a number or ber friend• on Satur­ walclbetb the 1rowth or the young da:r e•enlal Jut. Dlnclnl, 1•m.,. v..-tabloa da1 b;r da1 and Ia mucb to DUPLICATE, and retreabmenta made enln1 pleaeed ; but lo, and bebold! he goetb II< liLY combination difficult even in the ev n the a a m01t en.toJable one. tortb to look upo bla garden on rei tht• Jar�·· city stores. Tile Soetal Club will 11ve nlath da1 or tbe tIll month and ha J'trealde .. th a priM dance lD the Mountalnalde llD lt not, tor the cbJokiiDI ot Ill• tender . BRUNNER'S Boroulh Hall on the en.nlnl or May ne ..bbore have laid wa.te tbe R B- will Bank oalonl &Del radlabee &Dd the crlapy 28th. le&'N tbe tile 131 BROAD STREET at 8 &ad 8:80 te aooommodat.. lettuce. And In the evenlna and Square or tile W•Uield people. momm.and at noontime the teuth liT. 1100 aud auccaedllll d .A nnmMI' ot people ot tbla town, .nd eleYen tb a;ra, the man wbo bad a garden but now bath KOOPS & ABELS membere or Uie Women'• Forelan e on renee ot tbe rtret M. E. It aot, •ltt tb tile back or blo Mlulon&I'J Soel.tJ' a walt obaroh, attended tbe aeml·annual ,-ard with ahotaun, lylni iD tor CashTe a & CoffeeStore Columbus Hall, Prospect St., To Let meetlnl ot tbat orpnlutlon beld In tile oblckena or bla nelahbon. E� Dell.,.; Ellubetb ,eat.erdaJ. road St., Weetfield, N. J. lle..pou•lb P....-. 8oclaU, 110 B 'h le torPabUc �tu""', aad Frlda:r nl1bt at the Grant Scbool Dlariu� Partiett; ....., l'lwwe• tor Prtn&e tor (:Omndt M-.blp, aa• F .... Ia the nenln1 IMit ulde tor dancing M t '-bl l•>

Woodruff's Quality Market N. Y. State Potatoes, basket 30c

Pure Cider Vinigar, bottle 8c

Fresh Killed Chickens C. & B. Chow -Chow, bottle 17c

Freah Fish of all Klnda C. & B. Pickles, bottle • 17c take advantage of A Thrifty Pei'&On �� Potted Flewen es. B. business opportumt1 C. & Marmalade, jar 19c his en­ Garden Pluta A Thrifty Penon neit�er dissipates h1s money ergy, his time nor : IMd Petatoea Extract of Rootbeer, bottle 9c a�ount A Thrift P8raon finds his savmg� bankan mdlspen­ The in tb strong �rowing Heinz's Apple Butter, larae jar sableTs part of hls plans for success. Very lest ia Meats. FU, Veaetabla Open one today Heinz's with Spaghetti, can tac NATIONAL BANK THE F Lea &. Perrine Sauce.bottle • .. O WESTFIELD , ' B. H.123 Woodruff Eut Broad St.,We8dleld& Son . l;f:' · .�ac" POST BUILDING Steel's omCE GOODS DELIVIRED PaOJIPTLY or Ward.& Cake. p- Al B M B BB FBDBRA.. L RBBBRVB B ..t.. NK JU.Y It 111&.

Weatera ci y hw city hall for a loaa, or will form a "IIHt 111 1" certain t a oot J. F. JOHNSTON JOINS CLINKS HAVE BIG TIME tw�>nty-ti'Je J'e&I'S 1110 at a c for more boDcJI. Even J'OU bnllt tbonsh a n ow paid b ln• , J'OD can o about It ba WALL STREET FIRM 811 baYe aaved not AI f 1,000,000. at smoker 1M& In out ao In bond lntereot ao the Randrt!d Rtnq own a or boDd 5I much Wf!Cbi-'BJ' •• 1 oo, 200 f500 and otlll oweo l'opnlar Weet.IIPlller �f!llln weello. coot of the building WPII Known ,..,., an NIUiar weeiiiJ' uv- ..very cent of the principal. Many n...-o,_ I-.e Six hundred mem bert and frlendl �orne now a d lndPbl­ Guarantee M""''- of • hlo own J..odp, B. P. 0. er at aome b n Pledse J'OUraelf Individual lo hand lin 3,500 Miles t the Welltlleld a i!. !ltod1 Ji:uhaftll" Roatof'. of a etf�••• the ume foollob way. Cllnlll. atteaded the Ont amour In to malle U W@l!lllly dep011t1 10m In any WMtfteld fr d of aalde. When you re In tbat claeo stop bor­ The m len a the PlaJhOUI8 1a1t Wednftd&J' J'OU �an maoap to eet I! a eftD· otbero. Sto p borrow­ Jame. F. Johnaton , of Harrl110n aft- ln•• J'OU accumulated aome eapttal. rowlnl from baft In!! rrom your own future. Save your CONGRESS TIRES nue, who baa been a reoldeat of thla AndJ' llmltb acted u ma1ter of cboooe your bond upon sood &dYice. town Iince tiO to tor anot and become a lender. 1907, will be sra ed 1 �erem�•ni4K a d Introduced tbe . ar­ then .... t about A Yin��: h - moMY You n � be rewarded. learn that our popular fellow towna- a Cllall Oewald ma e nd kl't'p It np. lwaJI bettrr will . . . tlat . Chief d a er, a . a Ia a ... . . 4 ·········· borrower A -T. D. MAC 21'x:l ...... f7.4f 3b man wao on May admitted ...... l bOrt n wbleb eoagra­ to be lender than a . 1 ad4,_ I be a ORF:GOR...... eral partner In the old ll ed :lOx:! .. .. f7.88 ,35x4 ...... eeteb lll tulated tile aembeN ea baYIQ laob Btoell -eban" 1tocll and bwd ...... 35 a Jlourlahln• order, he tbaalled the aox:JJ!z '..10.1& dlf.! boule of C. I. HndiKin Co., of Jo preu f or tbe apace defte.d to ...... t U �al 3:Jx4 ...... tl1.17 36d� "" . Wall ltf88 t. o11e or the beot llnown tbe eauae and boped tllat all would I&J'Int •ad c.l""-t In the atrMt. nrmo enJoJ the sho,. With Mr. Johnaton'o en1ry Into the , Tbe artllll furnl8hed bJ' Cbar'­ Orm •• y Hud Bnnawtelr, a partnPr Mr. Perr K. - E. Mona•ban, of N- mb r of tb .on withdrew a. a me e e proYed real fun-moen, and eYery Pennaylvanla 011 Proof Tirea arm. number on !.he prosram wu thor­ oughly enJo,ed. Tbe abow laoted e'JC!rJ' n The Rew Division aaatl Tu.,._ until mldnll!ht and o e preeent GUARAN'IIIID c<'rlalnly enJoyed tbelr faYorlte e.ooo JIIILEs hrAndo or amolle. aa wall u the bl•b ...... rlaao performance. Telephone Directory 30x31j2 .ISM 34x4 '' ..... 8CD TO PlESS 33x4 ...... po.oo 36d% """ TALKS ON THRIFT I (American Banllera A-tattou) Thursday, May 13, 1915 Gooclyear Tires THIRD ANNUAL BII:RIBB. 0 so. 1!1.-D.iCOIIII!IIU AJf J:lfVE8TOR I Per Ceat. ortu.t ea All llue Tht• National City Bani! of Cblcaso not arrlft,.for tele­ "SAvlnga l ent ha• a nveotm Clnb" d• service for your •l�nMI to encoura•e MYin•• depollt­ phmt "'" to become lnMitora In bond1. homeHY or place of buslo FORD OWICIRI TAKE NOTICE \\' h�n a depoaltor baa UO to bl1 ered- ..,. -. IIMIJll your name In the 1! the hanll will lend blm UO at tbe PirHtone Tire• ntrrPut rail! of lntereat, and be can newW TellphoM Dlrutory? ...... Neb buy a U oo bond, nleetlns the bond 30x3 . fi.OI he bani! bolda bond hlm•Pif. T the lon.. r outside of t e Why stay just •• l'l. "" • 5.981 ,..1 " .,,.. , " of the Firat M. E. church. ,.�1 , , " ••l't tn... ullthm r•J· l•t•t tlly4 9 In tollhrr pink 14.98 1• \ "ry 8 an I L ".J l! J1 I 1JC tl !ll..'orated ur tl.l.l'II"PiittnJLil) ru•ur hiUI r,.. tdu111 "l re.t A.n !IIJCHOLA8 I tUUtJK"hullt • DEATH oP Uh"M'I. 111 0 Y a j, If' <1tw'IIJn lcb .... tr• .tw•lf N olaa Oettl, 78 yeara old, a re­ IELLfSJOHN W. HOTEL tired Italian caterer, paaaed away at Accounts Genuine Le ather KEU.Y, Pnp. For Sale by the home of Mra. Loula Grimm, Tele,...ellh 128 FromOpen� Dining Chair Cbeatnut atreet, on Saturday morn­ 411 ROaTH AVENUE R. F. Hohensteil Ins 1bort llln-. laot. after a Mr. 10 PROSPECT STJEIT Oettl bad been a realdent or thlo $& to town for tbe pa1t twenty JMr&. He 14llf'OI!It .98 $6,000Weeklv caterer On Small . was for a number of yeara Paylllellts ,.ttwl wheel• wiUI In the Broolllyn Navy Yard. The m' TIIBI TOll h.,ll\} rubtJ e r 4.49 ADVERTISE ALL ••.t.h. �··•• remains were taken to Brooklyn on Urrt�� , full rull on O.,J\o.tn.,n•,j ft.tlllt'!'l --not extraYa&antly, not S(>Hil iMh l�u.lhr.t. �>Vtllll: Monday morning, where the servlceo hc�


Laat Wodneeday afternoon tM membero u! tbe elgbtb grade Waab­ lngton School l!llVe a reC<�ptlon In the Waabln&ton School from 4 until 8 o'elocll:. A proaram or mualc and recltatlona, dancing and the oervlng of rerreabmenta prepared In the Do­ meatle Bclence ·l;lepart•ent, were the featuree of the afternoon. Mlu Why Walt UntO DaYII, of tbe Domeotlc Science De­ partment, and Ill• Dodd, of the The Very ellhtb grade, were preeenled with larae bouqueta. Last Minute ? Don't procraatlnate. o ' t HONOR ROLL PUPIL8. D n be foollab. Talle time by The llonor roll"of the primary de­ the fo ...locll: ud partment of the f>l'elbyterlan cbur�b 4."•tk 98 5.49 .i\Hid lll•h•twd 111 !ol llil''l ,,.u,. tbe Sunday Bcbool for quarter endlna �0 ,.\r>Hii:l) OOII.JIIIri.H'\r.,, h&• l.tKt , ··n•ler•h•lf Kay 1, waa announoed at the aeaolou ,, , r Get Ia of tbe •�bool BundBJ' mornln•· Tbe Your followlnl PUPil�! are on roll for four montbe: Harriet Howartb, Marjorie Coal Howarth aad Alaoa Klrn; tbro�e Now Wo)lllhl, lillella rreeman, Ruth R8far, I J-.nette Darbr asad Helen Plerey ; WE DKLI VKR QUJOKLV two moot.U. Ja- Hope, Peter Mc­ De4eU4 Rlltb Warlleld ; 11118 month, Jolla IUDIII!hoel, 8turt Toma. st.wan llortoa, Oatllerlne Pleraon, a...a. Qllthr aad Hannah UcDede. BIBLES HOT moll"" IN ELS OOillin'l'l'aa "111'0Jl'l111. or. br ...... 1.... t1aa lYE. HOME IIO<'al Probr.tl.V.. �f: �. ') 'O: ;.ror,thu. r..�r:�. f'ha...,h-;;:;:- ... Pu...,"-1 F.,.._ . � P unantmouaty"'c�� ::::!�·� .. :� ��-=.�!1 ty Prom U... "OidfooD8" March I. UU_!�� ·:.'J:�c<"...... ,71 H HAJwrt nf CQmmlttft• on Chf!&tnut Por .-\prU I. 1116--To cattb, oft'lN• t\h(lll ltrf>�t ('UIVflrtJ!'r�.-� hQ)r\ll!'r•:We•tfteld. N. J . PED BY 'ntl, ru....- re�lvf"d to date ...... 1.71 Board of th• STRIP THIEVES . Your f'Ommltt"'e Qft •'-"••·nt�m•d Forty hlblee '"' 186.00 Wnrk 'Wout,J r�Rl't'�ttuUyhl��t repor� th11.l In now on dlopi&J 8)· <'Ul @ ftnda the wtndnw check Pllld (otmty roll•ctor tt haRIn t•lamln•d t V rt and warP.. Jewlery and Money of thP. Frutchey Pbar. or nne• coll�cl•d trom poUoe It twor rnndttton Your rommiUft · fo ot The"" bib..... will ooon be on . would rec.omm•nd the conatrucllon en pi!ICal and l!luclld of the llle. tiD!'•" aYMIH, oountl'J' and tbrou&b lllelr Pl&ee4 Oft '"'�::��.?, �r {'ommlttee on cuiYerta at f' lt>rt'd hy e«orte Re&»Qrt b:r commltt•• on IAfayPU• ltrt>Pt, Spruce •t .... t. l.lnden. n hurglan on 8atur.. oYer 177,000 a. countJ and PP&t"h (lreherd Brook, blblea bne been plaol!d road on N near laat and all"'r-r, ao.rd Frqboldue : e In hotela throu1hout or . . """ money amountlna In all tbla countl'J' Your oomndtte� on €'ount.:r roa4e �!�Your�·!� o ��::�:(d�=� a J. lllld Canada. r.. tilde c mmittee on the aboYe•named I • Tba •outd pectrull re urt that about • hundred dollan ,.... an� w-:!': :•:f k&r a1l.... : ot work would report that It ha• e&&mlned blbiM of tbe American r e=: �ood : .:. �A.•..: thl11 matt•n and are of tile opinion renled edition, bound In clotb and from Bt. Oeor•e avenue to i:id•ar road, that non"' ..w cul••rtw ah(Juld he coftatruat­ ed at a at excellent print and undu the Btate Aid Aot. aa ap roY�d In r locaUnn and "'w brldp cotlt the cburchea & b � th• nth.. location " forQ- cente eacb. g�.:m�:!lo:c•:�·���r.c ko��. •lf:: Yuur cummltth 11e' would ther•fore re- Tbe blda •ubmltted on tht• work .. d � te local camp or "The Gldeona" H. were c In Y. M. rounwo: C. Wlnana eo .. UT.tii.U: :��Z'r��near ..e� ft���c�:J' �� L3.Y�\':: the C. A. balldln• at William P'. McGovern Ut.J71.11; Bam • •trf""'l Dtant"k• ltr••t: at l•ruott Plalnlleld on the aecond 8aturda1 uet Rampeon. f10.1 ... h: Weldon Cbn• of tt'actln co.. u.oii.Oi: J. r. lib":\'•' !:.':�·�!k.:'� ��e:t�·:�:� ��r::·th .��e::Cll: eacb mont.b. A llumber of Weat­ f..172 TO; Barkor A Donner. • t,· d.. n, N J . th"'• In an. .. co•t of the lleld thr•"" t.•u1vttrU not to es.t"e"d the 1um of m41ft are lnterwt.ed In tbe worll:. ?T'1:1f1 uao. on•· the rooma a bureau On March at the road committee or bed n d Your e-omm ttee aJao r"'commended h•d !wen burned In III!Yeral roR th• r.onatructloftJ of a new hrld•• oYer NIIIWB AND P'ACTB �:,-.• wr:::� �� t�:�'it.tW,.::�� �.':� � and !he oellulold baell: of a thPlr bid or 17,0U.1J IUbject to til& ap• Pt�ach •rt"rh ard Brook, on f'rantord a••· RIII.A.Il J:Vl!iRY b e au•. ne • al b 8tate commt•· a Elisabeth aYenu•. LlnP and t•&l•· ,.oo work wa• marred bJ lbe ln­ o0/ latiVt" o<'mm ttee. Count)' of l1nlon wu hel at the court��t: Board Of rreeholdert R: .,_.doro hnuiN', I<:: llaahNh, N, J., don Thur..tay, Your commttt• on t•ount)· ruad• Amon� the artlcltl8 t&II:IHI were April l, UU, at 2:18 P. • waa M. T he meeUn• &ntl your committee on thf'lf!K l•latlon ._ n•�·klar<'B, three rlnp, one calftod tn ordtor by lllrt�ctor Cady WHuhl report that durtn• pa•t few wl Wt>t•k11 a new count3 bl hwat act wa• ,atrh. un•· hra.,.,let, atlcll: Pilla, autr �: ��t��� � 7-�!�ofd!�Witbur the t � . .- hlltl's bank and a quantity or t • �f ����ro :.0 ��� ht'"a��" ::.,: :; ..tton• ��·:.•::r('h •.•�;tr.·� �:@ :,�:::..,r:;·�:r: ���:�nn•t-plnc chance• In the hway •Y•· 11. ollrt'r• .. nr. In their baate Ute and tb.. y �·@>re appro,.ed •• per printed tem H.mt the admJnJ•tratlon or.. tthe •m• lllr�l•'" tHiooPd another aotd wateb cople11 on member1' de1k1 ����ew ::!��\�a.!''.:'\.:t: :,':h�:; y In COMMUNJCATUlN!I. !:n! t!�f •d tnnt dollar& moner tbat of thr1111tt mem· uu comntiMlon compoaed \n otw the �•vt u. tt.nL nn•l a.rnon.- oth•r l'rovtalon• oro· hi of bed room•. oa t�'r ·:����;,t£:';1: vhUn.. for the pa)·men1 The polk<• were notified and are llWe! undel'atand tou are about to naakt tu lhP aoun· etf'lniiVf! lmproY*'mentl on the· Union thPUeM of the Stale of fttty per nent. of •nrkin� on the eaee. tutal Income ot 'he Atate tor roadtht toW t • � puqwMeiL The money M> pa.td t(\ �:�: �c�!2f :e�:.�.:�� ..-:� �!lt��: count ltofl to ao toward the malntena.nce, enl(lneer If not, we would b@ yerY con JJ\MJIERT-8TILB8. t u t ..tr uctlun and rP-conatrudhmof aueb �t: c counl) road• •• will •tJJI r•maJn Jn Ml,. Et lu•l �:•-:;! �!d �: t�!t �: ::: �f.i n r h o tt • Htlletl, dau.btAir of Mr. very tow on tblo kind or work. r�.� �... ,.��. n� o� :b � �:'.,,: hi!���:·.::: 11d M" A W. tllee, of W r d 1 ��3 • B e.t B oa th� ;;,';.,.:l'!l: ��:���·[�: tern. Thtt road• comprtatng the 8t&te IU'ePt. untt Harold Lambert, the � oo�:t:��! hlKhway •Yatem •re to to tw cun•tru t­ tlun, ao that &he f'1Uultcan ooly be per· ed RIHI malntatned enllrP-lY by tUc alrt�'f �:t .:�{.f' b f:'Xpreuman. were tnarrted b@s: ��M !::_, � ��!������ Blatt- Your two commffhtell abOYflto HH. Zlpl�n In e P1 d o naxn•d h&ve a•v•n c&l'•fu\ a\.\eat\on "' th• Andrew PIUl, up more In detail anti oubmlt you ll bid tbl• a�.·t. &nd had lnCJorporated a num- Weot OranK<'. on 8aturdaJ ennln& on tho work. • • B-le ��!·!�·. • eight MIN Btllee, t :::r:!d :tJr:�t: r. ..�:w ·::� o'ciocll:. col��HJ"f>{J �� ROAD· 4et <'nn•Jderatton by the '-A•Ial&ture. emter of the bride, W'U brld-ald, TJC8TING BUREAU. Tbta act waa drawn by Nelaon 8. 0&8· ad Ru•ool Btllea, a brvtber of t be on brc klU an attorney ot Trenton and former Tbe motion �:iu�{�!:.A: h.;��·{hlo u•l�ttNnt attorney ••neral. t la uU· '"""· wao bllllt man. bride communication wao recelnd and or­ matf"d that the of Mr. Oa1kllf1 In a dJ'Ma dored placed on lllo. v t nt -<'d darll: blue allll: lfllrcb •· 1911. �= ���:. gr·ra: oi� �o���c��� ud rarrled a bouquet of bride r-. Board or P'reeholdero: n ·:mr no n rr::� �:��r���!:d B0:a �3� :; brtd.. smald wore a d J'Ma of 1'1',,;.;,;;.-1;1�- ��-:,:::,,t:': f:�"�r����; �����'t'!.� o h �e cbn�e&bte ollll:, and carried a bou- owner& on Brookalde avenue, ukln1 ���T����t�";.. :"� a,,C:'"��� :t ·�t.J= �� c•ot or carnation•. After t be c ere- that the Board or CboMn rroeholderl o t b u t c b n :�h�.��"�:; cSrc...:; �y rle, :on :J.' a:.':.rr. 110ny, the bridal partr tool! dlnner � •.:;: �� "iro�'k.fJ: "."e':.u�� �: �� of TrtontoD, followln�r au�rKe•llon•made II Tbe Waahln1ton, In Newark, after t ar h by tht> 8tatfl Auoclatlon qf County mn­ �:J:•�o t;::. "J::'�� W���:�. :e.::et!� Th� bill w&• lalttr t'onalderttd th<• lnf>tora n • Whleh youn1 couple left On tbelr or your board rrom Hllloldo Townohlp. ��:� J' �'?•?"::h �rdt� ;; f t v rl llllldln� 1 rip to Pb11&4elpbla. Upon lu�': :,ro�!�� b� ho "h �':,':;; o{o{he t;:�.t: ��: m � r b� .:a� ':'.� f� approYed for tbe mo•t part by them. lbelr return they will realde at U7 honorable board. Hopln11 that you oan· • n nt on Cumberland street. o make the nece• : ;t��: !::Cf:J:': :f r;�f�l::�� ..:: =� /·1::-.,_;:��.:!���, ' �r., �:·tt�:�1�0r" o� tt�: SCHOOL NOTES OleOROE cJ"M�o�:'�o6��:� ��· Cieri&. apttolnted::::1 Peter H. Mtt!ael aa thet!:!l raJ)· on moUoftby ll'reeho\d�r Kroun th\a r-eaentathe of thta board on thf!l com- communtcatton wu rect11lved and rt�­ t l c td tn t MI frrrt-d to the rel"'re•ent•tlve from Hlll· :�:•ttii� <'�b::r t.; : ;��:1 ��:�,�; .. l!oucll:bout, a araduate of aide Townalltp. aaaoctatton of P'rel'lholdera met at the ��Denoon College. baa been Board ot Freeholder•: &tate �Jou••· In Tr@ontnn. and etl'ert.. ,J eappd We. the un.er•tgned roperty hotdera m n r a e II plar� or Mlu Dodd, of tbe Waab­ n a JI!or h f ����-;_ � ���f!hoHn: lt�� �U:!:�;.,��To� :l t �! llltoll Hrhool, wbo I'MI.... aa ao­ �o� R,':a;.�n o';' ��,on, ;r.\ t� Boe.rd of Freaholdeta of New the att�ntron of your honorable !..bo�y�:� t f IOUbl or Ill heallb. ato que•Uoa of poor dr•ina«e, wblcb :r ���:h:,d��: .:��r:::� : .,::�� The Hand Work Committee of tbe ahould be corrected.o berf::: :lof the 8tatf! a•o,tation, The ob­ A Jarae p rtion of th• 1urfue water Ject of the aa•oetatlon :. to aecure eo .. Ualon County Teacben A-lation of Fanwood nowa Into an open ditch, o t r • I to point on hid m<'etlng n tbe WublnJton which run• a TerriU roart, ;:rJ!:! �f �:�0'Mat:in �u·r���rY:.rr•:::h r Behool y ...terday afteruoon and plan­ between 'MldiLW)' avenu• artd-• Midway leal•latlon aa 11 conalde.red bent�ftolal t••L ••n••th to plaee. Aa Tl'rriUt road . whleh a Stateb@ hJ t a r t IIOd a rou roe of atud7 be uMd In roa4 and alao he boundar)' line · :::nty �:v�:'r:'m!�� :r.ob •::,�.�� �; tile cuunty. The Art Colllml\t.ee tween Plalnfhtld and Fanwood, the annual conyentlon• tor thP dlltcoaaton .-n­ water pe••e• tbrou�th a culvert: then ot •ubjecta lntereatlnlf ln connection will hold a almllar meetlnl on throu•b an under•round drain ID tbe with county government. Aleo the e•­ or this weell:. f'lleiM Pa.rk aectlon of Plalnt\eld,Tht• and ta.bU•hmentof and maintenanc-e of a bur­ W ftnalty Into Or•t�n Brook. under· MU Information concernfrtg tbtl Yar­ llloa Robln110n, of tbe Hl•b School �rroundat drain. which wa• con•tructed lou branchea of county lfOVernment baa the time of tbe development of the A copy of thf'con•tltutJon of the bodr Jleulty, been &ranted a two ChtllM& Parll: property IOmP yeau &flO, I• att chted to thll report. The annual !Neb l""ve of abeenoe on aecount repla�d an oven ditch, and alnce the due• ofa he Freebolderl Aaaoclatlon haa oerl ua mother. chanwe ., ..made dralna.,-e trouble haa been fti�d at pre•ent •• U5 tor ear.h If Ute o lllneea of ber ell•ted In Fanwood co���Yr It appear• that the under.round cJ,raln commlttee on county road• and -I!!!!!�,..,��!!!!!!B!!II!!II!•B!!II!!II!•I! u tt ��r� ·oa, ��e18.r':-��t··�� o��ru:f ��/f�': ��:o'rn�e�!r����� th�f�e c�: t r d p u Preeholdenthe of C1ii�ount!�·y ��,not 'Cnlon:!� tit� "!.� �'!'a �� �c::d ·,�: �:�-:::r J� r��' ahould Jofn •tate A••ooJaUun of thf> Tastes the wat•r t• f6rct�d onth4!1 thfl Fanwoo Bot&rd of ChoMn of Newth� aide unttl It overftowa bank• of thde Jeraey. It a .. recommendedo Preehold•r• that Good ditch, thereb caualnK not only tncon· ohatrman of the te ..l•laUY e commttt..­ ( o r be lnatructed to Jl&Y the aum of •u �·::::c!t t� �����t: u e at All The The;:�·�:"!�/s�Jo:),� overflowhal bee n .o ..real at tlme• :!P�::m�rt:: �1.'e 0Ju;� o�"t�! ���n�: that tt aoYered a. portlon of Farley ave- n • :J•th!e�;�: e m Y �. �:� x t�:r ::! c�,�� ��o m (;::�n ·�o:Xr':� :::! .��:.:r:i mhtee on eouat)" road• be empowfllrfld pr ty � to paJ' the •um not elloee41ft• 110 to Time TtT! Ca... aa outUned above, wu 0/ !l•:.::n. dre .. e � d u r..�-:�. a=:!!! o wbo t hheco :clr� u::�� l{! ��:::11. ��t' :r � on t e t�:�bi:·':!r::- �r:� n'�:.'d te:r1! now to be a r�: !� . ir.:Z���U�t. Begin t lm­ o'fitce thl• I• a matter of •reat · A. port&nae to u.. we a•k that you kindly �t'A.T. ;�roMmlthE>. regular at r of take aetton to remedy tbJ• trouble. On m.otJon of .Vr•eholder 8mlth thl• e e Petition oltrned by elo:ht property report wu recelYe4 and ordered placed ow( r oft ftle, and the action of the director J::' :;�Uon by JPreeholder Wilbur lhlo were oD roll adopted unanlmou•IY. wa.• ret•rred to Fan· \n communlcotton Report of commlttee on culvert•. woodllc:��h PJ.1���=�d"l"rl".b����'l; IO. Mountain avenue, Bummlt, N. J Board of Preeboldera: aued �=r 0!o���:�4��·:thl• work wou14 Foremost The toJJowlns re•olutJon wa• o re•pecttuu,.report that It ha.•eKamtne4 at a meeUn• of the Board of Ka.raa..-en the •round ud ftlldl tbat tber8 are of the Botlnle Burn Sanatorium on two cuh'erta needed cro.. tn• Mountain M &Yenue. u followa: �.'R:.J�.J.'1��at It to tbe opinion nr thlrty·two feet In lenatb Board to ManR.aera of Bonnl• Burn New culYert P _,th and the that an electric u.btlq of el�rhteen-lnoh eorru�rated • sanatortum -� !f aero•• p)ant be tnotolled by tbe rreeboltl�ra �: �� ���r ���·n��tabep f,1 ::_• the aanatortum. It I• the optaloD � New! cuiYert tbrrtr·two feet In teniK'thwith ator the bond tbat ouoh lltrhtlntr plant of el hteen-lneb oorr ated �pe , wU be leu espena\ve tha.n the oreHDl �w � t •yatem of buying electrlclty, and that :!�o•• :.':,\r.; :!r: a��:ue. :ear t�!·��� Kleen-Maid aucb tnatallatlon will make tor eJIIcl- t ency and -'41:� J: rt':ei0:J�! e�XamiDed tht! ---���; very truly, re•ent �brfA o••r atream at the In� J Ill RUNNI!lLU!. 11. D .. lleoretory. e ct n n On 'mGtiOP b)' Freeholder Mcii&De ,�r:z. !t�. : w!:rcr;:O:�::.J ;t.n���� thl• communtoaUon wu recel•e4 aa4 •tructton of a aew �Ju to talut the rorerred to the hooptt � 1:n1 Btreet water lnto tbl• brlqe, Bread �p,!1� '." : Your committee would recommend tbat the on1trucUon of tbeae 'Work• at a totalc oot1t for all not esceedlU tbe oum or Not a luxury, but a ·�IAII I. ll'llANI!:.J'Olf'l!llll . '&RA'PP'01\DPJ:TPJR H. llll:tlll!lt. positiv necessity. Commltteu. e On motion bJ J'nebolder Wilbur thfa rport wu roelYed aad ordered pla.ced on ftle. &lld tbe r.aommend&tlfJP8 it for its cont&ID&d tbereln wore on roll call You need &4optod unanhaollol:r. wholesome Board or J'reeholdera: good Tour committeeoommlMI to'!II collier with tbe motl

. Wllfll JlldiARO!II Wllf8 IIILVBR W. B. 8 TRmD Ill. . BXTR..t. JJIINilfG OAHR. rtJP DIIIPICATilfO WILIIOlf. H. J. MARTIN,...... , J . BY r ElmStreet, .,...te P. 0. Wutfleld, Ill. Altbou1b ftYe rani behind at the A lar�re number wltDeeeed the HESAID, .. ICE CJtEAIII." bel(lnnlng of tbe IIlith lnnlnl the final match of the IIDIIea tourn .. THE CLOTHES WE I CAlf FIX Bhe aa4 IT Hllb School eame •P lut BaturdaJ meat at tbe Pl&JbOUIIel a \e71 J'rld17 aald,iJ;.. ''

CONCERT Clan Fine �to Aid Crlpp"' GIVE BoJ 1-t FrldaJ Eft'ntq, Tbe entertainment. 11tvet.t by tlMt Presbyterian Or· Cumbt-rland Club In BE A LEADER of ""' McKinley School auditorium Render Ex· la.t Friday nl!lht nization was much ga enjoyed by all. A toel.., tailing part wei'& Mn. To OltaA"I.T B. Martin, the Memberah,!p in the March series of The ladyablp; Mn. Bte11ern•ael. the Building Auoclation maid ; Ml11 Steve eat6eld and and eholr and tb na, tile oklee; Mia W Loan 'l ""' t•·tl<' e Th• . D11nean, Baroneu ; Mia Pope. is a poealbibty for you but the sub· 1•··· choir or the 1'1"-t ['<'<11' tbe Baro-. atJII <'huTcb, a molt or Tbe alletcb acription list will aoon close and your op· 4 pYe lmpr-.t upon tbe mloda rPrt In the ebareb on or tbe audience tbe lmpor What Years t.&llee llnowlna portunlty wi l have puaed. In,.; laat. The proaram or l POBitiTely wbetber tbe 11umber Ia .r •oloe, dueta, qaarteta " 81" or "91," for numbera by the com­ tbla In tbla eaae have been forward DidThe HUDSON for Thiscame Hu�aon 1 tbe luelt:y number steadily for Uiht Slx out ftnt Mallei waa and mueb We CqlnC u a o!"· Mra. Burt "88" model But two yean ID tbe regr.t or her ladyab years are atilt advancing. 1914 had been epent in New Yorll City, lp, wbo and . of P'nl it. two yean have been oo thought abe aoon would become a developlna and epent h munroua readlql. It baro-. the number abe bald waa Iince. ooloiRIH: Mlu c. A. ronytbe, HARDEN, Secretary. thia new model yean "19" aa abe baa been loolt:lng at It So is the reault of four ol . \I "" A.. L. Rowlaad, eon­ ROBERT W. tbe wron1 way. l'f!ftnement. Not only by Howard E. COftln, itl ll'illi�me St. John, tenor, Mr. Juatua Franelaeo played toeTe\-al R..U.I-� ,...._,, 7te 1:10 P. R. famoua deaiper, but by our whole oorpe rtl E. Un1laud, bue Tbe of . Ylolln aelect1o111 accompan ied by qineen. ..tudr Sopranoa, MIM Ellie Mn. Franelaco on tbe pla11o. Dllllnpr, 111M ICida Mn. MrH L E. H. Meyera in ita llghtnna--2,870 r.ndered aneral vocal One Ml•• l"'ls Mlu McDoapll, aololt, abe waa aeeompanled by It la the teat Six. =tne11 MI.. Marton Tire, Mn. I 7-..-enpr And l'il'foon, Mayo. denotes=ahon Mlu J. Duncan RSve a read­ t. Every needleu oound la a \1 \\' llllam• and Mlu Anna Ina. "When tbe lll11later Comea to crudity, due to WI'OIII materials or lela aldlful '· .. ontraltoa, Julia Flnll, Mlu Tea ;" obe received much appla11oe. desigmng. 1.. r .Johnston and Kath­ Mlu Tbe bit ol the ve111111 waa a lar..., Other lhow flniah !�non, W. T. Rel&r reaultl ln , luxury, beau�r Ta�·lnr . "Murder Will 011t." Tbe followln!l thia HUDSON l larby; bau, A. Harrla and equipment. Every detail in Aa;ou M. waa tbe east or characten: Mra. E. touch l.utllow. ahOWI the final . John R. Wlleox, Gr&lldma Stylea ; ra. . Youn��: People'• Choir: M J. Mlu JarTia, Grandma'& Gralld&u&bter ; Beafl)·s. Mise Erneetlne Bun­ Mn. T. A.. Pope &lid E. W. Wilcox. 25-MiUion-Mile Tetta \l i ldr d Calrna, Anna thole MI" Mlu frlenda ol the grandaugbter; Mra. But the best thing yeanhave llelen<> ConoYer, done la to \1 1,. Wm. Mn. prove that car MIN Steuernagel, Din 1 •. the rliht. M u Carolyn Darby, ah ; la 1.11•1"' t'•>l••. l Stevena, Brld�ret. Grandma Styles Over owners now driven this ou 10,000 have car, \fano�< llouglaa, Mary From if'4H to :f'tiO of r protil' t'VPry 111.. Mlu baTing retired for the nl�rbt, the ;, whnt rP· perhapa 25 million miles. Half of them have Dou�l••· \II•• Miriam Glouner, . &randdaughter and her frlenda hu�···r will it' nnd df.'liver proved it two aeaaons. .lo><'l'hltw Hoppocll, IRil nf n Ford J(t•l , wr• """ 1111 Mlu Ma­ started for the attic to loolt: for aome All of thole ownen vouch for thia car No ton, Mlu Ellaabetb Jobn­ tww rti .\Uifll•l ], l!IH, and will . non Homll PJ' clothetl 111 wblch to atte11d a mu­ :100,01�1 Fo • ht>IWPen developed Huth Morton, Ml.u l!llln­ miatake hu , no wuknea, no lhort­ ltlon. \I I•• querade. While tbey are bually en­ Aur:ru•t I, Pierson. MIN Anna Renre, 19la. comina. bolh l&&ed rumaglng amongat aome of Ilia F""''"" Smith. Janet War­ Mlu grandma'• treuuree. a railer arrlvea; Jo'ord i nRful &reat aooeal ln \It•• Fr·anrea Well&, lllu ay Ill the moat motor car Another the HUDSON liea teld, M Dl11ab tried her beat to lind out what And tilt' a rely The Adele Wlndfeldt, lu in pride of ownenlilp. HUDSON la the Well•. \II•• M wanted but failed and beromea madP, as \he demand• of all linea of Qortrurl" Wittke, Ml Helen New­ it flt1 into car ita_ type . It ita u eulted and calla the !!r&odaught.,r. claa of daa. And Elizabeth Tlmberlalle, human life. in than name ln every mind atanda ""'1 \II•• They ft11ally found out that tbe raller b low price •nd coata leaa the HUDSON, , for \lorton. Lyman Douglaa, lltaDdardl. ahon waa applying for a position aa hou""­ a mile and maintain. the hilhelt George Marab, Ray- I wo cPnl8 to operate reuon l'itr·her, lt:eeper wblcb dlapleaaed Dinah Vt>ry Another liel ln HUDSON .-vice. That Benjamin Crat'ella, protec:Uoo you. meana •·war·t. mueb &lid abe made up her mind abe Runabout, Tonrlq C&r, 1490; Town Car, meana to It c:onaunt �: Ills, Doll&ld McDonald, IUO; IUO; would malt:e Bridget atand around If Coupelet, 1710; Badan, 1111. r. o. b. Detroit, with all utlafactlon. · lmt rlake and Herman Klr11. equipment. tlmt-before lltrldT ,.. abe w to atay whel'& abe waa. Now Is the the ruah aeuon-to William• St. John waa mualeal dl- u ftDd However, Dlnab got buay and On d II play and at out which I...liht belt. , Mrs. Harry N. Taylor, or­ aale Six Is atartod to pl'&pare aome aupper for PDI•t an Mro. Burt, plano aeeom­ •l tbe caller and the llr&nddaughtPr HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich. oll wln& tbe concert the E. AUTO SALES JIDlot. F' o and her frle11da continued thplr It C. IDilr ttee of tbe Preabyter- M\DI80N .\VIll., PL.\INFIELD,CO N.. rom m l -reb for elotbln& to wear to the 1114 J. ndered the alnpn a re­ 1111 ball; thla left Brldgnt alone In the ..le ...ff'IHten ef r.... C.n ler Plaia ..... Nert• J•J•I•- pariah bouM. 8el ...... Oarw .... -.. ... Plaia., New M•rllet, eeptlon In th" alttln& room and ao abe tblnll• abe w . ... A. C. Thompson Auto Co. TIM> ··mwt ,rt waa attended by a Llaeel-. War,... Tew •••· will IIIVetltl&ate. ••• Jfert• Plaia•••• .. aurllt•nc·" lar1e · Sbe wallla onr to the lady'a dreaa­ 413 Park Avenue Plainfield, N. J. lnll table &lid plclt:o up a bottle and SPLENDID ORGAN RECITAL tallee a drl11ll rrom It but waa aur­ prtaec� wben abe round It waa not A {\orl"" l•....,.h Uullell, Orilaalat, a- wbat abe el

Boon dter the 1181'\'lce w&l oft!', IANY WESTFIELDERS bepu to fall bi!IIYI!y but tile rain The tblnr that �· the tarth<'ol HIT THE TRAIL We.tlleld crowd PJI UDder ooftr In toward mall:tn1 ure worth wbllf> tbe auto8 and auto buooe. befoN! It That ooeta tbe le< and doee th� Goods �turn to Weetlleld New from t>are bepn and the (Continued 1) moat, lo Juat a pleaaaDt smile. wu madfl w:tllout Incident or Daily ae Arriving aD a ertl meDt for ther�by arorln& dy Tbe llll lle that bubbleo from the h•art olllu ec dent, so r ar aa reported, tbouah•�•I· Paterson . Another del atlon, that lone ltl fellowmen omy Store drlyero b ad t o be careful lp order at Rockaway's Econ bfllns called on to announce tbelr to old oll:lddln& on tbe -• and Will drive away tbe cloud of aloom favorite hymn sot up u one man and n BROAD STREET i ad and cou the ann ..-ln. 147 aan1 an lmprovlaed hymn, laudlna ei PII'!I'7 ro L t waa a t aht for l ' 11 l and 100d-. too. Sunday and rellslon to tbe tune of I lriM m Wwt· t l fn o worth lleld, one that will be lon1 remem- ll:lndneee bla t; "Tippera1'7." with manly 484-W Formerly The Westfield Dep't Store by chur h worll: and ,••• While the aln1tn1 wao on Mr. Bun· bere4 c e,.. pu. lt'l worth a m illion dollaro and It day appeared unannountled. He to,.... deen't coot a relit. oo 8baw and Vlce-Prealdaot l..u -lbd about the platform and ot d Dr. · Thflre lo no room for udn- wbfln eat. of the Methodlat Men'• Brother- atm• � 1Aa41er Rodeheanr and we - a cbee ry emile, a the details lor tlley 111111 hymn. , who nul"ld tile tear 'lfblle a the lime aood looll:" the trip, warmly eonaratulated It alway• baa Kenilworth M. E. cburcb He wee a.ttiN!d 111 a plain 11811 coat -re The done In ll'o neYer out o[ acyle; with an tln- on the line worll: they bad openfld up on Bnnday laat IIUlt ud looked llll:e a trim bn aaaln wllft fall- ma lna the arranaementl for their It Dflrftl u.on to of about and He ehOOM 1111 te:at from a ll: 1.17 unpledpd debt u.no, 111&11· In the other are mall:e. 111 eonsreaa· OI'IC GCI'IT-A-WO Duld, "No trip. Tbelr lleutAmantl ""· In the eYenlns the happy ADVlllRTI8lll yeree of the p11tma�� onra.,....ellt are OLA8SIB'IlllD MICNTS eburcbea alto did aood worll:, In fact Bach dlmpl• of enc the dollar wq Man Cared for My Boul." The M r· tton rejoiced u t.. t aoy II \HUt\IN-Bellutlful compl@te �o�nh't tun Dl�ke anf1 Geor11e .,-after. aetaRoulevard. of n• l·�ltot. 532 6-5-tf The ennpllllt Wal plainly labor­ A.IITl!:U, on blo vol�" nn \ R UI£R8 W Ina under the atraln prl('f'. 14 2 Bt. from the muy alternoc.n e.nd eve­ Broad Vw 61e Writer ow Ht'HUY and DID& meetlnp that ball come before TM Standard Buy lt N At•t•hlh1ht ha.rne••NU1"Mrle•. for aale. "('h�at• v�te•tft•ld and he wat qnlte hoane. He 11<1on matre•ee•, cleaned bY worked hl••lf up to a blah pltcb, Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is herr. ('.\RPI'lvTII, Ru�t•. laow.,.., ud the pereplratlon a ��� M��g�e�r�;�t11�d. ���j: is just out--aud comes ypars before expt•rts expi'Cted iL �'or makers have strivl'n Miller" ltl��:-:�·� .a-e4 down bl1 lace and be wao II c e .L ft life-time to attain this ideal machine. O er has won strain, as we s or d when we gave toroe4 INQ-tly to mop bl1 brow And liv with a bla white bandll:ercblef. He the world its tint visible writinll'· ' o pranced about the •taae from aide to There is truly no other typewriter on earth like thia new OlivH "9." Think of touch s etde, ltood on one lea. pounded the light that he tread of a kitten will run the keya I pulpit with hla rlaht band, lhooll: hla I ellnebed lltt ud once noll:ed a sale CAUTION WARNING llmploa aeroaa the I ot tana'llter b7 I IJhe n...• ID moell: lml&atlon ola CbrJ.­ The new-day adyancea that come alone Thll brilliant new OIIYer comee at oM-.._ coato no more than tlan *der, be wae derldlna wbo. be on thla machine are all controlled by -"""· It maliea--now out-of-data when com­ aid, wae one ol the tort that nMer OIIMr. E'Nn our own p�Yioua modell-­ ,_ pared With tbll dlocoYe17, lnYite4 any one to Join the ll:lnadom famoua In their day-neYer had the er'• aplendld new of CbrlaL 011 another occaaton, In Optional Duplex Bblft. ror while the Oliv Ulnetratlna one of Tolatol'o famoue fMturea are cootly-we hue equallnd the It putl the whole control ol letters adde4 upenae to ua by almplllylna con· cllaraet.era, who bad run all day be· M and cbara tere In the little llnaan of the atrv.eUov.. ca... be bad had the choice of a gilt c the land be eonld run oYer rtaht and left bandL And It letl JOn write riKht now to - thla areat ot all a-t:M a frOm ann up to ann down, only to them all with only • ll:eya, the leaet te acbllftmeet before you spend dollar for any �pewrller. If you •� ualna tome fall dead at tbe end. Mr. Sunday half operate of any ataudarci typewriter made. othll!r'lllall:e you will want to -bow much remoYed hill ooat and at the end of � of caa more thl1 0111 dOll. the Uluatratlon fe ll forward prone on Thu wrl- all ot.hw run Oll•er 1f you 'le uaiDI Ollnr, It naturally tbe platform, but puttlna out hie l�lJ q.e llllllll'- "U" an qaore tpeed Md foltpwa thit you want the llneet model. laaade to a&ft bill face from lltrlll:lna with ar-ter -· the ttoor. llenral tlmea the apeall:er reooiYt!d -rm applauee but there _.,d lew wb- rellaloua emotion• bad lartre or JI"URw\thnut RICNT�-Two Attractiverooms aurround wltb been tUrrad b:J the eermon and when board. .. R •re cea. Mr. Iunday utended the uaual In· inAH. ef n 611 BouleYard. 6-1-tf Yltatlon to "bit the trail" not many JI"OR RllNT-Furnl•hed room-. wltb or J'Nponded, wblle people In a num­ without board" 401 WeoUield AYe. ber ol the aectlona besan to leue ..... tf the bulldlna" Tbla eYoll:ed a proteot THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. from Mr. RodebeaYer who ull:ed that CAN RENT THE OLIVER TYPEWRITEit FOR all remain until the concluding pray­ YOU 3 IIONTRI 14.00. er"

This weekWe Feature

84LB-P II'OR ony and ba•ket Displays of Nationally t tlocartn com- f}:��� 12�� ��. aare and • a :-.i,?�t White FOR 8AL-Ill l..el'horne bene.e Advertised Made in Jr�.' ley1��':t Avo. �.a �� �T;!, crz� ·w�t:s� New Nine IIALill A. Goods. FOR Hall,OR RlllGarll�torewood, Dear Bor· ough or c rpe e •uJted for Room House U. S. plumhlnKwill a 8Ullnt r ahopW. Us&O or alter to C. 'Beckley: r100 II )OU wUI huy Wt•re S. A. t\ mt••·lt·an ""'" ntannfMiorh.,. K,.....tly help homt' lndustriea 110011• that mad<' In tl•" tl . ·antllt' t•rotlu.-e 6·6-tf l(oodsOl' lh" hiKht"'t chara<•IA"r, which rlv&l Ia anti In the tlntltlt >rtHiucta of l world. ,...., of qnallty, In lx'ftuty dMirahUity l th" o d hel1 1• lh-• lnolustrt•, emplo;r, lteelf Amert n You InK the worlunen they 811d the when ;rou bn;r �a made Y are tJWo � country (IOOds. \\ e leaturlntl weell: tl>e of the leadlns IIUUlUfadurere, and w<' """ you to call •eooo. product. Amerlu.n and lnap...-t the dlapla 8 ' WA} ;rou 1o IMrn h w ably th" manul..,ture"' the whloh 'leloped the It ourp..U.. o American have taken In hand de from Jo'w-opean y lull c:e...U The foi"III!J:hted ooua1J7'• laduat.rlee real'-1 eltuatlon Per ..,.uoulan wloe &lld men behind the that demooot.rate to American people u1e auperl of Auoerkan thla Iahal� the tlme to JCUOdo. The hiKh atandard or e:aceli81Kle eet Ia thlll 00111111'7'• laetorlee matalalned, C:.::; Jterbert 1... Bbramt WOMEN'S UNDERWEAU I'OPULAR BOOKH .:llullDin� KAYSER'S OLOVEB lt'OR HA.Li!:--WJr� &>cauall H. Wel11. Jeweler. l llf-<<1 lltr«t "Cumfy Cut" Veeta at Ule, !Ilk A big Hat of popular copy­ and IM)c One or the beet American IIA.LE '1'0 H oo , right publlabed Groiiies" and :rour ••rbqo an will In aaoembllng our big Bprlll.a STATIONERY ft. 4 ubo& tlal&otloo n d .f- a.nd Bummer etocll:a. We bouabt ::::: t:; b,. Silk GIOVII a.t llOe, Kara Lluen a.t aile 111. AHERIOAN·MADIIl OOWIETS, and b ao t:a::rh a:, o�:I::!'t1 only goode of tbo blghe.t quail· 711e fl. i �':i I..o.:o ot. tot IBI·W Highland I..lneu at U-Button 81111: Oloy• • on ... AYOnue.Weolll!lld: ty, and becau��e we boqbt In 1111e Ill. ha•e more than abty at 711e --- IU IUPIOJ' l·IO·tf Crane•a Correepondenoe ata· We large QU&ntltlea we PJt aub­ atyl• of conetl In atocll:, and fl. tlonery ol a.ll ll:lnde. atantlal concMtlona f?om the amona them bllq the Redfern, 18-Button �o :r''��:,�RU·IIIt Cougr- Playlua Carda at IWe Bill! Glovea a.t ..... l'or .....·O lD,.,-.;c. ::::::. ma.nuracturera. Nemo, Warner'• Rualproof, fl coutul br A. &adtll J. Dept. Ll<·enH paoli:. and N. B&lllllDI' C·B Ia Splrlte, American Lady ••.ao. ICBOOL lleotloD. We mariE our aooda on a nar­ GIUIIIT &.D Oo Loao.: · and R. G. Prlou to Children'• Bill! and Avenue, I room tar•• BIIIEFICIAL LOAN row maraln of prollt; ud thla i: fl fll, Chamois· hou .. eale.wltb BulldlnK, 80Y'8 UNDIIlRWEAR lot, au lmpro•ement-. tor Only x:eao meant that you etreet actual ette Glo"* at aoe .• N. t an Me, a J•-t.�� � · � t.COD1Ult W"lter jt., INTERWOVEN 711e. UO Broa4 l!lllaab•th. �ub a&Yina on wbatner you Cbalmer'a Poroa-Knlt ahlrtl SOX FOR MEN ll5� � ..!e buy of 111. ud drawera. at lllill per pr­ HAVIll T01J No European boae, telling trlod our Klliarnoy rooo meut. Vl&ntaduring tor carnet•r)' uae; be bad You are In huylna at lor the aame prlc111, can eQual ma)' BAII' Kenoaba. Kloaed·KroWb Naln· tnontba of, May aud June thla ator._...r.E u to quality guaranteed Union llultl at GOe. Interwoven MOll. We have a United Profit eu, hardr perp�tual bloo111� IUid ICODOIIIJ 10011: two year• old, Lwo hi•h full aJIJie. ChaJmer'a Poroe-Knlt Union complete line ol them at lllle, teet Pbono IIOol lllle llOc ������i. &t II oeota each. Bulla at . and per pair. Sharin• Cou­ 80111111 for Wll· l trh by Rent &D4 Bale. H. 8lLk ou qeot. Tel. PlllBIU8 "PHOiil FOR or Your Ill· R. w AliT8 llllX" HOIUil pons wit h 4·11·11 Complete atocll:a ol l'errle WOIIJillf BOVIll '1'0 DB lro LilT--Improvement& ID• Waleta tor women, mt.e. and No liner quality 110 A ..... or UVOUIIl RJU.111BRB8 thu tbla at every :e . }J aoel 115 Rabw•;r children are here. Th- waltta .. , . A loun4a&loll lor the price. Artatoeratlo IOe . .. .. "ltUq" are aa Amerlcu lAIIIe � I'DftllUoa, one In appe��rance IUid ol line, eer­ HORIB, your IOW1il IUid ol the moat NYoluUo b&roou and dellnry aarr In vlcaable quality. All �olora. purehaae. blou..., Prlcu COI'Mt mall:lna. Pouttry llOe aacl up. Per pair, Tile. ��·��·t ��:rl:,'£•